#we have woke content here sir
fushipurro · 3 months
The Nature of Depravity
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☆ Synopsis: You were an angel, a saint, one of the most profound icons worshipped by mortal kind. There wasn’t a soul in paradise or the fire below that didn’t know your name. It seemed that everywhere you went, you left behind a trail of all things good.
You were one of the best heaven had to offer ─ up until the day you fell from grace and into the hands of a sinner.
☆ Content: 18+ MDNI, AU - fantasy, religious imagery, mentions of blood/violence, implied murder, biting, creampie, scratching, p in v, foreplay, angst, everyone's bad at feelings, true form sukuna, tonguefucking, loss of virginity
☆ Word Count: 10.7k
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It wasn’t like one day you woke up and decided to rebel against the heavenly utopia.Rather, it happened like any other day while you were making your rounds to several war-torn villages recently burnt to ash. You sought to aid in the recovery of those lucky to survive, but unbeknownst to you at the time, a group of demons were awaiting your arrival.
With one precise throw, they managed to impale one of your wings with iron weaponry, effectively knocking you from the sky. From there, everything that followed seemed to happen in the blink of an eye, and the next thing you knew, you found yourself here ─ bound in chains, brought before the King of Demons.
Ryomen Sukuna.
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Otherwise known as the Fallen, or the Disgraced One, Sukuna was once a proud angel of similar status to your own. It’s unknown how his departure from Heaven came to be. Some claim that he was the bastard child of an unholy couple, while others claim he was never an angel to begin with ─ merely a forked-tongue creature living under the guise of your virtuous ways. At the end of the day, he shed his wings and took over the hellfire realm with unyielding strength.
You stand before him, trapped to an iron pole that burns you to the touch. The metal rod from earlier still marring your wing ─ no doubt broken as it lays flat at your side, oozing with golden, angelic blood.
“What do we have here?” The voice of king stretches across the room, inciting the demons that brought you here to bow in his presence. Something you already have no choice but to do. The intense pain and your lack of energy from the earlier fight affects you greatly now, killing any hope of refusal.
“My lord, we’ve capture this angel we now offer to you.”
“That much is obvious,” Sukuna responds coldly, rolling his eyes. He presses a bored fist to temple. “So what? You’ve come here seeking something from me, haven’t you? Go on, spit it out.”
The demon at your side sputters with nerves before another takes over, “This is no ordinary angel we’ve brought you,” he says, stating your name to the demon king, “We desire your protection, and means for our survival. Our families are poor and struggling to keep those foul humans out of our land.”
There’s a beat of silence, and then the sound of a cruel laughter meant to mock the demons uttering such filth.
“My lord?”
“Quiet,” he commands with no such amusement from moments ago. “If you’re too weak to fight then you deserve to lay down and die. Your kind is meant to be chewed up by the strong.”
“But Sir–“
A flick of his finger, and blood sprays out in all directions, some of its droplets even landing across your face. In the next second, that demon’s head rolls into view. The others behind you gasp in fear, a few even daring to step back only to meet the same demise.
“You’d do well to remember that everything you have belongs to me. Your homes, your land, your lives.” He laughs again. “All of it belongs to your one true king. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind on letting the rest of you live.”
The demons leave in a hurry, and all that remains is both you and the devil.
Sukuna approaches you slowly, like a predator cornering their prey, uncaring that he has to cross a puddle of black demon blood to reach you. With two fingers, he lifts you by your chin, allowing you to drink in the sight of someone who used to be just like you.
Black ink binds to his skin, visible across the expanse of his body from what you can make out. With four arms, and a set of eyes growing from the side of his face, he’s the textbook definition of a demon by human standards. But as an angel, well… you’ve seen more unique creations in the first sphere of your celestial hierarchy. Different doesn’t always have to mean repulsive.
“Such a pathetic sight,” he murmurs, moving your head as though you’re a fruit being examined for its quality. “A broken, pitiful excuse of an angel in my domain.” A grin appears on his face, ripe with his malevolent nature. “How the so-called mighty continue to fall.”
You should bite back. You should be saying something, anything to defend heaven from the one who for whatever reason forsake it, leaving it all behind to become the enemy of virtue. Yet, you’re unable to come up with anything like all your peers would.
Sukuna appears to be studying your expression carefully, finding himself perplexed by your lack of animosity.
“You’re not afraid?” he asks with a hint of curiosity, though his face remains neutral.
“Should I be?” you respond, and without much thought or consideration for the position you’re in. He could do whatever he wants with you, and it would as easy as it is for him to take a life.
He laughs again, letting it echo throughout the throne room.
“Most creatures tremble in fear before me. You even got to see what happens to those who annoy me.” He pauses, revealing sharpened fangs as his grows wide. “And yet, you ask me if you should be afraid. Well, I think the answer is quite obvious, don’t you agree?”
“If it is my fate to die by your hands, then so be it.” As you tell him those words, you feel your strength slipping. The weight of your head sinking deeper into his touch. Even your sight is starting to cloud with black spots.
“Fate? Hah! Don’t make me laugh.” He leans down, mere inches from your face. “You’re just like the rest of your kin, always preaching the gospel of a false king. Your paradise is nothing but a garden of lies.”
You can’t help but wonder from Sukuna’s words what happened to birth such hatred for your shared homeland.
“Being scared would do me no good. In my current state, I pose no threat to you,” you point out. “What reason do I have to fight you?”
He scoffs, “There’s a war going on, and you and I are on opposite sides.”
“That’s never mattered to me.”
He clicks his tongue, swapping the fingers under your jaw with his whole hand. His nails dig into your cheeks, but you can hardly feel it. You can hardly feel anything but coldness.
“I understand if it’s my time; do as you will with me.”
“You speak as if your life holds no value.” He seems to be evaluating you again, tracing his lower set of eyes across your broken wing with scrutiny in his gaze. The other two remain locked with yours. “I wonder if your dear paradise would even allow your return… you may as well be one of the fallen now.”
His words barely register before everything goes black and you succumb to the darkness swelling around your form. You’ve held the hands of many humans on their way into paradise, and many speak of death’s embrace being so warm and inviting.
But all you feel is cold.
So, so cold.
“Sleep well, angel. I’ll be seeing you again soon enough.”
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Slowly but surely, everything starts falling back into place. Reality returning to your lifeless form as you awaken from your slumber.
With a tired groan, you open your eyes to an unfamiliar room. Nothing about where you are screams paradise, and in fact, it’s more of the opposite. Currently, you lay atop a large bed, surrounded by red silk sheets and pillows. The room itself is especially decorated with lavish details and portraits bordered with gold, its imagery ranging from acts of debauchery to icons painted with blood. Something about those specific paintings raises an unsettling feeling in the back of your mind.
“You’re awake,” a voice calls from the doorway. The richness of his voice makes it obvious without turning your head that you’re not actually dead, but still within Sukuna’s castle of sin. “How are you feeling?” he asks, though his demeanor remains calm, devoid of any underlying concern or true empathy.
You try and sit up, but quickly fall back from the pain, almost forgetting the trauma you had been through. You only realize now the number of bandages wrapping your body, the majority contorting your wing into a makeshift sling.
“You saved me?” you ask with disbelief in your tone. You thought for sure your time was up, yet your heart still beats, quicker now in Sukuna’s presence. “Why?”
“Yes, I saved you. And as for why…” He crosses his arm, maintaining his cold stare. “Let’s just say I have my reasons.” A subtle smirk appears.
“Whatever the case may be, thank you, for not letting me die.”
“Don’t mistake my kindness for charity,” he says bluntly. “In due time, you’ll be fulfilling your usage to me. That is the only reason you’re still alive.”
You raise an eyebrow at his words. “What use would you have of me?”
That devilish grin makes a reappearance on his face as he strides closer to the bed, towering over you. “You’ll find out soon enough. For now, you need only to focus on your recovery.”
So much for getting any answers or having any chance of leaving.
“Charity or not ─ I still thank you,” you say back to him, smiling all the while despite the fact you’re now akin to a bird confined in a gilded cage. Better than an iron cell, but not the same as the freedom that calls to you. At the end of the day, however, and for whatever reason he has, he still chose to help you.
“Don’t thank me yet,” he chuckles, eyes darkening. “It’s far too early for that.”
Sukuna’s amusement fades as the doors to your room open, revealing a white-haired servant holding a tray of sorts.
“My lord,” they greet, bowing to the King of Demons.
“Good, you’re here, Uraume. See to her recovery now that’s awake. I have work that needs to be done,” he announces, stepping out of the way for the one called Uraume to approach. Sukuna eyes fixate on you again as their servant helps you sit up. “I’ll warn you now, angel. You’re in my domain.” His tone is stern, full of unspoken promise. “If you so much as try to escape, I’ll clip both of your wings and leave you to rot this time around.”
You can’t help but laugh at the irony in his words. “Don’t worry, I think we both know I’m in no condition to leave. Nor do I plan on trying either.”
Despite the humor of it, one look at your wing is enough to question what life will be like for you from now on. There’s a question that when you recover, will you ever be able to fly again? You can’t help but feel off about the dull coloring of your wings now.
All angels radiate a celestial glow across the span of their perfectly white wings ─ like light scattered through a prism in every hair and fiber. That glow is seemingly gone from yours, and you think you spot some gray forming at the base. To be absent of that symbol of your connection, one can only assume it to be a sign of what’s to come.
“See that you don’t,” he remarks, turning away to let Uraume work.
Uraume makes careful work of changing out your bandages. They work quick and with deft fingers, trying their best not to aggravate your wing further. All the while, you face away towards the head of the bed, hiding your now exposed chest with your arms. You feel them pause, tracing a finger down your back. In your mind, you assume it to be one of the many marks left behind from the demons that captured you, and thus, you don’t focus too much on it.
You fail to notice Sukuna’s gaze transfixed on you from the doorway. Although silent, a darkness looms over his features. He exits the room moments later, shutting the door with more force than necessary, making your body jolt.
It’s a while before Uraume finishes, and they leave you with some fresh fruit to dine on. While you’re supposed to be resting, you find it difficult, especially after learning you’ve already been asleep for several days. That knowledge is precisely why you ditch the sheets to walk out onto the veranda connected to your room.
The moon is high in the sky, basking the courtyard garden with its sheer, red-toned light. Down here in the realm of fire, it’s as though the moon forever mirrors the flames conjured up from demons. That, or it reflects the many pools of blood from a millennium of suffering.
“Don’t you look like a broken bird,” Sukuna comments from behind you. For someone of his stature, it’s a wonder you didn’t hear him approaching.
“In a way, I am,” you muse, moving your eyes forward again. “One that flew too far from her nest.”
“Fallen from the nest and into the hands of a monster, how your precious fate seems to curse you.”
“Monster?” You snap your head in his direction with an incredulous look. “I hope you’re not referring to yourself with that comment.”
“You would deny what I am?” His voice is tinged with arrogance as he comes up beside you, not bothering to spare a glance. “I am the King of Demons, the most despised of life’s creation. How am I not a monster?”
“I’m still alive, aren’t I?” you respond, tilting your head. “Whatever the case may be, you chose to let me live, and even saw to the treatment of my injuries. You could’ve kept me in chains, plucking my feathers one by one, but you didn’t. You even have me in a room made for royalty.”
He scoffs, but you don’t let it stop you from continuing.
“Your title aside, I don’t assume anyone to be a monster ─ only a victim of circumstance. Is someone truly born evil, or is evil nurtured?”
Sukuna appears mildly surprised by your speech, giving you his attention. You spot the hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his lip. “A victim of circumstance, you say?” he repeats with an added air of mockery. “You raise an interesting point, but that doesn’t make you any less of a fool. Tell me, do you believe that because you’re an angel, you’re exempt from the original sin?”
“Not at all,” you answer quickly, and full of conviction. There’s not a drop of fear or hesitation as you openly speak your mind to Sukuna. “All of us ─ angels, demons, humans… we’re all doing what we can with the lives we were given. Angels rise and fall; some sinners beg for forgiveness while others let it define their nature. What’s important to me is how you treat others.”
“By that logic, what of the demons that maimed you? What of me, who has already killed in your presence?” Sukuna refutes. “Most would agree those to be the act of monsters.”
“Does being a demon mean you automatically deserve to be punished for the title you brandish? Does one act define your whole being? The demons who brought me before you sought help and protection ─ for that, I cannot blame them for their actions upon me. What difference is there between heaven and hell if I’m blinded by namesakes instead of looking at all the good and evil that can come from anyone, even of my own kind?”
Sukuna appears almost at a loss of words from your rambling. In truth, he wasn’t expecting such philosophy from someone so high in the celestial hierarchy, but he can see now why the humans would think to praise you as a saint.
“You make it sound so simple… so noble.” He’s looking at you now a deeper gleam in his eyes, intrigued enough to forgive your bold speech to him of all people. Most beings would never get away talking to him like you have after all. “So you would say there’s no difference between you and me after everything you’ve witnessed? How many in heaven would even agree with you?”
“I believe morality is a wild card that’s been muddied one too many times. There’s good and evil in everyone, even the almighty creators that chose to allow lesser beings to suffer in order to achieve growth. I can’t say I know many who would agree with me, but I understand their feelings and I’ll continue to trust in the potential for good.”
“You speak with a passion despite your predicament,” he huffs amusingly. “Still, I must admit, you have a unique way of thinking for an angel that’s uncommonly seen.”
You acknowledge his words with a hum, drifting your eyes to your wings lying flat at your side. “Most likely why heaven doesn’t seem too keen on my return,” you murmur, referencing the missing glow. “In return for saving me, I’ll see if I can be of use to you.” You’ll need a new purpose if you are to fall from grace.
Sukuna chuckles, the sound almost sinister. “An angel, offering her services to a demon. How… poetic.”
Silence takes over as you both admire the red glow of the garden. All that can be heard is running water from the fountain pond, and the occasional splashing of its scaled inhabitants.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You may,” Sukuna responds with one of his lower eyes pointed your way. “Whether or not I’ll answer is a different matter.”
You choose your next words carefully. This back-and-forth debate has been an unexpected treat after the pain you’ve endured to get here.
“You were an angel once too, yes? What happened that led your fall?”
His jaw clenches from the sudden inquiry. “There was a time I too preached the seven virtues; as for how I came to become the monstrosity I am today is a long, dark story.”
After telling you this, Sukuna starts to walk away.
“I see… I hope one day I’ll have the chance to hear it.”
He scoffs, giving you a sidelong stare over his shoulders. “I’ll consider your words, but it’s best now you return to your quarters and rest. Don’t go flying off anywhere.” His twisted laugh echoes from down the halls, and despite the cruelty of it, you can’t help but smile.
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Days pass, and while you’d like to say you’ve gotten into a routine, even an angel like yourself isn’t immune to going stir crazy. To be grounded like this for as long as you have now is unnatural, and as your feathers seem to darken each day ─ so do your thoughts on the situation.
Currently, you’re seated out on the veranda again, admiring the servants working from afar to keep the courtyard clean and the shrubbery trimmed to the king’s liking. There’s a feeling that bubbles from within at the sight of those taking to their wings to reach the heights of certain trees, or cleaning along the palace rooftops. A feeling you aren’t sure just what to call as of now.
“Bored, are you?” That familiar tone reappearing. His arrival is the only bearable part of your stay as he forces you out of your own mind.
“I have the gift of life; I could never be bored,” you state, not taking your eyes off the demons that cling to the skies. “I am however… longing, I’d say.”
Sukuna’s eyes find you, moving from your face down to your wing. You’ve gotten to where you can feel his burning stare at times, even when he’s not around. While it may come off as intrusive, you find it a comfort.
“You miss it, don’t you? Being up in the skies, untethered from the earth.” he asks with understanding, but also that same recurring hint of his typical mockery.
“The wind between each feather, the sights you can only see from above…” You can’t help but sigh at what now feels like a distant memory. You’re certain your wing will recover, but whether you can maintain flight is a mystery in itself until the time is right. “Will you tell me now what purpose you have in keeping me around?”
Purpose is something you need right now to stave off the thoughts.
“Impatient, are we?” He holds your gaze silently for a moment before continuing. “I have my reasons, but I’m not ready to divulge them. For now, let me make it clear that you’re too valuable of a prize for me not to keep around.”
“A prize, huh?” You ponder the thought, leaning your body against one of the columns for support. “Am I even worthy if my connection to paradise has been severed?” you mumble on instinct, not intending for him to hear such thoughts you never knew you had.
He does though, and it leads to him furrowing his brows, and averting his stare to elsewhere in his domain.
“Who cares about heaven?” he starts, keeping his voice low and full of what you believe to be spite. You wouldn’t be surprised if he rolled his eyes as well. “Even if they abandoned you, your existence still holds value to me. Fallen or not, you’re a walkingcontradiction that’s piqued my interest. As far as I’m concerned, heaven was holding you back from your true potential.”
Moments like these are why you’ll argue with him for as long as necessary to prove he’s more than what he makes himself out to be.
“Is that so?” You smile. His eyes flicker back to you at the sound of your giggling. “You’re something else, you know that?”
Sukuna finds himself grinning as well. “Am I?” he questions while reaching to your feathers, running his fingers along them with a delicate touch. “And what would that be in your eyes?”
“The best way I can explain it is that you’re simply you ─ Sukuna.” You lean back one hand, gesturing with the other. “You try and present yourself as some monstrous demon that burns everything you touch, but here you are treating me with such care. I don’t doubt your strength, but I believe there’s more to you than meets the eye.”
“You’re a perceptive one, I’ll give you that, angel.” A beat of silence, and the flash of what could be read as vulnerability in his typically guarded demeanor. “But remember, I’m still a demon. My nature is not a kind one, so don’t go forgetting that detail.”
You chuckle, “I won’t, but I stand by my point. It’s my nature to see the good in everything that shares the same life as me.”
“Sounds tiring,” he deadpans, rolling his eyes. He removes his hand from your wing, tucking it back into his robe.
“Tiring? Oh contraire.” You smirk, feeling a spark of confidence ─ and maybe some defiance. “Do you only see the bad in everything? Always assuming the worst of others and thus feel the need to extinguish their life before they have a chance to bear their fangs? That to me seems tiring if you must always need your guard up.”
His face darkens considerably, and you realize too late that you’ve struck a nerve.
“You know nothing of what I’ve been through or why I do the things I do, so don’t pretend that you do,” he spits. The underlying wrath in his tone has your feathers puffing up. “Power is all that keeps me alive and keeps me going in this god-forsaken world. When you’ve been betrayed and hunted like I have, you learn quickly that you can only truly rely on yourself and not to trust others, especially not an angel.”
Guilt pangs in your chest alongside hurt from his choice words. You don’t regret what you said, but you maybe regret the timing of it, or not having considered his feelings before letting it all out. Life isn’t as fair to everyone as it might’ve been for you, but his anger has shown you the likelihood that his lifestyle was something nurtured ─ not the nature of sin one might argue.
He couldn’t have been born evil. It had to have been the acts of others that left him no choice but to become the embodiment of said evil.
And you can’t blame him for it, nor can you turn back time to right all of the wrongs. Fate must have brought you here for a reason, and in time you hope Sukuna realizes he doesn’t have to suffer alone. Even if he never pleads for forgiveness, you’ll show him that life is more than the negatives.
“I apologize if I upset you.” You stand up from your seat, tipping your head. A sudden act of submission even he can’t argue with. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be returning to my quarters now to rest.”
His glare seems to soften, if only a slight change. “…Fine. Go rest,” he quietly sighs, shifting back towards his garden view.
You take your leave, unknowingly leaving behind one of your fallen feathers in your previous spot. Sukuna notices this, lifting it to the moon’s light, watching it filter through the hairs. He kisses his teeth before stalking back to his own quarters across the yard.
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You don’t see Sukuna much after that, almost like he’s trying to avoid you. Is he really that upset with you? It begs the question whether he still wants you around, or if his anger outweighs your worth enough to kill you and be done with it.
It’s another night where you find yourself out in the garden, enjoying the semblance of freedom it offers. You no longer have a bandage around your wing ─ which now is half covered in shade coloring ─ and Uraume has instructed you to begin stretching it to work back into a routine of physical therapy.
It can’t hurt to see if you can at least lift yourself off the ground, right?
So, you stand at the center of what appears to be Sukuna’s training grounds, as it offers plenty of space to move. With the moonlight against your back, you stretch out your wings in full, covering a good portion of the area around your body. You feel nervous yet eager to fly, enough to push past the dull pain you feel when you finally begin to lift yourself up off the ground.
Already you’re sweating ─ so out of shape from rest ─ but you don’t want to give up. It’s too soon and knowing now you can be off the ground makes you hopeful that this is the day you can take to the skies again. Only you don’t realize how much strain you’re putting on yourself, and how your unharmed wing must compensate more fiercely.
“Come on…” you strain, flapping harder than before when a sudden jolt of pain pierces through your wing, sending you crashing back into the dirt with a yelp. It only gets worse as your weight ended up landing on your recovering wing.
“You idiot!” Sukuna appears, shouting with alarm as he comes up to your side. His usual calm demeanor having been replaced with both anger and concern. “You’re not fully healed yet, what were you thinking?” he snarls, forcing you to sit up off your crooked wing.
You start to tear up from the pain, feeling a wave of emotions crashing into you all at once. Feelings you never knew existed outside humanity. You let it all out by sobbing into the dirt, and out of sheer frustration, you begin clawing at it too, angrily flapping your wings like a child throwing a tantrum.
Sukuna is surprised by your sudden outburst. The sound of your tears and the flapping of your wings is like a desperate cry for the freedom you once felt. He grabs at your shoulders, commanding you with his voice, “Cut it out, you’re only making it worse.”
“It’s already worse!” you shout back at him, surprising him yet again with this new side of you. “Let’s face it, Sukuna ─ my wing is ruined, I’m falling into ruin, there’s nothing left of me!” Your cracked voice tears through the garden, its serenity now clouded in the anger and hopelessness you feel.
This is the first moment of your life you’ve ever felt suffering like the mortals you’ve guided, and for the reason to be something as selfish as self-loathing… it shows how far you’ve fallen from grace.
“Stop being dramatic,” he growls. “If you don’t give yourself time to heal, then how can say for certain you’ll never fly again?”
You throw yourself into Sukuna’s front, unsure how else to cope with the weight of your emotions. An angel seeking comfort in a demon. You may be free falling into sin, but you have to agree with the poetry of it like Sukuna suggested.
He wasn’t expecting you to suddenly cling to him, but besides the mild annoyance he feels, he doesn’t make any moves to push you away. His awkward embrace is warmer than you would’ve thought, but this is the ruler of flames we’re talking about.
You don’t feel as cold as you have when he arms shield you from the world, and the depths of your mind.
When your tears settle and your breathing mellows, Sukuna lifts you from the ground with ease. He carries you back to your room, placing you gently down onto the edge of your bed. His hand moves with practiced care to your wing, feeling for any discomfort. You wince of course, and he lets a frustrated sigh after a minute of testing.
“I’ll send Uraume in to deal with this,” he tells you, and you notice his tone lacks the usual authority or contempt. He shifts his gaze from your wing to your face, reading for any signs of life in your distant eyes. “How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know,” you reply, and it’s the truth. As an angel, you were designed to only feel emotions such as humility, kindness, patience… but now you don’t know what to label yourself with, or how to get through it. “What’s wrong with me?” you ask, not daring to look up from your knees.
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” One of his hands comes up under your jaw, lifting your chin to meet his crimson gaze. All four eyes staring into yours with the visage of understanding. “You’ve lost your light is all.”
Your light, your home, your paradise.
“I’ve lost everything.”
“You’re still alive, aren’t you?” His thumb traces your skin.
“Is that even worth it anymore? I’m no prize in this state, merely a broken bird like you had claimed.”
He furrows his brows, annoyed that you’re using his words against him as you wave the proverbial white flag with your voice.
“Don’t talk like that,” he snaps ─ harsh, but a necessary evil. “If you had no value, I would’ve killed you long ago. You have the mindset I’ve only seen in one other of your kind, and your knowledge and resilience are quite admirable in my eyes.” He lets go of your chin, stepping away from the bed. As he moves to leave, he stops, and without turning to look at you he says, “In time, you’ll realize how worthy you are.”
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You weren’t sure if it could get any worse, but as the days continue to pass, you feel yourself sinking deeper into the abyss that is your psyche.
Uraume has been hovering around more often than not, urging you to stay in bed and rest, but you hate it. You hate this feeling of being powerless, of being empty, of not being able to live as you once had. From the moment you could fly, you were wandering the human realm, helping everyone you came across from the largest of creatures to the smallest of insects.
It’s your nature to help others no matter the cost. What’s not is putting yourself first. But now, everything’s changing ─ faster than you could have ever imagined.
You think this is what humans would refer to as fear, and what an unpleasant feeling it is.
Sukuna comes by every day, sometimes more than once to check in on you, and each time he finds you in the same, curled up position with your face buried in the silk.
He’s had enough of this slothful behavior.
“You need to eat, angel,” he says firmly, tapping his finger loudly on the bed post.
“’m not hungry,” you respond, though your voice is muffled and weak.
He lets out a frustrated sigh, and the force he puts into tapping his finger threatens to crack the wood. “You can’t just ignore your needs forever,” he retorts, “You need to eat, now.”
“Why do you care so much?” You don’t mean for the words to sound as harsh as they do, but luckily Sukuna is a patient man, most of the time.
“I didn’t save you just to watch you die in such a pathetic, mortal way.”
“Haven’t I always appeared pathetic since the day we met?” Bound in chains, bloodied with no celestial shine. Weak, broken, a pitiful excuse of heaven’s most revered angel. Complete, and utterly pathetic.
He kisses his teeth. “You’ve had your moments, but if you weren’t so busy feeling sorry for yourself, then you would see all that you are. All that you can be now.”
You’re silent for a few moments as you ponder his words. His unrestraint in speaking his mind may not always be a virtue, but it’s a comfort you’ve come to welcome all the same.
You turn your head his way and ask, “Was it like this for you when you fell from grace?”
“I wasn’t moping like you are, if that’s what you mean.” He then sighs and takes a seat along the edge of the bed, cautious in avoiding your sprawled out wing ─ which has become increasingly black as the days pass by. “But yes, I too had to overcome human emotion to get where I am now. It won’t last forever, I assure you.”
“You were right before,” you murmur, staring past Sukuna into your view of the garden. “I don’t know all the struggles you’ve had to face, or anyone for that matter. It doesn’t matter if I’ve visited one village or a thousand burnt to ash. Until now, I’ve never truly felt pain like this in my heart.”
Both set of eyes look down at you, but not in the sense that you’re beneath him. His gaze is understanding, regretful even for how he spoke to you before. You’ve stirred up Sukuna’s emotions without realizing, forcing him to come to terms with how he feels.
“What you’ve seen in the past has always been the aftermath of war. Until you’ve faced suffering yourself, you never would understand the pain behind it.” There’s a bitterness lacing his words as he remembers that period of his life prior to becoming king.
The moment that changed the course of his life forever.
“For whatever you’ve been through, I’m so sorry.” Tears rush down the side of your eyes, collecting into the sheets. “I always believed heaven had everyone’s backs, even those who hadn’t redeemed themselves, but I was wrong, so wrong. I’m just as guilty as every other celestial being for turning a blind eye and letting you suffer.”
Sukuna’s demeanor softens up at your apology, and he reaches a sharpened nail out to catch one of your tears. “Your apology is unnecessary… but I appreciate it nonetheless.”
The two of you sit in silence as you let the tears flow freely. The only sound aside from your own being the windchime Uraume had put up along the garden doors one evening. It’s the normal glass bulb shape, but the papery sheet that catches the wind is black, with red-spider lilies painted across. The flower’s coloring continuously reminds you of another with that same hue painted four times over.
Your stomach eventually disrupts the scene, cueing what you both were already aware of.
“Sounds like someone’s hungry; are you going lie again?” he teases, now poking his finger into your back.
“I guess I could try and eat something,” you playfully reply, moving to sit up. You feel discomfort immediately in your head, your vision darkening in turn from how long it’s been since you’ve last had a proper meal.
“Rest,” he orders after noticing your grimace. “I’ll have food brought to you immediately.”
Before he gets too far, you call out to him, “Sukuna?” He turns, giving you his attention. “Thank you,” you tell him, the moonlight hitting your face just as you smile. Its red glow is accentuated by your glossy cheeks, almost like a blush.
“You’re welcome,” he replies gruffly, but with the hint of his own smile hidden buried under his scarf.
From there, the days only get easier. Resting has felt less of a routine, and with Uraume’s help, physical therapy has been going well. There’s plenty of new growth in the form of pinfeathers across your wingspan, and the oldest of such white at the very tips still. It appears your broken wing will forever remain deformed ─ no thanks to the stunt you pulled ─ but you find yourself embracing the change.
The same can be said for many things now in your new life, such as how you’ve come to enjoy the night over day. The moon’s light is a comforting touch, as is the serenity felt in the late hours. You let that light guide your fingers across your wings, preening the darkened feathers to look your best.
Another change you’ve noticed are the appearance of marks stemming from the center of your back. According to Uraume, they were present at the time of your arrival, but since then have grown to wrap around your body in a filigree type pattern. You’re reminded of Sukuna’s own markings as you examine your body, and you’ve begun to question if this is how heaven marks their fallen.
Reaching the feathers closest to that part of your body is a challenge, and one you’re struggling to overcome. Angels typically preen each other’s wings in a show of chastity, and companionship. You’re certain Uraume would help if you ask, but the idea stirs a sense of intimacy now for whatever reason.
“Having trouble there?” Sukuna’s voice cuts through the night from behind you as always, making you jolt in surprise.
“Oh– uhh, yeah, just a bit.”
“It’s not an easy task reaching those feathers on your own, is it?” he muses with a snickering laugh. His footsteps are silent as he comes ever closer to the edge of the veranda.
“It isn’t, but I’m positive there’s feathers there ready to be unfurled.” You have a focused look on your face as you try once more to bend your arms in outrageous ways to try and reach.
“Let me help,” he says, brushing your hands away.
Sukuna doesn’t wait for your response before his fingers deftly land on the center of your back. His touch sparks a shiver down your spine, arching yourself upright. Your wings have never felt this sensitive before and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep them steady for him to work.
There’s a sudden influx of emotions you don’t recognize bubbling up, and a heat that pools in the base of your body. At times, it feels like Sukuna is purposely working slow to make your feathers all nice and pretty. His knuckles brush you in a way that hitches your breath.
He hums closely by your ear, “Your wings are quite sensitive here, aren’t they?”
Has his voice always sounded so melodic? So intoxicating? From the way he laughs at your reaction, you can tell he’s enjoying himself. Like he knows what’s going on in your mind.
He does.
You shoot up from your position with sudden urgency. “T-thanks for the help Sukuna, if you’ll excuse, I’ll see you later and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your night!” you stammer out with the hurry of a freefalling eagle, retreating back into your quarters before he has any chance to respond.
Sukuna can’t say he wasn’t caught off guard by this, but at the sight of your reddened face and eyes desperate to avoid his ─ he’ll forgive you.
On the other side of your folding screen door, you fall to your knees in a near pant to catch your breath whatever that was about. Temptation has never looked so good than in the form of Ryomen Sukuna, for all that he is. And while you came so close to the edge of a decadent abyss, you realized something.
You’ve grown fond of Sukuna, and in ways that can only be described with one word.
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From the window view of his study, Sukuna catches you out of the corner of his eyes stepping out from your room and into the courtyard. He doesn’t think much of it having gotten used to you being at the core of his picturesque view night after night. The moment he realizes you’re heading towards his training yard, however, is the same moment he ditches the scroll he was reading to follow..
He’s aware Uraume has given you the all-clear to attempt flight, but that was but a few hours before now. Truthfully, he should’ve known better. Of course you’re going to start right away.
Leaving his study, he makes haste to catch up, hoping to avoid what happened last time. He stands at the edge of the arena stealthily, watching as you stretch your now fully black wings to their limits. The first few flutters betray the confidence you showed in your steps to this place. He can tell you’re fighting a battle in your mind, but to Sukuna ─ those thoughts are useless.
“Why did you stop?” he asks, closing the distance after watching you deflate to your knees into the dirt.
“What if I get hurt again?” you confirm his inner thoughts with that meek voice. Foolish angel.
“What if you do?” he retorts, blunt as ever. “Are you just going to stay grounded forever because you’re afraid of a little pain? You’ve come this far; it would be a shame to give up now.”
“I don’t want to be on the ground ─ hell, I’ve been waiting for this day for so long and now that it’s here…” Your voice trails off, falling back to the low, despairing tone. “I’m afraid it won’t be the same.”
“It won’t be the same,” he says with an added huff. If anyone is in the position to give tough love, it’s Sukuna. “You will always carry that scar”-he gestures with a pointed claw at your wing-“a reminder of your fall, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fly. You won’t know until you get back up in the air.”
“But if I can’t, then what use could I possibly be?”
Sukuna crosses his upper pair of arms, leaving his lower pair to hang off his waist, one finger tapping away at the fabric at his hip. You’re in despair, and your main concern is whether you’re useful or not?
If you were anyone else, he wouldn’t think twice about making you his next meal. The weak are meant to be chewed up, but why can’t you see the potential you have already? (It’s standing right in front of you after all with a scowl on their face.)
“If wings were the defining point of who you are, then would you claim me to be useless?”
