#we don’t know yet
starflesh-moth · 14 days
just died my hair pink after having it blue for over a year. this is the start of an era for me.
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quibbs126 · 7 months
Hellooo, can I request a Pure Vanilla and Premier Custard fankid? I love imagining PV as Custard III's grandfather, but don't feel pressured to adhere to that hc if you don't want to!
Hmm, I mean, I usually interpret Pure Vanilla to be the ancestor of the entire House Custard, given we know Custard III is descended from PV but we don’t actually know how far back it is, and when Clotted Cream is introduced and says he’s from House Custard, Crunchy Chip remarks that he’s probably not just here to see his ancestor, implying that Clotted Cream is also his descendant simply because he’s from that family (though it could also be interpreted as him saying that simply because he’s from the old Vanilla Kingdom, since I don’t think Crunchy Chip would have the specific knowledge of House Custard being the direct descendants of Pure Vanilla)
And while you could say it’s not explicitly confirmed whether it’s all of House Custard that’s descended from Pure Vanilla or just Custard III, there’s enough of a grey area that I’m not really sure I should do this one, since Premier Custard Cream could end up being Pure Vanilla’s descendant as well. Sorry
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turtlesundaes · 3 months
Dw guys day three is extra special so it’s coming out with day four xP
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undermattsun · 1 year
also i’m home from vacation and me thinks it’s time to get back into it
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lucifertheworm · 2 years
Say hello to Wormcifer!
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Lucifer has been turned into a worm! What will he do? Where will he go? No one knows
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Rules and notices!
Dni if you’re here to spread hate of any kind. Includes racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. I can’t imagine why you would do this on a blog for a worm version of a fictional character but k ig
What is this blog? Idk man just go with it
May include Sololuci content. Author discovered this ship 3 hours and 47 minutes before writing this and is now obsessed.
Requests and asks will be accepted once author finally decides to do research on how these things work.
Author has no experience running a blog. Author does not know what they are doing. Proceed with caution.
Author is still in school, during the school year activity will be less.
Author will regularly embarrass themself. Just look the other way.
Inspired by this post and this post alone (not my post)
Wormcifer art and stories coming soon! Once author gets off their lazy butt and does art stuff for once :)
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lillylvjy · 1 year
No because my mom doesn’t know about my piercings and she just saw them and she’s fuming
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dazed-diary · 7 months
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I’m cooking.
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ninyard · 2 months
it’s kind of wonderful to watch Jeremy handle Jean’s trauma because the foxes are so used to each other being fucked up and problematic that when blood spills out of Neil’s locker and he says that he doesn’t want to talk about it they go okay fucked up but sure. Jeremy is so insistent with Jean’s issues and thinks that he just needs to talk about it and pushes and pushes and just begs him to tell him what’s going on. Because that’s the world of trauma he’s used to. He’s used to a problem shared is a problem halfed and being a shoulder to cry on that when Jean says “I’m traumatised” he thinks, “talking about it will make you feel better.”
He handles Jeans trauma with this messy heavy hand and he means so well but his version of trauma, his perspective on trauma is so far removed from the trauma the foxes or the ravens are used to. Every single minute detail Jean reveals is shocking and insane and fucked up and he’s barely scraping the surface. How do you tell someone who thinks you can talk through your problems that you’re afraid of water because you were waterboarded, or that you are so used to your body being used that it’s no longer that Jean feels as if he deserves his abuse, it’s no longer that he thinks his punishments were normal. They are facts. They are core unmoving beliefs so ingrained in him they are set into his skin like the tattoo on his cheek. They’re going nowhere. Jeremy will never understand that, and every thing Jean tells him disturbs him more than the last. He’s so empathetic and compassionate - I think if Jean told him the truth, it would destroy him. It would destroy his spirit, his belief in others, his faith in kindness. It would make him angry. It would make it impossible not to annihilate the Ravens for what they did in the dirtiest, meanest way possible.
And I cannot wait to watch that all happen.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Hot 4am take but I feel like if we want to get people more interested in making their yards a more habitable space for wildlife like insects, we have to acknowledge that ‘Don’t want bugs in your house’ is still a 100% fair and valid point of view. ‘Loves nature’ and ‘doesn’t want roaches spiders and mosquitoes in the house’ aren’t opposites.
And with that in mind, when we propose to people that spraying pesticides around houses is Not A Good Idea, Actually, I feel like we need to give an alternative asides from ‘deal with it.’
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After a very intense obsession with Green Day it seems my brain has turned to the Sex Pistols for music(I don’t know for sure yet)
as a bassist this makes me very sad
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I hate you stranger on the internet that claims the marauders fandom could use another big fic but then refuses to actually read a wip
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todayesterday · 6 months
“Some people think John was speaking directly to me [in Now and Then]. And you know what? That is very nice to think about, so I’ll stick with that interpretation.”
— Paul McCartney about being the inspiration for Now and Then to Brazilian journalist Pedro Bial (Dec. 01, 2023) (translated from portuguese version of the interview)
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hobgoblinns · 6 months
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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cashweasel · 8 months
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I’ve not seen anyone talk about Julia Belmont yet which is crazy because,, she looks like this?! My honest reaction seeing her on screen was “damn boy that’s your mommy??” Can she be my mommy too? She’s stunning. I want her so bad rip tho queen
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lady-tortilla-chip · 9 months
I think it’s crazy actually that people think it’s impossible for Chuuya to trick Fyodor without Fyodor having to be dumber for it. Especially when a popular theory was that after the drowning Chuuya had begun faking it, why is it so hard to believe he’d just been faking it the entire time?
This doesn’t even touch on how it’s been SUCH a LOUD point throughout mersault that Fyodor has hugely underestimated Soukoku. So, by obvious extension that would include Chuuya too if not more so than Dazai seeing as he insinuated multiple times that Chuuya was Dazai’s tool rather than equal partner.
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