#hoyt sucks ass
messy-gemini1 · 2 years
His ( Pt. 1? maybe?)
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Thomas has heard Hoyt talk about 'hippies' and 'tree hugger' and 'gypsies' among other things like that. His mama called them moon children and stuff and talked about her time where she wished she could be like that.
He never understood what she meant until he saw you enter the gas station smiling with a flower crown wrapped around your head and a large smile on your face that lit up the room.
His eyes watched your every move, the way your hands glazed the dangling bones from the window and the macabre decorations on the counter as your friends talked with his mother.
Your eyes met and for an instant he thought you were going to run and scream. But you smiled and sent a small wave his way, your bracelets clanked together. You turned and made your way back to your friends, but Thomas' eyes no longer followed your form, instead he watched some bikers stare at your behind like you weren't nothing more than a piece of meat.
You were going to be his and he'd be damned if he'd let another man violate your space with their eyes.
Thomas didn't see you again till Hoyt had dragged you and your friends out of his car. Your hair was matted with blood in one spot and your arms were bruised and cut.
He had just got done getting rid of the bikers from the gas station. His hands were dirty and bloody as he stepped Infront of your form as you laid on the ground. Your eyes slowly trailed up, meeting his. Thomas could tell you were frightened by the way your pupils changed and your throat bobbed from gulping.
"Well? Go on Tommy. Mama said you wanted that one" Hoyt grinned, dragging her screaming friend towards the shed. Thomas looked from his leaving form to your own, the way you stared at him like a deer in headlights. He loved it. The way you looked at him and only him. You'd grow to love him.
He picked your form up, tossing you over his shoulder as you gasped in surprise and yelped "p-put me down!" you yelped, trying to squirm out of his grip but he was much much stronger than your own body, even if you weren't wounded.
Thomas carried you up the stairs and into his room, tossing you into the bed and quickly chaining your ankle to the leg of the bed, standing above you as you quivered.
He moved slowly, his form sliding onto his knees, so he didn't tower over you. You watched him, chest rising and falling quickly. You watched as he moved a hand slowly to your face, cupping your cheek and leaving his bloody handprint, almost marking you.
You watched him unblinking. "w-what do you want?" you whispered, afraid if you spoke any louder your voice would crack. Thomas stared into your eyes, adoring the way they shook and flashed along his face for any sign of what he was thinking.
"mInE" his broken and knarled words came out. Your eyes widened as he stood up and left the room, locking the door behind him so no one could enter and take you away from him.
You sat in the room for what felt like hours. You could hear the roaring of a chainsaw off somewhere on the property. anytime you moved, the chain rattled along the floor. At one point, the man you knew as Hoyt, hollered and told you stop making a racket, so you sat on the bed with your knees tucked to your knees.
You moved when you heard the door unlock and the older woman from the gas station enter. She smiled softly at you and entered the room with a plate of food and a bowl of water and a rag.
"oh you're a beauty. No wonder my baby boy liked you. I've never had a girl before" she spoke, setting the plate on the side table as she sat on the bed next to you as if nothing was wrong.
"Now let's clean you up sweetie" she said. You didn't move as she dipped the rag in the water and started cleaning your skin. You watched her every move. Scared she'd turn and hurt you in any way.
"My boy Tommy picked you especially" she spoke. "w-why me" you spoke up. The woman looked up and smiled "he said you were nice to him and looked pretty. It doesn't take much to please to boy" she spoke.
You gulped and let her clean your skin. "There. all done. and for being so well behave you get dinner" she said and placed the plate of food on your lap. "Now enjoy before Thomas gets back. I'm sure he'll want to spend all his time with you" She giggled and left the room, locking the door behind her.
You could only imagine what that meant for you.
It had been months since then. You slowly got used to being a prisoner here. Thomas was shy you noticed. Despite his larger frame he kept to himself, even in his own room. He turned his head away when you changed, when you needed to use the bathroom, he shut the door and covered his eyes anytime you showered.
You found it oddly cute, in a Stockholm syndrome type of way. You knew what you were feeling was wrong, but Thomas was gentle with you. When he wanted some time, he tried to sign to you, knowing you knew very little ASL.
He never did anything besides want to hold your hand or press his masked face against your head into his version of a kiss.
Soon, you were allowed to roam the rest of the house, even help Luda Mae make dinner. She made dresses for you to wear instead of your old, ruined clothes. You told her about your life before you were trapped there.
She liked to call you her wishful flower child she dreamed of for her son. You only smiled sheepishly and allowed her to believe what you wanted. You didn't know what was to become of you or what happened to your friend.
Not until it was dinner time and you sat across from Hoyt one dinner. you refused to meet his gaze, his eyes staring you down. Luda Mae placed a bowl of stew Infront of you with a smile and continued to serve everyone else as Thomas stepped into the dining room from the basement, a place you were forbidden from entering.
Hoyt eyed you as you slowly stirred your stew, heat still rising from the broth. he grinned a little and locked eyes with You. "Ya know. Your friend aren't that bad" he said. You looked up at him slowly, he flashes a grin, spitting his tobacco into a spare can "they taste pretty good" he said, taking a slow sip of his stew.
Your body froze, eyes slowly looking down at your stew. 'no.nonononononononnoo!' you thought, shooting up so fast the chair knocked over. You gagged and ran out of the room and out the door fast as you could, Hoyt's laugh echoing the room.
You didn't get very far as Thomas tackled your form into the ground as you sobbed. You tried to push and hit his arms, attempting to get out of his grip.
Thomas refused to let you go and pulled you into his chest as you sobbed loudly in the dark. The only sound was your cries as if every insect around were scared off by the sound.
You didn't leave the bedroom for weeks, even going as far as to not eat anything Luda Mae brought. Thomas gave you space, you wouldn't look at him. Even when he popped his head into the room to check on you, you wouldn't move from your spot, form curled up in the bed where you had laid for weeks.
The only time you moved was to use the bathroom or shower. Thomas tried to get you to look at him, but you snapped at his fingers like a wild animal, teeth bared at him.
He understood, you were hurt, angry, disgusted..He wanted nothing more than to see you smile like you did at the shop. But he knew it would take time. Take time for you to realize you were his and there was nothing you could do about it other than accept it.
Soon, soon you would come to terms with what happened, and you would allow him to be in the same room with him and accept him as your and you his. But until then, he would wait.
He would wait and force feed you if he has to until you make amend with yourself and accept your new life. Until then. You'll be His in his mind and stay in his room. where he can keep you from prying eyes.
A/n: I tried to do a slighty darker fic. hopefully you guys liked it and i might do a part 2. request are open and i hope you guys like this!
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 6 months
Slashers with a sleepwalking s/o
AN: totally based off my personal experiences sleepwalking lol asked my friends and family what their favorite sleepwalking episode was.
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Jason Voorhees 🏕
Jason is already paranoid AF about you unknowingly wandering into a trap during the day.
But the first time he comes across you in the woods at night? When you should be asleep?
He is not a happy man. Many thoughts run through his mind. Are you trying to leave him? Trying to get yourself hurt? Would you rather die then be with him?
It takes him a good while and a lot of explaining for him to understand what's happening. That your not intentionally doing this. Science shit™️
He sets up a system. Maybe a bell or two. Something loud to let him know where you are. Maybe some trip wires.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: He watched you eat a entire sleeve of saltines while standing in the shower.
Michael Myers 🎃
Michael's seen some shit. So this is nothing. All those years in Smiths Grove have prepared him for this. So you sleepwalk? Cool, his neighbor at Smiths Grove used to eat cockroachs.
That being said, the closer you're relationship grows, the more worried he becomes. What if you fall down the stairs? What if you wander into the road? What if, what if, what if??
He doesn't have the foresight to set up traps, like Jason does.
Uses his fucked up sleep schedule to his advantage and often stands over your sleeping body. Jumpscare.
Will definitely tie a bell on you while you sleep. Totally not a collar what are you saying? Don't make it kinky.
The strangest thing he's seen you do: Put all of the remotes in the refrigerator because they needed batteries.
Thomas Hewitt 🥩
Poor sweet man. You're going to give him a heart attack one of these days.
However, he's probably one of the more better prepared of the lot. His house is set up to keep people in and out. So there isn't much danger you can get into.
Unless he forgets to lock up the basement. Which has happened once. And only once. You were fairly unharmed if not a little traumatized.
Has taken to locking your bedroom door. Also installs like 10 latches. AND puts a bell on the doorknob. And maybe sometimes you.
Look, he's already scared of losing you to somebody else, he doesn't want to have to worry him losing you to you.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: Him, Monty and Hoyt sat and watched you stand in front of the sink for a hour and a half. Just standing there. Menacingly
Brahms Heelshire 🐀
Oh, poor baby is confused. Especially at the start of your situation-ship. You don't know he's there, you just think you're babysitting a doll for a sad old couple. Not their grown ass son who lives in the walls.
The first time Brahms finds you sleepwalking, he's pissed. You trying to leave him, he knows you are. But... did you just snore?? Wait, you're asleep. He feels a little better about the situation.
Until you start walking towards the stairs. Boy's never moved so fast in his life. He knows if he wakes you up it's game over. So he gives you a gentle nudge back to your room.
Now after you find about the rat man in the walls, things are different. Brahms, even in the deepest REM cycle, will never let you go. Man is a koala and you are the tree he's clinging to for dear life. It's almost impossible to escape his arms at night.
Almost makes you sleep in the walls instead of the bedroom so you're safer. Like ain't no way you're getting out of those without him waking up.
Strangest thing he's seen you do: Sat up in bed, complaining about the maracas in your mouth??? He cried.
Billy Lenz 🎄
World's worst caretaker 👑
Especially before yall start dating because, at that point in time, he's still trying to decide if he wants to kill you. He won't lie, he very briefly thought about pushing you down the stairs.
But? After you win him over? Yeah still kinda sucks ass at keeping you from hurting yourself. He'll keep you alive, mind you, just a little worse for wear.
He asked you once if he could tie you down in bed. You didn't like the look in his eyes so you declined. Billy pouted for the next three days.
TBH he might do it anyways. Look he's just trying to keep your silly little self safe, S/O. Get your mind out of the gutter. Haha, jk...unless 😏?
The strangest thing he's seen you do is eat a entire bag of gummy bears while standing outside. He joined you.
Vincent Sinclair 🖌
Another prepared king 👑
His workshop is dangerous. Upstairs is dangerous. The whole town is health code violation. And bby cannot stand the idea of you hurting yourself.
But other then the constant anxiety that you'll some how end up falling off the stairs or falling into the wax or the any other number of things his brain comes up with, he's very level-headed.
Child safety locks. He buys that shit in bulk.
But hey, gives him a excuse to hold you at night. (Vincent, they're literally your s/o)
The strangest thing he's seen you do is stand over Bo's bed, chanting tomato. Bo almost cried.
Bo Sinclair 🔧
Definition of "Look at that idiot...oh wait that's my idiot!"
Honestly, probably the worst. Not like 'let's you just walk around' worst, but more like 'Imma gonna chain you to the bed' worst.
Dude's so scared of losing you, pretty much the best thing that ever happened to him, that his willing to go to drastic matters to keep you safe.
Don't try to explain the science behind it, you'll only give him a migraine. Just let him keep you safe. K, bby?
Bo's gonna lose sleep some nights, he's that scared. No doubt you will wake up to the feeling of someone watching you. Just comfort him, ok?
Strangest thing he's seen you do is sit up in bed and start singing 'Livin La Vida Loca'
Asa Emory 🪲
Number one prepared king™️
I'm not saying he may or may not, kinda sorta perhaps placed cameras around your living situation before you two even began dating. But yeah he did.
So he knows all about the crazy shenanigans you are up to at night.
He reads the books, watching online lectures 👏all👏the👏research. You can bet your sweet ass he knows exactly how to wake you up in case of emergency.
In the same breath, despite how much he does love you, science. Prepare to be studied like a bug under a microscope.
Strangest thing he's seen you do is standing with the refrigerator doors open, telling him how much you love this show.
Norman Bates 🚿
My poor sweet innocent murder bby. He doesn't know what to do.
Yeah, keep you safe, he's got that much down. But at what cost?
The hotel looks like a a daycare center now. Baby proofing everywhere (ask him about getting locked out of the bathroom, it's funny)
Suggested a collar once as a joke, wasn't expecting you to agree. Got flustered. Dropped his cup, maybe got a bone.
Another koala sleeper, so good luck escaping his embrace. Will go as far as following you to the bathroom to make sure you're actually awake.