The day Sukuna fell from grace was the same day he tore his own wings from his back, tossing aside the last reminder of that accursed realm to embrace his demonic half in full.
“Of course not!” you refute with the same fire he saw when you argued how he isn’t not a monster. You’re not a lost cause yet if you can still manage that passion.
“Then get up and show me what you’re made of,” he commands. “You’re an angel ─ albeit a fallen one. Not the same broken bird you were before.”
Your eyes flash with realization, and with newfound determination, you’re back on your feet.
“Okay,” you breathe. “I just need to return to my roots.”
“Return to your roots? What exactly do you mean?”
“You said it yourself,” you casually say in passing, walking over to where the courtyard backs up against the edge of a cliff overlooking Sukuna’s domain. “I may be damaged, but I’m still a bird, aren’t I?”
Sukuna’s eyes widen.
“And where exactly are you going with this, dove?”
You can’t possibly be doing what he thinks you’re going to do. He doesn’t want you to get hurt, but he also wants you to see this through. Impressive, angel. A manic grin appears.
“Sometimes all a bird needs is for their parent to push them from the nest. Dive right in, even if you’re too afraid to try.”
You spread your arms out with your wings, backing off the edge and into freefall.
Sukuna’s at the cliff’s edge in a fraction of a second, his heart beating uncharacteristically loud in his chest as he watches you fall. It’s a harrowing sight, even for him, but the relief he feels when you manage to catch the wind between your feathers is unlike the emotions he felt before your arrival. Since that day, it’s like he’s had to fall from grace all over again with you, only that much harder this time around.
His smile doesn’t falter either, morphing from smug arrogance to a proud shine. The way you’ve taken to the skies is like you never left. If Sukuna’s domain is fire, then yours is the air that fans the flames in a mesmerizing dance. With a heavy thrust, you push yourself up ─ higher than his palace and the mountain’s peak before diving back down, returning to Sukuna’s side.
“I did it,” you mumble victoriously, a crazed grin of your own that Sukuna loves to see. “I did it!” you repeat, this time turning that smile towards Sukuna, with eyes brighter than any glow a halo could muster.
“See what happens you don’t give up?”
You lunge forward, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. “Thank you, Sukuna,” you tell him breathlessly.
He finds himself liking this moment better than when you soaked his robes with tears.
“For what?” he asks, placing a hand on the crown of your head.
“For the care, the healing, the late-night conversations… for everything. For saving me.” Your arms tighten almost possessively around him. “You’ve shown me a kindness like no one before, and I am forever in your debt.”
Sukuna brushes his hand from your hair down to your jawline, tilting your head upwards. Something about the way your eyes shine from his doing makes his cold heart feel that much warmer.
“What kind of saint or angel are you to find kindness in a beast like me?” he mutters, lowering his head closer to yours.
“Like you said ─ a fallen angel, but an angel nonetheless.” His face now a mere breath away from yours. “And like I’ve told you ─ I see you only for what you are, demon or not. To me, you’ve always been just Sukuna.”
The moment your lips meet is when the cord connecting you to paradise officially snaps, thrusting you into an unholy matrimony. You feel a burning sensation come along the markings that brandish you, but it doesn’t hurt. Right now, all that runs through your blood is one thing, and one thing only.
As your body rises in heat, so does the intensity of your kissing. You’re doing whatever feels right, and most of all good. Sukuna feels this, just as you feel his lips smiling against your own. His tongue dips into your mouth and for the first time in your life, your body lets off a moaning sound.
It drives Sukuna near feral hearing it, and with his lower pair of arms he tugs you close to body, enough to feel his own desire straining for relief. His mind is quickly becoming a mess of both need and longing.
He pulls you down with him to the ground, settling you over his hips with your legs at either side. Those same hands now driven with lust roam your body in tangent with yours that have found their way to his chest, feverishly working to unveil his body. He grows tired of the struggle, and in a split second he severs your robes clean off, and his to follow. Only now do your lips part, leaving a string of drool to keep you connected.
The moon offers the perfect glow needed to highlight your features. He leans back onto his elbows, admiring the rise and fall of your heated chest, the red hue clinging to your feathers, the half-lidded stare revering his own sculpted figure… there’s only one word that comes to mind when he sees your soul laid out before him.
“Beautiful,” he says breathlessly and in full confidence. His upper set of hands trace your sides before coming into contact with your chest. He brushes the padding of his thumbs over each nipple. His other two hands holding you by the hips, pulling you down deeper onto his core. “Oh, so beautiful, my sweet angel.”
You gasp at the feeling of something twitching below you ─ or rather, somethings. The sound makes Sukuna groan again with pleasure, the slit along his stomach opening to reveal a second mouth before your very eyes. To others, this would be enough to incite fear. But for you, it only ignites a fire between your thighs.
“Come here,” he demands, rhetorically it seems as he pulls you right over the freshly parted maw. A thick tongue flicks upward along your sex, frazzling your mind with symphony of whines. He groans again ─ much deeper this time ─ feeling his four eyes roll back into his head. “I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that you would be the most divine tasting meal I’ve had to date.”
Sukuna finds himself struggling to keep you still as his tongue enters your body. It’s at this moment the veil of your chastity is no more, your purity claimed by the King of Demons.
Your body continues to squirm as his tongue shifts around your velvety walls, your wings continuously twitching and fluttering when it taps your sweet spot.
“So sensitive,” he laughs with that familiar mocking sound, but his eyes show only a carnal need with how pleasantly you respond to his touch.
“Feels s’good,” you mewl, a breathy sigh staggering out. You try to balance yourself with your hands, digging into his shoulders with talon-like grip.
“Yeah?” He continues to toy with your breasts, pulling one into his mouth. The feeling of his teeth grazing your flesh ─ eager to mark ─ has you gasping once more. “I know it does, you needy girl.”
“I need you,” you confess with a depraved stare that’s only heightened by the glow of the bloodied moon. It’s so close to mirroring his own, like your soul has already been claimed by the devil himself. After your purity, that’s the next step in this journey of love.
He chuckles, slithering his tongue back into his mouth. “Let’s see if you can handle me then without breaking.”
You’re confused at first what he means until suddenly you’re lifted into the air, watching as he pulls both cocks from his hakama. You knew they were big, but you had thought it was due to how they stacked over the other. How wrong you were to not expect the nine-foot-tall demon to be as equally blessed below.
“What do you think?” he teases, tilting his head to the side slightly.
“Why don’t you let me show you what I’m made of? I’m tougher than I look, you know.”
“Good girl. That you are,” he praises, helping you align yourself with one of his cocks. “I look forward to seeing you worship me with your body.”
It doesn’t take much for you to sink down onto him in full, your cunt a dripping mess thanks to his saliva and your freshly discovered arousal ─ like an untapped spring now bursting forth. There’s little pain that follows from the stretch, your body instead erupting with pleasure. It’s as though you were made for him. That your purpose in life was always to please him in every way possible. Everything you experienced so far was to bring you to this very moment in time.
“Embrace your instinct,” Sukuna says as he guides your starting motions. “Let it fuel your potential.”
You work with his motions, eyes fluttering shut at the incredible sensation. “I’m so full,” you sigh, and he chuckles.
“You’re doing so well; I knew you had it in you,” he purrs. “Soon enough you’ll be taking both in one hole. Would you like that?” You clench hard around him at that, and he can tell you’re getting ever closer.
“W-w-what is this feeling?” You move your hand downwards with unknown purpose to where his body meets yours, fingers gliding along his upper shaft, down every vein, and even rubbing it against your own clit for more of that wonderous sensation that’s building.
Using his own dick to pleasure yourself? My, how far you’ve fallen into his sinful embrace. The primal need he has for you is exceeding what he thought possible. How perfect you are for him ─ a match made in hell.
“It’s euphoria, my dear. Heaven,” he mutters gruffly, hissing with pleasure. “Let it break you and I promise you’ll feel better than ever before.”
“I need you, ‘Kuna.” Your voice comes out as a pleading whine that hitches his breath. The words a desperate plea for something you’re still learning to embrace.
“Tell me what you want, angel,” he growls, his eyes searing into yours. A set of hands glide upwards, one over your breast, the other at the base of your skull. “Say it,” he commands this time, pointed nails digging into your flesh, pushing even deeper into your body.
“I want you ─ no, I need you, Sukuna,” you declare with such staggering force to match your desire.
“Then you’ll have me. All of me,” he responds in turn, flashing his canines greedily. “So take me, angel. Take me for whatever you need.”
That’s all you need to feel your inhibitions slip away. You lean forward until his back is against the ground, kissing him from his lips down to his neck, feeling an urge like no other to sink your teeth into his flesh ─ to mar him as yours.
“More,” you mumble, moving your hips faster, intent on reaching that cascading high. “More, more, I need all of you, ‘Kuna.”
“You’ll have it all. Everything,” he promises in the form of a whisper, so close to your ear. “As much as you need, as much as you desire. I’ll give you everything the world has to offer if you stay by my side.”
You dig your nails into his body as your own begins to unravel before him. Waves of pleasure crashing down with all its might as you preach his name for all to hear. Tears slip from your eyes as you curl in around him, and he soaks each one up with his tongue as you ride out the high.
“Fuck, you’re so… divine,” you purr a sinful tune. “Nothing ─ not even in paradise ─ has ever made feel this way.”
Forget being an angel. In the state you are now, Sukuna believes you could put a succubus to shame. You feel and look so incredible on top of your new throne. Divine as you put it.
“You feel like heaven yourself,” he claims through ragged breaths. “Everything about you is addicting; you’re a drug I can’t get enough of. Mark my words, I’m going to indulge myself in your soul for all eternity.”
“Take me then. Claim me, ruin me, I don’t care so long as you make me yours.”
Fuck, if you knew the power you have over him.
“You’re already mine,” he hisses, and before you can blink, your positions are swapped. His figure towering over yours. “But incase that wasn’t already obvious, I’ll prove it to you here.”
Sukuna leans his head down, kissing you on the lips. The calm before the storm that’s to come.
“I’m going to claim you and make you completely and utterly mine.” He pulls his hips backwards, leaving only the head of his cock inside you. “…and I’m not going to stop until you’re completely wrecked, completely mine.”
Sukuna thrusts forward, slamming his hips into you. There’s no second to spare, no second to adjust before he does it again and again, forcing you to cry out to the heavens how good he’s making you feel. It serves them right for abandoning you, leaving him to pick up the pieces. It’s the only thing he’ll thank that pathetic realm for, because you truly are one of the most divine creations to have existed alongside himself.
It isn’t enough for you yet it seems, no matter how rough he’s being. Your legs try and wrap around him, but you’re only hindering yourself. So, with two arms, he lifts your legs to your chest, placing his knees at your side. This new position allows him to reach even deeper, fulfilling what he knows you need.
He lowers his forehead to press against yours, sharing the air you command like a goddess those beautiful, encapsulating wings of yours. If you can’t wrap your legs around him, you at least try it with your wings. Like a moth’s cocoon, making this moment in time all your own. So selfish; it’s exactly what he’s wanted to see.
“Who’s making you feel this good?” he asks, his hips refusing to slow. If anything, they’re only getting faster ─ more erratic in nature.
“You are!” you cry out.
“And who do you belong to?”
“Say it,” he growls, and you know exactly what he means.
“I’m yours, Sukuna! Only yours!”
“That’s right,” he chuckles darkly, drawing out his words. “You’re mine. Mine to do with as I please, mine to claim and take forever.” His voice is strong, carrying his decree like the word of the gods. “Do you see now the prize that you are to me?”
You nod your head feverishly, scraping your nails along his back. Your wings flutter with frenzy at the incoming high you both are flying so close to reach.
“So. Damn. Divine,” he groans between thrusts, almost threatening to truly break you if he isn’t careful. “You’re going to take every last drop of me, aren’t you?”
“Please, please, please, I want it all,” you plead and whimper, drool spilling out the sides of your mouth. “I want all of you.”
He bites down on your neck before stilling inside you, a rush of warmth hitting you both inside and out. You open your mouth in a silent scream at the force your climax hits you with. Desire overwhelming you from the depths of your being. Near the end, Sukuna slowly rocks his hips into you, fucking his seed back into you before leaning back to admire the view of your stomach painted in white.
As he does, you notice the blood trickling from his mouth is black in color. No longer the same angelic gold it once was.
“I love you, Sukuna,” you confess, making him smile with that all too familiar arrogance you’ve come to love, just like him. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life until now. I’ve found purpose again with you.”
“I told you that in time your worth would be realized.” He pulls out from your body, casually pushing his seed back inside with hand. His stomach mouth opens, splaying out his second tongue to clean himself off the front of your body. “You have the makings of a queen ─ one who could stand by my side through the end of time.”
When he’s finished cleaning you off, he helps you up onto your knees. You then take to embracing him in your arms, and even your wings just to hold him close to your heart. “I never realized how constricting the heavenly principles were until you set me free. Thank you for showing me how life should be lived.”
Sukuna tightens his four arms around you, feeling that same possessive desire in his chest that goes beyond carnal need. There’s pride in his eyes to know what he’s taken from those bastards above. Nothing compares to you.
“You don’t need to thank me; you were made to be free. True paradise is removing all restraints to live as you please under no guiding order. Strength is power, and you’ve found it at last.”
“This right here is better than any paradise I’ve seen.” Sukuna feels your smile growing against his chest.
“Damn right it is,” he laughs, grinning like the devil he is.
And who would’ve imagined that heaven’s most revered angel, the guiding saint of humanity, would have fallen from grace, and into the hands of the sinner you love more than life itself now.
Fate is a fickle thing, and you know that now.
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In the days that followed that night to remember, new changes began sprouting up. Symbols of your life renewed, risen from ash.
For starters, your wings have taken on an iridescent glow ─ like a black devil boa. No one, not even Sukuna has ever heard of such a thing happening to a fallen angel, but it’s become just another feature that makes his proudness of you show.
You’re one of a kind, and entirely his.
Your old room and clothes are no more. Now, you wear only the best money can buy, tailored perfectly to your form. Sukuna’s hoard contains many riches on top of gold, including a stockpile of gems he’s taken to adorning you with. All are reminiscent of his ruby red eyes ─ perfectly fitting with you. He’s a king in every way, always eager to indulge in the pleasures life has to offer.
You trot through the halls of his palace, making way to his throne. You’re eager to be reunited after a morning spent dancing in the skies, your heart tugging you to his side. He’s hosting an audience by the looks of it, but that doesn’t stop all four of his eyes from landing on you as you enter.
“Perfect timing, angel.” He smiles wickedly, displaying his vampiric fangs in full. “Come and take a seat, the show has only just begun now that you’re here.”
At his words, you come bounding up the bone-riddled steps, arriving before him. Sukuna’s hand reaches out, guiding you to rest atop one of his thighs. That hand remains on the small of your back, with another resting on your own inner thigh ─ his thumb rubbing shapes into the plush.
“You remember these demons, I’m sure?” You turn your head and look down, finding the very demons who had brought you here in the first place. They don’t dare meet your eyes as their gaze bores into the marbled floors. “You see, they’ve come demanding a meeting with me. They seem to be hoping I’ll reward them now with something other than their lives for bringing you to me.”
“Is that so?” you muse, ultimately ignoring their presence as your lips meet Sukuna’s with passion, your hands resting on either side of his jaw. “What do you think of that, my king?”
He chuckles, “I think they were foolish to try and demand me to do anything for them.” Sukuna snaps his fingers once, filling the room with an intense warmth. Fire has never looked more beautiful than when it reflects into yours from the depths of his eyes. The weight of his soul, resting between the palms of your hands.
“Wouldn’t you agree, my queen?”
You do, because all that matters now is one thing, your purpose, pleasure, and every depraved feeling in between ─ Sukuna himself.
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☆ Notes: got inspired by a sukuna c.ai bot by @ vittovitto with a similiar premise
I like to imagine that as angels who live by the 7 virtues, that when they fall, they go through like an awkward werewolf kinda phase like I’ve detailed where they start to feel each of the 7 sins. Kinda liked a fucked up puberty with all the hormonal changes idk, I thought it was cool when I thought of it.
Overall though, I had a REALLY fun time writing this. I’ve always loved the idea of fallen angel Sukuna but writing about biblical stuff throws me off a bit. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did while I force myself to get back into my other five ongoing series!!!
song inspo: heaven's a lie - lacuna coil | parade's lust - granblue fantasy (i'm horny for belial, what can i say)
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draconic-desire · 4 months
DD’s Yandere Poll Series: Surviving the Yan!Penacony Boys (based on this post)
Rules/warnings: Read the below scenario and pick your answer or comment your own reaction. Dark content ahead!
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Incident #3 — The Interrogation
Bright light floods your vision, eliciting a hiss as you repeatedly blink to regain your senses. Shielding your eyes is useless; your hands are pinned tightly behind your back, your wrists already starting to throb.
Once your eyes adjust, you find yourself tied to a chair, arms and legs bound to the wooden frame with thick rope. A few tugs and attempted kicks lead you to quickly relent that your bindings aren’t budging.
Shaking the fuzz from inside your head, you examine your surroundings.
While most of the room is cloaked in shadows, your chair is illuminated with a bright spotlight, highlighting the laminated flooring beneath your feet. Directly in front of you stands a long bar, perched upon a podium to elevate any individual behind it. The room is completely bare otherwise, giving a cold, clinical appearance.
How in the Aeons’ names did I end up here?
“Ah, you’ve finally regained your senses.”
You jolt, the voice to your left sending gooseflesh across your skin. It’s deep, full of condescension and authority, and almost certainly male. Sweat trickles down your neck.
Confirming your suspicions, a tall, muscular figure steps from the shadows beside you.
Your already rapid heartbeat skyrockets. Despite his scowl, the man is undeniably handsome—golden eyes to complement his dark purple locks, full lips and strong, toned arms on display thanks to his single-sleeved attire. You’d typically be blushing as he grips the back of your chair with one arm and leans down close to your face, if it weren’t for the unwelcome and compromising position you’re in.
You struggle to swallow. “I—um, sir, there must be some mistake—”
“You are (Y/n) (L/n), are you not?” he interrupts. His breath, minty with a touch of sage, tickles your nose as he closes the gap between the two of you even further.
“Um, yes…?” You cringe at how pathetic you sound, but really, how else are you supposed to react when a stranger has you apparently kidnapped and tied up?
The man rolls his eyes. “Come now, at least admit to your own name. If you can’t do that, how can you own up to the consequences of your actions?”
Head spinning, you ignore the fact that you think he just implied you’re stupid to instead focus on his latter comment. Despite your situation, you can’t help the spark of indignation that rages in your chest. Maybe that’s what makes you stupid: your sharp tongue. “Excuse me? Consequences? Are you lecturing me? And how do you know my name? Who even are you? Why am I here?”
Tilting his head slightly, the man lets a subtle smile pull at his lips. “Finally asking the right questions.” He stands and paces behind the podium in front of you, appearing like a judge presiding over court.
“My name is Dr. Veritas Ratio, and you, (Y/n), are my wife.”
You jerk back like you’ve been hit. That is certainly not what you were expecting.
A startled laugh escapes you. “I don’t have a husband.”
Ratio hums in response, jotting down something in a book he pulled from his robes. “And what is the last thing you remember before you woke up here?”
“Woah, woah, are we just going to glance over the fact that you’re claiming we’re married?!” you shout, panic creeping into your bones. So not only have you been kidnapped, but the individual holding you is also insane. Great. “I’ve never seen you before in my life!”
A deep sigh fills the room, followed by the sound of lead scratching against paper. A low mumble that you can barely discern contemplates, “Perhaps the dosage was too high this time? Such an amnestic response is unusual… Could a physical stimulus be required to invigorate her hippocampus?”
The damn man is treating you like a science project!
Before you can retort, he pulls out two small vials of liquid, both no larger than your thumb. He sets them down on the table before you and gestures to each individually.
“You now have a choice. Drinking this,” he motions to the right, at the vial possessing a golden liquid flecked with sparkling, iridescent particles, “will restore your memories. You’ll remember me, and everything that led up to this point.”
Remember him? Did he drug you into forgetting, and this was the next step in his experiment? If what he claims is true, why would a husband ever do that to his wife? Your head throbs.
“Or, choose this vial,” he points to the lefthand bottle, a concoction so dark it mirrors the midnight sky, “and you will forget everything and get to walk out that door shortly after.”
Your eyes narrow at him. Surely there was some sort of catch. His language was too vague to be of any comfort at all.
“Why are you making me choose at all? This all seems like one really fucked up joke.” You tug at your bindings again, letting out a growl of frustration.
Ratio pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “You’re lucky I’ve grown so fond of you that I can overlook your insipid questioning. You will choose.”
“And what happens when I do? Surely it’s not as simple as remembering you or being freed. You don’t seem like a man who would go to all the trouble. What’s in this for you other than forcing me to be your little lab rat?”
After a pregnant pause, Ratio clucks his tongue. “Fine. I suppose it doesn’t matter if I give away the answers. You’re clearly not thinking straight.” He places his notebook down and picks up a vial in each hand, holding the small things between his thumb and index fingers.
“The gold bottle here will completely restore your memories. You want to know the whole truth about us? How you ended up in this room? Why it’s not the first time we’ve had this conversation?” Your breath hitches; what did he mean not the first time. “Then drink this one. It will probably give you a leg up, since you’ll recall all those past times you tried oh so fruitlessly to escape me.”
He then raises his opposite hand as your horror builds. “Alternatively, this vial will completely wipe your memories, but only of me. You’ll recall everything about yourself, your life, hobbies, et cetera…but in doing so, you will be helpless the next time we meet. You will have no defenses, and one way or another, you will be my wife again. That much has already been proven true.”
The floor falls from underneath you. Aeons, how many times have you taken that midnight liquid? How many times have you been in this very scenario, drugged into forgetting him, only for him to court you time and time again. Clearly you must reject him each time, but he’s so lost in his obsession that he has to reset you each time you try to flee. The thought makes you immediately nauseous.
Despite your dry throat, you manage to croak out, “And if I refuse to take either?”
Ratio’s expression darkens, his chin tipped up haughtily. “Don’t test my patience, (Y/n).”
You gulp, eyes flicking back and forth between this two hands. You must choose.
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redbullgirly · 8 months
The Dancer [FA14 smau]
Fernando Alonoso x dancer!reader
Summary: Few months after, everybody laughs when they remember the rumors about Fernando Alonso and Taylor Swift dating. Would they laugh though if they new it maybe wasn't so far from truth as it may seem? Well, one thing's for sure - Y/N and Fernando will laugh very much while soft launching their relationship... and confusing everyone with swiftie content thanks to her job.
Warnings: Maybe wrong dates and timeline of The Eras Tour, but whatever XD.
messages between Y/N and Fernando
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fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram
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liked by alex_albon, zhouguanyu24, pierregasly and 562,109 others
fernandoalo_oficial I was taken by the view like we were in Paris... romance is not dead.
view all 4001 comments
user1 i dont think my brain can comprehend so many things all at once😨
user2 right? I'M IN SHOCK
user3 fr fernando wants to give us a heart attack😭
lilymhe I see what you did here...
alex_albon I indeed see what he did here too...😏
user4 guys tell us what he did pls I'm begging youuuu
user5 Alonso soft launching was not on my 2024 bingo card
user6 him soft launching with TAYLOR SWIFT wasn't on MY bingo card 😭
user7 How he's suddenly so hot in the first pic? Like damn sir okay🫢
user8 girlfriend effect is real y'all
georgerussell63 Mate you can't do that to me, I just woke up 😧
user8 lmfao princess georgie is as confused as we are xd
fernandoalo_oficial sorry mate, don't get wrinkles🤞
gerogerussell63 What even is that choice of emoji?
fernandoalo_oficial well, someone is original with an emoji and someone is original with a pose... choice is yours 😃
georgerussell63 Stop it's been almost a year 😭
user9 not them bullying each other💀
user10 Yeah the duo we didn't know we needed
user11 I saw the first picture and almost spat out my drink in shock of such a hot photo of Nando. Then I swiped and literally choked on it because the last think I'd ever expect from his photo dump is a soft lunch of some baddie girl🫣
user12 I am delusional for thinking Taylonso could still have a chance, aren't I?
user13 well i mean you basically answered it yourself so... yeah XD
user15 oh no Fernando is not single anymore💔
user16 I think I accidentally teleported into some alternative universe... what is thiiiis?
user17 REAL
user18 fuck me this man seriously used lyrics from paris by ts💀
user19 Idk why but I kinda like this new side of Fernando😻
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by taylorswift, fernandoalo_oficial, carmenmmundt and 5,234 others
tagged: taylorswift and 9 others
yourusername crazy performance, even crazier night out and the most crazy training the day after... I call that the life of a dancer😻🎉 also my head and heart did go vroom vroom after the second pic
view all 218 comments
taylorswift I call that the eras tour life!💗
yourusername yes ma'am!
user1 damn she got our queen Taylor replying to her posts... how does it feel to live my dream?!😭
yourusername amazing! 🥰
user2 such a shame my mum didn't force me to try dancing when I was little... I could have been at podium next to Taylor Swift right now 😃
liked by the author
user3 You are such a good dancer, the shows wouldn't be the same without you Y/N!
yourusername omg thank u sm I really appreciate that!!🥹
user4 sooo... are we gonna just ignore Fernando in the likes or what???
user6 fr I need some crazy detective from twitter to figure this out😫
carmenmmundt Hey, could you give me and lilymhe vip tickets...?
yourusername I mean... everything can be done 😏 I'll just need to ask mother Taylor bc I just used my plus one at the last concert🫡
yourusername I love you girls as well, we have to finally meet sometimes!!!
carmenmmundt Yeah, I think we'll have chance at the end of February at the latest😉
user8 Omg are they hinting Y/N at the Bahrain GP?? F1 season starts at the end of February right?!
goergerussell63 Well hello there, nice to meet you Y/N... given the fact my dear girlfriend doesn't care about me, could you give me and alex_albon vip tickets as well?😊
alex_albon Yeah Y/N we are very big fans😊
yourusername everything for the guys that go vroom vroom🫡
alex_albon Like your heart
yourusername exactly!
twitter & messages between Y/N and Fernando
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by selenagomez, fernandoalo_oficial, francisca.cgomes, astonmartinf1 and 8,234 others
yourusername preparing for the next season🤞
view all 1,029 comments
user1 y/n is literally living my dream life rn
georgerussell63 Oh no... he infected you with that emoji, didn't he?
yourusername we'll never know... maybe I infected HIM with it
gourgerussell63 I think higher of you and your taste in emojis
yourusername aww thanks princess georgie how sweet🥰
georgerussell63 I take it back
user2 HELLO?! what is happening💀
dancer1 excuse me little miss y/n... is that a man i'm seeing?🤨
yourusername well... maybe
dancer2 Be fr she's trying to soft launch him for like a month now😭
dancer1 okay i'm calling you rn STAY WHERE YOU ARE
user3 Guys why's nobody talking about the paddock pass in the 5th picture!!!!
user4 omg that's a PADDOCK PASS?😱
user5 yeah it is I noticed it thanks to this comment
user6 Wait... does that mean her and Fernando have been together longer? Because she already went to a race before the winter break??
user5 idk girl we don't even know for sure she's really dating him😓
user6 idgaf about who's dating her bc even without bf y/n's sooo hot like damn... mommy🥵
user7 I'm so confused... is this Alonso's girl or not?
user8 trust me user7 - we'd all like to know that😭
user9 😍
yourusername and fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram stories
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yourusername story has been seen by taylorswift, lance_stroll and 13,634 others
fernandoalo_oficial story has been seen by charles_leclerc, astonmartinf1 and 308,003 others
user1 replied to yourusername story: is that an f1 driver there y/n
dancer1 replied to yourusername story: Hope he'll not disappoint me in person when you talked about him sm 😒
yourusername ohhh trust me you'll love him just as I do🥰
dancer1 omg bleeeeh I hope not 🫣
user2 replied to yourusername story: your friends are so pretty😩
taylorswift replied to yourusername story: When you'll take him to get my approval??
yourusername soon taylor, soon... I'm just afraid it'll break the internet lol
taylorswift I think we're used to that already with Travis at this point😂
yourusername true😭
fernandoalo_official replied to yourusername story: 🔥
yourusername it's going to be okay, they'll love you 🫶
fernandoalo_oficial how did you know I was nervous amor?
yourusername I saw you literally shaking when you left to the bathroom love...😹
yourusername oh they're back come quickly!!💞
fernandoalo_oficial onmw
user3 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: IS THIS THE CONFIRMATION WE NEEDED?!
user4 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: I see what you're doing here old man 👀
user5 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: soft launch slowly turning into a hard launch and I'm here for it!!!!
dancer1 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: I guess you aren't that bad in person...
fernandoalo_oficial 😁
user6 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: screaming crying throwing up
taylorswift replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: You better treat my best dancer right Alonso!🤍
fernandoalo_oficial of course ma'am! 🫡
user7 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: So cute!!😍
messages between Y/N and Fernando
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fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, f1, yourusername and 601,239 others
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial All these people think love's for show but I would die for you in secret... #swiftie
view all 6,022 comments
yourusername I'd just like to make it clear to everybody that it's me who made him be swiftie... you're welcome💋
liked by the author
carmenmmundt Y/N is so pretty!😍
yourusername ohh carmen ilysm you're even prettier🥹
user2 No way Fernando just really har launched his gf😭
f1 We smell a new wag!
user4 LOL you're kinda late for that admin xd
user5 Congrats and wish you well world champ!💪
user6 can we talk about how gorgeous she is???
lilymhe double date when honey?
yourusername anytime babeee!!!
fernandoalo_oficial why do I have a feeling me and alex_albon will be third-wheeling on you two?🤨
alex_albon you'll eventually get used to third-wheeling your own girlfriend and her friends, trust me fernando...🤠
user7 This girl is like a goddess, I can't even blame him ❤️🔥
user8 mommy & daddy
georgerussell63 Finally! Congratulation on the hard launch mate👍
fernandoalo_oficial and look who's original with emojis now...😂
user9 from now on this is my fav couple
user10 mine to
lance_stroll 💚💚
user12 nah I don't know what he see in her🙄
user13 Go away we don't want the jealous haters here 🥱
kellypiquet Welcome to the F1 family yourusername!🤍
yourusername thx!💞
user14 i call this couple goals
user16 I can already feel he'll be so hot in his new era 😩
user17 lmao nando in his swiftie and stlutty era as someone on twitter said😹
yourusername swiftie and slutty era? i like the sound of it😏
user16 not y/n reading all the comments sipping over her bf 💀
liked by yourusername
Author's Note: Hello everyone, hope you liked it! I'm not sure you should get used to me posting so often, but let's say that after Lance's social media au and the great feedback I had so much motivation... plus I'm sick, so I actually have the time to write and create XD. Anyway, I'll be glad for likes, comments, reblog and every other way of showing support! Have a great day and let me know how you liked Nando and swiftie dancer together!
521 notes · View notes
builtbybrokenbells · 10 months
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Lust: a strong passion or longing, especially for sexual desires.
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 15.5k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex (wrap it), fingering (f!recieving) oral (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving), face-fucking, dom/sub, bratty sub, dirty talk, name calling, hint of degradation, praise, sir kink, choking, impact play, touch of cum play, hookups/fwb, drinking, mentions of drugs/drug use/addiction, swearing, a painful amount of flirting (player Jake is my weakness btw), sorry if I miss any!
here we go again. i know i said i might not be posting much but i finished this up and I couldn’t help myself. my apartment is about half packed so this was a little reward for myself lol 🥰 im thrilled about this series, and I really hope you guys are too. as always, enjoy, be kind, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!
The room was packed with bodies desperate for a thrill, but most were in active search with little knowledge of how they would attain it. Some were drowning their sorrows in tequila shots while others danced away their memories, clinging on to a companion who would only temporarily solve their troubles for the night. You couldn’t blame them for giving it their best shot; even you knew that pain was more digestible when there was someone to accompany you through it. In the morning when they woke, it would return with a fervent appetite. It would snowball, feeding viciously off the shame brewing from a one night stand that could not even give them an orgasm. For the time being, they seemed content with their watered down drinks and 80’s hits playing through the system with a stranger wrapped around them. They tried not to think of the future, but it was still weighing heavily in the back of their minds. You knew they would regret it, and so did they, but they were unwilling to own the truth.
Others found their thrills in more nefarious ways, like the couple who was engaging in all but penetrative sex in the booth in the back corner. They thought the crowd would cover their show of desperation for each other, conceal them from curious eyes, but they were stealing spotlight even in the near pitch black room. Some were doing lines in the bathroom, hoping that life would get a little more interesting with the next hit all while promising themselves sobriety when the night came to an end. Despite their beliefs that they would stop their ‘recreational’ doses when the sun rose in the sky, everyone (including themselves) knew the reality of the situation; they were decomposing at the hands of substance abuse. They weren’t willing to admit to their own addiction, but most would succumb to the sickness and end up washed up in rehab after their spouses or parents reached the point of no return.
Violence even seemed to spark interest in a young pair of boys just outside, throwing fists in hopes of asserting dominance, yet only making fools of themselves in front of their dates. It was an embarrassing show of missed punches and drunken rage, but somehow it tickled them just right. They would go home pleased with themselves, proud that they ‘stood their ground’ (what they were defending, you weren’t certain of) and their dates would complain to their friends about it. After a week of missed calls and messages, the young boys would begin to understand that their temper tantrums were not good foreplay and would vow to learn their lesson. Until the next night of drinking draft and watching football on a bar television, of course.
