#waterproof lure bag
ceriver · 2 years
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Have you ever heard of lure fishing? Why is it called water golf? What will you get from fishing in lure? My fishing style may overturn your understanding! lure fishing method is a kind of fishing method. Compared with traditional fishing method, lure fishing method is more environmentally friendly, does not require nesting, and is simple and easy to carry. It makes the simulated bait simulate the movement of bait fish by the angler repeatedly throwing the rod back line, thus triggering the attack of the target fish. Because it needs to throw and look for fish constantly, which is a kind of movement that the whole body should coordinate.
Podragon Lure waterproof bag, one shoulder satchel, full waterproof, airtight zipper, with full blood pressure, super handsome and beautiful
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amorechris · 2 years
                       Brooklyn Baby
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SUMMARY : After a case that hit close to you, not only were the victims paper copy of you, and you had taken on a very heated standoff with the unsub. When you all return to quantico you are greeted with another case, however your boss seems to have a soft spot for you.
PROMPT : "I need a good cry and a shower. So give me like half an hour and then we go kick some ass."
WARNINGS : fluff, mentions of bau gore, cuteness, bau fluff, and more of the cutest fluff, comfort, bad humor
YOU TRUTHFULLY DIDN'T KNOW HOW YOU HADN'T BROKE DOWN, the team didn't either. The case was tuff for you as these victims were a clear lead to who he was really after, you. You had to admit the man was clever, he had picked a state you did college in and did murders there to lure you out there back to your home, Brooklyn. From there things got worse by the minute.
When you were in the stand-down it was after an attack of he purposely crashing into the SUV you had been in on purpose. He had tried to abduct you but even in you bloodied cut up state you had managed to take him down. Though it ended with a concussion, and a bullet graze. It was truly admirable to Hotchner how you showed such strength through the case and the team would've been lying if they said they didn't admire you at all.
Though you should've known that it would come flooding the second you got even a minute alone. So when you had stuffed your go bag back under your desk the team had dispersed to get coffee, bathroom breaks, vending machine snacks, before they went to see what their second case was.
You had sat down and stared at your file covered desk and slowly the lights around you became shiny, your bottom lip quivered unintentionally and slowly your eyes blurred like how they would when you first take your contacts out. You felt the tears falling down your cheeks without even blinking.
You were the person that disguised or hid your emotion through humor, it was a coping mechanism and Spencer had told you that multiple times when you guys would have small outings for coffee and library breaks. However it was just your personality and it was a quality that actually people liked.
You hadn't noticed when Dave came out of his office taking one glance at you and lightly knocked on hotch's window. Soon somebody was standing in front of you and slowly you could hear people like Morgan and JJ asking if you were alright. However you snorted lightly and wiped your eyes.
You looked up at your boss who had discarded his stoic expression and it was replaced with concern. Spencer was already running to the coffee machine, and Morgan was going to get Penelope to come in with her special 'cheer up' stuffed animal. All your teammates contributed in different ways and you all cared foe each other and took care of each other like family.
The thought, the deep of having a family you thought you would never had made you cry a bit harder.
"I need a good cry and a shower. So give me like half an hour and then we go kick some ass."
You had let out a mix of a sob and a laugh before you stood up and and Hotchner put his arm out resting his hand on your lower back. You wiped you eyes thankful you had waterproof mascara and internally cheered that you could cry and not look like a marble painting.
As you reached the door Hotch held it open for you and you spun around with tear stained cheeks and damp eyes holding a thumbs up to your team who had watched and looked worried until you flashed them a smile.
Hotch shook his head sighing and led you out the door and into the elevator and you sniffed wiping your nose as Hotch turned to you once the doors shut.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded and turned to him. "Hotch, I have a question..." you said looking down at your feet.
He turned to face you as you now both stood face to face with backs on either side of the elevator. "If it's time off then, of course."
You smiled softly but shook her head. "No, no. Guess what’s on the menu?" You asked and he shook his head. "Oh god, what is it?" he asked and you snorted.
Hotch unintentionally let out a small laugh but he shut his mouth and stared at you with wide eyes you had the biggest beaming smile.
"I laughed because it was bad."
"mhmm sure, you know you liked it."
"Stop talking."
"But you didn't hear the one about the boats!"
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definitelynotaminion · 3 months
Rated "R" - pt 3
First 7k here | Skip ahead to the end of my WIP doc/see all updates on patreon (fill 11k doc) | The tag i'm using for this fic on tumblr (chronological order)
“You bought me ice cream, once.” Tim says, voice quiet in the mic. It’s not hesitating but there’s a weight to the words, a fragility. This is important to him, and Jason could break it—and break part of Tim with it.
“Wait-- I remember that.” Jason says, suckerpunched. “I thought you were, like, eight at most.”
“I was thirteen. And a half.” Tim clarifies.
“Small for your age.” Jason says, then narrows his eyes. Underfed, maybe? No, they’d surely had a grocery service. Most likely the lack of nosy—or even present--parents to make sure a neurotic, hyperfocused bird ate regular meals, had left bad habits.
Tim hisses into the comm and Jason laughs.
“You even had a camera. How did I miss that?” A child on a fire escape, big blue eyes and a spill of dark hair.
“I had… invested a certain amount of effort into selling my cover, Jas—Jay.”
Jason grins.
“Yeah, you looked the part. I thought that was your apartment. Just a kid sneaking out of his bedroom to take pictures. Your clothes were even dry.”
“I wore a waterproof parka while traveling between roof tops, and a beanie to keep my hair dry; both of which I stored in my bag as soon as I was set up.” Tim admits, laying out the layers of schedenfrued. “Makeup, to keep up the appearance that I hadn’t been outside long—covering up ears, cheeks and nose so they didn’t flush red in the wind, but using a bit of blsuh to make sure I didn’t look pale from the cold.”
“I’d call you ‘ridiculous’ but we do that kind of thing like breathing. You just had no business making those kinds of calls as a civilian.” Jason is impressed. Fascinated.
“It worked, didn’t it? You had no idea I was so many miles away from home.” Tim’s voice picks up a little snip, but it’s… flustered.
Christ. He’d tricked the world’s greatest detectives with a little prep work and the element of surprise. Gotham kids could be pickpockets and lures into greater crimes, but a well-dressed, well-groomed kid with a high-end camera? He’d held it carefully like a middle-class kid who saved up for years, not a rich kid who could buy it a hundred times over—that would have stood out in the neighborhood he was in.
“You totally had weeks’ worth of Batman and Robin pictures on that thing, didn’t you.” Jason asks, snickering. Snickering badly.
“Jay,” Tim protests. “I backed-up and wiped my SIM card every night, in case it was stolen, I’m not stupid. A night’s worth of photography could be explained, but any more than that would be suspicious at best, at worst…”
“Incriminating.” Jason follows him, wetting his lips. “Gotta protect the secret even then, huh?”
A soft hum of agreement.
“So if I’d have looked through the past few shots…?” A leading tease. Jason grins.
“You’d have realized I didn’t live in the upper west side.” Tim admits readily. “I’d have probably run.”
“I’d have caught you.” Jason answers, without thought. “You would have been suspicious as fuck, at that point.”
“But you didn’t. And I didn’t.” Tim let the words settle. “You… teased me about it. About the pictures. The photography.”His breath picks up, exactly like a little bird trying to keep his respiration even without the cheat of tactical breathing patterns.
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If requests are etill open maybe mermaid or siren yoichi and human 2nd and 3rd?
Let's make this siren Yoichi for maximum drama.
1. Yoichi grows up on an isolated island, raised by his older brother. AFO teaches Yoichi that everyone are enemies to sirens: mermaids hate them, humans are prey. AFO destroys human ships and brings back supplies to the island.
2. Being lonely, Yoichi has little to do except read human books. He secretly develops an obsession with humans, though he knows his brother wouldn't approve. He also fears his brother may be right about humans hating them, because sirens are not portrayed positively in the stories he reads.
3. After a lot of begging, Yoichi persuades AFO to take him off the island and along on a hunt. AFO targets a fishing boat, using his song to lure the fishermen (Second and Third) closer. Yoichi has an attack of conscience and leaps out to warn the boat. Second snaps out of his daze and throws a harpoon that strikes Yoichi in the side. In his inexperience and panic, Yoichi accidentally creates a storm that rips him away from his brother.
