#we need to give her a last name
pass3ra · 7 days
cressida's storyline was genuinely shameful tbhhh it's like they started rewriting it in the first half of the season then completely forgot about the changes they'd made to make it fit the book plot and it just ends up making everyone else look bad😐 every character in the second half got a "penelope did nothing wrong" lobotomy so we ended up with eloise completely ignoring cressida being sold off to an horrible man (when she made every effort to support her in the first half of the season) and for some reason resenting her for pretending to be lady whistledown? Then they somehow frame her ignoring colin's offensively bad pleas as it being her turning away from redemption when all she's trying to do is escape being trapped in the country with her likely abusive aunt... and it ends with her meeting her horrible fate and it still being framed as tragic only to immediately juxtapose it with the bridgerton family winning the idgaf war while gleefully seeing off francesca and her future dead husband. The bridgertons were the villains of the season frfr
#bridgerton#almost as bad as marina's plot in season one. every horrible decision in this show revolves around penelope meeting no consequences ever#this is not an anti post or anything idc about the fandom ill forget about this show tomorrow but i need to get this off my chest#they had to give penelope a fairy tale ending WHICH IS FINE but they somehow did it by surgically removing everyone's personality#INCLUDING HERS#benedict's bi storyline was bad also im sorry. paul literally has like 4 lines of dialogue and he was really cool#i love tilley but she should have been cut😭 if they wanted to establish he was bi (given we know theyre not genderbending sophie)#they should have made the whole subplot about him being attracted to a man instead of a 5 minute footnote in the last episode#i liked francesca and her husband whose name idr but it felt like they were framing it as him not being her 'great love'#considering what happens to him i fjnd it childish and meanspirited soul mates aren't real and he deserves a lttl respect considering.. lmao#what else. the dialogues were horrible. especially the ones between penelope and colin in the second part im sorry#they need to fire the make up and hair department. every reference to queen charlotte felt like a wahh pls watch my show ad#i miss anthony they should change the books to make him the villain of every season bb please come back to ruin your sibilings relationships#portia and philippa were peak as always. violet deserves her own season. we need to put eloise out of her misery pls leave her in scotland#rant overrr#publishing it on my sideblog actually i feel like im gonna lose followers just for having watched this show lmaoo
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paigemathews · 2 months
Okay, but why did they write Sheila like that? Like she gets next to no screen time, despite viewing the girls as family, and then suddenly doesn't want Darryl covering for them anymore (which don't get me wrong, she's valid for it but it's a 180 reversal of the like one personality we had going for her) and like. The sisters needed friends, and Sandra Prosper is on the show for nine episodes but they just. stick her in the background, give her a line or two, and that's it. And I mean, Darryl is a main character for seven seasons, and she's his wife. Even though he wasn't one of the main main characters, you'd think they'd do literally anything with her like c'mon.
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hesitantpixels · 2 months
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things move fast when you have a short life span!!
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kindheartedgummybears · 6 months
The T's🥰🥰
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TransPanda OC Tournament Round 1:
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
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“Apparently I gave you [Princess Gumdrop] a 0/10 for, quote: 'Botching laser eye surgery in a way I didn’t think was even possible', please don’t tell me that’s why I’m stuck as a vampire now.”
Crystal was initially shocked that her crush, Yuni, had turned into her best friend’s twin. She knew her complicated feelings had only one solution: Lock them in a box and never let them see the light of day again. She supports “him” for years, but her suppression reaches critical when Yuni’s psychic therapy sends ripples through spacetime, causing an AU Crystal to overlap with her existence. Now a tall vampire, if Crystal suppresses it she can temporarily revert back. Can she permanently fix her condition before everyone else finds out, or will an inky imposter take advantage of her absences…? Crystal is the main character of TYFE part 5: Identity Fraud.
Primary Inspiration: Marceline from Adventure Time
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent (Singlet with two bodies)
Art of Crystal's human form by: Sunnyside_Cakes and Art of Crystal's vampire form by: ragingwoodcock
Taeko Witch
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“Oh my God, are you okay!? You’re so short, skinny, and malnourished! …What does being 6’2” have to do with it?”
Taeko is the last human remaining after a long zombie apocalypse, the zombies now evolved back into basically people, but with deer-like bone growths. Taken in as a baby by Judy Witch, Maya’s close friend, Taeko had practically 0 references to human culture and history. Thus her light mutations, which turned her tall, muscular, and with a beetle like pompadour, was met with “Clearly I’m a normal, average human gal.” Which, considering she’s the last human, means… she is. Funny how that works. She has a tendency to pose ridiculously. Taeko panics when her mom is kidnapped, and is willing to throw as many “average punches” to save her.
