#we love luda may here
messy-gemini1 · 2 years
His ( Pt. 1? maybe?)
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Thomas has heard Hoyt talk about 'hippies' and 'tree hugger' and 'gypsies' among other things like that. His mama called them moon children and stuff and talked about her time where she wished she could be like that.
He never understood what she meant until he saw you enter the gas station smiling with a flower crown wrapped around your head and a large smile on your face that lit up the room.
His eyes watched your every move, the way your hands glazed the dangling bones from the window and the macabre decorations on the counter as your friends talked with his mother.
Your eyes met and for an instant he thought you were going to run and scream. But you smiled and sent a small wave his way, your bracelets clanked together. You turned and made your way back to your friends, but Thomas' eyes no longer followed your form, instead he watched some bikers stare at your behind like you weren't nothing more than a piece of meat.
You were going to be his and he'd be damned if he'd let another man violate your space with their eyes.
Thomas didn't see you again till Hoyt had dragged you and your friends out of his car. Your hair was matted with blood in one spot and your arms were bruised and cut.
He had just got done getting rid of the bikers from the gas station. His hands were dirty and bloody as he stepped Infront of your form as you laid on the ground. Your eyes slowly trailed up, meeting his. Thomas could tell you were frightened by the way your pupils changed and your throat bobbed from gulping.
"Well? Go on Tommy. Mama said you wanted that one" Hoyt grinned, dragging her screaming friend towards the shed. Thomas looked from his leaving form to your own, the way you stared at him like a deer in headlights. He loved it. The way you looked at him and only him. You'd grow to love him.
He picked your form up, tossing you over his shoulder as you gasped in surprise and yelped "p-put me down!" you yelped, trying to squirm out of his grip but he was much much stronger than your own body, even if you weren't wounded.
Thomas carried you up the stairs and into his room, tossing you into the bed and quickly chaining your ankle to the leg of the bed, standing above you as you quivered.
He moved slowly, his form sliding onto his knees, so he didn't tower over you. You watched him, chest rising and falling quickly. You watched as he moved a hand slowly to your face, cupping your cheek and leaving his bloody handprint, almost marking you.
You watched him unblinking. "w-what do you want?" you whispered, afraid if you spoke any louder your voice would crack. Thomas stared into your eyes, adoring the way they shook and flashed along his face for any sign of what he was thinking.
"mInE" his broken and knarled words came out. Your eyes widened as he stood up and left the room, locking the door behind him so no one could enter and take you away from him.
You sat in the room for what felt like hours. You could hear the roaring of a chainsaw off somewhere on the property. anytime you moved, the chain rattled along the floor. At one point, the man you knew as Hoyt, hollered and told you stop making a racket, so you sat on the bed with your knees tucked to your knees.
You moved when you heard the door unlock and the older woman from the gas station enter. She smiled softly at you and entered the room with a plate of food and a bowl of water and a rag.
"oh you're a beauty. No wonder my baby boy liked you. I've never had a girl before" she spoke, setting the plate on the side table as she sat on the bed next to you as if nothing was wrong.
"Now let's clean you up sweetie" she said. You didn't move as she dipped the rag in the water and started cleaning your skin. You watched her every move. Scared she'd turn and hurt you in any way.
"My boy Tommy picked you especially" she spoke. "w-why me" you spoke up. The woman looked up and smiled "he said you were nice to him and looked pretty. It doesn't take much to please to boy" she spoke.
You gulped and let her clean your skin. "There. all done. and for being so well behave you get dinner" she said and placed the plate of food on your lap. "Now enjoy before Thomas gets back. I'm sure he'll want to spend all his time with you" She giggled and left the room, locking the door behind her.
You could only imagine what that meant for you.
It had been months since then. You slowly got used to being a prisoner here. Thomas was shy you noticed. Despite his larger frame he kept to himself, even in his own room. He turned his head away when you changed, when you needed to use the bathroom, he shut the door and covered his eyes anytime you showered.
You found it oddly cute, in a Stockholm syndrome type of way. You knew what you were feeling was wrong, but Thomas was gentle with you. When he wanted some time, he tried to sign to you, knowing you knew very little ASL.
He never did anything besides want to hold your hand or press his masked face against your head into his version of a kiss.
Soon, you were allowed to roam the rest of the house, even help Luda Mae make dinner. She made dresses for you to wear instead of your old, ruined clothes. You told her about your life before you were trapped there.
She liked to call you her wishful flower child she dreamed of for her son. You only smiled sheepishly and allowed her to believe what you wanted. You didn't know what was to become of you or what happened to your friend.
Not until it was dinner time and you sat across from Hoyt one dinner. you refused to meet his gaze, his eyes staring you down. Luda Mae placed a bowl of stew Infront of you with a smile and continued to serve everyone else as Thomas stepped into the dining room from the basement, a place you were forbidden from entering.
Hoyt eyed you as you slowly stirred your stew, heat still rising from the broth. he grinned a little and locked eyes with You. "Ya know. Your friend aren't that bad" he said. You looked up at him slowly, he flashes a grin, spitting his tobacco into a spare can "they taste pretty good" he said, taking a slow sip of his stew.
Your body froze, eyes slowly looking down at your stew. 'no.nonononononononnoo!' you thought, shooting up so fast the chair knocked over. You gagged and ran out of the room and out the door fast as you could, Hoyt's laugh echoing the room.
You didn't get very far as Thomas tackled your form into the ground as you sobbed. You tried to push and hit his arms, attempting to get out of his grip.
Thomas refused to let you go and pulled you into his chest as you sobbed loudly in the dark. The only sound was your cries as if every insect around were scared off by the sound.
You didn't leave the bedroom for weeks, even going as far as to not eat anything Luda Mae brought. Thomas gave you space, you wouldn't look at him. Even when he popped his head into the room to check on you, you wouldn't move from your spot, form curled up in the bed where you had laid for weeks.
The only time you moved was to use the bathroom or shower. Thomas tried to get you to look at him, but you snapped at his fingers like a wild animal, teeth bared at him.
He understood, you were hurt, angry, disgusted..He wanted nothing more than to see you smile like you did at the shop. But he knew it would take time. Take time for you to realize you were his and there was nothing you could do about it other than accept it.
Soon, soon you would come to terms with what happened, and you would allow him to be in the same room with him and accept him as your and you his. But until then, he would wait.
He would wait and force feed you if he has to until you make amend with yourself and accept your new life. Until then. You'll be His in his mind and stay in his room. where he can keep you from prying eyes.
A/n: I tried to do a slighty darker fic. hopefully you guys liked it and i might do a part 2. request are open and i hope you guys like this!
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slasherhaven · 2 years
Yay someone writing for Thomas Hewitt! We love it. I'd love to request Thomas Hewitt being so touched starved and pent up that one day, he and his SO steal a moment together in the barn, kissing, touching, humping things are getting heated and he just cums in his pants. The SO is of course very happy because hoe boy the possibilities this opens up and come on, who doesnt love being the reason a big strong man is weak at the knees! But yeah, you're writing is awesome!
Sneaking Away with Thomas in the Barn (NSFW):
The Hewitt residence wasn't always the best place to find some privacy, even when shut down in the basement or in Tommy's room there was always the looming worry that somebody was just on the other side of the wall.
The barn was a decent distance from the house and the others very rarely walked out to it, it's maintenance being more Thomas' duty. That made it the perfect place to sneak a few private moments together.
Thomas had been out at the barn, fixing it up had become a bit of a project for him, and you had hurried through your morning chores to take him some fresh lemonade. Slaving away in the midday heat like that couldn't be good for him, even if he was used to it.
Thomas had smiled when he saw you, blushed under the edge of his mask when you greeted him with a smile of your own and a kiss. He had sat down when you tutted at him for working too hard and removed his mask before accepting the drink you had brought him.
He only really moved his mask around you, Luda May got the honour of seeing his face from time to time but it was mostly removed when it was just the two of you. He didn't even always take it off when he was alone.
Thomas empty the glass quickly, placing it down safely. You had joined him on the haybale he sat on, your legs crossed under you as you chatted about your chores and how your day was going.
"Luda May won't need me until lunch now, wanted to take my break with you," you smiled, moving to sit closer to him. "I missed you."
He had been gone for a few hours. You had woken up together, eaten breakfast, and he had headed out to the barn. It was nearly noon now. It wasn't a long time, truly, but it was true all the same. You had missed your Tommy and he had missed you too.
"Maybe you could take a break too...with me?" you suggested, lifting yourself up onto your knees, brushing his sweaty hair out of his face.
Of course, Thomas smiled and nodded. Never able to turn down any sort of time with you.
"Nobody's going to come looking for us out here, are they?" you asked, though you already knew the answer. Nobody would care much where you were until lunch came around.
Thomas blushed, so easily flustered when it came to you, when he realised just what you were suggesting. He nodded, hands quickly moving to your waist when you lifted yourself up some more.
His grip on your waist helped you manoeuvre yourself onto his lap, settling down snugly as you cradled his face in your hands and pulled him into a kiss.
Thomas made a low, deep noise in the back of his throat that vibrated through his chest. You hummed, pleased, as you licked the sweet lemonade off of his lips and from his tongue.
It had been far too long since the two of you had managed to get any physical intimacy. Somehow there was always somebody who would end up calling for one of you or banging on the door until somebody answered. It was a privacy issue that never really bothered Thomas until you showed it, it had been normal for him, but now he cherished those little moments of privacy.
It had been far too long and neither of you could help but feel a little frantic, the kiss growing messy as the two of you grasped at each other. Your hands wandered over his broad chest and shoulders, up into his hair, and back down again. Just needing to touch him.
Large hands moved over your waist, squeezing at your thighs and hips. Grasping, tugging you down and forward as your hips rocked of their own accord, making you gasp into his mouth. He was already fully hard beneath you, though you were in a very similar condition.
You weren't sure exactly how it happened but the two of you ended up tumbling off of the haybale, landing in a pile of (thankfully, clean) hay.
Thomas managed to catch himself above you before he could crush you, looking worried and apologetic. You could only laugh before grabbing his shirt and pulling him down into another kiss.
Thomas took the hint, you were fine and still very much wanted him to finish what he started. He lost himself in the sensations, in your kiss, in the press of your body against his. And your bodies did press together, he pressed you down into the hay, his body slotted between your legs.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, tugging him ever closer. You needed to feel more of him, to shrink the world down to just the two of you.
Thomas groaned as he pressed up between your legs, warm and welcoming. Unfortunately fully clothed. Though, Tommy didn't really care, the pressure was still delicious.
You moaned into his mouth as he rutted against you, almost as if he didn't even realise he was doing it. Dirtily humping you in the bard of his family's property.
You let your hands wander, knowing how much Thomas liked to be touched, made to feel wanted and attractive. He was pressed to close to make any real attempt at removing his shirt, but you groped at his strong arms and back, pressing your heels into his lower back to encourage him.
You lifted your hips until you found a rhythm, matching each of his messy thrusts, feeling him groan into your mouth.
Thomas made a strangled sort of sound as he broke away from the kiss, tucking his face against your neck, his warm breath hitting your flushed skin. You curled a hand in his hair and let out a surprised little moan when his thrusts faltered and his hips jolted, rutting against you particularly roughly.
There were another few jolts and twitched before Thomas' body tensed up above you, holding you down against the hay padded floor. His hips remained flush against yours, cradled between your thighs.
You smiled breathlessly to yourself when you realised what happened. It really had been too long since the two of you had the privacy to be together like this.
Thomas made a pitiful little sound as he peeled himself away from you, sitting back on his knees, looking embarrassed and apologetic. He hadn't finished that fast since your first time together, and he hadn't even gotten to touch you, to please you.
"You okay, Tommy?" you asked, pushing yourself up into a sitting position. Thomas just nodded, but frowned as he caressed your cheek. "Aw, Tommy, it's okay," you cooed, pressing a kiss to the palm of his hand, "you did so good."
Thomas huffed, not convinced.
"Seriously, Tommy. It's okay. That was...it was kinda really hot," you confessed, surprising him a little. "It's...a compliment, really. That you like me so much," you teased affectionately, leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
"Made a bit of a mess though," you commented, toying with his belt. "Don't worry we'll get you all cleaned up," you promised, not letting him feel properly embarrassed for even a second.
Though, the whole thing did make you wonder. If you could make him feel like that with just a little grinding on the floor, you wondered what else you could do to him. How much of a mess you could make him. How much you please him and give Thomas everything he deserved.
Thomas sighed again, not looking completely reassured.
"I'm alright, I promise. It's nearly lunch anyway, Luda May will be looking for me," you sighed, matching his disappoint in that area. "You can make me feel good later, I promise."
That seemed to cheer Thomas up a little. He pulled you into a hot kiss before standing and helping you to your feet. He chuckled quietly as he began to pick hay out of your clothes and your hair, making you presentable to return to the house.
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alyssaswrld999 · 1 year
A Little Disagreement/Thomas Hewitt x Female Reader
Warning: implied smut, kissing, arguing, trauma
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I woke up and it was bright and sunny outside. It was a usual summer morning as always in Texas. To be honest I always hated the heat. I always have had a hard time with being hot, sweating, and just getting overheated easily. But after living here with the Hewitts I have gotten used to it.
I was laying on mine and Thomas's shared bed looking at the ceiling. I was just thinking- lost in thought. I was so lost in thought I couldn't hear someone knocking on the bedroom door. Then I heard my name being called. "Y/n" someone said.
