#wayne madigan
everythingsf1ne23 · 6 months
𝐒𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟕) |
𝘔𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 & 𝘞𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘯
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🎀💕:
@yarrystyleeza If you want to be added check out my pinned post! 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 💌:
heyyy! I hope that you’re all enjoying this fanfic series so far, at this point, I think that we’re almost coming to an end 
:( ~Jess
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 📝:
in which, after Glen’s failed attempt at getting Viking, they take her out the following night to try again but this time disaster strikes
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘷:
“I’m getting nervous now like Clayton posted that threatening video that I warned him not to post like does he want us all to get clipped!”, I shout while pacing around the sitting room, cleaning up as Wayne watches me
“I agree that Clayton shouldn’t have posted the video with you three in it, there’s no need to be nervous, I promise that everything will be fine”
“I’m sorry for shouting, it’s just that I don’t want anything to happen to them like other than you, they’re all I’ve got” 
I take a seat on the sofa and Wayne sits beside me,
“It’s okay, I understand that but I’ll always be here for you now, it’s you and me 
for life”
“You really mean that?” It’s just that usually everyone leaves me”, 
I ask Wayne and he nods,
“Of course I do! I’ll never leave you”
I look up into his eyes
“I’ll never leave you either, I love you” 
“I love you even more”, Wayne smiles at me and I couldn’t help but smile back at him, I haven’t felt this loved since me and Glen were together, just as I’m about to go get ready Wayne speaks up again,
“I’m sorry if this is an awkward question but you and Glen seem close, did anything ever happen between you two?”
“I don’t mind you asking those questions but we were together from when we were 15 until I left for America or when he assumed I was dead” 
“That was a long time then”, Wayne looks down at the floor
“Yeah it was, 7 years, but don’t worry I only have eyes for you now remember”,
He looks up and I give him a reassuring smile
“Yeah same for me, I don’t want anyone else but you”, Wayne tells me and I go to get changed.
As I walk outside, Wayne is already at the car talking to the boys.
“You shouldn’t have shared that video Clayton, 
you’re all in much more danger now, 
I’m sure they’ll put someone after you all” 
I hear him tell them,
“I’m sorry I didn’t realise that any of them would find it”
“Of course they were going to find it Clayton, it’s everywhere now!” Glen seems agitated as I was before 
I walk to the car as Wayne opens the back door for me,
“Thank you” I say with a smile 
“No problem my love”, Wayne smiles back at me once more
“Thanks for sharing that video, you fucking eejit, now we’re all more than likely gonna get killed!”, I gently slap the back of Clayton’s head
“Ow! I’m sorry okay”
“Sorry isn’t going to help us when we’re all killed by one of them”, Glen replies coldly as he starts the engine to leave, 
then I wave goodbye to Wayne and he blows me a kiss, which I pretend to catch.
“Well I’m going to the arcade anyways for a while, then we’ll go get Viking”, Glen announces and I start laughing at him,
“What?”, he asks with a grin
“You’re such a child Glen, I remember you always bringing me on dates to this arcade”, Clayton gives Glen an amused look and then he looks back at me,
“You loved it though, didn’t ya?”, Clayton asks and I nod,
“Obviously I did”, we walk inside and Clayton goes to get a blue slushie as I join Glen at one of the games, he begins to plan the game and I watch him
“I was devastated when I thought
 that you had died”, Glen’s eyes flick over to mine for a moment
“Yeah of course I was, you were my girlfriend”
“I’ve really missed you Glen but I didn’t want to put you in anymore danger than you were already in” 
“If you would have spoken to me, I definitely would have ran away with you” 
“I feel so bad now leaving you here without  closure but I didn’t wanna risk anyone else getting hurt ‘cause of 
mine and Caolon’s actions” 
“It’s grand, at least I have closure now and I would take you back in a heartbeat but I know that you love Wayne 
and I respect that”, 
just as I’m about to reply Clayton comes over and my phone rings,
 I check it to see that it’s Michael so I excuse myself,
“Hi”, I say 
“Hey, I was just wondering have you heard from Molly lately? It’s just that she hasn’t been answering her phone”, 
my heart sank I didn’t want to be the person to tell him.
“Yeah she rang me yesterday and I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but Molly has left for a while on holidays as she is getting married”, the phone line is silent for a while until I speak up again.
