#we need to play greek campaign soon
seabunnbunn · 5 months
~~~~~EUANTHE DUMP!!!!~~~~~
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Here is some more Euanthe stuff I made a little bit ago. She has been on my mind as of late and all I wanna do is draw her morreeeee. However, *sigh* I have finals I have to do, so for now this must suffice. Most of her tattoos are Magic Tattoos from TCoE, but recently she got a new fun homebrew tattoo I found online called the Tattoo of the Peregrine which basically lets her sprout big ole wings. She is a druid, so she can wildshape, but her wings help in situations when I don’t really want to use up a wild shape just to use her crazy perception to scout out an area. This particular tattoo was given to her by Athena at a level up (I forgot which level but we are lvl 17 now, and it was pretty recent, so it may have been 17 idk) so I figured it’d be fun to use owl wings for the reference, plus I feel like of all of the owls, barn owls are the most Artemis coded, seeing as she is the champion of Artemis.
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Omg her first full body piece I made!! This one for sure is a throwback. I was still exploring her character and trying to fit as much of it into her design as possible. I’ve got a soft spot for this piece even through she has changed a bit since then. I still imagine her armor like this, maybe a bit more leather here and there and some more fancy stuff since they’ve leveled up quite a bit since this piece was made but similar vibes. I don’t usually draw her in full armor just because I like drawing her tattoos so much, but here she is. Oh and how could I forget about Argos!! He is her oldest friend and the best boy in all the ancient greek world. She carved him out of marble she found in her woods one day a very long time ago. Before the campaign started, he would sit on a plinth at one side of the the forest Euanthe was tasked with caring for and greet travelers when they arrived at its borders. These particular woods can be quite disorienting, and many a traveller have gotten swallowed up entirely by its charms, so Euanthe and Argos existed there as guides as much as they were protectors.
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This one dates itself… The character on the right is Hybris, champion of Dionysus, so this format was quite fitting lmao. This was following some events in campaign in which Hybris may or may not have accidentally made a child go blind and become a seer and almost get arrested and by proxy almost made the rest of the party get arrested… but its ok because he fixed it by starting a rager that got the entire city of Athens to get drunk and completely forget about it all… ah the memories…
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Ah yes, the Albion arc…
Basically, we were in a place that was guarded by a special kind of magic which meant that we couldn’t contact our gods and they couldn’t see us (hence the lunar eclipse). Euanthe in particular, since she is basically just a living amphora, doesn’t sleep, so she spends most nights meditating in temples of Artemis with the other huntresses. This arc was particularly hard for her. Her relationship with Artemis is complicated. She knows that Artemis created her for a reason, but she doesn’t know what that reason is, and she worries that her love for Artemis has grown outside of the bounds it was meant to.
I do really like this piece, but it’s very unpolished and I would like to revisit it soon to finish it up and maybe add a few things.
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Then there is this onneeee… soo basically, I love this character so much that I may or may not have brought her into a Curse of Strahd campaign. But it’s ok i swear because she’s different in CoS I swear. Several hundred years have passed since the events of her original campaign, and she has grown quite jaded since the fall of the Greek Pantheon. In the original campaign, she’s pretty bubbly and optimistic, so its a pretty fun character development to play with.
Anyway… I love her and miss her and just wanted to post these as I reminisce…
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fatteningmenstories2 · 2 months
Benched - Complete story
 Devon had it all, the looks, the body and the skill, he was everywhere. Walking down a typical street in London would result in seeing him on buses, billboards and sports campaigns. Coming back from a 10k jog, instead of feeling exhausted like others would, Devon simply went to practice with a protein shake in one hand and the latest iPhone in the other, this tedious life proved to be successful. At only 24, Devon was on top of the world playing the main striker on one of the world's biggest football teams and he had the body that went with it. His face mimicked that of a Greek god's: two large cheekbones that gave him a square-cut face which framed his stunning hazel eyes . His strong jawline led down to two large pecs both firm with muscle, that protruded over rock-hard abs, he made sure he was smooth all over with hardly any body hair anywhere - it's what his manager wanted to make sure his football team logo tattooed on his right  pec was never covered, he didn’t care, besides it made sure that world see even more of his 76 kg body. He had the arms of a bodybuilder, both filled with hard muscle, and his legs were sturdy and supported his firm bubble butt . All of this came together to what some would say was the perfect male body  - and he ate up all the admiration he got. At practice he was always first to finish running lapping his teammates, and still not losing any breath, with barely a sweat drop on him he moved unto his favourite training exercise. Scoring. Up and down he had the mind of a mastermind, with his excellent foot coordination every goal he aimed for, he got. Devon finished off by chugging another protein shake and hitting the gym to maintain his 3% body fat which was hard to maintain but he took to the challenge, every other day was either leg day or arm day and you would never see him complain. However, after a long day of pushing his body to the limits he came home not to one filled with warmth and energy but to one filled with with emptiness. When he told his manager he was gay he was forced to promise to never be seen out in public with anyone except the hottest new fresh social media influencer bird. All of this shallowness led to an empty house and a lonely Devon.
“You want me to do what “ 
“Just make sure he isn’t appearing on any more sports health covers any time soon” 
Ajay was surprised at what he was being told to do, when clubbing in Soho he had been approached by a group of men who needed to talk to him urgently in private. 
“ Wait so let me get this straight you want me to fatten up England’s Star footballer “ 
“It’s more complicated than that, see Devon may be the face of England football now, but we have more lucrative players who just need their moment to shine”, 
Taken back on what he was being told to do, Ajay was still processing what was going on 
 “Look, all we need you to do is to  buddy up with Mr All-Star and encourage him to let go for a while, besides we will pay for an all the food you need, this debit card is linked to a bottomless well and its yours to keep as long as you keep up your side of the bargain “ 
Gulping, Ajay reached for the card, it dawned on him  what really was on offer here, all his debts paid in a heartbeat - moving to the Uk was not cheap after all, and all he had to to do was fatten up one cocky headed footballer.
 “I’ll do it “
What a game, Devon was coming off a high that he could never have imagined, kicking the season off to a 5-0 win was the boost he needed - the tens thousands of fans shouting his name didn’t help either. Breaking from the field, he was practically carried up by his teammates into the changing rooms , where he was stripped down and they took the pleasure in celebrating him with slaps on the arse and towel whips.Devon loved the attention, with his hot Boyd on display he couldn’t get enough of all the homoerotic celebrations .  Getting ready to leave  Devon always made sure to wear the most revealing and tight clothes, his tight leather pants and jacket left nothing to the imagination, every tight bump of his body was hugged, form his protruding bubble butt to his perky pecs. However from this epic high  he quickly remembered that he was going to have to go home to another cold and lonely night his mood quickly dampened. Chad - who just so happened to be out in Soho the other night, took heed of what he was seeing 
“Oi Devon, wipe that pitifully mug off your face and cone to the after party “, the team jeered at this
 “ You know I can’t, this body doesn’t take care of itself “
 “ Just this once - come one live a little “.
 Devon decided there was no need to fight this sure what could one more night of meaningless sex with the fittest broad in the club do 
“ alright, alright “
And as they walked out of the changing room, Devon unfortunately dint see the the devious grin that had appeared on Chads face  
As the team entered the nightclub, the entire club suddenly turned into a frenzy, rushing up to them with autographs, Devon ate all this up but he wasn’t looking forward to the end of the night. When the clatter of people  had finally calmed down and his teammates dispersed, Devon went to the bar, ordering just the correct amount of alcohol to keep him lucid, he had to be careful ,coming from a long line of beer-bellied fathers each one fatter  than the next he was well aware the fat gene laid dormant in his genes. As he scanned through the crowd to see which girl would be  lucky to go home with him and end up in the tabloids for a good week or two,  his eyes ended up on a slender man dancing on the dance-floor, he looked like everything his manager discouraged him from, and yet Devon felt his dick stirring. His brown chocolate skin contrasted with the blonde  highlights in his hair, his piercings were numerous and his tattoos were definitely  a mistake, his slender frame  was on display for the entire club  to see in his tight crop top. As Devons kept staring, and wondering why he was so drawn to this man, he made the mistake of making eye contact with this mysterious man, who was now startingto approach him. As Devon soon realised what was about to happen, the thought of running away entered his mind but his legs for some reason couldn’t move. 
“ Buy me a drink at least, before you go all eyes on me “, he spoke in an rough cockney  accent 
 “I,I.I… “, he was speechless his charm out the door no man had ever approached him with this confidence 
“Why is it always the hot  ones, who never have anything to say, the names Ajay, yours ‘ 
“You don’t know who I am’
 “ “cocky much “ 
“Sorry, Devon, just a bit.. “
Karan smirked as he cut he off,  he knew this was going to be easy, no matter what the tabloids could say, this man was gay, all he had to do was put on the charm
 “Well Devon, the drink was nice but I am famished, haven’t eaten all day and I am just so broke and Mc Donald’s closes in ten minutes so I have to go “ 
“ Wait, - what was Devon doing, what would the media say if they saw him leaving a club with someone who looked like the gayest stereotype ever 
But before he could finish his sentence, he felt Ajay pull him out from the floor and out onto the streets of London 
Lurking in the corner  Chad smirked once again, as the rent boy his father had hired was finally the diamond in the rough they had been looking for , that would finally  lead him to being the star striker. 
What was Devon doing, he had an swimwear campaign  shoot tomorrow, and here he was prancing around London with this twink, where did he say again -McDonald’s, wow he hadn’t gone there since he started playing football. Ajay  however was firmly in charge , and what was one night of unhealthy food compared to years of exercise? Dodging beer-crawls and drunk uni students, As they ordered, Devon realised that Karan was ordering a shit load of food, 3 large  Big Macs each paired with a large fries, damn this dude was hungry -where did he put it all? 
 “ ahh I’m stuffed “,
 Ajay proclaimed with only a couple fries down 
‘What????, you just made me order this trash and now you aren’t even going to eat it “,
 “Calm down, its not my fault that if I even touch this food I will literally exorcise vomit all over your pretty face, anyways why don’t you have it “
 “What you don’t realise is that this pretty face is attached to an even hotter body “, proclaimed Devon as he removed his leather jacket to reveal his gunned arms flexing, 
 “ Calm down Mr gun show , “ Ajay  realised that from the get go that this man was eager to show off  all he needed was a little touching up in the correct places to ease him down and get the show on the road 
remarked Ajay as he stuffed the cheesy burger into the footballer mouth 
“Just try it”.
 Devon first rejected this but as Ajay wouldn’t budge, Devon stopped resisting and took a big juicy bite of the burger. The flavours lit up in his mouth, and as the cheese dripped down from his mouth, he felt the burger enter his body on a spiritual level, filling the hole that all the kale salads in could world could not fill. 
Ajay however seemed to be moving to  down under the table as if he had dropped something, It wasn’t till hill  started to tug down Devon's tight leather pants down that Devon realised he was looking fro something else 
” Oi, we in public - quit ti “ 
“Calm down and eat your burger” remarked Ajay showing no signs of slowing down, he removed the expensive underwear, and passed it down Devon’s tight muscular legs, and up popped his meat - this guy was obviously  not getting enough action. And as Devon stuffed the 2nd burger into his mouth ( man these things tasted good ), he felt Ajay’s soothing lips make contact  his penis, he felt Karan’s tongue swirl around his penis, as it was pushed further into his mouth, somewhat dancing around it.
To stop himself from moaning outlaid he quickly grabbed the third burger followed by the glorious French fries, giving him a food orgasm partnered with a dick spasm that caused his entire body to twitch incoordination, and as Ajay  swallowed his pre-cup he scooped up all he fries into his mouth, and as his fingers become numb and he felt on on the verge, Ajay climbed up out for under the table and patted his stomach.
 “Stop, what are you doing? finish the job!” 
“You don’t tell me what’s to do “
Ajay  smirked as he started  to spin his web to trap this footballer . 
“Now come on, the sun rising and I’m sure you can’t be seen with the likes of me “
 Devon followed this logic,  and grabbed Ajay by the arm, and dragged him back to hi  London townhouse, in an area of London filled with fat bankers and chubby stock markers, hoping that Ajay  would finish the job, but as he reached his doorstep, he was met with a kiss on the cheek as Ajay scuttled down the streets, leaving only a phone number on a napkin that smelled like oil drenched freckles fries. Leaving Devon with only the thought that he needed more and maybe another Big Mac 
With the smell of Mc Donalds  on Devon's breathe as he woke up feeling groggy and already waiting to enter his bed at night , he didn’t have time for his 10k run but he assured himself that an after-noon run  would have to  suffice, realising the time he had to get breakfast on go as he got ready for his swimwear campaign,-something about getting Uk fatties swimming or something. Throwing on his tightest skinny jeans and his fitted jersey , he left the house knowing that anybody would die for his body and one caret day would be fine 
. Arriving at the shoot ten minutes late, with a McDonald’s breakfast double sausage bagel around his mouth (what was he doing he swore off the stuff) He was met with fan girls and assistants swarming around him, undressing him and getting him ready with the rest of the team. And what a team all of the 11 footballs stripped down to their speedos flexing their biceps and leaving their bulges on the world to display looked like. Devon was of course pushed to the middle, with his strapping body covered in oils to make his tight muscles glisten. This would have annoyed Chad a couple of weeks ago ,but he was assured that when Devon's body was destroyed he would be pushed out of the frame leaving only space for Chad to shine and while Devon was called in for his private shots, Chad made himself to keep himself busy by adding metabolism halters to all of Devon's food. This dude was gonna be fattened up the easy way or the hard way. 
There was a knock on the door, a couple of days later - Ajay  made sure to keep this jock waiting just long enough. The door was opened to the stripped-down footballer only in his tight whites, All evidence of the private McDonald’s visit vanquished by the training he had put his body though, taking  in Devon’s spectacular  body it dawned on him that he had a long way to go before he developed anything close to the regular Joe fatty body. Allowing himself to be dragged to Devon’s bedroom he decided it was time to escalate things with  Devon by going all the way . As his clothes were stripped down, and Devon mounted him from behind  he found himself being pushed deeper and deeper into the face of Devon's superkings  bed, he felt himself being entered as Devon pushed his meat deeper into him. NO foreplay, or kissing just straight to the  point, he had made Devon wait too long and as he heard Devon grunt and push he knew he had had it coming to him. And  with a moan and the spazzing of the leg, he felt Devon collapse next to him in the bed. 
Now it was time to spin his web so as Ajay  found himself being pulled  closer to the hunk of muscle by his strong arms, he felt Devon's  hands  hold him tightly and  smother him, he saw what a big softie Devon really was and thought of the perfect plan to put in motion 
.So as their laid there in each others arms Ajay broke the silence 
“Look, I’m only doing this because this is literally my last option , but I’ve been kicked out -something about actually paying rent or whatever, so I was wondering “
“Ajay , relax do whatever you want, your welcome to stay here as long as you want “, Devon responded finally cutting Ajay off 
Wow Ajay  thought this jock is going to be putty in his hands. Now all he had to was set the ball rolling 
Benched part 2 
Treating himself to the luxuries of his pampered life, Ajay had already taken the time to hire a full-term chief and housemaid, as well taking the liberty of slipping the chief something here and there to cloud the  number calories in the meals he would serve if Devon of the question ever arose . The housemaid's job was clear keep the house clean and the pantries and the fridge stocked with all the snacky food Devon had sworn over the last couple of yrs, they had also been instructed to add a little something extra to Devons shakes in the morning but this again was kept hidden away from Devon. Ajays job was easy enough, he would wake up with Devon in the morning as the chief served them both the full English breakfast, which  something Ajay  always insisted on - explaining to Devon about the yrs he lacked the money to fund it for himself. He also  had the task  that while Devon went full pig mode on the fat sausages, stripes of queen bacon, the numeorus slices of toast and who could forget the maple-slathered doughy pancakes, he would go down on his throbbing member. He’d  like to thing of it as  conditioning the pleasure Devon  felt with as his meat entered Ajay’s sloppy mouth with the feeling of stuffing himself silly until he popped and squirmed like his sausages in the pan . And when Devon was getting  ready to leave, leaving Ajay with a kiss that smelt of bacon and sausage,  Ajay admired his work of  seeing Devon leaving stuffed with his bloated stomach tightly pushing out his from fitting kit.
“Okay sweetcheeks I’m off, enjoy yourself” Devon said as he pulled away and went to grab his a daily protein shake.
 While Devon was out of the house for most of the day, Ajay should have been doing anything productive, however, he fully took on Devon's word to enjoy himself, lazing in bed all day stuffing himself with the pastries the maid will leave- and even having a bell put in  to signal  the chef to make a hearty lunch. And when the day was done, Devon would always come home with McDonald’s in his hand begging Karan to recreate their first date - and as the Ajays short stay turned into weeks the takeaway bag filled with greasy fast food got bigger and bigger. However all this was only the warm-up to dinner where chief once again outdid himself,  it was as if the chief  enjoyed stuffing BOTH their  employers until there would be too full to even think about ringing his bell once more . Serving  up stuffed lobster, glistening hams and deep dish of pasta served with heavy sides,  followed by oozing chocolate cake or whatever  sweet tooth the footballer and his rent-boy was carving. When the two had finally digested their glutinous dinner,  Ajay  and Devon would end the night by having hot steamy sex in their quarters, and it wasn’t only their affection for each other that was growing. Over the weeks as they continued to indulge themselves Ajay’s trim frame was  bending under his fattening diet, with fat slowly spreading all over his body, covering his once exposed ribs and filling in his stomach, the same however couldn’t be said for Devon whose  strict training regime was  working  overtime to burn off the extra calories. 
“Daddy, Daddy, this isn’t happening fast enough  “ Chad whined “ Devons barely putting on any fat hes just getting more swole, we have our first game of the season soon and he looks no different  “ 
“Don’t worry Chad, let me sort this out with our little rent boy “
“Ajay! You  have to be out of your mind , I ordered  a fattened up jock gone to pot not a beef-cake footballer , pull yourself together , or the deal is off and I will go public I promise , and you can kiss that new lifestyle of yours goodbye “
 Hanging up , Ajay gulped , deciding it it was time to go take things up a notch 
“Honey do you have to go and leave me’
“Leaving so early, I thought we could have a round two”
“But babe the chief made an extra portion of food and it would be a shame to let it go to waste”
Ajay was pulling out all the stops, every day he made a new excuse  to lure Devon into staying home and eat into his training time, he would drop the babes and the honeys like smooth butter  to guilt Devon into staying home and riding the bell for seconds 
“Okay baby just this once”
“Well if you insist, but this time we gonna try things a bit differently”
“I guess it would be shame to waste such fine food’
Devon didn’t know what was happening to him, but how could be leave Ajay here all by himself in this big townhouse, sure he needed to train but he guessed one day couldn’t hurt, and besides his personal coach had seemed to taken early retirement having apparently won it big on the lotto and was now jetting around the world. So he gave in to Ajays puppy eyes, and he was happy to do so as his stomach growled out for more food
It was just the day before an important match that would commence the new season , and as Devon opened his eyes he was met with the new and improved  vision of chubbier Ajay, moving in with him was definitely  plumping up his lover, but as he admired  his chubby lover with  rolls of fat and chubbier frame Devon felt his dick harden as he saw all the effects he was having on Ajay, they certainly won’t be running away with anyone else with this lard filled body. All Ajay  kept was  his slender face, his body was swelling at every angle, his once tender stomach was swollen and bulging over his tight underwear, it curvature supported his puffed up man tits  His thighs were starting to become embroidered in small yet noticeable stretch  marks that led to his growing arse. Devon only chuckled at Karan’s misfortune, he on the other hand was in the belief that he had the same body he had when they first met, coxed on by Ajay’s lies and  the web he had spun. As he stirred to ring the bell- a feature he was quickly getting used to, he felt Ajay wake up beside him as their young chief started serving their 5-star English breakfast. Were the portions increasing or was it just too early in the morning to be thinking straight? Devon’s eyes opened widely as he stuffed the sizzling sausages into his mouth, each one more juicer than the other, he ate like he had been starved , coating his food in Ajay’s favourite maple sauce. As his Arms turned into machines, continually grabbing food from all corners of his plate into his mouth, he felt Ajay stir, abandoning his plate to perform his duty. It was like clockwork, as Devon stuffed pancake into his mouth his meat was being stuffed further and further into Ajay’s mouth. Finishing his plate in he quickly reached over to consume Karan’s leftover fueled by a hunger he didn’t know he had . And damn did it feel good. He came gasping at the sides of his bed as he came straight down Karan’s mouth. 
