#we already had an agreement with one of the other parties we'd go with them
spark-w-chlo · 2 months
more than just friends
poly!main 4 x fem!reader sfw oneshot
please enjoy you guys!
For two years now, I've been tightly wound in the warm embrace of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny. Platonically of course. The tip of my pencil tapped incessantly against my paper as my chin rested in my hand. I first developed a crush on Stan, but the worries of breaking up a friendship forced me to wait. And then there was Kyle. And then Cartman and Kenny. It was no longer a fear of ruining my friendship with them. It was ruining my life. These four stupid boys had become my world, my family.
"Y/N!" Mr. Garrison called out. He's followed the boys from third grade into senior year of high school, or so they say.
"Um, yes?" I sat up straighter, my pencil ending its assault on the paper.
"Just because the year ends in two periods does not mean you can just doze off." He scolded. It didn't last long though, Mr. Garrison turned back to the board and continued on.
"You okay y/n?" Kyle was leaning over from his desk beside me. Almost immediately I attempted to shush him but Stan was already turning around in his seat in front of me. Kenny began playing with my hair from behind and Cartman threw a balled up piece of paper at Kyle, narrowly missing my nose. Now all their attention was on me.
"Yes. I'm fine." I muttered. I didn't want to be reminded that our senior year ended in two periods. That these four boys who I loved so much in this school I held dear were going to disappear.
"Tell the truth y/n." Stan tutted. I rolled my eyes, swatting Kenny's hand from my hair. The bell rung and I almost jumped from my seat.
"I'm. Fine." I growled out. I shoved my notebook into my bag and left the class as quickly as I could. I knew I wouldn't really lose them. They had all peeked at my college application list to figure out where I was going. Kyle and Stan applied and got accepted, just as I had. Cartman and Kenny said they were just along for the ride, that they'd "follow me anywhere."
And they are. The four of them found a place for us to live in near campus. So we'd all go to the same place. But we wouldn't be the same people.
I didn't even realize I was in front of my locker until Kenny poked me.
"y/n?" He mumbled, his mouth covered by his hood. Kenny and I had a... different relationship from the others. We'd hang out and snuggle and watch movies. He said he wanted the human contact. I just wanted to hold one of the boys I loved. I mean, how ridiculous? Being in love with four-
Kenny's hand slammed against the locker beside mine.
"What is it." He asked me. His soft, comforting voice now hard and commanding. I almost started to sweat.
"It's nothing." I muttered, closing my locker after retrieving my book.
"y/n-" The bell cut him off and I turned to look at him. Further down the hall, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman walked towards us. All four of them looked angry.
"I have to go to class." I turned and basically sprinted towards my last two classes of the day. Only four of my classes contained all four boys. My last two were with Kyle, but we had assigned seats. It didn't stop him from staring at me from across the classroom. I rushed out of the class the second that bell rang too. I skipped the second to last class. I remained in the bathroom, crying into my hands.
I wouldn't really lose them. But they'd go to parties, they'd meet other girls, bring them back to our place. My heart would shatter, watching them meet girls and fall in love and move on from me, leaving me behind. I choked down a sob as I buried my hands into my face again.
I stood at the door of Stan and Kenny's class, waving my hands at them urgently. Stan gave me a weird look before raising his hand. Kenny followed suit and they came out into the hallway together.
"What's going on?" Stan asked. Kenny nodded in agreement.
"y/n isn't in class. It's english. She never misses english."
"I got your text." Cartman huffs from behind me. "I came as quick as I could, where's y/n?"
"We don't know." Stan said, his body rigid. It might seem dramatic but the four of us had that tendency when it came to y/n. She was our girl, and while she didn't know it yet, she would soon.
"Jesus, we arranged our class schedules for this specific reason." Cartman grumbled, crossing his arms. Kenny rolled his eyes.
"Has anyone thought to text her?" The four of us raise our phones to show unanswered texts.
"Duh." I rubbed a hand over my face. "All right, let's split up. We need to find her before our last class."
The next thirty minutes passed slowly, the four of us searching inside and out of the school. Ten minutes before the bell would ring, we met in front of her locker.
"God dammit." Stan ran his hands through his hair.
"Guys, what if she's hurt?" I rubbed my sweaty palms up and down my pants. We've looked everywhere-
"She's not hurt, jew, she's fine." But even Cartman looked worried.
"Guys..." Kenny mumbled, before pointing at the women's restroom. "Did anyone look in there?" We all exchanged glances.
"Fucking idiots." His voice was muffled. But we heard him loud and clear.
I splashed water on my face, staring at my reflection in the mirror. Would they be able to tell I was crying? Suddenly, the door opened and I spun, my back to the sink. There they were, my four boys, staring at me furiously.
"What are you guys doing in here? This is the women's restroom!" I looked around anxiously, but I knew no one else was here. The door shut silently behind them as they all came closer to me. Stan grabbed my hand, yanking me into his arms. Limbs were everywhere, wrapped around me.