Strangest thing he's seen you do is sit down in a fake potted plant in the living room and talk about dinosaurs.
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seethesin · 1 year
wake up call
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pairing: Hazel Callahan x F!Reader
tags/warnings: sexual content, hazel & reader are 18+, established relationship, college au, body worship, teasing, oral over clothing, orgasm denial/edging (18+, mdni)
a/n: i too have caught feelings for my favorite arsonist, hazel callahan 😔 have an uncharacteristically short, smutty fic while i work my thoughts out.
loosely based on this prompt. gif pack/gif credit. enjoy :)
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"Baby, it's time to get up."
You're too busy trying to sleep off a migraine to pay attention to Hazel stirring in bed or what she has to say. Even with an eye mask on, any stray refraction of light is enough for a splitting pain to reverberate in your head. You should have drank more water and less tequila last night.
Hindsight was always 20/20.
You and Hazel had met your friends at Mary's, a local gay bar a mile from campus. The bouncers never commented on the fake IDs you thrust in their hands every weekend and barely bothered to check them as they ushered you inside. Your best guess? They'd take every dollar they could get.
It was a small, hole-in-the-wall establishment, but it was fun enough for the group of you to drink, dance, and sing desperately off-key. It was your usual meeting spot on Thursday and Friday nights—sometimes Saturdays if you and Hazel had the strength to get out of bed in the morning—where you all could gossip about your professors and peers. You don't remember much from last night, but you do remember grinding on Hazel after downing three tequila sodas while Isabel bitched about her Econ professor, Mr. Weber.
You were now facing the repercussions of your debaucherous, dehydrated actions.
"Babe," Hazel tries again. Her disembodied voice is farther away now, most likely in the bathroom next door. "You're going to be late for calculus."
Who the fuck convinced you to take Friday classes? Let alone actually attend them?
Oh right. It was Hazel.
At least both of you managed to find off-campus housing at the end of sophomore year. If you had to share a bathroom with an entire floor again, you would have hung yourself with dental floss.
"Professor Hoyt can eat my ass," you grunt, grabbing your pillow and smashing it into your face. The next part of your sentence is so garbled that you can't even understand yourself. You hear Hazel's footsteps reenter your bedroom as the mattress concaves next to you. The pillow is nudged off your face and stray beams of light bury themselves back into your eye mask.
"She better not." Her breath fans against your cheek as you feel her nip playfully at your skin. "That's all mine."
Hazel can't see your exaggerated eye roll, but she feels the grin growing across your face. She mirrors it eagerly, pressing sweet, soft kisses down your cheek. You feel her lips ghost down your jaw before gliding down your neck. You hum quietly, reflexively tilting your head to the side to expose more flesh to her.
Hazel notices and firmly bites at the base of your neck. You moan, caught off guard.
"I can just ask Isabel for the notes after she gets out of Econ." It comes out as a whine as you feel Hazel shift on top of you.
"Mhmm," she mocks, her hands creeping under your nightshirt. Gingerly, she tugs it up and over your head before shoving it towards her side of the bed.
Her hot mouth reconnects with your skin, trailing down your chest, and kissing just over the curve of your breast. Her lips sink lower, enveloping themselves around your nipple as she sucks. Her hands slide up and down your body reverently before resting on your waist. You mewl, rutting your hips forward.
"Haze," you breathe but she ignores you.
Her lips pull away from your breast, kissing across your chest to give short, equal treatment to its twin. Whatever she was trying to do had the opposite effect on you; there was no way you were leaving this apartment when your girlfriend was too busy devouring every inch of your body.
Hazel kisses wetly against your skin as she begins her descent down your abdomen. Suddenly, she halts. Her nose brushes your navel and her mouth hovers just over your loins. She's so close to where you want her and you vocalize your frustration with a growl. Hazel's thumbs hook under the waistband of your underwear as her head sinks lower.
"Use your words," she teases, voice husky as she snaps the elastic band back into your skin.
You whimper, shoving your hips closer to Hazel's face. If you weren't so hungover, you would have clamped your thighs against her cheeks and squeezed. Hazel had a thing for breathplay anyway; she would have loved it.
"Put your mouth on my pussy."
"Yes ma'am."
Immediately, Hazel's hands grope the meat of your ass, tugging you toward her. Her lips kiss against your clothed cunt, her tongue poking out to kitten lick against the fabric of your underwear.
You exhale, squeezing your eyes shut as short, raspy moans push from your throat.
"Fuck yes," you sigh, wriggling your hips to steal more friction from Hazel's tongue. The coil in your stomach begins to tighten as heat radiates from between your legs. Your underwear is soaked from a combination of your slick and Hazel's saliva. You were embarrassed to admit it, but you were already nearing your first climax.
Apparently, Hazel has a sixth sense for impending orgasms because she realizes that too. Without another word, she detaches herself from your body. The bed creaks as she rolls off it. Her footsteps retreat to the other side of the room.
She's gone. You keen.
"Hazel, what the fuck?" Your thighs press together, rubbing feebly to try and salvage a lick of your previous pleasure. It's useless and you give up with a petulant huff.
The brunette chuckles from a distance, the sound growing louder as she returns to the bedroom. You rip your eye mask off, squinting for a full-fledged minute as your pupils adjust to the sunlight. After blinking feverishly, you stare at Hazel, now leaning into the doorway. A sheen of spittle and slick glows from her chin.
"You're up," she states obviously, her arms crossed over her chest. The way they press into her tits makes your mouth water.
"I've been up!"
She snickers.
"Good. Now you won't be late to calculus anymore."
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Hey~ Sugarcube 💋
if you don't mind can you do a story about Charles Lee Ray , Thomas hewitt, Bubba Sawyer,and Michael myers with s/o who wears hot clothes and has big boobs.
s/o really likes sucking her breasts, when having sex s/o also really likes her breasts being played or massaged.
You are free to ignore my request, my dear. because I don't make you uncomfortable .
Your work is like a magic💋🥹❤️🌹
Slashers with s/o who has big boobs
TW: nsfw content, mention of murder
So, it is slashers x fem!reader, i hope you enjoy it :)
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Charles Lee Ray
This man has always been particularly domineering and possessive. Especially if it is about you, his little doll. Did you specially wear such short tight clothes for your walk? And even when some bastards whistled after you, you looked at Charles with the most innocent angelic smile. What a devil.
That's why you were kneeling in front of a man in your living room right now. Charles was sitting on a chair with his trousers pulled down to his ankles and grinning, looking at you and resting his chin on his hand. You moved your mouth quickly, swallowing the man's cock all the way to the throat. Saliva was running down your face, tears were rolling out of your eyes from an unpleasant sensation. But the man encouraged you with his trademark words like "Good girl" or "Such an obedient doll". Charles gently stroked your temples.
When he finished, the man pulled the penis out of your mouth with a loud pop, releasing the seed on your chest. Or let out a deep groan.
"Smart girl. Come here"
Charles patted his thigh and you obediently climbed into his lap. With one hand he squeezed your ass, with the other he pushed the edge of your panties and inserted his cock, which had already begun to harden again, inside. The man grinned, hearing your cute moans. He began to slowly lower you onto the penis, squeezing your breasts with his free hand and massaging your nipple covered with his sperm.
"Oh, you take me so well, my pretty girl"
He whispered, kissing the clean skin of your chest. Charles loved your body so much. So beautiful and soft, as if you were a real work of art. He loved every inch of your delicate skin. He liked to squeeze your breasts and thighs, leaving hickeys or marks from teeth or nails on them, so that everyone could see that you belonged to him. Just thinking about you made his pants tighten.
"That's it, good girl. Come on, come to Daddy"
Charles stuck his hand down and started furiously rubbing your clitoris, biting your neck. Your eyes roll up when the orgasm hits you in waves.
"What a wonderful girl. Well done. Now you understand that in such clothes it is better to walk only in front of me, right, baby?"
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Thomas Hewitt
You were a goddess. Literally the best thing that happened in his life. The fact that you were not afraid of his face, his activities and actions, gave him some confidence. You loved him. And he adored you for it.
But he never liked his uncles' actions towards you. Even if Hoyt told him to relax, because these are all simple jokes, Thomas could not let them get away with it and tried to convey to the brains of these men that they have no right to treat you like this, his treasure. Besides, Hoyt often suggested using you as bait for particularly careless tourists. Such victims were eventually dismembered on Thomas' desk in the most brutal way. It doesn't matter what kind of clothes you were wearing, if you like to wear it. You're just his darling girl.
So now you were sitting on your bed, leaning on the headboard, and Tommy was lying on your lap, sadly pursing his lips. You gently massaged his scalp and combed his tangled black hair with your fingers. Thomas purred slightly as he kissed the exposed part of your thigh.
He was always at peace with you. As if he didn't kill people. It was as if all his relatives were not in this house. As if he wasn't a monster. As if he was normal. Only with you could he feel good and joyful.
Finally he lifts his head and looks into your eyes. You're so beautiful... Just for him. You slowly unbutton the lock of his mask and pull off the coarse fabric. Thomas flinches reflexively when your soft palm rests on his brutal scars. He has not yet fully got used to the fact that you see him without a mask, but now he is sure that you will not judge him, that you will accept him in any way. Because you love him.
Thomas gently covers your lips with his, sliding his palm along your body and stopping at your rapidly heaving chest. He gently squeezes your flesh, and you whine hollowly into a kiss. Thomas knows how much you like it.
A man gently kisses your collarbones and leaves chaotic red flowers on your chest while you gently stroke his hair. Thomas bites your nipple lightly, which makes you squeal, and immediately kisses the bite site. He saw you responding to that victim's flirting, honey. You wanted to make him jealous. Thomas forcefully squeezes your other breast, massaging your pink nipple with my finger.
He undresses, helping you do the same, and puts you on his lap. His thick fingers gently enter your entrance, knocking loud moans out of you. Having finished with the preparation, Thomas gently lowers you onto his cock, allowing you to move on it yourself. You cover your mouth with your hand, trying to be quiet. Tommy instantly grabs your palm, brings it to his face and kisses each of your fingers. Don't hold back. Thomas wants Charlie to hear it. He needs to understand who really makes you feel good. Tommy plays with your breasts as you slowly approach the edge. You arrive at the same time, Thomas gently kisses you on the neck, pressing your body to his.
He's so glad you're in his life. You're the best.
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Bubba Sawyer
Bubba often worries about you. He sees how tired you get from various chores around the house, and how often your body looks tense, given your shape. Therefore, he tries to help you at any opportunity that appears. This is a very cute boy.
You were standing in the kitchen making the cookies that all the Sawyers loved so much. A moment later, Bubba's soft hands fall on your waist, pulling you to him. A man whines softly in your ear worried sounds, and you smile, telling him that everything is fine. But Bubba always felt that his brothers were overloading you. Although he can't help but rejoice at your help to this house, because you stayed with them even after you found out what they were doing.
Bubba gently rubs his cheek against your neck and massages your soft sides, gradually moving to your shoulders. He knows that massage helps to relieve tension and fatigue. A man squeals when you take his palm and put it on your chest. The pale face under the mask blushes. He mumbles something to himself, averting an embarrassed look, but obeys you, starting to gently knead your soft flesh. After a couple of minutes, you already feel his clothed erection pressing against your ass.
It's good that Bubba's older brothers have gone to a neighboring city for some kind of competition. It would be awkward if they came in and saw you and Bubba in this position. The man whined and diligently sucked one of your breasts, gently massaging the other with his hand. You sighed languidly, closing your eyes and pulling Bubba by his curly brown hair closer to your body. God, he's always been so good at this. The man looked at you with puppy eyes, releasing your swollen nipple from his mouth with a vulgar squelching. This boy loves to make you feel good.
Descending lower, Bubba begins to actively work with your entrance, caressing the clitoris. He feels you coming to the edge and starts working faster. Making quiet sobs, you press his face harder against your body, trying to wait out the orgasm. When Bubba straightens up, you see how his face glistens with your juices, and his eyes are full of pleasure and affection. He likes to see you so much after your orgasm, you are so beautiful.
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Michael Myers
Michael was always so annoyed by the way other people looked at you. You were so beautiful, like a perfect doll, different from the gray mass of other people. And people enjoyed this beauty. They gave you sidelong glances, allowed themselves to casually touch you and talk to you. But you were his. You belonged to him, the Haddenfield Boogeyman. Of course, all these stupid people will later be found dead and torn to pieces in the doorways. Of course, if the police can identify this bloody mess.
