#we restarted both phones i have no idea whats going on ?????????
aahsoka · 2 years
the weirdest thing is happening my bfs phone dropped our call in the middle of us talking but my phone still said we were on a call. i hung up. but now neither of us can call ANYONE. like it doesnt even ring once. we both have service but we use different providers. we both have wifi. ??????
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
The Best Kept Secret on the Grid || Part Two
GR, CL, MV, LH x fem!reader Warnings: angsty drivers, more filth (masturbation, smut) WC: 3k F1 Masterlist || Part One || Part Two || Part Three
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“Oh my word, what is going on?” David Croft, the official F1 commentator, was aghast at what he was seeing on the track in front of him and his voice echoed across the paddock from the loudspeakers. “This is looking like a repeat of Australia and nobody wants to see that again.”
You slunk down in your seat and pulled your hat further down your head. Maybe sending those nudes hadn’t been the best idea. It had been four weeks since the last race and to say you were feeling needy was a massive understatement. You hadn’t been able to stop yourself from sending your men some enticing pictures before the race.
“And there goes Gasly, into the gravel. We’ll have to see the replay on that but I think it was his own teammate that made contact with him. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it was Alpine on Alpine going into the corner and now Gasly will have a lot of time to make up for it. Ocon will be lucky if he doesn’t get a penalty for that aggressive move.”
You looked at the place board and saw the seven drivers who had already retired from the turbulent race. Max was one of them, and he was pissed.
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You shoved the phone back in your purse and cheered with the rest of the grandstand as Lewis passed by, holding first position with 12 laps to go. Right on his tail was Charles but the real battle was taking place behind him for the third step on the podium. 
It was a dog fight between Fernando, Esteban and Lando with less than a second separating each car. You screamed louder than anyone else as they shot past the lap line and a few heads turned your way but you ignored them. You weren’t even in bed and these guys were making you scream. 
Another lap passed without incident but then the fight for third took a dangerous turn when Lando pushed Fernando wide and Esteban tried to take advantage by slipping past on the inside. Fernando ended up grazing his car along the wall while Lando thought he was in the clear only to clip the front wing of Esteban’s car and the two of them careened off the track. 
Shock rippled through the crowd as another three cars were retired and their drivers were pulled apart by the marshalls that were trying to clear the track under a red flag. It was messy and you could almost taste the testosterone in the charged atmosphere.
“I don’t even have words to describe this race,” David commented. “That will be the third restart and what a change that makes to the standings. We have Hamilton in P1, Leclerc P2, Stroll P3, followed by Sainz, Russell, Gasly, then miraculously both Williams’ and AlphaTauri’s drivers are almost guaranteed those much needed but elusive points - if they can just stay on the track and cross the finish line in one piece.”
You couldn’t sit and listen to the spectators around you any longer. They all asked variations of the same question - what the hell had happened to the drivers? Blue balls was the answer. That’s what had happened after four weeks with no racing: all those explosive male hormones were building and building, and your nudes had struck the match.
You had been messaging most of the guys over the mid-season break, exchanging scandalous messages and promises of what they could do the next time they were on the podium, but you had stopped short of meeting up with any of them - no matter how much they begged. Your pussy hated you for denying it the pleasure but the waiting only increased the anticipation and made the climax all the better. 
Plus the teasing was fun.
You slipped out of the grandstand and made your way to the motorhomes behind another fence for security. Ever since that first wild night you had received a Paddock Pass for every race and become a familiar face to the teams, though they never knew the extent of your ‘friendships’ with the drivers. 
“Max isn’t here,” Tommy said just as you reached the door to the luxurious motorhome. 
You winked at the Red Bull assistant and pressed a finger to your lips. “I’m just leaving him a commiseration gift. It’s a surprise, so no blabbering.”
The busy man left with a shake of his head and you closed the door behind you, sliding the bolt into place so no unexpected visitors could interrupt you. 
Max’s bed was made with the precision you would expect from someone trained in the military, not a racer, and there wasn’t a single crease in the duvet cover. 
“You’re such a perfectionist,” you muttered before jumping onto the bed and messing it up. His scent still clung to the pillow and you grabbed it as you rolled onto your knees, shoving it between your legs before hiking your dress up to your waist. 
You grabbed your phone and set it up against the headboard as you hit record. “I’m going to miss you tonight, Maxy.” You sucked on your fingers before trailing them down your body and pushing your panties aside. “It could’ve been you I was riding.” 
You moaned as you ground yourself shamelessly over your fingers and his pillow. Your head fell back and you grabbed your throat, gently squeezing it as your eyes fluttered shut. 
“Oh, Max,” you cried out, rolling your hips faster until the wet sounds of your pussy filled the air and were definitely picked up by the microphone. “You’re going to dream of me tonight when you lay your head on this pillow. It’s going to make you so hard, you’re going to fuck your hand and imagine it’s my cunt squeezing you tight until you explode.”
Your words ignited the orgasm that had been building and you cried out as you came all over his pillow. Your body shuddered from the aftershocks and you tasted the release on your fingers, knowing it would drive him wild when he saw it. “Sweet dreams, Maxy.”
You made it back to the grandstand in time to see the final lap and you were on your feet screaming with the rest of the crowd as Lewis crossed the finish line first, soon followed by Charles and Carlos. You were giddy at the thought of sharing the three of them later and joined the mass of people as they began to make their way down to the track that was opening to the public.
You were well versed at having to push your way through the crowd and you knew you had time to get to the front since the winners were still on the big screen having their post-race interviews. You were only half listening to them as you inched your way closer to the stage. 
“There was a very competitive atmosphere out there today, why do you think that was?”
Carlos and Charles looked at each other before looking down to hide the knowing grin they shared but it was Lewis that answered the interviewer.
“I mean first and foremost it is a race, so it will always be competitive. But, I think, for me at least, it’s been a long four weeks off the track and we were all eager to get back behind the wheel and more importantly back on the podium.” 
“Speaking of podiums, it looks like our time is up.” He shook hands with Lewis, then Charles and Carlos. “Congratulations once again. Well deserved.”
You reached the front barricade as the guys climbed the stairs to the stage up above and their eyes scanned the crowd knowing you were somewhere among the throngs. Carlos spotted you first and slapped Charles’ chest before pointing your way. You blew them a kiss and gave them a wink, their smiles growing as they stepped closer to the glass balustrade. You crossed your arms and to anyone else it would have been an innocent gesture but from their vantage point it pushed your breasts to the very edge of your low cut dress. 
Your phone vibrated in your purse and since you weren’t all that interested in the national anthems playing you pulled it out. Your scoff was swallowed by the sound of the crowd and you searched the shadows around the cordoned off areas to find Max staring back. Even with the distance you could see the harsh cut of his jaw as he clenched his teeth and his arms were crossed defensively over his chest. 
You didn’t even bother to address the message he had sent, instead you replied with the video you had taken in his bed. You watched with a keen interest as he reached into his jeans and pulled out his phone. 
Blue eyes turned to black as his pupils dilated and he ran a hand through his hair, tugging the dirty blond strands while he fisted his phone on the other. His thumbs flew across the keyboard as he typed his response before turning his back and leaving the celebration while you started at the reply.
You're going to pay for that.
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Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot At the body shop, doing something unholy
The heat on the dance floor was quickly soaring as hands roamed your body. Charles’ entire front was pressed against your back and controlled the sway of your hips to the music as his lips grazed your neck and he whispered filthy words for only you to hear. 
He wasn’t alone.
Lewis and Carlos’ bodies encircled you, obscuring your obscene display of affection from the dense crowd dancing to the music too. They were taking advantage of the disorienting strobe lights and the fact everyone else was in a drunken world of their own, it was daring even for them.
Charles pinned your hands behind your back, trapping them between your bodies, as Lewis stepped closer and used his thigh to push your legs apart. Cool air rushed in and kissed the heat of your pussy as your skirt rode up higher the more Lewis nudged your thighs apart.
“Hermosa,” Carlos groaned as he noticed the lack of lace panties beneath. “You forgot something when you were getting ready.”
You licked your lips and leaned back against Charles so your dress pulled up even higher and Lewis cursed lowly. 
“I didn’t forget anything.”
And when you want it, baby, I know I got you covered And when you need it, baby, just jump under the covers
Your cry was swallowed by the chorus as they descended on you. 
Carlos’ fingers were at your entrance, gathering the evidence of your need and using it to glide over your clit while Lewis and Charles left burn marks on your neck from the short beards they sported. Their hands cupped and squeezed and probed until you were lost to the overwhelming sensations and ready to float away like the clouds of dry ice around the room. 
“Unless you’re planning to fuck me on the dance floor, we need to go.”
“The idea has crossed my mind,” Charles admitted between sucking at the sensitive skin below your ear. 
“Time to go,” Lewis ordered before you could reach for his belt buckle, the only one out of the three men capable of using his head to think with and not his dick.
Carlos pouted as he pulled your dress back into place but he knew it would be coming off in a matter of minutes when he got you upstairs. 
The music drifted away as the elevator doors closed in the lobby and Charles pushed you back into Lewis’ arms. “Don’t let her move,” he warned as he dropped to his knees.
Carlos’ hand slapped over your mouth in time to smother the moan that was ready to fill the small elevator when Charles’ tongue teased over your clit. You squirmed as you tried to roll your hips, silently begging for more, but Lewis curled a strong arm around your waist and pinned you to his body. 
The floor levels ticked by and the higher they rose the closer you got to heaven. 
Everywhere you looked you were blessed with the sight of the men around you and their infinite reflections in the mirrored walls. Even when your head fell back in ecstasy you swayed under the image on the ceiling, spying Charles’ eyes that rolled up to look at you coming undone over his tongue.
Charles rose swiftly to his feet, pulling your dress back into place before the doors opened and a body filled the doorway. He already knew what had happened from the dazed look in your eyes and the way Lewis had to support your unsteady legs by holding you against him.
“What the fuck, Max?” Carlos asked as he stepped in front of you, Charles too busy wiping his lips to speak.
You wouldn’t say you were shocked to see him somehow get your room number from the receptionist - he was a world champion - no one would say no to him, even if it was a breach of privacy. You actually found his tenacity extremely hot, that and the way he stood blocking the exit with fire in his eyes. 
“Mate, move out of the way,” Lewis said as he shifted you into Charles’ arms, though your legs were no longer trembling.
Max ignored them all and held your stare. “What’s my number, babygirl?”
You shook your head to try and clear the haze that your orgasm and the champagne had brought upon you but it didn’t work and you asked him confused, “What?”
“What. Is. My. Race. Number?” he asked, taking a step closer with each enunciation.
“Good girl, that’s correct.” Max smirked as he came to a stop in front of Lewis and looked at you over his shoulder. “I think that means I won.”
“That’s bullshit, you DNF’d get over it,” Charles stated, knowing well enough the pain of missing out on a night with you because he crashed out earlier in the season. 
“Wait,” you said, stepping between the four of them. “What if he’s right? What if the reigning champ can have me whenever they choose, off-track too?” You circled around the group seeing them contemplating it. “After today's race standings you all have a shot at winning the championship.”
“Hang on,” Max interrupted but you held up a finger to your lips to silence him.
“My body, my rules. So, what d’ya say boys?”
Lewis, Carlos and Charles looked at each other for a moment before Lewis’ lips parted in a grin. “I’m up for the challenge.”
“Did you not see how fucking messy it was out there today?” Max asked, stunned by the turn of events.
“Fuck it, I’m in,” Carlos chuckled before looking at his team mate. 
“Max is right, it’s going to be an expensive season for repairs,” Charles said with a shake of his head before locking eyes with you and starting to smile, “but it’s not my money. I’m in.”
You walked out of the elevator, patting Max’s hard chest as you passed by. “This is what you wanted, big guy. Now, are you coming, or do you want to brood in the hallway all night?”
It was no surprise that he came, and came, and came again. 
All of the men were athletes and the stamina showed when they were ready to go round after round. You were an overstimulated mess when you collapsed on the sofa, a sheen of sweat coating your skin. You could barely think with your head on cloud nine and their cum leaking down your legs.
“Our little cum slut is cock drunk,” Max teased as he took a seat beside you and pulled your head onto his lap. “You have another round in you, don’t you, babygirl?”
The sofa shifted as Carlos sat down at the other end, his strong hands starting to massage your feet. “Let her rest for a minute.”
“Just because you have nothing left,” Max scoffed and turned your head to him. His thumb traced your swollen lips with a smirk before parting your mouth. “Some of us can go all night. Right, Hamilton?”
Lewis barely lifted his head up from where he lay sprawled across the carpet, his chest rising and falling fast as he caught his breath. He had absolutely ruined you with the fast pace he had set while he knelt behind you and fucked you until you couldn’t hold yourself up any longer. Charles had been there to keep you up on your hands and knees with a fist full of your hair, right before he filled your mouth with his cock to silence the screams of pleasure.
All Lewis could do was raise his thumb in response as Charles returned to the living room with an armful of water bottles from the minibar. He tossed one to each of the guys before kneeling beside your head and cracking the lid of another and raising it to your lips. The cool liquid quickly soothed your dry throat and chased away some of the exhaustion that had settled into your relaxed muscles. 
“Better, hermosa?” Carlos asked as his massage crept higher up your legs.
“Mhmm,” you sighed contentedly, letting your knees part for him. The temperature in the room rose rapidly and even Lewis found the strength to rise from the ground to drink in the sight. You might as well have just hung an open for business sign out and you chuckled at the hungry looks they shared. “Much better.”
Click here for part three.
Tagging: @slytherheign @alwaysclassyeagle
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
tiktoks on the paddock
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pairing: genz!driver x '23!grid
summary: tiktoks about the paddock are fun
word count: 873
warnings: none
note: enjoy :) it’s a bit short…
masterlist / taglist
The paddock, a place where many things are happening all at once. And phew, for y/n it’s like a feast for content. She loves filming everything and collecting memories. Her TikToks are an absolute favourite by the fans. Loving the content of all the drivers and her.
At the Australian GP, where she finally met Danny again, she wanted to do a TikTok with him. „Please Danny, please do a TikTok with me. I don’t even have to post it, it’s just for me and you“, she pleaded with puppy-dog-eyes and how could anyone ever say no to that face. „Alright, what do we have to do?“ - „Let’s do that one.“
Just guess how many tries it took to finally have a good result. 27 tries, 27! Daniel kept laughing or people would walk in and they had to restart the whole thing.
„Daniel Joseph Ricciardo, please be serious!“ - Oh oh, y/n just called me by my full name, this can’t be good“, he muttered. „Just try please“, she begged him. She loved his laugh, but he did it every time. Okay, she had laughed for the first few tries as well, only because he had laughed, but still.
And then Lando walked in: „Whatcha guys doin?“, y/n did not seem impressed. „Lando, you just walked into our TikTok and now we have to start again, do you know how long this takes?“, her voice serious and stern. Lando put his hands above his head and surrendered. He kind of wanted to ask to be apart of the TikTok, but as soon as he saw the look on her face, he didn’t.
As they finally managed to make a decent take, she was so happy. Doing her happy dance like she did as a little child. Daniel couldn’t help but laugh, the younger driver was just adorable. „Thank you Danny!“ She went and hugged the reserve driver. „Aw, you’re very welcome, y/n.“
And she always did a ‚get ready with me for paddock‘ TikTok, the fans love it.
„Okay guys, hello and welcome to my GRWM for the Miami GP! I am so excited! The Americans always make this huge deal out of the grand prix‘s and we’ll see how it’ll turn out this year.“ She looked into the camera of her phone, seeing her own figure. „Let’s see, I know that Lewis is gonna wear a sequinned purple jumpsuit, should we match him or do our own thing?“ Her hands were both placed on the sides of her head, squishing it, as if this would produce more ideas.
