#we should just kiss like real people do: darcy & landon
archxngxl · 1 year
What's your favorite scary movie?
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I own nothing but the edit! Images were found on Pinterest!!!
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Thoughts on “After” (2019)
Sorry I'm going to be 12 for a moment "Hardin" hehehehehe
Omg this voice over...yeah I can tell this use to be fanfiction (btw nothing wrong with fanfiction I write it just not about real people)
There's just...after.....TITLE CARD!!!
I question Tessa color scheme like everything is very washed out
Why did the mom sit in back of the car?
Steph's actress is very pretty also her look is great (maybe minus the earrings but they just aren't my style)
Tessa and Noah look related are they?
No one would talk like that in front of someone's mom they just met
"thanks I got it from the GAP" ....-_-
How to show that the mom is over protective....make her the worst from the start
Oh is Noah her boyfriend. ...ok then
Steph vapes.....you know she cool now
Same Steph Noah comes off as brother not boyfriend
"who brings books to college" is my school weird because everyone does??
You know if Tessa falls in love with some who is "bad" I think Steph would be the best option
I'm not judging her clothes because I don't dislike them but going a little heavy on the good girl vibe...
Who is new boy so far he seems nice .... Landon is his name
How did her clothes get so wet from where she put them
Ok her room is small she would have definitely notices him when she walked in
Hardin (hehe) you are being an ass
Also random British man in a movie where so far no one else is British
....what book you reading Hardin
Steph so far the best in the movie and no that's not just because I think she's attractive...yes it is
Oh it was The Great Gatsby. . They are right that is a good book
....I'm only 10 minutes in oh dear
At least Hardin is polite to people who work in the coffee shop
I can't stop looking at his eye brows
Steph / Tessa the couple we deserves
The song playing is called "Say Hoe" amazing
Steph kissing a girl....I wish that was me
Zed.....I wonder who you are based on sir... hmmmmmmmm
I wonder is Molly is supposed to be a bitch? *She said sarcastically"
Zed actor looks familiar *pauses movie*
Oh shit that's Joe from Glee
Being a virgin isn't really a big deal ok ...she just got out if highschool not like she's 35 and still a virgin
"oh sucks to suck"....-_- -_-
She didn't want to kiss you Hardin no reason to have such a pissed off face ....you don't even like her ...I think
Also Noah stop being so judgemental
She had literally a mouthful of vodka ...that's not like drinking really
Oh look a union jack ....wonder who's room this is maybe the one British man in the movie
 Tessa that's not your room ....stop touching other people's things
 Are you looking for something.....you drunk ....like what that wasn't a weird question to ask Tessa
Who wrote this movie like what
Good Tessa even if your boyfriend is a dick don't cheat on him with another dick
How did Hardin get on the roof
" I'm disappointed in you" oh fuck off...
He told her mom she went to the party....what Noah you suck
Noah so far the worst character
They really want to show off Hardin's tattoos
Hardin talking about books is annoying me as an English major ok
Oh look at me I'm Hardin and I'm so edgy with my thoughts on classic literature
I don't think either of them really read pride and prejudice
Oh course Landon and Hardin are kind of like step brothers
Steph best character!!!
Does Hardin only own black shirts and ripped jeans ( I mean same)
Hardin having a sudden change if heart....I don't trust this
Oh she just decided to go with him....why?
This seems like a very long drive
Bring her to the woods? That's not creepy at all ...oh wait yes it is very
He's wearing all black and she's wearing all white ...you aren't clever movie
Did she forgot that she hated him like yesterday
Ok this lake scene is a little cute
Nice doesn't not mean boring ....that's a red flags  ...run Tessa run
With different music this movie would be a horror film a swear
Don't kiss.....well now they're kissing ....stop it
This kiss scene is edited kind of strangely
These actor don't have the best chemistry not sure if that's the acting or the fault of the writing 
Let's see how long this movie plays before they have sex
You still have a boyfriend Tessa
This so far the most normal scene in the movie...this burger date scene
Also now I'm hungry
You said you didn't believe in love you edge lord
How did those guys know they where there
Also Molly why you such a bitch ....does she do anything else but be a bitch
Also Tessa just left her burger ... wasteful
Hardin you were almost a nice person for a full 15 minutes
This isn't Avril Lavigne singing ...sad (complicated is playing btw)
She just woke up and Hardin is in her bed staring at her ...I hope this is a dream.. this is creepy
You're here isn't the reaction one should have
Oh good it was dream
Dump Noah... please Tessa he's the worst
Hardin got his pissed off face again...