I get out of my thoughts and look at the direction the voice is coming from. I seen Luda May (Momma Hewitt). I loved Luda May she is so sweet and kind. She always has been ever since I first came to live with the Hewitts.
"Good mornin Mama" I said with a smile. "Good mornin sunshine I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready" Luda May said. "Mama you should have let me known I would have helped you" I said.
Luda May shook her head and started to laugh. "Well why don't you wash up and get dressed for the day then come downstairs and help me set the table" Luda May said. I smiled and shook my head yes. "I will be down in a second" I said. Luda May nodded and made her way back downstairs.
I finally got the energy to pull myself out of bed and walked into my mini bathroom to wash my face. After I got done washing up I went to get dressed for the day. But here is the thing I have always had a hard time getting dressed for the day.
Here I am standing in my underwear, and bra staring in my closet trying to decide what to wear. I didn't know Hoyt was upstairs so I was in for a surprise. "GOOD GOD WHAT THE HELL WOMAN PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON" Hoyt yells closing my bedroom door.
I jumped up 2 feet off the ground from him screaming. "HOYT QUIT SLAMMING MY DOOR" I yelled back. I looked back at my closet and started digging in my closet to hurry up. I finally found some blue jeans, and a pink and black flannel. I put my boots on and ran downstairs to help Luda May with setting the table.
"Sounds like Hoyt has had his daily dose of being riled up today" Luda May said. "Yeah he has but he needs to quit slammin my door he has already almost broke the door slammin it" I said.
"Yeah well that is Hoyt for sure that boys always had a temper " Luda May said. I nodded and started putting the plates on the table. "Hey why don't ya go get Thomas for me he needs to get out from that basement" Luda May said.
"Okay sure thing Mama" I said. I walked over to where the basement door was and opened it. I went down the basement steps and I seen Tommy doing his own little thing of sowing.
I smiled and walked over to him. I always loved the little things about him. Ever since I met this man he was full of surprises. The first thing I noticed about him was his eyes. Those sparkling, dazzling eyes.
I tapped his shoulder and he turned his head towards me. When he noticed it was me he quit sowing and pulled me closer to him. He tapped his lap to inform me he wanted me to sit. Thomas wasn't a big talker verbally but he always found a way to speak without speaking.
"You want me to sit on your lap" I asked. Thomas nodded his head yes. Then he helped me carefully get on his lap. I put my arms around his neck and just sat there looking at him. "Hi" I said smiling at him. "Hi" Thomas said that shocked me. Like I said he ain't really a talker.
I lean to the side of his face and kiss his cheek. Then as I move my head back to where it was Thomas leaned forward and kissed me. I didn't want to pull away from his kiss but he needs to eat. As I pull away he growls because he wanted me to kiss him more. He is such like a clingy house cat sometimes.
"Breakfast is ready I came to get ya so ya can eat" I said. Tommy gruted and looked at the stairs. "Come on Mama made Biscuits and Gravy. It smells good" I said. Tommy nodded and we went upstairs to eat breakfast.
"Well look what the cat drug in" Luda May said. Thomas just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Here Tommy why don't you sit and I will get you a plate" I said. But all of that went aside for a second when Hoyt came in the kitchen.
"You don't need to get Thomas a plate. He ain't no damn kid he's a grown man. He is perfectly capable of doing shit for himself." Hoyt shouted at me. I could tell right after Hoyt said that Thomas didn't like it. I look at Thomas and seen his fists were tightly closed. I put my hand on his shoulder and rub softly.
"It's ok I got this" I whisper to Thomas. I look over at Hoyt and give him the meanest glare. "Hoyt quit being a little kid yourself and eat silently cause I'm sure no one here wants to hear you complainin" I said.
Hoyt just scoffed and mumbled to himself. Then he finally got up and left the kitchen. I shook my head and went over to the stove to fix Thomas his plate. After I finally made his plate I sat it down on the table in front of him.
"There you go sunshine" I whispered in his ear. I kissed his cheek then went to make myself a plate.
The weather feels nice today and the view is amazing as well. Who ever knew that sitting on a porch while sitting in a rocking chair drinking some sweet tea and seeing your big, sexy, muscular man work. It's actually got a ring to it and that's perfect in my book.
"You ok dear" Luda May asked. I got out of thought and looked over at the direction Luda May was speaking. She was sitting on the porch swing. I didn't even know she was out here until now.
"Yes ma"m I'm ok" I said smiling. Luda May nodded her head and looked out towards Thomas. "Thomas has always been the sweet one" Luda May began saying. That got my attention and I looked over at her while she was speaking.
"Thomas has a good heart. There's moments where I worry about him. I mean it's pretty normal for a mother to worry about her kids. This world has always frowned upon Thomas. Called him a freak and more nasty things. That's where I began to believe that no one was gonna love him like he should be loved by someone else besides me." Luda May said. She turned her head towards me and smiled. "Then when you came into our lives that's where it changed. You have shown that you love Thomas very much. And I'm happy that he has someone to love him like he deserves to be loved" Luda May finished.
I nodded my head agreeing with her. "I'm proud to have Thomas in my life as well. He makes me feel safe and loved" I replied. I looked back out into the field and seen Thomas cutting some wood.
I got up and started to go back into the house. "Hey mama I'm gonna bring Thomas some sweet tea. Do you want me to get you a glass as well?" I asked. "Sure thing dear" Luda May answered. I nodded my head and smiled while entering the house.
I get to the kitchen and I grab two big glasses and fill them with ice and sweet tea.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Horror Villains React to: Finding out that you're a Virgin
Warnings: Sexual References, horror villains being inconsiderate to your lack of experience, and horror villains being overly excited about your lack of experience
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'I got this babe don't worry.' Will take care of you ^^ Whether that's because-
Sub-Category 1- Because they're experienced and Cocky: Inkubus and Jerry Dandridge.
Sub-Category 2- Because they're on Cloud 9 and have No Thoughts: Baby Firefly and Mickey Altieri.
Sub Category 3- Because they Love and Care about you ^^: Candyman, Lester Sinclair, Luda Mae Hewitt, Mayor Buckman, Pamela Voorhees, Roman Bridger, DBD! Deathslinger (He is a little bit Sub-Category 1 as well tho) and Vincent Sinclair (Not that he really knows what he's doing either... ).
'... Okay.' They... don't really react 😅 The chips will fall where they may... : Max Grief, Michael Myers (Godspeed), Rocco the Clown, and the Djinn.
'Ughhhh really? Fineee.' Experienced and Bummed that they have to take it Slow with you: Mrs Loomis, Harper Alexander, Jennifer Check, Kieran Wilcox, Patrick Bateman and Piper Shaw.
'Yeah yeah sure whatever you say I'll be gentle'. A.K.A the assholes who do not take you seriously: Animal the Cannibal, Billy Loomis, Bo Sinclair, Chop Top Sawyer, Dr Suave, Jill Roberts, Leslie Vernon, the Midnight Man, Otis B Driftwood (Liar), and Stu Macher (Overexcited little bastard).
'Oh you're a virgin?... Good.' They're about it- and its disconcerting to say the least!: Captain Spaulding, Chucky Lee Ray, Foxy, Freddy Krueger, Granny Boone, Mental Manny, Monty Hewitt, Pennywise, Sheriff Hoyt, DBD! Clown, and The Man (from Hush).
'Look we are figuring this out together- this is uncharted waters for the both of us- I dunno what I'm doing either here, so- uh- just give us a holler if something is not-quite-right.' Yeah... not super comforting 😅 But at least you're not alone?: Bubba Sawyer, Carrie White, Drayton Sawyer, Jason Voorhees, Jedidiah Sawyer, Stuart Lloyd (I'M SORRY. BUT THIS MAN HAS NEVER BEEN ON A DATE IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE), DBD! Huntress, the Taxidermist, and Thomas Hewitt.
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madamemedic · 2 years
Prince of Silence (Prologue)
[Hello, this is an A.U. of Leatherface: The Beginning. I accidentally deleted this chapter. Oops. ]
It was a stormy night, and the wind beat against the widows of the castle. Today was not a good day for one, Luda May Hewitt. The Queen had just come back from the funeral of her late husband. Luda felt like the weather was matching her mood, cold and depressed. Charlie, or Hoyt, who liked to be called, hadn't been much help as he wasn't close to his Father, so he naturally avoided the whole ordeal. At least Monty tried to comfort his poor grieving sister, though it did little to soothe the wound that Luda felt, but at least it was something. Luda closed her eyes, and it felt like she could still see him, hear him. The man that Luda had fallen in love with so deeply. If she could cry anymore, she would. The tears had all but run out, and now all left was the burning feeling in her eyes. A loud knocking was heard on her door. Luda jumped for a moment before she quickly wiped her eyes and opened her bedroom door to a flushed face servant.
"What is so important that you interrupted my time of grief?" Luda didn't mean to be harsh, but she wanted time. It was hard enough not to crumble into a mess while they carried her love off in a coffin to be buried with the other royals. The servant bowed as he looked up again.
"My apologies Ma'am but there is something you must see at once" What on earth was so important that she had to see it? Couldn't Monty deal with it? Or even Hoyt? Whatever it was, Luda wasn't in the mood to see whatever it was, but if necessary, she would go and hopefully come back to her room to mourn in peace. Luda let out a small sigh as she left her room to follow the man to where her attention was needed; she didn't get a break even in her time of need. Loud voices could be heard, and lots of people were talking over each other. To put it plainly, it was quite the chaos in the dining area by the time Luda arrived. Strangely both Hoyt and Monty were there, so why was she needed so badly?
"Just get rid of it; we don't need another problem and especially one that's this fucking ugly", Hoyt snarled out. As usual, Hoyt is vulgar as ever.
"No, we need her opinion on this. If we decide without her, Luda will be very upset. You know how she feels about these kinds of things," Monty replied; at least he had a cool head about whatever was going on. The small gathering of people was still arguing amongst themselves until Luda cleared her throat and was faced with the gardener, Hoyt, Monty, two guards and three maids.
"About time you got here; now we get rid of that thing and move on with our lives", Hoyt grumbles; he didn't look happy, but when did he ever look happy? Now Luda was even more confused. Getting rid of what? Then a shrill cry disrupted her thoughts as she gazed at where the noise was coming from. On the table was a badly beaten cardboard box with a small child inside it with raggy cloth around its body. A child?! It looked like it was born relatively recently and was hungry. It looked normal, except its face had a slight deformity. The poor child has a cleft palate, and the nose shows signs of decay. Most likely due to an infection.
"Where did you find this poor child?" Luda reached down and scooped the crying child into her arms. Who could be so cruel as to leave a child alone to die in the harsh world? This wouldn't stand. The gardener stepped forward with a sad look on his face.
"I did, Ma'am; I was going round to feed the pigs and found the child. He didn't sit right with me, so I brought him in, and well, Mr Monty said, " You should be involved with what happens to the child" He looked pretty upset when he described how the child was found.
"You found him with the pigs? Was there any note or anything else left with him?" Luda was getting upset; she had already had a feeling about why the boy was left with the pigs. But being upset was going to solve anything. She needed to know more.
"No, Ma'am found him naked in the box alone in the pig pen; I hope this isn't true, but I think somebody tried to kill the poor boy by feeding him to the pigs" Ah, there it was! Luda was correct, although she didn't enjoy being so. Her hands glided over the thick tuffs of brown hair. Whoever this wasn't kind, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was what was going to happen now. Luda rocked the child gently to her chest as his cries started to slow into soft murmurs.
"That is exactly why we should get rid of it; not even the ugly bastard's mother wanted it", Hoyt jeered from the side. It was clear that he wanted it gone. But not on Luda's watch; she wouldn't abandon this child-like its Mother. No, she was going to raise it as her own and give him the love and care he deserved.
"Did you see anybody leave the child?" Luda faced the guards, now ignoring her rude son. He did not help.
"No, Ma'am, whoever did this must have done so when the guards were changing or on a break," The left one said. It only made Lud'a heart break even more. The thought of the poor being left devoured by pigs without care."
"What do you want to do with the baby? Everybody turned to Monty, who looked the calmest of them all. Then, they all turned back to Luda. It was her choice, and she was going to keep the baby. It had been a while since there were children in the castle, and Luda wanted to feel happiness again; maybe this child could do it.
"I'm going to keep him and raise him as my own" Luda faced the child; he had a round face and was quite a big baby. Whoever gave birth to him must be in some pain. "THE HELL YOU ARE! WE DON'T NEED THAT THING! THROW IT BACK TO THE PIGS!" Hoyt slammed his hand on the table, his face red with anger. The sudden loud noise upset the child, and he began to cry again. Luda started once again to calm the child down with small rocking motions.
"I am Charlie; he will be my son like you are. I don't care if you disagree, but this is my choice and what I say is final" Luda calmed him down slightly again, only for Hoyt to get even angrier.
"How many times must I tell you? It's Hoyt. H. O. Y. T. Not fucking Charlie, and no, that thing will be gone" Luda stared down at her son with no emotion; this did make Hoyt back up slightly.
"Your Father named you Charlie, and that is what I will call you. I may be your Mother, but I am also still the Queen; this child will be adopted by me, and that is final" Luda's voice was calm and held an authoritative tone. This was not up for debate; Hoyt could see he was not going to win this one; his Mother was more stubborn than he was.