“I’m really sorry as I could see how much you liked her, I had no idea until yesterday and if I had known earlier
 I would have told you” 
“That’s fine, thank you for telling me and mind yourself”, I could hear the disappointment in Michael’s voice 
“I will, thank you!”, we said our goodbyes and I went back to the boys.
“We can’t pack it all in now”, I hear Clayton say to Glen and I can clearly see that he is fed up with all this, I cheer for Glen as he wins the game, he’s smiling and laughing until Clayton speaks up again,
“We’ll have to get someone, anyone”
Glen’s smile soon enough disappears into a frown 
“And we will, let’s just spend a little more time here”, I remind Clayton.
After the arcade, Glen stops the car 
at a shop. 
“You’re hardly gonna get another slushie”, 
I tease Clayton 
“Obviously I am”, Glen looks over at me and rolls his eyes
“What are you gonna get?” I ask Glen as we get closer to the shop 
“Probably a lollipop”, Glen grins.
“Typical you then”, I respond 
“Let me guess, you’re gonna get haribo sweets”, Glen says back to me
“Oh you know me so well!”, I exclaim as we reach the shop door.
Clayton prepares his slushie at the machine, while I look through the haribo sweets, I go for the star mix 
“He’s parked outside his aunt’s house, I’d say we go now before he moves”, 
Clayton says looking at the tracker on Glen’s phone 
“No panic, we’ll get him,
just keep an eye on where he’s going” 
Glen replies picking out lollipops,
“Thank you”, I say to the shopkeeper as we head back outside.
“Sure you don’t want one?”, Glen asks Clayton 
“No bro, they rot your teeth”, 
I begin to giggle 
“Sure everything has sugar in it, so everything can rot your teeth”, I tell Clayton in fits of laughter.
“And that doesn’t?” Glen inquires at Clayton’s blue slushie
“What man? It’s only frozen water”
I couldn’t stop laughing at the pair
“Just don’t spill it in my car, yeah?”
“Shut your mouth!”
“Will ya?” 
I smile as they were getting along as usual, unlike earlier at the arcade, 
they truly are my safe space
“You know I love you lads so much”, 
they both smile at me 
“We love you too”, Glen and Clayton tell me at the same time, 
I flinch as gun shots are heard and Clayton falls, I realise that my worst nightmare is happening,
Glen and I turn around to be faced with a man dressed in fully black with a balaclava and a gun,
Glen takes my hand quickly as if he’s about to run, but it’s too late 
“Fuck”, was all Glen said as he too was shot, I don’t let go of his hand in time so I fall with him, 
my eyes fill with tears as I look up at the gunman 
I knew now that I wasn’t safe anymore, 
I wanted to run but I couldn’t leave my boys here, 
I waited and eventually the gunman gave in, shooting me too.
I close my eyes, waiting to die with them but I here a car speeding off in the distance, I open my eyes to realise that I haven’t died well not yet anyways,
I take my phone out quickly to get a photo of the number plate,
My attention turns to Glen and Clayton, 
I check their pulses but they’re gone.
I notice the shopkeeper walking out and they shop in their tracks once the see the bodies laying on the ground
“Ring the Guards please!”, 
I cry out and the shopkeeper rushes back into their shop,
I take out my phone once more and I decide to ring Glen’s Mam, 
Nellie to tell her the news, she picks up after a few rings.
I couldn’t get my words out, all I could do was sobbing
“I can hear you crying, what’s happened?”, I hear Nellie asks 
“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you 
but Glen and Clayton were 
killed a few minutes ago”, I hear her begin to cry at the other end of the phone as she tells Glen’s brother and sister
“Were you shot too?”,  Glen’s sister asks me
“Yeah in my arm and chest”, I reply but I can’t feel the pain from my wounds, the only pain I feel is the fact that they’re really gone.
“We’re on our way, we’ll get you help” 
The last person to ring was Wayne, he picked up straight away
“Hello love, is everything okay?”
“Glen and Clayton have been killed”
“Have you been shot? What happened?”
