ruthlesslistener · 1 year
'You should never prioritize the lives of animals over the lives of people-' actually I view all lives as inherently equal as the baseline of my philosophy because human and animal lives are inseperable and codependant. The life of the bee and the wild wasp and the mosquito and the rattlesnake and the coyote and the couger you damn are all parts of the turning machine that sustain the growth of the food you eat and the health of the land you live on. You are dependant on them to survive and they are dependant on you to stop them from being slaughtered by power-hungry capitalists who see them as nothing more than pests to be eradicated. Their lives are equal to yours in worth because we are both componants of an ecosystem, cells in a great living body, and if you destroy one then the other will die. Do you understand.
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Use your superpower. Cocksucking.
i've been rereading Worm, the best superhero story there is, was and ever will be. Well, maybe Ward (the sequel) is better, but i haven't read it yet.
It is about a world where about 1 in 8000 has some form of superpower. Like being able to fly, telekinesis, etc. Except that the powers are super diverse and it is really fun to read about them. No Superman kind of boring stuff.
There is one girl called Amy, she has the superpower to heal people. She just touches someone and then reconfigures the body to remove the illness or broken bones or whatever. She can cure cancer and everything.
Because of her Superpowers, Amy feels the duty to help people. To sacrifice her own well being to be constantly in hospitals healing people. She knows she can never heal everyone but she tries very hard to heal as many people as she possibly can, even at the cost of her own happiness. 
Now i know no one has this kind of superpowers but every girl has a gift. The gift of sucking. We may not be able to save a Man's life, but we can save a Man's day. We may not be able to bring health but we can bring happiness. So it is kind of our superpower. The power of cocksucking to make Men feel good. So it is kind of our duty to use this power for good, right?
So, i ask you this, is it selfish to not suck as many cocks as we possibly can? We can never suck all the cocks in the world, but we still can try to suck as many as possible.
Isn't every time we sit bored at home a wasted chance to make a big impact on random Man's life? Isn't this a wasted opportunity, a wasted part of our lives? Also, practice makes perfect, so by sucking cock we get better at it and in turn spread more happiness to the Men we blow.
For girls with Owners, this is different of course, because we have to follow his rules. But for single girls, is there really any viable excuse to not be sucking cock right now? Of course, this is kinda philosophical, because we still need to work on ourselves and look pretty and docile. Sucking cock is an important part of a girl's life but so are looks and attitude. You can't have a bubbly bimbo personality without working on it. So don't give up everything for cock (especially since ugly and grumpy girls don't get Men to give them cock). But i bet every girl out there could easily increase their time sucking cock without impacting other parts of their life.
So, dear girls, are you using your superpower for good? Are you doing your part?
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shadycomputerpolice · 8 months
The Role of Seperatism in Female Liberation
Yes, seperatism will not end patriarchy. I have never seen any seperatist make that claim so I wonder why anti-seperatists like to point that out like their lives depend on it. Also, no singular act, outside of killing all males, can achieve that.
And yes, seperatism is often an individual action. Just like anti-beauty: not shaving, not wearing make up and heels, etc but we still understand that those acts of resistance, even though individual, have value and contribute positively to women and girls' wellbeing.
What seperatism does claim is that it protects women and girls' wellbeing by denying males access to them.
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As seen in the images above, for [misogynistic] crimes to happen, all three elements: opportunity, desire and ability must be present and removing just one of them prevents crime. The images above apply to all crimes but since we are talking about female seperatism we can tailor it down to Gender Based Violence (GBV).
Seperatism is about preventing GBV by removing opportunity for harm. Individual seperatists can achieve personal safety in their homes while seperatist communities can achieve community wide safety. So when you claim seperatism is useless you are basically saying crime prevention efforts that focus on denying potential criminals the opportunity to commit crimes is useless. If that is your claim then you have to provide evidence of that.
Seperatists recognise that women cannot influence the ability and desire of males to harm females because behavioural change is self motivated so they focus on what they have control over which is the opportunity for harm.
Now are males, like all predators, going to seek new ways to gain opportunities to harm females, yes of course they are. Outside of GBV, criminals are always changing their strategies especially when their previous strategy becomes well known and people stop falling for it. Using cyber crime as an example because I am Nigerian (LOL), when people stopped falling for the destitute African Prince method, they changed to other methods like romance scams and blackmail. Criminals/Predators are always to seek new ways to catch their victims/prey which is the why the victims/prey must always be alert and aware of the criminals/predators methods so that they can protect themselves.
So yes, as long as men exist, they will be no feminist utopia where women and girls can exist without the threat of violence. We will always need to be on guard and strive to protect ourselves from them no matter the method they use.
Seperatism cannot save all women and girls in the world just like how crime prevention efforts in Ghana cannot save me in Nigeria and I shouldn't even be expecting it to because geography, language barrier, national laws, etc. What can be done is we adapt the methods used in Ghana to our local context and apply it to see results.
Seperatism is an elective individual and geographical community level action that has the potential to save all women and girls but nobody is kidnap unwilling people and hold them hostage.
And I know, someone is going to scream " VICTIM BLAMING" and to that I say, I don't care about being labelled a victim blamer. However, if you have another viable method for keeping women and girls safe, kindly put forward your idea so it can be evaluated. Please note if you suggest "educating men and boys", I will block you because I don't have the patience for that level of stupidity and delusion.
I always wondered why allegedly smart women will "but child brides in Afghanistan" as a counter to female seperatism. The wins of feminism activism will always be limited by geography. There is no feminist activism that will impact the lives of ALL women and girls. An individual's or organisation's target population will be limited by geography and unfortunately by resources. You can't help everybody applies in feminism too.
Imagine if someone said that about abortion rights in the US. "Fighting for abortion in America doesn't help child brides in Afghanistan". Most people can see how ridiculous and frankly insulting it is to bring up that issue.
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raybotixsolar · 4 months
Harnessing the Sun's Power: Raybotix Leading the Solar Revolution in Ahmedabad
Welcome to the Raybotix blog, where we illuminate the path to a sustainable future through solar energy innovation. As a pioneering solar energy company in Ahmedabad, we are dedicated to transforming how we power our lives, one solar panel at a time. In a world increasingly aware of the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, Raybotix stands at the forefront of the green energy movement, providing efficient, affordable, and eco-friendly solar solutions.
Why Solar Energy?
Solar energy is more than just a trend; it’s a necessity. As we face the dual challenges of climate change and finite fossil fuel resources, harnessing the sun’s power offers a viable, long-term solution. Solar energy is abundant, renewable, and reduces our carbon footprint, making it an essential component of a sustainable energy strategy.
Ahmedabad: A Solar Powerhouse
Ahmedabad, with its sunny climate and growing urban infrastructure, is uniquely positioned to become a leader in solar energy adoption. The city’s average of over 300 sunny days per year provides an ideal environment for solar power generation, enabling households and businesses to significantly reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources.
Introducing Raybotix: Your Partner in Solar Solutions
At Raybotix, we understand that transitioning to solar energy can seem daunting. That’s why we are committed to making the process seamless and accessible for everyone. Here’s what sets us apart:
1. Cutting-Edge Technology
Raybotix employs the latest in solar technology, ensuring maximum efficiency and durability. Our photovoltaic (PV) panels are designed to capture and convert sunlight into electricity with unparalleled precision.
2. Customized Solutions
Every customer is unique, and so are their energy needs. Our team of experts conducts thorough assessments to design tailor-made solar systems that meet specific requirements, whether for residential, commercial, or industrial use.
3. Affordable and Transparent Pricing
We believe that clean energy should be accessible to all. Raybotix offers competitive pricing with no hidden costs, along with financing options to make the transition to solar energy financially feasible.
4. Exceptional Customer Service
From consultation to installation and maintenance, our dedicated customer service team is with you every step of the way. We pride ourselves on our post-installation support, ensuring your solar system operates at peak performance year-round.
The Benefits of Going Solar with Raybotix
Environmental Impact
Switching to solar energy significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. By choosing Raybotix, you’re contributing to a cleaner, greener planet.
Energy Independence
Solar power provides energy independence. By generating your own electricity, you’re less vulnerable to fluctuations in energy prices and supply disruptions.
Economic Savings
Solar energy systems can drastically reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills. With Raybotix, you’re investing in a future where energy costs are predictable and controlled.
Increased Property Value
Properties equipped with solar panels often see a rise in market value. Potential buyers recognize the long-term savings and environmental benefits, making solar-powered homes and businesses more attractive.
Our Projects and Success Stories
Raybotix has successfully completed numerous projects across Ahmedabad and beyond. From residential rooftops to large-scale commercial installations, our portfolio showcases the versatility and effectiveness of our solar solutions. We invite you to explore our case studies and hear from satisfied customers who have embraced solar energy with Raybotix.
Join the Solar Revolution Today!
There’s no better time to make the switch to solar energy. As the world moves towards sustainable energy solutions, Raybotix is here to guide Ahmedabad into a brighter, cleaner future. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to reduce your energy bills or a business aiming for sustainability, Raybotix has the expertise and technology to meet your needs.
Contact us today to learn more about our services, schedule a consultation, or get a free quote. Let’s work together to harness the power of the sun and build a sustainable future for Ahmedabad.
Raybotix: Empowering Ahmedabad with Solar Energy
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Unlocking Your Home's Value: Exploring Drawdown Equity Release
As homeowners, we often find ourselves in need of additional funds to support our financial goals and aspirations. Whether it's funding home improvements, covering medical expenses, or enjoying a comfortable retirement, accessing the equity tied up in our homes can be a viable solution. One popular method of unlocking this value is through drawdown equity release. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of drawdown equity release, its benefits and considerations, and how it can help you achieve your financial objectives while maintaining control over your home.
