#we are young is so good innit anon
tuiyla · 1 year
what are your favorite new directions group performances? (sponsored by me watching we are young and sobbing like a baby again)
I have soooo many we could be here for a long time but just some of my faves:
Bad Romance is heaven but I swear it's the only Glee girls group number I'll mention
We Are Young, of course, it's a classic
Longest Time
On Our Way (I like the newbies okay)
Home s6!!!!! my GOD I love it so much
Blame It (On the Alcohol)
I Love New York/New York New York
Some Nights
I mostly just like ones where the diverse voices are actually featured and it's not a glorified duet. Group numbers are at their best when they utilize the group they have.
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chanelfunnell · 1 year
mail, no crazies
A) we will loose tonight against Canada I am afraid unless Wright will not freak out from Mrs Troll Ashley Wright poaching Crosby in Cole Harbour and he does not score own goal. Did you see Marner's fake fun from side to side before sending it to the net? Better than 4 players in front of goalie not catching up on rival's quick break away and banging like a young idiot into the gates without finding an angle and a square against the net Draisaitl has waited a micro second for his the best spot by the top outer right circle and fired the puck out. Somehow healthy now...and next question
B) anon, do you reckon Marcus Aubrey looks quite ok and in the shape? I don't mean NYE gym freaks, loose baggy clothes. Don't forget he is not an indie author but a biz boy with healthy life style so you expect it if he runs Innit gym and all crap.
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C) yes anon, I like Caley's style. She is 29 and with two kids, good body and she covers NHL after NFLso many girls in NHL franchises knowledge or just for non serious sideline chat but you spot these amateurs attention seeking poaching puckbunnies camouflaging like a female reporter from distance because acres of flesh on the ice rink lol
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Check..1990s hair and her Versace like micro mini wih a split secured by safety pin not to score into a five hole. Otherwise a great body ahd a style, just too much. Lile yiung gubs banging nonstop llike deaf to scire but stupod angle, shot, slot, timing...
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This one circles around Bedard's team
D) Malkin is an eternal overgrown kid Sidney Crosby is not maybe Bedard now not even McDavid but Crosby throws toys out of his pram like a spoilt kid often. All Brilliant players but Crosby is like Ovechkin, chasing individual records.
E) alnon, yes, they defeated us more times. Juniors as well as A team so Canada is ok for us. I have found only videos in non English but he is a d-man of AHL for December so far. I wonder whether they will be placed into after-school detection with tons of homework in the case Sweden will beat them again because David J who goes often around the net has the 2nd video about the school. He stands in the video like a scorned pupil rather than a player on the ice rink lol. Marketa corrected someone's spelling in the paperwork once in HC Slavia ages ago and she has had a teaching practice in Brno, her hometown, at a sport gymnasium where they trolled her exbf how he did not score or laughed during reading a poem Lorelei bcs she was a swimmer with long golden locks. I am surprised how many NHLers have an uni degree or studied an uni. Tazer at Dakota uni, so McCabe etc. M has masters from Psychology from Czechia and Economics and Computer Science with stats from Prague, then LSE London in UK and one year course at Wharton uni in Pennsylvania. She has copied activity of mobile d men from Klopp of FC Liverpool and his gegenpress and definitely from Joel Queneville from the Blackhawks. Duncan Keith played like that and yes I think the Oilers made it into the play offs last season and more up to the ladder bcs of his defensive skills and axis of their d zone with experience. They are scoring but also getting a lot of goals.. You laugh as Nurse runs to help out to his d man buddy as ,nurse, instead of staying and sticking to his side to protect it and they are not passing away lol. They need Draisaitl's holistic very expensive chain by Chanel. He is healthy again but I think he just had a whale of time yodling and drinking around NYE with his nonstop Ja,ja,ja yaaaaah....sure ya yaaa jaa
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Anon who’s dog had a seizure. I wanted to be able to give a positive update, but I won’t be able to. I was woken up by a call at around 1:30am from my mom and the first thing she said was “[my dogs name] died”
I don’t know all the details, I was in a full fledge panic attack and was overcome with despair when it was either explained to me or I overheard (frankly, I don’t remember) but apparently at some point either last night or veryyyyy early this morning my mom let the dog out to use the restroom, and he collapsed again similarly to how he did two days ago. My mom rushed him to the emergency vet (a thirty minute drive) but he didn’t even make it there.
I think I was dry heaving at some point because my panic was so bad. I ended up going to the vet with my dad so I could say goodbye (he had before my mom left with the dog) and ngl, going with him did not help in the slightest. My dad has NPD and he kept making the situation about himself and I stg I was ready to throw myself out the car window in the middle of the freeway and walk the rest of the way there OOP—
I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to because of Covid, but we were allowed to all head into the vet and hold him and give proper goodbyes before they took him to be cremated (they have a partnership with some place that does all that jazz). It was rough. He’s a small dog, only 18 pounds, but just holding him felt so different. There was no resistance when I picked him up (I’m not his favorite person lol, so he’d always deadpan and shuffle away a little from me before giving in whenever i’d make grabby hands hahaha) and it was just rough.
A year and a half ago my old bird passed away in that same emergency vet, so I just felt like I was suffocating the whole time. It was basically history repeating itself and I had a ✨mental breakdown✨ while cradling the pooch. My mom almost had to drag me out 2.5 hours later because I didn’t want to leave him. I tried to be strong, he was her dog in the end and they had an unbreakable bond. I should’ve been the one comforting her, not the other way around. I totally failed lol.
Thank god I was able to go home with my mom and not my dad. I wanted to be the one to drive home so she could rest, but I didn’t have the energy to protest when I saw she was already in the drivers seat.
We’ve had him since he was a few months old. I was in first grade at the time, and despite us having a very rocky start (young me didn’t like all the attention he received bc it used to be mine) he was my lil buddy and I would have done anything for him. I was looking forward to taking my senior and graduation pictures with him soon, but it seems like that won’t be happening. I just wish I did more with him.
Sorry for rambling and being so depressing! I haven’t gotten much sleep over the past two nights so I’m really out of it.
If it’s not too much to ask for, could I have a part ii of my previous request but have it involving what I wrote above? Asdfghjkl my depressed ass needs comfort and all of my friends are in school LOL. (Thank god I was called off from school this time) Plus, I don’t wanna make my mom feel worse by adding my grief on top of her own (I hope that made sense)
Part 1
(A/N): anon, I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. From what you sent me about him, he sounded like an absolute delight to be around and a very good boy. You deserve to grieve too, even if you don’t think you should. Grieving is healthy and it’s something that shouldn’t be ignored. Everyone grieves differently, so maybe you and your mom could reminisce on the good times with him? Only if you both feel comfortable doing so of course. Please get some sleep, drink plenty of water, and eat some food if you haven’t already. My DMs are always open if you ever want to talk <3
Warnings: death of a dog and bird (mentioned), panic attacks, NPD parent mention
You were jolted awake by a loud ring from your phone laying on your nightstand. It was the ringtone you specifically set for your mom. Blinking deliriously, you answered with a raspy, “mom?”
You were only met with her choked sobs on the other end. This woke you up completely as you turned on a lamp and sat up fully in your bed, “mom what’s wrong?”
“(Dog name)...” She was unable to say your dog's name before she broke into more harsh sobbing. Worry and fear pricked your gut at the mention of your dog’s name. “What about (dog name)? What’s going on?”
“He d-died, (y/n). He isn’t suffering anymore.” You felt as if ice cold water was poured onto you as you sat staring at the wall in shock. Faintly you heard your mom telling you how it happened, but you didn’t register her words. The words that came out of your mother’s mouth were nearly incomprehensible anyways due to her distress. You didn’t know when she hung up, but the next time you looked at the phone screen your homescreen met you: a picture of you, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy at an amusement park. 
Your panic attack had escalated to you dry heaving over the toilet after puking up your dinner. You felt like you were suffocating as you remembered the techniques Techno used a few days prior. You stumbled up from a crouch and scrambled over to the sink. Your hands could barely grab the faucet and turn it on as you lost most of your sense of spatial awareness and everything you touched felt distant, like every single synapse in your body was both simultaneously working in overdrive and failing at the same time. The water was as cold as it was going to get, so you plunged your hands into the liquid and felt your body jolt at the temperature. After a while, your hands turned numb after regaining some senses back so you shakily cupped your hands under the faucet and gathered water into your hands. You splashed it at your face and felt yourself becoming more grounded as time passed.
By the time you left the bathroom, your dad gathered you into the car and started to drive you to the emergency vet. The entire time he was ranting about how you needed to pull yourself together because the dog was closer to him than to you. That definitely did not help in any way, it made you want to jump out of the car and walk the rest of the way to the vet. It would be better than having someone constantly belittling you for grieving. The ride was hell, but you persevered for (dog name). You needed to say goodbye to him.
When you left the car and walked into the building, it felt as if you were walking through the nine rings of hell with blazing infernos licking at your skin with every step. Dread and despair filled and overwhelmed you with every step. 
When a nurse escorted you to the room, she offered you her condolences and left you to say goodbye. With wide eyes, you slowly walked over to your mom and saw the motionless bundle of fur in her hands. It looked like he was sleeping, but you knew better. She looked at you with so much heartbreak and sadness as tears slipped down her cheeks that you remembered that he was her dog in the end and they’ve always had an unbreakable bond. You needed to be strong for her.
Your stony facade broke the second your mom handed you (dog name). He was cold and stiff as he laid unmoving in your arms, not even trying to wiggle out of your embrace like he always did. You were never his favorite person. He felt so… different. So wrong. 
Time passed around you as you held him and cried into his fur. This situation was very similar to your previous one that happened about a year and a half ago when your bird passed away and that was what finally sent you over the edge. Before you knew it, your mom was dragging you out of the building so he could get cremated. Your dad had long since gone home so he could get ready for work, so that left you to ride home with your mom. Not that you were complaining, it was certainly better than riding home with your dad. You just wished that you could drive so she could get some rest. 
By time you got home, it was about the same time you would leave for school. As you were driving down your neighborhood, you saw a very familiar car pass you. It was Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy’s car. They were probably going to school. You kept your head down and stared intensely at your tightly clasped hands. 
The second the car was in park in your driveway, you made a beeline for your room. For the rest of the day, you hid underneath your covers and ignored the incessant buzzing of your phone on the nightstand. You spent that time alone having a panic attack. This was your longest and most intense one yet, by the time it finally calmed down it was 10:30 at night. 
You smacked your dry lips together and feel absolutely drained. The buzzing still wouldn’t let up, so you reached out with a shaky hand and opened your phone. You had at least eighty combined missed texts from Wilbur, Tommy, and Techno. 
Tuesday, Innit?
Yo, the fuck’s goin on? 
Why the hell did you ignore us when we passed you???
Music man take me by the hand lead me to the land
Ignore that dumbass
What’s going on? You weren’t at school today
Technology Sword
You don’t have to tell us what happened if you’re not comfortable
Just tell us if you’re okay
That was only the start of the messages in the group chat. Granted it was mostly Tommy spamming your name and Wilbur and Techno trying to get him to chill out, but some of the messages managed to calm the swirling panic inside of you slightly. Your phone buzzed as you got another text. This time, it was an individual one from Technoblade.
Technology Sword
Look out your window, grab your notebook
You raised your eyebrows slightly as you read the message. Your window was right across from Technoblade’s, so when you saw Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me” music video and showed it to Techno, you both decided that this would be your primary communication before you eventually got phones. It wasted a ton of paper, but you both felt like the main characters in a story so you kept doing it. You hadn’t done this since you got your phone and he got his. 
After you grabbed your spare notebook and a sharpie, you sat up in your bed and turned on your lamp. When you opened your curtains, you saw Techno smiling at you before he grabbed his notebook and wrote ‘hello’. 
You uncapped your marker, wrote ‘hi’, and shakily raised it to him. You saw him frown at your shakiness, he wrote ‘you okay?’
You stared at your paper for a bit contemplating whether or not you should tell him the truth. It was no use in lying to him, he knew you better than you knew yourself. After a moment, you wrote ‘no’.
You watched as he frowned and his eyebrows crinkled together in an upwards slant. ‘Discord?’
You closed your curtains once more and opened up your PC. You could already see that Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy were in a separate voice channel. When you joined, you were startled by Tommy’s loud screaming and Wilbur’s hysterical laughter. 
They were interrupted by a knock on Tommy’s door, “Tommy for the love of god it’s almost eleven at night kiddo. You can keep playing but please just keep it down.”
“Good job dumbass,” Wilbur chuckled.
“Hey (y/n), how’re you?” Techno’s somewhat pointed voice interrupted them. “(Y/N)! Please tell Wilbur that it’s not cool to borrow my armor and ‘accidentally’ fall into a lava lake.”
“It was an accident I swear!” Wilbur’s slight chuckle told you otherwise. “Wilbur,” your croaky and wobbly voice scolded him quietly, “not cool.”
The voice channel went silent as you logged into your shared minecraft server. You immediately spawned in the main lobby at spawn that you built the last time you logged in. You got to work gathering wood for walls you were going to build around the city. You saw Techno’s character run to you and help you gather wood. 
“...You good, (y/n)?” Tommy’s voice took on an uncharacteristic level of gentleness and concern. 
“‘M fine.” 
After a while of silence, you heard keyboards start to click again. Gradually conversation started back up and everything felt lighthearted once more. Though, you only talked when you were prompted to. After gathering the correct amount of wood, you and Techno went back to your house so you could craft some slabs. However as you approached the crafting table, you passed your bed. Next to your bed was your pet dog, barking slightly and looking at you with it’s pixel eyes. 
You could feel tears well up in your eyes at the sight of the pixelated dog. With a lump forming in your throat you struggled to breathe through it, your breaths coming out shuttering. You made quick work of muting yourself on Discord and started sobbing, the white dog staring at you sitting on top of your minecraft bed. This wasn’t a panic attack, you knew that. But you still felt overcome by a massive wave of grief. 