Standing up he realised he was already running late for his training, he didn’t notice however that like his fattened lover his abandonment of his strict training sessions and his ravenous hunger for food was bearing its effect on his once muscular trim-cut body, his rock-hard abs had been the first to disappear and be buried in fat  as the burgers and lobster went straight to his now starter gut, the disappearance of his abs followed by his once firm pecs which were now plumped up and were swelled up with pure fat. And as he got up to put on his newly gifted  underwear he didn’t notice his meaty butt-cheeks that were supported by his plumped thighs, all over he was the image of a once jock gone to pot as he stuffed himself into his athlewear and yet he still remained oblivious to this, infatuated by his fatty lover 
“Don’t go, I get so lonely without you “
” Ajay unlike you I can’y just laze around all day I have to train “
” But please, without you I feel so incomplete and  what good is all this money and hard-work of  you can’t spend your time with me  “ 
Devon was taken back, it dawned on him that everything he ever wanted he got, why should he waste his time doing the same thing every single day. 
“Fine, but I do really  need to train“, he remarked as he ditched his tight sports clothes to cuddle in bed with Ajay who was  already ringing the bell 
 As match day approached, Devon felt like in the worst shape ever, him and Ajay had really overdone it last night, it was as if the chief was using magic, the 5 course meal paired with a good amount of beers made him yearn for his sleep. Leaving Ajay sleeping in bed he decided it would definitely be better to forgo their daily feast of a breakfast. Even after his shower he still felt drowsy,  shaving of his  starter beard that he had been growing since he met Ajay was like a slap to the face. Was that, no way, what in the hell no matter how much he prodded it and smudged it the beginnings of his double chin was going no where, pulling his face close to the mirror he couldn’t deny his  face was  definitely fuller , his cheeks were rounder and his winkles were creased out . Stepping back in this new harsh reality he surveyed more of the damage, the cold bathroom light was not forgiving - gone were his abs gone were his pecs and gone was his waistline. He had plumped up all over a that food definitely found space to expand, running his hands over he was softer and dumpier, it was easily a pure gain of 15kg of fat, and the worst offender was easily his gut. The drastic difference from his trim frame of abs to his now rounded out gut that jutted out ,this was definitely going to be hard to hard.
Only grabbing a shake for breakfast and resorting to his largest clothes, Devon quickly fled the scene, what was he going to do, sure the damage was bad and it wasn’t going no where - finishing his shake he had to fight with himself not to help self to the pastries in the locker room. No Devon this is exactly how you got like this, but still his stomach grumbled until it was unbearable - sure one croissant won’t hurt, and if I’m  gonna have one I might as well have two. This logic was exactly what led to only handful of pastries being left, but luckily his stomach had quietened down and now was time for his first test his kit.
He thought it would be wise to start with his shorts, it was all going fine until it got to his more sizeable arse - long gone was perfect square butt now his cheeks were plumped up and won’t fitting in no size 30, it took a lot of struggling and suck in the put them on - and dam were they tight but at least they were on. Putting on the jersey was a real shock he was used to the breathable loose fit -that was long gone, his wider frame filled up his jersey with ease and the biggest problem would be his gut, it jutted out a few inches and refused to be hidden. God he felt fat, checking himself out in the mirror he looked like a fattened up caricature of himself, what was going on.
In pre-training he kept it light, luckily his team failed to bring up his noticeable weight gain, but he couldn’t help but see the looks and whispering just out of earshot, Chad seemed to be the only one would bring it up
“Looks some needs to hit some cardio”
“Come on big guy catch up”
Big guy, god was it that noticeable, damn the diet starts  tomorrow, and why was he sweating so much even after a few light exercises he felt as heavy as a truck. Sure he had missed a couple of trainings but he was the star footballer, what was going on and was that his tummy rumbling.
If  Devon had felt self-conscious earlier on the pitch with the thousands of spectators  now, he felt like he was being watched from all angles, and it didn’t help that he was far from his a-game - he was slower and barely keeping up with his team, he was red in the face after all the running he had do to keep up. He just couldn’t do it, running was like there was lead in his legs and he felt his fatty body sweat up and rub against his kit  - and by time halve time was called he was panting.
A nil-nil start sure wasn’t the worst, but  his team were wholly  less supportive sure he had missed a couple of goals but surely it wasn’t that bad. Lurking away from the training room, he find a tv running - some commenters on the game were yapping on he didn’t pay attention till a picture of him for last season popped
“I mean look at his shape, fit prime and in charge’
“Now look at this”
A picture for todays match popped, a very unflattering photo he was red in the face covered in sweat and if they say the camera had 10 it looked like it was 20 today, he looked massive taken form a bad angle you could see his gut prodding out, even a bit of underbelly piped out, his sweat hugged the curvature of his gut and  his arms and legs were giganitc and with the face he was pulling it like like had rolls
‘Im mean it obvious someone defiantly porked up a bit”
“Ha ha - he’s defiantly pigged out this off season”
“Oh definelty - Devon looks awful and it obvious affecting his play did you see him  out there - he was sluggish and red”
“And did you see that backside - God it looked he  had a bbl done”
“Geez yh, if this things keeps going I won’t be supposed if he is benched till next seas” 
He switched it up, God he felt humiliated ( even a bit aroused tho - God what was happening to him ), He had to pull out all the stops this next halve,
And that he did, he ran faster and tried harder than anything, but still it didn’t work - 5 minutes on the clock and it looked like there was nothing to show but a  panting red faced Devon, then suddenly  in just the final moments on the game , he saw it - an opening it was just right. The entire world was still, he saw his moment, he felt his breath panting but he didn’t care. With one powerful kick he lobbed the ball into the goal, it went flying soaring straight into the top left corner. The crowd went wild, it was in - he felt on top of the world, but in his moment of victory he just couldn’t see Chad running straight for him, too fast to stop. He only saw it from the corner of his eye - second too late, it all happened so fast, like a train wreck, it all went silent until 
Devon was on the floor, what happened next was all a blur of events, from his leg not moving to the shooting pain in his foot it was all a blur , the paramedics rushing to him, to the ambulance and the operating table until now waking up in the hospital room.
Ajay was by his side- wearing clothes that fitted ten pounds ago,  was the first thing he saw when he woke up.
“Thank God your finally awake’ 
Ajay said was he jumped up to hug Devon and give him a kiss on the lips, he smelled like donuts and tasted like chocolate
“You gave us quite a scare’
“What.. happened’
“Well let’s just say you faced a pretty big fall, you were basically unconscious on the floor, apparently your body was so  exhausted it was on life support basically’
Getting up he faced a stinging pain in his chest and legs
“Oh and don’t try to move, u survived but you broke a couple of bones in the process  not to mention you foot - it was like a 4 hour surgery trying to save it’
 Startled with this news, he pulled of his sheets and low and behold there it was, his legs wrapped up in a white cast 
“Doc says it should be good as new, but not for a couple of months - ha ha” he laughed hesistanlty
“God what am I gonna do’ Devon was panicking  - football was his life, what would happen to him 
“Don’t worry babe - come down, here have some chocolate’
“Well look around you have gift baskets galore’ taking in the room Ajay was right, gift baskets were everywhere -  filled to the brim with get well soon cards and sweets
“There’s even more at home, I hope you don’t mind I’ve had a nibble hear and there” Ajay chuckled next to a nearly finished basket
‘Go on then”, the chocolate was good, tasted amazingly  and at least it wasn’t in short supply - he laughed but stopped as the aching pain in his chest stung
“Anyways the doctor says you need your strength especially after your fall babe’
After signing the papers - and a lengthy discussion with his doctor encouraging him to keep his movements to a minimal, Devon was free to go.
The ride back was nice, Ajay by his side, he wasn’t expecting the press outside his front door, and  in his temporary  wheelchair he felt humiliated having to be carried arm in arm  by Ajay and their chief. After a long phone call for his manger, it was settled that  that Devon would be able return next season or as fast as his leg was healed- and his space on the field was legally not going anyway. Hanging up the phone call commenced the long haul of recovery.
“Babe I can’t eat that’
“Nonsense, doctor said you need all your strength, besides chief spent all day cooking it’
“Okay fine, but you gotta help”
“Was that even  question”
The thoughts of the diet he needed to go on, had slowly faded with his new cast on, he had tried to cut back but with Ajay and chief it was like they wouldn’t take no as answer. Devon reasoned with himself, he would just have to extend his dirty bulk and have a massive cut once he was on his feet again. A small part of himself was very happy with tis conclusion, oh all this food tasted so great and a  deep hunger in him needed to be satisfied, he had starved his body on kale salads for far too long.
So began the long process of recovery, its was a foodie bliss, breakfast lunch dinner and most importunely desert served straight to him 24/7. And it all tasted so good and rich finally he was seeing a price for all his hard work and it was in the from or food fit for kings. Anyways there was nothing else for Devon to do, he couldn’t leave the house in this state  especially with the papz going  crazy over him and his leg - he had even made the headlines for a good week all  showing the prized footballer fallen form grace in crutches . He was asked for interviews and podcasts specials for weeks but he decided it was best to take this much needed  time off  and make the most of it. He had no obligations, he could spend all day catching up  tv shows he  had missed ,playing the backlog of video games and of course hot steamy sex with Ajay -  who was  more than happy to check charge with their handicapped partner. In fact Devon was enjoying laying back in bed and letting Ajay do all the hard work in fact he often helped himself to a wide assortment of snacks that was always in arm width not to mention the get well baskets that slowly dwindled in number. And speaking of food ,a  massive plus  to this new life was that he could finally eat with with no restraint -  Not having to worry about training or meetings meant  he could laze about all day and just  pig out it was perfect, especially with Ajay by his side. And God did the pair of them eat, day in day out, it was the perfect activity as Devon stuffed his face, he felt so good, their always ate unit they couldn’t move and it wasn’t like Devon was doing much of that anyway  - with his leg in the cast he would spend hours  plopped down in areas of his massive townhouse. And as the months rolled passed he made sure to spend his money freely,  buying Ajay all the designer clothes and jewellery he wanted, he loved to see Ajay try on all his new designer clothes and he loved it even more as he outgrew them right in front of his eye. Their chief was also basically free-reign, with Devon even moving them in  to make sure their were never far he hadn’t eaten so good in years and he didn’t want it to stop . The biggest money eater  of course was defiantly the food, all the finest foods and wines  that money could buy was devoured day in and day out Devon and Ajay were properly  eating better than royalty , especially with his dirty bulk excuse  this was run so far  into  the ground  he barley even thought about cutting back leaving  him to  ate with no abandonment. 
After  the months of never reigning in how much he was eating, his appetite explored, more pizzas more burgers more sides - more everything, chief even had to hire a side cook to keep up. Devon was being overtaken with hedonism the pleasure he got from food simply made him fro hunger for more, he was transforming form a man with a clean cut diet to one who was controlled by the gut and it was showing. Over the months it wasn’t only his appetite that grew up, his small starter gut ballooned into a a round bulging gut that demanded to be fed, and all that food it demanded was spreading itself all over his body, all over he was fattened up bulging out, his pecs puffed up into two rounded sagging lumps of fat, his once muscular arms plumped up and were now starting to squeeze outwards due to the massive amount go fat packed onto his torso. And to compensate for this massive rotund gut his thighs swelled up to match - Devon had long forgotten about pants and had resorted to lazing naked nowadays  allowing his thighs to fill out as much as possible, with his once muscular butt taken the worst of it, once firm and square it was plumped up and filled with fat expanding out in all direction  ,  and form lazing about all day the muscles he worked so hard at the gym, slowly faded away and were buried in fat all over Devon was undoubtedly fat. And the worst culprit was surely he was once gorgeous face, all that food of course fattened his face, his cheeks had rounded out and now merged with the band of fat that was nestled under is chin, given him a rounded out face that matched his rounded out body. His killer good looks remained but they were fighting a losing battle with the fat 
Devon’s and Ajay’s months of bliss was soon coming to the end as after a good 6 months the Doctor finally deemed it fit that Devon was free of hi caste 
“Now Devon, given your noticeably changes I’m sure moving about will be a lot harder and your leg will need to adapt to all the extra weight your putting on it’
“Oh all this’ Devon chuckled as he smaked his gut, even he was bit taken back with how soft it was,’Just a dirty bulk-   it will come right off”
“Sure”, the doctor responded not sounding very confident’ Anyways I’ve signed you up with the best physio in town we will have back in uhm.. fighting shape any day”
The first biggest challenge was defiantly the walking, under doctors orders the crutches were retired and Devon was instructed to slowly start to move more and more. But even this was challenge, after a couple of steps he was struggling, his legs felt weaker and with every step there was this burning sensation in his bones. He would not even  make it halve way through the doctors mandatory excerise routines before  he had to call it quits. What was going on, he was a star athlete how was he letting a couple of steps be the boss of him, sure he had been out of practice for a while but Devon was not going to let this stop him. So he tried again and again, until he was blue in the face and felt sweat in places he didn’t know he could sweat and after each routine he felt exhausted but luckily for him the doctor had said nothing about cutting down his food intake,  so chief continued to pull out all the stops making sure their employer never went hungry.
The second big challenge came about when it was finally time to start physio, sure Devon had been doing some small exercises here and there but under doctors orders, now that Devon could confidently walk about on his feet it was time for physio, and it was time for Devon to finally leave the house and he soon found out that eating like a pig for the last 6-months of course meant nothing would fit his large over-fed body . He tried fruitlessly but none of his old clothes would even budge, his trousers wouldn’t get past his thighs and his shirts wouldn’t buckle, he was just too big, too round and far too fat. God - he thought to himself this bulk has really hit its limit, he felt enormous and he definitely looked it, his gut was so massive it ripped  his shirts into shreds when Ajay tried to squeeze  him in it. With the physio waiting across London, he was left trying to fit into Ajay clothes, and even they were a tight fit, there was no way he was fatter than Ajay but alas even in his chubby lovers designer kit he still felt suffocated.
The doctor had organised one of the best physio in all of London, they had all been sworn to secrecy and all  that staff and been forced to sign a nda, they were all left puzzling their heads about what could be such a  secret, until of course the lift doors opened and outstepped a man who looked like he hadn’t been in a gym in years, let alone the star footballer of one of the country’s most prestige  teams. They were expecting a man who was once the most eligible bachelor  in all of Europe with he his gorgeous face and ripped muscular  body and here stood a man in clothes to small  to fit their wearers massive frame, a body that fit a man that looked like he had been done nothing but stuff his face day in and out .
“Alight Devon, lets see what we working with” said the lead physio instructing Devon to the scales
Stepping on them, he couldn’t even see the scales as his gut blocked his view by  a good amount of fat , 
“Gosh, I mean uhh 130kg”
“What, are you taking the piss” , that couldn’t be right, the numbers had to be a lie
“Im sorry, sir but that this is one the most accurate scales out there’
Devon was left with no words, he simply mustered by the dirty bulk line and followed the very in shape physio to the changing rooms, compared to him Devon looked massive, almost double the size in width. Finally in the the changing rooms he was finally given some fitting clothes that fitted around his huge fat body, he dared not to look at the size but a small flash of Xs caught his eyes as he grabbed for them with his tubby fingers. Checking himself out in the mirror was a very sobering process, what had he done to himself, he was far form fat and well into the obese relm , looking at his massive gut and wider frame the memories of his once fitter body flooded his mind, however as he felt his fat gut  up, prodding it and squeezing it his mind was filled with all the good food he had stuffed into to over the last year  and damn did it make him feel hunger.
He was snapped out of the images of plates of food and desserts, when the young fit physio , known as Tom , popped round the corner telling Devon it was time to start. This all lead to the next big challenge, sure walking had been tough but compared to this that was spoonful of sugar, they had started it slow on the treadmill, a good pace was established, but god did it feel different there was so much more of him, he was heavier and massive. From the fat in his gut that swayed with each step to the rolls of fat in his arms that rubbed against his moobs. All over on this this treadmill he felt his fat body coming to alive, and a bit of him enjoyed and he felt he felt his dick stir under his fat balloon gut. But then Tom seeing the grin of Devon’s face took the initiative to  to raise the speed a tad , just a bit forcing him to pick up the pace and jog, for the first few seconds as he jumped from foot to foot, Devon felt free, but then it started, the burning in his lungs, the stabbing in his feet, the sweat piling up. He had quickly used up  his once amazing stamina and endurance , his fat body was just too heavy, each jog felt like he was pulling tons, before long he was panting for breathe, red in the face. Tom saw how hard  his job was going to be right then and therem as Devon collapsed on the floor exhausted.
“Come on big, guy, we’ve still got a good hour left to shift this weight’ Tom chuckled as he slapped Devon’s fat gut that was now exposed form his kit, sweaty and flabby.
Devon couldn’t even muster the breath to tell him to fuck off, but what he hated how much his dick was loving it. What followed was one of the longest training session of his life, everything was reminder of how out of shape he had fallen, sit ups were nearly impossible with his fat gut weighing him down making him have to roll to his side to even get up, and push- ups were far out of the question with his stubby arms not being able to lift his fat body high enough to get his fat gut of the floor, star jumps shook the walls and there wasn’t a bike there he could fit his fat arse onto.  The only possible equipment  he could fit onto was the bench next to the vending machine, Tom decide to look the over way as as out of breath Devon dropped his blubbery frame on it and popped out a few chocolate bars. 
“ Right there  big guy , i think that’s enough damage for today” Tom chuckled placing another firm hand on Devon’s  ample gut 
Devon was furious, partially at himself for letting himself get this bad and also at Tom who seemed to be enjoying this display of unfitness. 
“Hold - on “ Devon said in pants fishing his chocolate bar 
He wasn’t going to go down without a fight, I know what to show him he thought , he stepped on the treadmill determined to show Tom that his was still the star athlete he was a year ago
“If you say so”
Starting up, Devon felt confident, he had already lasted longer than his previous attempts, sure he felt on the edge, but he kept jogging. A smirk appeared on his round race, that would show him Tom, who did he think he was talking to. However as he smugness grew, his old  confidence grew too, and without thought he went to uped the speed to reasonable run, and the moment he pressed those buttons he knew he had made a grave mistake. The treadmill revered to life, and Devon led on to  dear life tried to keep up, he tried to match the pace, but his obese body failed him once again, his belly became like a pendulum swing up and down moving his fat in all directions, his  layer of fat pecs followed in motion, followed by every bulging fatty part of his body. He was just too fat, his lungs couldn’t keep up, he was so panting for dear life, all over his sweat greased him up like a hog in an oven. His kit rolled up over  his heavy gut and his shorts got caught between his large thighs, he just couldn’t keep up he was just too fat. He felt himself about to  collapse again
“Alright tubby, I think you’ve showed us enough” Tom said as he stepped in to Devons rescue pulling the red tag, just  in time as Devon was hit with a wave of light headness and when the treadmill finally ceased its run Devon felt it legs give up to  and himself collapse on the floor 
He lay there on the floor, a doughy  mountainous lumps of fat panting for breathe, he couldn’t move pinned done by his massive girth, Devon was humiliated as he laid there sweaty and red, trying to get up was futile with all his energy used up
“Ah better luck next time big guy’ Tom said as he playfully slapped Devons fat gut admiring how it jiggled and settled.
“Come on lets get you up’, 
“Wow big  guys, looks like I’m gonna need a hand”, Tom laughed as he called over to some assistants to help heave Devon up and of the floor..
What a shit show, in the changing room Devon had retreated to the bench to catch his breath, God I’ve really let myself go haven’t I, he thought as he rested his hand on his gut. 
“See you next time’ Tom waved as he left leaving in a tight muscle shirt that showed of his impressive build
“Yh’ -  was all Devon  got out in-between laboured breathes, he  used to have a body like that, now here he was a fat arse on the bench catching his breathe - right he thought to himself this is it  the fattest I am ever going to be now, this old gut is going into hibernating .
But those fighting words quickly disappeared when Devon  came  home, the moment he waddled up the stairs and opened the front door he was hit with the smell of chefs cooking, and like clockwork his thoughts of cutting back where thrown out the window and replaced with whatever delicious food chef had cooked up. At the dining table, he just couldn’t draw himself, dish after dish chief brought out more and more food, that his stomach demanded.
“Alight babe, I think I’ve done enough damage’
“What” Ajay said looking up form his food with a mouth full of pasta
“I mean look at me, I’m not the spitting image of health right now’ Devon empathised taking in his fat body
“Non-sense, your plenty healthy and besides what those that make me  then’ - Ajay chuckled as he rubbed his fat rolls
“I think you just need some motivation, and besides after your long day at the gym you need your fuel - And I need my man’
And before Devon could protest, Ajay was on his knees blowing Devon off, sure things were a but different now, with Ajay being blocked fully by Devon’s fat gut, but even with all this new fat they had packed on to each others body it was still as amazing as it was on the first day. Devon could contain himself it was just so good, and just when he thought couldn’t get better, chief brought out dessert - triple coated chocolate cake.
