#we tag so people who dont want to see potentially upsetting things dont need to see it
natsmagi · 11 months
maybe a weird question but ive been wondering this for a while and i kinda wanna hear ur opinion, would u still consider it hetbending if i headcanon natsume as a trans man and tsmg as a trans woman and ship them like this? cuz those are my hcs and sometimes i wonder if its like problematic?? Like id get it if ppl didnt agree with my headcanons thats just differing opinions of course, and thats fine, but im scared bc i dont wanna like, turn gay ships straight and stuff? Either way i hc both of them as bi, but still :( im worried im doing something bad fhfhgjdh sry if this makes u uncomfortable to answer?? I just wanna hear opinions abt this? I truly dont wanna hurt anyone!!
waaa ur fine no worries!! i dont mind answering questions like these at all!!
i guess its sorta nuanced? i suppose by definition it would be considered hetbending, esp if one has an altered appearance to suit the assigned gender. but then theres also the headcanon aspect of it. since it is a headcanon that would make these genders be how you view the characters in their source, rather than altering them for ur own silly amusement
since these things are so nuanced i personally tend to tackle it from a portrayal point of view. Have i altered these characters to make one look like a man and the other a woman? if so, id say it should be tagged and considered as hetbend even if both or one party is trans and their sexualities are bisexual, because the point of tags such as "hetbend" or "genderbend" are so people who dont wish to see their favorite characters altered in these ways dont have to see it. these tags are used out of courtesy! Now, if you've taken the characters and headcanon one as a man and the other a woman but there have been no altercations and they look the exact same except for some pronouns and maybe some clothes change then id say it doesnt need the hetbend tag, as clothes do not have a gender and you can go by whichever pronouns you want while being a gender that said pronouns arent commonly applied to
Basically; if the appearances are altered it should be tagged accordingly out of care and consideration for those who dont wish to see that sort of thing for whatever reason. i dont get why people act like theres some morality thing at stake for tagging things like genderbend? trans or cis, the character looks different now which may be upsetting to some, so tag it!!! we're all just here to have fun!!!!
i also want to say enjoying or creating "hetbends" does not make you a bad person nor are you erasing queer rep, especially if you are keeping their queerness!! the original characters will remain the same no matter how much we may alter their gender and appearances in our niche circles, and there will always be a VAST majority of people representing the canon, so really theres no need to worry about wishing to indulge in the things that make you happy. none of us wish to hurt people with what we create!! and that is the REASON its tagged accordingly to begin with. So again; if you feel you have altered the characters to a point where some may be uncomfortable PLEASE tag it. and if there are things that make YOU uncomfortable PLEASE MUTE IT!! we tag things FOR YOU!!!!
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heyyyy, guessing it was my tags among others that led you to weigh in? sorry about that. I didn't want to weigh in on the post itself because my past experience is that people get really mad a lot when talking about cycling on the internet, and my knowledge is maybe outdated by now anyway. I agree with you - wearing a helmet definitely protects you from tbis. In my ideal world, everyone able and comfortable to would cycle to get places and they would all wear helmets when doing so.
I'm probably out of date on this one because it's been a few years since I looked into it, but the debate about helmets is to do with risks of cyclists specifically being hit by cars, which is actually less likely to give them a tbi than other crashes - because it's much more likely to kill them outright. Proportionally, cars hit cyclists more in countries where they're required by law to wear helmets than those where they're not. Or at least a few studies have found that. People are unsure as to why this is. It may be because drivers assume that a cyclist wearing a helmet will be alright if the driver hits them, and so take more risks, passing closer, on blind corners, etc. (There are other suggested explanations also, e.g. not requiring helmets leads to more cyclists overall, invoking safety in numbers as drivers get better at safely passing them. It might be a combination of factors.)
This hypothesised assumption re safety on the part of drivers is extremely wrong of course. Cycle helmets are mainly designed to protect against things such as falling off your bike or running into a tree, etc. They are not going to be nearly as much help if you're run over by a car, which is much bigger and heavier than another bike and moves a lot faster than a tree or the ground. They'll still be some help. But much less. So the calculus becomes: do you increase the overall risk of being hit by a car and potentially dying, in exchange for reducing the risk that if you're hit by a car, and survive, you'll get a tbi? Depends where you live, what the drivers are like, how many there are, how fast they drive, how safely, idk what other factors. You kinda just have to guess, something humans are notoriously terrible at when it comes to risk. It's a nightmare scenario. In many places the answer is "just don't cycle, or at least not on public roads". Which is especially awful because the safety in numbers thing means that the fewer people who do it, the less safe it is for those that still do.
The issue here imo is drivers. Or really, going back up the chain, car-centric road and infrastructure design, lack of separated bike and pedestrian routes from the roads, and inadequate public transport. We're always going to have some cars on the road, as there will always be some people who need them, but we could have a lot less and they could be driving a lot more safely. But we don't and they aren't. Because... capitalism, probably?
Anyway sorry about that. And sorry that happened to you, that sounds really awful.
ye, it was both your tags and @bundibird s tags that made me want to chip in on it.
like you, i didnt really want to add onto the post itself because having had a post of my own breach containment recently, i dont have much energy for people being dicks to me about something like this.
but i kinda felt compelled as someone who would normally just be a statistic.
i do wonder if part of the problem might be that if people wear a helmet, they feel as if they dont have to wear high vis jackets and what-have-you at night, and hence are more likely to get hit at night.
i can also imagine that only having four countries (cyprus, argentina, australia and aotearoa) which both require and enforce the law probably causes some bias due to sampling.
but overall, i do think the main problem is cars. so many people see cyclists as these nuisances on the roads and have an air around them that they wouldnt be upset if they hit one.
i remember doing a bike safety course in the last year of primary school where we learned how to ride on the road instead of the pavement, and i knew right then that id never be able to do it because i simply wouldnt trust car drivers enough. by then, id seen my dad violate so very many road laws because one person cut him off.
and a lot of it does come back to fucking capitalism and this individualistic mindset we all get drilled into us where its like "oh you care about strangers? how pathetic" which is so dangerous on a road.
thank you <3 honestly my tbi was nowhere near as traumatising as it could have been because i have an amazing mom and brother who made everything a lot better. obviously, its still not a Good™ memory and again, this is why im always going to be a staunch advocate of helmet wearing and not taking risks on the road that you dont need to.
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ambiguousgrass · 2 years
ambiguousgrass pinned post wooo yippeee yay
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a few things
-My name is grass ambiguousgrass
-pronouns- /it/beep/void/boo/grass/⭐️/🦝/🌱he/she/they
-if I have liked your art and not reblogged, it's in my queue! you'll see it there in a few days!
-I DO ART HERES THE link to art taglist
-i am always following and unfollowing people Im SORRY!! its not personal i just need my dashboard to be Better
more information under the cut if ur interested :3
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•this is an art blog! its few and far between but its there!!
•art requests are open!
•all of my art is tagged as grass does art linked here for your convenience ^_^
•If you'd like to be notified when I post a finished piece, interact in any way with the linked post here (rbs appreciated <3)
•you are welcome to use my art in any non-commercial way, as long as proper credit is given. (for example personal icons, print outs, banners, etc. are cool. selling it as stickers or claiming it as your own is not ok.)
•my main mediums are pen&ink, graphite pencil, colored pencils, watercolors, acrylic, clay, cardboard, and digitally i use procreate.
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blog contents/fandoms
used to be a dsmp fan but I'm trying to distance myself from that. on account of the everything.
Now its just stuff?? i dont know.
maybe a little TMA here and there? I love the podcast but i have to take breaks from listening to it very often due to the disorders
Every day i get closer and closer to posting about doctor who so enjoy this who free era while it lasts. i might give up and make a side blog one day but who knows. haha. who
edit: I have very much posted about dr who. and also discovered torchwood now. to all the normal people following me my condolences. it is going to get worse
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boun der ries
be nice to me
I block and unfollow liberally on account of I meticulously curate my dashboard forfun
- spam likes/rbs/etc are so very welcome! i may seem to be dead for a little while after due to my possum like swag but its ok
-mutuals can ask for my discord if you want but i don't talk much on there.
-feelfree to tag me on stuff. reblog chains. a funny video. art that id like. whatever!! I may not respond but thats just because that stuff gets buried in my notifs and i forgor about them
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tagging system
‼️‼️being redone‼️‼️
i realized that tagging things the way i didnt was not working for me so everythings untagged for the time being. I'll redo my tagging system but I'm not going back to fix old posts so this key will stay here along with the updated version. its going to be a while though
grass yells into the void - original posts
grass reblogs - reblogs
the void yells back - asks
grass does art - my own art
​grass queues things - queue
undescribed- posts i create or reblog without image description
fav -posts i like a lot
animals - creatures i like
food - food
c!clingyduo the world - cclingyposting
dr who- dr who
mlp- mlp
tma- tma
(any fandom i post about has a pretty straightforward tag for it in theory)
media types are tagged. (for example #video or #gif.) this is not super consistent, my apologies.
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further tagging
as stated above, i tag posts that don't have ID as "undescribed."
the majority of my original posts have image descriptions in their alt texts, which I do myself.
we do not use a screenreader, so I am always willing to hear about ways I can improve the way i post things to make things more accessible.
I occasionally add image descriptions to things i reblog, but I don't do so often.
I have a pretty loose system for tagging potentially upsetting content, but if you ask me to tag a specific thing in a specific way I will do my best to uphold that.
original posts are tagged with as many different trigger tags as I can just to cover all the bases, but rbs are usually just tagged as the thing im warning for [for example- #spiders]
I may reblog posts reguarding political issues, and these will also be tagged as the thing im talking about for filtering purposes.
