#we met up with that after that and everything was fine and we're cool with each other now?
It's very strange seeing other people interpret your relationships through the lens of a story, and seeing them do it completely incorrectly
I get why it happens obviously- to them it is just a story, and everything is open for interpretation, and the version of events that I'm from is only one of many possibilities.
Still strange though
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hellfirecvnt · 3 months
It's Personal
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
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TW: Violence against Y/N (not via Billy), farfetched for the plot, Billy is mean, angst, possible cringe idk. We're all friends here. THE VIOLENCE IS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL FOR THE MOST PART. A little bit non-canon Billy, but if you're reading his dialogue as sassily and as dry as I'm writing it, it's not quite as jarring to his personality.
Notes: I literally just learned about the "Who did this to you?" Trope and now I'm giving it an angsty go. This is not smut, womp, womp. Also, I did the gifs like a picture book so you can kinda see the expression or energy I was going for. Summary: Billy's been an ongoing bully/ nuisance in your life since you met. He's acting a little different after finding out you've been hurt.
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"Can you try not to take up half the lecture dick-riding the professor?" Billy catches you as you're making your way across campus. He's always been an issue for you, ever since he moved here your junior year in high school. Now you're both freshmen in college. He'd taken a year off to pursue other outlets, but sometimes you're convinced he did it just to be able to torment you in college, seeing as he was always a grade above.
"What are you talking about, Billy?" You ask with an exasperated sigh. Already too exhausted from studying late the night before to deal with his endless harassment.
"I'm saying every time we have this course, you ask a million fucking questions the whole time," his voice is low, but filled with a palpable hate. Why does he dislike you so much? You've never known. You've never asked. "Try to save your desperation for after class, cool? It's hard to watch," He jabs, speed-walking ahead of you.
Most days, you'd say something back. A quip just as hateful, if not worse. You were his rival in every sense of the word. The two of you even shared the same genre of fashion sense. You stole his spotlight, and he doesn't like it, so he notices when your venom is running low. You're silent the entire lecture, not because of what Billy said to you, but because you're tired.
Your study session only ran so late because you and your boyfriend spent most of the day arguing. The gaslighting is constant, and his moods have become more and more unstable and harder to navigate. You tell yourself over and over that you love him. You've loved him since you were young. He's your high school sweetheart. Andy was on the basketball team in high school and while that type usually didn't take to a hair-metal gal like you, he seemed so smitten when you met.
The room is dismissed and you try to file out long before Billy can make it to the door. He laughs at your desperate attempt to get away. Like a cockroach scurrying away from a suddenly illuminated bulb. You're not fast enough and as he passes you before you reach the exit to the building, he leans over and taunts you in your ear.
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"It's about time you listened," he hisses and walks away laughing. You're indifferent. Nothing he says could hurt the way Andy's words do. You tune everything out to make room for your insecure thoughts to take over. You blame yourself for Andy's rapid change in personality. What could you have done to make him feel like this toward you? Your mind is far too occupied by these untrue concerns, that you barely feel the anxiety settle in until you get back to your dorm. It was a bit more pricey on your tuition, but your scholarship allowed you to have a dorm room for yourself. Instead of another bed, it has a small "living room" area.
With a deep, grounding sigh, you reach for the door handle and step inside. Things are fine. Andy greets you with a smile and kisses you sweetly as you set your things down by the door. You're pleasantly surprised, allowing all the toxic thoughts circling your mind to melt away under his gentle touch.
"How was class?" He asks.
"It was fine. Nothing spectacular," you giggle, smiling warmly, overtly relieved that he's not still upset with you. You can barely recall what he was angry about, to begin with. You snuggle into him as you both relax on the couch. He stares straight ahead as he opens his mouth to speak.
"One of my buddies said he saw you talking to that Steve guy," Andy's voice becomes colder, and you realize it was all a trap. You're wrapped in his arms, feeling his body go rigid as you hesitate to answer. "Y/N." He finally looks down at you, meeting your anxious gaze.
"Oh, uh," your throat goes dry. "I did talk to him. He was a little late and just needed the notes from the first section. I charged him five bucks." You begin to ramble, hoping to defuse the situation before he explodes. "He's still going steady with that Debra girl, too. She's in my journalism class. I bet those cookie-cutter losers end up married, honestly."
"You know I don't like you talking to other guys without me." Andy clenches his jaw.
"I know! I completely understand, too. You know I love how possessive you are, babe. It's hot," you're desperate and hopeful that stroking his ego will put this anger to bed. "There were so many people around, so I was thinking nothing could happen." You furrow your brow at your own words. "Your friend was even there to make sure!"
Andy's grip around you tightens, nearly cutting off your ability to fill your lungs just using one arm.
"I don't ask you for a lot, Y/N." His free hand reaches up to your face, gripping your jaw and forcing you to look into his eyes, though you weren't looking away to begin with. "Don't make me look like a fool." When he loosens his grip, your lungs inflate with a loud gasp and his shift in position slides you off the couch, into the floor with a small thud. Now you're angry. The two of you have screamed at each other plenty of times, but how dare he act so bold?
"Andy," you stand, hovering over him where he remains on the couch. His arched brows frame his bright eyes with anger. "Get out." He smirks, and it fills you with unease. Standing from the couch, he takes one step forward, nearly chest to chest with you, if it weren't for the dramatic height difference. He towers over you, stealing the feeling of power you thought you were cultivating.
"What'd you just say to me?" He asks with a sociopathic smile.
"I said," You swallow hard. "Get. The fuck. Out." You barely get a chance to speak the last word of your sentence before a fast, hard open hand meets your cheek, knocking you to the ground, and almost sending you across the room, it felt like.
"Do not ever talk to me like that just because you got caught," Andy's words are full of anger. You stare at him with wide eyes, arching your brow in an expression that asks him who the fuck he thinks he is. He storms out of the dorm, but you know he'll be back. And after these events, you're scared to try and stop him. His college teammates are at every corner, it seems. It's as if ever since Jason went out of state for college, they all bend to Andy's will. Losers. Andy doesn't come home until after you've fallen asleep. You stayed up as late as your body could take, but he wasn't back in bed until 5 AM. You have no idea where he's been.
The next day, it's your misfortune that you and Billy share yet another class. This one was early in the morning rather than yesterday's afternoon lecture. You're running on very little sleep, and the trauma of Andy snapping and putting his hands on you. It's just something you could never even fathom. The way he would kiss the ground you walked on when you first met, how could he? You're more than distracted, staring directly at the floor as you walk until you run flat into someone else in the hall.
"I stood here, completely still, to see if you'd notice. I guess other people don't exist to you, huh, princess?" He mocks you. It's not long before he notices the dark bags under your lifeless eyes and the speckles of red that have risen in the hazy shape on the side of your face. Assuming it's an allergic reaction like you had back in high school, he didn't hold back. "Jesus Christ, Y/N. You look like shit."
"Still look better than you could pull, pussy," you sneer, shoving past him. "Don't fucking make me late." He steps in front of you again, knowing neither of you is late because he's on the same schedule.
"What happened to your face? It looks like your boyfriend had to tell you twice," he bursts out laughing at his distasteful joke. You can feel your blood begin to boil. You no longer wish to exchange hateful comments. Now you want to hurt him. You want to hurt Billy the way Andy hurts you. You can't swing on him, so you take your next best shot.
"Yeah? How many times did your mom have to tell you before she just gave up and left?" You boldly stare Billy in the eyes, hoping so badly that none of Andy's henchmen see the two of you going at it. Billy's jaw is rigid, and you can see it tighten as he grinds his teeth, subduing his emotions. You've never come at him like that, it wasn't expected. His taunting smirk is long gone.
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"Are you trying to get your fucking ass kicked, Y/L/N?" Billy's disgusted with himself the minute he says it. Of course, he doesn't mean that. He'll drive you into an early grave, but it's never been in his moral compass to hurt a woman the way his father hurt his mom. He wants to rescind the rhetorical threat, but his ego just clamps his lips shut. Your eye twitches as you wonder what else you've got to lose. Or would Andy hit you again for letting another man kick your ass? Your thoughts are exaggerated and full to the brim with frustration. You finally explode.
"Fucking do it then, Billy! Swing! Hit me, motherfucker!" You drop your belongings and stomp toward him and he's unsure how to react now that you've called him on his bluff/ intrusive thought.
"Calm the fuck down. You look ridiculous," Billy takes a cautious step back.
"No, let's go outside. Let's see how hard you can hit someone half your fucking height, pussy!" You're nearly causing a scene, but the building is empty for the hour. Tears well in your eyes and you refuse to let up, demanding he act on his "big, scary" threat. He won't. He stares at your watery, red eyes. Your face is flushed and only your cheeks, nose, and around your eyes hold any pigment. He essentially waits until you tire yourself out.
"You've gotta do something about that shit, Y/N. You're fucking losing it," he shakes his head.
"I'm not losing any-fucking-thing, Hargrove. Don't ever mistake me for a bitch you can scare off with an empty fucking threat," you spit, grabbing your things and taking off, leaving Billy standing confused in the empty hallway.
"What the fuck was that?" He questions aloud. He has no idea you've been drained with no way to recharge. You've been hurt with no way to heal. To him, you're losing your goddamn mind. After that, he's not even angry at your comment anymore. He's just, concerned? Maybe just curious, really. After all, he's supposed to be your burden. Anything else takes the attention off of him.
The class is long and just like yesterday, you're quiet when you usually never stop engaging. Even the professor notices, and she asks you to linger behind after the lecture is over.
"Hey, Y/N. What's up? You were so quiet today," the professor's soft voice is sweet to your ears.
"I've just been, um, tired." You shake your head, barely convincing yourself.
"Is that a bruise on your cheek, honey?" The kind, older woman asks with two hands resting on her coffee mug. Just outside the open door, Billy waits for you to pass by before he realizes you're staying behind. He scoots as close to the door as he can, flat along the wall, listening.
"A bruise," he whispers to himself, recalling what he thought was a rash. His stomach almost attempts to simulate the feeling of guilt as he remembers the joke he made at you. The one that set you off.
"Oh, no. It's a reaction. New laundry detergent fucked me up," you stop yourself. "Messed me up, sorry."
"Y/N, you're an adult. I can't make you do anything you don't want to do, but it's very clearly not hives," the professor sighs, her eyes full of concern as she stares at the ever-developing bruise as it slowly takes the shape of a hand. "Is it another student at the University?"
"Ma'am, with all due respect, I'm dealing with a lot right now. I will see you on Wednesday. Goodbye." You snatch your things up and zip toward the door, holding your breath. The wind from your speed walking blows your hair back, giving Billy a perfect view of the hand-shaped bruise yellowing on the side of your face. You're too determined to get out of there to react to his eavesdropping, so the two of you just share a look, and you keep going.
Billy furrows his brow. He's unsure you even have a boyfriend, so who exactly is leaving bruises like that right, front and center on your face? After his last course of the day, Billy congregates with his friends at a nearby frat house belonging to a different college.
"Hey, Tommy," Billy calls his friend's attention. Tommy pulls himself away from the group of guys he was laughing with and sits across from Billy. "You know that Y/N girl? Lots of denim, nice ass?" It's not until the last two descriptors that Tommy recalls who you are. Figures.
"Yeah, what about her?"
"What's her deal? She dating anybody?" Billy asks, innocently enough.
"I don't know, man. Why do you always ask me about shit like that?" Tommy laughs.
"Because you gossip like a woman," Billy smirks, standing from his slouched position on the couch and grabbing a beer from the large, ice-filled cooler in the kitchen. "She's some annoying broad in a couple of classes with me. I thought I'd ask around and see if there's a reason she never shuts her goddamn mouth." Both of them laugh at his hateful remark, but it's true to him. You get on his nerves, but it's less what you say, and more so the fact that you do "him" better than him. The men drink irresponsibly and cause a ruckus until late, late at night where they then wander back to their campus/ dorms on foot.
You wake up in the morning finally feeling well-rested for the first time in a while, despite the sudden changes in your relationship. You look over to see Andy's side of the bed is empty. You assume he slept over at the frat house after getting too fucked up. You know he likes to party.
Sitting comfortably on your couch, watching an episode of your favorite show, though it's a rerun, you involuntarily flinch when you hear the door open. Andy slightly stumbles through, laughing with messy hair. His clothes seem disheveled, but you chalk it up to drunken hijinks.
"Hey, babe! Did you have fun?" You ask, smiling, beaming, really. Hoping the sound of his laughter is a sign he's in a good mood this morning.
"Huh?" He looks over at you as if he didn't notice your existence until you spoke.
"I was just asking if you had a good time. Sorry I couldn't go with you, I was just too tired," you laugh.
"Oh, no. It's cool. I like it when it's just me and the guys, actually." His confession makes you a little sad, but you try to understand.
"Got any plans for today?" You grin, letting your guard down.
"For the love of God, dude. Can I get in the door first?" He snaps.
"Okay... Sorry," you quieted yourself down at first, but then quickly realized that's not who your daddy raised. You're getting ready to confront him again despite the smack until you notice something that makes your stomach drop, a small trail of three faint hickeys along your long-term boyfriend's neck. "Babe. Where did those come from?"
"What are you talking about?" He groans, throwing himself on the couch next to you, gripping your thigh possessively.
"I'm talking about the hickeys on your neck, Andy. Where did they come from?" Your voice is low and shaky. "Just you and the guys, huh?"
"Don't start with this shit again, Y/N. I'm too hungover." He dismisses you entirely, and all the rage you'd been holding back to be the "cool girlfriend" comes pouring out.
"You knocked me to the floor for looking at Steve Harrington! You put your hands on me for some made-up story you formulated in your own head and now you're coming home with hickyes?!" The longer you scold him, the darker his expression becomes.
"I'm giving you one fucking chance to get on your fucking knees right now and apologize," Andy's unsettlingly calm. You're frozen. Too scared to be openly defiant, but too angry to fold at his command. "One... Two..." He stands, softly placing a hand on your cheek and sliding it up into your hair, gracefully scraping the tips of his fingers behind your ear. It's so soft and soothing, that the sensation causes goosebumps to rise on your skin. Your eyes flutter shut and just as they're about to open again, he closes his fist around a large portion of your hair and forces you to the ground.
"Andy!" You scream, both terrified and in pain.
"I'm so sick of this, Y/N. I'm sick of you," he growls through gritted teeth, holding you painfully at his side like a heeling dog.
"God damn it, stop! It's fucking over! Fuck whoever you want!" You cry, shifting your position against him in hopes of loosening the pull against your scalp.
"And let you whore yourself out to every other guy on campus? Fuck off. You're mine." He finally releases your hair, tossing you forward in front of him. He kneels down to get closer to your face, speaking lowly. "I heard Hargrove's been asking about you. Think you're safe with your playboy side-piece?"
"He's not my side-piece! Please, Andy. Why are you being like this?" You hold a hand up to defend yourself.
"You think I don't see you two whispering to each other? You think you're smart enough to hide anything from me?" Andy's voice is slowly rising in volume. You worry the other students will hear the commotion. You don't want to lose your solo dorm rights seeing as men aren't supposed to "live" with women in the dorms.
"He's a dick, dude! I fucking hate the guy, please stop!" Your makeup is trailing down your face as you continue to cry for mercy. He shakes his head at the scene.
"I tried warning you. I tried getting my point across to you, but you won't hear me," he sighs as he snatches your hair back into his fist in one, quick, snake-like action. You wail at the aching tug, squeezing your eyes shut from the pain. Just as you go to open them, you see his hand flying toward you. It starts with open-handed smacks, knocking the wind out of you from how bad they hurt, but he progresses until he's landing blow after blow, all over you. Anywhere he can reach as you try to block him.
Eventually, you're badly roughed up, and Andy stands to look at what he's done. The remaining alcohol seems to clear from his system as the reality of his actions sets in.
"Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck," he mumbles, tearing his shirt off as it's stained with your blood. He shoves it deep into the trashcan and disappears to wash the evidence of the horrors against you off of his hands. He returns to where you lie in the living room. He's wearing a fresh shirt and his breath heaves as he stares at your seemingly unconscious body. You're awake though, barely. Holding your breath as long as possible, only allowing the shallowest of breaths, basking in the stillness after the abhorrent beating.
Andy bolts out the door and after a few moments of silence, loud sobs of relief and pain emit from your sore chest. You roll over into a ball, holding yourself close as you process everything. You mourn who you were before the person you trusted most betrayed you. You mourn your relationship, regardless of the last few days. You mourn your own face as you imagine the recovery process will be long and draining. You lie there for a while until night falls.
Once it's dark out, you sneak to the old gym building to use the showers there, hoping to avoid running into anyone and having to answer any questions about your battered appearance. No one uses the old gym because it's full of spiders and has a terrible draft, but it's still open to the students 24/7. It's your run-of-the-mill college basketball court with a weight room and showers.
You get inside the building and listen to the silence of the empty halls. Peace. You're numb now. You've cried all you can, and the pain has become a dull hum. Now you just want to shower and try to find yourself beneath all the blood. You scale the walls of the dark hallway, searching for a light switch. You nearly jump out of your skin when you feel what you can only imagine is human flesh.
"Oh fuck!" You and the mystery person exclaim in unison, startled by each other's presence. Still on edge, you duck down, covering your face. The light flips on and you recognize the sweaty figure who stands before you. Billy. He comes to this gym for privacy in the weight room and always has. Not as confident as his demeanor would lead you to believe.
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"Had to be you, didn't it?" He rolls his eyes. "Did you come here to- Oh fuck, Y/N." His uncreative insult is cut short when you lower your arms, revealing the massacre of swollen features and bloody skin that used to be your face. His mouth hangs open for a moment. "What happened to you?"
"Oh, shut the fuck up. Like you fucking care, Hargrove. Get out of my way," you're angry, and it feels like you'll be angry forever.
"Hey," he stops you from walking past him by stepping in your path. "I said what happened?" His voice sounds different. Like you've never heard before. Uncharacteristically concerned, but don't let that fool you. It's still not a lot of concern and it's quite monotoned. His eyes search yours for any kind of answer and it's the least arched his brow has ever been. He's being so... Quiet. You're silent too, stunned by his behavior.
"Thought you were gonna kick my ass too, Billy. You scared now?" Your remark is meant to be a bold taunt, but your voice cracks as you fight for your life to hold back tears.