After a bit, you saw Techno’s character pop in front of you and start hitting the air. In chat, you saw that he private messaged you ‘vc 2’
You clicked off the main voice chat and was immediately greeted by Techno’s gentle voice. “What’s goin on buddy?” He was only met with your sobs, “deep breaths.”
“I’m not having a panic attack.”
“Still, deep breaths are good. Follow me.” With that, you two worked on getting your breathing back to normal and your tears slowly stopped. The entire time he was giving you praise and gentle reassurances whenever you tried to apologize to him. By the time you stopped crying you felt almost completely drained. 
“You okay now?” You hummed in confirmation, too tired to say anything. “Thank you Tech, I-I’m sorry-”
“Stop apologizing for feeling emotions. They’re one hundred percent valid… Do you feel comfortable telling me what happened?”
“I…” You trailed off as you couldn’t bring yourself to say the words out loud. “You don’t have to tell me, ya know.” Technoblade gently reminded you.
“I’ll PM it to you.” With that, you PMed him on minecraft explaining that your dog died this morning. “Fuck, I’m so sorry (y/n). I’m sure he isn’t suffering anymore. Did- did they ever find out what caused the seizures?”
“No, but… he had tons of health issues that I’m glad he doesn’t have to deal with anymore.” 
“Do you wanna talk about the good times with him with Wil and Tommy? If you don’t want to we can just talk about them here.”
“Let’s rejoin the main voice channel.”
“Hey (y/n), how’re you doing?” Wilbur gently asked you. “I’m alright, do- do you guys know what happened?” They both said yes. Technoblade must’ve told them what was happening.
“(Y/n) come outside. We built something for you.” Tommy was uncharastically gentle. 
When you moved to go outside of your minecraft house and Wilbur and Tommy led you to an empty spot in the city you four were building, you stopped in your tracks. In front of you built in various types of stone was a dog statue. In front of it stood a sign that read ‘in loving memory of (dog name)’.
“We aren’t done with it, but we can finish it in a couple of hours,” Wilbur mumbled into the microphone. 
“No, it’s perfect as it is. I don’t know what to say guys…”
“You don’t have to say anything, just know that we’re here for you.” Tommy said, his minecraft character walking over to your own and hitting you. 
“Oi, don’t hit them!” Techno punched him back and that started an all out brawl between the two. It quickly ended when Techno pulled out his fully enchanted netherite sword named ‘Orphan Obliterator’. 
“Get fucked, nerd.” You could just tell Tommy was holding in screaming at his brother. “I’m not the nerd here, you’re the one that reads for fun.” Tommy retorted. You heard shuffling on Techno’s end and him walking away from his PC. You were about to ask what was happening before you heard Tommy silently scream in terror. “Oh fuck he’s coming!” You assumed that Tommy ran to lock his door. Not long after that you heard a knock, “I just wanna talk.”
“No! You-”
“I just wanna talk.”
“Let him talk, Tommy!”
You heard Philza’s groggy muffled voice, “it is midnight on a Friday. I don’t care what happens or who fights who, just do it in your own rooms and do it quietly.” 
“Sorry Dad,” you heard Techno’s retreating steps before he returned to his chair. “You’re a douche, Technoblade.” 
“I just wanted to talk, Tommy.” At that, Techno started beating Tommy to death once more. Each time he would kill Tommy, he would give Tommy a small head start before he would find him again. While this was happening, Wilbur PMed you ‘wanna prank Tommy and Techno? I’m thinking we put chickens under their houses’.
You looked at his player and nodded. You and Wilbur got to work luring chickens into holes you dug around their bases and burying them so that they were close enough to hear, but deep enough for it to be mildly inconvenient finding them. After you two were done with that, you met at spawn again.
“Techno stop killing Tommy. We want to tell stories about (dog name).” You saw Techno’s character sprint to your group and Tommy’s come up from a hole in the ground. “I was just about to find him.”
“Thank you! God, I hate it when he does that.”
The rest of the night you four spent reminiscing on the funny things that (dog name) did over the years. At some points you even laughed along with them. After you told them that you wanted to take your senior pictures with him, Techno offered to edit him into your photos. You didn’t know when you passed out but when you woke up, you had a crick in your neck and your PC monitor was off. You could hear three sets of soft snoring on the other end of the call. You felt yourself drifting off to their gentle breathing and smiled slightly; with them, everything felt better. 
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teddy06writes · 3 years
For His Hand
requested by this anon: “OMG! I need more Dream x George x reader! Please and thank you.”
as well as this one: “ can we have more dream and george poly fics? your writing is so good i’m lowkey obsessed” 
dream x george x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing
premise: fantasy/royalty AU (i’m a sucker for this conept, sue me), you and Dream, Captain of the royal guard, and King Georges personal Knight respectively, have both caught feelings for the King, as well as each other, though you would never admit to the second part, and between the two of you you’ve decided to duel for his hand, un knowing he was watching
You looked up from where you were hunched over your plate, “Sir Dream, how may I help you?” 
He sighed, looking around the empty officers mess hall, “I think we need to settle this.” 
“Settle what?” You took a sip from the goblet, “If you mean the bet on McAllen finding his way to my office for drinking on the job, yes I am aware of it, I’m just waiting for the right time.” 
“I mean- I mean whatever the hell this competition that's been going on,” He lowered his voice to a hiss, “over the king.” 
You nodded, “Yes, I suppose it should be settled.” 
“Saturday, you have a break between 11 and noon, yeah?” 
You raised your eyebrows, looking up at him, “You’ve memorized my schedule, I’m impressed. I usually spar with Techno, or Young Innit in that time.” 
“Well I propose a duel, not to the death, I doubt it would do well for either of us to die for his hand.” Dream ran a hand through his hair, nervous.
Standing from your spot on the bench you nodded, holding out a hand for him to shake, “Your on.” 
The days leading up to the challenge seemed strange, between small moments held between you and George, on unexcepted (and unnecessary) visits to your office, and somewhat awkward conversations between you and Dream, neither about the challenge nor the king, instead about the lives you’d led both before, and during your time working for the crown. 
All to soon it was time for the duel, and you were questioning whether you actually wanted to fight Dream or not, but feeling's aside you were pulling on your armor, sharpening your sword and heading out to the courtyard you’d planned to meet in. 
“Man, I was beginning to think you pussied out.” Dream said, grinning upon seeing you. 
You scoffed, “Like I’d give up his hand so easily.” 
“Don’t get to cocky,” Dream rolled his sword in his hand, swinging it out your direction, “You already sound smug enough to think you’d won.” 
“Sounds to me as if you think I’ll lose.” You taunted, tightening the strap on your shield. 
“I don’t think, I know.” And with the he launched himself toward you, already swinging at one of your arms. 
You ducked back and out of the way ramming your shield into his chest to force him further away, before advancing and taking a swing at his side. 
The man paired with his own sword, shoving the blade down with force, causing you to stumble, you could hear him chuckle as you scrambled to recover, hitting the ground and rolling to the side to dodge his next attack. 
Jumping up as he turned around you swung at him repeatedly, grinning as he grew more agitated at having to block each one with his sword.
Dream paired another strike, shoving you away from him angrily, sword coming down in a wide arc only to be blocked again by your sword. 
He continued to try and force your sword down, to get close enough to your neck to even call for you to give up, confused when you started to laugh, “What?” 
“Never let your left down,” You quipped swinging your leg around to kick him in the knee, forcing him down as you disarmed him, bringing your sword to his throat, “Give up yet?” 
He grinned, looking you in the eyes, “Never.” His shoulder slammed into the base of your shield, taking your moment of surprise to his advantage, he grabbed your other arm, twisting the sword out of it and taking it for himself. 
You backed away cautiously, raising your shield against any attacks as you scrambled for the sword he had dropped, barley grabbing it and ducking out of the way before another attack came. 
The man grinned as you continued to fight, varying degrees of success to either side, until he struck again, your blades clashing together for a moment before yours went clattering to the side and the next thing you knew you were pinned to the ground, a blade pressed to your throat. 
Dream smirked down at you, his face surprisingly close to yours, “I do suppose that means I win then.” 
“Careful with how close you get bud, one might think you’d fallen for me rather than him.” You smirked back, “And besides, I still haven’t tapped out yet.” 
You wrapped your legs around him, quickly throwing him off you, and quickly grabbing the sword from his now loosened grip you had pinned him, grinning as he quickly tapped your arm three times in defeat. 
Though you dropped the sword to the side you didn’t move, “I suppose he’s mine then.” 
Dream nodded, almost forlorn, “It would seem so.”
“Well don’t look so sad about it, the chances are he wouldn’t take either of us, even if it were allowed.” 
“That’s not what I’m sad about.” He muttered, and then, in an act of bravery, quickly craned his neck up enough to press a soft kiss to your lips. 
Your heart skipped a beat as you quickly climbed off of him, staring at him in shock, “y- i- you- you like me?”
He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly, “Yeah. I- I think so.”
“Then- then what about George? I mean, what do we do now?”
“I guess we still choose who gets-” 
Dream was cut off by someone clearing there throat by the edge of the court yard. You turned to see The King himself awkwardly coming out from behind a pillar, “Uhh, hi guys.” 
Both You and Dream quickly bowed your heads, “Your Majesty, we- we were just-” 
“Sparring!” Dream cut in quickly, “Uh, Your Highness.” 
“Sounded like a bit more than sparring.” He muttered. 
“It was a duel. To settle a- a disagreement.” You said cautiously. 
The King raised his eyebrows, “Over me. You two were quite loudly arguing before.”
Dream chuckled nervously, “Well-” 
George held up a hand, cutting him off,  looking at you, and then Dream, and then you again before quietly asking, “Can I pick both?” 
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thirstybtsthoughts · 3 years
Casting (couch) director Namoon version, for that anon with the Purple suit Joon picture au. I have lotta fun with this one. Hope you enjoy!
So, here's the thing. Being young is wonderful. But, hear me out, but, nearing mid 20s and wanting to be cast into the entertainment industry while being the owner of a pussy. Hmm. Not the smoothest ride. Pun very much intended. Thanks.
I, for the longest time, have been the bathroom singer and the mirror actor. I have all the confidence in the world and somehow it never translates into the auditions I go for. Broadway, Movies, OT platform series, I have auditioned fucking everywhere. Nothing. Fucking nada.
So, today, I am gonna put my absolute best outfit, and go for something more...bold(?), daring, yeah. Something more daring. Acting is acting, ya know.
Alright, Jesus fuck. This is NOT what I expected. All the motherfucking porn I have consumed in my 24 years of life, no one ever prepped me for this hunk sitting on the casting couch. You kidding me? This dude would ask for payment to appear in my dreams. Yeah, girl, that HOT. Ain't lying. Dragon-like eyes, fucking FULL, plump lips, a cute (so cute, oh God) button nose and the stare, oh boy. I am definitely wet. He should be on a runway for Louis Vuitton, not here. But, whatevs. At least my interest in my own decision has fucking peaked.
Oh God. Oh God. He is really, I mean REALLY looking at me. Oh Lord. He got dimples? And these thighs??? They would crack my skull open. What a way to go. Man, I gotta give him a show if that is the last thing I ever do.
'So, before we begin. Hi. I am Namjoon Kim.' Fuck. He is HOT. Okay, brain. Shut up.
'Hi, Y/N. Nice to meet you.'
'Oh.' A hand swiss? Gorgeous fingers. Lord. Imma pass out. 'Pleasure is all mine. So, what makes you interested in this line of work?'
'Umm, I like to act. I have auditioned for all sorts of roles. Thought why not explore this as well.'
'That is a great way to go about it. So, you're comfortable being naked for hours with multiple people for many days a week? Tell me your preferences. If there is a field of interest you are specifically good at?'
He really is asking if I fuck well. Damn. So polite. Damn. I wanna marry him. Y/N, calm your fucking tits.
'Um, I don't have a gag reflex. And my ex was pretty decent in his size department. And, umm.' My face is on fire, innit? 'I did have anal sex a couple of times. So, I guess I am okay with most stuff?'
Namjoon's cocked eyebrow should be in a museum. Jesus, Y/N, you really are a slut for him, aren't you?
'Why don't you give me an audition, Y/N? That would be a great start.' He is man spreading. Oh lord. He wants me to suck him off. I am DEFINITELY wet now.
Namjoon slides a few centimetres down the couch. The purple suit endows his thighs and buff shoulders and chest so good. His fingers contrast his buff bod with such casual finesse of an artist, I genuinely can't help but admire.
Namjoon is looking at me like he expects something. Oh fuck. Yeah. He expects a blow job while I went Shakespeare on the dude's body. Nvm.
I do my best to be seductive. Walking down on my knees, giving him a peep show of my busts. Just before I can nestle my face in the V of his legs, I get up.
Using the skills of the 6-month pole dance course I took back in college, I slowly twirl around in my skirt once. A soft chuckle escapes him. I think I am in love. When I look back, yeah, I am definitely in love. These eyes? On my body? Everyday? Yeah. Hotel? Trivago. Fuck my meme brain.
I undo the bra-corset hook of the top and let it fall to the floor. There's no change in Namjoon except a liquid, molten intensity in his look. I slowly skim outta my skirt and hook my thumbs sexily on my lacy panties before his hands hold my wrists to stop me.
My whole arms break out in goosebumps at the touch. 'Keep the rest on, including the heels.'
I simply nod, no longer trusting myself that I would not moan out loud if I open my mouth.
I kneel again and this time I immediately thrust my face in the junction of his legs. He is warm and has a beautiful woody-citrusy smell that is intoxicating.
I look at his eyes that are already boring into mine as I unzip his dress pant. This is too intense for an 'audition'. May be I will get casted this time.
I rub my fingers feather-light on his boxer-clad erection. He is BIG. Yeah, my jaws gonna hurt. But, fuck that. I pull him out and promptly swallow the cock head in my mouth. Yeah, BIG. Fuck. He is leaking. Good. I don't want to be the only one so affected.
I take him slowly. My hands (Jesus plural) cover the length I can't swallow and simply focus on sucking the head and the ridge beneath the cock as sharply as possible. I hollow my mouth and suck hard. Namjoon's breath stutter and his hand grab a fistful of my hair. Yes, Y/N 1. Namjoon 0.