4. Yoichi washes up on the same beach as the fishing boat. Second and Third are wary because they've heard a lot of stories about sirens killing people, but Third thinks Yoichi tried to warn them. Second feels guilty about hitting the siren with a harpoon if he only tried to help. They'd heard stories about mermen saving sailors, though sirens are usually more hostile, so they're unsure what is going on. The two of them patch up Yoichi's injury and keep him hidden from the rest of the village. However, they're wary of Yoichi and wear earplugs around him.
5. Yoichi seizes the opportunity posed by two humans not trying to kill him by asking them a million questions (he has to write his questions down) and begging them for the last volume of Captain Hero (which he never got to read. Yoichi's innocent curiosity charms the other two, who soon remove their earplugs. In return Yoichi fetches pearls for Second and Third to buy more comics.
6. After Yoichi is healed, he swims off with a huge stash of comic books in a waterproof bag. Second and Third wanted him to stay, and he plans to return. But Yoichi is determined to find his brother and explain that humans are actually very kind. They don't need to steal supplies, they can trade with pearls. Predictably, AFO is not thrilled that his little brother has made human friends. Worse, AFO can tell Yoichi has developed a crush on these two unworthy fools.
7. AFO makes a bet with Yoichi. He'll cast magic to give Yoichi legs and let him walk on land. Yoichi has a week to find his two humans and get a kiss from both of them. If Yoichi succeeds, then he'll keep his ability to transform and AFO will never harm a human again. But if Yoichi is rejected, then he'll lose all his magic and he'll have to stay on the island with his brother forever. Yoichi thinks it's a done deal because Second and Third already confessed their love to him before he left. But of course AFO plans to cheat...
Yup, we're circling back to little mermaid! As for if this has a good or bad ending, I will leave that up to anyone who wants to write it. (All of ask game AUs are free to use in my Three Weeks of Trioholders event.)
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picklefics · 1 year
Benefits of Camping, or How to (not) Hunt Bigfoot With Your Parents
This was originally posted on Ao3, but I decided I'd see what posting on Tumblr was like for fanfiction :) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/47138986/chapters/118767895)
I already have chapters 1-5, just not gonna put em all up right now as I'm at a coffee shop and need to work on heading home.
It could've been a great vacation. Probably. Except there's one tiny issue: Danny's parents have decided to take a break from hunting ghosts, instead supporting their fellow cryptobiologists in hunting Bigfoot. The big problem? They do find Bigfoot. And Bigfoot can talk. (...and has a PhD?)
Chapter 1: Benefit 1-New Cooking Skills
Danny’s folks are usually ghost hunters, but that doesn’t mean they don’t branch out. After all, they’d spent almost 20 years of their life studying a science practically everyone thought of as a paper house in a rainstorm. Surely one of those droplets of evidence would disprove the science as a whole.
Really? Entire beings made of one substance? Supernatural entities?
Absurd .
Maddie and Jack have a great deal of sympathy for cryptobiologists. They also have a tendency to suspect that ghosts are involved every time someone spots Bigfoot or some other being. But really, they’d be happy with either the discovery of a ghost or a new animal to dissect.
Danny, on the other hand, is not in love with either of those two discovery options. He is having a great deal of fun tormenting Jazz, who’d been forced to come along on a trip to the red cedar forests of California. He’d tried to bribe Sam and Tucker into coming along. Sam, with the lure of a new animal (maybe) to check out, and Tucker with peer pressure and lots of grilled meat. Unfortunately, after the reality check that was another fight with a new ghost named Fortuna (self-proclaimed follower of Fortuna, Goddess of Fortune and Misfortune, and with luck-related powers), they’d been forced to concede that having people at home who could fight ghosts was too important to have all three of them on a camping trip.
Thank fuck that Val wasn’t in school right now and that she’d gotten less extreme about ghosts since meeting Danielle. One day Danny might even consider telling her about him, if she doesn’t figure it out first. As a result, there are three competent ghost hunters in Amity Park who don’t actively hate ghosts while Danny is on vacation.
At any rate, Danny is trapped with a bunch of adults who are way too enthusiastic about hunting down rare animals and (in at least one case) killing and taxidermy-ing them. The guy in question keeps tracking new hunters down and showing off pictures of his living room and business, covered in eerie deer, bear, and alligator heads, among other things. There’s even a snake wrapped around a driftwood piece on the table. It reminds Danny of Skulker, and makes him consider yet again whether ghosts might be more likely to form out of these kinds of people. He’s pretty sure his parents were obsessive before they started regularly working with ectoplasm, and after?
They grew much more extreme.
And who knows? It could be due to exposure to ectoplasm, or maybe the obsessiveness causes ectoplasm to accumulate near them. He’s heard theories going both ways.
This guy, Danny could easily imagine dying and becoming a ghost.
At least he helps with setup. The camp takes a while to go up, yellow and beige tents popping up like gophers among the trees. His parents’ tent is a green dome, one of a few splashes of color in the group. Another guy sets up a big grill and a solar panel in a little clearing, one of the few places with sunlight. His incredibly buff partner totes a bag of backup coal to the grill like Mom would carry a sack of flour.
All around the area, people bring up folding chairs and situate equipment. In a big, waterproof, black container, they all put their tech away. The container is anchored with thick ropes to be absolutely certain that nothing can drag it away. It’s flash-flooding season in the area and there’s a river nearby, so they’re concerned that the container could float away, but they had wanted to make the equipment available to everyone, so they aren’t keeping it in anyone’s vehicle. 
A cage goes up towards the far west corner of the camp, away from the fire pit, because they’re worried anything they capture might be unduly frightened by said fire.
With that, a few people sign up in rotation to monitor the grill, planning to bake some potatoes and apples in the fire pit and grill weenies. It’ll be about three hours before supper, but the planning, and a snack, are needed. As the only kids present (apparently many of the others’ kids are nonexistent or at summer camps), Danny and Jazz are put on apple coring and potato poking duty involuntarily. 
Matthew Kapp is their instructor. He practically drags them to the fire pit and tells them how to make the food like he thinks they have infinite memory space for commands, no matter how long the list is.
He explains that potatoes explode when in the ashes without holes, then shows them the basic steps to prepare the food. Essentially, they’re supposed to stab the potatoes with a fork “until it feels right”, wrap them in tin foil, and then yeet them into the fire. Then they have to be surrounded by the ashes and dug out later. Jazz and Danny both work on this, quietly chattering.
Danny grins and with particular emphasis stabs a potato old enough to have green sprouts studded all over its surface. He has to use his right thumb to put enough pressure on the sides of the sprouts that they fall off. He jokes, “If I were Skulker and this potato was me, I’d be so happy right now…”
Jazz raises her eyebrows at him. “Sometimes I worry about the normalization of violence you’ve experienced, Danny.”
Danny is like 90% sure she’s saying that mostly to get on his nerves, but he’s not 100% sure. Ah, the delights of a sister who adores psychology and tormenting her little brother. He rolls his eyes. “Literally everybody in town probably has that. The school has at least one attack every week.”
Jazz retorts, “That’s really not normal.”
“Well it’s normal for me.” 
At that, Jazz changes topics. “Did you remember to bring our tent?”
Danny gives her a thumbs up.
“Great. We don’t have to listen to their snoring!” She cheers. Granted part of the reason they have the tent is because of Danny’s nightmares and occasional power use. Particularly, he’s prone to leaping out of bed and turning intangible the second he gets startled awake because of the sheer number of times ghosts have woken him up.
“Thanks for suggesting it,” Danny offers. Then he adds, “Stabbing the potatoes until it feels right is so…imprecise. How do we know when it feels right?”
Jazz groans sympathetically. “I know, right? I get it for people who’ve baked campfire potatoes before, but we’ve never done this. Mr. Kapp is a scientist, isn’t he supposed to know to be exact for beginners?”
Danny tosses his potato back and forth. “This potato better be good. It’s very hole-y now.” He sets it in the metal bowl to his right and adds, “It’s starting a cult.”
Jazz raises her eyebrows at him. “...why?”
“Holy? Y’know, like saints or whatever?”