You were sitting in the living room watching some boring TV show. As soon as the back door opened, you jumped up joyfully and excitedly followed the sound. Michael was standing there, covered in blood still not completely dried on his suit and mask, and with a knife in his hand.
His weapon is instantly on the floor when Michael sees you completely: the same short skirt, slightly covering your hips and a tight top. Myers feels his own blood boiling furiously in his veins, throbbing in his head. A moment later, and the man rushes at you, pressing your body against the wall in one easy movement. He holds you by the hips with one hand, rolling the edge of the mask up with the other hand. You squeal painfully when sharp white teeth pierce your delicate skin between your shoulder and neck. Michael growls, now holding your ass with one hand and squeezing one of your breasts with the other. Your cute habit of going home without a bra.
Now your clothes will be irrevocably stained with red. It is unlikely that the blood is washed off from such bright colors. Although it was your favorite outfit. But you can only walk in it in front of him. Remember that.
After a couple of long minutes, you were already lying on the bed in your bedroom. Disheveled hair, a torn skirt on the side and a top lying on the floor. Your neck was covered with red marks just like your chest. You were having a hard time catching your breath.
After making a few finger movements inside you, Michael couldn't pull the stretch. He had to make sure that you would remember this moment for a long time. Without thinking twice, he lines up with your entrance, sliding his cock over your clitoris several times, and abruptly enters a good half. You hiss, grabbing Michael by the shoulders and scratching his back. The man hisses contentedly, breathing into your neck, and squeezes your right breast in his palm, massaging the swollen nipple. You're so needy. None of those bastards will ever see you like this.
Picking up the pace, Michael leaves chaotic red flowers on your chest and collarbones. A dark blue color appears around the bloody circles. Caressing your breasts, Michael continuously whines "Mine", trying to remember the sensations. When you are already approaching the edge, he starts frantically circling his fingers over your clitoris, causing stars in your eyes. When he finishes, Michael presses you to his hips, releasing his seed into you.
"Only mine"
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issdisgrace · 1 year
WARNINGS: Nsfw, fluff, just some random shit man
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Michael is a phenomenal knitter like he can knit a decent sized blanket in 12 hours or less.
Asa loves crossword puzzles.
Bo loves grandma candy and has a stash of it but refuses to admit it even if you find the stash.
Vincent has blackmailed Bo on multiple occasions.
Jesse got some cold ass hands and feet.
Thomas likes reading but doesn’t due it often because of Hoyt.
Patrick is surprisingly good at drawing.
Lester sleeps with a stuffed animal that Vincent made him when he was a kid.
Asa is constantly cold all year around no matter what the temperature is.
Otis once read the satanic bible for laughs.
Thomas is weirdly flexible.
Bo has a phobia of clowns.
Michael is warm during the fall and winter and is cold during the spring and summer.
Lester is very knowledgeable about bugs.
Jesse was a tattoo artist for 3 years as a fuck you to his parents.
Otis once tried on yoga pants and he loved them.
Patrick has the weirdest most cracked out dream ever.
Otis can suck his own dick.
Jesse has a collection of homemade porn films.
Bo frequents glory holes.
Thomas wants to be taken advantage of.
Lester has licked porn magazines.
Michael frequently jerks off in public.
Asa loves taking sexy photos.
Vincent has fisted himself before.
Patrick has fantasized about being railed in-front of all his coworkers.
Michael has a thing for teeth.
Otis likes being passed around like a toy.
Lester likes having sex where he is completely naked and the other person is completely clothed.
Patrick likes to role play as a doting house wife.
Bo loves wearing panties.
Jesse has a huge ass sex dungeon.
Asa loves wearing collars and being marked.
Vincent loves drinking cum,
Thomas likes being breed then being plugged up and being forced to go on with his day like he’s not full of cum.
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slasherx · 4 months
Hey again, congratulations on getting a 94%, hope you do well on the other one!
Idk if I requested this because I have horrible memory but can you do a Thomas hewitt x pregnant s/o smut, like I'm feeling it rn
If I already did request this just ignore this one
Hey again Diablo (hope you don't mind me calling you that), I was hoping for another one of your requests :3 No, you haven't requested this yet. I will have you know though (and anyone else reading who cares about this) I passed my other final!
Content: Thomas Hewitt x fem!Reader
Warnings: This is smut, so 18+. Minors, DNI. Reader is pregnant.
Notes: You already know about the GIF, hehe... btw Katherine is the name of the tea lady for me. The actresses name was Kathy so I thought something close would be good.
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When you initially got pregnant, most of the house was ecstatic. Hoyt went on and on about continuing the family line, Luda Mae was excited to finally have grandbabies, and Thomas was excited to be a father. Monty was the only one who complained about the presence of a baby.
Even Katherine and Henrietta were excited for you and Thomas. But nobody was more excited than Thomas. Even before you began to show, he was touching your stomach every chance he got. He couldn't believe that all those nights led to a baby finally being put in your stomach.
It made him hard most nights to know that his seed was growing inside of you. and thats how he got between your legs this very night, making you whimper and moan for him just like how he used to before you got pregnant.
He was scared leading up to this, not wanting to hurt the baby, but he just couldn't keep his hands off of you for nine months. So here you sit, at the edge of your shared bed, six months pregnant with his child and he's using his tongue to warm you up for his cock.
His tongue darted across your slit before sliding in, squirming around and wetting your insides just nice for him, as if they weren't wet enough. He held your legs against his head, encouraging you to squeeze him between your thighs. His cock jumped at the loud moan that fell from your lips as he moved to suck on your clit.
You grabbed his hair as he sucked hard on your clit, tugging on him slightly. "Thomas, Thomas please...just fuck me. I'm ready."
Tommy looked up at you with the same uncertainty he gave you on your first night together. His tongue slid over your clit one more time before he stood up. He gently began to move you onto your knees, ass up and face down.
"Please, Tommy...don't be gentle. I can handle it." You pleaded, wiggling your ass at him.
Tommy felt his cock jump again and his pants were off in an instant. Lining up to his favorite hole - your pussy - he began to push in. He let out a loud groan as he finally sunk in. It had been a few months since he last fucked you. He missed this so much. He missed you.
He grabbed your hips and saw how his dick disappeared inside of you, and finally how your ass looked pressed flush to his groin. And suddenly, all sense of gentleness went out the window.
He pulled all the way back until just the tip was in, then he slammed back inside of you and knocked the air out of your lungs. You didn't get any time to breathe as Thomas steadily pounded into you.
You could feel how your pussy clenched around him, seemingly making him bigger as you clamped down. You moaned into the pillow you grabbed, trying to quiet the noise and be considerate of the other people in this house. Thomas however, had other plans.
He reached forward and grabbed your hair, pulling your head up so you can freely moan into the air. Clapping sounds could be heard throughout the room, along with the squelching sounds of your pussy sliding along his cock.
Your back was perfectly arched so your ass was at its juciest point, and Tommy reared his hand back to slap it. You yelped at the sting, but your body continued to be jostled by his quick thrusts. You could barely keep up with him.
"To-Tommy please, slow dow-w-w-n..." You moaned, drool beginning to pile up at the corners of your mouth.
Thomas refused, grabbing the meat of your thigh and pounding further into you, sending you forwards. He let go of your hair, allowing you to drop into the pillow. With all the wieght and rocking, your arms were beginning to grow tired. Before you knew it, your arms had given out and you landed on your stomach.
Tommy grabbed your legs and flipped you on your side, one leg thrown over his shoulder. He fucked back into you, feeling his orgasm rise. He grunted and used his thumb to rub at your clit, making sure to press hard so you really feel the friction.
You moaned loudly at the pressure against your clit, feeling the familiar coil in your stomach form. "Tommy, oh Tommy, I'm gonna cum...!"
He grunted desperately to let you know he was going to cum too. After a few more harsh thrusts, he began to cum inside of you. He rubbed your clit furiously, allowing you to cum with him. You moaned loudly into the pillow, feeling your body wracked with pleasure, pulsating around your husbands cock.
Tommy slowly pulled out, and pulled his pants back up. He turned to his wardrobe and lifted up a few shirts to show a stolen wash cloth. He turns around and uses it to gently wipe you up, both of your cum being wiped up. Normally he'd finger it back into you, but he didn't think that should happen with his baby inside of you.
After discarding the wash cloth on the floor to be washed later, he climbed into the bed with you and pulled you close, kissing your forehead. You leaned up and kissed him on the lips, the mask scratching your face. He put a hand on your stomach and whimpered slightly.
"The baby is okay, honey, and so am I. I promise." You smiled at him, hair a mess and drool pooling at the corner of your mouth.
Tommy wiped away the drool from your face and pet your hair, bringing your face to his neck. He loved you, he loved your baby, and he knew you loved him too. As you slowly began to drift off to sleep, Tommy's gaze remained on you, his heart fixated on all the love he built over the years, and all the love that is to come.
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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waynes-multiverse · 5 months
Polaris – Chapter 2
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Series Summary: When Beau Arlen moved to Montana, he left behind a past he wasn’t proud of. But when a series of murders requires the FBI’s help, Sheriff Arlen‘s ghosts come back to haunt him one by one. With a wrong turn waiting at every crossroads, it’s hard to make the right choices and find his way back home – back to you.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x FBI Agent!Reader
Warnings: 18+, flashbacks to past relationships, awkwardness, mentions of cheating
Word Count: 6.1k
A/N: Jenny and Cassie should come with their own warning 😂 Probably the lightest chapter of this series. Just some getting-to-know fun (& tons of awkwardness on all sides). Enjoy the peace while it lasts 😉
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Chapter 2: No Signs, No Compasses
Motel coffee sucked. It was a well-known, globally accepted fact.
You had tasted enough of those in your career to know it wasn’t even worth a try at this point. Thus, finding a good source of caffeine became sort of an adventurous challenge on every work trip. Back in Houston, you had your spot and the server knew your order by heart. Here, in Helena, you were new and still had to navigate your way around.
In search of a decent cup, you passed a sign on the highway and entered the Blue Fox Diner. It was a bit on the outskirts of town, but, frankly, you had no idea where the border truly ended. Everything was damn far apart from one another, the only houses which adjoined were the ones on Main Street USA. That was it.
The diner was bright and comfy, giving you an immediate welcoming feeling of home-cooked food and a good roast. Your first sip of black, delicious liquid confirmed it – this was your spot.
“Special Agent Y/L/N?”
Your head snapped up from your cup of joe to a female voice, recognizing the blonde deputy from the Sheriff’s Department yesterday.
“Deputy Jenny Hoyt, right?” You gave her and her friend a smile as the two women sat across from each other in a booth by the big window. You could tell by their curious and mischievous looks that your spectacular entrance wasn’t lost on them.
“Uh, yeah. You wanna sit with us? Heard you’re staying for that serial killer case,” Jenny said and offered you a seat next to her.
“Sure.” You accepted her invitation without hesitance, knowing you had to get over the awkwardness at some point. After all, you had to work together, and you wanted to get it out of the way rather sooner than later. How did you so gloriously fuck this up in the first place? You usually were professionalism personified – someone J. Edgar Hoover would’ve been proud of.
Right. Beau. There was your answer.
“Cassie Dewell,” the other woman introduced herself and shook your hand as you slid into the leather seat next to Jenny. “I’m a private investigator in town. Special Agent Y/L/N, was it?”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve passed by your agency. Nice to meet you,” you said, smiling. “And Y/N is fine.”
“So, how do you like Helena so far?” Cassie asked curiously, although you caught the underlying question between the polite smiles. ‘How do you like our sheriff so far?’
However, you weren’t going to make this easy for them. “Well, uhm, not seen much aside from my motel, the Sheriff’s Department, and this diner. Coffee’s great, though.”
“Leave it to Donno to brew a decent pot,” Jenny muttered with a bitter huff and rolled her eyes.
You threw her an inquisitive look, partially amused. “You don’t seem to be a fan.”
“Oh, it’s about the owner, Tonya. Jenny doesn’t like her,” Cassie explained.
“Then, why exactly are you here?” You were happy the conversation steered clear of you. For now. You knew this bliss and peace wouldn’t last forever. They were just warming you up for the Spanish Inquisition.
“To keep an eye on her. She used to work for a cartel,” Jenny replied.
“Before she went legit and became a real estate agent,” Cassie added.
“Legit my ass,” the blonde huffed. “Pretty sure she stole those fifteen million…”
“She did help us with Gigi,” Cassie countered, which didn’t seem to convince the blonde too much. “And that whole Avery situation.”