She didn’t pack that many outfits, only recently gotten into fashion, because of Lewis, duh. But you could describe her style as 70s or early 80s kind of pop-rock style, with some floated pants and vintage pieces. It wasn’t unique, she knew that, but it was what made her comfortable in her own body, thats the main reason why she wore it.
„The temperature will be high today and I don’t feel like sweating before the race. I will do that enough during. Hmm, let’s look.“
„I think I’m gonna go with these pants“, she held up some blue pleaded pants. „Yes ohh, and definitely my Rolling Stones shirt. It looks like something Harry would wear!“ That shirt was probably as old as her, she bought it in an old vintage store in Vegas in 2022.
„Oh and maybe Lily has some nice shoes for me and a bag! Let’s go ask her!“ She took the phone off the nightstand and stormed out of her hotel room. She lightly knocked on Alex‘ room and he opened. „Hey y/n, what can I do for ya?“ - „Is Lily here?“, she didn’t even said hello to him. He was taken back for a moment, but he already knew that his girlfriend was higher on y/n‘s list. „Uh yeah, she’s here.“ She pushed him aside and went into the hotel room.
„Lily, say hi to my TikTok“, she pointed her phone at the chines golfer. The spoken to just waved and looked a bit confused. „Lily, my dear, I want to wear these pants and that shirt, do you have some shoes for me?“ She looked at the older girl. „Yes, I have the perfect shoes and a bag that would look so lovely on you“, Lily was excited, always wanting to dress up the young driver.
She gave her some brown faux leather shoes with a little bit of heel. And a brown bag. She also found a hat that would look good on her. Together with some accessories, y/n was ready for the paddock (and finished with her TikTok).
Later that day, the media talked about her outfit and how it looks like something Harry Styles would wear. She was happy to see that they saw who inspired the whole look.
She didn’t do the GRWM often, but what she did was the whole trend stuff, sign her up for some funny filters, who’d she pick to be her Hogwarts Parents or some stupid dances she saw on her For You Page. She was obsessed with TikTok. She usually spent two hours before she went to sleep on TikTok. But who doesn’t.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan
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nnnyxie · 8 months
So this one is angsty (if you squint) basically reader is Bakugos little sibling (by like a year or two to not make it weird) and they grew up together…And this is kinda mean!Izu x reader but whatever
Izu one day just randomly reflects on Bakugos bullying and is like well fuck him and decides to date his younger sibling to fuck with Bakugo as ‚revenge‘
Failing to inform them he was only dating them to fuck with their brother. He‘s still doting and sweet and oh so loving(he also failed to realize he fell for reader fr)…and on one random Tuesday they just overhear him speaking about it like on the phone to his friends being like „yeah Kacchan is totally pissed it worked like a charm“
Reader absolutely breaks down and runs to Kacchan for comfort because big brother is always the solution🤞 so then Izu dosen’t even realize and tries talking to reader and they just cut all contact and Izu panics and realizes what he feels for them but it‘s too late hehe. (I need some sort of happy ending for reader😭)
Bonus ofcourse would be lots and lots of groveling before they eventually restart, or reader moves on if you‘re not the second chance type..revenge is always the answer🫶🏻 idk both ends would be cute Idk when I turned into an angst Whore I used to be a fluff addict😞 #𖢥 izuku anon
i’m not much of a second chance person when it comes to this stuff but……. i like fluff……. so we shall see how the ending goes…….. it’s a wild card for the both of us???
(ps there is swearing bc it’s me…) (pps i did add a part where he said ‘fuckin with my blood’ but i originally had like— an adopted sibling in mind?? so just read however you’d like!!) (ppps i added some comfort from our girlies and kiri bc i LOVE them)
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for this we’re gonna pretend like the boys have had no progress in friendship and that they HATE each other with a passion and that season 6 didn’t happen!! AND that they’re in their second year while you, darling reader, are a first year at UA!!
okay so. despite katsuki being such an asshole and probably the most difficult person to deal with— he has such a soft spot for his little sibling!!
he makes it known that if anyone fucks with you— he’ll beat them worse than they could ever imagine. you thought his normal threats were bad? oh sweetheart, these are far worse!! he’ll go into solid detail and even give ‘warning’ hits.
enter izuku, your longtime crush. ever since you were kids, you have always liked him. loved him, even. you admire how ambitious he is and how far he’s come.
izuku was dense about your crush at first, in all honesty. it wasn’t until he overheard your conversation with katsuki in the dorm stairs one day!!
it was something along the lines of “you can’t love that nerd!” “but i do! and if he feels the same i don’t want you ruining this for me!” “you’re too good for him! plus you’re too young to date anyways!” “katsuki, i’m not a baby anymore! look— if he ends up rejecting me then i’ll tell you. and you can do whatever you want, okay?” “okay. and if he accepts then, i’ll punch him too.” “katsuki no—”
izuku usually isn’t the type for petty revenge but— katsuki has hurt him for long enough. so this would be a great way to get back at him, right..?
now let’s dive into izuku’s little plan—
like i said before, he isn’t one to do this sort of thing. he really isn’t but— katsuki just… fuels a fire in him that he can’t put out.
izuku thought this little idea was crazy (it is), so he confided in someone about it— can you guess who?? wanna know who??? the one and only…
kaminari denki!!
that is correct, he confides in kaminari. see— izuku doesn’t tell kaminari that the person is katsuki’s little sibling.
izuku just tells him “i want to piss this guy off by dating their younger sibling but, i feel like that’s crazy…” and kaminari says “nah dude, if that person is a piece of shit then i say go for it. i mean— if they’re shitty then their sibling probably is too!”
which is very incorrect— you and katsuki aren’t alike.
well— you are?? but also aren’t??? if that makes sense
anyways… izuku was STUPID and took his advice.
so— izuku enacts his plan. he’ll fake confess to you, in front of katsuki. it has to be in front of him. he’ll date you for a bit to make katsuki mad, lead you on a little, then break up with you. easy peasy right?
first off, he did confess in front of katsuki but, katsuki punched him right in the face.
second, when you accepted his confession, katsuki punched him again. this time in the stomach.
but hey— anything for petty revenge… ig…?
anywhooo y’all get into a relationship!! and it’s a dream for you, truly. you’re with the person you’ve been in love with for basically your entire life!! and that person loves you back!!!
literally everyone is jealous because you’re the couple. the blueprint. the outcome. the relationship. (or so you and the others thought….)
the relationship is… healthy? i mean, it is healthy if you ignore the fact that izuku is doing this all to piss off katsuki!!
and oh my god— katsuki is fucking angry. he’s always ‘mean mugging’ izuku. he isn’t doing anything,,, physical because you chewed him out for it. like— you really laid into him when he punched izuku. and you had a very lengthy talk with him. so, he’s keeping his hands to himself— for now.
okay moving on from that??? kaminari doesn’t put two and two together when izuku starts dating you— as much as i love him, he isn’t the brightest bulb in the box! yes he’s smart but c’mon……..
which actually brings me to how you found out!!!
so……. one day you and izuku are just walking down the hall to go to his room, y’all planned a cute movie night!!! (which he was really looking forward to) when the lovely kaminari denki comes strolling up to him.
“hey dude! how’s that revenge thing going? it’s been what?? eight?? months— you piss off the guy yet? is he totally mad that you’re with his sibling?” kaminari had the widest grin— he’s so dumb, bless his heart.
“izuku, what does he mean?” “i— kaminari, i don’t—” “huh? he’s dating some guy’s sibling to piss him off cause the dude’s a total piece of shit and i thought maybe the dude’s sibling was shi—” “kaminari! stop it!” izuku slapped his hand over the blonde’s mouth. all you could say was ‘oh’ then you ran towards katsuki’s room, hoping he’d be in there.
“wait— was— was the guy katsuki and the sibling was them!?” kaminari shouted in surprised (jfc…). izuku sighed with a nod. “dude you fucked up. like really fucked up. they were a total hottie?? and super cool?? plus katsuki is gonna be really pissed.” “i know…”
izuku felt so guilty because he was genuinely beginning to fall for you— like seriously!! he’s in love with you and now everything is ruined. i mean, he knew he’d have to tell you at some point because, no relationship should be built on lies but still !!
when you told your brother— he felt beyond pissed, angry, furious, etc. his emotions were indescribable. katsuki genuinely wanted to kill izuku. yeah, he’s always said ‘i’ll kill you’ but it’s not like he ever actually meant it.
but this time—
he really did mean it. he felt like he could commit murder.
“outside.” katsuki grabbed izuku by the collar of his shirt and dragged him through the dorms.
“wait— kacchan just let me explain!” he panicked, he wanted to tell katsuki that he did love you. that his intentions weren’t good at first but his feelings became real very quickly!
“what dumb ass excuse could you possibly have that would make this fuckin’ situation better!?” katsuki’s left hand sparked as he tossed izuku outside the doors.
“i— i’m not trying to make the situation better! i j-just want to explain!” “you have one minute before i blow your head off.”
“i did it to make you mad at first but— but, i ended up really falling for them! seriously! i w-was going to tell them!” “why the fuck would you even think about doin’ that shit!? even i wouldn’t go that low!” katsuki’s hands grew hot. he was on the verge of becoming a murderer.
“i’m sorry! i really am! i just— i was so mad at you and it was petty revenge!” izuku’s hands were raised in defense. “that shit wasn’t revenge! that was fuckin’ with my blood!” katsuki raised his hand to izuku’s face, getting ready to blast him— but he was stopped. “bakugo, midoriya. nezu’s office, now.” a very tired sounding, aizawa demanded.
while that was going down— you were left in katsuki’s room, crying on his floor.
“uhm— hey, it’s just us…” mina, jirou, and kirishima walked in. you wiped your eyes and nose, you didn’t really like being seen in a vulnerable state. something you and katsuki had in common.
“so we uh… kinda heard about what happened from kaminari.” jirou whispered as her jacks poked together. “i’m sorry, he’s a loud mouth…” “and uhm… your brother isn’t exactly quiet either.” kirishima looked to the ground beside you.
“i kinda heard their conversation… midoriya said he loves you…” mina sat beside you. “so what are you gonna do? are you gonna hear midoriya out..?” you shrugged.
even if he really did begin to love you, how could you ever trust him again? and— what if he was lying to your brother just to get an easy out?
you felt sick— and you felt like a fool. you felt so stupid for thinking that your brother’s enemy could actually have feelings for you. you felt like an idiot.
“i think… i think that, maybe, i could hear his explanation but… i won’t forgive him or give him another chance. i can’t trust him again. plus, i’d look like a fool going back to him…” you mumbled into your arms, your knees were to your chest. the three just gave an understanding nod, then, huddled around you for an awkward but, warm, group hug.
“alright.” you heard your brother’s gruff voice from the doorway. “you three, out. now.” he pointed towards his friends and you watched them leave.
“so… what happened?” you asked, your brother plopped down beside you. sitting in his usual ‘delinquent’ position. “almost murdered him. got stopped by aizawa. got scolded by nezu. now ‘m suspended for 5 weeks. gotta do supplementary classes n’ shit.” “i’m sorry, kats.” he scoffed and gave you an ‘are you fucking serious’ look. “why the fuck are you apologizin’!?” you fiddled your fingers, “i got you in trouble…” he rolled his eyes and lightly smacked the back of your head. “idiot, you didn’t. was all me.”
there was a bit of silence, it was a comfortable one. you and katsuki always shared this sort of quiet.
“did they tell you what happened?” he asked in a hushed tone, referring to his friends. “yeah…” “and…?” “and i’m not gonna forgive him or anything. he lied to me. why would i wanna be with a liar? plus, what if he was lying about actually having feelings for me now? i can’t trust him again.”
katsuki gave you a small, smile. one that said ‘i understand. i’m sorry he did that. i’m here for you. and i love you.’
when it comes to him, words weren’t needed most of the time. looks could tell all. and that look told you everything you needed to hear.
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i’ll be so real— i was very a teensy bit drunk writing this… so like if it doesn’t make sense or anything i’m so sorry
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sapppy-cocktail · 1 year
Valentines Special
Sadie Sink x Reader
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"Y/N!" A familiar voice calls out from behind me. I turn around to be met with Sadie jogging towards me. "Hey Sadie." I say smiling at her as she smiles brightly at me. "Did you need something?" I ask as I suddenly remember she ran to me. "Do you- Can I?" She begins to say but pauses before restarting her sentence. "I just finished my scenes for the day so I thought maybe we could hang out?" She suggests, her hands playing with the sleeves of her blue and yellow 80s jacket. I glance down at my wrist. 6:25. Earlier than usual. "Yeah, of course. Did you wanna take off your clothes?" I ask looking towards her trailer. "What?" She asks, her voice higher than usual as her widen and eyebrows knit together. My eyebrows furrow and my head tilts at her reaction. "Your clothes? You're still in your clothes from set?" I say wary, unsure if my words could cause the same reaction. She raises an eyebrow at my words but looks down and notices her clothes and her eyes widen. "Oh! Right. Yeah, of course." She says as she looks back up at me. "Come with me." She says as she reaches out for my hand and pulls me towards her trailer.
"So what do you have in mind?" I ask as I take a seat on her bed and watch her disappear into her bathroom. "Well, since it's Valentines day and we both don't have dates I thought it'd be nice to go to a restaurant. Something we could do as friends and enjoy." She says looking at me through the bathroom mirror as she holds 2 hangers with a dress on each, moving 1 in front of her before the other. I nod at the ground before her voice calling out to me makes me watch her as she walks out of the bathroom. "What do you think?" She asks as she holds the 2 hangers, one on each side. "Red or Black?" She asks as she moves them in front of her to look at them properly. "You already know what I'm gonna say." I say, a smile tugging at my lips as her eyes meet mine. "Black. Got it." She says rolling her eyes and walking to her wardrobe to hang the red back.
While Sadie changes I decide to mention the early finish today. "So you guys finished filming early today." I call out to her as I walk around her trailer. "Yeah. The Duffers said something about them needing to repeat a scene from California with Finn and Noah so I left early." She says making me nod. "So did Millie, Maya, Joe and the others finish early?" I ask as she slides the bathroom door open and grabs her makeup bag before returning to the bathroom, this time the door open. "I think so, I'm not sure." She says as she begins washing her face. "What time did you want to leave?" I ask watching as she makes a move for a face towel. I stand up and pass it to her. "Thank you. I was thinking maybe 7? Does that work?" She asks looking back at me. "Yeah. Wait. Where are we even going?" I ask as I realise I had no idea where we were going.
She turns back at me once more and and smiles before facing back to the mirror. "It's a surprise." She says making me groan. "Well obviously somewhere fancy." I say as I fall back onto the bed. I hear her laugh before speaking up. "What makes you say that?" She asks as if she doesn't know how I'm going to respond. I look at my watch. 6:45. "I guess I should go get ready." I say pouting as I walk to her door. I look back at her and she's already paused in her movement, her pink makeup sponge in her hand as she smiles at me through the mirror. I smile back before opening the door and shutting it behind me and as I begin making my way to my trailer I decide to send Millie a text. The one time I get a day off you finish early? Lucky bastard. After sending it I turn my phone off and slide it back into my pocket before opening the door to my trailer.
I look at myself once more in the mirror, looking myself up and down for anything I can improve. "Hey Siri, what's the time?" I call out to my phone that's charging on the other side of the room. "It is 6:58pm." She replies making my eyes widen as I quickly pull my phone out of the wire and shut the door, locking it after me. But then I realise I forgot the red roses I had just gotten. Quickly after unlocking my trailer, running in grabbing the roses and locking the door once more I begin speed walking to Sadie's trailer. As I walk I realise it's pretty silent. Where is everyone? I ignore it and reach her trailer. I knock on the door and as I wait for a response I look at my wrist and watch the 7 flick into 7:01. I made it, it was the end of the minute but I made it.