No matter which way, every person in the bar was in search of something more, something to give them a spark of life back and a memory to tell later on down the line. None of them could admit that their entertainment for the night would do neither of those things. Instead, they would have a nasty hangover and a looming sense of dread hanging over them for the foreseeable future. That’s the thing about materialistic thinking; it always leaves you unfulfilled and in search of more. The people that came to the bar miserable would ultimately leave the same way, yet they would never admit that their ways were no longer working for them. Maybe in their teens or early twenties real memories could be made over cheap tequila and hookups, and if not memories, lessons for certain. After twenty five, it just seemed a little sad to continue down the same path of destruction in hopes for anything meaningful.
You were not at the bar for a thrill. You were there for one reason; to pass the time, and to get a good buzz. Dancing was never your forte, nor was it your passion to do drugs off the back of a dirty bar toilet. Company was low on your list of priorities and always had been. You learned many years ago that you would never find a suitable life partner at a dive bar just off of Main Street in a big city. Establishments like such only ever seemed to attract college attendees and middle aged men who hated spending time with their wives. Even when a promising suspect would turn up, eventually they would show the side of them that made it impossible to keep a girlfriend. Getting to know people was a drag, and the thought of making room in your apartment for a second person was more sickening than anything else. You liked your personal space, and you liked peace. When adding a new person to your life, you were risking it all, and risk something that never peaked your interest.
Whiskey was something that caught your attention though, and when it was cheap, it only made you more inclined to indulge. You had learned long ago that this particular dive bar had the cheapest stock around, and they didn’t skip out on quality, either. They seemed to save their money by neglecting building maintenance, but that didn’t bother you in the slightest. You could get drunk in a five star hotel for triple the price, and you’d still be drunk. You tried not to think about the soles of your shoes sticking to the dirty floor or the outdated interior design, and the drink in your hand aided the process sufficiently.
“Another?” The bartender asked as he nodded towards your empty glass.
“You know me too well, Ray.” You chuckled, sliding him the empty glass. He grabbed it, barely leaving your side before another was sat in front of you.
“What can I say? You’re my favourite regular.” He smiled. Both of you knew this was the truth; you appeared every weekend, sitting in the same spot and drinking the same thing, and you never made a peep aside from the small talk initiated by the workers. You were a certain tip, and if he had the luxury of being blunt, the prettiest face to look at in the crowd.
“You’re just saying that because I tip well.” You grinned, sipping away at the beverage he’d made for you.
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“No,” you shook your head “just pointing out the obvious.” He chuckled, throwing a towel over his shoulder before moving on to the next customer. You knew when the night dwindled down, he’d be back over to chat with you. Some would have shame in admitting that their closest friend was a 60 year old bartender, especially as a young woman, but you didn’t care. With him, you were never required to entertain any meaningful conversation or profess your darkest secrets. It was simple, lighthearted, and it served you well. You had no obligation to continue the friendship outside of the bar, and you got to see pictures of his grandkids. It was a win-win for everyone.
You barely looked up from your phone when the seat beside you was taken by another. You thought it odd for him to feel inclined toward that specific seat considering the bar was full of vacant space, but you didn’t think too hard about it. Drunk people didn’t care much about social cues, and you didn’t care enough to argue with them. What you did care for was the overwhelmingly strong scent of the patrons cologne, which seemed to be choking you the longer you breathed it in. It was not unpleasant; far from it, really, but it was very apparent. You weren’t sure if he doused himself in it before making an appearance at the bar, or if it was just so strong because of his close proximity. You buried yourself in your drink instead of investigating any further, knowing that someone who smelled so heavenly would only be looking for trouble.
“Any recommendations?” The voice struck you like a bolt of lightning, strong and without any warning. At first, you had doubts that the words were pointed in your direction, but when you felt a pair of eyes staring holes into your skull, you knew you were mistaken. You looked over at him, curious about the nature of his question. Surely any man who stepped foot into a bar already had an idea of what he wanted to drink. You doubted that the conversation starter was about alcohol, and was most likely a way to initiate a round of unbearable flirting.
“Depends.” You breathed, finding yourself completely distracted by the beauty of his face. His long brown hair was framing his face, and his smile was breathtaking. “What kind of night are you trying to have?”
“I’m open to suggestions.” He said, eyes lingering over the features of your face. He seemed just as enthralled in you as you were with him, and neither of you seemed keen on hiding it.
“Well, if you’re looking to dance, try the house tequila.” You started, flickering your eyes towards the wall of liquor bottles. “Seems like the draft here makes a person want to get in a fight, and the gin will leave you crying in the bathroom. Speaking of the bathroom, if you’re looking for some non-liquid solutions to your problems, there’s plenty in there, but I don’t know how much they’re willing to share.” He let out a laugh at your joke, but you were unsure if it was due to his shared sense of humour or because he wanted to get in your pants. Either way, it was a nice stroke to the ego. Even if it was due to a desire for sex, it was nice to feel appreciated, especially by someone so captivating.
“A lady that knows her liquor,” he noted, giving a slow nod. “I can appreciate that.”
“You asked, I answered.” You shrugged, a small smile tugging at your lips. “So what is it, then? Dancing, fighting, or crying?”
“None of them.” He assured you. “What if I’m looking to impress someone? Any suggestions for that?” You pretended to ponder the question before giving him an answer.
“I guess that would depend on who you’re trying to impress?” You raised an eyebrow, appearing more inquisitive than you truly were. He was handsome, and that was no secret, but it was not what you were looking for.
“You have lots of questions.”
“I can say the same about you.” You took a sip of your drink, your mouth watering at the potency of the liquid. Or, maybe it was because of the heavy-lidded gaze he was casting your way.
“If I was trying to impress a very attractive woman who’s looking at me like I’m an idiot, what do you think I should order to change her mind?” He asked, his eyes never leaving your face. You let out a small sigh, giving a shrug of your shoulders as you took another drink. Instead of replying, you turned back to face the bar, leaving him alone with his own thoughts. When the bartender came to take his order, he was still waiting for a reply. “I’ll take two of whatever she’s having.” The unnamed man said, hoping to grab your attention again.
“So, I’m the very attractive woman?” You asked, refusing to turn back to look at him. When the drinks were placed in front of him and he slid one your way, your question was given an indefinite answer. “What if you can’t change my mind?” You posed the idea to make him sweat, but his rebuttal was effortless.
“I have the rest of the night to keep trying, then.” Another smile twisted onto your lips, finding his charm irrefutable. Even if you weren’t interested in anything further than a simple conversation, you had to admit the effort was admirable.
“I wasn’t looking at you like you’re an idiot, by the way.” You said, swishing the ice around your glass. “Maybe I thought you were a little dumb, but not an idiot.”
“That’s a relief.” He said, a smile tugging on his lips, too. His response to your humour was definitely intriguing, and you were quite interested in his relaxed expression. “What’s your name, beautiful?”
“Y/n,” you said, finally accepting the glass he’d pushed in your direction after draining your own. He watched you, finding your lack of reciprocal attention peculiar, yet it only seemed to spark his interest even more.
“Are you going to ask for mine?”
“Mmm,” you hummed, debating his words before giving a shake of your head. “No.”
“Playing hard to get?” He joked, sipping away at his own whiskey.
“Just don’t care.” You shrugged. It was the truth; you weren’t doing so in attempt to play hard to get, but because you did not want to be caught at all. You had no interest in playing the game of cat and mouse, because you did not intend to leave the bar with anybody. You had a date with your bed and hopes of a good nights rest. You could not do that if you were busy wrapped around another. As attractive as he was, you weren’t willing to double back on your promises to yourself. Instead, you decided that it was best to stop any further attempts to change your mind.
“Ouch.” He chuckled, waiting to see if you were joking or not. You kept your head straight, wondering if you should leave before he continued on his tyrant. Then again, he was in your bar and this was your seat, so if anyone was leaving, it was not going to be you.
Your stubbornness was your biggest weakness, but you were too stuck in your own way to see the issue. As if the gods planned such a gruesome match from the very beginning, the only rival to your own obstinacy was the one living inside the man sat beside you. You were not willing to give in, and he was not willing to give up.
“Are you from here?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, hoping that if you kept your answers short he might take the hint.
“I just moved here, thought I’d check out the town, maybe meet some new people.” You gave a slow nod, eyes now focused on the football game playing on the television above the bar. You hated football, but you hated entertaining men even more. You’d rather watch a bunch of grown men fight over a ball than engage in any kind of small talk. “Not a talker, I see.”
“Usually that means you should move on and try again with someone else.” You said, picking away at the basket of French fries sat in front of you. If there was one thing the bar did that was just as good as cheap liquor, it was deep fried foods.
“Maybe I don’t want to.” He suggested. “Nobody else in here is worth the time.”
“And I am?” You chuckled, watching the team with red jerseys score a point. “You don’t even know me. I might be a serial killer, or even worse, celibate.”
“I’d like to know you.” He offered. “What makes you think that I’m looking for sex?” You looked over your shoulder at him, taking in his attire. You looked closely at the chains dangling around his neck, drawing attention to his shirt that was buttoned only up to his stomach. His dress pants looked name brand, and his eyes screamed flirtatiously at you when you locked your stare with him. He was radiating sex appeal, which argued your case for you.
“I bet you have two condoms sitting in your wallet. You replaced them this morning, because last night, you went to a different bar and did the same thing with another girl who couldn’t see right through you.” You guessed, eyes flickering to the pocket of his pants where the bulge of his wallet sat. “It’s written all over you, honey. Stick to the college bimbo’s if you want to get anywhere worthwhile.”
“Two condoms?” He pondered the idea, a smirk growing on his face. “I take that as a compliment.”
“You shouldn’t.” You laughed, shaking your head at his undying commitment to knowing you. “It wasn’t meant as one.”
“Then it seems like you have a knack for making insults sound like a good thing.” His eyes flickered to your lips, his personality showing through the mask for a moment. He was enamoured with you, and he was from the minute he sat down. Your disinterest was not a deterrent to him, but rather a driving force. The banter was driving him crazy, and he was not willing to go home without you.
“Maybe you just have no idea how to take a hint.” You suggested the idea, but both of you knew he was painfully aware of the situation. He knew he could step back if he so pleased, but he did not want to, nor was it an option he was willing to consider. Oddly enough, you almost found it charming. His dedication was not creepy or anything like it, mostly because he was not using vulgarity as part of his charm. You knew if you got up and walked away, he would respect it. Unfortunately, he knew just as well as you did that you would never back down and give up your seat. You could complain all you wanted about his interest in you, but you were encouraging it by interacting with him. Even in your obvious rejection, he knew he had interested you enough for you to speak to him.
“I’m Jake.” He said, disregarding your comment.
“I said I didn’t care.”
“Never said you had to care.” He reminded, finishing his drink and raising a hand to call the bartender over again. You watched him, baffled at his carelessness towards your clear insults. It seemed to wash off of him like water on a duck’s back, barely touching his confidence and only fuelling him further. He ordered another round of drinks for both of you, not bothering to ask if you wanted another. As he spoke to the bartender, you couldn’t help but study him for a moment. He was gorgeously dressed, drawing attention to his stunning features as he topped it off with a cocky attitude. Everything about him was compelling, and even if you weren’t keen on his company, it was incredibly difficult to ignore him. He held himself with confidence, and because of that, he radiated power. You would be lying if you said you did not find him attractive, but it did not change the fact that you were not interested in pursuing anything with him, or anyone for that matter.
Ray placed your new drinks in front of you, wasting little time in busying himself with something else. You almost felt guilty for being so mean to Jake while he was funding your night of drinking, but you did not ask him to spend money on you. You did not even ask him to speak to you, yet it seemed like the only thing he wanted to do. “Thanks.” You said, looking down at the ice swirling in the amber liquid. Even if you didn’t want to engage in any kind of sexual relations with him, you still had manners.
“So, what are you here for, tonight?” He questioned, ignoring your gratitude. He did not want to be thanked for something he was more than happy to do. You raised an eyebrow, curious about his inquiry. “Well, you’re drinking whiskey, so clearly it’s not fighting, dancing, or crying.” You chuckled at his recollections of your earlier comment.
“I’m here for a cheap drunk.” You replied, honest with your answer. “Cheapest whiskey in town, and the regulars aren’t too bad, considering I’m one of them.” He nodded along with your words, soaking in all you were willing to share. “Every Friday, same bar, same seat, same shitty football games.”
“You’re saying I have another shot if I mess this up?” He gave a playful smile which you couldn’t stop yourself from returning.
“Sure, you can take as many shots as you want. It’ll be the same answer every time, I can promise you that.”
“We’ll see.” He answered as if it were a challenge and he was competing. You rolled your eyes, unable to hold back the expression. “Just a conversation, that’s all I’m asking for. After that, you can throw your drink in my face and forget about me in the morning.”
“I know that it’s more than a conversation to you, Jacob.” You shot back. People like him were predictable, even if they were charming. As much as you knew he would waste your time, you knew you were wasting his. It was in his best interest to find a girl who was more likely to go home with him, because he would inevitably leave the bar empty handed and wishing he had taken a chance on another.
“Sounds like you’re scared I’m going to change your mind.” Your spine straightened at the accusatory statement. You were not afraid, and you did not like being told by another what you were feeling. What you did like was a challenge, and now that he’d worded it as such, that was the only thing you could think of.
“Fine. Let’s talk.” You smacked your palms against the table, a course of energy running through your body. You swung your chair to face him, just so he knew you were fully immersed in him. If he wanted to have a conversation, you could do that. If he thought he could convince you to take a chance on him, you were more than willing to prove him wrong.
It was a mistake that could only be classified as a fatality.
“Where are you from, Jake?” You asked, trying your best to feign intrigue.
“Michigan.” He tried to hide the smirk growing on his lips, pleased that he managed to push the right buttons. “You?”
“Right here in Nashville. Born and raised, never left, don’t want to.” You explained, waiting for him to ask a question, now.
“What do you do for work?”
“Photography.” You replied, not willing to delve deeper into the subject.
“That’s really cool.” He noted, genuine interest showing in his face. “I’m a musician.”
“I see,” you hummed, knowing that it was just another reason for you to abstain from knowing him. Musicians were never good news, and growing up in Nashville, you’d learned that the hard way. Most people who chased after fame had little care for anything else, and they were destined to break hearts. “Let me guess, guitar?”
“How’d you know?” He asked, but he didn’t really think it was hard to guess. It was the most common instrument in the industry, and in Nashville, everyone played guitar.
“Lucky guess.” You joked. “Band or solo act?”
“Band, I’m no singer.” He laughed.
“Don’t need to sing to be a good guitarist.” You challenged.
“Good point,” he agreed. “We just moved here, thought it was time. We made a few albums, but we’re looking for something bigger.”
“Are you any good?” You sipped at your drink. The quick-fire questions were wearing you down and you needed a pick me up.
“I’d like to think so, but everyone has their own opinion.” You hummed in agreement, not willing to make a promise to listen to his music, but curious about his skill. “Maybe we could get you to do a photoshoot for us.”
“I’m out of your price range.” You teased, a smile on your lips. The conversation was not unbearable, but definitely was not something you came to the bar with intent to do.
“I’m sure we could figure out a suitable payment.” He said, unable to hold back the drop in his voice and the lustful twinkle in his eye. You watched him, wanting to chastise him for the flirting, but you felt an unfamiliar feeling bubble in your stomach. You were immune to charm most of the time, but something about him was irresistible. You weren’t sure if it was the relaxed posture and the certainty in himself, or if it was the overwhelming beauty of him as a whole. Whatever it was, he was pulling you in without you even noticing. You were struggling to fight it mostly because it was so subtle. Before you could realize you were being trapped, there was no way you could escape.
“I thought this was just a friendly conversation, Jacob?” You couldn’t help the drawl in your tone that screamed for him to keep going. You wanted to blame it on the strength of the liquor in your cup lowering your inhibitions, mostly because you refused to admit it was solely due to his captivating stare.
“I don’t think I’m being unfriendly, sweetheart.” The nickname sent a shiver down your spine, so delightful even if it was filthy.
“Too friendly, perhaps?” You corrected. Both of you were leaning in to each other without even realizing it. The tension was thick in the air, and it had been from the moment he sat down. Even if you were not looking for anything more, you couldn’t deny the strength of the chemistry between you.
“What’s your issue with me?” He smirked, wanting to get to the bottom of it.
“It’s not you specifically.” You were truthful with your answer. It was not him, but rather dating as a whole. “The whole dating game was never my thing, and I don’t plan on getting into it, now.”
“Who said anything about dating?” He challenged.
“Nobody, but I don’t like hookups, either.” You explained. “Something about pointless small talk and meaningless sex never really interested me. Why would I want to tell you about myself now just to try to forget you in the morning?”
“I’d like to think that you’d have a hard time forgetting about me.” He was cocky, and that was for certain. It was something that would usually be a turn-off, but it looked so good on him that you couldn’t seem to shoot him down. “What about something in the middle?”
“What could possibly be in the middle of that?” You scoffed. “I don’t want a hookup, and I definitely don’t want to go to breakfast in the morning. I like my personal space, and I like being alone. Knowing you complicates that, and I hate complicated.”
“Do you like having friends?”
“I think I’d be a bit strange if I didn’t.” You replied. “But I know you’re not looking to be friends.”
“Do you like sex?” He continued his questioning without even acknowledging your concerns. Although it was blunt and definitely not a normal topic of conversation for two people who just met, it did not bother you.
“Most do.” You took another sip of your drink, the warmth spreading to your chest and replacing the burn of arousal brewing in your stomach. “Depends if it’s good or not.”
“We can be friends that have really good sex.” He offered, raising an eyebrow while he waited for a response. When you didn’t answer, he continued trying to sell the idea. “Casual, no strings attached whatsoever, but you wouldn’t need to forget about me, and we wouldn’t be obligated to go to breakfast in the morning.”
“How can I agree to that when I’m not even sure I want to be friends with you? More than that, I have no idea if you’re as good as you think you are. I don’t like being disappointed, Jacob.” You were calling a bluff you knew did not exist. He looked as if he was put on this earth to please others in ways many could never imagine. Just looking at his hands made your mouth water, already knowing the power he held in them. You couldn’t even think of anything further than that, because you knew that it would be far beyond anything you had ever felt before. You were trying not to crack under the pressure, but the thought of his head between your thighs was making it nearly impossible to breathe. “Besides, what if I’m not all you think I am? You don’t seem like the type to like disappointment, either.”
“From what I’ve seen, I don’t think you have it in you to disappoint, sweetheart.” His hand slowly reached out, fingers ever so slightly grazing the exposed skin on your leg. The touch was searing, painful but addicting. “I don’t like dating, but I do like you. I think it would be a shame if we never saw each other again.”
“Getting sick of playing the game every night?” You theorized. “Sounds like you’re getting lazy.” He shook his head, eyes seemingly staring into your soul as he watched your face.
“I just know what I want,” he corrected “and I don’t think I need to keep looking.” It was impossible to believe he was lying, because the look in his eye spoke certainty without him needing to say anything more.
“So, friends who have really good sex?” You clarified.
“Friends who have phenomenal sex, actually.” He said.
“I’m a busy woman, Jake. You better not be looking to waste my time.” You explained. “If I’m going to find time to entertain you, it better be worth it.”
“I’m a busy man,” he agreed “but I know how to make it worth your while.”
“Theoretically, if we did decide to do this, we’d just be having sex?” You asked, wanting to be certain of the situation. “You aren’t going to fall in love and fuck it all up?”
“I’m sure we can have a drink at the bar together every now and again. That’s where the friends part comes in, but yes, just sex.” He laughed. “I like you, I find you incredibly attractive and interesting, and I would like to see you again after tonight, but the same way we’re doing it right now. Maybe with less insults.”
“I can’t promise the insult thing.” You found yourself laughing alongside him. “You’re a very forward person, you know. We barely know each other.”
“I know you enough to know that I like you, and I also know that you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve seen since moving here.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Jake.” You could feel your cheeks burning, but you weren’t sure if it was because of the alcohol or his sweet words.
“It’s worked so far.” He breathed, finding himself leaning closer to you. Your faces were inches apart, both of you able to close the gap with little struggle. His eyes were locked with yours, silently begging you to give in to him. You could feel him pulling you in, almost as if he had his own gravitational force and you were the only victim of it. Although, you knew that wasn’t true. With charm like his, you were sure that you were not the only one cowering underneath the weight of it. For tonight, you were his focus, but when the morning came, you figured he would forget the idea of casual sex and already be in search of another. Players loved to play, and they always fought dirty. You were certain he was just saying what he could to get in your pants and he would be a different person when you woke in the morning.
His hand slipped to your hip, the touch was euphoric even through the material of your dress. You wanted to give in, but you thought it was too good to be true. Someone interested in meeting your physical needs without imposing on your everyday routine seemed like a great idea, but it was so perfect that you had a hard time believing it could be so simple. Even considering your fears, the ache between your legs was impossible to ignore, and it had been a long time since you had felt pleasure at the hands of another. “This sounds like a bad idea.” You warned, eyes flickering to his lips. His nose was brushing against yours now, sending jolts of electricity through you.
“Do you trust me?” He whispered, so quiet that it was almost hard to hear him over the music playing in the background.
“Not really.” You laughed, but just barely. You were scared to move away, and you were scared to move forward.
“One night, and if you still think it’s a bad idea, we can just forget about it.” He offered, still so close you could feel the warmth of his breath. He smelled like whiskey, and you were sure you caught a hint of a Cuban cigar. He was intoxicating, more so than any alcoholic beverage you had consumed that night. Your head was spinning and your rationality was slipping away. You were enamoured with him, and you felt like you were completely consumed by his presence. The world stopped turning, the music stopped playing; the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat which was in time with his own.
“One night?” You breathed, coming to terms with the idea that he was inescapable. You knew you should have walked away when you had the chance, but there was a bigger part of you that was grateful you stayed. You had the opportunity to add some excitement to your life without changing anything at all. You didn’t come to the bar in search of a thrill, but Jake seemed to be promising enough. No worry of a hookup that left you unfulfilled and regretful, and no expectation for anything more. It was exactly what you needed, even if you didn’t want to admit it.
“One night. Trial run.” He reiterated, hoping to ease your mind. “That sound good to you, angel?” You went weak at the pet name, all of your willpower dissolving into an imminent need for more. You reached your hand up, cupping his cheek in your palm and bridged the gap between you. His fingers tightened on you, enthusiastic about your sudden change of heart. The kiss was laced with the weight of every sinful desire you had ever felt before, and even more than that. It was so profound that it made your chest ache and you feared that if there was a god, he would never forgive you for the sacrilegious things you so badly wanted to commit with the man before you. “Thought I couldn’t change your mind?” He asked, barely parted from you. You could feel him smirk against your lips, but it wasn’t even aggravating enough for you to care.
“Shut up and take me home, Jacob.” You said, unwilling to wait any longer in fear you might talk yourself out of it. Instead of a verbal response, he placed another kiss on your lips before turning to close out the tab you had run up. Within a few moments, your jacket was over your shoulders and he was calling you both a cab.
In the backseat of the car, you both tried your best to keep it PG, but the tension of the night was reaching a climatic end. His hand was permanently anchored on your thigh just under the skirt of your dress, fingertips dangerously close to the parts of you he was so desperate to know. Your hand was on his wrist, holding it tightly just to make sure he didn’t get any ideas that would get you in trouble. In hindsight, it was incredibly stupid for you to agree to go to a strangers house for the promise of sex. You had no idea if he was as genuine as he appeared, yet it seemed a bit too late for that concern. You also had no idea how he managed to coerce you into joining him, but a part of you was ecstatic that he did. The calloused fingertips dancing over the soft skin of your leg led you to believe that your decision would benefit you greatly, because no average person could produce such an impact with such a little effort.
Jake handed a bill to the driver once the car was parked in the driveway of an apartment complex. He didn’t wait for the change, but did utter a small thanks before rushing out to open your door for you. “A gentleman.” You noted. He gave a chuckle, slipping his arm around your waist as he guided you towards the door. He let you both inside, keeping quiet as he led you to his apartment. He unlocked his door, holding it open for you and allowing you to go first. You took in the sight, noticing the simplistic nature of the decor as you took off your shoes.
“It’s not much, but it’s home.” He said, flipping on a light for you.
“No, it’s cute. I like it.” You assured him, feeling nervousness begin to creep in. The air smelled like him, but you couldn’t place the familiarity. It was earthy, smoky, and overall enticing. In the kitchen, you noticed a couple frames on the walls with pictures of him and three other boys. Your eyes lingered over the faces, smiling as you studied them. You turned your head to look into the living room, noticing a record player under the dim yellow lighting of a lamp. There was a few posters splayed on the walls and a couple plants sitting on the windowsills. It was not what you were expecting, but you thought it was effortlessly him. You did not know him very well, but from what you knew of him, the vibe seemed to match the personality.
His hand landed on your lower back, causing you to jump slightly under his touch. “You okay?” He asked, looking down at you.
“Yeah,” you nodded, trying to cover up the anxious look on your face. “You’re not… you’re not going to kill me, are you? Because that would suck.” He let out a laugh, a true one that was loud and came straight from his chest.
“No, sweetheart, I can promise you I’m not going to kill you.” He said, turning you to face him. You looked up at him, seeing genuineness written all over his expression. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before taking your chin between his fingers. “You don’t have to worry about that. You don’t have to worry about anything.”
“Okay,” you sighed, feeling relief flood your body. You knew that it was irrational, but hearing the words of comfort helped. He leaned down, placing a kiss on your lips as reassurance. “Is that the rest your band in those pictures?” You asked, finding the courage for conversation again. He looked to the frames, nodding his head.
“Yeah.” Without hesitation, he guided you towards them so you could get a closer look. “That one’s Josh, he’s my twin brother. He sings.” He pointed at the boy with short, curly hair. You did notice how similar their faces looked now that you were a bit closer. You thought it was cool that he was a twin, and you wondered if his brother had the same irrefutable charm. “That one is Sam, he’s my youngest brother, and he plays the bass.” He pointed towards the tall boy with long, brown hair. They also looked strikingly similar, and if he hadn’t already told you that Josh was his twin, you might have mistaken Sam to be one. “And that’s Daniel, our drummer. He’s Sam’s best friend, but he’s more like a brother, too.”
“That’s really cool, actually.” You said, looking back over at him. “You guys won the genetic lottery, looks and talent-wise.” The hand he had resting on your back tightened at the compliment as a smile began to blossom on his face. You could tell how much the other three boys meant to him without him even saying a word. “So, do you do this tour with everyone you bring home, or am I just special?”
“No, you’re just special.” He said without missing a beat. You felt your cheeks tinge red at his words, not expecting him to be so blunt. “Besides, friends need to know each other, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” You suddenly remembered that you were not there with the intent of being a one night stand. You would have asked him more, but you had a sneaking suspicion the tour was coming to an end. You both seemed to overcome your streak of anxiety and remembered the state that you arrived in. “So, are you going to prove that you weren’t bluffing, or are we just going to stand here all night?” He looked down at you, intrigued in your change of direction.
“Do you think I was bluffing?” He asked, shifting to face you. You looked up at him, giving a slight shrug of your shoulders.
“If the shoe fits.” You barely had time to process his reactive expression, because his hands were on your hips and his mouth was on your own. With the new found freedoms of privacy, desperation made its first appearance of the night. His hands were groping you with a feral attitude, and yours were doing just the same. It took no time for you to undo the buttons of his shirt, brushing it off his shoulders with excitement to see more. He let go of you only for long enough to slip the fabric off his body, then his hands returned to you in the same fervent manner.
The warmth of his skin was intoxicating, pulling you further into his web and trapping you there for eternity. You knew that despite your promises of only spending a single night together, you would be crawling back to him begging for more before the morning even came. In the (very) short time you’d known him, it was incredibly apparent to you that he was an addiction that was impossible to overcome. He was injecting himself into your veins, burrowing under your skin and filling your lungs with his being. You weren’t sure if it was purposefully, or if it was just an extension of his outlandish charm.
He took you by surprise, his grip tightening on your hips just before he lifted you with ease. He took a few steps forward, sitting you gently on his kitchen counter. He was quick to find home between your legs, never once breaking the kiss. You let your fingers dance over his now bare bicep, wanting to familiarize yourself with every part of him. When he finally pulled away, you were both breathless with stars in your eyes. “Do you still think I’m bluffing, or do I have to prove myself?”
“If I say no, it would ruin all the fun.” You sighed, still trying to catch your breath.
“I guess it’s a good thing I was going to prove it, anyway.” His fingers snaked under your dress, creeping up to your hip where the elastic of your underwear was resting. He hooked them through the side, but did not go any further. “Let’s go over some rules, first.”
“I hate rules,” you said, only focused on the sensation of his fingers resting on your bare skin. “They’re meant to be broken, anyway.”
“Not with me, sweetheart.” He chuckled, his other hand guiding your chin up so you would keep your eyes locked with his. “I’m going to be easy on you, but I need you to be honest with me about what you want. Got it?”
“Okay.” You nodded, the power in his gaze making your squirm underneath him.
“Remember your colours. Green means keep going, yellow means slow down, red means stop. Never, never be scared of telling me to stop or slow down.” The topic was not up for debate, and you were under clear understanding of what he needed from you.
“Okay.” You repeated, nodding your head against his hold. “Any other colours I should know?”
“How about blue, for ‘this is the best sex I’ve ever had’?” He smirked, playfulness sparkling in his eyes.
“Don’t expect to hear that one.” You teased, eyes flickering to his lips in hopes he would kiss you again. Your last jab seemed to motivate him to do so, but this time he didn’t seem as enthusiastic.
“Careful.” He warned. “You’re lucky you’re so pretty, or I wouldn’t be so nice.”
“How thoughtful.” You made sure your sarcasm was apparent. He seemed fired up at your response, but was not comfortable enough with you yet to show it. Or, perhaps he was afraid to scare you away. “Any other rules I should keep in mind?”
“Hmm,” he hummed, happy you asked. “You refer to me as ‘Sir’.” You had to bite your lip to stifle a laugh. The request was silly to you, and he was aware that you thought so. You had little desire to refer to someone you just met as ‘Sir’. Even if the dom/sub dynamic was something you enjoyed, you couldn’t deny that you liked to push buttons, and his seemed like so much fun to mess with.
“I think that’s a title you have to earn, don’t you?” You raised an eyebrow, feeling him tense under your touch. He shifted his hold on your face, grabbing your cheeks between his fingers and raising an eyebrow at you. The look in his eye made you believe that his patience was already beginning to run thin. You fought back an eye roll, but couldn’t ignore the throbbing feeling between your legs that was growing stronger by the second. “Whatever you want, Sir.” You made sure to accentuate the emotion in the word, showcasing your feelings about the situation.
“Lose the attitude,” he ordered, but seemed pleased with the compliance. “If you’re good for me, I’ll be good to you.” Even in his dominating performance, he seemed to be gentle with you. He did not want to push you too far on the first try, mostly because he wanted to ensure you would come back for more. He liked you, and not just because he thought you were gorgeous. He liked the fire that seemed to burn in your heart, and the way you always had a comeback for any of his comments. He was not shy to admit that he was completely infatuated with you, and even if he was not interested in dating, he did think it would be a shame if he could not see you again once the night was through.
“I’ll be so good for you, Sir. I promise.” A smirk was plastered across your lips as you spoke, driving him crazy without even trying too hard. You couldn’t help yourself from messing with him. He was extremely attractive and you were very interested in what he had to offer, but you had never been the type to take orders without a fight. It appeared like he loved order, and you had always loved pushing boundaries.
It was a match made in hell, and both of you were completely blind to it.
“And you think I talk a lot?” He questioned, giving a hard tug on the fabric of your underwear. It tightened against your skin only for a moment before it snapped, giving him the freedom to do as he pleased with you.
“Hey,” you protested, your eyebrows knitting together in annoyance. “Those were expensive.”
“I’ll replace them.” He assured you, sliding his hand to the other side to do the same.
“So you’re offering to be a sugar daddy, now? Didn’t know that was part of the deal.” You huffed, using your hands to prop yourself up off the counter. With your new position, he removed the ripped fabric from you completely.
“Offering to replace what I destroyed doesn’t mean I’m paying you to fuck me.” He said, bunching the skirt of your tight dress and pushing it to your hips. You let yourself back down on the counter, the cool marble taking you by surprise. “I don’t need to pay you for that. We both know you’ll be back on your own accord.”
“You’re awfully sure of yourself.” You argued, watching as his fingertips dusted over your bare thighs. You wanted to quiver under the touch, but you couldn’t allow him the satisfaction. His eyes flickered to your face, clearly displeased by your constant rebuttals. “Sir.” You added, noticing the muscles in his jaw tense as his teeth clenched together. He continued forward, inching his fingers between your legs. He gave one forceful move of his wrist and spread them for you. A gasp of surprise slipped out as he brought his fingers to your cunt and ran them through the arousal that was pooling.
“And you talk a lot of shit for someone who wants to get fucked.” His voice was low, now completely unconcerned about your bratty attitude. He was done with the conversation, and he was more than ready to get you to stop talking. His fingers gathered the wetness, slowly trailing upward to your clit. He started with slow circles, his touch light as a feather and only serving as a reminder of what you were there for. You leaned back slightly, allowing him easier access to you. “Now, let’s hear something worthwhile come out of your mouth.” He applied a bit more pressure, the feeling already distracting you from your desire to argue. “How does that feel, angel?” He asked, sliding his thumb in place of his fingers and continuing his earlier pace.