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Understanding Drawdown Equity Release
Drawdown equity release is a flexible and customizable approach to releasing equity from your property. It allows homeowners aged 55 and above to access a portion of their home's value in the form of tax-free cash, while retaining ownership and the right to live in their home. Unlike traditional equity release plans, which provide a lump sum payment, drawdown equity release offers a reserve facility from which you can withdraw funds as and when needed. This feature provides greater control over the amount of equity released and can help minimize interest charges.
The Benefits of Drawdown Equity Release
Drawdown equity release offers several benefits that make it an attractive option for homeowners. Let's explore some of the key advantages:
1. Flexibility and Control
One of the main advantages of drawdown equity release is the flexibility it offers. Instead of receiving a lump sum payment, you have the option to release funds in smaller, regular amounts or as and when needed. This allows you to manage your finances more effectively and only pay interest on the amount withdrawn, potentially reducing the overall cost of borrowing. The flexibility of drawdown equity release ensures that you have access to funds when you need them, without having to commit to a large sum upfront.
2. Cost-Effective Interest Charges
With drawdown equity release, interest is only charged on the funds that have been released. This means that you can minimize the interest charges by keeping the majority of your equity untouched in the reserve facility. By only paying interest on the amount withdrawn, you can potentially save a significant amount of money compared to a lump sum equity release plan. This cost-effectiveness makes drawdown equity release an attractive option for homeowners who want to manage their borrowing costs.
3. Preservation of Inheritance
Unlike traditional equity release plans, drawdown equity release allows you to preserve a portion of your home's value as an inheritance for your loved ones. By only releasing the funds you need, you can ensure that there is still equity left in your property to pass on to your beneficiaries. This feature provides peace of mind and allows you to balance your financial needs with your desire to leave a legacy for your family.
4. Potential for Future Releases
Another advantage of drawdown equity release is the potential for future releases of funds. As your financial needs change over time, you can access additional funds from the reserve facility without having to go through the application process again. This flexibility allows you to adapt to unexpected expenses or take advantage of new opportunities without the need for further borrowing or refinancing.
5. No Negative Equity Guarantee
Drawdown equity release plans come with a "no negative equity guarantee." This means that you will never owe more than the value of your home, regardless of how the property market fluctuates. This guarantee provides reassurance that you and your beneficiaries will not be left with any debt to repay beyond the value of the property.
Considerations Before Opting for Drawdown Equity Release
While drawdown equity release offers many benefits, it's essential to consider some key factors before making a decision:
1. Eligibility and Age Requirements
To be eligible for drawdown equity release, you must be a homeowner aged 55 or above. It's important to understand that the younger you are when you enter into a drawdown equity release plan, the longer the potential duration of the plan. This can impact the amount of interest that accrues over time. It's advisable to consult with a qualified equity release advisor to assess your eligibility and understand the implications based on your age and circumstances.
2. Impact on Means-Tested Benefits
Releasing equity from your home through drawdown equity release may affect your eligibility for means-tested benefits, such as pension credit or council tax reduction. It's crucial to consider the potential impact on your benefits and seek advice from a financial advisor or benefits specialist to understand the implications fully.
3. Long-Term Financial Planning
Drawdown equity release is a long-term commitment that can impact your financial situation in the future. It's important to consider your long-term financial goals, such as retirement planning or leaving an inheritance, and assess how drawdown equity release aligns with those objectives. Consulting with a financial advisor can help you evaluate the potential impact on your overall financial plan and make an informed decisionbased on your specific circumstances.
4. Interest Rates and Charges
Before opting for drawdown equity release, it's crucial to understand the interest rates and charges associated with the plan. Different providers may offer varying rates, so it's essential to compare options and choose the most favorable terms. Additionally, consider any arrangement fees, valuation costs, or legal fees that may be involved in setting up the drawdown equity release plan.
5. Impact on Inheritance
While drawdown equity release allows you to preserve a portion of your home's value as an inheritance, it's important to consider the potential impact on the overall value of your estate. Releasing equity from your property can reduce the amount of inheritance you leave behind. If leaving a significant inheritance is a priority for you, it may be worth exploring alternative options or discussing potential strategies with an estate planning professional.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1: Can I repay the drawdown equity release plan early?
A1: Yes, most drawdown equity release plans allow for early repayment. However, it's important to review the terms and conditions of your specific plan, as there may be early repayment charges or penalties involved. Consulting with your equity release provider or financial advisor will help you understand the implications of early repayment.
Q2: Will I still own my home with drawdown equity release?
A2: Yes, with drawdown equity release, you retain ownership of your home. You have the right to live in your property until you pass away or move into long-term care. It's important to note that the equity release provider will have a legal charge on your property, which means that a portion of the sale proceeds will go towards repaying the loan.
Q3: How much equity can I release with drawdown equity release?
A3: The amount of equity you can release with drawdown equity release depends on various factors, including your age, property value, and the provider's criteria. Typically, you can release a percentage of your property's value, with the exact amount determined through a valuation process. Consulting with an equity release advisor will help you understand the maximum amount you can release based on your circumstances.
Q4: Can I move house with a drawdown equity release plan?
A4: Yes, it is possible to move house with a drawdown equity release plan. However, it's important to inform your equity release provider and seek their approval before making any decisions. Moving house may require the transfer of the equity release plan to the new property or repayment of the loan, depending on the circumstances. Consulting with your provider and seeking professional advice will ensure a smooth transition.
Q5: How does drawdown equity release affect my tax position?
A5: Drawdown equity release is typically tax-free, meaning the funds you release from your property are not subject to income tax. However, it's important to consider the potential impact on other areas of your tax position, such as means-tested benefits or inheritance tax. Seeking advice from a tax specialist or financial advisor will help you understand the tax implications based on your specific situation.
Drawdown equity release offers homeowners a flexible and customizable solution to unlock the value of their homes while retaining ownership and control. With its benefits of flexibility, cost-effectiveness, preservation of inheritance, potential for future releases, and no negative equity guarantee, drawdown equity release can be an attractive option for those seeking additional funds in retirement. However, it's crucial to consider eligibility requirements, impact on means-tested benefits, long-term financial planning, interest rates and charges, and the potential impact on inheritance before making a decision. Consulting with qualified professionals and seeking personalized advice will ensure that drawdown equity release aligns with your financial goals and aspirations.
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nebris · 9 months
In Which Her Prophet Expounds Upon Catastrophe Porn
~This 'rant' was prompted by a comment made on a post where I said, "…[R]emember we're an Open System. Coming and going is part of how we'll Spread The Word. None of this hiding out in the compound bullshit. That's for those who are waiting for Jesus or Hale-Bopp or what/who/fucking/ever to come and 'take them away'.
No End Times around here, babe. The Wheel keeps Turning and we have to do the Work ourselves, Blessed Be!!"
A friend asked, “And your plan to deal with a potential Climate Change end to the current Interglacial's stability and the utter collapse of the technological levels needed to make the Sisterhood viable is? The current Climate Catastrophe pretty much kills off contemporary society as we know if it even is a medium-range scenario, while your Sisterhood depends on a much higher level of technology which in turn means Climate Change must be averted which is now not likely….. “
I replied, “I suspect a pretty high level of tech will actually make the transition, but part of our game plan is the 'lifeboat' scenario and we'll be able to preserve a goodly amount of tech ourselves if it comes to that.
In addition, Stage Three of our desert community will be based upon this design. There are other elements, but it is best to keep those under wraps for the time being.”
I felt the need to expand upon all that, so here goes….
First, let me state up front that I believe that Climate Change is real and that it is fully coming upon us in the next quarter century or so.
I cannot say for certain if we caused it or if it is simply part of Mother's natural cycle of things. I strongly suspect it is a combination, that we pumped a batch of pollutants into an unstable climate system and then 'shit happened'.
I also believe that we cannot stop this process, and maybe not even ameliorate it. But I do believe we can ride it out. Some of us at least. Many are going to die. Most actually.
I know that's easy to say with equanimity from my comfy First World life, but there it is. I presently live in a double wide in a mobile home park on the far outskirts of the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area and I'll just have to settle for that level of 'cultural authenticity'. I sure the fuck ain't gonna move to a tent in Darfur and nether are any of y'all, so you can shut the fuck up!
While there are huge numbers of folks who are in full on denial about this, there are also a cluster of people, mostly educated white males, who seem to be actually looking forward to this. John Michael Greer writes very thoughtfully on the subject – which makes him all the more depressing - and does manage to conceal his feelings.
But my old summer camp counselor, Jim Kustsler? Fuck, dude, you can hear him whacking off as he preaches Collapse. I consider him the foremost purveyor of Catastrophe Porn, the Al Goldstein of The Collapse.
But this is just End Times for intellectual atheists and is steeped in the same type of Apocalyptic emotions, but comes from those educated white males who feel alienated from, and dis-empowered by, the monstrosity that is, if you'll pardon the phrase, Modern Civilization.
James Lovelock seems really the most sincere and authentic in this matter and his sadness is palpable. He may not think that we shall become extinct, but he can see the pain and suffering ahead, and to his great credit, it makes him weep.
I suspect I'll do some weeping myself, but I have been tasked with a Plan and need to limit the exercise of that particular emotional luxury. I have Work to do.
My own view is that Modern Civilization is not going to undergo a Total Collapse. Shit's gonna get Real Hairy, but I don't buy the End Times/Late Roman Empire paradigm. History does repeat itself, but never in the same way.
While the sheer size and complexity of Modern Civilization is part of the problem, it is also what will save our bacon, though maybe not bacon itself. There is massive informational redundancy built into the whole thing, so much so that wiping it all out is nigh impossible, short of an asteroid strike. bites tongue
Plus, this is not some Hollywood scenario. The so-called Collapse will happen over decades and will never be truly complete. Many parts of the whole will die off partially or totally, but other parts will survive nearly intact.