"Y/N, I'm serious. Who did this to you?" He asks sternly, losing patience by the minute. You still can't seem to trust him enough to open up, so you look down at the ground in silence. "Fuck it. Come on." Billy's long legs float him swiftly down the hall and you hesitate to follow, ultimately deciding all these years arguing with Billy have at least felt better than the last three days with Andy. He leads you to the empty men's locker room where he retrieves an old first-aid kit and a bottle of water from the coach's office, then he makes his way to a locker and retrieves a clean shirt. It's soft and worn in and has the name of your university written across the front.
"Thanks," you mumble, taking the box and other supplies from him. You douse the shirt in water and begin to try to wipe your face clean. There's no mirror, so you can't quite tell what you're doing, causing you to scrape over your open wounds and flinch.
"Just fucking," Billy snatches the damp shirt from you. "Let me do it." He's careful and thorough as he gently works the soft, wet fabric across the new and old blood covering your identity. You can't help but stare at his eyes as they focus so intently on each section of your face that he wipes clean. Just as he's finishing up, his eyes meet yours for a moment. It's a short, little second, but it felt so drawn out. Billy breaks the eye contact when he sets the shirt to the side.
"That should be okay, for now." He reaches for the kit in your hands.
"I can do it, Billy," you remind him, yanking the box away, rejecting any more gentle touch. It doesn't feel like you deserve it right now.
"Let me help," he demands softly, popping the little tin box open and rummaging around for bandaids and antibiotic ointment. He patches you up and while he's working, you're watching his intense face. His brows are arched and his lips every so slightly pursed. You can't clock what emotion he's feeling. Obviously, he's expressing some sort of sympathy, but he hates you. He always has. So maybe he's just having a human moment.
"What's the matter with you, man? Are you fucking with me?" Your guard begins to rise again. You don't trust your own intuition anymore. You tighten your grip around a plastic pair of scissors from the first-aid kit. Billy notices and releases a laughing sigh.
"No, I'm not fucking with you." He places one final bandage. "You're insufferable as fuck, but I don't think you had this coming." He looks you up and down. That's as close as Billy can get to "comforting" anyone. "Don't stab me with those." He points to your hand and you blush, a little embarrassed by your overly-cautious behavior.
"Why do you hate me, Billy?" You ask, point blank as you release the scissors, catching him off guard.
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"Because you're the worst. You're loud, you're egotistical, you're an ugly crier," he chuckles, all too quickly, being put on the spot.
"You're just describing yourself," you knit your brows, quickly wiping the tears from your eyes after his ugly cry comment. "I'm serious. You'd think we'd have so much in common. You hated me the second we met. Why?"
"I don't hate you, Y/N. I'm putting bandaids on your split fucking eyebrow. You're just fun to get a rise out of." Billy closes the kit and tosses it aside with the bloody shirt. It's not news to him that he torments you because of a mix of annoyance and attraction, but you have no idea. What started as his catty attempts to pick you up turned into an all-out rivalry when you were the first girl to tell him to shut the fuck up instead of batting your eyelashes at him. To you, he's just a mean dude. But right now, it's like he's someone else entirely. When he's acting like this, you're finally able to see what makes him so irresistible to every girl on campus. Your rivalry kept you blind to it, but now, you can see his brilliant teeth in his wide, warm smile. You can see his sunflower eyes, framed by long, thick, dark lashes. His jawline, his shoulders, everything about him seems so beautiful to you now.
"Thank you, Billy," you smile weakly. He scans your swollen features and something in him awakens. A possessiveness. Rage ensues. Every opinion of you he's ever had melts away except for his attraction to you. Your voice, your mannerisms, everything he's ever absolutely torn you to shreds for, suddenly he admits to himself that it never bothered him. In his eyes, you're his, even if you're just a target for his teasing, a bit of banter around the school, you're still his.
"You never said who did it," Billy chews his inner lip, trying to keep calm until he gets the information he needs from you.
"It doesn't matter-"
"It matters. Who was it?" His voice is stern and sharp. He's still knelt close to you even though he's done tending to your wounds.
"It just... Happened so fast..." You flinch as you recall opening your eyes to his incoming hand.
"Start from the beginning," the sternness in his voice softens. You give him the full run down. Billy's face remains stone, motionless, but his eyes twitch and flutter with each gruesome new detail dragging him further down to the point of no return.
"We've been together so long. I never thought..." You hold your hands up in confusion, dropping them hopelessly in your lap.
"A name. Now." Billy stares deep into your eyes as he makes his demands. You can almost feel a heat coming off his gaze as it bores into you. It's clear he will not relent until he gets the answer he's asking for.
"His name is Andy." That's all Billy needs before he's standing up and exiting the locker room without another word. "Billy?" You call after him, still sitting on the bench. You finally stand to follow when you don't hear a response from him. "Why do you care?" This stops him in his tracks. He turns around for a second as if he's going to explain, but he never does. He tilts his head with a small shrug and disappears. "Wait!" You call, but the exit door is already closing behind him and he stalks off into the dimly lit campus. He sparks up a cigarette on the way, exhaling a large cloud behind him. Andy better have life insurance.
Billy ponders your question as he makes his way across the courtyard. Regardless of any flirtatious feelings he has for you, this comes down to wishing he could've defended his mother in this same way. He was too small then, he's not now, and Andy's about to face the full extent of that rage extending all the way back to his childhood. For now, it's personal.
You take the time alone to have a quick shower to wash away the blood in your hair and hopefully make yourself feel a little better. You're careful not to get your face wet and ruin Billy's careful doctoring. Once your shower is finished, you grab your bag and head back to your dorm. It's still dark, so you keep close to the dim, yellow street lamps that lead to the student housing. There's a dull hum that vibrates from each light post, it's all you can hear, all you can focus on to make yourself stop thinking about Billy.
Back at your place, you lock the door as many times as possible before shakily taking a seat on the small couch. You flip the TV on, just to have something to fill the silence. Every time someone passes by your door, your heart rate leaps and you lose control of your breathing. After the third or fourth time it happens, you seem to desensitize. Billy's new demeanor he has toward you is all you can think about. The softness of his words, his touch. You didn't think he was capable of it. You curl up, pulling your legs to your chest as you snuggle into the plush cushions, nearly dozing off, trying to remember the way his shirt smelled when he was using it to clean you up.
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Billy's hell-bent on getting his hands on Andy, tonight. Crossing the lot, he reaches his car and slides inside. His face is blank as he stares ahead, with only one objective in mind. He follows the sound of blaring house music to a nearby frat house and angrily tears the door open. Wasting no time, he walks right up to the first person he sees.
"Where's Andy?" He asks, yelling over the music. The first few people have no idea who he's looking for until he comes to Tommy. "Where's Andy?"
"Andy from Econ? He's upstairs. Dude's super stressed about something and took a bottle up there. Finals, man." Tommy laughs, but Billy's already walking away before he's even finished his sentence. The entire party becomes muffled beats in his ears as he climbs the stairs in pursuit of the man who made you look like a bad Halloween decoration.
First door, nothing. Second door, nothing. Third door, Billy slings it open and a stressed out, curly-haired brunette man jumps out of his skin.
"Fuck, dude! You fucking scared me!" He exclaims.
"You Andy?" Billy asks, already breathless with anticipation.
"I- yeah? Why?" Billy answers his question by crossing the room in the blink of an eye and scooping him up by his shirt. He slams Andy against the wall, eyes wide with unbound rage. "What the fuck are you doing, man?!" The commotion can't be heard over the party below. It's just the two of them.
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"You know how much of a pussy you gotta be to beat up on someone half your height?" Billy strains through gritted teeth. This is a thin reference to what you said to him when he let his emotions cloud his judgment and threatened to kick your ass.
"Wait... Y/N? She's alive? Jesus Christ..." Andy's eyes nearly roll back with relief and Billy looks at him disgusted.
"What? You thought you beat her to death? Then, you just left her there and went to a party?" Billy raises his eyebrows, almost seeming to smile. "That's fucked up, man." He slams Andy against the wall again, harder, to accentuate his point.
"Come on, dude. Whatever she told you-"
"I'm not here to talk about her." Billy silences your cruel, long-time partner. "Right now, we're not gonna talk at all."
"Dude-" Billy tosses the guy to the floor, cutting off his futile begs.
"I think right now, I'm gonna beat the living shit out of you," Billy kneels at Andy's side. "And then I'm gonna go fuck your girlfriend."
Billy lands punch after punch, unintentionally mirroring the way Andy laid into you. The only difference is that Billy's got a lot more size, muscle, and strength training than Andy. He lays into him, pummeling in any way he can figure out to mimic all the bruises and blood he could see on you. Billy grips Andy's shirt by the shoulders and forcefully pulls him to his feet just to uppercut him in the stomach, over and over. Blood and saliva fly from Andy's mouth as Billy hooks his fist up against his stomach.
When he's finally done, Andy's no more than a gargling mess on the floor. Properly bloodied just like he left you. Once again, Billy kneels down to Andy, establishing dominance and reminding him who he's fucking with now.
"If you come near her again," Billy inhales and exhales a shuddering breath as adrenaline continues to surge through him. "I will hurt you. I will hurt your family. There is no hiding, I will fucking kill you." His threat is no more than a low whisper before he stands and leaves Andy to wallow in his filth.
Billy's drive back is short and sweet, but he doesn't trust Andy or his entourage of prissy jock boys, so he rolls his eyes and pulls into the lot in front of the women's dorms, and makes his way to yours. He's always known which one you stay in, though finding out was an accident while he was being snuck in by one of his one-night-stands. It was common practice, hence why Andy pretty much lived with you since he had a shared dorm on the men's side.
He raises his hand to bang on the door, but hesitates, knocking softly and even calling your name through the door so you'd know it was him.
"Y/N, it's Billy." You smile with relief, still steadying your anxiety from his initial knock.
"Billy? How did you know which dorm was mine?" You question as you pull the door open.
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"I knocked on every single one. And asked for you by name. At 11 PM." He looks at you, straight-faced, annoyed that you think so little of him.
"Are you fucking serious? They'll crucify me," you sigh, unsure if you can even feel any more stress at this point.
"I'm fucking with you. I know where your dorm is because I pay attention."
"And here I thought I was so annoying," you chuckle. There's a short silence between you, something unheard of for you two. "Do you, um, wanna come in?" You step to the side, inviting him in. Nervous, but not sure why. He's never had that effect on you before.
"No, you're coming with me."
"I am?" You raise an eyebrow.
"Yeah. I just stirred up a lot of shit, probably. I don't like the idea of you sleeping here alone." His words are compassionate, but the delivery is so blank, that you'd think he didn't actually care at all.
"Oh, alright. Let me grab some stuff." You gather your things and follow Billy to his light blue Camaro. He opens the door for you, but even he's wearing an expression that says this is a foreign act of kindness for him. He closes the door and takes his spot in the driver's seat. Billy glances over at you, but you're peering out the car window, searching the shadows for movement. The copper-colored light shining from the street lamp illuminates the high points of your face, exposing your expression as he watches the anxiety dissolve into comfort. Something about being the cause of it strokes his already inflated ego.
"You know what?" You break the silence, turning to meet Billy's gaze.
"Contrary to the way my face and body look right now, he really can't hit that hard." You raise your eyebrows and nod, reassuring him that you mean that with your whole chest.
"I wouldn't know. I didn't give him a chance to swing." His grip around the steering wheel tightens, but he grins proudly.
"Don't worry, I took enough for the both of us," you joke, earning a shocked laugh from the curly-haired man you positively loathed just a day or so ago.
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"I dunno. I think you could've taken him if the circumstances were different," he smirks at you, chin up.
"Oh, absolutely. If the emotional ties weren't there, we'd at least have gone a round or two," you mimic boxing the dashboard. It's obvious to both of you that this is not the case, but making a joke of a bad situation is a lot easier than crying. Billy's relieved, as he would have zero idea how to even approach you if you were crying. He's the "tell you you're not a pretty crier and then wonder why you cry harder" type of guy.
"Matter of fact, put me back in coach," you chuckle, accidentally reopening the split on your lip. "Oh, fuck," you mumble, pressing a finger to the wound, worsening the mess.
"Shit," Billy grabs a napkin from his glove box. "Don't touch it," he snaps. You quickly pull your hand away from your face and for just a moment, your breath hitches in your chest. You don't mean to react this way, you're not scared of him, you hope he knows that. He gives a small smile and a nod, almost like a silent apology for scaring you. He holds the napkin to your lip for you as he pulls into the Men's dorm parking lot. His family, much like yours, paid the extra fees to have a large dorm room all to himself. It was sort of a necessity for Billy considering his short temper and inability to compromise.
"How's your lip?" He asks as you set your overnight bag on his small futon in the tiny living area the solo dorms come with.
"It's fine. I think the bleeding stopped and everything," you smile, keeping it small so as not to pop open another split.
"You can take my bed. I got the futon," once again, his words are so kind and generous, but his tone is flat and bare.
"Don't be stupid. I'm your guest. You've..." You sneer at yourself in disgust as you prepare your next sentence. "You've done a lot for me already."
"God," he stares at you with wide eyes.
"It looked like you were gonna be sick from saying that out loud."
"Came pretty close, bud." You squint your eyes. It's clear to both of you that this is weird. It's awkward and even a little uncomfortable. He's done so much for you, yes, and you do feel it outweighs all the innocent hell you gave each other, but where do you go from here?
"So, now what? I sleep here. We go to tomorrow's lectures. Then, I just go back to normal?" You don't want to insinuate that you expect him to play bodyguard forever, but it would be kind of nice. You lie the futon into its flat, bed position as you ask.
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. 'Night." Billy climbs into his bed.
"Goodnight, Billy," you say, lowering the tough-gal front you attempt to keep up, usually when you aren't dealing with shit like this. Your voice sounds different when you let your walls down. It's sweeter. And the sound of it makes Billy's chest light.
In the safety of Billy's dorm, sleep finds you swiftly. You're out like a light, but Billy can't say the same. He lies with his eyes plastered to the ceiling. His mind is incoherent, bouncing all over from the possibility of the entire college sports program jumping him to the thought of you and him going back to "normal." It all started when he saw you, thought you were hot, but learned pretty quickly how self-assured you are. You would never be the easy catch he was used to and it pissed him off, igniting a multi-year feud between you. What if that feud were to end?
Billy lies on his back, his two muscular arms propped beneath the back of his head. He glances diagonally in the direction where you sleep. You're peacefully out, features slowly healing from the damage. He could stare at you all night, and that pisses him off too. He rolls his eyes and expels an exasperated sigh before rolling over, hoping that keeping his back faced in your direction will help shield him from the ambiguous thoughts invading his mind.
The next day, you're awake long before him, and to avoid overstepping, you rush through your morning hygiene routine and begin to reset the futon. You're as quiet as possible, but the second your fingertips graze the doorknob, Billy stirs.
"No," he says, wiping a hand over his face to rub the sleep away. "Just give me a minute. We'll go together." He sounds annoyed. You shake your head, dropping yourself down onto the futon while you wait for him to wake up.
"It's really no rush. I gotta get back across campus to get ready anyways." You call to him as he brushes his teeth in the small bathroom.
"I know you do. I'll drive you, just give me a minute," he waves away your excuses to leave without him, his voice becoming a little harsh as he repeats his request for more time. You know walking across campus isn't a treacherous walk. It's long, sure, but not unmanageable. What's really at stake is you running into anyone from the basketball team. And while that's your main concern, Billy has his own selfish reasons for wanting to keep you around. She's nice to look at, he tells himself, but it's more than that.
He walks from one end of the dorm to the other, wearing nothing but a dark grey pair of boxers. He's so lean and huge with well-toned muscles. He must spend a lot of time in the old weight room. You begin to wonder if Andy's in the hospital or not. Your eyes travel from his broad shoulders down to the V shape at his waist. You're unsure if it's your newfound ability to see him as a person, or maybe a trauma bond, but this man has you feeling out of character.
"Alright, car." He points out the door, using his primitive two-word command to instruct you to get into his car. He's still waking up.
"Billy, you know I could've just come back by myself, right? You didn't have to get up so early." You're the first to break the sleepy morning silence in the car. He looks at you like you've suggested possibly the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard.
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"I know that. That's stupid. You're too trusting." Billy stares straight ahead through his black sunglasses.
"I guess," you shrug, not taking anything he says too seriously. How could you after all these years? He pulls into the Women's dorm lot and the two of you approach your personally decorated dorm room door. To your horror, the doorknob opens with ease. You forgot to lock it. A wary breath falls down your chest as you squeeze your eyes shut, grounding yourself before opening the door. Billy's confused until he finally sees inside. It's just as you suspected. The entire room, top to bottom, is trashed- thoroughly.
"What the fuck?" Billy inserts himself in front of you, taking a few steps inside to further assess the damage. His eyes narrow in anger as he catalogs every broken picture frame and demolished knick-knack. You seemed to have had a lot of curiosities and oddities, all of which were destroyed on your equally ruined floor.
"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, I'm gonna lose it," you whisper, exasperated. You place your fingers on your temples and apply gentle pressure in hopes that it'll do any fucking thing for the way you're about to break the fuck down right now. "They want me to fuckin' lose it." Your voice is nearly inaudible.
"Hey, okay. Don't... Lose it. Let's go find 'em and beat the fuck out of 'em." Billy grins, still bloodthirsty. It's as if defending you almost feels like having you.
"I'm gonna get dressed. I'm gonna fix my fucking hair and makeup. And we're gonna go to our goddamn morning classes. This afternoon, we will figure out which one of them is getting their mom's severed middle finger in the mail."
"Sure thing, Killer Klown. That's not at all an overreaction." Billy shakes his head, laughing at your misfortune, though he does feel for you. You disappear into your restroom. It's miraculously, for the most part, untouched. You do a quick version of your usual big, glamour hair and slap on your makeup. It feels good to look like you again, even with the scabs and colorful bruises threatening to peek through the foundation. When you return to the common area, looking and feeling more like yourself, you radiate a type of glow. Billy catches himself in the very initial stage of staring but quickly nips that in the bud. You hardly notice.
"I guess I'm ready. You walking me to class, big guy?" You ask, teasingly.
"I am."
"Listen, I really appreciate everything you've done for me, but this isn't nes-"
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"Y/N, have you looked at your dorm? Do you see how every single thing you own is destroyed? Stop being an idiot." His harsh words carry an air of motivation with them as he scolds you.