“G-good,” you stuttered, amazed at the pleasure he was giving you just from the small movement. You weren’t sure if it was so good because of his talent, or if it had just been too long since you had felt the touch of another like such. At the positive nature of your comment, he found enough generosity to slowly add his fingers to you, pumping them slowly to give you some extra stimulation. “Fuck, baby.” You sighed, letting your head fall forward to rest on his own forehead. He could not chastise you for not using the term he’d asked you to, mostly because the pet name sounded so beautiful coming from your mouth.
In that moment, he was certain he would let you call him whatever you wanted as long as you said it in the same sweet tone.
“This is what you wanted, hmm?” He whispered, moving his thumb in time with the pump of his fingers, keeping the pace as the pressure steadily began rising in your belly. “Is this why you were being so bratty? You just wanted me to touch you?”
“Yes, sir.” You muttered, eyes fluttering closed as he curled his fingers upwards. He was making you feel far too good for you to want to disobey his orders.
“So, that’s the trick.” He chuckled, eyes intently focused on his hand working at your cunt. “Just need to give you some attention and that will shut you up.” He rasped, the sight of you nearly sending him feral. He was desperate for relief himself, but unwilling to show it until he knew you were well taken care of. If he wanted you to come back, he needed to give you something to make you want to come back.
“Please, don’t stop.” You pleaded, feeling a thin layer of sweat form over your face. Your heart was pounding against your chest and your breathing was laboured. The pressure was unbearable, and the threat of an orgasm was imminent. You could not even find it within yourself to hold off, nor taunt him any further. It had been so long since you had felt pleasure at the hands of another, and you had never felt it quite it the same as he was giving you.
“Already?” He teased, but his tone was incredibly soft. He didn’t care that you were already there, and if anything, he took it as a compliment to his work. “Has nobody been taking care of you, angel?” He made it a point to perfect his movements, not wanting to lose the momentum even for a second. “Answer me,” he whispered, but the order was firm.
“N-no,” you shook your head against him, honesty radiating from you. You couldn’t really hide anything in such an intimate display, and you knew even if you tried to lie to him, he would easily see through you. “Nobody.”
“You don’t have to worry about that anymore, sweet girl.” He assured you. The pet name washed over you like summer rain, enveloping you in warmth and surrounding you with a comfort that would last as long as he continued to touch you. “I’ll take care of her, just like she deserves.” A whimper fell from your lips at the sound of his words, overwhelmed by the vulgarity and weak from the heartfelt promise. He felt you clench around his fingers, knowing that you were ready to come undone. He was more than willing to give you the orgasm, almost as desperate as you were for it. After an entire night of only being shot down, the gratification from taking you for his own was unexplainable. “Cum for me, angel. I know you want to.” He purred, moving his free hand to the back of your head for extra support. The last thing he wanted was for you to lose balance and be distracted from the pleasure.
“Oh, god.” You groaned, eyes screwed shut as your mind dissolved into nothing but thoughts about the man before you. You were praying to him as if he were the god that created the earth for you to walk on, and in that moment, he was. As the orgasm washed over you, the only thing to exist in the entirety of the universe was Jake, and you were perfectly content with the power he possessed.
But, he was not a god, nor anything holy. Jake was the devil reincarnate, and he was not there as a reward for your courageous sacrifices. He was there as punishment for every mistake and every sin you had committed in this lifetime and all the ones before. In that moment, he seemed like he was put in your life as a blessing, a gift for the troubles you had endured, but the reality was harsh and you were completely blind to it. When your mind cleared and the haze of sexual tension lifted, you were able to look deeper into the ties that held you together with him, but even then it did not seem to matter. His work was done, and you had fallen victim to the temptation. Jake would be the solution to every sexual desire that you could even imagine would come, but he would be the root cause for a world of trouble you had been desperately trying to stay away from.
Jake was the type of person you could fall in love with, and despite your hatred for dating and all things that came along with it, you were in long past in love just by the first touch. You were addicted to him, and dependancy was infinitely worse than love according to your standards. The power he possessed in his hands was otherworldly, and you couldn’t even begin to imagine what else he had in store for you. Your agreement for a single night would be the worst decision you had ever made, but like all bad decisions, you would not realize the extent of the issue until it was long past repairable.
You were brought back to reality by Jake removing his hand from you. The loss of contact was nearly excruciating, and you were desperate for him to keep going until the both of you collapsed in a heap of exhaustion. Even then, you were sure you could still find enough energy to wrap yourself around him once more. “How was that, angel?” He hummed, pulling back from you only slightly. You looked up at him, your eyes heavy-lidded and your body still trembling with the ghost of the orgasm.
“It was so good,” you sighed, already reminiscing on the memory. He gave you a smirk, so small that it was barely noticeable, but you picked up on it. You were certain that you would study ever minuscule detail and movement until it drove you to insanity. He was so captivating that he was the only thing you wanted to know about. He raised his fingers to his lips, sliding his middle finger in his mouth while holding a steady eye contact with you. When his finger landed on his tongue, his eyes fluttered closed in bliss, savouring the taste of your orgasm for as long as he could. After a few seconds, he pulled the digit from his lips, leaving a slight echo of a pop ringing through the air.
“Taste even better than I imagined.” He muttered. Your entire body prickled with an unfamiliar feeling, and you thought you might come undone again just at the sight. Your skin was ablaze with arousal, and your chest was burning with need for him. You had little care about what he was going to do next, and you were just happy to be on the receiving end of it. “See, it wasn’t so hard to be good for me, was it?”
“No, sir.” You breathed, watching him in awe. He took in a long breath, letting the word settle deep in his bones with pride.
“Can you keep being a good girl for me?” He asked, his voice barely breaking through the air.
“Yes, sir.” You nodded, making sure he knew you were being truthful. He smiled at the sound, crouching down slightly and hooking his legs under your thighs. Gently, he brought you to the edge of the countertop, wasting no time before bringing his mouth to your cunt. It was a fantastic apology for the withdrawal of his hands, and it send you straight back into a cloud of euphoria. Your hands snaked to his hair, pulling at the roots in attempt to get him closer than he already was.
His tongue found your clit with little hesitation, and he was working at you like a man starved. His fingers were branding your thighs with marks bound to last long past the excitement, and you didn’t care a bit about it. The evil laced within the movements of his tongue was incomprehensible, much greater than anything he had bestowed upon you with his fingers. You wanted to believe that the man nestled between your thighs was purely human that had just been blessed with otherworldly charm, but you were beginning to have your doubts about the matter. You feared that he was an entity you had not yet encountered, one with strength and power you could not comprehend.
By the first touch, you were in too deep to pull yourself out, and now, you had done nothing but cement the foundation of the entanglement so strongly that not even an earthquake could shake it. He was so powerful that he made it seem natural, and it was almost terrifying. He could leech your life supply directly from the source without you even noticing, and once he began, it felt too good to stop him. He made it appear that you were the one controlling the situation, yet the control had never even been close enough for your fingertips to graze. He was inhuman, and that much you were sure of. The evil was so abundant inside of him that not even a priest could expel it enough to free him.
You knew this to be true, because as your eyes drifted downwards towards him, you could have sworn you saw the shadow of devil horns on the wall when the city lights broke through the darkness just right.
You did not have the luxury to focus on your revelations, because he had brought his hand back to you and continued at his earlier pace. A guttural moan tore from your chest, the feeling overwhelming and making it unable to focus on anything other than him. You finally understood why he was not interested in dating; he was so good at sex that it would be a waste of talent to only share it with one person. It made you curious as to why he was interested in a casual relationship with you, and why he thought that you were the golden ticket to fulfilling all of his needs. You were not anything fantastic, nor were you offering him anything substantial. You could not understand the potential he saw in you, but if he was willing to give you the promise of his hands and his tongue, you would be a fool to refuse it.
You were certain you could not only live, but thrive off the pleasure he was giving you for the rest of your life. If he was interested in a casual commitment to each other, low effort but with a glorious reward, you were more than happy to participate in the agreement. You were certain enough in yourself to cut him off if it got too intense, and you were committed enough to your own security to know when it was time to end things. In the meantime, harmless fun sounded fantastic, and he could provide just that. Besides, he looked too ethereal with his head between your thighs to worry about any consequences. Despite it only being the first time, he was so effortless with his work that it appeared as if he always belonged there.
“Fuck, Jake.” You hissed, finding it hard to keep holding yourself upright. Your arm was shaking underneath the weight of your body, and you cared so little about falling that you didn’t even bother to stop him so you could reposition. The pressure in your belly was intense, letting you know that you were close to the end anyway, and you didn’t need to take any precaution. If he continued at the same pace, you wouldn’t be able to contain your second orgasm of the night.
He hummed against you, showing his enthusiasm about your enjoyment. He made sure to curl his fingers again, remembering that you had enjoyed it the first time he had done it. A rush of pleasure ran through you and your legs involuntarily tightened against his head. Your body seemed to have a mind of its own, completely disconnected from your brain and doing whatever it could to keep him there. The movement did not deter him, but only encouraged him further. With one last flick of his tongue in just the right place, you were driven over the edge and crying out his name. Your whole body was rigid, the intensity unlike anything you’d ever experienced before. If his intent truly was to give you the best sex of your life, he had went above and beyond to accomplish it, and you weren’t even to the best part, yet.
He slowly pulled back as he noticed you relax against him, instead peppering kisses on the insides of your thighs. As you both attempted to catch your breath, the tension in the air was at an all time high. You were eager for more, and he was eager to get started. When your mind cleared and you were able to form a coherent thought, you looked down at him with adoration sparkling in your eyes. “Blue.” You whispered, your voice raspy and your throat coarse from the noises he had pried from you. He looked up at the sound, unable to hide the smile on his face. His eyes told you that you had just given him the greatest compliment he’d ever received.
“Really?” He said as if he were pondering the truth of the statement. “I’m just getting started.”
“Really.” You sighed, nodding your head. It was a sad sigh, mostly because you hated admitting that he had been right all along. But, you had always been one to believe that you should give credit where credit is due, and this was definitely a perfect example of the philosophy. “I’ll even clean your counters for you, since I was the one who made the mess.” You chuckled, feeling your cheeks heat with a blush.
“Don’t worry about that,” he brushed you off, rising to his feet. “That was the best meal this kitchen has ever seen.” You rolled your eyes at the comment, but couldn’t help the smile that was blossoming on your lips. Even in his boyish humour, there was still an unexplainable charm laced into it. Everything about him was irresistible, and you couldn’t seem to get enough of him. You held on to his arm for support as you got down off the counter, refusing to let go until you were steady on your feet. You reached up, cupping his face in your hands and bringing him into another kiss. The suddenness distracted him from his comment, and he was immediately immersed in you once again. You pulled his bottom lip between your teeth, a gentle tease and a thank you for his service. You could feel him start to smile as you pulled away.
Without any further conversation, you slowly sunk to your knees in front of him. It took him a second to process your change in direction, but he certainly could not find a complaint about it. He was painfully hard, his erection strained against his pants as he waited for you to proceed. You made the process as slow as possible, needing to resume your commitment to your teasing. You knew it was driving him crazy, and if you had to admit, you loved it. You brought your hand to his belt, unbuckling it and pulling it from the loops. You discarded it on the floor, moving next to the button and zipper. You unzipped it painfully slow, making sure to hold eye contact with him while you did so. With his help, his pants were also discarded in the floor, leaving him only in his boxers.
Your mouth was watering at the thought of what was beneath the thin material, eager to please him after such a phenomenal performance from him. With a little courage, you took the final step in freeing him from his boxers. You felt another rush of arousal straight to your core at the sight. He was desperate for relief, but he was allowing you to make the first move; as excited as he was, he cared greatly about your comfortability and wanted you to know you had the option to change your mind if needed. You moved forward, parting your lips slightly as you took him into your mouth. He let out a hiss of pleasure at the feeling, the stimulation small but still fantastic. The sound gave you a boost of confidence, knowing that he would enjoy whatever you were offering him.
You relaxed your jaw, focusing on his head just for a moment. You let your tongue flick over the sensitive area a few times, revelling in the sounds of enjoyment coming from him. You thought they were the most beautiful sounds you had ever heard, and you would go to the ends of the earth to continue pleasing him just to hear them again. After a moment, you drew in a long breath before taking him in further. You took him far enough for the tip of his cock to hit the back of your throat, then you began to bob your head. His head fell backwards in bliss as his hand reached to gather your hair from your face. You let out a moan against him, the vibration intensifying the feeling for him.
You had never been so willing to submit to a man, let alone a stranger on a one night stand, but you were willing to do it all for him. He was intoxicating, and you wanted to live in the filthy, drunken hookup for the rest of your life. It was exhilarating, and you had never experienced sex that was so enjoyable. Usually, the men talked themselves up so much that they inevitably underperformed. With some, it was easy to overlook the disappointment because they left you with an orgasm or two, but most didn’t even meet that quota. Never in your life had you found someone who was so concerned with your pleasure, and never one who was so willing to give before receiving anything himself. It was practically unheard of in modern dating and hookup culture, and you weren’t willing to let him slip through your fingers.
If he wanted casual with no strings attached, you would oblige to the request without any further hesitation. He had proved himself beyond anything you could have imagined, and your only hope was that you could do the same.
He let out a sigh, holding your hair tightly in his fist. He couldn’t stop himself from guiding your head down on him, the need for more too much to resist. “You look even prettier with my cock in your mouth.” He muttered, looking down at you while you tried to keep up with his guidance. Your eyes flickered upwards, catching his stare through your lashes. He was feral looking, his jaw hard set with a flame dancing in his pupils. He was crazy for you, and he felt no need to hide it. You let out a hum of agreement, the vibration adding a little more energy to the sensation he was already experiencing. “Fuck, angel.” He groaned, adding a little more force to his hand. “Just tap my leg if you need me to stop.”
With that, he began moving your head for you, completely taking the control. He tried his best to keep it tolerable for you, but he was succumbing to the pleasure more with each second that passed. You tried your best to focus on your breathing rather than the feeling of him down your throat, but it was growing difficult with each thrust of his hips. Tears were forming in your eyes, smudging mascara down your cheeks, and you were fighting a gag with every movement. You were too stubborn to give up, but you had to admit that his size was a bit hard to handle. His grip on your hair was tight, and he seemed too enthralled in the moment to notice your struggle.
He pushed your head down on him, his cock sliding down your throat as his head fell back in bliss. Your eyes squeezed shut as your throat constricted around him, the gag no longer able to be prevented. He let out a long slur of curses laced with a moan, enjoying every second of your suffering. You had to admit that you were enjoying it too, and you knew that you would do it a million times over again just to please him. You felt him twitch in your mouth, a sure sign that he was close, but he wasn’t willing to risk ending the fun. He withdrew, finally allowing you a full breath of air. You coughed a few times, clearing your throat and bringing yourself back to reality. He kneeled down to your level, eyes carefully inspecting your face.
He did enjoy the sight of you so disheveled, but he worried that he went a little too far. He brought his thumb to your cheek, wiping away the tear stains as you wiped your chin clean from any spit still lingering. “You want me to fuck you now, baby?”
“Yes, please.” You muttered, nodding your head eagerly. He helped you to your feet, leaning down and capturing you in a kiss that lasted only a few seconds.
“Let’s get this off of you.” He mumbled against your lips, his hands snaking under the bunched up material of your dress. You pulled back from him, lifting your arms and allowing him to slip it over your head. He tossed it to the floor, but his eyes were only focused on your now fully exposed body. He took in a long breath, trying his best to contain the filthy thoughts he was having, but it was showing clearly in his expression alone. You watched him, silent and unmoving while you awaited his next move. Slowly, he brought his hands back to you, gentle in his touch as if he thought you were fragile. In truth, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen some so beautiful before and he wanted to take his time to fully admire you.
His hands dropped to your hips as he guided you towards him and your hands reached out for him, already yearning to feel him on your skin again. He kissed you again, more intense than the one before and this time, he didn’t seem keen on breaking it. In a swift motion, he picked you up once more. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Instead of placing you on the counter again, he turned around and broke the kiss just for a moment to see what his next move would be. His eyes landed on the kitchen table, his train of thought apparent without him even speaking a word. He took two steps forward, holding you tightly with one hand to make sure he wouldn’t drop you. He inspected the surface that was littered with papers and journals full of half-written songs.
With little care, he took his free hand and swiped away all of the items with a single movement. You turned your head, looking to watch all of papers float to the floor with little grace. You couldn’t deny that his actions only turned you on more; the desperation laced within his solution was hot, much like everything else he had done that night. He bent down, placing you on the table with caution. He let his hands fall back to your hips, pulling you to the edge of the table so he could have easy access to you. His hand drifted to your lower back as he brought his lips to your neck, finding the most sensitive spots straight away. You barely knew him, and you barely knew anything about him, but he seemed to know your body better than anyone ever had before. It was like he had a greater understanding of you than even yourself.
A breathy moan sounded from you as he sucked light marks into the skin just below your ear. One of his hands came to your chest, happy that your lack of clothing was giving him the opportunity to know all of you. He let his thumb drift over your nipple, sending a surge of electricity straight through you. Everything he was doing felt amazing, but you were done with the foreplay, even if it was fantastic. The tension was so strong that you thought you might break underneath the weight of it.
“Please fuck me, Jake.” You begged, delirious from all of the stimulation that you were feeling. “I need you.” His eyes rolled back in his head at the sound, addicted to the feeling of being needed by you. It was better than any drug and stronger than any other addiction. He would do whatever he could to make sure you always wanted him that way.
“How can I say no when you ask so nicely?” He threw out the rhetoric, not expecting an answer from you. Instead he hiked your leg up and around him, making sure you took the hint to hold it there. “Didn’t realize you were such a little whore.” The word knocked the air from your lungs, replacing it with a venomous desire. Your chest was burning from how badly you needed him, and you knew that you would do anything just to be insulted by him, because even hurtful words sounded pleasant coming from his mouth. It was a luxury to be a whore for him, and you were an idiot for trying so hard to turn him down.
You felt him line himself up with your entrance, both of you aching for relief, knowing that the sex was bound to be beyond anything you had been imagining all night. “You want me, angel?” He asked, his voice husky and filled with lust. You caught sight of his eyes, which were now completely unfamiliar to you. The warm brown that was so inviting was not black with desire, and a different man was standing before you.
If you had to admit, you liked this one much better.
“Please, sir. Need you inside of me.” You whispered, sweetly and softly to coax him into giving you what you wanted. The gentle tone seemed to drive him over the edge, and without any further consideration, he pushed himself inside you. You both let out a mutual sigh of satisfaction at the feeling, but you were both already wanting more. He could not bother with a slow start, knowing that neither of you wanted to take things easy. His rocked his hips while keeping a firm hold on your hips, making sure nothing could disturb the long awaited pleasures.
You wrapped an arm around his neck, already finding yourself bargaining with an orgasm. If he was an evil entity, his trade was sex, and you knew he could use it for punishment and reward. Something about him was otherworldly, and you started to fear that your agreement with him would ultimately be your demise. He made you feel too good to want to let go of him, but the idea of the relationship getting messy was paralyzingly terrifying. At the same time, rationality was only second to the way he made you feel, and heartbreak was a risk you were willing to take to indulge in his sin.
“Fuck, Jake.” You groaned, tangling your fingers in the roots of his hair.
“Does that feel good, baby?” He did not need to ask the question; he already knew the answer, and the affirmation was solely to further his growing ego.
“Feels so fucking good.” You whimpered, struggling to keep your leg wrapped around him while he continued on his brutal pace. He was hitting the perfect angle, a pleasurable pain shooting through you with every re-entry. He used his arm to guide your upper half down towards the table, and you used a free hand to hold yourself up.
“Being so good for me, angel.” His fingers reached between your legs while his gaze stayed focused on your face, enthralled in the expressions you were making. Your eyes squeezed shut in bliss as he found your clit again, rubbing circles as he continued to fuck you. You thought it almost comical that he called you angel, because you were so convinced that he was the devil. The two did not seem to coincide with each other, yet you remained tangled up in each other in what felt like perfect harmony.
The feeling of him inside you was overwhelming, much more intense than you expected, and it was a feeling you wished to have forever. You would be perfectly content if you lived out your next sixty years in the same position, with his hands on you and his sweet words whispered in your ear. His fingers focused on your already sensitive clit was driving you near insanity. You weren’t sure if he was naturally good at what he did, or if he was trying extra hard to ensure you would come back to him. Either way, you were certain that when the morning came and you sobered up, you would still want him just the same. Days would pass, and you would be knocking on his door begging for a shred of what he gave you the first night you spent together. It was so good that you didn’t even care if he played the same game with every girl he picked up at the bar, because even if it was a reused version of his character, it was working. Every movement, every slight touch and sweet word that came from his mouth seemed special, like it was perfectly crafted just for your taste. You wanted to believe that even if he was a player and you were a recluse that denounced love, the moments shared between you was of importance.
“Do you want to cum for me, baby?” His words came out in a slight slur, telling you that he was having a hard time holding back his own orgasm. The night was so full of excitement that you were both surprised he held on for as long as he did. He was ready to fuck you as soon as he laid his eyes on you in the bar, and everything that came after was pure torture. He was struggling with not succumbing to the temptation, mostly because he was determined to give you even more than he already had. Disappointment was not a factor he was willing to accept.
“Yes, please.” You pleaded, noticing the movements of his fingers become more precise. His free hand rose to your neck, his fingers gently clasping around it to give you a chance to speak up against the action. You were so strung out from the pleasure that you were sure he could do whatever he wanted to you and you would never be able to find a complaint about it. When he was certain you were comfortable with his actions, his fingers tightened ever so slightly, beginning to restrict the blood flow to your head.
You took in a long breath, the burning in the pit of your stomach growing stronger by the second. You let your eyes close to focus on the pleasure, feeling your heartbeat pound in your ears. “Come on, angel.” His gentle encouragement was heavenly paired with the movement of his fingers and his hips. You were barely hanging on, and as his hand tightened around your neck again, all of the nerves in your body ignited with a fire that was impossible to contain.
“Jake,” you warned, but the words were weak and the rasp in your voice made it near impossible to hear. He was listening intently though, and he heard it as clear as day. It was nothing but motivation for him, driving him to keep going. As much as he was enjoying himself, he was most concerned with making you feel good. His pleasure came second to yours, and it was not up for debate.
Your head began to spin and your legs started to shake. The earth felt like it was turned upside down and it was spinning out of control. The orgasm tore through you in a violent fashion, but you couldn’t seem to find the energy to voice it to him. He slowly released his hold on your neck and instead moved his hand to the back of your head to hold you upright. You took in a long breath, unsure if you would ever be able to fill your lungs with the air you so desperately needed. “That’s it,” he muttered, slowing his hips slightly to allow you to recover “that’s my girl.” The words send another rush of pleasure through you, extending the climax even further.
You were exhausted, but he was far from done. As you regained some control over your body and mind, he ceased the movement of his fingers. “That was amazing.” You sighed, clearing your throat from the rasp that was still lingering.
“Yeah?” He crooned, a cocky smile on his lips. Once he was sure you were well and fully recovered, he withdrew and used his arm to slide you off of the table. When your feet hit the floor, he wasted no time turning you around and guiding your upper half down towards the table. “You think you can keep being good for me?” He asked, the tip of his cock already eagerly resting against your cunt. You let out a mutter of agreement, too tired to speak the words to him. “Just a little bit longer, sweet girl.” He promised, reaching up and twisting your hair into his fist.
With that, he pushed himself inside of you, the feeling amplified even further due to the ghost of your last orgasm. You were extremely sensitive, almost so much so that you questioned if you could keep going. Once he started a steady rhythm and you were pulled back into pleasure, you knew you could. You would do anything to give back the feeling that he was giving you. “Oh, god.” You groaned, the angle in which he was moving already driving you crazy. His hand tightened on your hair, pushing your head further down on the table. Your cheek was pressed against it, but he wasn’t holding you too harshly in fear of hurting you. The legs of the table were rocking with his movement, and as he sped, you feared that it might break under the pressure.
“You take it so good, angel.” He muttered, but he was no longer talking to you; he was so lost in the sex that he had no filter for his thoughts. Anything and everything that came to mind was ultimately spoken, mostly because he could not find the will to hold it back. “Such a good little whore.” You let out a shaky breath, the words settling deep in your stomach, blossoming into the beginning of another orgasm. His free hand raised and his palm came down on your ass with a loud smack. It sent a jolt of pain through you, making you jump under the touch. “Can you give me one more?” He asked, his hips stuttering as he tried his best to keep his composure.
“I don’t know,” you were honest with him, knowing that you would love to comply with every one of his wishes, but also knowing that even the thought of another orgasm was exhausting. Your body was tired, and so was your mind. He was pushing you as far as you could go, but you were more than happy to let him do it.
“I know you can, sweetheart. Just one more.” He said, but it was a plea hidden inside a powerful tone. He needed you to come again, just so he could ensure he gave you as much as he possibly could.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, your body doing all of the decision making for you. The knot in your stomach was tight, and your legs were locked in position to brace yourself for the intensity of the pleasure. The more he spoke to you, the more certain you felt about being unable to withstand another climax. Then again, you were sure he could convince you of anything if he was using the same sultry tone of voice.
“That’s it, baby.” He reinforced the idea, hoping you would submit to the feeling and stop worrying.
“I can’t,” you shook your head against his grip, knowing that you were long past your limit, even if your body was trying to convince you otherwise. The feeling of him inside you was so good that it was nearly painful, and your entire body was ablaze with overstimulation. He let his hand come down on your ass again, the sound echoing through the room and making home in the walls, permanently cementing the memory there. Neither of you would ever be able to look at the room the same way after such a filthy display was made in it.
“You can,” he pressed, not liking the disobedient attitude. He continued on with the steady movement of his hips, and before you knew it, you descended into a whole new type of pleasure below him. Your entire body seemed to give out from underneath you. Your legs were vibrating and tears were forming in your eyes as a slur of moans and curses fell from your lips. He slipped his arm underneath your hips, holding you up so there was no fear of you falling. Your walls were clenched around him, and you thought that the intensity alone would kill you. “Fuck, y/n.” He hissed, absolutely smitten by the state of you.
His own orgasm came harshly, sending him into a similar state of euphoria. His movements stuttered, and he was holding you up while trying not to topple over himself. Eventually, once you both seemed to relax, he slowed his hips to a near stop. He looked down at the sight, his jaw clenched as he fucked his release back into you. He was almost disappointed that the fun had come to an end, but he knew that you were much too tired to continue on. Carefully, he withdrew from you while continuing to hold you steady. “You okay, sweetheart?” The concern in his voice was astounding.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, your eyes refusing to open. You were so tired that you could have fallen asleep standing there, and your body was aching from the nights excitement.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” He spoke softly, so different from the way he was speaking to you only moments before. He removed his hand from your hair and helped you off the table. When you were steady on your feet, he let his hand fall on your lower back in a gentle embrace, full of concern and care. He guided you to the bathroom where you both cleaned yourself and erased any evidence from the sinful experience you had engaged in. When you were finished, you returned to the kitchen and made a move to grab your dress. “What are you doing?” He chuckled, watching you with curiosity.
“Getting my clothes so I can go home.” You answered, but the sleepiness was making it hard to formulate the words.
“I don’t think so.” He shook his head, walking to meet you. He grabbed the dress from your hand and tossed it back on the floor before nudging you in the direction of his bedroom. “There’s no way I’m letting you get in a cab like that. I can take you home tomorrow.”
“I’m okay,” you tried to argue, but you were melting into the warm touch of his hands.
“You’re staying here, end of discussion.” He said, making sure you knew that he would not allow you to leave. “I’m not putting you in a taxi with a stranger while you’re this drunk and tired. Who knows what could happen.” He mumbled, the second part was more to himself than anything else. It almost seemed as if he was ashamed of caring so deeply.
“You’re a stranger, Jake.” You reminded him, but your eyes landed on the bed and you immediately felt a change of heart. It was screaming with coziness, the blankets and pillows more inviting than anything you’d ever seen before.
“Don’t think you can call me a stranger anymore, sweetheart.” He laughed, opening his dresser to grab you a t-shirt to sleep in. He tossed it on the bed so you could grab it, which you did while uttering a small thank you. You slipped it over your head, the smell of his cologne was overwhelming and oddly comforting. You pulled back the comforter and slid into the bed, your eyes immediately closing in bliss. “I’ll be on the couch if you need me.” He said, the sound causing you to crack an eye open in surprise.
“What?” You asked, baffled at his statement. “No, you can… I mean, if you want to… I don’t think it’s fair if I get the bed and you get the couch.” Your words came out in a jumbled mess, and your thoughts were just the same. “I can stay on the couch, or we can both… yeah.” You felt your cheeks heat with embarrassment. You weren’t sure if it was because you were drunk or if it was because he was hot, but you were flustered and apparently, no good at hiding it.
“You’re sure you’re with me being in bed, too?” He didn’t speak a word about your nervous rambling. He didn’t want to embarrass you further, and in truth, he didn’t really care. He was only concerned about your comfort.
“Yeah.” You assured him. “Like you said, not really strangers anymore.” You laughed.
“That’s true.” He nodded, slipping on a pair of boxers and climbing under the covers, too. Instinctively, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into him.
“Pushing it.” You said, but humour was clear in your tone.
“Shut up and go to sleep.” He laughed as you relaxed against him.
And sleep you did, carelessly and peacefully, unknowing and uncaring about the world of trouble you had created in just one small lapse of judgement. The morning would come and your senses would return, but it was far too late to stop the situation from descending into the chaos you were so desperate to avoid. His web was spun, and you were caught, even if neither of you were aware of the mistakes you had made that inevitably landed you there. The first deadly sin was committed, soon to be followed by six more, and not even a confession nor repenting could save you from your own wrongdoings.
TAGLIST: @sacredjake @profitofthedune @thewritingbeforesunrise @sacredthethreadgvf @klarxtr @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @freefallthoughts @jaketlove @clairesjointshurt @ageofbajabule @dannys-dream @earthgrlsreasy @starshine-gvf @brujamagik
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heavyhitterheaux · 4 months
I Miss You
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and your triplets miss your favorite person, so you decide to do something about it
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by a beautiful anon 💖
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Waking up to a dark room, indicating that it was still the middle of the night and hearing sniffles, you reached over and turned on the bedside lamp to see Axel crying and upset sitting next to you. Ivy and Autumn were still sound asleep on the other side of you opposite of where Axel was.
“Bubs? What's going on? Did you have a bad dream?” You asked as you slid him onto your lap once you sat up, but all he did was cry harder.
“Come on baby, you have to tell me what's wrong so I can help you.” You said trying to comfort him as you rubbed his back.
“I miss daddy. I wanna see daddy.”
Your heart broke seeing how upset he was, but you completely understood. Jack had been on tour for a few weeks and you had to get used to the new normal of not being with him all the time since you now had three little ones to take care of. The both of you had been going back and forth on whether to take them on tour, and you both decided that they were too young and you would wait until they were older.
“Can we call him?” Axel asked with a hopeful look on his face, but it immediately left when you shook your head no.
“It's the middle of the night, bubs. Daddy’s probably sleeping like we're supposed to be doing right now.”
“But…” His bottom lip started to quiver, breaking your heart even more.
“Okay, tell you what? How about later on after we sleep, we go and see daddy?”
“Really?” Axel asked through sniffles and wiped his nose on his pajama top sleeve.
“Yes and I know he misses us too. But it's going to be a surprise so we can't tell him, okay?” You told Axel and he simply nodded. Since he definitely stole your phone and called him earlier.
“Now, let's try and get some sleep.” Axel nodded as he agreed with you and slid back under the comforter on Jack’s side of the bed as he hugged his pillow.
“This smells like daddy.”
You smiled to yourself as you watched him drift off back to sleep and instantly grabbed your phone to text Urban.
You- Call me when you wake up
Not even two minutes later, you got a response
Urby Baby- I'm awake now, you okay?
You- Sir, you should be sleeping
Urby Baby- I'll sleep later, anyway what do you need bestie?
You- I'm surprising Jack and bringing the triplets so your job is to keep him occupied until we get there
Urby Baby- You got it. Not a problem.
You- Axel woke up crying and upset and said he misses him 😢
Urby Baby- You sure he didn't mean me?
You- URBAN 🙄
Urby Baby- Just kidding! I'll see you later. What time should you be here?
You- In time for his show. I'm letting them sleep a little and then we'll start to get ready
Urby Baby- Sounds good. Text me if you need me.
You- Okay, goodnight and go to sleep NEOW
Urby Baby- For you to be barely 5 feet, you sure act like you run shit
You- Urban, I will jump through this phone this instant
Urby Baby- Violent as always. Anyway, night bestie.
Later on in the day, the four of you were on your way to see Jack when he cornered Urban, because you hadn't answered your phone all morning and he was now growing concerned.
“Urb, Y/N hasn't answered her phone except for when I sent a good morning text.”
“She's dealing with your three big ass headed children. I'm sure she's fine.”
“But she never goes this long without answering me and I can't even see her location.” He said while trying to check where you were.
“Will you calm down? I know she's fine and so are the babies. She's probably just a little busy. I mean they are three years old.”