“Yeah in my arm and chest, whoever did it must have been watching us as we went to a shop that we usually don’t go to, we were going back to the car when I heard gunshots and Clayton fell so then I knew”
“Send me the address now, 
I’m on my way”
As the Guards arrive, Detective Breslin pulls me away from the scene, 
grief washes over me again as I begin sobbing,
“The person who did this we’ll get them as a woman was ran over down the road and she’s dead too”
“Oh my god” I say in between sobs and blood drips from my arm
“Here’s tissues for your wounds”,
I dab my chest and arm with the tissues and I notice tape going around the scene 
“Thank you for the tissues”, I say as Wayne runs up to me
“Come on, I’m bringing you to the hospital”
He seems stressed so I go to him
“You’ll have to bring her in for questioning tomorrow”, 
I look over at the scene once more to see one of them picking up Glen’s phone and another opening the boot of Glen’s car
 so I knew that it was my time to go 
“I’ll bring her as early as I can”, 
Wayne replies and we walk down the road to the car as it was now closed off, soon enough we stop off at a hospital.
Wayne opens the passenger’s door and he gently pulls me out of the car
“Are you sore?”, he asks me clearly concerned as we walk into the hospital 
“A little bit but it’s not too bad” 
“Hi, I can see that you’ve been shot, 
I can take care of you”, I look over to see a nurse smiling at me
“Okay”, I say and the nurse leads me into a small room and Wayne stays with me
“I will remove the bullets, disinfect your wounds and after that, I’ll stitch them up for you”, the nurse explains and I just nod, I don’t feel like talking, I just want Glen and Clayton back, this truly is my worst nightmare, I don’t watch as the nurse gives me an injection so I don’t feel anything.
“I was so worried that you’d be gone by the time I got there”
“By the looks of these wounds, you got there just in time, the chest wound is very close to your heart by you’ll live”, the nurse reassures 
“You can’t get rid of me that easily”, I laugh while talking to Wayne 
“Are you two married?”, the nurse asks us 
“I wish, we’ve only been together 
for 2 months” I respond 
“We will be married someday though” 
“There’s not many gentlemen like him these days, he’s definitely a keeper” 
Silence fills the room as the nurse begins to stitch me up and after what felt like forever, I hear the nurse speak
“There we go, you’re all done! 
you’ll have to come back in about 2 weeks time to make sure that they’re healing properly” 
I look down at my wounds, 
stitches on my chest and a bandage on my arm,
I get help putting my t - shirt back on and then I leave the small room
We get back into the car and Wayne starts to drive us home, 
“I genuinely feel so awful, if we hadn’t came up with that plan, then tonight wouldn’t have happened”
“None of this was your fault, you all were just in the wrong place at the wrong time,
nobody is blaming you”
I know now that it was wrong for me to go back into being an assassin, all I wanted to do was help my best friends,
tonight just proved to me that I shouldn’t be doing that anymore.
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duranduratulsa · 4 months
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Up next on my 80's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...The Day After (1983) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #horror #drama #nuclearwar #nuclearholocaust #thedayafter #JasonRobards #ripjasonrobards #JohnLithgow #steveguttenberg #jobethwilliams #AmyMadigan #bibibesch #ArlissHoward #wayneknight #dvd #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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batmanonthecover · 5 months
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Detective Comics #384 - February 1969 (DC Comics - USA)
Cover Art: Irv Novick
Script:  Gardner Fox
Art:  Bob Brown (Pencils), Joe Giella (Inks), Ben Oda (Letters)
Characters: Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Robin [Dick Grayson]; Heloise Madigan; Colleen Kiernan; Kenneth Rogers
Batman story #1,261
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bamboomusiclist · 2 years
1/6 おはようございます、Wayne Shorter / Native Dancer pc33418 等更新しました。
Bobby Hackett / Easy Beat t1413 Kenny Dorham / 1959 Prt7754/njlp8225 Jackie McLean / Demon's Dance Bst84345 Hank Mobley / No Room for Squares bst-84149 Frits Landesbergen / Alone Together sjp268 Duke Jordan / Duke’s Artistry Scs1103 Lou Donaldson/ Forgotten Man Sjp153 Eric Dolphy / Epistrophy Icp015 Carmen McRae / I'm Coming Home Again B2D 6501 Betty Madigan / The Jerome Kern Songbook crl57192 Sun Ra / Nothing Is ESP-DISK1045 Wayne Shorter / Native Dancer pc33418 Noey Matos / Y su Alma Caliente 605 Vera Brasil / Vera Brasil REV-24 Klaus Schulze  / X 0080.023-2 Klaus Schulze / Dresden Imaginary Scenes ve903 Ernst Fuchs Klaus Schulze Rainer Bloss / Aphrica ID 20.001 Klaus Schulze / Mirage ilps9461 Klaus Schulze / Timewind brain1075 Klaus Schulze / Irrlicht brain1077
~bamboo music~ https://bamboo-music.net  [email protected]   530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号 06-6363-2700
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badmovieihave · 4 years
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Bad movie I have The Hunt 2020
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whatsnextmovies · 5 years
The Hunt
September 27, 2019
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
THE HUNT (2020) ★★★★☆
THE HUNT (2020) ★★★★☆
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randomrichards · 4 years
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The Hunt
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davidosu87 · 4 years
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Película【The Hunt】completa del"2020"en español latino y subtitulada
Película【The Hunt】completa del"2020"en español latino y subtitulada
Mira The Hunt (2020): película completa en línea Doce extraños se despiertan en un claro. No saben dónde están ni cómo llegaron allí. No saben que han sido elegidos ... para un propósito muy específico ... La caza.