"Fine. But you're gonna have to pick up the pace or something," you snap your fingers repeatedly, in a circle to show him it's time to leave, now. He sighs, standing and leading the way out the door.
He walks you to your first lecture and waits outside for the entire hour. You don't know, but he actually doesn't have any classes today. He just knew you'd make a big deal out of it if you knew he was going any more out of his way than he already is. All 60 minutes drag by painfully slow, but all the while, Billy notices a few familiar faces casting passing glances into the building, only to suddenly change direction when their eyes meet his. He huffs out a satisfied sigh.
"Don't even think about it," he whispers, staring out the small door window. He glances at the clock, and just a moment before the lecture hall dismisses, he steps outside and waits for the crowd. After a handful of peers pass by, he then walks inside, keeping up his ruse.
"Oh, just in time, I guess," you say, meeting him in the middle of the breezeway as if he'd come from the other end of the college.
"As always," Billy sighs, unbothered, indifferent. You don't mind. It's a peaceful shift from his usual behavior before everything went down. The two of you step out the door and immediately, your eyes meet Andy's. He is standing around his car with his goons. They're all staring, not at Billy, at you. An intimidation tactic that might've worked before, had you not been walking next to a brick wall of a man. As the two of you strut past the bitter sportsmen, you hear Andy decide to pipe up.
"Told you she was a slut. It's already happening," he laughs and his teammates join in. You are unfazed by this sort of insult. Before the trauma at the hands of Andy that you'll now have to work through, you've always been a confident, self-assured person. At least that's all you'd allow anyone to believe. You shake your head at the insult, but when you look beside you, Billy's nowhere to be seen.
"That's pretty bold Andy. How're you healing? Doctor already tell you it's safe to get your shit rocked again?" Billy smiles sadistically as he stalks up to Andy. His crew of bench warmers seems to tighten up, taking a few steps closer, surrounding Andy. Billy can't hold back his laughter.
"Are you guys gonna jump me?" He asks, taunting, grinning as he does. "You think it's gonna be easy because there are so many of you?" Billy's only getting closer by the second, and the confidence of most of the players begins to waver. "Do you think I'll stop if I get my hands on you a second time?" Billy's icy blue eyes are dark with rage, almost black in the right lighting. They bore into Andy's and the two men fall silent.
Eventually, Andy's the one to back down. As expected, of course. And from the look on his face, you'd think he'd just been mugged and told his mom died. Billy smiles, tongue between his teeth as he watches the team climb into their cars. They have a visitors game, so you won't have to deal with them for the next 48 hours at least. As Billy returns to where you wait for him on the sidewalk, he wraps a protective arm around your shoulder. You're visibly jarred by this action, but Billy just stares straight ahead, leading you back to your dorm. He's wearing a self-satisfied grin as each and every busybody on campus whispers when they see the two of you.
Billy's a known bachelor and you're a known bitch. Even his more reoccurring hookups never got the public treatment. And you, fuck you're mean sometimes. Andy liked that about you. You'd be mean to anyone but him, but you guess it just stopped being enough. Even you and Andy weren't exactly "public" with your opposing schedules. You'd only ever been seen together at parties.
You finally reach your room and Billy leans against your counter, silently smiling at you as if he expects you to say something.
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"What?" You ask, already starting the clean-up process.
"Just thought a 'thank you' would be in order." He shrugs.
"Thank you, Billy. Please hand me the broom," you groan, pointing to the tiny closet in the kitchen area. He rolls his eyes and carries the broom over to you. You're picking up the larger pieces of shattered glass and placing them into a small trashcan, hoping to make sweeping easier.
"Careful," Billy says as he notices a crack in the shard you're holding. His warning didn't reach you in time though, and the piece snapped, catching the upper part of your palm, slicing it open. "Jesus fucking-" Billy drops the broom and you follow him to the counter where he tears a wad of paper towels off the roll and shoves them into your hand. He stares at you with a straight face, almost like a disappointed parent. You stare back, blinking.
"What?" You ask, daring him to give you a hard time or risk being kicked out of your domicile.
"Nothing. Just getting tired of having to play doctor for you all the time." You release a huff and he smiles, a little sweeter than before.
(Do we want a part 2? Do we still read angst or are we all into smut rn? Maybe sex next chapter. idk.)
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serxinns · 4 months
Could you do a yandere class 1A where reader is Aizawa’s kid?
Teachers Kid
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(yan! Class 1a and platonic Yan aizawa x Aizawas kid reader
Tw: Mentions of abuse, Neglect and cheating
Aizawa was very overprotective of you as a kid Ever since your mom neglecteded you, cheated on him, and left the both of you with another scumbag, he remembered the way you reached your little toddler hands towards her while the snake cling to the scum's arm while they both giggled leaving while she said her final goodbyes it wasn't any Genuine he can hear how eager she was to leave this family the door shutted and you started crying calling out to the snake to come back with ur little grabby arms his heart stung he promised to protect you and to make you don't gotta deal with it again but 1st he had to take care of that woman...
•You lived with your dad your mom wasn't present in your life your dad told you that she did something really bad and now she's getting "Punished" Aizawa homeschooled you through elementary school to middle school it was fun at 1st but you felt a little sad when other kids played with their friends brought back cool stuff like toys and candy while you were stuck in the house either training with him with or without your quirk
•at a young age you dreamed of being a hero like your father and go to UA to be just like him as much as Aizawa loved to look up to you he could never let you be a hero but always shut the topic down with a strict warning you kept pressuring him trying to convince him, bribe him anything you even did the puppy eyes he secretly loves so much but he stood his ground and said no his final answer
•Aizawa was teaching his boring lesson to the class when he heard his ringtone but it wasn't his usual ringtone "Dad pumpkin spit a hairball in your shoe" he quickly turned his phone off flushed red in embarrassment he slowly turned to see the class in shock and some of them giggling a bit "YOU HAVE A CHILD?!"
• the classrooms were in chaos they were now fixated on their teacher's kid they were all asking questions about ur description, Quirk, Personality everything they wanted to know everything about you, Aizawa quickly quieted them down "Everyone needs to quiet down! Yes that's is my kid they're the same age as you all and is are HAPPLIY homeschooled that's it now let's continue " the class tried to answer more questions but Aizawa shut it down completely which made the class groan while Aizawa looked annoyed in the outside in the inside he was panicking, his class all discovered about you and they seem eager
•Even after school they all couldn't stop thinking about you whenever someone mentioned you in their heart. started to race and started to blush they haven't even met you yet so why do they feel this way... They gather around starting to wonder what are you
•while Aizawa was driving home he was just panicking even more his class found out about you he thought he was hiding. you so well why did he have to slip up he didn't want to put you in public high school it was just too dangerous especially if villains are now spawning up more commonly and he thought of something something he didn't like but it was his only choice
•"Y/N!, Kid we need to talk" you walked downstairs to see that your father was looking really serious like this was gonna be a long talk you gulped mentally "yea Dad also did you get my voicemail?" "That's the one we're talking about," your father said his eyes narrowing at you "But another thing since villains these days are commonly targeting heroes these days and I was worried about what would happen to you when you're home alone so I decided to nezu about enrolling you to Ua High-" just when you said that you jumped in his arms hugging him so tight "YES YES THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" Aizawa may be defeated and nervous but seeing you bleamed up like you used to as a kid made him think you'll be fine "Alright then you start tomorrow im sure my class will love you"
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eqt-95 · 7 months
a new kind of romance, pt 2
part 1 | s'mores
🖍️ | purple
“Mmm, purple,” Esme said after her tiny scowl scrutinized the coloring page and definitely didn't register Kara's pouting lip.
“Not red? Blue?” Kara offered with a pot-turned-scowl ping-ponging between her niece and the superhero cartoon sitting between them.
“No,” Esme continued with a confident head shake, “purple.”
Kara sulked, holding the uncapped red and blue markers in either hand. It didn’t matter that it was Esme’s turn to choose, but it did matter that Esme was choosing a very not Supergirl color palette. 
And so Kara sulked. She sulked and sulked as more and more of the super suit was scribbled in a deep purple that she didn’t want to admit complimented the green eyes Esme had chosen.
And, honestly, Kara was about to label the whole afternoon ruined.
But then. Then, her sulk softened by the growing proximity of a familiar heartbeat. Even Esme’s eyes glanced toward the door, and Kara wondered if her niece noticed the uptick in Kara’s own pulse. She hoped not.
Seconds later jangling keys, creaking hinges, and heels clicking against Kara’s hardwood floors were met by Kara’s second-favorite sound: 
“I’m so sorry,” came Lena's hurried voice, a little breathless with flushed cheeks to match. 
And Kara, crouched and bubbling with excitement, rocked on her heels between the instinct to jump up and pull Lena into a koala hug or to keep her cool at the coffee table surrounded by crayons, markers, and a very very un-Supergirl superhero.
Esme was definitely less chill, climbing to her feet with the excitement of a sugar rush, and Kara felt a little envious.
“I didn’t think I’d get held hostage by that-”
“Hey, language,” Kara warned, spinning to peer over the back of the couch.
“Sorry,” Lena said with a small eye-roll hand draping her jacket over the back of a bar stool. “I didn’t think I’d be ‘stuck’ in the meeting.”
“Better,” Kara said with a nod, a smile, and absolutely zero interest in coloring a silly superhero cartoon because Lena was here. Lena, who Kara hadn’t seen in two whole days if you didn’t count the fly-by hello she gave the night before or the coffee date they had that morning.
“It’s no problem-” Kara began, watching a squealing Esme run into Lena’s arms, and Kara swallowed down a tiny pang of jealousy. Because it was fine that Esme would want a hug from her godmother. It just so happened that Kara wanted one too, but Kara was trying to be cool and chill because Alex had told her in a not-so-subtle-way that Kara was maybe giving off creepy attachment vibes around Lena.
“Aunt Kara picked me up and we had ice cream and now we're coloring.”
“Ice cream?” Lena asked over Esme’s tiny back-stabbing shoulder. One perfectly sculpted eyebrow arched in question toward Aunt Kara.
“Yep,” Esme nodded vigorously. “It’s our secret.”
And Kara’s eyes narrowed because, yes, it was their secret.
“I think we need to discuss what a ‘secret’ is, little bug.”
“But we tell Aunt Lena everything,” Esme said with a small frown and nervous expression. She glanced up at a now standing, stunning, smirking Lena and Kara’s crouched, cramped, confused form. “Right?”
“Uh, right,” Kara said with a quick spin and flop back onto the floor, eyes glued to the heinous purple superhero monster Esme was probably going to make her stick on the fridge.
Because boy did Kara feel a bit conflicted about all of that. She stuttered, feeling the weight of Lena’s presence from the kitchen, guided by Esme’s tiny hand, now moving to the couch. 
“Aunt Lena, you can help us finish!” Esme exclaimed, settling back down next to Kara who had subconsciously picked up a blue crayon.
And that… that got Kara’s problem-solving skills working overtime because here was the situation: The coloring page was standard letter format, and it was already cramped with one tiny-sized hand and Kara’s big grown-up hand. Add another hand? Even an Esme-sized one would be cramped and… well let’s be honest, Lena had larger than normal hands.
Not that it was a problem! Lena had great hands. The best hands. Her fingers were long and delicate and her nails always so clean and short and pretty and no doubt she could weave and maneuver in and around wherever they needed to get to all the right spots and actually maybe it wouldn’t be so difficult to-
Kara coughed to interrupt herself from her thoughts. Her thoughts which were making her cheeks feel a little warm. Was it a little too warm?
“I don’t think there’s enough room,” Kara choked out. "Where will Aunt Lena sit?"
“Oh I don’t know,” Lena hummed from the couch, and then… 
And then?
And then. It got even warmer.
Boiling hot.
Like, lava hot.
Because then two legs wrapped in fancy purple pants straddled and settled onto either side of Kara. And suddenly purple didn’t seem so bad.
Because then there was the press of Lena’s chest against her back. And then there was an arm extending over her shoulder to pluck up a purple crayon. And then there was a soft, warm breath on the back of Kara’s neck. 
“I think we can figure it out,” Lena whispered into Kara’s ear and it definitely tickled and it definitely sent a shiver up her spine and it definitely, definitely, didn’t help interrupt her thoughts.
- - - - - part 3 | zippers
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certifiedstarrr · 5 months
After Party ✧・゚: ✧・゚: Chris Sturniolo
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warnings: swearing, alcohol, mentions of not so great home life, mentions of drugs, and smut.
if you don't like smut, find smth else to do.
she/her pronouns will be used!!
pink = y/n
green = lia
blue = matt
orange = chris
purple = nick
Word Count: 858
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b/n: sorry if this sucks ass, first fanfic ive ever written.
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Shit. I missed 7 calls from my mom. She's going to fucking kill me. I was supposed to be home by 10pm and it's quarter to 12pm. While I was at my bestfriends's house Lia, we were talking about our classes because we were supposed to be doing the same major in college, not cause we wanted to be with eachother all the time, but its because we both found interest in it.
We ended up talking about many other things, except our classes.
"Lia I'm screwed." "She's gonna fucking kill me; her and my dad."
I loved Lia from the day I met her, every breakup, every zit, every party, every boyfriend, every ex, everything that ever happened; we were in it together. As she pulled up in the driveway she wished me good luck knowing how my mother would act.
"Love you y/n, good luck."
"Thanks Lia."
I opened the front door and there my parents were waiting for me to come home. I could feel all the anger radiating straight off them, I certainly wish I was anywhere else but my own home.
They yelled at me for a good hour and I yelled straight back, defending myself. They hit me, and I was done with their shit. I went up to my room and I burst into tears, never understood that I'm not like them at all. I already was struggling with my classes, my room was a mess, my parents weren't helping and this nothing else could go wrong. Right?
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"y/n you got to love yourself and be you. not whatever your parents want you to be. fuck that."
This was why my Lia was my number one. My bitch from day one. She never liked how my parents treated me, she was just like me. Except she was stronger, never cried and had it like this: Me before her family. I told her over and over that I'd be fine, but she knew me better than myself. I was facetiming her for help.
"I know liaaaa! but how am i supposed to be myself when i have to be home at 10pm???"
"do the opposite. forget about the fucking rules. you'll find another side of yourself that you never knew you had."
"you're right fuck their shitty rules, and just to get on my parents' nerve I'll go to a party; drunk teenagers and all."
"Yes girl im coming with! Noah is throwing a party this weekend, we should totally go!"
"we are going to the fucking party. its time to let go."
"yes ms. badass we're goinggg!!"
Friday was 2 days away. And I was ready.
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I'm grounded for 2 weeks. Forget that, I'm still going to Noah's party. I was walking to 3rd period with Lia planning our night out. The plan is I have to sneak out of my window and Lia is gonna pick me up, the party starts at 11:30pm and I'm usually asleep by 10pm so my parents will also be asleep. I climb down my tree and hop into her car. Voilà!
"His house is only 15 minutes away so its fine if we're around 5-10 minutes late."
"I'll also climb down my tree barefoot so I won't damage my heels on the way down." "This is so excitinggg!!"
"I have the perfect dress for you y/n!!
"Whatever it is fuck it im wearing it"
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧
From Lia:
You ready for tonight??
Read 2:30pm
To Lia:
Read 2:30pm
To Lia:
im coming over to see the dress and go over the plan one more time.
Read 2:31pm
From Lia:
okay cool see you in 5<3
Read 2:32pm
I told my parents I was studying for a test with Lia that is Monday and of course my parents believed it I drove over to Lia's and of course her parents were welcoming me in. I went up to Lia's room and she showed me the dress a black dress that pushed up my boobs, and that barely covered my ass. It was perfect. Lia was going to wear a red dress that complimented mine with sparkles, we tried them on and we looked sexy.
"We are going to be the life this fucking party."
"Yes the fuck we are."
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧
a/n: if u have tips for me i'd love to hear em!! also my introduction page will be out soon!!! just ask to be on the taglist part 2 of AP (after party)!!
You are my biggest influencer, ilysm<333 (ur r now the first person for the taglist of AP!!
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
The Strawhats go to Syrup Village when their adventure ends because they want to say hi and thank everyone they've met along the way. Luffy misses his old friends! And Usopp, of course, wants to see the Usopp pirates and... And Kaya. Kaya, mostly. They were dating before Usopp joined the crew and when Usopp started having feelings for Sanji, he sent a letter to her asking if she was fine with that being a thing. And of course, she said yes, because Sanji seemed like such a nice gentleman and if he made Usopp happy then she was happy too. But he hadn't taken into consideration how nervous Sanji would be meeting her. Which, you know, understandable. Meeting your boyfriend's girlfriend. Something totally, uh, normal for Sanji's little mind who had to have a whole crisis for two years about his sexuality and relationships. But you know, it's okay, because it's Kaya. So everything will be fine.
And it surprisingly goes great! Well, surprisingly for Sanji. Usopp knew it would be okay! Obviously!
They encounter the kids first, and they're- They're older and it makes Usopp feel old too. Because what the hell. They're taller and they look almost like teenagers and it's making his heart melt. God, he has missed them so much. They go running to him and asking questions and hugging him and Usopp doesn't think he can take this much happiness, really. He keeps bragging about his cool, awesome, powerful crew and bounty and says that he'll tell them all their adventures later. Piiman directly asks "So, which one of them is your boyfriend?!" and Usopp freezes because "How do you know I have a-" and Tamanegi jumps in like, "Kaya told us!" and Usopp obviously can't be surprised at that. Or mad. He wrote the letters for the kids too, after all. So while the crew waits there watching it all happen, Usopp tells Sanji to come with him and meet the three idiots he had for a crew. And Sanji knows them, of course. He takes a drag of his cigarette, stares at them, and instantly goes "Ninjin, Piiman, Tamanegi" pointing at all of them correctly. They're astonished, but before they can say anything, Sanji squints his eyes at them "I remember because you look like vegetables-" / (Usopp): Ooookay, Sanji, babe, enough!" And he changes the subject to ask if Kaya is home right now. The kids say yes. Yadda yadda yadda, and they start walking to her house. (On their way to Kaya's, btw: "If I cook tonight we're not having vegetables, I would feel bad-"/ "Sanji!" / "C'mon, it's funny- They're cute, I swear. Like cute little potatoes-" / "Do you want me to punch you?" / "If we have children, do you think they'd look more like a radish or a cauliflow- / "Dumbass. And those are the only children we're having for a while. Get used to them." / "Wait, I was joking! Do you- You want children? With me? I-" / "Sanji, please, not today.")