I look up. Well, fuck. Namjoon 1. This stare is definitely gonna make me come. His eyes are hooded and so so intense. His hand slip to the back of my head and hold my head steady. I open my mouth as wide as I can. He lifts his hip a tiny bit and thrust in. Testing the water. When he finds no resistance on my end, his hips speed up. Fuck. Fuck. He is so thick. My eyes are watering. Thank fuck for waterproof make up.
Way too soon, he is pulling out though. Subconsciously I chase after his cock. A string of saliva pulling me in like some string of fate. Namjoon chuckles again. His expression is almost fond.
'Come. Ride me. Show me all your skills, but keep the panties on.' Sir, yes, sir.
He does a quick work of his condom on his length and then pulls my panty aside and I am sitting on probably the thickest cock I have ever sat on. Sorry, all the future cocks. I am ruined for now.
Namjoon builds a brutal speed almost immediately. I take a chance to grab his tiddies once. They are majestic. He takes a brief hiss of air through his mouth at that and then bites on my right nipple. Pulling it taut. This time, my moan comes out on its own volition. His hands on my waist keeps me locked as his cock impales me at a speed that is going to make my cunt throb for hours. I am dripping all over his expensive lilac suit. God, I want more. I am so gone by now that when one of his hands slip between us to rub my clit, my orgasm slams at me like a rogue truck off the highway. All momentum, and absolutely no control. My whole body shakes before going all jelly. He thrusts 3 more times before he grunts low once, gripping my waist to the point of bruising and then going boneless.
We catch our breath for a few seconds before I get up. Namjoon shows me the washroom at the end of the room.
When I come back out, once again clothed and clean as much as I can be (I still smell him on me), Namjoon hands me a card with a golden print on it.
'Welcome to the team. See you next Monday.'
'Oh, wow. Really? Thank you!' His wink is illegal. Okay? Shut it already. I pick my bag and walk go the door.
'Oh, Y/N?' Namjoon calls just before I walk out. You're an amazing actress.' His smile has dimples. I want to melt into a puddle.
Little did he know, I was not acting at all. But, that is between me and God.
-Jk's girl.
Omg girllllll!!!! You did that 😳. This was an absolute pleasure to read ajkskndfsja 😍🥴.
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Inspired by this ask 😊
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formulatrash · 2 years
Just to say, I wasn't trying to cause any trouble or trying to have a go at you for seeing him in a femme light/using those sorts of terms. I don't think of it as a bad way to think of him, as assuming heterosexuality in 2022 really should be a thing of the past! Like I said, mere curiosity as I had clearly over looked everything you mentioned (which I agree with btw). I guess we all have unconscious bias in all things and end up focusing or putting emphasis on different aspects of a person we don't actually know. You just have more knowledge as you have at least spoken to him (professional capacity of course, but still, better knowledge than I will ever have)
Anyway, in short, sorry I didn't mean to annoy!
no no sorry anon, it wasn't you I was frustrated by! don't worry. it was just for some reason Tumblr decided today was a good day for it to show me loads of posts where people are like "Hazel Southwell is a dumb bitch because she made a joke about Max and Lewis being allowed to fuck it out if they want to*" and I know someone on twitter will be like "oh my god she called him a GIRL" and I am so tired.
but yes, we all see things differently - obv my perception of what blokey young men are like is also shifted by the fact it's been 14 years since I was 22 and so my perception is as decidedly millennial as it is queer innit. sometimes they are just strange little men who drive cars in circles and that's rad.
*and they can!
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chibimyumi · 4 years
Hi, I hope you're doing well and staying healthy. I've read your post about how Elizabeth attacking ciel is sexism. What about Sebastian getting bully by Frances? Frances is a noblewoman grabbing a servant's hair in front of other people. And fans (including me) are like: oh! What a lioness! Even the devil himself is terrified of her! what if it was the other way around? The idea of a nobleman grabbing a governess's hair calling her nasty and indecent makes me uncomfortable and even angry.
【Response to post: Sexism against men and Kuro Sexist jokes】
Dear Anon,
I’m doing well, thank you very much. I hope you too ^^
Your question is a very good one, and it really had me thinking for a while! I myself admittedly do laugh very hard at Sebastian getting a hard time from Frances. But indeed, like you said, it is still bullying, and bullying is bad. In this post-feminist era, we have been so trained to see women bullying men as ‘funny’ or ‘empowering’, but women getting bullied as unambiguously bad instinctively, that sometimes we forget to check our double standards.
Feelings are feelings, we can’t help what we feel. But how come then that to many of us, Frances bullying Sebas is so funny, but Lizzie almost murdering O!Ciel and Nina bullying men not? This post is merely an attempt to explain this feeling for myself too, but hopefully we can all reach SOME explanation together as well???
Let us first look at in what ways Frances has been making Sebastian’s life hard. From all the interactions we have of these two so far, her main points of criticism seem to be his hair and his lack of professionalism.
Slovenly Hair
Sebastian’s hair is something we’ve gotten quite used to now after more than14 years. In Sebastian’s time however, his hair really would have been the height of impropriety for his profession.
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Just like I translated O!Ciel’s looks to 2020 standards, I quickly translated Sebas’ hair to 2020 standards as well. Very clean, innit?! Very professional, innit?!
Even without the translation however, if we look at the worst of wigs from the Kuromyus, we can also see how Sebastian’s hair would be atrocious in any formal setting. Look past the fact that these actors are supposed to represent a drawn character. Just imagine being in a fancy restaurant and encountering a dead-spider feather duster on your waiter’s head.... erm....???
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Something that is objectively bad on Frances’ end however, is that chapter 14 is not the first time that Frances has seen his ‘slovenly hair’. If his hair really is so unacceptable, as an authority figure Frances has the right to say something about it. However, as it seems, until this point she has never communicated at all (no, “hinting” is not the same as communicating), so Sebas had no way of knowing what he “did wrong”. She immediately grabbed for Sebastian’s hair without mercy, probably because her crept up frustration got the better of her. This is indeed entirely too harsh for a first time call-out, and entirely on Frances.
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Much later in the story Frances criticises and touches Sebastian’s hair again, and this time in public while he was infiltrating as a teacher. Here Frances is even publically humiliating Sebastian in front of his students and other high ranking guests.
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Especially when you keep in mind that Frances is a noblewoman and Sebas a mere servant, Frances is indeed abusing her power against a servant who cannot strike back at all.
This is indeed power play. However, though it does not justify anything, in the very least her criticism does have ground; Sebas’ hair is by all measures inadequate for any professional setting. Just be nicer about it, Frances.
Useless Butler
Now, let us look at the other reason Frances disapproves of Sebas. Sebastian is a very competent butler according to most people. To Frances however, this claim is empty. When she arrives, parts of the estate have been destroyed and something very literally exploded in her presence.
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Even though Sebas is not the person actively causing the explosion or the destruction, as the senior servant of the household, it is literally his job to manage the other servants. So yes, here too, the fact that things can be destroyed in the household because he either hired inadequate staff or because he mismanages his household, DOES INDEED prove he fails at his job. As the aunt of O!Ciel who cares about her nephew AND her paternal home, Frances is in her right to be concerned and call Sebastian out for NOT doing his job.
In chapter 14, Sebastian’s schedule was all over the place and kept changing the plans for Frances. It is no wonder that she would be quite annoyed and doubt Sebastian’s adequateness. When you know your 13 year old nephew’s household is in the hands of somebody so apparently inadequate, anybody would probably be concerned. However annoyed though, Frances does not overstep any boundaries about this specific issue; she is simply supremely unimpressed. Fair enough?
Compliments where due
Something that is quite interesting though, is that despite disapproving of Sebastian, Frances does also know when to compliment him when due. After Sebastian has saved Lizzie’s life without boasting, Frances recognised how the butler does indeed have some value and the correct attitude as a servant.
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She says “though you look indecent what you say is true,” and it is yet another jab at the demon’s expense. But here she is also showing that she is willing to acknowledge somebody’s achievements, looking past appearances.
Before Frances leaves, Frances jabs at Sebas a bit again, but she really is not doing anything dickish this time. Instead of making Sebas think she’s simply chosen him as target to be a prick towards, she concretely states why she doubts his professionalism. She mentions the smashed tea set, bare garden and burnt food; mistakes that are objectively unacceptable. Instead of yelling at him, she actually gives him constructive criticism. So here too, Frances is quite stern, but her grounds are solid.
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In the Campania arc Sebas shows up again with the hair Frances disapproved of. Frances clearly wants to do something about it again because in her eyes, the butler simply won’t learn. But given the circumstances and Sebastian’s proven usefulness, Frances actually does shelve her agenda. Just like above, here too Frances shows that she is capable of acknowledging somebody despite their looks.
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Later when the zombies dramatically outnumbered the living humans, Frances sends Sebas - who had come to her aid - back to her daughter and nephew. By sending Sebas back, Frances also shows that she in fact trusts this ‘slovenly butler’ with the lives of two children she loves deeply. Sebastian protests, but Frances immediately replies: “don’t you trust our ability as swordsmen?” Here what Frances is functionally saying is: “I trust you with your abilities, so you can trust us back.”
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In short, Frances is harsh and doing power-play against a servant, but she can shelve her agenda, and does acknowledge Sebas when due.
Contrast to Nina and Lizzie
So now we have seen how Frances bullies Sebastian, and her motivation behind all her points of harshness. As we have seen, Frances’ only points of criticisms are concrete ones; Sebastian’s lack of professionalism in looks, and his lack of professionalism in management. She goes about them too harshly, but all points are legit criticisms, and something Sebas CAN and probably SHOULD work to improve.
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This is in stark contrast with the way Nina bullies her victims. As far as we have seen, none of Nina’s victims have offended her in any way, nor does she ever give any concrete criticism. She has just decided that because men are men, they don’t deserve proper treatment. Even when providing clothes for men is literally part her job, she refuses to provide the ‘professional service’ she is being paid for. And because she is AN EMANCIPATED LESBIAN!!!!!!! #FEMINISM, it’s FINE (!?!?!?)
Unlike with Frances’ criticism of Sebastian’s inadequate hairdo and managing, being ‘men’ is not something any of these men can do anything about (except Sebas, but Nina doesn’t know). Bullying is always wrong, always low. But it’s EVEN lower when you bully somebody for who they are, and not what they do wrong. What does not help is that Nina seems to only be capable of treating people nicely if they happen to be sexuality-wise compatible with her... but if you are, you’ll get molested. What is wrong with you, Nina????
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Yes, Frances is saying: “you are a man, and yet your fringe is so long”. So on the most surface level, it is a woman saying this to a man because he is a man. As we later get to know Frances a bit better though, she would be harsh to anybody who looks slovenly. She just has different hairstyles which she considers appropriate for men and women respectively. Had Sebas been a woman and his hair was the ‘feminine equivalent of slovenly’, Frances would most likely have acted exactly the same. So in this sense, unlike with the jokes using Nina and Lizzie, it is not purely: “Haha, girl bullies boii, lol.”
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Something else that is terrible is that what Nina does seems to be systemic. Logically it checks out too; it can’t be that only since the past few weeks she’s decided only women and young boys deserve her kind treatment. For all we know, Nina’s been treating the male Phantomhive staff like this for 2-3 years. Sebastian’s comment about Nina thoroughly ignoring men again with “as always” further supports this theory.
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With Frances in contrast, in chapter 14 (so barely a year ago in story time), Sebas seemed to have no clue whatsoever about Frances’ terrors. Sebas announced Frances’ arrival to his master and is very calm about it. It was not until O!Ciel alerted Sebas about his aunt that anybody even guessed what hurricane was headed for them. As such, we can safely conclude that Sebas had only been subjected to Frances’ criticism a couple of times, unlike having had to bear with Nina for years.
Yes, Frances still should have communicated, but I already addressed the details above. Still, the point remains that even though Frances is overstepping boundaries and abusing her power, her criticisms are at least not empty.
Lizzie too just like Nina, had zero grounds for showing that much aggression. She did not give anybody the benefit of the doubt, did not communicate, or even so much as give O!Ciel any chance to explain the situation. So far O!Ciel has given Lizzie no reason to think he’d cheat on her, and yet she hurled so much aggression at him Sebas had to intervene.
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Still, Lizzie is marginally better than Nina because she is not systemically bullying O!Ciel. It is a one time event. However, this one makes me more annoyed with Yana because it means that even Yana had to use this stale, stale trope of “LOVE TRIANGLE COMEDYYYY”. Have I ever mentioned how MUCH I hate love triangles and jealousy???
Feeling wise, the most important reason for why Sebas being bullied by Frances is funny is probably because of who Sebas is. Sebas is otherwise an all-powerful demon, but to see him inventing colours to shit at Frances - a human Sebas could crush between his fingertips like a cookie - is just hilarious. Had Sebas been a human though, I would not have laughed so hard personally.
Rationally however, Frances is doing power play against a servant who cannot talk back, so it is still bullying, and bullying is inexcusable.The only bit of “right” Frances has is that she does not seem to be systemically bullying Sebastian, and that her criticisms have some ground.
So if Nina and Lizzie’s behaviours played for jokes are like... a -7 and -9 respectively, Frances’ at least scores a -2 for me?
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(Yes, as we’re talking about bullying anyway, I just have to make a jab at Vincent.)
Something not really related to why “Frances:Bad”, “Nina-Lizzie:Worse”, but I do wish to mention is Yana’s improved drawing skills. I have no proof, but I think it MIGHT have been where this Frances-joke originated.
Yana’s time in the more traditional mindset of manga-worldview really showed, especially at the far beginning. Besides, she was still in the process of finding a way to draw handsome men. In the more traditional mindset of the early 2000s, handsome men were just not supposed to have slicked back hair - “that was reserved for old men and nasty dudes!!” Yana’s discomfort with drawing handsome men with slicked back hair was clearly visible in Sebastian’s early appearances, and making the ‘”hair, back!!! says old-fashioned lady” was potentially even a way of Yana to laugh at herself.
