#we got one (1) ep where we saw the ghosts & the house
mikuni14 · 8 months
Rewatching Ep 1-4 :)
First of all, I'm again amazed and amused by the fact that if they split into 2 groups and guys from one of them walked on their feet and just... didn't stop, they would finally reach civilization and call for help 😂 The road to this house is sentient, I swear, sometimes it's good and passable for a large car, sometimes it turns into some forest path where there is barely room for a scooter, oh, and there is also a conveniently collapsed bridge. Which other people know about, i.e. civilization AND HELP is not THAT FAR. 😭
How Phee gently holds White's hand while preparing for the filming. How does he treat him at all, how kind and caring he is. 🤔
Jin admitting he is a coward. 🤔
I wonder about the divine quality of the murderer(s) 😆 How mobile he is, how he appears often and in different places, twice he appeared in the way of boys running away on a SCOOTER (did he chase them through the forest? or does he just sit in the bushes and jump out when someone appears?), how strong he is - enough to lift Tee, or when he was hit several times in the back and head and it doesn't work on him. Same with his selectivity: he didn't finish off Por, he didn't kill Top even though he had the perfect opportunity, he killed Dang, he tried to kill Jin in the temple. And he never seems to sleep. And the fact that Top arrives on a scooter disguised as a murderer who previously attacked Tee and Tan who was then wearing black shoes and blue pants, while Top has white shoes and pants.
In deleted scene: Por counted 9 people on cctv.
Jin says that Non is alive, he just doesn't want to talk to them. 🤔 Tee and Top immediately assume it's his ghost, meaning that Non may be dead 🤔 Tee: If Non were alive, he would come to visit us, or at least he would come to Jin. Phee keeps insisting that the murderer is human. 🤔
Jin is genuinely worried about Por, he is shown comforting others, a voice of reason, a support for the group.
Phee's strange reactions: when Tee wants to leave Por and save himself, Phee is shown sitting frozen, looking at the floor. (Was that the case with Non? Was he left behind with wounds and maybe the reason he died was because no one helped him?). Or when Phee looks at Fluke strangely when he talks about leaving fingerprints on the dead body and an autopsy, and then he keeps looking at him when Fluke is visibly panicked. 🤔
Tan keeps directing the conversation towards Non, casually trying to bring out from the group what happened 3 years ago, until he loses control towards the end and DEMANDS to tell him what happened. Tan messes with Fluke's head, who only in this one scene with him, acts genuinely terrified of dying throughout the entire series, even his voice is different. Yet Tan also saw someone in the house and fought the murderer, too. What's interesting is that when the injured Tan comes back, he calls only Phee and Jin. 🤔
Now, as the first time, I'm impressed with how Tee treats White. I really can't doubt his feelings for White. His vile character, which we got to know in the flashbacks, came out in two scenes with White, when he scolds White for "not obeying" (although I have the impression that Tee is lashing out because he's panicking about filming a movie that triggers him) and when he runs away with Top (in in this scene he clearly succumbs to fear and peer pressure, they are in a frenzy in this scene. But the moment he sees the masked murderer he realizes that he left White and immediately returns).
It's interesting how Jin and Phee gravitate towards each other. I also think they are more compatible with each other than Phee and Non. And Jin can't lie to Phee and tells him the truth straight to his face, including the unpleasant one, which clearly pleases Phee.
It's also interesting how Phee and Tan often complement each other and "cooperate" wordlessly 🤔
The scooter doesn't start when Phee tries and starts immediately when the murderer sits down 🤔
Fluke is ready to worsen Por's condition, shoot Top and now hold everyone hostage (what's his plan again?), just so the truth about what happened 3 years ago doesn't come to light and just to save his precious reputation. Fluke is willing to do anything to save his bright future as a doctor. (It's very interesting how he looks at his bloody hands.) Just like the first time, I wonder about Fluke's extremely terrible behavior towards White, he is plain nasty, abusing him mentally, verbally and even physically, how often he tells him that Por may die because of him, he acts like a abusive parent with his: "can you do at least one thing right?", "you are so slow." What else struck me was the obvious fact that Fluke hates being a doctor, hates the patients, hates this job, complains when he has two patients, doesn't he know what it's like to work in a hospital? 😆Question: why does Fluke want to become a doctor, because it's definitely not his calling… 🤔 For his mom? For the money?
Jin's arm is dislocated AGAIN? What happened the first time?
Fluke to Tee: you killed a person. Tan immediately at Tee: 👀👀👀 I have the impression that Phee is working with Tan and that they just want to get confirmation of what happened first by scaring the boys. We see, for example, Tan unpacking the costume, which means he has access to it. And that is why the murderer did not kill Top - because he only wanted to freak him out (which worked, also Top's panic was contagious, also Tan is not there). Or maybe there never was a plan? Because actually everything looks quite random and accidental, they couldn't have known that Por would have a disk with the movie lying just there next to the TV (unless they already had this disk and placed it earlier), that he would let them play it, that the rest of the guys would agree to play in the new film. There's just too much randomness, dumb luck and unknowns here and the real (?) murderer is interfering with their plans.
I have a feeling that Non is either dead, missing, in a coma, or in a mental hospital and Phee and Non are trying to get information what happened. Although I wonder why they would wait 3 years for an answer, while being friends with the people who caused Non's downfall. Not to mention that Phee was sleeping with Jin and had quite an intimate and emotional relationship with him, and if he hooked up with him for revenge/spying, that would be quite a new level of sophistication and, well, being fucked up. And bit out of character for Phee, too I think. I have the impression that Phee and Tan are also shocked by what is happening, but I might be wrong.
I would say that Por's death was an accident that no one wanted (Phee, Tan and even the masked killer), if it weren't for that wire that decapitated Dang and the genuine attempt to attack Jin. Is this Non? Hmm, this would mean that Non's alive and in these three years he has either improved a lot and is able to carry out a complicated revenge plan, or his condition has gotten a lot worse and he is on a killing spree - at the same time being sane and balanced enough to carry it out successfully. (friendly reminder, that in slasher films, parents are also often the masked murderers - especially mothers..)
(Did you know that the actor playing Dang has his entire body covered with tattoos? :O) ​
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blogger360ncislarules · 7 months
A Flower has been plucked from the Ghosts ensemble.
Thursday’s Season 3 premiere revealed that someone was indeed “sucked off,” and as Jay put it, it was one of main eight! As Sam and Jay frantically searched the property to find out who had moved on to the great beyond, one by one, the ghosts showed up — all except for Flower. Naturally, Thor was confronted with uncomfortable feelings after the loss of his girlfriend, while the others planned a memorial service for their friend.
Over the CBS comedy’s long hiatus, fans speculated that it would be a basement ghost or side character that went into the light, but “we didn’t want it to be an inconsequential, so to speak, ghost that had no ramifications for the rest of the house,” co-showrunner Joe Port tells TVLine in the below Q&A.
So when Flower’s portrayer, Sheila Carrasco, welcomed a daughter in November 2023, ahead of the start of production on Season 3, Port and co-showrunner Joe Wiseman “decided that we’d make [the best] out of the situation,” which limited the actress’ availability, Wiseman explains.
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TVLINE | How did you decide that Flower would be the ghost that got sucked off? JOE WISEMAN | Well, it was a long discussion. Full disclosure, when we did the cliffhanger at the end of Season 2, we didn’t know [who it’d be]. We had leading candidates, and we had sort of like a favorite, what we thought it was going to be. But we sort of had a situation where someone was not going to be available for a little while, and so, we decided should we use that to our advantage, and does it sort of, like, link up with the story? We began talking about it, we began talking down several paths, but ultimately decided that we’d make [the best] out of the situation. JOE PORT | We didn’t want it to be an inconsequential, so to speak, ghost that had no ramifications for the rest of the house. Season 1, it wasn’t really leaned into that Jay would develop the power to see ghosts, but some people read into that when, at the end of Season 1, they fell through the floor, and he hit his head. So we did a nod to that at the beginning of Season 2 that, just for a very short time, he thought he could see ghosts. But because we set this up as a true cliffhanger, we wanted to pay it off and have somebody actually get sucked off, and in terms of Flower, it has huge ramifications for the whole house.
TVLINE | What kind of conversations did you have with Sheila about it and the direction of that storyline and that choice? PORT | We talked to her about it and told her why we thought it was a good idea and what we were planning for down the line. You know, this is a world where we can see people in all different realms, and we’re not saying that this is the last you’ll ever see of Flower. It’s just that she’s the one that we’re losing in this first episode.
TVLINE | We don’t actually see Flower get sucked off. So how certain is it that she actually moved on? PORT | I think there’s going to be all kinds of twists and turns throughout the season, as there always are, and people just have to stay tuned.
TVLINE | Is there a possibility that she got lost somewhere on the property and can’t find her way back? WISEMAN | I would say anything is possible.
TVLINE | If she did actually get sucked off and moved on, is there hope of getting her back to this realm? Or is that seen as like a backwards move for a ghost? PORT | Well, as we saw in the Halloween episode last season, they were able to summon the maid from Hetty’s past and bring her back on Halloween. So there’s a precedent for trying to bring people back. Now, whether that’s a good thing to do or not when someone has achieved what is, ostensibly, all of their stated goals, that’s another discussion that the ghosts may need to have. WISEMAN | And we can say that we will have a Halloween episode this season, even though, obviously, it won’t air on Halloween.
TVLINE | How is Thor coping with her loss, and how are the other ghosts reacting to it? How is it playing into their storylines as the season moves forward? WISEMAN | Thor, obviously, is devastated. We spent Season 2 getting them together and ended it with them finally in a relationship. So, to him, it’s a big loss. But like Joe mentioned earlier, the ghosts getting sucked off and moving on, it’s complicated. It’s what they all want. It is their stated goal. So it’s a little complicated for everyone else. Some people are happy, but you’re also a little jealous, and you’re also a little sad. They’re all already dead, so it’s not really a death, but they are gone. So they all deal with it in different ways. Some of them do get jealous, and Thor, obviously, is sort of very sad. So there’s a range of reactions to her being sucked off.
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pluckysidekick · 2 years
Hello, Drewds! It’s been a while since Nancy Drew filming wrapped. Am I the only one who couldn’t have imagined being almost two full weeks into January and still not knowing when Season 4 of Nancy Drew was premiering? Me either.
In the meantime, some happenings:
The big headline is of course Kennedy McMann is starring in ABC’s massively popular ‘Good Doctor’ series’ spinoff The Good Lawyer as a young lawyer, Joni DeGroot, with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - which Kennedy herself suffers from - opposite Felicity Huffman.
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In the backdoor pilot airing March 13, we meet the “brilliant, funny and self-aware” young lawyer living with OCD, whose “attention to detail allows her to see cases through a different lens.” Sound familiar? Here’s to hoping Joni likes checked blazers and patterned scarves. If only her law firm also had a quirky tech guy…Congrats, Kennedy!
Speaking of Kennedy, she along with the writers and Riley came on Twitter to commiserate in solidarity with us on the lack of a premiere date, and to confirm that those fake episode titles (e.g. “The Whispers of the Grim” 😂) were bogus.
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We also got SEASON 4 EMOJIS, her favorite scenes (in Ep. 3 and 13 after some clarification), and assurance that we will cry hard at the end of the finale.
Besides Cupid’s arrow (hopefully NACE and not some alternate love interests we have to suffer through), looking forward to the Hardy Family Hannukah Dinner, Game Night! (see below), camping out in that cool Airstream, road trip (PLEASE LET IT BE NANCY AND ACE), BABY (Carson and Jean’s perhaps?), curse breaking via a spell book Bess finds perhaps, and FIRE (oh no). Also Nancy’s gonna give some more blood, but we knew that already. I wonder if Ace is the latest blood donor….
Speaking of Game Night, here’s a little seen BTS photo from DP Nick Thomas I never posted from back in late September - Game Night is ON at Icarus Hall, and probably in the same episode with the earth shattering Nace photo Kennedy posted the same week. Does anyone recognize what game they’re going to be playing?
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Next, the hit horror film M3GAN with the creepy life sized American Girl doll killer helped the CW pay the bills with a cross promo with ND that gave us a tiny bit of S4 footage.
We got to see Bess performing some kind of ritual? on Nancy with a weird contraption (mask? Ghost goggle type lens?) and Nancy vomiting black ick. They’re doing this in the in the Drew house, which is strange since Nancy seems to have moved into Icarus Hall. Ace’s voiceover where he questions Nancy’s eating habits has been debated to death of whether he’s actually in the scene or if it’s audio from the Tom Swift episode (inconclusive).
Based on Nancy and Nick’s (who’s behind Bess) wardrobe, and Kennedy’s mention of filming an episode with a ‘Burning Bride’ comedy vibe back in an early August podcast, I believe this scene is from Episode 2, and related to the cause of whatever humorous curse is going on in that episode. Anyway, Ew. But still nice to see actual S4 footage.
We also saw some of our actors on much deserved vacations, with Maddison and Leah both enjoying tropical vacations with their bfs (in Mexico and Costa Rica respectively).
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This will probably be my last marathon post for a while. I do still owe a breakdown of Riley’s post from the last day of filming in the Claw set with baby shower props (!). Also, I finally reached 100+ notes with a short post of just fantastic cast BTS photos.
I’ve been hard at work on Part 2 of No One Mourns the Wicked, my Secret Sleuth fic with a Season 1 AU where the crew put on a summer stock production of Wicked. It’s almost done and it’s a doozy. I will probably split it into multiple parts to make it easier to consume, as it sort of turned into a multi-chapter extravaganza. Whoops. Speaking of which, I’ll be jumping right back into The Space Between (S4 spec fic) as soon as I’m done - there’s still a lot of insanity planned for the crew post curse breaking. They still have a mystery to solve…
Thanks for sticking with me, waiting impatiently for the S4 premier date along with everyone else. Bye for now!
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silviakundera · 8 months
Moonlight Chicken Liveblogging Ep 1-3
yes I took notes. by mid E2 I was obsessed & got wordy.
Enjoying how this drama started with a sex scene and then withholds more sexual intimacy while showing how much a relationship & trust can be slowly built by actions and gestures of affection. I love a 'typical romance arc in reverse'.
Ep 1 I watched the entire meeting to one night stand sequence 3 times asdfghjk
Captures the simmering desire and anticipation so well. Director had me by the throat the entire time.
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I saw commenters at MDL and elsewhere saying actor who plays Jim is too young to play 39. But bro, (a) somehow it's also ok for a 23 year old to play a high school student - acting! and (b) I know people at 35 who could pass for 45 and visa versa. Everyone's body ages differently. I can completely buy him as on the cusp of 40. 40 isn't dead! One of my friends is 44 and hits the club near every weekend. I swear some of these kids just don't know anyone over 25. When was in my 30s I already had divorced friends who were tired af and felt old. Let people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s both live like they're in their 20s some days and other days complain about being old as dirt. We contain multitudes, I promise.
Ep 2
hot young One Night Stand shows up to for real pretend work at the chicken rice shop until this man falls in love with him. There is no orgasm grand enough to make me work food service when I don't have to. I would call it insane behavior except that, note, i watched the night they met 3 times and sexual tension & quiet intimacy of it is HAUNTING ME and I only saw snippets of it on tv screen. so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the way the random neighborhood teens keep being like...? wasn't that the drunk guy? why does he show up for shifts here now?
and Jim literally does not have an excuse for ANY of this nonsense so he just looks like he wishes a trap door would open and mutters about adult business. Sir u are a whole CLOWN. what are u doing? 🤡🤡🤡
(well, kids. I had a life changing moment of intimacy with a stranger one night and now he keeps hovering around under shakey pretexts because he knows that I know that he wants me to give us a chance and I'm scared out of my mind and have 199 tons of baggage but he's so hot and he looks at me like I could be his whole world, if only I'd let him in. so i let him wait tables at night to be close to me while I struggle not to crumble under internalized homophobia and the weight of my debts, because capitalism. ADULT STUFF.)
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I really like the set up for this couple. 1st episode shows their instant connection, how they're drawn together and find comfort in each other's presence. Then 2nd episode show us the gap that would have to be closed: what Wen dreams of is beautiful but also simple - making a home with someone, a place where he can rest and not feel the weight of the day. He clearly feels that Jim is the right person to do this with him. When Jim gently rejects him, he responds ok, I'm not the right person for you. But Jim is trapped in the bottom of Maslow's triangle. His dream is to get out from under his debt, keep his house, and fund his nephew's education. He doesn't see any space for love in there. It has nothing to do with the right person. Which is why he can't make himself fully turn Wen away. He cautions him that he can't be a home for anyone; he's not qualified to be any such thing for Wen. But deep down he clearly wants it. He wants Wen to prove him wrong somehow.
Ep 3
Wen actually working his real job! Doing... something idk some product management or city planning etc. He found out his dream man is about to be crushed under the boot of capitalism and he has to make presentations about the ROI. 😢
He keeps witnessing how important this incredibly hot man is to the community and it's making him yearn even harder.
and we get the ghost of boyfriends past! Past Boyfriend of Jim is the one who helped him start the chicken rice buisness. And promised never to leave him! oh nooooooo the chicken rice buisness was PROOF OF THEIR (DOOMED) LOVE 💀
They had a cat and a shop and a happy home. And now Jim is all alone. Oh, because his man was a cheater. 😱
oh FUUUUCK. See, I get this so much. He used to argue with his sister if m/m love really exists, or if only m/f love is real. And he said he'd show her. Then the guy he settled down with and basically married then cheated on him with a woman. Now, I'm close to this character's generation and I get why that fucked him up bad. Yes bisexuality is a thing and totally valid but when he grew up it was seen as debateable if women could truly love each other & be satisfied with only that. Same with men/men. So this would have felt like his sister and everyone who'd been saying such things in his hearing since he was a kid... They won. He's older now and knows intellectually that this is bullshit. But I so get why this screwed with him and he has to fight against buying into their narrative of his story.