Jazz snorts and grabs the tin foil roll. She starts unwrapping it to the familiar crumbly crackle of ripping metal, tearing off pieces big enough for each of the potatoes they’ve prepared. Danny snitches some of the squares and starts wrapping them around each potato as fast as he can. For this part, they don’t talk. The aluminum is too loud anyways. It covers speech pretty well.
After all 14 potatoes are wrapped, they toss them into the fire. Sparks flash into the sky and drift away, and one of the logs collapses into the pit with a soft thud. The white ashes have increased in number, but there aren’t many yet, so they wait to bury the potatoes in the ashes. While they wait, they move on to the apples.
Danny mixes the cinnamon and other spices together and Jazz cores the apples while grumbling about how hard it will be to work on her paper out here. She brought paper so she could handwrite some of it, but out here there isn’t any internet so the most she can do is type on her phone. She isn’t doing that because she’s worried about running out of power and not being able to call if there’s an emergency.
They both stuff the apples with the mixture and then wrap them and toss them in the fire in the same way as the potatoes but to the side. About 15 minutes later, they use sticks to roll the apples out of the fire. The potatoes are saved for later since it will be a few hours before they’re done, while the apples are served as a snack/dessert immediately. 
Having had a long drive and therefore possessing a strong craving for sweets (or any sort of snackage really), everyone swarms the apple pile and as a result only gets one each. Danny plots to sneak another apple into the fire later so he can have seconds, and Jazz wholly supports him. He forgets to eat, and she has to remind him far more often than she’d like.
After the apples are all eaten, some of the people sit down to rest (those who weren’t already asleep) and some of the others begin prowling the area, including Taxidermy Guy (Oscar Polson) and his wife Paloma.
When the two of them come back, they have a map of the area filled with markings denoting where they want to put various kinds of traps. The Polsons are the experts on trap-setting and location, and they’re responsible for deciding which places to put the traps each person brought. With the locations for each trap decided, everyone fixes the last few supper items and sits down for supper as the sun sets, mostly because there’s not enough time to set up the traps that evening.
Next Chapter:
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toonycatuwu · 1 year
Toony's McCallistan Lore: Chapter 2
~Guess Who's Coming to Thanksgiving Dinner~
(requested by @kaneda-shotaros-12th-bike )
Remember, if you want more tobeysode analysis posts, feel free to send them my way in some asks!
(SPOILER WARNING: This series contains heavy spoilers. If you wanna read it, you're gonna have to watch the actual episode first.)
It's not even close to Thanksgiving, but I don't care.
The episode starts off with people celebrating Thanksgiving (oddly enough, Dr. Two-Brains seems to be innocently chilling with his henchmen for once.)
You know who else is celebrating Thanksgiving? The Botsford family, of course. In the next scene, they're just going grocery shopping for, gah dayum... 22 BAGS OF FROZEN PEAS FOR BECKY'S MOM'S MYSTERY DISH! And a turkey. In fact, it's the last turkey in the grocery store. Becky takes it without hesitation and they continue shopping. Oh, by the way, there's the Botsford Family Wishbone Wishoff Competition! Oh, by the way, you might wanna remember that thing for later.
What's that? Vibraphones and pizzicato string noises? In the key of C Minor? You know what that means... ✨it's tobin' time✨
"Tobey! No playing with your toys until we're finished shopping! >:(" Claire McCallister, Tobey's mother, commands.
"Yes, mother... 😒✨" Tobey replies in an 🌸elegantly🌸 disappointed tone of voice.
I find it kinda funny that his mom calls the robot remote a "toy", to be honest. It's like she's dealt with robot attacks before and she's just so tired of it that she has literally no other choice but to call it a ridiculous little device, y'know, like some sort of video game thing. She's just like "oh nah not this again, my son is aboutta cause a despair-inducing event". Can't blame her tho, I certainly would've gotten tired of trying to stop my child from causing evil to humanity 24/7.
When the mother of the precious-kawaii-poggers-intelligent-handsome-formidable-boy-genius child asks the meat counter worker for one succulent round turkey (fr tho she has the most elegant voice and vocabulary, I guess Tobey really does take after his mother in terms of mannerisms and accent...), surprise surprise, there's no more turkeys left. That's because somewhere else, Tobey used one of his 🤖robits🤖 to stop a truck from delivering the turkeys to the store. Well, that's a waste of food.
Here's where the juicy lore all about Tobey begins. After his mother says something along the lines of "What will we do without a turkey, Tobey?" he says "I just don't know, mother..." and then... his fantasy scene about him dating WordGirl begins. YEEEESSSS YEEAAAAHAHAHA-
Here's what he said about his devious plan (verbatim):
"Perhaps I'll finally get to play with my 🍁Thanksgiving-themed🍁 pilgrim 🤖robits🤖! The ones that'll lure 🌟WordGirl🌟 out to a fight and force her to spend 🍁Thanksgiving🍁 with 💖yours truly💖! ✨Ohohoho~✨"
The imagery while he says this is a bit wholesome, yet it just seems so... lonely. I don't mean "lonely" in that r/CringeTopia way, I mean "lonely" as in actually depressing. It just shows them just chilling and eating turkey in a secluded area, specifically an island with literally nothing but water around it. The scenery is Thanksgiving-themed, of course. However, it shows WordGirl sitting across from Tobey, wait, actually, not sitting. Literally being TRAPPED in a 🤖robit🤖's hand while staring romantically at him. The more I look at this fantasy, the more I feel the ambience slowly shift from wholesomeness to despair and loneliness. Think about it: this is a SECLUDED island, y'all. This land is straight up unpopulated and empty, and yet there's a ship in the background for some reason, like someone decided to just leave it there. It definitely wasn't Tobey who controlled that ship, because all he uses is robots (in this case, probably waterproof because how else is it gonna get here besides the ship that is probably way to small for it)! That ship was probably for extra storage or something, or built on the spot for emergencies in case the robot breaks down. However, WordGirl has the power to fly away from here in mere SECONDS. That means that the robot had a HELLA tight grip on her, because in Tobey Goes Good, when the robot squeezes WordGirl just tight enough for her to not have any ability to even move (or in the worst case scenario, BREATHE), it can successfully keep her trapped. She's probably getting her ribcage squeezed if his fantasy was real, and it really looks like she had no other choice but to spend time with Tobey if she wanted to stay alive. And there Tobey is... just staring at her, thinking: Finally, we are alone, and I'll keep you to myself... that's gotta be the most depressing thing ever. Let that sink in. If he wanted her to himself, he had to actually trap her in a way where she couldn't get out whatsoever (and unfortunately, he may unintentionally delete her), bring her all the way to a deserted island, and just force her to spend time with him. Either that or Tobey really thought WordGirl was just gonna willingly vibe with being taken to the empty island and all this was just a peaceful date.
That's one messed up imagination, but without the disturbing part of the visuals, it seems like Tobey wanted to lure her out to a fight first, get rid of the robots, and then surprise her with a dinner date on that deserted island, because WordGirl, at least, seemed happy to be with him. Something tells me that the animators did that on purpose to try to make it seem like he had manipulative intentions. Nice try, animators, but you're not gonna stop me from shipping them. Never ever.
Anyways, Becky's dad, noticing that the McCallister family doesn't have a turkey, invites them to their family dinner. The ToBecky duo/soon-to-be-couple groans in disappointment. (Homies, should we tell 'em?)
Later that day, the whole family- I MEAN two families eat Thanksgiving dinner together. The kids are STILL upset with each other (okay, I admit it. In the future, I predict when these two get married, the two families together at the dinner table will be one family combined. skull emoji 💀) When the Tobester sees his 🤖robits🤖 outside, he's like "Daddy will be with you soon >:)". Which is hella funny because he really does treat his 🤖robits🤖 like they're his own children. In one episode, Tobey says to one of them, "Stop that foolishness! I raised you better than that!" (Quote source: Have You Seen The Remote?) This shows that he really acts like a father figure to his robots. 💀skull emoji💀
Now, everybody gangsta till lil' bro TJ says "Hey Tobey, is that remote control for one of your famous robots? :D"
The whole room gets quiet and everyone stares at him in confusion (half of em stare at him in anger lmao) until Tobey replies that the remote is not for robots and is actually a radio. Here's the lyrics to the absolute BANGER of a mini-song Tobey makes up on the spot:
Thanksgiving Is Here (by Theodore "Tobey" McCallister III)
🎵🍁 Boo-puh-duh-puhhh~
Thanksgiving is here
This is the song to play on Thanksgiving on the radio
Drums~! 🍁🎵
There would be an epic drum solo after he says "Drums", but alas, it is only a mere mini-song that was only made up on the spot.