I don’t know who else is old like me and grew up with 80s to early 00s manga, but at the time, hair for handsome men was a BIG deal. In that world ‘slicked back hair’ just carried a certain laughability about it; a “rule of not-cool”. To me at least at the time this ‘laughability’ really resonated with me, and Yana probably also trusted this same ‘unspoken rule’ to resonate with her audiences.
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Much later though, Yana clearly grew more comfortable and  maybe even fond of slicked back hairstyles as she confidently chose to portray Sebas as ‘appealing’ while wearing his hair in the style Yana previously disliked.
Again, I have no proof, but I can’t help but think that if Kuro had started 10 years later, the running gag revolving Frances might look altogether different.
What do you guys think? ^^ Cheers, and stay healthy!
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Character analysis Nina Hopkins
Character analysis Vincent Phantomhive
Sexism against men and Kuro’s sexist jokes
MASTERPOST Gender in Kuroshitsuji
MASTERPOST Analyses & Info
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
aww freddie drabbles yay!
here's a few, choose whichever you like :)
- freddie and roger in high school/uni and a meet cute
- freddie and brian composing
- freddie babysitting john's children and singing vocal improv to them (i was that anon yeah, the one who sent it in first)
Alright, seeing as I've already just done Freddie+kiddies and I was talking about a "She's All That" AU on the server to you all (I am so sorry, I realise you're too young to know it, BUT watch the music video linked below and you'll get the idea) Also this turned into a Roger drabble instead because it was funnier that way 😁
Here's a High School AU Froger meet cute "She's All That" style!
*queues Sixpence None The Richer 'Kiss Me'*
- - -
Crystal could be such a prat, but this time Roger didn't mind almost being knocked off his feet as his mate and the rest of the water polo team swooped in on him from behind.
True to form, Crystal jumped on his back and almost sent him stumbling into Kelsey, who Roger had been talking to, all while looking for a good reason to stop talking to her, because while she definitely had a killer rack, and he'd spent more time than he'd like to admit perving over her Insta, most of which prominently featured her arse from one angle or another, she was also incredibly, painfully dull. She'd spent the last ten minutes talking about her holiday in the south of France, although the entire story had mostly consisted of detailed descriptions of her parent's yacht. It had a fridge with an ice cube dispenser, several gaming systems and a flatscreen tv, Roger now knew.
Luckily, she decided to take her leave as his noisy mates arrived and he waved her goodbye, admiring her Instagram-famous derriere as she walked away.
He wasn't the only one. When he tore his eyes away, most of his mates were still oogling her.
"Oi!" Roger elbowed Gery, who happened to be standing right next to him and was gaping open-mouthed, in the ribs. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
On the other side of him, Crystal gave a low, appreciative whistle. "So," he grinned, "did you ask her to prom or what?"
Roger snorted, crossing his arms. That had been the plan, of course. Ask Kelsey to prom. And he'd meant to. He wasn't afraid. It was just that, for all her good looks, and despite the fact that she was the most popular girl in their year by far, he just... hadn't really felt like it, once he'd started talking to her.
"Nah," he said with a shrug. "Still considering my options."
His water polo team mates stated disbelieving.
"Mate," said Gery, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Are you for real? That girl's a ten out of ten and I heard," he dropped his voice a little, "she's proper up for it, you know?"
Crystal slung an arm around Roger's shoulders, shaking his head. "What are you thinking? You're the most popular guy in our year, she's the most popular girl, you're bloody perfect for each other, innit. And we're all fuckin' jealous, mate!"
Roger grimaced, throwing him a look. "Whatever. I could go to prom with whoever I like and," he grinned, "they'd be popular by association."
"Oh yeah?" Crystal raised his eyebrows, grinning back at him.
"Damn right," Roger assured him, "anyone in this school, you wanna bet?"
As the rest of his team mates headed off home, Roger, Crystal and Gery walked toward the parking lot where they'd left their electric scooters - and Crystal's hoverboard.
"D'you know," said the very same, a lop-sided grin on his face, "I do wanna bet."
"You what?" Roger blinked at him, not sure what he was talking about.
"I bet," said Crystal, and the grin on his face turned very smug, "that there's no fucking way you can make anyone popular just by going to prom with them."
"Oh yeah?" said Roger, feigning non-chalant confidence.
"Yeah." His friend stopped and stretched out his hand, eyebrows raised. "Seriously, wanna bet?"
Roger Taylor was many things. He was a drummer and lead singer in a teenage band that was definitely going to make it big. He was the captain of the water polo team. He was going to ace his A levels because no matter what some people thought, he wasn't an idiot.
He also most definitely wasn't someone who shied away from a bet.
"Sure thing." Roger shook Crystal's hand.
They continued across the school yard, with Crystal trying to spy the perfect candidate.
"Oh, shit, look! What about her?" he snickered, pointing to Brianna May, who had her fingers buried in her wild mass of curly hair and was sitting at a table, bent over a book as though trying to memorise the contents of it.
"Nah," said Crystal, before Roger could comment. "Oh! What about Deaky?"
Gery guffawed.
"Yeah, right." Roger turned to follow Crystal's gaze, to where a girl with an undercut stood, wearing ripped black tights, shorts and a flannel shirt, her hand around her girlfriend Ronnie's waist. "That's cheating, pick someone who's available and also," he gave Crystal a look, "no lesbians."
"Yeah, fair enough," Crystal conceded. And then, his eyes lit up. "Oh shit, oh yes."
Roger followed his friend's line of sight and stopped, eyebrows drawing together in a frown. Struggling to ascend the stairs from the arts classroom in the basement, juggling several sketchbooks, two canvases and an easel, was Freddie Bulsara.
"You're not serious," Roger scoffed, turning to look at Crystal, fully expecting him to burst out laughing any moment.
But Crystal only nodded, still smirking in Freddie's direction. "Oh yeah."
"No way!" Roger protested, glancing back at Freddie, who had managed to fall over with all the things he was holding and struggled to get back up, wavy strands of hair that had escaped from the bun on top of his head obscuring his face. "He's a bloke!"
"So?" Crystal's grin was positively wicked now. He gave Roger a look and a shrug. "It's 2021, innit. You said you could take anyone to prom and they'd be popular-"
"How d'you now he'd even be interested-" Roger started, but cut himself off. Yeah, he didn't have a leg to stand on with that question. Freddie was definitely not straight and their whole year knew it. "Listen," Roger rolled his eyes, regretting what he had got himself into, "I can deal with fat, I can deal with ugly or socially awkward, but a guy and plain weird? Come on!"
"A bet's a bet," Crystal waggled his eyebrows, and Roger turned to Gery for support, who held up his hands.
"Hey, you made that bet with Crys, not me!"
"And now you're losing time," Crystal pointed out, nodding in the direction of the skinny boy in the paint-stained jean overalls who was hurrying toward the school gates now.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Roger took a deep breath and went after him, Crystal and Gery on his heels. Freddie stopped by a bench right beside school gates, in front of a girl who had been sitting there waiting. She rose to her feet, taking the sketchbooks off him to lighten his load.
"Hey," said Roger, when he was close enough to be within war shot. "Freddie, what's up? You got a minute?"
Both Freddie and the much younger girl who Roger was pretty sure had to be his sister turned to look at him. The girls eyes went wide, as thought she couldn't believe Roger Taylor himself was speaking to her brother, but Freddie's eyes narrowed. In all fairness, Roger though, he had never had a go at Freddie or made fun of him, although some others did. Some people who he hung out with and considered friends.
"What," Freddie replied curtly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. His eyes darted to Crystal and Gery, who were standing right behind Roger, and his expression darkened.
"Just thought we could... have a chat," Roger tried lamely, and heard Crystal supress a snicker.
Freddie stated at him for a long moment, eyes full of suspicion.
"I'm alright," he said, and turned back to his sister. "Come on, Kash, let's go."
And with that, he swept past Roger and his mates and walked out of the school gates, followed by his sister, who cast Roger a dreamy smile on the way out.
"Or you could just..." Roger watched them go, shaking his head in disbelief. "...embarass me, why don't you?"
Jesus Christ. This was going to be one hell of a mission.
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floralkittygambler · 2 years
I'm gonna be honest, I haven't the foggiest if I actually mentioned I'd be on Hiatus or if life just yoinked the rug under my mitts. Apologies for a lack of head's up - *if* anyone's still around. Below will be a contents of what this post will be about. Please feel free to skip to whichever part is to your liking. The cards are in your favour.
CONTENTS: - Reasons for Absence - Unanswered Asks/Deleted Asks When Anon Was Enabled - Hazbin/Helluva, Basically some of my thoughts on both from the time I left til now, and other hazzy shite like that - Other Hazzy thoughts incl the staff and fandom PLUS the interactions here PLUS PLUS if any of those thoughts have changed - Future of this blog
Loooong Read
Honestly. Life. That's it really. Life. I'm chronically knackered. Ive got those under my care to tend to. I got a lot to sort. Etc etc. Also the drama here, as well as just... Honestly hearing about someone I saw as a friend being very young - that wouldnt normally upset me because they're a friend, but... I still worry for them. Their wellbeing. And I feel (in my personal experience - good for you if youve had better... Yer lucky feck! ;P) tumblr and twitter are some of the most toxic places sometimes, especially with the utter bs both carry. Humans are erroneous by design and we should help people be educated and grow. But that's not my experience with either site. Both fuel yes men, altered reality, bullying and misinformation as well as hate. Both preach about equality yet both are the most excluding, hateful places in my experience. Also in before the 'but YOURE a hater' - One, I critic. I'm talking about shit like death threats, false accusations, REAL shit. Real harmful shit. Either way, if you see this, I genuinely fucking care, alright? But for the love of whatever you believe in, you need to find a SAFE and POSITIVE space, Sweet- Tumblr and Twitter can be really bigoted, bias and hateful (I know, "But we here support LGBT+ etc etc" bollocks. Some of you think hating hets and cis or whatever is equality. Some of you harass trans. Equality means fucking EQUALITY. Shouldnt be hard to be remotely decent and just fucking RESPECT one another. Preach allll you fucking want about 'The Gov doesnt care and victimises us!" - and youd be right! - but you play directly into that by following into hate and finding a blame game or scapegoat regardless of the reality. Be. NICE. It's the bare minimal of being a person. We arent perfect and aint always nice but at least try to have decency and manners MOST the times. Likewise, both sides get into these lil rally wars n shit yet hold people to extremely high standards. It's silly. High standards are GREAT but perfectionism is not a realistic acheivement. Point is, dont be a shitbag to the best of your abilities. And to this particular friend, please PLEASE just get away from all this mess and focus on you and your health and identity. You have potential and I dont want to see that squandered by the toxicity of society when they think being behind wires and plastic sheets is gonna protect their shittiness. Look after yourself, ok? Im worried. Im not the best at wording shit or emotional stuff or approaching, but I do care. Please look after yourself.
Tbf I didnt know going anon would delete the old asks - thanks for that lil warning tumblr... ya knobs lol. Alright I'll get to them as fast as I can but again, Ive got many duties to attend to. Luckily some I got still noted that were deleted soooo~ Sadly most were anon so whilst the original person sadly may not see, it'll at least be accessible for them. I'll apologise for promising this so much. I prefer to give a genuine answer. Give time to dedicate to those who take time to leave them. Basically, Im a sad fucker LOL Nah but it's just nice to give and share time, innit? Oh but for anything like hate, aggression, etc? Nah... Also can we stop sending people (not just for me but for everyone - Ive heard people get sent some right awful shit) threats of assault, false allegations, triggers, etc etc. Just dont mate. Im seeing a rise in online harassment in many places and it's just pathetic we've hit this stage aint it?