The fact that he confesses the story to Wen though - he wants babygirl to understand why he can't do this, but the openness and communication is just making it more and more clear why Wen knows he has a chance and why they do work. Jim never says yes but doesn't say never and he's allowing Wen into his life and opening doors.
some of these scene to scene cuts are so rough. dear editor wyd ;)
But then Wen confesses he's on the demolition project. Noooooooooo the man of his dreams doesn't want his free labor & in-person pining tonight.
lmaooooo even when they're fighting he stops to coax his pseudo step-nephew.
The millennial lgbt urge to mentor stray baby gays.
Can't even imagine handling all my old disaster gay mess and also playing guardian to a teenager who doesn't want to study or raise his GPA but expects to make a great life for himself on his own in the USA by working odd jobs, without (again, the studying) gaining english fluency. This is all painfully realistic and Jim is honestly way more chill about this situation than I'd be.
LMAOOOOOOO Wen's step dad is pretty chill himself and accepting, and then Jim shows up and he's like, ..you call him uncle? I felt like I could see him wondering if this is like a daddy kink situation 😂😭. But Dad can roll with this, I am totally seeing where Wen gets his...how he is lol.
This is like the perfect example of an age gap couple where the generation difference makes it work better. They have differing perspectives but they ultimately appreciate that about each other. And it's not that vibe where older man is guiding a naive young person. There is actually zero daddy dynamics involved here. Jim is not a fatherly figure to him in any way. Wen is late 20's uni graduate with a job and he doesn't feel virginal or hapless or ignorant at all. He has his own insights and Jim legitimately is interested in hearing his thoughts & advice. The drama seems pretty thoughtful about portraying a relationship between 2 people who are from different generations of the queer community.
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wantlongera · 5 years
ryan smurphy really duped me when he said season 8 was a murder house / coven crossover and then he gave us more coven than murder house
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
May 2021 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Lovely Writer Ep 12 fin - that was a long arse final ep, but solid performances. I liked that we focused on the fallout amongst the side characters. (Very clever of them to depict Chap with Tae, his Y-Destiny pairing. Especially as both actors are slated for new BL roles with different partners again, The Tuxedo and You’re My Sky.) The camera certainly enjoyed wallowing in Sib & Gene’s separation, but that’s an Asian drama for you. They like to DWELL. (Frankly, I like a bit of wallowing myself.) I thought the inclusion of the “actual” writer at the very end thoroughly unnecessary. I don’t think they had to beat us over the head with the 4th wall meta quite that much. Still, this is probably one of the best BLs we’re getting from non-GMMtV Thailand this year. RECOMMENDED 
Y-Destiny Ep 8 - (Thurs) I found the first half uninteresting but once Casper the Friendly Gay showed up it was fine. The ghost reminded me a bit of Fuse from MIR. 
Close Friend Ep 4: (Just One Life) - is it just me or is Talay insanely charismatic? Anygay, the director got ahold of a drone for this one and would like us to KNOW ABOUT THAT FACT. Look, I just don’t think YoonLay have great chemistry but this was alright, cute enough. 
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Fish Upon The Sky Ep 6 - This was a better installment than we’ve had in a while. I like the obsession vs love explanation from Mork, insightful if creepy. Meen & Duean are okay, I guess. A bit annoying. Everyone in this show is a bit annoying. But the wipe toothpaste then wipe eye crud got to me. Toothpaste in the eye, yech! And then I was all, oh that’s basically this show: toothpaste in the eye. It just reviewed itself. (Also why do they keep switching aspect ratio between the two pairs? It’s like they were filming with two completely different camera types... oh. ah. Weird, GMMTV usually doesn’t make mistakes like that.) 
Call it What You Want Ep 6 fin - I skipped to the last ep on this, I told you I do that sometimes to find out what happened. So CIWYW ends happy for the main couple, but trigger warnings on: eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, mental abuse, and a few other things. If you don’t mind your BL dark, gritty, self aware, and honest then you should be okay with this show. But if your preference is for fluff, then there are other fish in the sky. Speaking of... 
Nitiman Ep 2 - Giving me My Engineer vibes. This is OLD school Thai uni BL. I kinda feel like it was meant to come out in 2018, the gap year that was, but I am SO GRATEFUL we’re getting it now. Pay TF attention FUTS this is how you redeem a tsundere uke. Also I love that Bboom is just a terrible flirt and the football match twist was great. I love this show.  
Top Secret Together Ep 1 - it’s out there but no eng subs. It’s an office set romance with multiple couples all tangential to one building. A bit stilted and low production values but I’m intrigued. I hope we get subs... eventually.  
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 9 - gets the safe sex gold star for lube + condoms AND a verse discussion? Not to mention asking for sex advice from queer fam? Is this a first in BL? Might be. (I still think it’s weird that product placement hasn’t jumped on the lube bandwagon, too slippery perhaps?) I like the embezzlement drama. I always enjoy good outside conflict playing to setting, and this is the kind to be easily resolved in next week’s finale. What a roller coster this series has been. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 5 - I LOVE THIS SHOW. A heartbeat after i thought, “they better address what he’s doing to the girls he’s dating,” they did it. Clever scripting that. The messaging is gorgeous, the idea that pride and media coverage and knowing about a changing world can broaden minds and lead to acceptance was basically Taiwan making a case for itself paving the way for marriage equality in Asia. Genius. 
Most Peaceful Place 2 (Vietnam) Ep 1 (AKA 4) - dropped with subs and improved production values, someone is learning (or got more dough). The younger brother’s drama is a bit confusing, but I am here for cute boyfriends being cute boyfriends together. And I love that they took the seme’s previous pair (from Nation’s Brother) to be the faen fatale, very crafty of them. Even though it’s not a trope I like, there’s great chemistry all around. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 6 - I weirdly love this show, okay? I’m just hoping Long has known Minh’s secret all along and is playing a reverse long con cat & mouse game, waiting for Minh to tell him the truth. Because that would be THE BEST. I could do without the faen fatale but ya can’t have everything. (I’m so glad it’s not the standard 6 ep arc, MOAR!!!) 
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Rumor is GMMTV Thailand started shooting Baker Boys (here’s the teaser trailer). This is a remake of Antique (AKA Antique Bakery) a 2008 Korean movie (you can watch it on Viki) which is a remake of Antique (a 2001 Japanese series) with is an adaptation of wildly popular manga Antique Bakery. Knowing the plot I’m not sure this will qualify as BL. I’m still predicting Lee gets his first gay kiss in this series from Singto. More details about this series here. 
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Breaking News
Love Area release pushed out, reportedly due to C19. (source DramaCool) 
Be Love In House: I Do (Taiwan, of course, with that title) got a new softer trailer (no subs). It drops next week, May 19, 2021 on Viki. All the information I have is here. 
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Tangential to BL 
Two BL-adjacent shows, both from Taiwan. 
I’m watching Love is Science? on Viki which has a het foundation, but it’s a good one. There’s a BL side couple who are on an enemies to lovers slow burn trajectory; featuring a disaster bi slut meets elegant bad ass super gay. So there’s THAT. The mains are an older career woman and the sweet boy from her distant past who has pined for her for years. (He is the softest sweetest service sub you ever saw.) Props to Taiwan for a seriously underused het dynamic. As usual in Asian rom coms the straight boy love interest is a Perfect Cinnamon Role (yes I’m looking at you True Beauty & Love O2O) but I find Taiwan’s version more palatable than Korea’s or Mainland China’s. It’s not finished yet but... RECOMMENDED. 
Starting this week is Love Outlet a 50 (?!) episode show about a mall that sells relationships. It is supposed to have a main gay romance, but it might be a side dish. Very little else known about it. Coming to Line TV.
Honestly, I’m at the point where if Taiwan makes it, I’ll probably watch it. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan) 
Golden Blood (Thailand) we think, like Love Area this may be delayed due to surging C19 cases 
Love Outlet (Taiwan) we think 
Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
a non-filipino's guide to trese: ep 1
So some of my mutuals decided to check out Trese aka the Netflix adaptation of the Filipino horror comic book series that I keep rambling about here and then since well um most of my mutuals aren’t from the Philippines fshfs I decided to make a long-ass post that basically consists of me rambling about the cultural context present in Trese with fun little tidbits about Filipino folklore. I’m not an expert on Filipino mythology so um I just typed out the stuff that I know and the stuff that I looked up on Wikipedia so um take this with a grain of salt aaaaa I’ll save the extensive google scholar research ramble on folklore present in Trese for another day.
I’ll try to find the sites where I got some of the information from cause um yea I kinda had a bit of a hard time finding the other shit so um once again, take the stuff here with a grain of salt. Also, feel free to add more info if you guys got any!
+ MRT and LRT (Manila Metro Rail Transit and Light Rail Transit) are train systems in NCR (the capital region) and yea them suddenly stopping and malfunctioning in the middle of the goddamn rail is a daily occurrence and we have been trying to deal with this bullshit for years but alas, corruption and negligence are sweet sweet drugs.
+ When the MRT broke down, you'd see a red bee in the flashing billboard right? Well that's Jollibee and that's probably the most well-known fast food restaurant chain here heck there are even branches of it abroad!
+ According to many youtube comments along with other social media posts that I am way too tired to link here, the opening theme is an Ifugao ethnic song called Balluha'd Bayyauhen but with modern accompaniments and I think the song is about a fruit called a balluha that the character in the song tries to it but cannot swallow. (someone please correct me if I’m wrong here fjkfs)
+ The first um monster that we see Alexandra interact with is the White Lady of Balete Drive. White Ladies or “Kaperosa” are a type of female ghosts typically dressed in ghostly white dresses or similar garments. According to legend, she died in a car accident while driving along Balete Drive (a two lane street formerly lined with Balete Trees which are said to be a home for spirits and mysterious creatures) in Quezon City while other accounts say she died waiting for the arrival of her lover; others also say that she was a teenage girl who was run over and killed by a taxi driver at night and then buried around a Balete tree while another variation of the tale claims that a student from the University of the Philippines was sexually assaulted and killed by a taxi driver nearby and so said ghost haunts the street in search of her murderer. There are many other variations but according to local rumor, the legend was fabricated by a reporter in 1953 in order to make an interesting story. What remains consistent in many variations is that apparently taxi drivers would be stopped by a beautiful lady asking for a ride and if one would look at the rear window, they would see that the white lady in question is bruised and drenched in blood.
+ There are a lot of mentions about "lakans" and stuff in reference to Alex and her father right? In precolonial times, the term is used to refer to the paramount ruler or the highest-ranking political authorities in Tagalog communities (so um NCR and some parts of Region 4). In Muslim communities, they are called sultans while communities with strong trade connecitons with Indonesia or Malaysia called them Rajah. Datu is umm the more generalized term though when it comes to discussing the leaders of the precolonial Filipinos.
+ So, Alex’s mom is a babaylan and back in the pre-colonial period, each barangay (which a native filipino term for a village or a district; said term is still used today to describe um divisions in municipalities like) had them and these are basically Philippine shamans and they specialized in communicating with the spirits of the dead. To my knowledge, the role of babaylan went to women and yea people assigned male at birth but then identified as female were also allowed to become babaylans and they would be treated with the same respect given to any woman back then (honestly I dunno much about lgbtq+ stuff back in the precolonial times but all I know is that precolonial Filipinos were much a lot more welcoming towards trans identities bUT THEN THE SPANIARDS CAME AND UM ERR RUINED THAT); also the writing Alexandra's mom did in that one scene with the dagger is in Baybayin - preHispanic Filipino script. I dunno what she wrote down though. .
+ Also I kinda find it funny that the people here esp those who were at the White Lady scene are um,,, not at all surprised? Like yea quite a number of filipinos have their own superstitions and beliefs and all that but um yea the people in Trese seem very used to the bullshit,,,which in retrospect, isn't at all inaccurate fsdfd I MEAN WE DEAL WITH UNSURMOUNTABLE AMOUNTS OF BS ON A DAILY BASIS SO I DON’T THINK DEAD GHOSTS WOULD EVEN FAZE MANY FSKJDS
+ The one that appears right before Alexandra talks with the duwende (the one in the manhole) is called Laman Lupa (which i guess translates to um "What is in the earth"? just um YEA THEY ARE DIRT CREATURES). normally this is an umbrella term for duwendes and nunos but in Trese they are servants of these aforementioned creatures.
+ Duwende (which came from the Spanish phrase "dueno de case" which means "owner of the house") or dwarves in Filipino folklore are known to be mischievous and magical environmental guardians. They are believed to reside in trees or under earth mounds (those that live in the latter are called nuno sa pundo or old man of the mount) which is why quite a lot of Filipinos say "tabi tabi po" or “excuse me” when wandering around a forest or earth mounds as a sign of respect and in the hopes the duwende won't torment them. If the person is friendly, the duwende can also be friendly in return and will bring that person good lucl; otherwise, those who destroy their homes by stepping on them will face their wrath in form of heartless curse and predictions of ominous and disastrous fates. A duwende's color also depends on their budhi or conscience: to my knowledge, white duwendes are kind, red ones give protection amulets, green ones are firnedly with children and the black ones give nothing but trouble.
+ Chocnut aka the snack Alex bribes the nuno with is a very yummy chocolate snack made of coconut milk, crushed peanuts and cocoa powder. They are umm about an inch in length and maybe half an inch in width so it's fairly small; that being said I WANT THE CHOCNUT THAT ALEXANDRA HAS CAUSE HOT DAMN THAT'S A BIG CHOCNUT
+ In Trese, the creatures in the MRT scene and in the warehouse Alexandra visits after she talks with the duwende are called "aswang". In Philippine folklore, it is an umbrella term for any kind of monster so um an aswang in Luzon would be very different from the aswang in Mindanao. According to what I saw on wikipedia, they can be classified in 5 categories: the vampire (self-explanatory um they drink blood), the viscera sucker (the manananggal, i'll get to that next time), the weredog (cats and pigs are also possible but um yea they target pregnant women), the witch (self-explanatory boom curses and stuff) and the ghoul (they gather near trees in cemeteries to feast on human corpses). Aswangs are often described to have a long, hollow tongue, sharp claws and sharp teeth, although they do also have human forms.
+ To my knowledge, Ibwa, the leader of the aswangs in the warehouse, is a creature from Tinguian or Itneg mythology (they, like the Ifugao, are an indigenous ethnic group in northwestern Luzon) though I could be wrong about this dksfsf Ibwa seems like an ethnic filipino term tho wah I can't remember where I once read that. But anyways, Ibwa often stalk sthe house of a dying person to steal its body. In order for the ibwa to NOT succeed in that, some people burn holes in the garments of the dead and put a sharp iron object on top of the grave since those are most powerful weapons against aswangs which is what Alexandra uses to subdue the Ibwa and kill all the other aswangs (the knife alex uses is named Sinag which means "ray of light".)
+ Also umm Bossing is a nickname of Vic Sotto - one of the three pioneer hosts of Eat Bulaga! which is the longest running Philippine noontime variety show. Over time, most probably due to the show's popularity, the term "bossing" then became um slang for "boss" or "chief"
+ Translation of what Alex says when she's stirring the eye inside the cup: “In the eyes of others, secrets will reveal themselves.”
+ Sidenote: The English dub's pronunciation of many of the tagalog lines are um yea they r pretty good but they could use a bit of work but then again I'm really not that good in speaking in Tagalog so who am I to judge gkdkf sorry po guys conyo po ako-
+ Maria Makiling is arguably the most famous of all the diwatas (ancestral spirits, nature spirits, or deities) in Philippine Mythology; she is associated with Mount Makiling in Laguna as the guardian spirit of the mountain. Mount Makiling is said to resemble a profile of a woman and people associate the profile with Maria herself. She is also known as a goddess by the name of Dayang Masalanta and people would pray to her for safety and to stop storms and earthquakes. That's the goddess Alexandra's mother mentions right when she tells Alex to hide. (Translation to what she said there: Maria Makiling, goddess of the mountain, bless us.)
+ Also Mang Inasal posters can be seen in the MRT station backdrops and um it’s a very famous restaurant chain here and they serve lots of barbecue and other filipino stuffs and i miss them a lot God their halo halo is very yummy
+ Santelmo - oki so this is the fire face thingy that Alexandra summons inside the ruined train. This is the shortened version of the term "Apoy ni Santa Elmo" or "St. Elmo's Fire" - this is a weather phenomenon wherein plasma is created from an electrical discharge from a rod like object in an atmospheric electric field. This phenomenon was used to warn of imminent lightning strikes or storms (there is a chapter in Noli Me Tangere where Pilosopo Tasyo talks about that bUT I'LL SAVE THE NOLI ME TANGERE RAMBLES FOR ANOTHER DAY). But according to Philippine folklore, santelmos - which are said to be souls of people lost as sea - are balls of fire that appear where accidents or big arguments happen. In Trese, santelmos (alex's santelmo being "The Great Spirit of the Binondo Fire") can be called to assist in supernatural investigations
+ Translation of what Alex says when she draws the circles to meet with the purple ghosts: "Souls, where are you off to? I'll be entering too, so please open the door."