VER EN HD    https://t.co/jqM1SsVk1M?amp=1
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Título The Hunt Fecha de lanzamiento 13 de marzo de 2020 Géneros Acción, Suspenso, Horror, Compañía Productora Blumhouse Productions, White Rabbit Países de producción Estados Unidos de América Reparte Emma Roberts, Justin Hartley, Glenn Howerton, Ike Barinholtz, Amy Madigan, Teri Wyble, Wayne Duvall, Sylvia Grace Crim, Steve Coulter, J. C. MacKenzie, Reed Birney
[Open Eye Film Network] es equivalente a la versión de IMDb de Taiwán (versión en chino tradicional); contiene información en tiempo real de todas las películas estrenadas en Taiwán: la nueva película de esta semana, la primera ronda de este número, la segunda ronda de este número, los estrenos recientes y las nuevas noticias de cine. Incluye todo también ... Primera ronda de este número -Nuevo esta semana-Recientemente lanzado-Cinema-Tainan-Taichung -...
La caza La caza en línea (2019) The Hunt (película, 2019) ver online The Hunt lanzamiento en línea 2019 versión completa patitos reloj en línea patitos The Hunt Watching Movies Online (2019) The Hunt (2019) versión completa The Hunt Watch Online | Lanzamiento 2019 | Patito completo The Hunt Watch en línea | Últimas películas en 2019 | The Hunt Hong Kong Online (2019) The Hunt Online (2019) Mira 1080p en línea Mira la cacería mira los patitos en línea The Hunt Vea el video del patito en línea La versión completa de Hunt Mira la caza Vea The Hunt Descargar en línea Mira la fecha de lanzamiento de The Hunt Taiwan Mira The Hunt Canada en línea HD 1080p La caza en Macao
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everythingsf1ne23 · 7 months
𝐒𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐) | 
𝘔𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 & 𝘞𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘯
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🎀💕:
@yarrystyleeza If you want to be added check out my pinned post! 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 💌:
heyyy my lovelies, I hope that you all enjoy this and I’m pretty sure that I’ll write a part 3 for this 🌟🫶~Jess
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 📝:
in which, she finds out all the details about the plan for the Kinsella’s fates 
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘷:
I finish applying my makeup for work and I look at myself in the long mirror in mine and Wayne’s bedroom 
“You look amazing as you always do!”
Wayne comments and I turn to face him,
“Aww thank you, you look very handsome”
“I can go drive you to the pharmacy now if you’re ready”
“Yeah I’m ready, let’s go”
As we head down the stairs, Wayne speaks up again 
“Two of the lads are coming over for a little meeting this evening so I was thinking we could have pizza?” 
“Oh yeah that’s grand” I respond.
Wayne’s house is close to the pharmacy so after about 10 minutes, we arrive there.
“Have a great day gorgeous”
I give Wayne a quick kiss on the lips,
“I will, love you”
I reply and Wayne pulls me in for a hug,
“I love you even more”, he tells me and I get out of the car, 
I close the door and I wave bye to Wayne.
As yesterday I ended up doing most of the prescriptions, today it was my turn to serve the customers and Molly is doing all the prescriptions, surprisingly it has been quiet so far today considering it’s Friday,
“So are you doing anything nice for the weekend?” Molly asks and I shake my head,
“No I don’t think so” I respond 
“Well I’m thinking of going shopping tomorrow if you wanna come?”