Hazbin/Helluva, Basically some of my thoughts on both from the time I left til now, and other hazzy shite like that:
Errr honestly? I speak mostly within a private critiques group on this stuff now. Many because we can give an instant reaction before actually mulling over thoughts, opinions, critiques, there's so much room to educate ourselves and others and it's liberating to have a voice in which folks can agree, disagree, whichever and be mature and friendly in these moments. It's an honour. Likewise, there's a verification process to ensure you're actually an adult and who you claim to be to make sure things are ran appropriately. The very few minors allowed are ones we've known for awhile and can trust to act appropriately (likewise they're instantly disabled from accessing any NSFW channels - though discussions on SpindleHorse and whatnot are appropriately labelled and censored. To sum up my thoughts briefly (I know, a fucking challenge lol), I aint a fan. Simple. More indepth of bts will be in the next section, but for the shows themselves... HB just... Eh, I like some designs but otherwise it's like Twilight - fanfic gone famous and catering to the wrong stuff. Animation errors that are pretty piss poor considering their team. Story is shit, Im sorry. But it's just shit. I wanted to learn about IMP and all that. Not some toxic fujoshi on imp x an insult of a genuine demon (x2 if you include Fizz). There's a difference between authentic rep from a good place and queerbaiting for clout, brownie points and money. And anyone can be bigoted, ignorant or toxic in ways, including to their own identities. It's just... Ive seen better. All in all, it's demonic Family Guy. Fun for mindless entertainment but stale jokes, crap music, decent-ish designs, really it's animated low-quality fanfiction to cater to an overabundance fanservice that forgets it's original purpose. Inconsistent. Just... There's better if quality matters to you in any of these areas. It's strength lies in pretty visuals. It's clear that it panders more to younger, immature, teen audiences, as well as certain toxic things (such as glorifying sexual abuse). As a worshipper, I personally find the depiction of real demons to be an insult to them, especially in use of real sigils without any skillset in usage. Viv and co SHOULD have learned this from the Alastor uproar but clearly not. More on that in the next section pertaining to Viv and co themselves. Overall, it's... Mediocre. Im not saying it's easy, but it's clearly lacking in a multitude of areas. Perhaps I'll cover these in authentic review breakdowns in the future. Perhaps not. It's overhyped for what you get. And for those saying "But numbers!!! It's doing well!" not only have numbers dipped but more importantly not everything of higher quality/passion/deserving gets there - at least not as rapidly. Look at people who constantly scam their audiences like Tana (scams, lazy, not really that entertaining unless you're young, pulls an obnoxious childish tantrum for attention), or drama fuelled people like Trisha Paytas, or even proven vile individuals like Jeffree Starr (though he IS very talented), Shane Dawson (mediocre 'documentaries'), Onision (though luckily he's getting less glory which means less kids to ruin), etc etc. Some only run a career from controversy. Some have genuine talent but not the attitude to match, etc etc. How often do we find many hidden gems or underrated glory? Exactly that! Exactly that. As for Hazbin? Eh too. Honestly I can't fucking stand Angel Dust. He's shitty, flat (in characterisation), mostly a stereotype (for BOTH the hypersexual predatory gay -aka the 1950s perspective, or the uwu cute fluffy innocent boi. He's just... Flat), not particularly interesting to me nor my cup of tea. And though absolutely none of you are actually privy to my reasonings or experiences, Ive met and currently know some nasty AD-types and suffered some shit. That's my business I'll get more into soon. TLDR; I dont like the main protagonist (ONE of the main). And no, it's nothing to do with sex work or sexuality. It's sad I even have to say that. Charlie's new design whilst better than the old design is
still kinda crap. Have little hope in Hazbin - both in success but more importantly in my personal interest of it. I'll probably still draw and cosplay and what not, but I aint a fan. Simple as really. Again Ive seen better things at the same stage. It's just massively overhyped and has a fanbase of those it claims it wasnt for - just shows how shit the marketing is. Also Sam and Raph for the official team is bad. Luckily they arent writers, but they're both very questionable. One could argue that for most staff and fans tbf but still. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Other Hazzy thoughts incl the staff and fandom PLUS the interactions here PLUS PLUS if any of those thoughts have changed:
Errrrr, right. To try to briefen shit, I dont support the staff or majority of the fandom. So fucking much hatred, hiveminded toxicity. Hell, the utter sweetheart who told me a H*skerD*st Discord was ragging on me (tbf that's online and just people for you, the thing that bothers me is this thing Im about to say plus the fact that these fans were almost encouraged to bully and harass me, that's obviously not ok. Shit talk me if it helps you and if you're healthy to yourself about it. Shit talk to mates or in private. But dont just encourage harassment, false rumours, be an onlooker to this shit or anything of that nature. That's shitty on you. Whilst I value honesty, I also acknowledge and accept people do shit talk. That's fine, we've all done it. Just dont encourage shitty things and act later to stop it nor be an onlooker to it. That's just disgusting of you) turns out in that group is a fan of HH, and a HB artist, HunterGirl (Look, you're talented, I dont like you and Im very aware that's semi-mutual, tbh I aint that big on your radar to hate, just more of a 'Oh that prick' sorta jobby. I aint got that much of an inflated ego LOL. But if you by chance see this - I know yall have me on blacklist to not talk about - but just... You're a fucking STAFF member. This isn't professional of you. Tbf, none of SH is professional imo but you need to conduct yourself better. To see the bts shit talking - if you could even call it that - is just... It's just disappointing to see you interact with fans this way and allow such shit to happen for so long. It's immature and the fact that SH FANS are getting these personal interactions with you to see this... I know they're on your side but you need to set a better example of how to conduct yourself - especially at the level of publicity you have. Ive seen so many of the SH staff and even Viv to this current day still do twatish things and bully smaller artists and whatnot. Please just set a better example of conduct and hold YOURSELF to better standards. Though - again - if in the unlikely circumstance that you see this, I do appreciate you eventually putting a stop to it. It's just moreso 1) Behaving professionally as well as an appropriate relationship with fans with clear boundaries - note to onlookers: Hunter hasnt done anything predatory to my knowledge, I just mean that interacting with fans is different than to your mates - and 2) Dont allow harassment to happen. It's fine if theres a healthy space to rant about it or be annoyed, but the harassment, bullying and outright denial some of your people had over MY traumas is utterly disrespectful and immature. I just appreciate that for the most part, those particular fans would either have me blacklisted/blocked here as well or will respect my space also).
I dont want to go into massive details but I just dont like most SH fans. Some are fucking lovely and many are amazingly talented. But many are just the reason people instantly hate something without giving it a chance. It's a self written self defeating prophecy almost. Cult-like mindset (note cult-*like*). Hiveminded with minimal difference or tolerance to individuality - no respect for that so everyone bullies one another to prove their more righteous and it's pathetic. Most fans, I just dislike. Will I hate and harass? Fuck no, never have. But Ive stood my corner. As youve seen, I dont tolerate shit. We all deserve some level of respect and if you're going to throw me under the bus over thinking differently then I'll defend myself. It's two way. None of you lot should tolerate bullying or unnecessary vitriol either. On those lines, there's also a fuckin rumour awhile back that I was a bully and bullying Viv LOL To clarify, criticism isnt bullying. And honestly? Seeing the sort Viv is, she needs tough love, less control and more flexibility to mature. She's spoilt and it shows. She ruins her own potential. If A24 give her too much say, HH will be just as corny and mediocre as HB. It's trying too hard to be BoJack and coming out more like Family Guy Hell, instead of being it's OWN thing, telling it's OWN story and what not. Viv, stop trying to fucking fit in and please everyone with your stupid ships and whatnot like YanDev with his daft Easter Eggs. Both of you bend over for the wrong sorts. Compromise with the right ones and grow a lot! Tbh my criticism's here were nicer. Why? Because I wanted her to grow and succeed. Past tense. Part of me feels if this fails, it may be that push she needs to force herself into self growth and improvement, however I'm not going to personally orchestrate that. For starts, she's great at that alone. Secondly, I'm just being a critic. Im not going out of my way to fucking bully anyone. Im far too busy for one, and secondly it's just not appropriate. I'll stand my ground and defend but that's it. If anyone - anyone - was to be my target to take down personally... It's highly unprofessional and inappropriate to mention but it'd be like someone who harms kids or animals. Not some petty Mean Girl Wannabes online. But dangerous big fry. Where I'd actually contribute to doing something to protect others. Viv and Co are just... Idk. Theyre just your classic bitchy clique at times and hide some of their incompetence's and horrible behaviours publicly yet are still mostly the same nasties they always have been. They can do better if they put in the hard work to see that and do it. If anything, they just enable one anothers bad habits. They behave cruelly. They flock together with their own sort. They're not particularly wonderful or role models but they arent bottom of the barrel. I'll say some harsh shit about them but I wont make up shit (If I spread a source that turns out false, lmk and I'll get to that! Dislike false information) and I wont encourage anyone to be a twat to others. If I find out anyone following is behaving a fool, I'll let them know to behave better. I dont like Viv. I dont like most of her staff (I like Monica, we mainly talk about her bird tbh. She's been lovely so far and her bird keeping advice is useful. See? Proof animals are the key to being better, animals just join folks. Praise animals! XD). Most of them have very bad vibes and red flags. I dont support being cunts to them either. If you wish to vocally voice distaste by all means! But never seek them out to be horrid nor send others. Just dont. I wish Spindle would behave better and genuinely grow as people but they wont - not in the current state theyre in. Self feeding cycle. Its a wasteful shame. Though... If ANYONE has read my things and gone off to bully or harass anyone, you're a fucking dolt and need to re-evaluate your conduct! Dont be a prick. Being courteous should NOT be as difficult as people online are portraying. It's shameful!
I dislike the fucking drama, hate and how vile nearly everyone involved is - from fans to staff. Really, it's unwarranted and for those claiming to add to positive rep, you're fucking ace at killing diversity within fandoms. Embrace both similarity and difference. Both are GOOD. Unless being a toxic twat is involved then very bad! And toxic as in all this bullying and shit. Not everything is or will be positive, but if hate isnt present or a warrant for war, then it can be used to improve. But what do I know, I'm just the window cleaner.
Also yes, I hate HD still. For my traumas, I - like many others online - felt pressured to justify my opposing opinion by the inclusion of my traumas. Ultimately it was still me to post those. But truthfully? No one owes you shit. If someone says something triggers or has any traumatic connection - no matter how silly seeming - just take it as is. Congrats, some people lie in life. But for those like myself who were honest, it's shit to be gruellingly transparent about our hurts. No one is entitled to that. You arent my medical team. You arent anyone who is there to assist me in my experiences. And you have absolutely NO right to dictate to me the reality of my experiences as well as their impact. I do not owe you any details of my experiences. And they are not your weapons. They arent weapons at all. Regardless, many both agreed and disagreed. But for the love of god, no one owes details for others to judge if they warrant a trigger. Just be respectful. For that period, you know what happened bts? I posted my peace on my profile. People came to me both agreeing and disagreeing. People also came to me with hatred and harassment and gaslighting. Never did I seek out others. If someone has pro-HD, I just block those tags, those people, that related stuff as best as possible. Alas, I do not need others to validate and authenticate my traumas nor do I need to be open about them to explain my reasonings to anyone. Hate it, love it, dont care. But I have my opinions and this is one of those I will not shift on for personal reasons. That's all any stranger needs to know. Agree to disagree, respect that, move on. Finally on this section. Im aware HH/HB are religious liberations for Viv. I can respect that. I understand religion isnt something that everyone can see fondly. Hell it's harmful to some via traumas and what have you. But I'll respectfully disagree on your approaches to sex positive (which comes off more fetishing and 1 dimensional than more in depth and fleshed out and varied, as well as cheating being this scandalous thrill - which cheating is shit even if the partner isnt great. Just split. Adults act like babies sometimes, and I mean that about the real world) as well as compatibility and religion/beliefs. I just ask that 1) at LEAST be respectful about Voudou (which helped black slaves feel liberation in times of severe oppression and slavery for poc) as well as 2) Look, personally basing designs on deities can be risky. But if there's 2 things I'll warn it's that you need to be careful using real sigils (make up a false one based on the original and strip it of power or something) and your versions of genuine demons are... yikes. Just fucking go full throttle on artistic liberties to make your own or... Just make your own! I'm not asking you to believe, but to know when to be respectful. Religion is portrayed as ultimate good and ultimate evil no matter what, just be more skillful at this. Dont claim to be this demonology pro when what you show proves otherwise. Make it clear to fans that these are different to the actual ones. Something. Just at least respect Voudou and be careful with real sigils. Hell even if you have to be cliche and misuse the pentagram and pentacle, it's safer. Making your own would be more useful in uniquely branding yourself safely. And research. But it feels less of liberation for something that's oppressed and hurt you and more so just petty mockery for revenge as well as unresolved other pains on your side. I dont doubt it's harmed you - but SHOW, make us feel, and breathe in that expressive liberation. Something-
Future of this blog:
I'll still haunt the shit out of you.
In less ominous terms, I'll be on-off I suppose. Less SpindleHorse focused as the drama aint worth it and I dont like most folks attached. Just most are fuelled by being a knobhead. I can name people here in my head that it's clear they gang together and intentionally bait fights whilst having paper thin, water damaged counter points themselves. CBA. That being said, it's my blog and I'll post whatever for me. If you dont take interest or want to harass, leave. If you like it, stay. But BUT if Im misinformed or ignorant or anything like that, just tell me politely. Educate me. Help me grow. We can help each other. It's not hard if you reach out peacefully and in a friendly way. Encourage growth in others. Just... Dont be a bellend.
Anyways, Im going to imagine taking a shit as I clean out the Snowminator. Why? Because he needs a clean and I dont have the fucking foggiest if I actually need the loo or if Im just bored.
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bciwasinlove · 3 years
hi! could you maybe state your opinion on what i‘m about to send to you (not my thoughts but something that someone sent me!!), i‘d be rly interested:
what if the whole larry thing is just coming from management themselves? now that might sound stupid, but hear me out: 2 boys are really really close friends & joke around about being bfs. the media/fans pick up on it. management notices that larry brings a lot of attention to the band & decides to use it in their best way by segregating them cause it makes the whole thing a mystery - fans feel the need to support them by taking their hints, they won‘t unstan anytime soon cause they can‘t let this story go, they‘ll listen to their albums more because they wanna find "clues" in them, etc. now, we all know eleanor is fake af but that‘s louis thing, not necessarily larry. they got the tattoos as the bestest of friends but the rest is all management. every little clue or every "project" like the rbb‘s are planned exactly to look like H & L made them to "scream" at their fans that they‘re together when in reality they always only were really good friends. and now, after hiatus, the „small“ hints we get like sometimes suspicious pictures or lyrics are all part of this whole attention-project that should get people to buy their albums or get involved in their fandom even more. and their friends like Ed, James, Roman, etc do act sometimes like they make fun of it tbh. they are way too loud if it was real like ed literally said "innit" after someone said harry is with louis, i just feel like that’s either very sarcastic in the sense of "you stupid fans rly believe everything you see" or "this is all just made up lmao i’m doing my part to keep up the story". this is rly the only explanation i can think of as to why they were so stupid to not let them interact cause that made everyone think even more that they‘re together - but maybe that was the point. the contract did say that they could do w them whatever they wanted so they might just have used the two gay boys of the band to fit into the "mystery" of a closeted rs that a lot of fans pick up on and still wanna know about in 2021. (i don‘t think larry agreed. if that‘s the case i think they were forced to do that)
so that was the message i got. i don‘t buy it but i‘m not sure why - what would speak against it? i mean the industry is fucked up & i could definitely imagine them only doing these things to make a big story out of it. but i‘m not convinced anyways and i also don‘t even want to be
What fanfiction did you mutral get that from? Anon I mean this in the nicest way but that is the most ridiculous think I've heard. The music industry is massively homophobic two boys being together in the biggest boyband marked towards girls who wanted to date them would not be allowed. There is no chance in hell management did all that crap to bait fans into thinking larry is real when 1D was marketed towards young women. We larries wouldn't be gaslighted by the people around larry, L&H wouldn't laugh at every El engagement rumor, L&H wouldn't have been so uncomfortable/close to tears when it was announced that Louis was going to be a dad, L&H wouldn't look at eachother with that much fondest, L&H wouldn't write songs about the same relationship with so much emotion and they wouldn't get all those ROMANTIC matching tattoos together if they weren't TOGETHER! The whole concept of larry being a social experiment makes literally ne sense never think that again please.