So they get to Kaya's and... And Sanji is excited. Nervous. But excited. Nami won't stop teasing Usopp about it, too. And he's not worried. He's okay. He's not anxious. Everything's gonna be okay and she will love the person he has become. Definitely. Nothing to worry about. But he's visibly shaking, and he didn't expect Sanji to be the one holding his hand to calm him down, but it happens. And he couldn't be happier.
So, of course, Luffy can't be fucking quiet and starts knocking on the door and yelling for Kaya to come to greet them. Even if it was supposed to be a surprise. And Nami says "Gosh, Luffy, calm down! She can hear you. Everyone can hear you, actually. Shut up and wait for-" but she can't finish her sentence because Merry is already there with the biggest of smiles, opening the door for them. Usopp just says a soft "Hi!" while Luffy wastes no time in going in.
Nami: Luffy! Wait for a damn second! Merry: Oh, well, not that we can control the King of the Pirates, can we? Nami: You don't need to tell me. Franky: You look like Merry. Merry: ... I am Merry? Franky: No, I mean the ship- Usopp: Franky, we've explained this to you. Franky: Not the part where the butler looks exactly like the ship, though? Usopp: Oh. True. Well. There you have it.
Everything happens a bit quickly. Kaya is walking down the stairs when they're walking in, and the second she sees Usopp she just has to hug him tight. Sanji steps away because, well, he doesn't want to get in between their reunion. And everyone thinks he's jealous or weird about it, but it only takes a moment to realize he's staring at them with the fondest of looks in his eyes. She's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen (apart from Nami and Robin, of course. But it's another type of beauty) and there's just this glimpse in his eyes nobody can actually describe.
Usopp and Kaya kiss and he starts to feel a bit dizzy because- Wow. Remembering her kisses is just as overwhelming as he thought it'd be. She's precious. He says they'll tell her all about their adventures. That he has truly become somebody she can be proud of. She says she has always been proud of him, and Usopp dies a little bit with that. When she's done staring at him, she tilts her head to the side saying hi to everyone else and she spots Sanji, hands on each side of him and bouncing his right leg. She lets go of Usopp to approach Sanji and grab his hands, and with a soft, tender smile, she says "I'm so glad you've been looking out for him. I've heard so many great things about you, Sanji! I truly hope we get to know each other better" and Sanji dies. Sanji instantly dies. Not from a nosebleed but a heart attack, probably. He's speechless for a whole second and nobody says anything. Because this sweet girl just said this in front of everyone and let's be honest, everybody is wondering how the fuck Sanji and Usopp are the ones with enough rizz to pull this wonderful girl. Anyway- I can imagine Jinbe laughing and saying "Usopp! You have a type!" and he's being genuine and sweet but it's so fucking embarrassing the sniper just wants to curl up and die.
Luffy, Nami, and Zoro see Kaya again and it's so, so sweet to see her being a doctor just like she wanted. She's healthy. She's adorable, like always. And she welcomes them into her house gladly. Kaya says hi to the rest and she. Absolutely. Adores. Chopper. That's probably the cutest doctor she's ever seen, and also the smartest! If Usopp and Sanji didn't need to talk with her, she'd probably spend the day talking to Chopper. She also gets along with the older members of the crew! They're all just so nice to her <3 Robin comments about how Usopp and Sanji have been talking a lot about her and Kaya giggles but it makes Usopp want to run away to a private place as quickly as he can. If Robin is the one talking about this, this means they will all keep the embarrassing conversation going and he can't have that.
They decide to stay for dinner, the way they had planned because Sanji is dying to cook for her and they just knew Kaya wouldn't let them go without having dinner with her. Besides, they've been staying for a while in every island so that they can enjoy their time with each person and decide what they want to do next. If they want to, you know, stay with the crew or choose to keep going with their lives outside of being a pirate (everyone chill, they're staying together. At least for a long while until they're old. Because otherwise, I will cry). So, Sanji cooks while the crew waits around the house. Talking to Merry and Kaya and wow!! The kids are staying too!! Awesome!! Usopp is in the kitchen with Sanji because he just needs a second to calm down. It's too much. In a good way! But god, he needs a second.
Usopp helps Sanji with a few things while they talk about everything and nothing. A kiss here and there. And then, Usopp is suddenly a bit uncomfortable about what he's about to say. "What do you think about, um, Kaya?" / "Are you really asking me that?" / "Yeah! Why wouldn't I? Maybe you don't- Fuck. I don't know. Maybe now that you've seen us together you don't want-" / "I want to, Usopp. More than anything." / "Really?" / "Yeah. She- She makes you happy. She even makes me happy and I just met her. And- I don't know. I guess she just looks a lot like my-"
But then the kitchen door opens quickly and it's closed just as fast, because Kaya is there, resting her back against the wall and smiling shyly at them both.
Kaya: Hi! Hi. I- Am I interrupting or-? Sanji/Usopp: No! Kaya: Oh! Oh, okay! I just thought It'd be nice for us to be together for a while? Alone? Usopp: ...... Luffy is being- Kaya: Nami? Usopp: Oh, fuck, yes, makes more sense. Sanji: Nami-san can be a bit assertive sometimes, but it's alright. Kaya: So it's okay if I stay? Usopp: Kaya, it's your kitchen- Sanji: Of course, madame. You're gonna be the first one to taste our dinner, then. I need opinions. Kaya: Oh, I'm not a cook. But I am sure your food is excellent! Sanji: Indulge me, please? Eat whatever you like. Usopp, whispering: Why are you being more romantic than me? She's my girlfriend. Sanji: And I am your boyfriend. She's, like, my girlfriend too, now. Usopp: Does that work like that? Sanji: Uh, not sure? Kind of? Usopp: ... As long as you two are happy. Sanji: You should eat too, by the way, mon amour. I am being serious when I say I want feedback.
They end up spending a long while together making dinner. While Usopp tells her about their adventures, she tells her about her life without him and her studies. How much she has been trying to help the village, too, and how the kids have been doing. Sanji asks them their opinions on the food. Asks them for help, too, if needed. And everything ends up being so domestic and nice that Usopp is surprised Kaya and Sanji just met. They're so in sync and they look so pretty together they even look like a couple already. Usopp thought he'd end up feeling left out (because he always does) but there's just something about them being together that makes his heart melt.
Skipping the dinner part, because it's just all of them having fun as usual and besides a few cute glances and blushes and compliments, there isn't anything remarkable about Sanusokaya here. They end up in Kaya's room after dinner, while the other crew members go do whatever. They have designated rooms and beds (the place is a fucking mansion, and there's room for everyone).
The thing is, they go to Kaya's room to talk about... Them. They don't know where to begin, so Usopp breaks the silence by telling Kaya about how he met Sanji. Things she already knows from letters, but she hasn't actively heard. And it's obviously more entertaining this way. So Sanji and Kaya sit on her bed while Usopp talks. And one thing leads to another and he's also explaining Skypiea. And Water 7. And when he gets to Dressrosa, something they had already talked about during dinner, Sanji decides to explain what happened back in Whole Cake Island. He didn't have this in mind. Opening up so much, he means. But there's just something about Kaya that makes him want to keep talking. So he explains a bit (not everything, of course) about his past. And she's so, so sweet about it. Holds his hand all the time. Rests her cheek on his shoulder. Usopp kisses both of their foreheads. And that's when Sanji stares at Kaya and says:
Sanji: You know? You remind me a lot of her. My mother, I mean. Kaya: Do I? The way you talk to her is so wonderfu- Sanji: You are wonderful. Kaya: Oh- Usopp: Sanji, you can't say that to her! That's my job. You're wonderful, babe. Kaya: Thanks, darling. I just- I was thinking that it could... If you are okay with it. Maybe I'm overstepping. That it could also be his job? God, I am explaining this awfully. I am a doctor, not a writer- Usopp: He would love to be your boyfriend. Sanji: Don't answer for me! Usopp: Weren't you going to say yes? Sanji: In a more romantic way, yes. Of course. Kaya: Really?! Usopp: I think he likes you more than he likes me- Sanji: Idiot. Don't ever say things like that. He's always so- Kaya: No, yes, you have to force the love into his head, huh? Sanji: Exactly! Usopp: Don't get too excited, Kay. He's just like that too. You say something good about him and he starts sobbing.
Long story short, they sleep together in Kaya's room, all tangled up and cuddling because they're the cutest, most adorable couple in the world. They stay for a while in the Village and spend some days together, growing closer and clingier every day. And sadly they have to say goodbye because they want to keep going with their journey (they have stuff to do. They tried to bring Kaya along, but she's the doctor of the village. She can't leave them alone) but she knows they'll come back to her. She trusts them to
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cheesy09 · 4 months
[CN] Kiro's Sound Waves Mind's Quest (Pt. 1)
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This date was translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
Note: This date explores some very suggestive themes, so if you do not meet the game's required 17+ age rating, I'd suggest to avoid reading this date.
Highly recommended that you read Kiro's R&S: Youthhood, R&S: Stunning Young Idol as well as his New Palpitations Date before engaging with the date!
[PART 1]
The spotlight shines to the beat of the drums, and thousands of people in the audience cheer.
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Under the beam, Kiro raises his hand, the silver pick hovering over the strings of the electric guitar with a slight difference. In an instant, the world seems to freeze, and all eyes are on him.
And after he turns his head and smiles at me, he sweeps it down hard with his right hand.
The sharp melody surges from the speakers, and I automatically step to the beat, playing the corresponding rhythm on the keys.
The keys of the keyboard and the strings of the guitar tacitly collide with each other, causing the audience to scream again and again.
In such a thrilling and electrifying world, all happiness and noise can be released here unscrupulously.
Under the surging sound waves, Kiro jumps along with everyone, and the fingertips flying across the strings gradually approach its climax.
His blond hair sways wildly to the music, and the smooth lines of his muscles grow tighter with the ever-accelerating rhythm.
As the amplitude of the sound waves grows louder and louder, he presses his entire back against my own, and using him as support, I hotly press up against him.
The sound of the strings and our breaths intertwine until the melody is pushed to its climax. I stop my hands in an instant and give an air shot to the person who was paying the most attention.
Bam! - the passionate tail sounds bloom loudly into the night, instantly extinguishing all the lights.
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Panting, I return backstage, but as soon as I turn around, I'm met with a pair of deep eyes.
I take a step forward, wanting to say something, but he grabs me and kisses me in the darkness.
The sounds of the encore rise and fall, but I have no time to care about such things. I just tighten my grip on the front of his guitar strap and demand for more.
The friction between our clothing and the strings makes a fine sound, as if continuing the music in another subtle way.
Our heated and soft breaths cause me to slowly slide to the ground, and he squats down with me, pressing one of his hand against the wall and deepening the kiss.
Most of my oxygen is instantly sucked away. Everything spins, and strange light spots keep dancing in front of my eyes.
Those lights become more and more ethereal, slowly enveloping the world in a layer of white gauze, and the breeze blows through, making the scenery outside the window faintly visible.
I turn my head in confusion, and see a touch of gold reflected in my eyes. That familiar face is sound asleep, the corners of his lips curled up as if was immersed in a sweet dream.
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MC: ...Ah.
My consciousness gradually returns and my cheeks suddenly burn up - was everything just a dream?
While I busy myself trying to cool them down with the back of my hand, the person beside me seems to wake up and hug me.
Kiro: [sleepily] Good morning... mm, why didn't Cello come to step on the quilt today...? And Apple Box hasn't licked me either...
He pats the spot behind him in confusion, as if calling the two little ones to come over.
Seeing this man be even more confused than I was, I chuckle and caress his face.
MC: Wake up. Did you forget that we landed in Los Angeles at midnight? We're in the hotel right now.
Not long ago, Kiro's new album was nominated for the Best Pop Vocal Album by the WMAs. Considering the fact that the award ceremony was close to the Spring Festival, we arrived in Los Angeles early with the intent of taking a vacation to celebrate the New Year.
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Kiro: ...Oh yeah, I was pretty sleepy. [Yawns] So, how did you sleep last night?
MC: Really well. So well that I even had a beautiful....
As soon as the words leave my mouth, the sound of our gasps suddenly comes to my mind and I quickly change my description with a blush on my face.
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MC: I had a very magical dream.
MC: I dreamed that we were performing on stage together... You were the guitarist, while I was the keyboard player!
MC: The audience kept shouting for an encore. During the performance, they thought we were the most popular band in the world~
Kiro's eyes widen and he moves a little closer to me.
Kiro: Then what?
MC: And then we walked off the stage, and then, and then it was over...
While its true that dreams are usually blurry, this one is so vivid that it gradually overlaps with the person in front of me, making me feel hot all over.
Kiro: Over?
MC: Over!
Kiro: [chuckles teasingly] MC, did you know you're really bad at lying? Your eyes are wandering and your face is as red as an apple. Usually when you get like this, it means...
The hand touching his chin pauses, and Kiro comes closer to me, a wicked smile on his face.
Kiro: Did I possibly kiss you in your dream?
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MC: ...!
His straightforward answer makes me want to crawl under the quilt, but he latches onto my head first and buries it into his chest, laughing.
Kiro: [with lilting laughter] Okay, I'll stop teasing you now. Can you tell me more about your dream? For example, what songs did we sing? And did you enjoy being in a band with me?
MC: Of course I enjoyed it, and I remember the song we sang was also really nice, something like hum--hum hum--
The melody on my lips slowly becomes clearer and smoother, and we both seem to realize something, each of us staring at each other with wide eyes.
Kiro: Isn't that "Wonderful Day"?
MC: Ah... Now I know why I had this dream!
I excitedly pick up my phone and unlock the screen, automatically playing the video I hadn't finished watching before going to bed--
The video shows a practice room lit up by the afterglow of the sun, and a blond boy is sitting on the ground, holding a guitar and humming a tune.
His tight-fitting pure white long sleeves shirt makes him look a little thin, and his face beneath his forehead also possesses the unique innocence of his youth.
As if he was practicing, he sang acapella without accompaniment, but his singing was filled with the sounds of friction due to the old recording equipment at the time.
Even so, the passion and purity can clearly be seen in those eyes.
This was Kiro, an 18-year-old member of a start-up band, and this scene appears in this MV in the form of a memoir.
MC: Although I've searched for various old videos of yours, this is my first time seeing you practice behind-the-scenes.
MC: So I couldn't help but watch it a few more time. I didn't expect it to end up in my dream though~
As I say this, I think of something and point at the drum set behind "him" and the electric guitar on the floor.
MC: But why are you the only one practicing? Where are your bandmates?
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Kiro: ...I can't remember. Maybe they hadn't come over yet, so I was just casually practicing while I waited for them.
MC: Oh, but I remember one of your bandmates' name was Pen?
He startles, as if he didn't expect me to still remember the person he'd just mentioned in passing.
Kiro: Mm, he was the guitarist for our band.
MC: Oh~ Then tell me in secret - who was better at playing the guitar, you or him?
Catching on to my teasing, he playfully raises his eyebrows in turn.
Kiro: There's no need to ask. I was the all-rounder of the band. I was just doing my duty as the lead singer so as to not steal everyone else's limelight.
MC: Wow... how bold. Your former bandmates would be furious if they knew about this.
I grin and lean on his chest, playing with the buttons of his pajamas.
MC: But this MV just reminded me that there must be many "treasures" from the past waiting for me to discover.
I pause and selfishly confess.
MC: After all, some people say that dreams are another parallel universe. So, I'll keep digging out more "materials".
MC: That way, I'd have more stories to experience with you from that time~
There is a chuckle that comes from above my head, and he takes my fingertips and kneads them absentmindedly.
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Kiro: Then this treasure hunter should work hard. Maybe she'll be able to find... a super rare treasure that even I forgot about.
MC: I'll definitely work hard, but before I can gain anything new--
MC: I plan to listen to your album a few more times. Maybe I'll be able to continue my dream tonight!
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MC: You don't even know how happy I was in the dream. It was my first time performing on the same stage with you. And I performed so beautifully!
The more I talk, the more excited I become, and I feel my heart pounding again like it did in my dream.
Kiro suddenly leans over and looks at me intently.
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Kiro: MC, don't wait for night to come. Let's form a band now.
MC: Huh?
Kiro: Don't let it just be confined to your dream. After all, no matter how good the dream is, it'll only be a tenth as good as reality.
Kiro: And if dreams really are a parallel time and space... then I'll be very jealous of the Kiro who got to be on the same stage with you.
He pauses, and the familiar "sly grievance" appears in his eyes.
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Kiro: What he has, I want too.
As he speaks, he lifts the quilt and gets out of bed from the other side.
MC: Wait! Now??
MC: Although there are still some days left before the award ceremony, we still need to get our outfits fitted and meet with various directors and producers...
For a while, I can't seem to make sense of what I'm feeling, and just report the upcoming itinerary in a daze.
But Kiro comes to my side of the bed and squats down with a smile, looking at me with bright eyes.
Kiro: Of course we have to do all that stuff, but music is a magical existence.
Kiro: It never conflicts with anything.
[PART 2]
In the afternoon, we drive a rented sports car through the city.
Kiro: There used to be a very authentic American burger joint on this street, but later, the owner closed it down cause he wanted to enjoy his old age.
Kiro: And on that street, I used to feed a black stray dog, which was later on adopted by a kind-hearted grandpa.
Kiro: Yes, yes, and this is the spot where Carol failed to confess his love. Raymond was gloating about it and collapsed to the ground laughing [laughs].(LMAO I'M SO SORRY, CAROL)
The bright sun shines on every street corner and seems to allow me to peak into his past through a rearview lens.
I take pictures of the scenery one by one until I realize something and speak out of curiosity.
MC: By the way... You've been touring the world frequently since then, so wasn't it rare for you to come back here?
Kiro: Yeah, it was even rarer after I went to college. I usually went back to the Bay Area after our tours.
At that moment, Kiro parks the car and pulls me out to stand in front of an unopened shop.
Except for a few guitars displayed in the window, it was pitch dark inside. I look up again and find that it doesn't even have a store name.
MC: Hmm? Is this a music store? Or some kind of training institution? Why does it feel like its closed down...