“Well, you know, you could always tip off a rivaling cartel. Might get rid of your problem,” you suggested jokingly. “I have a few contacts.”
Jenny’s lips curved into a delighted grin. “I like that idea.”
Cassie snorted, laughing. “Yeah, nice.”
“So… you and Beau are… dating?” Jenny questioned quite forward.
And there it was. The one you’d been waiting for. You sighed internally.
“Jenny!” Cassie chided and threw her friend a look over her directness as the blonde mouthed back an innocent “What?”
Your cheeks blushed slightly, but you were all about being direct as well. You cleared your throat, tapping your nails on the table. “It’s fine. After my more than embarrassing entrance, I deserve the third degree.”
“Good answer.” Jenny smiled encouragingly, making you feel a little more at ease. They weren’t aiming to claw your eyes out; they were just curious about you. If the roles were reversed, you’d be as well.
“And it wasn’t that embarrassing,” Cassie placated your nerves. “Trust us, me and Jenny had our fair share of drama. You’re good.”
“Well, I’m glad, I guess…” You let out a relieved chuckle, hoping you wouldn’t stay the small town gossip for long. “And, uh, to answer your question: No, we’re not dating. He’s a nice guy, but it’s nothing like that. We just go way back, and I guess old habits die hard.”
And boy, was that true. Beau and you had once been inseparable. It still felt weird to think about that now you weren’t and hadn’t been for a while. Your heart still ached and longed all the same. That stupid, useless feeling of missing him. He was cut out of your soul, but the phantom pain remained.
Jenny nodded and shared a look with Cassie. “Honest. I like it.”
“Me too.” Cassie’s mouth formed a smile of agreement and reassurance. “So, how long have you guys known each other?”
That was when the cop portion of your chat started. You hadn’t expected anything less, but you were determined to keep it professional and, most of all, shallow. Chitchat and oversharing were more Beau’s territory, but it certainly wasn’t yours.
“About ten years.”
Jenny nodded pensively, thinking about her next question. “You worked a cartel case together, right?”
“Oh, a few cases over the years, actually. I’m stationed at the FBI field office in Houston. Used to work Narcotics before switching to Major Crimes,” you said.
“Hence the serial killer here,” Jenny filled in.
“Can’t believe we’ve got another one,” Cassie remarked with a huff, shaking her head into her coffee cup.
“Oh yeah, right! Heard about the Bleeding Hearts Killer at that campsite.”
You remembered a newspaper article about it. Occasionally, you did still check up on your ex like every sane person would. You even followed him on Social Media, although all he ever posted about was fucking trout fishing. But that same news article had also informed you about Beau leaving his early retirement in the rearview mirror, being referenced as the acting sheriff on the case. It almost seemed like a weird coincidence that one of your active cases would lead you right to him not long after. Cosmic jokes and such.
“Yeah, Sunny and Buck Barnes,” Cassie provided.
“Cassie is actually dating their son,” Jenny told you, smirking at her friend.
“Yeah, we’re not that official yet,” Cassie deflected but noticeably blushed. “You guys need any help with your serial killer?”
Jenny looked at you, knowing you were the one who called the shots now.
Nodding, you twitched your shoulders. “Sure. The more the merrier. More female eyes might even help, considering we’re probably dealing with a woman.”
Jenny cocked a brow. “A female serial killer?”
“It’s rare, but our profiler sure thinks so. As do I,” you confirmed.
“Oh, this just got interesting.” Cassie grinned, intrigued. “We sure never had that one before.”
“No, we did not,” Jenny reiterated, chuckling.
“What didn’t we have?”
Beau’s gravelly voice startled you from behind, but you tried not to let it show. Of course, you’d run into him. It was a small town, after all, and this diner was probably the only place to get good coffee. Avoiding him was not only improbable, but it was an impossibility.
Beau was a good man. But the truth was that he was more than the Southern-charming, bad-dad-jokes, never-shutting-up sheriff everyone had grown to love in Montana. There was another side to him. A side that defied authority, broke rules, and caused trouble. A side you knew better than anyone.
“Female serial killer,” Jenny supplied with a grin.
“Really? A woman?” Baffled, the green-eyed sheriff lifted a brow and looked at you.
“Why, you think a woman can’t do it?” Cassie challenged him with a teasing grin. You knew there was a reason why you immediately took a liking to her.
You watched Beau purse his lips as he struggled for an answer. You had a feeling he had to do that a lot with these two. It almost seemed unfair.
“No, women can do murder just fine. Especially you three,” Beau retorted and then circled the booth with his finger, sipping his coffee. “The three of you bonding is my nightmare.”
“Oh, c‘ mon.” Jenny snorted in amusement.
“Yeah, we’re harmless,” Cassie added.
“Right… Who are you tryna fool here, huh?” Beau chuckled and scratched his beard. “Mind if I sit down?”
“Sure, hop in,” Cassie said and offered up the seat next to her.
“Yeah, I was about to head out anyway. Have to call my supervisor with an update,” you excused quickly and stood up before Beau even sat down. “By the way, I have eight boxes of files in my trunk. It’s gonna be a fun afternoon for us.”
“Well, I’m looking forward to it,” Beau said, trying to remain professional, even though you could tell he was bothered by your abrupt exit.
You, however, weren’t ready to face him yet and spend a whole afternoon with him. You needed more time… and space. Which was hard, considering you two had to work a case together.
Hard but not impossible.
“Oh, uh, Beau, that’s not necessary. Cassie offered to help, so we have enough hands on deck for now,” you said innocently and tried to hide your astute smile as best as possible. “I don’t wanna keep you from your sheriff duties. I saw the giant pile of files on your desk. But I’ll let you know when we need you.”
Admittedly, that was a little mean. You knew how much that man hated paperwork.
Defeatedly, Beau pursed his lips and overplayed his loss with a sour smile. “Yup, alright… thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You grinned and didn’t care he knew exactly what you were doing.
“Hey, Y/N, you know, uh… it’s kind of a tradition to buy a round of tequila when you first arrive in town,” Cassie noted with a smug smile.
You matched it, amused, although you could smell an ambush from a mile away. “Oh, yeah? Well, that’s a tradition I can get behind. Where and when?”
“Tonight? Bar called Boot Heel around eight o’clock?”
“I’ll be there,” you accepted the invitation. “But just a heads-up, pouring tequila into me isn’t going to make me open up more.”
“Really isn’t,” Beau confirmed wryly.
“Dammit,” Cassie sighed in feigned disappointment but grinned nevertheless.
Jenny coolly shrugged it off. “Was worth a shot.”
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Beau watched you leave with dread in his heart. As soon as the glass door fell closed behind you, he let out a longing sigh.
“Alright, what did you do?” Jenny’s voice ripped him from his thoughts. The blonde crossed her arms over her chest and arched a brow.
He had almost forgotten they were here, too.
“Yeah, she’s been barely here twenty-four hours. That’s fast, even for you,” Cassie chimed in with a teasing smile.
“Okay, I didn’t do anything, alright?” Beau defended with a creased brow and a bark in his voice, but his curiosity soon got the best of him. He leaned in closer, resting his elbows on the table. “Why? Did she say somethin’?”
“Yeah, he stepped in it,” Cassie commented dryly and looked straight at Jenny, taking his question as a confirmation of their theory.
Beau rolled his green eyes, his patience already thin after the sleepless night he had. “Alright, did she say something to you guys or not?”
Cassie sighed. “No, she was very… courteous.”
Jenny nodded in agreement and shrugged one shoulder. “Yeah, she kept it professional. Said you were nice.”
Beau felt a surge of relief. “Well, that’s good, right?” he asked but watched both women shake their heads with pursed lips. “It’s not-… it’s not good?”
“Nuh-uh,” Jenny retorted, “You don’t wanna be called nice. Not in that way, at least.”
“I don’t?” Beau cocked his eyebrow at the two, feeling rather confused at this point. “So, what’s the verdict?”
“Depends on what you did there, cowboy,” Cassie taunted him with a grin, which was mirrored by Jenny.
“Oh, I’m not telling you guys,” Beau huffed, shaking his head. Contrary to popular belief, he knew when to keep his mouth shut.
“You’re not talking for once?” Teasingly, Cassie popped an eyebrow at him.
“Must be bad then,” Jenny finished the thought. “Did you-, you know… cheat with her on Carla?”
Perplexed and slightly offended, Beau furrowed his brow. “What? No! Nothing like that. Carla and I were already separated. As in papers served and signed… I’m a very loyal-commitment kinda guy, alright?”
Beau didn’t want to admit his answer might have been a slight overcompensation on his part. While it’s true that he never cheated and would’ve never even considered it, he wasn’t without faults, either. There had been certain feelings towards you fermenting in his stomach, slowly but surely festering in his heart before he even knew what was happening and could put an end to it.
“That sounds like she was your rebound,” Jenny pointed out.
“Yeah, and casual,” Cassie threw in.
“No, it was nothing casual, alright? And she wasn’t my rebound,” Beau replied with an exhaustive breath. Jesus, did you get the third degree as well? At this rate, he should consider himself lucky if you were still in town by tomorrow. His head was spinning. “I mean, if she was my rebound, I was hers, too.”
Dammit, he said too much. He knew the two women would take that piece of information and run with it over the mountains of Montana, probably even making it over the border to goddamn Canada.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jenny questioned as expected. “Is she married? I saw the ring on her finger.”
“Yeah, looked like a wedding band,” Cassie mused.
“Okay, Sherlock and Watson, enough, alright? She’s not married,” Beau replied, but only to save both your reputations. “It’s a sentimental thing. There’s a lot of history there.”
“What kinda history?” Jenny’s knitted brow practically stared at him.
Beau grew tired of their interrogation and dragged a palm over his face, leaning back in his seat. “It’s complicated.”
The two women then shared an inquiring look that held an entire conversation, knowing their interview had run its course. Beau wouldn’t answer any more of their questions.
“Want our advice?” Cassie offered.
Beau hesitated for a moment, puckering his lips in thought. He was desperate, and they could smell it like coyotes. “Alright, lay it on me. What d’you got?”
“Nothing.” Cassie twitched her shoulders and met his annoyed glare with a pleased smile.
“Yeah, see, you actually have to tell us first what happened before we can help you,” Jenny elaborated.
“Alright, I’m done,” Beau said frustratedly, tapping his knuckles on the table once as he rose from his seat.
“Oh, Beau, c’mon, we’re just messing with you.” Cassie chuckled softly and looked at him apologetically. “Fine, you want our advice? Apologize.”
“For whatever you’ve done,” Jenny added.
Pensively, Beau nodded and clicked his tongue. “What if I’ve done that already?”
“Do it again,” Jenny advised simply. “Until she hears you.”
“Yeah, get down on your knees, you know,” Cassie deadpanned. But as Beau suspiciously eyed her at the particular word choice, she burst into laughter.
“Nice.“ Jenny joined in, tears stinging the corners of her eyes as the two clinked their coffee mugs together for a toast to their cleverness.
Beau chuckled out of sheer uncomfortableness, his cheeks flushing embarrassingly red. “Oh, you two are hilarious… I’m heading to work,” he grumbled. “You know, you might wanna join me if you wanna keep your job, Hoyt.”
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With a sigh that resembled a yawn, you stretched your shoulders and spine as you got up from the uncomfortable wooden chair in the Sheriff’s Department. You checked your watch and noticed it was already past 2pm.
“Alright… you guys want something for lunch? I’m buying.”
Technically, the government was buying, but you would take any chance you could get to make yourself a little more popular with your colleagues. Jenny, Cassie, and Deputy Poppernak (who told you to call him Mo and started looking you in the eyes again after you brought him a sandwich and a coffee this morning) then gave you their lunch orders, and most importantly, where to get it. What you didn’t expect, though, was Beau appearing behind you out of nowhere after he had locked himself (pun intended) in his office all day and had given you your requested space.
That courtesy apparently was over.
“I’ll come with you,” Beau announced. And although his facial expression resembled a friendly, soft Golden Retriever, you detected the stern bite in his voice. He wasn’t going to be cast aside again.
Stubborn as you were, you still had to try.
“Oh, you don’t hav–,” you tried to interject, but he swiftly waved you off.
“Nonsense. You can’t carry all that alone. I’ll help. Part of the sheriff duties,” he said in his most neighborly tone and grinned triumphantly at you, beaming with Southern chivalry.