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active sideblogs
@ambiguousseagrass criaturas del mar 🌊 🐠
@ambiguousgrassstims - stimboards nd the like
may be more at somepoitn. shrugs.
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thats it bye bye
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
In Defense of Salt AND Sugar: Aka ML Fandom pls chill out.
So I don’t talk much as those who follow me will say I tend to just stick to myself and my own things. HOWEVER, Ive gotten a lot of asks about why I write both Salt and Sugar for Miraculous Ladybug.
The short answer: Both salt and sugar are valid, fun, intriguing things to read and write and the point of writing is to entertain and be entertained.
The long answer: Salt isn’t inherently someone hating on your fav show and sugar isn't someone necessarily giving it a free pass either. Ya’ll are just dramatic as hell.
The LONGER answer:
I write salt because I LIKE Miraculous Ladybug, BUT the show has not lived up to its potential AT ALL. The show could be so much better and the characters are so flawed or full of holes that occasionally I feel FRUSTRATED and mad!
I hate that Alya a character who I was so excited about, gets shafted ignored, sidelined, or written like a jerk! She could have been this great detective working alongside her friend to unmask the villain, but instead she often comes across as pushy, obsessed with Ladynoir or Adrinette, and so damn easily tricked. Not to mention how when shes not gushing over her ‘ships’ shes pushed to the side and ignored. [or you know... LILA]
I hate that Marinette’s crush makes her do things that are so cringy and awkward i feel ill I hate that she’s constantly the only one making mistakes and ‘learning lessons’ when the show has all these other great characters that could use the spotlight and be the ones learning lessons. I hate that she’s so jealous and that she cant ever seem to catch a break as if the show is punishing her constantly.
I HATE that Adrien is a mary sue, how the writers say hes perfect and treat him as such, I hate that he gets to guilt Marinette into fixing everything and dealing with bullies, I wanted a funny, Ron Stoppable, naive boy who learns about real friendships and grows into a great partner. Instead he gets to be pushy and downright a jerk as Chat Noir ignoring his responsibilities, guilting Ladybug with his feelings, never taking no as an answer. He’s not a good role model for kids.
I hate that Chloe got built up to have a redemption arc several times only for the writers to decide that Chloe a teenage girl who needs some serious therapy [and actual reasonable punishment for her actions] is worse than Gabriel child abuse Agreste. She could have been a great lesson on compassion and growth and dealing with your own pain without hurting others. Instead the writers wrote her off completely.
And dont get me started on how the show treats Nino, Kagami, Luka and the rest of the cast. They may as well be a backdrop for the forced love square that we NEVER get a break from. Seriously I’m a sucker for romance but does it need to be EVERY damn episode?! Can’t we just get some wholesome friendship between everyone including Adrien and Marinette at this point like COME ON.
And i’m not even touching on the white washing, awful lessons on responsibility and forgiveness, awful lessons on well so much other stuff really, the guilt trips, the teacher, the fact that she show could be used to teach kids how to better handle negative emotions and the importance of open communication and not keeping quiet about injustice and/or your feelings but instead decided that the main priority should be a love square that gets force fed to us EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
My point is the show has FLAWS. That doesn’t mean its the worse show ever and it doesn’t mean its not fun, and has a great premise and characters, and so when I write Salt I write it because i’m frustrated! Im frustrated with the show, with the characters, with the writing and so I vent that out with salt I write those characters as their worst selves because I cant stand how the show has decided to treat them and Im ANGRY and disappointed.
It feels good to write salt and to read it. It’s nice to see characters get called out for bad behavior, its nice to read about Adrien not getting the girl. Its nice to occasionally indulge in salt because it validates that the show is flawed and lets you get out that frustration.
Miraculous Ladybug is a lovely show. It’s a show that decided to give little girls a FEMALE HERO. And not just as a side kick or background character! No they made her the protagonist! Its so important to me that little girls see good well rounded female characters in media.
And even if the show is clumsy about it they are TRYING to build an expansive lore that tickles the theorist brain. And gets people invested in the world.
The show also made Marinette shy, and awkward, and clumsy something a lot of girls deal with during puberty as growing up can literally make you clumsier as your body adjusts. Having a character who tries to be positive and tries to find solutions who solves things with creativity instead of pure violence. Thats LOVELY for young girls to see.
Growing up I loved and admired Kim Possible, and probably would have loved Marinette, even if the shows not perfect I can admit its trying and I can see why people love it as much as they do! And why they write these fluffy sugary fics its the reason I WRITE fluffy sugary things.
Because even though I am frustrated and angry and disappointed with the show, I still see Alya’s potential and how great she is as representation to little girls who want a black female superhero so I write fluff where Alya’s loyalty, compassion, cleverness and her pursuit of justice are center stage.
I see how Adrien could be better and I want him to be better and I WANT him to be the naive funny comic relief the Ron Stoppable to Marinette’s Kim Possible. I want Adrien to grow and learn and spit in his dad’s face I want him to overcome the abuse and be happy. To show people that neglect and abuse doesn’t mean you will get stuck like that forever, that you can overcome that and be a better kinder person.
I want Nino and Kagami, and Luka and Chloe and the class to grow and get attention and have funny moments I want to laugh and make other people laugh! So I write prompts focused around comedy and shenanigans and where the characters get to be fun and silly and make decisions for themselves!
I write salt AND sugar. I see the value and merit in both sides of the coin, and I respect how other people see the show. I know its easy to get angry with other people in the fandom who see the show differently then you do but please can we put down the weapons and just BREATHE.
Someone who writes salt might LOVE the same show as you, and they might in fact love it so much that they vent their frustrations in angst and salt and cracky fics. Let them vent about how they wish the show was better, leave their tags alone or block them if you cant stand to see it. But dont attack salt writers for ‘hating on your show’ when they might love it just as much as you do but want a way to vent out their feelings.
On the flip someone who writes sugar might NOT be forgiving the show for its flaws, they might see all the same flaws as you but decide to take that frustration and write fluff and fix it fics and sugar because they want to indulge in a version of their favorite show where everything is just... OK. Where everyone is well written and happy and the character development sticks. Stay out of their tags let them have their sugar, they aren't writing it to hurt you just like you don't write salt to hurt them.
So ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each others tags. Let people write SALT if they feel angry and vengeful and disappointment, let them have their tags, let them explore the dark side of the characters, let them rant and rave and be HURT when the characters they love upset them with their actions. Its not your place to tell them to stop, to tell them their feelings are invalid, to tell them that ‘adrien is sweet sunshine boy how dare you’ or ‘alya would never’ or ‘i hate your marinette leaves dupont au’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
AND ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each other tags. Let people write SUGAR if they just want something to feel happy about. Let them makes coffee shop au’s, let them make fix it fics where everything is just happy without needing 8 pages of backstory for why everything is just happy. Let them squeal and gush and talk about the ship they like and the fluff they see. Its not your place to argue with them that the show is flawed, its not cool to ruin their fun by accusing them of not understanding the flaws, to tell them ‘umm actual this character shouldn’t get to be happy’ or ‘wow this is so shallow’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
PS: Now with that said and done. I do have one final message for everyone - If you write/enjoy pedophilia, if you sexualize KIDS. Then get the fuck out of fandom spaces, stop fucking following me, and do everyone salt and sugar a favor by LEAVING. Your pedophilia and child sexualization aint wanted, aint ok, and I will fight you.
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melodromacy · 2 years
sorry to ask on anon I'm shy but we're moots, genuine question, do you guys have a general blacklist tag that ppl can tag posts as so u guys don't have to see potentially upsetting things?bc im sure ppl will understand your situation! regardless you don't need to follow anyone you don't want to follow, anyone who gets mad over that isn't worth keeping around, do what makes you guys safer!
we dont rlly have a general blacklist tag, no :(
i just feel rlly guilty bc mtl is something that we used to like (and found enough comfort in that we introjected half the fuckin cast during a tumultuous time in our life) but after being ostracized for doing stupid teenager shit because we dont have a concept of how to act around ppl ( + being the butt of an april fools "joke" and being baited into joining servers just so ppl can make fun of us to our face and having a post on a thread about us on FUCKING KIWIFARMS and then fearing for my life for several weeks + also people making fun of the way seth and magnus look ) we started having a trigger response to it rlly bad :(
even certain ppls art styles trigger us now because of it. its really painful for us. we might need to make a general blacklist tag. at some point.
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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dinopant · 5 years
Just put this in tags in another post buT I wanna make a full post on my full thoughts
Mapleshade good i love her
She was introduced as this character who was just a dark forest cat
All you know about her is that she was evil
Then shes this figure of torture in crookedstar promise
All you know about her is that she is evil. For these reasons we hardly understand or that are explained and that crookedstar was no part of. She seems evil and irrational. All you know about her is that she is evil and your meant to think nothing else
Then mapleshade vengeance happened
And most of yall seemed to read it and continued to think mapleshade was evil and that was it. plain and simple Because you've been told this for so long that you haven't considered ever that she can be seen as anything else.
Mapleshade is already a character written in a poorly written book series that tends to make things very black and white. Especially with rules and how cats feel. Stuff along these lines. If the writers say a cat is evil we for some reason can’t seem to be allowed to see them as anything else even if some of their evil stuff is agreed to be ok on other characters or isolated without the characters name attached.
Mapleshade is a cat who lives in the clans, and anyone with the ability to think knows the clans kinds suck. There are rules that are ridiculous and even harmful such as these mixed clan romances and shit.