On a good note, most of the people in the room seem to like the song! Tobey's mom tells him to put the thing away anway, though.
After the Botsford parents announce that they will be cooking up the special dish Becky's mom is gonna make, Tobey finds a way to distract his mother so that he can carry out his evil plan. When he disappears, the adults finish cooking the special dish. Tobey's mom finds him missing (aww she called him "My Tobey", what a sweet mother) and tries looking for him.
Tobey sneaks up to Becky's room (hmm, how odd that he chose Becky's room out of all rooms... 🤔) to finally control his robots. To distract everyone else at the dinner table, Becky says that she's going to get a surprise from her room. She's like "GOOD GRACIOUS, TOENAIL, OPEN THE DAMN DOOR" and Tobey refuses. Becky resorts to BREAKING DOWN THE DOOR (what a waste of wood, she could've tried lockpicking or smth. Also how tf did no one hear them from all the way downstairs??)
Becky transforms into WordGirl and the big bad battle happens. But they stop for a second! Then this lil' convo happens (verbatim, again):
"Why are you so reluctant to stop the battle for a second?"
"I'm not sure how I feel about answering that question... until I know what the word reluctant means... :<"
I just wanna point out that Tobey's voice when he says that last part is just so adorable. It made me AUDIBLY! go "aww~". He's just so humiliated about not knowing a word in front of his crush, and he just wants her to help him out by defining that word for him, isn't that so sweet >////< 💖✨💖✨💖✨💖
Also, that 🤖robit🤖's hand gestures like he's defining "reluctant" for Tobey instead of WordGirl got me deceased 💀SKULL EMOJI💀
WordGirl says that Thanksgiving is a holiday where you just chill with your loved ones, eat dinner, and say how grateful we all are with anything. Also, she then goes on to say that, let's face it, there's gotta be at least one thing that he's grateful for.
Then Tobey says this (verbatim AGAIN):
"I'm grateful for Wor- 😳 *ahemmm* 🤖robits🤖... 😒✨"
And he also says that spending the holiday at Becky's house was "fairly tolerable", and WordGirl says that's the nice thing he's said about her- I MEAN Becky. Whichever one. Doesn't matter. This scene is hella wholesome, by the way. They even called the battle a tie! :3
After the ToBecky duo return to their dinner, Tobey says that he's grateful for the dinner and the fact that the Botsfords invited them. HE'S SO NICE WHEN HE'S NOT BEING A MENACE TO THE CITY WAAAHAHAHAAAAAAHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖
Becky gives her surprise, which is an announcement. (Funny that she said that she had to go up to her room to "get" her surprise, and afterwards she said that the surprise is actually given verbally. How tf did no one in the room even notice that??) The announcement is an invitation for the McCallisters to join in the (hope you remembered this one) Botsford Family Wishbone Wishoff Competition! BECKY IS ALSO HELLA NICEEEEEEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖
Guess what, guys... TOBEY WON THE COMPETITION 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔊🔊🔊🔊📢📢📢📢💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼ HE'S THE MVP FR!!!!!!!
Oh, and next year, the Botsfords will come over to their house for Thanksgiving. (ngl I kinda wanted to see that lmao)
In the end, the ToBecky duo start vibing with each others' presence. THEY'RE SO CUTE TOGETHER AWAWWAWAWWWWAWAWAWAWAWWAWWAAHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖
~The End~
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uwandapieceofme · 2 years
South Shields
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My arrival in South Shields came after a long day on a long-delayed train, stalled for three hours as snow began to fall and people’s kids grew agitated, moving anxiously along the aisles. It was the first of April and I was officially setting off into unknown territory, going to a place I wanted far too desperately to be, my emotions coldly ignoring the logic my mind tried and failed to impart upon things.
When we finally pulled into the Newcastle train station, I was desperate for air and freedom of movement. I exited the train and sat for a minute on a bench, to collect myself, before sorting the next leg of my journey, taking the Metro from the station to South Shields. I kept my eyes down as I navigated to the escalators, confused about which platform I was supposed to be on, going back and forth like a mindless idiot, following others I hoped knew better than I where they were going and how to get there. I pushed my way into an already-packed carriage, standing awkwardly with my back to a pole, overly-conscious of the bulk of my backpack, which kept bumping other passengers. The carriage slowly emptied, people pouring out at St. James Park, so I was able to find a seat, eyes fixed to my phone’s navigation to ensure I didn’t miss my stop. I didn’t; it was the last one before the train turned around, back towards the city. I shouldered the uncomfortable weight of my bags and made my way to the main street, headed for my guest house. 
My first feeling of being there was relief, at the near prospect of being alone, then the need to look like I knew where I was going, lest I be taken advantage of, and then excitement, because I’d made it. There was a world of possibility ahead of me, represented in the face and voice of a stranger to whom I was far too emotionally attached, who seemed to lurk round every corner, luring me with bent finger towards Gregg’s for my first ever sausage roll.
When I reached my destination, I was all too happy to lock myself away. I threw my bags on the floor, changed into my pajamas, and turned out the lights, keeping my window open to hear the noise of people milling outside the bar across the street.
Waking for breakfast, I made myself moderately presentable, and headed nervously downstairs, for a full English breakfast in an empty dining room. Hungry and energized as I was about the prospects of the day, I polished off everything on my plate, along with a cafetiere of coffee and a bowl of porridge. As I ate, I watched This Morning, which was playing on the TV, trying to keep up (as though staying informed might ward off my feelings of inadequacy and foreignness) as they debated the rise in energy prices and discussed the number of stabbings in Middlesbrough. My host remarked on my gastrointestinal gusto and inquired after the day’s plans, before disappearing into the back to wash the dishes. I returned to my room and prepared for the day.
I hadn’t packed very much, but even what I did have seemed excessive, when I had to lug it from place to place. My wardrobe at that stage consisted of a 3-pack of black Calvin Klein t-shirts, a navy floral skirt made of thin fabric (which unbeknownst to me, was fully transparent when the sun was shining on it), a pair of black linen pants, and a grey and black patterned wool sweater. In addition I had two sports bras, several pairs of socks and underwear, a pair of short waterproof boots, and a pair of Vans hi-tops.
I wore a shirt, pants, sweater, and Vans out for my walk along the beach. The sun was shining beautifully bright, though it was also a bit chilly, so I had to hug myself against the wind. The cold worsened when I reached the beach, walking along the water’s edge as the wind buffeted me, Ellie Goulding playing in my ear, difficult to hear over the noise. I was happy and at peace, walking all the way down to the guard station, and then up past a hotel and a boating club, finding myself stopped at the edge of a block of short, white apartments. I turned around and made my way back, hating how slowly I trudged through the sand. I followed the promenade to another beach, less peopled and also colder, bereft as it was of the sun’s warming rays. Someone threw a ball for their dog. A couple of daring women body boarded in the freezing water. 
I was in a noncommittal search for a bathroom, as I was needing a pee, though not yet bursting. I turned and made my way back, following the road this time, realizing quite unhappily as I went  that I’d walked much further than I’d thought. It was getting colder by the minute and I’d still not found any toilets (not helped by my freakish need not to be seen looking for things, or at things, or walking up to the wrong things and having to turn around, ashamed). Then the freezing rain started. It lashed my face painfully. I used my hands to cover myself as best I could. I had a mental image of people in films who shield themselves from a downpour by holding a newspaper over their head, only I hadn’t any newspaper, and if I had, I probably would have been too self-conscious to hold it aloft.
In due time, I came to a park, with a pond full of swan boats and a miniature railroad track. Along the track was a covered bench— presumably, the boarding area— and I sat under it for a minute, hoping to wait out the weather. I cupped my hands and brought them to my mouth, breathing on them to warm them. I rubbed them together, anything to get the feeling back in my fingers. God, I had to pee, and I was fucking cold! 
