does anybody know of a warriors/cats rp that fits the following?
1. forum based
2. refers to 'doctors' as medics and not medicine cats
3. has no tribe/has had native people work in the designing of said tribe
4. allows for adaptable worldbuilding (cats can cook, use herbs, etc within realistic reasoning)
5. primarily cats with no powers
6. staff doesnt allow the use of slurs as names and is sensitive to concerns about racism
7. allows for loner and rogue rp
8. relatively active/has posting requirements
tagged are all the sites ive been on previously that didnt work out for one reason or another, hoping someone may know of an alternative to them !
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infyrnal-art · 1 year
some recent art because the warrior cats hyperfix. thanks
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these ones below are commissions and are not my chars! they belong to various people on the WCARPG forum!
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number1tailsdollfan · 4 months
I used to be on this one warrior cats rpg forum when I was younger a lot, I’ve made several attempts to start over but always has really bad social anxiety… I’ve been feeling better recently, should I try going back? It’s been a year now
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Heglo (it's 3 am it's 3 am it's 3 am!)
MYFRIENDS! IT IS STAR TIME! TIME FOR STAR EVENT! An anniversary fo r the group (happy belated birthday group!!) A fun event for you!!!! A LOT OF GIFTS FOR YOU!!!
Best to read the full (actually legible) journal here!!! -> Starsail Anniversary 2024
BUT! no matter how long you been in the group (even if you start TODAY),, you have the chance to earn many GOODIES!!
Teres the many stalls being run for you to have your characters interact at! a community challenge for you to unlock even MORE goods! and--
ANNIVERSARY CHARACTERS!! Special whistlercrest birthday babies you're allowed to make for the month!! :)) These guyss have special features, such as paws on the usually clawed drakems, mismatched colorings on buns, and all seeing eyes for our overlords the astralits (as they should)
Get in here!! Grab some goodies, have a bit of fun at the stalls! Get yourself a shiny month exclusive babie and let us meet you in WhistyCrest!! <3 -> Newbie Guide | wcarpg
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Oh hi, i read just now that your friend have a Warriors rewrite, could you please send theirs?
i never linked it here because Lady hasn't gotten around to posting outside of WCARPG Forums yet, but she has all of book 1 in Google Docs format as well. I'll update this if she finally gets around to posting on AO3 or something decent (/lh) (actually i convinced her to get started on a tumblr blog nyehehe)
It's called Embrace of Locked Talons/Talonslock AU! Lady redid generations worth of the family tree for this and continues to put in way more effort in this rewrite than I'll ever put into anything in my life.
has glorious things such as: Graypaw has siblings! Tiny is a ThunderClan warrior! Gay couples galore! Ghosts???? hop on in now the first book is fully out with 60 chapters and arc 1 is a trilogy.
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pinyonn · 2 years
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My art of Lionblaze is done!
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pinyonarts · 5 years
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A request I got from a friend for a character for them. Its a character on warriorcatsarpg.com thanks Ravenhearts!
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neruka · 6 years
A message to my heart
I’m probably too old to be writing about talking cats but, hey, gotta do something. This is technically a post I made on warriorcatsarpg.com (Which I’m biased but is p fun check it out). I just had a lot of muse for this poor dude.