Things like The Road are just what I named above; Catastrophe Porn. You can watch them with popcorn or with lube, depending upon your proclivities.
Me, I don't watch them at all.
Cynical as a I am, I'm really one of those hopeful solution oriented mother fuckers, and if you have a problem with that, I'll shoot you in your fucking face and take all your stuff.
And so it is….
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laviechristcentered · 2 years
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“... Whoever does the will of God, abides forever”
Should we as Christians chase after happiness,  money or any other earthly riches?
Should we look for happiness and make sure that we are happy in this world?  
The Bible doesn’t tell us that it’s wrong to chase after our happiness per say but what Jesus does tell us though, is that we shouldn’t worry so much about earthly things - Like clothes, food etc. I also think we can include money and possessions here - because God, our heavenly father, takes care of us and knows what should belong to us. What he tells us  is to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added. (Mat.6)
I think it’s important, as christians, to remind ourselves daily of two things :
We don’t belong in this world anymore, because we became children of God through our baptism. Therefore, our home isn’t on earth anymore but it’s hidden with the Lord.
This world isn’t meant to last forever. In fact, it’s meant to be destroyed and to suffer God’s wrath at the end of time. 
We live in a world that is living as if it were to last forever. As if it wasn’t  supposed to end. In fact, some people are even trying to find a way to stay here forever or as long as possible. As Christians, we know it is impossible to stay here forever.
If we ask this world, or someone who doesn’t believe, about their purpose of life, they may tell you that they want to find happiness; the happiness they think they deserve; the happiness that this whole world is chasing.
Although it isn’t necessarily wrong to want to be happy, I personally think it’s wrong to think that we deserve it.  - The Bible tells us time and time again how we are all sinners and how we deserve God’s wrath and  condemnation; the only reason we are saved is because of his love and grace for us : He gave His one and only son so we could have eternal life.  Let’s NEVER take that for granted -
What this world doesn’t understand, and what we, Christians, tend to forget is that because of our sin, and the temporality of this world, happiness on earth is fleeting. It’s never gonna last. Therefore it can’t be  a viable ultimate goal in life. If anything, I’m convinced that happiness lies in the journey not in the goal. If we spend our lives chasing after something so fleeting, we’re wasting it.
Am I saying that we’ll never be happy? Absolutely not.  I’m just saying  that we treat happiness, money, possessions the wrong way. We always tend to say : “If this I would be happy” “If I had this or that, I would be happy” How about we think of happiness as part of the journey, and not something that we have to chase after?  
By the way, we’ll NEVER be fully happy, satisfied  and fulfilled without the Lord in our lives. For me, I know for sure that I wouldn’t be as joyful and inspired if I didn’t know Him.
We all have desires that we want to fulfill, and that’s normal; that’s human. What is wrong, is putting those things above our relationship with the Lord; because all those things shall pass. 
If we want to have a glimpse of what forever looks like, we need to do the will of God. We need to have a relationship with Him. It’s only through Him that we can be fully satisfied and happy;  and that happiness isn’t fleeting; it lasts because it comes from the God of eternity.
God bless you all and have a great day.
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tcarley · 2 years
Why are people not more angry?
As a women, in a large portion of the US, I have more rights to my own body after I’m dead than when I’m alive. When I die my body cannot be used to save people unless I give consent. Even if 10 people are dying right next to me, that could live with my organs, I cannot be forced to give up any part of myself to save them. Even if you consider a fetus to be a ‘baby’ I should not be forced to give up my body, my energy, my nutrients, my anything to another being without my consent. When I am legally brain dead, meaning my brain function is low enough that it prohibits my ability to perform life skills or cognitive functions my next of kin has the right to “pull the plug”. The fetus does not have viable brain function and without MY BODY to support it, it ceases to exist. This is a morbid and detached way of viewing this issue. I personally do not believe abortion would be my choice, but I am privileged. My personal choice has very little to do with this issue.
Whether or not you support women having bodily autonomy, the overturning of Roe vs Wade is a problem for all genders. Dozens of court cases ranging from contraception to private matters within a persons home have been decided with Roe vs Wade as a basis for determination. With this precedent being overturned, every case it has been used in is now in question. The supreme courts job is to interpret the constitution, uphold the constitution, and protect citizen rights. Over 50% of the population of the United States just lost their rights. The constitution, which our democracy is built upon, is written with religious neutrality as a founding point. In the preamble of the constitution a main purpose of its creation was to promote general welfare of citizens. How is this decision an extension of American values?
The 14th amendment clearly states that all persons BORN or naturalized in the United States shall not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process. A key statement in here is born. A fetus is not born at conception. That is a religious view, and even that can be contested with Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4, and Ezekiel 37:5-6. The Bible is often interpreted and unclear, even to those who dedicate their life to studying it. In these passages it states that “life begins at breath”. A fetus does not breath, and if you want to argue that they receive oxygen from their carrier that is not the definition of a breath. The mother on the other hand is a living and breathing citizen of the United States and has a constitutional right to their life. If forcing a women to carry a fetus to term kills her that is a direct violation of her right to life. Religion has no place is the this ruling because we have a right to be free from religion in this country.
Liberty in the constitution refers to a person having the freedom to act according to one’s will. How is this not a violation of a citizens liberties? The ruling the Supreme Court has given violates their essential function. This is only the beginning. If they can violate these rights what is to stop them from doing the same to others? Even pro-life activists will be upset when freedom of religion, freedom of speech, right to due process, or right to bear arms is questioned. The Supreme Court recently ruled in the case of Vega vs Tekoh and furthered this point. The case was pertaining to Miranda warnings, established in a previous case of Arizona vs Miranda. It is considered to be a precedent, yet it has been overruled and now citizens do not have the right to seek reparations when denied these warnings. This is an example that what is to come affects every single citizen in America, not just women. So be angry and be upset. The only way to create protections for ourselves is to feel this deeply enough to make changes in our systems.
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ithinkfi2-blog · 4 years
Long Term Financing Goals: 5 Simple Steps For 2020
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Long term financing goals... Doesn't sound as exciting as long term stay at the beach, does it? Truth is, long term financial goals don't offer immediate rewards. Rather, you have to look at them like seedlings turning into a robust vineyard. If you want to stop working at some point or avoid a potential crisis when unemployment hits, then you simply have to embrace certain types of financial goals as friend, not foe. When the COVID crisis hit, over 14 million Americans faced the unemployment line. How many of those Americans do you think had six months' worth of income stashed away? Not many. Most of us live paycheck to paycheck, with little to no savings and zero retirement planning. That's not living on the edge. That's living in the quicksand. If you're still gainfully employed during these tenuous times, we encourage you to embrace five financing goals that will leave you well-positioned to tackle anything from dental trouble to a million-dollar retirement savings plan. Let's take a look.
1.  Diminish Debt
Debt is like a revolving door. If you can never seem to get out of it, then you're doing something wrong. Credit cards come with a ton of great perks, like cashback on purchases, airline miles, and more. But, it's not wise to carry a huge revolving line of credit. It's also unwise to merely pay the minimum balance each month and allow interest payments to accrue. If you can't pay your card off at the end of each month, you probably don't want to keep swiping it. The thing about credit card debt is it's kind of like pouring sand into a jar with a hole in the bottom. It prohibits people from saving for them because, how can they build a savings fund when they're so far in the hole to someone else? So, if debt's your problem, the first thing you want to do is stop accruing more debt. Then, it's time to see how you can scale the mountain. Here's the best way to armor up and take down debt:   
Track your spending (down to the penny). See where you're wasting money that can be directed toward your "get out of debt" plan. A daily dollop of self-control can stack up greatly in the monthly scheme of things. Consider your convenience store runs, coffee stops, and weekly lunch dates to start. 
Create a budget. Allocate every penny of your weekly or bi-weekly paycheck. Hold yourself accountable to that budget. If you need to eliminate the vacation fund for a year, do it. If you need to forego your $50/week restaurant budget, do it. Releasing yourself from the burden of debt is worth tightening the budget for at least a year. 
Check your interest rates. Things like student loans and mortgage payments typically come with low interest rates. It's not uncommon to see anywhere from 3% to 5%. Credit cards, however, can soar upwards of 19%. That's why you're going to want to go after those kinds of debt first. Paying too much interest is like throwing away money each month. So, that high-interest rate card needs to be tackled first.
Check your balances. The other factor that matters is your balance. Once you know which cards have the highest interest rate, you're going to want to tackle them in order from worst to best. Sometimes, the impulse is to get rid of the cards with small balances first. But, you actually want to go in the opposite direction and take down the biggest offenders first.  
  Why does this work? Well, let's look at the numbers. Say you have three major debts. If you're able to up the ante and allocate 20% of your monthly income to this endeavor, you're looking at a pretty good strategy. For someone who earns $3,000/month, that's about $600/month. What you want to do is direct $100 to one, $100 to another debt, and $400 to the largest debt. As you pay off one, maintain that same $600 and use it to attack the remaining two, then the last one, and then... dare we say it... you're free.    
2. Spend Less, Save More
We know, we know. How cliché. But, the thing about clichés is that they're often repeated because they're often true. If you're still living paycheck to paycheck, be afraid, be very afraid. Given the tenuous times we live in, families need to have an emergency fund set aside for at least six months. If you and your spouse have things like restaurants and pocket money in the budget, slash them right away. Make 2020 the year that you feel proud that you've been able to account for every dollar in your budget. What else can you do to spend less and save more?   
Stop the unnecessary shopping. If you need to delete the Amazon app form your phone, do it. If you remove the instant gratification temptation from your fingertips, you may be more successful. Stop "hunting for bargains," too. We tell ourselves we actually saved money when we spent $25 on a sweater that was marked down from $75 (when we didn't even need the sweater). 