You huffed a sigh. Great…
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Ignoring Beau Arlen was like trying to avoid air – it was impossible unless you planned on suffocating. Not even a fast pace could get him out of breath enough to stop pestering you. His voice trickled like slow poison into your mind. One of these days, it would infect your heart and destroy your defenses.
“Y/N, hey, can you slow down a little? I didn’t bring my marathon shoes to work, alright? Don’t make me write you a ticket for speeding!” Beau huffed behind you in a half-joking tone, chuckling at his own wit. “C’mon, I just wanna talk. Lord knows you already had your fun today.”
With a heavy sigh, you stopped in your tracks and turned to face him on the sidewalk, Beau almost crashing into you. He clearly hadn’t expected you to actually listen to him.
With a fierce glare in your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest. “Look, I’ve got nothing left to say to you, okay? Can we just keep this civil?”
Beau pursed his lips but quickly recovered, offering you a charmingly desperate smile. “Well, lucky for you, you would just have to listen.”
You rolled your eyes and started marching ahead again, feeling Beau hot on your trail.
“Y/N, c’mon!”
At that, both you and Beau spun around, recognizing the voice in an instant as Emily walked out of a shop.
Beau’s face immediately lit up. He gave her a tight hug, kissing her temple. “Hey, kid.”
“Aunt Y/N?” Emily’s face tilted in surprise, brow knitting as she noticed you and left her father’s arms. She greeted you with a bright sunshine smile.
“Hey, Em,” you said and happily mirrored her smile. You had always loved that girl since she was little. Something she wasn’t anymore. It had been a while since you’d last seen her. “Wow, look at you. You’re all grown. You look like you’re about ready to head off to college.”
“Don’t remind me,” Beau mumbled with a sigh next to you.
“Yes, please don’t make him cry,” Emily begged you, chuckling, but her look was still pleadingly serious. It made you laugh. You remembered how protective Beau was of her. It was endearingly sweet, which made it a little harder to be furious with him. “What are you doing in Montana? Are you visiting Dad?”
“Oh, uh, I’m here for a case, actually,” you replied, swallowing, and shot Beau a quick glance to check how much you were allowed to share.
“What kinda case?” Her brow furrowed as she looked at her dad with concern. It broke your heart a little to know that, whenever you were involved, Emily thought her father was in danger.
“Em,” Beau warned her softly.
You had figured he still refrained from talking about work with his family, not wanting them to worry unnecessarily. After what his daughter had been through this summer, you couldn’t really blame him.
“Right, sorry,” she said meekly and bit the inside of her lip.
Every molecule in your body shuddered at the sound of that voice. God, you so didn’t want to do this right now. The last time you’d seen Carla, it didn’t end well. If you could, you’d teleport yourself somewhere else – preferably Hawaii.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Beau flashed you a glance over his shoulder that said pretty much the same thing – shit. With a thick swallow, he angled his face toward his ex-wife and forced an awkward smile to his lips.
“Hey,” he rasped, his throat drier than the Death Valley.
“Y/N?” As soon as Carla spied you, her brow arched and her features turned sinister. The unhappy surprise of finding you here was written all over her face. And if it hadn’t been, her words soon made her feelings for you abundantly clear. “What are you doing here? Wrecking more homes? At least you’re wearing clothes this time that don’t belong to my ex-husband.”
Yup. You hadn’t expected a warm welcome, but that even exceeded your expectations. You gaped at her, a bit speechless. Even Beau seemed temporarily at a loss for words and was taken aback. Only Emily looked the most upset and voiced it, too.
“Mom! Really?!”
Carla then looked apologetically at her daughter, aware of her inappropriate comment, her mouth falling open in shame. You knew it was a knee-jerk reaction.
“And that’s my cue to leave,” you retorted. As you spun around, you glanced up at Beau and touched his shoulder comfortingly, letting him know you were still here, even when you were mad as hell at him. “Call me when you’re finished here. Or if you need an alibi…” you muttered into his ear in passing.
“I’m coming with you,” Emily announced with a scowl over her shoulder at her mother. She hopped next to you and looped her arm through yours, following you inside the restaurant.
As soon as you and his daughter were out of sight, Beau glowered at his ex-wife and shook his head. “Really, Carla? Was that necessary? You know nothing ever happened when we were married.”
“I know, I know,” Carla agreed and sighed, clasping her temples. “I’m sorry. I really am… It just came out. I guess it’s just old wounds, you know? I was surprised to see her here.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Beau bobbed his head in understanding, smacking his lips. He hated everything about this and knew he could only blame himself for it. “I mean, c’mon, you two used to be friends once, right? What happened? You’d think after what you went through with Avery, you’d have a little more compassion for what she’s gone through.”
Carla pursed her lips and bit the insides of her cheeks, surely stifling a fiery comment. “You wanna know what happened between us? You did, Beau,” she snapped, but before he could open his mouth to respond, she heaved a sigh and shot him a remorseful look. “But you’re right. I’ll apologize to her later.”
“Thank you,” he said graciously as his shoulders deflated and passed the tension.
“What’s she doing here? Everything okay?” Carla asked, lines of worry etching her brow. It told Beau that she still cared about him, even if it was just a smidge.
“Uh, yeah. Just work. Serial killer,” he replied. Since their eventful summer, Beau tried to be more open and honest, keeping a clear line of communication with his ex. It was a step forward. “Three victims so far.”
“Serial killer? Again?” Carla raised her brow and scoffed. “I guess it’s good I’m bringing Emily back to Houston, then.”
“You still wanna do that?”
A part of him hoped they’d stay because he wanted to stay here. Montana had given him a fresh start. One that was much needed. Houston, on the other hand, was haunted and full of ghosts he didn’t want to face. He had been running from them for a while now, although they were slowly catching up to him.
But he also needed his family, his daughter. He wanted to be a constant in her life, not just a variable.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Carla sighed and looked a bit torn and helpless, which was rare for her. But Avery’s secrecy and death had done quite a number on her, and Beau supposed she was still working through a lot. “What d’you think?”
Beau thought it was ironic she was suddenly asking for his input, considering she didn’t ask for his advice the first time she took their daughter and moved several states away. But he knew better than to say that out loud, especially since he was partially at fault.
Rubbing his beard, your earlier words reverberated in his head. His daughter wasn’t a little kid anymore and would fly the nest soon, as much as he didn’t want to admit it.
“Maybe we should ask Em what she wants. I mean, she’s almost seventeen. If your work isn’t a factor, then maybe we should let her decide.”
Carla nodded pensively as if she was actually considering it. “Yeah, okay,” she agreed and let out a sentimental sigh. “She’s growing up.”
Beau’s smile carried a drop of sadness. “Yeah, she is.”
Surprisingly, his talk with his ex-wife went better than expected. He just wished things would be as easy with you. All he wanted was just a chance to make it right. He couldn’t screw up another relationship.
“Beau… For the record, I want you to be happy, okay? No matter how, where, or with… who,” Carla told him and gifted him a cordial smile that showed her sincerity.
He appreciated her words. There’d been bad blood between them. Divorce made people bitter, he supposed. But old wounds had to heal eventually, too.
As you stepped outside the restaurant with Emily, you flashed an insecure glance at Carla. You averted your gaze to Beau, holding up a big brown paper bag. “You ready? Got the food.”
Beau checked quickly with his ex-wife, who nodded, letting him know that they were done here.
Carla then turned to you and cleared her throat, and you were sure it took a lot for her to even look at you. “Y/N, I’m sorry about earlier.”
You nodded, accepting her apology. You’d never done anything wrong, but the situation was complicated. It was hard on all of you.
“It’s fine. We’re good,” you assured her and gave her a half smile. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, too. I heard about your husband.”
“Thank you,” she replied courtly and motioned for Emily to follow her. “C’mon, honey. Let’s go.”
“Bye, Dad.” Emily waved at her father.
Beau quietly watched his family saunter down the street before he glanced at you and offered you a clumsy smile. “Well, this went better than expected, right?”
You didn’t share his humor, however, and threw him a dark glare. You spun on your heel and trudged back to the Sheriff’s Department. “I have to get back to work.”
Beau exhaled heavily. This wasn’t how he had imagined his outing with you, wishing for a sign or at least a damn compass to show him the way.
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March 2014
“Maybe it was the courier?” Beau suggested as he caught the pigskin before throwing it back to his partner across the desk. Passing the ball had become a ritual, helping them work through their case theories one by one.
“Nah, I don’t think so.” Randy shook his head when it was his turn. “What about the maid? She certainly had motive.”
A few more exchanges and tosses back and forth happened before you waltzed into the police station. Randy missed his catch, the football almost flying through the Captain’s window, but you gracefully caught it just in time and placed it securely down on the desk.
“Nice catch,” Beau complimented you, impressed.
“Hi, honey,” your husband greeted you and found your lips, kissing you deeply. You giggled and locked your arms around his neck as he pressed you into the edge of his desk.
“Geez, really? Get a room you two,” Beau huffed jokingly, making both of you laugh enough to stop your make-out session but not enough to detangle yourselves from each other.
“We’re newlyweds. We’re supposed to make you sick and scratch your eyes out,” Randy quipped with a grin.
Smiling warmly, Beau shook his head at the two of you. “You got married eight months ago. When’s that honeymoon phase ending, huh?”
“Never,” both of you replied in unison and started kissing again, causing Beau’s eyes to roll back.
“God help me…” He sighed dramatically.
His sigh of exhaustion was soon joined by a second one. “Ugh, again?” Carla asked as she stepped into the station and tilted her head at you and your husband.
“Yeah,” Beau confirmed, amused, and kissed his wife’s cheek. “How did that court case go?”
Carla exhaled a breath of fatigued annoyance. “Y/N’s buying drinks tonight. Thanks to her Oscar-worthy performance on the stand,” she replied as you grinned winningly at her. The two of you had a deal – whoever won a court case was inviting the other for consolation drinks. “You know, I’ve never seen someone so convincingly fake-cry during cross.”
“You’re welcome.” You smirked slyly. “My high school drama teacher taught me that. I think he would’ve been proud of me today. Those were real tears, you know?”
“Oh, the jury certainly thought so.” Carla laughed bitterly.
“So you lost?” Beau glanced at his wife. “I’m sorry, darlin’.”
Carla arched an eyebrow and knowingly crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you, Beau?”
“Nah, not really.” He laughed and said, “You did defend a tweaker who killed three people over a little bag of meth, so…”
“Well, I know better than to argue with two cops and a federal agent over the rights of American citizens,” Carla fired back.
Beau snorted in amusement. “Wow, okay. Y/N really pissed you off, huh?”
“Again, you’re welcome.” You beamed with self-satisfaction.
“Oh, you both are pissing me off,” Carla retorted jokingly and then looked at you, smiling. “I gotta get back to the office. I’ll see you at the bar.” She then turned to her husband, pointing a finger at him. “And I’ll see you at home.”
Beau leaned in to kiss his wife goodbye, but Carla already rushed out of the station before he got a chance. He heaved a small sigh, his eyes drifting to Randy and you as you giggled like two lovesick teenagers.
“I gotta get back to work, too,” you said as you withdrew from your husband’s lips. But then you noticed an opened case folder on Randy’s desk. Curiously, you tiptoed up and spied over his shoulder to get a better look at it. “Unless you two got something fun here…”
“Ay, hands off! That ain’t your jurisdiction,” Beau warned you playfully and stopped short of batting your hand away.
“C’mon, we’re stuck. She might be able to help,” Randy interjected with an innocent shrug and a puppy dog look.
Beau heaved an exasperated sigh and then smiled challengingly at you. “Alright, what d’you think, Special Agent Y/L/N?”
Grabbing the file, you leafed through it for a moment and then mused, “Hmm, couldn’t have been the maid. Her schedule doesn’t match time of death. But maybe it was the courier? There’s a theft ring hitting several states. They use bike couriers.”
Beau’s smile widened to a triumphant grin as he pointed a finger at his partner. “Ha! That’s what I said.”
“Alright.” Your husband groaned defeatedly. “Let’s check it out.”
“Oh, now you suddenly want to, huh? After the wife said it? That hurts, man,” Beau teased.
Randy shrugged smugly. “Yeah, well, she’s a lot smarter than you.”
Beau pursed his lips and nodded, hiding his smirk of amusement. “Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
“Well, you guys have fun with this,” you said and kissed your husband’s lips one last time. “I have to get back to work. The tweaker Carla defended gave up his supplier in Brownsville. The DEA wants me to come down to Matamoros with them tomorrow. They think the guy is Gulf Cartel.”