Mapleshade also appears to be living in a time where the clans are cruel and strict.
Mapleshade is a cat who made a mistake with the cat she chose to loved. Appledusk never loved her and she made the mistake of getting close to him. 
She wasn't in love with Birchface. She never had to be. But when someone ask if that's her kits father, of course she says yes. Because she knows the laws and isnt looking to start up more trouble than she is already in.
Mapleshade killed appledusk, who more than deserved it. And was surrounded by cats who let her kits die. Cats who despite seeing and knowing her loyalty and young young kits decided their laws were so important that the death of one cat (Birchface) was worth ruining a whole family and letting children drown. (I really don’t see anyone talking about blaming the cats who let all this happen, only yall you want to say mapleshade let her kits die and shit like HELLO?)
Mapleshade loses her kits, I often see people say 'she killed her kits it's her fault for making them cross the river' like hello the books are badly written?? You think this lady who clearly loved her kits so much would have done that just because and not because she thought she needed to. You act like bluestar didnt take her kits out of camp in the freezing cold and lose one. Mapleshade was desperate and afraid with no where to go but with hoped riverclan. All she had was hope, and at her kits death she had nothing. With appledusk and darkstar and everyone else turning her away at this point she had less than nothing. She is upset and she goes on her quest of vengeance against cats who wronged her over and over. ( I really don’t understand how this isnt seen as an epic tale of a mother who sought vengeance for her three lost children sPECIALLY when we on SO many occasions have seen  cats murder others for equal to less reasons. its a fucking fantasy book about WARRIOR feral CATS yEAH sometimes a killing gonna happen and it DOES A LOT!)
Mapleshade lives in world that chose to be nothing but cruel to her and she dies by its hands.
Normie warrior cat fans dont have a single sympathetic bone in their body
'Mapleshade is a murderer!' So are a lot of cats yall dont NEarly give as much shit for also it's a fantasy cat book where they fight and shit big woop
BUT the real point I'm making, my idea for better writing
Mapleshade has killed these cats who wronged her and starclan sees her through their glasses of black and white. She is a murderer. She goes to the dark forest.
But miraculously despite their stupidity, they recognize some of the cats she killed as rule breakers. they are also sent to the dark forest
Mapleshade spends the afterlife tormented by the ghost of her past.
She stands on the edge of the dark forest and thinks of her family
Crookedstars promise
But instead of just a story where mapleshade haunts and torments crookedjaw
Crookedjaw struggles with mapleshade as she tries to get revenge, tormenting him however she can. She has become twisted and dark with her time spent in the forest. 
However, Crookedjaw learns about Mapleshade. hears the stories of mapleshade. Here's the vile way people say her name. They see her as evil because it's what they've been told. A story of this cat who killed Riverclan warriors for what their told, no reasons. Shes only a murderer.
But Crookedjaw gets the full story from Mapleshade and potentially others.
He sympathizes with her and understands why she would be so hateful and spiteful of his family despite many moons past.
Crookedstars promise becomes a book of healing. Crookedjaw does what he can to atone for his family's mistakes and what they did to mapleshade.
Mapleshade isnt sure she can ever forgive what happened.
Crookedjaw and bluefur fall in love and she has their kits.
Mapleshade watches. She is seen by crookedjaw less and less as she had begun to watch over bluefur and her new born kits. She sees herself in the new queen. She wants her to thrive and be well.
When mapleshade knows bluefur has decided to take her kits to riverclan so she can be leader. Mapleshade wants to yell
She watches bluefur get up and take her kits. Mapleshade yells and yells to bluefur. she tells her to turn back. It's too cold, turn back. They wont make it, please! Someone else can be deputy. Do this another day. Anything! Please dont do this!
Mapleshade frantically tries to get her ghostly cries to reach bluefur
Snowfur's ghost walks on in silence. Eyes on mosskit.
Mosskit drops. She dies and Mapleshade cries for the kit who has died too young. For the blue queen to has made a mistake that got her own beloved kit killed. Much like Mapleshade has many moons ago. 
Mapleshade is heart broken as she watches bluefur get her kits to riverclan. the only thing that brings her joy is watching Crookedjaw and Oakheart accept these kits to their side of the river lovingly, accepting them fully as family. 
Snowfur leads mosskit to starclan. Mapleshade follows as far as she can go to make sure they make it ok.
She stands at the edge of starclan like she has so many times. Watching the two cats walk right in.
Snowfur stops. Still quiet. And gives a single nod to follow.
Mapleshade enters starclan. She sprints into starclan until she is met with her babies
Mapleshade lives out her days with her babies, and her new found family with snowfur and mosskit. Soon oakheart. Stonefur and bluestar. Crookedstar is there happy to see the cat he knew deserved a second chance. They wait for mistystar now.
Mapleshade is finally at peace
Appledusk replaces maples position in the dark forest.
All you were supposes to know about mapleshade was that she was evil. But maybe she could be more.
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
What’s your opinion on Kerry being available to only male V when it’s mentioned in-game that he’s bi (correct me if I’m wrong, I have terrible memory)?? I feel like they should’ve had bi romance options if they were able to implement both gay and straight ones.
Oh anon, oooooh anon. I love you dearly, but you intentionally or not might as well have thrown lit dynamite in my ask box. This discourse has been such a strange beast within this fandom and I have definitely shared some vague thoughts about it before. I’m putting everything under a read more, to help stave off some....harassment or putting it in people’s lives who may not want it. 
 I still remember I was frankly heartbroken and upset when I first learned Kery wasn’t romanceable by female V when the game first officially came out, but before I played it; River and Panam weren’t even really known about, cause they weren’t talked about much in the promo material,  plus Kerry was shown in romance scenes with what looked to be female V. So, if you go back far enough you’ll find me in December cope posting and being the saddest and angriest of beans, because other than Johnny who I knew was likely off the table. He was one of the only characters I wanted to potentially romance. Now, I’m further away from it, have  processed my feelings regarding it and am more rational I believe regarding the issue. 
But, that being said, a large issue of this sort of discourse is that; no matter what anyone says, someone somwhere is upset. I’ve been insulted, blocked, accused of fetishizing gay men, and so much over my opinion regarding this matter. I’m still currently debating if I even wanna tag this, cause the issue almost always brings negativity to my blog and to me. I have very little interest in being berated for this, so we’ll see how I feel after I finish typing this all out. I’m going to try to go through all my issues, my points, my troubles and feelings about the matter. But, at the end of the day, it is merely my opinion. If someone disagrees, fine, just don’t attack people or berate them over pixels in a video game. Just dont. That’s all I ask. Okay, so I’m gonna divide this into talking points and whatever, now. 
Firstly, Kerry is bisexual. Point blank, period. I’ve seen folks try to argue that his wife was like comphet, which if you dont know means that sometimes exclusively homosexual people will try to force themselves into heterosexual relationships because society has conditioned them to believe they have to be straight. While, I’m not negating the fact that this happens, as a bisexual/pansexual (I use the terms interchangeably to define my experience and feelings)  person I’ve struggled with it when making sense of my attraction to women. It genuinely is something that happens. This is not the case for Kerry; he doesn’t ever hide his attraction to men, between TTRPG lore and the video game he has had two wives , and he is stated by game developers and TTRPG creator to be bisexual.He is bisexual. Getting that out there, saying other wise, in my opinion is a level of bi erasure. That being said, I do still have my grievances with how the game chose to handle his bisexuality and bisexuality as whole, also imo, the game generally doesn’t seem...to treat players who are attracted to men well… 
But before I get into that, I wanna make clear, I feel like Cyberpunk 2077 should have had more romance options for every orientation. If you’re not going to create a player-sexual style of romance; ie where every romanceable character is attracted to the player regardless and wish to focus on each character having their own predetermined sexuality; only have one character for each sexuality is kind of bullshit. If you’re a lesbian player and you’re not into Judy, you get nothing, except a fuck around with Meredith (who I will get to later). You’re a straight woman, but not into River, shit out of luck. You’re a gay man who’s not into Kerry, sucks to suck bud. You’re a straight man who’s not into Panam (kind dont get how you wouldn’t be but who am i to judge), well, you can fuck Meredith… so woooo. Oh also, if you’re not attracted to women, you will still be forced to watch in first person pov a sex scene with Alt and if you want Johnny to like you, you gotta date a girl. Also, all the male love interests will be sidelined mostly…. Hooray… But I digress, either go in with all romance options bi/pan/player sexual, or give more options for romance. Cause now you have the issue of people not getting the partner they hoped for and not liking their only option. Now, you got people trying to make the Judy  bi, which is lesbian erasure and lesbophobic, along with people saying Kerry isn’t bi and can’t be with women which is bi erasure and biphobic. Whereas, if you had just gone in from the get go with either more options or a player-sexual romance system; we wouldn’t be here, CDPR. 
Okay, so next thing, now that I’ve addressed my issues with the entire romance system and that yes, Kerry is bi. Should Kerry have been able to be romanced as female V? Yes and no. Which sounds vague, but I’m going somewhere. With the current set up of it; Kerry being romanceable to a female V would have unfairly given female players an additional love interest over male players. Female V would have the option of Judy, River, or Kerry. And Male V’s would have the option of Kerry or Panam. That’s not fair. I get that, inherently. CDPR painted themselves into a corner, by only letting there be two romances for “each” gender, one for “each” sexuality, and then using a canonically bi character for one of them. They played themselves, they were either gonna have to give an unfair amount of love interest to one side of their gender system or make a bi character who will only pursue one gender. So, they went for the latter. 