This scene went 0-100 very quick
Like was Jace being creepy....I think he was but it went by way to quick
I like Tessa bike
I'm confused.. that's right Tessa what happened
So he has daddy issue
This boy is like a yo-yo he keeps going from one extreme to the other
Red flag ....so many red flags
And they are kissing again
So Hardin is a dick to Tessa makes out with her like once and only nice to her when it's just the two of them...and now they are having sex.. ok then
Also like 51 minutes into the movie btw
Did they have sex ...maybe I don't know ....everything is filmed weird in this movie
How did he get there so fast
Also this break up scene is Tessa best scene acting wise just saying
Steph has a cute little music note tattoo
Steph/ Tessa the only ship I support
When did Hardin get her number?
Do Noah and her mom have like weekly chats or something
Oh now she's talking to Hardin....is she no longer mad at him...ok then 
Oh time for a backstory...I see
You barley know Hardin .....I don't get how she fell in love him
It should not be that easy to sneak into a building
Also you couldn't read to her in like your room on your bed or something
I kind of dig this movies soundtrack not going to lie
Ok Hardin jumping over the entrance and Tessa just talking through was funny I'll give them that
Oh this is they in love part of the movie I see
Like these two could be really cute if not for any other scene in this movie that involves other characters
Wait now are they having sex for the first time?
Uugghh the mom showed up
First her daughter's not a kid anymore and like it's confusing we haven't seen her skip class or even do badly in school so I don't get where the mom is coming from at all
You can't make your daughter break up with her boyfriend
Ok yes Tessa tell you mom off....please she needed to hear that
Tessa did like nothing and her mom wants to just cut her off... I take it back the mom is now the worst person in this movie
Landon why are you in this movie....you haven't really done anything at all
"oooh she paint's" I don't know why that made me laugh
This relationship is moving very fast....they now live together or want to
Also I pretty sure his plans just living at another person house and hoping know one finds out
All these scenes look like they were just shot for the trailer
Not this again.....when did the first time happen
There's like 35 minutes left.....how long till the big break up or fight . .only for them to get back together at the very end
Wait his father's not British?
They really didn't want anyone out side of Hardin to be British
Oh now his dad's a drunk....why is this only being brought up now
I keep thinking one of them are going to fall in the pool
Wait is this their first time having sex
I'm going with yes? Maybe
Ok so sex is definitely happening this time
Also wear protection ...at least movie promotes safe sex
Ok I love the look of that bath tub
Molly can all she do is be a bitch to Tessa
Hardin you better not be dating Molly
Also Tessa don't go snooping around in his phone 
Jace....still creepy
Blind bobs? ...ok
Steph best person ....she's just a good friend
Tessa just be with Steph she'd treat her right
Oh Hardin no please
Hardin.... nooooooooooooo
Hardin you fucker
Like I kind of saw it coming up still Hardin no
Slap him Tessa do it do it
Or just leave that works too
Also we got like 16 minutes before the movie ends so let's see how long till the get back together
I mean they shouldn't because not cool Hardin
Did she just leave....doesn't she have school
At least her mom isn't being a bitch at the moment
Now she's going to talk to Noah....just say your sorry do not get back with him ....he's still a dick
Still into this soundtrack
Oh here mom stop cutting her off that's good
I hope her and Steph make up and stay friends
Be sad Hardin you dick
Also why are all his books so nice looking
10 minutes almost done
So Tessa is following her dreams and Hardin is sitting on a roof sad....again ...ha
A professor can't just give other students work away ....also why does the professor know it was for Tessa
What even was this final project
Darcy and Heathcliff are very different characters and stories I'm just saying
There making a sequel so I'm guessing ending means it's going to work out in the end
Fade to black
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vrenaewrites · 4 years
AFTER by Anna Todd thoughts: Prologue - Ch 50
Full video here.
Originally wattpad fanfic about Harry Styles??????