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Kiro: Well... it's considered one of the "strongholds" of our band.
Kiro: You're right in thinking that it's a music store, but it has never been open for business. You'll know when you go in and take a look.
He takes out a key, opens the door and walks in under my doubtful gaze.
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With the sound of a switch, the room instantly lights up--
It isn't big, and everything from the floor to the cabinets is made of dark solid American retro-style wood. Various musical instruments stay in different corners as they please, but they don't look dusty and seem to be well maintained.
MC: Okay, there are a lot of musical instruments here. So many instruments, and it still isn't open for business?
Faced with my shock, Kiro bursts into laughter and reaches out his hand to brush the guitars nostalgically.
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Kiro: What you see here is what we intended to use ourselves.
MC: ...Yourselves?! With so many instruments, were y'all able to use them all?
Kiro: Most of the time they'd only be used as backup or in special situations~
As if remembering the past, he vaguely lifts the corners of his lips.
Kiro: There was a time when our drummer broke his drum during a late-night rehearsal. At the time, we were in high spirits and wanted to run out immediately to find a place to repair it.
Kiro: But all the instrument stores were closed. No matter how much we wanted it, we couldn't get it fixed.
Kiro: So in order to prevent similar incidents from happening, we made a decision on the spot - we'll just simply buy a music store!
Kiro: That's how we got this "stronghold".
He smiles as he thinks about it, as if realizing now how "reckless" they were at the time.
Kiro: [chuckles] Okay, I admit that normal people wouldn't think like this.
Kiro: But we honestly thought that this idea was quite reasonable at the time, because we wouldn't have to worry about breaking stuff in the middle of night during rehearsals--
Kiro: You could just immediately grab a new one from the side and continue rehearsing seamlessly~
MC: [grinning widely] Sigh... What a bunch of music fanatics.
MC: And y'all were such "tycoons", buying music stores just because you wanted to...
As soon as I finish speaking, I realize that I seem to have touched a sore spot. The corners of his lips twitch stiffly twice.
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Kiro: No, we didn't really have much income at the time, so we basically used all of my little treasury to get it.
MC: Your little treasury? What about Pen and the others?
Kiro: [pouting] Hmph... they only covered the water and electricity bills here!
MC: Hahaha, it seems like every famous individual has a past that is "unbearable to look back on"~
MC: Tell me more, tell me more!
Kiro is momentarily taken aback, and he lowers his eyes, as if caught up in a brief memory.
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Kiro: Also... it feels like there's nothing special about this place. Basically, we rehearsed together, held meetings to discuss creation, or asked a nearby Chinese restaurant to deliver food for us.
Kiro: Oh, I remember there were several magazines here. A lot of our promotional pictures should be in them.
MC: Promotional pictures? No private ones?
MC: For example, when you guys went out to have fun together, didn't you secretly take "funny photos" of your friends?
Kiro stops flipping through the magazine and shrugs at me.
Kiro: That's unlikely. Aside from performances and rehearsals, we hardly ever got together.
Kiro: You'll probably have to look for it, or you could dig out one or two from my cell phone album from a few years ago.
Sensing my subtle gaze, he quickly waves his hand.
Kiro: Don't think too much about it. I've been on good terms with them and have never gotten into any fights.
Kiro: At most, there were minor disputes over music discussions, but those were more about technical matters rather than personal ones.
MC: But... it doesn't seem like you guys keep in touch anymore.
Kiro: As "former colleagues", it's normal not to be in touch, right?
MC: Huh?
Seeing my stunned expression, he smiles and leans in front of the stairs.
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Kiro: How should I put this... When Mr. Lawrence formed the band with me at its center, I knew it was more than just a dream.
Kiro: It was still my job and my career, I couldn't just care about my own feelings.
Kiro: Of course, they thought so too. So naturally, we focused on creation rather than each other.
His voice is very soft, but it weighs heavily on my heart.
This isn't the band story I'd imagined it to be. It was too rational and mature, so much so that it seems to have lost the passion and purity that youth should have had.
But their band was also lucky, and in the end, stood brilliantly under the bright lights.
Kiro knew very well where he needed to go and what he had to pay for it, so he made those regrets, big and small, seem too insignificant.
But... passion isn't just for the youth, is it?
Free adults could also grab a hold of it.
With that thought, I stretch out my hand towards him and smile brightly.
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MC: Hello, lead singer, let's formally get to know each other.
MC: I'm the keyboardist of our band - MC. I'm going to be relying on you to guide me.
Kiro is left stunned for a moment. He then tightly holds my hand and raises a smile that was even more dazzling than my own.
Kiro: Hello, but I would like to remind this keyboardist that you're also responsible for the harmony.
MC: Huh? Will I be able to handle it..? After all, I haven't practiced the piano in a long time...
Seeing me suddenly get nervous and stiff, he gently shakes my shoulders.
Kiro: Relax-- Although a band sounds like a professional team doing many things, it is essentially a place where everyone gets together to play music.
MC: Then do you have any piano practice sheets? I want to warm up and move my fingers.
As I say this, I walk to the bookshelf nearby to rummage through. However, the person behind me laughs and pulls me back.
Kiro: Let's not do that. I need to help you relax. So why don't you say hello to them first?
Kiro pulls me to a piano and stars playing from behind me.
He plays softly and slowly, like a sleeping kitten rolling around in the sunshine, wrapping itself up with a flick of its tail.
Unknowingly... I seem to turn into that kitten, leaning peacefully into his arms.
Gradually, he removes his fingertips from the keyboard and gives me complete room on the instrument.
I can't help but raise my hand and continue the melody at will. Amidst the light and flying notes, I meet those smiling eyes.
MC: I didn't expect to meet "Teacher Flower" again after such a long time. And his teaching methods are still just as effective.
As if he hasn't heard that title for so long, Kiro chuckles, walks to my side, and leans down slightly.
Kiro: Then, Miss Chips, do you wish to give "Teacher Flower" a reward? So that I can be more-- [sharp muffled inhale].
Before he can finish saying what he wants to, I smile and kiss him.
The music stops and is gradually replaced by our hearts beating. His hands slowly tighten around my waist and he deepens the kiss.
It's slow, lingering, laced with a hint of fruit candy.
I have a hunch that our band will be the sweetest.
After playing with the other instrument for a while, I look at Kiro belatedly.
MC: Wait, we don't have a band name yet. That should be the first step to forming a band!
Following my words, his eyes grow distant, as if in thought, and finally land on a blackout curtain--
Seems that, due to the passing of the years, the curtains have several tears and small holes. But they still are able to let the sunlight slip in and sprinkle a little "starlight".
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Kiro: How about calling it Twinkle?
MC: Huh? Is it that simple?
Seeing him nod seriously, I smile and return to the piano again, playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
MC: Then this can be used as our "theme song"~
Kiro: Yeah, but since we're going to be an awesome band, there can be a little more variety to it.
Kiro picks up the guitar at his feet and skillfully strums the strings.
Once the cheerful "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" variation ends, I tentatively blink at him.
MC: How about it?
I thought that I would get some compliments, but instead he smiles and shakes his head.
Kiro: There is indeed nothing wrong with the pitch and rhythm, but we're here to play music, not take an exam or perform at a concert.
Kiro: Can you relax a little more? Don't be music's best student, be its best friend.
MC: I...
Seeming to sense my confusion, he smiles and pinches my face.
Kiro: Don't worry, "Teacher Flower" is here. I'll definitely have a way to get you completely immersed in the world of music.
[PART 3]
In the span of the next few days, Kiro does not seem to have thought of a solution.
Seeing as we were in no hurry, we went along with our original plans of designing outfits and having dinner with some people in the industry who had made prior appointments with us.
In our spare time, we would go back to the "music store" to practice, and even put a mattress in the attic for us to lie on at any time.
MC: ...Why am I still getting it wrong even after practicing for so long?
Looking at the black and white keys in front of me, I pout and tap on them twice.
Kiro: You seem very depressed, Miss Chips. Would you like me to help you?
The joking inquiry comes from the attic, accompanied by the creaking sound of wooden boards. I turn around and find Kiro leaning on the armrest, a smile on his face.
MC: Very much so... I had originally intended to get an early start and relieve you of some of the pressure.
MC: But I realized that music arrangement and theory are much too difficult for me.
Kiro: I admit that they are difficult, but why do you need to master them?
The dazzling lights of a car happen to pass by the window, causing me to blink in a daze.
MC: Because... I want to make that dream a reality and have an awesome performance with you.
Kiro: [in mock despair] Oh, I've done it now. It seems that I've unknowingly infected you with my perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Although he says this, he approaches me with a smile and leans down to look at me.
Kiro: Usually you tell me to do one thing at a time, but that doesn't seem to apply to you.
MC: I...
Taking note of my stunned expression, he unconsciously caresses my cheek with his fingertips.
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Kiro: It doesn't matter. I'm going to give you a doze of "strong medicine".
His left hand that he had kept hidden behind his back suddenly comes forward and sways something in front of my eyes. Upon closer inspection, I realize it is a bottle filled with wine.
MC: ...Is that wine??
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MC: Is this your way of helping me relax? By getting me drunk?
Kiro: Don't worry, it won't do anything to upset your stomach. This is a wine I specially concocted to get you drunk at most.
I take a whiff and smell the sweet and fruity aroma, but finding it too strong for me, I quickly shake my head.
MC: No no no...
MC: I have no idea what I'll do once I get drunk. It would be bad if I just played things at random.
Kiro: So what if you did? Who said that music has to have a standard answer?
He walks to the table nearby and takes out two glasses, slowly pouring the wine into them.
Kiro: As a musician, I promise you - as long as you do it from the heart, your music will be given a soul the moment it appears.
Kiro: Think about it, when you happily play the notes, there'll be several little chips jumping in the air. How cute would that be?
I giggle and simply take the glass from him and drink it. The sweetness of citrus and the warmth of the liquid mixes together and slowly spreads throughout my chest.
MC: It's delicious. I never thought that the Kitchen Killer had the skills to be a bartender~
As soon as I finish speaking, Kiro slightly narrows his eyes and puts on a brighter smile.
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Kiro: Right. But just now, this Kitchen Killer thought of adding another ingredient to the mix. That should make it a lot more delectable.
MC: What?
Kiro: What do you think about green apple?
As he finishes speaking, he takes a sip of the wine in his hand, then bends down and kisses me.
His breath and the wine come at the same time, and caught off guard, I subconsciously grab the lapel of his clothes.
Kiro triumphantly raises his eyebrows, then grabs a hold of my waist, and forces me to stand up and get closer to him.
Then he goes deeper and deeper, his lips and tongue intertwining with mine over and over again, along with his scorching breaths as he gently bites me.
I subconsciously raise my head to take in the air outside, but he gently latches onto the back of my neck, and forces me to look directly into those eyes.
I feel like I'm being dragged into a whirlpool by the deep sea. Helplessly, I cling to his neck and "complain" in a low voice.
MC: ...You stingy fellow, you won't even let me get in a word with you.
Kiro: [softly] Is it? Obviously, I just want to you to get a taste of the improved flavor.
MC: Lies, where is the green apple flavor?
Kiro: Well, I just finished one candy, and it was green apple flavored. You must not have been looking seriously just now. Look again carefully.
He lowers his head and takes another sip of the wine, once again taking up all of my breath.
As if he really wishes for me to taste that tangy flavor, his dexterous tongue circles around in my mouth, leaving indelible traces.
The lack of oxygen quickly causes the alcohol to diffuse into the air, leaving my body feeling hot all over as I weakly cling to his shoulders.
MC: B-But just... don't forget what we're going to do tonight...
I softly beg for mercy, but all I receive is Kiro's low laughter. He then hugs me and sits down on the piano bench.
Kiro: [chuckles] Of course I haven't forgotten tonight's plan of relaxing and enjoying everything... whether it be music or happiness.
I am unable to see his expression clearly, but from the brisk tone of his voice, I can tell he is smiling happily.
He reaches out his hand from behind me and gently touches the black and white keys.
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Kiro: As long as we combine notes one after another, we can create the world.
Kiro: Such as sunshine... forests... flowers...
Kiro: Or a house... a chimney... a clothes rack...
At this instance, he pauses, raises his hand by half an inch and hovers it over the keys.
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Kiro: Of course, the most important thing is-- Kiro and MC...
As soon as he finishes his sentence, the world becomes quiet and a chord blooms into my ears.
His hands jumps around the keyboard, the brisk notes converging into particles of light and shadow in my mind, like the sunlight swaying amongst the shadows of the trees.
The atmosphere becomes light and fluttery, luring people to get closer to these lights and shadows, and run with them.
So I get out from under his arms and pick up the guitar beside him, strumming the strings with a grin as he looks at me, amazed.
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MC: I can create anything, right?
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Kiro: Of course. You are the master of this world.
After saying that, he starts playing along with me, playing a melody as light as stepping on the clouds.
I immediately shake my head, then bend my knees and strum the guitar vigorously.
MC: No, no, I don't want clouds, I want us to roll on the lawn--
Taking note of my unhesitant request, he raises his eyebrows slightly and plays a burst of warm and playfully skipping notes, making the countless blades of grass bend down.
Kiro: Then I want the sun to rain.
As he speaks, he tilts his body to the high-pitched area, and quickly moves two keys with his fingertips. The patter of sounds fills the air.
MC: But we don't plan on taking shelter from the rain, because...
I deliberately stop strumming for a beat and wink at Kiro.
MC: We haven't had enough fun~
My body starts to dance to the increasingly cheerful melody, as if I was gleefully letting go of all my inhibitions, and I am unable to stop myself from bending down and rubbing against the tip of his nose as I pluck the strings of the guitar.
Waves of heat steam across my face, but also tempt me to indulge in this even more brazenly.
Kiro's forehead is also wet with a fine layer of sweat, and something seems to shine in his naked eyes.
Our breathing gets faster and faster as the notes flow within the melody in a simple and profound manner, making our emotions a bit explicit and leaving our mouths dry.
At some point, the intertwining sun and rain seem to stop, leaving only a lingering pattering of sounds in the air.
However, our souls still seem to be connected. I slowly put down the guitar and walk forward, following my heart's desire, and finally come to a stop in front of Kiro.
The dim yellow chandelier sways in the wind, causing the light in those blue eyes to flicker again and again.
I don't think I've ever been as exposed to him than I am in this moment. And the same can be said about him.
And just as I'm about to give in to my desire to kiss him, he lifts my chin first, and a burning hot temperature follows suit.
I drown in that deep sea all at once as I unabashedly wrap my arms around his neck to absorb the oxygen that I longed for.
But this doesn't seem to satisfy him. His scorching breath lingers on every contour of my body, and the constant numbness makes me impatiently bite his neck.
His muffled groan falls into my ears and is then followed by his palms, grasping a hold of my thighs and picking me up.
I instantly lose my center of gravity and am unable to keep myself from opening my eyes and meeting that ravenous gaze.
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Kiro: There's one more thing I forgot to tell you.
Kiro: Anything that makes a sound... can be turned into a melody.
As he says this, he lays me down on the table beside me, and then kisses me hard.
He specifically picks out those sensitive spots and rubs them all over, as if wanting to amplify my senses to the limit.
The sounds of hair brushing against the wooden table, the sound of paper sticking to the skin, and the rustling sounds of a plug being pulled all fall clearly into my ears, stirring up a numbing ripple.
They sultrily and ambiguously meld together, playing a secret melody.
Kiro: [whispers sexily] Do you hear this song that can only belong to you and me?
His voice is hoarse and the corners of his narrow eyes are slightly red, obviously stained with desire.
I see myself in his eyes as though I have intertwined myself with him.
Kiro: [in a breathy voice x1] ...Why do I still feel like something's not enough?
MC: ...Even if you ask that, I still...
Our words are muffled between our lips and teeth, and the sounds mix together, making everything feel comfortable. He suddenly smiles and unconsciously moves a little closer to me.
Kiro: [x2] Then let's not stop this song.
As he speaks, he laces his fingers through the gaps between mine and presses them together on the table. Then, he leans forward and kisses me.
The lights on the ceiling intertwine with his figure, blurring my vision from time to time.
Kiro: [voice almost TREMBLING from the passion] I would also like to add more of your voice.
Part 2: Here
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Happily ever after
What does Idia's hair feel like. Does it feel like fire? How does it not burn anything? I have many questions about Idia's hair, but none of them will ever be answered. How sad.
Not proofread sorry!!!!
Warning(s): yandere/stalker Idia, fem reader, stockholm syndrome, implied pregnancy (at the very end)
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You met a guy online recently. He calls himself Gloomy Samurai, he's cool and all, but he can be very unintentionally creepy sometimes. But you assumed you were misunderstanding him. After all, it is hard to understand tone over the internet...
But you were wrong about him.
He knew a lot about you. A lot more than you thought he knew. He knew your address, your age, the colour of your hair and eyes, despite you not telling him any of that. Oh, but of course he never let you know he knew that... no, you'd think he was a creep! Your interest in him would drop to zero, he'd get the bad end!
That's why he can't let you know. He'll get your good end for sure. After all, dating is just like a game... and he is very good at games.
gloomy_samurai: where do you live btw gloomy_samurai: nothing specific obviously gloomy_samurai: just like a general area
(Y/N): That sounds like something a ☆stalker☆ would ask
gloomy_samurai: ah seven gloomy_samurai: you're right gloomy_samurai: r.i.p. me i guess gloomy_samurai: i'm not stalking you
(Y/N): Ye I know (Y/N): Just messing with u (Y/N): As for where I live (Y/N): Queendom of Roses
gloomy_samurai: really?! gloomy_samurai: no way!! i'm on a vacation there rn!
(Y/N): Woah really? (Y/N): What a coincidence
gloomy_samurai: yeah lol gloomy_samurai: i doubt we're anywhere near each other tho gloomy_samurai: but it'd be cool if we were gloomy_samurai: it'd be nice to meet you in person
(Y/N): Well, maybe we can! (Y/N): Where abouts are you at?
Idia couldn't believe what he was reading. You, wanted to meet up with him! In real life! Sure, he's seen pictures of you on your social medias, it's a completely different experience to see you irl!!
Sure, it means he'll have to, you know, go outside, but whatever! We all make sacrifices for love!
He continued making his plans with you, knowing that soon you two would take your relationship to the next level.
You walked into the coffee shop, hoping to get yourself a breakfast wrap and a doughnut.