Randy furrowed his brow, and you could see the concern shimmering in his eyes. “How long will you be gone?”
“Two weeks maybe?” You shrugged, not knowing exactly how long assignments sometimes could last. Worst case, you could even be undercover for a couple of months, and your husband knew that.
“So, we’re gonna have fun tonight?” Randy smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, resting his palms on your hips as he pulled you closer.
You grinned smugly. “You bet we are, baby. Bring the handcuffs home.”
“Guys, c’mon, I’m standing right here,” Beau complained and threw his arms up, making both of you laugh and blush.
“Alright, be careful,” Randy reminded you with a peck on your lips.
You nodded and then turned to Beau. “You’re gonna protect my boy here while I’m gone, Arlen? Have his back?”
“Yes, ma’am. With my life. Promise,” Beau said and smiled at you reassuringly, putting you at ease before you walked out of the station.
Randy let out a worried sigh as he watched you leave. He looked up when Beau patted his shoulder in comfort.
“She’ll be fine. She’s a tough one,” Beau said in an attempt to calm his partner’s nerves.
“Yeah, she is,” Randy agreed quietly before his teasing nature returned. He grinned up at him and quipped, “You couldn’t handle her.”
“Sure, I could! Have you met Carla?” Beau retorted as both of them fell back into a brotherly banter. “Trust me, once your sickening honeymoon phase wears off, you’re gonna be right where I am.”
“What, happily unhappy?” Randy sassed and cocked an eyebrow.
“Exactly,” Beau replied wryly, clicking his tongue.
“Nah, man, that’s not me and Y/N,” Randy stated with a surefire grin.
“Alright, lover boy, let’s put our courier in the hot seat. C’mon,” Beau grunted with a roll of his eyes and brushed off his feelings on the subject, although he began to doubt his own statement. He was admittedly a bit jealous of his partner’s relationship.
Maybe some couples were just happier than him and Carla.
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Beau tossed the old football into the air and caught it again. With a thoughtful sigh, he placed it on his desk and sunk back into his chair, his palm still resting on the ball.
“You were right, man. Who would’ve thought…” The sheriff clicked his tongue. A knock on the door ripped him from his trance, his green eyes darting to the visitor.
Jenny carefully peeked her head inside and checked on him, “You okay there?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he assured her. He didn’t bother to form a smile, though.
She pursed her lips, clearly not believing him, but nodded her acceptance. “You wanna join us at the bar? Might give you a chance to talk?”
“Uh, yeah, but you girls go ahead. Still have a few things to finish up here,” Beau said.
“Alright.” Jenny gave him a small smile, but she didn’t leave yet, her hand resting on the doorknob. “You know, when I first saw you with Carla, I thought I had it right. But this-… this is an entirely new look.”
Beau grimaced. “Shut up.”
Jenny laughed lightly. “If you love her, you should tell her.” Beau only shot her a deadpan glare, to which the blonde raised her hands in capitulation. “Alright, just sayin’…” With that, she closed the door behind her again.
Beau’s eyes then landed back on the football on his desk, smacking his lips in thought. Sometimes the guilt was eating him alive, burning him from the inside out like acid.
“You’d be okay with this, right? I know you’d want her to be happy,” he verbalized his thoughts out loud, hoping it would give him some clarity. He wasn’t sure, however, if he was just saying it to alleviate his own guilty conscience and justify his actions.
“I think I could really make her happy, you know? At least, I’d try,” Beau said. Two fingers rubbed his mouth as he spun on his chair and glanced out the window to the dark sky and the stars above. “C’mon, man, I just need one small sign…”
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Chapter 3: Pour The Whiskey
More glimpses into the past and maybe some much needed talking coming next week! Let me know all your thoughts in the comments, loves 🤍
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Everything Beau Arlen: @snowayumi
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b-00-biez · 2 years
Can you please do Thomas Hewitt fucking into you on the kitchen counter while nobody is at home because your ignoring him?🙏
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OMG I LOVE THIS ASK, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS 😻 Im going to add something extra to this hehe
"Stuffing you for lunch"
Warning:Filthy smut😻
Character:Thomas Hewitt x reader
For a few days you were ignoring Thomas. Why? a week back you had sex with him but it was so soft. He treated you like you were a porcelain doll. You were a filthy slut and he knows it, you were dropping hints at him for a month! Because of your sexual frustration you ended up ignoring the big guy. You just can't understand, he has a big dick Why can't he make you scream like the ones in his basement!
Thomas caught on 3 days after you started ignoring him. He would need a little push or a nudge for him to know why you're ignoring the man.
One afternoon Luda Mae and Hoyt were out of the house, it was just you and your boyfriend. The perfect time to show him what you meant. You put on the most sluttiest outfit you could ever own. An underwear that barely covers your pussy and ass. No bra and just a lovely floral translucent night gown. It was the perfect plan since Luda Mae and Hoyt are going to be out for 4 hours.
You baked one of your lovely pastries that Thomas absolutely loves. Thomas smelled the scent of the sweet chocolate you're whipping up. He peeked through the basement and saw what you were wearing. BARELY ANYTHING!
Thomas creeped up behind you, he alerted his presence by groaning. You turned around and saw his red face, you ignored his presence and kept making the treats. You bent over knowing he was looking, teasing him you shook your hips side to side. Oh he knows what you're doing and he is not going to be ignored any longer. He grabbed your hips and kept you in place as he started rubbing his big bulge on your ass. You were startled, he finally made the initiative to fuck you. Now you need him to be more frustrated to fuck you silly. You put your hands onto his and made his grip tighter as you grinned into hard. When you feel like he's feeling good you stopped and continued making the pastries.
You can see the sexual frustration in his eyes telling you to stop what you are doing and let him fuck you. You acted mad and turned away from him. That's it, he's had enough of this bullshit. He grabbed your hips and put his other hand around your neck with a tight grip. Oh you got what you wanted, you shouldn't regret it later.
He carried your body to the counter, roughly putting you down. He rips your night gown to reveal your beautiful breast and pussy . He ripped the thread of your underwear and hungrily stared at you. Taking in your beauty and soft skin. He slowly massages your breasts and takes off his mask. He suckles and licks on your now puffy nipple, He gently bites onto you. He placed his hands on your thighs bruising it. You looked at him in desperation, you wanted this for so long and he better give it to you hard and passionate. While he sucked both of your nipples his other hand reached for the chocolate you just made and poured it all over you.
"T-thomas?!" you looked at him shivering from the warm chocolate he just poured dripping on your breast and slowly oozing onto your pussy. He pulls down his pants and reveals his aching cock ready to go to town. He slides into you without any preparation and yelps. He starts out rough fuck your pussy and stretching it like no other as he licks off the chocolate. He pulls out making you disappointed. He was doing so well, why was he stopping now. He takes some chocolate on his fingers and fingered you fast coating your pussy with chocolate. You can't help but moan in pleasure. "Oh please Thomas! Fuck me roughly make me scream!" Oh he will. After coating you he slides back in and lifts your thighs to fuck you even deeper. You feel his giant balls slapping your ass makes it sound euphoric, Feeling your pussy getting destroyed and coated with sweet chocolate.
A knot started to form on your stomach as you feel your release getting closer. Again, he pulled out. Hes mocking you, teasing you like you did to him. He slides it into your tight asshole, you scream in pain and pleasure. He surely can't fit into you! Your ass was not prepared to take his massive cock. He starts fucking raw, chocolate going all over the counter and you screaming enough for the whole house to hear. But no one was there to hear or witness Thomas fucking both your holes.
He switched back to your cunt balls deep into you , slamming his length and girth. He rubbed circles around the puffy clit as he kissed your lips passionately. The knot on your stomach snapped as you screamed and moaned into his mouth while your pussy got stuffed with his cum. He pulls out and now you look like his type of desert he wants to eat. Oh no, Hes not done yet. His family still won't be back till 4pm. He is going to fuck you around the house for ignoring him for days.
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SUMMARY : teasing beau during work and leaving without finishing. when he gets home he wants to pick up where they left off.
PAIRING : beau arlen x fem!reader
CHARACTERS : jenny hoyt, emily arlen
WARNINGS/TAGS : nsfw (18+), smut, unprotected sex (it’s only for fiction), fluff, implied softdom!reader
A/N : song title from oasis. hey, I said I’d be back and I beat the procrastination (in which I did my hobbies and homework while thinking about how easy it is to just post for my lovely readers) XX
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Beau grunted softly against Y/N’s lips, his fingers digging into her hips the harder she ground against him. Her fingers tightened around his shoulders, kissing sloppily in his office, his dick hard in his pants and pressing into her core. He leaned his head back into the chair, dragging his large hands down her legs, squeezing her thighs before sliding back up. This time his hands slid up under the dress and her teeth gently grazed his throat, a low sound rumbling in his chest almost like a growl.
He panted heavily, squirming in his chair trying to get more friction. He bit his lip to keep himself quiet when she sucked at his pulse point. His hands slid up to squeeze her ass, bringing her impossibly close. Her fingers gently tangled in his hair, softly combing through and tugging at the strands behind his head and kissed her way back up to his lips.
She nibbled on his lower lip, pulling it gently as she circled her hips against his and moaned softly. He kneaded her ass in his hands, encouraging her, even wishing she’d give him more. She just released his lip and slipped her tongue into his mouth, bringing his head closer as she licked into his mouth. She swallowed his loud moan, wet beyond belief, her underwear sticking to her folds and probably leaving a wet spot on his pants.
She’d only intended on bringing him lunch, both of them eating together, enjoying the delicious food. Despite it being made by a criminal, it was better than anything she’d tried. And as he ate, he stared at her darkly, eyes filled with lust as they traced over her body wearing a short summer dress. She couldn’t exactly ignore it, not when he sat back in the chair and spread his legs, inviting her to sit on his lap, his lips swollen and pink from the jalapeños in his burger.
“Beau?” A knock on the door made Y/N nearly jump off his lap. Beau cleared his throat, eyes dazed and cheeks pink, his lips swollen and red, more than before. His hair looked alright but he ran his fingers through it anyway when Jenny opened the door. “Emily’s here,” Jenny smiled, stepping in and opening the door to reveal Emily who waved at them, just a little shy. Y/N leaned against the table with her back facing the door to recollect herself. She looked over her shoulder as Beau leaned over the desk to hide his excitement.
“Emily, hi,” Y/N smiled, turning to face the two women.
“Hi, Y/N,” Emily smiled back and Jenny left after giving Beau a final glance. “I didn’t know you were here, sorry.” Emily looked at the paper bags and the crumpled napkin on her dad’s desk.
“I was just gonna leave, we finished eating.” Y/N gave Beau a teasing kiss on his lips, smirking at him when she pulled away. He looked at her in disbelief, amused and excited, but he cleared his throat again, watching his girlfriend clean up the trash and throw it away. “Bye you two.” She gave Emily a hug and made her way out of Beau’s office, closing the door.
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When Beau got home the sun had already set and all that remained in the sky were the last hues of dark orange in the horizon. The house was lightless but the living room was illuminated only by flashing lights from the television.
Y/N was reading from a thick packet, deeply concentrated on the couch, random sheets of paper were spread out in stacks on the coffee table where only she could know the order in which she separated. Beau kicked his shoes off at the entrance the way Y/N always instructed him to do, and shut the door a little loudly to announce his presence, which made her jump slightly.
“Beau, hey, sweetie,” she turned to look at him, smiling lovingly with eyes bright and full of love. He smiled softly and took his hat off, hanging it on one of the hooks by the door before making his way to her.
“Hey, beautiful,” he murmured, leaning down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss before getting distracted by the endless paperwork around her. “Work was pretty busy today. I'm sorry I didn’t get to eat dinner with you,” he apologised, stroking her cheek. She shut her eyes, leaning into his touch, before looking up at him again.
“It’s fine, Beau.” She pushed the papers away from her lap to stand up on her knees and turned to face him. “I can warm it up right now if you’re hungry,” she offered, cupping his jaw to kiss him. His hands quickly found her waist, deepening the kiss and pulling her closer to him.
“I’m not hungry right now,” he murmured against her lips, then returned to kiss her again, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. She gasped softly, her fingers moving into his hair to keep him close to her mouth. His hand moved down her waist, squeezing her ass gently over the dress she was still wearing. “We have unfinished business.” He pulled away from her, eyes tracing the look on her face hardly illuminated by the TV every now and then. “You left me at the office like it was nothin’ after makin’ me hard…”
At that, she bit her lip to stop herself from laughing, patting his chest playfully. A little smile twitched the muscles of his cheeks and he eventually gave in, leaning forward to kiss her, but he got started immediately with his hands sliding up the back of her thighs under the dress. He toyed with the waistband of her underwear, his tongue sliding across her lip and pushing the wet and soft muscle into her mouth as soon as she opened up to him.