"We were so worried." Kyle muttered into my hair. His hand ran down the back of it. "We couldn't find you and you weren't answering your phone."
"You can't do that y/n. You can't just disappear on us." Tears began to well in my eyes and I sniffled. "I'm sorry." I whimpered. The four of them squeezed me and the dam broke loose, allowing the tears to stream down my face. My cheeks were immediately in Kyle's hands, his eyes searching mine frantically. "What's wrong y/n?!"
I wailed openly now. "I'm a terrible friend. You guys should hate me." I sobbed. The four of them looked to one another confused. "What are you talking about?"
I rubbed my face, still sobbing openly. "Because I love you. I love all of you. I mean, how messed up is that? Loving all four of you at once?! You should hate me for how terrible I am."
Their bodies froze as their stared at me. "What did you say?" I cried more, unable to get the words out. "What did you say y/n?" Cartman shook me violently.
"Fatass! Don't hurt her! She just told us she loved us!" I was turned to face Stan. "Is it true? You love me?" He shook me too as confusion raced through my brain.
"And me? You love me?" "She loves me, y/n loves me!" I nodded quickly, trying to wrap my head around this whole encounter. Cartman began to cry as Stan ran his hands through his hair repeatedly. Kenny was crouched with his head in his hands, and Kyle just stood there. Staring at me.
"We... we love you too." I stared at Kyle in shock. "What? You love me?"
"I love you" "I love you" "I love you" "I love you"
This was my first one! Hope you enjoyed and if you have any suggestions or requests to get me going please let me know!
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allmoshnobrain · 1 year
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 07 of ? | masterpost
word count: 2285 | ao3 link
I wondered if he knew he was the first one to touch me like this. I couldn't resist him. Apparently, he could tell — and he enjoyed it, the power he held over me.
✦ summary: As Cliff's birthday party approaches, Dave and Nore deepen their relationship and feel the sexual tension between them growing stronger and stronger.
✦ on this chapter: dave mustaine x female oc, oc is cliff's cousin, nsfw, +18, language, slice of life, mentions of sex, no smut but almost, drinking, smoking, fluff, cliff being cliff (overprotective older cousin), lars being lars (a little shit but in an endearing way), james being a good friend, dave and oc completely in love with each other
✦ a/n: hello! so today i will finish posting the parts that are already on ao3 (parts 7 and 8). later tonight i will release part 9 (which hasn't been posted anywhere yet). after that, i will resume the posting schedule, with new chapters coming every wednesday and sunday. hope you like it, feedback is welcome! ❤
✧ if you love me, be my angel ✧
"Hey, Nore, how about a beach party?"
Cliff's question caught me off guard. I was chilling on the couch, reading a book he had loaned me. It had been a few weeks after I moved in, and after the usual moving tensions, I was starting to feel like I fit in like I’d never felt at home.
"For my birthday, this weekend. Joe's folks have a sick beach house, and he's down to let us have the bash there. You coming?"
I grinned.
"Hell yeah, count me in. Wouldn't miss your birthday."
"Awesome. I'll give Lars the heads up and hit up Leanne," he flashed a smile.
"Have you told James and Dave?" I asked, and he shook his head. "I'll give 'em a heads up then."
"Sounds good. But grab me a beer on your way back."
I jumped up, leaving the book on the couch as I headed to the hallway. I breezed through the kitchen and snagged a beer can from the fridge before heading upstairs to Dave's room. I stopped at the door, catching sight of Dave chilling on the bed without a shirt, strumming his guitar, while James kicked back in a chair with a beer in hand. I admired the scene for a moment; when they weren't at each other's throats, those two actually got along pretty well.
"You should, man," James was saying when I arrived. "For real."
"Hey," I said, and they looked at me. Dave flashed a smile and got up.
“Hey, Nore," he said. "Wanna come in?"
"Oh, I didn't want to barge in. I just came to tell you that Cliff said he's having his birthday party at Joe’s this weekend."
"Damn, party at Joe’s! I'm in," James grinned. Dave glanced at him, and they seemed to reach a silent agreement. I watched, curious, as James quickly got up to leave. "I'll give Lars the heads up. Catch ya later, Nore."
"Uh, bye," I said, confused.
He checked out the clothes by the foot of the bed, grabbed a Sex Pistols t-shirt and quickly put it on, running a hand through his hair to fix it. He smiled. "Is that beer for me?"
"Well, it was Cliff's actually, but I'll get him another when I'm back. You can have it," I handed him the beer. He held my wrist, pulling me onto his lap, making me blush.
"So, you going?" he asked.
"Cliff's party."
"Oh, yeah. Are you?"
"Like I'd miss the chance to see my girlfriend rockin' a bikini," he said, flashing a smile and gently brushing my lower lip with his thumb. I blinked, confused, feeling my heart skip a beat.