You sat down at one of the booth seats, with your newly aquired and much-needed breakfast. It was a nice day. Your wrap tasted good. It was raining outside, but not enough to ruin everything.
But then, someone sat down across from you. He had two cups of coffee, he was wearing a hoodie, his eyes were yellow, and his lips a vibrant blue.
"Hi, (Y/N)~!" He said.
"Do I... know you...?" You asked him.
"Heehee! Of course you do, (Y/N)! But I guess I've never shown you myself... whoops." He shrugged. "Ba bababa baaaa~! It's Gloomy Samurai!" He imitated some kind of video game reveal sound.
"Wait, really?!" You asked. "Wow, you're... different than I expected. N-not a bad different, obviously!"
"It's fine, it's fine, but uh... p-people are... staring at us..." He said, nervously looking around. "Oh seven, I-I shouldn't've done that stupid reveal sound...! Why did I think a bunch of normies wouldn't think that was weird? Dammit!"
"Just act natural, things'll be fine." You assured him.
"A-a-alright, i-if you insist..."
"So what's your name?" You aksed.
"I mean, I only know your username, and that's a bit strange to say out in public... y'know, just casually referring to you as Gloomy Samurai might raise some eyebrows." You mentioned. "People might think that's a bit... weird."
"Oh, yeah, I guess... uh, my name's... I-Idia." He said, looking away from you. "And I already know your name, since you use it as your username, which you should change by the way. Anyone could find out who you are with that. Rookie mistake."
"Yeah, I've been meaning to change it..."
"So you live here, huh? Maybe you could, uh... s-show me around, or something?" Idia blushed. His hair was mostly hidden in the hoodie he was wearing, but the bits you could see, you noticed the tips turn pink.
"Oh, sure! That sounds fun! A nice walk in the rain together while I show you around my hometown..."
He didn't need you to do that. He's been keeping track of you for a while. He knows everything about your hometown. But of course... he has to pretend that isn't true.
He's always thought your name was so cute. It would go so well with his last name... (Y/N) Shroud... how fitting! How adorable! He's thought of that more than a few times... the two of you getting married, having two children, having a cute little kitten, living a perfect happily ever after... yes, he's thought about it so much.
You had no idea he thought that, however. Idia was good at hiding it.
You had no idea that when Idia's 'vacation' was over, you would be returning home with him.
Idia was delighted. His life turned out exactly as he'd predicted!
The two of you have a five-year-old daughter, and a baby on the way. You also have an adorable little kitten!
Idia entered your room, closing the door behind him.
"I, uh... I-I got you dinner, darling...!"
You were chained to the bed, tears stained your face.
But the strange thing is...
Every passing day, you feel like you're beginning to actually fall in love with Idia.
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the-lesbianest-batman · 4 months
a sherlock adaptation where victor trevor is introduced in an episode and he's introduced like
"victor trevor, my friend from university needs our help, watson"
and then you get flashbacks from their time in university and them becoming friends and one time when sherlock met up with him still exhilarated from having solved a case, victor kisses him. sherlock is a bit confused at first but gives him this small smile. so they fall into a sort of relationship where they go out from time to time and kiss and sometimes sleep in the same bed and cuddle and stuff. sherlock always seems fine with it, but he often has a sort of vacant, emotionless face. typical sherlock face. and victor knows about sherlocks drugs habits and wants him to quit and when he finds him high one time, sherlock is annoyed about his fussing and is like "it's not like you're my boyfriend or something" and he's right, technically cause they never put a label on it but victors face cools over and he gives a firm nod before walking out. soon after, sherlock helps save victor from some crime related thing and sherlock is sitting smoking and victor sits down next to him and thanks him and then sherlock cracks a joke and they laugh and victor gives him this look and kisses him on the cheek and when he pulls away, sherlock leans in, aiming for his lips but victor gently leans away. and they share this painfully awkward smile and then sherlock looks into the nature around them and asks "we're okay?" "yeah." and then he smiles genuinely
and like this the audience knows that sherlock is interested in men. and for reference there ought to be an earlier episode where irene (yes! in this show she's bisexual) and him are at a formal event for her case and she drags him against a wall when the suspect is walking by and she slips his hand down the back of her dress and starts kissing him and sherlock is very put off at first but realises that this is a strategy and kisses back and everything but after he like smacks his lips and sticks out his tongue like he just had a bad taste in his mouth and looks a little disgusted but the camera is more focused on irene who looks after the suspect and his like "I think he bought it, how could he not?" but just like that, the audience knows that for a case, sherlock will kiss a woman, but is not interested in them.
so, sherlocks sexual orientation is set up as gay but he didn't seem to be in love with victor but during the victor episode, we see him watching sherlock around john with this sort of pining look in his eyes like maybe he slightly regretted ending things and somewhat still has feelings for sherlock but that it's too little too late and that his chance is over or maybe it had never been there in the first place cause sherlock never looked at him the way he looks at john and so at the end of the episode, they hug goodbye and sherlock kisses him on the cheek and victor smiles, looks at sherlock deeply, then looks over to john who's doing something else and sherlock follow his eyes and looks back slightly ruffled but victor nods slowly and before sherlock can say anything, victor leaves.
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presidentheartbeat6 · 28 days
The Temeraire Playlist...
Hi. Hello. I am here today to ramble on about the music I've got on my temeraire playlist.
My music taste is. Strange. Blame my dad.
GRAND NEW SPIN (GOLD CELESTE): Starting out strong with a song that reminds me of willzing. There are! A lot of these!!! On here. You have been forewarned.
Anyways I think this is from Tharkay's perspective. "A longing for things to begin" (Ok but pining Tharkay. methinks.) / "A place where truth is not a sin" (THEIR HOME!!!! POST CANON!!!!!!!!! yea guess what the truth part is I dare you. I'll give you a hint its their GAY LOVE)
MEDICINE (LOVING): Will Laurence.
"You felt for the words like the wings of a bird, riding the winds of a dark form you heard" (!!!!! TEMRER!!!!!!!!!) / "A voice speaking low, it said 'I swim the deep waters, dreams are my eyes, deeper than blue'" (this but.. Tharkay.. dreaming about blue eyes..)
And then the last few lines are. Laurence to Tharkay & Granby :,)
TWO FOR NERO (EVERYTHING EVERYTHING): Ok so I can't put an everything everything song and NOT talk about it. Fair warning I'm crazy insane about this song. Like wild. My blog name is actually based on the everything everything song called (you guessed it) president heartbeat.
Now this song. Starts out a little strange. You're like 'where are these guys going with this???' And then about halfway through. You get to. The Part. You'll see what I mean. Pllllss tell me what you think about this song I'm so curious if it's just a me thing or what.
Anyways... this song is soo. Will Laurence. But specifically it's Granby talking about him.
"We met inside a war zone" / "And you never tell me anything, you never tell me anything" (EARLY BOOKS LAURENCE POV, HIM & GRANBY WHEN HE'S STILL FIGURING OUT THE CORPS. HEAVY BREATHING.) / "I can't remember dates and times, and I'm sorry for the years I was a shipwreck boy" (Laurence POV amnesia arc. Yeha.) / "I'd rather dash myself up on the rocks, than see you waste away your day with clocks, in every corner of your parent's home" (amnesia arc granble POV gheaaauugh) / "And there's no world war coming in, all the reasons I've been worrying, just forget the parts you'll never need, all these things I'll tell you when you wake up" (SO FUCKED UP SO FUCKED UP SO FUCKED UP. hahahaha Point of View: Granby when his best friend loses all memory of him lol hahaha!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!)
ok sorry I'm done. there are even MORE lyrics that relate to them in this song than the ones that I listed btw. some ODDLY specific ones too. I wish I could listen to this song for the first time again.
DRAGON EYES (ADRIANNE LENKER): no this is definitely not just on here cuz dragon is in the song name how dare you. anyways this song is sososoooo willzing.
Just think like ... tharkay's perspective..... "When the hot sand burns my feet, you have cool hands, you are sweet" / "As the coastline is shaped by the wind, as we make love and you're on my skin, you are changing me, you are changing me" / "I just want a place with you, I just want a place" (do I even need to say it?!!?? ok fine. their house. post canon.)
IN OUR BEDROOM AFTER THE WAR (STARS): dare I say Tharkay Laurence Granby friendship.........
"It's us, yes, we're back again, here to see you through, 'til the days end" (YEAH. YEAH. GRANBY AND THARKAY @ LAURENCE.) / "She's gone, she left before you woke, as you ate last night, neither of you spoke" (beautiful awkward early day willzing) / "And if you lost it all, and you lost it, well we'll still be there when your war is over" (AGAIN!!! THEM AT LAURENCE!!)
TO GO HOME (M. WARD): GRANBY & LITTLE>???>?>?>? finally a song NOT about Laurence. except this could probably still be about Laurence if u squint.
"Sailing on a sinking ship, into the sunset in day" (poor granble forced onto all those many. long. boat voyages LOL) / "To think I'll have to give it all up someday" (just thinking Abt how they'd never be able to get legally married and even if they do stay together how they'd live their lives in constant fear of being found out) / "And if I ever treated you mean, you know that it was only because, I'm sorry, I couldn't have you for my own"
"What a beautiful face, I have found in this place, that is circling all 'round the sun" (Tharkay inner monologue whenever he sees Laurence) / "What a beautiful dream, that could flash on the screen in the blink of an eye and be gone from me" (the dangers of Laurence dying in the line of duty, etc, etc) "And one day we will die, and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea" (thinking about temeraire spreading their ashes lol lol lol I am laughing so hard rn hahahahaha. spreading them TOGETHER I might add. United even in death) "With one you loved so long ago, now he don't even know his name" (*whispers* amnesia laure- *gunshots*)
SIMULATION SWARM (BIG THIEF): Mmmm yum yum I love this song. It sort of gives me Granby & Laurence vibes.
"O my stars, winged creatures, gathering in silken height" (TEEEMMMERAIIRE! sorry I have to.) / "with the drone of fluorescence, flicker, fever, fill the form" (just thinking about Laurence watching over Granby one of the many times he's seriously injured. siiigh.) / "And you could be my brother, once again fall asleep with our backs against each other" / "I'd fly to you tomorrow, I'm not fighting in this war, I wanna drop my arms and take your arms and walk you to the shore"
TOUGH LOVE (FLYTE, LAURA MARLING): auhgguhgh more willzing feelings. just thinking about their adjustment period after fighting in the war where they're both trying to learn how to Be Normal about being in love. thisssss ssoonnggg gives me Tharkay POV vibes.
"I've been trying to hurt you, I've been holding you tight" (the ultimate paradox, pushing away those you love because you're afraid of it, and being so desperately in love you can't fully make yourself do it.) / "I've been learning to love you, am I doing it right?" / "How are you still breathing, with my hands all over your heart?" (I think that while Laurence is still eons from normal, once he comes to terms with it he's a lot... MORE normal about their romance than Tharkay. Laurence trusts him completely and it is. a little disturbing to Tharkay, perhaps)
THE SMOKE (THE SMILE): ohohohoho. this is a fucking PHENOMENAL song.
"It begs me, while I'm sleeping, I desire a second chance, I set myself on fire" (oh YEEESSSS post treason Laurence yum yum yum) / "Wakes me from my sleep, smoke wakes me from" (MUST I EVEN SAY IT. THARKAY RESCUE MOMENT.)
TRIPOLI (PINBACK): I'm too lazy to make an animatic. but if I WERE going to. it would probably be to this song.
"You know what's gonna happen, you know what's gonna happen, he's gonna go down, and he's gonna come back again" (Tharkay somehow miraculously returning to Laurence over and over and over again. soulmates. attracted to each other but also like LITERALLY physically attracted to each other in a magnet way. idk. SOMETHING.)
"You and a test of will, too many fallen, too many failed, nobody move, nobody move" (EGG HUNT111 and. bunyips) / "You and I, uneasy, livid" (OOAUGHHQ!! I just think yk like. being stuck out their in the elements day in and day out. all those horrible conditions. and again, the fucking bunyips. so many stressors.... them all being anxious and snappy with each other... angst soooso good...) / "Stop, it's too late, I'm feeling frustrated, I see no sign of fortress, I see no fortress" (looking for water, looking for the egg, looking to catch a FUCKING break for once) / "Another delay, too many hassles, where do we go? How do we follow?"
WILD WEST (GREGORY AND THE HAWK): I love Gregory and the hawk ssoooososososoooooooooooo much. SSOOOSOSOSOOOOO MUCH. I have sooo many of her songs on my aubreyad playlist... yeehhaANYWAYS this song is. soo. Laurence coded.
"Flightless skies, the fear, the doom, it's no surprise" / "Realize there's no sense in losing your mind before your time, in order not to worry, you write the words down, but it's a fools game" (AMNESIA ARC AMNESIA ARC AMNESIA ARC) / "Rise young sun, you're a tireless one, and you'll be back burning when the morning comes" (LAURENCE LAURENCE LAURENCE)
GET NUMB TO IT! (FRIKO): hahhakjdshnjsh would it be mean to say. John Granby. poor baby darling.
"Tip toe out from the backdoor down to the basement, where your funny faces always made me frown" (sneaking into littles' room...) / "And when I'm down, I'll dance in a fever cold and calm, with a sewn on smile and feet swollen and numb" (poor guy :( the granble <3) / "And it doesn't get better, it just gets twice as bad" (JHBKJNKJNKJN. yeah. he literally Cannot Catch a Break bruh.)
OOKAYY!!!!! thank you for reading WOW congrats if you got all the way to the bottom :DDDDDDD listen to one of these songs and tell me when you think :)))!!!!!!
If anyone ever wants to talk music with me literally ever...... pls. I am so here.
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nevernonline · 3 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #17; happy trails.  
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 3.2k
note: a fully written chapter for my baddies. 🖤
masterlist ▸ 016 the part we play. ▸ 018 damage control.
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Keys are jingling in her face as Joshua stands inches above her head. Smiling down at her still trying to buckle the torture device women call heels. 
"Are we ready yet, princess?" 
Y/n didn't respond with words but a big sigh meaning no. Packing her purse frantically while she runs around the apartment in search of lipstick to match the red of her dress. 
“Y/n, you’ll be fine. I would say trust me but I feel like we're beyond that.”
Running back and forth between rooms she still didn’t know what to say to Joshua, she  decided to let the tensions between the two of them go away for the night as they tackle the bigger fish. 
“Josh. I know. Minghao texted me that he’s going to pretend to be on Mimi’s side. He said we have to be careful. I’m just not sure why.” 
“We’re like seven against one. It will be fine.” 
“Will it? Who knows what she’s capable of, she's very capable of taking all of you down to get to me. She proves it all the time. Maybe I just shouldn’t go. This is stupid even entertaining her.” 
“Do you still care about me and Minnie? Even if you don't, you do care about Minghao. I know for a fact if you don’t show up she will blackmail us forever. I also have a feeling she’ll go for Seokmin somehow, she knows he’s weak. If she can’t take you down, she will definitely take him down.” 
“Then let’s end this once and for all, please.” 
Locking her front door, feeling fire in her gut to take down the girl who had done everything in her power to hurt y/n, she couldn’t help but feel like there was something brewing that she wouldn’t be able to come back from. 
With the air around her full of pressure, she sat in silence in the back of the uber next to a friend who used to be her entire world and now was barely a part of it. 
Something about the ride to Mingyu’s bar felt like it was going to be the last time she saw herself like this, full of anxiety about the days going forward, worried that the other shoe will drop. 
When the two of them finally arrived they were met with an obnoxious banner outside the front door, that the bar was closed for an ‘exclusive’ event. 
Seokmin was standing off to the right, clutching his phone in his hand, looking obviously nervous waiting for y/n to arrive. 
She quickly jumped out of the car with a thank you and ran into his arms, holding onto him for dear life before you went inside. 
“You look beautiful, y/n. Perfect revenge dress.” 
“Thank you for being here to help me.” 
“Where else would I be? Hi, Josh.” 
“Hey, Seok. Where are.. You know.” 
“Out back, they parked Won’s car in the staff lot and are waiting back there.” 
“Okay. Cool. Let them know we’ll give them a signal to come in.” 
Walking through the front door, still sticking Seokmin on her arm. Feeling his physical touch to put y/n at ease following behind Joshua. 
There was a table set up at the front, small bags designed for everyone's phones at coat check, the security guard asked to confiscate everything on them including  their bags. 
Getting a deep wondering look in her eyes, Joshua was asking for permission if it's okay, though she was apprehensive to hand over the items that could be useful for her escape if needed she knew but she also knew she had to do it. 
Seokmin told the guard he just had to send a final message, assuming it was to the nerd back in the parking lot, you just sent him a small smile. 
After hanging over the personal items, the three piece crew, much smaller than normal, were handed numbered masks, assumingly part of Mimi’s plan to know who is who. 
“Guys, please stay close. Okay?” 
“We’re not going to leave you, y/n. We promise. 
Placing their masks over their eyes, Seokmin in something that looked like a green dragon, Joshua a white jester, and y/n a black sparkly mask with two small horns placed over her eyebrows. 
“I see she still has a sense of humor.” 
“I’m not sure if I think this is very funny, y/n.” 
“Humor keeps me living, Shua.” 
Walking through the black velvet curtain, there were swarms of people everywhere, some holding trays with champagne and other clear liquids, a parade of dancers on tables, and some party goers looking at the three of them, trying to suss out who they were. 
“How the fuck are we going to find her in here?” 
Y/n leaned into Seokmin’s ear and whispered the things Minghao had told her before she gave up her phone. 
Minghao was supposedly the only male guest in some type of red mask and knowing Mimi it had something to do with the devil. 
“Guys, I’m going to go grab us some drinks, don’t take anything from anyone if they offer you something. She may have spiked a drink since I’m sure she knows you’ve arrived.” 
Joshua was right, y/n hadn’t even thought about the possibility of Mimi doing something dirty to take her out and make her embarrass herself. 
Y/n pulled Seokmin along to the bathroom that was sitting next to the bar, locking them both inside for a moment to talk before their night. 
“Look. Let’s not drink anything, okay? And we can’t eat either. Joshua reminded me of something from that video of me that Mimi had put out at Minghao’s event. She said she could get us some stuff to have a fun night and to loosen me up more so I could go over to Joshuas and lose my virginity.” 