“I guess you're right. I just…. I already don't like leaving her and them for long periods of time but she just about damn near threatened me to go on this tour because if it was left up to me, I would have stayed home.”
“Yep, sounds just like your wife.”
“I was just saying!” Urban exclaimed while holding up his hands in defense while all Jack did was shake his head before attempting to call you again, except a text from you came through and he was finally able to let out a sigh of relief.
Wifey- Been busy all day, I'll facetime you later. Love you boo bear 😘💕
Jack- Now you know I worry about you and was starting to low key panic. Glad you're okay, love you too ♥️
The four of you were now at the arena, and Urban had met you at the gate in the back. He was immediately attacked by the triplets and they showed him the homemade gifts that they made for Jack.
Urban picked up Autumn as Ivy and Axel were walking beside you and led all of you backstage to where everyone was. Seeing all their uncles kept them occupied as they spotted them, but Axel quickly became uninterested when we walked back over to you and tapped your leg.
“Yes, baby?”
“Want daddy.”
“He's around him somewhere, bubs. He's probably getting ready right now and then we'll see him.”
Axel let out a huff being unsatisfied with your answer as Urban stifled a laugh.
“He might look like Jack, but definitely has your attitude.” Urban leaned over to whisper in your ear as you pinched him.
“Urban Wyatt….”
“Don't get mad at me for telling the truth.”
“Where is he anyway?”
“He was just in here before I walked out to get you so I'm not sure.” Urban answered as he shrugged his shoulders.
Just then Jack walked back in the room, eyes glued to his phone and suddenly your phone went off indicating that you had a text from him.
Baby Daddy- I'm about to go on soon and you haven't called me yet. If you don't love me anymore just say so 😔💔
He had obviously heard it, because he looked up confused and smiled when he spotted you. But before he could make his way over to you, Axel made a beeline towards him.
Hearing him exclaim startled Ivy and Autumn who then ran over to Jack too as he had picked up Axel and the girls were holding one leg each.
“Is this why mommy wasn't answering my calls?” He asked Axel and he simply nodded as he kissed his cheek.
“She said we couldn't tell you. I missed you daddy.”
“Me too!”
“I missed you the most!” Autumn said and both of her siblings made a face at her which made you and Jack laugh. Axel looked at her as if he wanted to fight her.
“Well I missed my wife and babies too. Have you three been good for mommy?” He asked as he made his way over to you and leaned down to kiss you with Axel trying to push you away from Jack.
“Axel!” Jack said as he turned to him, but all he did was smile as you laughed.
“I missed daddy, so I deserve a hug and kiss too.” You said and Axel just looked at you before holding Jack tighter.
“Mine.” Was all he whispered as you rolled your eyes. He was infamous for doing that.
“Hmm, I bet you did miss daddy. That video you sent me the other day was all the confirmation I needed.” Jack muttered so only you could hear as he sat down and you pinched him, just like you did Urban.
“I am! Just wait till later. Anyway, my babies still didn't answer my question.’
“Yes! Now mommy help me please!” Autumn said as she was trying to hop up on the couch to sit next to Jack.
You helped her up and placed her next to Jack while Ivy was on the other side of him and Axel still had a death grip on him.
“Still think I don't love you?” You asked him responding to his text from earlier as you leaned over and put a hand in his curls.
“I know you do, I was just being dramatic.” He said as he shrugged and Axel had laid his head on his shoulder.
“Oh, so you admit that you are?”
“Hold on, wait. That was a trick question.”
“I can assure you, baby that it wasn't.”
Since Jack had two shows back to back in the same city, once the show was over, the two of you had just put the triplets to sleep in the hotel suite not too far from the venue as you two were on the couch flipping through channels since neither of you were tired.
“Baby…” Jack said as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Yes, smush?”
“Thank you for today. I needed it. You have no idea how much I missed you and our babies.”
“Of course. Axel woke up crying and said he missed you so I had to fix that. Like homeboy was BAWLING.”
“Not too much on my mans now. You used to always do the same thing when we had to be away from each other for an extended amount of time. It would be like three days before I had to leave and you would be crying.”
“I literally have not been away from your dumbass since I was fourteen. Excuse me if I have separation anxiety. I still do to a certain extent, but the triplets help keep me occupied. You mean the absolute world to me even though you know that. I just…” You trailed off as you started to get tears in your eyes and Jack quickly noticed.
“Babe? Why are you upset? Talk to me.”
“More often than not, I think about how I almost made you a widow and a single parent of three children. Like the thought never leaves my mind. Ten years with you wasn't enough. And to then be separated from you forever?”
“No amount of years will ever be enough. I love you in this lifetime and all the ones after that. You fought tooth and nail to come back to us and all of the doctors and nurses could see it. I knew when I first laid eyes on you that you were my soulmate.” Jack said as he lightly stroked your face and kissed away your tears.
“I love you and I will never get tired of saying it. And I'm always here to remind you of how important you are to me. We've shown each other how much we want this marriage to last. Being away from you for that month when everything had gone to shit, I just knew that I had lost you. I was literally waiting for the divorce papers.”
“That never crossed my mind. I wanted to make it work and we did just that. I love you more than anything and I'm so happy that I can still tell you that in person. I noticed your eyes literally light up every time I say it.” You giggled as you kissed his nose and he immediately turned a shade of bright red.
“And I can still make you blush.” You said while laughing harder.
“Baby, stopppppp.” Jack responded as he hid in your shoulder and you played in his curls.
It was quiet for a few minutes as both of you were watching the movie that Jack had decided on before you broke the silence.
“Hmm, did you forget?”
“Forget what?” Jack asked as he looked at you confused.
“How much I missed daddy. I think I need to show you. The movie can wait.” You responded as you hopped up from the couch and walked backwards to the bedroom as Jack smirked before running after you.
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
When We Wake
Masterlist here
Word count: 1,300+
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Synopsis: Blissfully waking within the arms of your lover, you are both struck with the thoughts of how precious you have become to one another. Whispering confessions of adoration to one another while the other slumbers, you are both completely overcome with such deep devotion.
Themes: established relationship, sir Crocodile x reader, gn!reader - non gendered descriptors, suggested nudity, kisses, confessions of love, sir Crocodile is soft for you, romance, romantic imagery, morning kisses, lazy kisses.
Notes: @carrotsunshine wanted a lovestruck Crocodile to read when she finished work today. I had no choice, my hands were bound and I stayed up past midnight again getting it done. While Croco is not one of the regular characters to write for, I did find myself falling for him a little in this fic. @since-im-already-here suggested the song, because smol-snail is a queen. Was written on my phone.
Tag list: @sordidmusings @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @cinnbar-bun @i-am-vita
Song: Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez, Em Beihold
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Falling asleep, content within the arms of a lover is a luxury Sir Crocodile never knew he could afford. Although extremely wealthy, he deemed himself unworthy of such an exuberant opulence. For all his shortcomings in his youth, clawing with his right hand while grappling with his left hook to be within the lap of comfort all Berry could buy: this small slice of the heavens he carved for himself with you was priceless.
It was not so dissimilar for you. You had never known a love as passionate, as heated, nor as deep a connection as the one you shared with Sir Crocodile. He was your world, and you were his. These few moments together, before the world drew first breath and the symphony of birdsong would sing to welcome the dawn, you lay in complete syncronancy.
Your heartbeats would thump to the same rhythm, your lungs extend as you drew breath in the same soothing inhale before softly exhaling in unison. If one of you shifted to rotate, splayed fingertips would search in yearning to find each other's warmth within the night: shifting blankets to adjust the heat for one another accordingly.
If you fell out of rhythm together, after a night of sound, blissful slumber, and one of you woke first: the other would gaze fondly at the lover they had taken.
When Sir Crocodile awoke first, his right hand would rise from its position against your hip, slowly raking his fingers delicately along your skin. His calloused hand was coarse and rough, but his fingers were always soft and gentle for you.
Finally, as his fingers reach your shoulders, he massages your shoulder tenderly before raking his forearm over your body and tucking your slumbering form firmly secured against his chest. His eyes were half-hooded, gazing with the softest flutter of his lengthy eyelashes down at you.
“You are so precious to me, my moon,” he whispered into your hair, pressing a tender kiss softly against your hair, “A bright light that guides me through such horrors within my darkened past.” You barely stir within your sleep, unaware such deep, devoted confessions were being freely gifted from the smiling lips of your lover.
“You are the blood that swells my heart,” his breath tickled your temple as his scarred cheek nuzzled against the crown of your head, “It would be too simple a thing to kill for you, as it would be to die for you.”
Unconsciously, your body began to burrow into his chest within your slumber. A soft moan expelled itself from between your lips as you reveled in the contact of your bare skin against his own. His final confession was whispered like a prayer into your ear.
“You command my very soul, my spirit is yours to do with what you will,” he smiled as he felt you stirring within his arms, “Should you toy with me, torture me, or choose to trust me: either way, I am yours, and I will live my life for you.”
Upon hearing his words, your immediate response upon waking was to press a kiss within the hollow flesh of his jugular notch. His breath hitched, his eyes fluttering shut as a rumbled groan in bliss swelled within his chest.
“As I am yours, my beautiful Crocodile.”
Should you find yourself to be the first to rise, your breath would hitch as your eyes met with his face. Within his slumber, he managed to break away from your embrace. Lying on his back, his hair splayed down over his face, you notice the deep furrow of his brows and the soft shudder of a snarl.
Softly and cautiously, you draw up your hands over his broad chest to hover over his face. The bright lightning-sheen of his healed scar illuminated within the soft light of the morning. You slowly lean over him, your chest lying flush against his as you straddle his waist.
You splay your forearms over his chest, elbows barely reaching the shoulders of the large man as you lay your ear flush against his chest. The rapid beat of his heart began to slow, a deep, sleepy inhale of his breath sucked in through his lips and departed softly through his nose.
“You are the most precious thing to me, my beautiful Crocodile,” you confessed your deep devotion into his chest, “No gold, jewels, nor Berry could ever meet you as equal.”
Sweeping your cheek away from his chest, you brushed your nose against his chest before beginning a trail of soft and lazy kisses over his pectorals. For each kiss you planted, a confession was whispered into his skin.
“You are the greatest man I have ever known,” you pressed a deep kiss against his clavicle bone, “Your fierce devotion to me is only outmatched by my own to you.”
The swell of his chest beneath your body indicated he was beginning to stir within his deepest rest. He sighed as he raised his right arm to unconsciously pull you closer into his chest. You elevated your chin to gaze up into his dark, violet eyes that had barely split apart between the curtain of his eyelashes.
“You are my closest confidant, my most ferocious protector,” you pressed a lengthy kiss against his jaw before brushing the hair that shrouded his face from full view, “You are all mine.” His eyes were sleepily gazing down at you, feeling the shift of your body flush against his own.
“As you are all mine.”
But should you find yourselves back within that perfect synchrony, on very rare occasions, your eyelashes would flutter as the world around faded into view. The world, as both of you knew it within your souls, was within the arms of one another. The only world that mattered to you both in those fleeting moments, before obligation and commitments called to you; was only, and always, each other.
As your joint eyelids rose together, your glassy orbs found their peace within each others' gaze. You were always the first to smile, where he was always the first to reach out to pull your body against his.
It was always up for debate as to who uttered those sacred words first. The three sought after and holy words that bound you together as one life, one body, one heart, and one soul. Those simple words that had the most mighty and hardened soldiers stutter and stumble over them in their fluster.
Immediately meeting with your smiling lips, Sir Crocodile swooped down and captured them beneath his own. Always slow, the angle of his jaw would alternate with his chin extending down and rotating to depict his heated passion. The bridge of his nose brushed against your own, the rumble of his moan expelled within your mouth as yours fled into his.
Parting your lips, you sought out more contact with your body pressed firmly against your passionate lover. You hooked your arms over his neck as he braced his right arm and left forearm around your waist.
He rolled you over his chest, before using the propulsion of the swinging motion of your body to pin you beneath him. You squealed into his mouth in shocked joy, his lips never breaking their deep contact against your own. With your lover now between your legs, you clawed at his shoulders to tug him closer.
The deep furrow of his brow, and sharp inhale of breath through his nose, had you enchanted by his enthusiastic welcome to commence the day. Almost begrudgingly, he finally split contact away from your lips to smile down at your position beneath him.
Taking a moment to silently acknowledge each other, you slowly laced your hands within the ink-black strands at the back of his head just as he leaned down to press his forehead against your own. Your whispers were almost inaudible, this confession being so scared you both dare not present it to undesirable ears.
This confession was just meant for only each other, your lips brushing briefly as you both relayed your devotion in perfect, unified symphony.
“I love you.”
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hayleylatour · 2 months
Finding Peace 🕊️
Content warnings- angst, medical talk and hospital stay. NICU/ pre mature birth.
Summary- Mia and Noah are faced with the pre mature birth of their daughter, an emergency C-Section and a NICU stay.
Paring- Baby daddy! Noah Sebastian X OC Mia
~Chapter Seven~ Mia’s POV
~3 weeks later~
Gulping down the last of my water I set the glass in the sink as I double over and grab onto the counter. Pain shoots through my back, it’s almost like period cramping but about 10 times worse. No ones is home currently. The guys went to the studio early, Noah said they probably wouldn’t be back till late tonight. The pain has been coming and going since I woke up at 8am, it’s 5 in the evening now. It has become more frequent and more intense. As the pain subsides i walk to the table and grab my phone calling Noah.
“Hello?” He said after the third ring.
“Noah I need you to come home. I think she’s coming now.”
“What do you mean? You aren’t due for another like 7 weeks?” Panic rises in his voice and I can hear his keys jingle. “I’m on my way, I’ll be there in 20 minutes” a rush a liquid down my legs and a small puddle on the floor has me crying.
“Noah- my water broke” tears stream down my face. It’s too early, she’s not ready. Shes too early, too small, too weak.
“I’ll be there in 5, don’t move!” The engine roars to life. Noah is home in less than 5 minutes, his hair disheveled as if he’s been pulling at it.
“I’m scared” I’m shaking I can barely breathe the pain is becoming worse.
“It’s okay, why didn’t you call me earlier? I would have come home”
“I didn’t want to bother you”
“Let’s go, let’s go have a baby.” The ride to the hospital is a blur, the pain becomes almost unbearable. I’m rushed to labor and delivery and doctors and nurses are in and out of the room.
“When did you first notice the pain sweetheart?” An older lady ask me.
“When I got up this morning, around 8. I thought they were Braxton- ah” my sentence cut short as another pain arises.
“These are real sweets. Let’s call NICU make sure they’re ready for this little girl please” she calls out to one of the nurses. She nods before swiftly making her way out of the room.
“NICU?” Noah says.
“Yes sir- she’s a little early for the party. She’ll need some extra help adjusting” the woman says calmly. Noah’s eyes widened this wasn’t the plan, she was supposed to stay put. 7 weeks-she was supposed to keep getting bigger and stronger for 7 more weeks.
Roughly 2 hours had passed before doctors and nurses were running into the room. One throwing a paper gown to Noah. “Mia, her heart rate is low, we need to do something now. It could be detrimental, we need to do an emergency C-Section. Okay?” Being wheeled down the hall and to an elevator, we make our way to the OR.
“Okay Mama! we’re ready, dad should be here in just a second then we’re going to start.” The doctor says as Noah rushes through the double doors and straight to me. “Alright everyone, let’s have a baby.” The doctor starts asking for supplies, everyone is moving quickly and soon a small person is lifted above the curtain. Shes here.
“Congratulations it’s a girl!” The doctor says before handing her to the nurse, who rushes her to the warmer.
“Shes not crying! Why isn’t she crying? Hello somebody tell me why my daughter isnt crying! Noah please go- go see her. Why isn’t she crying?she’s supposed to cry!” The room is silent for a moment but it feels like an eternity before a loud scream is heard and I exhale a breath i didn’t know I was holding. Noah walks back over to me tears in his eyes as he begins brushing the hair back from my face. “Shes so beautiful, she has your nose and lips. Theyre going to take her now do you want to meet her before they go?” Nodding, he steps aside as a young nurse brings Ophelia into view. Wrapped in a white hospital blanket her cry’s have become more of a sniffle, she’s so little. How is she supposed to be able to fight when she’s this tiny.
After the doctor had closed me up and I was sent to recovery. Ophelia was taken to the NICU. Tubes and wires are covering most of her small body and face. “You can hold her if you want.” The nurse says to me. “You won’t hurt her.”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. Shes not strong enough, we don’t have her nursery done. We were supposed to have time.” My voice wavers. Looking at my little girl, the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor she’s connected too almost like a metronome.
“Mia. She is strong, she’s a fighter. Got some damn strong lungs too.” I laugh of course she would.
“Thats all Noah. The strong lungs. He’s a vocalist”
The nurse-Rebecca, opens the glass box and gently picks Ophelia up and out. Handing her to me before stepping back.
“What’s her name? If you have one picked out.”
“Ophelia Grace Davis” Noah says coming up behind me. “The guys are finishing her room. They left soon after I did. It’s done. They’ll be here soon, they have some things for you. We forgot your bag and the doctor said we will be here at least 48 hours. Standard protocol for C-Section.” His voice is soothing but does little to heal the pain in my chest.
“Can we stay here for a few more minutes?” He nods. Rebecca walks out leaving us look at the person we created in awe.
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akillerbeforeyou · 6 months
(Kai Anderson x fem!reader)
Authors note: Heyy! This is my first time writing for Kai (and writing on Tumblr in general) so please feel free to tell me how you feel about it! It will be a two-parter (smut in the second part) because I'm lazy and didn't feel like writing more. Also, this is barely proofread.
Also! This fic is heavily inspired by a Kai bot from @fear-is-truth I wouldn't have had the motivation to start writing again if it wasn't for that bot so thank you!
Word count: around 1k
Content warning: implied sexual content, implied violence, that's pretty much it for now.
read part two here
It was my fault. I had fucked up, big time. 
From the very beginning, Kai had taken a liking to me. I've always been good at following rules to a tee with little to no hesitation. So naturally, I became one of Kai's favorites. When the role of his devoted girlfriend was first assigned to me, I assumed it was just that- a role to play- just another tactic to sway the voters in favor of him. I mean, who doesn't love a candidate with family-oriented values? it would be a way to humanize him and soften his image to the public. and who better to play the part than the one woman who had been willing to walk to the end of the world for him since the very get-go? Over time, I realized our relationship was more than just a facet of his public persona. I genuinely cared about him- and in his way, he felt the same. He would ask something of me, and I would do it. Never once since joining the cause did I feel threatened by him. Until now. 
I woke up confused, not remembering having laid down in the first place. As my vision cleared, I recognized the basement, dimly lit and empty. The grogginess I had originally woken up to started to fade as I looked down to find I had been completely tied down in the chair I was seated in. That's when I reminded myself of the previous 'mission' I had gone on with the rest of FIT where we had to retreat early to avoid getting caught after I had been the one to draw too much attention to the group. 
Fuck. Kai wasn't anywhere in sight, but I could feel his presence. I had been by his side since day one and I knew all too well how this would end. The sound of his footsteps broke the silence in the room, followed closely by his voice. 
"Now. What am I going to do with you?" I could feel his hot breath tickling the back of my neck as he leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Divine Ruler. I'm sorry. I really am." I did my best to get out full sentences but every few words I was interrupted by involuntary sniffles. "Good girls don't fail their leaders. I thought you'd learned that by now.." he paused, and I held my breath as I remembered the multiple occasions I had watched others being brutalized for mistakes smaller than the one I had just made. "You know I have to punish you, right? It wouldn't be right for you to get away with screwing up this big." he circled me as I bit my lip, trying to hold back tears and completely unable to respond. "Say something, little lamb." he paused before feigning concern "Aw, are you scared? is that it?" I looked up and nodded my head. "Well, you should be. I'm furious with you. and you know what I'm like when I'm furious at someone." my heart pounded in my chest as I scrambled to find the right words to say- if that was at all possible. "Please Kai-" I stop myself midway through using his name, knowing that will only further my punishment "-Divine Ruler, I'm so sorry I am. you know I would never purposely sabotage you, sir" I say as my lips tremble and hot tears begin to stream down my face. He leans in, impossibly close to me before continuing to speak. "How cute. Look at how much you're crying for me when I haven't even hurt you- yet." "Yet..?" I stutter watching a sadistic grin spread across his face. "That's right, little lamb. I haven't decided how I'm going to punish you yet, but there'll be a punishment, I can assure you that much." Another moment of silence as I try and think of some sort of response- to no avail, of course. "Perhaps it's time I really whipped you into shape, little lamb. Maybe then you'll learn how to behave properly like a good little girl would." His tone is cruel and sharp enough to cut glass. I inhaled deeply "Please- Divine Ruler don't you think there isn't any need for that" I looked up at him with doe eyes "I've never failed you before sir it won't happen again- don't I deserve to be let off with a warning" Normally, talking to Kai like this would be a sure-fire way to end up being thrown in a ditch- but I knew deep down he'd be somewhat more lenient with me than the others, considering our relationship. "Oh, you think you deserve to be let off with a warning? Why's that? Because you're my special little lamb, and you've been a good girl up until now?" he pauses with a light chuckle to himself "Well, I'm in a bad mood now, Y/N, so I don't really care what you deserve. I want to punish you, and no amount of pleading and weeping is going to change my mind." he said, with eyes as cold as ice and words as harsh as nails. "I've been such a good girl" I plead with both my tone as well as my eyes "Please baby, I love you" the second sentence I speak in a whisper, knowing Kai would either react extremely negatively to me calling him baby or extremely positively, but no in between. 
To anyone else, it would seem as if he did not react- but I could see his face soften as he soaked in my pleas. He would never admit it, but he liked it when I called him baby. And he liked it even more when I was begging and at his mercy. 
"Baby" my voice quivers as I look up at the man I adore- as well as fear. Kai's expression softens some more, and the cruelty in his eyes has almost completely faded.
I take a deep breath of air and try my best to smile sweetly through the tears "Baby, every single thing I do is for you. for us. please" I watch as Kai's breathing becomes heavier. his mouth curls up into an almost predatory smile as he hears my words. "That was perfect," he says, caressing my cheek. I lean into his touch as his thumb circles over my cheekbone. His gaze remains locked on mine, filled with something seeming more like affection than hatred. He continues in a gentler tone "You are my good girl, aren't you?" 
"Of course I am. I would do anything for you." I watch as his grin returns, less sinister and a lot more warm. As fucked up and unhealthy as it was, there isn't anything that turns Kai on more than devotion. 
"Good girl," Kai says sweetly as if he had completely forgotten about his earlier anger
"You know what I want from you now, don't you, my little lamb?" I bite my lip, mascara stains my face "Just say the word, and I'll do whatever you want" "Hm... I could still punish you, couldn't I? You failed me when I needed you most.... you've got to atone for that somehow, don't you?" my stomach flips as he leans in even closer to me. "But... maybe I can forgive this time. I am feeling particularly generous today, after all. I've got a better idea."
"Thank you, divine ruler. you really are good to me. please tell me, what idea are you talking about sir" I ask in my softest tone, letting Kai take the rails. "Don't play dumb with me, sweetheart... you know very well what I'm talking about." he draws his hand even lower, moving it up my thigh, slowly inching upward. I throw my head back and hiss slightly as his hand trails up my thigh, a shock of pleasure courses through my body at the small contact he makes. "I'll do whatever you want. I live to serve you. Just please- untie me from the chair, baby" Kai takes a moment to think to himself before he begins unties to me. As the bonds are undone, I can feel the blood rush to my limbs once more, relief washing over me after what seemed like an eternity of suffering.
 "Good girl. Now... get on your knees."
Feel free to give me constructive criticism! I am also thinking of starting a taglist so let me know if you want to be tagged in part two/future fics. Thanks!
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kyleraynermybeloved · 11 months
One Of A Kind -Chapter Two
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Pairing: Kyle Rayner x Batsis!Reader
Summary: A surprise is discovered. Is it terrifying? Absolutely!
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, mentions of morning sickness, pregnancy, canon-level violence, my bad writing
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I'm very late but HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Its FINALLY here, and guess who has covid! Sorry it took ages to arrive. If the pacing feels a bit off it's bc I wrote this a little drunk a while ago. (I did end up misplacing it and i finally found it so no proof read, we die like heroes) I hope yall enjoy this, if not then I'm sorry :/ ALSO, this is going to be the last short chapter of the series so expect the others to be a little longer from now on!
OOAK Masterlist
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The overwhelming nausea woke you up, and you barely made it to the toilet before the contents of your stomach emptied out. You heaved some more, your body shaking from the force after each one. The bile in your mouth was enough to make you wince and spit into the toilet hoping to get rid of the taste.
Groaning, you set your head against the cold seat as the dizziness subsided a little. It was just the wake up call you needed before heading back to work. It seems the few days you had off were too short of time to readjust to your normal routine. You might as well get ready now that you’re up.
You were too busy leaving in a hurry to say bye to Billy once you checked the time, effectively running late. Hopefully you'd have time to check in with him later to see if he was faring the same. You had felt sick the entire time getting ready upon arriving on base, your stomach churning uncomfortably with unease. It might have been the food and drinks from last night or the winter air doing a number on you. For now, you shrugged it off to the best of your abilities.
There were plenty of other agents walking around when you arrived at the tarmac. A few faces you haven’t seen before looked towards you as you made your way to the chopper Sormael had instructed you to from this morning's message. They might’ve been the new hires you heard about coming in the other day. Deciding to put on a friendly face, you smiled and waved towards them as you continued walking.
“Thrasher! About time you made it, what happened to always being on time?” Sormael engulfed you in a hug, giving a firm little shake before breaking away.
“Sorry, sir. I wasn’t feeling all too well this morning and that seemed to cut into my arrival time. Won’t happen again, unless the husband has a say in it.”
“They do love to make things a little more interesting don’t you think? Are you feeling better, or do I need you to sit this one out? I have Zeru on standby seven klicks out from the target site.”
“Negative, sir. I’m much better now, only needed some fresh air and to see your wonderful face,” You bumped his shoulder against yours, sending him a lopsided grin. A gesture you’ve done countless times to let him know you were fine.
There was no chance in hell you would let Zeru, a colleague you’ve been competing against, take this job just because you felt a little sick. The two of you had an ongoing bet to see who could get more jobs done in the span of eight months, the loser had to buy the winner dinner for three weeks. And the eighth month was now coming to a close, you had one job on him but it was only a matter of time before he caught up.
“Alright, well, here’s everything you need to know,”  Sormael handed you a folder that was banded shut. “It’s a covert mission, a simple extraction job. Retrieve the data and get to the rendezvous point for further instructions. Like usual, you’ll have a ride there but you’ll need to find a way back to ensure no one can link you back here. Stay safe, the roads are freezing over. Do whatever you need to get back to us.”
“Always am.” Nodding your head in affirmation you turn to the awaiting helicopter. The snowfall began to pick up causing you to pull your coat closer to fight against the bitter cold. Harsh snowflakes pelted against your face once you got to the aircraft door. The aircraft shielded you from the oncoming storm once you got inside, sliding the door shut and getting situated in your seat.
“Morning, Agent Thrasher. Our eta is four hours, I would catch more sleep if I were you.” The pilot you recognized from previous assignments spoke through the headset. Giving him a half-assed response you went to look at the contents of the folder.
It was a fairly light folder, flipping through the papers and memorizing everything  given. Information on the building’s layout and number of personale working. Only select people had access to the server room which was located on the fifth floor, third room on the right. Attached to the last page was a small flash drive still wrapped in the package.
The nausea had finally settled down, giving you a break for the time being. But you had a sneaking suspicion that it would come back. If that was the case you'd have to make this quick.
You sent Kyle a brief text, letting him know of your whereabouts for the next few hours and decided against telling him of your sickness from the morning.
The sun had peaked through the clouds once you were high enough in airspace, warming you up from the chilly temperature. It was odd that you were cold for this long, your body had gotten used to adapting to the different temperatures over the years of constant traveling in different climates. Pulling your thick coat impossibly closer you thought it best to reserve your energy and get some sleep while you still had time.
You had everything under control, the mission was going smoothly. Entering the building and getting into the server room had gone seamlessly. The flash drive had all the needed information and the only thing left was your escape.
The earpiece you had in your ear was patched into a secure channel only the rendezvous team had access to. It was silent for now.
Normally, you would have to reach out first once in range of any rendezvous point or an appointed team member would reach out if you’ve been dark for too long.
You had carefully tucked the flash drive into a secure pocket, adjusting to make sure it was unnoticeable. The uniform you had acquired once getting into the lobby at the beginning of the mission had been doing its job perfectly as a disguise. No one was the wiser when you had gone in and when exiting the server room, the door locked after shutting closed.
Keeping your head down you walked through the hallway successfully keeping attention off of you. Turning around the corner to the stairwell, you quickly descended down the flight of stairs only passing by two people as they left through the door you just went through.
After reaching the second level another wave of nausea washed over you making you unsteady. Not again, you could only do so much while your whole world was spinning. The stale air wasn’t helping at all either. It made everything feel more restricted and claustrophobic.
You carefully walked down the remaining steps to the floor level, supporting most of your weight on the railing and wall so as to not stumble down. The more you had turned the corners of the staircase the harder it got to keep your composure. There was only one more turn before the ground floor, deciding it would be best to take a breather once you were far enough away from the building, you pushed on. Finally leaving the stairwell and taking the closest exit towards you welcomed the fresh winter air, inhaling deep breaths as it helped ease the bile that was threatening to come up long enough to make it past the parking lot to a lone car where you had stashed your things.
You shed the uniform changing into the spare outfit you had packed in the warmth of the car. Digging through your bag you found something to ease the nausea for the time being until you could take something once you got home. For now, you just hoped it would work.
Little flecks of snow slowly drifted down, dark clouds were filling up the bright sky. You drove until you were three miles out from the rendezvous point, hidden well enough to not stick out to oncomers, after concealing the car  and wiping it down of any prints left you grabbed your bag and walked the remaining way there.
As soon as you made it inside the hidden cabin and debriefed with the team after handing over the flash drive, you threw a few more logs into the dwindling flames of the fireplace to heat the small cabin up.
Your hands felt like icicles and your legs had gone numb a mile into the journey. The layers you’d put on did very little to help maintain heat.
The team informed you before they departed that the cabin was yours for the time being, well at least until after you leave before the cleaning crew arrives.
Knowing you had enough time to shower and change into more comfortable clothing made you physically relax, letting out a content sigh.
Thinking now was a good enough time to check your phone, possibly give Billy a call. If he was fairing as badly as you were then you definitely needed to apologize for possibly getting him sick.
“Billy speaking, what’s up?” He answered on the second ring, judging from the noise in the background he must’ve been home.
“Hey kid, glad I managed to reach you. Sounds like you’re home, did you make it back safely and in one piece?” Shifting the phone to hold it with your shoulder, you were able to take out an outfit and some essentials into the bathroom.
“Oh, yeah I made it back just a little after you left. I was gonna say something but you left in a hurry and I didn’t want to keep you back any later than you had to.” That seemed about right. Both you and Kyle had told him on many occasions that he didn’t need to keep things to himself, whatever it was that he needed the both of you would pause what you were doing and give him your undivided attention.
“No worries, next time go ahead and ask me to stay back a little. Speaking of which, I wanted to ask how you’re feeling? I’m feeling a little under the weather, it might’ve been the food from last night.”
“You know how I get, I just didn’t want to bother you too much. And I feel fine, if you want we can head over and bring you some soup or something?” There was a muffled sound on the line before he spoke up again. “Hey, I got to go. Keep me updated though, I think we’ll head over later today, if not tomorrow. See you later.”
“Will do, see you later kid.”
Well that was interesting. What else could be making you sick if not the food? At least he wasn’t under the weather, that made you feel better knowing you didn’t get him sick as well.
A ding from your phone pulled you out from your thoughts. It was a message from Kyle saying he was back on Earth. You sent a reply of your location and asked if he could bring a thermometer and cold medicine before hopping into the shower.
The water pressure wasn’t great but it also wasn’t the worst you had. It came out in soft bursts, fortunately the shower head was large so it covered more than a small area. The water did wonders for your aching muscles, which had been unusually sore and stiff for the past few weeks. You knew it couldn’t have been from either of the previous assignments you were on. Or for this one as a matter of fact.
At some point you must’ve dozed off, still on your feet. Deciding it was better to get out and get some actual rest without any incoming injuries, you turned off the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel. Kyle would be on his way soon, in the meantime you could busy yourself getting ready and warming up on the couch in front of the fireplace.
By the time Kyle came around you were passed out.
“Hey sleepy, I wasn’t sure what to get so I bought whatever I could find. I also brought some soup from your favorite place, it should still be hot.” Kyle helped ease you up to sit on the couch, you must’ve laid d0wn while you were sleeping. 
“Oh, hi,” you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes with a smile. “How long have you been here?”
He put a hand to your forehead, “Long enough to know you were tossing and turning for a while. On the bright side you don’t have a temperature but better safe than sorry, take this.” He handed you a water bottle and two tylenol from one of the two bags he had, which you gladly accepted and took.
Once you finished your water Kyle traded it for a container of soup. It was still hot enough to warm you up. He plopped down next to you with his own food, digging in once he knew you could eat fully on your own.
“Thank you, I think the soup is helping me some. How are the fellas doing? Causing more chaos for the team I assume?”