“Ah yeah I’d like that!”
“Great I’ll text you the time that
 I’ll pick you up at later”
Molly responds with that bright smile of hers, then finally the customers
 start piling in the door.
Thankfully on Fridays, mine and Molly’s shift ends early to allow those wanting work experience to work there, 
Once again, Wayne and Michael arrive at the same time to pick me and Molly up.
I turn away from Michael and Molly as I didn’t need to see them being all loved up, 
“I got these for you my love”
My heart melts as Wayne hands me flowers
“Thank you, they’re absolutely lovely”
“Only the best for you” 
“Well how are you both?” Michael asks us 
“We’re great!” I respond holding hands with Wayne 
“Amanda was saying that there will probably be another meeting next week so you can meet the supplier”
Michael tells Wayne,
“Okay just message the day and I’ll be there” 
When the two of us arrive home, 
I get out of my work clothes and into something more comfortable as Wayne orders us pizza, after a while there’s a knock on the door 
“That’s probably the lads, 
can you go get it?”
Wayne asks from the kitchen 
“Yeah I’ll get it now!”
I open it to see two lads and to my surprise, I knew them - Clayton Finn and Glen Wright stood at the door.
“Long time no see aye?”
Clayton says 
“Yeah it’s certainly been a while”
I reply with a smile, and I lead them into the sitting room
“We assumed you were dead somewhere as after Caolon Moore’s funeral 
you were gone” 
Glen tells me 
“Considering that I’m related to Caolan I had to leave, otherwise I’m sure
 I would’ve been clipped”
“You even fooled Eamon, he thought you were dead too” 
“I didn’t know that you knew 
Clayton and Glen” Wayne comments and Clayton speaks up
“Oh we were real good friends, 
you could say best friends even”
“Yeah best friends for sure!” Glen exclaims 
Wayne looks at the two lads in front of us,
“So what’s your plan for getting rid of the Kinsella’s then?” Wayne asks them,
“My Mam said that we should go get Michael first as the most money is going for him” Glen replies 
“Then after Michael, I say that we should go for Viking as he deserves a bullet in the head…” Clayton says and afterwards he gasps, turning towards me
“You should help us like old times!”
“Yeah think of the money we could get, come on you know you want to”
I think to myself for a few moments and I look over at Wayne for his approval
he nods at me,
“If you wanna help then you should”
I give in, “Right I’ll help you both”
“Is that all you have so far in terms of your plan?”
“Yeah after Michael and Viking, we’ll just get the rest one by one unless some of the others get there first” 
As the night went on, we figured out more of the details on how the three of us were going to try clip Michael, considering the other attempts that have been made I doubt that it’ll work, but who knows we might actually get him this time.
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duranduratulsa · 1 year
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Now showing on my 80's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...The Day After (1983) on classic DVD 📀!...do you remember the controversy surrounding this film? Did your parents let you watch it? Mine didn't. #movies #movie #drama #disastermovies #thedayafter #nuclearwar #nuclearholocaust #JasonRobards #ripjasonrobards #JohnLithgow #steveguttenberg #JobethWilliams #AmyMadigan #johncollum #bibibesch #ripbibibesch #wayneknight #davidkaufman #dvd #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas5thannual80sfest
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butmostlyme97 · 6 years
New wicked audio
Wicked. Albuquerque. October 28th 2018. Matinee
Ginna-Claire Mason (Glinda). Mary-Kate Morrisey (Elphaba). Jon Robert Hall (Fiyero). Milli Diaz (Nessarose). Cole Doman (Boq). Chad Jennings (Dr. Dillamond). Jason Graae (Wizard). Chase Madigan (Chistery). Jodie Gelb (Madame Morrible). Wayne Schroder (Ozian Offical/Witches father). Deanna Aguinaga-Whyte (u/s Witches mother). Tregoney Shepard (Midwife). Ensemble: Allison Bailey, Beka Burnham, Lauren Cannon, Autumn Crockett Cooper, Matt Densky, Ryan Patrick Farrell, Sara Gonzalez, Sam Gravitte, Tiffany Rae Mallari, Andy Richardson, Jeff Sears, Tregoney Shepard , Brandon Stonestreet, Olivia Valli, Justin Wirick
Notes: Mary-Kates, Ginna-Claire, and Coles last matinee. Mary-Kate does split during popular, Jodie forgets line, people behind me talking, but clear audio.