The sound of the door unlocking pulls me out of my thought and I smile as I see Sadie. "Hello beautiful." I say taking a step back and looking her up and down. She turns her head away as she smiles and lightly hits my arm telling me to stop. I smile and hand her the roses. Her eyes widening as she accepts it. "For me?" She asks as she looks at me, her mouth slightly agape. "Yeah, I thought it'd be nice, y'know it being Valentines day and all." I say grinning as I quote her words from before. She smiles, rolling her eyes at me as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards a car nearby. We both take a seat in the back and the driver begins making his way to whatever restaurant we're going to. I pull my phone out from my pocket and still no response from Millie. Weird
We pull into the underground parking lot of a tall building in the city and I get out of the car offering my hand to help Sadie out before she guides me to me to an elevator. I watch as she taps the second highest floor, my eyes slightly widen and I know she takes notice of this because I can see the small smirk playing on her lips. Once we arrive at the top and the elevator doors open Sadie reaches for my hand pulls me with her towards a desk with a receptionist behind it. She smile brightly greeting us and I look around. It's packed, there's no way Sadie had gotten this last minute. But then again she is a celebrity, she could've used her status, but I know she's not like that. Maybe someone cancelled last minute, couples break up all the time, someone must've booked and then broken up with their partner and cancelled their booking which made an opening.
"Booking for 2 under the name Sadie Sink" She says to the receptionist making me look at her. "Yup, got you. Perfect timing, 7:30 on the dot. Right this way." She says guiding us towards a secluded table in the corner of the restaurant which gives us quite a bit of privacy. I pull out Sadie's seat and she thanks me before sitting down. I take a seat opposite her and look out the massive window beside us. Their was a beautiful sunset to the right of us. "How did you manage to get this so last minute?" I ask as I turn my eyes to her. She shift around in her chair before speaking up. "I uh, I don't know. Luck I guess?" She says as I nod. "Must be the luckiest girl." I say as I look back out to the view. "Yeah." She whispers just loud enough for me to just hear it. I turn back to her, she's staring at her hands which are on the table. She looks upset. I furrow my eyebrows and lean over the table placing my hand over hers which makes her look up at me. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask, concern laced in my voice since I'm genuinely concerned. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" I say making sure she knows that I am here for her. She forces a smile and gives me a nod. "Yeah, I know, thank you." She says making my eyes narrow as I pull my hand back and look at the skyline. I feel a soft smaller hand on mine and I look at her. "I mean it. Thank you." She repeats as she smiles, genuinely this time. I nod and pick up the menu a waiter had just placed in front of us.
"So I said no and just walked away." "No you didn't!" Sadie says laughing. "I literally did, because like what did he think he was gonna do, expel me? He doesn't even have the authority to do that." I say as she continues laughing. "And nothing happened?" She asks as she attempts to stop her laughter but failing miserably. "No, well. The principle came after me but I literally just lied to her because what's she gonna do, ask for proof?" I say making her laugh even louder. "How do you get away with so much?" She asks as she tries to poke bean on her plate with her fork but misses because of how much she was shaking with laughter. I smile before I feel a vibration in my pocket. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I pull my phone out and notice the Caller ID. "Hey Millie, took you long enough to respond. Anyways, did you want to come to my trailer to watch some movies with me later tonight?" I ask not allowing her to say anything. "What? Yeah, sure. But what are you saying I had a half-day I literally just got off set." She says making me pull my phone from my ear to read the time. 8:12pm.
"Oh, what the hell. Sadie said you guys finished early?" I say confused as to why she finished later. "What? It was only her who finished early, said she had an appointment at like 7:30, said she couldn't cancel." She says as her words slow down and she pauses before gasping. "Wait, is she with you?" She asks "Yeah." "Oh my God, are you guys doing something for Valentines day? WOW, just leave work." She says faking annoyance. "Hey, my character is not needed today, I was off work." I reply back but she ignores my comment and backtracks to earlier in the conversation. "What are you guys doing?" She asks and I respond by sending her my location and she gasps, loudly this time. "No you're not!" She says not believing me. "What, what is it?" I ask curious to know why she reacted like that.
"You can't get a booking there for months and you'd still get a bad spot, and especially Valentines day, thats fully booked for the next like 3 years and there's only a few spots left for 4 years from now. It's literally one of the most expensive and luxurious restaurants here." She says making me raise my eyebrows. "Are you serious? She was telling me she got it last minute." I say and Millie laughs. "Noo, she's lying to you hon. She must've bought it from someone else." She says making me think back to when we entered. "It was under her name though." I say confused. "She must've booked that years ago then." She says and I stand there silently before remembering Sadie's waiting for me. "Oh shit! I gotta go, bye Millie I'll see you in an hour or so." I say waiting for her response. "Bye Y/N." She says before I end the call look at the mirror and fix my look.
I walk out and notice our table is empty and I look around notice Sadie leaning on a wall by the elevator waiting patiently, she glances at her wrist before looking up and noticing me. Her face lights up as she meets me halfway. "I thought you ditched me for a second." She says jokingly but by the way her eyes lit up earlier I knew she was lying. "Yeah, sorry Millie called me." I say and she nods before tapping the elevator button. "What are we doing now?" I ask as we walk into the elevator. I watch as she taps the button for the highest floor this time. She smiles at me and looks back at the door and when it opens I realise we're on the roof. She smiles and pulls me towards the edge and we look at the view. "I saw how you were eyeing the view so I requested if we could go to the roof they said yes." She says making me smile before I speak up.
"Maybe I should have my date here." I say as I turn to Sadie and her smile falters. "Date?" She questions. "Yeah, me and my movies." I say and she lets out a breath. I look out to the city and it makes Millies words ring through my head. "You didn't finish early did you?" I ask making her furrow her eyebrows. "What?" She asks. "Today, you didn't finish early, you told the Matt and Ross that you had an appointment." I say and she winces. "Millie?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah, I booked this earlier." She says and Millies words repeat once more. "A few years ago?" I ask and she avoids eye contact nodding once more. "Yeah." She says defeatedly and I nod at her response, taking in her words. "So why'd you take me?" I ask and at first she doesn't reply, she just continues to look to the city glowing around us. The moon shines on us and after a few seconds she looks at me, her eyes glistening. "Why do you think?" She asks, her voice was soft, almost fragile, as if she would break any second.
"Are you serious?" I ask and she scoffs and turns around. "Wait! Sadie." I say grabbing her arm and turning her towards me. "You actually, like me? Like, like like me?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "Yes Y/N, I like you. Why is that so hard to believe?" She says pulling her arm out mine but doesn't make a move to leave. She sniffs and thats when I take notice of the tears that streamed down her face. "Sadie" "Don't, please." She pleads as she takes a step back. "I like you Sadie." I say and slowly take a step towards her. Sadie looks at the ground as she responds. "But not like that." She says assuming my words as she tries to wipe the tears away. "No, I, I like you like that." I say and for the first time since she confessed she looks me in my eyes. "This better not be some sick joke." She says and I notice the redness in her eyes. "I'm not, I swear. Why is that so hard to believe that I like you?" I say copying her words from earlier and she looks everywhere but me. "Sadie. Please, look at me." I say as I put one of my hands on her face wiping the tear streaming down her face. She turns her face towards me. "God, you're too pretty to cry." I say as my other hand rises to hold her. Her face now sitting in my fingers. My eyes flicker down to her lips and I slowly move closer, mine hovering over hers. "Can I kiss you?" I whisper and she nods.
A/N: I LITERALLY DIDNT KNOW HOW TO END IT GUYS 😭💀 It’s ass, but like yeah. That took hours.
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writing-wh0re · 9 months
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A/N: Hey Hey!Soo I'm kinda back?
I'm thinking of reopening my requests, starting my inbox fresh and letting new ideas come into play. Might restart my tag list as well, what do we think?
I've recently gotten into Anime and wow, it's an amazing world. I'm thinking of creating a post full of the characters I write for. Plus some of the original characters I write for.
I would love feedback on this Au idea! Would love to explore some Au ideas with other chatacters as well.
Any and all feedback is appriciated, likes are great but reblogs are golden.
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Champagne Kissed Lips
Adult Film Star AU Smut - Minors DNI.
Namani Kento x Fem!Reader x Satoru Gojo
Words: 3,301
Warnings: Smut 18+, Daddy Kink, Oral (Male and Female giving and receiving), Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Intercourse, Threesome, Slight Choking, Explicit Language, Alcohol and mention of smoking.
I hope you enjoy it!!
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University was a drag, class after class, stress after stress, bill after bill. It wasn’t like the movies and it wasn’t something I wouldn’t consider doing again.
I walk through the campus towards my dorm room, hoping my roommate Nova isn’t home as I know her energy will increase my oncoming headache.
“Your home! I have a quick question and want zero judgment from you.” Nova beams, bouncing over to me as I sling my bag onto the chair beside my desk.
“Shoot” I weakly smile, hoping to have silence shortly.
“So as we both know, life is expensive and let's be real, we’re both struggling.”
I giggle slightly, nodding along with Nova, slightly intrigued by where this conversation is going.
“Anyway, I saw Tilly, you know Tilly right? The bright red hair, covered in tattoos with the tongue piercing?”
“Didn’t know she had a tongue piercing but yes I know Tilly, go on.”
“Well, she came into class with a new bag and phone and I’m talking about designer bags.”
I nod along with Nova, slipping off my shoes and looking through my wardrobe for my lounge wear.
“Anyway, I asked how she got these because only last week was she complaining about having to work three jobs to afford to live and oh my god you’re going to flip.”
“Nov, just tell me.”
“Porn, Tilly is getting paid to cum.”
I laugh covering my mouth as I lock eyes with Nova, seeing her seriousness.
“Wait really? Shit, good for her I guess.”
Nova nods as I sit across from her on my bed.
“Which brings me to my no judgment question.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes, we should look into it!”
“Nova, I can’t do porn.”
“Yes you can! You’re so hot, literally all the frat guys want you, you would literally be rolling in it.”
“But you know I don’t want frat guys. I wan-”
“I know, I know, you want a man that knows what he’s doing, someone with experience.” Nova mimics. “There’s a kink for that you know, it’s called a daddy kink.”
I roll my eyes at Nova, laying back on my bed and sighing.
“C’mon, it's good money.”
“Nova, I’m not recording myself for other people’s pleasure.”
“Don’t you need a car? Wouldn’t you like to be debt free? You could move to New York and own a penthouse!”
“Nova, enough.”
“Just know it's an option, I’m going to talk to Tilly about it.”
I nod in response as Nova grabs her stuff and leaves the dorm.
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It had been roughly four months since Nova mentioned the porn industry and never in my life did I consider that I would walk into this world from beyond my phone screen.
Within four months I had worked with numerous adult film stars, many of them satisfying, others only just worth the paycheck.
“Ready?” Nova smiles, her skin tight velvet dress hugging her curves perfectly.
I quickly swipe the red lipstick across my lips, pouting before looking myself up and down. A black see through lace dress, a leg slit high up to my panty line, lace barely covering my boobs, not leaving much to the imagination. Not that the imagination is needed when half if not all of these people at the party have seen me naked.
“Ready.” I smile. “You know, I hate these parties, why do we need monthly parties?” Nova groans, quickly lighting a cigarette as we leave my penthouse, walking through the crisp air of New York.
“Networking, how do you think I became so big so quickly? You’ve gotta promote yourself to the big wigs, make them want you.”
Nova shakes her head, taking a long drag from her cigarette as we round the corner to the hotel, joining the line of other actors.
“I dont want to whore myself out.”
I smirk, looking at Nova as we both laugh.
We’re quickly ushered into the glamorous hotel following behind people into the marvelous ballroom. Floor to ceiling windows of the New York skyline, dimly lit corners with velvet booths. Champagne towers in various spaces, topless wait staff and music blasting through the air. The thump of bass slightly vibrates the windows and glasses.
“Ooo” Nova’s face lights up as the waiter passes us, grabbing two glasses of champagne.
“Cheers to making it out of struggleville.” Nova states, gently tapping her glass against mine.
I quickly tip the lightly bubbling liquid into my mouth, finishing the drink quickly, Nova following suit. Both of us replaced our empty glasses with a refill.
“Holy fuck.” Nova chokes on her drink as I follow her eye line, my mouth becoming dry.
Nanami Kento and Satoru Gojo walk through the crowd, talking with three men both looking fucking mouthwatering.
“They never come to these things, I have never seen these two in person, fuck they’re tall, god fucking damnit, who do I sweet talk to get with them.” Nova rambles beside me as my eyes trail over the pair.
Both men are dressed in full black suits, Nanami has yellow tinted glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and Gojo with black shades tucked into his suit pocket. Both taller in person than expected. Nanami pushes his glasses higher on his nose, my eyes fixated on his hands, god his hands.
“Sorry, uh, I was daydreaming.” Blush slightly creeps up my neck as Nova chuckles.
“I haven’t seen you blush in a while.” “Haven’t been nervous in a while.”
Nova chuckles as she goes wide eyed slightly. Quickly composing herself.
“They’re coming over.”
I look over my shoulder and see the duo walking towards us as I quickly finish my drink, hoping the liquid courage rushes through me.
“Ladies.” Gojo smiles
“Gojo, Nanami.” I smile, feeling Nova nudge my shoulder handing me a fresh glass of champagne. I thank her with my eyes, feeling my skin cover with goosebumps under the eyes of the two men, both of them drinking in my appearance, sharing a look as Nanami pushes his glasses up again.
“I didn’t expect to see you both.” Nova breaks the moments of silence between all of us as Gojo chuckles, grabbing a glass of wine from the various waiters walking around.
“Didn’t think our absence was that noticeable.” Nanami mutters as Nova giggles.
Before Nova can say anything Geto walks up behind her.
“Gentlemen.” Geto nods at them, looking at me “Y/n.” He winks, whispering into Nova’s ear as she quickly nods and gets whisked away.
It feels like the room gets smaller and time slows as the duo in front of me share a look, both of them with a slight smirk on their lips.
“So, what changed your mind in attending?”
“When someone knocks you out of first place, you’ve got to scout the competition.” Gojo smiles, both him and Nanami stepping slightly closer to me, towering over me.
“Oh, can’t handle losing?” I smirk, Gojo licks his lips and Nanami chuckles.
“We don’t like to lose darling.” Nanami whispers, his warm breath fanning my neck, a tingle running down my spine.
“We’d like to offer you something honey.” Gojo whispers, his hand holding my hip. “A night with us, no crew, just us three.”
“Don’t break our hearts baby.” Nanami whispers, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. Gojo’s hand caresses my hip, his warmth seeping through the sheer lace of my dress.
I open my mouth, zero words forming as I nod. Gojo tuts shaking his head.
“We need to hear you agree.”
“Tell us what you think darling.”
Both men seek my approval as I smirk.
“Yes.” I whisper, my eyes flicking between the two of them as both men smirk.
“Gojo.” Nanami states as the white haired man nods, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd, Nanami with his hand on the small of my back helping to guide me.
We make it to the elevator, the three of us standing in silence, a light chatter within the lobby and the distant thump of the bass from the party filling the air.
The elevator tings as the doors open, the three of us piling as the doors slowly close. The second the doors are closed both men push me against the glass window.
“Fuck.” I whisper, Gojo’s lips on my neck as Nanami kisses along my jaw.