  As the weeks rolled on Devon continued to go to his gym session with Tom, but he also continued to pig out just the same way as he  always had , he told himself he  deserved it, all those gym sessions were just too long and he need his fuel fro his next session of course , but he knew secretly deep down that the  food was just to good to quit. Devon was definitely getting his strength back but the fat gut of his was going any where soon, in fact Devon could have sworn it was getting bigger so much so that after a good couple of sessions he found himself needing new kit as gut continued to bulge out and his arse just wouldn’t fit in the old kit, when he asked Tom about it, Tom had told him that of course that was happening he was simply packing on more muscle and that Devon had nothing to worry out in and should continue as normal espially drinking the shakes that  Tom left out for him after each session.
After a good couple of months , Devon saw it was only right to get to know Tom better  after all they spend sports much time together and he grew fond of Tom’s teasing remarks about him,so he saw to it to bringing Tom ever for a dinner one day.
When the day came Devon saw to it that chief pulled out all the stops, he had told Tom it would just be casual dinner but Tom had somehow talked Devon into making it into a whole formal affair with suits and champagne. Devon knew straight away, that the tens of thousands pound suits he used to stroll round in at balls were long out of question, so he once again saw to it to ordering his tailer over, sure his tailor had not seen Devon since long before his accident but a man of his pay- grade was well known for his professionalism. So as Ajay and Devon stood their fat guts out overflowing in lard, the tailer made no comment and simply dressed them up in the finest suitsm men they size could still fit into.
Standing there in front of the mirror, dressed in the nines in his fine suit, Devon felt confident a confidence he hadn’t felt in a long time, sure the man standing in the mirror was a rounded out ball of fat, but damn the way he filled out his suit made  he look good, he was still the handsome footballer just now under many many layers of fat he told himself . And Ajay  seemed to agreed, telling Devon he was still the most handsome man he had ever seen, rubbing his hands over his meaty  thighs, whispering in his ears but how good he looked. And just when Devon was about to let Ajay get it, the door bell rang - Tom was here.
Opening the door, he was greeted by a very good looking man in suit, Tom had gotten a fresh haircut, shaved his morning stubble and swapped the gym clothes for a very nice fitted English suit, that he filled out perfectly. Devon remembered when he looked that good in a suit, the way Tom’s muscles were hinted at in the suit arms and his  square arse filled out the back. Standing there he felt massive, his much bigger frame emphasised different areas  of his suit, from his heavyset gut to his double chin poking out the collar.
“Wow, you clean up nicely- huh big guy”
“Thank you,  oh this old thing was just  sitting in the cupboard’  Devon laughed thinking about how more expensive suits were now that he couldn’t touch his toes
“And you must be the massive Ajay’ Tom laughed going in for a French kiss on Ajay chubby cheeks, leaning over Ajay’s chubby gut which his trim muscular body.
“God, Devon has told me so much about you, you’re even bigger I mean better in person’
After the formalities, small talk was engaged, where Devon learned that Tom had studied nutrition at uni and was freshly in London starting out. Devon and Ajay standing there must have looked like a massive fat hogs next to the lean Tom, Devon thought as Tom humoured Ajay, and if Tom was handsy in the gym he was even more so now, giving their respective guts a good pat and rub after ever joke.
But before Devon could think more about it, the bell was rung and dinner was being served, walking in the dining room had been transformed into a former candlelit scene, it felt very dapper and posh-  and God Devon thought he was definietly was going to have to give chief another pay rise for this whole ordeal. Tom was sat opposite them and the two much bigger men dwarfed  Tom side with their emmense fatness
And as chief brought out their dishes dinner commenced, the wine was good, the company even better but the food was amazing. Devon and Ajay’s plate were spotless after each  course, where’s Tom were littered with remains for the previous courses. But Devon couldn’t care he was founding himself getting more  and more aroushed by Tom’s  crude comments that he blurted out now and again
“Wow you chief really cooks up some fine grub - no wonder you so got so big’
“You guys really now how to put it away”
“Damn and I thought I ad a big appetite”
Devon didn’t know why what Tom was saying was turning him on so much, but he knew that his devious words were also working on Ajay who had to keep shuffling in his chair to move his tubby gut away  from his crotch. Maybe it was because he wasn’t used to being teased like this like this but maybe it was also because of who it was coming from, This fit young lad who had been  training him in the gym was now bombarding him with these dirty remarks. And as the courses kept coming, the dirtier they got.
“Hey there tubby, I think you left something on your plate’
“Geez what a fat-arse, leave any food for the rest of us”
“No, go on then you take it, looking at you overweight arse, has taken me of my appetite, besides to fill a fat gut like that you must need a truck load for of food’
Ajay and Devon didn’t know what was going on, but they  kept eating more  and more, until they were eating more than they had ever eaten before, Tom’s mean and flirty comments made them want to eat more and more.  And after unbutton the first couple of buttons on his shirt and taking  of his jacket, Tom cockney accent reared its head as he stripped down form his formal attire, and it was all so hot.  Devon felt his gut get more and bloated until he felt the buttons tightening and his gut gaping through, him and Ajay were being stuffed to beyond limits by this cockney muscular lad and it all reached its peak, - When a stuffed Ajay couldn’t finish his plate of food
“What tubs, bitten of more than you can chew’ “Here let me help’
And in fine motion, Tom climbed over the table, cups and dishes clattered about as  he reached over and grabbed his plate and held it to Ajay fat flushed flash
“Here piggy, eat up”
What was going on, Devon was completely in shock, but seeing Ajay opening his mouth and letting Tom force-feed him the rest of his plates, made his dick hard in way he didn’t know was possible
“And don’t you worry fatty, you time is next’ Tom laughed as he stuffed Ajay tight with food and then ran his tongue down his face. Tom then proceeded to rip Ajay’s shirt of freeing the mountain of brown fat that hid there
“Look at this beauty, ahh Devon where have u been hiding him’
Devon watched in pure lust as he saw Tom explore his lovers fattened up from, slapping his gut and knead it, Ajay of course was in pure heaven 
“Here tubby let me give you your just deserts”
And just like that Ajay fell onto his knees, as Tom took down his pants revealing his 8 inch pink cock
“Come on fatty eat up’
Ajay slobbered Tom’s cock up, going to town on all 8 inches 
“That right fatty eat up’
“All your good for your now is cock sucking - you fat fuck”
Tom grabbed Ajays rolls of fat and his fat pecs and he came straight down his throat 
“There piggy eat up”
Devon couldn’t control himself, letting out a large moan of his mouth followed by larger burp 
“Ahh looks like this piggy over here feel negalated, don’t you worry  piggy’
“Don’t you worry, I’ve had my eyes on you a while’
Devon was too shocked and stuffed to move
“God look at you, a fat lump of dough, you used to the hottest man in the nation now look at you tubby’
‘ A fat pig ready for the slaughter’
And with that, Devon was lost in Tom’s words, as Toms stripped down to reveal his hot muscular body, Devon was like putty, Tom pushed him out of his chair onto the floor, his fat gut breaking his fall, he felt as Tom stripped down his pants, putting his fatty  meaty chunky legs in the air, Tom yanked of his massive underwear exposing his fat arse 
“Ahh look at all the fat, man were have you been hiding thi’
Tom chuckled as he slapped Devons hippo sized rear.
An then it all happened so quick, but Devon felt Tom massive cock be ramped up his arse, he felt toms muscular arms grab his rolls of fat and jiggle them and then followed by the  thrusting  that was so hard it made his whole body jiggle. Devon was in heaven, he was stuffed behind his widest dreams and being fucked by Tom, and then when it couldn’t get any better. He saw Ajay rise up come over and bury Devon his his fat gut, opening in his mouth and showing his brown cock down this throat. He was their pig, fattened up and ready to be fed.
After that night of bliss, what followed next was an even more fattening  string of months, Devon was fucked hard all over by  of his lovers, at the gym Tom would tease him relentlessly for his out of shape body and lack of fitness, then at night Tom would  punish him by fucking  him till he couldn’t move. Chief cooked up even more and more food, filling the nights with feasts and feasts, and Devon and Ajay grew fatter and fatter until new dining room chairs  had to be ordered and beds installed. It was heaven, but one day as Devon wake up in their  now super king sized bed with  Tom naked, wrapped up between his two pigs, the phone rang
“Ah Devon, long time no see”
Who was this 
“I’ve been told by you doctor that you cast was long off and you’ve been  going to the best physio for months- no easier way to say this but we need you back on the team and you must surely be back in fighting state by now ”
What no, what was going on, as Devon laid there in bed under the mountains of fat he had stuffed onto to his body, his feet long hidden behind that mass that was his fat protruding gut, his sides were like weights filled with fat on either side and with his chins swallowing his neck his breathe was struggling to keep up with this dilemma. 
“Well come on , champ we need you back asap”
‘What do you mean its be declined’
“Well, I went to my normal sales assistant and went to pick up my things, and he said the card didn’t go though, luckily I was carrying my Chase card …’
As Ajay went on explaining away his last shopping trip, a quickly forming reality was dawning on Devon -  after all the fine foods, wines, luxuries, the funds were drying up. Sure by any means they won’t be  going broke, but after a few calls and checks with his accountants the gluttonus lives they were  living was not going to sustains it self  for much longer,either they were going to have cut-back or they would quickly be in a whole new world
It had been a couple of days after his phone call with this manager, and Devon knew that him and Ajay really had no other choices of income, and Tom’s physio salary was definitely not going to be paying  the bills for  the townhouse . in fact after Tom moved in, Devon found that they were even spending more than before on his fine suits and expensive wines.
As he sat there in bed, ballooned in fat, he knew he was going to have to face his fears, and that started by calling up his manger
“Ah Devon, finally have you decided to make you triumph return to the team, after the season we’ve had everyone is desperate for you, Devon’
“Yh about that, Scott I am planning to, only I might be a bit bigger than you last saw me ’
“Ahh the off-season bulk - happens ti the best of us champ’
“Yh, bulk ha’ Devon couldn’t whip up the confidence to tell his old manger just how bad this bulk was over the phone
“Listen champ just come on down tomorrow, we get you sized up,  I mean the whole team haven’t seen in for almost over a year now’
Today was the day, and Devon felt fatter than ever, leaving the house in the early morning in some of the only clothiers that fit him he knew as he had to catch his breaths after ever steps a walk in the park was gonna be off from this . They were all waiting for him in there, all his old teammates including Chad he imagined their faces and their ridicule and he hated that after living with Tom for the last couple of weeks he knew he was going to enjoy it all.
“I’m sorry mister, I think you have the wrong room’
Devon had walked in to the gym at the worst time, all his old teammates were shirtless running drills and workouts, and they  stood Devon all 150kg of him , still holding a chocolate bar form the car 
‘No coach, I don’t think I do’
The sound of weights from all over the room came crashing down as the herd of fit muscular men crowded around their hippo sized teamate
“Bloody hell’
“Is that, no way”
“Talk about an off-season”
“Coach listen, I did say I had put on a few kg”
“A few kg, is that what you call this’
Coach laughed as strolled over and slapped Devons fat gut
“I mean look a the size of you, you fat everywhere I look at you”
“What am I going to do you you fat sack of lard’
‘Hey coach, take it easier on him’ called a voice from the back 
Devon dared not to look up, and he hated the fact a small part of him was loving Coach’s cruel remarks about his fat body’
But even  he couldn’t believe who was strolling over to his rescue 
Walking over, was a more muscular, almost taller Chad, it was obvious that after their accident the two had gone two very different pathways, Devon a spiral of gluttony and greed and Chad a rise of fame and fitness .
“What, else can I do, look at him this man was the comeback we needed Chad, I bet he couldn’t  even get the kit over his massive backside, let alone make it to the field without breaking into a sweat”
“Coach, I know but shouting at him isn’t going to make it easier, anyway besides maybe even having him back is enough to turn our fate’ smirked Chad 
Devon was shocked the arrogant areshole of a man that Chad had been had simply evaporated’l
‘Whatever, his contact his bullet prove, even if wanted to I couldnt get him of the team’
“We gonna be a laughing  stock of the nation with this lardass’ 
Coach said coming and grabbing Devon exposed gut
“Hey it not like we arnt that  already; chuckled Chad as he got  between Coach and Devon
Coach had no words left to utter after that, he simply left in a strut leaving Devon with the rest of teammates, whom most got back to the training simply refusing to even acknowledge Devon.
Well one stayed  - Chad
“Hey mate, thanks for that’
“Oh that that was nothing’
‘Nah it means a lot, and it seems like we both changed a lot these past years huh’
‘Yh I guess, not going to lie once you were of the team, and I had to step in I finally realised how much pressure it was, huh big guy’
‘Yh, I don’t even remember sleeping those days’
“You telling me, all I do is train, play and try to stay out the papers’
The pair of them, stuck together chatting about the past year as the gym quietened out, Chad hitting the machines while Devon filled him on his new life with Ajay and Tom.
“Wow you really enjoyed you  time off-time huh’ smirked Chad as they made their way to showers, the rest of the team had left and it was the pair of them. Just like old times, they striped  down and headed to the showers, Devon had barely even lifted a finger but he still stripped done to rinse off some sweat that came from standing about in the humid gym. Chad even helped remove his t-shirt when he struggled to get it over his fatty body.
Stepping in compleltey naked to the showers, there were never  two bodies that were that different, Chads tall blond muscular body all toned up after a long work out and Devons round obese body covered in strecth marks and overgrown with hair.
‘I mean look at the size of you, talk about a transformation and a halve’
“Yh I living the good life, and I love it all’ Devon responded rubbing his gargantuan gut’
“Here let me’ Chad said as he took the soap and lathered Devon in it
It was all so sensual and hot Devon couldn’t  see his cock as he turned to let Chad wash his back but he couldn’t feel it growing under his massive fat-pad. And it wasnt the only thing he felt as Chad got closer and closer to him rubbing all his back fat, the head of a fat big penis hit his fat arse. They stood in silence for a few moments until Chad broke  the slience 
‘Sorry about that, I can’t help myself you just so sexy’
Devon laughed, it seemed the more he blimped up men coudnt control themselves
‘Oh really, what’s so sexy about me’
“Everything, all over your just so big, I mean I used to stare at you in the showers and looking at this I couldn’t believe you could be so sexy, but now oh I can’t control myself’
Chad moved closer, his arms roamed over Devons body, taking it all in, they barely joined in the middle just the tips oh his fingers  around Devons solid gut. And then he moved in, putting his face in the pillow of at that was Devon’s neck, and pushing Devon fat body to the wall and he entered Devons fat arse. They fucked for hours, long and hard it was as if Chad wanted one thing in the world and it was Devons well-fed body.
It was game day, and Devon was suprised it had all come so quickly, one the news had broken about his weight gain, the media went crazy, journalists and pappz wanted him more now than ever. The internet was filled with pieces comparing his body to its prime, everything was out it the open with his love life he was headed for being a proud  gay footballer and jeered at by all sorts of sporting channels who loved to talk about his obese body for hours. He was a pneumpoan, everybody was -  even Ajay’s lavish life, who had quickly become a minor celcberlity once the news broke, and now it was the first match of the season, no matter what the coach fought for he coudln’t get him removed, it was agreed though that due to Devons weight he was of course going to be no help on the field abs that all he needed to do was stand for the anthem and be Benched for the majority of the game. And so they he stood in a kit the size of tent in line with all his in fit  teammates a bulging mass of fat.
The rest of the game he was sat on the sides, watching the game he even pulled put a chocolate bar as the 90min game bore on. As He looked up at the box and saw the large frame of Ajay next to a trim Tom whose hands of full of hotdogs and even appeared to be helping himself to one of two as a stuffed Ajay hesitated mouth full of ketchup and mustard. Devon chuckled to himself as he bit into the next chocolate bar that chef had packed. The game finished to a draw, which according to Chad was one of the best results they had finished in a while, Devon couldn’t believe it, had his team really fallen so far that a draw was an accomplishment. And as the rest of the team left and the changing room emptied out it was once again Chad  and Devon left alone, and it seemed the sight of Devon in his humongous kit sent Chad awol,  as after the final member left he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. 
Coach was in trouble, it wasn’t enough that he had to put up with seeing Devon stuff his face with chocolate bars on the bench, after a lengthy call with the mangers his job seemed to be on the line, his teams poor performance over the last season was so distoruous ad campaigns seemed to back out with each loss and the team was heamorrgin money left right and centre , he had to do something quick.
After another game ended with  another draw, Coach turned on the 10’ o clock sports new, most of the bloody focus was on the fat lump that used to be his star player, more focus went on what he was stuffing his face with than the game itself. After third draw of the season, Coach was hot headed, he didnt know what to do and right now he needed something sweet and the first thing that popped into his head was whatever he had seen Devon stuffing his face next to him on the bloody bench .But after 2 visits to two different supermarkets those damn chocolate bars seemed to all be out of the stock, after the third visit proved no avail he was furious 
‘Oi you what’s the big deal, this is the third shop without any godamn chocolate bars where the hell are there all’
“Geez sir I’m sorry they sell out faster than hotcakes especially after matchs’
“What - the hell ”
“ If You asking me, it cus all those fatties come here straight after the game and buy us all out, its cus of the big old fat player Devon he’s like their hero or something’
What was that - everywhere he went to heard about that hippo and just when he felt another blood vessel burst in his brain an even better idea popped into his head
Devon dint know why he was being called in, Coach hadn’t even uttered a word to him all season and now he was being called in for a meeting- even Chad didn’t know what was going on
“Ah Devon, my favourite player come on in’
What was going on, but Devons attention quickly dropped when he saw the plates full of chocolates and pastries laid out on the table
“Why Devon, it seems your sweet tooth has caught the attention of some higher ups, meet the team’
They on the other side off the table were a large assortment of people some tall some with glasses all fat
“Listen bud, these guys over there will pay a hefty sum for you hands to be on they chocolate bars  out there on the field - what’ya say’
Opening the envelope there concealed a number with a lot of 0s 
‘OH and that’s just for one game’
This was it Devon’s money problems were solved for life and all he had to do was sit back and eat candy 
Coach chuckled to himself as he saw the humongous man sign away his body with hand and grab a hand full of chocolate in the other, - looks like he had found a use fir this fatter after all
And as the season wore on that’s exactly what Devon did, it become a football phenomenon - viewship was at all time high. The fattiest of the country were glued to the screen seeing Devon pig out on various box’s of chocolates and sweets and they ran the fastest their fatty legs would carry them to the stores to pig.  Coach had long forgotten about his money worries he had a golden pig out there weight his weight in advertisement - it was a plus that the team were playing the best they ever had in a long time, and leading them was Chad it was as if a big fat fire was lit under him and he wanted to do it proud. As the months draw on the team was quickly climbing the ranks faster and faster, until it was all down to for final game of the season .
There it was the last game of the season, Ajay, Tom and Devon boarded   a much bigger limo to take them to the stadium than they had needed to at the beginning. . Other the past 9 months it wasn’t just the money on Devon’s wallet that grew but all three of their waistlines  thanks to the replenished funds the three of them were back eating like kings, and it showed on Ajay’s much fatter gut Devon’s hippo sized arse and Toms beginning double chin. Devon had suspected that Ajay and Tom were having secret feedings sessions where  Tom loved stuffing Ajays till he was too stuffed to move and was helping himself to the odd cake here and there . Seeing the pair of them across the limo Devon chuckled to himself as he saw that Tom was living the blissful lie that he had once lived as it seemed Ajay had found another young hot man’s body to ruin. Tom hadn’t noticed it but as he was stuffing food down Ajays food he didn’t notice his portions getting bigger and meals more frequent. Living with two obese men was definitely rubbing of on the poor PTs body, he hardly needed to work at the gym now that Devon’s money troubles  were solved, his gym kit was growing dusty in the wardrobe just like Devon’s once did and the effects were beginning to show. A year of living with them was fattening Tom up faster than he could  clock on, as he sat   there next to Ajays the six pack he was proudly showed of was now rounding out into a beginners belly and his thighs were beginning to swell up. Ajays had of course taken the needed precautions of size up his wardroom  secretly and reminding him of how fat he was at all times belittling  Tom’s beginner gains
As the pair of them fiddled with each other in the back of the limo  offering the other small treats and what nots , Devon didn’t feel any jealousy, especially after how he knew his heart was taken by another. What started of as after gym sessions soon bloomed into longs date nights with Chad, over the past 9 months Chad and rocked Devon’s world in more ways than none, filling up with food at dinner than fucking  him like there was no tomorrow. And just when Devon was about to unlock some more thrilling moments the Driver honked - there had arrived 
Devon’s role on the team had shunk to nothing more than a ballooned obese mascot that the camera would turn to when the audiences attention dwindled. And there was no other way he would have it, as the game wore on his assortment of snacks never ended he ate himself away watching Chad run around the field like he once used to. Except now he was a fat whale of man in kit that had long been upgraded to beat his ever growing fat gut
It was such a close game, 85 minutes had dreaded on, and there were still drawing 2:2, Devon couldn’t watch and so he ate - it’s as all down to Chad. And at the 89 minute, Devon scanned the field and saw the hunk of man that was he lover, and Chad saw back a fat blob of a man that he couldn’t keep his hands off. And just like that he kicked it in and it flew past the other teams goalie and went straight it.