Pay with cash only. If you need to drive down to the local Walmart or Target to pick up a few household items, limit yourself to a certain amount of cash. This will do a couple of things. First, it will prohibit the impulsive shopping. Second, it'll force you to only buy the things you need. Plus, there's something psychological about handing over cash vs. swiping a card. You feel it more and will be, in a perfect world, less tempted to go overboard.
Shop Smarter. Whether you're a household of two or seven, grocery shopping is expensive. So, it's time to shop smarter in this arena. Shop according to the sales ad and don't be afraid to clip your coupons and use them at the checkout line. Fifty cents here and twenty cents there adds up to tens of dollars over the course of a month and guess where that can go? To that debt you're trying to eliminate. 
  With the ability to save more, you're opening yourself up to a host of scenarios that will give you tremendous peace at night. First, you can establish a thousand-dollar emergency fund. This is for anything from dental work to ductwork in the house. It's also for the four new tires your vehicle is going to need at some point. Second, you can establish a safety net. COVID has been a major wakeup call for those of us who live paycheck to paycheck. Imagine you were able to save six months' worth of income? That would make the nail-biting stop almost instantly. If you pull down $3,000/month, that's $18,000 and no small feat. But, if the worst thing were to happen, and you become unemployed, you don't have to drop down into panic mode. Instead, can sit pretty on nearly $20,000 that can be economically balanced if tough times hit.   
3. Get Ready for the Golden Years
The days of pensions are fading further and further into the distance. And Social Security was never designed to be someone's primary source of income upon retirement. So, that needs to be supplemented if you want to be able to enjoy your retirement more fully. An IRA is the standard way to meet your retirement goals. And there are two different options here:  
Traditional IRAs offer tax-deferred growth. That is, like an HSA, your contributions are tax-deductible in the year you make them. 
Roth IRAs allow you to withdraw funds without a tax burden. So, if you think you'll need to withdraw from your IRA sooner than later, then you might want to pay your taxes upfront and have access to it whenever necessary. 
  We used 20% as a viable example of getting out of debt. So, what's a good goal for an IRA? Well, let's start with the best-case scenario. Right now, the IRS caps the maximum contributions to traditional and ROTH IRAs at $6,000/year, or $500/month. Folks over the age of 50 are allowed to save $7,000/year. If you've shoveled out of all your debt and have the wherewithal, definitely opt for $500/month because, in retirement, how long do you think you'll go on soaking up the sun and playing with your grandchildren? Twenty years? Thirty years? Well, in 30 years, if you earn $3,000/month, that's just over one million dollars. See why it's smart to start young and go hard? Of course, $500/month simply isn't a viable option for many families. We love to play around with IRA calculators to see what's right for people. But, remember, the sooner you start, the more wiggle room you'll have. If you're ready to start making waves in a retirement fund, then contact us today to open your very own IRA.    
4. Hinder Your Healthcare Burden
Have you ever considered a health savings account (HSA)? It's a portable savings account that allows you to nestle away money for healthcare completely tax-free. The money you deposit into an HSA rolls over each year, alleviating any sort of "use it or lose it" stress. It's completely controlled by you, not your employer and you get to call all the shots on how the money is allocated. Some people liken HSAs to "medical IRAs." That is, you grow the account slowly over time and only take it out whenever you see fit. If, ten years down the line, there's a major medical expense, an HSA can help prevent you from sinking into tremendous debt. But, even in the day-to-day as you're saving, there's an immediate benefit to an HSA. Whatever contributions you're able to deposit into your account, they're completely tax-deductible. If you work for a company that's willing to contribute, their contributions are not included in your taxable income, either. These amounts are capped, however, at $3,550 for individuals and $7,100 for families. However, when you hit 55, you're allowed to squirrel away an extra $1,000, free and clear. If you think this is right for you, feel free to download our HSA application today.    
5. Consider a Side Hustle
If you're ready, willing, and able to tackle debt and save more but simply don't have the finances for it, then make 2020 your year of the side hustle. In the days since the COVID pandemic, more and more people are starting to work from home. Is there something you can do on the nights and weekends from the comfort of your own home? Sure there is! If numbers are your game, then you should know there's a real need for virtual bookkeepers. If organization is your talent, then you should also scan the online ads for virtual assistant positions. If your fingers type as fast as fingers can go, then you may be able to work as a transcriptionist from home on nights and weekends. Teaching English online is another viable option. Also, the almighty Amazon posts remote jobs to their Career Services page and customer service, as a whole, lends itself to the remote lifestyle. If you have time to binge watch Netflix, then you have time to earn a few extra hundred each month.   
Long Term Financing Goals You Can Meet
Each of the goals listed above are considered long term financing goals because they can't be achieved with the swipe of a card or the deposit of a singular paycheck. But, that's okay! It's like planting a garden. You start with a tiny, little seed and then, over time, harvest six-foot sunflowers. There's no way around it, you simply have to diminish your debt first. For some, that may be a three-year endeavor. And that's okay! This is a goal and it's not meant to be met in three or four months. Then, once you get your personal savings and retirement plan up and running, you're truly going to feel wonderful. This feeling of satisfaction doesn't carry the same punch as a new pair of high heels or a new golf club. It carries a better punch because you'll be proud of yourself as you watch something grow. If you're looking to start an IRA, money market account, personal savings account, or HSA, we hope you'll get in touch with us today! We'll pair you with just the right tool to meet your long-term financial goals. Here at iThink Financial, we've built ourselves on this motto: people helping people. We're a credit union that fosters healthy financial management and wants to see our customers flourish, not drown in faulty debts and loans. Come join us for any one of our webinars and seminars where we help people do just that! Whether you need to build a better budget, save for a home, or want to plan for financial crises, we're here to help you formulate the best game plan and use all the resources at your disposal.
Get more information here about Atlanta Georgia Credit Union.
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Couldn’t sleep, wrote a thing
I’m writing a diary about what’s happening because I want to get it out of my head...Maybe getting the thoughts down on paper will help with that. Let’s start with who I am and what I do.
I’m 27 and I am a clinical scientist working in a private lab in a private hospital in Queensland. I’ve done a bachelor’s degree in biomedical science, and a master’s degree. I’ve been in the medical workforce since mid 2014.
This year, the world is dealing with a very contagious, very dangerous respiratory virus (COVID-19) that’s spreading globally at a frankly terrifying rate. Everywhere you look, from the news, to social media, to any sort of communication with friends or loved ones, people are talking about the virus. People are scared. In my hometown, people have been panic-buying and hoarding supplies and food over these last few weeks. It’s been pretty bad - there was a mass panic buying up toilet paper, of all things. Now, we’re having a difficult time finding hand soap, any kind of alcohol sanitizer, gloves, masks...My wife and I didn’t run out and buy stuff, and now I’m worried that maybe we should have.
At work, we’ve got half a box of surgical face masks and a handful of gowns. No eye protection to speak of, which is worrying as it can spread through contact with your eyes too. The last few weeks we’ve been talking about what our response was going to be to this thing - we’re a small private lab and our work is, for the most part, a non-essential medical service. Should we shut down completely? Do we see only urgent patients? How do we screen them? Up until now, we’ve been asking patients if they’ve been travelling overseas in the last month, or if they have any symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who’s in quarantine. Those questions aren’t enough anymore. The virus is in the local population, and it’s spreading. People are asymptomatic for around 14 days, but still contagious. I might even have it as I write this, and I wouldn’t even know.
I’m worried about losing my job. If we have to shut down for an extended time with things as they are now, they won’t be able to keep the place viable for long at all. We don’t make a huge amount of money, and I understand that my bosses would need to shut down. I’m not angry about that, I’m just scared. We have a mortgage, and I would like to come out the other side of this with my house. More importantly, I’d like to come out of this with my health, and my family’s health. My wife is at even more risk than I am, working in a public hospital department that can’t exactly close. They’re going to get quieter, but they’re an essential service. Eventually, the hospital is going to run out of PPE and they’re going to ask her to test patients without adequate protection. I don’t want her to say yes because she’s the only one still earning money. Her health isn’t worth that. She’s smart, and I think she knows that but I also know how much pressure would be on her if we lost my income and I don’t want her to sacrifice her well being for that.
We’re both being very cautious about hygiene and going so far as to even wipe down everything we buy from the shops with disinfectant before putting it away. Both of us see patients who are very much at risk through all this, and if we spread it to our work, people will die. I don’t want that to happen. We’ve made sure we have enough food to last us two weeks if one of us does get exposed. We don’t have a ridiculous surplus by any means, but we have enough to survive. We’ve also decided to wear masks whenever we leave the house for groceries and the like. Of course, like the majority of people here we don’t have any proper masks because the greedy few have exhausted supplies. We asked my mum to make us some out of cotton, which is only about 50% as effective as a proper surgical mask but it’s something. It won’t stop us from contracting the disease, but it will make sure we stop spreading it around. I feel completely powerless in this crisis, but I can at least make sure that the chain of infection stops with me.
I’m worried about the rest of my family, too: my parents are old enough to be in the “at risk” category. I’ve been trying to tell them what I learn from the doctors at work and different medical sources, but I feel like I’m being dismissed. I keep getting told “well, all we can do is be sensible and pray”. I don’t think they’re taking it as seriously as they should, and I’m scared for them. My sisters both have kids in school, and they’ve not yet taken them out of school. I’ve tried to tell them both that the schools are a fantastic way to invite this thing into their homes via their kids being asymptomatic carriers, but they tell me that the people in charge wouldn’t be making the decision to keep the schools open if it wasn’t the right thing to do.
That’s the biggest issue I have with this - how our government is handling it. Virtually every country a few steps ahead of ours has closed its schools and declared lock downs, but rather than see the writing on the wall and take the proactive steps to get ahead of the spread and save lives, they’ve elected to keep schools running and tell people to wash their hands and just keep their distance from each other. The health minister literally said tonight that young people had to be careful as they could be carriers of the virus, and that social distancing is paramount in our response to this. His very next sentence was that he was recommending schools to stay open. How can anyone take this seriously, when clearly it’s life as normal for kids? How is that fair to the teachers, who’re being treated as a free medical quarantine?