+ Remember the scene at the train with all the purple ghosts and the woman in a veil? Yea the woman is an emissary of a goddess named Ibu and she is the Manobo (again, another indigenous ethnic group but this time they're from Mindanao; fun fact we have around 134 ethnic groups) goddess of deceased mortals and the queen of the underworld; she also serves as a psychopomp and guides the newly deceased souls to the other side (having an MRT be the ride to the underworld isn’t in the legends tho so fkkjsf)
+ The aswang in the top hat is called Xa Mul and according to the Isneg/Apayao people (yay another ethnic group but this time in northern Luzon - the Cordillera regions to be specific), they are an evil spirit known to swallow people whole.
+ Alex has two henchmen right? Yea they are named Crispin and Basillio and No I still don’t know who’s who and I'm really sorry about that fsfjs so anyways the names Crispin and Basillio are actually those of two brothers featured in the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo novels (Crispin is younger and Basilio is older) which are basically the national novels here cause um yea written by national hero Jose Rizal as sociopolitical commentary about the Spanish regime here. I don't know if I want to spoil this cause I kinda want other people to read the novel too fskfs BUT ALL IN ALL, ONE OF THEM DIES IN LIKE THE 10TH OR 11TH CHAPTER OF NOLI ME TANGERE (and the novel has 64 chapters btw) AND UM YEA-
+ OKI SO TO ADD MORE CONTEXT TO THE SQUATTER STUFFS MENTIONED IN TRESE (we r gonna use the tiny font here because holy shit this rant is long): So,in the Philippines, especially in the capital region, there are lots of slum areas called squatters. These are dense urban settlements made of compact makeshift housing units that aren't really officially recognized by the government. This is um very reflective of the poverty situation here and there are maaany factors that come into play here and if i were to go into depth about this topic, that rant would probably turn into an academic paper so for the sake of brevity, let's just say that Things Are Fucked Up Here. Oftentimes the poorer sectors are being ignored and left to their own devices despite tons of campaign promises to make things better and easier for them. The communities that live here are incredibly vulnerable to floods, fires, and the like and afaik no concrete solutions have been in effect to protect these people and their settlements. There have also been many times where squatter areas are dismantled or demolished despite protests of people living in those areas and yea I understand the need to make space and the need for renovation but the people should still be offered some sort of temporary settlement or financial compensation thingy that doESN'T fuck them over but alas, we have an anti-poor government. That being said, I really like Trese Ep 1's portrayal of governmental negligence, but I also have some thoughts, especially in regards to the mayor being arrested THAT FAST which um believe me, NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS BECAUSE MANY MAYORS AND A LOT OF POLITICIANS HAVE THE POLICE IN THEIR POCKETS SO UM ERR YEA JUSTICE IS RARELY A THING HERE BUT UM ANYWAYS YEA THE GOVERNMENT LIKES TO SHIT ON THE POOR WOO LET'S SAVE THE USE OF SOCIOLOGICAL LENS ON THIS MATTER FOR ANOTHER DAY
+ The news channel reporting the arrest of the mayor is ABC-ZNN WHICH IS AN OBVIOUS REFERENCE TO ABSCBN aka the top media conglomerate here (that has been fucked over by the government so many times to the point that they had to shut down operations last year which is all sorts of unfair so seeing them being referenced here kinda made me happy gksfks)
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
SO. Word of Honor, Episode 10, and everyone is deep in their feelings … well, their feeling, which is misery.
First, due diligence, and I really mean it on this one: SPOILERS not just for this ep but for the entire show. Out of the car, for now, and come back later, if you want to watch the whole thing unspoiled.­­
Well, it’s the breakup episode, y’all. Everyone is wallowing in misery, and Our Couple is taking that out on themselves and in some cases (:cough:WKX:cough) ­on everybody around them. We open on sad-sack Wen Kexing digging sadly in the dirt with a sword, the bodies of the Four Sages of Anji laid out beside him as he gives a RIP speech about how you have to be careful when making friends, because they’ll turn out to be bad news, which is clearly yet another warning about himself, because I don’t think anyone in the mob who killed these aging hippies in the last ep was a friend (although I suppose it could be argued that WKX is talking about their friendship with Gao Chong getting them killed) and anyway, you have to understand that WKX is a demon under the skin, not even really human, you guys, and he’s only ever going to disappoint everyone. Has he not made this clear by now? His sword breaks at this point, which probably ought to tell him he’s not going to be able to bury any of this mess. Then Zhou Zishu shows up and is understandably unhappy at the way his decision last ep to walk out on faith for this guy has gone completely pear-shaped, and he asks some rather pointed questions about whether four dead Sages of Anji is what WKX wanted and if he’s happy now – questions that sound, my dude, a little confrontational. I mean, I think you’re entitled, given the situation, but I’m just sayin’. WKX flings off ZZS’s hand and wants to know if “Leader Zhou” has only ever killed bad people, which is a hit that lands, and it hurts, just like it was supposed to, and this is definitely one of those nightmare scenarios where everyone just keeps digging themselves deeper. ZZS is all, FINE THEN, and leaves. Again. Because WKX is apparently a demon in human form who’s only ever going to disappoint everyone. Including his zhiji. I love you with all of my heart, ZZS, but a little bit, you come off like you only showed up to twist the knife, my man. Anyway, ZZS stomps off to go mope at Yuefan Tower, the scene of his bad decision to trust this guy BEFORE finding out he sets up revenge murders for fun. We’re treated to a flashback sequence of some of ZZS’s Tian Chuang state-sanctioned violence, including a pile of bodies in a burned-out house with a little girl who reaches out to him and calls him “shushu” (which I think is a reference to something that actually happens in Qi Ye); killing that official dude and making Jing’an drink poison, from Ep 1; inserting the Seven Nails into Bi Changfeng - a whole bunch of bad shit that WKX has dug back up way more successfully with a few words than that grave he was trying to dig with his broken sword. ZZS sighs mournfully and unfairly beautifully (your FACE, my dude) over the fact that he thought he found his soulmate, but he was apparently WRONG, and meanwhile, we see Han Ying lurking worriedly and devotedly in the background.
Then, both of these morose motherfuckers proceed to drink themselves (even more) stupid over each other, WKX in a brothel and ZZS moping by himself downstairs at the (No Longer) Getting Lucky Inn, leaving poor Han Ying and A-Xiang to eventually deal with them. ZZS is literally falling over as he calls for more wine – you are a sloppy drunk, laopo, although I have to admit, you’ve worked your way through a lot of bottles, so I suppose it’s understandable – and WKX proceeds to drink his four ... five? ... four, I think, girls under the table and clearly has no intention of sleeping with them, because it might interfere with his waxing drunkenly and mournfully about finding a thing you thought you’d lost forever but not being able to keep it at the price of giving up your big revenge murder plan you’ve been working out since you were 8 years old. (Also because he’s gay af. I’m just sayin’.)
So, yeah, Han Ying and A-Xiang eventually have to deal with these two, and for my money, the single most important scene of the ep - thematically, at least - is the one we get between A-Xiang and WKX, where a couple of big things are going on. One of the themes I see again, running through this ep, is the separation between the human world and the world of “ghosts,” and how that line is policed, and how Wen Kexing tries to maintain it as a bright line, in order to maintain his own distance from Zhou Zishu and the world. Now that things have gone so spectacularly wrong with ZZS, he’s going to dig in on the “ghost” side of that line for all he’s worth – much harder than he was digging that grave for the Four Sages of Anji, given he breaks the sword and gives up halfway through on that one, but this one he’s determined to get all the way to the bedrock on. So yes, in this scene we get the theme made explicit again, of human-ghost separation - which will echo and rebound throughout the rest of the show, until we see its awful, gory truth made manifest when it turns out WKX is horrifically correct and A-Xiang is NOT, in fact, going to be allowed by “humankind” to leave Ghost Valley and walk up to the human world with her lover, while meanwhile, if WKX is going to get out of the valley, he’s not staying in the mortal world but is going to end up on the icy remote mountaintop. BUT ALSO, this may be the first time we really see the show put A-Xiang forward as a proxy for Wen Kexing. This is going to be an increasingly weighted Thing as we go on, of course, but what I didn’t remember on my first watch-through - even after I realized what they were doing with the A-Xiang/Cao Weining and Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu parallels further down the road – is that, in this first time we really see it, it’s not even about their respective love interests, it’s about their respective relationships with Chengling. I mean, clearly, clearly, when WKX is being a drunk asshole to A-Xiang about how she’s been too long in her human skin (and huh, interesting that, when we also have instances where fake skin disguises are literal), and DON’T EVER FORGET WHO YOU ARE, HEARTLESS AMETHYST FIEND GHOST VALLEY MASTER HEARTLESS AMETHYST FIEND, and who among them would ever pity you me you, he’s really talking about his recent breakup with ZZS, in which he got called a crazed psychopath just for setting up a few amusing revenge murders. But here’s the thing – what triggers the diatribe is A-Xiang saying she feels sorry for Chengling trapped in Yueyang Sect, in the course of nattering on about what’s up with Chengling, and what she and Chengling have been doing together, and how much Chengling misses WKX. Which is, A-Xiang tells WKX, a lot. After which WKX puffs himself up and proceeds to be a drunk asshole to her, because of course, he’s not worthy of having anyone care about him, they might think he’s human, or something, and then he’s only going to get hurt again when they find out he’s NOT. So, all that happens. We also find out in this conversation that Changing Ghost was responsible for the pile of heads; that A-Xiang was at the Funeral/Wedding Game and saw Deng Kuan become the last survivor and get set free in much better condition than he later showed up at Yueyang Sect, so what the hell’s happened to him in between; and that A-Xiang definitely thinks her Murder Dad master is crazy but isn’t afraid that he’ll end up killing her someday. I mean, let’s be clear, I don’t think she’s absolutely positive that he won’t go crazy and kill her – she’s just not afraid of it. Zhou Ye is fantastic here, because she has A-Xiang give WKX this gorgeous little smile that’s so simple yet just so filled with love and trust and faith and everything that must have kept his heart alive all those years, the one that she probably gave him even after he burned her mouth on congee that was too hot, and I end up clutching my chest because I think she’s killed me. And then in a horrible twist on what’s eventually coming down the pike, she tells him that she’d follow him even if he’s crazy, and that if he killed her, she’d even follow him in death, and GOD. MY HEART. Because we’re going to see that in fact, he’s going to almost follow her into death, and then he’s going to dream of her leaving him instead of actually staying with him after death, and the only thing keeping me together at this point is the idea that Nian’xiang will actually be A-Xiang reincarnated so that she can be with WKX and the rest of her family again.
Anyway, all of this is apparently a dress rehearsal for WKX, because he then gets himself dolled up in some luscious green robes and proceeds to go to Tragicomic Ghost’s mansion in order to terrorize the troops and spread the misery. He requests a report from all of his top ten nine eight devils; credits them with three Funeral Games (I guess we don’t get to see the other two), annihilating Danyang Sect, destroying Mirror Lake Sect, killing Mount Tai Sect’s leader (Ao Laizi), and leaving a pile of heads for Yueyang Sect to find. He’s doing his best Lunatic Wen bit, but come on, my friend, do they really deserve credit for ALL of that? Do they really? It sounds like you have your suspicions, as well, because you want to know who was responsible for the Mirror Lake massacre. Everyone looks around, pointedly not meeting his eyes, so, hmm, it must have been Long-Tongued Ghost, right? Right? (Who we last saw getting killed and getting his (Danyang) Glazed Armor took by Wen Kexing while pretending to be Hanged Ghost.) Changing Ghost, who’s supposedly Long-Tongued Ghost’s superior and who’s smart enough to sense the wind shifting, even if he’s not sure in which direction, hastily says that LTGhost doesn’t listen to him anymore. (Yeah, because he’s dead.) At this point, White Grim Reaper is dumb enough to draw attention to himself, and WKX chokes him out just ‘cause. ‘Cause he’s Lunatic Wen, and fuck you, that’s why. Both Tragicomic Ghost and Beauty Ghost look more Completely Done With This Bullshit than scared – in contrast to the men, who are shitting their pants - which is an early indication that their relationships with WKX are different than his relationships with the male Devils. WKX also makes some pointed comment about how oh dear, he’s killed someone, and they were already low on manpower, but as a chief of GHOSTS, that’s all he has to work with, isn’t that RIGHT, Changing Ghost – which sounds on the surface kind of like policing that line between ghosts and humans, but really seems more like he has his suspicions about exactly who Changing Ghost is actually working with, because while he may not be as smart as A-Xu, he’s not DUMB. Now, let’s all come up with a plan to fuck over the Five Lakes Alliance during the Hero’s Conference. Aaaaand … end scene (and ep).
Meanwhile, Han Ying is dealing with his poor, drunk dumbass charge, and we see ZZS wake up in some richly appointed rooms, in some strange bed, and he’s clearly thinking “Oh snap. What I do last night?” Also, feeling the hangover. Once he manages to get his boots on, he notices a shrine, complete with candles, and just about this point, Han Ying busts in like he’s WKX or something (although to be fair, it is his bedroom), and wants to know exactly wtf is wrong with ZZS, getting blackout drunk with his actual face hanging out like he doesn’t care who recognizes him? (I just have to take a moment here, and point out that ZZS, who went all in, in the last ep, and who will continue to be the more open one as this relationship goes on, is being berated here for not wearing a mask, for showing his real self, while the issue for both A-Xiang and WKX is going to continue to be keeping on a protective mask/skin, even though WKX accuses A-Xiang himself in this very ep of thinking the mask is real and not just a cover for her true face. Anyway.) Oh, and also, My Lord, how is your injury? DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TENDERLY CARE FOR YOU? I like this scene, because Han Ying’s actually kind of angry at ZZS, and a little bit, he shows it, and we get to see that he’s not spineless, even in the (blindingly beautiful) face of ZZS, he’s just devoted. And if that means keeping this dumbass safe from himself, well, Han Ying will try to do that, too, even if it’s enough to drive him to find religion, as we also find out in this scene, explaining the shrine. I suppose he needs all the help he can get. Anyway, ZZS tells him that he’s too mean to die just yet, although he doesn’t expect any blessings on his path, and Han Ying responds – and I think this is important, given ZZS’s decision last ep to spend the rest of his life living instead of dying – that “any day we live is a day gained.” (HAN YING. MY BELOVED.) ZZS pulls some Glazed Armor out of his robes to give to Han Ying, and they both realize that it looks exactly like two pieces Han Ying already has his hands on, gdi WKX. At this point, ZZS reiterates that he just wants Han Ying to lay low and stay safe, Han Ying reiterates his undying devotion, and ZZS has clearly had it with these kids and their starry-eyed devotion. He tries telling Han Yng again to just live a good life - as if Han Ying is at all wired that way – before making some dramatic pronouncement about expecting to have to deal with what’s coming to him in hell and sweeping out the door in the last we see of him this ep.
Let’s see, other things that happened:
Gao Chong, Zhao Jing and Shen Shen confer over their complete loss of face in the run-up to the Hero’s Conference; Shen Shen gets very offended and denies killing Ao Laizi, which is the rumor going around town; Gao Chong says the Ghost Valley isn’t responsible for Ao Laizi’s death (which they are) or for spreading the rhyme about the Glazed Armor (which they are); Zhao Jing says Five Lakes Alliance can’t get a reputation for forcing other sects to do things (when he can manipulate them into doing what he wants), and Shen Shen wants to know WHY THE HELL NOT (oh, Shen Shen) when the jianghu has always been, and I QUOTE, “a place where the strong pery on the weak,” so again, I have to kind of side with WKX on this one about the hive of scum and villainy. Or I would if you guys seemed capable of actually accomplishing anything.
Elsewhere in Yueyang Sect, it’s been Bullying Hour again for Chengling, and A-Xiang is furious when she finds out, threatening to break the legs of whoever’s responsible for smacking him around (she really is like the most delightful Chengxian love-child, I have to say). She also has some Wolong Nuts – crispy and delicious! – for him. Gao Xiaolian shows up with some treats, but Chengling doesn’t want her food, and also he doesn’t want to marry her, because he doesn’t want to be Gao Chong’s puppet, which is kind of new, because he said a couple of eps ago at the Five Lakes monument that he would abide by Gao Chong’s decisions. I guess now that he’s found out from A-Xiang that their Murder Dads are still around, he thinks there’s still a chance to run away with them. Gao Xiolian runs away, crying. Harsh, Chengling, but it does give him the chance to complain to A-Xiang that he’s effectively under house arrest, WHERE ARE OUR MURDER DADS TO SAVE ME?
Last but not least, there’s this incredible scene with Yu Loser Qiufeng, leader of Mount Hua Sect, in which one of the Mount Hua Virgins (tm WKX) comes complaining that everyone is looking down on them. Yu Qiufeng tells him that the entire jianghu is falling apart and to suck it up, and then another Virgin (tm WKX) shows up to say that some people from Mount Tai Sect are here to talk about Dead Ao Laizi, because the Five Lakes Alliance killed him omg. Yu Quifeng’s response is literally “Tell them I’m not here,” and when the disciple wants to know how he can possibly say that, Qiufeng’s response is literally “Say I went out. Say I’m sick. Say I’m dead.” (OMG, Zongzhu can’t see you right now, he’s dead!)
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Lena Retrospective: The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck! or Why Does Lena’s Darkest Hour Have a WACKKKYY Bigfoot Subplot?