"Fine, but all of this is one big fucking mistake, and if and when it blows up in your face, don't come crying back to me" As Hoyt talked, he stepped closer to Luda until they were face to face. This was his final attempt to get his Mother to see why accepting that brat was a bad idea, but Luda stood her ground, unflinching. Fine, let this be the hill that she dies on. Hoyt storms off, and the two guards follow suit but bow in respect as they pass Luda.
"I hope you know what you are doing, Luda; Charlie isn't going to be nice to the child", Monty spoke out. He didn't want the child to stay either, but when he saw his sister's eyes when she saw the baby, he knew there was no choice; he was going to stay.
"I know, but he is going to have to learn that you don't get everything in life" Monty knew there were more reasons why his sister was keeping the child but chose not to pry. This kid could help his sister overcome the hardship of losing her husband. Maybe.
"What are you going to do now?" One of the servants asked Luda if she was the head maid, so if anybody was going to find out what was next, it was her.
"Maria, could you find a wet nurse for the child. Gloria, sees if you can help find clothing for him that we have. Charlotte, see if you can find a cradle so he can sleep," Luda orders the maids to follow. They bow and leave to do as they are asked. Luda couldn't help but stare into the child's beautiful eyes.
"What's his name?" Monty could already see the positive effect the baby was bringing to Luda. Maybe this child is what she needed to feel better again. He only hoped he turned out better than Hoyt did.
"Thomas, Thomas Brown Hewitt" Luda's finger reaches out as Thomas's hand grips her pinky. Yes, Thomas Brown Hewitt, his name shall be, and he will be a fine young man.
[Howdy, sorry I accidentally deleted this chapter like an idiot]
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meatriarchived · 10 months
NAME :  renee! c: ( government-assigned actual middle name fbnskdj )
PRONOUNS :  they / she
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : ims on tumblr was the normal for me cause i never really did disc til this blog but i Am mostly chatting on disc nowadays. i can be slow / notifs may be funky so i always say to not like... get upsetti if i take a bit to reply or i forget to my mind is an actual fog-haze most of the time, time to me gets very hazy and i wont really realize days have passed me by at times so. i ask patience for that front c;
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : oh hell, we are primarily in Texas Trenches here so...... maria & ana flores, danny [ alejo-osorio, not 'gaines' ugly ass name- ], Mother nancy s.awyer, thomas h.ewitt / le.atherface, our mom luda mae he.witt, elizabeth 'birdie' callaway [ oc ], constance 'simmi' simone [ oc ] + my other trials kiddos.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) :  writing in general - since 3rd grade. rping here on tumby - since about.... 2014.....? idk really. its been at last 10+ yrs. ive been in a couple different r.pcs but horrors' typically been such a home to return to.
BEST  EXPERIENCE :  point blank all honesty? these last 2-3 months since i came back. genuinely. like ive had a good share of fun and silly moments over the years yes. but. something about the mutuals ive met coming back from a near 2 yr hiatus to this blog has been really heartwarming to me. i havent had remotely as welcoming or fun and silly times connecting with the actual people behind the blog, behind the muse, as i have here. i never had so many wild out of pocket verses or ships, never had affiliates/mains/etc, never had near as much fun plotting or simply gushing over muses and their dynamics in those 10+ yrs being here on and off than i have in this lil texas corner of the horror r.pc. like the last few years have Not Been Kind in my offsite life, and having a massive writers block due to offsite struggles for those years near killed my love for writing as a whole - not just rping but just. writing in general. and while that blocks still not fully gone rn ( staring my 100+ inbox rn in the fucking eyes ) just? the fact that i feel alot more connected to a point with those ive met here this time around has genuinely made me feel alot happier in these few weeks than i have in quite a while. so far this takes the cake by a complete landslide in terms of best experiences ♡ and much of that is very much thanks to those mutuals.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  look. ive been here a long time. ive been part of r.pcs that have had alot of shit stirred in it. im going to be 30 in january lmao and my offsite life has more than enough of its fair fucking share of bullshit. i dont have the mental nor emotional capacity to deal with the kinds of online pettiness or silliness that has cropped up. ive had more of my share in people who are ma.nipulative, ab.usive, etc that i dont really care to engage with in a space that i really try hard to ensure stays as peaceful and as much of a solace to myself as possible. if you're chill and just here to vibe? then we're completely gucci lol. but i dont respond well in the slightest to guilt trips, or passive aggressive attempts at getting interactions or anything. it makes me wildly uncomfortable - seen it too much, deal with similar way too much w people in my offsite life and im honestly so tired and jaded to it all. im here to chill, chat about muses, go to Texas, just. relax and take it easy. got enough shit goin' on offsite as is let me just have fun here :') like literally just. read my rules, dont push me or my boundaries, let us just have a good time and chill leave the petty shit at the door im begging.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT :  okay look- FNJKS my go-to, my habit, is always gonna be Angst / the horrors. its been that way for many years. you can ask my offsite co-writer/friend, she's literally been Tormented by me for nearly two decades now- FKJSDA but seriously, it doesnt entirely matter. angst, fluff, horror, etc etc like. i enjoy where the character takes me - if its gearing towards angst? then imma be as heartbreaking as possible. if its sweet fluff? i hope you like cotton candy cause im stuffing an entire blob of it in your mouth like- i just enjoy the dynamics between characters and where that can lead them - and i fucking love the dynamics the pals and i have been cooking these few weeks theyre delicious and i love them all ♡ smut however..... my enemy. nfsjdk its noted already in my rules im not gonna go into it but. smuts only vaguely referenced on a sideblog that im keeping to a very small pool of people im comfortable with so; i over-criticize my writing it & constantly delete/restart it so. dont expect to see me post anything here on main anymore re: smut fgnsdkd
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :  funny how it used to be strictly memes but, ive found myself after returning heavily preferring at least SOME plotting before i feel comfortable just winging it in responses. c; its not required, nor necessary, but it helps to be chatting at least ooc about the muses so i have a better idea of how to write something out.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES :  OKAY SO LOOK- i cannot begin to say how unhinged my fucking writing has been overall here cause truly? my responses on other blogs used to be so minimal??? read: NORMAL. and yet here i am now in this little corner dishing out fuckin' novels half the time like who the fuck am i- lmao its been so much fun building those longer responses up tho like?? and the fact that ya'll enjoy them so much makes me happy but also i am Sorry not only for the novels in my responses but also my novel tangents in dms like goddamn i dont know how to shut-
BEST TIME TO WRITE :  for me it used to be solely in the dead of night cause thats when all the day chaos finally quieted down but. now for the most part its just. whenever i get a burst of energy and motivation to.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) :  uhh................. if i HAD to choose its like... maybe a gentle mix of danny / simmi / ana? mostly simmi in terms of just. resting bitch face, keeps to themself, idk fnsdk but overall not? really? they got some shared snippets that i do but as more of an overall? not in the slightest i think lol
TAGGED  BY  :   scruffed from across the dash from kels uwu TAGGING  :  literally any of ya'll if you wanna do it too c:
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Texan Meet Cute:
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Tag: @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @myers-meadow-selfship @oceansrose2002
Macy’s POV:
Hoytt was getting on my last fucking nerve today, I swore to myself that one more comment and I’d send his head flying through the wall. Why were the men on my family all such perverted bastards? Monty wasn’t much better, crazy old man. But at least I had Thomas, the one thing that kept me someone sane in this place.
He was a great brother, probably better than I deserved. When our Mother didn’t give me attention, he would make the time for me. And that meant more to me than he’d every probably understand. I stomped down to the basement where he as hard at work. His chainsaw was revving, so I chose to wait by the door as to not startle him. It was almost funny sometimes, how someone like him could be so skittish.
“Need some help with that?” I asked with a smirk on my face.
Thomas turned to look at me, mask still on. He kept it on with victims, even though I told him it didn’t really matter. They were gonna die anyways, who cares if they see his face. “The face only a mother could love” people would say, but I think that’s utter bullshit. So my brother has a few deformities, that doesn’t mean he’s unworthy of love.
He set down his chainsaw and I walked over to admit his work. The poor bloke on the table was missing all 4 limbs but still very much breathing. I could hear his muffled scream through the rag shoved in his mouth. I shot a glare at the victim.
“Please, keep screaming… see how much you like it when I rip out your tongue.”
I was in no mood for this bullshit today. Why did they always have to be so loud? With all the begging and pleading, as if I’d suddenly grow a second heart .
“Upset?” Thomas signed.
I sighed heavily.
I didn’t need to say much else, Thomas understood. I mean Hoytt wasn’t even nice to him either. Luda was the only one who could shut that man up. And I thanked my lucky stars that she put him in his place often.
“Walk? Feel better.”
“I’m not sure if I’m up for a walk today Tommy. Besides you’ve got a lot of work cut out for you by the looks of it. Don’t want that meat rotting and going bad.”
He gave me a sad nod.
“You need to have fun, I’ll finish your chores.”
“No, Thomas you don’t have to do that. It’s fine.”
But he wouldn’t budge. Both literally and metaphorically. He wouldn’t let me leave his basement until I promised to go do something fun.
“Maybe I’ll go for a drive, see where it lands me before I run out of gas.”
He gave me a look as if to ask ‘is that a good idea?’ But I couldn’t think of anything better to do.
“I’ll be fine Thomas, maybe a few days out of town will do me good. I mean what’s Lud- mom, going to do? Hold down the house while I’m gone? Hoytt May thinks he runs shit around here, but you’re the man of the house Tommy.”
I gave my brother a kiss on the cheek of his mask. I wasn’t usually one for affection, but I couldn’t help it when it came to Thomas. He was just so kind and sweet, something you wouldn’t expect from this family. A bunch of redneck hillbillies with murderous, cannibalistic tendencies. Yet here we had this gentle giant. A man the world is lucky isn’t filled with rage like I was. Thomas killed to follow orders, to protect his family and keep us well fed.
But I killed for a much different reason. The thrill, the adrenaline rush. A dangerous game of cat and mouse that could go on as long as I say so. Running a victim out of steam for days until they’re basically begged me to kill them. Making them submit to my every will. It was an intoxicating feeling that got you high.
“See you around Tommy, yeah?”
He gave me a sad look.
“It’s only a few days, you’ll be fine.” I assured him.
If I came home to find Hoytt or Monty upset him again, those men would have hell to pay. My loyalties stood with my brother and my brother alone. I wouldn’t bat an eye if someone splattered the others brains onto the pavement. Of course, Thomas would be upset, which is the only reason I haven’t done it myself yet. I was sick and tried of them trying to order me around. I helped plenary around here, yet it was never enough.
I packed a small backpack with some cash I’d saved, and a few spare clothes. I hoped onto the back of my Harley, one’s I’d rescued from the junk yard and repaired, and headed off in a random direction. Just driving and clearing my head until I found a town that piqued my interest. Ruggsville Texas. It was only on my radar because people had been reporting a higher amount of disappearances recently. And I was sure this town was harbouring secrets.
I stopped at a little motel on the side of the road, not wasting my time with pleasantries and instead choosing to pick a lock and break into one of the many vacant rooms. If I kept the shades drawn, the likely wouldn’t even notice me here. The door was wide enough for me to walk my motorcycle inside, as to leave no trace to my existence. Even if someone did discover me, I could always kill then and flee back home. I wasn’t completely opposed to that idea.
I locked the door and threw myself down on the king sized bed. It was still a bit small, but you got used to it. I felt bad for people who were even taller than I am. I didn’t even bother to change into night clothes, instead choosing to just kick off my pants and go to bed.
The sun was overly obnoxious in the morning, shining through the slight gap in the curtain. I groaned, hurling myself up from the end and going to the shower. I nearly laughed to myself when I say how short the shower head was. Thomas and I had built the shower in our home so that we could actually properly use it. We also put a pool noodle on the frame going downstairs to the basement, Thomas kept hitting his head on it.
I left my hair down, letting it dry in its natural state. There was a slight wave to it, not quite curly but not totally flat. At least I got Luda’s hair gene instead of my fathers. Thomas was blessed with good hair too. I decided I would drive into the main part of town today. As I drove around, I spotted a little blocked off street. Some sort of vending festival. It could be cool, I could get something nice for Tommy on my trip. A silent apology for leaving him alone at home. I parked my bike, hiding it in the alleyway and started walking around.
There were a few food stalls, some art exhibits and random assortments of knickknacks. This town seems kinda homey which was a nice change of pace. It was still brutally hot in the Texas summers. I wore black mom jeans and a tight black tank top. I had a hair tie on my wrist in case I got fed up, or it got too warm. One stall in particular caught my eye. They had a bundle of balloons tied to a little chair.
But that wasn’t what really caught my eye, no, it was the person on that chair. Even from this far away, I could tell it wasn’t just perspective making them look small. What the hell was someone like that doing out here alone? Their hair was huge and fluffy, it wasn’t often you saw black people down south wearing their natural hair. I didn’t know a lot about black culture, but all the ladies are Luda’s church either straightens their hair, or wore wigs. Their Afro was sort of adorable, like an unapologetic way to say ‘fuck you’ to societal beauty standards.
I hadn’t realised I was staring, until their eyes met mine from across the lot. And I swore my heart almost stopped. Now that I could see their face, they were genuinely adorable. They had some sort of face paint on, reminiscent of a clown. They gave me a quick smile, before going back to mining their table. I didn’t want to be too obvious, so I pretended to look at other things as I drew closer. Curiosity getting the best of me.