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travellvogue · 5 years
Could you write a blurb about Trent talking about you with his family but they still don't know you and they are getting impatient because they want to know you and excited at the same time? Happy your exam went well! Good luck for your English exam 😘
thank you so much anon xx
“and she’s so funny, she’d get on so well with Ty and Marc” he’s gushing as all his family sit around the table at dinner, “that’s only if you let us meet her mate” Marcell’s speaking as his mum nods, “innit hurry up bro, i want to meet her” Tyler’s telling Trent as he blushes a little, “don’t pressure him” his mum’s warning his brothers, “but i do want to meet my future daughter in law” his mum’s smiling as Trent giggles, loving that his mum is already so welcoming of you into the family, “we need someone else to make it an even number when we play monopoly” everyone laughs as his dad speaks, “that all you care about dad?” Trent’s teasing “no, of course i want to meet this lovely young lady, sounds like your head over heels with her” his dad’s smiling at Trent as his blush deepens, the whole dinner consisting of speaking about despite his family not even meeting you yet
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rittywritestdp · 6 years
I would like to request Runaan x halfbreed(no horns, sharp ears) reader where Reyla got really hurt so he is looking for someone to help her in the end they stumble upon a abandoned house where the reader lives and she helps Reyla but Runaan is not really happy about a halfbreed helping, but then we get to something like - part of both worlds belongs to none and a reason that reader lives in that house is so she can hide from both elfs and humans and she asks Runaan to keep her home a secret.
Runaan x Half-Elf!Reader!
♠️A creaking from the front room startled you, sending you crawling from your cot on the floor to the shadow of the corner. Your heart felt like it was due to beat from your chest any minute. Any moment now, that door would be kicked down and you…and you heard talking from the other room. “Shh…Rayla, it’s alright. I’m here.” A mans voice cooed. “I’m here.” He repeated, in a softer voice.    Then it was silent for a great deal of time. Enough time for the Sun to rise fully, in fact. You were just beginning to calm yourself when the voice came again. “I’m going to fetch water. Don’t make a sound and no one will know you’re here.” The man said, the floorboards creaking as he stood and strode across the floor. “I’ll be back as fast as I can.” He reassured, and then the rickety front door squealed as he attempted to close it. You waited, and you waited some more, until you were certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that the man had left. Once you were sure, you gently cracked open your bedroom door open, but even the tiniest sound of it opening alerted the other occupant. A young elven girl, probably twelve if you were to guess. Her eyes went wide and you saw her reach around behind her, grimacing as she did so. Your arms came upward, pressing the door open so quickly it hit the wall behind it.    “I’m not here to hurt you. This is just where I live.” You explained and the girl furrowed her brows. “I know, I know, it’s shoddy. No one suspects it to be a house and I like it that way.” You answered the question before she asked it, knowing exactly what she was thinking. “Are you…are you okay?” You asked, lowering your hands slowly as you began to examine her closer. She had a large gash on her side, and what appeared to be a broken arm slung with a re-purposed cloak. Her face was dirty and her clothes ripped.     “I’m…yeah. I’m fine.” The girl lied, but you just pursed your lips. “Who are you anyway?” She asked. “Were you born with no horns?” She asked, innocently unaware of the fact that you were certainly not a full-blooded elf.    “I…I’m Y/N. Yes, I was born without horns. Odd, innit?” You laughed nervously. “I have some supplies..I could patch you up? Would you be okay with that?” You asked and the girl searched for an answer for a long moment.    “I…I don’t know if Runaan would be okay with me accepting help.” She said finally. You nodded, standing to begin gathering the supplies one would need to patch her up. If you weren’t able, the least you could do would be to offer this ‘Runaan’ the supplies.    “So, what’s your name?” You asked, turning your head over your shoulder.    “Rayla. What did I tell you?” You immediately lunged, tossing the gauze and sending your spool of metal thread tumbling to the ground. When you turned, you saw an Elven man in the doorway, a water-skin in one hand and a large…imposing…sword in the other. He examined you, then a wash of recognition went over him, and finally, the ever familiar disgust. “What are you doing here, half-breed?” He asked, nose wrinkling as he eyed you.    “It’s….it’s my home, sir.” You said, dropping to one knee, and then the next. “I heard you come in, I just wanted to help. I was s-”    “For good reason.” He cut your sentence off before it began, looking back to Rayla for a moment before his eyes came back to yours. “Can you help?” He asked and you gave a shaky nod. “I…I was going in to be a nurse, but…what I am got in the way.” You replied bitterly, beginning to gather the things you’d dropped. “I’ll help..but you must promise me one thing.” You hushed, gaining a hint of bravery with the knowledge that he needed something from you.   “Money? The human gree-”    “Don’t tell anyone you found me. Keep my home a secret and I will fix your…” You cut him off before he could insult you further but trailed off. “I’ll fix Rayla for you.” You finished after a moments deliberation. It was silent in the room, a tense and surreal feeling.    “Fine.” He replied, sheathing his sword and slipping it to it’s holster. He stepped to the girl and handed her the water-skin, sitting down by her feet. You were free to begin your work, grabbing your own water-skin and filling a basin. You used an old shirt as a rag, dampening it and cleaning her wound gently. The good news it wasn’t as deep as it looked. The bad news is it would still need stitches. “What is that for?” Runaan asked, watching you thread the bowed needle with the wire thread you’d dropped before.    “It’s a human technique called stitching. For deep wounds, it helps healing.” You explained, un-phased. He let out a disgusted exhale and turned away. Once it was threaded, you panned around for something she could bite down on. Finding nothing but one of your clean shirts, you offered that. “It will hurt, but it will help.” You hushed as she laid back. Runaan watched you carefully, suspicious but willing to take your word for it. When you pressed the needle through at first, her back arched and you heard her practically growl into the linen shirt. You were certain Runaan was ready to snap your  neck, but you continued.    By the end of it, Rayla was crying and had long since given up trying to hide it. You smeared the now closed wound with a traditional herbal poultice before bandaging it up nice and securely. You stood, setting aside the stitching tools and picked up a bottle of moonberry juice, offering it to her. “It’ll help you produce blood, I fear you’ve lost quite a bit.” You informed. “I don’t have anything to fix a broken arm, I’ve no training nor supplies for that. But that will make it to the next town, there’s a man who can fix it there I believe.” You said, packing your things back up.    “Are you hiding?” Rayla asked, setting the bottle down and wiping her mouth with the back of her good arm. You looked back at her blankly, lips wavering before letting out a sigh.    “Yes.” You said simply.    “Have you done something that I should be aware of?” Runaan asked, from where he sat against the exterior wall, legs and arms both crossed. You felt your anger swell, but pushed it down. You couldn’t risk pissing anyone off when everyone wished you dead.    “I’ve committed no crime except for existing.” You hushed, pushing your drawer closed and turning. “Neither world will accept me, so I must not exist in either. That’s why I live here, that’s why I hide.” You said. The room was quiet, both elves mulling this new information over. “Are you going to tell anyone of me? Of my home?” You hushed finally. Runaan brought himself to his feet, watching you from across the room.     “A deal…is a deal.” He said unwavering as he stooped to pick Rayla up. “I will tell no one.” He said, looking over his shoulder as he started out of the abandoned shack and hesitating. “..thank you.” He said, and then he was gone. As quick as they had come, they were gone. You breathed, taking in your surroundings and grounding yourself again. It was the first encounter you’d had with anyone in a year. Why were you hoping for him to return?
Hope this is good! Enjoy anon! -☼
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kingsman-fam · 7 years
Family Spats
Eggsy & Sister!Reader (with Merlin, Harry and Roxy)
Words: 1,810 (got carried away there! :o)
Warnings: Not much ! General butt kicking for our favorite heroes and a dash of yelling, but fluff overall !
Disclaimer: I don’t own Kingsman!
A/N: Hi everyone! This was based off the request of a wonderful anon:
“Please could you do an Eggsy x sister!reader where him, Merlin, Harry and Roxy go to a rival secret service for information ( not actual enemies ) and find out that Eggsy’s sister, the reader, works for them.”
Thank you so much for the awesome prompt anon! It was super fun to write! As always, all feedback is loved and appreciated (and I will huggle you forever)! 
I hope you all like this! Without further ado, enjoy! \ ( ^ U ^ ) /
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What’s a Kingsman mission without everything going damn belly up?
It was a simple assignment: infiltrate the facility, incapacitate the hostiles and get the ledger.
It was textbook. Eggsy was certain he could do it with his eyes shut at this point, and he was reasonably certain he could wrap it all up and be home by dinner.
A few gun magazines, lighter grenades and absolutely sick backflips (if Eggsy did say so himself) later, and the young agent brandished the silver flash drive with nothing short of satisfaction.
And mmmm… he could almost taste the roast dinner waiting for him at home.
That is until he, rather belatedly, heard Merlin in his ear yelling at him to turn around. Unable to do so quickly enough, he felt a sharp pain bloom at the base of his skull, before everything turned black.
“Thanks for pullin’ me outta there, Harry,” Eggsy said, hissing as Roxy pressed the ice pack against the growing bump on his head.
“Anytime, dear boy.”
“Please tell me we still got a lead.”
“Fortunately, yes,” it was Merlin’s turn to reply, bringing up an address just a city away from them on the screen. “Your glasses kept recording even after y’ go’ knocked out. I ran facial recognition on the man tha’ attacked you, and turns out he’s one of us.”
“He’s a Kingsman?” Roxy asked, surprised. The possibility of a rogue agent was more than a little disconcerting.
“No’ quite,” continued the quartermaster. “Y’ see we aren’t the only independent intelligence agency in the country. Our closest neighbor is a group called ‘Smithson’-“
“The dusty ol’ blacksmith shop up at Cambridge?”
“Tha’s the one. They’re a bit smaller, but no less competent. Now normally we stay out of each other’s business, but there was a wee bit of confusion and miscoordination.”
“I’ll say,” the young agent grumbled, rubbing the back of his head.
“They’re no’ hostile, but we still need that ledger. Judging by the fact they sent their own team to get it, we have to assume they need it too - and trust me, they are no’ one to give up intel easily.”
“So we take it, then,” Eggsy suggested, determination burning bright in his eyes. “Fair’s fair, innit? They messed up our mission, we take back what’s ours.”
“I’m not very keen on the idea of infiltrating a fellow agency’s base of operations,” Harry interjected, but paused briefly, weighing his next words. “However, given the circumstances and a firsthand knowledge of their uncompromising nature, I’m inclined to agree with you, Eggsy.”
“It’s settled then,” Eggsy said, standing up - if a bit woozily. “Let’s go. You with me, Rox?”
“No’ so fast, Galahad and Lancelot,” Merlin interrupted with a raise of his hand. ”Infiltrating a spy agency’s base is no easy thing. Harry and I’ll spend the night making preparations. Eggsy, go home. Rest up a bit and mind that concussion of yers. Roxy, make sure he doesn’t pass out. We’ll reconvene tomorrow.”
When morning came, Eggsy was certain he was ready to kick butt.
Roast dinners at the Unwin home were as close as one could get to Pop-eye’s spinach, if you asked Eggsy. Good food and a great time spent with his mom and his sister, (Name), made a super spy ready for anything. That was what he thought, anyway.
So when the four agents began to rampage through the secret base - knocking agents out left and right, though avoiding actually killing anyone - Eggsy felt unstoppable.
That is until something, quite literally, made him stop in his tracks.
He had reached the door to the office’s strategy room, and was reasonably certain their flash drive was in there, waiting to be rescued. Not waiting for his three companions who were busy finishing the other agents off, he kicked the door open. He didn’t know what he expected to find. Maybe another bald guy like Merlin manning the controls. Maybe a young guy with glasses or an old dude with a cane. Maybe a freaking elephant was more likely than what actually greeted him once he broke down the door.
Because standing in front of him - gun poised and aimed to kill - was his little sister, (Name).
“(Name)?!”, Eggsy all but sputtered, lowing his gun immediately.
“Eggsy?!” she squawked with equal alarm, nonetheless mirroring her sibling’s actions and putting the weapon away. “I thought I just saw wrong when I saw you on the screen!“
“What the bloody ‘ell?!” he boomed. "You told me you was working tech for some old business!”
“And you told me you were a damn tailor!”  
As the two siblings squabbled, Roxy, Merlin and Harry entered the room - the Lancelot looking every bit as flabbergasted as Eggsy.
“Oh my god, (Name)?”
“Roxy?” the (Hair Color)-haired girl asked with wide eyes, before turning back to her fuming brother. “Both of you are agents?! Seriously?!”
Cautiously, the young female Kingsman approached the seething brother and sister.
“Look, Eggsy, we’re on a mission right now. I think maybe we should leave this issue for another time.“
“Nah, Rox, we got a family issue to settle ‘ere,” the young man replied, anger about to boil over.
“Damn straight,” (Name) huffed, crossing her arms. "I cannot believe you kept this a secret from me!���
“You’re one to talk!”  
“Hey, at least I didn’t lie! Not totally. You can see I work tech.”
“For a spy agency! The way you told me and mum made it sound like you was just fixing busted computers!”
“And an hour ago I thought you were sewing!”
As the two continued to butt heads, Harry and Merlin silently approached Roxy.
“Did we miss something, here?” Harry whispered to the young woman as the three looked on at the unfolding event; the scene a bit too akin to a primetime drama for their taste.
“Family meeting,” she whispered back. “She’s Eggsy’s sister.”
“Oh dear me,” Merlin mumbled in sympathy.
“Tough noogies, we got the disk first!” (Name) shouted indignantly.
“Uh, no you didn’t, luv! I go’ it first, before your brute knocked me head in!”
(Name)’s dramatic gasp would have made soap opera stars proud.
“I knew you were lying when you said you hit your head on the car roof last night! I knew it!”