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🇵🇪 CONGRATÚLATE OÍDO 👂 Salsa Con Causa con programa de estreno, este lunes 05/10/20, a las 8.00pm, hora de Perú 🇵🇪 y siempre por Mambo Inn Radio www.mamboinnradio.com En esta edición escucharemos: 👂 *** Enrique Lynch 🇵🇪 *** La Aragón 🇨🇺 *** Kristofer Madigan 🇺🇸 *** Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz 🇺🇸 *** Celio González & Sonora Matancera 🇨🇺 *** Francisco Aguabella 🇨🇺 *** Mike Guagenti 🇺🇸 *** Doug Veaber 🇺🇸 *** Héctor Rivera 🇺🇸 *** Blue Star 🇵🇪 *** The Seatbelts 🇺🇸 *** Neno González 🇺🇸 *** Ray Barretto 🇺🇸 *** Carlos Embale 🇨🇺 *** Orquesta Dicupé 🇺🇸 *** Wayne Gorbea 🇺🇸 Y mucho más, con la crítica especializada de Jaime Del Castillo Jaramillo y con la Co-conducción del jovencito Arturo Del Castillo Yap, o El Asistente Técnico Salsero, quien es músico multi-instrumentista y lee partituras y pueden ver sus videos en su cuenta Instagram: arturodelcastillomusico. También contaremos con la dupla: "Yahaira & Jefferson" los asistentes de Arturo Del Castillo Yap en la mesa de conducción radial. IMPORTANTE: Nuestro programa: "SALSA CON CAUSA" ha producido más de 200 programas difundidos por Internet y para la Aldea Global salsera. Te esperamos a las 8.00pm hora ⌚ Perú 🇵🇪 Y no lo olvides: "Salsa con Causa", siempre marcando la diferencia porque hacemos CULTURA y rechazamos la Subcultura Salsera, somos objetivos erradicando mitos tontos y falsos y con la verdad por delante y porque sabemos de Música en Teoría y Práctica y somos multi - instrumentistas como lo hemos probado, por lo tanto, tenemos autoridad para criticar de Arte Musical (hemos escrito sobre Estética, Historia de la Música Occidental, Historia de la Música Cubana 🇨🇺, Historia del Jazz 🎺 etc.). No te lo pierdas y recuerda: los programas anteriores de "Salsa con Causa" los encuentras en la cuenta youtube de: Jaime Del Castillo Jaramillo https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8U-TjndWs/?igshid=m7tk10bnjexc
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sinrau · 4 years
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We are former national security officials who served during the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and/or Donald Trump, or as Republican Members of Congress. We are profoundly concerned about the course of our nation under the leadership of Donald Trump. Through his actions and his rhetoric, Trump has demonstrated that he lacks the character and competence to lead this nation and has engaged in corrupt behavior that renders him unfit to serve as President.
For the following reasons, we have concluded that Donald Trump has failed our country and that Vice President Joe Biden should be elected the next President of the United States.
Donald Trump has gravely damaged America’s role as a world leader. Trump has disgraced America’s global reputation and undermined our nation’s moral and diplomatic influence. He has called NATO “obsolete,” branded Europe a “foe,” mocked the leaders of America’s closest friends, and threatened to terminate longstanding US alliances. Other global leaders, friends and foes alike, view him as unreliable, unstable, and unworthy of respect.
Donald Trump has shown that he is unfit to lead during a national crisis. Instead of rallying the American people and the world to confront the coronavirus, Trump has spent the past half year spreading misinformation, undermining public health experts, attacking state and local officials, and wallowing in self-pity. He has demonstrated far greater concern about the fate of his reelection than the health of the American people.
Donald Trump has solicited foreign influence and undermined confidence in our presidential elections. Trump publicly asked Russian president Vladimir Putin to assist his 2016 campaign, called on Chinese president Xi Jinping to “start an investigation” into his current political opponent, and pressured the president of Ukraine to act against his opponent. Citing exaggerated claims of voter fraud, he has challenged the integrity of this year’s election, even suggesting that it be postponed.