“Oh you know it, nothing but the best from Guy. I also may have enabled him… just a little bit.” his smile had a hint of mischief with the knowing look he gave you.
“Of course, babe,” you nudged him with your shoulder, “ ‘Just a little bit’ my ass. You totally orchestrated whatever it was. I feel bad for the poor soul who was on the receiving end of you two maniacs.”
He threw his head back in a laugh. “You know me so well. It wasn’t too bad this time, I swear. Oh, I forgot. Before I left you said you had something you wanted to tell me?”
Ah, you had completely forgotten about that. You tried racking your brain for the right words to explain this best. After five years together it was kind of hard to just come out and say you had been lying to him all that time about yourself. Well, in a way you weren’t lying, just always avoiding mentoning your past and family.
“Uhm,” your hands clasped together in your lap as you leaned forward, “You know how I aoid talking about my past with you or brush it off when you ask me about it?”
He put his food down to give you his full attention, motioning for you to continue once he sat back, grabbing one of your hands in reassurance.
“Gosh this is hard, uhm. I want you to know that I didnt tell you because I don’t trust you, more because I was scared to tell you. I guess the best way is to rip the bandaid off. But more or less I was… Batman’s daughter, this was years ago of course. I don’t actually know if he told anyone in the league about me since I wasn’t one of the many side-kicks.”
“I think I remember Alfred having some photos of when you were young laying around the mansion when I lived there for a bit, I asked them about it but no one really said anything. Figured it was a sore subject. Im going to be honest, I’m a little hurt that you didn’t tell me sooner but I understand having moments of the past haunting you.”
“There’s more I would like to tell you,” I pulled him towards me more, “But I’d rather tell you once we get home. How about we head over once we’re done eating?”
“No problem, eat as much as you can and we'll take the leftovers with us.” Kyle grabbed his container and gestured at you to eat with a forkful halfway to his mouth.
It had been two weeks later when you decided to see your agency’s doctor to check out your recent sickness. You had been expecting a stomach bug, or the flu, the last thing you expected was finding out you were ten weeks pregnant. Ten weeks. Kyle, who went with you almost and passed out from the news, was still taking his time processing everything you told him, rightfully so. The two of you were sent home with congratulations and several pictures of your growing bean. It had felt too surreal, and overwhelming.
All that happened three days ago, now you and Kyle were just entering your apartment after buying some pregnancy essentials for you when a noise from the kitchen alerted you of an intruder. You reached for your sheathed knives, usually strapped to your thighs, out of reflex before Kyle stopped you, rushing forward with the bat you normally kept by the front door.
“Fuck man, I could killed you!” Kyle’s alarmed voice steadied your racing heart after realizing it was someone he knew. You slowly made your way to the kitchen, their muffled voices getting clear the further you walked down te hallway. One being Kyle’s and the other you now recognized to be Guy Gardner, who you haven’t actually met but have seen through videos either of your boys have shown you.
“You’re brave for knocking up Batman’s long lost daughter,” Guy pointed to the ultrasound photo pinned on the fridge. “I don’t envy you one bit man. And you must be the lovely wife. Guy Gardner, great to finally meet the mysterious lady Rayner’s been hiding from me.”
“How’d you know we’re married?” Kyle looked alarmed and confused.
“Well, you do have your wedding pictures laying ‘round the place.” He pointed out to the living room where the photos had been conveniently placed on the coffee table.
With a sigh and shake of your head, you held out your hand to Guy. “Y/N Rayner, pleased to finally meet this doofus’ best friend he speaks highly of.”
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zh0nggucc1 · 9 months
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Drippin Desires 1/2
Word count: 1.6k
Pairings: Mingi x Gn!reader
Content: Mingi is Y/N’s boss and he’s running late…
Warning: NSFW, public indecency, fingering, degradation, pet names (darling), dom!mingi, sub!reader
Splash! Droplets of the liminal greys above my head secreted its condensed layers. People scavenged around for any form of shelter, some even using the tops of their hood-less jackets to protect their heads from the harmless liquid. There was one in particular who caught my eye, the only one that could come out of this waterfall looking like a Greek God. If he wasn’t a Greek God he was surely blessed with all the beauty Athena had to offer
Song Mingi, unfortunately my boss. His brown, slicked back locks were beginning to fall down onto his carefully and beautifully, sculpted face, due to the rain weakening the gel that held his most likely, soft and luscious hair in place. A slight look of frustration painted his face before he glanced my way, replacing that sour look with a half smile. He soon approached me. We didn’t often catch the train together as he usually took the earlier train. I’m assuming he woke up late, putting him in this position.
“Good morning Mr. Song, are you running late?” I gently and professionally spoke to him. The rain dripping down his face enhanced his beauty by 100x, I could barely focus on anything but his stunningly shaped, pink, plump lips. They looked like they were itching to be kissed, I couldn’t bare it. “No need to be so professional, we’re not at work yet, call me Mingi.” He sent me a friendly smile. I couldn’t be friendly with him, I could barely resist ripping his clothes off on the spot. “I would prefer to be professional around you, sir.” As I finished speaking, the train had arrived at the platform. The moment the doors had opened, I swiftly hopped on hoping he would take the hint and leave me alone. The train was rather crowded so we had both ended up in each other’s personal space. It was more than i could handle.
“Come on, you can loosen up around me Y/N, don’t have to be so tight~.” His comment caused a light pink to cover my cheeks. “I don’t think it is appropriate for you to be talking to me this way and please, call me ‘L/N’, we must remain professional, sir.” I remained calm. “What? You don’t like it when I call you Y/N?” He sent me a very subtle smirk. No, I fucking love it, that’s the problem…
“Please don’t call me that again.” I spoke in between a gulp. Mingi spoke up again. “But I like your name, Y/N.” That was it. “I said stop!” I snapped at him, just like an angry chihuahua. I immediately regretted it. I turned around, My back facing him, feeling slightly guilty for shouting at him. Seconds later, I felt something solid poke my backside. Was that what I thought it was? This can’t be happening, I won’t be able to resist much longer…
“S-Sorry…” He muttered, as he grazed his finger along my hip, his tone much less confident and much more timid. He held his head lower, the sensation of his rough breaths down my neck, sending chills down my spine. I know what he wanted and I wanted it too but it was so risky, especially here.
Fuck it. Any dignity I left was gone in an instant as I backed myself up onto his partially hardened erection. I could tell he enjoyed this as he had to clear his throat to hide any devilish sounds that were aching to leave his mouth. It was so undeniably sexy. I needed to hear more of his sinful vocals. They caused a familiar liquid to coat my panties. I pressed my thighs together, in attempts of creating some kind of friction to satisfy this unbearable desire to be touched by him.
I hurriedly, scanned around the crowded cart. Once I was sure no one was looking, I grabbed his abnormally long fingers from behind and placed them exactly where I wanted them, up my skirt, in between my thighs. Not a word, left my lips in shame. I was about to let my boss fondle me on a train.
I heard a scoff leave his mouth and felt the vibrations from his chest due to our close proximity. Gosh that was so sexy, I felt myself getting even wetter. I bit my bottom lip, my breath becoming shaky.
His head tilted, his lips grazing my earlobe. “What is it? You want my fingers, hm?” He suggested, his voice low and quiet. It turned me on more than anything. I gulped and nodded. “I want to hear your words, darling.” He stated, stubbornly. “Y-yes..” I quietly replied. “Yes what?” He smirked. “Yes please...” I desperately spoke. He let out a low chuckle, sending shivers down my spine.
His finger’s collided with my underwear using one gentle touch and with one rough pull, they had been ripped off of me. I gasped in disbelief. He muttered a careless ‘oops’ and placed lacy fabric in his other hand, so he was now able to give me what I had been desiring.
He swiped his middle finger across my dripping folds, causing me to let out a shaky breath. He soon located my clit, rubbing slow and gentle circles around it. It felt good, but i needed more. I whined quietly. “What? is it not enough for you? How about this?” He hastily shoved two digits inside of me, causing me to let out a loud gasp. My reaction brought a wider smirk to his face. It created a sloshing sound due to the wetness. His fingers were so long, they easily reached my g-spot. He pumped his fingers in and out, rapidly, hitting my g-spot every time. My body jolted every time he hit it. I bit down on my bottom lip to suppress my moans, hard enough to draw blood.
It satisfied him seeing me try so hard to keep my composure but failing miserably. “What a slut? taking my fingers so well.” He whispered, his lips, again grazing my earlobe. I wished those perfect lips of his could be all over my body. I wished for his tongue to replace his fingers ramming into my dripping cunt. Unfortunately, this was the most I could allow to happen. It was too risky.
His bulge rubbed against my ass as his fingers rammed into my clenching cunt. He used his thumb to circle my clit, rapid enough for an orgasm to be nearing. I couldn’t do that here… it would make a mess.
“Sir- I mean Mingi- I mean Mr. Song… you need to stop.. i’m c-close.” I stuttered, breathlessly. “So what? Why don’t we make a mess and let the whole world that you’re not as innocent as you make yourself out to be~.” He whispered seductively. As much as I loved this feeling, he had to be stopped. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand out of my skirt and just in time because our stop was approaching. Once the train had stopped, he leaned down to whisper in my ear again. “Meet me in my office on your lunch break, darling~” He got off of the train while I paused, almost forgetting to get off.
I hopped off and started making my way my usual coffee shop. I always stopped by there before work. As I walked in, I noticed a face i hadn’t seen before. I had grown quite fond of all of the employees, but this one I didn’t recognise. They must’ve hired someone knew. He was gorgeous, a little bit short, but nevertheless stunning. He had black, mid length hair, with a middle parting. He had a smile that could light up a whole room and quite a cute aura. I had been so focused staring at him, I didn’t notice that he was trying to take my order. “Ma’am, can I help you?” He gifted me a gentle smile, knocking me out of my trance. “Ah yes, so sorry! Could I get a caramel latte with extra cream?” I asked, He immediately typed it into the till. “Of course, is that all?” His voice was so soft and pretty, I could listen to it all day. “Yup that’s all, how much will that be?” I asked. “On the house… if I could get your number?” He flirted, looking me in the eye. He was confident, even more attractive. My cheek went a light shade of pink. “Eh sure why not?” I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up the keypad, handing my phone to him. He took it and swiftly typed his number in, saving his contact with the name ‘Joongie<3’. I read his name badge. His name was Hongjoong, what a pretty name. “thank you uhh-“ I cut him off. “Y/N, call me Y/N.” I smiled. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He passed my phone back to me. “Nice to meet you too, Hongjoong.” I replied. “Wait how did you- oh I forgot I wear a name badge.” He let out the cutest chuckle, to which I replied also with a chuckle.
After our conversation I waited, patiently for my latte. After it had been made, I bid Hongjoong a goodbye and made my way into my work building. There was nothing special about my job. It was a basic office job, nothing more to it, I sat at a computer all day and got paid to type. I can’t the pay was bad though, the pay was pretty good for what it was, it gave me enough to live on and that’s all that mattered. There was one thing I looked forward too everyday and that was eye fucking Song Mingi whenever he made a grand appearance however today I felt as if I had more than just eye fucking to look forward to.
I walked over to my computer, setting my coffee down on the table. I decided to take my phone out and message Hongjoong, just so my number would show up in his phone.
Hey! it’s Y/N, message me when you get the chance
I knew, as he was at work, it would take a while for him to reply, so I just got straight on with my work.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed!! please give me your opinion and/or requests!! thank you for reading <3
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brother-kaelan · 5 days
Space Marine Husbandry AU - Aethon
Content Warning/Trigger Warning:
Brother Captain Aethon finds himself in the middle of a forest, confused and disoriented he does what he does best.
Flightless Bird
He woke up feeling cold, freezing actually. He checked himself for injuries quickly and found a a few fresh wounds on his back. The blood was starting to coagulate but blood loss did tend to make one cold. That or the snow around him. He looked up and groaned, he was in a small clearing in a forest. The sky was hidden by clouds of heavy snow.
He quickly tried voxing anyone around but the snow must have been interfering with the comms because he couldn't make much sense of the answer he got. He sat up and started breathing slower. No use in panicking, not that Astartes panicked anyways, but he needed to be as still as possible to avoid making his injuries worse, along with potentially making himself an easier target for predators.
He wasn't aware of how long he waited in the snow before a group of ultramarines, accompanied by a night Lord apothecary, found him. He looked a bit wary at the arrival of the bunch of them but legion squabbles had no place here.
"Identify yourself." The order from the ultramarine felt weird to the Raven guard but he obliged, not wanting to cause a scene
"I'm Captain Aethon Ironclaw, of the 2nd company of the Raven Guard, sir"
They all looked at each other, as if questioning the veracity of his words.
"Follow us, Brother Aethon, we have much to discuss"
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lostfirefly · 9 months
Heart of Courage
I had a very interesting dream tonight, kiddos. I woke up at 3 a.m and started writing it down.
My dreams are usually very vivid, often like films and I remember them very well. I'm not a writer, this story is my first attempt to write some kind of a fic. I wanted to post it on my page. I've edited the dream content a bit to make this more readable :)
Since English is not my native language, there may be mistakes. I apologise in advance :)
Feel free to share your thoughts.
Thanks to my friend @yujo-nishimura for giving me the confidence to post my dream here.
Thank you @laurasoretta for your kind words, prompts and support!
In my dream it was me and Buggy, but the story was transformed in the second person. I'm not sure about the title.
Ok, let's go, kiddos!
Main characters: OPLA Buggy the Clown and Fem!Reader.
No angst, smut etc. Possibly the presence of pirate language :)
The title is taken from the track "Heart of Courage" by Two Steps From Hell
You and Buggy were out for a walk, talking about different things. You were glad to finally have a day alone with your captain.
He took you to a beautiful, secluded place. It was a deserted beach surrounded by high cliffs where the waves lapped noisily.
-I told you I'd make time for the two of us, - he said, sitting down on the sand, pulling you closer to him.
-I never doubted you, my love, - you said, leaning your back against his chest and winding his blue hair around your finger.
Suddenly everything went black in your eyes..
You woke up in an unknown place, your hands were tied. You noticed some unknown men around. Pirates, of course.
When you I finally came to your senses, you saw Buggy lying on the floor. There was no doubt he'd been beaten up, his mouth covered in blood, his red nose was bleeding.
-Ooh, look, your little whore's awake, - you heard a man's voice.
-Dan, are you sure she is with him?, - а second man's voice came from round the corner.
-What are you talking about, Peters?, - the first man asked with surprise in his voice.
-Well... maybe she's just a one-night stand... you know.
-No, no, no, no, look at the way he's looking at her... What? is our boy worried about his whore?, - hissed the man.
Focusing your gaze, you finally caught a glimpse of the two men. Dan was short, a little overweight, missing his front teeth, his face completely covered with scars. His brown hair was all tangled up. He smelled like a garbage can. Yeah, hygiene was clearly not a priority for him. Peters, on the other hand, was tall and very thin. His white hair was braided.
-Shut your mouth, - you heard Buggy's voice.
-Ooh, look at that, Peters! Our clown's the protector! - he hissed, grabbing Buggy by the neck. Dan's eyes scanned the space between you and your captain, - Well, let's get back to our business. I heard your whore found some maps. Especially one that I reaaaally need.
-I don't know what are you talking about.., - you said.
-Yeah? Well, okay. I believe you. Peters, why don't we help her talk?
They started kicking Buggy again. Suddenly Dan came up to you and punched you hard in the face.
-If you touch her again, I will personally rip your head off, - Buggy said, coughing after the blows.
Dan started laughing.
-Sir, what if they're telling the truth?, - Peters asked with a dose of excitement.
-Jesus, Peters, are you stupid? Do you really think they're just going to come right out and say it? Of course not. Well, where are the maps?
-I don't even understand what you are talking about. If we had maps, you think we'd be here now? We'd probably be moving toward the Grand Line by now, leaving you suckers behind, - you said in a mocking tone.
-Dan, she annoys me. Can I hit her?, - Peters asked.
-No-no-no,.. - Dan tried to click his teeth, - I like her. She's got a temper. I love that.. That's okay. This little slut will be quick to tell all. Bring the water cube over here. I know that bastard ate the devil's fruit. Let's see what's more valuable to the little whore. The map or this idiot's life?
You regain consciousness and see Dan and Peters lowering Buggy into the water.
-So.. are we gonna talk or are you gonna watch your boyfriend die? - Dan hissed.
-Okay, okay, I'll tell you, - you said.
-Weeeeell.., - Dan asked, stabbing your neck.
-Fuck you, - you said.
You headbutted him, he dropped the knife in surprise. You tried to run towards the cube, but you got grabbed by your hair.
-Damn you, slut.., - Dan yelled, - Peters, we should give her a lesson.. You know, honey, my crew hasn't seen a woman in a long time....
-Don't touch me, you bastard! - you said.
-You hear that, Peters?, - Dan shrieked, - Damn, how'd that clown get himself such a hot filly?
Dan started running the knife down your pants and grabbing your hair. You were already thinking this is the end. Suddenly Peters, who was standing against the wall, fell down. You heard a noise on board. A headless body flew into the cabin.
Two members of your crew Yujo and Cabaji suddenly ran into the cabin. Yujo ran to you to untie your hands while you tried to get up and get to the cube.
-Cabaji, hurry up, break the cube! - you yelled.
Your hands were finally free of the ropes. Stumbling, you ran towards the cube to help Cabaji break the glass. Yujo were holding Dan in the meantime.
You and Cabaji finally broke the damn cube and free your captain. After a couple seconds, Buggy regained consciousness. You helped him up, quickly inspecting the bruises on his face. He slides you gently behind him with his hand.
-Hold on, pumpkin, - he said.
Buggy walked over to Dan. He was angry.
-Well, you took advantage of my weakness, I get that, - Buggy moved closer to Dan and grabbed him by the neck, - What I don't understand is this... What makes you think you and your bilge rat can touch my girlfriend?
-Oh, come on, clown, we were just having fun, - Dan said, trying to hide the tremor in his voice.
-Pumpkin, don't you think that's the wrong answer? - Buggy asked, turning to you.
You nodded approvingly.
-That's what I thought, - Buggy replied, a smirk appearing on his face.
He detached his hands and started choking Peters with one hand and Dan with the other.
-Yujo, darling, chop his arm off, - Buggy said, pointing at Dan.
-What? Are you crazy? What did I do? - there was panic in Dan's voice.
-I told you, you touched something that belongs to me.. - Buggy hissed through gritted teeth, - Yujo, as I said, chop his arm off.
-As you wish, - Yujo said and chopped off Dan's right hand.
Dan screamed in pain. Blood gradually poured onto the cabin floor.
-If you touch my girl again, I'll cut off the left arm, - Buggy clutched Dan tightly by the neck, then threw him to the floor with force.
Buggy walked over to Peters.
-Please, don't touch me! - cried Peters, lying in a corner.
-I don't give a shit about you, - said Buggy, giving a kick up Peters' ass.
Suddenly you fell to the floor and start sobbing.
Buggy came over to you, crouched down on his knees and hugged you.
- Heeey, calm down. I'm here, my love... - he started examining you, and you could hear the worry in his voice, - Did they?..
-No, no..., - you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Buggy helped you to get back on your feet, then hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead.
-Let's go home, pumpkin, - he whispered in your ear, - Cabaji, Yujo! Let's go back to the ship.
-Aye, captain!!
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scourgeofgotham · 1 year
The First Daughter and the Second Son
chapter five
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Warnings: SMUT 18+
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Graphic Sexual Content, Crying, Unresolved Trauma, Dom/Sub, Slapping, Praise! Kink, Begging, DD/LG, Stockholm Syndrome, Tormenting, Video Sex, F! Receiving, Gun!Kink, Breeding, the reader has PTSD
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A/N: I was gonna write a cute fluffy shower scene at the end but I saw someone did something similar and I decided against it, I may include it in later.
Also, I edited this to make it seem more consistent with developing stockholm
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October 30th, two months after Batgirl's disappearance.
The Knight walked into the safehouse, looking over at her sound asleep. He went over at sat on the bed next to her, he pets her face while she sleeps, and hit the button for his mask to go up. “So precious” he whispered and kissed her lips.
Her eyes fluttered open and she could barely keep them from shutting. “Daddy” she whispered.
Her hands reached up to touch his face, gasping when her fingers touched his skin. He was frozen, wanting to feel her touch. She opened her eyes as wide as she could, seeing a stunning man, with the clearest blue eyes she had ever seen, soft subtle peach lips. “You're so pretty, Daddy.” When he heard her say that he blushed.
Her fingers went over a raised bump, and she gasped. She traced it over and felt a ‘J’
She tried to open her heavy eyelids to look at him, ”Jay?” she whispered.
His eyes widened,
“You’re imagining things sweetheart go back to sleep.” He pressed the button and closed his helmet. Her heart wanted him to be Jason, but she didn't know if it could be true. “I miss you Jay…” she whispered moving her hands away from him.
She closed her eyes moving closer to nuzzle into him. “Stay?” she coos, making him chuckle. He laid next to her and watched her sleep.
She stirred around in her sleep, she would murmur about missing Jason.
She finally woke up around the afternoon, seeing the Knight setting up a video camera.
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“Master Bruce?” interrupts the comm line.
“It appears that Batgirls communications went offline sir,” Alfred informed. “She went offline at R.H. Kane Building sir, perhaps you should check it out.”
“When did she put back on the suit?” Bruce interrogated. “It appears about a two months ago,” Alfred claimed. “Oracle, can you hack into cameras around that location?” Bruce asked.
Bruce drove over to the R.H. Kane building and got out of the Batmobile, he used his grapple gun to zip up to the top.
Once at the top, he looked around turning on the detective mode in his cowl. He saw towards the edge of the building– Batgirl's communications and the tracker that he built into her suit. Bruce eyed around the rest of the rooftop and noticed her cowl. “Her cowl is off?”
Left behind as well was her utility belt, and a note.
“If you want to find out what happened to Robin, meet me on top of R.H. Kane.
Wear the Batgirl uniform.” he read.
“Why would she go up here?” Bruce questioned.
“Tim’s right here next to me?” Oracle was dumbfounded.
“Sir, I do deeply regret I informed you of this but maybe it is about Master Jason.”
“She knows that he died, by Joker. It doesn't make sense. Why would she willingly go into a trap?” Bruce questioned
“We need to find her, I'll look through surrounding footage and see if I can get anything.” Oracle line dropped out.
“Master Bruce?” Alfred calls out from the Bat Cave. “There’s something you should see er–”
“What is it, Alfred?”
“Something that is not pleasant. It has Batgirl in it.” Alfred sounded shocked. “Please tell me that it's not like Jason's video” Bruce insinuated “Much worst sir. It is quite graphic in the—er— I will warn you, it's not something you want to see, he has it bugged so you have to watch the whole video.”
“It's fine Alfred send it to me,” Bruce demanded. Alfred sent over the video and Bruce played it on his gauntlet display.
He hears a distorted voice calling out.
“Okay, Princess we're gonna make a video for Bruce. Get over here for Daddy.”
She got off the bed and made her way in front of the man and asked “Why are we making a video?”
“He's gonna suffer and watch while I defile his little girl.”
He shoved her onto the bed right in front of the camera. He put his gloved fingers in her mouth. “Suck,” he commanded. She did as she was told, looking up and staring at him. “Good girl.”
“Look into the camera, Princess.”
He grabbed her hair, making her look. “Smile, Belle.” She tried to smile with his fingers in her mouth, trying to please him.
“See Bruce? She's all mine now.”
He said taking his fingers out of her mouth. “Good girl all nice and soaked,” he expressed.
He pulled out his gun and put it to her mouth, “Daddy’s gun needs to be polished, can you use your spit, Princess?” She nodded and started running her tongue down the sides, toying with the slide. She then licked the inside of the muzzle. The taste of gunpowder coated her throat, “Am I doing good Daddy?” she asked with the biggest smile on her face.
“Yes, you're being such a good girl. I think that's enough for Daddy’s weapons.” He put the gun back in its holster.
“Tell Bruce how much you love me,” he snarled.
“I love him so much, he's so pretty and I love his voice. He touches me and makes me feel good. He's trying to get me pregnant so we can have a family together. He's been watching over me for years and has been sending me gifts. He said he rescued me from you, and that I don’t have to worry anymore. That I don’t have to fight criminals anymore, and that he's going to take care of me. He's the best boyfriend ever, Dad.” she proclaimed.
The man went over to the door and entered the code making sure it wasn’t in view and opened it. “Here Princess, you can leave if you wish. You don’t have to stay anymore,” he announced.
She looked confused, “Why would I want to leave you, Daddy? I love you, we’re gonna start a family?”
“I’m giving you the choice to leave,“ he restated. “I don't— I wanna marry you.” she declared with stars in her eyes. He closed the door and walked over to her and put his hand on her head, petting her. In response, she was rubbing her head against his body, giggling.
“See Bruce, she developed Stockholm, she's all mine. The trauma definitely did a number on her psyche, you know she has PTSD right? From seeing Jason be killed? She was hiding in the air vents when it happened. Saw the whole thing, poor girl. She was soo close to saving him too, too bad.” He snickered.
He picked up her chin making her look at him. She whined in retaliation. “Don’t worry Princess, you were just a child. It's not your fault, you wanted to save your little boyfriend.” He walked from where she was around the camera and to the other side, her eyes following him.
“Daddy, can we have fun now? I’m bored.” She pouted.
“Manners.” He yelled, slapping her.
“Daddy, please?” she whined.
He got a blindfold from a table and tied it around her head. “We are gonna do something different Belle.” He had her lie on the bed and got in front of the camera with his back facing toward it. “Are you gonna be a good girl for Daddy?” he asked before he took off his helmet, placing it out of view of the camera. He pulled up her robe exposing her daisy panties, got up to her ear, and whispered
“I’m gonna have to punish you later for wearing your tiny little panties.”
His soft buttery voice made her melt, “I'm sorry Daddy.” she mewled. He lifted her legs and pulled them off of her and stuffed them in her mouth.
He passed a single finger through her folds and chuckled.
He laid down on his stomach and had her legs folded up, he put two fingers in between her swollen lips and started pumping them in and out. He wrapped his arm around her leg. Her muffled moans and the sound of her overly wet pussy were the only things you could hear. Satisfied with her moans, he started flicking her clit with his tongue. He felt her legs try to move, he was chuckling in between each lick. He started to suck on her clit and position his fingers to touch her sweet spot.
She arches her back and grabs his hair to pull him closer.
His hot breath with his tongue going around in circles sent rippling pleasure throughout her core. Her body twitched every time he made a swift pass over her sensitive spot with his fingers. Her hips bucked each time she felt his tongue toying with her sensitive bud. He felt her walls fluttering around his fingers and knew she was about to orgasm.
He started sucking on her clit harder and stuck another finger in her, toying with a sensitive spot. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and drool came out of her stuffed mouth. “Mmmph!” she moaned as best as she could with her panties in her mouth. She felt dizzy, and her body was air. Her back laid flat against the bed, fingers untangled from his hair, and going to remove the panties. She was panting, her core throbbing and brutally sensitive. He pulled his fingers out of her and wiped his mouth off with a corner of his sleeve. He sat up and went up to her face, kissing her afterward.
He pulled her legs up and had her swollen lips up toward the ceiling. He pulled his hard throbbing length out of his tactical pants, already slick with anticipation, and pumped it a few times before sinking his head into the inviting slick between her puffy lips. He sunk his fat throbbing length fully into her and immediately groaned. Her swollen pink lips engulfed his massive girth. “Feel good?” he whispered.
He started thrusting back and forth, he thrusted deep inside her to find the sweet spot from earlier that made her lose control. “You’re so cute like this, all needy and all mine,” he whispered in her ear. She began squirming underneath him, desperate for another orgasm.
“Does my voice make you needy? Hearing me say filthy things in your ear?”
His pace was faster, until he was relentlessly pounding her abused core. “Harder” she choked out. His mouth turned into a sinister grin and did exactly what she asked. Fully abusing her cunt, she was crying from pleasure.
“Touch yourself, Belle.” He whispered.
She took her hand and took her middle two fingers and ran right circles around her sensitive throbbing clit.
Her body starts to twitch uncontrollably, unable to keep still from pleasure.
“You want that baby, right? Then cum for Daddy.”
He slammed his hips into her, his cock abusing her swollen core. Tears sitting along her lashes, “Daddy.” The burning sensation and her body felt like heaven almost like she was a cloud. Her walls fluttered around his girth, almost sending her over the edge. She took her fingers away from her abused bud and gripped his thighs.
The overstimulation was burning her body, the man doesn't stop, relentlessly pounding her. Lowering his head to kiss her, sticking his tongue in her mouth to keep in his groans. His pace became slower and sloppy, she felt his throbbing cock twitch inside of her, moaning at the overstimulation. He pulls away from her, and a clear line of spit pulls away.
“Cum for me,” she asks instantly. “Cum in me.”
His thighs shaking, he thrust as far as he could, balls up to her pussy. She could feel the ropes of cum coming from him, starting to leak out of her. After a couple of moments, he pulled out. He got off the bed and walked out of view of the camera and put back on his helmet. She put her legs down and sat up.
“You see Bruce, she's all mine. Tomorrow, you're gonna be dead.”
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arealphrooblem · 2 years
Kidnapped by the Boss
synopsis: Civilian is a secretary to the Prime Minster. But when the political summit between the city states goes awry, she finds herself kidnapped by the very boss she tried to protect and nothing is what it seems.
Civilian woke up that morning before the sun rose, with a to-do list a mile long, and a nervous pit in her stomach that she tried desperately to ignore. Of course she was nervous --the Summit between the  city-state leaders was happening that evening. It only occurred once every five years and this was the first time for Civilian ever since she became the Prime Minister's secretary. 
Or maybe it was because of the hushed rumor spreading like wildfire that Hidden City would send agents sabotage the Summit. Ever since the Empire split off a hundred years ago, their borders stayed closed, they refused any trade agreements or offers of allyship, and they routinely executed anyone who dared to cross over the Wall that lined their city. 
That was just a rumor, she told herself,  and a ridiculous one at that. The Hidden City made it perfectly clear they were content to ignore the rest of the continent. Why would they start caring now?
But still the pit remained. The last time she felt like this, an earthquake shook the city and leveled part of the harbor. The time before that, she'd been in a serious car accident. The pit throbbed deep in her gut like an omen and it was never wrong. 
Civilian pulled her hair up in a sleek, professional pony tail, dressed in her professional best, grabbed her tablet and clipboard, and started the day anyway. 
"Sir, we have to do your final fitting with your stylist at nine, brunch with Senator at 10:30, a meeting with the chief of security at 11:45 and a million other things and you're still eating breakfast?"
She leveled an exasperated glare at the Prime Minister, who sat at the little dining table with a cup of tea and the morning paper, still in his house slippers and undershirt. 
He gave her a warm, sunny smile and raised his tea cup in salute. 
"Never rush life's simple pleasures, Civilian," he says. "You should join me. There's still some tea left."
"I had coffee, sir. Two hours ago."
He made a face, adorably disgusted, and Civilian tried hard to hang onto her resolve in the face of it. Here lately she'd been getting pinpricks of affection and fondness that went way beyond their standard professional relationship and it was all very distracting. And wildly inappropriate. 
Civilian waltzed over and plucked the paper out of his hand. "Can we save the savoring of life's simple pleasures on a day that isn't the Summit?"
"Would you relax?" He pouted as she folded the newspaper back up. "They've had this day planned out to the minute for the last six months. There's hardly anything left to do except wait around til five o'clock."
"Sir," she said, pained. "There is a lot to do before five o'clock."
He sighed, dramatically melancholic. "Alright, alright. I will finish getting dressed. If only to save you from the ulcer that is undoubtedly churning in your stomach. You should stop drinking so much coffee."
"Sir, with respect, you are the cause of it, more so than coffee ever could be."
His laugh followed him down the hallway. 
The chaos of the day, herding her boss around as he sighed and pouted and groaned about giving a speech on one of the most important days of his political careers, almost made her forget the pit growing in her stomach. 
Civilian ticked the boxes of her to-do list in a smooth, orderly fashion right up until the chief of security came to escort her and Prime Minister to the Summit. His creased brow stayed furrowed, looking for threats in every corner, but tonight his gaze was unusually sharp and stormy. He stepped into her hotel room and shut the door behind him. 
"Keep your eyes peeled and your guard up," he told her quietly, leaning close in her space. As if afraid of someone listening. "We've arrested two people trying to break into the Summit Hall already. They were armed."
"Are they from the Hidden City?" she asked, swallowing down the flare of panic. 
"They refuse to say but I have no doubt."
Her stomach twisted. "So the rumors are true. What do you think their goal is?"
"Nothing good," he said grimly. "But beyond that, it's impossible to tell. They've kept themselves so cut off, we have on idea what their goals are anymore. Just . . .be careful. I'll be around. If you see anything suspicious, let me know."
He handed her an earpiece and she slipped it in, allowing her freshly curled hair to cover it.
They met the Prime Minister in the hotel lobby.  
"See! I can get dressed on time without your nagging," he said, beaming 
She managed a wan smile in return. "That's because your stylist is  more terrifying than even I am."
He gave her a curious stare before the chief of security thankfully took his attention away. Though the hotel was within walking distance from the Summit, the chief of security insisted they drive. The entire ride she felt the weight of her boss's stare prickle the back of her neck. 