Fine! I thought impatiently. I’ll go on! And so I did, trying clumsily to light one of my Marlboro Golds (damn things burn so fast and don’t taste right), for warmth, maybe, but also out of anxious habit. I felt like a criminal. People in this country smoke like chimneys, I told myself. I’d sat on a bench in a park in Birmingham watching parents puffing aggressively while they pulled their kids by the hand, or else pushed a pram. But this seemed a proper, family place. In any case, I felt like a lowlife dickhead. The snow fell and wet the paper. Coming out of this park, I realized I was right across the street from my home— as good as, since I’d given up my apartment to come traveling and had no permanent address elsewhere. I was elated. And miserable and cold and feeling totally out of place, drenched to the bone, dressed in unsuitable clothes. Outside the door to the guest house, I struggled to force the key in the lock, my fingers too numb. It took several attempts before I succeeded. When I made it to my room, I tore off my clothes, turned on the heat, and put the kettle on for tea.
When I’d warmed up, dressed in dry clothes, and dried out my sweater a little bit, I headed back out, this time making my way to the Shields Ferry.
Stepping off the ferry to North Shields was a dream come true. Tall brick buildings stood like battlements, protecting the town’s residents from unwelcome intruders. Letting my idiot nature get the better of me, I took a brief glance at Maps to determine the whereabouts of the pub I was going to, then put my phone away and set off. I missed it totally, coming up to a demolished building surrounded by fence and an auto shop beyond. I turned back, determined to find my way on my own. Can’t be that hard, I thought. 
Deciding it was too early for a drink anyway, and knowing the pub was somewhere in the general vicinity of where I now stood, I set off to explore, gravitating toward the water and following the walkway away from the Fish Quay. I pressed play on Hypersonic Missiles, feeling somewhat guilty and more than a little freakish, trying and failing to rationalize my feelings to myself. The wind was brutal here, as it had been on the beach in South Shields, but slightly less violent. I made my way up to a statue on a hill and slowly circled the steps around it, before continuing on to the abbey ruins, skirting the outside as I was unwilling to pay the entrance fee. Someone’s dog was leaping excitedly through the brush just around the abbey and I smiled, offering a greeting.
I walked back the way I’d come, stopping for a moment to kill some time and try, unsuccessfully, to make some profound journal entry, something to make Sam Fender proud, if he ever read it, which he would, in my head, and never elsewhere. Still unsure of the pub’s location, I attempted again to find it without help from my phone, walking aimlessly until I finally gave in. Once I located it, I stood awkwardly outside, pretending to be busy texting someone on my phone, trying to pluck up the courage to go in.
There were two doors, one going to the left and one the right. I went in through the left, where I came upon a small dining area. A few large tables, and a couple of small ones along the wall. The room was mostly empty, except for a couple and three elderly friends. I took a small table along the wall, with a view across the service corridor to the bar. I sat awkwardly for some time, unaware of the protocol for ordering. I pulled out my journal and pretended to busy myself with my phone until it seemed an inordinate amount of time had passed and I still hadn’t been approached for service. Finally, someone saw me and asked for my order. I requested a pint of Bass, based purely on a poster I’d seen for it, and fish and chips, just to draw out the time, since I’d get through my drink quickly enough and wanted to settle in for a minute without getting plastered.
I kept journaling and texting my brother, as I waited for my food to come. I noticed the elderly trio casting glances in my direction, and caught their eye a few times. Two women— one with an immaculate white bob, and one with a pixie cut— and a man, thin, with a checkered button-down and a forest green windbreaker. At first I was sure their looks were hostile, pitying, or a combination. They knew I didn’t belong there, alone in a pub, scribbling in my journal like a socially inept weirdo. I was deeply self-conscious and insecure. But, I tried to bolster myself, I was also doing something new, among people, risking looking like a fool, because I wanted to. I wanted to take up space in that place and experience it.
As others filed in, and I tucked into my food, the booze doing its amicable work, their looks changed to amusement and kindness as if to say, “At least she keeps to herself.”
After the full breakfast that morning, putting away my fish and chips was a chore. I did my best to pace myself and take small bites, but the food was tasteless (despite the mass amounts of malt vinegar I doused it with) and I simply wasn’t up to the task. After a second pint (of which I only drank half, to remain somewhat stable), I left the pub, happily drunk, passing pubs and restaurants which were now beginning to fill up with the early dinner, fresh-from-work crowd. Despite the cold, the outdoor tables were all occupied by loud, overly-confident men and their made-up, well-pruned girlfriends. I lit another cigarette, feeling slightly sloppy and quite lonely.
For dinner, I went to Morrison’s for a chocolate bar, some crisps, and another bottle of beer, that I might get more thoroughly fucked in the safety of my own room. Before bed, I snapped some pictures of myself with my Instax, in a bid to boost my self-esteem, and penned a few poems, not very good and mostly about how shit and lonely I felt and how much I wanted Sam to love me. After journaling helped to turn my mood around somewhat, returning me to a more hopeful, self-compassionate outlook, I turned in for the night, feeling a bit guilty for not being out with all the other happy drunk souls who passed by my window.
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Fish Alaska Salmon: The Best Times of Year to Reel in the Big One
Alaska is renowned for its bountiful salmon fisheries, which play a vital role in the state's ecology, economy, and cultural heritage. The pristine waters of Alaska's rivers and streams are home to several species of Pacific salmon, including the iconic Chinook (king), Coho (silver), Sockeye (red), Chum (dog), and Pink (humpy) salmon.
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These anadromous fish spend the majority of their lives in the open ocean, but return to their natal streams to spawn, completing a remarkable life cycle. Alaska's salmon thrive in the cold, nutrient-rich waters, growing to impressive sizes and developing deep, vibrant colors that distinguish them from farmed salmon.
Alaskan salmon are celebrated for their exceptional quality, firm texture, and rich, flavorful taste. They are a dietary staple for many Alaskan natives, who have relied on the annual salmon runs for sustenance and cultural traditions for centuries. Commercial and recreational fishing for Alaska salmon also support a substantial industry, contributing significantly to the state's economy.
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The abundance and sustainability of Alaska's salmon fisheries are the result of careful management and conservation efforts, ensuring that this invaluable natural resource remains a source of pride and prosperity for generations to come.
Alaska is a paradise for anglers, offering unparalleled fishing opportunities in its pristine and diverse waterways. From the mighty rivers teeming with Pacific salmon to the crystal-clear lakes filled with trophy trout, Alaska's fishing experiences are truly world-class.
The state's remote wilderness, untouched landscapes, and abundance of fish species attract anglers from around the globe. Whether it's casting for feisty rainbow trout in a remote glacial stream, targeting trophy-sized king salmon in the Kenai River, or exploring the fly-fishing meccas of the Alaskan bush, the fishing in Alaska is both challenging and rewarding.
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Sustainable management practices and strict regulations ensure that Alaska's fisheries remain healthy and thriving, preserving this natural wonder for generations of anglers to come. The unique experience of fishing in Alaska is truly a bucket-list item for any avid outdoorsman.
Finding the perfect gift for the bass angler in your life can be a challenge, but there are a variety of options that any serious bass fisherman would appreciate. From high-quality fishing rods and reels to specialized lures and tackle, the options are endless. Accessories like polarized sunglasses, waterproof bags, and personalized tackle boxes can also make great gifts. For the tech-savvy bass pro,
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consider GPS units, fish finders, or even an electric trolling motor. No matter the budget, there are plenty of thoughtful gift ideas to delight the bass fishing enthusiast.
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evelynjohn001 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Fishing Backpack
Fishing is more than just a hobby for many; it’s a passion. Whether you're an experienced angler or just starting out, having the right gear is essential. Among the most important pieces of equipment is a good fishing backpack. This guide will help you understand what makes a fishing backpack stand out and how to choose the best one for your needs.
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1. Why Do You Need a Fishing Backpack?
A fishing backpack is not just a regular backpack. It’s designed specifically to accommodate the unique needs of anglers. Here’s why a specialized fishing backpack is a must:
Organized Storage: Fishing backpacks come with multiple compartments designed to store fishing gear such as tackle boxes, lures, reels, and other accessories in an organized manner.
Durability: Made from water-resistant or waterproof materials, these backpacks are built to withstand harsh outdoor conditions.