Primary Inspiration: Jonathan Joestar from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Neither (Wow, two singlets in one poll?? We’re spoiling you guys.)
Art of Taeko Witch by: @impossiblevariable
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sitwmedia · 3 months
Little dumb babies.. Squishy.. (FINISHING THE ADULTS CHILDREN DESIGNS FOR ONCE) (Yes toilet woman is in the au she's important ok? I also wanna draw her screaming about the rights of bees)
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(the black eyes are bc she's going alpha mode)
(i used Google translate)
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cringelordlikesplaz · 7 months
The thing that disturbs me about Angel is that you can see the writing made her unintentionally unlikable and the less we see of her the worse it gets. She has some heavy feelings about her and Patrick's relationship. But she just comes off as a jerk to the reader. Like she's not that hard to fix. She doesn't have much characterization to begin with. I think Angel just suffers from being a tired trope of " ex-wife character who exists solely for our protagonist to mourn over their marriage."
oooooooooooh youre sooo right
she has such potential but its wasted by writers failing to Write Her
we don't get to spend much or any time really with her so its left up to the reader to interpret her words and what's said on the page- completely barring angel from getting a proper comic book character treatment by having her actually appear in stories (slightly off topic, but when it comes to comics books Show Don't Tell is a very powerful tool. it's easy but meaningless to say angel and Patrick loved each other, you must show the reader again and again and again for that statement to become true)
because we get so little of her and comparatively so much of plastic man, we literally cannot see what the writer's intended for her (if they intended anything deeper than surface level plot device at all), her thoughts and feelings, her goals and regrets- she fails to be 3-dimensional because she was simply neglected the space to be.
and because we spend so much time with plas, we get to actually know and like and appreciate plas, its jarring when this woman shows up (who we quite literally don't know at all) who's supposed to be so important to plas but instead just acts as brief bit of pathos for plas.
It's hard to sympathize with angel because we don't get to see her as Angel, the mother who struggles with her superpowered son and her life who has to make the tough decisions all the time and just can't handle Patrick's absence anymore. (all these things are true or could be true with minimal thought and effort) We just see Plastic Man's Ex-Wife who dumped him for reasons out of his control.
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iann-arts · 9 months
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murcielagatito · 1 year
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fellas is it gay to be the manager of a superstar idol whos slowly falling out of trends bc the industry is evil and fucked up and hates when women show any signs of not being 20yo anymore and you can literally not say no to her even though its literally your job so you make sure she doesnt like accidentally hurt herself so yall go on this wild ass adventure to help her make a song that she doesnt even wanna make for december so her ass doesnt get dropped from the label and then you think shes falling in love with this dad but turns out she literally just was trying to write this song so you think like perhaps theres hope after all except you also think she only sees you as a manager bc yall kissed that one time years ago but never spoke about it again bc yall were both drunk but she literally loves you and when yall get drunk she carries you up the stairs and gets you in bed as best she can bc shes a twig of a woman but that didnt stop her from making sure you made it to bed and youre like basically her only friend and the lines blurred so long ago that you cant remember anymore when you stopped caring about her strictly as a manager/idol and now care about her as so much more?
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adriartts · 10 months
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helloooo I designed dante FINALLY and will be adding to it as I figure out her character a bit more. long hair/short hair + earlier designs that I went thru getting it right
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cinna-bunnie · 1 year
Suletta baby the world doesn't deserve you
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vaugarde · 1 year
packaging job is mostly just lowkey and fun for me when its just logging things but sometimes when im behind the counter i want to bite things
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101flavoursofweird · 1 year
Number 18 for Raphael/the Rythm Thief from the prompt meme pretty please?
Thank you for the Rhythm Thief prompt. I’ve been needing to write more for this game!
Apologies— this isn’t narrated by Raphael— and it’s more about Marie trying to be strong for Raphael… But she and Charlie taking care of him, so hopefully that’s ok? 
This came out a little more angsty that I anticipated— something something Marie and Charlie go to save Raphael from the chevaliers something something… Raphael’s not doing too good after being imprisoned. There’s one mention of blood and maybe the chevaliers weren’t feeding him but it’s kept vague. -
“You don’t have to be strong all the time.”
Night after night, for a whole year, Marie had dreamed of how her reunion with Raphael would play out. 