I could see their outfit more clearly now. It was similar to those old fashioned Circus costumes. With a Black and White almost Harlequin pattern. They had on combat boots with mismatched shoelaces on them. Their skin glowed under the hot Texas sun, a thin sheen of sweat on their brow. A man in a similar costume and makeup up walked up to the both, whispering something to them before leaving. I watched as he walked away, driving off in a truck. Odd.
But their interaction started to make sense when I saw them start packing up the tiny booth. They seemed to be selling food, I could smell it even from here. And honestly it was mouth watering. So I finally got up the nerve to approach them. They looked up from packing when they noticed me. I watched as their Addams apple bobbed slightly. They were nervous, but I was used to getting that sort of reaction.
“I know you’re packing, but I was wondering what you were selling.” I asked.
They just stared at me for a money, their eyes wide and glossy, like they forgot how to talk. I was about to just walk away, worried I scared them too much, when they finally spoke.
“Umm, yeah. My Gruncle and I were selling some of his famous fried chicken. Needed a bit of extra cash since people don’t stop by our store often. But rich white people love coming to these sort of things.” They rambles.
It was cute, watching them stutter and stumble over their words as they tried not to look at me.
“What’s a Gruncle?” I laughed.
I didn’t mean to laugh at them, but it was such an odd word.
“Grandpa-Uncle. Cause we call grandpa, Grandpa, but he’s my Great Grandpa and I don’t want to get them confused.”
I couldn’t help but smile at that. God, I haven’t smiled in so long. I was worried my face was fixed in a permanent scowl. Only time I smiled like that was when Tommy and I got a day off and could hang out in the old abandoned apple orchard.
“I guess that makes sense, got any left?”
They pushed the aluminium tray forward.
“Take it, it’s on the house. Can’t stand being near the stuff anyway.”
Odd, why would they sell it if they hated it. The packed the rest of the stuff into a little milk crate. But it looked huge in their tiny hands.
“Are you sure? I have cash.” I said.
The shook there head.
“It was just gonna go in the trash anyway.”
“Macy.” I offered, reaching out my hand.
They just stared at it for a while, before meeting my gaze again.
I dropped my hand when they didn’t attempt to shake it. Blinky, what an odd name. Perhaps it was a nickname of sorts. They seemed to think for a second, pausing with their back turned to me, before turning back around.
“Hey, I don’t know if you’re from around here or not. But steer clear of Captain Spaulding’s Museum of Monsters and Madmen.” They warned.
That was their first mistake, because now I was curious. I stood by the booth awkwardly as they walked over to a bicycle and strapped the milk crate to the front of it. We’re they about to ride around in this heat, wearing that? My stomach growled as the smell of chicken was becoming overwhelming. It made me wish I was at home to eat Tommy’s cooking. But I couldn’t eta right now, not in-front of them. I was a completely different person when I was hungry.
I looked back up as I heard them walking towards me again, and lunged forward when I saw them stumble over their own feet. I caught them easily with one hand.
“Woah there!” I said, stabilising them.
Sure, she was already on her feet, but I didn’t want to let go of them just yet. And it seemed she didn’t mind either.
“Th-thanks.” They blushed furiously.
“Are you ok? You just tripped over nothing.” I laughed.
It wasn’t meant to come out so harsh, my intent was more teasing. They pushed themself out of my arms, crossing their arms over their chest and huffing. It was entirely adorable. God what was she doing to me?
“I’m fine, I got it stranger!” The snapped at me.
I was pleasantly surprised they had that much bite in them.
“I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. That wasn’t nice of me, I’m just tired of everyone treating me like I’m a a child.”
“Are you not?” I laughed.
Surely they must be.
“I’m 18!” They said exasperated.
My brain began to short circuit. My intentions were much more pure when I first decided to approach them. Curious what a child was doing out here. I was shocked to find they were only three years younger than me. God she was adorable, I doubt if I left now I’d even be able to forget this little encounter.
“I’m sorry.”
I doesn’t know why I said it. I had nothing to apologise for, and even if I did, I wouldn’t do it. Apologising meant admiring guilt, and that was an emotion I was incapable of feeling.
“Let me help you with that!” I quickly added.
I was used to being useful. Thomas and I basically splitting the house hold chores 50/50. Monty couldn’t do much, and Hoytt was out on petroleum or down at the station most days. I easily picked up the table, folding the legs in and hoisting it over my head. They stared up at me in awe, a reaction I was hoping for. Hoytt would make fun of me if he saw me now, helping a gentle stranger and trying to impress them.
“Where to?” I asked.
They seemed to be panicking now. Maybe I had over stepped.
“Gas station, a little ways down the road. It’s kinda a long walk.”
The grabbed their bike, walking it along side me as we made our way down the road. Most of the walk was in a comfortable silence. I wasn’t really sure what to say. But I enjoyed their company more than I thought I would. I noticed her stealing little glances at me, and smirked. They brought me around back the building.
“Here, you can just drop it here. My Gruncle will take care of it later. Umm, I don’t have any extra cash to pay you.” She said.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure? I could go run inside and grab you a soda or something.”
I was quite thirsty. But I had a better idea.
“I’m not much of a soda drinker. Maybe we could get a coffee.” I asked.
I’d grown quite good at flirting. It was an easy way to lure in vapid teenage boys for the kill. But I had to use a different strategy here, my flirting was sincere in this moment. They intrigued me to say the least. I was surprised when they quickly agreed, but they just seemed anxious to get as far way from the gas station as possible.
I followed after them, surprised by how fast they were with their legs being that short. My brain thought of what it would be like to chase them, but I quickly shoved that thought to the back of my head. She did nothing to be deserving of that side of me.
“There’s no coffee in town, did you drive her?” They asked.
I nodded.
“Yeah, we could take my motorcycle.”
Perhaps it was a little naive of them to go to a second location with me. But I found it endearing, when normally I’d find it annoying. I’ve barely even had a full conversion with this girl and they were already changing my whole mood. I’d long forgotten about the nasty comments Hoytt has spewed at me. I was pissed at him for murdering my last girlfriend, and feeding her to me without my knowledge. Something about “repenting in the eyes of god.” Maybe I hadn’t loved her, but she was a good lay. She always knew how to calm me down.
“You drive a motorbike? That’s so cool!” They beamed.
There was no sarcasm laced in their tone, they seemed genuinely impressed by this fact. I mean if that’s all it took to get them excited, then this would be easy.
“So, what’s with the clown thing?” I cringed at myself, quickly correcting my mistake, “it’s fun.” I added.
“You think so? I’ve always sort of admired clowns. They say laughter is the best medicine and I couldn’t agree more. I love laughing.”
Every sentence had me fighting with myself internally to not just throw them over my shoulder right now. My heart was beating faster and my skin was itching. But that wasn’t right or me, I couldn’t rush this. No I wanted to saver my time away in this quaint little town. And it seems Blinky was the only one worth while in this shit hole. If I ruined that now, I’d kick myself.
“You got any jokes?”
They shook their head no.
“I’m not very good at telling them RJ says. Do you have any?”
I’m went sure who this RJ was, but I already didn’t like them. I thought for a moment, trying to see if I remembered any jokes. We’re we’re nearly halfway back to wear I parked my bike now. Was I seriously considering trying to make a joke just to get an inkling of their laugh? This is not how I expected this trip to go at all. My plan was to stroll into town, kill a few locals no one would miss and then go back home.
But did that place ever really feel like home? Sure I lived there, but I hated it. I hated that house, hated my family. Thomas and I could go anywhere and I’d be home. He was just to chicken to leave, get rid of that old bat who for some ungodly reason he shared affections for. They would be nowhere without the two of us doing everything for them. And all they showed me in return was trying to send to to conversion camp when I was a teen. Fuckers. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm, it was dainty and delicate.
“Hey you ok? You don’t have to tell me a joke if you don’t want to. Being funny isn’t easy.” They attempted to console me.
“Yeah, no I’m good. Just got lost in thought I guess. Ok, so how about this: I have a stepladder because my real ladder left when I was just a kid.” I tried.
Sure my delivery wasn’t perfect, but I couldn’t help it. They somehow simultaneously made more more confident, yet nervous at the same time. The slowly dropped their hand from my arm and I had to stop myself from whining at the lack of touch. Why was I so god damn horny right now? It had been months since I’d been this psychically close to someone .
She placed a hand over her mouth and let out a small stifled giggle. It was possibly the cutest fucking sound I’d ever heard in my entire life, and I was desperate to hear it again.
“Same, except my dad used the ladder to leave.” They laughed.
It took me a second to understand their joke. I could see how someone could think they aren’t funny, their jokes seem to just require a little bit of thought.
“Oh my god.” I laughed, but I quickly sobered up as we continued walking, “was that just for the joke or…” I was bit concerned with how flatly they said it.
They shook their head no again. It made their curls bounce wildly.
“I was the one who found him. But don’t worry, it’s funny, you can laugh. I don’t blame him, I’d do the same if I had to be married to my mother.”
“Still, that’s a coward move. I can’t imagine someone finding any justification to leave you.” I said smoothly.
They bit at their bottom lip, almost hard enough to draw blood.
“Ok, umm my turn. So this woman goes to the hospital right? And she says ‘sorry I’m just nervous, this is my first surgery’ and the doctor looks her dead in the eyes and says ‘mine too.’”
They way they smiled up at me like they were so proud made my stomach flip.
“That’s awful” I laughed.
“I have one more,” I started, we were almost to the alley now, A child determined to burn his home down. His dad watched, tears in his eyes. He put his arm across the mother and stated, “That’s arson.”
“Arson?” They scrunched their brow in confusion, “oh, our son, arson! I get it now! You’re so funny!” They complemented.
“I wouldn’t go that far, you’re just easy to impress.”
Another sentence I hadn’t meant to turn into an insult. I wasn’t very good at this whole “being nice” thing.
“Well, this is me.” I said pointing to my bike.
I had put the small container of chicken in my backpack earlier. I strapped my bag down to the side of my bike.
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“Wow!” They said, their voice somehow raising during a single syllable.
“You like? Built her myself.”
“You built this?”
“Mhhmm” I hummed proudly.
“You’re amazing!” They said softly under their breath.
“Hop on, I got a spare helmet.”
They hesitated, maybe they finally realised this wasn’t a good idea. I mean I was going to hurt her, but she didn’t know that. They started fidgeting with their hands and I frowned.
“Getting cold feet?” I asked.
I couldn’t help but be smug, I’m an asshole by nature. It just helped to mask my concern.
“Ummm, no, I really want to go get coffee it just” they pointed to their hair.
“I don’t think this will fit in a helmet.”
I couldn’t help the cackle that escaped me. That’s what they were worried about? Their hair? Not that fact that I could snap their neck with one hand without even trying. Or I could be taking her somewhere to kill her.
“How about this, you ride front and I’ll be sure to hold you right and keep you safely on the bike.”
I watched as they struggled to try and get on, my bike had larger wheels so it was higher off the ground. It make it easier for me to ride. I stifled a chuckle in the back of my throat,
“Let me.” I said, picking them up and placing her on my bike.
I had to admit, this sight wasn’t exactly helping with my cloudy thoughts. I did my best to keep them pure, but I wasn’t fooling anyone. I was a Hewitt by blood, we don’t exactly pair well with purity. I straddled my leg over the side, scooting closer to them. I warped my arms around them reaching for the handles, and used my leg to pop up the kickstand.
“Just hold on right to the Center piece ok? What direction are we going?”
“It’s about fifteen miles north, first left on after the exit. You can’t miss it.”
I revved the engine and I could feel them tense a little.
“Relax little rabbit, this will be fun.” I cooed.
When I felt them lean back into me, I sped off down the road. I could hear the sounds of their joyous laughter over the sound of the wind and my engine. When we finally came to a stop outside of a little dinner, they were still giggling happily.
“I’ve never gone that fast before.” They laughed.
“We can go even faster on the way back. Not like there’s any pigs out here to stop us.”
“Pigs?” They asked curiously, trying their best to turn to look at me.
Even sitting down I was so much taller than her.
“Cops, it’s a little inside joke with me and my family. Ain’t much law in my town either, but when they do come around they’re always in our business.”
“We’ll that doesn’t seem fair.” They frowned.
I hoped off the bike, putting the kickstand down. Then reached out my hand to help them off.
“Greta behind the counter is super sweet, she lets me drink coffee for free since I fixed her back door. Her ex tried to break into her house and nobody from town would help her.” They explained to me.
I never pegged her as someone who was good with tools. I was sort of impressed.
“That was nice of you.”
“My sister always says we girls have to protect our own.”
“You have a sister?” I asked as we stepped through the door.
“Two now, Manon is still… adjusting.”
I could tell it was a sensitive subject so I didn’t push further. But what did they mean by “now” and “adjusting”, perhaps her parents fostered kids? But if it was that simple, why wouldn’t they just say that. The man from earlier looked nothing like her, so it wouldn’t be an unfair assumption to make that they were adopted.
“Blinky! How’s my favourite little trouble maker?” The woman who was supposedly Greta greeted.
She was a short and pudgy black lady, her hair graying. But she seemed nice, Blinky seemed to like them. But I wasn’t sure if that meant much, I mean Blinky seemed to trust me, when they had no reason too. Which concerned me, was she this trusting with every stranger? I mean we were about a half an hour drive away from wherever she must live, and she didn’t seem anxious in the slightest.