“I didn't know college would be more than academics”
Confused by (her roommate’s friends) inattention to structure: How fucking lame are you
“And that’s when he crept into my heart” Is he italicized in the books i bet it is
Dude’s name is hardin? More like hard-on amirite
CH 1:
It starts with an alarm going off?!?!?!? Rule number one!!!!!
She spends the prologue telling us she’s been prepping for college all her life and then spends a good half a page telling us that again
“Whatever else teenagers else do, that wasn’t me” We got a mary sue here guys
Razor from the knees down - ok virgin - why was this a detail?
Oh shiiii she got a boyfriend? And his name is NOT hardin guys
She told us multiple times that she prepped for this day forever but also keeps saying she has no idea what to expect...does this take place before the internet? Like...google it??
CH 2:
She just said she saw the school online, like you can find pics of the school but you couldn’t find a single youtube video about “what college is really like” foh
So the mom sits in on orientation but is expected to leave before seeing the dorm room how tf that girl supposed to get all her shit up to the dorm?!?!?! Parents usually help you move in??
So the car was packed FULL of her stuff but then she says she only brought clothes and books and her bf doesn’t have much to carry...so what is the truth?
Oh shit her roommate has tattoos
“Where the dorms are tiny and the parties are huge” and this information is fucking earth shattering to tessa and her mom and not-hardin
CH 3:
Two closets in this tiny dorm room…
“College is not what i expected” you said MULTIPLE TIMES you didn’t know what to expect so what is the truth?!!?!?!?
“Both genders” yikes on bikes
CH 4:
“Hardin scott is not my boyfriend” okay, so many things. No one fucking talks like that unless they wanna introduce the full name of the love interest in the clunkiest way
Also HS are his initials goodBYEEEEE
CH 5:
“Destroyed his body with holes and tattoos” omg
CH 6:
Hardin is fucking neg that calls her Teresa when she asks to go by Tessa and as someone who constantly gets called Vicki when I ask to go by Viktoria, I am on her side in this instance and this instance only
CH 7:
She is so upset that someone called her prissy but then she can’t even bring herself to think of what those people are doing in the frat house bedrooms
CH 9:
The word bottom. As in, steph pushed her bottom against a guy as she danced with him...BOTTOM
She’s in a bedroom with her drunk roommate and a really great collection of books and I GUARANTEE this is Hardin’s room
Wuthering heights ffs
CH 10:
And she’s crying
CH 13:
She introduces herself by her full name and landon does the same whyyyyyy who does this?
He’s a nice kid unlike you - i’m shocked at my harsh words
Am i just a bitch or is she the weakest
So they’re just walking and he screams, “Stop staring at me” out of nowhere and walks away...sounds stable
CH 14:
“Noah is my boyfriend and I would never do anything to hurt him” This is what we call foreshadowing my friends
“A man who is rude an intolerable being made into a romantic hero? It’s ridiculous” hardin
She literally just said her boyfriend is like a little brother…ew
“I’m aware that my hips and breasts are larger than most women my age”...women are fully developed at 18...i don’t understand…
Mary sue shit
CH 15:
“She’s intimidated by you because you’re not like other girls” is that a real thing…
“You look...different” - hardin PUKE
“Are you a virgin?” i puked again
No one seems surprised - bitch you dress like a nun
CH 16:
These chapter breaks make no gd sense
“Hormonal college rock n roll misfits”
Immediately takes a shot of vodka
Hardin looks disappointed that she took a shot because she’s not like other girls…
Slut shaming.com / tessa re: molly
CH 17:
“Sorry if i don’t dress like a slut” no you just wear pleated skirts and khakis like a mormon mother
Hardin doesn’t drink OF COURSE they are sober lil bookworms together
I want to be an author. Of course because she is the mary sue of our generation move over bella swan
She’s drinking again after almost puking
CH 18:
“We don’t need to have sex, we have fun by going to the movies...and going on walks” ON WALKS.
CH 19:
This girl has never been horny before and she cannot cope with the feeling
Am i bad a person for feeling like “Well she already cheated by kissing him, might as well keep kissing him?” like i know that’s wrong but…
CH 20:
Oh my god she’s not telling her boyfriend that she kissed someone else??!?!?
Oh shiii hardin’s in her dorm
WITH NOAH?!?!?!?!?!