And on that second after winning his first league, there was one thing Chad needed to do - and he ran straight to Devon and jumped on to the 180kg lover and gave him the biggest kiss of his life 
And Devin thought to himself if this was life on the bench he would happily be Benched 
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fatteningmenstories · 9 months
My first attempt at a gainer story :)
Benched Pt 1
 Devon had it all, the looks, the body and the skill, he was everywhere. Walking down a typical street in London would result in seeing him on buses, billboards and sports campaigns. Coming back from a 10k jog, instead of feeling exhausted like others would, Devon simply went to practice with a protein shake in one hand and the latest iPhone in the other, this tedious life proved to be successful. At only 24, Devon was on top of the world playing the main striker on one of the world's biggest football teams and he had the body that went with it. His face mimicked that of a Greek god's: two large cheekbones that gave him a square-cut face which framed his stunning hazel eyes . His strong jawline led down to two large pecs both firm with muscle, that protruded over rock-hard abs, he made sure he was smooth all over with hardly any body hair anywhere - it's what his manager wanted to make sure his football team logo tattooed on his right pec was never covered, he didn’t care, besides it made sure that world see even more of his 70kg body. He had the arms of a bodybuilder, both filled with hard muscle, and his legs were sturdy and supported his firm bubble butt . All of this came together to what some would say was the perfect male body - and he ate up all the admiration he got. At practice he was always first to finish running lapping his teammates, and still not losing any breath, with barely a sweat drop on him he moved unto his favourite training exercise. Scoring. Up and down he had the mind of a mastermind, with his excellent foot coordination every goal he aimed for, he got. Devon finished off by chugging another protein shake and hitting the gym to maintain his 3% body fat which was hard to maintain but he took to the challenge, every other day was either leg day or arm day and you would never see him complain. However, after a long day of pushing his body to the limits he came home not to one filled with warmth and energy but to one filled with with emptiness. When he told his manager he was gay he was forced to promise to never be seen out in public with anyone except the hottest new fresh social media influencer bird. All of this shallowness led to an empty house and a lonely Devon.
“You want me to do what “
“Just make sure he isn’t appearing on any more sports health covers any time soon”
Ajay was surprised at what he was being told to do, when clubbing in Soho he had been approached by a group of men who needed to talk to him urgently in private.
“ Wait so let me get this straight you want me to fatten up England’s Star footballer “
“It’s more complicated than that, see Devon may be the face of England football now, but we have more lucrative players who just need their moment to shine”,
Taken back on what he was being told to do, Ajay was still processing what was going on
“Look, all we need you to do is to buddy up with Mr All-Star and encourage him to let go for a while, besides we will pay for an all the food you need, this debit card is linked to a bottomless well and its yours to keep as long as you keep up your side of the bargain “
Gulping, Ajay reached for the card, it dawned on him what really was on offer here, all his debts paid in a heartbeat - moving to the Uk was not cheap after all, and all he had to to do was fatten up one cocky headed footballer.
“I’ll do it “
What a game, Devon was coming off a high that he could never have imagined, kicking the season off to a 5-0 win was the boost he needed - the tens thousands of fans shouting his name didn’t help either. Breaking from the field, he was practically carried up by his teammates into the changing rooms , where he was stripped down and they took the pleasure in celebrating him with slaps on the arse and towel whips.Devon loved the attention, with his hot Boyd on display he couldn’t get enough of all the homoerotic celebrations . Getting ready to leave Devon always made sure to wear the most revealing and tight clothes, his tight leather pants and jacket left nothing to the imagination, every tight bump of his body was hugged, form his protruding bubble butt to his perky pecs. However from this epic high he quickly remembered that he was going to have to go home to another cold and lonely night his mood quickly dampened. Chad - who just so happened to be out in Soho the other night, took heed of what he was seeing
“Oi Devon, wipe that pitifully mug off your face and cone to the after party “, the team jeered at this
“ You know I can’t, this body doesn’t take care of itself “
“ Just this once - come one live a little “.
Devon decided there was no need to fight this sure what could one more night of meaningless sex with the fittest broad in the club do
“ alright, alright “
And as they walked out of the changing room, Devon unfortunately dint see the the devious grin that had appeared on Chads face
As the team entered the nightclub, the entire club suddenly turned into a frenzy, rushing up to them with autographs, Devon ate all this up but he wasn’t looking forward to the end of the night. When the clatter of people had finally calmed down and his teammates dispersed, Devon went to the bar, ordering just the correct amount of alcohol to keep him lucid, he had to be careful ,coming from a long line of beer-bellied fathers each one fatter than the next he was well aware the fat gene laid dormant in his genes. As he scanned through the crowd to see which girl would be lucky to go home with him and end up in the tabloids for a good week or two, his eyes ended up on a slender man dancing on the dance-floor, he looked like everything his manager discouraged him from, and yet Devon felt his dick stirring. His brown chocolate skin contrasted with the blonde highlights in his hair, his piercings were numerous and his tattoos were definitely a mistake, his slender frame was on display for the entire club to see in his tight crop top. As Devons kept staring, and wondering why he was so drawn to this man, he made the mistake of making eye contact with this mysterious man, who was now startingto approach him. As Devon soon realised what was about to happen, the thought of running away entered his mind but his legs for some reason couldn’t move.
“ Buy me a drink at least, before you go all eyes on me “, he spoke in an rough cockney accent
“I,I.I… “, he was speechless his charm out the door no man had ever approached him with this confidence
“Why is it always the hot ones, who never have anything to say, the names Ajay, yours ‘
“You don’t know who I am’
“ “cocky much “
“Sorry, Devon, just a bit.. “
Karan smirked as he cut he off, he knew this was going to be easy, no matter what the tabloids could say, this man was gay, all he had to do was put on the charm
“Well Devon, the drink was nice but I am famished, haven’t eaten all day and I am just so broke and Mc Donald’s closes in ten minutes so I have to go “
“ Wait, - what was Devon doing, what would the media say if they saw him leaving a club with someone who looked like the gayest stereotype ever
But before he could finish his sentence, he felt Ajay pull him out from the floor and out onto the streets of London
Lurking in the corner Chad smirked once again, as the rent boy his father had hired was finally the diamond in the rough they had been looking for , that would finally lead him to being the star striker.
What was Devon doing, he had an swimwear campaign shoot tomorrow, and here he was prancing around London with this twink, where did he say again -McDonald’s, wow he hadn’t gone there since he started playing football. Ajay however was firmly in charge , and what was one night of unhealthy food compared to years of exercise? Dodging beer-crawls and drunk uni students, As they ordered, Devon realised that Karan was ordering a shit load of food, 3 large Big Macs each paired with a large fries, damn this dude was hungry -where did he put it all?
“ ahh I’m stuffed “,
Ajay proclaimed with only a couple fries down
‘What????, you just made me order this trash and now you aren’t even going to eat it “,
“Calm down, its not my fault that if I even touch this food I will literally exorcise vomit all over your pretty face, anyways why don’t you have it “
“What you don’t realise is that this pretty face is attached to an even hotter body “, proclaimed Devon as he removed his leather jacket to reveal his gunned arms flexing,
“ Calm down Mr gun show , “ Ajay realised that from the get go that this man was eager to show off all he needed was a little touching up in the correct places to ease him down and get the show on the road
remarked Ajay as he stuffed the cheesy burger into the footballer mouth
“Just try it”.
Devon first rejected this but as Ajay wouldn’t budge, Devon stopped resisting and took a big juicy bite of the burger. The flavours lit up in his mouth, and as the cheese dripped down from his mouth, he felt the burger enter his body on a spiritual level, filling the hole that all the kale salads in could world could not fill.
Ajay however seemed to be moving to down under the table as if he had dropped something, It wasn’t till hill started to tug down Devon's tight leather pants down that Devon realised he was looking fro something else
” Oi, we in public - quit ti “
“Calm down and eat your burger” remarked Ajay showing no signs of slowing down, he removed the expensive underwear, and passed it down Devon’s tight muscular legs, and up popped his meat - this guy was obviously not getting enough action. And as Devon stuffed the 2nd burger into his mouth ( man these things tasted good ), he felt Ajay’s soothing lips make contact his penis, he felt Karan’s tongue swirl around his penis, as it was pushed further into his mouth, somewhat dancing around it.
To stop himself from moaning outlaid he quickly grabbed the third burger followed by the glorious French fries, giving him a food orgasm partnered with a dick spasm that caused his entire body to twitch incoordination, and as Ajay swallowed his pre-cup he scooped up all he fries into his mouth, and as his fingers become numb and he felt on on the verge, Ajay climbed up out for under the table and patted his stomach.
“Stop, what are you doing? finish the job!”
“You don’t tell me what’s to do “
Ajay smirked as he started to spin his web to trap this footballer .
“Now come on, the sun rising and I’m sure you can’t be seen with the likes of me “
Devon followed this logic, and grabbed Ajay by the arm, and dragged him back to hi London townhouse, in an area of London filled with fat bankers and chubby stock markers, hoping that Ajay would finish the job, but as he reached his doorstep, he was met with a kiss on the cheek as Ajay scuttled down the streets, leaving only a phone number on a napkin that smelled like oil drenched freckles fries. Leaving Devon with only the thought that he needed more and maybe another Big Mac
With the smell of Mc Donalds on Devon's breathe as he woke up feeling groggy and already waiting to enter his bed at night , he didn’t have time for his 10k run but he assured himself that an after-noon run would have to suffice, realising the time he had to get breakfast on go as he got ready for his swimwear campaign,-something about getting Uk fatties swimming or something. Throwing on his tightest skinny jeans and his fitted jersey , he left the house knowing that anybody would die for his body and one caret day would be fine
. Arriving at the shoot ten minutes late, with a McDonald’s breakfast double sausage bagel around his mouth (what was he doing he swore off the stuff) He was met with fan girls and assistants swarming around him, undressing him and getting him ready with the rest of the team. And what a team all of the 11 footballs stripped down to their speedos flexing their biceps and leaving their bulges on the world to display looked like. Devon was of course pushed to the middle, with his strapping body covered in oils to make his tight muscles glisten. This would have annoyed Chad a couple of weeks ago ,but he was assured that when Devon's body was destroyed he would be pushed out of the frame leaving only space for Chad to shine and while Devon was called in for his private shots, Chad made himself to keep himself busy by adding metabolism halters to all of Devon's food. This dude was gonna be fattened up the easy way or the hard way.
There was a knock on the door, a couple of days later - Ajay made sure to keep this jock waiting just long enough. The door was opened to the stripped-down footballer only in his tight whites, All evidence of the private McDonald’s visit vanquished by the training he had put his body though, taking in Devon’s spectacular body it dawned on him that he had a long way to go before he developed anything close to the regular Joe fatty body. Allowing himself to be dragged to Devon’s bedroom he decided it was time to escalate things with Devon by going all the way . As his clothes were stripped down, and Devon mounted him from behind he found himself being pushed deeper and deeper into the face of Devon's superkings bed, he felt himself being entered as Devon pushed his meat deeper into him. NO foreplay, or kissing just straight to the point, he had made Devon wait too long and as he heard Devon grunt and push he knew he had had it coming to him. And with a moan and the spazzing of the leg, he felt Devon collapse next to him in the bed.
Now it was time to spin his web so as Ajay found himself being pulled closer to the hunk of muscle by his strong arms, he felt Devon's hands hold him tightly and smother him, he saw what a big softie Devon really was and thought of the perfect plan to put in motion
.So as their laid there in each others arms Ajay broke the silence
“Look, I’m only doing this because this is literally my last option , but I’ve been kicked out -something about actually paying rent or whatever, so I was wondering “
“Ajay , relax do whatever you want, your welcome to stay here as long as you want “, Devon responded finally cutting Ajay off
Wow Ajay thought this jock is going to be putty in his hands. Now all he had to was set the ball rolling
to be continued….
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missspringthyme · 8 months
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January 23rd, 2024
Another thesis meeting today that I was NOT late for. Fuck yeah! Small improvements!! In fact, I was early!! This meant that I had to stand awkwardly outside my supervisor's office because he was in a meeting, but hey at least he saw that I was early. I'm also doing a fantastic job at putting together some very cute business casual outfits, absolutely love playing professional dress up and I finally feel like I'm finding a style that makes me look put together but not like a little kid wearing their parent's clothes.
I got to see the EEG lab for the first time today, and when I was in there my supervisor mentioned that if we wanted to observe on a high-density session that we could do so. I put a reminder in my calendar so that I could ask him to sit in on a session at a reasonable time. Otherwise, I would absolutely forget.
It took a while to get things set up in the lab because nothing was working (ha, gotta love academia) but testing is done in this sound proof booth. There's a camera inside so you can sit outside the booth and observe or give directions, but for this study we will sit inside with the participant. While the door was open I kept looking at the screen that showed the live feed from inside the booth, because it meant I could see myself fully from the back. It's wild how rare it is to see yourself in ways that are normal for others. I'm already such a slut for mirrors, but oh boy was that a trap. I kept reminding myself to look away so that my supervisor and the greek girl wouldn't notice how entranced I was.
When I used to act, they have to take a recording of the silence in a room for editing, and that means a room full of people barely even daring to breathe while a guy stands very seriously with a boom. I wonder who was the first person to realize that they needed the silence from a specific room during sound editing, it must've seemed a bit odd to do the first silent room recording. Anyway, one movie that I did we took a silence recording right before a scene where I was going to be asleep in a bed while "my mom" had this big emotional moment and sobbed next to me. So we were all in the bed, and I was doing my best not to rustle the sheets or squeak the mattress, but I vividly remember this moment because it was the first time I realized how heavy and uncomfortable true silence can be. The recording felt like it stretched seconds into years and all I wanted to do was have it end. To yell or clap or whatever other noise that would cut through this thick jello. Being in the sound booth is like that, but at least with the experiment running or people talking it goes away. I got to try the mobile eeg on, which was fun, and then we got sent home with them to mess around and figure them out.
We had dnd that night, so I put it on former Italian roommate and third culture Australian and let them look at their brain waves. Of course, they didn't really know what they were looking at, but I just kept saying "That's you! That's what you are. A collection of electrical signals!".
DND went well, they liked the backstories and spent 1 hour of real time with the halfling shop keeps I created called Pimmy and Pizzy. German American's boyfriend was visiting so I offered to have him control authentic australian's inner demon. This resulted in him losing most of his money and acquiring all the bullshit items at Pimmy and Pizzy's stand. He and German American also immediately wanted to risk it all with the deck of many things, and neither of them pulled very well. I think I'll have to implement more opportunities to gamble in the future. French girl is leaving to go back to Paris soon, so I'm trying to make her last few in person sessions as fun as possible. Although I really thought they would get further in the campaign than they did this session. C'est la vie.
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nadiaportia · 4 years
Cibela de Rubalcaba
The heiress who seeks to become a legend.
Other bios:  Ximena | Sayelle | Deirdra | Heloisa
Full name: Cibela María Teresa de Rubalcaba y Saavedra
Meaning of name: 
Cibela: derived from Cybele, the Anatolian mother goddess
María Teresa: Combination of “María” and “Teresa”, possibly meaning “summer” in Greek.
Heloisa de Rubalcaba and Ximena Rubalcaba: Cibela’s younger sisters. She has a closer relationship with Heloisa due to her being born when Cibela was 6 years old while she was already 12 by the time Ximena came into the world. Heloisa’s and her own personality constantly clash ever since their youth but still they managed to co-exist in some way or another. Regardless, Cibela considered Ximena with her calm and gentle nature her favourite sister despite there being considerable distance between them and never having properly lived together since Cibela soon began her training abroad.
Marisol de Rubalcaba (deceased): Her mother and the former Marquesa de Rubalcaba. Cibela was the apple of her eye and Marisol was incredibly attached to her daughter and fulfilled every wish she ever voiced. Her death hit Cibela the most out of the three sisters.
Valentín Saavedra (deceased): Cibela’s father and a sea-faring merchant prince from the higher Cartagense bourgeoisie. For the while where it was only the three of them, Valentín was a caring and loving father who regularly took his daughter on his travels and showed her the world.
Aníbal Heßling de Cordovero: Cibela’s husband. The last offspring of an impoverished line of nobles, Aníbal met Cibela when she returned successfully from a military campaign and shortly after the death of her father. He has a lot of affection for her which he is never shy about showing. They are basically polar opposites in terms of personality, him being openly emotional as well as having a pendant for kicking down at those beneath him, while Cibela has a cold exterior but is tough yet fair.
Esmerelda de Rubalcaba: The matriarch in-all-but-name of the Rubalcaba family, Marisol’s older sister and Cibela’s aunt. In contrast to her parents worshipping the ground she walks on, Esme is Cibela’s harshest critic while Cibela looks up to her as matriarch of the family and having made a name for herself after breaking the mold. Not getting the approval, affection and respect she believes should be rightfully hers, Cibela walks the line of being spiteful and needing to be appreciated.
Agustín de Rubalcaba: Esmerelda’s only son and Cibela’s cousin. Despite being very close in age, they have an almost antagonistic relationship with both having little respect for what the other does. 
Catalina Saveedra: The aunt of Valentín Saavedra and Cibela’s great aunt. Catalina has great love for her nephew’s eldest daughter and herself being a powerful member of the Calpacian merchant guild, supports Cibela in her military campaigns and her position as Marquesa. 
Others: Constanza de Rubalcaba (maternal grand-mother, deceased), Cristobal de Rubalcaba (maternal uncle, deceased), Máximo de Otxoa (maternal grand-father, deceased), Jaime Saavedra (paternal uncle), Genoveva Saavedra (paternal aunt), Dulcinea Saavedra (paternal grand-mother, deceased), Leonardo Buendía (paternal grand-father)
Nicknames: Bela (by family and her husband), Maythé (by her father only)
Favourite meal: Ceviche
Favourite drink: Orange flower tea
Favourite flower: Vanilla orchid
Favourite color: Violet
Birthday: 3rd of August
Age: 49 during the events of the game
Zodiac: Leo
Patron Arcana: Strength and the Knight of Pentacles
Upright: Strength can be quiet; often she shines through patience and compassion, not aggression.
Reversed: Strength has lost her careful equilibrium, and with it, control of her inner beasts.
Upright:  The Knight of Pentacles is traditional and steadfast, using well-proven methods to achieve success.
Reversed: The Knight of Pentacles has become stuck in his routine, trodding slow with his eyes to the ground.
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: The author of this text believes two things: 1. Cibela refuses any label; 2. Cibela is 100% not straight.
Height: 177 cm // 5′8″
Cibela is of athletic build. Her skin is of a slightly dark medium brown with a warm undertone and she has an angular face with slightly visible lines underneath her eyes and on her forehead as well as a beauty mark next to the corner of her left eye. She has three scars: one on her lip, one on her right cheekbone and another one on the left side of her jaw. She has thick eyebrows, eyes a color reminiscent of dark honey, an upturned nose with a low bridge and full lips. Her hair is black with various grey streaks, curly and reaches her shoulders.
She has the tendency to frown as well as wear a rather serious expression on her face, which fits as she is in general a serious person - as is seen fit for a high-ranking member of the military and an heiress of a powerful house.
Visual inspirations:
Gina Torres, especially as Zoe Washburne
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Languages spoken: Calpacian, Prakran, Firenti, Karnasso, Galbradan, Hjallen, Nopali, Nevivish, Kerusksch, Venterran, Oriolà, Zadithi and the Common Tongue
Love interests:
In general, like with most of my characters; if they’re compatible sexuality-wise as well as personality-wise, feel free to ship them with your OCs or MCs! Hit me up with a message and we can discuss the details.
As the firstborn and heiress of an influential aristocratic family, Cibela had expectations placed upon her from the moment she could walk. In addition to that, the day she was born, her aunt Esmerelda, back then herself the heiress to her own mother, Marquesa Constanza, renounced her title and passed it onto her younger sister Marisol.