Now, some people feel thats fine, because Kerry having a gender preference is fine and its okay for bi people to lean a certain way in regards to gender and its okay for them to not be attracted to people. And that is true. I am a bisexual woman who leans a little more towards men, I get that. However, I have only been given one reason for Kerry’s preference for male V over female V. And it was by a developer of the game who stated that Kerry pursues Male V and not Female V because Male V reminds him more of Johnny… And I hate that. I personally, hate it so deeply, because to me it does a complete disservice to Kerry and V’s relationship and Kerry’s arc. Because even with female V you see him being preoccupied with Johnny and V’s connection to Johnny, then you see him move past that. So, to then state, its still a deciding factor in him romancing V is so wrong to me. Like why???? Why would you do that to people who like Kerry??? Why would you put that in their heads, that Kerry on some level, subconsciously or not, was thinking about Johnny when he decides to romance V. Cause that’s not in the game, in the game you get the vibe he’s moving on past Johnny, like he’s growing, developing, genuinely likes V. But that stupid tweet, just radiates rancid vibes, whyyy???  
And then, outside of that nasty tweet, I have to ask what other reason is there for why he prefers male V over fem V.  They’re...the same characters essentially, just with different pronouns and body type. They also can look like whatever you want; they’re completely customizable. So, Its based off of what the game associates with  gender characteristics and nothing else, meaning, his attraction is rooted solely in their gender and he turns down fem V by virtue of them being a woman and nothing else. Which, yeah, bisexual/pansexual people have preferences but when that preference completely excludes a gender based on nothing but gender…. Uhh????? See my issue???? 
And I’ve seen people saying, well, its better than CDPR playing into slutty will date anybody bisexual stereotypes. But, the thing is...THEY STILL DO THAT which is what drives me up the god damn wall; they managed to do slutty bi stereotypes and I don’t even get kiss the boy, which again, I get the need for fairness but wow, just wow. And lemme explain. 
Meredith is the only character, other than joytoys, whom you can have sex with regardless of gender, body type, etc. She is the only character who shows that she is attracted to V on some level regardless of gender. 
She is a one night stand. Her sex animations are the same as joytoys. She treated like a promiscuous love phobic woman.  And having characters like that is fine, my own V is promiscuous and love phobic. But, we can acknowledge that in a video game by a AAA game company having the only character who is at least physically attracted to the player no matter what, be nothing but sex fodder...isn’t great bi representation, right? 
Oh, and Kerry himself still is a promiscuous bisexual man, he just won’t romance female V because apparently, according to a dev, they don’t remind him of Johnny enough. AND THATS THE DEVS WORDS, NOT MINE, I HATE THAT. Like, Kerry is shown to have people’s lingerie around his house. He’s stated by Johnny to be someone who fucks around. He gets a blowjob from a man in a stairwell. 
The two most blatantly canonically bi character in this game are promiscuous; one wont romance V at all and just wants sex, the other will only romance a male V because at worse, he’s comparing them mentally subconsciously to his dead friend and at best….because….reasons…. Literally, from what I understand for Kerry to romance V, they have to have the “male” body type and “male” voice. Meaning, fem V could literally by all appearances look like masc V, body type wise, but because she uses female pronouns and has a feminine sounding voice...no… the stars say no… 
In my honest opinion, it is bad bisexual representation and a not so well thought out romance system for a game. 
But, that being said, I literally never romance anyone, because I’m a Johnny simp. So, the fuck do I know.
oh god do i tag this.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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rainingincale · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
I was tagged by the lovely @davidfors5 thank you so much  😭 😭 😭
1. fave character from each remake and why?
Skam Austin: Poonam Para. I know that she’s a side character and honestly i was close to saying Jo, Kelsey or Shay but she’s my fav. I think i just see a lot of myself in her and i like how she’s a completely new and different character. She’s funny and upfront and unique and I feel extremely understood and I hope we get to see more of her.
Skam France: Imane Bakhellal. Again i was really close to saying Yann or Lucas but i think just purely because of how much i can relate to Imane and understand her she’s my fav.
Druck: David Schreibner. While i definitely relate to Matteo the most and love Amira to no end, David is hands down my favourite. He’s such an icon and he especially makes me love Druck so much. I can’t really explain why he’s my favourite so much, this one is really more of like i feel it in my soul that he’s my favourite and that’s why.
Skam España: Joana Bianchi. I... I wanted to say Amira or Lucas because i love them so freaking much and this one was honestly the hardest for me to decide but it is Joana. I don’t know what it is but i just deeply care for her so much.
Skam NL: Liv Reijners. Although i really do love like all the NL characters. Liv i decided to pick because she can sing and i love her style and she’s strong and independent and i feel like she’s a really unique noora and i just. love everything about her. I can’t find a single fault  🙈
2. fave musical moment?
Skam: håper du har plass playing when the girls go to get Sana, i think we all cry every time and i still listen to that song to this day
Skam Austin: honestly… cloutie 4 lyfe go listen to clout from grandma’s closet on soundcloud i stg their talent… is unparalleled (honorary mention, when Megan’s upset and crying and goes to see Marlon and they play the fricking meme song and stop it at “run.” i die every time)
Skam France: what else could i say other than when Lucas played ‘i love you’ on the piano like chills lich rally chills luv (honorary mention how the music goes all soft the first time Lucas sees Eliott, again iconic)
Druck: this is hard like i kind of just wanna say whenever they’ve ever used a song it’s been absolutely perfect, i think i’ll say during the first kiss clip though when they go to hold their breath and the music with the water sound effects like aaaa ded
Skam España: the last clip when they go to kiss and ‘I Follow Rivers’ starts playing like... it’s just perfect like everything comes full circle and im CRYING
Skam NL: another remake that always picks perfect music, i think my fav is whenever Liv goes to the mic to sing like i love her singing voice so much
3. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen?
I have thought about this so much it’s almost funny lmao. There’s just so much potential with Skam and then if you factor in the remakes like... absolutely spoilt for choice omfg. I’d love a Jonas season because he’s great but i really dont know what it’d even be about, Mahdi is another character i’ve always felt immensely interested in and i would love to know more about him. In the middle of typing this i’ve come to a decision actually lmao. Two words- BALLOON. SQUAD. They are literally my favourite thing about og ever seriously and Elias is my favourite Skam character. So idk maybe a season about them? and maybe about their friend group and how they’re all drifting apart or brotherhood or like healthy male friendships where they are there for each other and shit or about Even becoming friends with them again or IDK. but i know i’d have loved a season centered on them and if i had a greater mind i’d be able to come up with a good plot for them too lmao.
4. rank the sanas ( I’m evil I know )
This is literally the worst question I’ve ever seen and yes you are evil
Sana, Amira TM, Amira N, Imane, Zoya, Esra, Imaan.
5. fave season from each remake and why?
Skam Austin: Unpopular Opinion but i really loved season 1, however, I think i have to say season 2 because of how fucking well they developed all the characters like giving the cast input into the story was the best decision Skam Austin could’ve ever made. Also, Clout From Grandma’s Closet? like need i say more
Skam France: I only watched 3 and 4 and my fav is 3. Very good homage to OG with the story telling and made me absolutely fall in love with Lucas and Eliott. Like I went through the same motions as i did when i watched OG and it was nice to be reminded of that. Also liked the small changes they made like the Polaris thing that was iconic
Druck: SEASON 3. what an emotional fucking roller coaster. They had me hooked every single minute of the day and still do now. I love Matteo and how they changed the story up like im still pissed about the pacing kind of but honestly i loved season 3 and still rewatch it. the music was perfect, development of the characters, the softness. everything was just so good
Skam NL: As much as i love Liv I have to say season 1. it was goregously done, i loved the aesthetic and Isa is such a realistic and relatable character. Also her moments with Kes and Lucas and the moments with the girl squad, like it was just a really iconic start to an awesome series.
Skam España: I’ve only watched season 2 but i know even if i watched season 1 i would still say season 2 lmao. Honestly there is not a SINGLE thing they did wrong. like the story was perfect, the honour they did to og, how they switched the relationships up. it genuinely was just fucking perfect (except the whole panphobia thing. if that comment wasn’t said spain would have the best remake)
6. What’s your opinion on s2? what do you like and dislike the most? which remake made the best s2? (españa doesn’t count)
I am going to be truthful here and say that when i was first watching OG and watched season 2 I did like it but after growing up a bit and reflecting I now honestly really dont. like i’ve tried to avoid that season in remakes as much as i can (i’ve failed and the only noorhell i’ve not seen is frances one). I think what got me at first was the whole like layers thing to William. how there was more to him and also like the typical fanfic tropey moments between them. what i like about season 2 is the SA storyline, like that is an extremely important topic that needs to be talked about more so i like how it brought light to that and also how they show Noora handling the situation and how the girl squad are and i <3. What i dislike is how William uses Vilde and is so manipulative and ANNOYING omfg. Like i can’t explain how much his entitled rich ass frustrates me and how broken down Noora is by him.
7. what representation would you like to see in Skam (other than more wlw)?
Honestly i’d like to see more ethnic minorities tbh, especially like maybe some east asian people? I want skam to be the type of thing that no matter who you are you can see yourself represented in it and while the remakes and og do an alright job of it, i’d love to see more. i’ll say this this til the day i die- REPRESENTATION IS IMPORTANT
8. what country would you like to see a remake and why?