When they pulled into the valet parking, the prime minister stepped out first and graciously held his hand out for her. She tried not to dwell on how soft and firm his fingers felt in hers.
"You look like you're going to puke," he said, an eyebrow raised.
"What a coincidence -- I feel like I'm going to puke."
He looked down at her, gaze full of concern. "You really should relax. I don't know what you're expecting, but these events will usually bore you to tears."
Civilian opened her mouth to tell him, to come clean and explain, but something stopped her. Either he would become just as nervous as her and possibly ruin his speech or he would just laugh the rumors off regardless and tell her she worries too much. Nothing productive would come either way. 
"You're right. I'm just nervous over the . . .formality of it all. I'll get over it when you start to bore me with your speech."
He smiled, slow and warm. "That's my girl."
He chucked her under the chin and her gaze dipped down, trying to hide her sudden blush. When he turned away, her hand shot out and grabbed his. 
"Wait! You're bowtie's crooked," she said. 
Without thinking, she reached up and straightened it and then smoothed her hands down the satin lapels. 
"What would I do without you," he said with a soft solemnity that made her chest flutter. 
"Probably walking around, looking stupid," she retorted, trying to control the riot of butterflies that had erupted in her chest. 
Her boss was right -- the Summit was dreadfully boring but Civilian took a weird sort of comfort in the predictability of it. In fact, they had finally started to relax as their boss intended when he leaned over and whispered, "Darling, I think I left my cue cards at the hotel."
Civilian rolled her eyes. "This is why I scanned them into my tablet." 
She reached down under her seat -- and froze. The tablet was gone. Civilian felt around under the seat as inconspicuous as she could, but the space was empty. 
"It's not here," she whispered, horrified. 
He raised his eyebrows and said, mildly, "Well . . .that is unfortunate."
"I swear to god I brought it with me. I never go anywhere without it!"
"I didn't remember seeing it. Are you sure it's not back at the hotel?"
"How are you so calm about this?" she hissed. 
"Well, darling, it has to be somewhere. I suggested you start walking -- and preferably before I have to give my speech."
As discreetly as she could, Civilian slipped out of the assembly room before making a mad dash down the hallway the second she was out of view. Her mind raced, trying to remember what she did with her tablet. She had taken it with her -- she had. She'd stake her life on it! She had to have left it in the car. Pivoting away from the front doors, she made her way instead to the parking garage. 
Just before she reached the doors to the parking garage, the power shut off, plunging the hallway in total darkness. 
"Where are you?"
The Chief of security's voice crackled in her ear. 
"What's going on?" she asked, heart pounding. In the background of his transmission she could hear yelling. 
"Where are you?"
"By the parking garage!"
"Hidden City's Agents have flooded the assembly room. Get out now. I'll take care of Prime Minster."
A gunshot cut off the transmission. Civilian stood by the door for one paralyzing moment before survival kicked in. She took off her heels and sprinted out into the cavern of the parking garage. The late evening sun gave her enough light to see by. The screams and thundering sounds of footsteps started filtering from outside, followed by the echo of bullets. She kept to the wall, inching as fast as she could between it and the cars, hoping for cover. 
Turning the corner, she saw a familiar figure standing off to the side in an empty parking space. Her knees went weak in relief to see Prime Minster unharmed. A car screeched up the other side -- their car. Through the windshield, however, was an unfamiliar face --
The car jerked to a stop and the Prime Minster reached out for the back door --
"Sir!" she yelled, waving her arm. "Sir! Thank God I found you!"
He froze at the sound of her voice, a strange, twisted expression flickering across his face so fast she almost missed it. She dodged between cars and ran down the open space to him.  
"What are you doing here?" he said, looking bewildered. "I thought you left for the hotel!"
"You can't get into that car -- that's not our driver," she hissed, grabbing his hand. 
He yanked himself out of her grasp. "What?"
"That's not the same person who took us here!"
"How do you kn--"
The echo of gunshots interrupted him. 
"Get in the car," he said -- demanded. 
"But the driv--"
"Get. In. The. Car."
He flipped the door open and shoved her in, climbing in behind her.  They had barely shut the door before the car screeched forward, tires squealing.  Civilian was thrown painfully against the door. 
The pit in her stomach ached --danger danger danger.  
"What the fuck is she doing here?" shouted the driver. 
"Slight change of plan," said the prime minister through gritted teeth. 
The driver said something rapid-fire in another language and the prime minister responded, his tone sharp and angry and nothing like she's heard before. 
Civilian stared between them with growing horror. 
"What's happening?" she demanded.  "Do you know him?"
Prime Minister sighed, sounding like his old theatrical self, but it gave her no comfort. 
"What is happening, my darling secretary, is that due to your failure to follow basic instructions, you are getting kidnapped. Congratulations.
Part 2 Here
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stayandot8 · 1 year
Pieces of Light
Genre: Fluff
Relationship type: established boyfriend/girlfriend
Important Contents: contains a letter that I wish I could read to him, gets very sappy, soz not soz
WC: 3.2k
The sun was very rudely peering through the curtains and directly into my eyeballs. The other disturbance that woke me was the absence of my boyfriend's warmth against my back. I roused myself awake enough to turn my head to face the cold side of the bed in time to see Chan coming out of the bathroom, showered, dressed, and putting on shoes that indicated he was leaving me for the day. I waited until he saw that I was semi-awake to pull my arm out from under the blanket to reach for him. He chuckled and moved back to the bed and leaned down to kiss my face. 
“You’re so cute when you just wake up.” He whispered against my cheek, moving from my forehead and making his way down. I grumbled. 
“Then I must be downright adorable.” I couldn't help the smile as his lips attacked my face. I had to physically push him away. “You have work to do, sir. Bring me Wolfchan and be on your way.” He laughed as he brought the plushie to me and tucked it in beside me. He kissed me once more. 
“I shouldn’t be too long today. Just some finishing touches. I don’t know who all will be home. Enjoy your day off, baby.”
“I’ll enjoy it more when I’m sleeping again.” I closed my eyes and rolled to my side, facing the door. I could tell by the sigh he let out that he was still in the doorway. I peeped an eye open to see that I was right. I opened both eyes to glare at him as a giggle escaped my lips.
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” He closed the door behind him, leaving me to dream of him in peace.
The apartment was quiet when I finally dragged myself out of bed to satiate my grumbling stomach. I was eating my leftovers from the night before on the couch, watching something stupid when Hyunjin walked through the door. I craned my neck to see who it was and when I saw, I immediately noticed his demeanor was solemn, more so than when he was just tired. 
“Hey Jinnie.” He merely nodded in my direction before opening the fridge to grab a drink. He closed it, leaned against the door and took a long swig of the plastic bottle. His eyes were shut as he sighed deeply. “Is something wrong?” I questioned.
“There is but I don’t know what. I’m not hungry, I’m not sad, I don’t know what it is. I just feel off. I couldn’t get all the moves right at practice and my vocals were just off when I was trying to record. Han sent me home, told me to reset myself and we would try again tomorrow.” 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” I chirped, racking my brain for my Jinnie survival guide. Offering help was one of the steps other than just leaving him be. 
“I may not know exactly what’s wrong but I know that the thought of being alone doesn’t sit right. Can I join you out here? I might need to just distract myself and not think about it too much.”
“Of course you can. Go change into something more comfortable, get out of your work clothes. We can find something for you when you get back.” He nodded and left the room, taking his bag off as he disappeared through the hall.
This wasn’t not like him, but this kind of off wasn’t like him at all. Most days it was one or the other. The more I thought about it, he did seem awfully tired lately. It seemed like he only slept for a few hours a night but I assumed it was normal. Seemed like the dancing weasel had just worked himself too much. Luckily I had a suggestion ready for when he came out. 
“Come sit in front of me.” I threw a pillow in between my legs on the floor in front of the couch where I wanted him. His brows drew together as he followed the pillow, the side eye he gave me equal evidence of his confusion. “Just trust me.” He sat as I brought my legs up to make room for him. I handed the remote to him. “If you can’t decide or don’t feel like deciding, I’ll do it for you.” He nodded again and flipped through the streaming services to find what piqued his interest. I waited until he was properly distracted to run my hands through his hair.
“Wha-” He sharply turned to me, squirming away from me. “Geez, give me a warning.” He scooted back as I laughed at his sharp reaction and positioned him back to where he was. I started running them again all around wherever I wanted across his scalp. I saw the tension in his shoulders relax the more I did, his head lolling back into my lap as his eyes closed. He stayed there a while, content. I watched the stress in the corners of his eyes smooth away. I thought he might fall asleep this way. 
“Jinnie, don’t fall asleep.” I warned him. 
“But you have magic hands, I can’t help it. How dare Channie-hyung keep them all to himself.” I lightly slapped his cheek as he finally let out a laugh. I shook my head in exasperation. I gathered some hair to his side and rolled his head to get better access. I started braiding as I gathered my will to break his relaxation. 
“Hyunjin.” I nudged him with my knee. This was my evil way of keeping him awake for the time being. 
“Hm?” His eyes remained closed. 
“You still have to pick a show.” He grumbled as he patted his hand around his immediate vicinity, trying to find the remote without opening his eyes.
“Too far…” He mumbled with a sigh as he settled back down into the pillow he was sitting on, a small smile appearing on his lips. 
“Oh whatever, you drama king.” I laughed along with him as I continued to run my hands through his hair until the front door opened again. 
“Hi Binnie.” My words were drowned out by the shouting that followed the closing door.
“Hyunjin-ah! Come with me to the gym. It’ll get you out of your funk.” Changbin throws his studio bag onto the kitchen counter. The disgust on Hyunjin’s face caused me to snort-laugh. Loudly. 
“I think I’ll pass.” Hyunjn grabs his drink off the table. “I’m going to go draw or something. Thanks for that.” He gives me a soft smile before he disappears down the hall to his room. My eyes follow him then landed on Changbin’s frown as his eyes did the same. His shoulders dropped as his pupils roamed until they landed on me. His smirk appeared shortly after as he tilted his head in question. It took me a moment before I understood what he was implying.
“No. There’s no way. There is no way you’re dragging me to that death trap of metal and sweat. No way.”
“You better be paying at least.” Changbin chuckled at my quick remark, setting down his last set of dumbbells and strolled to his water bottle in the corner of the gym. He was sweaty from his workout, the towel he wiped said perspiration on in the corner. The bench I was laying on had grown warm from my own body heat. I was there so that he didn’t have to come alone. He didn’t like going to the gym alone if he didn’t have to and when he saw me, he wasn’t going to give up. The final blow was the lunch I was promised when he was done. Which he said he would be a half hour ago. 
“I am. I promised, didn’t I?” His stroll over to my bench was more of a saunter, grabbing his phone to check his notifications. 
“Let’s go to that place Jeongin told me about last night. You can cook me some pork since I’m paying.” He peeked his eyes over his phone to giggle at me. I narrow my eyes at him in challenge. 
“In your dreams.”
“But I’ll burn the place down if I try to do it! Don’t you remember last time what happened when we went out with Chan-hyung? You almost caught on fire. I think it’s safer if you do it. For your own sanity.” That stupid smirk… I had to roll my eyes at him. My retort was interrupted on the way to my mouth as the gym door squeaked open. We both turned to who was pushing his blonde head in to find Felix, not looking surprised in the least to find Changbin in the gym. But when his eyes landed on me, his brows shot up in surprise then crinkled. 
“What on earth are you doing in here?” He said as he came into the room fully and shoved his hands into the pockets of his practice pants, his loose tshirt visibly damp from sweat. 
“I was dragged here under the promise of food but SOMEONE is taking too long with his workout so I might just leave without him.” I finally sit up properly, straightening my black Stray Kids hat on my head and glaring at the dark haired buff man wiping down his equipment. 
“Oh good! I was coming in here to see if Changbin wanted to eat but now we can all go together if you’re up for it.” Felix was impossible to say no to when he got excited about something, his eyes got big and his smile showed all of his perfectly white teeth. When he got really excited, he started bouncing on his toes in anticipation, his fluffy hair bouncing with him up and down. 
“I think that’s a wonderful idea. Let’s go.” I beamed at him, Changbin following close behind me.
“Yongbokie, you have to cook the food now!” He shouted in glee as the gym door closed behind him. My eye roll was audible. 
That restaurant didn’t know what hit them as our trio left, stomachs full and our chattering growing in volume by the minute. As we strolled back to the building, Felix made a stop in a product store nearby. 
“It’s Hyunjin’s birthday soon. He’s been saying that he wants this new hair product for a while. I’m just going to check if they have it for him.” And with that, he left me and Changbin outside on a bench nearby, the breeze brushing Changbin’s cologne in waves across my nostrils. 
“You know, your cologne smells really nice. I’ve been wanting to get one for Chan but I never know what kind of smells he likes.” I had been thinking about it a lot lately, what kind of gift I could get that he would actually use. He was showering me with anything I could possibly want or need and I was having trouble finding anything that I could get the man who wouldn’t buy anything nice for himself. I was starting at the top of my list, fishing out his members for what he could want. 
“I don’t know that he likes things like that. He’s always buying things for other people.” Changbin’s tone was light, but the words hit me harder than they should have.
“I know. That’s why I want to get him something nice just because. He’s always buying things for me and I always thank him but I want to get him something he wouldn’t buy for himself.”
“That’s pretty much anything. Maybe something practical? He needs a new headset for his home studio.”
“No, I don’t want to get him something for work. He spends too much time working anyways.” Changbin nodded aggressively in agreement before letting me continue. “He spoils me and everyone around him so much. I just want to get him something nice, something he would use. He does so much for me and I just want him to know that I appreciate him for it. I want to make him feel special like he does for me.” Looking at the trees around us, I didn’t notice the soft smile that slid across Changbin’s face as he watched me. When I turned back, I finally noticed it. “What?” A nervous giggle escaped me as his eyes saw right through to my thoughts. 
“I’m just glad he finally found someone who deserves him.” 
“He’s special. It’s my job to make sure he knows it.” The flush in my cheeks was hot from his stare, still not letting up. I had to force myself to look away from him. “How about a letter? I think he’ll like that, right?” A small giggle escaped his lips and his eyes wandered around the nature around us, not quite focused on what he was seeing. As if reliving a memory. 
“Yeah. I think he’d love that.”
Felix came strolling back up to us, bag in hand. “You guys ready?” We nodded, standing to return home, the air a little heavier than it was before we left. 
Finding a physical piece of paper and a pen was harder than I would’ve ever imagined in an apartment full of boys. But after pestering Hyunjin for a nice piece and one of his better pens, I finally sat down at Chan’s desk in his room. Staring at the blank paper, I couldn’t help but think of all of the memories of the past months with him. I zoned out on the blank sheet as floods of laughs, tears, late night cuddling sessions, and beautiful words filled my senses. How am I going to put all of this into words? I figure the best way to start was to just start writing, the words coming to me as soon as my pen touched down. I hadn’t realized how long I had been writing until I heard my favorite voice hit my ears.
“What are you doing over there so focused?” I whipped my head around to see him standing by the door with a big smile on his face. I couldn’t help the grin to match. 
“Just a little something for you, my love.” I said as I turned back to the paper to fold it up so he couldn’t see. The shuffle of his footsteps halted. I turned with raised brows to see him mid-step, staring at me dumbfounded. “What? What did I do?” It took him a second to speak, his gears still processing. 
“‘My Love’?” His chest was rising and falling quicker now, his eyes never leaving me. My pulse jumped. The smile replaced the one before was bigger, his affection palpable through his gaze. He ran to me to throw his arms around me, suffocating any doubt I ever had that he cared for me as much as he was capable. Smothering me in his lips, he kissed everywhere he could reach, his words being broken up only by his adorable attack. “That is.” He kissed my forehead. “The only thing.” My left cheek. “You are EVER.” My right cheek. “Allowed to call me.” My nose. “Ever.” He finally touched my own lips with his in a sweet kiss. His hands grasping my own head on either side, holding me and rubbing his thumbs on my cheeks. I could feel my own heart swell and threaten to suffocate my lungs with how much love radiated off of him. 
“Deal. Now I’m going to make myself some tea. Here.” I handed him the folded paper with my remaining confidence. “Read this while you’re waiting. I’ll be back.” I got up from his chair to do just that as he replaced my spot and opened the letter and started to read.
Growing up, I always idolized what love could be. From all of the greats, there was always something missing from their stories: a dose of reality. I always wanted an intellectual and interesting love like Mr. and Mrs. Darcy. Or full of Romeo’s devotion to Juliet. There will always be the Jacks and Roses of the world, love fast and all-consuming. I didn’t think a love as powerful as that had any chance of being real. My own skeptic mind was always telling me that real love had to be hard and full of its own challenges along the way. I never believed love could truly just be fun, light, and full of pure and simple fondness. Until you.
You have made me into a person that I never thought I could be. Someone who believes in love in its truest and most pure form because I see it with my own eyes. I see it in you. You are the purest form of love a person can have the pleasure in this life to experience.  Simply the joy of knowing you is in itself a form of love. You transform everyone you encounter. Your being encourages the other to raise themselves to be better. You are an authentic vessel of the universe’s care for the human soul. Even during your darkest days, your most horrific moments, there is still a light that cannot be ignored. You simply shine.
You have this way of making whoever has the privilege of being around you feel like they are the most special to you. It is a hard task to make people feel like physical sunshine inside and out. The butterflies you so freely give stay with them as if they were permanent attachments. Pieces of yourself, your light, find their way in and settle into whatever place they are needed most. 
You have made me your own in every possible way. Your eyes are full with silent declarations that have no need of verbalization. If eyes are the windows to the soul, then, my darling, I can think of no better view. You have fixed the most broken parts of me. Some I was aware of, most I was not. You came into my world when I needed you most and decided that it was a place you wanted to stay. For that, I will always be grateful. 
My soul is yours. Now and Always. 
I waited in the kitchen, too scared to see his real-time reaction happening right in front of me. My mug was half empty as I leaned against the counter. I heard the shuffling shortly after, my boyfriend appearing with eyes misty and unfocused. 
“Chris?” My voice seemed to cut through the voices in his head as he finally looked at me. I placed my cup back on the counter, still warm. He slowly crossed over to me, close enough that I could see the tears that had already been wiped away. His voice was hoarse when he finally spoke. 
“Do you mean it?” The hope in his eyes was enough to make me break into many pieces. 
“Every word.” He rested his forehead on mine, his breath mingling with my own as his eyes closed. 
“There’s no way I’m letting you go now.” He shook his head to further make his point. I smiled and breathed him in, this man that I was so truly in love with. 
“I sure hope not. You have completely ruined anyone else for me. You’re all I want or will ever need.” He sniffled and I brought him closer, letting my arms find their usual place around his waist. He wound his arms around my shoulders and held me close, repairing every last sharp edge that remained in me.
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anatee · 2 years
INSUFFERABLE | General Hux x Reader Smut | pt. 4
INSUFFERABLE | General Hux x Reader Smut. 18+. MINORS DNI. This is a direct continuation. Are there going to be more parts? Absolutely.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6
Word count: 11K
Content warning: fem!reader x Hux; Force Awakens plot; lots of Kylo in this part, bits of Poe Dameron as well; soft Hux with feelings appears; one or two curse words?; jealousy; whole lotta teasing; smut: oral job (m receiving), cum tasting, passionate, sexual suggestions, make up sex?, unprotected, piv
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It was always nice to sleep in a warm, comfortable bed when there was a snowstorm outside, not bothering you in any way. It was even nicer when you woke up in the arms of a loved one... Or with a loved one in your arms.
That's how Y/N and Armitage woke up after one of the best nights in their lives. They smiled at each other in the bliss of the moment, feeling so content, so warm... Hux was about to go even furhter in becoming vulnerable around her and leaned a little to kiss her on the forehead with a sincere smile on his face. His lips were mere inches from her when...
She sat up suddenly, then immediately slid off his tall bed, disappointing him greatly.
"Where are you going?" he asked, still a bit sleepy.
"What do you mean?" She turned to him with raised eyebrows, giving him the chance to adore her in the black bathrobe she had fallen asleep 
in. "We're late already, and I have to get to my station before..."
"Come back here," he cut her off sharply.
She sighed, wondering why he was playing this game when they both knew what had to be done.
"Armitage, you know I can't."
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
"Am I not the one here who says what people can and can't do? Come back here, it was an order."
At this point Y/N could see he was not playing around. With no other option, she did come back to him, and he hugged her almost possessively.
"And what now?"
"You're staying with me today," he announced.
"And work?"
"Firstly, the snowstorm is still raging. They'll be clearing this up all day," he said matter-of-factly. "Secondly, today is my birthday."
Birthday. Did it even mean anything? Ever since Hux could remember, birthday has always been just a day he was born on, nothing to celebrate. He never did anything special on this day and nobody cared, not even his father while he was still alive...
But he had the slightest hope Y/N might care.
He watched her face carefully as she raised her head to look at him in utter shock.
"Your birthday? And you didn't even tell me!" She smacked his chest lightly. "Not like I would be able to give you a gift, but..."
"The best gift will be you staying here," he said before he even thought about it, and she had no idea it would be the first gift in his life.
He spoke sincerely, so a sincere smile appeared on her face.
"In that case, I'm not going anywhere," she whispered and kissed his chest, snuggling into him again, and for that moment, he could sell his soul, and maybe the entire galaxy, too.
"I'll take care of the essentials, then," he said and then reached for one of the buttons on his nightstand. "Keep quiet for now," he added, then proceeded to press the button.
Never has Hux ever thought he'd be talking to the holo of one of his subordinates with a girl snuggled into his chest, but there he was, doing just that.
"Yes, General?"
"Report on the situation," he commanded in a voice that gave her goosebumps.
"The storm is slowly dying down. Soon we will be able to send out the Firetroopers."
"Right then. Order a droid to bring breakfast to my quarters. The same as yesterday, doubled. And tell everyone not to disturb me today unless it's urgent."
"Understood, General."
"And more tarine tea."
"Yes, sir, sending the order right now."
Hux ended the call and turned back to Y/N, content.
"You can choose the dinner later," he said as if to explain why he didn't even ask what she wanted.
Unthinkable. General Hux explained himself to his inferior.
She raised her hands a little as if surrendering.
"It's your birthday, I would not dare."
He had to think about these words for a moment. It was something completely new to him... And he felt comfortable enough with her to admit it.
"I have never celebrated my birthday before," he said quietly, surprising her greatly.
"Never? Not even as a child?"
"Never, Y/N," he repeated harshly, then regretted it immediately. "I have never been given a gift, either."
"Oh, Armitage..." she whispered, then ran a hand through his hair affectionately while it was in its rare, imperfect state.
His words saddened her greatly. More and more often Hux appeared in her mind as not the harsh, ruthless General he was when she first met him, but a broken man, just trying to thrive in the 
brutal world they found themselves in. If you showed any weakness at all, the others would kill you... And it seemed like she was his only weakness for now.
"I would love to do something for you. I don't know, maybe prepare breakfast...?"
"Should I send you down to the kitchens, then?"
"Oh, you know what I mean." She rolled his yes, and then a mischievous grin appeared on her face. "I do have an idea, though..."
Before he could ask her what it was, her hand was already under the sheets, moving along the side of his body right to his thigh. She began touching him between his legs without any warning, making him let out a sigh of surprise. Seconds later, she was crawling towards the foot of the bed, then threw the sheets off of him. He only had his own bathrobe on.
She untied it quickly to reveal his naked body, 
but there was one particular spot she focused on.
Hux already knew what she was going to do, and the thought alone made him hotter. It was one of his fantasies he didn't get the chance to fullfil - yet. When she made sure he wasn't against it, but watched her with hope in his eyes, she clasped her hand around his length. He swallowed hard as she began moving it up and down, and he really didn't much to get hard.
That was the moment she could proceed to the next part of her plan. She opened her mouth to lick along his shaft, long and slow, making him let out a loud sigh. She wanted to hear it again, so she licked him a few more times starting from his balls as she kept on moving her hand along.
As more and more saliva gathered in her mouth, she spit some of it onto his penis, right before...
"Fuck, Y/N." He rasped as her mouth closed around his cock, earning a sensation he had never experienced before.
She smiled to herself after that.
"Enjoy yourself," she whispered before putting his penis back into her mouth. At that moment, she wanted him to feel pleasure, and so she began sucking on him, taking as much of him as she could without gagging.
He closed his eyes, forgetting about the entire universe and letting himself enjoy every second. He had never had this done to him, and the pleasure was almost unbelievable. When he thought about how she could do that on her knees, somewhere under his desk, it made him even more aroused.
They both heard a loud, electronical buzz - it meant the food had arrived - but it was the last thing either of them cared about at that moment. A loud grunt escaped Hux's lips, prompting Y/N to speed up her pace, and that was enough to bring him over the edge.
Seconds later, his body began shaking with the 
orgasm she brought him. He cummed all over her face, and he opened his eyes to see that.
When he saw everything dripping down her face he knew it was a view which was going to be engraved in his memory for a long time, if not forever. It immediately made him wish to try that on other parts of her body, but that had to wait - the orgasm he had just experienced definitely required a cooldown.
Y/N stood up slowly, wiping the cum off her lips. It was a new experience for her as well, but the only thing that mattered then was that he was satisfied.
"Salty," she said, having felt the taste of his cum on her tongue. "Just like you," she added with a laugh, breathing heavily.
"I'll tell you how you taste next time," he replied, his chest raising and going down quickly.
She just smiled proudly, then looked to her side 
at the door to the bathroom.
"I'll go... Brush my teeth," she said eventually.
He followed her quickly and they both took a quick shower together before putting on comfortable clothes and going into his office to get the food. They sat in his bed to eat it, and Hux didn't even worry about making a mess - his sheets were already stained, so Hux was going to send them to laundry anyways.
"What was that call just now?" Y/N asked curiously, settling herself right next to her lover after coming out of the bathroom.
"Ren," Armitage replied with disgust. "He wanted to take a squad to do Maker knows what. I let him just to have peace. Besides, I think he asked more to annoy me than to get something he really needed."
"Oh... He really likes pissing you off, doesn't he?"
"Mhm." Hux hummed, taking a bite out of his breakfast. "You've never told me how the two of you actually met," he added suddenly.
Y/N looked up from her plate, wondering how to word the story so as not to piss the General off even more.
"Well, my father was a pilot," she began. "He was teaching Kylo about our ships the first time he came here. I was still studying to be a medic at the time. Kylo got injured and my father was like, hey, my daughter can patch you up... I think he wanted us to get together back then."
Hux wasn't a big fan of this last bit of the story, but he didn't comment on it. He got another question instead.
"And how come someone like you clicked with him?"
"I was just... Unimpressed by his tantrums, I guess. And I was genuinely interested in knowing 
more about him. He said no one really did, not even his family."
"Wonder why." Hux scoffed, making her chuckle.
"Kylo... Isn't really that awful, really." She looked back at her plate, looking for the best bits with her fork. "It just depends when and how you approach him..."
"Oh, alright, I don't want to listen to any more of it," he cut her off, shaking his head. "Especially today."
"Right... Because today is your day," she said with a beam. She leaned a little towards him to cup his face with one hand.
"Happy birthday," she whispered, and then kissed him straight on the lips, long enoigh to let him bathe in the bliss of the moment. 
He had never heard that. And no matter where life took him, he would never forget that day.
They spent the entire day together, eating, talking, and just enjoying each other's company away from the prying eyes. But when the evening rolled around, Y/N know the fairytale had to end.
She was sitting against the headboard with Armitage's head in her lap, giving him a head massage. He was sure he had not felt this relaxed in months, years maybe, thus forgetting about the harsh reality that was facing them.
"Armitage... My shift would be almost done now..." Y/N said sadly, having looked at tiny the holotable next to his bed. "I hate it, but... I think I really need to get going soon."
Hux, who was, at that point, in complete bliss, opened his eyes and sat up suddenly, leaving her surprised. He looked at her and watched her searchingly for a moment, hesitating... And eventually shook his head, having come to a decision.
"Fuck this. I don't want you to go."
He said that in a way which made her shiver. She didn't want to leave, obviously, but she knew she had to be rational.
"But you know we have already..."
"Nobody knows you're here," he cut her off, "and if someone asks, I sent you to do something off planet or whatever. I don't care at this point. Stay here."
Hux was determined. Not only because it was his birthday, but also because he simply couldn't get enough of her. All these moments they spent together were nourishing the feelings he had for her, as if watering a flower that was just about to bloom.
She looked him in the eye and there were sincere emotions written all over his face. She could almost feel him pleading even if he didn't say 
anything else. Y/N was also in so much joy it was hard to express; how was she to refuse?
"You know I want to," she uttered eventually.
"Then why don't you, if your commander himself allows it?"
She didn't even open her mouth to argue, because she didn't want to. Instead, she allowed him to grab her hips and pull her towards himself to close the distance between them in a passionate kiss.
It sealed the deal. They both gave into their dreams and she stayed with him for one more night, even if they knew how risky it was.
They fell asleep in each other's arms, just like they woke up, and both of them wished they could start and end their day like this more often.
The next day, there was no other option. They had to part and show themselves to the other soldiers separately so that no one would suspect 
anything. They resumed their duties at once, and Y/N made sure not to even look at him on the rare occasions he showed up anywhere near her, however, it was becoming harder and harder for him to restrain himself.
And Kylo Ren himself was about to make everything even more complicated.
It had been five long days, especially for Y/N who got her period. She and Hux did not exchange a single word, they did not meet the other's eyes, and they just kept themselves busy with their duties - but it did not mean they were not thinking about each other, especially at night, when they wished they could be next to the other person.
And then one day Kylo Ren forced Hux to call a meeting of all officers, claiming he had important information. Y/N was kind of excited to join it, since it was her first meeting as a lieutenant, and found it even more exciting when she entered the conference room.
General Hux was already there, sitting by the long, black table with red markings, and the seat on his right was still empty. As soon as he saw her enter the room, their eyes met, making the atmosphere tense before everything even started.
He gave her a stern look, then glanced subtly at the seat beside him, giving her clear permission to sit there. She was hesitant, but she couldn't ask him whether he was sure, the decision had to be made then and there. Excitement was filling her up as she did take the seat next to him.
"General." She bowed her head as a greeting, and he bowed back, keeping his jaw clenched so as not to smile at her.
It was not a good idea to let her sit there. Even in public, they were just inches apart, starved for any form of touch... If only he could put his hand on her thigh... Or at least on her hand...
He almost forgot how attractive she looked with the ponytail and the uniform tight on her thighs and buttocks. Kriff, he had to stop himself from looking at her, otherwise someone would definitely notice, especially Kylo. But at least he knew she was right next to him, and he could protect her at any given moment if needed.
She could also feel the tension, the warmth swirling in the cool room just between the two of them. She taught herself how to avoid looking at him, but it was the first time they were this close in public for a longer period of time.
Kylo appeared in the room not much later, visibly agitated even if no one could see his face. He did not sit, but stood at the top of the table, already making Hux tick. The General rose from his seat and spoke with pure hatred:
"Now, Ren. What was so important you had to gather all of us here on such short notice?"
"You should be thanking me, General Hux," Kylo 
replied through his mask. "We have just intercepted information that someone from the Resistance will be at the Canto Casino tomorrow, receiving information about the location of the map. They are still working on who it will be. Either way, we need a spy who will get this information so we can reach the location first."
"Then maybe we should send a squad there to arrest him?" one of the officers suggested.
"No, because they will change the location again and hide," Kylo retorted. "We need to do this quietly in order to surprise them. I suggest Lieutenant Y/L/N for this mission."
Hux mouth fell agape. "Why her?"
He said that before thinking, making her breatheless for that split second before Kylo replied:
"Because I said so."
"Sir, I have worked as a s..." another one of the officers spoke, but Ren was not having it. 
"Will you do it?" he asked Y/N directly and she could sense Armitage's eyes on her, even though she didn't see his face.
"Of course," she replied, and she suspected Hux was fighting with himself at that very moment. Kylo knew that.
"I sense displeasure from you, General Hux."
The General gulped. It took every ounce of focus in his body not to think about Y/N at that moment the way he usually did. He regretted his earlier question immediately and had to find a quick way out. But, after all, he didn't become a general for nothing.
"Because I don't know who gave you the permission to command my soldiers," he half-lied to him.
"She agreed, so there's nothing to discuss."
Despite these words, a short discussion did ensue, but it eventually ended up in another room after Hux agreed, even if on the inside he was seething with anger. Less than ten minutes later him, Kylo and Y/N were standing in front of a screen while one of the officers, Tador, was operating it.
"We suspect it will be one of these Resistance fighters," Tador said, pushing a button to show pictures of five different people on the holo screen. "I will send their pictures and all information we have on them to Lieutenant Y/L/N's datapad."
Y/N focused her eyes on the pictures, already trying to remember each face. It was rare to get a mission that was for herself only; she wanted to do well, show off even if she had the chance.
"We also have one of our fake identities at the ready," Tador continued, clicking another button, and the screen changed again. "Inda Chonell. I'll send the profile and background story to the datapad as well... The fake ID should be ready as well..."
Hux was listening to all this and fighting the urge to scream. He was furious, and for many reasons - because he was sure Kylo did this on purpose, because he did this without consulting him, because Ren was Ren, because Y/N agreed, and, most importantly, because she was putting herself in danger. He suspected it would not change much, but he asked anyways:
"Are you certain you can do this, Lieutenant?"