Both Marisol and Valentín saw their daughter as the most precious person in the entire world and someone who would surely become someone important in her adulthood. Her aunt, although not Marquesa anymore but still very much the head of the family, tutored her in the responsibilities of being a leader, and soon recognized the determination and bravery within Cibela. Already idealizing Esmé, back then in her peak as the greatest military officer in the history of Cartagenth, Cibela wanted nothing more than to fill her aunt’s footsteps and become a legend just like her. While having a lot of affection for both of her parents, she didn’t interest herself to lead her father’s merchant fleet or become a courtier in the Zaan’s service like her mother. 
As a young woman, she steadily worked her way up the ranks, with her connections being of considerable help, and became an excellent fighter and strategist in no small part because of her perfectionism and desire to always get what she wants, no matter what it takes, which earns the respect of high-ranking officers with strong foothold in the Cartagense War Council. Yet she never managed to fully leave her aunt’s shadow due to being more impulsive and having little to no political savviness - an area where her sister Heloisa excelled. Her shortcomings led to Esmé criticizing her openly which angered Cibela who resented that Heloisa had her aunt’s unconditional approval and affection despite her being the one who would soon carry the family’s and Esmé’s legacy. 
The death of her father and proceeding illness of her mother that caused the latter’s departure to their Southern seaside residence, the Summer Palace, hit her hard and out of desperation and loneliness, Cibela entered a relationship with Aníbal. She asked for her mother’s blessing who granted it enthusiastically, being reminded of her own issues with her marriage to a non-aristocrat, while Esmé believed her niece to be settling for a man miles beneath her out of fear of being abandoned. A few days after the grand wedding, Ximena decided to expose the plans made by the War Council, led by their aunt, the Court and the Zaan about the future of Calpacia and brought chaos into the Rubalcaba residence. In order to save face, the Zaan announced the Rubalcabas to be the sole scapegoats and it was only due to Esmé’s immense influence and a very direct threat that kept their titles, lands, fortune, positions and even their heads in place even if beyond the official statements, they effectively became social pariahs too powerful to be removed and useful to be thrown to the angry mob in the streets. Cibela’s view of her gentle and harmless sister was broken and she resented her for lashing out at their family to whom she was supposed to have unconditional allegiance and loyalty and daring to run away to not face the consequences. 
With her parents dead, Ximena dead to her and stuck in a marriage with a man who did love her but also desired to improve his social status and now also had to take the fall, Cibela went on to emancipate herself from her aunt in the eyes of the leaders of Grand Army of Calpacia and by the time she was middle-aged had the rank of a general and was well-respected by both the new Zaan and their court. Over the years she continued to lock horns with Heloisa, who became an influential figure on court and didn’t bother to hide her ambitions of wanting to be the Marquesa de Rubalcaba despite being second-in-line of succession. Despite both sisters having in common that regardless of their best efforts they never managed to eclipse their aunt, they continued to stand on opposite sides fighting a “cold war”. Whether Cibela’s own way of gathering her own support loyal to her and only her is more successful in removing herself from her aunt’s manipulative influences than Heloisa’s insistence on “playing the long game” remains to be seen.
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winchest09 · 4 years
Our Virtual Lockdown - Lowdown
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Hey everyone!
Our lockdown livestream was once again one fulled of fun, laughter, fic recs, games and...one unplanned round of charades! Ahaha!
6 hours we were talking...SIX and again, I loved every single second. It was so nice to see so many gorgeous faces, and I’m so happy that so many of you joined us! We had 18 in our party at one point! I just hope that all of you had a blast and enjoyed yourselves.
Me and @katehuntington​ love holding these events and we are already planning the next live stream (date to be announced) but it will be in this month (May).
This is the lowdown for the third lockdown party!
Below you will find:
Everyone who joined - their tags, what’s coming up fic wise and their masterlist.
A Challenge to join
Blogs who want to help with your writing
Fic Recs
Supernatural DnD
Q + A’s with the writers.
So without further ado… *cracks fingers*
To everyone that joined...
You are the guys that make it the live stream what it is.  So below is a list of everyone who was on the chat last night accompanied by their masterlist and what they have coming up soon! In no particular order…
@katehuntington​​: Kate is currently working on the next instalment of Ride With Me, All I Want and a two part commission. We will see this on her blog soon!
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@flamencodiva​​​: This babe is currently working on Call of the Ocean, A revoluntionary war fiction, an ABO Greek Goddess fic AND an untitled angst filled fic including Dean, a girlfriend and secrets! She is also rewriting Underworld and Legend of Van Helsing.
She’s one busy gal and we LOVE IT. <3
Check out her masterlist HERE
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​​: Alex is currently writing the ending to her Jensen fiction Et Cetera and she already has a sequel in mind! At the moment she’s trying to decide her next move...Firefighter Dean OR Secret Service Dean? Head over there and let her know!
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@talesmaniac89​​​:  This beaut also has a lot that she’s working on at the moment. The next instalments of The Man in Apartment 43. The next chapters of Lost (which is a little darker), a fluffy Dean oneshot and a Castiel comfort fic.
Behind the scenes, she’s also working on a Heist AU, Another ‘Choose your own adventure’ fic and a Ghost Writer AU.
Check her out guys, her masterlist is HERE
@superfanficnatural​​​:  This babe is currently working on the next chapters of The Bringer of balance as well as the next chapters of The Choice! He’s posted a few oneshots in the past two weeks and is writing Male!Reader fics!
Behind the scenes he’s currently working on an RPF called Matchmaker, A reader knight of hell/demon dean fic which is a love hate relationship as WELL as a Marvel SPN crossover. OOFFT.
A new writer that is nailing it! Go and give him some love, his masterlist can be found HERE
@emoryhemsworth​​​: This beaut is currently working on a series which is based off of an album called ‘Losing Sleep’ Each song will be a chapter and we’ve already been treated to some of her plans! She also has some other goodies on her masterlist.
Check our her masterlist HERE:
@anathewierdo​​​: Is yet to create a masterlist but she is currently working on Call of the Ocean with Flamencodiva. Not only that, she’s also working on a Princess Diaries AU, a Serial Killer AU and after the livestream...a gunshow fic!
By gunshow we do mean The Winchester’s muscles.
@girl-with-a-fandom-fettish​​: This wonderful lady joined us briefly on the live stream and although she left before we could find out what she has coming up!
Check our her masterlist HERE:
Me: I’m currently working on two series, Life for Rent and Man’s Best Friend! I also have a couple of Dean series being worked on in the background as well as a couple of oneshots…watch this space!
To the new writers...
These guys were all new to the live stream this week and were welcomed with open, loving, spn fam arms! After speaking to these babes, we know that they are fairly new to writing to the supernatural fandom. They all have AMAZING idea’s when we played our prompt game and hopefully all of them will bite that bullet and post their ideas soon.
Remember guys - we’re all here to love and support you! My inbox is always open if you want to talk fics, want me to look over one etc.
Go and follow and give them some love!
@janicho88​​ @queenbeesback​​ @imjustadrummer​​ @malfoysqueen14​​
and to the readers that joined…
@leissa1287​​​ @waywardbeanie​​​ @dawnie1988​​
We love you, we thank you for reading and we thank you for all the support and love you give us constantly. Thank you for joining the chat and we hope you had an amazing time <3
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Ohhhh yes! One of our amazing writers, the darling @flamencodiva​​ is holding a celebration in regards to reaching 1700 followers!
Congrats babe!
Not only is she hosting a character take over on her blog she’s also posted a writing challenge for all us writers out there!
Check it out HERE
Need Help with a fic?
We’ve got you covered!
Need to has out a plot with someone?
The lovely @malfoysqueen14​​ has offered herself up to be a plot buddy to anyone that needs it. Stuck on a plot point, want to talk through a story line with someone? Give her a message! She’s here to help <3
Need help writing those all important fight scenes?
Give our babe @imjustadrummer​​ a message! They are filled with knowledge and even give us a demonstration on how to punch correctly on the livestream! Definitely one to have on your contacts list! <3
Need help with research for a fiction?
The most wonderful @waywardbeanie​​​ has offered herself up to be a researcher for anyone who wants help with their fiction. She has been a die hard SPN fan forever and she’s like the Ellen of our live stream.
Need a researching buddy? Give her a message! She’s a doll <3
Fic & blog Recs!
In our live stream, we want to highlight what we’ve been reading and the amazing authors behind the words. So below is a list of all the fics that we recommend for some good ol fic binging!
@deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​​: We were told of this lovely little gold mine by Alex and we just have to include it on here! This writer has so many fics on her masterlist...you’re gonna be there for a while!
Check them all out HERE
When You Least Expect It by @coffee-obsessed-writer​​
Summary: After a hard breakup, Jensen decides to throw himself into organizing a Music Festival in Austin that is meant to raise money for a few of his most cherished charities and organizations. As he throws himself into planning it, he stumbles upon a spirited, undiscovered performer, who he convinces to come aboard to help plan and coordinate the event with him.
What transpires after that takes both Jensen and his new friend, by surprise. But when their respective pasts come back just before the event kicks off in Austin, they will both have to decide if the unexpected feelings are worth perusing, or if they should just walk away and go on with their lives.
Dear Dean by @smol-and-grumpy​​
Summary: After taking Saint Lo, by sheer dumb luck, Lieutenant Dean Winchester from the 29th Infantry Division, Baker Company, received a truckload of replacements for his platoon that was falling apart. Little did he know, that one recruit would change his life forever.
Almost Paradise by @amanda-teaches​​
Summary: Dean finds himself looking at pictures of old loves. Will he ever be able to find that paradise again?
Turned Sideways by @crashdevlin​​​
Summary: (Rockstar AU)  When Y/n gets an opportunity to meet her favorite band backstage at their concert, she assumes they won’t even ask her name. But when she impresses the front man, Dean, with her voice and knowledge of their entire catalog of songs, it launches a chain of events that is sure to change her entire life.
Crash Into Me by @crashdevlin​​
Summary:  Dean meets and befriends a witch in NW Florida. This is their interactions over the course of season 8 through season 14.
Midwife Crisis by @ellewritesfix05​​
Summary: (Elle hasn’t written one it appears but in my words) - You were heavily pregnant with Dean’s child, hormones raging and Dean was receiving the brutal end of it. Needing a break, he fakes a case to get away. When your good friend Gabriel hears of this...he decides he needs to teach Dean a lesson with a little help from is prankster ways...
PHEW! I definitely think we have enough fics on here to last us for a few days…don’t you? ;) Please guys don’t forget to give these writers some love when reading their fics, comments, reblogs, asks. It means the world.
Interested in roleplaying & DnD?
@imjustadrummer​​ is setting up a Dungeons and Dragons campaign set in the Supernatural (main) universe!
If you’re into role playing, fancy bringing one of your OFC’s to life or just wanna be badass yourself...why not consider joining?!
All the information you need on this is HERE
Make some new friends, live out your dreams of being a hunter, angel or demon and HAVE FUN!
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We have three wonderful announcements to make this time! We have THREE blogs celebrating followers!
A massive congratulations to:
@flamencodiva​​: This beautiful mama has reached 1700!
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​: This absolute babe has reached 1000!
@superfanficnatural​​: This beaut has reached 200!
*pops the party poppers*
Q & A With The Writers!
During this live stream, we asked everyone to join in and ask questions to the writers you want to know more about...the write up is below :)
- If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? Alex ( @whatareyousearchingfordean​​) : @superfanficnatural​  because of the male reader aspect/sides of things! 
Emory (@emoryhemsworth​) : I’d like to collab with @winchest09​ (Tabby)
- Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
@talesmaniac89​ : This did happen once and what was once a fluffy ending got turned into a bad ending because it was guessed. It happened once that they managed to get it so i changed it. 
- What was the last line you wrote?
@katehuntington​ :  “The cowgirl smirks and gently pushes him into the tack box in order for them both to be out of sight. Once they are safe from Bobby’s eyes, she kisses him, short and sweetly, but it’s enough to make Dean’s head spin”
- Have you ever cried whilst writing a fic?
@superfanficnatural​ : I cried to one last time, the angsty fic i wrote. I  was trying to get into the mood, i was mad, so went fuck it i’m gonna break peoples hearts. And then i cried haha.
- Can you tell us what writers you really admire?
@emoryhemsworth​ :   All of you are included in this live stream, that’s a given but I am going to talk about people who aren’t in here.  @impala-dreamer​, @kittenofdoomage​, @supernatural-jackles​, @ravengirl94​ are just a few. In regards to Rhi (Kittenofdoomage), everything she writes is just gold. She’s not written anything that’s bad! For Beka (impala dreamer) I just love her as a person. Oh and @bringmesomepie56​, her fics are just amazing.  
- Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
@flamencodiva​ : No, not really. My stories tend to evolve in the writing process. Underworld princess and Call of the Ocean were meant to be super different than what they are now. We realised we had changed certain plot points as we were writing but that was before we started to post it. 
- Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
@winchest09​ :  Yes and no. I’ve had stories which were originally meant to end a certain way and they changed over time. Sometimes I do wonder what the reactions would have been like if i had gone with the original ending for Shatter Me and if hadn’t have gone down the angsty road for Yesterday but then I think fics choose their own path as you write them. It felt right at the time. 
- What is your favourite genre to write for?
@malfoysqueen14​ :  Angst. Never mind the fluff, the smut, the crack, it’s all about the angst. The angst is my ultimate goal. 
- Where do you get your inspiration from?
@imjustadrummer​ : A daily situation, or films. If the kids I worked with have said something weird i’d be like…”oh yeah, hey that can be a fic!”  A lot of different places really!
- Funniest story you’ve written?
@queenbeesback​ : It was an online thing, where they met online and it took a while for them to meet up. That was quite light hearted. 
- What is everyone's favourite ships?
Everyone: Dean and Donna. Benny and Dean. Sam and Eileen. Dean and Jo. Charlie and Alex. Sam and Gabriel
- What’s your favourite trope to write?
@anathewierdo​ : Friends to lovers and enemies to lovers
- Which part of your upcoming fic was the hardest to write?
@imjustadrummer​ : Trying to work out all the clues and cleverness to it. Like codes and things, working out how to put in all the easter eggs in my upcoming fic. It’s like a treasure hunt so I need to ensure there is cleverness in there.
- If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
@superfanficnatural​ : Oh that’s...ok...most definitely...Smuuuuttttt (pretty much how he announced it)
I think that’s it!
Thank you so much once again to everyone who joined the chat, we had 6 hours of laughs and i cannot wait to do it again. I’d appreciate it if you could share this to spread the love of the fics and authors on here!
Keep an eye out for the next date for our next livestream! It will be in a couple of weeks, date to be announced. If you guys have any idea’s or want something included, let us know. If you want to be tagged when we announce, let us know!
@deanwanddamons​ - tagging you babe as you asked so you can catch up on what we talked about <3 
42 notes · View notes
nymphl · 5 years
In the General’s Bed - Regency!Hux x Reader - Ch. 3 - To hate a General
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A/N - Hello there! As promised, here goes chapter 3 of In the General’s Bed. I don’t have much to say, since I’m very, very sleepy right now, but I do hope you like this chapter. It’s one of my favorites... and I really, really like these cliffhangers but I know you hate them hahahaha Just for the record, the historical facts mentioned in this story are mostly real... Of course a few things here and here are modified to fit the story... but well, I try to be as accurate as possible. If you find anything wrong, let me know... I’m not British, so... 
Story Summary: The General is cornered… Upon returning from a successful campaign in Battle of Waterloo, Armitage Hux knows he has no excuses left; he must produce the much-needed heir. The problem is, when the two of you parted five years ago, it was not in the best of terms. Now, he may not find his wife, you, so willing as he first expected, nor keen on taking part in any of his political games. [Hux x Reader – Hux x You – Regency AU].
Warnings for the entire story: Will contain at times; graphic violence, sex, drugs and manipulation, coarse language and OOCness.
AO3 Tags: Regency Era; Alternate Universe; Alternate Story; Alternate Universe - Historical; Arranged Marriage; Politics; War; Napoleonic Wars; England - 1815; Married Couple; OOCness; Smut
Wordcount: 6188
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Although the trip had been scheduled to take place during the weekend, the news of Lord Poe Dameron’s death hastened it by three days.
The coachman, under Hux’s orders, set a punishing pace over the horses. There were two carriages, one for you and Hux, and the second for Lux and his tutoress — to your displeasure, Rae Sloane chose to stay behind to organize your belongings. She was set to arrive two days after you did.
And even if you did not agree with her choice — for Lux needed her more than ever —, she had Hux’s approval.
You had not explained why you left Southampton all of a sudden to Lux. In fact, you had no idea how you would explain his father — his only living family — had died. The circumstances of his death were still a mystery to you. Hux merely received a missive from Lady Organa and informed you to prepare a few of your and Lux’s belongings for you were going to London.
Lux did not seem to care about leaving and as long as he had you or Rae, you doubted he would complain about something. And you thought he would not care when he learned about Poe. He was just four and unable to grasp the concepts of life and death. You were sure he did not acknowledge Poe as his father either; he never called him as such. To him you and Rae were his only family.
A yawn left you.
You were tired. Utterly spent, actually.
Even if Lux did not complain about leaving, he did not accept to stay away from you and you did not have the heart to force him to stay with his preceptress in another carriage.
Hux took your decision with some displeasure, but he did not voice his thoughts. He was not naïve enough — nor blind; he saw what you planned under your mask of courtesy — to believe you accepted Lux in your personal carriage only because you did not want to displease the boy, but because you wanted to keep him at bay.
If something was to take place between the two of you, it would be on your own terms, your initiative. And you thought that you proved you could do it fairly well last time.
Honestly, you did not know you had it in you — your experience was limited when it came to bedroom affairs —, but after he said you were not fit to play such a game with him, you felt like you should prove him wrong.
The mere remembrance of how you took him in your mouth — such a depravity! — had you blushing now. You had never done that before and never heard of a decorous lady — wife! — doing that to their husbands. In London’s most popular Ballrooms, there was talk of that being an act of courtesans and lowly whores.
You were neither.
However, seeing that your husband had no problem kissing you there in your first — and only — night together; how eager he seemed to repeat the act at that very moment — and how much pleasure it brought you — you thought that it might be good to him as well.
You were not wrong.
Hux did seem to enjoy it. A lot.    
And honestly, the more the proper and oh, so very decent ladies of Ton said it was inappropriate — a woman who did enjoy such pleasures with her husband or who did use such means to bring pleasure to her husband was no better than a common whore — the more you wanted to try it. There were many opportunities for you to try it with other men, but while you did not know for sure Hux was six feet under, you did not have it in you to cheat on him — even if he probably did the same to you.
You decided to test your theory that night. He was putty in your hands — and mouth. And while your body demanded for you to go further with him — you knew he could give you so much more of those pleasures if you only let him —, you decided to put a stop to that night of debauchery.
If Hux wanted you, he would have to work for you.
And he would have you, eventually. But only when you decided he deserved you. For now, he would have to content himself with the smaller bits of attention you decided to bestow upon him.
If you were too weak to stop him, you knew you could count on Lux to help you.
A small smile, rapidly covered by a yawn, outlined your lips. Closing your eyes, you leaned your head against Hux’s shoulder. Lux was between the two of you, gripping the fabric of both of your clothes in his chubby hands.  
The two of them were fast asleep. It was funny how, in spite of their obvious distaste and disapproval of each other, they clung to each other subconsciously.
Not for the first time, you wondered how he would behave with a child of his own — your child. You bit your bottom lip; your fingers played with his bluish cravat. Part of you wondered how he would react if you said Lux was his — would he be happy? Overjoyed? Surprised? Another part knew he would not take lightly to such lie.
You snuggled against him and let sleep take over you as well.
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All servants were ready to welcome you when the carriage stopped at Piccadilly Street. Even before you could disembark, the building had you in awe.
There was talk around the city — there was always talk in Southampton —, concerning the General’s newest acquisition, but you did not expect it to be so… monumental.
Arkanis Hall was really a sight to behold. With its Greeks columns, it looked majestic and, at the same time, a bit intimidating. Undoubtedly, a mansion fit to accommodate a Duke. You knew how wealthy the Hux family was, but it still stunned you how much profit they made from their brewery in Ireland. Although your father did its best to hide from you the essence of your husband’s business, you knew very well their nature.
While he was away and there was talk about you being a widow, you conducted a thorough investigation concerning the nature of his business — in case you needed to oversee it.
His hand outstretched for you to take waved off whatever thoughts plaguing your mind. You placed your gloved fingers upon his and accepted his help to disembark. Lux was still sleeping and it was with some surprise — screw that! You were completely bewildered — that you saw him taking the boy in his arms with all the care in the world.
You even thought about offering to hold Lux yourself, but you realized that maybe that was not the best decision — not when there were so many servants watching your very soul.