Comfort: Ergonomically designed to distribute weight evenly, a good fishing backpack allows you to carry your gear comfortably, even on long trips.
Hands-Free Convenience: Unlike traditional tackle boxes, a backpack keeps your hands free, allowing you to navigate rough terrain or carry additional gear.
2. Key Features to Look for in a Fishing Backpack
When selecting a fishing backpack, consider the following features:
Material: Look for backpacks made from durable, water-resistant materials like nylon or polyester. A waterproof base is also beneficial, ensuring your gear stays dry if the backpack is placed on wet ground.
Storage Compartments: Opt for a backpack with multiple compartments, including pockets for small items and larger sections for tackle boxes. Some backpacks even come with dedicated rod holders and insulated cooler pockets.
Comfort: Adjustable padded shoulder straps and a breathable back panel are essential for comfort during long fishing trips. Some backpacks also feature waist and chest straps for additional support.
Weight and Size: Choose a backpack that is spacious enough to carry all your essentials without being too bulky. Consider the weight of the backpack itself, as heavier models can become cumbersome when fully loaded.
Accessibility: Easy access to gear is crucial when fishing. Look for backpacks with side zippers, quick-access pockets, and front-loading designs that allow you to reach your equipment without unpacking the entire bag.
Additional Features: Features like a built-in rain cover, hydration bladder compatibility, or a detachable daypack can add value and convenience to your fishing experience.
3. Top Fishing Backpack Recommendations
Here are some popular fishing backpacks that have earned high praise from anglers:
Wild River by CLC Tackle Tek Nomad Backpack: Known for its durability and ample storage space, this backpack features an integrated LED light system for fishing in low light conditions and a protective rain cover.
Piscifun Fishing Tackle Backpack: A versatile and budget-friendly option, this backpack offers a combination of storage, comfort, and durability, with multiple compartments and a hard shell sunglasses case.
Spiderwire Fishing Tackle Backpack: This model is highly regarded for its spacious design, including three medium-sized tackle boxes, and its cooler compartment to keep your drinks or bait cold.
4. How to Maintain Your Fishing Backpack
To ensure your fishing backpack lasts for many seasons, proper maintenance is key:
Clean Regularly: After each trip, remove any debris and wipe down the backpack with a damp cloth. For a deeper clean, use mild soap and warm water.
Dry Completely: Before storing, ensure the backpack is completely dry to prevent mold and mildew. Hang it in a well-ventilated area.
Check for Wear and Tear: Regularly inspect the zippers, straps, and seams for any signs of wear. Repair any damage promptly to avoid worsening the problem.
5. Conclusion
Investing in a high-quality fishing backpack can make a significant difference in your fishing experience. By choosing a backpack that suits your needs, offers comfort, and keeps your gear organized, you'll be well-prepared for any fishing adventure. Whether you're planning a day trip to a nearby lake or an extended fishing expedition, the right backpack is essential for success.
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topfishingreviews · 7 months
TopFishingReviews: Elevate Your Fishing Game with the Ultimate Lure Collection
When it comes to the best fishing dry bags, look no further than TopFishingReviews. Renowned for their commitment to quality, TopFishingReviews offers a top-tier dry bag that exceeds expectations. Crafted with durable and waterproof materials, this dry bag ensures your fishing gear remains protected from the elements, keeping your equipment dry and secure. The innovative design incorporates a reliable sealing mechanism, safeguarding your valuables during any fishing adventure. With TopFishingReviews, you can trust in a brand that prioritizes both functionality and durability. Whether you're wading through rivers or facing unpredictable weather conditions, their dry bag stands out as a reliable companion for avid anglers. Elevate your fishing experience with the best-in-class dry bag from TopFishingReviews, a brand synonymous with excellence in the fishing gear industry.Please visit- https://shorturl.at/evwY8
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davidsingsones65 · 11 months
The Importance of a Backpacking Tent Footprints
The lure of backpacking is the pure nature, solitude and the bliss that comes from sleeping with the stars. While the backpack as well as the sleeping bag and tent often dominate gear discussions, there's a humble component that's often left out yet is of vital importance: the footprints of the tent. Just like every component in your kit for outdoor use, knowing the purpose and importance of it is important. This article delved into the world of footprints from tents that backpack that covers their significance to how important it is for every backpacker to consider carrying one.
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It is essentially a tent footprint is a sheet made of plastic that's placed underneath the tent's surface to protect it from being sunk into the ground. Specifically designed to be a match for the floor's dimensions in your tent, it is a protection against rocks, sticks, or other sharp objects which may damage the tent's foundation. Furthermore, they provide an extra layer of insulation against damp or cold ground. While some might consider them to be a luxury, the value they offer in terms of durability and protection for your tent cannot be understated.
One of the main functions of a tent footprint is to protect your tent's floor from abrasion. Since tents are lightweight to be portable and portability, the floors of their tents can be a bit fragile. This makes them susceptible to being damaged from rough surfaces like gravel, pine needles, sticks or even the smallest of branches. The smallest puncture could result in a leak potentially making your camping experience unpleasant and damp. The footprint functions as an extra buffer, and takes on the brunt of the damage and wear, while prolonging the life of your tent.
While most modern tents come with a waterproof flooring, continuous exposure to wet ground could compromise this waterproofing. In addition, placing a tent on damp ground without a footprint can result in condensation building up inside the tent, which can create an unpleasant dampness and a perfect environment for mold to grow. Do backpacking tents need a footprint prevents direct contact with wet soil, ensuring that the inside of the tent stays dry. This added layer also creates the appearance of a barrier, which can help reduce ground temperature, making for a warmer tent interior when temperatures are cooler.
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Backpackers are always looking for ways to reduce the amount of weight they carry in their pack without sacrificing comfort or safety. The footprints of a tent offer two benefit in this regard. In the first place, they're extremely light, weighing only the smallest amount of weight to the overall weight of your pack. They also be used for two purposes. If you're having a warm, dry night in which rain isn't an issue then you could use the footprint to serve as a simple groundsheet. This versatility eliminates the need to carry an additional groundsheet or tarp, further reducing the weight of your backpack.
In the end, a footprint for a tent is incredibly versatile. It is able to be utilized as a number of ways, for instance to be a ground cover to enjoy picnics, a clear surface for packing and unpacking gear, or even as an emergency rain shelter the case of an emergency. Being aware of this multi-purpose device in your bag adds an extra layer of comfort and peace of mind when you go on outdoor excursions. Whether you're deep in the woods or on a developed site it is important to know that the advantages of an outdoor tent's footprint go beyond what it was intended for which makes it an invaluable accessory to any backpacking equipment.