I understand that there’s economic considerations that go way over my head, but if it gets as bad here as it is in China and Italy then the economy won’t be standing anyway. Tonight, they announced the decision to close entertainment venues and force all restaurants and cafes to take-away only. They’ve made only reactive decisions in a time when proactive leadership will save lives.
My wife is worried about her grandmother. She lost her other grandmother just recently, and we made the very difficult decision not to fly interstate for the funeral as risk of infection was rising and it wasn’t smart for us to expose ourselves to anything we didn’t absolutely have to. Now, she faces the very harsh reality that she may never get to see her sole living grandparent again. She’s not the only one - I know that in Italy right now people, especially elderly people, are dying in hospitals alone with no family allowed in to see them. They will be cremated with the thousands of other victims, and will get no funeral. Their families will have no chance to say goodbye. It’s going to get that bad here, if something isn’t done.
Tomorrow morning, I find out if my work will continue. Part of me hopes that if anything, it’ll be a very reduced capacity and that our patients stay safe at home. Another part of me worries that it won’t continue. There are talks about an “all hands on deck” approach where they’ll put the call out to anyone with any medical background to help in any way they can. If I get laid off, I’d love nothing more than to hunker down at home safe and isolated and ride this out. What I’m scared of is being asked to help, to get back out there, to do more. I’m scared because I know I’ll say yes. If I have the ability to help, I have the responsibility to help.
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neverlimitlove-blog · 5 years
Health Insurance Brokers OKC
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Health Insurance Brokers OKC
get The Right Insurance The First Time
There are many risks that we slant in our secret lives and in order to protect ourselves against these risks, we face to insurance policies. Insurance, in the manner of any technical financial instrument, can be difficult to navigate, if you don't know what you are doing. These tips will back up simplify insurance concepts and create them understandable.
Save money upon your insurance premiums by raising your deductible. You can save $100 or more upon your auto insurance premium by raising your deductible from $250 to $500. Likewise, if you growth your homeowner's deductible from $500 to $1,000, you could save even more. Even increasing your health insurance deductible helps you keep money upon premiums.
When full of life in an insurance claim, reach not wait for the insurance company to create all the moves. This will ensure that you acquire what you are owed, and in a timely manner. Be clear to present any evidence that will be required and be persistent in asking for counsel directly similar to your claim.
To save allowance upon your insurance, you should see for low rates but plus for low deductibles. A deductible is the minimum amount that you have to pay your insurance to cover the damages. An insurance might meet the expense of a certainly low price but skirmish you too much for your deductibles.
If you are aging and cause problems just about your income, you should purchase a disability allowance insurance. If you become unable to work, your insurance will give you ample maintenance to maintain yourself and your family. This nice of insurance is relatively cheap and secures your financial vanguard no thing what happens.
When applying for insurance, the insurance companies understand many factors into account to determine your rates, or whether they'll lid you at all. keep an eye upon your financial credit score, as this is one of the newer factors insurers are looking at behind determining your risk factors. You can acquire a free balance report online annually.
Go through your insurance policy regularly. You might find there are discounts you should have been receiving, inaccuracies in the policy, or that there are additional people you thought had been removed. These types of situations can cost you money, in view of that stay on top of things and save your child support in your wallet.
Buy your insurance later you are youthful to save yourself money. The younger you are, the degrade your insurance premiums are going to be. At a teen age, you are unconditionally low risk for an insurance company for that reason they are acceptable to case you less as they know they probably won't have to pay out upon your policy.
Check your pet's insurance policy for instruction on the company requirements. Some policies require you to say yes your pet to the vet for a once a year check up, and pay out of pocket for it. yearly inborn exams are a good idea for pet care, but make definite the insurance company isn't forcing you to pay for it.
Improve your relation score back shopping for insurance. Many companies will deed a forward-looking premium if you have bad credit. Bad story is considered a risk and insurance premiums are every just about managing risk. Improving your version can stop taking place saving you hundreds of dollars a year on your premiums.
Consider signing going on for a decreasing term insurance program. This type of insurance is expected to accessory your investments if you were to pass away past the investments reach a clear level. The progressive the investment grows, the more affordable the monthly premium becomes. bearing in mind this type of insurance you will save allowance beyond the cartoon of your policy.
Life Insurance
Look into combined insurance policy discounts. with you bundle your insurance contracts in imitation of one company, you will often acquire a discount of 10% or more. If you currently have home insurance as soon as a company that you are satisfied with, retrieve them and get a quote for auto or vibrancy insurance. You may locate that you will acquire a discount upon all policy.
Try to find a fine insurance company that will lid any of your insurance needs passably and at a reasonably priced cost. You will typically receive a discount if you get multipart policies from one company. heartwarming one policy from a company which insures you for substitute policy may not save you any money as your native policy's premium could increase.
You want to have as much insurance guidance in simulation as possible. The list is as follows: homeowner's or renters insurance, health and dynamism insurance and finally, car insurance. It's viable to extend coverage to your relatives members too.
Applying for insurance valued at greater than $100,000 will strive for that you have to have a physical to be approved, consequently save that in mind if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. This may guide to any coverage creature denied or the insurance company grating to case you a much heftier premium.
Health Insurance
To save the cost of travel insurance beside you should check to look what your current health insurance scheme would cover. Some policies, and Medicare, don't have the funds for any coverage if you are outdoor of the united States and territories, others may unaccompanied cover the a solution amount for an crash but nothing for weakness that requires hospitalization.
If you're immediately sick or disrespected though uncovered your country, will your health insurance permit you the leeway to determine whether, or how, you will acquire back up house for treatment or surgery? To be abroad in the same way as a medical emergency is scary enough. create it a priority to see through your health insurance policy and choose one that will lid your trip assist house in the event of a health emergency.
Quit smoking to abbreviate your insurance rates. You might think this on your own applies to health insurance, but your home insurance premiums will also be condensed if you butt out. The risk of a smoker accidentally feel their house on fire is high passable that your premium will go all along significantly later you rupture the habit.
With the myriad of insurance policies available, it can sometimes be hard for everyday consumers to save occurring similar to all they obsession to know to make the best of their insurance products. By putting the above tips into practice, you can become a smart consumer and maximize the promote insurance offers, without wasting money.
    Sung Kang - Health and Life Insurance Broker7015 W Hefner Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73162 USA(405) 492-4670
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Health Insurance Brokers OKC
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Health Insurance Brokers OKC
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There are many risks that we position in our unknown lives and in order to guard ourselves next to these risks, we perspective to insurance policies. Insurance, when any profound financial instrument, can be difficult to navigate, if you don't know what you are doing. These tips will help simplify insurance concepts and create them understandable.
Save grant on your insurance premiums by raising your deductible. You can save $100 or more on your auto insurance premium by raising your deductible from $250 to $500. Likewise, if you accrual your homeowner's deductible from $500 to $1,000, you could keep even more. Even increasing your health insurance deductible helps you save child support upon premiums.
When practicing in an insurance claim, get not wait for the insurance company to make all the moves. This will ensure that you acquire what you are owed, and in a timely manner. Be positive to meet the expense of any evidence that will be required and be persistent in asking for recommendation directly united to your claim.
To save keep on your insurance, you should look for low rates but plus for low deductibles. A deductible is the minimum amount that you have to pay your insurance to lid the damages. An insurance might give a extremely low price but combat you too much for your deductibles.
If you are aging and worry not quite your income, you should buy a disability pension insurance. If you become unable to work, your insurance will give you acceptable grant to support yourself and your family. This kind of insurance is relatively cheap and secures your financial vanguard no issue what happens.
When applying for insurance, the insurance companies resign yourself to many factors into account to determine your rates, or whether they'll cover you at all. keep an eye upon your savings account score, as this is one of the newer factors insurers are looking at in the manner of determining your risk factors. You can get a pardon story balance online annually.
Go through your insurance policy regularly. You might find there are discounts you should have been receiving, inaccuracies in the policy, or that there are new people you thought had been removed. These types of situations can cost you money, hence stay upon summit of things and keep your allowance in your wallet.
Buy your insurance subsequent to you are juvenile to keep yourself money. The younger you are, the belittle your insurance premiums are going to be. At a pubertal age, you are entirely low risk for an insurance company appropriately they are willing to fighting you less as they know they probably won't have to pay out upon your policy.
Check your pet's insurance policy for opinion on the company requirements. Some policies require you to acknowledge your pet to the vet for a twelve-monthly check up, and pay out of pocket for it. yearly bodily exams are a great idea for pet care, but create sure the insurance company isn't forcing you to pay for it.
Improve your credit score in the past shopping for insurance. Many companies will stroke a complex premium if you have bad credit. Bad explanation is considered a risk and insurance premiums are every approximately managing risk. Improving your relation can stop in the works saving you hundreds of dollars a year on your premiums.
Consider signing happening for a decreasing term insurance program. This type of insurance is intended to supplement your investments if you were to pass away past the investments reach a distinct level. The higher the investment grows, the more affordable the monthly premium becomes. taking into consideration this type of insurance you will keep allowance over the vivaciousness of your policy.
Life Insurance
Look into merged insurance policy discounts. later than you bundle your insurance contracts later one company, you will often acquire a discount of 10% or more. If you currently have home insurance considering a company that you are satisfied with, approach them and get a quote for auto or vibrancy insurance. You may locate that you will acquire a discount upon all policy.
Try to find a good insurance company that will cover any of your insurance needs well enough and at a inexpensive cost. You will typically receive a discount if you acquire compound policies from one company. moving one policy from a company which insures you for different policy may not save you any child maintenance as your original policy's premium could increase.