“Yeah, well enough’s enough. You better quit right now - I am not taking the piss.”
“Or what, big brother? You’ll tell mom?”
“Damn right I will.”
“Why?! I love my job here! Why do you have to go and ruin it?!” (Name) cried, tears of frustration beginning to pool in her eyes. “First you beat up my friends, and now you’re threatening to take away the only job I’ve ever actually cared about! I want to know why!”
“Because what?!”
“Because you’re my baby sister!” Eggsy finally burst out - red in the face but eyes impossibly earnest. “It’s my job to keep you safe! I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you!”
“And you don’t think I feel the same way?” (Name) shot back, her anger beginning to simmer down, replaced with nothing but hurt. “You really think I could bear to lose you like we lost dad?”
“(Name), I…” Eggsy began, pinching the bridge of his nose. He closed his eyes to somehow try to process his thoughts, but a quiet sniffle quickly made him snap to attention.  
Oh no.  
Oh no.
His baby sister was crying.
“Shit,” he swore, giving in and opening his arms. “Come here.”
“It’s not fair,” (Name) said, stepping into his waiting embrace and mumbling into his suit. “I bloody love my job.”
“I bloody love mine too,” he admitted, rubbing his sibling’s back comfortingly.
“Why do I have to quit, then?” she said, swiping the last of her tears away. “You’re just as bad. Obviously neither of us wants to quit our job, so why can’t we just keep doing what we do?”
“Because-” Eggsy began to insist - brotherly instinct taking precedence - but the young woman cut him off.
“If I promise to be extra careful and you do the same, is that good enough?” she offered. “Because if you tell on me I am so telling on you.”
Eggsy was about to reply with an automatic “not bloody likely”, but his sister’s teary (Eye Color) eyes begged him to reconsider.
“Damn it,” he swore, and (Name)’s face broke into a smile. That was as good as a yes.
“But if you get hurt,” Eggsy warned. “I am gonna kill you.”
“The feeling is mutual, brother dear.”
And as the two siblings embraced each other tightly, the other Kingsman agents looked on with a mixture of amusement and confusion.
“Is tha’ it?” Merlin asked, eyebrows raised.
“I could’ve sworn I’d seen this on the telly before,” Harry mused as Roxy elbowed him in the ribs.
“No’ to break up a family moment,” Merlin interjected - stepping closer to the two as they ended the hug. “But we still need tha’ flash drive, if you don’t mind.”
“What are you gonna use it for?” (Name) asked.
“We were planning to use it to track a growing terrorist network before it gets any bigger.“
“Oh, ‘The Ninth Ring’, you mean,” the young woman said with a small laugh. "Yeah, that’s what we were going to do with it too.”
“As great as tha’ sounds-”
“Nah, don’t worry Merlin,” Eggy interrupted with a begrudging smirk. “If this agency’s anythin’ like (Name), then they’re gonna be too bull-headed to even consider messin’ up.”
“Was that a compliment?” the younger Unwin tossed back.
“Don’t push your luck, luv.”
“So…” Harry said, interrupting the conversation. “I believe our work here is done. Miss Unwin-“ he addressed the younger of the two and held out his hand, “-we’ll keep in touch. Of course we’ll assist with the repair from this little… mishap. And perhaps begin talks of diplomacy and possible collaborations between our agencies?”  
The young woman smiled and took the proffered hand, shaking it firmly.
“I’ll have to ask my boss, but I don’t see why not, sir.”
“Excellent. We’ll head back to our headquarters, now. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.” He then turned to Roxy and Merlin. “Time to leave, everyone. Eggsy, we’ll see you outside.”
And as the three agents left, leaving the Unwin pair to themselves, Eggsy couldn’t keep the smile from his face - pride shining clearly in his eyes.
“I’m so bloody proud of you, you know that?”
“And I’m bloody proud of you too,” she replied, eyes no less overjoyed. "Always have been. Always will be.”
After one final embrace, Eggsy began to make his way to the door, but stopped at the threshold to flash his baby sister one last smirk.
“See you at home then? Dinner at 7?”
(Name) couldn’t help but smile back.
“You can count on it.”
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iamkatehardy · 5 years
Only One (Alfie Solomons x Reader) - Pt 1
Request:  Anon: “Hello would you mind writing an Alfie who really likes this shy girl who works in some shop near him. She already has s boyfriend but Alfie doesn't care and goes to her work a lot just to get to talk & flirt with her but she always gets embarrassed and shyer when he flirts and he loves that. She catches her boyfriend cheating on her and now Alfie can make his move😉 could u use smut prompt list #64 #37 please you can change any of this however you need to whatever works for you.”
Warnings: Cursing ; Cute Alfie
A/N: I’m splitting this in 2 parts, because I don’t want you to wait any longer! There is no smut yet, I need to polish Alfie x Reader relation! 😏 
Leave your feedback, me and your favourite Jew will be very thankful!❤
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  Only One (Alfie Solomons x Reader)
The role of the ideal housewife was never enough for you; you always wanted much more, to feel entirely fulfilled, and you thrived.
You had the work bug, plus your dexterity with the needles and creativity put most of the other dressmakers to shame. In no time, you had one of the busiest stores in town, so you expanded the business to serve your growing clientele, moving to a roomier shop in Camden Town and hiring an Italian tailor to be able to work with men’s clothing too.
Although it was a huge success, perhaps not everyone had noticed it yet. As one of the rulers of most part of Camden, Alfie Solomons used to pay local businesses a visit, not only as a reminder of who was in charge , but also most likely to demand a share, “for operating in his town”. Your turn hadn’t come yet; he was busy with his own expansion plans, involving a strategic partnership with some old friends, to make it through the crisis after the Italians’ attacks.
“I’m not sure I trust Elazar, but I have no choice, a’ight? Aside from him having a shitload of money, all the others are eating in his fuckin’ hand, for whatever reason. He’s not an honorable man, that’s one thing I’m sure about! Can you believe that cunt is even living in concubinage with some Shiksa?! (derogatory word for non-Jewish women) – In a sudden fit of anger and frustration, Alfie swept the paper off his desk with his left hand, throwing all the work of the past few days to the floor. His fingers ran through his messy hair in desperation, he couldn’t stand not have control.
“Alfie…” – Ollie bent down to pick the papers up and placed them on the desk again.
“Not now. Not today.” – The burning wrath in his eyes could reach a person’s soul in second, but he soon acknowledged the fact that the situation wasn’t Ollie’s fault. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, his fingertips rubbing his throbbing temples. – “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off, mate? I can’t look at these anymore. We think about it tomorrow, with a clear head.”
Ollie merely nodded in assent, but when he was about to leave he turned to his boss again.
“Will you be ok?” – The hardships in Alfie’s life always made Ollie worry, almost like a son; despite the filthy temper and all the outbursts, Alfie was his mentor and they cared for each other.
“Stop worrying, little boy.”- Alfie chuckled lowly. - “Fuckin’ Solomons always find a way, even when it seems there isn’t any, innit?” – Narrowing his eyes, his hand came to his chin and he stroked his beard thoughtfully. -  “Now go, live a little. You’re at the right age for it.” – With a wave of his hands, Alfie shooed his assistant away.
“You should live a little too. Anyway, have a good evening.”
“You cheeky little…” – Alfie shook his head, watching him disappear in the distance, but deep down he knew maybe Ollie was right.
Maybe he should really live a little too, before it was too late.
After gathering his things, he grabbed his coat and left the office, heading outside. The street was busier than usual, more than he expected, as it was cold and getting later I the day.
“Hey! Come here, little boy.” – Alfie called a little kid over; children were honest most of the time and too young to be afraid of him, unlike most people in Camden.
The boy approached slowly. Eventually, he stood near Alfie’s feet. The gangster looked down at the kid, who was looking up at him with big innocent eyes. After searching in his pockets for a long time, Alfie held a wad of cash in his hand. With the other hand on his lower back to hold the pain, he crouched down until he was at the kid’s height and handed him a note.
“What is all this fuss about, little man?” – He knitted his eyebrows together, almost imperceptibly, pointing at the crowd.
“The store that opened down the street, I think.” – The kid shyly took the money out of Alfie’s hand, bowing thankfully.
“What kind of store?” – Alfie’s eyes narrowed.
“I’m not sure, Sir. But they give you chocolates; maybe that’s why people go there.” – The kid shrugged and Alfie couldn’t help quirking his lips up in response.
“A’ight, thank you for your help.” – Alfie rubbed the kid’s head and stood up slowly, with a groan of pain.
After stuffing the money on his pocket, the kid ran happily down the street.
“These bastards will learn the hard way to think twice before they do anything without my fuckin’ say-so!” – Annoyed, he cussed under his breath and moved faster, scanning the street for the new store.
The sky had turned black and the rain was starting to pour down heavily, but it didn’t stop him. Slightly limping down the street, his expression was menacing, it seemed as if he was determined to start a fight with whoever challenged his power; maybe he just wanted to take his problems out on somebody else, either way, it was the perfect excuse.
Finally he saw an unfamiliar elegant store and just stormed inside, looking really pissed. The furniture looked new and luxuriously comfortable and the collection of antique artwork that adorned the place seemed to be priceless. There was a soothing record playing and a pleasant floral smell on the air, that somehow made him go back to his childhood days.
The store was already closed by then; you were working on the sewing room in the back, to get a head start on next day’s work. When you heard the door open, you popped through the velvet curtains the two parts of the store.
Beholding the man before you, you smiled and approached the counter. It was after hours already, but you weren’t willing to lose a costumer.  His attire made you immediately think he was probably Jew by birth and upbringing.
“Shalom.” – You greeted him softly, and then cast your eyes down shyly, dropping your gaze to the ledge under your hands.
“Shalom.” - Alfie raised a brow as his eyes moved to you. – “I would like to speak to the owner, personally.”
“That’s me.” – When your eyes met, a smile formed on your lips and Alfie’s blood seemed to warm. – “How can I help you, Sir?”
All his courage to scold and fight the owner of the shop immediately disappeared. Rubbing his lids with the back of his hands, he stammered indecipherable words that sounded to you like Yiddish.
As you tilted your head, studying him, your eyes widened a bit and shone brighter than he had ever seen in his life. Noticing his soaked clothes and speechlessness, you wondered if maybe he just wanted shelter from the heavy rain and entered a random store. You picked up a towel and handed it to him, for him to wipe out his wetness.
“Thank you. Thank you, dove.” – He put his hat aside and took the towel, drying his head and face.
“Would you like a cup of tea, while you decide?” – You watched him drying himself and took the towel when he finished. - “Here, have a bonbon! These are kosher.” – Smiling encouragingly, you offered him a plate of assorted bonbons to choose from.
He put the candy in his mouth, letting it melt slowly.
“These are really sweet.” – He furrowed his eyebrows. – “But not as sweet as you seem to be.”
Although you opened your mouth, no word came out; you felt a furious blush flaming on your skin.
Trying to come up with an excuse for the situation he found himself in, he looked around him, letting out a loud breath and straightening his posture. Before saying anything else, he took another moment to watch your embarrassment, how your face was still burning in shame after the compliment; it was pretty adorable and it somehow amused him.
“I was wondering, do you sell hats here?” – He didn’t actually need the thousandth hat, but it was the first thing he came up with, so he’d stick with that excuse until he’d come up with something better.
“Yes, do you have anything in mind?” – Looking down to cover up the blush, you bit your thumb shyly.
“Lots of things, love.” – He came closer with a smile on the corner of his lips. - “As about the hat, something inconspicuous, but with a little style. Black, wide brim, preferably resistant.” –Shrugging, like the hat was actually no big deal, he constantly kept his eyes glued on you.
The first of his answer might have been innocent, but you blushed even more. No matter what words he spoke, his voice was enough to make a woman weak at the knees.
“I… I’ll see what I can get, just give me a minute. In the meanwhile, please, make yourself at home.” – You nodded to the sofas before you disappeared behind the curtains again.
He sat on the sofa and ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head and chuckling in a low tone.
“Composure, (Y/N), composure…” - In the backroom, you sat on the edge of a table and cleared your throat, putting your lightly shaky hand on your chest. After taking a sip of water, you searched in the boxes, trying to find those that met his requirements.
A few minutes later you returned with a half dozen boxes pilled in your hands and put them on the sofa, next to him.
“At the moment I have these. If you’d like something else, I can order it for you, it’ll take only a couple days.” – You gracefully sat on the arm of the couch, crossing your legs and arranging your skirt, before you opened the boxes one by one and started handing him the hats for him to try them on.
“How do I look?!” – Giving you a cocky smile, he turned his head to give you a profile view.
“Great!” – Leaning closer, you adjusted the hat into a slightly crooked position. – “Well, that’s more like it. Perfect.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” – Watching you with great interest, he blinked slowly. – “I’m taking them all.” – He took the hat off, putting it back in the box and got up, extending his hand to help you up.
Why the hell would someone buy so many hats that look almost exactly the same?
You looked at him in surprise and took his hand, getting up. Your hand lingered on his for a few seconds and the pad of his thumb rubbed your knuckles soothingly, sending a shiver through you, before you finally pulled it away, with a sheepish smile on your face.
“What name should I put on the receipt?” – You went behind the counter again.
“Alfred Solomons.” – Leaning against the counter, he paid for the hats and watched you write his answer down. He had gotten so close he could feel your warmth and your delicate fragrance with every intake of breath. – “But you may call me just Alfie, a’ight?”
“Deal.” – You gave him the receipt.
“It’s raining cats and dogs. I don’t think it’s a good idea to take all those boxes home in these circumstances, innit darling? Can I swing by tomorrow to get them?”
“Of course, Mr. Solomons.” – You intertwined your hands together and nodded cordially.
“I think you’re going to need this.” – You giggled and handed him an umbrella. – “So long, Alfie.”
“See you around…” – He tilted his head lightly to one side and lifted his brows. – “ Sorry, I don’t think I got your name.”
“(Y/N).” – He nodded. – “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman, right?” – With a warm half-smile, he turned on his heel and left.