“Who’s this?” Greta’s voice brought me out of my head.
“Oh, this is my new friend Macy! She’s visting from out out town. We were wondering if we could get some coffee” Blinky leaned over the counter in a hushed tone and said “and the good stuff.”
Before looking back at me and smiling, I raised a brow amused.
“I do believe I can do that for you little miss. Your booth is empty.”
“Yay, you’re the best G!”
She grabbed my hand and dragged me to a booth in the farthest corner of the little dinner. There was less lighting over there.
“What’s the good stuff?” I asked
“Pastries they have to throw out at the end of the day. Greta sometimes sneaks me some. Oh, you should probably eat your chicken, it might be a little cold by now, but I don’t know if the place you’re staying has a fridge or not.”
How thoughtful.
“Are we allowed outside food?” I asked.
They giggled once again.
“You don’t really seem the type to care about rules.” They said bluntly.
And I couldn’t argue with that. I slid the container out of my backpack and pushed it onto the table. They seemed really fidgety but I couldn’t tell if it was a nervous thing, or if they were just like that. I don’t know why, but I felt compelled to ask them. I always hated when Thomas would get anxious. He’d start picking at the skin around his finger nails until there was nothing left.
“Are you good?” I asked.
Cursing myself once again for coming off so harsh and abrasive.
“Yeah, why? Is something wrong?” They asked.
“You just seem, antsy is all.”
“Oh, sorry. It’s just, there’s a few more people in here tonight than there usually are. This place is pretty dead most of the time.”
So they were nervous in crowds, interesting.
“I guess that makes sense, you seem to like it here.”
“Well I’m not allowed in town by myself very often.”
That made sense, they were tiny, anyone could just pick her up and steal her away if they wanted to.
Greta set down two mugs, and a plate that looked like raspberry danishes.
“Enjoy you two.” She smiled.
“That’s Greta, I owe you one.”
The older woman brushed her off with a kind smile. Blinky happily sipped their black coffee, and I was surprised. I expected them to at least put sugar in it.
“Did you need some cream or something?” They asked.
“What? No, no this is fine.” I said.
God, I really had to stop zoning out staring at them. But I couldn’t help it, they were just so damn adorable. I kept thinking that Thomas would love them. But they’re probably be scared of him, as most people were. I took a sip of coffee, letting it warm my insides, before my eyes wandered to the box of chicken. I was starving. I quickly ripped it open and began eating, not really noticing how I was practically scarfing it down. It was surpassingly really good. I only noticed I finished have the box when I looked up to find her staring. I feel a little embarrassed.
She silently help out a napkin for me.
“Thanks.” I said.
“So what do you think? Of the chicken” they clarified.
“It’s good, you said your uncle made it?”
“Gruncle.” They corrected.
“Right, Gruncle.” I laughed.
“Yeah, he’s surprisingly a good cook. He had a laughing fit when I told him I was vegetarian.”
“He thought I was joking. I was not.”
They seemed to not pick up very well on subtle teasing, so I decided to slow down on that front. Not sure if they’d ever take offence to one of my jokes.
“So do you just not like meat, or are you one of those hardcore veggie people?”
“I just don’t like the taste much. Plus I couldn’t imagine killing a sweet little cow. I mean have you seen the one with little curly hair? I cry every time. My rule is if I wouldn’t kill it, I don’t eat it.”
‘Wouldn’t eat anything they wouldn’t kill’ that was an interesting choice. I couldn’t stop my brain from corrupting that thought, wondering what would happen if I pushed them to try my families diet.
“I know that look” they said.
“You’re thinking something bad… what is it?” They asked.
Their words seemed idly curious, but their tone told me otherwise. That wasn’t a question, it was a demand. Something I didn’t expect. It was interesting how they could so easily go from puppy dog eyes and smiles, to a commanding sort of ominous tone.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with. It’s stupid.” I said.
“Really, cause that smile on your face said otherwise. You enjoyed that thought.” They pushed.
“Perhaps I don’t want to throw out all my aces on a first date.” I turned the conversation back on her.
Two could play this game. And oh what a dangerous one it was. They had no idea what they were getting into with me.
“So this is a date then?”
“One were neither of us are paying, so I’d say it’s the best one I’ve ever had.” I joked.
They laughed, dropping their icy stare. Letting their guard fall again.
“Date. I think I like the sound of that.” They concluded happily, tearing a piece off the pastry and shoving it into their mouth. “Not as much as you like that chicken though.”
“Leave me alone, I’m hungry.” I grumbled.
They pushed the rest of the pasty toward me. A silent offering. I gladly took it with a smile.
“Wait here!” She said suddenly.
I watched as they leapt up from the table and snuck their way past a waitress and into the kitchen. What the hell was she doing. A few minuets later they snuck back out of the kitchen with a plate piled with food.
“Hope you don’t mind your food touching. I had to be quick so no one saw me.”
This girl really just stole food for me. I think I’m in love. I felt like a silly little teenager again. If Hoyt could see me right now, he’d never let me live this down. And Tommy would be swooning with me. He had liked my previous girlfriend, before the incident.
“I don’t mind a bit” I grinned.
It seemed she didn’t care that I wasn’t proper with my food. I wasn’t a slob, by any means, but was it a sin to enjoy good food? People like my brother and I had to eat a lot. I always felt sluggish and crappy when I had to wait a while for food. They must have noticed my hesitation because they spoke again.
“It’s ok, I like watching you eat.”
It was almost comical how wide their eyes got after that, and I couldn’t bite back my laugh.
“Not in a weird way or anything, you just seem to be enjoying yourself. It’s nice.” They quickly added.
“I am.”
“Good. Now eat up before it gets cold. I have to sneak the empty plate to the dishwasher. I don’t want Greta to get in trouble for the missing food.”
The rest of the meal was mostly in silence. I swore they must have had about seven cups off coffee. How were they not crawling out of their skin right now. I distracted the cook by flirting so they could slip back in through the door undetected, then they met me out back by the dumpster.
“You’re really good at that.” I commented.
“Perks of being fun sized I guess.”
Could they possibly be more cute? I mean the clown costume was adorable, but I wondered what they looked like normally.
“Hey Blinky?”
“Do you always dress like this?”
“Oh, this? Ummm kinda. I mean I wanted to be extra fancy today to make a good impression at the farmers market. But sometimes I’m more causal I guess.”
Normally when people thought of ‘fancy’ it was cocktail dress and pearls or suits.
“Why, does it look bad? I guess I could have been a little neater on the seems, but my sewing machine is ancient and doesn’t like to cooperate very much.”
“You made this?”
“Uh huh! I based it off of one of Mama’s vintage soap operas. The main character was more of a mime, but I don’t know how to make a Barrett yet so I just simplified it to be like a vintage clown.”
“You’re adorable you know that?”
I could practically see the blood rush to their cheeks. As they furiously tried to rub it away, only serving to make them cuter in my eyes. They were embarrassed.
“Would you like me to drive you home?”
“No, you can’t go to the house.” They exclaimed quickly.
I suppose that made sense, we’re still didn’t know ecagitehr very well. It’s not smart to give people your address.
“Not that that wouldn’t be nice, thank you for offering. But my families very… private. Umm but you could drop me off down the road and I’ll walk the rest of the way.”
I could tell they were hiding something, and my mind raced with a million reasons why. I settled on perhaps their family was homophobic. I mean we’re we’re in Texas, that wasn’t uncommon. Even my own family was pretty bad about it, all expect Tommy. He was the glue that held us together, and the only thing keeping me from leaving. I drove to the spot they asked me to drop them off. Driving faster on the way back as I had promised.
“I wish I could go that fast on my regular bike.” They said.
I chuckled. They turned to look at me, but their eyes looked sad.
“I gotta go before my Dad comes out looking for me. I didn’t tell anyone I was gonna be out so they’re probably really mad.”
I frowned.
“I didn’t mean to-“
“No, no it’s not your fault. I wanted to go. This- this was fun. Perhaps if you’re staying in town a few days…”
“I would love to hang out with you again.” I calmed their nerves.
“I usually finish my chores before 5pm. Meet me back here tomorrow?”
They started to walk away but I stoped them.
“Hey Blinky?”
I held out one of my switch blades for them.
“Maybe if we’re going to continue meeting in dark alleys, you should have something to protect yourself with.”
The took the knife slowly, examining it.
“I can’t take this, it’s yours. And it looks expensive.” They frowned.
“I insist. Wouldn’t want to find my date bleeding out in an alley somewhere.” I joked.
“Yeah, I guess that would kinda ruin things wouldn’t it? I’ll see you around Macy. Thank you, for today I mean. It was perfect.”
I did a fake bow before watching them disappear into the dark. I wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight, far too excited about this new development to sleep. But I was itching for a taste of something more. I’m sure I could find some sorry sap out here to kill tonight. Stop me from running after Blinky and scaring them off.
Blinky’s POV:
I waited until I was out of sight and I heard her bike drive off into the distance, before I let out a little happy dance. Sure, I’d had crushes before, little in content ones. But they always seemed to disappear. I wasn’t stupid, I knew what happened to them. That’s why I would have to keep Macy a secret. Keep her far, far away from my family.
I mean she looked like she could handle a fight. But I didn’t want my family getting hurt either. I sighed in frustration. She was different from anyone who ever came to this town. She was tall, beautifully handsome, funny, smart. And she gave me her knife. But little did she know how perfect a gift it was. I got sad when I thought about long term. It inevitably wouldn’t work out and one or both of us would end up with our hearts broken.
But tonight was so freeing. And I didn’t want that to end. Maybe it was selfish of me, but these next few days I would remember and cherish forever. Even if she went back home where it was safe, and never talked to me again. I slowly pulled open the front door.
“And where the fuck have you been?” Otis’ booming voice called.
“A walk.” I said nervously.
“A walk, really, in the dark?”
“Mmmhmm, bought a new knife.” I said, showing off the gift as a makeshift alibi.
He squinted his eyes at me, but seemed to be satisfied with my response.
“Just tell someone where you’re going next time Yeah? Spaulding got back from the gas station and you were nowhere to be found.”
“Awww, we’re you worried?” I teased.
He scoffed, turning his back and walking away.
“Goodnight Blinky, and I mean that. Go the fuck to bed, we’ve got a busy day ahead of us.”
“Yes dad.”
An: A reminder that Blinky uses both She and They which is why it switches so much. I tried to make it seem as natural as possible.
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tsyllaes · 2 months
Water Infused with Desert Lime and Muntries
TITLE Water Infused with Desert Lime and Muntries AUTHOR @annarti DISCLAIMER All mine PART 4 of 5 (982 words) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) ABOUT Part four of the meeting of two characters from my upcoming porny NaNo. This part has CONFLICT :O Barely.
‘But first, may I present the best smithy in Ni-Badra.’ He held a hand out to the sandstone building they had now reached.
Sita’s hopeful little smile turned to one of broad delight. ‘Oh, yes! I had almost forgotten!’ She reached out to swish the canvas door aside.
Uli walked in after her and clapped to announce himself. The front room was stocked with all the standard pots and tools his parents made between projects, so anyone who needed a cooking oven could come and buy one without having to wait for it to be made. The door to the workshop behind rang with the clink and tang of hammers on iron. It was a warm, nostalgic sound for Ulindu, a reminder of a life he might have led but was pleased to have left in his past.
‘See anything you like?’ Uli asked as Sita began perusing the shelves. She had found the drawers of smaller items, fish hooks of varying sizes, cutlery and assorted fastenings.
‘Almost,’ she murmured in Tsaythi.
The canvas door to the workshop flapped aside to admit Ulindu’s mother, Halef, a woman with as much width in her shoulders as height in her frame, dressed in grimy leather pants and apron. She greeted them with her saleswoman smile which quickly turned genuine when she recognised her son.
‘Well, isn’t this a surprise?’ she exclaimed in welcome. ‘Shouldn’t you be siesting by now? What brings you here, lovey?’
Ulindu’s body threatened a yawn at the reminder, but a glance aside at Sita kept it at bay. ‘This is Sita,’ he introduced. ‘From the Gang Gang. She asked for the best blacksmith in town, so here we are.’
Halef looked aside at her prospective customer, raised a curious brow at her son, then turned her sales smile on Sita. ‘Well, now, how can I help you, lovey? I see you’ve found the fish hooks. We’re actually running low; I’ve got Luda restocking them this afternoon, if you can wait until then?’
‘Oh, no,’ Sita said with a shake of her head as she straightened. ‘I was after something a little sharper. Or, a lot sharper.’ She looked down at the cutlery.
‘Ah, a kitchen knife? We make those special. How long are you docked? When are you heading off?’
‘Two days, unless trade goes particularly well, but no. Not a knife.’ Sita looked aside at Uli with a curious, almost guilty look in her eyes. Apologetic, perhaps? Then she ducked her head. She said something so quietly Ulindu was sure he hadn’t heard correctly. It had sounded like ‘sword,’ but that couldn’t be right.
Halef turned to him now with accusation. ‘A sword?’ she repeated, turning back on Sita. Her thick arms were folded and she loomed as tall as a woman of her stature could loom. ‘Well, now, we don’t make weapons here, and even if we did, we can’t just… sell an iron sword to anyone who walks through the door. The king would have our heads!’ She threw her arms out in disbelief. ‘Swords are very, very tightly controlled. Ulindu, did you tell her I'd make her a sword?'