Frostlight was surprisingly not too fond of leaf-bare, even if his name would have you think otherwise. Still, the snow white tom pushed himself out of the warmth of the elders' den, his joints popping like a popcorn kernel as he did so. Even though he was weary from the traveling he had something he needed to do, a tradition of sorts, and as a WindClanner he held traditions very near to his heart. Once a moon he would take the journey outside of camp, which nowadays he rarely left, and go sit on top of Outlook Rock where he and Wildflower had their first date. From this spot not only could he see all of the territories but he was closer to the stars that way. He would tell her everything that happened, all the clan news, who of their old friends had passed away, about how the kittens always got into his fur, everything she would have loved. Then, he would make his way back to his nest before sunrise, except this time his clan would not find the elder in his nest the next morning. However Outlook Rock was gone, he had made do with what high points he could find during the travels but part of him wondered if the stars could even hear him in this foreign land. However he managed to find a nice spot near a cliffside and gently lowered himself down, he could not move as quick as he once did, his back had been causing him pain for moons, but the journey had worsened it. At one point Frostlight was the quickest cat of his generation, none could run faster than he could, never losing a race - not once! Now he was sure a turtle could run circles around him, but he was not upset with that he had a full life full of many memories and knew that it was time for the younger generation to have their fun. Frostlight gazed up at the stars his cloudy blue eyes locking in the brightest one, even if cataracts had consumed his vision, leaving everything tinted with fog, he could still find the stars and he was thankful for that much. As the stars above him twinkled with a brightness that he had not seen in the moors for at least a season now he could tell that StarClan was strong here. WindClan would be safe, he truly believed that. "Hello, my love." The white tom mewed, his voice quiet and tired, he was still trying to catch his breath from the trek up here from camp. "A lot has happened, so you may want to grab a rabbit, I assume StarClan of all places would have a fine rabbit." He said with a chuckle, lowering himself down slowly and curling his fluffy white tail around his paws, the entire time the snow crunching below him. "I guess.. I'll start off with the bad, when we were making our way through the mountains.. a bear attacked us. I never have seen anything as big! Warriors and apprentices rushed in... but.. many were injured, Thornwind - that old fool! He rushed in, he was always one to never think before acting, the elders were told to stay back but of course, he didn't listen, and no him being deaf isn't an excuse." Frostlight said with a huff, Thornwind was his dear friend, an apprentice who he aspired to be like as a kit, and a dear friend later in life. "I didn't see it at first..what he was doing, I was closer than he was, I..I should have.." The elder's voice broke, tears streaming from his face as that moment played in his head. "He knocked an apprentice out of the way." He then mewed between breaths as he desperately tried to make himself just breathe but it was hard when the sadness of a memory sucked the air right out of you. "The apprentice is fine, Fairypaw, but... Thorn...Thornwind didn't make it." Perhaps it was silly to tell his mate this, of course, those two were probably both in StarClan being chummy. Once the tears stopped blurring his vision more than it already was he glanced back up at the stars and for a moment he swore he saw a second star twinkling alongside the Northstar. "Thornwind, I bet you're up there having a good ol' laugh at me crying right now. You just remember to keep your paws to yourself, Wildflower is my gal!" "We got here though, I hear its huge... I haven't been able to get out of my nest that often, its-I'm.. I guess I'm just always tired lately, it's getting worse as the moons pass. We're safe here. This will be a great home, and oh my dear flower, you would love Palestar. Every day she shows herself to be one of the finest leaders we have ever had. Her heart is kind, her voice is soft and full of wisdom - of course, a former medicine cat will guide the clan closer to the stars, more than we ever were..you would love her." The leader reminded her of his mate so much, kind, caring, thoughtful, but willing to stand up for her clan. Making the clan one that helps others and keeps the peace, a place where he knows his sons would be safe. "She just had her kits, they're strong! Apparently, Dawnflower, Polkastrike, and Palestar will raise them.. not quite sure how that works, but I'm not one to judge, just means those kids will be loved by three cats and who can have anything bad to say about that! Their names are Nymphkit, Juniperkit, Hawkkit, and Woolykit, they're the first to be born in this new land by the lake but they won't be the last, I'm sure of it." He mewed with a smile, kits had always warmed his heart, always will. He was a father, a grandfather, soon to be a great-grandfather. All he really wanted in life was a big successful family, that was all he needed. "Flowerblossom is pretty far along in her pregnancy too, soon she and Polarislight