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to Shadow Into Light, my look back the LIfe and Times of Lena Sabrewing. And we’re almost at the end of season 1. Woo-Ooo!. While i’ll have more season 1 episodes to cover for it’s sister arc, this is the last episode in this arc before the finale.. and i’m happy to repeat that next week will be DUCK WEEK as a result, finsihing up this arc and the Della arcs, as well as dipping into season 2 a bit for Lena’s return to celebrate the finale of this wonderful show. Full disclosure: I didn’t PLAN for it this way, I assumed the show would be ending in April, but sometimes serendipity just works out for you. So pitter pat er, let’s get at er.
 When we last left off Webby went on a wild duck chase for her grandma in England and 87!Webby befriended that version of Magica’s niece and told off a grown woman masquerading as a child because her husband likes being called “Daddy”. When we last left the plot proper though, we learned Lena just wanted to be free, and was willing to do whatever it took, and Magica was getting more abusive and more impatient. And if you thought the end to Jaw$! was pretty sad and dark.... strap in and steel yourself as we take a look at one of the darkest episodes in the series.
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The opening sets the stage perfectly as we’re in Scrooge’s Room in the middle of the night, when Lena comes in.. with a knife. 
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Naturally she dosen’t have baked goods, but instead is trying to cut the knife from around his neck while Magica won’t shut up while she works and keeps distracting her and BLAMING her for getting distracted. As for the knife it’s glowing and mystic because naturally, Scrooge doesn’t trust just ANY string but a magically woven one to hold his dime. Unlucky for her her girlfriend walks in at the exact moment she’s standing over her idol holding a mystical knife. I don’t think hallmark makes a card for “Sorry I was lying to you for months for my abusive aunt to earn my freedom and then looked like I was about to slit your uncle’s throat. I love you though. “ Yet. 
Scrooge starts to stir so Webby pulls Lena out of there and back to her room... and flashes a lamp on her to interrogate her. Lena is able to bounce back, asking “what were you doing there”. Which NORMALLY wouldn’t last more than two minutes.. but since Webby was there to get Drool samples, maybe she wants to clone him I mean she does know a guy I think the why is something we’d rather not know about, Webby herself was a bit suspcious and Lena uses her starkerish ways to say she’d also gotten into being a Scrooge fangirl. This also allows her to ask about the dime.. but since Scrooge never takes it off, that means they have no access and both Lena and Magica are stuck watching Webby’s long presentation on Scrooge’s life story. I mean personally i’d love to see this in it’s full probably 8 hour glory but I’m not trying to earn my freedom or stuck as a shadow monster. 
It was then when watching the episode this morning.. I was reminded it had a subplot. And the instant I saw Dewey folding Louie’s shirts... I started to piece together it was the bigfoot one. 
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As you can tell i’m not a fan of this subplot. It has a good core idea, riffing on “kid takes home sasquatch films” like Cry Wilderness, Big and Harry and of course the one that started it all, Harry and the Hendersons. 
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It’s just bogged down by one really obnoxious trait that trips it up and is in the wrong episode entirely. We’ll get to that first scene and the plot as a whole in a moment we just need the setup in the a-story first: Scrooge privately conferring with Beakly, which Magica snoops on. While Lena didn’t get far at all in cutting the rope of his dime, she still left a knick and the fact someone got into his house, let alone his bedroom and got THAT far, means SOMETHING bad is afoot. So while he looks for it he’s putting the dime in the Other Bin for safekeeping. We’ll find out what that is in moment. For now 
Let’s Get This Stupid Sasquatch Plot Over With
We open with Louie having conned Dewey into folding his stuff for the “world laundry folding record”. I mean.. it’s greasy but I gotta respect game here. And it’s not actively harming anyone. Though we do find out from an irate Huey he’s done far worse, if in a hilarious way with Louie’s Kids, his obviously fake charity he uses to get money out of Donald. And so far into it, as Huey hid something he had in the closet and offered to Fix Louie’s stretched out hoodie, the reason he was mad at Dewey, I didn’t get why I hated it before. I wondered why I was so annoyed. Same when Huey while carrying Louie’s hoodies hears his uncle looking for something in the mansion. 
Turns out he’s got a bigfoot hiding in their closet, that he found injured int he woods and brought back and all that good kid finding a mythical creature stuff. Dewey of course loves him on first sight and both want to keep him. But unlike most of these sorts of things where the creature’s damage to the room and what not is played off or the sibling doesn’t know, Louie does see it and isn’t happy about it and only agrees to hide the furry bastard because his brothers blackmail him with his schemes, and refuse to feel sorry for him as the creatures antics continue, including drinking Louie’s special pep and eating his snacks. 
And this is where one of the plots two major issues crops up: The way Dewey and Huey act. Both just ignore any damage wooly foot does, any discomfort to Louie and any obvious downsides of this. Now Dewey being clinginly attached to a majestic creature he found and wanting to keep it? Fits perfectly, and him being mean to louie fits because louie tricked him. Huey however.. is horribly out of character, as while I could see him being charmed at first and not wanting his uncle to hunt his new friend.. he’s not an impractical boy. He’d of tried to get his new friend to the woods first thing because it’s where he’s safest from scrooge and his foot has healed. He’s also a Woodchuck and I can’t imagine the JWG says it’s okay to keep a wild animal person as a pet basically. None of it fits him and makes him into a moron for an episode solely for the plot to work. This still could’ve worked but just have Huey and Louie BOTH get suspicious, Huey later, and find out Tenderfoot is actually Gavin, whose sapient, has a phone and simply is taking advantage of them. it would’ve gone the same way: if they told Dewey , Gavin would kill them, as he threatened to do if louie told his brothers. The Gavin part though is brilliant and a really nice twist I didn’t see coming when I first saw this.  
And it would’ve made the already great climax more interesting as Huey would’ve been forced to use the methods of Louie’s he’d derided to beat a far worse scammer. Instead it’s just Louie but he doesn’t take Gavin’s threats lying down.. and comes up with a clever way to use his scam against him. He shaves Gavin, hides the razor then claims to his brother that not being in the woods means he’s dying or some such thing. So our two idiots and our hero drag them out and while they run into scrooge, Louie still saves the idiots life by manipulating him with a schmaltzy speech and they let him go despite his best attempts to stay, with Louie getting a nice “I win in there”. Overall a bit of a mess with some good ideas, but Huey suddenly taking dum dum juice really drags it down.
So in any other episode this would’ve been fine whatever just mildly obnoxious. What makes it really,  unintentionally obnoxious.. is it’s in the middle of a tense, dark, horror story that dives into the depths of Lena’s soul and ends on a really horrifying note. Case in point Louie shaves a bigfoot and gets his victory over his nemesis.. after an utterly spellbindingly horrific nightmare by Lena, easily the most terrifying moment in the entire show. Followed up with a shaved bigfoot. 
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Now I could buy Disney simply forced them to do this to keep things light... except Frank’s been pretty upfront about the production process, how Disney has treated him, what they’ve said no on. So if it had been something they were forced to do, he would’ve said it. No this is just not reading the room and not thinking things through and an otherwise stellar episode suffers for it.They could’ve waited till season 2 for it, they didn’t, and this was the result. It dosen’t ruin the rest of the episode it’s too good for it, but damn if it dosen’t create mood whiplash so severe I need a neckbrace. 
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The Good Part
So back at the plot anyone actually cares about, we found out what the “other bin” is when Lena asks Webby: While the Money bin is for well, money and precious keepsakes, the other bin is the stuff too dangerous to keep out in the world. And this is the guy who kept a mystical gold eating dragon, a pirate ghost, and a medusa gauntlet in his garage, and we’ll learn after this ep also keeps a giant golden aztec golem in there. NONE of that was deemed dangerous enough to put in the other bin. So Webby is understandably hesitant.. and it gets a bit unsettling when Lena manipulates her into it. While she has in the past.. she usually just nudged Webby into something she’d do anyway at worst, or showed her an r-rated movie or something harmless. While she did use her as an in she clearly cares.. so it shows how horrifically desperate she’s got she’s willing to pressure her into going into Scrooge’s most dangerous and secure location, pointing out this may be her only chance to see the Dime. 
So she reluctantly agrees, and the two head into the garage. Turns out Scrooge keeps all his junk here for more reason than just shoving it wherever it’d go, as the entrance to the other bin is hidden here. The statue that gave Manny his head is actually a clue towards the painting hiding the second bin, which itself requires one of those things used to hold up ropes and such like you’d see at a movie theater... god I miss movie theaters.. I mean watching stuff in the comfort of home is very nice, but it was nice getting out, making a day of it. I mean their around, but I really don’t want to go till one till more vaccinations have happened and it’s a lot safer to go. Wait what were we talking about? Oh right gay ducks going into a horrifying nightmare vault. But yeah the theater thingy is the key, it unlocks the entrance and our heroines head inside. 
In contrast to the modern, buisnessy welcoming bin, the other bin is basically one giant vault/prison, with everything in it securely locked inside identical doored rooms. It’s genius as it is simple: Only 6 people have likely ever had access to this place: Scrooge, Beakly, Gyro, Duckworth and MAYBE the twins. Even Della and Donald being allowed down here is an unknown. The non-scrooge people are only because someone besides him needs to maintain it, keep any creatures fed, that sort of thing and he’d only trust his butler and his housekeeper, who are also both extraordinarily badass, to do so. Gyro is because someone needed to design the cells. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Quackfaster was a 7th since season 3 casts her as Scrooge’s magic expert and he’d likely need specific runes for specific cells. He’d want as few people down here as possible, and even fewer knowing. I’m sure Bradford knew, and i’m also certain it’s the one thing he never quibbled about the expense as while he hates what Scrooge stands for and tried to curb his “chaos” as much as possible.. this is doing exactly what Bradford likes: locking it away where it can’t hurt anybody. Plus quibbling about it might make Scrooge want to show it off to him and that’s.. that's’ a whole lotta nope in a 2 pound bag. 
So for once Webby is very hesitant and very cautious, though naturally Magica points out a door.. and Lena stupidly follows her advice as she knows her “aunt” is impulsive and has no regards for her safety. What did she think was going to happen? They instead find a unicorn.. or rather it’s angry murderous cousin the Sword Horse, which naturally tries goring them. I’d go with Spear Horse, but semantics. Point is Webby is soon tackled by the thing and Magica just wants to let her die. As seen before the tension between Magica and Lena has hit a breaking point: Magica is fed up with Lena’s clear feelings for webby and caring more about her than the mission.. while Lena is fed up with Magica not listening to her, respecting her as sentient being and dismissing her out of hand instead of listening to her often very valid criticism. So Lena naturally ignores her and throws her the knife, which Webby uses to get the Sword Horse back in it’s pen. And then wonders why her girlfriend has  glowing painstakingly crafted magic knife. Whoops. Webby also wants to leave but Lena convinces her to keep going. but it’s also very clear that Webby’s getting more and more reluctant and i’ts very hard to watch. You can’t blame Lena for wanting to be free of Magica: she dosen’t see her as a person, and dosen’t value her life. But it’s still hard to watc her have to manipulate the only person that loves her and do so so.. effectively. It’s easy to imagine Lena’s done this dozens of times to other people.. but not to someone she actually CARES about. 
Webby DOES figure out how the rooms work though: each one is labeled by the year Scrooge caught it. So she assumes one room she fine is the dime.. and Lena of course runs in and slams the door shut... they’ve found it. So we then get to the most terrifying moment of the series. With victory in her grasp magica roars for Lena to claim the dime, filling the room and Lena with shadow with Lena seemingly disolving.. until Magica is restored or at least partially, still a shadow. Magica has just one thing for her.. and Lena’s reactoin is terrified.. and says oh so much in just one expression it’s VERY clear Lena fears she’s about to die... if she’s lucky. Magica’s been so verbally abusive, tearing her down constantly, manipulating her constantly.. why WOULD Lena expect anything good? Why would she expect anything other than pain or death? So a hug is a surprise.. as is Webby who assumes she’s being attacked... and is clearly heartbroken that’s not the case and runs for Scrooge when Magica admits the truth... only for Magica to seemingly kill her, turning her into a doll resembling the original Webby
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Yeah at this point it’s obvious something’s up.. but before we can get to the natural reveal at the end of this horror show, Lena demands Magica change her back... only for a fight to naturally ensue with Magica rubbing the way Lena’s treated Webby in her face: How she manipualted her, lied to her and used her. Even if it was for more noble reasons.. she never told her any of this or tried to and is now directly responsible for her death. She’s a monster.. and then Lena’s amulet activates.. and seemingly finishes the job. 
Then Lena wakes up. This was simply one of SCrooge’s artifact, one Webby mentioned earlier off hand and Webby rescues her. It was all a nightmare.. easy to see given Webby was seemingly killed or turned into a doll at points.. but besides making Lena realize how while not as bad as her aunt, she ahsn’t been great.. it also gives us a painful look into her head and how she sees both Magica and Webby. With Magica.. it’s again VERY clear Magica verbally abuses her, depersons her and is in general a horrifiingly relastic depection of a domestic abuser. But it’s also telling Magica hugs her... while Lena didn’t expect it, this is all her subconcious mixed with a magical cursed artifact, it’s clear that deep down one of the things she wants most.. is for Magica to LOVE HER. 
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That is just... it hurts so much.  She just wants a Mom.. and even then her subconcious can’t give her THAT because it knows the truth. Granted the nightmare thing might of had something to do with it, but still, the fact is deep down she knows Magica dosen’t care about her but she WANTS her to. As with Webby, she fears Magica is right, that all her gaslighting has had an effect and Webby would run away the second she found out. When as we’ll learn.. that’s not true at all. She’s deeply hurt... but she still belivies in her. But Lena can’t even see that. She’s been beaten down so much by someone constnatly telling her no one will ever love her she belivies it herself and all her mind and the dreamcatcher can do is pummel her over and over again with what she feels about herself, what she’s KNOWN about how she treats webby even if she had no way out otherwise, how wrong it’s felt. Just holy shit it’s a lot to take in. 
But all this trauma has made Lena realize she truly does love Webby and this isn’t worth it.. she’ll find some other way out or figure out something, for now their leaving. She’s not dying for this.. not for her. They happen to run into Scrooge who, due to the WACKY BIGFOOT SUBPLOT THAT HAPPENED RIGHT AFTER THE ABOVE SCENE, no I will not let that go even going back to Frank’s twitter asks he outright said it was their darkest plot paired with one of their most insane, he knew what he was doing. Turns out cleverly he kept the Dime in vault one. As he puts it “They never think to check the first one”. Smart. He also keeps his worry room down here. Just a note I wanted to mention. 
He does chide them, and Lena takes the full fall.. but suprisingly he dosen’t ban her from his home or anything, he just asks they be honest and would’ve gladly showed the dime off to them both if they’d just asked. Once Scrooge and Webby walk off far enough Magica berates her again..but Lena is done. She’s realized from her own horrifying nightmares that NO amount of freedom is worth what Magica will get out of this, that her own soul isn’t worth the death of the one person she cares about: Webby will fight her and she might not make it. She loves her more than she fears Magica. And even if it means loosing Webby.. she knows who can stop him. Unfortunately.. this is not a happy ending as Magica simply takes full control. And now has Scrooge’s full trust. 
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Final Thoughts: This episode is one half a masterpiece. The parts with Lena are to this day, as we approach the very last episode, some of the show’s finest writing and Lena’s nightmare is easily the darkest scene in the series, and only not the most gutwrenching.. because we’re getting to that next week. It finishes the first leg of her character arc, with her selfishness all gone, and the only thing she wants is Webby’s hapiness. Granted that leads to a whole nother character arc over her season 2 episodes, but we’ll get there. Point is she’s realized her manipulations are wrong and not worth the cost, and that she’ll never get anything good out of Magica. Freedom.. will take just a bit longer. It’s eerie to watch, uncomfortable as Lena sinks to her lowest point before climbing out of it, and with a very tense atmosphere the whole time, the bin having a smothering uncomfortableness as we know there’s tons of horrible things here.. but we don’t know what. 
So on it’s own it’d be one of the series best episodes, and the plot itself is still one fo the series best.. but it’s weighed down by one of the series worst plots. Still tame compared to a lto of other series worst moments but being paired with something so dark and excellent really shows how fucking stupid this plot was and made it that much more grating. It just clashes badly. Thankfully the crew did learn from this fiasco to the point we got one of the series best episodes “Escape from the Impossibin!”. That one seemingly has two light enough plots, Scrooge, Louie and Della escaping from the bin and Webby stalking the boys, but in a comedic ic still messed up fashion.. but both take a sharp left at just the right time as to not clash: the full implications of what Webby’s doing and her physical fight with Bentina happen around the same time Scrooge breaks down and confesses he’s scared he can’t win this time. The episode gets really dark in the second half but it eases into it and slowly makes it’s way to it, building to it with some laughts to disarm it. But stuff like robo scrooge or the timeloop room, or the timeloop room, or the timeloop room, or the oh thank god i’ts broken. That stuff isn’t SO wacky or out of place that it detracts from the other plot. They compliment each other. Here it’s just two plots that don’t work together at all joined together for some reason.  So yeah overall a very mixed bag of an episode and if you do want to watch or rewatch it.. just skip the bigfoot subplot> it’s not worth it. 
Next Time on Shadow Into Light: It’s all come down to this. Magica finally ges what she wants. The Shadow War is Night.. but before I can tell you that story we have a bit of ground to cover so..