"Your... girlfriend?" I whispered, puzzled. He let out a soft laugh, and I realized he was a bit flustered. That was definitely new, I thought. He was always so confident, even bordering on cocky. I hadn't seen this side of him before.
"You know, I was just talking to James. I know we said we'd take it slow... with all this stuff happening between us. But he thought it was a good idea, so..." He held my chin in his hand, making me look into his eyes. "I really like you. I think we should be together for real."
I blinked, my heart racing and a sense of happiness welling up in the pit of my stomach.
"You mean..."
"I want you to be my girlfriend, Nore," he said, then glanced away with a sheepish smile. "Of course, if you don’t want to..."
"Dave," I cut him off, placing my hand on his cheek. He always seemed to think that I wouldn't want to be with him, but how could I not? He made me feel accepted. He made me feel safe. He made me feel loved in a way I had rarely felt before. I felt my heart flutter as I answered him, "Of course, I want to."
He didn't say a word, just pulled me close into his lap, his lips meeting mine as he held me tightly in his arms. All I wanted was for him to devour every inch of me. Even in that moment, I could feel the electricity in the air that sparked when we touched, as if we couldn't bear to be apart for too long.
If that was love, then we were way past the point of no return.
There was no turning back.
And I didn't want there to be.
I wasn't sure whether we should tell Cliff and the others about our relationship. I was certain that Cliff would give me a hard time about it one way or another, but Dave convinced me:
"Hey, I'm not going to hide that you're my girlfriend. If we're going to be together for real, I want everyone to know."
Of course, after hearing that, I couldn't deny him anything.
"Come on," he said, taking my hand in his. I smiled as our fingers intertwined. "Let's find Cliff."
We didn't even have to go far. I jumped back in surprise when I opened the door and came face to face with a grinning Lars.
"Lars, what the hell is this?" I yelled. Taking a closer look, I saw Cliff and James leaning against the hallway wall, Cliff looking bored and James barely holding back his laughter.
"So, are you two a thing or what?" Lars asked.
"We're what?"
"Dating! Are you his girlfriend now or not?"
"Oh," I felt my face heat up. "We... Yeah. I am."
"Ha! I knew it!" Lars celebrated. James chuckled, and Cliff rolled his eyes.
"Wait. How did you know? And what are you three doing here?" Dave asked, furrowing his brow. "Were you spying on us or something?"
"I just told them you wanted some alone time with Nore," James explained himself. "The rest Lars figured out on his own, and he dragged us here to confirm."
"You sneaky bastard, Lars," I said, smiling in disbelief. "Unbelievable."
"Hey, I ain't to blame if you two are the most obvious couple in California," he answered, making everyone laugh. Dave wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close and planting a gentle kiss on my forehead, and I smiled as his embrace surrounded me.
A month ago, I could hardly imagine feeling so alive like this. Yet, here I was, living with my cousin, dating the guy I liked, and having new friends who truly cared about me.
I couldn't be happier.
The weekend of Cliff's party started off sunny, although a bit chilly, which got me excited. I woke up early and packed my swimsuit and everything I needed in a bag, then loaded it all into the borrowed van. James was loading the van with crates of beer when I arrived.
"Hey, are we good to go?" he asked.
"Not yet," I answered. "Lars and Dave are still asleep. Cliff left. I think he went to pick up Leanne."
"Yeah, he did. Just talked to me a sec ago before he split. But you know those two, they'll be running late 'cause they're busy fucking again," he chuckled. I laughed, feeling a bit awkward. "Hey, mind lending' a hand with this stuff?" he asked. I nodded and started helping him load up the van.
We were quietly working for a bit until he asked, "So, how's it going with, uh, you and him?"
"Him?" I questioned.
"Yeah, Dave," he clarified.
"Oh," I blushed, "It's going well."
He chuckled. I gave him a curious look.
"You blush so easily," he shrugged.
"It's not on purpose, I swear."
"Nah, but it's cute," he smiled, "Just don't tell Dave I said that. He might throw a punch at me... again. Looks like you're surrounded by some jealous dudes, huh?"
"That's not on purpose either," I chuckled, awkwardly.
I handed him the last crate of beers, and he placed it in the back of the van.
"I'll go fetch Lars. You should wake up Dave… Before Cliff shows up," he said, grinning.
I headed inside the house, quickly climbed the stairs, and hesitated at the door of Dave's room. I turned the knob and let out a soft giggle at how he was sprawled out asleep on the bed. I shut the door before stepping in and perched on the edge of the bed, giving his arm a gentle shake.
“Dave...?” I whispered. He turned in bed, opening his eyes amidst a mess of ginger hair, and smiled when he saw me.
"Hey," he said, taking my hand and kissing it, making me smile.
"Good morning."