will be parents! Did you ever imagine we'd be great-grandparents, love?" He asked, the smile only growing, his son was a fine warrior and his mate was a strong she-cat, claws sharpen than anyone else's! "Some strangers joined recently too... I hear they're loners, perhaps kitty-pets some are nervous about them joining us, Berryheart said they won't help the clan. Don't you worry tho! I made sure to remind her that if you were here you would have ripped her ear off for that. I swear, you're more of a warrior than I ever was, you might have been born a kittypet but you had the heart of a lion!" He not only loved his mate, but admired her, he respected Wildflower more than anything in the world she had constantly proved herself to be strong, loyal and was also the most beautiful cat he had ever seen. The white tom's eyes were starting to close, he laid his head down in his paws and let out a purr of amusement, "You're a tough one, you're just who the clan needs right now." As he got comfortable again he thought about his sons, his family..everything that had gone on, had he missed anything? Perhaps, his memory was not as good as it once was either. "I think the kids know what's going on... They're smart, its pretty obvious. Dawnflower says there's not much she can do, I don't blame her there's no herb to cure old age." Frostlight said with a sigh, he wouldn't want to waste herbs anyways, not with how many were injured from the journey to the lake. "I don't mean to worry them, I'm just so tired all the time it's hard to keep up with everyone, I try my best, I know you wouldn't want me lazing around all day." A silence filled the cliffside, the white tom was blending in well with the snow on the ground that was still falling from the skies. It was almost like mother nature was tucking him into his final resting place with a blanket of snow. Even if it was cold it did not matter much to Frostlight, he needed to fulfill his commitment to his mate, no matter what. He had promised her when they were just apprentices that he would always tell her everything, their relationship had been open and honest and even with her death he would keep that going. "Sorry my flower, give me a moment, I'm just so tired." Frostlight said softly, his voice trailing off into the silence of winter, the whole world was asleep and at peace. The moon's glow illuminated the area around the elder, but soon there was something brighter to be seen. "It's alright sweetheart, come, tell me on the way, we can take our time, I want to know everything." A voice said, leaning down to nudge the white tom with her nose. The white elder opened his eyes and just stared, she was here, and still as beautiful as ever. A stunning calico but now stars were laced into her fur and as he looked down at his paws he saw those same stars. "Well my flower, it all started on Outlook Rock.." When his clan would find him, they would at least know he died happily, for the last thing he saw was the love of his life and so he died with a smile upon his face.
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feralfrontfucked · 6 years
the new rebuild is absolute shit
the lore is so fucked i dont even know where to begin. it’s so un-needingly extra and shitty that i have no words for it.
also, sunclan is apparently going underground? staff what the actual fuck. i think they’ve lost too many brain cells to genuinely think about their actions. not that they had that many brain cells to begin with, but you get the point.
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cervidaemon · 7 years
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Some more warrior cats stuff, back when I used to frequent WCaRPG / FeralFront! 
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hickorymoth · 7 years
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Commission for Trumpets on WCARPG of their character Deerpaw!
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wcstaff · 7 years
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We have a new skin!
If you want to check it our new look, go to your Control Panel -> Skins and Languages -> Select "Cat Skin" from the dropdown menu.
Let staff know if you find any problems!
(skin credit goes to bonbon)
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untamed-garden · 7 years
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I drew a couple of @jupiteratdawn‘s WCA characters for her birthday! Left one is Eveninghush, a ThunderClan warrior, and the right one is Target, a kittypet who’ll be housemates with my own kittypet, Mayor Cutie.
Bonus Eveninghush pixel:
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number1tailsdollfan · 4 months
some drawings I made in 8th period on the smart board
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(My oc on wcarpg umbrapaw)
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want to join an arpg (art role play game) with fun quests, interesting plot lines, and an amazing selection of playable species? Come join Whistlercrest!
one of those amazing playable species: the nyulop!! it's a bnnny, like what more could you want? you just gotta grab one look at their stupid faces~ read more about them here! -> What Is A Nyulop? | wcarpg (whistlercrest.wixsite.com)
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new character outline for wcarpg of pumabreath, reincarnation of cougarstar. 💗💗
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