Next on this Blog: The family minus Beakly ends up in Greece. Dewey is forced to deal with his fears about his mom, Scrooge is forced to deal with his old rival Zeus, and Donald is forced to deal with an unwanted admirerer. Spanikopita!
If you liked this review, follow for more, feel free to contribute to my patreon, and feel free to commission a review of your own. Until the next rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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penny-anna · 4 years
i binged ghosts s2 last night and have THOUGHTS (spoilers obvs)
- so glad to get some more info on how ghosts work? there were other ghosts in the house who have moved on. thomas has the letter he was given before he died in his pocket and if he puts it down it teleports back. if they cross the property line they just get turned around & sent back. julian can operate a Smart Phone.
- *bangs pots and pans together* LESBIAN WEDDING LESBIAN WEDDING!! i thought they might be going that way as soon as they only mentioned the name of 1 half of the couple and i’m so glad i was right
- the captain was so happy!! when he saw it was a gay wedding! and im so happy bcos i saw ppl saying they should do uh that exact plot and then they did!!
- speaking of i can’t believe i predicted the thomas episode. we got thomas doing caveman dialogue and everything. they should hire me.
- and speaking of the thomas episode, his backstory is genuinely gutting and i fully didn’t realise till the end that it was a legit murder mystery... in retrospect it should have been obvious where it was going from ‘imagine inheriting a place like this’
- confirmation that some of the ghosts are related (thomas & lady button are related by marriage sort of)
- thomas’s backstory puts a different spin on ‘someday no-one will come’ huh!!!!
- eps 1 and 2 were both ingenious & also fuckin riots. like all the eps were good but those two were just so beautifully constructed. the ghosts being afraid of the ghost hunters. the weird pile up of alison and mike trying to fake a haunting in their real haunted house and then the real ghosts trying to stop them using their ghost powers and then accidentally making the house look even more haunted. kitty being afraid of the ‘ghost ghost’. the drunk flashbacks. mike & humphrey stuck on the roof. Dante. i love all of it.
- some like non-humorous content about the captain being gay which was top of my s2 wishlist ;_;
- thomas wants to wear double denim with aviators and mary wants a seashell dress and lobster hat
- i can’t believe we got plague ghosts flashbacks before kitty or mary flashbacks and also BOY HOWDY THE PLAGUE GHOST STUFF DID NOT AGE WELL i feel like it was probably a lot funnier when it was originally written
- i was not expecting to see jemima or barclay again. amazing.
- i’ve only had annie for 1 episode and if anything happened to her i’d kill everyone in this room and then myself
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byteloading168 · 3 years
Running Man Ep 278 English Sub
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KMazing – Entering the year 2017 Running Man faced many problems. Such that, it was notified that the year 2017 will be the last year Running Man. Because of the issue of the dismissal of Song Jihyo and Kim Jongkook at the end of 2016 is horrendous and unacceptable. Finally, the PD and Member of Running Man agreed to end the program, Then before the end, the concept is built around a special episode where each member is given their own episode to be planned.
Running Man Eng Sub Full
Running Man Eng Sub Kshowonline
Running Man Ep 515 Eng Sub
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But in the end, Running Man continues on air after the dismissal of the “troublemaker PD”, the famous variety show even add 2 new members, namely Yang Sechan and Jeon Somin which turn out to be a huge improvement. Still, like in 2016 where Running Man’s rating is still not as good as in its heyday. Slowly but surely Running Man’s Rating improved once again, at the end of the year the program achieved 2 digit rating. Well, which episode is the best in 2017 and 2018 so far? Here are the 20 best Episodes, exclaimed as the funniest from Running Man of 2017-2018. Enjoy!
Running Man welcomes the comeback of SNSD in this episode. As the experienced girlband get involved, there are a lot of funny scenes presented here. Like when the member has to choose their partner where Yuri is the unlucky one to be the partner of Ji Sukjin. Not only that, we will also see the SNSD members show their dance skills and aegyo and you will be melted with the aegyo power by Sunny. For me, the funniest scene is where Haha is always being reprimanded by her partner Soo Young. The theme of this episode is actually looking for the Bad Girls throughout the mission. Who will be 3 girls that became the Spy?
The following Running Man Episode 278 English Sub has been released. Watch full episode of Running Man Series at Dramanice. Add to Favorites. To help maintain our system, we have to run popunder on player with very low frequency of 1 pop per 12 hour. Hope you will understand and support us.
Sinopsis Running Man Episode 278 X Man Collaboration Special. Lee Kwang Soo Siap Pimpin Tamu Tamu Tampan Running Man Episode Eng Sub Hd Running Man Kim Soo Hyun Ep.
Running Man is a reality-variety show that stars Yu Jae Seok, Kim Jong Kook, Haha, Jee Seok Jin, Song Ji Hyo, Lee Kwang Soo, Jeon So Min, and Yang Se Chan. In each episode, they must complete missions at various places to win the race. Each mission is action-packed and hilarious as each member tries to beat the others using their wits and skills. Each week, is filled with fun that includes.
Phase 10 card game online, free no download. Also read : Best Korean Dramas 2017 – 2018
Running Man Eng Sub Full
Episode 1 Running Man (2019) Korean Variety. Episode 1 Running Man (2018) Korean Variety. Episode 1 All the Butlers (2020) Korean Variety. Episode 1 Lie After Lie. Tags: Watch Running Man Episode 142 Engsub, Running Man Episode 142 full hd, download Running Man Episode 142, watch online, free Running Man Episode 142 kshowonline, dramacool, kissasian, youtube, dramanice, myasiantv, Running Man Episode 142 eng sub, Running Man Episode 142 English Subtitles.
The episode that took the Couple Race theme welcome the arrival of many beautiful and cute guest stars. One of them is Jeon Somin who will then become the latest member of Running Man. Just as in Episode 224 where Kwangsoo and Somin became a couple, this episode both of them also became it too. But as predicted, rather than a romantic moment this couple show a lot of betrayal moment that will make us laugh our *ss off. Kwangsoo who had been known as a good traitor and schemer got betrayed by Somin, twice.
Episode 334 is Kim Jongkook Week. Where the Running Man members have to help Jongkook while he is having a romantic date with a girl. They also perform various games that will help determine the fate of Jongkook blind date trip. The concept is really touching and easy to “digest” and such romance is needed for the vivid viewer of Running Man, since the Monday Couple have separated, the romance was so lacking throughout the episodes, this particular episode at least give us a break and add more dynamic toward the concept of member’s week.
In the episode of this new year’s edition, the Running Man members are getting their prediction about their lives in 2017. Not only that, their health is also checked through the condition of their eyes. This is the usual concept that has been repeated like two or three times before, the funny part of these New Year episodes is when the members get the answer about their luck for that year which of course varied. This is also the first time Song Jihyo and Kim Jongkook is coupled in a romantic way.
What I like the most from this episode is the adaptability of the members of Super Junior which make even a simple game hugely interesting. Super Junior and Red Velvet became Guest in episode 376. Not only they did come in complete personnel. It turns out that one of the members of Suju, Eunhyuk is a friend from the same elementary school as Jeon Somin. There are also a lot of funny stories between them. The closeness of Somin and Eunhyuk make Donghae jealous and this kind spark is what keeps this episode interesting.
Running Man once again took the theme of Couple Race but this time with much more guest. There’s even an extra 2 male guest, Jo Se-ho and Sung Hoon. Meaning there are 8 pairs in total. So do not be surprised if this episode took 2 episodes. Even for its opening alone spend half the episode. The guest stars are asked to show his or her talents. Sunmi is definitely featuring with the famous dance of Ganshina. Well, Jo Seho as always gets tricked by Yoo Jaesuk. Not only that Jo Seho who is paired with Song Jihyo always get scolded and even beaten.
This is one of the episode of Global Race where Jeon Somin and Kwangsoo have to undergo their punishment in Indonesia or precisely in Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta. They have to cross toward the fishing island using a cable car made by the coastal residents of Pantai Timang which is made with Wood and several strings connected to each other. This whole episode features Somin and Kwangsoo. The members have to guess what they are doing and the result of the action. Kwangmin couple’s moments will also make us laughed and melted here.
Cara install pcsx2 windows 10. In this episode Running Man welcome the arrival of special guest star Gary! Gary and his clone forces came into this episode to defeat the other members which come as a surprise since the member didn’t expect the appearance of their ex-member. The twist is there and presented professionally with good build up and tension. 7012!
Where Jae Suk became MC while the other Running Man member has a match against another team of entertainers. It’ss guaranteed a lolly moment when you watch this episode. Maybe for some, this episode is a bit bland and much more like the moment of revival for some entertainer, but the game was not blatantly simple, plus there is a twist at the end.
In this episode, the members were asked to collect items to fill a house which later will become their base camp. Starting from the sofa, carpet, mattress, to the toilet. They had to borrow or ask for many items from their fellow celebrities, from Cha Taehyun, Kim Dong Wook, to Park Bo Gum. This episode is really exciting for me because each member get their airtime almost equally and all of the moments created are super funny.
Continuing the theme of Global Race, this time Running Man visit Japan to get serve the sentence in the Ghost House. Unfortunately, Kwangsoo must serve the punishment by himself. While Somin went through it with Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin served his “adventure” with Yang Se Chan. Lots of funny and thrilling scenes we go from this episode like VJ of Ji Sukjin who fled in fear and left his camera behind.
Well, Haha’s special episode is the best among the others. Haha has been known as a hesitant type of personality and wishy-washy with the choices available. In this episode, Haha will always be told to choose between two members who are prepared to undergo a punishment. Like Lee Kwangsoo or Ji Sukjin who will be thrown into the air with a giant ball. Or Kim Jongkook (eating high calories food) and Song Jihyo (touch insects). And the twist was Haha didn’t plan this episode but other members did this as the gift for Haha’s second child which had made Haha want to run away due to the shameful feeling.
Episode 372 can be categorized as to be one episode with the best Twist of 2017 or perhaps one of the best Twist in Running Man history. Early on, the member saw a video of Lee Kwangsoo who was talking with two mysterious people. Kwangsoo is upset about who he has takes to undergo the punishment in Australia. Well, you will be really shocked by what happened at the end. Usually, we’ll see Jeon Somin making a loveline with Kwangsoo or any male single guest but in this episode Jeon Somin create a romantic moment with Kim Jongkook. Like when somin act as a girlfriend of Kim Jongkook.
Last part of Global Race Project last of 2017 where Running Man members are divided into 2 groups. Lee Kwangsoo’s team which consist Jeon Somin, Ji Sukjin and Yoo Jaesuk flew to Australia and Kim Jongkook’s team consist of Haha, Song Jihyo, and Yang Sechan visited New Zealand. This is the second part because it has previously aired in Episode 378. If in the previous episode 378 (Team Australia) is stealing the attention, during this episode Team New Zealand became the star. Obviously, because this team offers cuteness and tension. Where Haha and Sechan had vomited before getting on the swing and the best moments when Song Jihyo and Kim Jongkook take on the Nevis Swing with the upside position.
Running Man’s blockbuster scenes frequently have a lot of rushes, chills and enough twist on the story to keep watchers oblivious until the last minute. This scene; highlighting apparitions from Running University, took the great Running Man blockbuster scene to another level with a sudden wind that left the individuals reeling, as well as the gathering of people. You wouldn’t have any desire to miss this scene, including incredible part science and collaborations, and a splendid storyline that will keep you snared until the finish of the race.
Still a continuation of episode 346, this 347 episode has three teams, namely Osaka team, Taipei team, and Jeju-do team. They have to buy souvenirs in those places. The team that has the heaviest souvenirs will win this mission. The scale of the mission is huge and Jang Do Yeon helps create smooth episode especially during the trip to Jeju-do. Overall this episode is a good one as the new member looks fluid enough to gel with the original member of Running Man.
This episode centers around the Running Man individuals gunning to be the beneficiary to Running Airline’s affluent director. As basic as it is an idea, the scene is made more troublesome by the beneficiaries; feisty and brimming with shocks. This present scene’s quality likewise originates from the last mission, an unofficial ID tearing mission in which the individuals need to battle against each other to be the beneficiary. There’s an immense twist towards the end which you presumably won’t see it coming either.
Special Christmas episode on Running Man, for the most part, have an amazing quality of esteem, however, to keep in accordance with the current year’s Running Man subject of wanders aimlessly, the PD have thought of yet another blockbuster scene including apparitions, vindictive spirits, and people. You’d most likely never observe Christmas similarly again. A note, the main portion of the scene tends to delay somewhat more, yet the real race is where the place of fun is.
This is the best and funniest Running Man episode in 2017 but not quite fundamental. Because this episode is special to celebrate 7 years Running Man. All Running Man members come to the show with their friends and family. Like Song Jihyo and Somin who brought their younger brother and Kim Jongkook who came with his older brother. Other members choose to take their friends. But before the guests come out they tell the habits of each member. Like Haha who once vent on and wanted to gang up Kim Jongkook. All agreed that the star in this episode is Haha’s friend Park Geun-shik and Jo Seho. Geunsik with his innocence often makes Haha angry while Jo Se Ho always gets teased by Yoo Jaesuk. But Tae Hang-ho (Friends of Kwangsoo) also take much of the airtime while trying the high voice game.
On episode 346, the new member Jeon So-min and Yang Se-chan start joining permanently as a cast member. Here we will be getting stomachache because of their hilarious behavior, especially from the new member! This time there are three teams that compete to win. They must successfully undergo a mission if not, the will be given a horrible penalty. It might not be the funniest, but this episode becomes the turning point of the new era of Running Man. Thus, we see this episode as the fundamental episode of Running Man in 2017.
5/5(7 votes )
Running Man Eng Sub Kshowonline
The Bridge
Two detectives from Malaysia and Singapore are assigned to work together on a double murder case. A body – split in half and made up of two different women – was found at the second link bridge that connects both countries. The killer later reveals that he will bring five issues to light that cause chaos in both Malaysia and Singapore – people are unequal before law, human trafficking, laundering, violence against women and children, and child labour. This politically charged and highly complex case leads the detective duo in discovering the close connection between the killer and those who are chasing him. Case by case, they learn about the killer’s hidden agenda.
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Running Man Ep 515 Eng Sub
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devil-in-those-eyes · 4 years
Duchess of the Kooks Part2 JJ Maybank
Hi guys! Wow, I’m really thankful for you guys and the love of this imagine. Let me know if you’d like to be in the taglist. I hope you guys like this part!
Part 1!
Taglist: @lovelymaybankk @hyuckiesof @outerbanks123 @heimdoodle
Summery: End of ep. 4, beginning of ep. 5. Y/N’s reaction to JJ taking the fall for Pope might have some consequences.
A/N: I know jackshit about the law and bail and all that, so please just go with it if I’m wrong. ALSO, do you guys know anyone that is okay with gifs being used with credit being said? If not, totally fine, just a question :)
           The drive was silent. You dropped Kiara off at her house first and then Pope and JJ. JJ was sitting in the front seat with you while Pope got out of the car, “Man, I’ll see you inside.”
           “Right behind you,” JJ answered as you slowly looked at him.
           “Are you sure you’re okay?” You whispered, taking in the busted lip. JJ touched his thumb to the swollen skin, he had gotten rid of the blood on the sleeve of his shirt and continuously moved his hat on his head.
           “Yeah, nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” he grumbled, turning his eyes onto you. For the second time tonight, there wasn’t any disgust when he looked at you, he just looked… unsure. “Thanks for the uh…”
           “Sure,” you breathed, nodding and turning your eyes away.
           “And for uh, jumping on Rafe and trying to stop him,” he said, his voice sounding small and awkward. He probably wasn’t used to thanking people, let alone you.
           “Who else is gonna be a dick to me?” You shrugged, earning a smirk from him and this time, it melted the butterflies with red wings.
           “You sure you’re okay? Kelce threw you pretty hard.”
           Actually, you had a pretty big headache but him seeing you at a weak point wasn’t an option, he was still JJ. So you nodded and breathed, “all good.”
           JJ pressed his lips together and nodded, popping the door open. “Night, Y/N.”
           “Night,” you said before he shut the drove and drove home.
           You didn’t want to go home because there was a chance that Topper would be there, but when you saw your uncle’s rental car you forgot how much of a jackass your brother was and rushed inside. The one person who didnt make you feel alone was sitting in your kitchen, drinking a beer and eating a piece of pie.
           “Uncle Mac!” you exclaimed.
           Uncle Mac stood up with an easy going grin on his face. “My favorite niece!” he exclaimed, catching you as you jumped into his arms, kissing your cheek.
           Catching up with Uncle Mac was almost as easy as talking to Kiara. He never made you feel stupid whenever you told him stories, you could talk to him a lot easier than your mom and you didn’t bother giving your dad the time of day.
           You could listen to Uncle Mac talk about Hawaii for hours. He was expressive, using his hands when he talked about the waves he caught every morning. You felt the apprehension of his stories when he talked about seeing sharks and sting rays. You felt happiness when he talked about the life he led with his restaurant that was a tourist destination. You could always see it in his pretty eyes, the true happiness and freedom he had. He was loaded by last name, but lived in a little shack by the beach, like John B. He never wanted to use his trust fund money. He was exactly who you wanted to grow up to be.
           The next day you walked into the place Pope’s dad owned and greeted him with an easy smile. He instantly returned it, “Y/N, is there something your family needs?”
           “No, sir, I was actually wondering if Kie and the others were here.” You smiled.
           Mr. Heyward smiled and nodded his head to go inside. When you walked in a few people were looking around by Kiara was standing with Pope behind the register, working, while JJ sat on the other, throwing an orange around.