Y/N turned to meet his gaze and she could read him like an open book. She could see the anger in him and she knew what that question meant; he was giving her a chance to step back, but she didn't want to. She knew she would not hear the end of it, but this wasn't the time for thinking about it, especially with Kylo in the same room.
"Yes, General. I will do my best."
"According to new information," Tador interjected suddenly, relieving the tension between Hux and Y/N for a moment, "it is most likely they're sending one of their best pilots. Poe Dameron is his name," he continued, putting up his picture on the screen.
"Listen, I don't care how you do it," Kylo said after a moment of silence, standing in front of her and, as a result, cutting her off from Hux. "Beat him, shoot him, seduce him, sleep with him if you have to, but get that information at any cost."
Hux stepped aside from behind Ren to see Y/N again, and his face was showing nothing but utter outrage. She saw that and felt a knot form in her stomach, but couldn't react as Kylo was watching her closely.
"I understand how important this is, Kylo," she replied, having cleared her throat. "And I know what to do."
"I hope."
Later Y/N received her fake identification, and Kylo scheduled a ship to take her to Canto Bight the very first thing in the morning. It seemed like everything was done and decided... But Y/N knew that things were far from over.
Hux took her to his office immediately after, and all of his movements were aggressive, even the way he locked the door after they found themselves next to his desk.
"Why did you agree to do this?" he asked immediately, having had this question on his mind ever since the meeting. His voice was raised and full of anger, and he hadn't spoken to her like this in a long time. She almost took a step back in surprise.
"What do you mean, why? This is my job."
"Nothing he tells you to do is your job," he hissed and Y/N rolled her eyes.
"You know what I mean."
"I know, but it's not you who has to do this. It's dangerous."
"Being a soldier is pretty dangerous itself," she retorted, but he was not having it.
"Not here. Not when I can keep an eye on you."
"Are you implying that I'm not good enough for this mission without your help?" She crossed her arms, suddenly riled up. "If it were someone else, you would be proud that they want to do it for the First Order!"
Her raising her voice was a surprise to him, one that flicked a switch in his head. It seemed that he still wasn't the best at expressing his feelings. Making her upset was the last thing he wanted, and he just then realised his harsh tone might have startled her, to say the least.
"Y/N," he said finally, having heaved a sigh to calm down. "Don't you understand I just don't want anything to happen to you? I do not care about this mission, I don't care about Ren... I only care about your safety."
This touched her more than one could describe. It was yet another moment when he did not say he loved her directly, but his intentions were as clear as day. For a short moment, she wondered if she will ever get to hear it from him.
"Nothing will happen to me," she said eventually, unsure if there was anything better to say. For some reason, she was not scared of this mission at all.
"Listen. You will call me the moment you land," he commanded. "And in case of any emergency, you call me and I'll be there immediately with our entire army, understood?"
"Understood, sir," she replied jokingly, brushing something off of his shoulder, and then her face fell suddenly. "Rather than my safety, there's something else I'm worried about..."
"What is it?" he asked immediately.
"If it's really this Dameron guy..." She gulped. "The easiest way to get what I want will be to seduce him. And my heart doesn't want to do that, but..."
She saw his face fall as well as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.
Jealousy. The emotion which sometimes was even more destructive than anger.
"It's just for the mission," she explained herself quickly after he had not replied.
This was too many emotions for Hux to handle. He had never found himself in such a situation before - there was no one he could be jealous of, no one he cared about enough to be filled with envy if they were with someone else... And he didn't expect she would want to actually try this way Ren suggested, even if he knew it might be the safest and, potentially, the most successful one.
But somewhere deep down, it hurt him, as if he wasn't broken enough.
He didn't know what to do, just like he didn't know what pushed him to say:
"Go back to your duties, Y/N."
He didn't quite meet her eyes when he said that, and that, paired with these words, shattered her.
"You're mad at me?" she asked and the distraught look on her face made him regret his words. But he had to be left alone before he could worsen the situation; he didn't want to hurt her any further with any impulsive remarks he might make.
"No, it's just... Ren will be looking for you and he'd better not find you here."
What a pathetic excuse, he thought to himself.
"But Armitage..." she began, trying to touch his arm, but he stepped back aburptly, not allowing her to do so. At that moment, she was heartbroken - she knew he hated Kylo, but he never denied her touch, not even when they were still technically strangers...
"Just go," he muttered, avoiding her gaze again.
The moment the door closed behind her, he wanted to scream and get her back at once. He hated himself for the way he handled the situation, but it was too late, especially with her leaving soon...
He left his office while breathing heavily, adjusting his gloves nervously at the same time. Whichever soldier Hux was going to lace into was not going to have a good day.
The thoughts about what he had said to her haunted him for the entire day. He was angry with himself and wanted to fix what he had broken before she would be gone... It was the first time he felt the need to apologise to someone.
He had a Stormtrooper escort her to his quarters in the evening, under the pretense of discussing her mission further. The moment she entered his office she saw a serious face, one that was on her mind for the whole day, too. A knot in her stomach tightened as she approached the desk and heard him command the Stormtrooper to leave in a harsh voice.
The moment the door closed behind him, Hux locked it and rose from his seat, his expression softening at once.
"I can't let you leave like this," he said quietly, and Y/N shivered from the sole delicateness of his words.
"Please say you're not mad at me," she whispered, swallowing hard so as not to cry. She hated the thought of him despising her, and also worried about potential discharge had the feelings changed...
"I can't bear it. If it's that important to you, I won't go, I'll tell Ky..."
"Y/N." He interrupted, then walked around the desk to stand right in front of her and grabbed her arms. He couldn't wait any longer, not when she sounded this heartbroken, not when she was about to leave so soon...
"If there's anyone I'm mad at, it's Ren," he began. "I'm proud of you. I want you to have a successful career here. It's just..." He heaved a sigh, trying to express his feelings properly this time. "I have never had anyone in my life I worried about. I... Don't even know how to handle this."
"I promise I'll be careful. And I promise that if 
anything happens, I'll call you immediately," she began talking quickly, wishing to make sure they were alright as soon as possible.
"And I'll have a squadron at the ready to come for you," he promised, getting a sigh of relief from her.
"See? It will be alright." She smiled. "I'm not your favourite for nothing, am I?"
He raised an eyebrow, extremely glad they were back to teasing. "Who said you're my favourite?"
"Oh, right after Ren, then?"
He gave her a stern stare. "Y/L/N."
She giggled, then composed herself. "Let's talk this mission through... So there are no misunderstandings." 
He nodded, so she sat on his desk as he let go of her shoulders and moved to stand in between her dangling legs.
"Kylo has given me a dress and some cosmetics... I wonder how I will feel like. It's been a while since I even touched a dress."
"And I won't even get to see it," Hux said grumpily, deciding in his mind that he will get a dress for her, too... One only he could see her in.
"Maybe you will..."
He sighed. "You know all the safety precautions, right?"
He knew the answer, but he would not forgive himself if he didn't ask.
"Of course. I was a perfect student," she replied, throwing her hands around his neck. "Otherwise you wouldn't have brought me to work with you, right?"
The moment she did that, he inched closer, his gaze falling onto her lips. He didn't want to think there was a slim chance that if he kissed her that night, it could be the last kiss they ever share...
"I would be more sure if you listed everything to me, Lieutenant," he said in his commanding voice, trying to forget about any worries. "And I will reward you accordingly."
She beamed at that.
"As you wish, General... So, first rule, you never draw unwanted attention..."
He leaned in and rewarded her with a kiss, one that was so full of emotion it left her breathless for a minute before she could utter the next rule:
"Second, you leave no trace..."
Another kiss. Shivers went down her spine; he was becoming more and more brave when it came to her.
"Third, you do not reveal your identity at any cost..."
He kissed her again and did not allow her to elaborate any further. The kisses were becoming feverish, hungry and, in a way, apologetic. Y/N responded with enthusiasm, bringing her body closer to him to feel his warmth. Neither of them wanted it to be a goodbye, but who knew? They had to seize the opportunity. 
At that point, he didn't even need to ask. He grabbed her by the hips, prompting her to wrap his legs around him. He carried her to his bed and proceeded to undress her as delicately as one could, kissing almost every inch of her skin as he went.
The moment she was completely naked before him, he took a few seconds to adore her, then bent over so his face was right above hers.
"It's our last night here for a while. I will be on the Dreadnought when you come back..." he whispered right into her ead, nibbling on it in the process.
She smiled, already feeling the arousal building up in her as one of his hands roamed all over her naked body. "Then we might as well make it worth remembering."
That night, he didn't have sex with her - he made love to her, in a way he had never done before. Each and every moan, gasp, kiss was extremely intimate; his moves were slow, but deep when he thrusted into her. He wished he would find the courage to utter his true feelings, but all he could do was kiss her over and over again in the darkness of the quiet bedroom. He wanted to remember every curve of her body he studied with his fingertips, every sound she let escape her lips, the way she whispered his name when he brought her over the edge... It was like a confession of love, even if no words were spoken.
Even after they have both finished, they did not move and stayed as if glued to each other, naked body to naked body, bathing in the heat of the other person. No one would have believed the General Hux was capable of something like this, but when roughness is a constant in your life... Sometimes you crave delicateness.
Although she felt wonderful, Y/N knew that the silence they were in had to end at some point. She had to come back to her quarters that night...
"Armitage, please, remember..." She began suddenly, having placed a small kiss on his naked shoulder. "No matter what I do there, there's only one man I truly want. Although I am not going to sleep with him, no matter what Kylo says... My charms must suffice."
He still didn't like the sound of that, but after what they had just done, it seemed like they were more bonded than ever. So, even if there was pain inside him, he didn't intend to show it again.
"I don't know if they will. You're insufferable."
It didn't even annoy her when he said that - she just laughed.
"I'll miss you so much," she confessed, snuggling into his neck.
His heart almost dropped when she said it. It was definitely not the first time she expressed her feelings towards him, yet at that moment, it seemed so much stronger. Of course he would miss her, too.
"Come back quickly to me."
That was the words that were replaying in her head over and over while she was on her way to Canto Bight, reading the files of her fake identity and her potential targets for the thousandth time. She knew she could not mess it up; Kylo made himself more than clear right before she boarded her ship that it was the most important thing she could be taking care of. Hux didn't come to see her off; just for safety, that's why 
she was left with what he'd said to her in the bedroom.
While she was doing her make-up on the ship, she really wished he would see her in it. It's been a while since she could pull out all the stops when it came to beautifying herself - soldiers weren't really allowed a full glam, and she wanted to look beautiful for the man she had fallen for.
To her surprise, it was quite easy to play a snooty, rich lady from the moment she landed. When she got to the room the First Order had arranged for her - a lavish suite, just like everything in that place was - she made sure it was secure, then sent a message about her safe arrival straight to Hux as she promised. The same message also went to Kylo, since he was probably going nuts somewhere in his quarters.
Y/N gave all of her information one last glance, then began preparing herself for the evening further. After styling her hair to make it quite slick, it was time to dress up... And it was the moment she started getting nervous. The realness of her mission got to her, and the realisation that if something goes wrong, it might not end up well for her. A sigh escaped her lips as she tried not to think about all of this, especially about her previous meeting with Armitage possibly being the last.
The dress she took out of a box Kylo had given her was even more spectacular. It was black, but shiny with long sleeves, but the neckline was outrageous - it was long and wide, exposing one side of each of her breasts. When she put the dress on, she noticed it reached the floor and hugged her body quite tightly. It screamed Canto Bight, but it was a good thing. At least she wasn't going to stick out like a sore thumb in the luxurious interior of the casino she was going to.
When she was ready, she opened her datapad and revised the vital information one last time. It wasn't like she could bring it with herself and compare the pictures to the people she would meet. Or maybe she could bring it, but if anybody saw any suspicious behaviour... It was like a school test. She could try cheating, but if she got caught, she could pay for it with her life.
She tried to stay as calm as possible, well aware that any nerves may blow her cover. Before leaving, she looked at herself in the mirror for a last-minute check and smoothed down her dress. She almost didn't recognise herself. Mission-wise, it was a good thing, but she regretted that Hux could not see this. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this beautiful, and wondered what he would think about it.
However, it was not time to daydream about her forbidden lover the moment of truth was near. The Resistance's representative could be in the casino any minute.
Y/N entered the casino with only a concealed communicator - should the need to contact the First Order arise - and a knot in her stomach. On one hand, she knew she blended in perfectly and could mingle all she wanted, but on the other, there was this unsettling feeling that everyone somehow knew she was a spy.
She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, remembering the rules - thus, a big smile appeared on her face as the memories of Hux rewarding her for knowing them came back.
It had been almost two long hours in the casino and almost nothing happened. Y/N was constantly looking around, but there was no one suspicious, and no one seemed to suspect her, either... Everyone was simply having fun, and she began losing all the hope.
She was pretending to watch one of the casino games, drink in her hand, in the middle of a meaningless conversation with one of the other guests when she saw him.
There he was. In one of the booths, alone. She could only see his profile, but she was sure it was him. Poe Dameron, in a white suit, apparently playing a game just like she was...
She excused herself from the conversation with the stranger and immediately approached the booth. It was now or never, and she had to put on her best performance, even if it hurt a little.
Forgive me, Armitage.
"Hi there," she said to catch his attention, and he immediately looked up from the drink he had on a golden table in front of himself. She could see just by his initial expression that he liked what he saw.
"Oh, hello," he said, surprised but smiling at the sight of her.
"Mind if I join you?" she asked, jerking her head towards the unoccupied space of the booth.
"Not at all." He sat up straight as she gave him another smile and took a seat opposite him.
So far, so good.
"I'm sorry for my boldness, I just... I don't think I've ever seen you around here, so you've caught me eye. Not that it's a bad thing."
"Oh, have I?" He asked with a little bit of pride. "Well, it's true I'm not a regular, but... I wouldn't mind becoming one." He looked her up and down, giving her enough confidence to stick out her hand to him.
"My name is Inda."
"I'm P... Peter," he hesitated, then shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."
Amateurs, she thought. Didn't he even have a fake name at the ready? She knew he made it up on the spot.
"Nice to meet you, too, Peter."
They both grabbed their drinks and, after clinking their glasses together, drank a little.
"So, Inda..." Poe began, setting his glass back on the table. "What is a girl like you doing here tonight? Alone?"
Oh, boy, he didn't even know what fairytales he was about to hear.
"Feeling bored, mostly." She sighed. "My father makes me come here. He hopes I'd find a suitable match for a daughter of an aircraft engineer... But most guys here are both ugly and egoistic."
"Wait, did you say an aircraft engineer?"
She got him. She knew this would make him let his guard down.
"Yes? Why?"
"Because I'm a pilot," he said, clearly in disbelief the stars had aligned like this.
"Are you?" she replied as if she had no idea about it. "I would love to hear more about that."
And so she listened carefully to everything he was telling her, hoping to catch any glimpse of useful information for herself. But he was mostly blabbering on the passion he had for flying, and it would be very interesting to hear were the circumstances a bit different. She discovered that, no matter how charismatic and handsome Dameron actually was, she much more preferred Hux's roughness she could uncover step by stop.
They were talking for no more than a quarter when Dameron suddenly began looking around, and his eyes finally fell onto someone somewhere behind her. He lost his flirty expression and seemed alerted, prompting her to focus, too.
"You know... As much as I enjoy this conversation, I have a job to do."
"No way. The first interesting man I've met here and he has to cut it short..."
She could tell he liked that compliment, but stood up anyways.
"It was wonderful meeting you and I do hope we meet again," he said as she stood up, too.
You don't.
"Can I at least see you off?" she asked hopefully,  but he immediately shook his head.
"I'm afraid not. Business calls."
"Well then... Goodbye, Peter. I hope you do come by again."
"Me too."
The moment he left her, she knew the most crucial part of the mission was only starting. She didn't get any information directly from him other than the confirmation he was the man she had been looking for... But now she had to follow him, unnoticed and, most importantly, get that bit of information she needed. She was sure that was where he was going.
Keeping her distance and hiding in between the casino guests, she followed him outside, where she suspected he'd go. There, she hid behind a pillar as he talked with someone she could not see, but it didn't matter as long as she could hear them. That was the most important moment, and she was so stressed yet so drunk on adrenaline...
"He'll be waiting for you on Jakku."
She heard that sentence and hoped it was exactly what she took it for, especially since she didn't know the context.
"Not my top choice of destination, but it's for a good cause," Dameron replied. "Thank you. The Resistance will reward you for this."
"They'd better," answered the man he was talking to. "If they knew I was here... I'd be a dead man."
After that, she heard an electronical chirp of what she assumed must have been a droid; she could not risk trying to take a peek. Her heart was beating so fast it might have jumped our of her chest.
"Yes, BB-8, we are going right now," Dameron said. "That is, as soon as I'm out of this suit. Thank you once again."
After that, she heard his footsteps, but nothing else mattered anymore. She got what she wanted, so it was time to run.
The moment she locked herself back in her room, she called Kylo at once, and he responded immediately.
"I got the location. They are about to retrieve the map from someone on Jakku. They're sending Dameron to do it, any minute now," she breathed out to the small holo projection of Kylo's full body.
"Jakku..." Kylo hissed, nodding to himself. "I'll go there personally, then. And..." He stopped for a moment to take her in. "Didn't expect you to look this good."
She raised her eyebrows. It was a surprise, but definitely not an unwelcome one.
"Why, thank you."
"I'm sending a ship back for you. Do you think you can get out of there unnoticed?"
She shrugged. "If they land unnoticed."
Kylo thought about it for a moment, then shook his head.
"I'll come for you personally, then. I can't allow this mission to fail. We'll stage your arrest if we have to."
"I have to call Hux now," she added in a rush, wishing to talk to her lover as soon as possible to let him know they had a success... And that she was safe and sound.
"So you called me first? As you should. Talk to him then," Kylo said, already too focused on his next steps. "I'm flying out for you and we're heading straight to Jakku."
Kylo's holo disappeared, prompting Y/N to flick some buttons and call Hux. He responded even faster than Kylo did, if that was possible. He was in his quarters on the Dreadnought, waiting for any news from her, stressed more than ever. He didn't even know he had the ability to worry about someone this much.
"I'm calling to report, General," she said, trying everything in her might not to smile since she had no idea if he was alone.
"Drop it," he replied, taking her in. The holo in his quarters was also showing her entire body, and even in his imagination he did not expect her to look this breathtaking. He really needed to gift her a dress.
"I have the information. They are sending Dameron to get the map from Jakku. I have just told Kylo."
He sighed with relief, then cleared his throat. It was hard to focus on what she was saying when she looked like this.
"Well then, I suppose I should send a squad there," he said eventually, but she shook her head.
"Kylo's coming for me and we're flying to Jakku."
Hux's expression turned furious, to say the least, and he could feel the anger filling him up.
"He's coming for you personally?" he asked in a tone that made Y/N almost feel the anger through the holo.
"That's what he'd just told me," she explained, making him clench his jaw.
"That son of a..." 
"Calm down, Armitage," she cut him off. "I'm just doing my job."
"And you're meeting him..." He took a closer look again, warmth filling him up. "Dressed like this?"
Y/N glanced at her body as though she was seeing it for the first time, then smiled mischievously.
"Oh, right... I have to change before he comes... Should I do it right now?"
Hux did not reply, but he did stare at her in a way that made her know what he wanted. She turned her back to him in order to show him the zipper of the dress.
"I wish I had someone who would help me unzip this..." she said teasingly as she grabbed it to pull it down slowly.
"If I were there, I'd rip this dress off of you before you could gasp."
She got goosebumps after these words. She could practically sense the touch of his hands on her body, even if he was far away. She knew that was exactly what he would do.
She unzipped the dress all the way down, then stepped out of it slowly before turning to face him again. She was now just in her panties, still smiling.
"Better?" she asked quietly, the desire thickening the atmosphere even through the call. They could have some fun with it, if only they weren't scraped for time...
Hux watched the blueish silhouette he adored so much for a moment, then shook his head to snap out if it. It was risky, way too risky...
"Dress up before he comes," he commanded and she just chuckled.
"Don't worry, Kylo won't get any of it." She said as she opened a case with her spare clothes. "No one else will."
Even Hux could not stop himself from smiling at that. He watched her put on a strapless bra as she checked her datapad - Kylo had just sent her the tracking of his ship to it.
"He is almost here. I have to run."
"Do not die, then."
She laughed again. "Not in my plans."
"And come back to me quickly. It's an order."
"Yes, sir."
He wanted to tell her something else, but words failed him. The things he wished he found the ability to confess to her were to be said personally, not through a mere holo. That's why he only watched her pull on a black shirt in silence, unwilling to disconnect too quickly.
"You still there?" she asked, having caught him staring.
He rolled his eyes. "Insufferable."
"You love it."
"Good luck, Lieutenant," he said eventually and then disconnected reluctantly, only to allow himself a big, sincere smiled after she disappeared.
He had to get out of his quarters and give orders... They were about to have a breakthrough.
Before Y/N knew it, two Stormtroopers were escorting her to Kylo's ship. No one in Canto Bight tried to save her, even if it did look like she was getting kidnapped by the First Order.
The moment she entered, Ren, with his mask and hood on, instructed her to sit next to him. They departed almost immediately.
"You did all of this faster than I expected. I'm impressed," he told her with genuine 
She smirked as if she had not been absolutely terrified that this mission might fail, adjusting the black jacket she had thrown over herself. "Told you you didn't appreciate me enough, Kylo."
She could see he was intrigued even with the mask on, watching her face closely. 
Men are so easy to please...
"You should wear all of this more."
She snorted. "Not really the soldier dresscode, is it?"
"I don't think Hux would be against it."
Y/N felt a lump in her throat. Was this just an observation, since the General was just a man, too, or was Kylo suggesting something? She really hoped it the latter wasn't the case. She decided that confidence would be the best reaction.
"Well, yeah, he liked my look as well when I called him," she said proudly. "Maybe you two should discuss that with each other. How it's like seeing a woman. Once in a lifetime thing."
"You're awfully confident for someone who knows what I can do."
"So? Aren't you glad I'm not a whining girlie who is afraid to speak?"
Even Ren could not argue with this. To her surprise, he reached out with his gloved hand and took her face in it, studying it. It sent a shiver of utter shock through her entire body: he had never done something like that before, and she didn't even know he was capable of it. She didn't know whether it was the Force or anything else, but surely something was flowing through her body after this. If Hux had seen it, he would have probably obliterated Ren.
"I am," he replied, then took his hand back as if nothing happened.
Y/N tried to keep her cool. "So don't complain."
"Sir, we'll be landing in five minutes," came the voice of the pilot, so Kylo turned to Y/N again.
"Are you coming with me?"
"Do you want me to?" She raised an eyebrow. "I don't have my uniform nor my weapon."
"You don't need any of that if you're coming with me," he replied in an obvious tone. "You'll go with me. I'll show you how it's done."
Of course, she thought. Of course he wanted her to come along to show off. But she did know she could feel safe if she had him on her side. All in all, it was better to be friends rather than enemies with Kylo Ren.
"If that's what you want."
Not much later, the ship touched down on Jakku. Y/N exited it at Kylo's side, accompanied by Stormtroopers. He was right - although she had no weapon, she felt weirdly safe, even if chaos was raging around them. There were tens of Stormtroopers shooting everywhere in the small, sand village, the villagers were screaming, fire was devouring tents and buildings... The view did scare her a little; sitting behind a console all day, she sometimes forgot how the real war looked like, and that it was more than some buttons and screens.
Everything seemed to have frozen after Kylo's arrival. He confidently walked up to an older man not far from the ship; Y/N had no idea who that was, but followed suit and stood a bit behind Ren as he talked to the man he apparently knew.
"Look how old you've become."
"Something far worse has happened to you," the man replied.
"You know what I've come for."
"I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."
This gave Y/N the answer - he knew him long ago.
"The map to Skywalker. We know you found it. And now you're going to give it to the First Order."
"The First Order rose from the dark side. You did not."
Y/N knew this would rile Kylo up. He approached the man, definitely seething with anger but still trying to talk.
"I'll show you the dark side."
"You may try," the man responded, determined. "But you cannot deny the truth that is your family."
She knew that the man had already got himself a sentence with these words. She could almost sense something switch inside Kylo right before he said:
"You're so right."
He ignited his lightsaber and struck him down immediately. Right after that came a blue blaster bolt from a weapon, one that could easily reach Y/N... Were it not for Kylo's quick reaction, who froze both the bolt and the man who shot it.
Her mouth fell agape as she saw who it was.
Stormtroopers brought him before Kylo, then knocked him to the ground, although it did not seem to have much effect on him.
"You!" Dameron exclaimed at the sight of her, much to Kylo's amusement. 
That moment did mess with her a little. She felt a bit too drunk on the power she had at the time, and put a hand on Kylo's shoulder as if to express it. Ren didn't stop her, he just smiled underneath his mask; he was proud of her.
"Nothing personal, Dameron." She laughed. "I quite like you. It's just... Were the circumstances a bit different..."
"You lying b..." he began, but one wave of Kylo's hand shut him up. He crouched to talk to him, forcing Y/N to take her hand back.
"The old man gave it to you."
"It's very hard to understand you with all the..."
"Search him," Kylo commanded.
"...Apparatus," Dameron finished, prompting Y/N to stifle a chuckle. He was right about that.
"Nothing, sir," the Stormtrooper said, having obeyed the command.
"Put him on board," Kylo decided, and so they obeyed again. Y/N was just about to open her mouth to speak when Captain Phasma approached them.
"Sir, the villagers?" she asked Kylo.
"Kill them all," he replied without hesitation, making Y/N gasp slightly. She knew Kylo was like this, yet it was still somehow shocking to see it with her own eyes.
"You're sure that's a good decision?" she asked, watching Phasma command the Stormtroopers to fire.
"You're questioning it? They were hiding him," Kylo said as if it was the only reasonable decision. "Come. Hux is surely awaiting the return of the soldier I had stolen from him, as he told me repeatedly after you left."
This did cause a small smile on her face. The fact that Hux fought for her even when she was not around mad her stomach flutter. Kylo began walking back towards the ship, but he stopped suddenly, focusing on one of the Stormtroopers... And then resumed walking as if nothing happened.
"You know what you and Hux have in common?" she asked as they were entering the ship again.
"Nothing, hopefully."
"You keep on talking about the other. Maybe you 
two just should talk more with each other instead of talking to me about the other, hm?" she teased, knowing it would drive him mad just like it did with Hux. In that way, they were quite similar.
"You're on thin ice," Kylo grunted, but she just laughed again.
"He says that too."
Not much later, Y/N found herself back in the safe and sound bridge of the Dreadnought. She walked in with Kylo to see Hux pacing back and forth, until he saw the two of them and approached them instantly.
"Finally. What took so long?"
Maker, was he glad to see her. He didn't even care Ren was at her side - the only thing that mattered was that she was safe and triumphant. She even still had her make-up on... And looked absolutely stunning to him.
"You should be grateful, General. We have a prisoner that has the information about the map," Kylo said, jerking his head towards the two Stormtroopers that were holding Dameron between them. Hux raised parted his lips in slight disbelief when he saw them.
"Sir, what do we do with him?" one of the Stormtroopers asked.
"Question him. And do not stop until he breaks," Kylo commanded, so they took Dameron out of the room, allowing Ren to turn back to Hux. "Now, you have your favourite back, General. She succeeded in everything, so you can stop complaining."
At that moment, Hux's happiness about seeing her was stronger than hatred for Ren. He looked at her and she gave him the smallest smile. They could see in the each other's eyes how much they wanted they threw themselves on the other.
"Well then. Good job, Lieutenant," Hux said diplomatically, keeping his hands behind his back so as to stay professional.
"Thank you, sir." She bowed her head, hiding her smile.
"You will go with me to my office and report on everything."
She tried to contain her excitement before replying. "Of course."
"I'll make sure our prisoner is treated well," Kylo said, then quickly walked out.
"Follow me, Lieutenant," Hux said to Y/N and she almost jogged after him. Now that Kylo was out of sight, she almost couldn't conceal her happiness.
Entering his Dreadnought quarters again provided indescribable feelings; it was there where everything started, after all. He went inside right after her and locked the door, then turned to face her, his arms wide open.
"Armitage," she breathed out with relief as she threw herself into his arms to hug him with all her might. He hugged her back with just as much if not more enthusiasm, elated that she was back there. Finally.
"You can't imagine how much I wanted to do this." She snuggled into his neck, pecking it. "It's been just twelve hours, but so much happened..."
"Do you want to rest?"
"Well, I wouldn't mind."
"Come, then." He grabbed her hand and began leading her to his living room. He gestured for her to sit on a small, black pouf, then settled himself behind her to take her jacket off. To her pleasant surprise, he threw it to the side and got his hands on her to massage her. He didn't think about it, it just seemed like a natural thing to do, to make her feel better...
"Did everything go as smoothly as Ren says?" he asked as he began to squeeze her shoulders, taking her to paradise in a matter of seconds.
"Yes. He was really pleased." She nodded, giving into his touch without hesitation. "Dameron was easy to deceive... But I couldn't stop thinking about you."
This reminded Hux of his jealousy, and what he was worried about even before she left...
"Did... Did you..." he began, then cursed himself for being unable of constructing a coherent sentence.
"Nothing happened. I didn't even touch him," she replied as if reading his thoughts. Hux smiled to himself, then kissed her neck.
"I missed you," he admitted in a whisper against her skin, yet again effortlessly giving her goosebumps. "You have that ability of making me want to see you all the time... Must be awfully convenient for you, Lieutenant."
She grinned to herself, knowing he was teasing her. "And that is an offense, I presume?"
"And don't you know the rules? Tsk..." He shook his head in disapproval.
"Oh, General, I thought you were going to reward me for my success."
"And what am I doing right now?" He squeezed her shoulders even more, causing her to let out a sigh. "You looked stunning," he added in another whisper that made her heart race.
"I wish I could dress up like this for you one day."
And there she was again, softening him like no one else could.
"I'll make sure to arrange that," he replied and, in his head, was determined to do it. "We can't be here long... I have much work to do now because of Ren's ideas."
"Armitage, don't worry, I understand," she turned to see his face, "I will jump back to my duties, too."
"You can rest today. You earned it."
"You're being pretty generous to me."
"You tell me why," he replied, prompting her to grab his face quickly and kiss him with all the passion she could muster. He responded with just as much eagerness; stars, he was so infatuated.
They were both breathless when they parted, excitement whirling everywhere.
"I'd better not rest today, Kylo will surely want something from me... So should I wipe my make-up off before putting on my uniform back again?"
"Let's say you can leave it on for today. And for tonight, for that matter."
She rubbed her hands. "Oh, and what happens tonight?" she asked as if she had no idea what he was talking about.
"You'll find out."
Around two hours later, Y/N was back at her console, in her uniform, and Malia was trying to ask all about her mission. She wanted to tell her, but it wasn't long before someone came to the bridge and told Hux that Dameron was not telling anything despite different methods they had tried on him. The General saw it as an opportunity...
"Lieutenant, why don't you question him?" He turned to Y/N. "After all, we got him thanks to you."
"Of course, General. Right away." She stood up.
"I will go with you," he added, making her take a deep breath. She wondered whether he wanted to help her or watch her in action - either way, she couldn't wait.
"Missed me, Dameron?" she asked confidently a few minutes later when she entered the questioning room with Hux behind her. Dameron was cuffed to a chair and had blood and bruises on his face, yet he still had enough will to glare daggers at her.
"Are you content with yourself?" he spat as she approached him. Hux was watching everything from next to the door, eager to see her in action.
"Listen, you're not bad." She sighed, crossing her arms on her chest. "It's just that we're on different sides of this conflict and I have a different man I want to be with."
The General shot her a warning glance, wondering what the hell she was doing, but she just shook her head. It's not like Dameron was any threat to them. Either way, Hux's heart began pounding faster, since it was the first time she had ever spoken about him to anyone else like this, even if indirectly.
"Now, I would love to speak with you about the map..." she continued as Dameron didn't reply. "My friends beat you up a little, sorry about that... But it would be easier if you just told us what you know."
She leaned in, making Hux wince slightly, but he composed himself in seconds.
"Want to tell me anything about the map?" she asked in a whisper.
"The only thing I want is to spit on you."
"Save that for your friends." She took a careful step back. "You were much nicer just hours ago... Should I just dress up again?"
He didn't speak at all and kept on glaring at her, so she shook her head again.
"See, General?" She turned her head towards Hux, giggling. "I told you men only go for the looks," she added jokingly, but after wearing that dress and getting the reactions she did, she was almost sure of it.
"Cut it, Lieutenant," he replied, pretending to be as serious as he'd normally be.
Y/N glanced at Dameron one last time. She could see, just by his eyes, that he wasn't going to tell her a thing. She must have been his most hated person on the ship.
"I think it's useless to waste our time here. Should I bring Kylo Ren in here, sir?" She turned to Hux again, and he nodded.
"That would be for the best."
Soon it was Kylo taking care of Dameron and getting information out of him by using the Force while Hux and Y/N were waiting in front of the door. The General decided he wanted to try something risky, just for the sake of it... And, making sure the nearest Stormtrooper couldn't hear him, he leaned in to whisper into Y/N's ear:
"It was one of the hottest things I've seen you do."
She gulped, her knees weakening right then and there. Maker, it aroused her so much she would not mind being taken right then and there, on everyone's eyes.
"Thank you, General."
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