"Come here," he said, shifting in bed, making room for me. I lay down beside him, and he pulled me into his arms. I nuzzled his chest, feeling comfortable in the warmth of the bed and his body. He kissed my forehead and breathed, "You're adorable, you know that?"
I blushed, wondering why he was being so affectionate. Maybe he was just sleepy, but it didn't matter — I loved it when he praised me.
He held me with one hand on my waist, pulling me close effortlessly as he buried his face in my neck, using his other hand to lift my leg and place it around his hip. I shivered as he kissed the base of my neck and then my collarbone. 
"Cliff left, didn't he?" he whispered, his lips against my skin.
"Yes," I whispered back, my heart racing. 
"So no one's going to bother us now?" I could feel his smile against my neck. 
"I hope not," I said, softly. 
He held me firmly, turning me in bed as if I weighed nothing, and rose, kneeling with his legs around my hips as he took off his shirt. I stared at him, his dark eyes in the dimness of the room, his hair a mess of curls; I could see in his gaze that he wanted to devour me right there.
I was completely surrendered to him.
He held my brown hair firmly in one hand, his lips meeting mine in a kiss as his tongue eagerly invaded my mouth, his other hand holding my hip vigorously as he pressed his hips against mine. I moaned in his kiss when I felt his erection against me, my heart racing as my whole body shivered. I wondered if he knew he was the first one to touch me like this. I couldn't resist him. Apparently, he could tell — and he enjoyed it, the power he held over me.
Dave moves his hips slowly against mine while his kisses trailed off to my neck again. I raised my legs, placing them around his waist and bringing him closer to me while his hand cupped my face softly. He lightly bit my neck as I held onto his arms, my nails digging into his skin as my breath quickened. 
"Dave..." I whispered. He pulled back slightly, looking into my eyes and smiling sweetly. I felt my face flush as he caressed my lower lip with his thumb, his brown eyes getting lost in my blue ones. In that moment, all I wanted was to stay in his arms forever. 
Of course, that's when we heard someone knocking on the door.
We froze, waiting. After a few seconds, the knocking repeated, followed by Cliff's voice. 
"Hey, you guys ready? We're already heading out." 
"Fuck," Dave growled, getting up and forcefully swinging open the door, revealing Cliff leaning against the frame in a relaxed position, holding a lit joint in his hand. "Damn it, Cliff! Why did you have to butt in now?"
"Oh, did I disturb something?" he asked, smirking with irony. 
"Yeah, you did. Everyone has to wait when you go to Leanne's place, but now you're busting in on us? Come on, man!" 
"Well, at least I don't make everyone late," Cliff answered, coldly. "Get dressed or I'll leave you behind. Hurry up, Nore."
I quickly got up and left the room, blushing as my eyes met Cliff's. He seemed to be enjoying my embarrassment, but I didn't say a word to him. I walked outside and got into the van, sitting next to Leanne with an annoyed sigh.
“Rough morning?” she asked with a smile.
"Thanks to Cliff, that moron," I grumbled. She let out a little chuckle. 
"He cares about you, you know?" 
"A bit too much." 
"Well, it's nice to have someone who looks out for you like that, isn't it?" she smiled. "So, what did he do this time, anyway?"
“Ruined the moment, like always.” I grumbled, feeling my face heat up. She laughed. 
"You and Dave were...?"
"No!" I blurted out, then buried my face in my hands, embarrassed.
"Okay, maybe... almost," I confessed. 
"Hey, think about it this way. At least you dodged the whole pregnancy scare thing, right?" 
I arched an eyebrow. Honestly, that hadn't even crossed my mind.
"Guess I should be thankful then," I mumbled, and she let out a soft chuckle.
James and Lars popped out of the house and hopped into the van. James took the driver's seat while Lars settled in the one right in front of us. 
"Morning, ladies," Lars greeted with a smirk. He glanced at me and snickered. "You know you've got a hickey on your neck, right?" 
I blushed, instinctively covering my neck with my hand but stayed silent.
Soon, Dave and Cliff showed up. Dave plopped down next to me, while Cliff squeezed in beside Lars, arms crossed. The atmosphere became slightly tense. Dave wrapped his arms around my shoulders as the two of them locked eyes in a tense stare-down.
I sighed. This trip was gonna be one hell of a ride.
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pocketbullfinch · 4 years
We just killed a pc
Monday means a game with Demofre, tiefling cleric whose party is full of reckless people rushing around and making deals. 
In today’s session we were at an auction, where a pirate crew was about to sell an amulet we’re looking for. One of our party was part of the pirates for not that long time, according to her. Our bard has recently joined us, after the players rogue left. We have a few ways to secure the amulet, siding with some richer parties, stealing the amulet, or buying it before the auction for some coin and a tiefling’s horn (not Demo’s) but she doesn’t want to give them the horn. 
The bard gets an idea to talk for a better deal, and asks what the head of pirates wants. He says he’ll give the amulet if we let him drown one of ours. We talk things through, and me being a cleric with revivify and plenty of diamonds, agree that the death would be cheapest option, and the bard is willing to go with it, as long as we make a written, binding agreement. 