The next day, you waited for him to show up, constantly checking when a new client made it through the front door. It was half-hour to closing time and he still hadn’t shown up.
Alfie was at the bakery, in a meeting with Elazar, scrambling with last minute details on their settlement.
“Let’s make this quick, Elazar. I have an appointment, mate.” – He looked at his pocket watch to check if he still had time to go to your store; he did, but not much.
“Relax Alfie, I have an appointment too, maybe  two, or three.” – Elazar grinned maliciously.
“With your missus? Doesn’t count as an appointment.”
“Alfie, Alfie, Alfie… I wouldn’t expect you to understand, you’re not a ladies’ man after all, but your missus is your choice of pleasure if, and only if you have no other option available.”
“What… Excuse me?” – Alfie put his glasses down, giving him a nasty look.
“Think of a relationship as if it was just any other business; if you have the chance to have some side action and make a profit, you go for it, without blinking an eye.”
“How can you fuckin’ do that, mate?!” – Slightly irritated, Alfie swung his arms on the air.
“It’s really quite simple; women are very naïve when it comes to love.” – Elazar proudly started explaining. – “Tell her you love her and she’s the only one; make her believe that and she will be at your feet, which will basically make her buy any excuse you come up with. But keep her busy, so she won’t have much time to think about them, some women are smart enough to figure out the truth … Give her a small business, or let her teach little orphans, something like that. Use your imagination! Propose to her, if necessary, it will keep her in your hands until you are done with the little brat and find a better one.”
“I wasn’t asking how do you do it! I was asking how you can be such a cunt, actually. You give a woman goods and she will give you a heart cooked meal… You give her your house and she will make it your fuckin’ home… You give her your fuckin’ cum and she will return you your offspring! If you give her some affection, she will give you her fuckin’ heart! What is wrong with you?!”
“What is wrong with you, Alfie? That’s why you don’t get any action. Have you gone soft or what?”
“No, I simply respect women!” – Alfie’s unblinking eyes were fixed on the man ahead and his jaw was tight. – “You know what? If it’s alright with you, we can finish this another day.”
“As you wish. Call me later and let me know when.” – Elazar promptly picked his things up and left.
“What has this world come to? Thank you for everything  eema. (Mom, but I’m not sure of this) “ – Alfie pressed a hand to the medallion in his chest, before he checked his pocket watch again and hurriedly left the bakery, heading to the flower shop.
 Tag List: @carmen-kray , @titty-teetee , @iv-nyc , @but--dear-this-is-not-wonderland , @eap1935 , @ellar21 , @tiredoffeelinglost , @original-krays , @marvelgirl7 , @captstefanbrandt , @evilispretty-dead , @mollybegger-blog , @bignastyfan-nz , @scarrasco1325-deactivated201905 , @miidailyinspiration , @harleyquinns , @haroldpain , @marvelslut16 , @willowick13 , @outofbluecomesgreen , @elemeph , @my-little-lucky-scissors , @overitall2018 , @innerpaperexpertcloud , @matoki-darkpanda
525 notes · View notes
iamkatehardy · 5 years
Only One (Alfie Solomons x Reader) - Pt 2
Request: Anon: “Hello would you mind writing an Alfie who really likes this shy girl who works in some shop near him. She already has s boyfriend but Alfie doesn't care and goes to her work a lot just to get to talk & flirt with her but she always gets embarrassed and shyer when he flirts and he loves that. She catches her boyfriend cheating on her and now Alfie can make his move😉 could u use smut prompt list #64 #37 please you can change any of this however you need to whatever works for you.”
Warnings: Cursing (No smut yet T.T I’m so sorry!)
A/N: I found out I’m very fond of this story, maybe obsessed 😂  I was dying to share this, so I’m posting this small update ❤❤ Starting Pt 3 TODAY, because I need to 😍
Leave your feedback, me and your favourite Jew will be very thankful!❤
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 Only One
Most store owners in Camden owed obligations to Alfie Solomons. Since he usually didn’t even bother to come himself, the sight of him was enough to terrify the shopkeepers; his visit was usually sign of incoming trouble, terrible trouble.
An old man wearing an apron, worn out with years of use, was tidying up the store to close when Alfie suddenly came in. The flower man felt small and wondered what he did wrong.  
“Mr. Solomons, I wasn’t expecting to see you, Sir. Your men came by last week. Business has been slow lately, I’m afraid I don’t have money…”
Alfie raised his hand and the man fell silent, crossing his wrinkled, trembling hands over his apron.
“That’s not why I disturb you now, aye.”
“Well, then, what can I do for you?” – The man shot him a questioning look.
“Oh, could you get me a steak?” – An ironic smile formed in his lips. - “This is a fuckin’ flower shop, innit?” – Alfie’s smile disappeared and he hissed, raising his arms and looking around him. – “So, I want flowers, innit fuckin’ obvious?”
“Of course. And what kind of flowers would you like?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know! There are so many different types, it’s confusing, honestly.” -  He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. – “That’s why you have to help me; you’re here for that, right?”
“What’s the occasion, Mr. Solomons?”
“Sometimes you don’t need a special occasion to gift a special someone, right? Her presence, her existence, her worth… These are enough motives, innit?!” – Alfie gave the man a shrug, then took a deep breath and raised his head proudly, his mouth twisting peculiarly, in a kind of contented smile.
“Someone pinch me.” – The old man whispered, scratching his head; he had never seen Alfie smiling truly, let alone speaking like that.
“I fuckin’ will, if you don’t get me a bouquet with your best flowers in two minutes.” – He pointed his finger at the man, snarling.
The old flower man disappeared behind the counter, returning with a bouquet of fragrant flowers.
“Roses and Jasmine; they have never failed me in forty years of marriage!”
“Forty fuckin’ years, aye?” – Alfie took the bouquet, raising his eyebrow. – “Don’t they smell nice! I guess I’m taking them, mate.”
“It’s not about the color or even the smell… It’s the fact you spent a little bit of your time thinking about her and how to make her day a little better.” – The man smiled, the wrinkles in his face more prominent.
“A little bit of my time?! I’ve been thinking ‘bout her the whole fuckin’ day, my good man!” – Alfie returned the smile and put a note on the counter, before making his way out of the shop.
Trying to avoid the crowd, Alfie wandered down the street. Unconsciously, he started humming lowly, tunelessly, happily. When he got to your store, he turned the doorknob with his free hand, but the door was locked.
“No! Fuck me.” – Frustration built inside him, as he tried to open the door again and again. Grunting in defeat, he leaned his head on the door, but no sound came from within. On the inside, he wanted to kick the door, but decided to knock heavily instead.
“Hold on, hold ooon!” – The loud bangs on the door made you put aside the cloths and embroidery you were working on; before getting up, you meticulously inspected your work for a second.
Once you emerged from the backroom, the sight of Alfie’s image through the glass door was enough to make you flash an excited smile.
“Well, well, well, look at this.” –Your heart squeezed as you slowly unlocked the door. – “I was afraid you weren’t coming today after all.” – Leaning against the door, you stepped back to let him through.
“First of all, excuse me for the delay, love; I’ve been busy all day long. Please grant me your forgiveness.” – As he got inside, he shyly gave you the bouquet he was holding, wondering if you were going to like it or not.
“Are these for me? I… I couldn’t possibly accept.” – Blushing furiously, you shook your head.
“What’s stopping you sweetie? I beg you to take it, as a token of my fondness for you, dove.” – He nodded once, his gaze never leaving your eyes, causing your hairs to rise.
“Thank you, they’re beautiful.” – You took the bouquet, timidly looking at the ground when he got closer; for a moment, you closed your eyes smelling the flowers and taking in the delicate fragrance. – “These are my favorite, how did you know?” – Cocking your head, you smiled widely.
“Just a wild guess, pet.” – He chuckled, watching you happily put the flowers on a vase on the counter.
“I’ll go get your hats now.” – You nodded courtly, before entering the curtains that separated the store from the backroom.
“I’ll help you. A lot of fuckin’ boxes for you to carry alone, innit?”- He followed you to the sewing room in the back, behind the velvet curtains.
He bent down to pick the boxes up in the corner, swearing under his breath because of his acute back pain.
“Let me get these for you.” – Seeing him in pain, you came over and bent down by his side, looking up at him and smiling softly.
A single lock of hair fell in your face and you tried to blow it out of your eyes.
“That’s better, innit?” – He reached up and tucked the lock of hair behind your ear, softly brushing his digit on your skin, after.
Fired seemed to burn where he touched you, contrasting with the cold of his rings on your skin.
“Yeah.” – Clearly flustered and blushed under your makeup, you stuck with a simple answer, because you knew you’d probably stumble on your own words.
In hopes of making the blush go away, you cupped your cheek in your cold hands for a second. Once again, Alfie smoothed your hair softly, enjoying the feel of your hair between his fingers and savoring your unique softness. Breathing an imperceptible shaky sigh, you looked at him under your lashes, captivating his heart little by little. Coyly looking down, you drew your lower lip into your mouth, sucking it briefly.
“I’m not so young anymore, please don’t mess with me like that, pet.” – Without thinking twice, he held your chin up, rubbing his thumb over the seam of your lips, slowly coming closer. – “My heart is too weak for such a woman, aye?” – He lowered his voice to a husky tone; the tip of his nose touched yours and he moved his face even closer to yours, making you part your lips and hold your breath.
It took a lot of effort and self-control to resist the sudden engulfing urge to taste his lips.
“Alfie…” – With your eyes shut, you muttered his name breathlessly, shivering under his touch every time you felt the whispers of his breath on your lips, that left you dazed. You could feel him moving closer and closer, as his hand lightly rested on your waist. In the last second, you turned your head and his warm, full, loving lips landed on your cheek instead. – “The boxes…” – Your voice trembled.
“Right…” – He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, as his thumb stroked your lower back. – “The boxes.” – He breathed deeply and sighed against your cheek; once again, his warm breath washed over your skin.
He stepped away from you, aware that your eyes lingered on him for a moment. He extended his arms and you started pilling the boxes in his hands, carefully.
“Too bad the weather is fine today, innit?  I’d like an excuse to come tomorrow as well.” – He gave you a cheeky smile and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head, while the color on your cheeks became a little deeper again.
“You don’t have to make up an excuse.” – You tapped the box slowly and moved your eyes back to him. – “Do you?”
“Actually, maybe I have an excuse. Well, it’s not a fuckin’ excuse, it’s more of a motive. I’m about to close a deal and I will be having an important dinner; I better dress to impress, innit? Do you, by any change, make gentlemen’s clothing, pet?”
“No, but I hired a talented Italian tailor who does.” – You giggled.
“An Italian? No way. Absolutely not. No fuckin’ way.” – Alfie shook his head disapprovingly. – “ I don’t trust fuckin’ wops, I’d end up shootin’ him in the face.”
“I beg your pardon?” – Your eyes went wide and you shot him a shocked look.
“Me and fuckin’ wops don’t get along, sweetie. I think it’s best if we don’t even breathe the same air, a’ight? There is some bad blood between us, it goes way back. Believe me, pet, I don’t want to kill your tailor, but if he looks at me wrong, I might. You know, it is what it is.”
You looked at him in disbelief.
“Look…” – He put the boxes on your working table. – “I’m a real rotten egg; I have to be honest. I do fuckin’ bad things for a living, all sorts of nasty things, before you ask.” – He leaned against the table, pinching the bridge of his nose. – “Being this kind of person, right, it’s a good way to make enemies, and sweetie I have many. Many. Those fuckin’ wops included. That’s why I don’t want them anywhere near me.” – He looked down and clasped his hands. - “Now, if you want to turn away from someone like me, I won’t even try to stop you, it is fuckin’ easy to understand if you do innit?” – He sighed and shrugged helplessly.
“You don’t really seem like a bad person, to be honest.” – Chewing your lower lip, you studied him, before you looked down at your hands.
“Oh, I fuckin’ am, dove!” – He nodded, disappointed with himself. – “But I’m glad you feel that way, aye?” – He picked the boxes up, his hands shaking, before he walked through the velvet curtains.
“That’s not the Alfie I know.” – You followed him to the main room of the shop.
“Well, ask around , pet. That’s the Alfie everyone knows.”
“No offense, but who cares about what everyone knows or thinks?” – You gave him a comforting smile that made something inside him twist. – “I can tailor your suit for you.” – You rubbed his shoulder, before laying your hand over his heart, that was pounding on his chest like there was no tomorrow. – “If you want me to, that is.”
He just wanted to drop the boxes he was carrying and hold you in his arms; he wanted it so bad it hurt.
“Having a woman’s touch would only make it even more beautiful, innit? Especially if it’s your touch, love” – A wide smile formed on his lips, making your knees wobble.
“I guess so, Mr. Solomons.” – You teased, your shy smirk driving him crazy.
“No Mr. Solomons, a’ight dove?!” – He took your hand and kissed it gently.
Before he let go, he noticed the engagement ring glistening on your finger and the smile he had was gone in that same second. He felt a lump on his throat and although he tried his best to keep control, he could feel tears burning the back of his eyes already, so he shook his head to avoid them.
“I… I’ll come by later this week, if I have the time.” – Looking a little stunned, he headed to the door.
“Let me walk you out.” – You gently put your hand on his shoulder.
“I can show myself out, thank you.” – He abruptly opened the door and left, disappearing as soon as he entered the crowd.
Tag List: @carmen-kray , @titty-teetee , @iv-nyc , @but--dear-this-is-not-wonderland , @eap1935 , @ellar21 , @tiredoffeelinglost , @original-krays , @marvelgirl7 , @captstefanbrandt , @evilispretty-dead , @mollybegger-blog , @bignastyfan-nz, @miidailyinspiration , @harleyquinns , @haroldpain , @marvelslut16 , @willowick13 , @outofbluecomesgreen , @elemeph , @my-little-lucky-scissors , @overitall2018 , @innerpaperexpertcloud , @matoki-darkpanda , @namelesslosers , @jay-bel , @tarjanisfrye , @scarrasco1325
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