Uli shook his head and lifted his hands in protest, mouth open in a mild panic.
‘No, no, no! No, he did not,’ Sita answered for him, her voice quivering slightly. ‘I am sorry, I-I do not want to cause any trouble. I only asked for a blacksmith, and he showed me the knife you made in his kitchen, and I thought—I-I did not think. I am sorry.’
‘Hm.’ Halef folded her thick arms and narrowed her eyes, but allowed a stiff nod. ‘You’re young, so maybe you’re unaware but, well, now you know, love. We have a responsibility. We have a license, and making weapons is a very big part of getting it, but it’s not just because the king tells us not to. As blacksmiths, we can’t just go handing out our biggest advantage to our—well, not to say you’re our enemy, lovey, but I don’t know you. You could be a pirate. Or, what if you were to be taken by pirates, and a sword I made is in the hands of people using it to take Raykinian lives? That’s why I don’t make them at all, and why you’ll not find a blacksmith willing to make you one.’
‘I-I understand,’ Sita said, voice small and head bowed. She looked aside, guilty and apologetic again, at Uli. ‘And please do not blame Ulindu. I did not think to ask him first, either, or I am sure he would have told me the same as you just have.’
Uli nodded and cleared his throat. ‘She just came down from Kazin. I don’t think they’re so protective over who their smiths sell their weapons to.’
‘Hmph. Because they’re brownsmiths; theirs are just made of bronze.’ Halef rolled her eyes.
Uli gave a tentative smile, knowing the ego boost would help to settle her.
‘Well, apology accepted,’ she said with a gruff smile. ‘And I hope you don’t plan on leaving empty handed, lovey.’
Sita’s crinkle-nosed smile spread once more. ‘Certainly not! The fish hooks are exquisite. How would you feel about supplying my skipper with bread ovens, wholesale? I just know the Llayans would snap them up.’
Uli felt his shoulders soften to hear them talking business. As much as his mother loved thrashing the cherry-red iron, she loved the dance of selling the finished pieces even better. The knowledge of her ovens baking bread in Llayad, of all places, would thrill her. He knew she still wouldn’t let them go cheaply, though.
When they finally left, Sita with a little wooden box of fish hooks and a deal that only needed her father’s approval in her pocket, Uli bent over to her ear. ‘Awfully captain-like negotiations, there. Did you really want a sword?’
Remember what I said about Raykin basically owning the rights to iron? Yeah. Totally made up the license thing just there.
My Nanna called everyone 'lovey' so I gave that to Uli's mum =3
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
Bron scoffed looking out over the High Lords. The images they'd taken of Dunyasha painted a picture of blood and ruin. 
"She's isn't just some child Helion. She is the Wyrdchild. Even if you forgot what that means the Seasons remember."
Helion leaned back in his chair, the cavernous halls of the Mountain quiet. His fingers traced his jaw taking Beron in. He'd call this ridiculous council meeting. They should be licking their wounds not worrying about what some witch was doing. 
Though of course Amarantha had listened, why wouldn't she listen to her Paternal Uncle? He bet Beron was just as cruel as she'd been in the war. Still he'd take Amarantha as their queen over Aiofe or worse Luda. At least Amarantha didn't seem to have any love for her degenerate witch peers. 
"I know what you speak of Beron. A prophecy that the Wyrdchild will give us equal if not greater damnation to the salvation it gave our ancestors. The Seasons may remember but the Celestials do not heed such nonsense. We follow the words of the stars Beron. The Firmament has not lead us astray yet. Besides how do we know this witch assasin is even this infamous Wyrdchild? It hasn't been seen in over a millenia."
Viren listened letting them all talk. He focused on little Aura and Thesan at their uncle's right. Helion would be acting Regent till one took Dawn. Though Viren privately assumed he'd hold on till he could no longer do so. Still the children seemed fed and well cared for. A little bored but that was to be expected from children so young their feet couldn't even touch the floor. 
He looked to Rhysand he was to be his heir. And he wanted Rhysand to slowly take on the role. He smirked at him, his voice soft in his head. 
Do you still find High Lord meetings magical? You used to beg to come to these things. I told you they were tedious and boring.
Narcissus sprawled on his chair next to Amarantha listening. Khione, High Lady of Winter fixed him with a gaze. 
"Do you think our warnings are nonsense Narcissus? Do you think we shouldn't be wary of what Aleksander can do?"
Narcissus's fingers twitched. He loved his cousin but he was making his own life very difficult. He would much rather be home marveling at all the various spells and potions Amarantha was preparing so they could have a child. 100 years without an heir would anyone anxious. He straightened and braced his ringed hands on either side of his chair. He wished his beloved could be here but this was beginning to turn into nothing. Besides her health was more important than these superstitions. Besides he could probably do worse than Aleksander with his ascension. 
"I think there is merit to everything you all say. I remember the lessons Winter taught me young High Lady Khione. However how do we know this assasin is what the court seers prophesied? How are we so sure this is what we'd feared and she isn't just some Merzost tainted thing?"
He reached out silently to his mate, fighting the soft smile. 
I hope your resting darling. I told you, this whole meeting is extremely tedious. They're all worried for some prophecy that may not even be real...how are you feeling?
He still could smell the blood on their sheets. Her body was strong, it would carry a child. Perhaps the herbs and potions Beron's mate helped her make would do the trick. She would be blessed with a child, if there was anyone who deserved it, it was her. 
//High Lord meeting 400 years ago after the Fold and Dunyasha's debute by Sasha?//
Rhysand remained quiet, listening to everything that was being said. Information was important, even if they deemed this threat frivolous and without merit. Their concerns and worries, the way they presented themselves, they all revealed much more to them than they knew. Weaknesses, areas that could be exploited.
His attention turned to his own father, his words in his mind as he listened. Yes, he had once begged him. Maybe they were not magical now, but they were informative.
They are still interesting.
Khione leveled a firm gaze upon Night when the question came, the question of how they knew. There were ways to know, ways to determine if the being they had once lovingly promised to protect was the same creature now determined to destroy them. It wasn't as if she didn't have her own spies in every court, those who fed her the information she needed and gotten to close to who she needed tabs kept on.
The connection was there, she knew very well how they could test if the prophecy was right, but she knew Night would not be welcoming to the idea. Both options she knew would not be handed over easily, nor did she think they would willingly assist in turning against the one they deemed their friend.
"Regardless if this assassin is the one who is prophesied, she is becoming dangerous while she isn't being kept in check. As much as I respect that he is related to you Narcissus, also the brother-in-law to your Mate, Aleksander is becoming a bigger problem as well."
Resting, healing. Even as she lay there she couldn't keep her mind wondering, from traveling over what she had been through, what had happened. Spiraling and spinning down a slippery slop, a hundred years of waiting and hoping would always wear someone down eventually.
Amarantha relaxed when she felt him reach for her, her mind eased as she grasped the bond between them.
I am resting, I just wish you were here. Maybe they should have gotten proof before demanding this meeting. I am as well as I could be...please return to me soon.
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The Definitive Guide to Chiropractic Treatment in Hickory
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9 health care personnel who sued Democratic Maine Gov. Janet Mills more than the condition’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate have till Dollars to reveal their identities. The employees have to this point remained anonymous, but on Thursday a federal appeals courtroom in Boston turned down a motion with the workers and gave them until finally Friday to file an amended criticism with their names.
Back pain and muscle pain are commonly described by people with COVID-19. Generally, pain develops within the early phases of your illness and might be the Original symptom. It’s believed that human body pain is generally brought on by your immune technique’s reaction to the COVID-19 infection.
Platelets in the blood are regularly renewed by the bone marrow, and counts remain usual and steady via a technique of ongoing output and destruction. In healthful people today, platelets wind up dying off just after about 10 times, at which level they're changed by new ones.
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Sad to say, you will discover spinal disorders that should not be treated with chiropractic care and that need to be referred to the appropriate healthcare Expert.
The virus that triggers COVID-19 can mimic an enzyme known as angiotensin changing enzyme 2 (ACE2) to enter your cells. The 2020 exploration evaluation firstly of the segment confirmed that receptors for this enzyme are found in quite a few parts of Your system, including your skeletal muscles.
It is possible to photo your neck and head very similar to a bowling ball getting held along with a stick by little, thin, elastic bands. It doesn’t consider much force to disrupt that delicate equilibrium.
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 2 years
After a rough day of hard work, Thomas needs some TLC.
18+ gender neutral reader
Totes don't have a breeding kink lol
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How he managed to work in that fucking heat, you had no idea.
Texas in the summer was hell. Literally hell. Like Satan had too many hot wings and now had diarrhea kinda of hell. The only reason you stayed in Texas was the cannibalistic family that had taken your dumbass in.
And, well, him.
The tall, large hunk of a man that had saved you from being the next Sunday dinner. It was your kindness and pure dumb luck that he found you first.
Thomas loved you like no one else ever had.
Emotionally and physically
He was so gentle for someone his size. Almost to gentle. And despite your insistence, he always kept it that way. He didn't speak much, but his eyes always told you why.
He was big.
So big.
He didn't want to hurt you. Any sort of penetration that you had was always a process. His tongue, his fingers, some sort of lube and then you were good to go.
You supposed that you should have been grateful for his care. Any other person that you were ever with would just stick his dick in.
You sat on the porch swing, watching Thomas chopping wood. A surge of lust shot through your body. His tan skin, dripping with sweat. The muscles underneath rippling with each swing. Your fingers twitched against the splintered wood, as you eyed him appreciatively.
There's no one else there.
Hoyt and Monty are gone, off to some hole in the ground, sketchy casino that had just opened.
(Well, it called itself a casino, but you were pretty sure other activities went on there)
And Luda May, bless her heart, was having a tea party with Henrietta. You were supposed to go with her, but Luda didn't want to leave leave Tommy alone in the heat.
(He had a habit of overworking himself)
There's no one else there.
You stood up, cupping your hands over your mouth "Hey, Tommy!"
Thomas looked up at you, his eyes smiling. You smiled fondly back "Baby, why don't you come inside? I'm going to make some iced tea for you!"
Thomas gave the axe one last swing, sticking it a log. Another jolt of lust shot through you. He clambered up the stairs, obviously exhausted. You placed your hand on his shoulder, pushing him inside "I don't know what Hoyt thinks you're accomplishing here, choppin' all that wood. We don't need any more heat. "
You lead him to the couch, watching him sit down with a huff. You leaned over, brushing his hair away from his forehead "How bout you take off your shirt, okay? Cool off a bit. "
Thomas looked up at you, hesitantly peeling off the sweat soaked material. You almost groaned, watching as more and more of his hairy, broad chest was revealed. Clearing your throat, you headed back towards the kitchen "I'll make you a glass of tea. You want some lemon? Or strawberries?"
Thomas held up two fingers, signaling the second option. You smiled back at him, placing the frozen fruit in the glass.
Bringing it to him, you watched as he removed his mask. You laughed "Remember that first time we fucked and your mask got stuck in my hair? "
Thomas's already flushed cheeks grew brighter, his hand reaching out to swat at your bottom. Giggling, you sat down next to him, leaning against his side.
“You know, I could always get you off right here, right now.”
Thomas choked on his drink, hurriedly setting the glass down. Once he regained his composure, he turned to glare at you. You shrugged "What? No one else is here. You've been working so hard, I just wanted to reward you. "
Thomas grumbled, but he didn't push your roaming hand away. You traced your fingers over the growing bulge in his pants. He shakily began to unzip his pants.
You grinned, sliding down off the couch to the floor, kneeling. You waited patiently for Thomas to fish his cock out, while you rubbed his legs "Take your time, baby. We've got allll day. "
Thomas's fingers stilled, before reaching out to stroke your face. Leaning into his touch, you watched as he finally freed his throbbing cock. Groaning, you took it gently in one hand and gave the sides of his shaft slow, long licks. 
Thomas's hips bucked, his hands placing themselves on the couch. You looked up at him with a shit eating grin before kissing his tip and sliding him past your lips, your mouth forming a ring around him.
Thomas's hand shot up, gripping the back of your head, guiding it up and down his shaft. You bobbed your head along him slowly at first and your cheeks hollowed as you sucked. Slowly, as not to choke on his enormous girth, your mouth slide further and further down, until the tip of your nose met the curly brown hair.
Thomas let out a sigh, his dick pulsing against your tongue. He let out incoherent praise, punctuaed by breathy moans. You felt your eyes begin to water and, regrettably, brought your mouth up and off his cock. Thomas brought your head up, pressing his lips against yours.
Standing up, you pulled your short and underwear away, fingers brushing against your own throbbing sex. Straddling him, your hands grabbed his wet cock, bringing the tip of to tease at your hungry hole. Thomas whimpered, impatiently bucking his hips up.
"Ah-ah-ah." You smirked, teasing him "Patience is a virtue, baby.
Thomas growled, suddenly standing up with you in his arms. You squeaked as he tossed you down on the couch, realigning his hard cock with your hole. Your smile grew wide, as he finally pushed his cock head into you.
Thomas's growls turned into groans as  into you at an almost cautious pace. Locking your legs around his waist, you pulled him in closer. His cock bottomed out inside of you, and you relished in the feeling.