           JJ was the first to see you and was back to his sarcastic ways, “Well, well, Little Topper.”
           You nearly growled at him, “Is your brain that small that you can’t remember a simple name?”
           “Why bother?” he asked, tilting his head at you. “Not like you’re gonna stick around long enough.”
           You didn’t expect him to change over night, but you did expect a little something different since you did throw yourself in the line of fire for him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
           “Play nice, for the love of god.” Kiara groaned before handing change back to the customer. “have a good day, Ms. Fitch.”
           You faced her, “I was coming to see if you guys wanted to catch waves, but clearly not.”
           “Jesus, don’t get your panties in a twist, it was a joke.” JJ said. Kiara stared at him, giving him a glare and I even saw Pope stop what he was doing to stare at him. “What?”
           Kiara rolled her eyes and looked at you, “Pope’s almost done then we can head out?”
           “Sure,” you breathed, nodding your head. “Pope, what can I help with?”
           “Wanna organize the oranges? Someone nearly knocked them over.” Pope said, tossing his eyes quickly over to JJ.
           You smiled and made your way over to the stand. You started fixing them as JJ popped off of the counter and turned to face you, leaning his elbows on the counter. “How’s home life? You see your big bro?” JJ asked.
           Surprisingly, no you didn’t see him last night. When you woke up this morning he was still sleeping. You quickly showered and rushed on over here before he woke up and you had to deal with him. You plucked the orange from JJ’s fingers and popped your P, “Nope.”
           “Which reminds me, how did you know about it?” JJ asked, moving a little closer against the counter.
           You sighed, looking up briefly to see Kiara watching you two over her shoulder. “I heard Rafe talking about beating up Pope, then saw the guy pulling his boat out of the water.”
           You felt JJ’s eyes on you, so you looked back at him and raised your eyebrows. “By the way, whoever came up with that… freaking brilliant. My mom was so pissed off.”
           A hint of a smile touched his face. “It was all him, I think I’m rubbing off.”
           You didn’t necessarily think that was a good thing but you kept your mouth shut anyways. For the next hour or so you and Kiara helped out Pope and his dad while JJ just floated around and continued to be his unhelpful self, he cracked jokes and made you guys laugh. You tried keeping your amusement to a minimum but you couldn’t help it, he may piss you off to no end but he was still attractive when he smiled, despite having a busted lip.
“I can’t believe that happened last night.” Pope said quietly as you helped out Kiara behind the register, bagging somethings the customer just bought.
           You sighed. Topper really did go too far last night. “Don’t let it get in your head, three of them and two of us,” JJ said as he rested against the wall. “That’s some typical kook shit right there.”
           Even you couldn’t deny that, so you nodded a long with Kiara as she said, “hell, yeah.”
           “What was your thought process, using your head?” JJ asked Pope.
           You bit back a smile and looked at Pope. “By the way, you head butting my brother is my favorite thing that’s ever happened.”
           Pope fought a smile and rolled his eyes at you. “I don’t know, man, I just kind of acted off instinct. I was a corner animal.”
           “Hey, Pope, someone here to see you.” Mr. Heyward said, coming in from the back door, looking as if he had seen a ghost.
           Deputy Shoupe walked around the corner and you nearly dropped the apple you were holding. “Evening officer,” Pope said, his voice slightly wavering.
Deputy Shoupe didn’t hesitate. “I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property.” Shoupe handed Pope’s dad the warrant and my face paled, knowing that this had everything to do with my brother. As Shoupe walked towards Pope, telling him to keep his hands where he can see them, Pope looked over your head to JJ with wide eyes.
           “Young lady, out of my way.” Deputy said to you and Kiara. Your feet were glued to the floor so the deputy gave you a light push, and you felt JJ’s hot hand touch your lower back.
           “Whoa, Shoupe, what did he do?”
           “It says in the arrest warrant.”
           “So, you’re arresting him?” Kiara asked him.
           “Oh, my god.” You whispered as the deputy put cuffs on Pope.
           Commotion picked up in the place as customers backed into the walls. Kiara was talking loudly and Mr. Heyward was continually asking what happened. JJ grabbed your forearm and moved you behind him so he stepped towards the deputy. “What’s the evidence?”
           “Shoupe, are you listening?”
           The deputy started giving Pope his rights and started walking him out from behind the counter. It was all a huge mess. How did they even know that it was really Pope? Sure Topper would have told him, but they couldn’t do it just a limb and without any actual hard evidence. Kiara followed the deputy and you pushed past JJ, twisting out of his grip to keep you out of the way.
           “Deputy, you don’t understand what really happened.” You called out.
           “I understand plenty, Ms. Thornton.”
           “Pope, don’t say anything!” Mr. Heyward said above you as JJ asked how much did the kooks pay him.
           “Sir, just let him go. Pope did nothing wrong!” You exclaimed as you got outside, Pope hadn’t even uttered a word. JJ continued to get agitated so Mr. Heyward told him to stay back, because he could make the situation worse.
           “So, what, you’re just going to arrest him without hearing him out?” Kiara asked, “He’s seventeen!”
           “My brother and Rafe Cameron beat his face in, you should be looking at them for battery and assault!” You blurted out as Mr. Heyward touched you forearm.
           “It wasn’t him!” JJ yelled. Both your and Kiara’s heads snapped to look at JJ as he stood a few feet away, if anymore blood was left in your head, it all drained completely out. No, no, no. “It was me.”
           JJ started walking slowly towards Pope and the deputy, “He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad because he’d just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit.” He stared at Pope, “I can’t let you take the blame for something I did.”
           This had all been taken way too far.  If anyone needed to be put in jail, it was your brother for trying to drown John B and then Rafe Cameron for beating up Pope. Had anyone done anything then, these two boys wouldn’t be arrested.
           “You’ve got too much to lose, Pope.”
           “JJ, what’re you doing?” Pope hissed.
           “I’m telling the truth, for once. I’m telling the god damn truth.” JJ smirked sadly. “I took his old man’s boat, too.”
           “What the hell?” Mr. Heyward asked.
           “JJ,” you started, shaking your head and feeling a lump form in your throat.
           JJ turned his eyes onto you. They were sad, you could see the slight quiver in his lip. But you could also see that he was really going to do this. “Let it go, Y/N.” he said softly.
           “JJ, I can’t,”
           “Shut up, Pope.” JJ cut him off, looking away from you and at his best friend. JJ looked at the deputy, “he’s a good kid. You know where I’m from.”
           “Yeah,” the deputy said softly.
           “This was all me.”
           The deputy looked at Pope, “That’s the whole truth.”
           I started shaking my head but Kiara rushed around and grabbed my hand. JJ spoke out, “Whole truth, swear to God.”
           “I know what you think, damn it, I’m asking Pope.” The deputy said loudly.
           I didn’t realize how fast my heart was beating inside my chest until now. It was pounding so hard that I felt like my whole body was moving along with it. Silence filled us as we all waited to see if Pope would go along with JJ’s lie.
           Pope lowered his eyes from JJ, “Yeah, that about covers it.”
           The deputy sighed and took the cuffs off Pope. You kept my eyes on JJ as he turned to face Kiara and you, putting his hands behind his back. Kiara shook her head slowly and JJ finally turned his eyes onto you. You hadn’t done anything wrong but you blamed yourself, because of your last name. Because it was Topper.
           You stepped towards him, not knowing what you’d say but you couldn’t stop yourself. Don’t. JJ mouthed and your heart dropped. As the deputy read him his rights, he mouthed it’ll be okay to Kiara and you.
           You all watched as the deputy put JJ in the back seat and slammed the door. Pure shock filled your body, was this really happening? After the deputy drove away, Pope finally lost his cool and threw his hat onto the ground, releasing a loud curse before running away.
           Kiara let go of your hand and followed after him. You stayed where you were, watching the car slowly drive away. This was all your family’s fault. You didn’t have any cameras on your dock, but our neighbors did. Couldn’t this have been settled some other way? Through insurance instead of pressing charges? Was ruining JJ’s life really that worth it to your mom, because it was ultimately her decision, because she was still paying for the boat.
           With shaking hands you found your phone and dialed the only person you could think of.
           “I need help.” You whispered.
           Over an hour later you paced outside of the police station on Figure Eight, your phone heavy in your hand. You hadn’t told Kiara where you run off too because she was too busy dealing with keeping Pope from losing grip on his sanity, while also trying to explain to Mr. Heyward what exactly happened.
           “Y/N!” You turned at the sound of the voice. “Kiddo, what happened, are you okay?”
           “Uncle Mac, I need your help.” You said. You had calmed a bit within the last hour, but you were still upset. Your uncle touched your shoulders and kept you steady, you started to stutter, unsure of where to start so you stopped and clamped your mouth shut.
           Your uncle sighed, “I can’t help unless you give me the whole story, kid.”
           You closed your eyes and spewed everything. You started with the fight with Topper and John B, going to when Topper and Rafe jumped Pope, which led to sinking Topper’s boat. You confessed to the fight at the movie night, even telling him how Topper nearly choked Pope to death, and finally got to JJ being arrested.
           “Mac, JJ can’t go down for this.” You begged, shaking your head.
           “Y/N…” Mac sighed, dropping his hands. “You want me to pay for his bail?”
           “Just help him out,” you pleaded. “This is my brother’s fault and he won’t get anything for assaulting them!”
           Mac sighed again, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know I got money lying around, but paying someone else’s bail? Y/N, I’d bail you out in a heartbeat, but this kid? He’s a stranger.”
           “Topper nearly killed Pope,” you whispered. “He nearly drowned John B. It’s the least our family can do…”
           Mac’s jaw tightened. You knew you were asking a lot of him, it was almost impossible but you knew that if anyone could do this, it would be your uncle. In your head, it was the right thing to do.
           Mac didn’t say another word, he just walked past you and headed into the police department. Your heart was back to racing as you followed after him. You stood to the side, trying to breathe out in relief as Mac said he was here to bail out JJ Maybank.
           “Are you his guardian?” The officer asked.
           “Does it really matter, Abbie?” Mac grinned, wearing a charming smile.
           The officer, or Abbie, ignored the flush to her cheeks and glanced around. It took a few seconds of your uncle charming the officer, but in the end she gave in and told him they would grab JJ. The bail out for JJ was just under a grand and hearing the amount made your heart stop, you could see the annoyance fill in your uncle’s body because he was trying to clean up your family’s last name.
           JJ was brought out and his eyes widened as he saw you. You turned your eyes back onto your uncle as he filled out a check while the officer gave a speech about JJ’s hearing in two weeks, if JJ failed to show up, the bail would be forfeited. The restitution, to cover the damage done to Topper’s boat, would be an average of three estimates.
           Mac sighed, “There isn’t a chance I could pay for the kids restitution now, is there? Forget the whole hearing?”
           I bit the inside of my cheek as the officer shook her head, “sadly, no.”
           “Sign here, please.” The officer said. Mac did as told before turning towards JJ and jerked his head towards the door.
           You kept your eyes downward as JJ passed you and whispered, “the fuck did you do.”
           Mac walked out after you and you instantly started apologizing. “Mac, I’ll pay you back.”
           “$700 bail out, Y/N?” Mac asked, his cheeks pink.
           “I didn’t know!” You promised. “It was Topper’s fault, I needed help, I’ll pay you back.”
           “Sir, I,”
           Mac turned towards JJ, taking both of you in. Mac sighed and looked away from JJ and to you, “you don’t need to pay me back. But you,” he pointed to JJ, “You better show up to that hearing.”
           You lowered your head as JJ agreed. “Of course, sir. I, uh, thank you.”
           Mac nodded once and pointed to your car, “Home. Now.”
           You turned your head, to look back at JJ, trying to offer a smile but couldn’t muster it. You stepped away and JJ reached out, touching your forearm and turning you back into his chest. “Why?” he whispered.
           The lump in your throat grew as you stared up at him. Your lip quivered, “I don’t know. I just couldn’t…”
           Some asshole peeled into the side walk. “Y/N, now.” Your uncle called out.
           Unsure of what to say, or do, JJ just stared down at you. Both of you shocked by what you just did. His hand slowly loosened his grip as he looked over your head and at the guy that got out of his truck. The softness in his eyes went hard and you turned to see an older man glaring at him. Realizing this was his dad, you quickly walked away and headed to your jeep, following your uncle home. You knew you were going to get an earful and you didn’t want to leave JJ, but you had too.
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oodlyenough · 4 years
some disorganized thoughts on bly manor now that i’ve had some time to digest it
i’ll start with things i liked:
-obviously i appreciated a lesbian love story front and center. that was a great pleasant surprise -i liked the idea of hopping between memories and the memories warping and changing and replaying -the dollhouse was creepy af and frankly underutilized -the kid who played miles cracked me tf up -i watched a single season of izombie years ago and have liked rahul kohli ever since so it was nice to see him in something! -i like these anthology ideas with different actors reappearing. i spent most of the season like “i’m sure theo is in this but where is she??” hahaha
i think this felt like a solid B draft to me... like not a first draft, but not quite as good as it might’ve been had it gone through another round of reworking. i like a lot of the fundamentals -- most of the characters are likable except the ones you aren’t meant to like, i like the cast, i like different bits of the concepts, i like the twist of “it’s a love story”.... but many of those separate threads never fully came together for me
we saw almost every major twist coming, literally from ep 1 we were like “hannah’s a ghost”. i dunno if i count this as a point off or not, because you want stories to be logically written and have foreshadowing you can follow, but it would’ve been nice to have any big surprises a la Nellie/Bent Neck Lady. plus, in the case of edmund i correctly guessed it was headlights/taillights reflecting off glasses, but i was disappointed because i thought Dani’s dark secret would be murder~ (or manslaughter i guess, accidental) and perhaps she’d backed up into some guy, and she’d seen it too late in her rearview mirror, which is why he always appeared in mirrors... but nope. the mirror connection was arbitrary and she was not at fault at all. i mean, i get why she was upset, but considering we spent several episodes thinking dani had murdered/accidentally killed someone, the reveal of “he got hit by a car in front of me and i had nothing to do with it” was an anticlimax lol. 
every character got a really long soliloquy that was Too Long. hill house was prone to pretentious dialogue as well, but when it’s pretentious dialogue for a solid 5 minutes of one character talking, it got to be a bit much. and I like these people! so it’s not like the basic level of my interest wasn’t there, it just ...stretched on. a lot of this website probably disagrees, but jamie’s moonflower speech is the key example of this for me. i feel like we got the gist of what her life had been like and why she was the way she was in the first third of it, and then it just went on... and on...
then other things that just felt like they came up but weren’t tied together satisfactorily: peter and rebecca. i loved the turn at the end of... what, episode 7 I think?, where peter-miles leaves and you find out rebecca is undermining his plan and wants to save the kids and dani. that was a relief, since i spent the previous episode like ‘why the FUCK is rebecca on board with this’, and i thought we were building to some sort of peter/miles-rebecca-flora-dani confrontation... but then the lady of the lake interrupted and dominated the entire end of the series
which in some ways of course she did -- you don’t hear about “the lady in the lake” at the start of a haunted show and not have her center stage at some point -- but could we not have tied those two things together better?
i’m also not opposed to sad endings in this genre -- i am one of the people who thinks hill house should’ve gone with its original bleak ending lol --  but the tragedy felt a little strangely doled out. owen & hannah needed more screentime towards the end with actual-owen, I think? owen needed more to do writ large. rebecca’s story felt unfinished and rebecca in general never felt like a fully realized character -- which is part of why i was so excited when she was revealed to be working against peter, but then it barely went anywhere! (sensing an uncomfortable pattern...) 
i found viola’s story strange... ok, so she’s lost her memory of everything except her walk, and she’s stuck there by sheer will, but when she’s in dani she doesn’t... change at all, or... she still just wants to be in the lake? no one ever dragged that damn lake when there’s so many bodies in it lmao? maybe finding a way to make viola at peace would’ve been too trite but i felt like the show had kind of set up for that and then didn’t go all the way with it.
ALSO... i get that bride flora “didn’t know” or whatever... but god her bawling @ this widowed lesbian the night before her marriage because what if he diiiiies one daaaaaaay we’re so perfect and happy waaaaaaaah was like.... obnoxious to me. lmfao 
also it just wasn’t very scary imo. i apparently missed every background ghost because i saw, like, two, whereas in hill house i was ALWAYS on edge looking for them in that damn house lmao. in this one, there were a couple early scares but not many. dani’s fiance became routine, lol. peter quint was obviously just ghost peter quint. hill house did something similar, where the ghosts were slowly revealed and in essence became less scary -- ESPECIALLY bent neck lady who was terrifying af to start with lol but ultimately becomes tragic -- but i feel like hill house maintained the post-reveal scariness more effectively.
anyway I dunno, despite the above I didn’t hate it! I had fun watching it with friends and I will absolutely watch s3 The Haunting of Whatever to see this cast do other ghost stories. but it’s like a 6/10 for me. mostly it made me want to rewatch hill house. and maybe oculus.