When i say weakass you say bitch
CH 21:
The fork at breakfast reminds her of hardin’s lip ring….
She just called Hardin Mr. Rude. “Mr. struggle” lol anyone else watch Cody Ko??
Noah won’t kiss her in public and she does NOT get horny with him
CH 22:
Pride and prejudice is not a magical book tessa
Landon’s mom and hardin’s dad?! Oh shiiiii
“Are you ocd or something” christ
Literally he’s throwing her notes all over the floor like what a four year old
“Eyes burning into mine” AGAIN
They kissin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh shit they doin MORE than kissing
“You’re so sexy tess” I PUKED
Steph’s eyes are clapping with glee?????
“You could learn a lot from Hardin, like, sexually” - steph
CH 23:
They’re talking about the use of foreshadowing in pride and prejudice about if you could tell that darcy and elizabeth would end up together…
What kinda hamfisted shit…
And then she and hardin get in a screaming match about their situation but it’s coded in darcy and elizabeth language like come onnnnnnn
So much twilight vibes: “your mood swings give me a headache” “i should stay away from him, i know he’s dangerous” dangerous how? Because he has tattoos?
FIRST FULL BODY CRINGE: “You’re thinking about me and you have that feeling, down there, don’t you, teresa?”
Twilight: “i don’t wanna stay away from you”
CH 24:
“He really is bipolar” dude
She likes bon iver and the fray...of course she does
CH 25:
No murderino instinct at all
“He must be cold in the warm ass water because he can’t be getting flushed seeing me, a girl he’s made out with multiple times and is obviously attracted to, in nothing but his t-shirt” bitch COME ON
“I’m having real fun, not watching a movie fun”
This is such a dig at noah who she says doesn’t need to fuck her because they watch movies together
SECOND FULL BODY CRINGE: “These lips, the things you could do with them”
THIRD: “Oh Hardin,” I moan and squeeze him with my legs. “I want to make you moan my name over and over again” - hardin
My hormones are out of control - who is thinking about their hormones at this point
FOURTH: She goes to cover up and he’s like don’t ever cover yourself from me, i’ve been with so many girls but none like you
And they’re not gonna do it but “there are many other things he wants to do to her first” and at this point my body is contorted like a jumbo shrimp
FIFTH: The whole fingering scene honestly. Just all of it. He made her towel off with his shirt...am I missing something? She had already put her pants on...what’s the point of that???
SIXTH: “You haven’t said a word to me since” - “since i gave you your first orgasm?”
CH 26:
Wtf is this dude’s problem? She ignores her boyfriend’s call to keep making out with him and he’s like “don’t break up with him on my account, there’s no us going on” like dude y’all just went on a date...so you can keep saying you don’t date...but you just did…
CH 27:
She’s so selfish!!!! Calling Noah because she got rejected by Hardin!!!!!!!! Noah deserves better 2k20
And then she mentions it in front of Hardin to make him jealous WTF
Hardin petty ass Scott says, “noah, that’s a nice cardigan you’re wearing”
Thanks I got it from the gap!!!!!!!11
CH 28:
SEVEN: Tessa wants noah to get her horny so she keeps trying to kiss him and when he won’t let anything happen she stops and he says, “that was nice, tessa”
Tessa takes noah’s car to go help hardin and leaves noah in her dorm room alone when he drove 3 hours to see her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CH 29:
Hardin toxic asshole Scott threw a hissy fit and tessa comes to save the day
He dresses her little glass cut after telling her she’s pathetic...woof
CH 30:
Holy manipulation station nation
Then he forces himself on her and her dumb bitch ass KISSES HIM!!!!!
Cringe throughout: that she describes his lips as pink. It’s weird as fuck.
EIGHT: “You know who i think you are when you’re with me?” “Who?” “yourself”
CH 31:
NINE: He’s telling her if she says the word he’ll leave her alone: “Tell me teresa,” he coos, and i whimper. “Hardin,” i whisper. WHY?
CH 32:
“I don’t know if it’s his smile or the fact that he’s only in boxers, but I’m in a much better mood than before” you skank ass hoe
TEN: He says her clothes hide how sexy and curvy her body really is. Sexy and curvy. Both.