My biased ass is screaming Skam Scotland because like i would be able to relate to it so much and I’d love it with my entire soul but also just somewhere where the majority of the population isnt white. would be lovely for it to be in like India or Pakistan maybe so that I could personally relate to it but honestly anywhere with POC would be an absolute WIN for me. i suggest Skam Scotland where the girl and boy squad are south asians/east asians + black with the good ol’ token white friend! Hire me
9. fave head canon?
Honestly any (head)canon that says anyone is not cishet is like 👌 
10. sort characters into Hogwarts houses
I was going to do the characters from all the remakes when i realised... they’re all essentially the same each time I- anyways lmao
Hufflepuff -  Magnus, Even, Chris, Vilde, Mikael, Yousef, Linn
Slytherin - Sana, Isak
Gryffindor - Mahdi, Elias, Eva, Adam, Mutasim, Eskild
Ravenclaw - Jonas, Noora
This is mostly based off pure gut instinct idk
11. tell me your best crossover idea
How all the remakes seem to have the girl squads going on summer roads trips I kinda had this thought that maybe like the groups in each of the different remakes and og decide to go on a big friends holiday and everyone ends up in the same place and they all meet. none of the isaks really get along with each other, all the evens of course become best friends on the spot etc etc. i just want everyone to automatically become best friends im not good at coming up with ideas for these sorts of things sorry lmao
For my 11 questions:
Which remake/og sqaud do you think you would personally fit into the most?
What is your favourite remake and why?
What is objectively the best remake and why?
Opinions on each of the girl squads?
Favourite hairstyle out of all the remakes? (this includes any hijab styles of the Sanas)
Who do you think from og/remakes would have a youtube channel and what would they post about? (not including hei briskeby or lucas rubio’s yt channel)
Pick someone you think is underappreciated from og/remakes and explain why you think they should be appreciated more
Favourite outfit/clothing item?
Which character do you think is most similar to you?
Do you like the Eva season (season 1)?
Insert your own question that you’d like to answer!
I will tag @thedavideffect @pansexualevenbech @2ndbest @joanascris @hufflepuff-ish @matteoluigiflorenzi @liveterna2 @bbibbicole @xxrps @happoa @eleaha but don’t do this if you don’t want to! and if you see this but i haven't please go for it i would’ve tagged everyone humanly possible but alas i had to pick 11 lmao but i love reading different peoples thoughts so yeah. pls do if you want to <3 
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imaginingmyloki · 6 years
So almost a year ago something really shitty happened. I needed to put the words down somewhere and this is literally the only place I am comfortable doing that. Warning before clicking below, if you are triggered by rape/sexual assault, please keep scrolling and do not read this. I do not want to upset anyone. I will be tagging it with trigger warnings as well but just in case, here is your heads up.
So I haven’t been sleeping through the night at all this week. The little amount of sleep I have been getting has been full of nightmares. On Sunday, it will be exactly a year since I went through the worst experience of my life. 
I went to visit a friend a few states away, took the train down(an 8 hour train ride) and when I got there and she picked me up, she informed me that there were people at her house for a bonfire and drinking games. I was a little irritated that I came all that way to spend time with my best friend and she decided to have a party, but I went with it anyways and we went back and pretty much immediately jumped in, taking shots, drinking beer and playing drinking games. a few hours later, one of the guys there and I had been talking all night, he seemed really nice. I looked around and realized that he and I were the only ones left outside at the fire. we had a few more beers and a shot or 2. I was completely plastered. I only remember bits and pieces of how the next part happened. I remember I somehow ended up in a bed with him over me. I remember trying to push him off of me but I was too out of it to even move. I remember trying to scream and no sound coming out. thats when I realized that his hand was over my mouth trying to make my crying more quiet. I remember when he was finally done, noticing that he hadn’t used a condom. then freaking out because they dont tell you in sex ed about your first time and how much blood is normal and how much means you need to worry. and there was a lot. after stumbling around the bathroom trying to clean myself up, I changed the sheets because they were soaked in blood. still pretty drunk, I got back into bed and a few minutes later, he climbed back into the bed and put his arm over me and fell asleep pretty much instantly. I lay there awake until the sun came up, too scared to move. eventually I decided to sneak out of the room and find my friend. she was making coffee and we had already planned on driving to the beach to sit and watch the waves so I showered, got dressed and we left for the beach. Before I could talk to her about anything, she starts telling me about her roommate that just got back from rehab and according to my friend  “claims she was raped by some guy but she wasnt raped, she was drunk and regrets it. I don’t even think rape is real. stupid women just want attention” I dont know how a fellow woman can have that opinion and I have not looked at her the same since she said that..so then I spent the rest of the weekend feeling totally alone. My friend was under the impression that he and I had just had sex and knew that there werent any condoms left in the house so took me to cvs and I got the morning after pill and was absolutely sick to my stomach for the rest of the trip because of that stupid pill and its side affects. This is the first time I have put this into words with this much detail. I have not told anyone this much about it. It isn’t something a lot of people in my life know about. Only like 3 people know about it. I can be totally fine one minute and then someone wearing a cologne that smells like the one he was wearing walks by and its like I am going through it all over again. It makes me feel totally helpless and I don’t know how I am supposed to move on. If someone touches me unexpectedly, my entire body flinches away. I used to be a very physically affectionate person with my friends. Hugging, laying with my head in their lap or theirs in mine, walking with arms linked together, you know just typical friend affection. That was how I showed my love for my friends. Now, the thought of someone touching me makes me nervous and my hands get clammy. I was a confident girl, not afraid to walk somewhere alone, trusting of most people, just generally confident in my ability to go through life without the threat of being hurt. I don’t go anywhere alone after dark now. Walking to my car after work terrifies the living hell out of me. every sound outside at night is a potential person waiting to attack me. I miss the carefree person I used to be. a lot. The old me would hike 3 miles up a mountain before sunrise to watch the sun come up, the old me wasnt scared to get gas after dark, the old me didn’t always cancel on plans to go out. I just dont know how to get back to that person. I have been staying up so late the past few days because I am afraid to go back to sleep and have more nightmares. Literally the only good thing that came out of this experience is that I got Nicola as a friend. I still struggle with feeling like I am at fault. like I should have taken better care of myself and not put myself in that situation. even though I know, it is not my fault. 
When I came home from that trip, I went to my dr. and talked to her about getting put on the pill because I did not want the fear of possibly being pregnant should this ever happen to me again. I will never go to that dr. again. She was extremely judgmental of every question I asked, she made me feel stupid and talked down to me the whole time and said “The best birth control is to just wait until marriage to have sex, but I guess it is too late for that now.” I have numerous issues with that. 1. sex is not a bad thing, you should not shame your patients for having it. 2. I literally told you it was not my choice, that I did not consent and you are shaming me for being raped. 3. you are my health care provider, you are literally here to answer my questions about my body, not to make me feel like an idiot for having questions, I am not the one that went to med school and studied the fucking human body. 
anyways, I really really hope that no one is triggered by this and that I tagged it sufficiently enough to make sure those who have blocked the tags wont see it. I needed to get this out somehow and this is my safe place to do that. 
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taxesdeathtrouble · 7 years
so! about that hogwarts au
im gonna get housing/birth status (??? whats the word for that) done right off the bat
alex is a slytherin, as stated in my previous post (i’m gonna put it in the same tag: hogwarts au)
Molly is a Gryffindor, through and through. the second it was placed on her head the hat was yelling
Chase is a Hufflepuff, which i know is controversal but it boils down to boy needs a hug and people who care about him and he gets that in Hufflepuff
Nico is also a Hufflepuff and I’m right. her sisters one too but thats not my main reasoning my main reasoning is that she’s really loyal and a fucking awesome friend and she’ll go to great lengths to protect the people she loves. 
Karolina is a Gryffindor, but she was also a hatstall because she really really wanted Hufflepuff because her mother drilled it into her that it’s the only truly good house but the hat sees her potential and puts her in with the lions and she ends up ruling them all through her kindness and how willing people are to follow her
Gert is a Ravenclaw, she was a hatstall too but she really didn’t want to be Slytherin (’not that there’s anything wrong with Slytherin it’s a great house’ but it’s just not what I want’)
So Chase and Karolina are purebloods (well, chase is. karolina’s dad is secretly a mythical being but she doesn’t even know he exists so thats for another time) nico is a halfblood (me mum’s a witch. dad’s a muggle. bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out) gert is a pureblood that doesn’t know she’s a pureblood because her mother died when she was three-four and she barely remembers her- she has dreams sometimes where she’s flying on a broomstick with a dark haired woman who’s face she can’t see. the moon is bright, and they are both laughing in joy. she got adopted by the Yorkes, a well meaning muggle scientist couple who make fast friends with their new neighbors, the Hernandezes, a pair of wizards with a child of their own. when Gert is seven and starts making the flowers in the backyard grow like crazy and begins to float down the stairs every morning, Gene and Alice spill the beans that she’s probably a witch and explain about the wizarding world. they give them Neville Longbottom’s card because they’re personal friends (he and gene go to the same bookstore a lot and are kind of buddies) and he explains about the wizarding world and hogwarts and gives gert a bunch of books about their history which leads to an obsession with Hermione. Neville checks in a few times and Gert chatters nonstop and Neville is like ‘i know her, actually’ and Gert screams. anyways Molly gets adopted by the Yorkes when her parents are killed by a mysterious accident and she’s not a pureblood because her family was never obsessed with that purity bullshit but it does make her family tree kind of...........spotty, and other relatives hard to find.
now, on to the good stuff aka Plot
- the five of them meet near the beginning of first year
- gert and chase are friends first because they meet on the train
- by the way this is going to be gertchase heavy dont @ me
- so anyways they meet on the train, and gert sees this very pretty boy sitting alone in a compartment as she walks the length of the train looking for a place to sit for the trip
- and he looks really sad. this is because ten minutes before boarding the train his father had just finished a long, self righteous lecture on why he should ask the hat to be in Gryffindor because ‘that’s what house i was in and you should be like me’ which is the last thing Chase wants.