In silence, you followed him inside, only to have both the butler and governess trailing right behind you, waiting for further instructions. You removed your gloves and watched, with narrowed eyes, as Hux climbed the stairs towards the bedrooms. Part of you wanted to follow him, but you knew what he was doing and that it in fact needed to be done, if you wanted to be respected by the servants.
Those people worked for other masters before and all they wanted was one single reason to badmouth you and Hux — at Lux’s expenses nonetheless. If it depended on you, they would have no reasons whatsoever to say anything.
But just in case Lux woke up… You gesticulated for the preceptress to follow Hux upstairs.
“Is there anything I need to know concerning the servants?” you asked as soon as you were left alone in the company of both the butler and the governess.
“They are here to serve, Your Ladyship,” the butler replied, his eyes cast down. “And they are happy to serve in anything you or the Lord see fit.”
You nodded, not at all pleased with their answers. The governess stayed in silence. You wondered if Hux had other plans in store for Rae. If she was not here to act as a governess as she did back in Southampton, then he must have thought of another occupation for her. In any case, you already saw her criticizing the governess — starting with the misalignment of the buttons in her uniform. After all, Rae Sloane always thought that having an impeccable appearance was prerequisite for an equally flawless work.   
You squinted… Was that a missing button? As if it just popped out after someone tried to take it off or put it back on in a rush…?
A small smile graced your lips as you thought about how much the two of them would get along.    
“Should I fetch the maid who will be assisting Your Ladyship?” she spoke for the first time, her tone and security in her words stunning you. Rae would definitely get along with her — it is, if she took care of her uniform first.   
“Yes.” You started making your way towards the stairs. “Have someone prepare mine and Lux’s bath please and have some tea ready for us before we part for the funeral.”
“It shall be done, Your Ladyship,” she replied with a bow. “Will that be all?”
You even thought about not saying it out loud, but you could simply not control yourself, “Do something about your uniform. I can see your corset from here.”
There was no need to cast a look at her over your shoulder to know she was blushing. It made your smile broaden. Rae would definitely like her!
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You sat in the drawing room looking at the windows with a lost expression. You still haven’t told Lux about Poe’s death and honestly you had no idea you knew what to say.
Part of you thought about letting Hux break the news. Another part trembled in fear at the idea. He would surely scar Lux for life… Well, but it could be fun to ask him to do it. He would probably stare at you as if you had grown thirty heads at the same time. The look in his face would be priceless.   
Bringing the cup of tea to your lips, you sipped the warm liquid and leaned against the sofa. You were the first to get ready. It was still early in the morning and the last day of Lord Dameron’s funeral before the proper burial.
Although Lady Organa had it all settled to have his funeral in the Saint Paul’s Cathedral, His Grace, the Duke of Wellington, beat her to it and offered his mansion, Apsley House, as the last place for family, friends and comrades of War say their goodbyes.
Needless to say, you saw right through his good intentions. Even if Poe Dameron was a good commander, he was not even an Admiral or a General like Hux.  
If your father were alive, you were sure he would not allow such. But if your father were alive, you would not have met Poe and taken Lux under your care. You knew he would never allow such scandal to befall upon his family name.
A sigh left you as you smoothed the skirts of your velvety black dress. In the very same instant, you placed your cup of tea back on the coffee table, the preceptress entered the drawing room leading Lux by the hand.
He was rubbing his eyes, still sleepy. And only you knew how grumpy and moody he could be in such circumstances. You waved the preceptress off, asking for her to bring him some hot chocolate.
It made him look at you with adoration in his eyes.
“Thank you, Mama.”
You bit your bottom lip.
It was now or never.
And never was not an option in this case.
You pulled him towards you by his chubby hands and adjusted his clothing. He really looked like a Little Lord with those clothes of his. A small smile graced your lips.  
“Listen, Little Lord…” You started, caressing his cheeks. “We have to talk.”
He nodded, still too sleepy to say anything else.
“Well…” You breathed deeply through your nose. “You know Lord Dameron… the man who visits you from time to time and bring you some toys?”
He looked lost for a moment.
You helped him sit on the couch beside yourself, watching how he swung his little legs absentmindedly.
“The one who brought you some sweets?”
This time he smiled at you. It was all you needed to notice that one of his front tooth was missing. You touched his chin and tilted his head slightly back. It made him close his mouth automatically.
“Open up, Little Lord.”
He shook his head.
You knew how shy he became whenever one of his tooth fell. And considering it was one of his front teeth… Even so, you pressed him a bit more. 
“Lux, open your mouth.”
He obeyed you this time. Unwillingly, but he did.
“When did it fall?”
“During your bath,” you completed for him. “Who helped you?”
Part of you was afraid he would say Hux did. You bit your bottom lip and with some surprised looked up when the preceptress came back and said she did. She approached Lux with handled him his hot chocolate.
“Of course you did,” you replied with some relief. You knew it made no sense, but you wanted Hux as far away as possible from Lux.      
“What happened to Lord Dameron?” His childish voice brought you back from your musings. He had a chocolate mustache gracing his features.
You did not realize you completely fled the topic.
“He died?”
You cringed as the words left you. And to think you were worried about letting Hux break the news. You did even worse than he could possibly… Argh. You never hated yourself more than in that moment.
Casting a look at the preceptress and then back at Lux you were surprised to find him thoroughly concentrated on his mug. You accepted the small napkin she offered and cleaned his chin.      
“He went to heaven?”
Rae Sloane would kill the both of you for this definition, but you thought that was a pretty good explanation for a four-year-old.
“Yes… That’s a way of putting it,” you conceded. “But please, don’t ever tell Rae that.”
“Why?” he asked, curiosity written all over his chestnut, expressive eyes.
“Listen, Little Lord,” you started, removing the mug from his hands. You knew he would pay you little attention as long as he had that in his grasp. You handed it to the preceptress and looked towards the door. She bowed and left the two of you alone. “Remember when I said he was your father?”
He was puzzled. And slightly irritated you took his mug from him. However, he made no complaints. He knew when you were speaking seriously and that certainly qualified as one of such times.
“He is not coming to visit you anymore.”
“Heaven is a good place…?” Even if his words were those of affirmation, it sounded like a question. You nodded, allowing him time to formulate his sentence. “Then it’s fine, Mama.”
He was so naïve.
You wondered if he would cry when he saw Lord Dameron lying there in the coffin. Motionless.
Honestly, as much as you threw it in Hux’s face Poe Dameron visited, it was a very rare occasion. He did stop by to see Lux three or four times during his four years of life. Yet, he was still his father. And Lux adored him and his company.
Or his gifts, Rae Sloane would probably say.
You brought him to your arms and held onto him tightly. He embraced you back, leaning his ginger head against your shoulder.
In this very moment, the butler opened the double doors of the drawing room and Hux appeared, all dressed in black.
He cleared his throat.
“Ready to leave?”
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Even if you were years older than Lux, you too could quite not grasp the concept of life and death and how the living made such a fuss over it.
And although you were versed in politics — your decision to bring Lux to his father’s funereal was but a political assertion —, it still fazed you how people could use the death of others to state their positions in the Ton.
Nobody even seemed to care — it is, except for Lady Organa and her family. They had been very courteous to you and Lux as well. Her son, Ben Solo, did not get along with your husband, but the two of them were at least polite towards each other.
He did not stay with you all the time. As a General, he had duties to perform and there were always elevated expectations over his head. And of course if he wanted to become Prime Minister, that was a good situation to start showing his cards.
His speech did that for him, although you could not understand why he did nothing to say Lux was Poe’s son. For all you knew — and only Lady Organa knew otherwise — everyone in Apsley House thought Lux was his and yours.
You bit your bottom lip as you heard everyone applaud all around you. He left the small platform where his speech took place and headed towards you — but not before greeting some Lords and politicians, including the Duke of Wellington himself, the last person to speak before the burial.
Before Hux could reach you, you excused yourself from Lady Organa’s company and asked a servant to deliver a small piece of paper to one of the reporters of The Times present at the funeral.
You kept your distance, not really sure you wanted to hear the Duke’s speech. It was funny — and infuriating as well — how every situation presented an opportunity good enough to one show off in the Ton, including a highly esteemed Duke. You never had any problems with him, but you had no qualms playing — and winning — politic games.
Part of you hated that they chose such a moment to start their dispute for the most prized position both in the Ton and the political field, but you would be damned if you let the Duke win.
You were so distracted in your own little world you barely saw Hux approaching, Lux trailing after him, one of his hands holding onto the fabric of his breeches.
Arching your brows, you opened your mouth to ask what sort of sorcery he performed over the boy, to have him acting so civilized towards him, but you closed it afterwards when he placed one of his hands on your waist and bestowed you with a kiss on the cheek.
Your heart broke a little at the realization that Lux was not yours. Not for the first time that day you wondered how it would change your relationship if the situation was any different.
“What are you doing here?”
You did not give him an immediate answer and disentangled yourself from his embrace, offering a hand for Lux to take.
He shook his head.
Instead, he accepted Hux’s hands and the two of them left you behind. A shocked expression on your face.
What the hell was that?
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You had many questions to him.
As in, you wanted at least only one question thoroughly answered. No hesitation, no lies, no half-truths whatsoever.
After you put Lux to bed — and it finally downed on him that Poe Dameron was dead and was not coming back —, you left your chambers and headed towards your husband’s study room. He was either alone or still talking business with Rae Sloane.
Lord Dameron’s burial had been three days earlier. Rae arrived only yesterday. Needless to say, she lost no time to reprimand you for letting the boy believe his father had gone to heaven — it’s also needless to say she did not believe in God.
As for how close both Lux and Hux got in the last few days she had nothing to tell you. Sided with the enemy. As always.
And as expected.
You snorted.
Closing your dressing gown, braced yourself for her inquiry eyes and her disgust at your weakness as well. Honestly, you could not help your jealousy. It was not fair that Lux decided from day to night he preferred Hux over you.
And that was what was eating away your insides. That was simply not possible. He had bribed Lux with sweeties or something like that. The boy would never prefer his company over yours.
You raised your hand to knock on the door, but stopped yourself when you heard their current topic.
…So you plan on sending him to Eton?
There was silence after Rae’s words.
You held your breath, afraid they had heard you. You pressed your ear against the wooden door and waited for Hux’s reply. It came shortly after the sound of a glass — porcelain? — was placed over another surface — wood?
He did not say anything else.
You bit your bottom lip.
“(Y/N), won’t like it,” Rae started. You could almost see her shaking her head, a strand of raven hair falling from her uptight hairdo. “She won’t approve of your actions. She will likely hate it if you send him to an overseas institution that accept children.”
Part of you expected your husband to take his time to respond. He was not one to small talk and he always thought his words very carefully — except, of course, when he was angry. It did not seem the case. You wondered, though, how he would react if he knew you were listening to this very conversation.
“She does not have a saying in it.”
“No?” Rae repeated. You could bet she was smiling. “Let me refresh your memories, General,” she added and he snorted, as if she said something so very amusing. “You’re not Lux’s father.”
That hurt.
You smiled in spite of the burning sensation in your stomach.
It seemed Rae was not on his side as you previously thought. You almost slapped yourself at such nonsense. Rae Sloane was not on his or your side. She played by her own rules and she supported no one, but herself.
The fact that she raised Hux and helped him with his abusive father did not mean she would support his every decision — even the stupid ones.
And if it concerned Lux, of course she would think about what was best for the boy and at the present time he needed you. The two of you.
…can see that.
You shook your head, pressing your ear again against the double doors. You missed part of what he said.
“I never said that was a bad decision,” Rae said, and by her movements — her steps — you could say she was about to leave the study room.
But you haven’t heard everything. They still had so much more to say, right? You had to know what Hux was planning. He would never tell you.
You needed to know.
“I merely said you’re picking a hell of a fight with Lady Hux.”
You could almost see his smile — a mischievous smile at that — when he replied, “I can deal with her.”
Your heart accelerated, galloping against your ribcage — even Lux’s wildest horses could not keep with its rhythm. It had been a while since you last felt this angry.
First, he made the boy like him in the timeframe of what? Four days? Now he was planning on sending him away. On forcing him to part ways with you and Rae — the one he needed and would always need the most.
“I can deal with her…” you repeated his words, mimicking his smug tone. “I can deal with her… Really?” You bit your bottom lip in anger. “We shall see, Lord Hux.”
We shall see. 
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You had no idea what time it was when you heard the door of the anteroom cracking open. Probably very tired. If before you had no idea of your husband’s sleeping habits, now you knew he barely slept.
No wonder he had those dark circles under his eyes and his skin was getting paler and paler.
Well, he could die, you thought with the shadow of a smile crossing your lips. He could die for all you cared. He could die here, right now and you would not even bat an eye.
You brought Lux to the comfort of your arms and buried your nose in his ginger hair. Part of you hated that he even smelled like Hux — were they using the same shampoo? You would kill Hux if that was the case!
After he said he was sending Lux away you thought that nothing, no explanation whatsoever could ever make you love him or even respect him again.
You closed your eyes and decided to go back to sleep. Let the great Armitage Hux have the surprise of the century when he realized you put Lux to share his bed — your bed.
However, as this thought came to life in your mind, you heard him stopping at the bed; a candelabrum cast a flickering light in the chamber.
“What’s the meaning of this?”
You did not raise your head from the pillow, unless you wanted to smile and blow your cover.    
“Well…” you whispered back, your voice heavy with sleep. “He was having a nightmare and I thought you wouldn’t mind. It’s not like you get any sleep, to be honest.”
He retreated, heading back to the anteroom, and as much as you wanted to ignore him and let him sleep on the floor — you could not care less —, you could not control your urges.
You moved away from Lux carefully, placed the blankets over him and kissed his cheek lovingly before you followed your husband outside.
Closing the double doors behind yourself, you watched as he took a seat. You did not mimic him, you would rather stay on your feet and preferably away from him.
“I thought you liked the boy,” you started, using the word boy as he did in the past. With disdain. “Perhaps you only like him when he’s useful to you.”
He looked at you, eyes narrowed, but nothing left his lips.
His silence both stunned and angered you.
You expected him to say something.
To agree.
To disagree.
To mock you.
To say you were a child.
He did neither.
“You are a hateful person,” you started, biting your bottom lip. You were on the verge of crying, but just like Lux — just like him — you were too damn stubborn to cry. “How can you do that? How could you?”
He stood on his feet, his furrowed brows made you want to slap him. You did.
Or at least tried to.
He held onto your wrists and pulled you to him.
You squirmed against him, but he did not you go. His breath tickled your skin; his five o’clock shadow brushed against your cheeks as he continued to hold you.
Before you realized, you were crying.
From anger.
“I hate you.”
These words seemed to do the trick. He let go of you immediately, and you stumbled backwards, only to regain your balance seconds later.
“How can you send him away? To some overseas institution nonetheless?”
You could deal with Eton — you knew eventually Lux would have to part ways with both you and Rae —, they only accepted boys after their thirteenth birthday. He had to study. So why not Eton, one of the best institutions in your own country?
His reaction was quick.
You almost did not see it.
It was as if relief flooded him, before he stared at you with those impossibly blue eyes of his, his expression cold and filled with disgust.
“I refuse to have this conversation with you if you are to behave this childishly.”
A slap would have hurt less.
You felt your cheeks heating at his words.
“Childish behavior is yours that want to separate him from his—
“His what?” he hissed. He had invaded your personal space, towering over you. His stare was so intense, he could almost feel it burning you. “You are not his mother.”
It only served to push you further.
If he would not allow you to slap him — he would cage your wrists the moment you thought about it —, at least he would not see it coming. You spat on his face and if the situation were any different, you would have laughed at the look of pure revulsion on his eyes.
Before he could outline any reaction, a tiny sob drew both of your attentions to Lux. He was staring at you with chestnut eyes wide open.  
He was not crying.
At least, he was not making a big deal of it.
But Lux was not a child used to see anyone fighting. It probably scared him — you were always scared when your father and your mother fought.
Casting a glance at Hux — it was obvious it was all his fault — you walked to Lux, but he refused to go to your arms. He did not go to Hux either.
In that very moment, someone opened the door. Your body tensed at the thought of his preceptress or any other servant catching you in such situation, but it was only Rae. A sigh left you as she entered the anteroom and offered a hand to Lux.
He ran to her, wrapping his arms around her legs.
You felt guilty when she patted his head in a very Rae-ish manner and looked at you. Even if you could not see very well in the darkened room, you could bet her eyes hid nothing of her disapproval of your actions.
She nudged him forward and when he was not in your sights, she said, her voice low and chilly,  
“You are ridiculous. Both of you.”
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There was silence between you.
For a couple of seconds.
Of minutes.
You did not now.
Both of you sat in the couch, side by side; thighs quite not brushing, but neither paid any attention to it.
He would not say anything.
You knew it. Even if he had changed a lot, his refusal to apologize when he thought he was right would never change — you wondered if he did apologize to those above him in the army. He used to apologize to your father quite often when he was a teenager; when the two of you were engaged. Most of times he was not wrong.
And when he was, it was usually because of your actions.
Begrudgingly, you breathed deeply through your nose and started, “Please don’t send him away.”
You expected him to take his time to reply. You were not ready to have him answering you so soon, nor the content of his words.
“You always expect the worst of me.”
Your mouth hung open as you tried to come up with a reply. Nothing came to your mind. After a while staring at him with an expression of surprise — you bet you never looked so silly in all your life, you said,
“You never gave me any reason to expect otherwise.”
By his sharp intake of breath, you realized that this time, your words felt like a slap to his face. But what did he expect? What did he want of you? You were suddenly tired of this game — and you barely stared it!
“I love Lux,” you said, your voice small. “I can forgive anything, but I swear, Armitage, I will never forgive you if you take him from me.”
He gave you no answer, but his intense stare made you shudder. Armitage Hux was not a man of many words and certainly not one used to talk about feelings — his or otherwise —, but his eyes — when he did not hold the reins of his emotion so tightly — hid nothing of what was on his mind and heart.
At the moment, you could tell your words did not surprise him in the least. He seemed almost… reassured at them.
“I can take you bribing him and diverting his attention to you sometimes, but I won’t let you let him study overseas now.”
There was a small smile on his lips as he placed one of his hands on your face, removing a strand of hair from your eyes and placing it behind your ear.
“Stop smiling.” You slapped his hands away. It made his smile broaden. “It’s not funny.”
“I did not bribe the boy,” he smoothed his thumb over your bottom lip. Even if you fought against it, your heart accelerated.   
“So he became boy again, huh?”
“I was getting to know him better.”
“Why?” You furrowed your brows. His small caresses did not matter now. You were so curious you would even kiss him if it meant he would answer your questions. Subconsciously, you looked up at his lips, taking your time on them. “I know you bribed him somehow. Lux hates you… Or he used to.”
There was silence on his part for a moment.
You knew he did not like it when you said Lux hated him.
It made no sense.
“He will go to Eton when he turns thirteen,” he said, pulling you into a kiss.
It was brief. Chaste. A mere brush of lips.
But this, coupled with the information and how regretful his eyes and tone seemed to you, had you gasping in his mouth.
He took that as an invitation to take your lips more properly. His hands moved on your back, bringing your body against his; your legs straddled his.
Still, even if your bodies were so close together, and the moment was very intimate, there was nothing sexual about it.
You entwined your fingers through his short hair and placed your forehead against his. Undoubtedly, that was the first moment of — peace? you did not even know how to put it — something between you.
“I did bribe him with sweets. He has a sweet tooth.”
“I knew it!”
There was a moment of silence. You closed your eyes and lowered your head to his shoulder, your hand moving back, till it settled against his heart. He placed his hand over yours, both of your fingers entwining together.  
Your heart sped.
In that moment, you could swear he felt — if not love, at least something —, he cared for you.
“He likes toffee,” he whispered, against your hair and placed a kiss to your temples.
“He does,” you whispered back, a small smile gracing your lips.
He moved from the couch and took you in his arms. It elicited a light squeal from you. Without your permission, your thoughts went back to your first night together — he held you like this, your arms around his shoulders, your legs wrapped around his waist as he guided you to the bed.
When he lowered you onto the mattress, you did not let go of him. He settled between your legs, but he did not try anything. He did not move. His fingers traced your cheeks in a small caress that had you leaning against him.
There was no answer from his part. It was if he did not hear you. His right hand moved from the mattress and caressed the underside of your knee, his fingers moving slightly up towards your thighs.
“Why, can’t we always be like this?”
You caressed his face.
In the darkened room, you could not see it, but you could feel every plane of his chiseled jaw and sculpted nose. He was a very beautiful man. You remembered how he used to take your breath away when he merely cast a glance at you in the past.
You brushed your fingers against his lips, and the need to kiss him again was almost overpowering.   