Donald Trump has aligned himself with dictators and failed to stand up for American values. Trump has regularly praised the actions of dictators and human rights abusers. He proclaimed his “love” and “great respect” for North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un, endorsed “brilliant leader” Xi Jinping’s move to serve as China’s president for life, repeatedly sided with Vladimir Putin against our own intelligence community, and pronounced himself a “big fan” of Turkish president Recep Erdogan despite his crackdown on democracy.
Donald Trump has disparaged our armed forces, intelligence agencies, and diplomats. Trump has attacked Gold Star families, scoffed at American prisoners of war, interfered in the military justice system, and embroiled our military in domestic politics. He has ridiculed US intelligence agencies and falsely branded our nation’s diplomats as the “deep state.”
Donald Trump has undermined the rule of law. Trump has compromised the independence of the Department of Justice, repeatedly attacked federal judges, and punished government officials who have sought to uphold the law. To protect himself from accountability, he has fired officials who launched investigations or testified against him, threatened whistleblowers, dangled pardons as incentives to stay silent, and blocked prison time for a political crony convicted of lying on his behalf. He has impugned journalists investigating his misconduct and has repeatedly denounced the press as the “enemy of the people.”
Donald Trump has dishonored the office of the presidency. Trump engages in childish name-calling, mocks the disabled, belittles women, persistently lies, peddles baseless conspiracy theories, and continually embarrasses Americans in the eyes of the world.
Donald Trump has divided our nation and preached a dark and pessimistic view of America. Trump consistently seeks to incite political, racial, and ethnic divisions, weakening our nation and delighting our adversaries. In contrast to Reagan’s vision of America as a “shining city on a hill,” Trump speaks of “American carnage,” pits Americans against each other, and stokes fears that “angry mobs” and “anarchists” are destroying our country.
Donald Trump has attacked and vilified immigrants to our country. Trump routinely denigrates immigrants and inflames prejudices as he seeks support for his reelection. Despite America’s legacy as a nation of immigrants, he has demonized Americans who come from other countries, even telling members of Congress whose families immigrated to the United States to “go back” to the “crime-infested places” from which they came.
Donald Trump has imperiled America’s security by mismanaging his national security team. Trump has dismissed or replaced — often by tweet — the secretaries of State, Defense, and Homeland Security, the Attorney General, the Directors of National Intelligence and the FBI, three National Security Advisors, and other senior officials in critical national security positions, many because they refused to cover for his misdeeds or demonstrate sufficient personal loyalty.
While we – like all Americans – had hoped that Donald Trump would govern wisely, he has disappointed millions of voters who put their faith in him and has demonstrated that he is dangerously unfit to serve another term.
In contrast, we believe Joe Biden has the character, experience, and temperament to lead this nation. We believe he will restore the dignity of the presidency, bring Americans together, reassert America’s role as a global leader, and inspire our nation to live up to its ideals.
While some of us hold policy positions that differ from those of Joe Biden and his party, the time to debate those policy differences will come later. For now, it is imperative that we stop Trump’s assault on our nation’s values and institutions and reinstate the moral foundations of our democracy.
To that end, we are firmly convinced that it is in the best interest of our nation that Vice President Joe Biden be elected as the next President of the United States, and we will vote for him.