CH 33:
ELEVEN: “I know this happiness isn’t going to last” - the happiness being her straddling this guy that isn’t her boyfriend - “and i feel like cinderella waiting for the clock to strike midnight”
“I can behave any way i want with hardin tonight, because in the morning i’m going to tell him to leave me alone forever” HUH
TWELVE: I am just as intoxicated by hardin, as hardin is by the bottle of scotch he drank
THIRTEEN: Who is this girl straddling this punk boy and asking to touch him...down there?
CH 34:
FOURTEEN: He says he wants to taste her and this dumb bitch licks her lips like “yeah we been kissing wtf” and he says “no, down there” EW
CH 35:
Noah standing up for himself!!!!!
FIFTEEN: Then he calls them those gothic people...gothic? Not goth. Gothic.
CH 36:
Hardin and Noah about to get into it!
Hardin making tessa be honest with noah OMG THE DRAMA
SIXTEEN: I am a moth to hardin’s flame and he never hesitates to burn me
CH 39:
Tessa gets a makeover to go out with steph and i KNOW she’s gonna see hardin and they’re gonna be inappropriate in public
And hardin is here OF COURSE
Oooh and he’s with molly! Tea
She is a slut - TESSA NO
Chapter 37: hardin will ruin tess if she ever comes around again chapter 39: he’s driving her home and making sure her burger doesn’t have ketchup
CH 40:
Noah will get back with tessa if she promises nothing with happen with hardin and we are only halfway through this book BITCH
CH 41:
Oh he drunk and at tessa’s dorm
CH 42:
He picks her up and forces her to sleep in the bed with him despite her saying no
CH 44:
She admits to herself that sleeping beside hardin is worth losing noah and then is trying to talk herself into believing that noah is hotter than hardin????
“You don’t need makeup” “well i like it” “well you’re bad at it” negging ass
This man at the store says, “hardin?” in an english accent and she’s like “i knew it was his dad” well how many fucking english dudes are in this small washington town my friend
This bitch agrees to go to dinner with hardin’s dad knowing damn well he and his dad are NOT on good terms...she’d be walking home…
CH 45:
And then because he doesn’t wanna go to dinner with his abandoning father, she says she’s gonna go to his dad’s house for dinner with ANOTHER DUDE?!?!?!?!?!?
She ignores noah’s call
It is stressing me tf out that she isn’t calling noah back and is instead getting ready for a date with hardin’s family...this poor cardigan wearing man
CH 46:
CH 47:
“He rubs the back of his neck like he always does” - this is the first time he’s done this??
CH 48:
SEVENTEEN: “Oh tessa the things you do to me”
Fingers her without asking?!?!?!?!?!?! She literally says “Without my permission”
CH 49:
She is staying at hardin’s family’s house for the night, asks for her own room because she has a boyfriend - YOU JUST GOT EATEN OUT BY ANOTHER DUDE FIVE MINUTES AGO
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archxngxl · 1 year
describe your muse's handwriting. do they prefer using pens or pencils? is their handwriting neat or messy? do they use all caps? for Darcy
Chicken scratch LOL
Darcy is messy!!!! She's always in a rush when it comes to day to day, but when it comes to her job, she's extra careful. She prefers pens to pencils, but will work with whatever is available :)
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archxngxl · 2 years
💫 Darcy
It was late and really quiet. Darcy sat alone in her kitchen, looking into her laptop screen. Her wrist watch beep. It was time to take some of her medication. The blonde rose up from her seat, stretching as she did. Slow steps were taken to the bathroom, each one more difficult than the last. Her eyes stung from the excessive staring into a screen, and the constant shadow of grief that followed her didn't help.
Her mother had passed away a week ago. The woman who raised her and broken her at the same time, was gone. While tears were shed, Darcy did not know how to act.
Darcy opened the cupboard with her left hand while her right carried a glass. She grabbed the orange bottle, and as she closed the cabinet door, a face appeared behind her in the mirror. Darcy screamed, glass falling from her hand and shattering into a million little pieces on the bathroom floor. She swore she just saw her mother behind her. Her heart was beating rapidly, hands shaking and pills still clenched firmly. Was she going insane? Was it a side effect of the drugs? Darcy didn't know. But what she did know is that she was in for another sleepless night.
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