#greek campaign
seabunnbunn · 5 months
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I am so so so excited for Hades 2, so I wanted to draw one of my dnd characters in universe as she herself is a champion of the gods and would most likely join the fight against Kronos. Anyways, here she is <3<3<3 (edit: I added the little friendship bracelet things that Artemis, Selene, Hecate, and Melinoe have in the game. I’ve seen a lot of speculation that it has something to do with the moon or with magic or something along those lines, but in any case, I feel like Euanthe probably fits somewhere into the realm of things that have this detail. So excited to see what it actually means rather than just speculation)
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bardic-inspo · 8 days
How high level astral sea d&d is going: the wizard polymorphed the gnome's owl mount into a space whale and rammed a space ship with it. The goddess Artemis stowed away on our boat, summoned 30 geese, ripped out a tractor beam the enemy shot into our space ship (a literal three mast ship sailing in space) with her bare hands before fashioning it into a makeshift chariot being pulled by said 30 geese.
I love this game 😆
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bugwyrmy · 11 months
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Another favorite dnd character character of mine. Galen is a warlock who was murdered by a past lover for political gain. His current boyfriend is gonna fight him once they catch up 😤 (homeslice was returned from Hades to prevent the gods from being overthrown)
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very-salty-popcorn · 2 years
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Old Drawings for a new campaign I’m in! It’s a greek dnd campaign and I’m there excited >:) (The unnamed woman is Penetha and I am in love with her vibes)
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lifewithaview · 11 months
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Kevin McKidd and Ray Stevenson in Rome (2005) Pharsalus
As they try to reach Caesar in Greece, the shipwrecked Vorenus and Pullo confront an unexpected dilemma. Back in Rome, Atia again sends Octavia to beg protection from Servilia, who complies readily to encourage her growing friendship with Octavia. As they prepare their counterattack against Caesar, Pompey's Republicans begin to squabble over both the anticipated spoils and the method of finishing Caesar off. Niobe's sister Lyde comes back to see her and comforts her over Vorenus's disappearance.Badly outnumbered, Caesar and Antony make their stand at Pharsalus. On his arrival in Egypt, Pompey is greeted by a Roman veteran.
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rooklinensinker · 5 months
Narcissus is an aroace icon y'all can't change my mind.
Having to constantly navigate around people's unsolicited romantic feelings towards him and being seen as heartless and arrogant for never showing interest in anyone?
Feeling betrayed whenever someone close to him, no matter the gender, ended up with feelings that he knew would destroy their relationship, no matter what he himself could do?
Lashing out because he was sick of everyone demonising him, like who he was wasn't enough unless he could fit their societal standard for who he should be, like "you're too pretty to be asexual" so they could get a pass at sexualising him?
I'm just saying, it's not even subtext. It's all there💅✨
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British and Greek troops and a Sherman tank in combat against ELAS fighters in Athens, December 18, 1944.
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worldstoforge · 12 days
Just to set the record straight… her name is Fthina Vronti
F-thin-uh. V-Ron-tee
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seabunnbunn · 5 months
~~~~~EUANTHE DUMP!!!!~~~~~
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Here is some more Euanthe stuff I made a little bit ago. She has been on my mind as of late and all I wanna do is draw her morreeeee. However, *sigh* I have finals I have to do, so for now this must suffice. Most of her tattoos are Magic Tattoos from TCoE, but recently she got a new fun homebrew tattoo I found online called the Tattoo of the Peregrine which basically lets her sprout big ole wings. She is a druid, so she can wildshape, but her wings help in situations when I don’t really want to use up a wild shape just to use her crazy perception to scout out an area. This particular tattoo was given to her by Athena at a level up (I forgot which level but we are lvl 17 now, and it was pretty recent, so it may have been 17 idk) so I figured it’d be fun to use owl wings for the reference, plus I feel like of all of the owls, barn owls are the most Artemis coded, seeing as she is the champion of Artemis.