- ‘hey, mullet, mind if i sit?’ gert asks, flouncing in and plopping down without waiting for an answer, and chase, who’s never been called a mean name by a peer in his life, and certainly never by someone this pretty, is flabbergasted.
- ‘excuse me? i do not have a mullet’ by the way chase is british gert is irish the others i dont care as much but these are the ones i’m attached to because i’m writing something else where that’s their nationalities
- ‘uh, yeah you do, mate. the name’s gert.’ she sticks out her hand, and it’s covered in scribbles. chase takes it hesitantly, and says, ‘uh. my name is chase stein.’
- gert spends that entire first year trying to get him to stop acting like he’s a grandmother at tea time and talk like a normal kid because he’s literally never hung out with anyone his age before
- the way the rest of them became friends: gert decimates alex at gobstones, alex is friends with nico, nico is friends with chase because #puffsolidarity and karolina is friends with gert from like, day two of their first year when they both got detention (the story of which they will Never Tell) (they conspired together to let the frogs from the transfiguration course escape) (they got two weeks detention)
- when chase gets sorted into hufflepuff, he cries. years later, he still doesn’t know why.
- chase develops a big crush on gert in their third year, which is also around the time she decides she’s going to be an animagus (alex told her she couldn’t do it and she got so pissed at him they didn’t talk for a month but it did start her on that path so she’s not super mad anymore) 
- so for about a month she’s being secretive as hell and won’t talk, which she comes up with a variety of reasons for, ranging from ‘i’ve taken a break from talking so you all remember how funny i am’ to ‘i have a debilitating non life threatening illness so i can’t talk until the month is over even if i wanted to’
- chase totally calls bullshit, and he’s kind of upset with her because he JUST figured out he’s likes her and now she won’t even talk?
- when she finally becomes an animagus she doesn’t tell anyone because it’s technically illegal but the first thing she says to anyone is ‘hey, mullet, pass the eggs,’ to chase (because he’s thirteen and still has the mullet although she’s probably going to be calling him that even when they’re married) and he cries. she’s like ‘woah what’s wrong?!?’ and he says through tears ‘you’re (sob sob) talking to me (sob sob) again (sob sob)’ but he gets a hug out of it so the ribbing from the guys on the quidditch team is worth it
- speaking of quidditch
- oh wait right gert’s animagi form is a kitty cat which she’s pissed about because she wanted something badass but nope she’s a fluffy calico with glasses markings around the eyes (and a purple tuft when she dies her hair)
- anyways quidditch
- gert and chase are both on their respective teams, gert is a beater and chase is a chaser (haha) and later on they become captains
- nico is the announcer for the games and a common theme is her dramatically making fun of their sexual tension/basically being a couple without being a couple bullshit
- ‘oh and there goes yorkes hitting stein with the bludger again, now, we have to wonder how bad their little lovers quarrel was’ 
- in fourth year, there’s the tournament and the yule ball
- karolina gets picked to represent hogwarts, and she doesn’t win but she still ‘loved the experience!’
- she takes nico to the ball, and that’s how they get together it’s really cute
- so obviously chase was planning to ask gert to the ball
- but he gets nervous and waits too long, and he’s literally mid sentence about to ask her when this girl from Beauxbatons (abby, if you’ve read one of my previous fics) waltzes up all cool and asks Gert straight up ‘will you go to the ball with me?’
- gert looks at chase first, just for a second, then says, ‘of course!’ because she really didn’t think anyone would ask her and abby is really really pretty and nice
- so gert looks gorgeous the night of 
- she’s wearing this long, shimmery dress, and her long, dark hair is in ringlets, and chase is enamoured
- she asks his opinion first, because best friends and all
- gert: so what do you think?
chase, completely heartbroken that he’s not taking her to this dance but trying to be cool: you look nice :) 
- gert thinks hes being insincere tho and it kind of hurts her feelings
- the dance is fine until gert goes to get her and abby drinks and abby is making out with someone random and gerts heart breaks in two
- she runs out of the ballroom in tears, and chase, who’s been sitting at a table all night completely ignoring his date, to her annoyance, sees her leave. he immediately gets up and goes after her, and finds her crying her eyes out in an empty classroom
- ‘hey’ he says, sitting down next to her. ‘hi,’ she says, voice cracking, and he wraps his arms around her and she presses her face into his chest as she cries.
- and then she starts rambling. ‘so i just saw abby kissing on some other girl, and i mean, i knew this was too good to be true, but i didn’t want to believe it, you know? i was just happy someone wanted to take me, but i should’ve known when she kept calling me beautiful. liars don’t make good dates.’
- ‘what? gert, you’re, um, you’re beautiful’
- ‘pfft yeah right i know you think so, sure-’
- chase holds her face in his hands in a rare moment of fourteen year old boldness and says ‘gert. you’re gorgeous’
- ‘o-oh’
- he seems to realize what he’s doing and pulls away, and they don’t talk about it after, but gert gets the beginning of a crush that day.
- so fifth year
- gert and chase don’t see each other all summer, because gert’s parents drag her and molly to america for research, which is where gert meets tandy and ty, super cool american wizards and she posts a picture with one of them on insta and Chase gets mega jealous even if he doesn’t say anything
- gert cuts and dyes her hair with tandy and molly’s help but keeps it a secret so she can surprise him
- they text more than call because chase’s voice is in the midst of dropping and he’s embarassed
- and the whole summer he’s bored as hell so he just goes to the gym every day
- and he finally gets a good hairstyle
- so that first day at the train station gert sees him and literally doesn’t recognize him
- who is this broad-shouldered, deep-voiced beauty standing beside her? and staring at her like he can’t believe what he’s seeing?
- ‘gert?’ ‘oh my god, chase? you look............so different. so what do you think? of my hair, i mean.’ her brain’s a little wonky. chase is so attractive, what the fuck
- he reaches over and winds his finger around a curl. ‘it’s really pretty.’ his voice is soft and to her ears, intimate, and oh, fuck you, hormones, this is the last type of reaction she wants to be having to this.
- she blushes really red and chase is like hmmm this is new
- that whole year there’s something different underlying everything. they spend a lot more time alone, doing homework together or going out on their broomsticks or splitting off from the group when they go to hogsmeade
- coincidentally, they both also make prefect that year, and through a lot of twisting schedules around by the kids (nico and karolina make prefect and there’s a few other interhouse relationships so gert and chase get paired up) they do patrols together
- and there’s a metric fuckton of flirting
- they also start playing dumb magic pranks on each other around this time, so often one of them will show up to breakfast with green hair or galaxy freckles
- chase did the freckles to piss her off but, oh no, she looks so cute, this isn’t fair
- fifth year is also when gert’s anxiety starts to get bad, so there are a lot of nights where she roams the castle in cat form, still kind of pissed about the tuft of purple that sticks up
- on one of these nights, chase can’t sleep. and i mean really can’t sleep. so he puts on the little device he wired up to make teachers not notice him because im lazy and cant think of anything else and heads down to him favourite alcove where he can look up at the moon and the snow falling and just think.
- gert comes across him, still in cat form, and she still hasn’t told him, or anyone, that she’s an animagus, so she considers just walking away, but then chase sees her and is picking her up and babytalking at her and oh, this is so cute, she can’t leave now
- so she settles in his lap and he starts petting her, saying, ‘you’re so soft, yes you are, pretty girl, yes you are,’ because ya know. he thinks hes talking to a cat.
- and then he just starts rambling about his issues and hes kind of maybe vaguely talking about ‘this girl’ (gert) and he doesnt say that he likes her but if you listen closely its clear, and okay, gert needs to transform back now or she’ll fall asleep, and she’s been meaning to tell chase anyways.
- so she changes back and oh, she didn’t think this through, because she’s sitting in his lap in her- oh, shit- pyjama shorts and tank top and no bra, what the fuck was she thinking?
- chase screams, and gert slaps her hand over his mouth so they don’t get caught. ‘are you done?’
- chase is wide eyed as he nods, and gert takes her hand off his mouth.
- ‘so. you’re an animagus, right?’ ‘yeah’ ‘how long?’ ‘remember that time in third year when alex said i wouldn’t be able to do it and we fought?’ ‘oh my god’
- his arm settles around her waist, fingers brushing against bare skin where her shirt has ridden up, and they’re both staring at each other and thinking ‘what if we made out right now’
- but then they hear a loud banging noise and jump to their feet, running back down the hallway. gert turns into a cat midstep, and chase whisper-shouts ‘that is SO not fair!’
- they make it back to their respective common rooms, just barely, and neither of them are able to sleep the entire night because of what almost happened between them
- at the end of the year, at the train station, they share a very long hug and promise to see each other over the summer. their friends are definitely making fun of them in the background
- near the start of sixth year they’re still doing patrols together, and one night, out of the blue, chase kisses her. they end up making out for like, an hour, then go back to their dorms smiling their asses off
- but guess what? they’re idiots. so they don’t get together right then
- they don’t actually talk about it. but every night they’re on patrol together, guess who’s ignoring their duties to make out in some dark corner? them
- but during the day they’re kind of ignoring each other and everyone is so sick of it so one day nico shoves them into the room of requirement (which she definitely found really early on in her hogwarts career- hufflepuffs are particularly good finders, after all) to force them to talk to each other and locking the door.