“She’s so sick. Y/n I'm so sorry.” 
“It’s fine. I just don’t want anything to happen to you, because if i-” 
With a small scream from Seokmin and y/n from a small knock on the door, she just yelled out they’d only be a minute, but the knocking persisted. 
“Y/n? It’s Minnie. Let me in.” 
“Uhh, Seokmin is having a bit of a bathroom emergency. Just one second.” 
“Guys. I know you’re lying, just let me in. I know you don’t want to see me. But, please.” 
Unlocking the door and letting Minnie slide through the crack, you noticed her mask as something to be aware of. It was some sort of bunny with pink crusted jewels all around it. 
“What do you want, Minnie?” 
“Seokmin, just let me talk okay?” 
“I know you guys don’t want to see me, I’m sure Joshua explained a little bit of what was going on considering you came with him here willingly. Just know I didn’t do it to hurt you, I did it to save myself. I was being selfish. Mimi knew stuff that I have never told anyone, not even the two of you, she was threatening telling my parents and I couldn’t come back from that, they’d nev-” 
“Minnie? We don’t care right now, why did you want to come in here?” 
“Because, I have an idea.” 
“Which is?” 
“Let me trade places with you tonight. Give me your dress and mask. That way whatever she tries to do to you, it’ll be me instead.” 
“But, our hair is different, they took my bag so I don’t have the matching lipstick for you to wear.” 
“Mingyu is doing work in his office, you can go hide in there with him. I have an overnight bag with some stuff in it that you can put on. I think it’ll be better if we're both not out there.” 
“What about Seokmin? And wouldn’t she be suspicious if you’re not out there?” 
“No. When I came to set up, I told her I wasn’t feeling well and that I wanted to go home early. She doesn’t even know he and I are still here.” 
“How do I know this isn’t part of her plan?” 
“Because I didn’t tell her about your friends waiting for you outside and about you and Minghao being friends still? Other than that you just will have to find it in your gut to believe me even if I betrayed you.” 
“Y/n are yo-” 
“Seokmin, I’m sure.” 
“Aright. We’ve been in here too long hurry up and change, Joshua is probably confused.” 
“Follow me to the office, we'll swap there.” 
Minnie led y/n and Seokmin down to the end of the hall holding her eagle eye on the room full of party go-ers looking for Mimi before making a clear getaway into the room Mingyu was held up in. 
Unlocking the key to his office door. Minnie swooped her former best friend into the room where Mingyu was sitting at his desk, airpods in his ears, sipping on a beer. 
“Hi, Gyu.” 
“Long time no see, y/n. Seokmin.” 
“We miss you, big dog.” 
“I know, Seoky.” 
“Mingyu, y/n is going to stay in here with you while me and Seokmin go around the party. Okay? Keep her safe.” 
“What about Seokmin?” 
“Why does everyone keep asking about me?” 
“Because, you’re the glue.” 
“Aw, Mingyu.” 
“Guys. Turn around so we can change.” 
“Why it’s not li-”
Y/n giggled at the interaction between Mingyu and Minnie, still unsure if they’re officially together or not, but she had hoped they were. 
Slipping out of their dresses, y/n changed into Minnie's casual clothes, a pair of grey sweatpants and hoodie as Minnie slid into the red dress that fit like a glove. 
“I have makeup wipes and other stuff in my bag, feel free to use it.” 
“Ready, Seok?” 
“I think so, but what about Minghao? And the guys?” 
“I can call them for you, I still have my phone.” 
“But, how will you know when?” 
“Wow, no shit. Okay. Be safe.” 
“Yeah, y/n?” 
“If you see Minghao.” 
“Don’t worry.” 
As y/n was peeling her makeup off, Minnie and Seokmin slipped back out the door they came in from and back into the party hoping to uncover truths for their friends as she was stuck in an office with her old flame, in secret once again. 
“Want a beer?” 
Mingyu handed over a glass bottle as he popped the top off swiftly, y/n chugged at the golden liquid hoping it would settle her stomach slightly. 
“Minghao, huh?” 
“You guys, are uh? Dating? Friends?” 
“We’re just friends.” 
“For now.” 
“You like him.” 
“I did. I don’t even know anymore.” 
“You do. You just don’t trust him.” 
“Not fully, no. Not yet. I really only trust Seokmin and the guys. Which is sad.” 
“Not even me?” 
“I’ll be honest, I thought you had something to do with it for a while.” 
“Y/n, come on.” 
“I just wasn’t sure. Joshua told me everything. I know you didn’t. I’m sorry I doubted you I guess.” 
“Do you think if all of this never happened things would’ve been different between us?” 
“Maybe. How are you and Minnie?” 
“The same. I think she has a lot of stuff to work out before anything would ever be able to happen seriously.” 
“A lot of things she should tell you herself, but I don’t like that she hurt you.” 
“Mingyu, you know-” 
“No. I know. It’s silly I still like you after you made it clear to me your feelings, but I can’t help it. I’m competing with your childhood crush and your knight in shining armor I get-” 
“No. Mingyu.” 
Y/n pointed to the screen, watching Minnie approach who y/n thought was maybe Mimi, watching their interaction carefully. Mimi ran her hand over Minnie's masked face and took Seokmin’s hand in hers, jumping a little bit off the ground. Holding her hands out to show them the work she had put in for y/n's birthday. 
“Do you think she knows?” 
“That it’s not you? Maybe. She is a good liar.” 
“She definitely is.” 
Y/n noticed to their side seated at a table was Minghao, something about his demeanor and watchful stance, plus the hint of the red mask, let her into the detail. 
“That’s Hao.” 
“In the red? Where’s Josh?” 
“To the left. White mask.” 
“What do you think they're talking about?” 
“No clue.” 
Mimi handed Seokmin and Minnie drinks off the tray that were brought over and cheered them on as she went to take her spot on the stage to introduce the DJ for the evening and also thank the guests for coming, a sign the party was officially in full swing. 
Y/n and Mingyu kept watching on as Seokmin and Minnie sipped their drinks, when he suddenly stopped her from putting the cup to her lips and swapped their drinks without letting Mimi onto what he was doing. 
“Do you really think she’d drug your or Minnie, but your drinks?” 
“I do. I told Seokmin to be careful. Joshua was the one actually who told me.” 
“Why do you think she hates you so much?” 
“Because I’m the only person who never put up with her shit.” 
“And you’re the only person who can get what she wants but can't have?” 
“Not true.” 
“It is. She wanted Josh, she got him, but really he wanted you. She got Minghao to fall for you unintentionally even though she had him first and wanted him to do her dirty work by lying. She hates you because you’re everything she isn't. Kind and Honest.” 
“I don’t feel that way. I never tell people what I want. Even Seokmin. I don’t know how to tell people my true and honest feelings. I just skirt around them. I act like I’m okay and I’m not. I’m not okay. I sometimes feel like she’s onto something. Maybe she’s helping me go after things I need.” 
“Even though she’s fucking with your life you have compassion enough to say maybe she’s helping you. You’re a good person, y/n.” 
“Trust me. That’s why I fell in love with you.” 
“Don’t. Mingyu, please. Not now.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” 
As the pair was sitting and drinking at Mingyu’s desk, they entirely missed Mimi’s devious actions in spiking the drink that belonged to one of their friends.
“Wait. Why is she on stage?” 
“She’s talking.” 
“Do you have sound on your cameras?”
“Yeah, one second.” 
Mingyu unmuted his laptop and watched as Mimi paraded around the stage. 
“Hello, everyone. I’m Mimi, of course. I know you can’t tell under my mask. But, I’m here to celebrate the birthday girl, y/n. She has been in my life for a long time, we were such good friends as kids. Did you know y/n stole my boyfriend? It’s funny, she’s always doing things people don’t expect. I want to bring her up here tonight to let her tell you her story for herself as she turns another year older. y/n? Can you please come to the stage?” 
Seokmin nudged Minnie who was looking unwell, the girl on his side pretending to be someone she wasn’t slinked onto the stage next to Mimi, clearly inebriated. 
Mimi smirked and handed her the microphone, letting her know it was time for a speech. 
“Uh, Hi. Sorry, I’m not feeling well.” 
The crowd of people they may or may not have known the girl who stepped on the stage wasn’t the girl of honor, y/n and Mingyu watched in disbelief holding eachothers hands without realizing it. 
Minnie fell to her knees which prompted Seokmin and other masked guests including Joshua and Minghao to run to her side as the microphone cracked loudly over the speakers. 
Mingyu tugged tightly on y/n’s hand before she forced him to run out to the girl left on the small stage who had fainted. 
Y/n was sitting and watching everything go down when all of the sudden the lights cut out, following the last bit of light from the computer screen. 
“Hello? Who is it?” 
“Aw, are you scared?” 
“Who else?” 
“What's wrong with Minnie?” 
“Oh she’ll be fine. You should know better than to cross me. Bold of you both to go against what I actually had planned, but she meant well. I can't fault her for that."
“What do you want?” 
Y/n felt Mimi’s presence beside her, her breathing slowing more in the faint black room. 
“You. Well, for you to go away.” 
“If I agree to what you want, will you leave my friends alone?” 
“Yeah. I need you to do something for me first.” 
“What is that?” 
“Lie for me.” 
A flashlight suddenly lit up the room, illuminating both of the girls' faces, Mimi had a sinister smile on her face. 
“Because you owe me.” 
“What do I need to do? And before I agree you have to promise me all of them will be okay.” 
“I promise.” 
“I need you to go, I need you to find somewhere out of the city. I’ll tell your friends the rest. I put a bag in my car out front. It has everything, your phone, your wallet. Just get in and drive. I don’t care where you go, but just know if you show back up or contact them. I’ll find you. I’ll handle everything else.” 
“How do I know I can trust you?” 
“Hm. I’ll give you this.” 
Mimi handed y/n a small pink zip drive hooked onto her key unit. Something for her to hold onto. She took it in the palm of her hand and shoved it inside the pocket of Minnie’s sweats. 
“Can I ask you a favor if I do this?” 
“I guess. What is it?” 
“Take care of Seokmin and Jun. Even if you don’t get too close to them, just make sure they are alright. Everyone else can handle themselves. I just need to know the two of them will be okay.” 
“Yes, y/n. Your bitch boys will be well taken care of.” 
Y/n took the keys from the top of Mingyu’s desk, ready to make her exit as the tears welled up in her eyes. 
“Aw, don't cry. I just need you to sign this letter I wrote. So they think it's from you.” 
Y/n took the pen from Mimi, only reading the first few words of the fake letter meant for her friends and signed her name at the bottom. Maybe it wasn’t right, but she knew if she ever got the chance to apologize they’d understand. 
“Actually can I ask you for one more thing before I go, Mimi?” 
“Why does it have to be like this?” 
“Well because I know if I don’t force you out I’ll never get what I want. Good luck, y/n. You’ll need it.” 
“Thanks. I guess.” 
Y/n slipped out the back door of Mingyu’s bar for what she thought would be the last time. She took a deep exhale watching her breath follow the wind as she walked to Mimi’s car and slammed the door shut behind her. Finally letting the tears fall from her face before she started it and drove away. 
She made a promise to herself as she left, just minutes until she became a year older. That somehow she’d find her way back, even though she may be picking up the pieces of what she left behind.
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note: my girl y/n going thru it?? everyone going thru it?? ik she's not a text chapter but I hope u enjoy!! (also fully writing my author note low-key drunk?) anyway! after the next two chapter + the epi my big gawg is ending (sad?) but I hope u all will enjoy my pfd fic etc sorry it took me so long to get her up I wanted her to be good! ok! (steam nct dream smoothie ?? or unknown the whole album hits ily??)
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taglist: @sun-daddy-yoriichi@hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo@minhui896@wonwooz1@porridgesblog@jasssy051@soonyoungblr@saucegirlreads@musingsofananxiouspotato@young-adult-summer@punkhazardlaw@bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo@k-drama-adict@90s-belladonna@blaycke@dnylwoo@to-mi-yo, @nonononranghaee
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perspectivestarters · 2 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan (Part I)
Same old story, time again.
Got so close but then you lost it.
Should've listened to your friends.
You sent him pictures and playlists and phone sex.
Let's get coffee.
Let's meet up.
I'm so sick of online love.
I don't understand, why can't any man...
Can you play a song with a fucking beat?
Make a bitch go on and on.
It's a femininomenon.
So, let's say it's working out.
You pretend to love his mother.
He's such a goddamn good lover.
Got what you wanted, so stop feeling sorry.
You know what I mean.
You know what you need.
But does it happen?
She was a playboy.
She showed me things I didn't know.
She did it right there out on the deck.
I'm in the hallway waitin' for ya.
I just want you to make a move.
Slow down, sit down.
I just wanna get to know ya.
Guess I didn't quite think it through.
Fell in love with the thought of you.
Baby, why don't you come over?
Let's pick it up now.
I don't care that you're a stoner.
I like what you like.
It's my type.
Want me to fuck you?
I will 'cause I really want to.
I've got a California king.
Okay, maybe it's a twin bed.
Don't worry, we're cool.
I heard you like magic.
I've got a wand and a rabbit.
Let's get freaky.
Nothing good happens when it's late and you're dancing alone.
It's not attractive wearing that dress and red lipstick.
This is what I wanted.
This is what I like.
I've been a good girl for a long time.
I like flirting.
Can't be a good girl even if I tried.
I'm feeling kinda freaky.
Maybe it's the club lights.
I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind.
I love a little drama.
Everything good happens after midnight.
Maybe it's the moonlight.
Let's watch the sunrise.
I really want your hands on my body.
That’s my type of fun.
That's my kind of party.
Baby, put your hands up.
Be a freak in the club.
Can't meet you for dinner.
It's where I met your family.
Some words were exchanged.
We know where that leads.
I'll meet you for coffee.
I know that's a lie.
If I didn't love you, it would be fine.
Nowhere else is safe.
Every place leads back to your place.
He said let's do the park.
God forbid it gets dark.
I'd rather feel something than nothing at all.
We've done this before.
I don't need it anymore.
Let's not do coffee.
Let's not even try.
It's better we leave it.
It's never just coffee.
My friends call me a loser.
I'm still hanging around.
I've heard so many rumors.
I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch.
I thought you thought of me better.
We're not together.
Baby, no attachment.
Is it casual now?
I know what you tell your friends.
Get me off again.
I love being stupid.
Dream of us in a year.
Maybe we'd have an apartment.
It's hard being casual.
I try to be the chill girl that holds her tongue and gives you space.
I try to be the chill girl but honestly, I'm not.
You wonder why I'm bitter?
I get off when you hit it.
I hate to tell the truth.
I'm sorry dude you didn't.
I hate that I let this drag on so long.
I hate myself.
You can go to hell.
Never waste a Friday night on a first date.
But there I was, In my heels with my hair straight.
This man wouldn't dance.
He didn't ask a single question.
He was wearing these fugly jeans.
It doesn't matter though.
He doesn't have what it takes to be with a girl like me.
I know what I want
I'm through with all these hyper mega bummer boys like you.
I need a super graphic ultra modern girl like me.
Look at her moving.
She's the one
Oh yeah, I need a super graphic ultra modern girl like me
Get up off your feet.
Get up on that bar.
Flash the camera.
You're a star.
I could be the one.
It's all in my head.
I don't want the world.
Who can blame a girl?
Call me hot, not pretty
Baby, do you like this beat?
I made it so you'd dance with me.
You can take me hot to go.
I try not to care but it hurts my feelings.
You don't have to stare, comе here, get with it.
No one's touched me there in a damn hot minute.
I made it so you'd sleep with me.
What's it take to get your number?
What's it take to bring you home?
Hurry up, it's time for supper.
Order up, I'm hot to go.
Hurry up, it's getting cold.
Whew, it's hot in here.
Is anyone else hot?
You coming home with me?
I'll call the cab.
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cwritesforfun · 9 months
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader: I might love you
You’ve been best friends with Steve for 7 years. You’ve seen him grow from a scrawny tween to a confident adult. Sure, his heart may have been broken by Nancy and a few others, but that doesn’t stop him from going on dates with random girls and trying to find love. However, the only girl he really wants to date is Y/N L/N, his best friend, and he’s scared of how she’d take it. The only guy Y/N wants to date is Steve and she’s afraid of being rejected by her only friend. 
Y/N = Your First Name L/N = Your Last Name **I do not own any of the characters in the Stranger Things series and yes, the plot is different.**
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Steve’s POV
“Why are you staring at me, Steve?” I look to my right at Y/N who is staring at me with determination in her eyes. I can't just say that I think she's beautiful and I could stare at her for hours because I love her. I could, but that would ruin everything. I answer "Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts. What were you saying?" She answers "I just wanted to see what you wanted to do on this group project and when you want to finish it." I reply "I can come over after school to your place. I promise to help you then."
I hear the bell ring and Y/N says "Ok I'll see you at my place after school then. I'm going to head to my next class, so see you later." I hug her as Tammy Thompson walks up to me saying "I wish you were my partner for this project, Steve." Y/N sighs and walks off. I smirk at Tammy and then walk off as well. I do not want to deal with Tammy or be late for class.
Skip to after school - I make it to my car and hear my name being called. I see Dustin running toward me and I wait for him. He asks "Hey! Could I have a ride home?" I reply "None of your friends can drive you?" He replies "No they can't. They rode their bikes. I didn’t bring my bike. Why? You usually say yes. Are you going on a date?" I answer "I'm meeting Y/N at her house for our group project. I don't want to be late." He asks "Where is she?" I see Y/N walking with her younger brother to the car and Dustin yells out Y/N's name. She sees us, waves, and they walk over.
Dustin exclaims "Sorry for yelling your name, Y/N. I need a ride home and I asked Steve. He wanted to make sure it was cool with you before he did so." Oh my god, he makes me sound pathetic. Y/N smiles and says "Of course. That's totally fine. As long as you don't bail on me completely for the project then we're fine, Steve." I reply "I promise I won't. I'll be quick." She replies "Cool. See you later then." She waves and walks off.
Dustin and I get into my car then I drive off to his house.