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jesslivesau · 4 years
jess au @iloveeverythingwaytoomuch
pre show jess: doesn't know anything except that sam told her some fucked up shit and she didn't really believe him much like amelia didn't believe jimmy but what's clear to her is that sam's upbringing was deeply fucked up in what might've been some kind of apocalypse doomsday cult and she can say "sam, it wasn't real" as much as she can til she's blue in the face but it isn't going to change the fact that sam is Deeply Fucked Up by Shit. and it upsets her and confuses her but he does a good job of setting it aside or knowing when to give in and he's such a sweet and Loving Dude otherwise so she just files it away in her bf trauma bank and keeps cheering him on
s1 jess: your bf's CRAZY brother shows up says he needs help finding your bf's CRAZY dad who may or may not have been part of a doomsday cult and you say, bitch i watched the heaven's gate documentary there is NO WAY i'm letting you leave with him, but he's not gonna Stay cuz he insists it's just for one night (and his brother DOES seem relatively stable, like, as a person), so jess insists she'll go too. while she's in the back seat sam tells dean he told her everything dean's like lol. sure. you believe in ghosts, sweetheart? and jess is like no but i do believe that i'll kick your ass if we don't get home in time for sam's interview tomorrow morning. and then the whole white woman thing happens and she's like oh fuck it's REAL but they DO GO HOME and instead of jess dying on the ceiling there's like idk ghost mary on the ceiling or some shit and they NARROWLY escape the fire together andddd idk they can't go back to stanford cuz it's not safe and their apartment complex literally went up in flames. there’s a more complex reason here but idk what it is. maybe it was brady (demon brady) who died or something IDK LISTEN ITS JUST AN AU
anyway all of season 1 when they’re trying to track down john jess is the voice of reason asking why do they need john in the first place? And eventually sam is like listen we don’t need HIM but if he’s got research on where yellow eyes is, that’s what we need. and dean is mad about that and he’s mad at jess and they bicker like crazy. and sam sleeps on the floor because dean is like dude cmon. don’t make me sleep in the same room as you and your gf together. maybe meg gets replaced by meg possessing jess, and she doesn’t get thrown out the window so when they exorcise her she just needs a hospital and then she’ll be ok. and that would explain why she’s in the hospital and not there for the finale, but can meet up with sam & john & dean in the hospital after
s2 jess: sam is so consumed by grief and fear that jess is actually the first one to notice that dean’s spirit might still be still Around. i’m imagining a scene where sam is asleep next to dean’s bed and jess is awake, and she slowly looks around towards dean and you see ghost!dean Connecting with her for the first time
obviously, all the grief episodes keep happening. maybe jess got seriously hurt as well tbh so she goes back to her parents house to recover; there’s an episode where the boys go meet her parents and dean and sam’s Daddy Issues come out in full force. eventually jess is back and kicking ass and slowly getting along more with dean, partially perhaps because of dean’s Grief Response to john’s death, which is that all the anger and hate comes bubbling up, and jess is like i don’t fucking know this dude, but from what sam’s told me, i hate him, which is not something that sam is in a position to Deal With right now. things proceed pretty much along the course
i am considering now if jess could also be a special child. she also has some kind of psychic abilities but i’d have to choose something cool for her. anyway if she IS then that gets her in the town with sam in all hell breaks loose which i think is the best place for her during that arc? i know all the other special children supposedly had to die but maybe her psychic power was to go inviisble or something lmfao i don’t fucking know. anyway dean has his sad monologue but jess either (a) fully shuts down or (b) just goes STRAIGHT to hunt down whatever the fuck his name is. jake? leverage man? that would be dope actually. and then actually dean, sam, bobby, and ellen actually meet her at the hell’s gate
s3 jess: truly does not understand why they’re hunting. gets into arguments with the boys all the time about how this is pointless, if you’re not gonna try and save yourself then why can’t you just put it down and let yourself have this year?? and dean’s a little bit like you know what jessica that makes a lot of damn sense. but it makes sam mad and they argue a lot about it and jess probably takes off halfway through the season. maybe after malleus maleficarum? partly cuz that’s the ep where ruby more or less becomes part of the team and also when she confirms that she can’t save dean from hell. and i just feel like jess would be like i cannot.... Sit Here.... and watch you both drive yourself into the ground. dean, if you’re gonna die, sam’s coming after you. you knew that. you just didn’t want him to go first.
maybe dean hits her lmfao and sam screams at him for it and jess just Walks Away, tearfully
s4 jess: so jess bailed midway through s3, but when dean wakes up and starts making calls in that phonebooth, he calls bobby and bobby hangs up, so he calls jess. and she comes and gets him.
jess and sam are obviously not together anymore, but jess is totally civil with sam and even with ruby. she’s like we can work together, it’s fine, whatever. and this is the season where dean and jess really bond and become a good Team. and cas is just usually confused why jess is Around but eventually gets used to her. i’ve toyed with jess being jewish which would lend a good and also funny perspective to all the heaven and hell stuff
jess heard about hell first from dean, but not the specifics of the stuff that dean told sam, not until after on the head of a pin. she’s their Lore Expert on seals and is trying to identify as many of them as possible so they can put in place safeguards, and maybe that bumps her up against angel priorities for an episode. maybe we get an episode where cas has to Threaten her 00 and he can say something like sam and dean are important..... you are not. remember that. and then [flappy wings vanish]
uhhhh jess’s siren in the siren episode....... is just like a carbon copy of sam lmfao. which is extremely funny and sam and jess will both kind of awkwardly clear their throats and not address that. i guess jess is just fucking stuck with bobby during the finale because the point of her presence is that she’s so USELESS to both demons and angels
s5 jess:  i’d probably add in an early episode where her parents are killed, probably by demons because the demons know they can’t touch the winchesters due to angel shit but they can fuck up jess as much as they want. then when sam and dean temporarily split up jess would go with dean cuz she’s a hunter now and has nowhere else to go and it doesn’t feel right to just sit around with sam. or maybe she also leaves and splits up and doesn’t stick with dean cuz she’s processing her own traumatic shit. at any rate, early in the season there’s a moment where sam is Gone and dean and jess are drinking together and talking about their feelings and they have a moment where they gaze at each other in the eyes and almost lean towards each other.... then jess goes you know what? this is fucking weird and dean is like oh thank god you said that absolutely this is too weird
in The End, it’s revealed that jess was killed and no one will tell dean more information or talk about her until he finds out that she was pregnant when she was killed (presumably with sammifer’s baby)
in changing channels they get put into a telenovela and sam and jess have an tearful emotionally charged confession scene in spanish. this is about when sam and jess finally get back together [cue cheering]
in the chuck eps it’s revealed chuck rewrote it so that jess died on the ceiling in the first book cuz he was like “i just didn’t think it made sense for her to be alive! it was literary symmetry that’s all!”
in sam, interrupted when sam is all high on meds that’s when he says lots of kooky sweet shit to jess about wanting to MARRY her and have a FAMILY together and it’s sweet and also dean throws up in his mouth a little bit having to hear it
in my bloody valentine the thing that jess is hungry for is Family but i do not know the logistics of how
in dark side of the moon jess does die with the boys but it takes a while to find her, tho they eventually do in one of sam’s favorite memories (probably from the first time they met or something). she’s like what the fuck i’m jewish
no, i have no clue how she factors into swan song. she just does, ok. lucifer can snap her neck along with bobby’s
s6 jess: she tried to check in with dean occasionally at the braedens, and actually had dinner with them once but started checking in less and less as the year went on, and it turns out she knew that sam was back and she’d been hunting with him + the campbells and a couple things
when dean finds out he is truly FURIOUS, but jess is like dean i saw you with lisa and ben! i saw you getting better! i saw you happy, i saw you ok, and hell i’ve only known you since you showed up in palo alto five years ago but it was the most at peace i’ve ever seen you, and i couldn’t take that away from you, and neither could sam.
she’s also like yes, dean, he’s different, he’s colder, it makes me sad but who was the one who put up with YOU when you were spiralling after your dad’s death? or when you were all buttoned up after you came back from hell? he did! so show him a god damn OUNCE of empathy, would you!
and when they find out he’s soulless jess is like. hm. and dean is like i TOLD you there was something wrong with him!!! and jess is like i mean.... yeah....... and maybe i didn’t really want to admit it... cuz.... the sex was So good.........
[soulless sam winks at her]
anyway, s6 happens the way it happens and that’s fine
s7: the only important thing that happens in s7 is that Season Seven, It’s Time For a Wedding! is actually about some sort of monster and the only way to kill it is to cast a spell but the spell must be cast by “two warriors joined before god” which means married and cas is awkward about it cuz he doesn’t want to Presume Anything 
and the whole episode is lots of sam and jess being like “i mean, of course, if you want to..... .like, but if you DON’T, that’s also totally fine, of course.... you know.... whatever you’re comfortable with” until finally they’re in the final battle and cas has to marry them the way barbossa does for will and elizabeth in potc and when dean is pinned against the wall by the monster he goes “DAMMIT JESS WILL YOU KISS MY BROTHER ALREADY” and then sam dips jess in a kiss and the monster is instantly obliterated [heart eyes]
i truly genuinely do not remember anything that happens in s7. anyway jess and sam are married now
s8: sam was with jess the whole year dean was in purgatory. they were struggling to get back to normal life after everything. dean is still fucking mad that sam didn’t go looking for him. i assume everything else goes pretty much according to whatever the fuck happened in s8 except jess at one point has to go to bat for benny cuz sam for some reason hates him so much
i’ve been toying with the idea of jess doing the trials not sam but i mean how can i take that away from my Boy
s9: i do not know anything that happened in this season ):
s10: see above
s11: see above
s12: now i never watched s12, but in this au there is no lucifer’s son jack. instead jess gets pregnant midway through the season; cas finds out first because he can sense it and he’s like why does it feel like there’s an extra being in the bunker, and then he spills to dean cuz he can’t keep a secret, and then dean is like “oh shit what are you gonna do” and jess is like well!!!! sam and i.... talked about this. we were.....open to the possibility. and dean is like wtf how could u possibly bring a child into this world that’s fucked up adn cas is like [wipes tear] that’s beautiful
anyway when they come back from some kind of hunt (probably something that involved claire) and sam and jess are in the bunker, sam goes “jess, seeing claire, seeing jody and the girls.... it makes me think.... i wanna have a family with you” and jess hugs him and then cas walks into the bunker with dean and is like “oh, have you told him about the baby?” and everyone SCREAMS at him
and cas uses his annual miracle allowance to just reverse time about 30 seconds so when he enters the bunker he just goes “i have nothing to say” and Fucking Leaves
the baby is born in the back of the impala in the s12 finale, on the way to the hospital. dean is devastated. he’ll have to reupholster the WHOLE THING. sam accidentally names the baby john but they don’t want to tell dean that so they decide to call him jack.
s13-15 gets to be mostly about how cute it is to have a wittle baby in the bunker. cas is the best babysitter because he loves babies and is very powerful so he can protect him. the occultum nonsense in s15 can be about finding a Safe Place for baby jack, no matter what happens to the rest of the world. sam tells jess, you go with him, you’ll be safe there. dean tells sam, you go with them, you’ll be safe there. all of that good good cute family stuff. was it the best idea to have a baby in the middle of constant apocalypses? maybe not, but like, they are ALWAYS in constant apocalypses, so at some point you just have to bite the bullet
anyway. please clap
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Deca-Dence 5 - 6 | Moriarty 3 - 4 | Yashahime 4 - 5 | Maou-jou 4 | I7 s2 5 (22) | Akudama 4 - 5 | HypMic 5 - 6 | Taiso Samurai 4 | HPGC 4
Deca-Dence 5
“…cannon won’t ignite in time!” The subbers spell cannon as “canon” later as well.
Off to the cliffside, where Kaburagi goes to die…
Deca-Dence 6
“Maybe someone intervened.” – I think Minato did, somehow.
This Death Dive reminds me of Wipeout.
Moriarty 3
I once made up a quote that goes, “When life detests you, fight back.” I think it’s also roughly along the lines of advice Albert needs.
I remembered an odd line from Macbeth: “Brother, he has killed me!” Seriously, Moriarty is scarier than some actual horror anime, I swear…Update: It’s actually “he has killed me, Mother!”, but same impact.
I had my hands over my mouth from the moment the fire began. That’s how intense this is.
This ED…doesn’t sound like an ED. It sounds like the OP for a different anime, like Joker Game or something. Also, having Saito Soma as Gentaro and Moriarty…is a bit unsettling because they have a lot of overlap but one’s basically the evil twin of the other.
Yashahime 4
“…was raised here…”
“…we can…”
I felt a heart twinge when I saw Towa tear up…man, it’s been years since I last dealt with Inuyasha properly.
“…nights where I can’t fall asleep.” – So…you’ll play it a lot then, Setsuna.
Oh, so Kirara is a nekomata? I never knew until now.
According to the mythology, the kirin rules over the middle…so why is Kirinmaru the monster in the east?
Is “s***” unwarranted here? I didn’t have the volume on, so I don’t know…Going back, I think Moroha said “kuso”, but it’s still kinda weird to have a swear word in a mostly family-friendly series in a slot near Detective Conan. (Then again, Detective Conan is where I learnt “kuso” from…so my standards are probably not as up-to-scratch as they should be.)
Rin! People keep saying Rin is the mother of the girls and it’s basically the only conclusion that could be done, considering the relationship the two had…but it’s still kind of squick…(Says a person who has no problem with SGRS s2’s ending.)
Update: Someone on ANN said the teacher’s name (Osamu Kirin) being similar to Kirinmaru is sketchy and I agree.
Maou-jou 4
There’s no pun for Rocket Turtle…that’s kinda startling, actually.
I’m not going to translate the eyecatches anymore. Seems they were actually translated in the manga and someone just copies them over or something.
I’ve seen some characters use wa when they really aren’t that feminine. However, the voice Suwabe uses for the Sorceror leads me to believe this guy really is trying to be feminine, even if in just a vocal capacity.
…aw, no puns here too.
Oh no, the seal…!
…hmm? The Scissors Sorceror’s info is…we’re not allowed to look at it. That’s what the red text says.
…my brain exploded for a second when I suddenly heard jazz music. It’s a Detective Conan parody! *screams*
Iina! doesn’t really mean “Lucky!” It means more like “cool!” or “It’s good, isn’t it?”
I7 s2 5
I missed these boys!
I like the Kinako transition. It’s cute.
I don’t really like it when Tenn looks at the screen…it gives me 1st person cam vibes.
Why is Tsunashi being called “this”, anyway?
Oh yeah…mensore = youkoso = welcome.
Uh oh…is Yuki actually evil???
Riku (earth) vs. Tenn (heaven). Hmm.
I still can’t believe they don’t believe Gaku is the soba guy. It’s so obvious!
Someone on staff ships Gaku and Tsumugi together…hmm…
Oh! So this is DESTINY, huh? I’ve probably heard it on Spotify before, but I don’t recognise it by sheer sound like I do HypMic. (Then again, the half-year off the airwaves probably really hurt I7, man…)
Akudama 4
Say what you will about how bad Funi translations can get…they’re definitely entertaining!
Geesh, Doctor gets all the sexy shots, but Brawler gets all the ab shots. Can I get a sexy Courier shot…?
“…she’s right.” – There’s a lot of dialogue here, so…uh, who’s “she” in this case?
What’s a “bro fro”?
Wow, Brawler, talk about being punched into next Tuesday…(partially joking)
Swindler’s face, LOL. (I know she’s an ordinary gal, but calling her “Swindler” is shorter to type.)
I remember reading around and people agree Swindler works at the Seal Centre.
The shark and bunny’s shirts say things like “Kanto/Kansai”, “earth, air/water” and “pollution/clean” during their montage.
“feminist” – Uh, ex-squeeze me?! Feminism does not equal “ladies first” or “going easy on ladies”. Update: I went and listenend to it and although one of my ears is mysteriously almost constantly plugged these days, I’m fairly sure Doctor did not say “feminist” (in katakana). Update 2: Then I listened to it again and…I’m not sure anymore.
LOL, Hoodlum hit the in-series camera. With his face.
Oh, vault = garage or storage. Right, how did I not know that?
Cat, nooooooooooooooooo! Don’t die!
HypMic 5
After the two “darker” divisions, it seems almost strange to not have a “dark” introduction about the seedy underbelly of alt. future Japan…
Oh, my gosh. That’s Ichijiku on the phone.
The studio has the word “drops” on it.
Lemme guess: Neither hand!...Yup.
The only spoiler I know for this ep. is it’s a Halloween episode, and “Ramuda ruins Halloween”. That quote is way too subjective to mean anything, though…
…hmm, Gentaro doesn’t say “shousei” in that sentence involving “this humble bard” (not that I heard, but one of my ears is mysteriously plugged after I stayed up late browsing Twitter on my phone – don’t tell anyone that, though! They’re not meant to know!). Gentaro is not a humble bard (although that would translate “shousei” quite correctly in the Shakespearean), he’s an author.
LOL, that “ding!”
Gentaro actually says “ghostbusters” in katakana, LOL.
I almost thought this Shinjuku man was Doppo…but no, this Aoyama Cemetery exists. It has nice cherry blossoms.
The “dun dun dun” soundtrack is great. It really sets the atmosphere.
Gentaro really is an idiots’ minder, just as I used to characterise him. (Then the FP and M manga and developments regarding Ramuda being evil changed my mind.)
I-Is this just gonna be an episode of FP being scared and Ramuda yelling? It’s fun for a bit, but when you’re stopping to analyse every few seconds, Ramuda’s voice is gonna get annoying eventually…
Kurosu seems to be a cross between Jyushi and Doppo.
This ep…makes FP look money-crazy. Dice is only money-crazy when he’s broke…because of course you would be…but the others aren’t.
That rock track that plays when FP hand out flyers is cool!
Are they…eating squid?...Welp, squid jerky. I’d say I’m correct.