- they kind of just stand their awkwardly for a minute until gert is like ‘wanna make out’ and chase, being chase, says yes
- so they do that for a while, and there’s a couch in this nondescript room because story reasons, so it gets a little pg-13 up in the room of requirement if you know what i’m saying
-but chase gets hit with this wave of i wish she was my girlfriend why isn’t she my girlfriend what are we doing and stops kissing her. he’s so tempted to just dive back in, just from how she’s looking right now, but he really, really needs to say something.
- ‘look, gert, i want you to know.........i have feelings for you. there, i said it. and i’m not comfortable with just messing around when i care about you so much- mph!” 
- Gert cuts him off with a kiss. she pulls back, and says, ‘I like you too, mullet.’ and then they make out some more and when they come out of the room of requirement their entire friend group is waiting outside the door with Bertie Botts and chocolate frogs waiting to see the results and they come out holding hands and everyone starts cheering dramatically, like, ‘FINALLY, AFTER SIX YEARS, I KNOW PEACE!’
- and they all live happily ever after the end
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Happens If Republicans Win The House
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-happens-if-republicans-win-the-house/
What Happens If Republicans Win The House
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Gop Lawmakers Threaten To Punish Democrats If They Win Back Control Of Congress
Trump to decide on 2024 presidential run once Republicans ‘take back the House’
‘When we take the majority back in 2022, I’ll make sure consequences are doled out,’ said Rep. Madison Cawthorn.
Republicans are outraged that Democrats are governing by majority rule in the House. In retaliation, they are vowing to do the same things they now decry as unprecedented and wrong.
“Never in the history of our country has a Speaker acted like such an authoritarian,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted on Thursday.
He was upset that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had rejected his request to appoint Republican Reps. Jim Banks and Jim Jordan to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol. Both men voted to overturn the 2020 election results and pushed the lie that President Joe Biden only won because the election was stolen.
“Never in the history of Congress and the select committee I checked with the historian has this ever taken place, where the one party decides who’s all on the committee,” McCarthy told Fox News in a video he with his tweet. McCarthy in fact voted to give Republican then-Speaker John Boehner the exact same unilateral appointment power in 2014 for the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
But while House Republicans claim they are being mistreated because the majority won’t let them have their way, they are also promising to retaliate by turning the same actions they criticize now against Democrats in 2023.
How Congress Counts The Votes
Congress will meet in a joint session around 1 p.m. Eastern time, meaning both the House and Senate are together. Pence will preside over the process. He could delegate the job to another senator, but we dont expect that.
They will go through the states alphabetically. For each state, clerks sitting below Pence will hand him the envelopes, tell him the votes, and he is supposed to read them out loud. Then they move on to the next state.
There will be precautions for coronavirus. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told lawmakers to stay in their offices during debate. The plan is for lawmakers to stream in to vote in small groups. And masks are required on the House floor.
Why Republicans Are Likely To Win The 2022 Mid
The public opinion in the United States may indeed be generally opposed to the Republican Party coming to power in the 2022 mid-term election, yet we should not close our eyes to the fact that the GOP is still well-positioned to take back the House and change the balance of power in its favor.
Taking a glance at what happened during recent months, it seems highly probable that the Republican party may have little to no chance to win the 2022 mid-term election. The first and the most noticeable incident that helps this idea prevail is that it was a Republican president who instead of leading the country towards peace in a time of crisis back in January, actually added fuel to the huge fire of division and riot in the U.S. and encouraged his extremist supporters to attack the Capitol Building, creating a national embarrassment that can hardly be erased from peoples memory.
To compound the puzzle, while no one can deny the destructive role the former president Donald Trump had in plotting for and leading the , in the battle of Trump against the truth, the members of the Republican party chose to opt for supporting the former at the cost of sacrificing the latter; It was on this Wednesday that Republican leaders in Congress expressed their opposition to a proposed bipartisan commission designed and created for investigating the Capitol riot that was carried out by Trumps supporters.
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What Happens If The House Has To Decide The Next President
The unlikely scenario has been discussed by the president and Nancy Pelosi.
Election year 2020 by the numbers
A bitterly divided country deadlocked in a 269-269 Electoral College tie turns to the House of Representatives to select the next president.
The unusual constitutional scenario is considered so far-fetched — it hasn’t happened since 1824 — that it was written into the plot of the fifth season of HBO comedy series “Veep” and its send-up of the political class.
But in a year when coronavirus-related voting changes could have an unpredictable impact on an already competitive presidential race between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, it’s a potential, if remote, election outcome Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have openly acknowledged.
“I don’t want to end up in the Supreme Court and I don’t want to go back to Congress either, even though we have an advantage,” Trump said of the election at a Sept. 26 Pennsylvania rally.
Pelosi fired back in a letter to House Democrats two days later, encouraging members to support candidates in “key districts” across the country.
“If Trump can’t win at the ballot box, he wants the House to deliver him the presidency,” she wrote. “It’s sad we have to plan this way, but it’s what we must do to ensure the election is not stolen.”
Republicans hold advantage in the House
Pelosi ‘prepared’ for every election scenario
Reality Check #4: The Electoral College And The Senate Are Profoundly Undemocraticand Were Stuck With Them
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Because the Constitution set up a state-by-state system for picking presidents, the massive Democratic majorities we now see in California and New York often mislead us about the partys national electoral prospects. In 2016, Hillary Clintons 3-million-vote plurality came entirely from California. In 2020, Bidens 7-million-vote edge came entirely from California and New York. These are largely what election experts call wasted votesDemocratic votes that dont, ultimately, help the Democrat to win. That imbalance explains why Trump won the Electoral College in 2016 and came within a handful of votes in three states from doing the same last November, despite his decisive popular-vote losses.
The response from aggrieved Democrats? Abolish the Electoral College! In practice, theyd need to get two-thirds of the House and Senate, and three-fourths of the state legislatures, to ditch the process that gives Republicans their only plausible chance these days to win the White House. Shortly after the 2016 election, Gallup found that Republican support for abolishing the electoral college had dropped to 19 percent. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a state-by-state scheme to effectively abolish the Electoral College without changing the Constitution, hasnt seen support from a single red or purple state.
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Democratic Accomplishments Just Give Republicans Something To Undo
Yes, even if the Democratic trifecta is very likely to end next year, and even if Republicans win their own in 2024, theres no way around the fact that in an amazingly short period of time Biden and his party may wrack up a mini-New Deal that reverses many years of atavistic Republican and meh Democratic policies. That has to be an enduring blow to Republicans, right?
Maybe not so much any more. One of the benefits of being conquered by a free-spending protectionist and isolationist is that the GOP is now pretty flexible in terms of its old Reaganite core ideology. As Rand Paul just cheefully said, if Democrats raise taxes something that horrified old-school Republicans like the ugly face of sin itself theyll just lower them next time they have the power to do so! Bidens accomplishments give the opposition an agenda, which is useful at a time when it isnt exactly brimming with policy ideas. Republicans may very well embrace the most popular Biden initiatives while demonizing the ones that dont poll so well. Its an easier strategy than the one they followed in those more principled days when they lectured voters about the need for entitlement reform.
Redistricting Is The Next Step On A Path To One
The redistricting process kicked off this week in Washington. The Census Bureau released initial data from the 2020 census Monday afternoon, , which means that congressional district boundaries will soon be redrawn to account for changes in population.
These changes will probably tend to benefit the Republican Party, as conservative states will get more seats for instance, Texas will gain two seats, while New York, California, and Illinois will all lose one. Republicans are also certain to use the process to try to gerrymander themselves as many additional congressional seats as possible by leveraging their control of a majority of state legislatures. And that is just the opening tactic in a long-term strategy to abolish American democracy and set up one-party rule.
Today in Michigan, gerrymandering means Republicans enjoy a 3.4-point handicap in the state House and a 10.7-point handicap in the state Senate; in Pennsylvania, it’s a 3.1-point handicap in the House and a 5.9-point handicap in the Senate; and in Wisconsin, a 7.1-point handicap in the House and a 10.1-point handicap in the Senate.
It’s impossible to gerrymander the Senate, of course, but luckily for Republicans that chamber is inherently gerrymandered due to the large number of disproportionately white, low-population rural states that lean conservative. The swing seat in the Senate is biased something like 7 points to the right.
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Republicans Will Likely Take Control Of The Senate By 2024
The usual midterm House losses by the White House party dont always extend to the Senate because only a third of that chamber is up for election every two years and the landscape sometimes strongly favors the presidential party . But there a still generally an out-party wave that can matter, which is why Republicans may have a better than average chance of winning in at least some of the many battleground states that will hold Senate elections next year . If they win four of the six youll probably be looking at a Republican Senate.
But its the 2024 Senate landscape that looks really promising for the GOP. Democrats will be defending 23 seats and Republicans just 10. Three Democratic seats, and all the Republican seats, are in states Trump carried twice. Four other Democratic seats are in states Trump won once. It should be a banner year for Senate Republicans.
What Happens If One Chamber Votes To Accept A Challenge To A States Electors
What will happen if Democrats take back Congress?
Now we are almost certainly getting out of the realm of possibility, given the numbers. But if the Senate decided to vote in favor of a challenge to a states electors, there are still many hurdles to overturning Bidens win.
The law requires both chambers of Congress to affirmatively vote to object to a states electors, which wont happen with a Democratic-controlled House.