Would he approach her backstage after a concert? Would he leap up onto the balcony outside her bedroom? Or would he encounter her in the street, like when they first met?
Marie’s dreams definitely hadn’t involved a gothic castle once belonging to Jean— Graf— or a cold, dark dungeon. She never would have imagined seeing Raphael, after all this time, unconscious and in chains.
Cradling Raphael’s head in her lap, Marie tried not to cry as Charlie picked the locks of his chains. Marie’s tears wouldn’t cure Raphael now— they weren’t part of some fairytale…
This felt more like a nightmare.
Fondue whimpered and nosed Raphael’s face. Up until that point, Fondue had been nothing but brave, noble and resolute; he had escaped captivity and led Marie and Charlie all the way back to Raphael. 
But, despite Fondue’s best efforts, it seemed they were too late.
They had finally found Raphael, but Marie almost wished they hadn’t. 
He had existed in her memory as an unbreakable hero, an enduring angel or (for lack of a better word) a benign phantom. 
Nothing could touch Phantom R; the artful thief who laughed in the faces of the Paris Constabulary, who could soar over Montparnasse Tower if he so desired, and who had bested (the so-called) Emperor Napoleon in a sword fight.
He had fought his way through armies, gunfire, and the Hanging Gardens to rescue Marie.
Using the Bracelet of Tiamat, he had channelled the hopes and willpowers of millions of Parisians to save their city.
Now, though… All Marie saw was Raphael. A poor, orphaned boy, one year older than her, who had set out to locate his missing father, only to be met with violence and despair.
Even in that gloomy prison, Marie could tell how pale Raphael was— paler than when he had been shot by Graf on the Eiffel Tower.
Marie smoothed Raphael’s hair and shuddered when she felt dried blood there.
Charlie frowned at her, and Marie swallowed. Marie would not— could not— lose her nerve now. 
If Raphael could survive (mon Dieu, please, let him survive) months in this prison, then Marie could last a few more minutes.
“Hurry,” Marie whispered, with a glance at the heavy dungeon door.
Charlie had knocked out the guards with a football, but they could wake up at any time, or reinforcements might come along.
There was a click and the chains finally fell  away. Fondue licked Raphael’s freed hand. 
Marie adjusted the violin case strapped to her back, before she gently pulled Raphael’s right arm over her shoulder. Charlie took his left arm. Together, they lifted Raphael off the floor. (He was so light… When had he last eaten?)
“Fondue,” Charlie grunted quietly, “you go on—“
A weak voice rasped, “No…”
“Raphael,” Marie gasped as he stirred against her.
But his head was still hanging low. His words were little more than an incoherent mumble:
“Please… Jus’… Leave me alone—“
“Nope,” Charlie huffed, taking a determined step towards the door. “We didn’t come all this way just to leave you behind.”
Marie tried to reassure him, where Charlie most likely had not. She patted his arm. “It’s us, Raphael— Marie, Charlie and Fondue. We’re taking you home—“
“Don’ know where…” Raphael shifted his head, dazed. “Fondue’s gone…” 
At this, Fondue let out a whine. Marie frowned; had Raphael been punished for letting Fondue escape?
As Charlie opened the door, Marie was left holding Raphael up on her own. She hugged him against her and promised the worst of it was over. He wasn’t alone anymore. 
This was by no means Phantom R’s last performance— He would dance again!— but for now, he could step behind the curtain and let them take over.
Marie heard Charlie sending Fondue on ahead to check for more guards. 
When Marie and Charlie emerged from the dungeon, carrying Raphael between them again, Fondue came bolting back to them. 
A stampede of clanking footsteps and angry shouts pursued Fondue.
“You were seen?” Charlie hissed— as if anyone could miss a white Alsatian Cheesehund in a grey stone castle.
Fondue pinned his ears back. “Hrrrrn,” he replied sheepishly.
The guards were fast-approaching through the corridor Marie and Charlie had used to get in.
Marie glanced past the dungeon door— down a different corridor.
Maybe there was a another way out? Wasn’t there always, in these old castles? 
How had Fondue broken out in the first place?
Fondue was quick, and Charlie could keep up with him. Charlie was strong enough to take Raphael alone. And only Charlie could fly the hang glider off the tower. (They had done it before.)
Marie kissed Raphael on the cheek, before  she removed his arm from her shoulder. She passed him over to Charlie completely.
“Y-you three go on— find another way out. I’ll hold them off—“
“What?” Charlie exclaimed, at the same time Fondue yelped, “Woeuf?!”