Looking up at your lover, guilt flashed through your heart at his own guilt-ridden face. Bringing your hands up to his face, you cooed "Shhh, baby. I'm okay, it's okay. I'm not made of porcelain, ya know? "
Thomas's fingers moved across your body to play with your sex, and you both groaned at the feeling. His hips began to move, slowly at first. Soon, they slapped against yours, filling the room with the sounds of skin hitting skin.
Thomas impatiently ripped his mask off, bringing his lips to yours. His tongue moved against yours, curling around the muscle. You groaned as he suddenly sucked it, watching as a trail of saliva followed when he moved away.
With smooth motions, Thomas would thrust his cock into you to the hilt, pull out several inches, and thrust you again. All the while, his fingers moved deftly against your sex, bringing you closer to climax.
You gasped and your back arched and your inner walls spasmed and contracted around Thomas's cock. His own thrusts became frenzied as he fucked you through your orgasm, turned on to the point of painful by the sounds of your gasps and curses.
The contraction of your muscles around his dick became too much for him.
Thomas went to pull out, but was stopped by your whimpering voice "No, no, no. For fucking fucks sake, Thomas!"
You locked your legs around him again "Come in me. Fucking please! F-fill me up, mark me from the inside!"
Thomas let out a guttural moan, thrusting into your heat one last time. His hot cum filled your hole to brim. The excessive amount of cum flooded your insides, spilling out of your hole and staining the couch below. His thrusts continued and his hands still worked your sex.
Tears flowing from your eyes, you felt yourself growing closer to another orgasam. You raked your nails against his skin, leaving scratch marks in your wake "O-oh, fuck! T-tommy!"
Your eyes rolled back into your head "S'good! Your s-so goooood- Fuck!"
You came again, gripping on to Thomas for dear life.
Panting and shaking, you watched as Thomas pulled his cock from your abused hole. He reached down and grabbed his shirt off the floor, using it to wipe his seed spilling out of you. Throwing it over his shoulder, he gathered you in his arms.
Sighing with contentment, you snuggled against him, placing a kiss on his neck " So, wanna do that again sometime?"
"Ow, okay! Just asking. "
There was a moment of happy silence.
"Soooo, is that a yes or no?"
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messy-gemini1 · 3 years
I've been thinking alot about Thomas Hewitt so here you go!
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Y/n, about Thomas to Luda May: I don't have a crush on them. They’re just someone I stare at and I like and when they’re not here, it ruins my day.
Luda May *smiling*: go on.
Y/n: Our first year as a married couple and we’re still in love. Thomas *sign*: In your face, those who said we couldn’t last a year! Hoyt: I stand by my wedding toast! Y/n: fuck you old man!! ______
Hoyt: Must be hard not being able to laugh Y/n: I do have a sense of humor you know Hoyt: I’ve never heard you laugh before Y/n: I’ve never heard you say anything funny ______
Y/n: Am I in trouble? Thomas: Take a guess. Y/n: No? Thomas: Take another guess. ______
Y/n: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Thomas: The cow??? Y/n: What? Luda May: Thomas, W H Y? ______
Luda May about reader: Why don’t you go talk to them? Thomas , sarcastically sign: Oh. Yeah, sure. Luda May: What? So you go tell them they’re cute, what’s the worst that could happen? Thomas sign : They could hear me. ______ Y/n: That was so hot, Thomas . Thomas sign : I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets. Y/n: I'm so in love with you. ______
Y/n: My only talent is being stress. Hoyt : Don't you mean stressed? Y/n: No. get ready to die from a heart attack mf ______
Hoyt: Now, if I may speak for good-looking people everywhere... Y/n: Only as their rodeo clown. Monty: *laughing in the living room* ______
Y/n: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running? Thomas sign: Oh, I’m always running Thomas sign: The question is from what
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birdlungg · 2 years
May I make a request for the slashers?
for There s/o (Of course this can be gender-neutral!) looks very sweet looking and very soft-spoken, but one day their victim decides to charge at the S/o but the sweet looking S/o basically body slams their victim to the ground, what would be the reaction of the slashers?
if you don't like this or you're not up to it please ignore it :)
I'm sorry this took so long it's been sitting in my drafts and I didn’t realize it was there :/// 
This is such a good idea,,, character that goes feral when threatened
you love to see it.
Doing the three i consider the Holy Trinity - Michael, Thomas and Jason
Let me know what you think! headcanons and blurbs again 
allusions to smut
- tried hard to think of a situation that would put the s/o in harm's way of a victim
- I'm thinking maybe they get chased by Michael into the old Myers house?
- Michael would be shook but you wouldn't be able to tell
- maybe angry as well? like hey that was my job!
You heard the girl before you saw her. She was screaming through the house as Michael followed behind her menacingly. You didn't think she would be stupid enough to go upstairs while a murderer is chasing her, but here we are. 
You're sitting calmly in your and Michael's room when she sprints up the last few stairs and stands there dumbly at the end of the hallway. She turns your way and you come at her, shoving her with enough force that she flies back several feet and hits the wall, just barely missing Michael as he comes up the steps. The girl is knocked silly, and sits there gasping while Michael looks between you both. He tilts his head as if thinking,  then grabs her by the hair and drags her down the stairs. 
You're probably gonna get it later. 
- he would be worried and turned on at the same time
- like don't pout yourself in danger but uh?? 
- phew that was hot
You're heading up the porch after helping Luda Mae at the station when a victim that got loose tears out of the house. He tosses you out of the way as he comes through the door, and limps as fast as he can into the field. You can hear Tommy roar from his basement, and don't think as you give chase, picking yourself up and sprint after him. 
He tries to go even faster when he hears you behind him, but his mangles leg gives him no help. Thomas exits the house just in time to see you jump onto the man, tackling him hard to the ground. You crouch over him with a knee on his back as you turn to tell at Tommy.
“Tommy! I got 'im, he's over here!"
Tommy moves faster than you think you've ever seen him move, sprinting over to you in a panic. He lifts you off of the groaning man and checks for injuries. When he See's that you're ok, he looks at you long and hard for a moment before grabbing the man like he weighs nothing and tossing him over a shoulder. 
If you didn't know any better, you'd almost swear he just got hard. 
- much like Tommy, I think he'd find it hot to see you take care of the problem
- would he want you in harm's way again? probably not BUT may be persuaded to let you help him
It’s pouring rain at the camp right now and every step you take gets soggier and soggier. You grumble to yourself angrily at having to hunt down this survivor in the torrential rain. It needed to be done, but still, couldn’t this chick wait until the rain stopped?
You had see Jason struggling to reach her with both the weather and his large frame holding him back, so you had decided to lend your services in the hopes that it would bring your man back to you sooner. 
A flash of lightning illuminates the woman’s figure hunched behind a tree and you don’t think before striking. You don’t give her any chance to fight back as you charge her. She falls over quickly with a scream, knocking her head hard on the wet ground with a THUNK. She’s dazed enough that she doesn’t fight when you move to put her in a choke hold when Jason’s figure standing just feet away catches your eye. 
You freeze awkwardly as he approaches, standing once he’s leans over the barely conscious woman. He stomps on her head hard enough for it to crack open on the wet ground, and you have to look away despite yourself and make eye contact with Jason just in time to see him give you elevator eyes. ‘
The thought barely crosses your mind that he can see everything under your wet clothes when he reaches over and grabs you onto his shoulder. You gasp and hold yourself up (lest your nose fill with water) as he calmly walks away from the body. You glance over at the soggy corpse as you get further and further away.
That’s one way to deal with the problem. 
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Hi! Could we possibly get some slasher's reacting to their S/O giving them really sappy pet-names? (Like "pumpkin", "love", "sweetiepie", etc?) The idea of big murder men getting called "teddy-bear" or something is just really funny to me <3
Mixed this with another request for ‘random compliments’!
The Slashers reacting to a S/O giving them Sappy Pet-Names and random Compliments: 
Thomas Hewitt
When you first started using pet-names, Thomas found it very endearing but they always managed to make him flustered.
Your pet-names only got sappier, each new pet-name making Thomas blush.
He loves them, he just thinks you’re sweet, and that they’re sweet.
Luda May also thinks your pet-names for Tommy are really sweet. Hoyt teases you both about it, though...but who cares what he thinks.
Any and all of your compliments make Tommy smile, and sometimes get a little flustered.
You give the compliments so randomly that they nearly always catch him off guard. 
At first they really make him falter for a moment, needing to collect himself while he dwells on your kind words.
Later on he gets a little more used to them, and they just make him smile rather than throwing him off for the whole day.
One time you told him that he had pretty eyes, and he just melted. The compliment surprised him but it meant a lot to him.
Michael Myers
Acts fairly disinterested and unbothered.
However, he is a surprised and even a little amused by them.
He’s Michael Myers, the Shape, evil personified, and here you are calling him by the cutest of pet-names.
He doesn’t understand how you can refer to him as such things but he allows it.
He becomes used to them and becomes suspicious when you refer to him by his actual name.
He has a similar feeling about the compliments as he does about the pet-names.
People believe he is the personification of evil, but you clearly don’t think that.
The compliments come so easy and sincerely from you, it’s confusing but he also allows them.
He even starts to become slightly fond of them.
Jason Voorhees
Adores your pet-names, the sappier the better.
He just thinks they’re so sweet and make his heart flutter. They’re adorable and loving and he can’t get enough of them.
He likes if you start using one pet-name more than the others, especially if it’s a more unique one, it feels more personal and he adores it.
Any compliments get Jason pretty flustered but in the best way!
He loves them.
He likes the reassurance that he’s being a good partner to you and that you love him. 
Anytime you call him handsome, he just melts, feeling all fuzzy from your compliments.
Brahms Heelshire
He likes the more common pet-names like “love” and “sweetheart” but does prefer the cuter pet-names like “sweetie”, “sweetpie”, “sweetpea”.
Absolutely melts when you call him something like “your very own teddy-bear” while you’re cuddling.
Your pet-names just make him smile and feel a little giddy, he loves them!
Brahms lives for praise and compliments.
Of course he wants to hear you tell him how handsome he is, how smart he is, how good he is. 
Whatever it is, if it’s a compliment, he could listen to them all day.
Bo Sinclair
You’re going to have to be cautious and slow when it comes to pet-names, Bo isn’t going to allow anything too sappy too quickly.
Start with more common pet-names and he’ll let it slide, even liking when you call him “love” or “honey”. 
Then you start to throw in the occasional, much sappier, pet-names and Bo will roll his eyes at you.
Really, deep down, Bo think you’re sweet, just adorable, but it’s not a very good look in front of his brothers.
The first time you complimented him was when you were watching him work on a car. You didn’t sound like you were in awe or anything, you just saw that he knew what he was doing and had complimented him on it in slightly impressed manner. 
He brushes it off.
But then you started complimenting him on other things, starting with a simple “you look nice today” and things like that.
You have to ease Bo into sappier compliments. 
He might start of suspicious of your compliments at first but they soon start feeding that ego of his.
Vincent Sinclair
The first time you use any pet-name for him, his head perks up in curiosity, and he’s probably blushing slightly behind his mask.
You can tell that he likes it, so you quickly continue to use them and try new ones. 
He just thinks they’re cute and sweet, just like you, and they just feel affectionate. Especially when he realises that you only use those pet-names for him and not his brothers.
You mostly compliment him on his artistic skills, but you can’t help it, he’s just so impressive at times!
You’ve compliment his skills since the beginning, and they’ve always filled him with pride, loving to hear your thoughts and compliments.
But your compliments quickly turn to other aspects, whether it be his appearance or personality, all of which he loves just as much.
You just fill him with confidence.
Lester Sinclair
Lester is a little surprised when you start with the pet-names but they make him smile, he likes them.
He thinks they’re cute.
He never gets bored of them, and you just keep throwing out new ones.
He doesn’t care if you refer to him by the pet-names in front of people, happy to have you calling him the sappiest of pet-names in front of strangers, and not caring about the teasing he’s bound to get from Bo.
He really doesn’t get complimented much at all, so it’s almost surprising when you start complimenting him, especially when you do so, so sincerely. 
Every time you compliment him, he is just beaming.
Bo has definitely asked him “what are you smiling about?” after you had complimented him once. He just can’t help it!
Bubba Sawyer
The more pet-names the better. The sappier, the better.
He loves when you call him “teddy-bear” just because he’s so cuddly. He loves cuddles and he’s more than happy to be your personal teddy-bear.
Every one else in the house hates you both, rolling their eyes at just how cute the two of you are but Bubba couldn’t care less.
Please, please, please compliment him. He absolutely loves them.
They make his face turn a little red but he’s practically made giddy by them.
He’s not too used so such sincere (and definitely not such sweet) compliments and praise, but he quickly learns that he loves them.
Billy Lenz
Billy enjoys your cute pet-names, he just loves being called them.
The cuter and sweeter the better, they just make him giddy.
They get him a little flustered, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink as his breaks out in a smile.
They’re just so affectionate. You must love him so much to refer to him in such ways so consistently! 
Your compliments also make him a little flustered, whether you’re talking about how handsome he is or just how wonderful he is.
Once he gets a little red or flustered, you’ll comment on how cute he is, only getting him more flustered.
He lives for your compliments, and if he gets more when he helps you with things (no matter how small) he makes sure to do it more often.
He just wants to hear your pet-names and compliments as much as possible, they never grow old to him.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
For the most part, Asa doesn’t really care.