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Omg her first full body piece I made!! This one for sure is a throwback. I was still exploring her character and trying to fit as much of it into her design as possible. I’ve got a soft spot for this piece even through she has changed a bit since then. I still imagine her armor like this, maybe a bit more leather here and there and some more fancy stuff since they’ve leveled up quite a bit since this piece was made but similar vibes. I don’t usually draw her in full armor just because I like drawing her tattoos so much, but here she is. Oh and how could I forget about Argos!! He is her oldest friend and the best boy in all the ancient greek world. She carved him out of marble she found in her woods one day a very long time ago. Before the campaign started, he would sit on a plinth at one side of the the forest Euanthe was tasked with caring for and greet travelers when they arrived at its borders. These particular woods can be quite disorienting, and many a traveller have gotten swallowed up entirely by its charms, so Euanthe and Argos existed there as guides as much as they were protectors.
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This one dates itself… The character on the right is Hybris, champion of Dionysus, so this format was quite fitting lmao. This was following some events in campaign in which Hybris may or may not have accidentally made a child go blind and become a seer and almost get arrested and by proxy almost made the rest of the party get arrested… but its ok because he fixed it by starting a rager that got the entire city of Athens to get drunk and completely forget about it all… ah the memories…
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Ah yes, the Albion arc…
Basically, we were in a place that was guarded by a special kind of magic which meant that we couldn’t contact our gods and they couldn’t see us (hence the lunar eclipse). Euanthe in particular, since she is basically just a living amphora, doesn’t sleep, so she spends most nights meditating in temples of Artemis with the other huntresses. This arc was particularly hard for her. Her relationship with Artemis is complicated. She knows that Artemis created her for a reason, but she doesn’t know what that reason is, and she worries that her love for Artemis has grown outside of the bounds it was meant to.
I do really like this piece, but it’s very unpolished and I would like to revisit it soon to finish it up and maybe add a few things.
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Then there is this onneeee… soo basically, I love this character so much that I may or may not have brought her into a Curse of Strahd campaign. But it’s ok i swear because she’s different in CoS I swear. Several hundred years have passed since the events of her original campaign, and she has grown quite jaded since the fall of the Greek Pantheon. In the original campaign, she’s pretty bubbly and optimistic, so its a pretty fun character development to play with.
Anyway… I love her and miss her and just wanted to post these as I reminisce…
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bardic-inspo · 7 months
We are doing a D&D battle royale between our very broken/over-powered Greek mythology campaign (5 lvl 18 characters) and both sets of Dungeons & Dragon Age characters (9 characters mostly lvl 11 but some are 10) for hubs' bday tomorrow 👀
At first I was sure the Greek campaign would sweep (they can do crazy shit like sneak attack damage with certain spells, casting while raging, etc.) but I'm typing up little team rosters and now I'm not so sure. Should be interesting!
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pelideswhore · 1 year
Phoenix: This problem isn’t just going to go away.
Achilles: No. But maybe you will.
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littlestarbeam · 1 day
My favourite thing to remember is the fact that Jason returns to Camp Jupiter with no memory so the past him could have just have a menace
Jason Grace is back but thats not the Jason they know. This Jason smiles more easily, laughs boldly and has a bright demearor to him. He's not the feral little kid who bites people to show his affection, while at the same time could turn in to a stern militant leader who didnt believe in compromise in a few seconds.
The whiplash from not just having a greek in their camp but to see their former praetor they thought dead to come bck with more greeks and a completelh different personality and also His beautiful hair is goneeeee.