You want to have as much insurance guidance in vivaciousness as possible. The list is as follows: homeowner's or renters insurance, health and computer graphics insurance and finally, car insurance. It's viable to extend coverage to your intimates members too.
Applying for insurance valued at greater than $100,000 will set sights on that you have to have a subconscious to be approved, so save that in mind if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. This may guide to any coverage mammal denied or the insurance company grating to conflict you a much heftier premium.
Health Insurance
To keep the cost of travel insurance by the side of you should check to look what your current health insurance plan would cover. Some policies, and Medicare, don't meet the expense of any coverage if you are outside of the allied States and territories, others may isolated lid the a unquestionable amount for an accident but nothing for disease that requires hospitalization.
If you're immediately ill or insulted even if outdoor your country, will your health insurance permit you the leeway to determine whether, or how, you will get urge on house for treatment or surgery? To be abroad with a medical emergency is scary enough. make it a priority to see through your health insurance policy and pick one that will lid your vacation put up to house in the situation of a health emergency.
Quit smoking to reduce your insurance rates. You might think this isolated applies to health insurance, but your home insurance premiums will furthermore be edited if you butt out. The risk of a smoker accidentally mood their home upon blaze is high satisfactory that your premium will go next to significantly with you rupture the habit.
With the myriad of insurance policies available, it can sometimes be hard for indistinctive consumers to save in the works next everything they craving to know to make the best of their insurance products. By putting the above tips into practice, you can become a intellectual consumer and maximize the serve insurance offers, without wasting money.
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canyouhearthelight · 6 years
The Miys, Ch. 2
“Noah’s Ark,” I repeat. This was just too much. The last thing I remembered before waking up here was having a spiked club buried in my back, waiting to die so some cannibal could turn me in to pot roast. Now, I am being told I have been abducted by aliens whose ship is also Noah’s Ark. 
Weirdest hallucination ever.
I started doing the only thing I could think to do: I laughed. It was all so absurd. 
“Dsygh tiomt im, Simon?” the Miys asked. “Wow air zjuyq suj!?” they sounded really upset. For some reason, this only sent me into further hysterics. Even I could tell that my laughter had taken on a desperate quality, but I couldn’t stop. 
Simon crouched in front of me with a concerned look on his face. “Are you going to be okay?” he asked. I couldn’t speak so I just shook my head. He continued in as soothing a tone as he could, “We need to get you calmed down. You still have injuries to your back, and this can’t be good for them. And if you don’t catch your breath soon, you may pass out. Can you try to take one slow, deep breath for me?” 
Even through the hysteria I knew he was right: I already felt light headed. So I tried as hard as I could to calm down. Eventually, the laughter subsided to giggles, then sobbing. Simon held both my arms gently, running his thumbs back and forth while he made soothing noises. “That’s better. It’s okay. I know it’s a lot to process. Just nod your head when you’re back with me.” 
I wasn’t sure how long it took, but I managed to calm myself down until I was just sniffling. I nodded my head and looked up at Simon again. “I’m good. I’m okay now. But I have some questions.” 
“Of course you do,” Simon replied with a small smile. “One at a time, though, okay?” 
I nodded again. “How are you so sure these Miys are who they say they are?” 
“Aie emtjygvep -” 
“Shut it guys, ” Simon interrupted with a glance at the ceiling. “This is part of why you picked her.” He turned to me, “Before you ask about that last part, the reason I know they are legit is because they showed me records of the Flood and what really happened. Not written records, either. Visual records, Technicolor and surround sound. You can see them later if you want.” 
It immediately became item one on my to-do list. “Okay. What did you mean they ‘picked’ me? I’m not a piece of fruit.” 
Simon chuckled. “Bad word choice on my part, considering your previous situation. I didn’t mean ‘picked’ like an apple, I meant 'picked’ like 'chosen’. As far as why….” he blew out a long breath. “The last time, the Miys saved everyone they could, because of the reason for the Flood: we weren’t responsible for that, it was just part of what Earth does. But this time, it’s our fault. We did this to ourselves. The Miys see something in humanity worth saving, somehow, so they are trying to preserve the best of us.” 
I started giggling again, getting a wary look from Simon. “Man, did they make a bad call on me. I’m not the best of anything.” 
Simon shook his head. “Not the best people. The best qualities.” 
I smirked and waved at him. “Hi, I’m Sophia, and I have no redeeming qualities, I promise you that.” 
Simon nodded so hard I swear I saw his chin hit his chest. “But you do. Think back: What did you do for a living Before? That is usually a good place to start.” 
I gave him a flat stare, ready for the inevitable reaction. “I worked for a mortgage company, teaching debt collectors how to collect better. Nice try.” 
“So you taught people to be pushy and mean to old women?” To say I exploded was an understatement. Ten years and this still set me off like nothing. “You sanctimonious, judgmental, disgusting piece of shit. No, I did not. I taught them that those little old ladies were in fact little old ladies. And parents, and families. I taught collectors that the accounts they were calling on were people’s homes that they might lose if we can’t get it current or work something out. And I didn’t want anyone being homeless, and having that on my conscience kept me awake every night. I wanted to save people !” I was screaming by the time I was done, tears rolling down my face. “And I couldn’t. Because the Fall happened anyway, they lost their homes anyway, they died anyway. It was for nothing.” 
Simon, that piece of shit, was smirking at me. “That right there is why the Miys picked you. Empathy, enhancement, memory, clarity. Those are your defining attributes.” 
I took a deep breath. “You are an asshole. You pissed me off on purpose.” Simon shrugged. “You won’t defend yourself from your own opinions, but you will defend yourself from the opinions of others.” 
He pointed at himself. “Charisma, analytics, enhancement, wisdom.” 
“You are not charming.” 
“Never said I was,” he replied cheekily. “Charisma means I can get people to do what I need them to do, and analytics means I can tell the best way to go about it.” 
“Wait,” I stopped him, my brain just catching up to something. “You said 'enhancement’ for both of us. What is that? I get the rest, but that one I’m not familiar with in context.” 
He chuckled again. “They should have added curiosity for you. 'Enhancement’ simply means we being out the best in people. 'Faith that moves mountains’ and whatnot.” I wanted to argue again, but thought about it. I had been a professional coach, I always supported my friends and family and never said 'I told you so’ when they succeeded. So yeah, maybe that one was right, too. 
“But I’m not the best at any of those,” I point out instead. 
“You can actually have too much of a good thing,” Simon rebutted cryptically. “But, being that you were chosen, that also means you lack any genetic disease or conditions that would be detrimental to a colony.” 
“Colony?” I blurted out in surprise. “The fuck do you mean, colony?” 
“Hsu hduyjw gii nexs,” the Miys whined. 
“So do you,” Simon responded, rolling his eyes. When I glared at him, he looked slightly ashamed. “Eyeah, I keep forgetting you don’t understand them yet. They want you to tone down the profanity.” 
My turn to roll my eyes. “Colony,” I repeated, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Right,” Simon inhaled, getting back on topic. “Colony. Earth just isn’t viable anymore. She needs to recover in peace. Like a vacation. So we are establishing a colony somewhere that we can recover, too.” 
“You said I was picked,” I started slowly. ���Which means not everyone is going. What happens to everyone else?” 
Simon suddenly looked very solemn. “They die. Everyone else dies.”