He does think you’re cute and the pet-names are fitting in that way, but he doesn’t care too much about what pet-name you use for him.
If he doesn’t like one, he’ll tell you.
If he prefers one or two more than the others, he tells you.
If he wants you to refer to him as something, he’ll let you know, you don’t need to worry about that.
Asa definitely isn’t going to stop you from complimenting him, no matter what you’re complimenting him about.
If you’re feeding his ego and talking him up, he’s going to let you.
Early on, he might be a little suspicious of compliments, but soon realises that you mean every word and then it just makes him smirk to himself.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
Jesse doesn’t mind the pet-names. He doesn’t let any sort of ego get in the way of letting his partner call him by sweet pet-names.
He hopes that you feel free to refer to him as such when you feel it suitable to do so. 
You’re calling him such things because you love him, who is he to complain?
Plus, he just thinks you’re sweet for it.
He does find some of the sappier pet-names amusing but he’s not going to tell you to stop.
Jesse is never going to stop you from complimenting him. While he doesn’t need you to feed his ego, he certainly isn’t going to complain when you do.
He doesn’t really care what you’re complimenting him about, he’ll take it, he just thinks you’re his sweet s/o who likes to show your love for him.
It’s not one-sided either, he compliments you a fair amount as well.
Otis Driftwood
When you first start with the pet-names, it amuses Otis. They’re inappropriately sweet for who he is and the environment you’re all in.
But they’re endearingly sweet and out of place in his life, he doesn’t mind it much. 
Acts much more annoyed by them than he actually is when you call him such names in front of other people, but you know how much he doesn’t mind them in private, how you’ve even made him smile a little with them.
Absolutely adores when you compliment his ‘artwork’, feeling like you really understand him.
He gets used to the compliments, smirking whenever you give him one.
Honestly likes whenever you compliment him about anything.
He normally throws one back at you, one far more inappropriate than yours, but at long as it gets a reaction out of you.
Baby Firefly
Baby is a fan of pet-names in general, whether they’re playful or sappy.
She already has a few for you but you only encourage her to use more.
It’s almost like a competition of who can come up with the best (arguably worst) pet-names.
If Otis ever hears you both using sappy pet-names, he will roll his eyes and complain. You two are so sappy, it’s gross.
Baby eats up all of your compliments.
She tells you to “carry on” when you stop, with a playful smile on her face.
And it’s definitely not one sided, she lays the compliments on thick too.
Yautja (Predator)
Pet-names are new...but he likes them.
Doesn’t quite understand why you’re calling him things like “pumpkin” and “sweetpea”...he is not a vegetable, why are you calling him this?
But he comes to understand that all of these pet-names are terms of endearments, and that’s why he likes it.  
He sees any of your compliments as some form of praise, which pretty much makes sense, and he loves it. 
Purrs with pride whenever you compliment him, it’s endearing.
The best thing to compliment him on is anything to do with his strength and how capable he is, it just fills him with pride knowing that he is a good mate who you are proud of having.
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Scenarios for slashers finding out their s/o is a slasher
Chucky repeatedly complaining about how he hasn't been able to kill Andy. s/o get so annoyed shevtell Tiffany dhe'll be back in a few days when s/o comes back with a gift wrapped box gives it to Chucky and inside is Andy's severed head. Turns out s/o was in a 12 step serial killer program like Tiffany. And chucky's constant bitching made s/o snap
Bubba and his family find out when Luda May is injured by an escaped intended victim and s/o goes nuts and viciously beats the victim to death with a Hummer bubba s/o is a small polite thing who doesn't so much as raised their voice and is more than happy to help around the farm and does things without being asked to. So it comes out to left field
Jason finds out when his s/o is not only a slasher but half succubus ( female demon) when she beats the living hell out of freddy for daring to mess with Jason.
Please add more characters and your thoughts 💕
Oooooh, I love yours so much!! Thank you for sending these!! I love the Chucky one especially XDD Like goddamn Chucky, look what ya did. Y/N was doing so good XD
Do you mean Thomas for the second one? ^^ Bubba isn't related to Luda Mae ^^ Doesn't matter though, its an ADORABLE imagine and warmed my heartttt <3<3<3
Oh my goodness XDD Uh, I think we all kinda wanna beat the hell outta that man for Jason, a little 😅 XDD Thank you for letting me picture that! XD
Here's two more for you, in thanks!:
Freddy finds out newspaper clippings his S/O has saved of crimes in their area, all cut out and stuck in a book just... like... his.
The Fireflies somehow end up luring in a Final Girl of yours and when she sees you there, they freak out Otis and Spaulding and are just lost, thinking 'am i... missing something here??'
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sinfulwrites · 3 years
I love you, and you deserve it.
Hi everyone. Get the tissues, I cooked up something painful.
Now, I have depression. I have massive self esteem issues, and I found a way to get out my feelings through Thomas, so that's what this is. The reader convincing Thomas that he deserves to be loved. Just like I need to teach myself, and what we all need to remember. We all deserve to be loved. It just can be hard to believe.
(hurt/comfort, light bondage and smut elements but it doesn't progress into sex.)
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If Thomas is anything, it’s a provider. In every aspect of your relationship, he wants to do things for you. Wash your clothes for you, help you brush your hair, fetch you anything you may have needed, even if it was out of his way. He’s at your side as much as he can be, waiting to help you with something. Waiting to help you, protect you if he must, provide you with love whenever you want it.
Your relationship in bed was the exact same way. Thomas was scared about taking the reins, but he took them because he wanted to please you, even if he wasn’t at all confident in his ability to do so. He welcomed your guidance, but often opposed when you tried to give back to him. Just as he did outside of the bedroom. Luda Mae raised a gentleman, and Thomas wants to take care of you as much as you will allow him to.
Deep down though, Thomas rejects your offers because he feels he isn’t deserving of it. All his life he’s been told he was nothing but a big, dumb animal. His only value was in cutting meat. If he wasn’t gifted with his strength and stature, he was sure Hoyt would have made him stay in that basement permanently. Thomas felt like he didn’t deserve you, Hoyt and Monty always said so, and it reflected in his rejection of your affection, even if he so badly wanted to be held by you like he holds you. He knew better than to make, what he feels to be, a selfish request like that.
You, however, knew he deserved you; just like you deserved him. You loved him, even if he just couldn’t bring himself to believe it. In his eyes, this relationship felt one sided, but you were determined to prove him wrong. But to do so, you needed some leverage here.
“Are you sure you’re comfortable with this, Tommy? It’s not too late to back out, I’m not going to be mad.”
Thomas once again nodded his head at your questions as you gently tied his wrists to the headboard with some soft neck ties you nabbed at Luda Mae’s shop. You talked about it for days beforehand, after he expressed some curiosity about bondage. You figured he got the idea in his head from nailing so many people onto his chopping block, though you try not to think about that so much. You could tell he was ashamed to even bring it up, not able to meet your gaze after he told you his request. You chalked it up to him being shy, but now you recognize it was because he was ashamed to ask you for anything; because he didn’t think he deserved it. You decided this was the moment, when he couldn’t hide away from your words. He would have to listen to you, and you wouldn’t stop until you broke down those walls he barricaded himself inside of.
“Okay Tommy… Do you remember the code?”
Thomas nodded his head, then demonstrated for you; three knocks on the headboard. You smiled at him before returning his nod.
“That’s it.” Your hands started to slide down from his hands down to his bicep, taking a moment to appreciate his toned forearms regardless of how many scars littered them. You could tell Thomas was struggling with his inner feelings when you finally cupped his cheeks over his leather mask and kissed him, which he returned regardless of the thoughts brewing in his head. You started the kiss soft and gentle, allowing him to ease into the more heated kiss more easily. Thomas enjoyed the slow pace, he may not have said it to you, but you were quite observant. You were sure you knew him better than you know yourself. He had no clue how much you understood him, but he would tonight.
Your kisses began to trail from his lips to his hidden jaw, pressing your lips against the leather before sliding lower to kiss his neck, which he craned your neck to side to provide more room for. Your hands slid off his cheek to his broad shoulders, where you started to lightly massage and work out all the tension he held there. With each knot your precise fingers worked out you were rewarded with a grunt of contentment from Thomas. He was trying to hold them in, you could tell by the way his eyes squeezed shut every time one slipped out, but the relief was too much to ignore; to even try and play the stoic card. Your lips continued their venture south, passing his collar bones on the way down to his chest, where kissed right in the middle of his pectorals over top the patch of dark hair that resided there and continued on down between his legs. He was always worried that his hair disgusted you, so you were not surprised when you glanced up to check on him and saw him with that conflicted gaze you had grown accustomed to. He was regretting not cleaning himself up, in his eyes he looked filthy compared to you. Regardless of what he thought you should do, you still brought your hands to his chest and grabbed it just as he would yours, with the same tender hold and careful grip. You kissed his chest once more to send the point across, that you loved him as he was. His growing red cheeks told you he was flustered, but his eyes told you another story. Your actions were sinking in, and they were sending conflicting feelings to his weeping heart. This was hurting him, you could see it in his eyes. All the years he was treated no better than the dirt the people around him walked on, insulted at every given moment, reprimanded for every single thing he did. Thomas didn’t think he deserved this, and he wanted you to stop, but deep down in his aching heart he wanted this to be true. He wanted you to mean it. But he didn’t know if you did. He couldn’t believe someone loved him so selflessly.
It broke your heart to see him like this. Your stomach turned when you saw the pain in his eyes. You wanted nothing more than to take his pain away, but this is a burden he has been weighed down by his entire life. No one else gave him what you are giving him. He wasn’t used to it; he didn’t know what it felt like to be loved, being blinded by the notion that he didn’t deserve it. The mood was quickly changing between both of you. Neither one of you were turned on anymore; Thomas was bordering on crying any second now. You felt your eyes begin to sting with tears and you moved up and cupped his cheeks once again. He leaned into your touch, and met your lips when you pressed them against his again.
“I love you, Thomas.” You mumbled against his lips before kissing him again, keeping your hands on his cheeks and starting to stroke the visible face he allowed to be seen above his mask. Thomas felt his own eyes begin to sting the more you kissed him.
“I love you.” You repeated, making him clench his fist against the bondings and squeeze his eyes shut, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall regardless of how much he fought. It hurt. His heart was so sore, so beaten, so broken. You were the only one to hold him and try to soothe the pain he carried with him every time he woke up.
“I love you.” A sob followed this whisper, the pain you felt for him catching up with you. Your heart ached for him, you saw the pain he was in and you knew you were powerless against it. It was a permanent scar, one Thomas would have to live with for the rest of his life. You pulled back to look him in the eyes, which were just as watery as yours now. You held his cheeks firm and managed to put on your serious face despite the tears running down your cheeks.
“I love you, and you deserve it, Thomas.”
That broke him. The tears dripped down his cheeks, a sob ripped from his lips. His head dropped when the sobs continued to leave his lips, completely powerless to stop it. Your own sobs joined his in your quiet bedroom. It was the only sound you both heard, the house was deathly quiet for this important moment.
“I love you, and I always will.” Your grip on his face tightened only a tad over his muzzle, to emphasize your point. “No matter what.”
You could see his heart both break and burst in that moment. You only met eyes for a moment before his body shook with another sob and his head hung again. You lifted his head again and looked him in the eye one more time, you weren’t done yet and he wasn't sure if he could take anymore of this.
“No matter what happens, no matter what anyone says. Let them talk, Thomas. They don’t know. They don’t know what is between us. They don’t know us.” You wiped his tears before nodding your head at him. “Our love is real. My love for you is real. It’s all real, Thomas. And you deserve it.”
You finally freed him from the bonds, and his arms were instantly wrapped around you as he just lost it. Almost wailing into your chest as you rocked him and stroked his hair, crying alongside him. You both rolled over on the bed to the point where he was cradled in your stomach, drenching your shirt in tears while your fingers stayed in his locks, shaking but determined to stay and comfort him. No matter how little it felt it helped. Your soothing came out shaky, as they followed your sobs and shaky breaths for air in between.
Hours could have gone by. Maybe it was only a few minutes. Soon, though, Thomas stopped shaking in your arms. His wails of pain reduced to a small sniffle now and then. He had no more tears to cry, they were all absorbed by your shirt. You both laid against each other, exhausted from the level of emotion you both just released between each other. Thomas had never felt lighter in his entire life. For the first time in his life, the thoughts went away. He stopped hearing the insults. Stopped hearing the laughing at his expense, stopped hearing the screams of terror at his presence, Hoyt’s venomous words lost their venom. All he could think about was your words, and he believed them. He believed them, they reached his heart and soothed his old wounds. He teared up once again just at the thought. He believed you.
“I love you…” His voice came out meekly, his voice shaking and hushed to a whisper from hesitance.
“I love you…” His hands gripped onto your shirt and dug his face back in, holding you so tight in fear of losing you when he let go. But he had nothing to worry about. You would be right there. You always would be.
“Is everything alright with you and Thomas?” Luda Mae’s question made you stop in the middle of washing the dishes. You two finally got a chance to be alone together, and you could tell all day she had a question to ask you. Deep down, you knew it would be that exact question.
You simply smiled and placed down the dish you were washing before turning to her with your smile. Tears even in your eyes again, but not from pain. From happiness. From fondness of the night before; of the breakthrough in yours and Thomas's relationship.
“Me and Thomas have never been better.”
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