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crowbitz · 2 years
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my gorgon cleric Euryale, and her beloved sun
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freshvanillapng · 4 months
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hugs for my dnd pc last session <3
bonus: drunk ghost hug
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retrokid616 · 2 months
critical role episode 99 (the downfall mini series) pregame
so last time how do i say this other than this welcome back sam
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oh and the bells killed it at the greek
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and holly fuck was sam serving so much cunt with his new pc braius
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oh and this fuckers gm'ing tonight
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so stack em pack em and gods fucking help us all out here tonight on critical role downfalll oh and one last quick update
yeah fuck cancer glad sam's okay anyway see y'all in the liveblogs
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jeannereames · 6 months
Dr. Reames!! Oftentimes I see it mentioned that Alexander’s Persian campaign was framed at the time as a revenge against Persia for previous wars against Greece. And so, for example, the burning of Persepolis could be interpreted as payback for the burning of Athens.
But how accurate is that actually? I can only suppose that the top echelons of the Macedonian military establishment didn’t really feel that strongly about Greece as a whole (as Greece wasn’t a unified country like today), but had to frame it as such to disguise what could be seen as a shameless offensive land grab.
Even so, Alexander knew his propaganda. Was there a general feeling among the people of Greece and the rank and file troops that this campaign was a revenge for the previous wars Persia waged against Greece? Some sort of unifying spirit, ideal? And Alexander exploited this for his benefit? Or is this idea of a Greece vs Persia conflict a complete fabrication of misinterpretation?
The idea of a “Revenge against Persia” campaign was part of 4th century political discourse before Alexander, or even Philip. The question was who would lead such a campaign? Naturally, Athens thought they should, but after their defeat in the Peloponnesian War, didn’t have the military mojo. And even if Sparta had opposed the Persian invasion (alongside Athens), she owed her success in the Pel War to Persian assistance, so that was a problem. Thebes as a potential leader was even worse, as she’d Medized (went over to the Persians), so hell-to-the-no would she be appropriate.
Isokrates was probably the first to suggest it be Philip, as his star was rising. Yes, Macedon had also Medized, but Alexander I had been a clever man who played both sides against the middle and was able to burnish his rep after the war as “having no choice, and see? I helped Athens by providing her with timber for the Greek fleet”…if at, we’re sure, a substantial sum that benefited Maceon. But Macedon resented Persia too and had been a victim! It provided the plausible deniability needed to elevate Philip as leader of the Go-and-get-Persia campaign.
Of course Athens was not keen on this. She still thought SHE should be leading the vengeance war, as she won the two most significant battles of the Greco-Persian Wars (Marathon in #1 and Salamis in #2). That Philip was out-maneuvering her at every turn for the hegemony of greater Greece was additionally galling.
When Philip decided to invade Persia is a point of great contention, but I think he had it in mind by the time of his extensive Balkan campaign (c. 341/40/39. when Alexander was left in Pella as regent). Much of that was to secure the Black Sea coast and conquer Perinthos and Byzantion (Athenian allies) in order to secure a bridgehead to Asia. He may have believed that the Athenian Isokrates’s oration letter to him was indicative that Athens could be won over as an ally, in order to provide the ships he needed but didn’t have. He knew Demosthenes a problem, but may not have believed fear of/resentment against Philip himself would unite Thebes and Athens (inveterate enemies) to oppose him at Chaironeia.
But that’s how it went. Philip won anyway and created the Corinthian League, whose purpose was the invasion of Persia and vengeance for the earlier Persian invasion of Greece. Was that Philip’s primary motivation? Oh, hell no. He wanted the MONEY/loot (and glory). But a campaign of retribution put a better face on it, and justified his usurpation of the Athenian navy, which he absolutely had to have to be successful.
When Philip was assassinated, Alexander simply took up where his father left off. He literally told the Corinthian League (when he reconvened them not long after Philip’s death), “Only the name of the king has changed….”
So yes, the propaganda wasn’t invented by Alexander, or even by Philip, but they used it to very good effect, as it allowed them to demand allies (and BOATS). Alexander didn’t dissolve the alliance and release those troops until after Darius’s death. And even then, he offered good pay to stay on with the rest of his conquests (which many did).
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