So I write down what i think is a waterproof contract. No magic allowed except for 3 named spells, has to be water, the container and the water have to be verified by our party to be normal, there’s a time limit for the act, and our party has to be there supervising and available, and the whole deal can be postponed if someone doesn’t agree on the setup. The contract needs to be understood and confirmed verbally that the participants will adhere to it, under a zone of truth. 
It’s time, the drowning happens, he walks off, the amulet is tossed to us. The revivify doesn’t take hold. It doesn’t work, because the death was a willing sacrifice. Our bards soul has been taken.
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Birthday [Evan Buckley]
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story info: reader is bobby's daughter (from before the fire in Minnesota) authors note: this is my first fanfic on here so it might be shit ngl warnings: cursing word count: 1021
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The sun that streamed through my curtains casted a hazy yellow glow on my skin, spreading warmth through my body as my morning bed-head hair tickled the skin of my shoulders & face gently as I sat up slowly, enjoying the last few moments in the comfort of my bed before finally getting up & skulking into the shower.
The drive to work was nothing unusual for L.A, just the morning traffic, ignorant people barely look at the road from their phones. On the way to the 118, I had already seen on accident with the 133 already taking care of it.
When I walked into the station, it was as normal as it could get at the 118 but what put me off slightly is the lack of immediate birthday wishes. Most people wouldn't care but when a birthday came up in the 118, it was taken rather seriously with wishes, spontaneous gifts, & a party at the end of the day usually.
I jogged lightly up the stairs to find the lounge area as usual, Buck & Eddie fighting over a game, Bobby making breakfast while Hen & Chim sneak behind him continuously as I took a seat at a smaller, two person table. "What's today's date?" I asked, hoping they hadn't forgotten my birthday but I was let down, by each of them, my dad included "I think it's the 17th" Buck casually said through his gaming rage.
"No, it's the 19th, look at a calendar today Buck?" Chim replied with his usual sass towards Buck as I lightly sighed tapping away at my computer, rubbing my hands lightly on my face until the loud buzzing alarm disturbed me and I shot up, going down the pole & readying up for whatever this job would be.
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I panted heavy as I sat on the ground, chugging down water as I wiped sweat from my brows & threw my jacket off, leaning back against the cool metal of the fire truck, Buck dropping down next to me as I fan myself with my hand. "LA heat fucking sucks ass" Buck laughs & nods in agreement as we sit side-by-side to each other, the heat beating down & layering us with sweat.
The ride back to the station was better, letting the wind whistle & whip through my hair & cooling off my skin as we all jumped out of the truck, bitching & groaning as I pull out an ice-pack in hope of cooling down some, looking at whatever TV show replay was on.
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"You know what to do right Buck?" I nodded in response to Bobby's question as I clapped my hands together with a smile "Don't have to worry about anything Cap!" He just nods at me with a light chuckle "She's my kid so be safe with her" I grin, throwing my bag over my shoulder and I throw finger guns at him, walking out "Message me Cap!"
I slowed the jeep down to a stop infront of (Y/N)'s place, honking the horn a couple of times, waiting a bit before my eyes stopped on her exiting her house & damn she looked fine. I smile, lightly biting my lower lip & she gets into passenger, smiling at me, making my heart race. "So where we off to?" I shrug "Coffee?" She nods in simple agreement as gas the jeep & get going towards the nearest coffee shop.
Bobby: We're ready Buck: On the way
The wind is chill, nothing too cold but just right as the two of us happily sing along with no care in the world but each other in the moment & I felt at peace, like nothing bad would touch us. I pull into the drive way of Bobby & Athena's place as (Y/N) looked at me confused "They just wanted to hang out" She nodded as we both hopped out of the car as I rush over to cover her eyes with my hands. "It's okay, you'll love this. I promise you"
I kept my pace slow & careful as Buck shielded my vision with his hands, the sound of the front door clicking alerting me as I carefully took the step up into the house as he carefully stops me, removing his hands from my eyes, giving me a surprise I didn't expect for today.
"SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouts in unison my eyes widened in shock & surprise as I looked at Buck with a confused stare before back to everyone as I slowly make my way down the stairs "I honestly thought ya'll had forgotten my birthday" Bobby laughs, hugging me softly & gently kissing the top of my head "We'd never forget sweetheart"
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The party was great, food was beyond amazing as I chatted with May & Maddie of to the side out in the backyard, sipping on my drink before I feel a light tug on my shirt & look down to see a smiling Christopher, making me smile right back as I bend down to pick him up & standing straight "What's up little buddy?" He grins "B-Buck wants to ask you something. He's at the fireplace" I nod, excusing myself from the conversation & walking towards Buck as I set Christopher in a free chair.