Nanami grabs my chin between his thumb and index finger. His eyes lingering on my lips.
“Baby, you won’t be the same after us.”
“I’m counting on it.” I whisper as Nanami smiles, his tongue dragging along his bottom lip before our lips crash against each other. I moan into the kiss, Gojo sucking on my neck, his hand grabbing a handful of my ass.
Nanami pulls away from me as Gojo cups my cheek, bringing our lips together. His tongue fighting against mine, his kiss rougher than Nanami’s.
The elevator dings, both men pulling away from me as my chest rises and falls quickly. My brain is trying to fathom what’s about to happen.
Halfway down the hall, Nanami unzips my dress, his fingers lightly tracing my back as wetness continues to pool between my thighs, my pussy aching.
Gojo unlocks the door as Nanami slips my dress down my arms. The door clicking shut as my dress pools at my heels.
Both men stand and look at me, the only light coming from the city below. My skin feels hot, blush creeping up my neck as their eyes foam up and down my body. My thin G-string barely covered me from their gaze.
“God.” Nanami groans, loosening his tie as Gojo undoes his belt.
I bend down to undo my heels causing Gojo to stop me.
“We want them left on baby girl.”
“We’re sure you paid enough for them.” Nanami states, his jacket being folded neatly and draped over the couch, his body beside me as he trails his fingers up my side. My breath hitches as Gojo walks out of the room.
Before I can question his absence, he walks back into the room, a camera in his hand. Butterflies erupt inside of me as Gojo flicks on a soft warm light, getting the camera at the right angle of the couch right by the city scape.
“We don’t want a crew to be watching us, everyone hearing the sounds you make for us.”
“We want you to forget the camera exists, the bright lights and the sound crew.”
“We want you on our platform, our girl.”
Their words are like honey, smooth and sweet. The butterflies and goosebumps swarming all over me.
“Let me be yours.”
“Music to our ears princess.” Gojo smirks, quickly ridding himself of his clothes, Nanami following suit.
Gojo wraps his hand around my neck, pulling me closer to him as our lips crash together. His hands roam my body, his finger hooks into my G-string and flicks it against my skin. I moan into his mouth, a gasp falls from my lips as Nanami’s hand cups my pussy. A low groan filling the air.
“You’re soaked, fuck Gojo she’s dripping.”
My moans fill the air as Gojo pulls away from me, his piercing blue eyes focusing on Nanami’s hand, watching his fingers rub my swollen clit through my panties.
“Good girl.” Gojo praises, kissing the side of my head. I run my hand down Gojo’s toned chest, softly digging my nails into his skin, causing a low sigh to fall from his lips. I trace his clothed cock, watching him bite his lip before I slip my hand into his boxer briefs. “Fuck Nanami.” I gasp, his fingers slipping past my panties and pinching my clit.
“Lay down baby, let us take care of you.”
I lay on the soft couch, my head on the arm rest as Gojo comes to stand above me, Nanami moves my legs, hooking one over the back of the couch, spreading my pussy for his eyes.
“Perfect, more perfect than the camera could ever capture.”
I blush at Nanami’s words, looking up at Gojo, his cock springing free.
My lips part, shocked by his size.
“You can take it darling.” I open my mouth at Gojo’s words, a smirk on his lips as my tongue traces the tip of his cock.
“Fuck daddy” I moan, looking down at Nanami, his tongue slowly dragging up and down my slit, sucking my clit between licks. Nanami moans against my pussy.
“Keep calling me that.” He whispers before continuing to trace my clit with his tongue.
“Darling.” Gojo whispers, his hand holding under my chin, tilting my head back. “I know Kento is good, but daddy needs attention.”
I nod, using my hand to guide Gojo’s cock into my mouth, pumping whatever I can’t fit. Circling my tongue around his dick, hollowing out my cheeks, his cock falling past my lips with a ‘pop’.
“You’re good at that darling, don’t stop.”
I moan around Gojo’s cock his hand caressing my cheek, soft moans filling the air.
My free hand grips Nanami’s hair, tugging at the strands causing a groan to vibrate against me.
“We should have fucked you sooner.” Nanami whispers, blowing against my warm pussy, my legs shaking with a tingle. My back arches, his fingers slipping inside of me, slowly pumping in and out, curling up inside of me.
“Y/n, god baby you’re tight.”
I smirk at Nanami’s words, popping Gojo’s cock past my lips and pumping him faster.
“All yours, only for you.”
Nanami and Gojo chuckle.
“You’re eager to please us honey.”
I blush at Gojo’s words, watching as he pulls away from me, him and Nanami swapping places.
Nanami leans over me, his lips connecting with mine as I taste myself on his tongue. Both of us moaning into the kiss, his fingers dancing across my collar bone, his hands cupping my boobs.
“God Yes!” I scream, Gojo slipping inside of me, his cock stretching my pussy as Nanami rolls my nipples between his thumb and index finger.
“Fuck honey, no wonder your number one.”
I giggle at Gojo’s words, swiping my tongue around Nanami’s cock, his hand moving from my breast to my throat, softly applying pressure as he thrusts in and out of my throat. My eyes roll backwards, the sounds of our moans filling the air, the scent of sex flowing through the room.
“Good girl, you’re taking us so well.”
“Uh huh” I moan in agreement, Gojo’s thumb brushes against my clit, rubbing in fast circles.
“C’mon baby, daddy wants you to cover his cock.”
“Go on darling, cum for Gojo.”
I drag my nails up Nanami’s chest, his cock thrusting in and out of my mouth, my tongue swirling around him. Gojo rubs my clit faster, his thrusts dragging out of me slowly and thrusting into me harshly.
I dig my nails into Nanami’s abs, his groan filling the air as I hollow out my cheeks around his cock. My back arching and legs slightly shake.
“Just like that baby, that’s a good girl, cum for me.”
Nanami slips past my lips, my scream of pleasure filling the air.
My body jolts, my pussy tightening around Gojo causing him to hiss.
“Just like that baby.” Gojo gently rubs my clit, his thrusts slowing.
“You’re such a good girl for us princess.” Nanami whispers.
I hum in response, blissed out as I feel the couch dip, Gojo and Nanami switching places.
Nanami grabs me by my hips, pulling me up to straddle his waist, his lips connecting with mine. Our tongues swirl against each other, his hands grabbing my ass, spanking each cheek.
I feel Gojo’s hand caress my cheek, my lips pulling away from Nanami’s. I smile up at Gojo, his thumb brushing against my bottom lip dragging it down as my mouth falls open slightly. I take Gojo’s thumb into my mouth, sucking and swirling my tongue as Nanami runs his cock up and down my slit.
My head tilts back, a moan falling from my lips as I gasp at Nanami’s size, his cock stretching my walls, slightly thicker than Gojo.
“God Nanami.”
“Mm, fuck you’re so wet and tight.” Nanami whispers, his teeth pulling on my ear lobe as Gojo holds my chin, his eyes locking with mine as his friend thrusts in and out of me, his hands holding my ass guiding my hips back and forth.
“You take cock so well baby.”
I smirk at Gojo’s words, leaning to the side of Nanami and tracing my tongue along Gojo’s cock.
Gojo’s fingers run through my hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail. Our eyes lock together as I use the rhythm from Nanami to bop my mouth up and down on Gojo.
Nanami wraps his hand around my throat, applying slight pressure causing my eyes to water and a gag to fall around Gojo’s cock.
“Huh, are you cryin’?” Gojo taunts a cocky smirk on his lips.
“Struggling to take both of us?” Nanami grunts.
I moan in protest, feeling completely full and blissed out.
“By the way her pussy is gripping me, I think she likes it.”
“Oh she fucking loves it.” Gojo states, thrusting his cock deeper down my throat as tears prick my eyes.
I pull off Gojo, my chest rising and falling as my nails dig into Nanami’s shoulders.
“God, I’m close.”
Nanami moan’s against my ear, his hand slipping between us as he rubs my clit in fast circles.
My moans fill the air, my hand pumping Gojo’s cock fast, my thumb brushing over the tip of his cock with every second stroke. Gojo runs a hand through his hair, tilting his head back, his loud moans complimenting mine.
“Just like that baby.”
“You feel so good.” Nanami moans, his head resting on the back of the couch, his fingers digging into my hips, his thrusts speeding up.
“I’m cumming!” I moan, my pussy clenching around Nanami, my hand speeding up on Gojo’s cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, don’t stop.”
Gojo’s fingers slip into my hair, his hand pulls my head back causing my mouth to fall open as I stick my tongue out.
“Such a good girl.” Gojo smiles, pumping his cock against my tongue, hot bursts of cum covering my taste buds.
My eyes roll back, feeling Nanami’s cum shoot inside of me, coating my walls as I swallow Gojo’s release.
Gojo leans against the couch, resting on his hands, all of us taking a moment.
Savoring our time together.
I slowly lift myself off Nanami’s cock, both of us wincing at the loss of contact. I sit beside Nanami on the couch, Gojo leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of my head before walking over to the camera and stopping the video.
“I hope you know we’re making this a monthly thing.”
“Oh really?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at Gojo’s comment.
Nanami’s hand falls to my thigh, running his finger tips up and down, a soft smile on his lips.
“But we won’t film everytime.”
“Mm, I’d love that.”
“Wait.” I quickly stand up, my legs shaky as I search through our clothing, finding my phone and sitting on the couch with Nanami. Gojo smiles, walking over to the two of us standing behind the couch. I aim the camera at the three of us, Gojo’s lips on my neck, Nanami’s hand around my throat as his lips whisper against my ear.
“Show off.”
I smirk, taking a quick picture and showing the two of them. I quickly uploaded the photo to my instagram and twitter with the caption.
‘Champagne never tasted so good.’
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
i saw this meme on ig about how someone got in trouble for “destruction of government property” because she gave her husband (who is in the marines) a hickey that was visible in uniform — now i have no idea how this would fit into look at us now but it could be a fun add eventually 😂
Look at Us Now — Ch. 3.5: Strip Away My Conscience
Fic masterlist
I have a good chunk of ch. 5 written, but got completely sidetracked by this prompt lol I hope you like it. Just reminding you that this happens very early into the fic.
Warnings: NSFW, language, illicit hickeys
Words: 2,8k
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“I texted Sellene. She’s coming to visit,” Fenrys said while chewing.
Rowan nodded. “When?”
Taking a deep breath, Rowan faced away from his dinner to glare at his roommate. “Tell me you did not ask my very pregnant cousin to come here just because you felt like it.”
“Rowie Bowie…” Fenrys sighed, his voice disappointed while he used the most unserious nickname imaginable. “We need to have a serious conversation.”
“Okay…” Rowan trailed. Fenrys’ serious conversations could be anywhere from a food craving to an actual serious conversation.
“Imagine you’re the most amazing housewife you’ve ever seen.”
Rowan hummed, weighing his answer carefully. Fenrys’ games could be a dangerous thing. “The picture-perfect type, or the Big Little Lies type?”
“Picture-perfect. Funny, gorgeous, long blonde hair. Amazing roommate.”
“Are you describing the housewife, Sellene or yourself?” He eyed his friend warily. This description also fit Aelin, but Fenrys didn’t know about Rowan’s—affair? Entanglement? Fling?—with her.
“The housewife. Which is me. Let me finish—“
“You know you have to actually do something around the house to be considered a housewife, right?”
Fenrys threw a napkin at Rowan. “Asshole. I’m a great housewife. Now let me finish.”
“Go on.” He snorted and focused back on dinner. Rowan had made meat on a stick today, and he wouldn’t let his food go cold because of Fenrys’ nonsense.
“So, picture this. You’re a housewife. You and your husband don’t have sex—“
“This is getting weird.”
Fenrys shushed him. “You and your husband don’t have sex, but you tell each other everything. Then…” he placed both hands on the table and leaned closer. “He starts getting home late. For weeks. Until, one day, he comes home with a hickey. What would you say?”
Rowan stopped mid-bite, then chewed it slowly, buying himself time. Considering Fenrys told he was the housewife, and Rowan had been arriving home late, this could be tricky. He had little to no idea what this was about, though.
“I’d say this hypothetical husband could be having a hypothetical affair.”
“Exactly!” Fenrys was gesticulating a lot, a telltale sign of his agitation. “And considering that the husband always tells the wife everything—“
An incoming call from Rowan’s mom interrupted the conversation.
That’s weird. This was an unusual time for his mom to call.
Did something happen?
Rowan grabbed his phone as fast as he could, heartbeat picking up with the realization that this could be an emergency.
“Mom?” He blurted without even excusing himself to take the call.
“Son, you are in so much trouble.” Rowan’s shoulders loosened up, now that she seemed okay. His mom didn’t sound relaxed, though. “I cannot believe I have to learn from Sellene that you have a girlfriend!”
Rowan’s whole body stopped. He looked at his phone as if he could see his mom through it. What the hell was going on inside Rory Whitethorn’s head?
“Mom, I don’t have a—“
“It was about time, honey! Every time before I go to bed, I pray and ask Mala to—“
“I’m not dating anyone, mom!”
“Well, then why did Sellene call me to tell she’s going to help you hide a hickey with makeup?”
“A hickey?” Rowan rubbed his neck with a full hand. “Why do you think I have a hickey?”
It was Fenrys’ booming laugh that made his mind go blank and restart.
Rowan’s stomach dropped.
He snatched his friend’s phone from the table, swiped to open the camera and, indeed, there was a gigantic hickey on the base of his neck.
What the hell.
“…I’ll be waiting for you to send me a picture of her after we hang up. And you never confirmed if you’re visiting for Beltane. Are you bringing her with you?”
Rowan swore internally. His mom wasn’t the type to pressure him too much, but the closer he got to thirty, the more hopeful she got about his love life.
“Mom, I don’t think I’m bringing anyone. Or sending pictures.” He sighed. “It’s not serious, okay?”
“Oh.” A pause. “Well, sometimes these things take time. You’re still taking her on dates, right?”
He didn’t answer.
“What, mom?”
“You are taking her on dates, aren’t you? Paying dinner. Making sure she gets home safe.”
Silence stretched.
“Rowan Whitethorn, this is not how I raised you!” Her voice raised to a strident, inherently mom tone that gave him war flashbacks from his teenage years. “You’re practically thirty years old! You need to stop fooling around and at least look for someone to settle down with…”
He let his mom keep scolding him and ran to the living room when he heard the bell ring. And just like she told him, Sellene was waiting on the other side of the door, holding a bag that he assumed had makeup inside.
She gave him a side hug and leaned closer to his phone. “Hi, Auntie Ro!”
His mother finally stopped lecturing him. “Hi, dear! Glad you made it alright. How’s the baby?”
“Way too comfortable in here, I want her out!” Sellene had an exasperated tone, but patted her pregnant belly affectionately.
He said goodbye to his mom while Fenrys greeted his cousin, then they all sat on the couch.
“Was it a beast?” Sellene asked.
Rowan tilted his head. “What?”
“The thing that bit you on the neck.”
Fenrys’ loud cackle boomed in the living room, followed by Sellene’s.
Rowan groaned. “You’re never gonna let me live this down, aren’t you?”
His cousin slowly shook her head. “Not a chance in hell.” She turned to his roommate. “Thank you, Fenrys, for telling me the juicy gossip and saving Rowan’s ass.”
He made a mock bow in response right before Sellene moved to sit by Rowan’s side and opened her makeup bag.
“I want my things back as soon as this bruise fades out.”
Rowan tried to not look annoyed. He was grateful his cousin was here to help him, but he wasn’t comfortable with this whole situation. Besides, why wouldn’t he return her makeup?
“That’s too bad. I was thinking of keeping your mascara.”
Sellene affectionately slapped the back of his head.