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knownowlive · 1 year
10 Best Surf Fishing Bags 2023| Top Design and Durable
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Surf fishing bags are essential for organizing and carrying fishing gear when surf fishing. They provide convenience and accessibility to all necessary equipment. In addition, they are designed with durable materials to withstand the harsh conditions of surf fishing, such as saltwater exposure and rough terrain. The bags typically have multiple compartments and pockets to accommodate various fishing tools like rods, reels, bait, hooks, lures, and tackle boxes. Furthermore, they often feature adjustable straps and comfortable padding for ease of transportation, allowing anglers to navigate the shorelines without any hassle. With a surf fishing bag, anglers can enjoy a more organized and efficient fishing experience, ensuring that all necessities are close at hand. 1
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Top PickAllen Company unisex adult Eagle River Lumbar Pack, Green, 180 ... Check Latest Price2
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Best QualityPlano Atlas 3700 Tackle Fishing Backpack, Gray EVA Material, Includes ... Check Latest Price3
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RecommendedGhosthorn Fishing Tackle Backpack Storage Bag - Outdoor Shoulder Backpack ... Check Latest Price4
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KastKing Karryall Fishing Tackle Bags - Fishing Bags for Saltwater ... Check Latest Price5
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Piscifun Fishing Tackle Bag, Sling Fishing Storage Pack with Rod ... Check Latest Price6
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KastKing Day Tripper Fishing Backpack Tackle Bags, Fishing Gear Bag, ... Check Latest Price7
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KastKing Bait Boss Fishing Tackle Backpack with Rod Holders,4 Tackle ... Check Latest Price8
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Rodeel Fishing Tackle Sling Shlouder Backpack with Fishing Rod Holder, ... Check Latest Price9
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Youeon Fishing Backpack Tackle Storage Bag with Rod Holder, Waterproof ... Check Latest Price10
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KastKing Fishing Tackle Bags, Saltwater Resistant Fishing Bags, Waterproof Fishing ... Check Latest Price Top Pick
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1. Allen Company unisex adult Eagle River Lumbar Pack, Green, 180 CU IN 2.9 L US
- Brand: Allen Company - Manufacturer: The Allen Company - Color: Green - Dimensions: Height: 6.0 inches Width: 5.5 inches Length: 10.0 inches Weight: 1.0 Pounds ` The Allen Company unisex adult Eagle River Lumbar Pack in Green is the perfect outdoor accessory for those on the go. With a capacity of 180 CU IN (2.9 L), this pack offers ample storage for all your essentials. The adjustable waist belt ensures a comfortable fit, while the durable construction guarantees long-lasting use. Whether you're hiking, fishing, or exploring, this pack is designed to keep your belongings secure and easily accessible. It's a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast. Advantages - Advantages, Usefulness, and Benefits of the Allen Company Unisex Adult Eagle River Lumbar Pack: - Efficient storage solution with a generous 180 CU IN 2.9 L capacity for all your essentials. - Ergonomically designed for maximum comfort and lumbar support during outdoor activities. - Versatile and unisex design suitable for both men and women of all ages. - Durable and high-quality construction ensures long-lasting use even in rugged conditions. - Conveniently located pockets and compartments for easy access to your belongings on the go. Our Recommendations The Allen Company unisex adult Eagle River Lumbar Pack is a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts. Lightweight and versatile, this pack is ideal for hiking, camping, or fishing trips. With a capacity of 180 cubic inches, it offers plenty of storage space for all your essentials. The green color adds a touch of style to your outdoor gear. Its secure and adjustable straps ensure a comfortable fit, allowing you to enjoy your adventure without any discomfort. This lumbar pack is durable and well-made, guaranteeing long-lasting use. Don't miss out on this fantastic product! Check Latest Price Best Quality
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2. Plano Atlas 3700 Tackle Fishing Backpack, Gray EVA Material, Includes 3 3750 StowAway Utility Boxes for Worms, Lures, & Baits, Waterproof & Non-Skid Base
- Brand: Plano - Manufacturer: Plano Synergy - Frabill - Color: Grey - Dimensions: Height: 1.0 Inches Width: 1.0 Inches Length: 1.0 inches The Plano Atlas 3700 Tackle Fishing Backpack is a must-have for any fishing enthusiast. Made from durable gray EVA material, this backpack is designed to withstand the toughest fishing conditions. It comes with 3 3750 StowAway Utility Boxes, providing ample space for storing all your worms, lures, and baits. The backpack is not only waterproof but also features a non-skid base, ensuring that your gear stays safe and secure. With its ergonomic design and comfortable straps, this backpack is perfect for long fishing trips. Advantages - Advantages and Benefits of the Plano Atlas 3700 Tackle Fishing Backpack: - Efficient Organization: The included 3 3750 StowAway Utility Boxes keep your worms, lures, and baits neatly organized for quick access while fishing. - Waterproof and Non-Skid: The backpack's waterproof and non-skid base ensures that your fishing gear remains dry and secure, even in wet conditions. - Durable and Reliable: Made from Gray EVA material, this backpack is built to withstand rugged fishing adventures, providing long-lasting performance and protection for your fishing tackle. - Easy to Carry: The backpack design allows for easy and comfortable transportation, leaving your hands free to focus on reeling in the big catch. - Versatile Use: With its spacious compartments and practical design, this backpack is not only perfect for fishing but can also be used for other outdoor activities, such as camping and hiking. Our Recommendations This Plano Atlas 3700 Tackle Fishing Backpack is a game-changer for fishing enthusiasts. With its waterproof and non-skid base, your gear stays safe and dry. The Gray EVA material is not only durable but also looks stylish. It includes three 3750 StowAway Utility Boxes, perfect for organizing your worms, lures, and baits. This backpack is a must-have for any angler on the go. Check Latest Price Recommended
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3. Ghosthorn Fishing Tackle Backpack Storage Bag - Outdoor Shoulder Backpack - Fishing Gear Bag Standard Black
- Brand: Ghosthorn - Manufacturer: Ghosthorn - Color: B: Standard(14.5*8.2*5.1 Inch)-black - Dimensions: Height: 13.3 Inches Width: 8.9Inches Length: 5.09 Inches Weight: 1.6 Pounds ` The Ghosthorn Fishing Tackle Backpack Storage Bag is the ultimate companion for outdoor fishing enthusiasts. Designed with convenience in mind, this shoulder backpack offers ample storage space for all your fishing gear. The sleek black design adds a touch of style to your fishing adventures while ensuring durability and longevity. With its ergonomic design and adjustable straps, this backpack provides maximum comfort during long fishing trips. Stay organized and ready for action with the Ghosthorn Fishing Tackle Backpack Storage Bag. Advantages - Advantages and Benefits of Ghosthorn Fishing Tackle Backpack Storage Bag: - Efficient Organization: Stay organized with multiple compartments and pockets, ensuring easy access to all your fishing gear. - Convenient Portability: The shoulder backpack design allows for hands-free transportation, leaving you ready to conquer any fishing adventure. - Durable and Weather Resistant: Made from high-quality materials, this fishing gear bag can withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring its longevity. - Comfortable Fit: The ergonomic design and adjustable straps provide a comfortable fit, reducing strain during long fishing trips. - Versatile and Spacious: With ample storage space, this backpack holds all your fishing essentials while also accommodating personal items. Our Recommendations I recently purchased the Ghosthorn Fishing Tackle Backpack Storage Bag and I am extremely impressed. The bag is perfect for outdoor activities and the black color adds a sleek touch. The shoulder straps are comfortable and the storage compartments are spacious and well-designed. Overall, this is a fantastic fishing gear bag that I highly recommend. Check Latest Price
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4. KastKing Karryall Fishing Tackle Bags - Fishing Bags for Saltwater or Freshwater Fishing - Water Resistant Material - Padded Shoulder Strap - Fishing Gear Storage
- Brand: KastKing - Color: Khaki--Medium - Dimensions: Height: 11.0 inches Width: 10.25 inches Length: 15.0 inches Introducing the KastKing Karryall Fishing Tackle Bags - the ultimate companion for avid anglers. Crafted with water-resistant material, these bags are perfect for both saltwater and freshwater fishing adventures. The padded shoulder strap ensures maximum comfort during long excursions, allowing you to carry your fishing gear with ease. With its ample storage capacity, you can efficiently organize and transport all your essential fishing equipment. Whether you're a professional fisherman or a passionate hobbyist, the KastKing Karryall Fishing Tackle Bags are a must-have for your next fishing trip. Advantages - Advantages, Usefulness, and Benefits of KastKing Karryall Fishing Tackle Bags: - Enhanced Durability: These fishing bags are made from water-resistant material, ensuring the protection of your fishing gear in both saltwater and freshwater environments. - Convenient Storage: With ample space and multiple compartments, these tackle bags provide organized storage for all your fishing essentials, making it easy to locate and access your gear on the go. - Comfortable Portability: The padded shoulder strap reduces strain and discomfort while carrying the bag, allowing you to comfortably transport your fishing gear to any fishing spot without any hassle. - Weatherproof Design: The water-resistant material and reinforced zippers of these fishing bags ensure the safety of your gear even during unexpected exposure to rain or splashes, keeping your fishing equipment in top condition. - Versatile Applications: Whether you are an avid angler, a weekend hobbyist, or a professional fisherman, these fishing tackle bags cater to all skill levels, providing a reliable and efficient solution for storing and transporting your fishing gear. Our Recommendations I recently purchased the KastKing Karryall Fishing Tackle Bag and I am beyond impressed. The water-resistant material keeps my gear dry, while the padded shoulder strap ensures comfort during long fishing trips. It provides ample storage for all my saltwater and freshwater fishing gear. This bag is a game-changer for any angler. Check Read the full article
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thomas-mallet · 1 year
7 Of The Best Fishing Tackle Backpack Options Available On The Market
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1. Bassdash Stowaway Fishing Tackle Backpack
The Bassdash Stowaway Fishing Tackle Backpack is a great option for anglers who want a lightweight and durable bag. It has two main compartments, as well as additional pockets for lures, line, and other essential tackle. The adjustable straps make it comfortable to carry, and the bright colors make it easy to spot on the water.