"Little bird here told me you wanted to ask something?" I questioned to Buck as people look over, slowly quieting down as Buck came over, taking my hands gently in his as our eyes meet each other "I've honestly been thinking this over for a while & it took me longer then I wanted but uhm..." I saw the hesitation crinkle in his brows before he sighs & looking back at me with the most beautiful, soft blue eyes "Would you wanna be my girlfriend?" He took one of his hands away to itch the back of his neck nervously.
I snicker lightly with a soft smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek "I'd like that honestly" He grins, picking me up & spinning me as the others around us cheer, a red painting over my cheeks as I smile, holding onto Buck & embracing his soft scent.
Happy Birthday to me.
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 years
Monochrome Week 2020
Day Three - Fake Dating AU
The night was alive. Colorful lights pulsing like a heartbeat. Lively disco music pumping everyone up like an adrenaline rush.
Weiss usually scoffed at parties like this. Ugh. Dance clubs. So crowded. No oxygen. But surprisingly, she found that she could finally stop holding her breath.
Henry wasn't there, forcing her to dance. Or talk about him. Or stay at his side at all times because he had no life. She could bop her shoulders to the music in content freedom. Full-out dancing had always been Ruby and Yang's forte. Which was why she stayed back at the bar to talk with Blake.
They hadn't seen each other in nearly a year, ever since Blake transferred schools, which was a shame, considering that was the year their friend circle had formed.
Weiss was the tech-savvy one of them four. She kept tabs on everyone's social media (even if they didn't want her to) and had noticed several changes on Blake's account. She was never one to post selfies. Just pictures of cute cats and her dark academia. And even if she didn't post anything in months, Weiss thought her latest picture was something worth noting.
She took a sip from her Jack Frost, swirling it around to play with the ice.
"How's Adam?"
Blake nearly choked on her drink, coughing when she put it down.
"What?" she croaked.
"When were you going to tell us about him?" Weiss tilted her head.
Blake sighed, rubbing her temple.
"We lasted like a month, Weiss; there's nothing to tell."
Weiss raised a brow. "A month, huh? What happened there? You guys looked pretty sweet in that photo together."
Blake snorted. "He posted that one. Wanted the world to know I was his whore."
"Sounds bad."
"It was bad. Still is. I broke up with him, but he's just not giving up," she grimaced, downing a gulp of purple cocktail. "Bastard."
Weiss snorted.
Pause. Then—
"Your dad still brainwashing that Marigold guy?"
Weiss groaned, throwing her head back in frustration.
"He doesn't even need my dad to tell him to do stuff anymore. He just goes ahead and thinks I'm infatuated with him or something. You know, that 'hard to get' mentality or something."
"Yeah, I know the type." Blake replied dryly.
"You think they'd leave us alone if we got into a relationship?" Weiss snickered.
Blake snorted. "Yeah, maybe."
They settled into a comfortable silence then. Weiss accepted that statement as the joke it was supposed to be. But it began to resonate in her head. The more she thought about it, the more it began to make sense in its own ridiculous way.
"What are you scheming in there?"
Weiss paused. She downed the rest of her cocktail.
".. What if we did?"
"What if we what?"
"What if we were in a relationship?" she said. "That would get them to piss off."
Blake raised her eyebrows, glancing away nervously. She bit her lip.
"I.. I don't know, Weiss.." she said. "Seems a little extreme, don't you think? A-And are we even sure it'll get them to leave us alone?"
"But it makes sense!" Weiss exclaimed. "You know they won't take our word for it, Blake. Neither of them will get the picture unless they see that we're interested in someone else."
Blake drank down the last of her Purple Rain, deep in thought. Weiss distracted herself with the lavender glitter on Blake's eyeshadow.
Blake pulled her phone out of her pocket.
Weiss raised an eyebrow. "What're you doing?"
"Texting Yang. My place or yours?"
Blake glanced at Weiss, standing up.
"So we can plan." Blake said. "We'd have to start as soon as possible, right?"
Weiss blinked up at her.
".. My place."
In all the years she knew Weiss, this was admittedly the first time Blake had ever been inside her room.
She thought it was regal-looking, to say the least. Perfectly cleaned. Icy white walls, silk curtains and sheets.. Like some ice castle.
Blake put down her bag, laying it next to the mountain of pillows at the head of the bed. She looked back at Weiss, only to see her pulling up a large frame of wood from a nearby chest.
Blake raised an eyebrow.
"Do you really need that corkboard?"
"Of course, we do!" Weiss said. "If we're going to make a game plan, we're going to have to do it properly!"
"You mean, we can't just do PDA and act like.. I dunno, Qrow and Clover?"
Weiss would've laughed at the inside joke, if not the circumstances. Instead, she shot Blake a sour pout. Which was far from the desired effect.
"Blake, if we're going to sell this to the public, you need to be serious about this," she scoffed, spreading out her arms for emphasis. "Like I said, we have to do this properly!"