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/your-guide-to-planetary-energies-for-april-29-to-may-5-2019/
Your guide to planetary energies for April 29 to May 5, 2019
Your guide to planetary energies for April 29 to May 5, 2019
By Pam Younghans
AS WE TRAVEL THE ROAD that takes us from April to May, three compelling planetary events provide the backdrop for our journey, while a handful of other aspects reveal either smooth stretches or the challenges of uneven pavement.   Two of the more significant events are linked together: Saturn goes retrograde on Monday, and then exactly aligns with the South Node on Tuesday.   WHEN A PLANET comes to a standstill, whether to go retrograde or direct, its influence becomes heightened in our experience. We usually feel this for a week or more on either side of the exact date, since the planet is virtually motionless throughout that time.   Last week, on April 24, Pluto made its station, and this week — on April 29, just five days later — it’s Saturn’s turn to change direction. This overlap of their concentrated energies is making this a very pivotal time. Pluto is the great Transformer, lord of the underworld, and rules over major life transitions, including the passage into the afterlife. Saturn is Father Time, lord of karma, and tests our strength and discipline.   Both planets are in Capricorn, which rules over the structures that we rely on to be solid and strong. Pluto is revealing where certain systems are faulty, while at the same time, Saturn is testing their strength. As a result, we are seeing breakdowns in areas we perhaps had thought were dependable.   In our personal lives, this effect is concentrated in the area of life represented by the house that contains 20 to 23 degrees of Capricorn. If we have planets or points in our birth charts at those degrees, we will most likely be feeling this impact on a very personal level.   THE LONG-TERM IMPLICATION of all of this activity is increased because the South Node is also currently moving through those same degrees of Capricorn. And, in fact, Saturn exactly aligns with the South Node on Tuesday of this week.   The South Node represents our pull into patterns of the past that no longer serve us. While this node is in Capricorn — and especially while it aligns with Saturn — we observe tendencies to fall into the negative qualities that can be associated with both Saturn and Capricorn: fear, control, melancholy, pessimism, resentment, rigidity, selfishness, the suppression of feelings, and a lack of empathy. In essence, the South Node is telling us that the old methods we used to use to survive — basically, putting blinders on to our feelings and perhaps to the emotional needs of those around us — are no longer viable.   THE NORTH NODE, always exactly opposite the South Node, reveals the positive qualities we must develop in order to evolve. With the North Node in Cancer, we are called to become more caring, not less. We are called to choose trust over fear and control, inspiration over pessimism, and understanding over resentment. We are also encouraged to express our feelings instead of suppressing them, and to become more creative and intuitive in our approach to life.   Saturn will align with the South Node one more time this year, on September 27. But, Saturn and the South Node will be joined at the hip throughout August and September, never separated by more than two degrees. This makes that entire two-month period very significant for our collective evolution. At that point, we should be able to look back at late April/early May and see connections between the two time frames, further clarifying the lessons of this alignment.   AS IF our table wasn’t already full enough, our planetary waitstaff deliver another course this coming week. On Wednesday, we have the final (of five) exact semisquares between Uranus and Neptune. This is a very long-term influence, one that we’ve been working with since the middle of 2017. This week represents the culminating experiences related to this aspect, wrapping up its lessons.   While a semisquare is often thought of as being a “minor” aspect, any relationship between two slower-moving planets can be significant. In this case, especially, since Uranus and Neptune are both transpersonal planets, we are considering some deeper questions related to our ongoing process of awakening.   URANUS AND NEPTUNE traveled side-by-side in Capricorn throughout the early 1990s, and were exactly conjunct three times in 1993. Although both of these planets can have substantial impact on our mundane experience, they also help us to transcend the limitations of the physical plane — Uranus working on the level of the mind, and Neptune working on the level of the heart.    In the early ’90s, many of us experienced a sudden and perhaps shocking change (Uranus). Events that occurred may have at first evoked disbelief and disillusionment (Neptune), but over time, they eventually opened the door to new growth in consciousness. Those events woke us up in some way, burning away areas of fog that had been limiting our self-awareness.    THIS SEMISQUARE is the first challenging aspect between Uranus and Neptune since their alignment in 1993. In essence, we are sitting for our first major exam covering everything that we’ve learned spiritually over the past 26 years. We are being required to take another growth step in consciousness, to dissolve another layer of the veil that has separated us from one another and from our divine selves.   Uranus and Neptune are compelling us to expand our capacity for higher-level thought and sensitivity. Our yearning to attain this evolutionary growth deepens every time we experience the lower-vibrational manifestations of the two planets — the erratic and destructive behaviors associated with Uranus, and the deception and disillusionment linked to Neptune.   I feel it’s safe to say we’ve been experiencing a lot of that frequency in the past two years, since this semisquare began to work with us. And, it would be easy to fall into a pit of apathy, based on a sometimes overwhelming feeling of futility. And yet, we want to ask ourselves — what has been (and is) the higher purpose of all of this? This type of question connects us with the higher frequencies of Uranus and Neptune, and opens the door to that next expansion of consciousness which so many of us long to walk through.   A NEW LUNAR CYCLE begins on Saturday, May 4, at 3:45 p.m. PDT, when the Sun and Moon align at 14°10′ Taurus. Significant components of the New Moon chart include a Mercury-Pluto square (exact on Thursday), a Mars-Jupiter opposition (exact on Sunday), a Venus-Saturn square (exact on May 7), and a Sun-Neptune sextile (exact on May 8).   We generally think of peaceful, methodical progress when we consider Taurus. And, certainly, we can use the New Moon in this sign to set our intentions for creating more beauty and serenity in our lives. However, the other aspects tell us that we have a few hurdles to overcome along the way.   MERCURY’S SQUARE to Pluto perfects on Thursday, so we’ll be aware of some differences of opinion and some frustrations toward the end of the week. Anger is easily triggered, especially if we feel we’re not being heard by someone in authority. The verbal push-pull increases over the weekend, magnified by Mars in verbose Gemini opposing Jupiter in dogmatic Sagittarius. The fall-out might affect personal relationships and business alliances by the time of the Venus-Saturn square next week.   Our saving grace appears in a couple of ways: the Sun-Neptune sextile is a subtle influence, but it provides the opportunity for us to tap into the higher qualities of compassion, understanding, and surrender as we deal with practical concerns. This aspect also enables us to provide grounded spiritual support to others. And, next Monday, Mercury leaves impatient Aries and enters stable Taurus, helping slow down our responses and giving us time to think before we act.   IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This coming year asks you to realign with what you truly value. You are also remembering what it means to take care of yourself — both your emotional well-being and your personal health — even if others expect you to self-sacrifice. This is your opportunity to base your self-esteem on who you are, rather than on what you do, and to know your worth as an individual, not dependent on another’s validation. (Solar Return Sun quincunx Ceres)
In gratitude and light,
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abqphonerepair-blog · 6 years
Cell Phone Repair Albuquerque
Choosing Cell Phone Repair Albuquerque for Cost Effective Solutions
Cell Phone Battery Replacement Albuquerque
The popularity of cell phones has reached such heights that one can't live without a mobile phone today. More people own more than one mobile phone in today's world, some even three! The emergence of smartphones has made these Cell Phone Repair Albuquerque highly useful nowadays, thus you people using phones for so much more than just making phone calls or sending short messages. Being such essential items that have many small and delicate parts within it, it is necessary to look after your phones well to ensure that they are functional and can be used at all times.
Regardless of how well you look after Phone Repair Albuquerque, they do still malfunction from time to time. Thus it is vital for one to be able to rectify any problems that are faced with one's mobile phone. Repairing your mobile phone can be done by sending it over to a phone repair store, or if you have the knowledge to correct them yourselves, why not exercise the option to accomplish just that? Not only you save on cost, but you would also be able to perform the repair works at home. Thus there is no need to leave the comfort of your home.
If you can iPhone Repair Albuquerque yourself, first and foremost you would need the proper tools to perform the job. You could either find yourself special telephone repair tools or obtain a complete cell phone repair tool that you could use for every repair work that you need to accomplish. Let us look at some tips for you to consider if you want to obtain an excellent and affordable mobile phone repair kit:
1) the first tip is to scout for the package online, where you would have a variety of different iPhone Screen Repair Albuquerque choices to pick and select from them. If you are looking for affordable kits, the Internet is where you could find them easily. If you are seeking for established brands, then you might need to pay slightly higher prices for the kits. The main advantage of buying online is the fact that you can obtain a phone repair kit from anywhere on the globe, especially from the location where the prices of these kits are much lower. Scout around and find the best deal for yourself!
2) the second tip states that you could frequent the more permanent and more considerable cell phone repair and service stores out there, where you could sometimes find some affordable kits to repair your phone. The advantage here is the fact that you could physically look at the package before purchasing, and the prices aren't too bad as well, as long as you scout around!
3) the third tip states that you should contact your phone's manufacturer, and inquire if they sell phone repair kits that are specific for your phone brand. Being the manufacturers themselves, the company should and would generally have the right tools for any repair job associated with your phone, thus contacting them would be a good idea as well.
Get the right tools for the job, and the task of Ipad Screen Repair Albuquerque would be a lot easier!
Nowadays, cell phones have become necessities in our life. We find it hard to communicate with people if our cell phones are spoilt. The cost of repairing a mobile phone is usually high. Although sometimes the problems are minor, the phone specialists always charge us a significant sum of money. To save cost, we can get ourselves special repair tools which we can fix our phone problems on our own.
Iphone Screen Repair Albuquerque
iPhone Screen repairs are one of the most common fixes for iPhones at the moment.
How can we protect the iPhone screen from breaking? The short answer is that there isn't anything that will definitively stop the screen cracking. All we can do is try to minimize the impact in case of a fall. A rubber case for the back provides a good deal of impact protection in the event of a fall. The bumpers for the iPhone 4 also offer a degree of shock protection.
• Best Cell Phone Repair in Albuquerque
• We put our customers first, always.
• Gadgets play a significant role in your personal and professional life.
The iPhone is surprisingly quite hardy and resilient to falls and breaking, but we tend to drop them quite often and also when they do fall they tend to have a habit of landing on something sharp like the corner of a step. The other positive to a rubber case is it helps it grip to whatever surface it is sat/lay on or whichever pocket it is in.
When iPhone screens do break, they look a lot worse than they are and look like the phone is broke beyond Ipad Repair Albuquerque. However, help is at hand with several repair shops out there is always somewhere local or online. We provide repair coverage for the whole, provide you with an address to send your repair, turn around the replacement in 24 hours and get it back to you via Special Delivery. They offer a quick, convenient and professional service.
We recommend that you take particular care during the holiday season fast approaching. People at parties are more prone to drop their iPhones, sit on them, etc. If you are taking your iPhone out partying, we would recommend some case for it.
Do you still believe in the myth that fixing a damaged iPhone is impossible? Then read through the content and make it possible. Yes, you read it right! You can make that unthinkable happen by putting a little effort and by spending a minimum amount.
You can repair your iPhone either on your own or through professional help. Here we are giving you some expert advice on fixing the damages to your iPhone which is broken or shuttered. There are three significant ways through which you can replace or restore your iPhone to a standard or original state. You can use any of the mentioned tricks to restore the initial state of your mobile.
Only an iPhone owner can tell you how great the device is. Indeed it is a great device, but like other phones or devices, it may also become non-functional due to various reasons. One of the common issues is a cracked iPhone which occurs due to the most common human-made mistake. Yes, it is due to an accidental fall of the iPhone. It is entirely possible that the unintentional dropping of the iPhone leads to screen crack of the device.
However, like any other device, your cracked iPhone can also be repairable. Although it is a matter of harassment as you have to find out genuine Cell Phone Battery Replacement Albuquerque who will not run you out of money or breaking your bank. Also, getting it to repair promptly which is a big job itself. If the service you opt for fixing your cracked iPhone, not returning your iPhone on time then it is a disappointment. The reason is you will not be able to use your iPhone which indeed great distress.
Cell Phone Repair Albuquerque
Now if you decided to repair your cracked iPhone, two alternatives are there- you can fix it by yourself or by your friend. Another option is to hire iPhone improving service. If you want to set it by yourself or with the help of your friend, there is a fair chance of ending it up with mess unless you are well aware of iPhone parts and how to fix it. Because to set an iPhone all you need is special tools and knowledge. In lack of knowledge and tools, things may get worse. It is a matter of confusion, whom to hire for fixing cracked iPhone, especially if you are doing it for the first time.