With her heart beating fast and her body becoming hot, she shoved his jacket over his shoulders, not letting him pull away as he tried to take it off and finally dropped it on the floor. The kiss quickly became desperate, pressing their lips hard against each other so their teeth occasionally clashed. With shaky hands, she started to unbutton his shirt, tugging it out of his jeans.
He slowly started to move her back, forcing her to nearly bend all the way into the couch again, his fingers hooked on her underwear to pull them down slowly. She let herself fall onto her back, smiling up at him from the couch. She finished sliding her underwear off all the way as he undid his belt expertly, eyeing the way she wiggled her hips and lifted the dress up past her hips.
“You’re the prettiest, darlin’,” he murmured, unzipping his pants.
“So are you,” she chuckled, watching him pull his pants down his legs. He snorted at her words, a blush heating up his face.
“You’re cute,” he shook his head, flattered. He just hopped over the couch and settled between her legs, leaning over her, he gave her a long kiss. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, feeling herself melt into the couch, blooming and opening up like a plant the longer he kissed her.
He leaned onto one of his arms, his blunt nails grazing her shoulder as he lowered the thin strap of her dress. He pulled back slightly to do the same to the other one, pulling the dress down to reveal her breasts, kissing her cleavage and taking his time despite how much she’d started to squirm.
Her knees squeezed his sides, her hips attempting to roll against his as he dropped kisses over her chest. His lips move up higher instead of lower, pressing soft kisses along her neck, licking softly and sucking the way she had done to him early. She gasped, throwing her head back into the couch to give him more access to her neck. His beard tickled her sensitive skin and he squeezed her hip when she started pulling him closer and wrapping her legs around his waist too.
“Beau,” she whined, pressing his boxer-clad erection against her wet cunt. A deep chuckle followed his quiet groan when he chose to ignore her.
This was payback for the way she left him wanting more for hours, his mind constantly fogged with fantasies, distracting him from work. Even after he’d softened, he’d started to harden all over again remembering how she felt earlier in his lap.
Moving back down to her breasts, he lapped at her nipple, flicking her neglected nipple with his fingers, gently brushing, pinching, and squeezing. Her back arched desperately, heavy breaths and occasional moans tumbling from her lips, sweat starting to break out on her skin the longer he teased her, avoiding the one spot where she was dripping and throbbing for him.
He carefully sank his teeth into her breasts, his teeth grazing against her hot flesh drawing out a moaned curse from her. He pushed up slightly, sucking his way back up to her neck, nibbling on her jaw before nuzzling her cheek. She squirmed at the feeling of his beard tickling her skin, his hand still busy tweaking her nipple. His hips pushed hers down onto the couch, preventing her from trying to rub herself on him.
“You’re sorry for teasin’ me, right?” He murmured, kissing her cheek, a smug smile growing on his face. “You’re sorry for leavin’ me in the office like nothin’ happened after makin’ me hard?” He gently bit down on her earlobe, his lips brushing gently over her cheek when he pulled away to look at her. “Come on, darlin’, answer me and I’ll give ya what you want,” he promised, standing up on his knees, forcing her to unwrap her legs from around his waist.
“Of course I’m not sorry.” Y/N laughed through her nose, wrapping her calves around the back of his thighs to trap him, then reaching over to slowly pull his boxers down. “I did it on purpose, because you’re just way too pretty for me not to tease you.” She grinned at him mischievously when he rolled his eyes and tongued his cheek in disbelief, his eyes playfully and amused when they met hers again with a shake of his head and a smile on his face.
“You’re unbelievable,” he mumbled, laughing softly. He leaned over her, shooed her hands away from his stomach to wrap his hand around his cock, slowly dragging the leaking tip through her folds.
“You know you like it. It’s exciting, sheriff.” A little breathlessly, she moaned as he drew circles on her clit with his cock, teasing her still for what she did to him. He didn’t disagree, just bit down hard on his lip before slowly sliding through her folds again knowing she wasn’t going to surrender.
He could tease her endlessly and really, the only one who’d truly be suffering was him. She loved to tease and even if he tried, she’d never really give him the upper hand. That was something that he loved. He loved how gentle she was with him despite always being in control, despite having his heart at the palm of her hand, she was caring and loving, so heart-wrenchingly tender.
He gently pushed his cock into her and dropped kisses over her face lovingly. Her hands slid up his freckled back, fingers carding through his silky hair, pulling him closer. He gently pulled out, then rolled his hips against hers again, his lips brushing against her jaw. His hot breath hit her neck, just when she decided to move her leg up over the couch to deepen his thrusts. The position caused him to just barely graze her cervix when he thrusted into her again.
He was still teasing her, just pretending to enjoy every agonising thrust into her wet heat, deep and slow. Arching her back and moving her hand down to his back, her nails digging gently in his muscles and scratching down his skin. Desperate, with her orgasm just barely there, on the edge of dying out, balancing right in the middle.
“I’m gonna do it everyday,” she threatened breathlessly. “I’m gonna walk into your office and walk out without giving you what you want, and I’ll make it worse by sending you pictures of myself, or even videos all day.”
“Fuck,” he muttered softly. He pouted at her, gave her a long kiss, and gave her what she wanted. He angled his hips differently, leaning to the left and putting his weight onto one of his arms by her head. He brought his other hand down to her clit, using the slick that glistened on her folds, he drew tight circles, thrusting deep and fast so his cock would brush against her g-spot over and over.
With a moan of his name, she trembled as her orgasm hit her. He grunted softly against her neck, gasping at the squeeze of her walls around his cock. Wave after wave, the pleasure she felt was elongated with how slowly he rubbed her clit. She tugged roughly at his hair, squeezing his shoulder to hold him close, barely giving him time to pull out of her.
He finished on her stomach with a moan of her name, his warm cum spilling onto her skin. She was catching her breath, excited with the sound he was making, with his head buried in her neck, his lips brushing against her shoulder, his breath hot on her already flushed skin. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his head adoringly.
“You’re amazing,” she mumbled, dropping another kiss on his hair. She heard him hum deeply in appreciation as he pulled his boxers up, then he rested his weight on her, working his arms under her back to hold her.
“And you’re perfect, Y/N,” he murmured, not caring that his cum was sticking to his own skin. He smiled peacefully, his entire body melting over hers like chocolate on a cake. He nuzzled into her neck, enjoying how lovingly she played with his hair, occasionally feeling her lips on his temple or his hair.
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
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So- I think I have to make this now? Hope you enjoy :3
Small titty gf/bf
•It really won’t cross his mind. What do you mean they’re too small? He loves them! And anyway he has enough titty for the both of you.
•But on a real note, Thomas has horrible self image problems. He can relate to disliking a part of your body. He’ll be there for you no matter what!
•If Hoyt, god forbid, says absolutely anything negative about you or your chest….. Thomas will hang him from the second story in an adult sized baby bouncer.
•Speaking from someone who lives in a rural area and has modern day Hewitts running around, they won’t care. Southern people don’t really judge on looks unless you look lgbt 💀 (and even then probably won’t say anything, most will also not give a shit).
•Thomas is more of an ass, thigh, and tummy guy anyway, so maybe you’ve lucked out! And if not, Thomas doesn’t care about looks whatsoever. He’s really the least judgement guy ever
Bonus: Michael
•Your what are too small? *aggressive deadpan* get in the bed-
•Will suck on your titties to show you how fucking stupid your being- his words not mine!
•He loves your body. Your his so stop insulting his favorite thing.
•will be a somft boy and cuddle you when ur feeling insecure
A/n: sry is so short! Motivation has been an issue for me lately. But I’m trying to complete some requests!
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lace-coffin · 5 months
Thomas hewitt with mommy kink 🥺👉👈
Or/and some tiddy sucking 🧏🏼‍♀️☺️
Thomas Hewitt with a mommy kink x afab!Reader (nsfw)
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You really should have seen this coming, considering the non existent relationship between Tommy and his birth mother. In your defence you had more important things to be considering when stranded in the middle-of- fucking-nowhere Texas. Thankfully a handsome tree of a man and his uncle found you and towed your car back to the run down family owned gas station down the road. You weren’t sure if now being deeper into the town was a blessing or a curse…no time to dwell on that now. Atleast you were in civilisation…..kinda?
Cut to a few months later and things had evolved from there, car in need of more than a few major fixes. As Hoyt, you’d come to find his name was, put it, “your lucky that shit can didn’t blow up on you 50 miles back” go figure. With no place to stay whilst your car was out of commission you ended up staying in the Hewitt house. A few days turned into a week, a week turning into ‘staying a few extra days to help around the house, to pay your debt back’ your bond with Tommy and his family developed deeper and your now up to scratch car gathered more dust outside. The whole ‘how I found out my emotionally repressed boyfriend kills and eats people’ story happened is for another day.
In the present day you lay spread lazily across the double bed you share, book in hand and eyes beginning to become unfocused from fatigue. Maybe it’s time to put the book away. Just before you can finish that thought, Tommy stomps in, making quick work of his boots and kicking them towards the door. The bed dips from his weight as he slumps down onto it.
“Hard day, big guy?” You question, setting the book aside on pushing yourself into a sitting position by his side. You only receive a grunt for confirmation.
“Hoyt been busting your ass?”
A longer exhausted groan comes from behind his hands. Ah, it’s one of those days. Thankfully you have a way to help with a 90% success rate, even if he doesn’t feel up to it you can offer a warm bath and a cuddle.
Shuffling closer to Tommy you gently slide your hands under his head, raising it to meet your gaze in the process.
“Do you need some pampering time baby? A little time with mama?” You coo, lazily drawing patterns over the leather half mask adorning your partners face.
You can tell by the way the larger man’s eyes seem to almost mist over and get more distant that it’s a yes, already falling into the headspace and wanting to let go. Tapping his cheek to get his attention you speak again.
“I’m going to need clear consent baby, are you sure you want this? If not we can try something else ok? I won’t be angry or disappointed”
Eyes shifting back to focus on you Tommy signs an “I’m sure” and waits for you to take the lead.
“Good job honey”
Pulling the pair of you down onto the bed you position yourself so Tommy is resting his face onto your chest, feeling the way it rises and falls with each breath. For now you just lay there in eachothers comfortable presence, whispering sweet nothings and praises into his long unruly hair. It’s peaceful and sweet while it lasts but you know Tommy never lasts long before getting wound up like this. Sure enough your hand not so subtly finds its way to his crotch, battered work trousers tenting in the front.
“Are you all pent up down here baby? You need mommie to take care of it?” You ask in a sickly sweet manor, it’s a rhetorical question, you know how bad he wants this, wants you. Tommy lets out a shudder and a muted groan, bucking into your warm hands.
“How about this, I take care of you and you take care of mommie ok?”
His head raises, looking you in the face as if it will answer what you’re implying, almost looking like a big lap dog with his head sat on your chest like that. His questions are answered as you start to unbutton your shirt, revealing your naked chest to his hungry eyes. Giggling at his reaction you lean to take Tommy out of his trousers, eliciting a gasp from him as it’s exposed to the air.
“Be a good boy and suck on mommies tits will you? I’ll treat you right if you can be a good boy for me and keep your hands to yourself”
Wasting no time at all Tommy dives into your chest, cupping both breasts in his calloused hands. You let a small sigh escape, practically melting into his palms as he begins to lay kisses onto the meat of your tits, teasingly avoiding the nipple, keeping you on edge and waiting.
Tugging his hair you hiss out after a particularly hard suck.
“Stop being a brat and get to it, you do want to be touched, don’t you?”
Groaning at the delicious sting in his scalp he nods fervently, plump lips finally latching onto your sensitive nipples.
“Shit..hah..perfect, just like that baby”
As a reward for his efforts you finally bring your hand back to his cock, slowly working it over in languid strokes, not slow enough to tease but not fast enough to let him cum so soon, you aren’t that kind.
With a last nip to your right breast he finally switches to the other, giving the now lonely one an equal amount of attention with his large hands. The way he moves his tongue should be illegal, it’s sloppy and dirty, laving over your abused nipples like a man starved.