Marie unstrapped the case from her back. She withdrew her violin and her bow.
Charlie protested, “You can’t—“
“I will.” 
With the power of her violin, Marie had summoned the Hanging Gardens and later, she had helped Raphael bring them crashing down.
She didn’t want to destroy the castle, but maybe she could deter their enemies. (At least giving Charlie enough time to get out with Raphael and Fondue…) 
Charlie reached for Marie’s arm, but thought better of it. Charlie was already saddled with Raphael.
“For the record,” Charlie breathed, “I never doubted you. I just made a promise to your mother—“
“Promise me you’ll keep Raphael safe,” Marie said. 
Charlie nodded. “You’d better catch up with us.”
“Roeuf!” Fondue agreed, pawing at Marie’s shoe.
Marie smiled at him softly. “Go on, boy.”
Lead Raphael home. 
Fondue tore off down the corridor. Charlie followed him with Raphael.
Marie took a deep breath and prepared her stance. Then, she faced the oncoming surge of guards.
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orcelito · 1 year
I rly do hate real life events that are enough to make Me cry haha
#speculation nation#negative/#animal illness ment/#for a better post about The Situation. it's serious enough he needs hospitalized.#plus blood transfusions. and it's Expensive.#my sister's covering my ass rn & is the only reason im able to start his treatment at all#but it's still fucking Expensive to the level where i just cant leave it up to her alone to pay#so essentially she's lending me money. bc im going to pay her back for at least Some of this. i cant just not.#ive cried 4 times already tho and that sure is a fuckin feat for me. wolfwood my cat is after Ur record lmfao#i wasnt going to take tally with me for this day trip but i cant stand to be separated from her rn#she'd be fine alone for a day but id still hate for her to have to be. and also. i need her nearby.#i dont know if im going to the concert tomorrow. i guess it will depend on how treatment is going.#this is for one of my favorite artists but if treatment is going badly im just gonna fucking hate every second of it#so. yeah. i dont know.#and this is reacting so fucking badly with my memories of sammy's death.#i nearly fucking gave them the name 'sammy' when i went up to ask about cassy's condition while we were waiting#and im just terrified that i'll have to say goodbye to yet another cat. even more terrified that he'll die during treatment#and the last time i saw him i wouldnt have been able to say goodbye properly. i should have hugged him for so much longer#and. Fuck lmao ok heres 5 times sorry wolfwood but my cat's giving U a run for ur money#sorry for posting about this so much im just. this fucking sucks in general.#at least i'll have tally with me. she's not a cuddler but she'll let me hug her at least some.#animal death ment/#i fucking hate crying lmao. ugh.
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wormsdyke · 2 years
not going to a catholic church for several years now allowed me to forget the way people can be so comfortable saying the most intensely guilt tripping things without a second thought
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cinnabeat · 8 days
making a vet appt for the cats is a nightmare bc its usually multiple cats at once and theres four i have to keep track of so theyre like ok whos this for :) and i have to sit there for a couple seconds cycling through names and whos due for a vaccine or check up or whatever
#i do not own four cats#i own two cats and the other two are my little brother and moms cats#so i make appointments for everyone bc me and my mom are like technically co owners or something?#everyones under the same account lol#this one time i was at the counter like ok. i need to make an appt for cat one#and as we were finishing cat 1 i was like WAIT. i need to make an appt for cat 2......#and as we were finishing cat 2 i was like i swear there was something else......oh yeah appt for cat three#and as i was making an appt for each cat i was like i THINK this one needs so and so vaccine#but i honestly cant remember#its horrendous making appts#they always laugh when i give the cat names#theres concrete. bones. sir tom patrick (the third). leia. sweet leia the only one with a normal name#jokes on you tho her unofficial full name is leia skywalker [last name]#toms (the third) is also unofficial#concrete has a ridiculously long name that basically translates to some of the dwarves names from snow white#but in spanish#you cant pay me to spell it#i cant even pronounce it#bones my beloved she is no longer skin and bones (how she got her name)#but her nickname is in fact vons is value#bc bones sometimes sounds like vons if u say it in a spanish way#other names affectionately given are senior citizen and grandma#anyways#i just constantly have a background tab open in my head and its just like reminder: make vet appts :)#and its always open and theres always something there#michi tag#anyways yt nearly nuked me bc of adblock again#i think i dodged it tho. i better bc ive been playing the fairy tail zero opening on repeat since monday and ill be so mad if i cant anymore
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