“Why can’t we stop fighting? Why can’t we just stop hiding things from each other? I wouldn’t be mad if you talked to me about sending Lux to Eton. I know he will have to leave someday, but… To hear it like that, as if you were playing with my feelings…” Your voice broke. “I can’t bear the thought of losing him right now.”
He did not reply.
Instead, he broke apart from you and sat on the bed.
It made you furrow your brows.
You thought you were having a moment… What happened to him?
“Why didn’t you tell me, (Y/N)? Why did you hide it from me?”
His voice was no more than a whisper.
But not a warm, welcoming whisper.
It was cold.
Devoid of any good emotion.
Enraged, even.
“Tell you what?” You sat on the bed as well and moved to touch him. He inched away. You furrowed your brows. What happened to that — peaceful? pleasant? — moment of before?
“He is mine. Lux is my son.”
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A/N - That will be all for today. I hope you’ve liked this chapter. I honestly miss updating and writing this story, but as you well know, I’m rather busy with my thesis right now... So, bear with me ok? Soon there’ll be no thesis and I’ll be back to updating frequently xD
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eirikrjs · 6 years
How is it that the central aspect of the MT franchise is so overlooked compared to Pokemon or Digimon, seemingly both within the fandom and internally at Atlus?
I was talking about this with @joshquixote​ a bit, who mentioned this relevant quote from Pokemon creator Satoshi Tajiri from November 1999:
Tajiri: It’s interesting, because in Japan, everybody goes for Pikachu. In the U.S., the characters Ash [Satoshi in Japan] and Pikachu are grouped together. American kids seem to like that. In America there are more products sold with Ash and Pikachu together, not just Pikachu alone. I think Americans actually understand the concept of Pokemon better than the Japanese. The Japanese focus on Pikachu, but what I think is important is the human aspect–you need Ash. 
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Basically, because Pokemon was initially just a monster collecting/trading game in Japan, Pikachu was perceived as being an individual PKMN; in the US, we got absolutely blitzed by a marketing bonanza for the series’ launch that heavily included Ash (particularly the anime), so the two were seen as inseparable. You know, in 1999. It’s probably different now, almost 20 years later.
There’s undoubtedly a split in perception between the US and Japan for Shin Megami Tensei’s demons, too. Here are some random thoughts about the topic (including those from a discussion with @sorenblr):
Japanese fans are naturally privy to every MT/SMT novel, game, book, anime, interview, etc. ever released while the English-speaking world has access to a fraction, much of that fraction from fan translations. The average JP SMT fan just has a better understanding of the series’ context and content than their non-JP counterparts. (If you are reading this blog, chances are that you aren’t a casual SMT fan, so this might not apply to you.)
SMT features more Japanese demons than those from any other single region. It doesn’t mean the average Japanese person will know every single one, but they might still claim affinity with them in ways a Western player won’t. Ame no Uzume, Tenaga, and Waira are not household names here. A fair number know Amaterasu, but as a wolf.
Related to that, Japan’s religious systems of Shinto and Buddhism ensure that the average person there will be more familiar with polytheism than our monotheistic culture, including comparisons to Hindu deities imported to Japan through Buddhism; in the West we are most familiar with polytheism through Greek and Norse myths and only the Norse are well-repped in SMT (moreover, the famous names are generally high-level, which many players may never access). A good 75% (honestly, just a number I’m throwing out there) of any given SMT compendium has little significance to the average Western player.
Building off that, monotheism and Euro folklore figure in plenty (25% is still 100+ demons in recent games) and will probably be the most-recognized overall by Western SMT players. Angels, Fallen demons, Jack Frost, fairies, and Alice come to mind for this category. 
In a personal example that intersects of all the elements discussed so far, I read so many passionate defenses of Amemiya’s angel designs in SMT4, but I can’t remember a single one about the similarly bizarre looks for SMT4′s Japanese demons like Michizane, Koga Saburo, or Yamato Takeru. The interest or awareness for JP demons just isn’t correspondent among the English-speaking fanbase.
The lack of regularly introduced demons doesn’t help; the lack of new faces may cause the average player’s eyes to gloss over the old. Seeing Patrimpas for the third or fourth time isn’t going to ingratiate him further (or at all) in the hearts of players.
Some demons have become memes, for better or worse. Awareness of YHVH is high, as antagonistic depictions of him are rare; sometimes SMT is called the series “where you kill the Christian God,” which is amusing to me. Then there’s Mara, of whom only a small minority of non-JP SMT players seem to know his actual significance. And like Mara, some demons are able to coast by merely from their appearances alone, esp. “cuties” like Alice, Moh Shuvuu, Jacks, and Decarabia.
Other demons are remembered if they have exceptional utility. Daisoujou is popular in Nocturne not because he’s a mummified monk but for having essentially unlimited healing at a relatively low level, as are the other Fiends for their exceptional resistances. There’s probably disappointment when the same demon isn’t broken from game to game.
Demon mechanics probably don’t agree with a lot of people, either, lending them the effect of negative conditioning. Complaints about demon negotiation and even fusion are common. Even though fusion is easier with manual skill selection, demons still require a level of micromanagement that may be too much for some. Demons are also meant to be expendable in ways that say, Pokemon, aren’t.
Speaking of things that are expendable, expectations of what “monsters” are from other RPG series likely affect attitudes towards SMT’s demons. Plenty of RPG series use names of mythological beings for its disposable mobs, to the point that it’s unusual when they don’t. Worse, SMT doesn’t do a great job of informing people that there may be something more to its demons. Even as a “monster collecting” series, SMT probably come out too late in the US after the likes of Pokemon, Digimon, or Monster Rancher to have much impact with its traditional formula.
Demons/personas will also forever be overshadowed by human characters. This is to be expected as they are the focus of the narrative. People like me who really don’t give a damn about the humans are squarely in the minority.
Finally, and this is likely isn’t as relevant now, but there’s how Atlus USA initially marketed Nocturne. It didn’t get anything near a Pokemon Red/Blue campaign, but it did get this fascinating print ad. Here’s a snippet:
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“The RPG for the GTA generation.” “Dark and gritty.” “Controversy.” “Mature.” “Post-apocalyptic.” I mean, it’s all accurate, and then there’s the “over 100 different demons” as a caption for an image of Dante, the Geralt of 2004. Dark, mature armageddon + lots of demons to collect. But really, I’m not implying they made any mistakes here; these are the limits of marketing. Calling it “Religions Battle 200X” and describing it as “a granular exercise in the representation of myth” doesn’t make for enticing ad copy.
This answer was difficult to write; ultimately, the exact reasons why the demons are overlooked are entirely subjective, but I think the common patterns have been identified here. Against all odds, the value of myth in SMT is something the individual player needs to discover for themselves. Look no further than my own example, as when I first played Nocturne in 2004 pre-myth I found it boring, then a year later post-myth it transformed into one of my most engaging game experiences ever.
I think SMT’s biggest fault re:demons is that it doesn’t provide them enough in-game context for the Western audience; they’re plopped into a modern setting and they want to kill you, or they look like Sarutahiko and they want to bland you to death. To get the most out of it, SMT basically requires you have outside knowledge of myth and religion, which is a lot to ask for a general audience. Unfortunately, I don’t see demon awareness improving anytime soon.
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binaural-histolog · 6 years
An Alternative History of Hypnotism
I’ve read a number of histories of hypnotism. Not as many as @hypnoticharlequin, who specializes in deep dives into hypnohistory, but enough. And while it’s fun to read the Wikipedia entry on history of hypnosis and read about Avicenna and Paracelsus, I think that this isn’t a history of hypnotism. It’s a history of hypnotizers.
To nail down my terms, I’m talking about hypnotism specifically as the act of hypnotizing, involving two people, a hypnotist and a subject. This is also called hetero-hypnosis, but I don’t like this terminology as it confuses the state of hypnosis with the process.
If you put together a history of hypnotism itself, you would be writing about inductions and suggestions. You would discuss the mental state needed to completely focus on one thing, and you would ask questions about how the mind processes thoughts. You would investigate how to persuade people to follow a particular course of action, and ask how persuasion works in general. And because concentrated focus and persuasion are ancient human activities, you would start teaching people how to do this soon after civilization started.
This is, of course, exactly what happened. The study of concentrated focus is called meditation. The study of persuasion is called rhetoric. Both meditation and rhetoric have been practiced for thousands of years. My thesis is that hypnotism is a synthesis of meditation and rhetoric, and therefore a history of hypnotism is a history of meditation and of rhetoric.
Definition of Hypnotism
Let’s address the definition right out the gate. Why do I say that hypnotism is a synthesis of meditation and rhetoric?
Wikipedia defines meditation as a “practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.” In conventional wisdom, meditation is centered on being aware of the present moment, or on compassion or mercy, but meditation can be used to focus the mind on any object, thought or activity.
Wikipedia defines rhetoric as “the art of using language to convince or persuade.” Rhetoric is most commonly associated with political discourse, but one branch of rhetoric is the act of picking out selective facts and weaving together a consistent story and worldview from those facts.
My interpretation of hypnotism in this context is that it is an act of meditation on the part of the subject, and an act of rhetoric on the part of the hypnotist. The hypnotist provides the rhetoric in the form of a consistent story backed up by facts (“convincers”) that the subject is becoming deeply hypnotized, and the subject provides focused concentration on the hypnotist’s suggestions, producing a meditative state that blurs the line between the suggestions of the hypnotist and the thoughts of the subject.
This is, of course, only one interpretation of hypnotism, and far from the only one. I believe this interpretation is useful, as it provides access to the concerns of rhetoric and meditation in a hypnotic context, and opens the door to useful analogies and discussion of issues that relate to those disciplines.
Sophists as Hypnotists
First, I’ll talk about rhetoric. Rhetoric was first invented by the (possibly apocryphal) Corax and Tisias but the first well known practitioners of rhetoric are the Sophists. Sophists were in some ways, the first hypnotists, and I’m going to take a sidebar to talk about them because the Sophists got unfairly trashed, and they are a fascinating bunch of people in their own right.
The Sophists were a group of teachers in ancient Greece. They were known for teaching the virtues of excellence “aretē” which was controversial for several reasons. One, the Sophists claimed that aretē was teachable, rather than an inherent quality that was bound to individuals at birth. Two, having established that they could transmit aretē to their students, they then asked for large sums of money to teach students. Three, the Sophists used rhetoric, and would teach it to their students.
At the time, it was assumed that each individual had a set level of aretē, provided by, and that was it. If you were a plumber, you’d stay a plumber. The Sophists not only disputed the aristocratic view of aretē, but they directly profited from their viewpoint. Either the Sophists were selling bullshit, in which case they were con artists, or they were teaching aretē to anyone who could afford it and thereby upsetting the natural order.
But that wasn’t the worst of it. The Sophists were using rhetoric, the art of persuasion, and teaching it to their students.
To understand why the practice of teaching rhetoric was a hot-button issue, it helps to get some context. Greece in fifth and fourth centuries BC was a happening place. It was the most advanced economy in the world. However, Athenian democracy developed around fifth century BC. Democracy, the idea that each citizen had a vote, was new.
Because every citizen had a vote, it was no longer possible to target one man and flatter him. Instead, leaders had to speak to the populace at large, and convince them. They had to become politicians. The quality of eloquence and clear speaking was considered to be an inherent quality of aretē, owned by natural leaders. By codifying that quality as a teachable skill and teaching rhetoric, the Sophists were altering the course of lawsuits, influencing the way that the populace voted, and generally messing things up.
But it wasn’t about money and power. There’s a good argument to be made that by spreading rhetoric, the Sophists played a critical role in spreading democratic practices through peer polity interactions.
The Sophists were relativists. Protagoras said “Man is the measure of all things”, meaning that every man decides for himself what he believes. Following on from relativism, sophists believed that rhetoric was epistemic and rhetoricians had the potential to sculpt reality for their listeners, to create knowledge. To create the best reality, the Sophists genuinely believed in proof by argument and debate, and following dialectical arguments regardless of the existing convention. It’s interesting to note that although Sophia literally means wise, it also has a secondary meaning of “clever.” I suspect the ancient Greek translation of “sophist” was closer to “smartass.”
The Sophists famously “made the weaker argument stronger” according to Aristophanes. The Sophists argued for the perspective of the weak. It’s a stretch to say that the Sophists were tireless campaigners for the underdog, but they were willing to advocate for those positions regardless of the common wisdom. They were as “woke” as it was possible to be in ancient Greece. Alcidamas argued against slavery, saying “God has left all men free; nature has made no man a slave.” Protagoras proclaimed ignorance of the Gods. Gorgias argued against misogyny in An Encomium of Helen.
An Encomium of Helen is especially interesting, because of how much it packs in to a few pages. Gorgias’s description of rhetoric is immediately familiar to hypnotists.
Speech is a powerful lord, which by means of the finest and most invisible body effects the divinest works: it can stop fear and banish grief and create joy and nurture pity.
The discussion of hypnosis is often hamstrung by the conception of hypnosis as a party trick. Gorgias points out the power of words explicitly, reminding the audience of the effect of well chosen words.
Gorgias then posits Helen as being especially suggestible.
What cause then prevents the conclusion that Helen similarly, against her will, might have come under the influence of speech, just as if ravished by the force of the mighty? For it was possible to see how the force of persuasion prevails; persuasion has the form of necessity, but it does not have the same power. For speech constrained the soul, persuading it which it persuaded both to believe the things said and to approve the things done. The persuader, like a constrainer, does the wrong and the persuaded, like the constrained, in speech is wrongly charged.
Gorgias points out the loophole in free will, in that speech may “constrain the soul […] both to believe the things aid and to approve the things done.” This is relevant to hypnosis, because it’s been said that hypnosis can’t make you do things that you don’t want to do. This is missing the point, in that rhetoric (and by extension, hypnosis) is a tool designed to make you want to do and believe things in the first place. Gorgias also “coming under the influence” of the rhetorician, which is a classic depiction of hypnotists, and the issue of non-consensual influence.
Gorgias further describes the power of rhetoric as follows.
The effect of speech upon the condition of the soul is comparable to the power of drugs over the nature of bodies. For just as different drugs dispel different secretions from the body, and some bring an end to disease and others to life, so also in the case of speeches, some distress, others delight, some cause fear, others make the hearers bold, and some drug and bewitch the soul with a kind of evil persuasion.
Gorgias is clearly describing speech (logos) as having real, physical consequences with the ability to heal or harm, rather than speech as an abstract intellectual exercise or a game. This paragraph is thousands of years old, and could be pasted as is into a hypnotherapy book.
In philosophical terms, Gorgias espouses a deflationary epistemic anti-realism. In plain English terms, Gorgias says we are all easily manipulable meat bags.
Gorgias is also interesting because of his style. He was a professional diplomat, sent to Athens to ask for protection against the aggression of the Syracusans, and he was known for being able to argument on any subject. Crucially, Gorgias was interested in persuasive argument, rather than logical argument. Per Wikipedia, many philosophers take issue with Gorgias because his rhetoric was “frequently elusive and confusing; he makes many of his most important points using elaborate, but highly ambiguous, metaphors, similes, and puns.”
But Gorgias’s use of confusion and elision is deliberate, as is his use of ambiguity and metaphor. Gorgias is tying up the critical faculty of his audience and eliciting emotional states directly. His language is perfectly oriented to his goals. Andrew Patrick in Language is a Mighty Lord: A Gorgias Reader describes the style as “musicality, a rhythmic performance” and again, music and rhythm appeal directly to the senses without going through the critical faculty.
Gorgias cannot be called a hypnotist because he never explicitly called on his audience to focus on his words and believe him uncritically. However, because Gorgias codified and taught methods of persuasion to his students, and justified his teachings with a theory of mind and an understanding of the power of suggestion, he has a connection to hypnosis.
Mediators as Subjects
Hypnosis has a complicated relationship with meditation. 
The big difference between hypnosis and meditation is the goal. Meditation is specifically goal-free: you’re not even supposed to seek enlightenment. Hypnosis is goal oriented: you induce, you place suggestions, you finish up. Yapko says “Mindfulness applied in a clinical context for the purpose of changing someone is quite different than mindfulness for spiritual enlightenment.” Adam Eason describes hypnosis as a form of goal oriented focused attention meditation, and while that’s literally true, it has other implications that we’ll get to.  Nevertheless, I am not aware of anything that is more like hypnosis than meditation, and I am keenly aware of falling into the “everything is hypnosis” trap. By keeping the definition of hypnosis as goal oriented focused attention meditation, there is at least a model which allows “like for like” comparisons of other forms of meditation to hypnosis.
In Mindfulness and Hypnosis, Yapko is careful to differentiate hypnosis and mindfulness, saying “they differ in philosophical foundations and stated intentions, [but] do share a common practical foundation, common methodology, and common therapeutic orientation” and also “clinical hypnosis and mindfulness share core values and practices.” Yapko then analyzes several guided mindfulness meditation techniques and points out that they are composed of many direct and indirect suggestions.
There’s been a large amount of attention paid to the neuroscience of meditation recently, and it really solidifies the early literature with clinical studies and hard science. Attention regulation and monitoring in meditation shows the ins and outs of attention regulation, and it’s clear that many of the same parts of the brain are being used in meditation as hypnosis. Hypnosis and Meditation: Towards an Integrative Science of Conscious Planes is an excellent book, for discussing the links between hypnosis and meditation, but do so from a cognitive science perspective.
Interestingly enough, in the course of research I found that meditation retreats can involve ‘Dark Night’ stages that can involve psychotic breakdowns, and Dr Daniel Ingram and Professor Willoughby Britton look like great resources to check out in the future.
However, this doesn’t get us closer to a history of the practice of meditation and how it relates to hypnosis. What would be interesting is a discussion of depth in meditation. Intimations that suggestibility may be increased in states of meditation. Discussions of catalepsy and a correlation to Esdaile state. This doesn’t show up so much in meditation. Monks will fall asleep, but monks are not known for moving around other monks in a state of tonic immobility. There are references all the way back to “temple sleep” and Imhotep, but this is not specifically related to meditation, but to healing. The earliest reference I can find is the Ebers Papyrus, referenced from Jon Mongiovi.
Things get more interesting when looking at the history of western hypnosis. The official record that Esdaile had seen mesmerism tried at the medical college, and used it for analgesia. Will Durant says “The Englishmen who introduced hypnotherapy to England- Braid, Esdaile and Elliotson- undoubtedly got their ideas, and some of their experience, from contact with India.” He does not cite his sources, but it seems likely that Esdaile’s contact with India prompted his curiosity. Durant does not mention which brand of hypnosis was at work here, but India has a strong tradition of hypnosis-like states. So, let’s pull on that thread.
Esdaile was clearly aware and fascinated by Fakirs and mesmerism. In a letter to James Braid, Esdaile says “It happened curiously enough, that the sleeping Fakir of Lahore had attracted my attention about the very time your interesting account of him appeared, and I had actually written to Sir Henry Lawrence [an influential British statesman and soldier in India], begging him to procure us information on the subject; but my departure from India, shortly after, prevented my prosecution of the subject.”
More importantly, Esdaile wrote a book, Mesmerism in India! This is a fascinating read right from the Editor’s preface, in which the editor hypnotizes a friend with insomnia who then refuses to come out of trance. Cultural factors convinced ors probably contributed to Esdaile’s success. Esdaile says “the people of this part of the world seem to be peculiarly sensitive to the mesmeric power” and says “the success I have met with is mainly to be attributed […] to my patients being the simple, unsophisticated children of nature.” Esdaile’s authority as a doctor and the population’s general acceptance of hypnosis may have done most of the work for him. Esdaile also describes a magician in Bengal and they compare methods, and Esdaile allows that “if these charmers ever do good by such means, it is by the Mesmeric influence, probably unknown to themselves.” The magician, presenting himself as a subject, said afterward “it is allowed that you put me to sleep.” So both recognize the other as using different means to the same ends.
On the part of Braid, it’s clear that although he was familiar with Hindu Yoga, he was extremely skeptical: “So much for the lively fancy and fervid faith of these religious enthusiasts, during their dreams, in the state of self-induced hypnotism, through fixing their thoughts or sight upon some part of their own bodies, or on some ideal [i.e., imaginary] or inanimate objects, and holding their breath, or suppressing their respiration.”
Braid’s experience is on the nose. Trying to find a direct line between hypnosis and meditation is a mess, because there are so many pathways into the mental state, and they are deeply entangled in the context of a particular religious or mystical framework. The powers of imagination and belief will do the rest. A person is hypnotized because they believe that they are hypnotized.