"I am serious!" Blake exclaimed, crossing her arms. "If you're so experienced about stuff like this, why don't you tell me what your 'properly' means?"
Weiss blushed furiously, jabbing a finger at Blake. She opened her mouth, as if trying to say something. But nothing came out. She didn't know either.
Blake just sighed, propping herself on her arm.
"I'm starting to regret agreeing to this." she mumbled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Weiss cried, crossing her arms defensively. "I'll have you know, I'd make a great fake girlfriend if you were actually cooperating with me!"
Weiss huffed, looking away, a pout on her lips. But her gaze found her clock. Then her expression softened. She punched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head.
"We've spent all this time arguing.. My father will be home soon, and we don't even have so much as a first move!" she groaned.
Blake looked towards the white alarm clock, wincing. 10:50.
"Alright, look," she spoke up, surprising Weiss. "Let's say our relationship started off as a secret. Several months ago. And by secret—"
"—Not even Ruby and Yang would know." Weiss finished. She nodded. "Yeah, that'll work. Then.. We're going to make us public."
Blake pursed her lips. "I.. I'll ask around about you. Pretend I'm interested. Get people talking. Would that work?"
Weiss nodded, the tiniest of smiles forming on her face. It was a little infectious, prompting a grin from Blake.
"And," Weiss added. "There's a party tomorrow night. Ruby and Yang's place. It's a little less of your scene, but if we're seen dancing together or holding hands, it'll probably do something."
Blake nodded. "Yeah."
"That should be all we have to discuss now." Weiss said. "We'll think of more at the party, alright?"
Blake nodded, standing up. She reached towards her bag, only to have Weiss get there first.
Weiss raised her eyebrows, laughing lightly, handing it back.
Blake smiled a bit, glancing to the side.
"Looks like we never needed the corkboard, after all."
Weiss glared at her. "Just shut up and leave."
This was a slightly smaller party compared to last night. There were a few dancers in the middle of the living room. But mostly, people were in pairs or three's; talking in the corners. Fairy lights. Finally, some punch that wasn't spiked.
Weiss lounged on a bean bag with her usual group, in a circle on the couches they claimed early. But instead of contributing whatever bizarre shower thought debate was going on, Weiss just sipped on her punch, her mind far away.
"Hey, Weiss?" Ruby whispered. She sat on the couch right next to Weiss, so she only had to turn her head.
"Did you and Blake talk much last night?"
Weiss already knew what prompted this question. Though it didn't stop her heart from racing.
"I guess so, yeah." she shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
"It's been a while, huh?" Ruby grinned crookedly. "Since the four of us were together in one place."
"Yeah," Weiss sighed, turning to check the door. "It was."
"So why'd you two leave early?"
Weiss flinched from the question. She took her time in answering.
"Winter got worried. She called and told me to come home. Guess Klein didn't tell her where I'd be." she shrugged. "Blake just wanted to walk me home."
Ruby's smile grew at that. "Mhm.."
Weiss raised an eyebrow at her best friend, who swirled her punch around the red cup with her evil 'I'm planning something you definitely won't like' grin.
"Yes, Weiss?"
She only giggled. She put her elbow on the armrest, with her face in her hand.
"Blake just texted us last night. Aand she was asking about you."
"Uh-huh. And?"
"And—" she raised her voice, prompting the rest of the party to join the conversation. "— it wasn't just me and Yang, Weiss. She texted all of us! Right, guys?"
There were collective sounds of agreement around the table. Weiss rolled her eyes.
Ruby groaned.
"Well," Nora interrupted. "She kinda sounded like she was interested."
Ruby stood on the couch, gesturing to Nora with extreme exaggeration.
"Isn't she with that Adam Taurus guy you told us about, Weiss?" Jaune piped up. "The one in her picture?"
"They broke up." Weiss replied simply.
"Looks like someone asked." Yang smirked.
"Blake's fair game now." Nora added, sipping her punch.
If one could drink punch slyly, Weiss was certain Nora was doing it right.
"And Henry Marigold?" Oscar added quietly. He recoiled at the disappointed expressions he got from the majority of the group. "Not that I like him.. It's just that he's been pining for Weiss even before I got here. Wouldn't he take action?"
"So you do believe Weiss and Blake are getting together?" Nora asked, jabbing a chip in his direction.
Oscar shrugged. "Yes? I'm not Ren."
Weiss sighed. Thank their lack of focus. At least, she wasn't being focused on anymore.
But then, as if on cue, Weiss caught the distant sounds of door chimes. She spun towards the door, and there she was, nervously recoiling into herself. It might've been the fairy lights, but Weiss could've sworn her cheeks were alight with pink.
She was about to get up to get her until she heard the obnoxiously loud coughing from behind her. Weiss gritted her teeth, smiling sarcastically at the group.
"And I suppose Blake just showed up because she wanted to?" Yang teased.