“For when you get another hickey, asshole. Now let me see which foundation matches your skin tone better.” A beat. “And give Fenrys your phone. We need to record this so you can do it again in the morning.”
Rowan took a deep breath, tried to relax and let Sellene do her thing.
This was nothing more than a reminder that he should end whatever was going on with Aelin. She’s his student, she has a boyfriend she’s lying to him about, and having sex inside any military base is a crime.
This fling was a fucking dead-end street.
And yet, Rowan knew he would be waiting for her at his office tomorrow evening.
“Watch those steps!” He barked.
Rowan rubbed his neck and shoulders, trying to get rid of the stiffness there. He didn’t understand why did his students’ performance get ten times worse when they were marching in the rain.
”Allsbrook! You’re walking like Michael Jackson, watch your knees!”
The young man turned to Rowan, and his eyes widened a second later. Then his step faltered, nearly colliding with the recruit behind him.
“Don’t look at me, look ahead!”
They had been doing this for a whole month now, why in hell were his students looking at him so much? Even Aelin, for Mala’s sake.
“Forty on the floor after the march ends!”
It’ll easily become fifty push-ups or more if it stops raining, but his students already know that.
After both classes from this afternoon were done, Lorcan texted him asking to meet before he left the base. It was probably something about his schedule. What he couldn’t stop thinking about was this situation with Aelin.
What was supposed to be a one-night stand became an illicit affair, and now he was knee-deep into this shit. Fenrys knew, and he’d never drop this until he knew what was going on. Sellene knew. His mom knew.
Deep down, Rowan knew he needed to end it. As much as he knew he wouldn’t.
Worst case scenario, they’d stop in five weeks, when Aelin’s basic training ends and she leaves to the hospital, a whole block away from him.
Rowan shook these thoughts off and entered Lorcan’s office.
“You said you wanted to see me—“
“Whitethorn!” Lorcan stood up from his chair with both hands on the desk. “Tell me why the fuck is every newbie and their mother talking about this fucking vampire bite you have on.”
Rowan’s eyes widened, and he immediately put a hand above the purple spot.
“That’s not supposed to be there.”
“No shit.”
Groaning, he sat on the chair before Lorcan. “I mean, I covered it with makeup before coming to work. Sellene taught me and all.”
“You did a shit job at it. I can see everything.” He slowly sat back, eyeing Rowan warily. “You done for today?”
Rowan nodded in response.
“‘Kay. Don’t let anyone else see this, you hear me? Especially high-rank. You fucked up real bad.”
“I told you, it was supposed to be covered,” Rowan said through his teeth.
Rowan’s pulse was thundering between his tight muscles. He wasn’t mad at Lorcan, though. He was mad at himself.
He didn’t know if it was the rain, his sweat or something else that made the makeup fade, but that hickey shouldn’t even be there in the first place. Committing a disciplinary trangression like this, putting his career at risk, was a lot more than whatever he had with Aelin was worth.
“This is destruction of government property, you know.”
“What?” Rowan tilted his head. That was a way to snap him out of his thoughts.
“You.” Lorcan pointed with his index finger. “Are government property. This.” He pointed at Rowan’s hickey. “Is a transgression. Now you’ll leave base without letting anyone see you, and when you get home, you’ll tell that vampire you keep in your dungeon to stop damaging government property. And do better makeup tomorrow”
He nodded, understanding a command from a superior when he saw one, but still added, “There’s no vampire in my dungeon.”
Lorcan scoffed, “Then who’s the girl?”
There’s the problem with being friends with your boss. One minute he’s scolding you, the other he’s prying about your love life.
“There’s no girl.”
“A dude, them?”
Rowan groaned. “Okay, there’s a girl. I’m not talking about it.”
“It looks like she was trying to suck your soul out of your body from that spot, man.”
He bit his lip, forcing himself to not laugh and hoping his cheeks didn’t blush. That was a weirdly close description of what he and Aelin were doing last night.
His conversation with Lorcan wasn’t as scrutinizing as the one he had last night, though. He thanked Mala his friend wasn’t a big gossip as he left his office.
And went to his own.
It wasn’t to see if Aelin would be still waiting for him. He just needed to drop a things off first. Rowan’s body definitely didn’t relax when he saw her in a spot close to his office, but not so close so it wouldn’t raise suspicion.
“What took you so long?” She asked after looking around to check that the hall was empty.
He unlocked the door to his office, and only answered when they were both locked inside.
“Captain Salvaterre wanted to see me.”
“Was it about the hickey?” Aelin clamped her lips together, but the ends of it were still tugging up.
Rowan frowned. “That’s not funny.”
“It is a little.” Her giggle was as tiny as the tug Rowan felt in his chest. He heard her moaning quite often, but not her giggles. It was a good sound.
Rowan loosened her hair and tugged, tilting her chin up.
“I’m fucking that sass right out of you.”
Her breath hitched. “Please.”
Rowan pressed their lips together in a long, all-consuming kiss, feeling all the weight on his shoulders leave with a flick of her tongue. He had one hand still on the back of her head, while they used the other to fumble with each other’s clothes. Sometimes opening, sometimes groping. Aelin tasted like opioids and nicotine and everything addictive in the world, flavored with the grapefruit mouthwash she used.
She broke the kiss to fully take her clothes off and sit on the edge of his desk, and Rowan took it as a cue to kiss her lower. He trailed kisses on her collarbone and worked on her breasts, until he pinched one nipple and—
She winced.
Rowan immediately stopped. No matter how rough they got, and a wince was never his response.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry.” Aelin frowned at her boobs. “They’re a little tender. I must be getting my period soon.”
He resumed his caresses, gently kissing and licking her breasts while one hand slipped between her folds. “Is that better?”
She whimpered. “Very.”
Rowan slid her closer to the edge of the table and got on his knees, lazily kissing her thighs until he gave a long lick on her slit. Aelin’s breath hitched, and she wrapped her legs around his neck.
Gripping her hips with both hands, Rowan savored her with long and slow flicks of his tongue. She grabbed fistfuls of his hair and choked him with her thighs, but it only turned him on more. She moaned and wriggled against his mouth as he wrapped his lips against her clit, and when Rowan plunged a finger into her, Aelin tapped his shoulder.
“I want your cock,” her beg was a little too breathy.
Rowan grabbed a condom from his drawer, picked Aelin up and took her to the couch he brought just to fuck that pretty cunt of hers.
He sat on the couch still holding her, rolled the condom down and let Aelin take the lead. After letting Aelin guide him towards her entrance, he covered her mouth with one hand, grabbing her waist with the other.
She held herself with both hands on his arms and sank down, moaning against his hand as Rowan stretched her all the way.
Aelin’s pace was slow even after it didn’t need to be anymore. She was riding him in slow, provocative moves, throwing her chest out and showing off all her curves with an arched back. It made his body burn even more for her, muscles tightening with anticipation to fuck her the way he wanted.
“You’re teasing.” He slapped her ass.
She gasped, closing her eyes and opening her mouth in a sensual O. Then said, “Maybe I like teasing you.” Aelin opened her eyes and put one hand around his neck, squeezing and tilting so she could see his hickey. “And I really, really like that mark on your neck.”
When she squeezed her walls against his cock, Rowan lost it. He held her up, threw her against the couch’s armrest so she was lying on her stomach, and buried himself inside her.
His pace was as hungry for her as he felt. Every day, all day. Right now, he felt no shame about whatever they were or what he was doing. He’d keep it as long as Aelin kept kissing around his sense of right and wrong.
Rowan pulled her hair, spanked her ass and slammed into her all at once. The way she cried out pierced through him, marking his very soul. He still had to muffle it with his hand, though.
Their frenetic pace got even more frenzied when Aelin sobbed his name and held on to whatever she could. Rowan pressed her clit and she clenched around him in response, one pushing the other over the edge. He went limp over her for a second before giving her room to sit beside him.
“That was…”
Rowan nodded. “Yeah.”
Just like he predicted, he didn’t have one bone in his body that felt ready to end things with her. To do what he should do. This would be the perfect moment, and he was her superior. He could just ask her to stop seeking him and go on about his life.
However, Rowan wasn’t the first, neither would he be the last man to be ruined by his own dick.
He turned his face to her, catching sight of the slightly damp, sweaty ends of her golden hair, and how it framed her heavy breasts.
“I’m sorry about the hickey. I might’ve gotten carried away, I’ll…” Aelin bit her lip, cheeks flushing even further. “Restrain myself next time.”
Rowan waved her off. “Don’t worry about it. Just be careful. Apparently, you’re destroying government property.”
Aelin cackled, head tilted back towards the ceiling while her shoulders shook.
“Is that what he told you?”
“Yes.” Rowan snorted. “The property doesn’t mind, but you know how the government works.”
”Do you think the government will be upset if I destroy its property a little more?” Aelin had a troublesome smirk on, eyes glinting as she sat on his lap.
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osleeplessflowero · 1 year
Close - A Swap!Sans xReader Oneshot
It's a bright, sunny morning. You step out of your house, deciding to walk to your intended destination: your best friend Blue's house.
The two of you have been close ever since the monsters surfaced, you having met him while passing by Muffet's new cafe.
The more you talked, the more you realized that you actually have a lot in common! Similar interests, similar taste in music, in movies..you click pretty well.
Today, Blue invited you over yet again to do a workout together. You've been doing it together for a few months now, so often that it'd feel weird doing it separately.
You enjoy his company anyway, the two of you are very close.
It does make you very happy to get opportunities to see him..maybe a little too happy. But he doesn't have to know that.
You knock on the door, waiting a moment and hearing muffled talking behind it.
"what's the password?" "Stretch, we don't have a password." "yeah we do. came up with it last week." "And how would I know that if I wasn't here then?" "hmmm- dunno." "Quit Fooling Around, Papyrus! Let Them In!"
You smile when you hear his voice as he opens the door, leaning slightly on the doorway in an attempt to look cooler. (It's absolutely working.)
"Welcome To My Humble Abode." He smiles, putting a hand on his hip.
"Happy to be here, Blue." You smile in return, walking in with your bag. Stretch gives you a little pat on the head as you pass by as a greeting as Blue leads you upstairs.
"I Made Sure To Get Everything Ready Before You Got Here- Don't Wanna Waste Any Time, Y'know?"
"Look at you, being all prepared."
"But Of Course!" He grins, much more obviously than his usual permagrin. You simply smile in return as you both enter his room.
You sit down your bag and grab what you need for the time being, taking a sip of water before doing some stretches.
The two of you begin your routine, going through different stretch positions.
"Okay, That Part's Done- Hmmm.. What To Do Next.." "Maybe we could do a dance or something as a part of our workout this time. It could be funnn-" "It Does Sound Fun." He raises a hand up to his chin, thinking, before agreeing. "Do You Have Any Songs In Mind?-" "I think I have a good idea for one." You grab your phone, playing a song for the two of you to dance to.
"This sound good?" "I Like It." "Great, then that's what we'll use."
He offers out his hand to you, which you take.
"So..guessing we should just kinda improvise-" "Yeeeah, I've Got Nothing Planned-" "We'll just have to figure it out as we go along."
When the song restarts, the two of you begin moving. At first you're a little out of sync with each other due to improvising, but you naturally move together with time.
Forward, back, forward, back..
His smile becomes more confident as he spins you around quickly, before pulling you back towards him.
You smile and let out a laugh, moving quickly to the beat again.
He finds himself staring at you, his soul beginning to flutter as he hears the sound of your laugh.
At one point you both spin, and you find yourself falling. His hand shoots out and quickly grabs yours, pulling you back towards him. Maybe a little bit too closely..
"Are You Alright?" He looks a little worried, though there's also a small bit of a light blue blush on his cheekbones.
You feel your own cheeks heat up just a little bit as you notice that your left hand is on his chest, the other still being held by him.
"Y- ..Yeah, I'm alright- just slipped, haha-" "Alright, Just Making Sure. I Wouldn't Want You To Get Hurt." "I'm good, really. Look at you, worrying about me-" "Shush. Let's Just Continue."
You snicker, proceeding to dance with him again to the beat of the music.
You seem to find yourself getting lost in it, moving the ways you feel you should. Blue finds himself admiring you again, watching your movements carefully, trying to match them. You move so freely, without a care..
You get an idea as the two of you take each others' hands again, spinning Blue and sending him away from you, before pulling him back towards you, dipping him downwards. The music suddenly sounds a lot more muffled than you remember..
He looks up at you in awe, you stare back into his eyelights.
"My, Aren't You Full Of Surprises?" "..Can't let anyone know my next move, it'd take the fun out of it."
He smiles warmly at you, and you feel your face heat up much more than before. "Would You Happen To Know What My Next Move Would Be?" "Hmmm..what?"
He reaches his hand up, placing it gently on your cheek. As soon as he makes contact, you instinctively lean your head into his touch, catching both him and yourself off guard. Whoops-
Goodness, now you're both flustered messes.
He moves his head up a bit, and you find yourself leaning down..wait, what's happening right now?- you were just dancing a few seconds ago, hello???
Your thoughts are interrupted when a sound is heard outside the door: knocking.
You both move away from each other, looking at workout equipment.
"hey, sans, i'm gonna head over to rus' house for a bit, okay? don't have too much fun in there, you two-" Stretch walks away from the door.
As soon as he leaves, the two of you make eye contact again.
"Um, so.." "Err..I'm Sorry, I- I Don't Know What Came Over Me Just Now-" "Oh, no no, don't worry about it, it's okay-" "Really?" "Yeah- I..I don't mind." You avert your eyes from him.
It's quiet a moment, before he turns directly to you.
"..Could I Try Something?-" "Huh? Oh, uh, sure, go ahead-" He takes your hand, before lifting it up to his teeth to imitate a kiss.
"A-" Your face is very warm now.
He lowers your hand, smiling at you.
"Couldn't Let You Know My Next Move." He winks.
"Damn you, you charming rascal-"
He laughs, gesturing for you to follow him.
"C'mon, Let's Go Get Some More Drinks Before We Continue." "Alright."
You find yourself smiling at the fact that he's still holding your hand as the two of you walk downstairs together. This scenario seems to have brought the two of you a bit closer..
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thebestofoneshots · 2 months
I'm honestly so exited for the next chapter of GC!!!
If you had any advice for anyone wanting to write a maurauders fic what would it be?
Hey Darling! I think my advice to anyone who wants to write, not just fanfiction for the Marauders, but anything in general, is that you must do three things:
Pay attention to your surroundings
This one is important because there are stories developing around us at all times, and these stories can be both inspiring and insightful. You have to look at people. But to really look at them. How does sadness look? How does desperation? What about happiness and excitement? What about love?
Paying close atention to the way people react to things, to the way their faces move and to the way they try to stop them from it, is what gives you a real outlook on all these things and helps you with the classic "show don't tell" aspect of writing. (You can also fo this by watching movies, it doesn't have to be just real people).
Sometimes what I do, is very much like method acting. What I mean by this is that I try to feel my character's emotions in my own body so I can write their reactions, did they furrow their brows? Did they shed a tear or two? Sometimes it takes a heavy toll, but personally. I like living the story as I write it.
Read a LOT
Now, I've got dyslexia and I'm a slow as fuck when reading, but still, I try to read as much as I can, especially now, I've been reading a lot of old classics, the likes of Frankenstein, Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Grey, Midsummer Night's Dream, and even some other not so classics like The Secret History.
I'm currently reading The Brothers Karamazov and I especially pay attention to new vocabulary (English is not my first language but feels like it at this point) and yet, sometimes when we read we skip past words that we allude a meaning due to context but we don't actually pay atention to them.