Dustin asks "So when are you going to tell Y/N that you like her?" I ask "Will you stop asking me that? When you're older, you'll understand." He replies "I don't understand because if you really liked her, then you would let her know. I knew when I met Suzie that I wanted to ask her out and I didn't waste time asking her out." I reply "That is very mature of you. I just... If I tell Y/N and she doesn't like me back, I ruined our friendship. I could lose my friend." He replies "Oh she's into you. I can tell." I laugh and reply "I wish I could just believe you and ask her out." He replies "Thanks for bringing me home anyway. Bring her a treat or something today and see how she responds. If it's something that she actually likes and she can tell that you notice things about her, you're in. Try gently asking her about her crush or a tip to ask someone out." I reply "I'll get her her favorite ice cream. I know that." He replies "Good. You better do it. Bye, Steve."
I stop at home to write a note for my parents not that they care, but just so they know where I am. They’re never in town anyway. I tend to spend the night when I hang out with Y/N, so I grab my sleepover bag too.
Y/N’s POV - After School
I make it home and clean my floor, so I can set up the group project there. Steve and I have a poster that we need to finish. Speaking of Steve, I found it so funny that he needed my approval before going to bring Dustin home. It's a wonder that he's able to have a girlfriend because he is so dependent on me and my opinion. When he was with Nancy, he was pretty clingy to her and I realized how much I truly liked him. I thought I just saw him as a friend until I saw him with other girls. It began to hurt to see how they embraced him and to know it could never be me.
I hear someone knocking and I run to the door. I open it and it's Steve smiling. I usher him in and he exclaims "I'm sorry I'm late, but I brought your favorite ice cream as a peace offering." I smile and say "You're the best, Steve! Remind me to always be your partner for group projects if this is how you treat your partners." He smirks and replies "Only for you, Y/N. Only for you." Why did that sound more flirty than normal? I reply "Ok... I'll grab spoons and meet you in my room. I have the poster on my floor." He nods and smiles.
When I get back to my room, I give Steve his spoon and we work on the project. We knock it out in an hour with several stolen glances between each other and leaning close to each other most of the time.
My door opens and my mom leans in to ask if Steve wants to stay for dinner, which he agrees to. She then leaves.
I ask "Wanna go on a walk?" Steve agrees and we head out on the path in the woods behind my house. We probably will only run into people walking their dogs. That's all who walks in these woods.
An old lady passes us with a small chihuahua and exclaims "I must tell you both, you both are the cutest couple that I've ever seen. I can tell you both genuinely enjoy each other's company." Cutest couple?!?! That is funny. I reply "Thank you, ma'am." She smiles and keeps walking.
We make it closer to my house and my neighbor, Betty, says “Y/N, is that you?” I answer “Yes ma’am.” She replies “Ooh and a young handsome gentleman. Please tell me the name of your stinkin’ cute boyfriend.” Steve says “Hi I’m Steve.” Betty replies “You’re cute, Steve. Treat Y/N right or I will haunt you in the afterlife.” Steve replies “Yes ma’am I promise.” Betty replies “Well good to see you both. I hope you both have a great night.”
Why did two people think we were dating today?!?! 
We walk back to the house in silence and by then, dinner is ready. Steve sits by me as always. Dinner passes. 
My family sits on the couch to watch nighttime tv together and Steve sits really close to me. I feel like he normally is not this close. Or am I just more aware of his closeness right now? 
After getting ready for bed, I get in bed and get set for bed.  Steve asks “Did I do something wrong?” I answer “What do you mean? You haven’t done anything wrong.” He answers “You have been very quiet today. You normally tell me about your whole day and you haven’t yet. Is it because I told Betty that I was your boyfriend and that I would treat you right?” I answer “No that didn’t bother me. I mean I didn’t exactly tell that lady in the woods that we weren’t a couple either.” He replies “Yeah... uh since we’re talking about crushes, Dustin was trying to give me advice on mine earlier. Wanna hear what he had to say?” I answer “Sure.” He replies “He told me that if I really liked this girl, then I would let her know and wouldn’t waste time not being with her.” I reply “That’s actually really good advice. I’ll have to tell him the next time I see him. Did he give you any more advice?” He looks over at the empty ice cream container sitting on the table and answers “Yeah. He suggested that I bring over something she liked when I saw her next to show her I listen to her and that I do care for her.” Is he saying what I think he is saying?!?!  I ask “So, are you going to tell her how you feel?” He answers “Yeah... hey Y/N, would you like to go out with me this Friday?” I smile and say “Yeah I would really like that, Steve.”
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themarginalthinker · 9 months
Just Breathe
(Michael might be a vampire now, but that doesn't mean his body has quite caught up yet. David takes him to a place to get a feel for it.
Headcanons: vampires can technically breath, but it takes a bit for the body to recognize it doesn't have to, and David helps Michael adjust. tw: deep water, lightless water, drowning technically but they're immortal and fine.)
Vampires are not human. This, Michael knows.
But sometimes the extent of how much 'not human' and what that exactly means, still surprises him.
"It used to be an old quarry," David explains. "So the water should be still enough for you."
The both of them, really, but Michael and his stupid little bane especially. (Fitting, he sometimes thinks. David with his extra aversion to sunlight, and Michael with his extra aversion to running water. What a pair.)
The quarry in question lies before them, the lake that's been made from it a mirror disk of silver and black in the night. It stretches on quite far, having been purposefully flooded years and years ago when the company decided to stop carving stone. As they pick their way down the slight slope to it, they pass massive chunks of rock - marble, Michael was told - laying around beside the water. Time has weathered them, plants an green moss and fungal lichens having reclaimed a lot of it, though the rectangular stonework is still visible.
They come to the waterside, a level, sandy, dirt bank that leads down into the unknown. David starts stripping, Michael following him after a moment. He still cannot help but flick eyes about, to the shoreline, listening deeper into the woods. Just to be sure.
"If there's anyone around, they won't get an eyefull of much before we're below," David says, having heard Michael's concern through the bond.
Michael smirks a little. "More than you," he says.
David throws a boot at him and it nails him pretty good in the head.
"Jerkwad," Michael says, smarting, but still smiling.
"Dipshit. Finish up," David replies, waiting.
He does, folding his clothing neatly and setting it beside David's. Michael pads over to David, closer to the water's edge. Naked as the day he was born.
Believe it or not, this wasn't the first time he'd been skinnydipping with anyone - even outside of the boys. But it certainly wasn't with this specific purpose. The humor of the banter drains a little from Michael as the ground under him goes damp and cool.
David's hands are at his arms. He's quiet when he speaks, pressing against Michael's mind knowing he needs it.
"So, I know we talked about it before, but it's worth saying again. You're not gonna like it, but we gotta do it."
Michael, ironically, takes a breath.
"Yeah. I know. You...said this was better than what Max did?"
David scoffs, humorlessly. "Oh yeah. Hand around the throat, crushed trachea and everything. Surprised the motherfucker didn't use a garrot."
God, damn. Michael had only met the man twice in his life, and he still shivers remembering him.
He and his ghoulish 'teaching' methods weren't why they were here tonight though. No, why the two vampires were standing by the lakeside of a flooded quarry in the middle of the night, was a tad more pleasant. Ish.
David was going to teach Michael how to stop breathing.
Apparently, even after becoming a vampire, the body...didn't just stop. Even after having descending into the void, a place with no time or memory or concept of real being, when you pulled back into your body again, life still wormed its way into the cracks. Vampire's hearts beat, though so, so slowly. And they breathed. Especially new ones.
Which could become a problem if they couldn't purposefully stop it when need came time.
Michael had tried doing it before, but failed.
"No, no, you're not not breathing, you're just holding your breath," Paul had said when they'd attempted it a few times before.
"I don't understand what the difference is?" Michael had asked.
"It's not- like, it's not just not breathing, it's like...you don't want to breath."
Made little sense, and had been even less useful in getting him there, so David was taking the approach he did with the rest of them. Gentler, he'd said, than how Max had taught him.
So, to the bottom of a lakebed they went.
David stepped first, wading in, and then, the water glinting in the moonlight at his pale skin, and then, glancing back, dipped under.
Michael took another breath. Fuck. Against the point, here.
He took to the water, baring his teeth against the cold of it, even in summer. The 'floor' of the lake here was gritty, the same sand, but quickly moving to mud, soft and his feet sinking in. Soon the water passed his knees, his hips, his chest. He kept feeling along the bottom, waiting for the dropoff that he knew was there.
He didn't get there on his own.
Michael's yelp is rather pitiful in the quiet night air when two cold, clammy arms wrap around his waist from below, and yank him under.
Michael flails for a moment, knowing, knowing it's just David, but still not expecting it. He kicks out, elbowing the vampire back, who gives him a little space.
Hands move around him, and Michael reaches out for them with his own. They grab each other, and having gotten his bearings, Michael lets David pull him. Down.
Down, down into the inky blackness. Even during the day, light wouldn't filter too deep here. When above, there's always some kind of light for them to see by. The moon, the stars, firelight or streetlights from the town, always a bit of skyglow their sensitive eyes could pick up on.
Here, there is nothing. A wall of blackness swamping the senses. Water dulling sound into odd vibrations Michael swore he could feel against his skin as they went, constant sensation of currents and movement. Lake plants, rocks.
Unknown Things in the blackness.
Michael could feel it in the back of his head as they reached the bottom. The wet, loamy settled material at the lakebed sunk between his feet as he slipped, and 'fell' backwards at David's pushing. Their bond practically hummed between them, the only form of communication open to them now. Calm. Settle. Everything's fine.
Yes...Michael knew that on an intellectual level. But as the moments ticked by, as David's hands on his arms didn't leave, as Michael kicked to keep himself from floating back upwards, he.
He couldn't help but feel it. The need to open his mouth and take in air.
Michael knows it's not necessary. It's an old reflex, that was still useful to have of course to talk and smell and look human and all those things. But it didn't want. To turn off.
He makes a sharp jerk, and David's suddenly wrapped around him. He's heavy against Michael, even in the water. Shoving back when Michael shoves up, spinning them back around to square one when it seems like Michael will wiggle free.
Air, fuck, Michael could feel the panic he didn't want building in the back of his head, quickly starting to build to the front, he needed air, he would figure something else out, he had to get away-!
A knee connected with Michael's sternum, and the impact rocked through him. A cloud of bubbles erupted from his chest, popping as they went.
Cold, cold water flooded in.
Like ice and lead at the same time. Michael feels it fill him up, a shaking convulsion at a time, grit sliding past his teeth, a weight settling into his chest. Heavy. Full. Cold, and sinking, and. Calmer. Too heavy to push against at the moment.
And just like that, Michael knows stillness.
No breathing.
A heartbeat so slow it was more like the swaying of the water around them.
There are hands at his shoulders. A ringing apology in the bond for the roughness, but he understands now. Before, when he'd been human, summer at the pool or riverside meant that getting water up your nose, breathing it in, meant burning, rough hacking. A pain as the body tried to expel the offending contaminant. A person can drown in a couple tablespoons of water, after all.
Michael was not drowned, now. He moves his arms, slowly, his legs. Pushing off the bottom, but he doesn't rise. No buoyancy to carry him up, save for his own power.
Like without air, he's part of the water, surrounded inside and out.
David's hands shift, to his face. Michael does the same. Across the bond, so strong now here, in the black utter silence it's almost visible, almost audible, their thoughts to each other, a question is asked.
Michael agrees.
Might as well explore some while they were here.
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soupthecoolest · 6 months
alright! so CnD, or "Creation and Destruction" is my homebrew "dnd" campaign!! i have dnd in quotes just cause. well my autism got too strong and i made an entire handbook with my own mechanics LMAO so it's really it's own Thing at this point. which is super cool n fun. after everything's been wrapped up i might publish that handbook but WE SHALL SEE.
anyway CnD is my own personal excuse to make my friends rp with me and my crazy ocs. SO.
it all started when the 11 party members crashed on the beach in a town they'd never seen before. looked totally normal until at the end of the first session they found a portal!
jumping in, that just... kept happening. small adventure, portal, repeat. with no end in sight. as the party began questioning why all this was happening, they met these two little FREAKS named mayhem and maelstrom. (i'll add all refs i have below!!)
anyway mae n may mentioned an elusive “She” that they’re working for, which led my players down an insane conspiracy rabbit hole in which they guessed 90% of hullabaloo’s vibe based on a PRONOUN. ONE PRONOUN I DROPPED I CAN’T TELL THESE MFS ANYTHING
next, they met pandemonium, (@weedsmokingbfs's oc!!! owe you my life muppy) who told them that: these portals aren't taking them place to place, it's transporting them around purgatory. and they've all died.
since then it's been up to the party to navigate their purpose, how to escape, all of it.
then they met bedlam, who explained to them this crazy prophecy and the reason they're all trapped there, which connects to a decision he made 800 years earlier.
enter callie.
my god this is so much to explain IM CRAZY ok. so callie and dee (@percexe) had been meeting in the void for centuries. he'd see callie there when he died and never knew why. 2 idiots had an unspoken pact to not talk about their pasts, but boy they should've!
it would've revealed that callie is actually named chaos, and directly related to all the other crazy clowns they'd meet across the campaign.
they're called the Story, the main 6 pantheon of gods i've set up in this universe! so we've got (in order of like. "hierarchy")
mayhem and maelstrom: gods of war and balance (he/they)
pandemonium: trickster god of illusion (he/it)
bedlam: god of magic and prophecy (he/him)
hullabaloo: goddess of joy, day, and spontaneity (she/her)
chaos: goddess of narration, night, and tradition (she/he)
the Story are basically the worlds most fucked up family, all considering each other brother and sister. in the beginning they were fine, but as time went on things just naturally got more and more messed, and now everything is just a nightmare
chaos and hullabaloo are kinda a tier above the rest of the story, part of their own subset called the Storytellers.
hullabaloo wanted more power and betrayed chaos, trapping her in the void for eternity, as she wanted to rule the universe herself. which all circles back to how callie met dee.
in the void, chaos didn't feel like himself and took on the name calypso, which is how she introduced herself to dee once they met.
and nobody found out anything out of a series of insane miscommunications and lack of info! what fun!
but now in the campaign timeline, everyone's basically caught up. we've finished the first season and are heading into the second in a couple weeks!!! also excuse if this feels rushed at all it's because it is <3 LMFAO there's just so much with CnD, this barely scratches the surface.
there's so much i couldn't cover here like the prophecy binding the party to purgatory, bedlam's entire role in that, the mages, etc. we're like 25 sessions in and so far i've planned 40 more. i am SO normal!!!!
PLEASEEE ask about it if you're curious!! im so insane about my campaign it is my pride and joy :]]
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in order there: hullabaloo, chaos, bedlam, pandemonium, and mayhem and maelstrom! ART CREDS for pandemonium and may&mae refs @weedsmokingbfs !!! once more muppy i owe u all my beans
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captain-mj · 11 months
I am here to beg for more selkie au. Its so cute and has my whole heart (i feel so bad for poor soaps mom)
Here ya go! this is probably the second to last to chapter btw
Ghost sat outside, smoking quietly. Every puff, he'd pass it to Soap who would pass it to Davina and then Rosy and then Iris and then they'd hand it back. It was a bit silly, treating a simple cig like a joint, but it was funny so he let it slide.
"Used to smoke cigs on my roof with Tommy. Good times." Simon told them, lighting another one to share.
"Little brother. I was the best man at his wedding." Good times.
Soap glanced at him. "And I haven't met him?"
Simon imagined his bright and sunny Soap meeting Tommy. Living Tommy. They'd get along like a house on fire. Then they'd set the actual house on fire. He smiled a little, forgetting about how his scars pulled when he did. For once, no one said anything. No one looked at him like he was sad or pathetic.
"How about the next time we're on leave I'll introduce you to him?" Simon looked at Johnny. "He's dead. But I got some tapes."
"Oh..." Johnny winced. "I'm sorry."
Simon shrugged. "It's been nice. Being around you guys. Reminds me of him."
Davina hummed. "Bet he was a cool guy."
"Fucking coolest. Cooler than me that's for sure." Simon smiled. "We were in a band in high school. He played drums. I played bass."
"Any good?"
"Fucking sucked." Simon shrugged. "Nostalgic though. Loved playing. Then I went to the military. Fucked up my hands."
"You're a sniper."
"Yeah. Don't have the muscle memory for guitar anymore. Just the gun." Simon mock aimed a gun. "S'okay. Like I said. Dog shit at it. Tommy was good, but he quit for his family."
Johnny must've realized that asking about his family might not be a great idea. So did everyone else.
Fergus came home. He saw them all on the stoop outside, glancing at all of them. "You all okay?"
"Just fine, sir." Ghost answered, pulling Soap's coat further around him. His arm was around Soap, making everything feel right. Good. "Moray is making dinner I believe."
Fergus nodded. "I see..." He must've noticed something was off. But he still went inside.
Soap closed his eyes and leaned into Ghost.
They all heard the sounds of Moray beating the shit out of him. It was rough.
"Good for her."
Davina grabbed the cigarette and took a deep, deep puff. "She deserves it."
Simon nodded and lit some more cigarettes for them to all share. They all just chilled for a bit longer as he struggled to get the upper hand over a woman who was, from he sounds of it, using a frying pan.
Moray came out eventually and Ghost quickly lit one for her. She took it and started smoking quickly, hands shaking. "That was... great."
"Have fun?" Simon smiled.
Moray nodded. "I can see why you beat your father."
"Jesus, Mom." Rosy gasped.
Simon laughed. "Nah, it's fair." He checked his phone and showed Soap that they had been approved for a longer leave. They shared a look and both smiled.
"Alright, ma." Soap smiled at him. "You going to be okay?" He crouched in front of her and kissed her cheek.
Moray nodded and took a puff. "Course I will. Might disappear for a while. I... I want to come back though. See you three."
Simon didn't miss how Soap got teary eyed over it. He remembered Soap saying she'd abandon them without a second thought.
Soap must've decided he'd cry later when he was alone. Because he just nodded. "I will see you soon, Ma." He stood up.
"Alright, boys." Moray hugged him and gave him a quick squeeze. Then she hugged Simon. Soap winced and mouthed sorry to him.
Simon tensed at first before hugged back, trying to remember how his Mom would hug him after Dad had one of his episodes. She relaxed immediately.
"He's very good at hugs. And handsome. I can see why you picked him."
Simon very suddenly and aggressively realized he was not wearing anything. "Ah..." He noticed her look at the pointed ears and the odd freckles.
"Too bad he's British or he'd be perfect."
"Ma!! We have to go back to base now." Soap grabbed Ghost hard to go get packed.
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