But as it turned out, Blake didn't wait for Weiss. She found the group herself, especially with Ruby's frantic waving.
"Blake!" she exclaimed, her voice reaching up a few more octaves. She gave Weiss a knowing sideways glance. "What brought you here~?"
Blake twirled a strand of hair around her finger.
"Oh, uh.. Weiss invited me last night."
"She did, did she?" Nora raised an eyebrow, elbowing Jaune excitedly.
Weiss buried her face in her hands miserably.
"Anyway.." Blake continued awkwardly. "I hope it's no trouble if I just, uh.." she reached down and gently grabbed Weiss's wrist. ".. Borrow Weiss for a minute?"
Yang cleared her throat.
Ruby grinned encouragingly, reaching up to whisper in Blake's ear. Whatever that was, caused Blake's face to grow increasingly red. She didn't say anything else and pulled Weiss up.
"Come on, Weiss." Blake sighed amusedly, dragging her to the dance floor.
Blake gingerly put her hands on Weiss's waist, bringing an intense blush to the shorter girl's face. She could still feel the burning gazes of her schoolmates in the back, and so desperately wanted to ignore it.
A cold jolt went up her spine when Blake took her hands, bringing them up to her shoulders. Weiss raised an eyebrow at her.
Blake could only shrug, looking down.
"You were zoning out." she mumbled.
Weiss nodded, moving forward, so that their bodies were touching.
It was Blake's turn to give her a questioning look.
Weiss hesitated, but she shrugged as well, laughing a bit.
"We look like we're being forced to dance."
Blake nodded. "Fair enough."
They swayed in silence from there, perfectly content in not talking. After a few minutes or so, Weiss saw cameras flashing in the corner of her eye. They were doing this for the public, weren't they? To shove it down the boys' throats.
Without a word, Weiss leaned her head on Blake's shoulder, breathing in a musk of honey.
"Convincing, right?" she whispered.
Blake snorted, a soft smile on her face.
They left as the party lost its swing. Blake's old school would certainly have something to talk about tomorrow. Weiss Schnee, leaving her Prince Charming for an old sweetheart. If Blake's friends weren't attending said school, she'd have no reason not to despise it.
Instead of heading home right away, they decided the night was still young and went to a restaurant near Blake's house. They were both so focused on their so-called 'photoshoot' they forgot to grab a handful of chips on the way out.
Next thing they knew, they were laughing so hard, they were choking on their sandwiches.
"I can't believe you would do me dirty like this!" Blake mocked, barely containing her laughter. "Oh, god, are you sure you guys were never together?"
"News spreads fast, doesn't it?"
"Especially when Ruby and Nora are the ones spreading it." Blake chuckled.
Weiss grinned. "Anything from your side?"
Blake snorted, shaking her head. "Honestly, I'm almost scared for when he does."
"Why's that?"
Blake shrugged, smirking sarcastically. "Let's just say he'd be far more intense than whiny texts."
Weiss frowned worriedly, tilting her head. Hesitantly, she laid a hand on Blake's shoulder.
Something churned in the pit of Blake's stomach. Not in a bad way. Like light little flips. Flaps. Butterflies. But she couldn't wrap her head around it. Maybe it was something in the way Weiss could say her name like that. It soothed Blake easily. Even if just a little.
"I'm fine." Blake sighed, taking a mournful bite out of her grilled cheese. "He just texted me earlier this morning."
"He did?" Weiss murmured. "What'd he say?"
Blake took her time in answering, chewing ever so slowly. When she finally swallowed, it felt sharp.
"Just.. He called me out for avoiding him. Even though I explicitly told him we were over, he still thinks entitled to me." Blake growled. "He denied stalking me, manipulated me, and now he has the gall to say I'm overreacting? He's just unbelievable!"
Weiss felt her blood boil. This guy walked all over Blake, called her the bad guy, even after all that? She couldn't wait to meet this guy. If only to break his legs.
She carefully brought her hand to Blake's, gently stroking the back with her thumb.
Blake's eyebrows raised at the gesture. Instinctively, she stretched her fingers outwards, fitting them between Weiss's.
"I'd never do that.." Weiss mumbled.
Blake didn't know the thought process of that statement, but she appreciated it nonetheless.
Then Weiss's eyes snapped up, meeting Blake's gaze. But Blake was losing her mind. Noticing everything.
Her heart stopped. She could smell Weiss's faint vanilla and petrichor musk. The usually-invisible specks of indigo in Weiss's large, sapphire eyes were easy to spot. As well as the faded scar running down her left eye.
This was the closest they've ever been to each other. Not just in the physical aspect. This was just so much more intimate than the dance somehow. Blake felt close to Weiss and it was driving her insane.
this ended up being too long, which was why it took me ages to post. and this will also have a sequel on day five
though, this whole thing was my favorite to write ^^
— ari
part one | part two | part three | part four
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