I mean did you know the black suit with white neckline that priests use is actually called a "cassock"? I had no idea, so thank you Dostoyevsky for teaching me that. (Comes in handy for that Priest!Remus fic I'm working on, if you know what I mean).
But yes, read a lot. You know Virginia Wolf once said:
"Read a thousand books and your words will flow like a river"
And trust me, she was onto something, nowadays I find myself using words that just in 2023 I wouldn't have even thought of, and that's just like a 6 books difference. And I know some of you all are incredibly fast readers! (Someone literally read the 300K words of GC in two days, not even in my dreams would I be able to do that).
So use that to your advantage and take out your books. Or read on ePub on your phone, that works just as well. Instead of scrolling, go to your books app!
My screen time does not look like this out of coincidence.
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I've made a conscious decision to stop scrolling Instagram and Pinterest so much and start reading instead. Whenever I'm waiting in the car, whenever I have a free moment, I OPEN that app and get READING. (It also helped that The Secret History is damn engaging).
Also, since the Marauders don't have much official material, I'd recommend reading more fanfiction on them, it's the only way you can get a grasp of the personality we have collectively created for them.
Start typing
And finally, all that reading, all that looking and all that feeling is going to we worth for nothing if you don't actually sit down and write. Be it on a notebook while you're in school (I used to do this a lot, I don't even know how I got such good grades), or type on your computer while you're at work and have some free time.
It's silly when writers say this, but you have to make time to write, it really is the only way to do it. Sit down, write a word, and then another, and then just keep going. You don't like the result? It doesn't matter you can write it again, scratch and restart, but you must get writing.
And finally, don't be afraid to show your work, sometimes feedback is the way to get better. I mean, beats me I didn't know "tight" and "thigh" wasn't the same thing due to dyslexia for years! And it was thanks to one of you, that I took a closer look and realised what a pitiful mistake I'd been making.
So yeah, WRITE, show your work, and get feedback from friends, family or people on the internet. That's the secret ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
I might have gotten carried away with this answer lol, this is why it always takes me so much to go through my asks.
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kyskaisen · 1 year
Hey bestie since you were talking about Christmas requests. May you do a quick Maki x reader where they both go to New York for the holidays.
im so fucking pissed off cuz i had to restart my computer and the draft i had for this post didnt save😀 anyways YES!! i love maki sm👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
Paring: Maki Zenin x Reader (hope u dont mind the reader being fem bodied)
American Christmas
Maki thought it was a horrible idea, flying into America for Christmas. Any other time of the year, and you had to pick the holidays. To make it worse, the two of you are going to New York of all places! The busiest city in America!
Maki huffed as she kept looking out the window and watching the clouds pass her as the plane was soaring through the sky. On her right, you were reading Best Served Cold and scrolling on your phone with a dropped jaw.
"What's wrong?" She asked, looking at you from her peripheral vision. You looked at her, "Nothing!" You chirped with a grin. She glanced over at you with the same bored look on her face. "Are we actually going to America for Christmas?" She questioned starkly. You chuckled at her tone and facial expression. "Yes, Maki. Keep an open mind, New York's not that bad. Don't be so sour all the time." You said playfully before going back to your phone. She rolled her eyes and looked back out the window.
"Have you ever even been to New York?" She asked, speaking into the palm of her hand after resting her chin on it. You looked away from your phone again and at her. "Yes, actually. I was sent on a mission in New York and came back with a few bruises and scratches." You answered with a bright smile. She turned to you with a raised eyebrow. "I would ask why you came back with bruises and scratches, but since you mentioned that you were on a mission, I'm not gonna ask." She stated before turning back to the small window.
"Anyways, I think you'll like it! It'll be something new this year." You chirped before you kept scrolling on your phone. Maki just grunted into her palm, "If you say so." She mumbled while staring out of the window.
"...What if I get weird stares? Since my hair is green." Maki asked, looking back at you. You lifted your head from your phone before smiling at her. "If you do get stares, it's because people are in awe of your beauty. Don't worry, Maki. You'll be fine." You replied before reaching over and giving her a peck on the cheek. Her cheeks began to glow red before she frowned and turned back to the tiny window.
"Whatever you say...idiot."
yes ik that had a horrible ending but at least i finally wrote the oneshot😭
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Farm slave (part one)
When the pandemic broke, my partner Arthur took a radical decision.
We had been together for over three years and had experimented quite a lot. Not only was he an amazing top with a magnificent 20cm cock, he was also the most kinky guy I had ever met. He would regularly punish me with no warning, taking out his leather belt, or using his fetish bamboo stick. He would piss in my throat here and then and occasionally take me to some local club to have me anonimously fucked by random tops. To be honest I was enjoying it a lot. Able to keep control most of the time but happy to let it go whenever he decided to play. I knew how important it was to keep him excited about dominating me and I was ready to accept a lot for the success of our couple.
Few months before the pandemic broke we had bought an isolated farm in the south of the country, thinking we could later have it as a country house for the children we wanted to have eventually. We also thought it would be nice to escape the city here and then and enjoy that peaceful environment.
The day it became obvious we would be locked up in the city we left and decided to settle there for a while.
As many other fellow citizens, we were both seeing it as an opportunity to have a break from stressful jobs and life in the city. Arthur although had another idea in mind. « Babe, i think we have a nice opportunity for a long session we never had the time to really have ».
I knew what he meant. And was thrilled just by the idea. We had often discuss to play a longer bdsm session but had never been further than a long evening. Too busy, too stressed,… even one time the year before Arthur had decided to go for a full week-end dominating me but eventually had to renounce due to a last minute family obligation.
I was ready to go for more and that was the right time to do it.
Moreover the place was very convenient for that. Isolated we would not be bothered by unsollicited visitors. The construction, although modest, was an old stone building and it even included what we had already started to call a dongeon. A small round room, with only a little window with bars, and a few large pillars that could easily be used for bondage. We had played there once upon one of our first visits and it had been intense.
So the first day we arrived Arthur took a blank page and started to list the rules he wanted me to follow. « Let’s make it a true slave experience. You dont want to go half way ». Actually the period was so special I was ready to go for this totally new experience àd had no reason to limit my partner’s kinky imagination. He had never disappointed me in that matter. My business in catering was totaly stopped with no visibility as to when it would restart. Arthur, as a lawyer, was planning to work from distance. I had imagined to spend time on the renovation of the place and in the garden to keep myself busy. I had all my time to play.
Set of rules for the farm slave
General principle : the slave has no right but to obey and serve.
Detailed rules
- The slave shall be naked at all time ; should the house have visitors, it has to hide itself in the dongeon ;
- The slave shall be collared at all time ;
- The slave shall be disciplined every morning and every night ; the number of strokes will be unilateraly decided by the Master and adapted to the performance of the slave ;
- The slave will be fed his Master’s piss without limits ;
- The slave will sleep and live in the dungeon, sleeping on the ground, eating in a dog bowl;
- The slave will be allowed to exit the dungeon only to perform its duties in the renovation of the house and the garden ;
- The slave will have access to its phone only once a day for 20mn ;
- The slave will perform all house chores;
- The slave will not speak to his Master unless requested ; it will adress him as « Sir » and show the highest level of respect;
- The slave shall be ready to be used at all time;
- These rules shall be enforced for a full week. The Master may add any rule at any time. The slave has no right and may not raise a complaint or it shall be sent back to the city
When Arthur handed those to me I was rock hard immediately. This annoyance of being isolated was about to turn into an intense sexual experience. I probably read it too quick and not in all details but turned so excited than in no time I was naked, collared, blindfold and waiting for my Master in the dungeon room.
I was more horny that I had ever been. I had had those « slavery » fantasies for a long time. The short sessions we were usually having did not fully satisfy me. How many times had I thought, what if Arthur does not stop, what if we’re to lock me for long or beat me much harder … that was the day to experiment.
I had been having all those thoughts for over an hour when I heard him coming in the stairs. He was behind the door and I was horny as hell.
Then I heard him turning the key in the lock and he left without a word.
(To be continued)
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adoranoia · 1 year
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[MC] rushes from the school, pulling out his phone to shoot sayori another text message, when he notices something he hadn’t before. a voicemail from her, from early this morning. of course, he opens it, holding his phone to his ear as he continues down the empty streets.
after a moment or two her voice suddenly comes over the line, it’s as cheerful as usual, but slightly shakes as if she’s holding back tears.
“ oh, okay! here we go, attempt five hundred and forty three! ahaha. i’ve had to restart this like, soooooo many times, you have no idea.
anyway, um. hi [MC]! i hope you’re having a good morning so far, i’m… well, that’s not important right now, you know?
i just wanted to call and say that, i’m really glad we’re friends, and. that you joined the literature club with me, even if you say i tricked you! meanie… no, but. really, seeing you make friends with everyone makes me happy, and i hope you’re happy, too.
i’m sorry i’ve been so weird lately, i know i’ve been acting selfish, asking so much of you, bothering you with my feelings even now. ”
he gently opens the door, unsure what to expect.
“ but, well. i’m gonna make it up to you, okay? tell monika to just go on with the festival without me. just have fun! that’s all i really want.
anyway… i’ve been talking for awhile, huh? hehe! bye, [MC]. ”
both his phone, and his knees hit the floor below.
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clubmates-a · 2 years
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[MC] rushes from the school, pulling out his phone to shoot sayori another text message, when he notices something he hadn't before. a voicemail from her, from early this morning. of course, he opens it, holding his phone to his ear as he continues down the empty streets.
after a moment or two her voice suddenly comes over the line, it’s as cheerful as usual, but slightly shakes as if she's holding back tears.  
" oh, okay! here we go, attempt five hundred and forty three! ahaha. i've had to restart this like, soooooo many times, you have no idea.
anyway, um. hi [MC]! i hope you're having a good morning so far, i'm... well, that's not important right now, you know?
i just wanted to call and say that, i'm really glad we're friends, and. that you joined the literature club with me, even if you say i tricked you! meanie... no, but. really, seeing you make friends with everyone makes me happy, and i hope you're happy, too.
i'm sorry i've been so weird lately, i know i've been acting selfish, asking so much of you, bothering you with my feelings even now. "
he gently opens the door, unsure what to expect.
" but, well. i'm gonna make it up to you, okay? tell monika to just go on with the festival without me. just have fun! that's all i really want.
anyway... i've been talking for awhile, huh? hehe! bye, [MC]. "
both his phone, and his knees hit the floor below. 
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Sixty Five. Part 3
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I have realised since having Emi that she is really just Robyn’ daughter, I just donated my sperm. I mean she looks like me but Emi is so close to Robyn, she is just her mother’s daughter and I think Robyn wanted that, she missed out on her daughters that she wanted a child, well a daughter to have that bond with but I think Emi is going to get the best of her, and it’s a shame because all the mistakes we are doing is what the three elder ones are getting, Emi is going to think life is a breeze, she really just loves her mom and I am not mad at that, I think it gives me space to spend time with the boys. The three younger kids are Robyn’ kids, it’s just weird to think that but it is, it’s like Robyn restarted motherhood because she couldn’t do it then, so she is doing it now and these kids are getting the best mother, they really are. They have best of both worlds, and we are both home, Imani was around for that, so she sees it and side eyes and walks off, but you know I think my daughters, they don’t appreciate it but we move on, I guess. I don’t forget but we move on. Today is Emi birthday and I have had about enough of Taylan being in my house, this was Robyn’ idea and I am sure she said it would have been just a day because they are tired, I feel disrespected at this point, some man in my house and I don’t like it but I am trying to keep peace, the old Chris would have thrown him out of the window but I have had enough, I don’t want it anymore “Robyn” I said “yes?” she is too busy for me now, it’s all about Emi and this party “yes poppa?” looking up from my phone “I want Taylan and Ti to stay in a hotel or stay with Rylee, I don’t know, I don’t care. I don’t want him in the house, walking around topless. No” I pulled a face “Chris” Robyn said “I said enough, don’t make me ask again Robyn, you said one night now he walking around topless, I have been kind Robyn, enough is enough. I don’t like it” I pointed, she can’t just Chris me and think I am going to accept it “so kick them out?” she questioned “are they broke? Tell her to grow up and ask her sister, my god. We didn’t have Rylee here with him, I don’t care. It’s my house and I do not want him in the house, are they married? No! So please, I don’t want to argue on Emi birthday, thank you” I smiled “fine, ok. I will talk to them but please, can it be tomorrow? I am so busy” nodding my head “thank you” I was about to snap there but I didn’t, I kept my composure. I think I have been doing so well with keeping my composure with these men in my kids life.
“my nigga!” Herb spat as he made his way over to me “out here looking like someone grandpa, you got the cookout shoes on” I laughed out, nearly choking on my blunt “shut the fuck up, and actually I am someone’s grandparent now, my little guy Aziel” Herb sat next to me “oh shit, yeah. I just thought he’s one of the Brown gang damn. I be forgetting you old as shit you know” I would hit him, but I am too relaxed for that “blunt before the party? That means it about to be lit as shit” I shrugged “I meditate in the morning, just silence, my blunt, the back yard, just happiness. Care free living my guy” he nodded his head “you ready for the party” nodding my head “it’s bittersweet, it’s the last one and she getting it all really, she is blessed if I was to be born I would be her because she got the gang” Herb agreed “whole gang man, she got it all. Little Emi first birthday, I posted actually, and you ignored it, it was when I held her when she came home. The delicate uncle I am” it just hit me when he held Raihan “like when you was about to drop Raihan?” he laughed “reminding people of their bad, man you are not nice. I just got nervous, he was moving around like he got ADHD” shaking my head “he was just born, ADHD just shut up” I can’t believe he is someone’s dad “the fuck is this dude? Titan?” looking at Herb “don’t even start me off bro, I just complained to Rih, like you know one day they said because they came and whatever. I was ok with it and then now we in deep and this guy walking around topless and Monica looking like Ti got a Greek god” I need to shut up, I am talking too much “Rih mom ain’t ever looked at you like that? You jealous bro?” side eyeing Herb “a little” we both laughed out together “man, you sat here like Monica ain’t ever tell me I am beautiful, I wouldn’t either, you just skinny, light skinned with freckles” punching his arm “this is like history repeating you know, it just hit me now” it’s literally just come to me “huh?” Herb said “Monica don’t think much of me, she tolerates me. Robyn tolerates Oakley, a little better then Monica but like Rorrey and Rajad partners she adores, and Robyn adores Taylan” Herb let out an oh “shit, you right bro” nodding my head “I am right, you said skinny, and light skinned, and it hit me, or this weed is hitting” looking at my blunt smiling.
It is nice to see Taina and Herb getting along, they are talking, it’s nice that majority of us do get along but I still think Majesty is shady because she hasn’t said sorry but who am I to start something off “little Emi party today, you excited” I am currently feeding her because Robyn has gone to check the venue or whatever “dad, do we have to go to a girls party?” Raihan asked “mhmm what do you impose we do? Since you don’t want to go to your sisters party huh?” Raihan smiled “exactly you sound dumb, I told you that you can be with Junior at Rylee house” Raihan is miserable, well missing his brother “mhmmm” he leaned on me “what is wrong with you?” looking at him “Junior thinks I am a joke, and he keeps texting me fat joke because I want to be a rapper” I laughed “fat joke? Tell him you’re just big boned” Raihan is not amused with me “son, don’t let him for one annoy you” Raihan is chubby, like it’s cute but he doesn’t like it but still eats “I am hungry” he grumbled “you want some of Emi’ food?” I asked “dad!” he laughed “dad can you tell Rylee to let Cenctral Cee talk to me” this child “talk to him Raihan, you don’t need permission” he is so silly “but like I want to be a rapper and I can rap dad and I can show him, can I be on stage with him, at his show” I pulled a face “ask him your damn self, you can do it. Rappers aren’t shy” he needs to learn, these kids really love Central Cee, it’s more their music and with him having the thing, that one night thing I know it’s going to be busy “alright Raihan, I will ask. Now let me feed her” he smiled at me, I really don’t think he is really wanting to be a rapper, he is bored.