Adm. Steve Abbot
Fmr Dep Homeland Security Advisor
Mary Catherine Andrews
Fmr Special Asst to the President
Richard Armitage
Fmr Deputy Secretary of State
Christopher Barton
Fmr Director, NSC Staff
John Bellinger
Fmr Legal Adviser, Dept of State
Adm. Kenneth Bernard
Fmr Special Asst to the President
Amb. Robert Blackwill
Fmr Deputy National Security Advisor
Linton Brooks
Fmr Under Secretary of Energy
Kara Bue
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Amb. Richard Burt
Fmr US Ambassador to Germany
Victor Cha
Fmr Director, NSC Staff
Thomas Christensen
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Eliot Cohen
Fmr Counselor of the Dept of State
Joseph Collins
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of Defense
Heather Conley
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Chester Crocker
Fmr Asst Secretary of State
Patrick Cronin
Fmr Asst Administrator, USAID
Amb. Sada Cumber
Fmr US Special Envoy to the OIC
Mike Donley
Fmr Secretary of the Air Force
Raymond DuBois
Fmr Acting Under Secretary of the Army
Amb. Eric Edelman
Fmr Under Secretary of Defense
Gary Edson
Fmr Deputy National Security Advisor
Richard Falkenrath
Fmr Dep Asst to the President
Aaron Friedberg
Fmr Dep Asst to the Vice President
Janice Gardner
Fmr Asst Secretary of the Treasury
Amb. James Glassman
Fmr Under Secretary of State
David Gordon
Fmr Director, State Dept, Policy Planning
Colleen Graffy
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Michael Green
Fmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Sen. Chuck Hagel
Fmr Secretary of Defense and US Senator
Gen. Michael Hayden
Fmr Director of the CIA and the NSA
Amb. Carla Hills
Fmr US Trade Representative
Ash Jain
Fmr Member, State Dept Policy Planning
James Kelly
Fmr Asst Secretary of State
Rep. Jim Kolbe
Fmr Member of Congress
David Kramer
Fmr Asst Secretary of State
Stephen Krasner
Fmr Director, State Dept Policy Planning
Ken Krieg
Fmr Under Secretary of Defense
Amb. Frank Lavin
Fmr Under Secretary of Commerce
Rep. Jim Leach
Fmr Member of Congress
Bruce Lemkin
Fmr Dep Under Secretary of the Air Force
Michael Leiter
Fmr Director, National Counterterrorism Ctr
Peter Lichtenbaum
Fmr Asst Secretary of Commerce
Amb. Winston Lord
Fmr US Ambassador to China
James Loy
Fmr Dep Secretary of Homeland Security
Peter Madigan
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary State
Bryan McGrath
Former US Navy Officer
David Merkel
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
John Mitnick
Fmr General Counsel, Department of Homeland Security
Holly Morrow
Fmr Director, NSC Staff
Amb. John Negroponte
Fmr Director of National Intelligence, and Fmr Deputy Secretary of State
Elizabeth Neumann
Fmr Asst Secretary of Homeland Security
Sean O’Keefe
Fmr Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator
Daniel Price
Fmr Dep National Security Advisor
Paul Rosenzweig
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of Homeland Security
Nicholas Rostow
Fmr NSC Legal Adviser
Kori Schake
Fmr Prin Dep Director, State Dept Policy Planning
Wayne Schroeder
Fmr Dep Under Secretary of Defense
Robert Shanks
Fmr Dep Asst Attorney General
Rep. Christopher Shays
Fmr Member of Congress
John Simon
Fmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Stephen Slick
Fmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Amb. William Taft
Fmr Deputy Secretary of Defense
Shirin Tahir-Kheli
Fmr Special Asst to the President
Miles Taylor
Fmr Chief of Staff, Dept of Homeland Security
William Tobey
Fmr Dep Administrator, Nat Nuclear Security Admin
Amb. Robert Tuttle
Fmr US Ambassador to the United Kingdom
John Veroneau
Fmr Dep US Trade Representative
Michael Vickers
Fmr Under Secretary of Defense
Ken Wainstein
Fmr Homeland Security Advisor
Sen. John Warner
Fmr US Senator
Matthew Waxman
Fmr Prin Dep Director, State Dept Policy Planning
William Webster
Fmr Director of the CIA and FBI
Dov Zakheim
Fmr Under Secretary of Defense
Philip Zelikow
Fmr Counselor of the Dept of State
Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden – Defending Democracy Together
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Azione, Horror, Thriller / Regista: Craig Zobel
Attori: Emma Roberts, Justin Hartley, Hilary Swank, Ike Barinholtz, Ethan Suplee, Betty Gilpin, Amy Madigan, Macon Blair, Teri Wyble, Wayne Duvall, Steve Coulter, Reed Birney
The Hunt, film diretto da Craig Zobel, segue la storia di dodici estranei, che un giorno improvvisamente si risvegliano in una radura. Non si conoscono fra loro, non sanno dove sono e come sono arrivati fin lì, ma scopriranno molto presto che sono stati scelti per uno scopo ben preciso: la caccia. Sono le prede di un gruppo di ricchi intellettuali, che ha come sport quello di stanare e uccidere esseri umani e le dodici vittime sono le volpi di questa caccia. Questo sadico piano, però, sta per essere mandato a monte da Crystal (Betty Gilpin), una delle prede che, decisa a combattere, inizia a cacciare i cacciatori fino a ritrovarsi faccia a faccia con la donna (Hilary Swank) attorno a cui ruota tutto il perverso gioco.
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