Arching your chest into his mouth you speed up your ministrations, you can tell by the way his breath is beginning to hitch and his hips twitching that he’s close. Paying extra attention to the spot under the head you decide he deserves his reward. Pulling your hand away you pat him on the flank to gain his attention that’s currently focused on your panting chest.
“You’ve done such a good job making mommie feel good baby, how about you come up here and get your reward?” You giggle devilishly, patting your chest and tugging Tommy a little to encourage him to perch himself on your chest. You bite your lip as his thick cock slaps onto your chest, leaving a smear of precum to run into the valley between them.
It doesn’t take long at all after Tommy begins to fuck your tits, If he was barely holding on before then he definitely isn’t now. The noise his cock makes between your slick tits is disgustingly lewd and only spurs him on further. Before he knows it he’s on the edge, a quick “please?” is Clumsily signed out in desperation. He’s so cute still asking permission even like this, such a good boy.
“Are you gonna cum for me baby? Gonna mark me up and get me all dirty? Go ahead, you’ve earned it for being such a sweet little thing” you coo, encouraging him into his orgasm. With one final pathetic whine his cock twitches and paints your tits in warm cum, thick spurts dripping down the sides or pooling into the centre.
With few final weak thrusts, Tommy effectively collapses onto your now sticky chest, it should gross you out to have the quickly cooling cum pressed between the two of you but you’re both too blissed out to really give a fuck. Sitting in quiet again you run your hands through his hair, easing over his scalp that you abused earlier as an apology. As much as you want to stay like this forever you both need to get cleaned up before it becomes annoying.
Patting Tommy’s back you speak up again.
“Ready for that bath handsome?”
You get another tired grunt and a thumbs up from your boyfriends face down fucked out form. Stifling a laugh you continue.
“If you’re quick I might let you return the favour…”
Suddenly he’s up and into the bathroom, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him move that quick.
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unrclypirxte · 2 months
Far Cry 3 Starters! - ALWAYS ACCEPTING
@fantasystrangers said: “ this lighter really sucks. ”  (jason, to beth)
Beth worked fast and efficiently: one moment Jason was sat by his campfire in an abandoned building he'd called home, and the next he was unconscious.
It was a fluke she'd come across him, a luck of the draw for her and a string of bad luck for him. She was just going for a stroll, on her way to the nearest village a few miles down the road, and she had heard his movements. Honestly, it was the luckiest she'd been since probably landing on the island and talking Hoyt into not selling her.
Wasting no time, his hands were tied to the nearby rebar sticking out of a wall, just enough length to the layered rope and knots that he could comfortably sit on his ass and rest his hands in his lap. She was CONSIDERATE that way. Especially considering she didn't plan on killing him right away.
She'd have to radio in first.
By the time his eyes fluttered open, Beth was having her own little moment; humming a familiar tune, dancing around the room and trashing his abode on the way ( A Clockwork Orange! She loved that film! ) . She had gathered a small pile of what she'd consider valuable items, grabbed herself a cigarette, and lit it.
"Hold this," She requested ordered, paying him no mind as he tried to start a flame. But try as he might, it wouldn't ignite.
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Then he spoke, his words eliciting a laugh from deep in her chest that was as oddly warm as it was mocking. Clearly there was a secret to using it, and she knew he would be unable to do so. A cruel joke.
"Nice place you have here, mate! Very... homey, y'know? A slice of Americana. And so very you, no?" As she spoke, she dusted her hands off, words slightly muffled by the cigarette hanging between her lips.
"I was wondering where you were. Your girlfriend said you'd have left by now. I told her: no, Jason will be here because he's FUCKING this bitch from the jungle. She didn't want to hear it, started crying this annoying fucking thing. But we both know it's the truth. Speaking of... how is she? The wicked bitch of the West?"
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mehidktbh · 2 years
I saw your bo Sinclair x reader about having a big chest I also from this problem 🧍🏾‍♀️ so could you do another one with Thomas Hewitt cause I love him so much 👉🏾👈🏾 also I don't mind a nsfw version as well 👀
Thank you 💓💞💞💞💞💞
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt x Fem!Reader
Warning 18+: Hoyt being rude and a jerk, SMUT/NSFW, mentions rude/sexual comments made towards y/n, protective!Thomas, fluff and a whole lot of Thomas tho
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- You go perfectly with Thomas Hewitt, I mean he's got one big fat ass and you having a big chest only glues the puzzle together. He probably likes it knowing you guys share something in common or at least to him.
- The first time he ever sees you is probably the only time he's ever tried to be respectful. Your huffing and puffing your lungs out as you try to catch your breath from running away from him. Only when he watches from the corner does his eyes drift down to your semi-seethrough shirt.
- Even when your tied up and thrown down into the basement, huddled in the corner does he inspect you more. Getting up close and personal to you, practically breathing down your neck as he smells you. He wishes he could bury his face in between your breasts, he's so close he can smell the sweat in between them.
- On the topic of him wanting to smother you. He'd openly be open to laying on you any chance he got, from his bedroom to the basement he only wants his head on your breasts. Sometimes he can't sleep without being up close and personal to you, he's so needy.
- But as much as he wants it to be only him interested in you, it's more different. Since the day he met you someone else had their eyes on you, from morning to night he'd catch out of the corner of his eyes Hoyt staring.
- Hoyt would either be reading the newspaper or helping you with your chores. But actually, he'd be peaking over his newspaper to watch you as you ate in the morning, coming out at just the right time to lend a hand. It would make Thomas feel insecure and mad, on one hand, what happens if you fell for Hoyt. Or that maybe Hoyt would do something to make you feel uncomfortable, the list goes on and on,
- Sometimes you'd come to him sad and uncomfortable, telling Thomas about what happened and how Hoyt would say something inappropriate or do something inappropriate. But you bet your ass that Thomas has your back, Thomas wouldn't mind getting mad at Hoyt and showing him who's boss.
- Thomas loved you for you and was there when you had insecure, he'd kiss you all over and personally make time just for you... ;)
- It's not a secret that Thomas would have a soft spot for you in bed, he's never had experience before in bed and only had the 'talk' once. He was practically clueless, who knew having you there to teach him was more than fantastic.
- Sometimes he'd feel so taken away when you guys would finish, he'd be there laying by your side or on top of you watching as your chest fell and rose. It only made him crave more, the thought of going to bed every night bothered him when he worked almost every day.
- He wouldn't be able to focus on working while he had an erection, trying his best to calm himself down or hide it from any passing people.
- But when you came down to check up on him you'd almost instantly get thrown against the wall or on the table, quickly pulling his pants down as he continues to trust into you. (Quickes aren't uncommon <3)
- Even in bed Thomas would be gripping your shirt, trying his hardest to rip it off or get the stupid buttons undone. His hands would grope you almost every time you guys had sex, from licking to sucking on your nipples he'd do it almost every time.
- Mostly every time you'd end up breathless and tired, his cum all over your breasts and some bruises or hickeys left from where he couldn't control himself. But he'd come in to clean you off, a nice warm rag as he gently cleans your body. The rag wipes your breasts as he tries to clean up what he left behind. (Sometimes it would lead to only another round...)
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wawamouse · 1 month
Oz Rewatch 3: S5E02: Laws of Gravity
Miguel and Chico at odds, Miguel makes the deal to get stabbed
Augustus and Burr talk about his mother
Rebadow’s grandson needs a bone marrow transplant; Rebadow becomes obsessed with finding the cure to leukemia in herbal medicine and decides he needs to raise money to pursue the cure in alternative medicine
O’Reily turns Stanton on Montgomery, who Stanton then stabs
Suzanne gets her sentence commuted to 2 years of community service and starts a theater program at Oz; Ryan introduces her to Cyril
Brass returns to Oz, Eleanor O’Connor arrives at Oz
Schillinger is sad about Jewel going to Montana
Pancamo flashback; Peter Schibetta returns to Em City; Pancamo is interrogated by the FBI over Hank Schillinger; Robson shanks Pancamo; because Pancamo is revealed to be behind the hit on Hank, Keller is to return to Oz
Angry!Said gets put on Omar babysitting duty
Mukada and Kirk argue; Kirk tells Burns to kill Cloutier; Cloutier appears to Burns in a vision, telling him to kill Hoyt, who then kills Burns; Cloutier appears to Hoyt in the Hole
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Sister: Which one? Miguel: ...Being that you only got one good eye, droopy-eyed motherfucker Sister: That’s what I said!
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Sister: THAT’S what he got from the old man’s speech?
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Sister: What’s his vendetta again? Me: Uhh…
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Sister: [Sister] don’t want to watch this. So embarrassing. (holds up blanket and peers over to watch)
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Sister: A fellow bisexual!
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Sister: He’s like a little gremlin.
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Sister: Off to disappoint his mother.
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Sister: Tell her about the chicken incident! Me: What chicken—oh, right. Sister: Mr. Muttonchops (Beecher). Me: Yeah. Sister: Turned him into a rotisserie chicken. Me: I got that.
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Sister: Why are you back?? You should be suing their asses off and retiring. Me: Maybe their union sucks… Sister: Look, he’s still limping even. He should be on worker’s comp… He still needs physical therapy…
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Sister: Who are these random people sitting at the table? Me: Well, they did one time say that there are 10 other units like Unit B, so they’d have to have other unit managers I guess…
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Sister: How does his friend not know who his ex-wife is? Me: I think they were like friends when they were younger. Sister: Or they weren't married that long...
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Sister: He’s just trying to stir up shit.
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Sister: He’s getting the Chinese athletes treatment.
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Sister: He’s getting the military treatment.
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Sister: I don’t like it when people use the toilet as a chair. Especially if then they get on their bed later. Gross! (Said gets on his bed) Sister: NOOO!
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Sister: Wow...
Stray Thoughts
Sister was very gleeful over Eleanor being McManus’s ex because it means not another workplace relationship storyline
Stab count: 3 (and today is national knife day!)
While watching this episode, I noticed that the camera direction felt more ambitious/had more intention. Out of curiosity, I went to check and IMDb says that this episode was directed by Kathy Bates!
Sister: Did you notice the only one they didn’t give a grieving arc to in this episode was [Arif]? All the other characters with relatives on the bus got a little storyline.
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
sorry if you've already been asked this! (i tried searching but the tumblr search button sucks ass) but do you have any recommendations for historical romances where the main heroine is a courtesan? please and thank you!
No worries! I should tag more specifically, but, well... it's late now lol.
The Courtesan Duchess by Joanna Shupe technically has the heroine learn how to be a courtesan in order to seduce her husband and get up the duff.
How to Win a Scoundrel's Heart by Vivienne Lorret--the heroine is not an experienced courtesan, but gets propositioned by the hero to become his mistress for four months, after which she expects to be one. He's like her courtesan training wheels.
Melissa and The Vicar by S.M. LaViolette--Melissa is a courtesan-turned-madam who takes a vacation to a small town after suffering from stomach ulcers. She conceals her identity and falls for the super hot virgin vicar!!!!
To Beguile a Beast by Elizabeth Hoyt--not quite a courtesan, but the heroine is the longtime mistress of a dude who basically becomes dangerous, and she flees with their two children to become the (scarred, traumatized, one-eyed) hero's housekeeper. Super unique imo
The Return of The Duke by Lorraine Heath--the heroine is a courtesan who was the hero's father's mistress; he begins coming after her because he's trying to find out if and why his father would try to assassinate Queen Victoria (and summarily be stripped of his titles and executed). Rare Lorraine Heath 69 included
Unclaimed by Courtney Milan--the heroine is a sex worker (not quiiite a courtesan, but well known) who's hired by the bad guy to seduce the hero, who's famously a virgin and all-around good guy waiting to fall in love
The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt--Elizabeth's debut, in which the heroine isn't a courtesan but puts on a mask and pretends to be one in order to fuck her boss, who's been visiting a brothel in an effort to avoid his desires for her
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moronic-validity · 11 months
His terrible and deserves no love but idk man call it daddy issues if u will - I just want Hoyt to kiss me and call me sweet names ajiajdbwusnsk
This ask has been in my inbox for over a year, but I'm clearing all the asks out so
And, I know I used to be mad dramatic about the Hoyt asks and while he still isn't my cup of tea, I got humbled bad when I told an irl friend I had a crush on Lester Sinclair....so...it be like that.
Personally speaking, I'm not sure he'd be one to use sweet names, but I'm sure if the house was completely empty and y'all had been together for a long ass time, anything is possible.
Also, inevitably, you will get very minor stubble burn from him kissing you. It only sucks the first time, after that, it becomes kinda comforting in a really weird way.
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