This has larger epistemic implications. Hypnosis itself may be inextricably bound to culture. You can’t do a hypnosis experiment without invoking the concept of “experiment” and the scientific tradition behind it. All the theories of hypnosis put together still operate within a “hypnotherapist” or “hypnotist” Western role, and Kihlstrom’s Third Way explicitly defines hypnosis “simultaneously as both a state of (sometimes) profound cognitive change, involving basic mechanisms of cognition and consciousness, and as a social interaction, in which hypnotist and subject come together for a specific purpose within a wider socio-cultural context.”
Hypnotism can be interpreted as a synthesis of rhetoric and meditation.  On the part of rhetoric, it can be traced fairly directly back to Gorgias.  On the part of meditation, although it’s possible to define hypnotism as a particular form of meditation, I was unable to find a good historical precedent for a goal-oriented meditation.  My theory as to why meditation does not have a historical precedent is based around the formulation of meditation in a cultural context, and the idea of hypnosis as a problem-solving activity is in itself very specifically tied to Western culture.
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amazonjax · 5 years
The persisted concealment of intersex historical artworks within public places of exhibition: 2019, The British Museum, London.
Despite global activism for museums to reveal true records of human history, depictions of intersex historical figures are still considered too ‘lewd’ or ‘inappropriate’ to validate public viewing alongside all of the male and female artifacts blatantly displayed. Such acquisitions are purposefully veiled within the secret catacombs of museum depositories, available for private viewing by appointment only. It could be argued that this persistent Interphobia within museums is a reflection of the medical and cultural attitudes towards this marginalised area of our society today: Intersex anatomies and identities depicted through art are masked, hidden, and sometimes even mutilated if they do not conform to the ‘Adam and Eve’ socially constructed, patriarchal archetype of sex and gender (as is the case with many of the historical Intersex and Transgender artworks that remain in existence today). 
For too long intersex existence has been pinned with hands tied, to the binary wall that has been catastrophically and socially constructed around us. 
Activists still fight to lift the disguise of male and female sex as the be-all and end-all of human existence, in the hopes that society can unburden itself from the weight of these statue-concealing tarpaulins which conceal our true history.
Our identities have always been a part of historical art and human cultures. The difference is, in the age of international communications and social media, we are now creating unification and safe spaces for our true human footprint to finally emerge, and the message is becoming clear as the volume is increased: 
Intersex people will not allow their identities, or their histories, to be erased any longer.
A pure example of intersex erasure:
The British Museum currently has 71 artifacts listed as "Representations of Hermaphroditos" in its inventory. Unfortunately, after checking all pieces online, I found that only five items are currently on public display within this colossal museum. Furthermore, the pieces they have chosen to exhibit are all small broach like cameo's and gems that show vague or obscure representations of the intersex deity - a tiny little nod to the invisible specs of dust they continue to sweep away.
Amongst the many shrouded prints, carvings, playing cards and etchings laying dormant until the scholar calls, are two physical statues which on both occasions have been decapitated. This is something the museum should be highlighting as part of their Ancient Greek collection: the execution, denial and erasure of Intersex identities throughout history as well as showing depictions of intersex history through statuesque art. There are no features or markings to suggest any deity or historical figure is associated with these two statues so they are simply listed as 
‘A depiction of an hermaphrodite'. 
Hermaphroditos is a Greek deity; a hermaphrodite, in human society today, is what we would call an intersex person, or a person with variations of sex characteristics. The Museum needs to check itself on this one and perhaps add a further description to these pieces to help shed a light on what the word means when applied to an unknown identity in modern-day language. This would help to dissipate the conflations and enable better understanding away from the stigma and shame of a mostly-misleading word that still incites ‘freakish’ or ‘abnormal’ connotations for most members of the public who do not have any knowledge of intersex people existing outside of these false notions. Something polite yet with slightly condescending overtones to match the Museums’s general attitude should suffice: 
“Although historically we have used the word ‘hermaphrodite’ to describe all intersex people, there are over 30 different bodily variations, and a spectrum of unique human characteristics that could apply to the 1.7% of our population born with intersex traits. Therefore we no longer generally use the word hermaphrodite to describe these identities as it is considered misleading. Unless the word is being reclaimed by an intersex person themselves, when referring to intersex people or their bodies in the future, we should always use the word ‘intersex’”.
Then again, what is the point of trying to be accurate and informative when these grotesque, anomalous ‘who-knows-what’s’ are safely locked away from the Museum’s tapestry of truth?
A couple of weeks ago I visited the Museum and spent time looking through their collections before eventually asking at the information desk for representations of intersex deities within their collections. The person trying to help me seemed quite perplexed by my initial request yet eventually this friendly faced assistant managed to find two prints on their computer that unfortunately weren’t on display. In recompense I was handed their alternative: a leaflet the Museum has to cover such awkward questions entitled "Desire, Love, Identity, Follow the LGBTQ History Trail".
The online version is here 
There are mentions of possible identities that could be deemed ‘intersex’ with notions of forbidden sexuality or figures having ‘gender identities that were regarded as in some way irregular’ or ‘gender dualities’. There are also details of deities that could change sex themselves or affect the sex of other people and descriptions being used such as ‘androgynous mask’. However, the general consensus I took from this guide is that when non-binarised identities are alluded to, there’s always a sensationalist, dark approach towards sexuality and gender, with beings and notions depicted as having the ‘wrong’ type of body; the ‘abnormality’ that exists away from what we have become accustomed to within the male/female binary lie of Human existence. No mention whatsoever of Hermaphroditus or Cybele or The Galli in their ‘LBGTQ’ teachings whatsoever.
As they point out while ignoring their own ignorance:
“Gender and sexual diversity was suppressed by colonial administrators and has often been forgotten, creating the impression that it never existed.”
The Museum anathematizes colonial administrators while falsely claiming diversity itself.
For the record, lots of intersex people identify with the LGBTQ acronym, yet it is clear from the Museum’s stance on this controversial decision to exclude the I or the + from the acronym and their failure to mention the words Intersex, Non-binary or Transgender to speculate on possible identities speaks volumes about how these areas of our society are regarded currently by the British Museum.
Recently, the artist Ela Xora and other supporters around the world protested as it was revealed last year that (to quote directly from the Artlyst article): “religious curators in Cambridge Museums banned ancient non-binary deities like Hermaphroditus and Cybele because their bodies “were not fit for public viewing”, as well as covering naked statues in sheets when certain religious groups of children visit. The worlds most famous classicist Professor Mary Beard, issued a curt one word apology to intersex people for erasing non binary history within the Roman Empire at the University of Cambridge, after Xora publicly challenged her through a performance art piece called “Sleeping Hermaphroditus Hunger Strike”, which saw the artist reenact the most famous non-binary sculpture in the world for 8 days without food, until Professor Beard said “sorry!”. However like Lewis Hamilton, soon after apologising she began to ‘love’ tweets from her fans telling her not to apologise for hiding transgender and intersex history, including one which contained an image saying she should behave like a dog saying “If you can’t eat it or play with it, just pee on it and walk away”
Sadly this persistent attitude from scholarly figures and classicists insulates the ignorance we fight to overcome this oppression. 
As more and more intersex people and allies join the fight for greater understanding, we are all starting to realise the need for an end to the harmful non-consensual, un-necessary medical surgeries and procedures performed on intersex children in order to cosmetically define their body’s into the male/female binary. Intersex people born with variations of sex characteristics have a right to be treated like any other human being, with dignity, respect, and accuracy. It is why we now ask the British Museum to adopt a new perspective on how it records and displays its inventories; this fine, leading institution of world knowledge should fully examine the details of our past, so that we can present the truth fully to the many generations of our future.
You have 8 million items in your inventory, you display 80 thousand. The worldwide estimated population of intersex people is almost 2%. Surely we need to be seeing more than 5 intersex items on display amongst the 80 thousand exhibits, if you apply my non-maths-person, simple ratio.
Please, British Museum, join the campaign for awareness. That’s all that we ask. 
(Link to British Museum online gallery listing ‘representations of Hermaphroditos)
Final note:
The Museum explains in its LGBTQ pamphlet:
“The Museum is beginning to update its collections database so that objects with an LGBTQ connection are more easily identifiable, and language used is more suitable and relevant. Please share with us your own selection of objects from the Museum that you feel have an LGBTQ connection. Help us with our ongoing exploration of LGBTQ narratives in the collection by sharing your thoughts and images using #LGBTQ_BM.“
If you agree that our Human history deserves honest visibility, please retweet/share/Tumblr-ize this post with the #LGBTQ_BM hashtag and let’s all try and affect change where it’s needed. 
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updatingthedragon · 4 years
Q&A from Summer 1975
- In moments of dramatic tension or in the case of duels, initiative can be rerolled each round of combat to make it more cinematic. Advantage on this reroll can be given based on combat performance.
- If you have a war or combat-focused campaign, giving your players (and your monsters) advantage when attacking from the rear can help encourage better tactical positioning. 
- If "intelligent" monsters hit a casualty threshold, they should have a check for morale. If they fail their check, they should break and run. This can also be applied to NPC followers.
- In Original D&D, gold and magic items gave experience as well as defeating monsters. This has been somewhat subsumed into "Milestone Leveling."
- If you want to give XP for magic items/finding gold, adapt "Milestone Leveling" into "Milestone XP."
- Original D&D's magic system rested on the idea a magic-user memorized a spell and then immediately forgot how to do it after casting it.
Coming from the Summer 1975 issue of The Strategic Review, we get answers to what, I suppose, were the most commonly asked questions about D&D rules. It's an article from a bygone era- they got letters with questions, and had to respond with a magazine article. This compared to today, when questions about D&D on Twitter are answered by the chief rules designer within days, sometimes within hours. I also love how they say they are going to add a loose sheet of paper with corrections to future printings of the rule booklets (yes, booklets, not manuals yet), and that if you don't have that correction, you can send for it and get it for free.
Anyway, what does this article tell us about the game as it was played in 1975, and what can we bring to the game in 2020?
First, there are questions on combat rules. D&D at this time was heavily reliant on the rules for Chainmail, a miniature wargame that D&D emerged from. Unfortunately, this created some confusion with regards to combat rules. As I do not have a background of being a wargamer in the 1970s, a lot of the "clarifications" read Greek to me. There is also the fun fact that weapons did not do different damage. So a sword did the same as an ax did the same as a bow. This would change in Supplement I, Greyhawk. Strange to think that this took so long to switch out. Maybe because of the heritage from wargaming, where it's on a larger scale?
But! There are still some interesting statements we can pull from to spice up our Fifth Edition games. First, according to this article, initiative is checked every turn. Of course, initiative in this game is rolling a d6 and adding a modifier if you have high dexterity (or subtracting, if you have a low dexterity). While I understand the reasons for not rerolling initiative every turn, since that can take a long time and breaks up the flow of combat, I still like it as an option role (or roll, haha) for moments of dramatic tension. 
Say you are a paladin, and you are in a duel with the Death Knight Zerakuul. Zerakuul was responsible for the deaths of your brothers and the destruction of your order. Rolling initiative each round can add a new element of intensity, and make it much more cinematic for everyone involved. The DM could even add modifiers to the rolls, based on the outcome from the previous round of combat; if Zerakuul hit you hard with her sword, and you missed, she'll get a advantage on her roll.
The combat example given in The Strategic Review is also interesting. 10 Orcs gang up on one lost Hero and rush him. It's VERY unfair, but doesn't seem too far from a scenario one could encounter in old Dungeons and Dragons.  We have rules presented here about attacking from behind, which isn't a thing in 5e. Attacking from behind gives the Orcs a +2 to their hit dice, or I suppose in our modern terms "advantage." Granting advantage to flanking maneuvers in 5e can encourage more tactical combat, but it can also bog things down… which I guess is a recurring theme when bringing mechanical aspects of old D&D to 5e. 5e is very streamlined, especially compared to the multitudinous tables of Original D&D. Still, I think if you have a campaign with an especial focus on combat, having flanking rules could help "sell" to your players the need to use advantageous positioning and protect their rear.
We also get a mention of a balrog as a monster. This is before the Tolkein Estate got wind of TSR's usage of J.R.R.'s terminology. The balrog survived to present day D&D in a very bad disguise. Look up the 5e Balor, and you'll see it's essentially a balrog with the numbers filed off.
Next, we get a discussion on morale. The article says that morale isn't a real concern for players, since they "have their own personal morale in reality." So, your character in game has your same level of morale; they can't be forced to retreat due to broken morale. It also states that unintelligent monsters fight until they die. The really interesting part, however, is when it talks about morale checks for "troops serving with a party… or the morale of intelligent monsters." While stating that it is up to the "referee," the text says that it may occasionally be "necessary." The system for determining morale is entirely left up to the "referee." 
Let us discuss how we can implement morale into D&D 5e. Intelligent monsters are just that- intelligent. They are smart enough to realize that things are going against them, and so shouldn't just sit there and get cut down one by one. In the adventure I presented in the previous post, if goblins suffer 50% casualties, a d20 is rolled and if the number is within a certain range, they flee. This is, incidentally, similar to the Chainmail wargame morale system recommended by the text. If intelligent monsters hit a certain casualty threshold, why shouldn't they think about running? I may finagle this and try to come up with a table… if I do wind up with something good, I'll post it.
The article then moves on to discuss "experience." It seems as if acquiring magical items gave you experience in the game at this point. On further search, it also seems gold gave you experience. This explains why the article clarifies that magical items have a low value of experience, because they help you get more treasure, and therefore more experience. I completely understand why this has vanished from the game- D&D is now more high fantasy than sword and sorcery, so "killing monsters and collecting gold" is less of a drive.
Then there is a weird thing about experience- XP is reduced for high-level characters when fighting low-level monsters, unless "the circumstances of the combat were such as to seriously challenge… and actually jeopardize [the players'] life." Well… I can kind of see that, but at the same time, I feel CR and XP tied to that has helped even this out a bit. In fact, this is what I feel this correction is trying to do, since they state that certain monsters are "wroth" certain level factors… interesting. Additionally, the rise of Milestone leveling entirely counteracts this. I prefer to run my games using Milestone, something that would be completely alien to players back in 1975.
If you wished to adapt some of that "gold gives XP" or "magic items give XP" to 5e, I would suggest adapting Milestone leveling into Milestone XP. Finding a hidden magic item, for example, might be worth some bonus XP at the end of the session. 
Finally, there is a statement about spells that is intriguing. Magic in Original Dungeons and Dragons worked "in-universe" like this:
A magic-user memorized a spell at night, so that she could use it the next day. As soon as she cast that spell, she forgot how to do it. That is the justification for a magic-user not being able to repeatedly use spells over and over again. Spells inscribed on scrolls worked a similar way; as soon as they were read from the scroll, they disappeared, so that they couldn't be used again. 
It also states here that a magic-user could only "use a given spell but once during any given day, even if he is carrying his books with him." However, it goes on to clarify that a magic-user can "equip himself with a multiplicity of the same spell." So you would have to prepare three sleep spells, as the example goes, in order to use the sleep spell three times.
Spellbooks, as always, are key to a magic-user's abilities. This has been inherited by the wizard in 5e.  "If he had no books with him," the article says, "there would be no renewal of spells on the next day." 
All in all, this article demonstrates that, even this early in the game, there were questions regarding the rules as written. We can also see several concepts that have survived to this day, while also several (such as gold giving XP) that have fallen by the wayside. D&D has always been evolving, and will likely continue to evolve with time. 
0 notes
premierdetroit · 4 years
After months of isolation while living in quarantine, travel is the leisure activity that I miss the most. And I’m not alone. Our research, conducted with the Boston Consulting Group, shows that 31 percent of people hope to plan leisure travel once they feel safe enough to do so. 
World Tourism day is coming up on September 27, and Search trends show that people have the travel bug: In June, the top three travel-related Search queries were: “When can we travel again?” “When will international travel resume?” and “When will it be safe to travel again?” In August, the top queries were related to where and when people can travel “right now.” In fact, 45 percent of the top 100 questions related to travel focused on the impact of COVID-19, the desire to travel as soon as possible and travel safety.
Tumblr media
Where do travelers want to go right now? Heading to the beach and visiting rural areas or small towns are top of the list, particularly for Italians and the Dutch.
Adapting to the new normal of travel
The tourism industry relies on historical data to predict future demand. But in the current highly volatile environment, this is no longer adequate. That's why we share high-level data and insights about fast-rising travel categories in Google Search; where in the world searches are growing; and the queries associated with them. 
Our data and analyses, available on our Think with Google site, can help tourism businesses identify new trends in consumer preferences. For example, as people increasingly search for local and outdoor tourism, businesses can react to these changing needs by doing marketing campaigns that highlight nature destinations, and they can prepare for an uptick in last-minute bookings.
Partnering with tourism ministries, travel experts and the travel business sector 
We're partnering with government ministries, businesses and experts throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa to foster digital skills in the travel sector. For example, we’ve worked with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to train tourism officials and businesses on a range of digital tools to engage travellers at home, and encourage future travel when possible. And our first UN & Google Tourism Acceleration Program will take place virtually this Wednesday, September 23, designed for UN member states' tourism ministers, top travel associations, tourism boards and destination marketing organizations. It will focus on travel and tourism insights from South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria so participants can better understand shifts in behavior and adapt their products and offerings to meet new demands.
To further support  new solutions in the sector, Google for Startups Spain is launching a Growth Academy for TravelTech startups. The eleven selected businesses will partner with experts from Google to develop tailored strategies for acquiring new customers and partnerships to grow their businesses.
And in Greece, we launched #greecefromhome, an at-home continuation of Grow Greek Tourism Online, a digital skills program in partnership with the Greek Ministry of Tourism. #greecefromhome gave virtual tours of Greece and provided free digital skills training for over 6,000 Greek tourism businesses during the lockdown. This builds on our efforts to support the tourism sector across the region, helping them grow with digital tools, get access to training and digitize their heritage. 
While this World Tourism Day marks a uniquely challenging period for tourism, it’s also an opportunity to prepare and find new ways to engage with would-be travellers. We remain optimistic about the industry’s future, and about the role that our tools can play to help it recover.
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android-for-life · 4 years
"On World Tourism Day: How technology can support recovery"
After months of isolation while living in quarantine, travel is the leisure activity that I miss the most. And I’m not alone. Our research, conducted with the Boston Consulting Group, shows that 31 percent of people hope to plan leisure travel once they feel safe enough to do so. 
World Tourism day is coming up on September 27, and Search trends show that people have the travel bug: In June, the top three travel-related Search queries were: “When can we travel again?” “When will international travel resume?” and “When will it be safe to travel again?” In August, the top queries were related to where and when people can travel “right now.” In fact, 45 percent of the top 100 questions related to travel focused on the impact of COVID-19, the desire to travel as soon as possible and travel safety.
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Where do travelers want to go right now? Heading to the beach and visiting rural areas or small towns are top of the list, particularly for Italians and the Dutch.
Adapting to the new normal of travel
The tourism industry relies on historical data to predict future demand. But in the current highly volatile environment, this is no longer adequate. That's why we share high-level data and insights about fast-rising travel categories in Google Search; where in the world searches are growing; and the queries associated with them. 
Our data and analyses, available on our Think with Google site, can help tourism businesses identify new trends in consumer preferences. For example, as people increasingly search for local and outdoor tourism, businesses can react to these changing needs by doing marketing campaigns that highlight nature destinations, and they can prepare for an uptick in last-minute bookings.
Partnering with tourism ministries, travel experts and the travel business sector 
We're partnering with government ministries, businesses and experts throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa to foster digital skills in the travel sector. For example, we’ve worked with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to train tourism officials and businesses on a range of digital tools to engage travellers at home, and encourage future travel when possible. And our first UN & Google Tourism Acceleration Program will take place virtually this Wednesday, September 23, designed for UN member states' tourism ministers, top travel associations, tourism boards and destination marketing organizations. It will focus on travel and tourism insights from South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria so participants can better understand shifts in behavior and adapt their products and offerings to meet new demands.
To further support  new solutions in the sector, Google for Startups Spain is launching a Growth Academy for TravelTech startups. The eleven selected businesses will partner with experts from Google to develop tailored strategies for acquiring new customers and partnerships to grow their businesses.
And in Greece, we launched #greecefromhome, an at-home continuation of Grow Greek Tourism Online, a digital skills program in partnership with the Greek Ministry of Tourism. #greecefromhome gave virtual tours of Greece and provided free digital skills training for over 6,000 Greek tourism businesses during the lockdown. This builds on our efforts to support the tourism sector across the region, helping them grow with digital tools, get access to training and digitize their heritage. 
While this World Tourism Day marks a uniquely challenging period for tourism, it’s also an opportunity to prepare and find new ways to engage with would-be travellers. We remain optimistic about the industry’s future, and about the role that our tools can play to help it recover.
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
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