2. Wild River by CLC Tackle Tek Nomad Lighted Backpack
The Wild River by CLC Tackle Tek Nomad Lighted Backpack is a great option for anglers who need a lot of storage space. It features multiple compartments, pockets, and straps for all of your tackle. The removable light stick helps you locate your bag in low light conditions. It also has a comfortable, adjustable harness system for easy carrying.
3. Plano Tackle Systems Guide Series Tackle Backpack
The Plano Tackle Systems Guide Series Tackle Backpack is a great option for anglers who need a lot of storage space. It has four main compartments, as well as additional pockets and straps to hold all of your tackle. The adjustable straps make it comfortable to carry, and the waterproof base helps keep your tackle dry.
4. KastKing Rover Tackle Backpack
The KastKing Rover Tackle Backpack is a great option for anglers who are looking for a lightweight and durable bag. It features a large main compartment and multiple pockets for lures, line, and other essential tackle. The adjustable straps make it comfortable to carry, and the bright colors make it easy to spot on the water.
5. Piscifun Fishing Tackle Backpack
The Piscifun Fishing Tackle Backpack is a great option for anglers who need a lot of storage space. It has two main compartments, as well as additional pockets and straps for all of your tackle. The adjustable straps make it comfortable to carry, and the waterproof base helps keep your tackle dry.
6. Flambeau Outdoors 4003 T-Lock Fishing Tackle Backpack
The Flambeau Outdoors 4003 T-Lock Fishing Tackle Backpack is a great option for anglers who need a lot of storage space. It features four main compartments, as well as additional pockets and straps for all of your tackle. The adjustable straps make it comfortable to carry, and the waterproof base helps keep your tackle dry.
7. Abu Garcia Fishing Tackle Backpack
The Abu Garcia Fishing Tackle Backpack is
fishing tackle backpack
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onlinereviewslife · 1 year
Are there any essential accessories I should consider for my budget fishing kayak?
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When it comes to the world of angling, fishing enthusiasts understand that success often hinges on having the right equipment. For those looking to make the most of their budget-friendly fishing kayak, a few carefully chosen accessories can significantly elevate your fishing experience. In this article, we will explore the concept of the "Best Cheap Fishing Kayak" and delve into the essential accessories that can make your angling adventure both fruitful and enjoyable.
The Appeal of Budget Fishing Kayaks
Fishing kayaks have gained immense popularity over the years due to their affordability, portability, and efficiency. They provide a unique and peaceful way to explore water bodies while pursuing the thrill of angling. Budget fishing kayaks, in particular, offer an excellent entry point for beginners or those seeking a cost-effective way to enjoy their hobby. While these kayaks come equipped with the basics, adding a few key accessories can greatly enhance your fishing experience without breaking the bank.
To know more about : -
1. Paddle
Although a paddle might seem obvious, it's crucial to invest in a good quality paddle that suits your needs. A lightweight, durable paddle with comfortable grips can make maneuvering your kayak effortless and reduce fatigue during long fishing trips. Remember, the right paddle can significantly impact your control and efficiency on the water.
2. Paddle Leash
A paddle leash might not be the first accessory that comes to mind, but it's highly practical. It ensures that your paddle stays connected to your kayak even if you accidentally drop it. This simple addition can save you from the frustration of constantly retrieving your paddle from the water.
3. Fishing Rod Holders
One of the primary advantages of a fishing kayak is its hands-free angling potential. Attaching fishing rod holders to your kayak allows you to multitask, such as trolling or enjoying a snack, while waiting for a bite. There are various types of rod holders available, including flush-mounted, adjustable, and swivel options, so you can choose the ones that best suit your fishing style.
4. Anchor System
Staying in one spot while fishing is often essential for success. An anchor system designed for kayaks can help you do just that. Look for lightweight and compact anchor systems that are easy to deploy and retrieve. With a reliable anchor, you can focus on fishing without worrying about drifting away from your target area.
5. Tackle Management
Keeping your fishing gear organized is crucial on a kayak with limited space. Tackle boxes, bags, or trays designed specifically for kayaks can help you neatly store your lures, hooks, and other accessories. Staying organized not only saves time but also prevents clutter and potential mishaps.
6. Personal Floatation Device (PFD)
Safety should always be a top priority. A comfortable and properly fitting PFD is a must when you're out on the water. Look for a PFD designed for kayaking that allows you to move freely while providing the necessary buoyancy. Many modern PFDs also come with additional pockets for storing small essentials.
7. Kayak Cart
Transporting your kayak from your vehicle to the water's edge can be a challenging task, especially if you're on your own. A kayak cart with durable wheels can help you easily wheel your kayak to the launch site, saving your energy for the actual fishing experience.
8. Dry Bags and Cases
Electronics, snacks, and other personal items can easily get wet in a kayak. Investing in waterproof dry bags and cases ensures that your valuables remain dry and secure. These accessories are essential for keeping your gear functional and preventing any mishaps caused by water damage.
A budget fishing kayak can offer an excellent platform for enjoying the serene sport of angling, but the right accessories can make a significant difference in your overall experience. Whether it's enhancing your comfort, safety, or organization, the essential accessories mentioned above are designed to elevate your fishing adventures without straining your budget. Remember that the key is to choose accessories that align with your fishing style and preferences, allowing you to make the most of every outing in your best cheap fishing kayak.
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themulletrun · 1 year
Gear Up for Epic Summer Beach Fishing in Florida with the Ultimate EDC Fishing Backpack!
Attention, beach-loving anglers! Summer is here, and it's time to hit the shores of sunny Florida for some exhilarating beach fishing adventures. But before you embark on your quest for the perfect catch, allow us to introduce you to the ultimate Everyday Carry (EDC) fishing backpack tailored specifically for summer beach fishing. From sun-soaked days to balmy nights, this versatile backpack will be your trusty companion. Let's dive in!
"Compact and Lightweight Design": Say goodbye to bulky bags and hello to streamlined efficiency. Our EDC fishing backpack boasts a compact and lightweight design, allowing you to move freely and comfortably along the beach. No more lugging around unnecessary weight, so you can focus on casting your line and reeling in those prized catches.
"Waterproof and Durable": Designed for the beach environment, this backpack is constructed with waterproof materials to protect your fishing gear from sand, saltwater, and unexpected splashes. Its durable build ensures it can withstand the rigors of beach fishing, allowing you to venture confidently into the waves without worry.
"Ample Storage and Organization": Stay organized and have all your fishing essentials at your fingertips. The EDC fishing backpack features multiple compartments, pockets, and straps specifically designed to accommodate your rods, reels, tackle boxes, sunscreen, water bottle, snacks, and other accessories. You'll never have to fumble around searching for your gear again!
"Sun Protection and Comfort": We know how important it is to stay protected from the scorching Florida sun. Our EDC fishing backpack includes built-in features such as a retractable sunshade, UV-blocking fabric, and breathable materials to shield you from harmful rays. Additionally, adjustable padded straps ensure optimal comfort, allowing you to fish for hours on end without discomfort or strain.
"Versatility for Day and Night Fishing": This backpack is designed to adapt to different fishing scenarios. With specialized compartments for day and night fishing, you can easily switch between gear, lures, and tackle options. Whether you're casting in the daytime or embarking on a thrilling night fishing adventure, your backpack will have you covered.
Conclusion: Gear up for an unforgettable summer beach fishing experience in Florida with the ultimate EDC fishing backpack. Its compact design, waterproof construction, ample storage, and sun protection features make it the perfect companion for any angler. Stay organized, protect your gear, and enjoy the thrill of reeling in the big ones without compromise.
Get ready to make memories, catch fish, and soak up the sun-drenched beauty of Florida's beaches. With the EDC fishing backpack by your side, you'll be fully equipped to embrace the magic of summer beach fishing. So, pack your sunscreen, grab your favorite fishing gear, and let's embark on an epic fishing journey along the sandy shores of Florida!
#SummerBeachFishing #FloridaAngler #EDCFishingBackpack
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