Robyn’ theme is everyone wears light colours, so we wearing white, both of us and Emi but nobody else can wear white but it has to be light colours, she literally said people will be escorted out which to me is funny, she is so dramatic “Aziel look so cute” turning my phone to Robyn “he looks so smart, I love that lime green cardigan, I wonder how long it will last until he ruins his clothes” Robyn has a point “I hope not, he looks so handsome, oh and she posted them” sliding across and showing Robyn “she really got that boy wearing something other then sweatpants and tees” turning the phone “don’t they look good, oh Rylee really put thought in that, I like they she stuck with the lime green theme too, I thought she would have worn white, I won’t lie. I love that picture of them” Robyn complimented, liking the picture. I am laughing, she really got him in a lime green shirt, it’s Gucci but still, everyone knows he doesn’t do anything but himself. Adding a comment ‘Blink twice if you are being held hostage @CentralCee when has this guy ever worn a shirt with added colour?’ he will be teased to the very end, I do not care “I love that everyone is wearing everything but white” looking over at Ti and Taylan “see, that is nice. It’s like an Ivory colour?” I said, “yeah it is, we was looking and staring at it, I said if this hits white we are out” I like that “I like the shade, it’s nice you know” I complimented “thank you” Ti said, “what a beautiful couple” Monica said, “Taylan is punching really, my daughter is the beautiful one” Ti pulled a face “stop it dad” she blushed “I am serious, he is lucky to have you, always” I smiled lightly.
I always find that walk inside awkward, like just everyone staring at us with Emi, but this party is big like she got that Gracie Corner person here “who is that?” I pointed, Emi is in her own world talking “I think she is shocked; she is so used to seeing you on YouTube, and I was like I need to have them here. So thank you for doing this”  Robyn said “oh it’s our pleasure, when we got the call I said we would do it for free” I chuckled “that is nice, thank you bro” shaking the dad hand, seeing Rorrey is here “I will catch up with you after but Emi, she is happy seeing this, I think this is the main part for her” making my way over to Rorrey “don’t speak about it” dapping “I thought you wasn’t coming here, flights being delayed” he huffed out “I ain’t slept, like I wish I went on the Jet now, I said it to Nadia and she laughed. I am so mad” he shook his head “you better hide though, white? Robyn about to kick you out” Rorrey groaned out “I am saying she needs to be happy I am here, but this is a nice set up, it’s amazing. I think it’s the fanciest party I have been too for a child” Rorrey pointed, and I looked behind me “Aziel looks very handsome” he said “right, I said the same. Look how he is stood there innocent, that child isn’t but yeah, I said to Robyn. Us adults need to turn up so these kids need to go” Rorrey laughed out “I want Popcaan on that stage by the end of the night” he pointed at the stage, he is right though but I know Robyn, we always turn up after the party is done for the kids, I can’t wait to have a little bump and grind after.
I think Okaley has had enough of me and Herb “you know what I was thinking, he look a little Latin too, who put the curls in your hair son?” Herb asked, “my daughter?” I said smiling “maybe, like I do this anyways, but she enhanced it” I laughed “enhanced it, nah you good. Just difference to see you dressed like you belong somewhere and not on the streets” Oakley is just side eying us “enhanced it, you two are annoying” he pointed, I think he is right when me and Herb are together we are annoying “you good though” Herb nudged him “you wanted to kill me? I ain’t forget that” I cleared my throat “I wanted to kill you too, I still do” I smiled at him “alright look that is my niece, I was having to do the uncle thing, but I know you cool if Chris likes you and Chris isn’t a guy to like everyone, what you like about him?” Herb looked at him “good question” I laughed “I think he reminds me of me, but he is a calmer guy then me, but I think he has that same mentality as me and I feel his life and dynamics is like me” it’s true “impressive, what about me?” Herb asked, “you’re there for my entertainment, so I can smile” Herb is stupid every time “yeah he is funny” Oakley agreed “see, I don’t make the rules. But you a good guy, you just need to relax on some shit and we good” he touched his stomach “like this gut man, I need to get rid of it. Taina then can you know, get back with me” he rubbed his stomach like a pregnant lady “sure” I pulled a face “you want to see my ex, Cench. This is my ex” Herb pointed her out “and you played that?” even he agrees “nigga!?” Herb spat “I know what I done; I got it. I know I have” shaking my head “he is an idiot; she is too classy but this idiot” placing my arm around him.
I am making my rounds, I am meeting and greeting everyone, besides Momo. I tried to not see her much, but she is here before the cake candle blowing. She is here with Taylan, the Barbados family really love him “you have been busy” Monica said “I am sorry, I have to greet everyone” I apologised “your mother in law, you see this. Everyone but his mother in law but I don’t blame you. The guests needed that” nodding my head “yeah of course, you enjoying yourself?” looking at Ti “it’s very mom” Ti said which made me laugh “bougie and big, it’s a big price tag for Emi, the party could have rehoused a few people” I sighed out “she is doing it because it’s her last” Ti is right “I know, it’s cute through. Emi is loving Gracie; I am sick of hearing it but to see her happy it’s alright. I will take that” I usually put it on YouTube and run out of the room because I am sick of hearing it “did you want this many kids?” Taylan asked, I had to laugh “erm” I paused “I need to word this without sounding rude but, I couldn’t stop. My wife is beautiful, she is the most amazing woman and things happen, a lot of times” Monica hit my shoulder “he is a pest, he wouldn’t leave my poor daughter alone” I sniggered “but yeah” rubbing my chin “Chris!” Robyn shouted me “duty calls now” walking off, I think I have been so good today. I have spoken and spent time with everyone, I am just waiting on the second part of the party. The drinks will be set out, and weed out for the masses, I need that right now, but we will act like this for the kids. I don’t even think we can smoke weed in here, I think Robyn did a section outside, but the booze will be flowing better by then, no sneaky drinks on the low, which sucks for me.
Raihan punched my leg stood with Emi “excuse me little nigga?” I looked down at him “you not do it” he said to me “oh yeah, let this be over first” he huffed out “Ti, Rylee” Robyn waved them over, they stood there like they didn’t come out of her vagina, them girls of mine “bring Aziel with you!” Robyn said, she is leaving her son, I sighed out “we can literally take a family picture while we are here” shuffling down a little “my dress” Imani spat “oh my bad, there is too many dresses around” I don’t know here to go “dad” Rylee said, looking over at her “you can hold your son” I said, she is passing off her child “I really like his outfit, I can’t lie. I get why Dior wanted him and not you” Rylee gasped “you are so mean! Oh my god!” I sniggered “ok, can you all just look at me” Dennis spat “I am joking” nudging her “mom said no boyfriends in this picture” I chuckled “rightly so, they ugly as shit too” smiling as Dennis took the picture “actually! Dennis. Boys come here” taking Aziel “take a picture of my wife and the girls. I think that will be perfect” Robyn looked at me “oh god, it makes me feel so old with my daughters” she huffed out “you are old” moving back, I think it’s the sweetest thing “Chris, you’re right. Look how sweet the picture is” Monica complimented, Ti and Rylee not wanting to kill each other is sweet, I like that they can just be cordial “beautiful picture” Dennis said “can I take one with my eldest three” Robyn looked at me, making my way over to her to take Emi from her “I got arm strength, don’t I Aziel” he isn’t letting me go, I think it’s just a weird gap in ages, I feel for the boys sometimes. Emi is has the worst one, Robyn got emotional “Aziel, why are you touching my daughter’ hair?” I asked him, he isn’t pulling it he is stroking her like a dog “stop it” looking back at Robyn “sorry, I am sorry!” she laughed “just yeah, don’t mind me. Wow” Robyn is really crying “you know I do love you girls, ok. Enough” everyone cooed out, I think it’s sweet and I know the pictures are going to be sweet.
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I want to reuse this cardigan, so I folded this up before he does anything nasty to it, it really complimented Aziel a lot and he has had so many compliments. Looking over at Aziel, he is good at harassing my sister a lot, she is trying to not fall while walking and he is there to make sure she does fall, smiling at him. He is very caring to other kids, but I think he doesn’t get that he is too much with the touching, Emi fell down which I knew she would because his big self just there. Getting up from the chair, picking her up onto her feet “mommy look” Aziel showed me his chain “I know, dad got you that” picking her up, pulling her dress down “Aziel, leave her alone” moving him away, Emi held onto my hand. She is so happy, her little face just storming around. She looked at me smiling, I don’t know why but it just hit me that she reminds me of Imani, when she was a baby. Smiling at her, I felt emotion hit me “I am here!” Amerie came “I needed the bathroom” I laughed “it’s ok, Aziel kept her company and dropped her a few times, Amerie picked her up “of course he did, were you being a babysitter?” Amerie asked him, Aziel got all shy “hey, don’t be shy with my second mother now” I laughed “oh you know what, I was thinking when I went to sleep last night. How much I miss you girls at home, you all bought the drama” I laughed “we did” I mumbled “I remember when Ti said Rylee has gone out with North that night, I said she hasn’t because it’s night and there is cameras. I woke up next day and I nearly fainted, you gave me heart pains Rylee” I chuckled “erm, sorry. Well I wanted to be with North then”  I was bad “Ti and you both just making sure you both snitched on each other, you sisters were just something” I cringed, we weren’t good really and never will be.
Pressing a kiss to the top of Raihan’ head “Rylee, nobody takes me seriously, and dad is not asking but can I come to Cench concert? I really want to go, and he can help me be a rapper” I chuckled “you serious about this?” he groaned out “I am! Can I go? Will he have me there” I cooed out “of course he will” that reminds me where is Oakley, I haven’t see him in a while actually “Raihan, do me a favour. Find him for me, please” Raihan jumped off the seat “I will” he really means it, I will take him of course if mom and dad say yes, he got to have permission first. Grabbing my phone and looking at the group chat, I sent them the picture of us together with my mom, I love the picture. Smiling at them complimenting it ‘Auntie spat you out! We know why you’re her fave’ Lillian said in the chat ‘sometimes!’ I replied, my mom sometimes wants to beat my ass, they on crack “Rylee!” looking up from my phone, my ears perked up, I can hear my son’s cry in any setting “I found him and it’s not good” dropping my phone and getting up, I just felt it in my heart something wasn’t right. Looking around and the music is slowly being drowned out, people starting to stop talking. Hearing Aziel crying, pushing by “calm!” I heard Herb shout, I picked up my speed pushing by everyone “he’s sensitive, come on now” Taylan said, seeing Aziel on the floor crying. Picking him up “just calm down the both of you” what is even happening here, looking at Taylan again and he got a busted lip and then seeing Oakley “get off me, I ain’t going to do anything” Herb has him held “get off him uncle, it’s ok. Oakley, what happened” I can’t even hear a thing with Aziel crying “your nose” I said, “I just don’t want them to fight” Herb said “it’s ok I got it, Oakley come with me” looking at Taylan, I knew he would have done some shit, I am blaming him, and I don’t care.
Aziel won’t let me put him down now, Oakley is holding his side “what happened, are you in pain? Speak to me” he shook his head “what happened to your side” he is in pain “he sucker punched me” he mumbled “Aziel, please. It’s ok, stop crying in my ear” crouching down “what happened, tell me?” I asked him “he started talking to me, and I don’t mind it. Aziel was with me, and he started saying erm” he cringed “I need painkillers I can’t lie erm, he said that I like young girls, he said lucky Aziel is a boy, he called me a groomer and that I popped your cherry, he said these things and I got mad. I threw the first punch” I just froze, he won’t know any of that shit. That bitch Ti told “you stay here, I am coming back, and we are going, just don’t move” I said, I am so angry that now I am going to cry “Aziel, I am going to need you to stop crying” I am so angry at her and him, they have no right, and she should have known better to not say a thing when that was a secret. Seeing Ti being all concerned of Taylan so is Momo, of course she is. My mom and dad have just come all confused “he hit me” Taylan said “no he fucking didn’t, nobody attacks anyone over anything” who is he kidding “your man hit mine Rylee, he has no fucking right” I know she isn’t speaking to me “you and I are fucking done, you thought we was done before but this is over. Dead, done. I don’t want to know anything in regards to you, I don’t care. What you told this motherfucker was a secret between us, I have fallen out with North and not even she told anyone! And she is always fucking high and has a big mouth, you had no right! This was a secret between us” I shouted “I did nothing” she defended “you might as well say it, as long as you blacken my name, I am the disappointment anyways Ti so say it. Go on! Fucking say it bitch! You had no right, I get it you didn’t like him or even me, and you want Oakley dead, but I don’t like Taylan, and never will but I don’t say I want him dead; you know what you are fucking done, and no dad! Fuck it, I am done. You couldn’t keep one thing to yourself, how could you” Ti is quiet and for what “he attacked my man” she mumbled “and that’s all you care about, ok” smiling at her “and you know what, I don’t care anymore. I won’t have some bastard like him thinking he got one over us, I slept with Oakley at seventeen, there. Now fuck you, I slept with him! I wanted to have sex with him but did this bitch say that!? No, sorry dad but your precious cunt there couldn’t keep a sister secret, ok Aziel!” I spat; I am over it all.
I wish Aziel let me just gather my stuff “we are going, can you get up?” I asked Oakley, he got up which is good “don’t go” Mel said, she came out of nowhere “no, we are going” I said “yeah well I won’t have everyone hating him, I can’t stay here. I am not going to stay here with someone like that, I am not upset. My life isn’t here anyways, it’s just another rollercoaster of hate drawn out because she couldn’t keep a secret” I said to Mel “I have secrets from your mom that I would hold to the grave, one of those. Well, we all do things” she said “he is not a groomer, he didn’t look for me. I won’t have people saying that to him, he isn’t that” my voice broke “leave us, thank you auntie” I said to her “I love you niece” I nodded my head, walking off with Oakley “I want to go” Oakley is rushing out now, not even allowed me to get my stuff so I just ran behind him “you going?” Noella said but I didn’t answer, clearly she missed it all so it’s fine “you got the car key?” I asked him, I don’t have it “I got it” he mumbled, I am sure he said he was in pain.
Placing Aziel on the couch, he fell asleep as soon as he got in the car seat “I have left my phone there, I don’t have it on me” I said out loud, I left half of my stuff there. Will I ever get that back now, I don’t even know. Turning around, and Oakley is just there staring off “Oakley?” I said “it’s over, I am done out here” he said “fuck” he paced away “everything is over, I will be done out here” my heart dropped “I am sorry” I mumbled, he fell forward holding onto the side of the couch “I am done out there Rylee” he looked at me “this is it” he stared at me and then a sob left his lips “everything in life has consequences, oh my god” he placed his hands over his face, I feel so bad “I am so sorry” I don’t even know if he wants me to touch him “I wish I wasn’t so selfish, I am sorry” wiping my tears that fell “I don’t know what to do” he walked by me, I have fucked up his life, his career and really I am to blame because I pushed for everything “I am so sorry” he walked off and went upstairs, my selfish ways would one way or another catch up with me and I feel so bad, I ruined his career, I sobbed out.
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pynkhues · 2 years
delightful, dreams, & euphoric!
Thank you!
delightful; concerts or museums?
Concerts at museums. Pre-pandemic, I used to go to Friday Nights at NGV all the time, where you get to wander around looking at art while live bands play. It was (still is, I believe, since they recently restarted) the best, and my forever fave was being there with a folk band playing while I made my way through a Van Gogh exhibit.