Oh, so they’re all street photographers? Not just Tom?
I was wondering…how would the “tie to a different division” occur in episode 5, considering episode 6 is where the plot really kicks in? Turns out…they tie back to BB, which is not a thing I was expecting at all.
BB have a BB tablet…makes sense, because I think Hypster have iPhone cases for each division.
Oh, they’re planting the seeds of Ramuda’s ability here, so to speak. By knowing what Hypnosis Mics are capable of doing, you can see the building blocks of Rap Abilities as well.
Okonbanwa! The extra O is meant to make things formal, but only in front of nouns (sometimes it’s “go”, e.g. goshujin), so it’s Ramuda being overly formal to be cutesy and unconventional.
*lightbulb goes off in head* It makes sense that the group affiliated with illusions and randomness does the Halloween episode, actually.
…Yargh! Of course all these onee-sans are FP stans!...*lightly touches temple, as if to get rid of a headache* I should’ve known.
The new song is “Shibuya Ghost Night” by Tokyo Health Club, Yuki “T-Groove” Takahashi and Yuma Hara.
*stops video before the darn airhorn sounds* Thank goodness…hey, isn’t this quote from Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka…?
This episode is very seasonal, but doesn’t really make sense outside of airing on Halloween. C’mon, couldn’t you have given us a Sasara appearance instead of having Ramuda yell down the house…? I knew the FP episode was going to be either lighthearted with a dark undercurrent, like the BB ep (considering we haven’t gotten to Ramuda dying yet), or full-on lighthearted, but…I somehow wonder if the staff had an empty spot labelled “Fling Posse episode” due to COVID and went, “Okay, it airs on Halloween this year, let’s make it Halloween-inspired”…or something. Also, I feel Gentaro got the short end of the stick here.
Update: As for yakuwarigo, Ramuda trends towards the feminine side, which is not something I noticed until my groupwork partner pointed it out to me. The message in this episode has a “yone”, which proves that point even further. “Dayo~n” is a variant of the gender-neutral “yo” ending. Meanwhile, I have game samples that prove Dice uses “ze” like BB/MTC, while Gentaro uses “yo” and desu/masu like Jakurai, so it was really Ramuda anyone wanted to pay attention to since his speech patterns are the most feminine-leaning, possibly due to his extensive hanging out with ladies. (I once read a Tofugu post on how non-binary people deal with language that said if you hang out with ladies a lot, you take on feminine yakuwarigo and if you hang out with guys a lot, you do the same in that direction, but I clearly remember Ramuda using “sa”, which is a slightly male-leaning ending.)
Taiso Samurai 4
There’s something in the background which stops me from listening to it and one of my ears is blocked, but I gotta find out what Tackey was saying about the NHK Cup (the joke, I mean). Update: So I think it’s ninja/nukihara/kekkou, but I may have heard that wrong due to my blocked ear…I should get someone to clean it out properly.
Here’s the YoI monologue about competitions again. <- (neutral on it) Also, NHK is in English letters/romaji in the term “NHK Cup”, but the “Cup” isn’t (it’s in kanji).
Sekigahara had a huge historical battle.
Huh? This episode’s called “Samurai Musume (daughter)”, so…where did “Battling Samurai” come from? That’s one of the previous episodes, right?
Selfies, before they were cool.
I was wondering if Leo actually calls Rei “Rachel” like he calls Jotaro “Joe”…and he does. I just haven’t paid much attention to the audio, that’s all.
The Battle of Chibi? Never heard of it until now, but the Battle of Red Cliffs is the same thing.
Leo Naruto runs…LOL.
If Rei was in 4th grade in 2002…are we going to see the characters in the present in the end? She would be 28 in 2020.
I guess I should’ve guessed from “hat trick”, but a Bergkamp trap is related to soccer.
There’s a random Japanese-sounding track in the background…didn’t expect that.
A cemetery…on the day after Halloween.
“Grandma’s place” = the bar…Ohhhhhhhhhh. I was wondering, didn’t the grandma and Rei live together? Then it all came together.
Jim Beeam (sic), LOL.
I wonder, are Tackey and Ayu dating like he asks?
Gotta love a man in a suit! *chef’s kiss*
Yashahime 5
Who’s this Tokotsu guy again…? Also, the “ja” in Jakotsumaru means “young”.
Oh, Myoga. It’s been a while.
Can there be 4 Perils when there’s only 3 of them…?
Well, it makes sense that a dog demon would have demon fleas…in a sense.
Why is “trying to swallow up this world and turn it into a degenerate age” (or whatever Kirinmaru’s aim is) so vague? You could say the present is already an age of mass degeneracy…
Maybe the Dream Butterfly took Moroha’s memories…?
Wait, why is Myoga only allowed to drink Moroha’s blood when she puts on the rouge?
So this is an arhat. Also, aren’t morals an Anglophone ideal imported into Japan and the rest of Asia? That’s what separates Towa from Setsuna.
Akudama 5
This drone definitely won’t come in handy at all…(sarcastic)
There’s an Evangelion feel to these “masks”…
That box is like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! It’s great!
I like how the kids jump to the potential fact (?) this is a Swindler trick.
You can see Courier’s bike in the background when the bunny says “…and I mean everything.”
*Knights of Sidonia music starts playing* Search! And! Destroy! *record scratch as music stops*
I think this little discussion between Courier and Swindler will go down in Akudama Drive history as one of my favourite moments because it’s the little conversations that count. Also…does Courier have a mechanical hand, or is that just me thinking weird things…? Is that a glove?
Ooh, scars. Sexy. (On the Executioner Master, at least.)…Now I get why the guy wears that mouth covering.
HypMic 6
Halfway through the season already…? Yikes, how time flies. By the way, my assignment’s come and gone so I don’t need to focus on it anymore.
Hmm? Why did the subbers put “Prime Minister” when Ichijiku merely says “yes”…?
Wait, 1st question: how does one sign up for a rap battle? I don’t think that’s ever been answered. 2nd question (well, not a question): Dice is paying attention to Otome now…
I’m fairly sure that red brick warehouse was just that…as in the Red Brick Warehouse in Yokohama, which was also featured in Bungou Stray Dogs. Update: Oh, it’s (partially) a shopping mall…? I didn’t know that until now.
See, I told you they’re (Tom, Iris and Rex) probably foreigners…
That one shot of Jakurai? *chef’s kiss* Beautiful. Give me a million of ‘em. (Okay, I’m kidding to some degree, but I can’t help staring at it. Jakurai’s just too pretty…)
“Tweet-like lyrics”? Eh? When was Twitter a collective pessimist?
Oh, that’s basically the scene from the drama track. Where the heck is Jakurai fishing though…? I always imagined it to be at a river or a pier, not some concrete complex. Update: According to a user on Twitter, the fishing place is called “Ichigaya Fishing Centre”. It is, as you would expect, found in Shinjuku. Apparently, even Osomatsu-san featured the place...which would explain why it looks vaguely familiar to me.
Wow, I can’t believe how upfront they’re being about Ramuda breaking up TDD.
Ramuda thought in his deep voice…I almost didn’t recognise it for a second. It doesn’t even sound like Shirai. It sounds more like…Hayami, in fact.
“F*** yeah!” - …and they’re still going with the F bomb. Keep being you, subbers, keep being you.
That shot of Saburo in a dimly-lit room almost looks like the SR card in ARB, except in that one he has his headphones on (and might be outside, to my memory).
Oh, so the round thing really is Ichiro’s ring. It’s got an “I” on it too, i.e. the Roman numeral for one.
*Ichiro explains what happened to TDD from his and Samatoki’s side* - I don’t think we’ve ever seen the story from Ichiro’s or Samatoki’s perspective enough to know either thought this (or this way).
“Jiro! Saburo! Let’s go!” - …and Tom’s just taking photos as they leave, LOL.
I didn’t expect the TsudaKen guy to be back again, really.
Well, if this Google route is to be believed, “Sadamezuka’s soul” only lasts about 30 minutes by car crossing from one point to the other, hence Jiro’s remark.
Googling “Toyotama” and “Toyotama Line” gets you…Ghost of Tsushima links…?
…hmm. I’m not listening to it on a hugely loud volume, so I can’t quite tell what the pun is, but I think the word for “monk” in this case is “bouzu”. Then what’s the word for “electric dynamo”…? Update: The pun, according to Takahisa Maeyama, is Erekiteruteru Bouzu.
That ticking thing was really effective in terms of the song…but sasuga HypMic. Things went ka-blammo again.
So we’re probably going to see BB’s first DRB round next ep…or Matenrou doing another takedown similar to ep. 3. Or both. Both is good. (Or it could be the FP/M side of things, much like we got the BB/MTC side of things here.)
...Uh, shouldn’t that be “dawn”? The anime’s generally been very good about this (aside from the obvious typo in the BB logo), but…welp, they’ve done it now.
Update: The LOVE you see Hifumi and Doppo near is this one.
Update 2: As for the yakuwarigo, it…turns out, to no one’s surprise, it stays oddly consistent across all media, although individual treatment of the characters can differ depending on the author.
Ooh, is this Element of Light?
Fate/Stay PreCure! Here we come!
Moriarty 4
Why is the “to” capitalised? (Is that even capitalised?)
I kind of knew the grapefruit and the heart condition and/or quinine would be relevant somehow…and boy howdy, was I right! I just didn’t really know what it was going to do, that’s all.
I thought the ED didn’t match very well, but looking at the translated lyrics…now it kind of makes sense.
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 3
Again, live blogging and posting my reactions all in one post to avoid spamming.
This post got accidentally deleted yesterday so I had to write or all again (twice!)
Oh, starting with a Klaus and Ben 1960 flashback! Ah, Klaus... You have no shame. Let my baby eat though!
Lol "Chanel". Boy knows his fashion, of course.
And there's Boney M playing!
You can practically read his mind when he sees that diamond. Sugar momma alert! 😆
Damn, loving the black outfit, very sexy.
LEVITATING KLAUS WAS BEN LIFTING HIM UP! Seems that one crack theory on the fandom was right 🤣
Ben's face though 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
These two are the best combo. I love them.
61, Baja, NM. Traveling hippie commune.
Is Klaus still sober? He refuses a joint here so I'm inclined to believe that he is but he isn't acting very sober... Then again that might be an act, just him embracing the hippy life.
62, Varanasi, India. The river scene from the promos. Yeah, I called this one too. Klaus is already looking seriously uncomfortable and realizing this is getting out of hand.
63, San Francisco. Poor Klaus is practically suffocating under all the touching and nobody respects his space or his words.
Destiny's Children! 🤣 You are such a 90s kid, Klaus.
Run away, Klaus! Run! Escape the crazies.
Ok, let me paused to write out a thought...
So a lot of people were worried about the cult thing and Klaus's intentions but it's clear he had no malicious intentions at all. He charmed and impressed some people for survival purposes and thrived, he enjoyed the love and attention at first and the cult just grew around around him organically whether he liked it or not, more a hippy cult of personality then a religious sect, but at some point he saw that it had gone too far, the pressure and expectation became too much and he realized he'd bitten more than he can chew.
It's actually rather sad how he just wants to escape but the cultists objectify him to all hell, he has no privacy or personal space. The problem with Klaus is that he doesn't do anything mildly, he always goes too big until he's drowning. Boy is already self-sabotaging and I'm sure he's going to start self-destructing very soon as well.
End of thought. Clicking play again.
Ouch! Poor Diego 😰 Lila, that is not how you cauterize a stab wound...
"what happened?" -your dear daddy stabbed you, dude.
Did she really need to strip him so thoroughly? 😏 Yes, yes, she did.
Well, at least she's not sewing you up, Diego. No needles, yay.
"oh, he isn't dead." "Disappointed?" "To see you? Always 😊" -did I mention I love Five's sass? I did? Well, I do.
Old family friend 😆
"you don't untie him?" "Was I supposed to?" Oh Lila, you're adorable, poor Elliot.
Vanya, that is suspicious as hell, just mow down that weirdo!
Ok, good instincts but too slow.
Run, girl, run!
Got to admit, these Swedes are good battle strategy, they are surrounding her surprisingly well.
Is this were the badass Vanya promo was from? Show me badass Vanya, please.
Ooooooh, very smart, Five!!!
One of the machines though? What are the others for? I'm curious.
Plano Street Rooming House for Solitary Men? That's real depressing, Luther.
It's the "the end is nigh" guy the same that was screaming with Luther in ep 1?
King Kong! Not sure if cute or rude af...
Ahahahah! Luther literally STUMBLING on "Allison" and then acting like an awkward Steve Rogers when the kids call him out 😆 Boy, when will you realize that your obsession is creepy?
Honestly, ALL the Hargreeves siblings can be divided into two categories- sweet awkward dork or sass king/queen, there is no in-between (but Diego and Klaus get to be both).
Convenient that Vanya would just sit there and wait to be found by Five but ok.
"I have a brother?" -honey, you have five (pun fully intended)
Nice crop circle, Vanya.
Five just rolls with the amnesia, huh? Doesn't even question it. Ok, then.
Why is Ruby, notorious mobster, sewing sequins? It's it for the dog? I bet, it's for the dog.
"Hargreeves. She your ex?" *Cue Luther's super awkward fumbling* "S-Sorta...Y-Yeah. Sure." - big boy, this is the point where you realize how creepy your crush on your own sister is, time to reevaluate.
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Honestly, I need more Klaus and Allison interactions. They have so much bff potential.
*le gasp* "oh, you're married?" 😲 -yes, Klaus, you met him.
"dicks, drugs, debutants. My holy trinity" -ok so everything Klaus says should be taken with a grain of salt but does Klaus still do drugs or not? Considering the evolution of his powers with Ben I'd say no, but we aren't seeing other ghosts harassing him so... Hmm, I need confirmation.
"alternative spiritual community" my ass
Ah, Allison falls into the sass queen category.
Allison can have a little PTSD, as a treat. 😢
Those shoes! Hi, Handler.
Those shoes really are her signature by now. Those heels could kill a man.
Handler as a brunette...? She looks good but I like her bleach blonde.
What did she say to make that boy pee himself?? Damn, Handler, no wonder your kid is a mess.
These dudes need to start listening to my girl Allison, instead of following her husband like puppies.
Great speech, girl! ✊
What is up with that sandwich???
Oh wait, it's Ben right? Klaus is using his powers to get Ray out of jail, isn't he?
Yup, of course he is.
Ben being all sassy and cocky about it gives me life.
"high places" - 😆
Poor Ray, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into.
"family barbecues are about to get reeeeeeeal weird" - I'd actually like to see that.
"leave the pot, dear" - you're such an old man, Five.
"any questions?" Five, if be worried if she DIDN'T have questions after all that.
"asteroid impact" -aww 💜 you really do care for her feelings, Five... But you have to tell her the truth sooner or later.
Harlan likes classical music, huh? Good thing he knows a good violinist.
Harlan and Sissy... 😭 My poor heart.
Ouch! What is wrong with you, Lila? You're right but what is wrong with you?
"I can't believe I got shanked by my own father" - can't you, Diego? Really? After everything else that man did to you and your siblings?
"man to man, that son of bitch wouldn't stand a chance" - yeah, he would, he taught you all you know, boy
Not sure if Lila's story is true or not but... I still have that one theory that she was born on October, 1989...
"I don't understand you!!!" - ahah, poor Diego 🤣
Really? Right in front of Elliot's tuna mold?
Man, Handler is really obsessed with Five...
Oh, Luther, you giant puppy...
This is so AWKWARD!
Bonbons, Luther? Really?
Ok, this small talk is even MORE AWKWARD! It physically hurts to listen to this.
The pain in his face and voice when Luther goes "S-so great" 😭
boy, this is the moment you realize it's time to move on, you're not isolated teenagers in a dysfunctional home anymore, let her be your sister and find love elsewhere.
The sit in!
"seven languages" sassy, sassy, I love her.
Oh no... Klaus, no, baby... Oh, this is painful.
Ben, don't be mean, let your brothe have this.
What kind of gay man doesn't know what eggshell is? 😆
"is this considered stalking? 'cause I think you're stalking now" - well, BEN, following your brother 24/7 for 15 years can also be considered stalking
Oh no, Vietnam flashbacks... Poor Klaus 😭😭😭
"Vietnam fling"? Ben, you know it wasn't just a fling! Stop being mean.
Aw, Klaus just wants to save Dave... He's willing to sacrifice their relationship to save Dave's life... 😭😭😭
I know Ben is just worried but he could be less mean...
Damn, this sit in thing is really upsetting...
Why is Ray being weird? Is he suspicious of Luther and Alison's relationship? Or is he just unhappy that Allison kept secrets about her family?
Oh Luther, no... Self-harm by proxy is not going to make you feel better.
Oh, motherfucker! That coffee thing was such an asshole move!
Shit, this scene is so well written, the way something so small is making the whole protest escalate to all hell... The police brutality, the parallels with recent events... Disturbing and brilliant and deeply relevant!
Yes! Rumor that motherfucker, Allison!
Oh no, don't be scared of your wife, Ray! Don't be suspicious!
Poor Allison... 😢
Oh Luther, you dumbass... 😢
Lila going to meet mommy, huh?
Oh, she's still wearing Diego's bracelet. Cute.
I know this scene between Handler and Lila was supposed to be a shocking plot twist but after David Castañeda's interview slip up, I already knew.
Still, an excellent scene and very cool surprise.
Like I said before, I really like Lila, I don't trust her AT ALL but I like her.
My god, this show gives me life.
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