So it is imperative to hire someone who is knowledgeable and trustworthy. The most viable alternative is to choose with a service who are indulged with repairing cell phone as well as the iPhone for the quite a long time. While hiring an iPhone repair service, you may keep your cracked iPhone with them and once it got repair to pick up it. Another option is to mail your cracked-iPhone to their shop once it got fixed they will send back it to you. Only you need to call them time to time to know whether it is ready with them or not.
Click This Site for getting more information related to Cell Phone Repair Albuquerque.
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artskoolie · 6 years
The Idea, The How, and The Road Trip
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Hello! Welcome to The Art Skoolie!
This post is going to be an introduction to the journey my partner and I have had so far in taking steps to convert a school bus into a tiny house. Our goal with this blog is to give interested folks a chance to see the steps, the logistics, the materials, and the methods we are using for our construction process. I will include separate posts that only have links to the appliances, materials, and businesses we are utilizing for our build. I will also mention that this post is not about convincing people to build or otherwise get into tiny houses. We are assuming that you are already excited about the idea, and want to know more. Bear in mind, also, that we are sharing what has worked for us, and we encourage you to use materials or methods that work better for you.
Alright. Anyway, my name is Hannah. My partner’s name is James. We live in Denver, Colorado in a 700 feet squared apartment with our black cat, Grace. We both had accepted a long time ago that we would probably just be paying rent for the rest of our lives; either as rent-rent, or as a mortgage. It is a lifestyle that most Americans have, and it is growing more difficult by the day for the vast majority of us to secure that kind of lifestyle. Owning a condo or a house was the best we thought we would ever be able to do.
I had been struggling to find work for a few months, and we were trying to think of ways that we could consume less. Our electricity bill is calculated by averaging the electricity use of every other tenant in our building. We have so much stuff just lying around, taking up space, that we are really only keeping around in case we might need it sometime in the future if we ever decide we felt like doing it. And, even if we do, we spend forever and a day organizing stuff (again!) so we could just figure out where the one thing is. Our bathroom has a ton of counter space and floor space for the size of apartment that we have, and neither of us spends a ton of time in there. Not to mention the donated goods, garbage, and recycling we generate by making purchases thoughtlessly, and either it rotting or us deciding that we never wanted to do the thing to begin with. Purchasing food more intentionally, cooking more, and not making as many trips to the kitchen equipment section at the thrift store were a start, but still didn’t make the difference we were looking for.
But then, I remembered tiny houses.
I’d heard about tiny houses for years, over the various forms of social media, and thought it was the craziest thing I’d ever heard of. “That sounds like living in a shack!” I thought. “Why would anyone do that?” Strangely, in the last couple of months, YouTube’s algorithms had spat out tiny house videos into my feed, so I checked them out. They highlighted all of the benefits of having fewer, better quality possessions that you use regularly, and not even having room to accumulate crap you’ll never use. At that point, I thought it looked doable, even appealing. “Sure, but only rich people can do that. Look at how much those things cost!” That obstacle was discounted when I saw people building dwellings for $5000 or less. I started thinking about the idea more seriously. I had all sorts of questions that each got answered with relative ease, significantly pruning my initial wariness. (e.g. where will we shower? where will we store everything? how will the bed not be right next to the toilet? where will we wash our clothes? etc.) (Answers: In the shower we install on board; In cleverly placed drawers, cabinets, and on shelves and hanging storage; It doesn’t necessarily have to be; See answer #2)
I was initially scared to bring the idea up to James, because he is such a pragmatist, but the more videos and blogs I saw, the more I realized that people were doing this successfully. Almost all of them had some kind of help in creating their homes, but who in the world never needs help?
Then I saw a video about a couple in/from Australia (I think?) who had bought the man’s childhood school bus and used all salvaged materials to create a little home that suited all of their needs. The two pieces that caught my attention the most were that everything on the bus had been salvaged or built with salvaged materials; and that they had lived on the bus full time and traveled in it for seven years. That was what made my mind up.
When I first floated the idea of living in a tiny house with James, he was skeptical, as I had suspected he might be. However, I showed him some of the content I had seen online from people who had built tiny houses, and answered all the same questions from him that I had had, and he was on board.
Before I go any further, I think this is a good time to acknowledge that building a tiny house is not financially feasible for many people. Most of the stories we have seen involve people who have a large property, or have friends or relatives with a large property, and friends with construction experience or have it themselves. The materials, knowledge, and time required are not something everyone has, and is not the answer for everyone. We both come from relatively privileged backgrounds. Both of us have/had parents with steady jobs that allowed us to grow up in middle-class, relatively safe communities, and we are both white. Not to mention, James’s mother had a job as a younger woman which accrued retirement money; and when she passed away, she left James $30,000. So, what I’m trying to say is, as a result of our socioeconomic backgrounds, we found ourselves in a better position to undertake the cost of building a home. As you will find out, or may already suspect, it is not cheap. It’s much cheaper than buying a house outright in Denver, but it is definitely not cheap.
When we were initially thinking about it, we researched vacant lot prices for building, or parking, a tiny house on. We quickly realized that would be out of the question in Denver if we wanted to have a house on whatever lot we chose. We were stumped.
But then, I remembered the video about the Australian couple who had made a tiny house on a school bus. They had raised the roof, created two sleeping lofts for themselves and their two children, and they even had a kitchen and a place to lounge. It didn’t look cramped at all. In fact, it looked like as reasonable a size as the trailer bed tiny houses we’d been looking at more seriously. James told me about how his parents had had a Volkswagon Vanigan when he was a child, and he used to play around in it and pretend it was his house; so a bus seemed even more appealing.
We thought, “If we can salvage the materials, and spend any money we have on new appliances and lumber for the structural stuff, we could build a house inside an existing bus, which can move around independently while we save money on daily living costs and build up enough money to buy the land we want to build another tiny house.” It was perfect. We were going to convert a school bus.
We started heavily researching construction methods, the process others were using to convert their buses, seeing what people did for water, heat, electricity, choosing a bus that was the right size. We didn’t want one that was too small, as we didn’t want to feel too cramped; but we also didn’t want one that was too long, because it would be more difficult to maneuver, and there would be fewer places to park. We estimated that we would probably find the best size-to-functionality ratio in a school bus twenty-four to thirty-two feet long. We wanted to have the build completed by winter 2019, so we wanted to get started as soon as possible. We were going to be flying to New York to visit my mother in the first week of January, and we figured we could work on finding a bus after we got back from the trip.
We checked out Craigslist for buses in our area, but all of the listings we found had buses that either needed serious mechanical work done or didn’t move at all. Trying not to get discouraged, I checked eBay, figuring there might be some viable listings. Almost immediately, I found one for a 2003 International thirty-foot school bus (DT466 EE engine), with its mechanical work all up to date, being sold from an hour south of where my mother lives. The seller had one hundred percent positive feedback. Growing up with my mother selling her art on eBay for a living, I knew how difficult and important it was to have one hundred percent positive feedback. We contacted the seller and found out that no one had made an offer yet on the bus. Feeling like we’d lost our minds, we made arrangements to meet up with him the following Friday, when we would be in New York. Our plan after we picked up the bus was to drive it home to Denver at the end of our visit. So far, this seemed like the beginning of a long joke.
We flew to New York, touched base with our seller, bought insurance for the bus, and had a whole ordeal with the New York DMV that I will get into in another post. After finding out firsthand how underfunded the New York Department of Transportation is, we drove to our seller’s house, picked up our bus, and drove it to my mom’s, where her landlord was kind enough to let us store it until we left.
On the trip back, both of us quickly got comfortable with driving the bus. The main thing to keep in mind is that, since it is such a large vehicle, it would take more force and more time to maneuver and stop; meaning, keep a safe distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you, check mirrors religiously, and start breaking pretty far away.
About three hours east of Denver, we broke down. The worst thing about this situation was the fact that a nasty snow storm started blowing in a few minutes before, and we were miles from the nearest town. However, we started learning a lot of things about the bus’s engine really quickly, Googling like crazy to figure out what the problem could be. We contacted our seller and told him what happened, and he said that in engines of the type we have, if the oil level got low enough, it would automatically shut off. We were able to get roadside assistance through our insurance after a while (the snow was bad enough that they were delayed in getting to us), and the mechanic who helped us (who is amazing, and I will link his shop at the end) spent an hour hooking our bus up to his tow truck, put oil in the engine, tried and failed to get it to start, and towed us an hour west to Limon. He replaced our fuel filter the next day, it still wouldn’t start, and then towed us to a diesel mechanic ten minutes south of where we live in Denver. (Joe, you are a diamond)
One thing we did not take as seriously as we should have was that our fuel gauge was broken. It was stuck on “Full”. Even though we kept track of the mileage and fueled every three hundred fifty miles or so, we apparently did not fuel often enough. The diesel mechanic, after confirming that the fuel line was functioning properly, was able to determine that we had run out of fuel. Now, I am the first to admit that this situation was completely avoidable and kind of hilarious; but I am also incredibly grateful that we had the help that we did, and that something worse was not wrong.
Anyway, we have a bus now. I will provide more details in the next post about our plans and materials in the future.
Thanks for reading! Please share if you found this post enjoyable or helpful. Feel free to send a message or leave a comment if you have any questions.
My Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MustBeSilly?ref=search_shop_redirect
The bus that clinched it: https://youtu.be/aq7DmqXDXUY
The angel mechanic from Limon, Colorado:
George’s Repair Shop
199 Main Street
Limon, CO 80828
Ask for Joe! Tell him James and Hannah from Denver sent you.
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