Generally speaking though, I'd probably lean towards concerts? I tend to hunt for stories in museums, which is great in its own right, but I love to experience art in a form I can't / will never create in. I get to be a complete and captured audience, and there's something to that, y'know?
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
I do not have any tattoos! I do want some! Me and my best friend have been talking for years about getting a take on the jolly roger, only instead of a skull and cross bones, it's a cat skull with a red and white wine bottle crossed underneath, haha. I love it, but I also don't know if that should be a first tattoo.
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
Oh gosh, haha.
I've been talking to my sister probably the most I have in years (which is to say at least twice a day) as her divorce and custody battle is happening at the moment, and it's all pretty awful right now between his financial abuse and increasingly erratic behaviour, and her mental health, and there being two very small children involved, but it's also bizarrely marked a really new stage in our relationship, which is the last thing I was expecting.
My sister and I love each other deeply, but we've never been friends in the way that I am with my brother. Our relationship has had periods where it's been quite fraught, and she's probably one of the only people in the world I fight with (I feel I'm generally pretty lowkey, haha), and I'll be the first to admit we have a lot of baggage. We're pretty close in age, compared to our brother especially, who is eight years younger than me, and ten years younger than our sister, but my sister's also the sort of person who's never felt fulfilled by the company of women. She's always really sought out men, and I know why, because I know her, but it was one of the harder things in my life I guess to let go of this idea that we'd be the sort of sisters who had the sort of relationship I have with my friends.
A few weeks ago, for maybe the first time in our lives, she expressed a real regret about that, and told me she was jealous that I had such intimate friendships with so many women, and that she felt the lack in her own life, that she was lonely, that she both needed and wanted women around her, and I told her that she had so many that were there waiting for her. That she has so many friendships that are just waiting to be deepened, and women who love her and want to connect more with her and support her, because she does.
And then I told her I was really proud of her, because I am. I can't even fathom what she's going through, but she's handling it with a strength I didn't know she had, especially because - - well, look. We have baggage, like I said, and there are times when she has not had strength, and to see her not just surviving something like this, but clawing her way out of it with integrity, and bending but not breaking, is something I find so deeply admirable, and I told her that too, and she cried, and we just sat on the phone with each other for an hour and then two, pottering around the house with me making dinner, and her in her apartment getting ready for the next day's work, and I still don't think we're friends exactly, but I don't think either of us have just existed with each other since we were kids, and there's something in that. A shift, a slip, or maybe a leap, I don't know.
Just something important.
Ask me things
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femdomliterature · 7 months
FemLit 0515 - Psychology of Denial...
I have been wearing a chastity device called a cb-2000 on and off for about a month now. My first “sentence” was three and a half days, the second time i was “locked in” for seven days and this time around its been six days since the lock was snapped shut and i have no idea at the moment when i will be allowed out. My Keyholder is currently threatening to let me out to pleasure Her without allowing me to cum and then locking me back up. Funnily enough i am, kind of, in a strange masochistic way, looking forward to that.
To those of you who read that opening paragraph and are currently whispering under your breath that “this guy must be nuts”. let me say that a few years ago i probably might have said the same thing. So what happened to me that has led to such a radical change of view? What persuaded me to agree to purchase a chastity device and why are both my Mistress and i so delighted (actually delighted is a significant understatement but i will come back to that in a moment) by the events of the last few weeks?
Before i get to why it has delighted us so much, its logical to talk about what i was like a few years ago when i never entertained a single thought that some form of chastity was in my future. When i met my future Wife and Mistress online, back in 1995, right from the very beginning we played around with “orgasm control”. Mistress trained me over a period of time to pretty much cum on command by always counting back from ten down to zero and expecting me to ejaculate at the point She said “NOW”. Obviously as an awesomely devious, wicked and cruel Mistress there were times when the count stopped before zero and was not restarted immediately. Some form of begging on my part used to be involved at that point. When Mistress was good and ready the count would start again. In the end i came to associate that kind of scene with the inevitability that i would orgasm at some point. sooner or more invariably later.
As an aside we much later on played an ironic game whereby whenever i was close to orgasm i had to beg Mistress to stop (Her hand or my hand or my thrusting or Her thrusting depending on what we were doing) and sometimes She said “Okay” and i experienced the sweet torture of holding back and riding the (almost) crest of an orgasm. (sometimes referred to as “edging”), then calming down only to be ordered to start the cycle (of torment) again.
Other times She said “No” which in effect was an order to keep going and orgasm.
Back to the actual sequence of events the next development was the first time, having played some of these “edging” (or if you like “teasing”) games and i had been aroused for a significant period, that Mistress decided to send me to bed without allowing me to orgasm. In other words my first experience of “orgasm denial”. When She did that i am embarrassed now to have to admit that i pouted. For about three days if i recall it correctly.
Mistress was very cool about the whole incident, did not let me away with it, but it was some time before we visited orgasm denial, as opposed to orgasm control, again. At the time our relationship was principally online and by telephone and yes i could have said yes (or more appropriately “yes Mistress”) to Her and having said goodnight, masturbated to completion anyway. i think the reason i didn’t do that, is that our relationship meant more to me than that. We always treated what we did online or by phone as being as real as anyone else’s D/s relationship. Perhaps that level of trust and honesty is what brought us through the dark days of being 5000 miles away from each other to the point where we are now inseparable. Missing the point?
A whole bunch of things happened that made me begin to question whether i had missed the point that chastity could be a delight from my perspective. i never really had a problem understanding the delight from the Dominants point of view in the sense that there must be an enormous feeling of power to be derived from controlling the sexuality of the submissive / slave. i, on the other hand, had a vague (or maybe real) fear that probably had some of its roots in internet fiction. Many short stories involving devices, of one type or another, involved very long-term chastity extending in some instances to permanent soldering of the lock. More worryingly where long-term chastity came into the picture cuckoldry always seemed to be part of the plot. Its easy to say the words “its just fiction” or “don’t be silly that’s a fantasy and fantasies are often way out there” and logically i know that. Emotionally it’s very different. i have no desire to be involved in a long-term denial dynamic and cuckoldry is a hard inviolate limit for me.
i guess i was making the assumption that these stories were representative of the chastity dynamic. i was very wrong about that! One of the things that began to change my mind was a book called The Multi-Orgasmic Man. The book highlights ancient Chinese and Taoist teachings which recognised that men can achieve multiple orgasms by delaying and even withholding ejaculation. The book explains that orgasm and ejaculation are two distinct and separate processes although most men in the western world believe them to be part of the same experience. The book goes on to outline techniques that can lead to whole body orgasms and unparalleled levels of sexual ecstasy. These techniques have at their core learning to hold back ejaculation and circulating the energy of sexuality around the body.
About the same time i began reading the book i was also spending idle time surfing the internet for BDSM articles of all types and came across a bunch of articles written by a Domme called Rika. A discussion about the articles as a whole is a subject for another day but one of the articles is called “The Chastity Fantasy”. In this article Rika describes the dynamic of chastity as, in effect, an elongated bondage “scene” going on for a number of days. She starts the article by effectively tearing down the myths contained in the types of internet fiction that contributed to my reticence on the subject of chastity and then going on to suggest that being put in the device is a “treat” or “playtime”. When i first read that and began linking the thoughts with ideas from the book on being multi-orgasmic i was forced to confront my previous (mis)conceptions about chastity. There was this nagging thought in the back of my mind that somehow i’d missed the point and that maybe this might be fun (in the pervy masochistic sense of the word “fun”).
Might this be fun?
So at this point in the journey i had probably realised that i had a bunch of misconceptions about chastity but i wasn’t yet sold on the idea of a device. At about the same time i was also reading a lot of stuff on the Internet about teasing and denial. There are some excellent resources and i’ll put some links at the end of the essay. i guess the main point i want to make is that searching under the heading “teasing and denial” uncovered resources and fiction that were both fun and arousing in contrast to the fiction that typically comes from a search for “chastity”. Some of the teasing and denial fiction included the use of chastity devices but typically this was done in a way that the men involved described variously as exciting, arousing and mind-blowing. So now i was beginning to think that i was missing out on the fun and that maybe there was prize to be had from a short period of chastity device wearing. basically a mind-blowing orgasm. It ‘s a short step from this to ordering a device from the website.
i’ll add some stuff to this later about the practical issues surrounding wearing a cb-2000 but what i mainly wanted to share is the emotional reactions to wearing the device. Talking with others online about how i was feeling whilst wearing the cb-2000 was what first made me think about writing something to explain, in a more than cursory sense, what was happening to me emotionally.
The first time the device went on Mistress made a whole scene out of the build up to being “locked away”, how much fun She was going to have whilst i was being denied, how She was going to tease and torment and torture me for days, maybe even weeks. And then She snapped the lock shut! i have to say that the first time i did get a minor rush from the lock clicking shut but if i am honest i haven’t had that since. What does happen consistently is that once Mistress has finished with the initial teasing as i go into the device then within about twenty-four hours i do begin to exhibit changed behaviours. i become very much more attentive to Mistress, my submissive nature is heightened and i become much more service oriented than usual. And its not as though i’m an inattentive “do me” male in the first place.
And its not an act and i’m not playing this way in order to get released. i just feel very sexual and sensual. i become much cuddlier and very much more tactile. i can’t keep my hands off my Mistress and from the moment She awakes to the moment She falls asleep then i want to touch and kiss every inch of Her body, to stroke and tease Her and if She allows it or commands it to please Her sexually until She is completely satiated. i can relax totally into this mode of attentiveness and service because i unconsciously or subconsciously know that i will get no release and that this is not about me, its about the pleasure of my Mistress. If i pick Mistress up at work then i leap out of the car and passionately kiss Her neck, Her mouth or Her shoulders oblivious to whether or not Her work colleagues are around. My hands roam all over Her body in a frenzy of displaying my utter need for Her touch, a touch that i cannot have. Mistress usually whispers something teasing in my ear at this point and my passion increases, my desire boils until She snaps, “that’s enough”, pats me on the ass and instructs me to drive Her home.
i also generally have an incredible energy once i reach this stage. At work i feel that i can move mountains with a flick of my little finger. At home i am like a demon ensuring that Mistress does not, as much as possible, have to lift a finger. However we are going to have to sort something out about the ironing because device or not i still hate that . i’m trying to work out how to be more like this when i am out of the device because Mistress finds this incredibly arousing from Her point of view.
She feels incredibly loved, very wanted and needed. It very much plays to the heart of Her femininity. From the point of view of the headtrip, one thing we did slightly differently to the norm was the way my Mistress “holds” the key.
Typically the key is worn on a neckchain, dangling between the breasts. We had a waist chain custom made with a short length of chain hanging down from the main chain with the key dangling just about level with my Mistress’s clit. The torment is that when ordered to sexually service Mistress with my tongue i am very, very conscious that i am being denied even as i bring Her pleasure and satisfaction.
One of the things that i think you have to enjoy to make the experience pleasurable is the eroticism of sexual torment. To actually be able to process the teasing and feel the shivers running down your spine. To enjoy the feeling of your cock throbbing in the device. To be able to accept a comment from your owner to the effect that maybe if your good you might get out tomorrow or maybe the day after that and smile. To show your owner how horny you are, how much you desire to come out for Her pleasure (and yours) and laugh with Her when She giggles and says “No”. To suffer the erotic torture of maddeningly massive erections as She orders you to pleasure Her with your fingers, mouth, lips and tongue. To come to terms with being denied. All these things and more i have come to enjoy and are the source of the energy i have after the first few hours in the device. Downside
There is a downside to all this though. Well there would be wouldn’t there.
Life always seems to have a catch. What seems to happen is that when i have a little down patch emotionally then it can feel like the end of the world.
i know that in essence i am a control freak. i cannot settle when i am stressed about work and therefore i normally work incredibly hard to stay on top of my job. At home i am very organised and a bit of a neat freak. i guess that for me i need to be that in control of my life. That control is also part of my “gift” to my Mistress when i submit to Her. If i am out of control then i feel like i have nothing to give. And then life throws one of its little spanners in the works. This might be easier to understand if i give you an example;
One day the second time i was wearing the device one of our cats accidentally got locked in the bathroom when we went to work. When we got home, not unnaturally, the cat had been trying to get out of the bathroom and had clawed at the carpet and left the edge in quite a mess. And i just lost it emotionally. Whereas normally i might be ticked it felt like the end of the world. i almost cried in frustration. Mistress tried to help me through it but i was inconsolable. And that made me feel disappointed in myself, because additionally i felt i was letting Her down.
It might be that this is just stress on top of the frustration that is part and parcel of wearing the device and accepting the teasing that is an integral part of the situation. A kind of snowball effect. But i think it’s more complicated than that. The highs involved in wearing the device are incredibly high, so if you “fall” there is a longer way to fall than usual.
There is also the issue of beating up on myself for losing control.
It’s similar to the point where you realise that losing your temper is a sure sign that you are going to lose an argument. i think the best explanation i have for it is that it is a kind of exaggerated sub drop. Add all these factors together and it’s a very quick downward spiral. Contributing to this as well is one of the physical side effects of the device which we refer to as 5am “boner”. Clearly this is something that happens quite naturally but normally just passes me by during sleep.
Not in a chastity device it doesn’t!!! Most mornings will find me leaping out of bed, heading rapidly for the loo to try and pee, which helps ease the erection away. After that its impossible for me to go back to sleep so one of the dynamics going on is mild sleep deprivation. This is not a huge issue (other than the size of the boner) but it may well be a contributing factor in the stress – frustration – sub drop situation.
Given that we are getting used to these emotional drops occurring we are better prepared for them and are getting better at getting past them.
As with many “difficult” BDSM issues communication is of paramount importance. I am very lucky to have a safe environment in which to work through these issues given that the basis of our relationship is loving, safe sane and consensual. And, for giving me that emotional safety, i will always be in debt to my wonderful Mistress.
More than anything, this section is the reason i wanted to write this “essay”. The emotional rollercoaster was something we had just not anticipated, the issues it raised were not the ones we expected. This may not happen to everyone. If it does happen to you, i would warn against ploughing on regardless. The issues that arise need to be dealt with slowly in a loving and caring environment.
The prize?
So is it worth it? i can only say that for me the prize is the great highs and tremendous energy experienced whilst wearing the device and an unparalleled orgasm of Mount Vesuvius proportions when “permitted”.
Many men, myself included, suffer some form of performance anxiety. After a few days in a chastity device i have found the chances of performance problems exceptionally remote and therefore i can just concentrate on totally enjoying the sex and on trying not to come too soon. i get exceptionally erect from the moment the key comes into view and there is the chance that i’m about to be released. Its actually quite difficult to get the device off whilst being that aroused. but trust me when i say that this is the kind of problem you are only to happy to overcome.
My advice on the practical side of things is keep the device clean – you can shower in the cb-2000 without a problem. Beware of the lock showing signs of rust and think about using some wd-40 on it between sessions. Use a cream or baby oil or powder to ease any chafing of the skin against the device.
You will have to learn to pee sitting down. the side benefit of which is that you never forget to put the toilet seat down for your Mistress. And you won’t be late for work whilst wearing the device – the 5am boner is more reliable than any alarm clock i have ever had.
There is no problem with the device, that i am aware of, if you are pierced.
In fact if you have a Prince Albert, the sense of security can be increased by additionally locking the PA ring to the device.
It takes a bit of time at the start to work out the best arrangement of rings and spacers with the cb-2000. You do need to experiment a bit first before you go for your first formal “lock-in”. We didn’t and we didn’t lose anything by it, but looking back it would have been more straightforward if we had...
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