Even if both chambers somehow agreed to accept the challenge, the tiebreaker would go to the governor of the state. And all governors in contested states have certified results that Biden won.
So even if we drift far into hypotheticals on this, there are numerous checks that would protect Bidens win.
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The Future Could Actually Be Bright For Republicans
The most common political narrative outside MAGA-land is that the Republican Party is screwed, and richly deserves the ignominious future it faces.
Until recently the GOP was a reasonably normal and intermittently successful center-right political party, not wildly different from its counterparts in other countries with a two-party system, despite some racist and militarist habits that burst into view in times of stress. But then America elected a Black president, and Republicans went a little crazy, according to those outside their circles. First they abetted a destructively antediluvian Tea Party Movement and then lurched into the arms of an evil charlatan who somehow got elected president and spent four years trashing hallowed conservative principles and losing both Congress and the White House before his disgraceful and violence-inflected departure.
Worse yet, in the face of huge demographic challenges that beg for a new approach, the Republican Party has now lashed itself to a Trumpian mast going forward, following the most consistently unpopular president in American history in his bizarre crusade to deny he has ever lost anything. Meanwhile a shockingly united Democratic Party is whipping a few decades worth of liberal legislation through Congress as Republicans whine about cancel culture and try to sell the idea that Joe Biden is actually Che Guevara.
Hope For Biden’s Agenda
For two years, the Republican-controlled Senate bottled up virtually every piece of legislation coming out of the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives. With a Georgia victory, that blockage has been removed.
That’s good news for Biden’s rather extensive legislative agenda – on issues like healthcare, the environment, government reform and the economy – which should be able to survive the House and at least get an up-or-down vote in the Senate.
A 50-50 Senate tie won’t mean the Green New Deal or a public health-insurance option are coming any time soon, however. There’s still the filibuster, which mandates 60 votes to pass major legislation, to contend with, and even bills that can get by with a simple majority will have to satisfy Democratic centrists like Joe Manchin of West Virginia and the two senators from Arizona.
Another round of coronavirus relief seems probable, however, including larger per-person relief payments to all Americans. A simple congressional majority can also vote to rescind any regulations the Trump administration enacted in the final months of his presidency. That will, at the very least, get the Biden presidency off on the right foot.
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The Plausible Solution: Just Win More
Whether the public sees Democratic demands for these structural changes as overdue or overreaching, the key point is that they are currently exercises in futility. The only plausible road to winning their major policy goals is to win by winning. This means politics, not re-engineering. They need to find ways to take down their opponents, and then be smarter about using that power while they have it.
They certainly have issues to campaign on. In the few weeks, we have learned that some of Americas wealthiest people have paid only minimal or no federal income tax at all. Even as the Wall Street Journal editorial writers were responding to a Code Red emergency , the jaw-dropping nature of the reportfollowed by a New York Times piece about the impotence of the IRS to deal with the tax evasions of private equity royaltyconfirmed the folk wisdom of countless bars, diners, and union halls: the wealthy get away with murder.
Of course this is a whole lot easier said than done. A political climate where inflation, crime and immigration are dominant issues has the potential to override good economic news. And 2020 already showed what can happen when a relative handful of voices calling for defunding the police can drown out the broader usage of economic fairness.
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Why This Could Stretch Well Into The Night Anyway
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Trump lost about six swing states, and theyre spread out throughout the alphabet Arizona to Wisconsin. Republicans who question the election results have indicated they will try to challenge all of them. Each time theres a challenge supported by at least one member of each chamber, Congress has to split off and vote on it. Then they come back together and keep counting states. Voting will also take longer than normal because of coronavirus precautions to space lawmakers apart from each other.
What is a normally quick and easy process could get dragged into the wee hours.
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Reality Check 3: The Democrats Legislative Fix Will Never Happenand Doesnt Even Touch The Real Threats
Its understandable why Democrats have ascribed a life-or-death quality to S. 1, the For the People bill that would impose a wide range of requirements on state voting procedures. The dozensor hundredsof provisions enacted by Republican state legislatures and governors represent a determination to ensure that the GOP thumb will be on the scale at every step of the voting process. The proposed law would roll that back on a national level by imposing a raft of requirements on statesno excuse absentee voting, more days and hours to votebut would also include public financing of campaigns, independent redistricting commissions and compulsory release of presidential candidates’ tax returns.
There are all sorts of Constitutional questions posed by these ideas. But theres a more fundamental issue here: The Constitutional clause on which the Democrats are relyingArticle I, Section 4, Clause 1gives Congress significant power over Congressional elections, but none over elections for state offices or the choosing of Presidential electors.
How Challenges To States Electors Will Work
For a challenge to proceed, at least one lawmaker from each chamber must object to a states electors. More than two dozen House Republicans have said they will try to challenge results, and a dozen GOP senators will join them even though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has urged senators to stay away from this.
Lawmakers dont have to give a detailed explanation of why they object; they just object in writing, which Pence will read out loud.
If theres an objection to a states electors raised by both a House and Senate lawmaker, the chambers have to split up and vote on that objection. Most of this will be done silently, save for Pence reading out loud the objections.
They have up to two hours to debate each one. That means there will be simultaneous debates in the House and Senate. We expect congressional leaders in both chambers to move to put down the challenges as quickly as possible. In the House, Pelosi will let lawmakers from the states being challenged do the speaking on the Democratic side.
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amoristt · 7 years
Watching Angels II | Nathan x Reader
disclaimer: i know nathan is not a good person. i am not putting a blanket over his actions in this fic. i, the writer, understand he’s not an innocent character and has made many terrible choices. im just answering people’s requests, please dont put me under the fire for it.
thank you.
Anonymous asked:  Could you write the 2nd part of Watching Angels? It's amazing +  From the Drabble list... Could you write Fluff 5 for Nathan? :D
sorry this one turned out so much shorter than the rest! for some reason i had an issue writing it... i hope you guys enjoy regardless <3 the preview looks kinda bad but i swear this is some sort of fluff!
reblogs + tags and replies will make my entire day as i put a lot of effort into this!
story continues beneath the read more. let me know if you can’t access it!
Warning: language
Nathan’s phone shattered the second it hit the ground, and you watched in silence. He was fuming now, shoulders squared, jaw tensed, hands balled tight into fists. Though you weren’t yet sure what had happened you could guess what it was: his father. Normally you’d refuse to be around someone who’s entire personality could shift in just seconds but with Nathan it was different. He had no grip on his anger and you knew this, but he did too, because when you took a step back he saw the uncertainty in your expression and instead of punching a wall like he so obviously wanted to he roughly sat down on the futon across from his bed. He gripped at his hair and seethed, body nearly quaking in anger.
“Nathan,��� You called, voice soft and hesitant. It felt like just a second ago you were both laughing. “Was it your da-”
“Yeah.” He interrupted you. He covered his face with his hands and you could hear him trying to manage his breathing. That’s good, learn to control yourself. You moved to sit on the bed across from him, leaning forward and trying to see any expression you could make out beneath his thin fingers.
“What happened?” You asked. He just shook his head, and you knew he’d rather not talk about it. At this point, though you didn’t even need to know. His father probably bitched at him for getting into trouble, had his sister work as some sort of pacifier to try and get him back inline, and it had backfired.
My entire fucking family hates me, he’d once screamed at you. Kristine thinks dads just some big bully, she doesn’t fucking get it! No one does!
But, you did. Of course you didn’t know every last dark ‘Prescott’ secret, but you’d known enough. You knew his sister was just trying her best to help Nathan, make him feel less traumatized than he was, but in turn it never worked. She talked to him like she was talking to a child who’d gotten into an argument with a friend, but Nathan wasn’t a child, and Sean most certain was not a friend.
Sometimes it made you upset how he was treated. Nathan was troubled, and he needed help, but he wasn’t… Evil. He had his moments, yes, where you’d wonder if there were sides to him that you’d never known but he’d always come back to you, apologize. He was such an angry soul but along with all the hate there was good, he just needed the right person to bring it out. There were so many people that would use Nathan for bad just because he was easy, because he was always looking for some sort of validation, and it was a scary thought to realize that.
“No one understands.” Nathan said into his hands. “Everyone hates me.”
Your brows knit in worry, and before you could stop yourself you were up and bounding for the futon. It would have been easy for him to shove you away, yell at you to get out, but he grew quiet as you sat down beside him. When you ran your hands from his shoulders, down to the small of his back, he leaned to the side against you. It was a great improvement when you compared it to the times he’d refused any help from you. He said it was because he didn’t need anyone’s help, especially not from you, but you knew it was all a ruse. He hated being seen as weak, so you learned to not take his fury-induced words personally.
“I don’t hate you,” You murmured. “I could never hate you.”
“You could,” He argued, though it was a losing war. He was already giving up. “You will.”
“I won’t.” Softly you made circles at the small of his back, watching him carefully. From the minute Nathan had picked up the phone you knew this was coming. It was jarring to see him stand up and whip his phone at the floor, and it was even scarier to see the screen break apart at the blunt force, but you stayed, and you waited for this moment. In his bouts of anger there was always this moment.
It was small and quick, barely there if you blinked twice, but you’d learned to harbor the few seconds when he’d lean against you. Sometimes he would just sit there in silence, and sometimes… Sometimes he would cry. And then you would cry, and you would tell him one day this would all be over, and it would just be the two of you with the big open world. He’d nod, wipe his eyes in frustration, and say he knew, but in some ways you knew these things were just… words.
You wanted nothing more than to ditch Arcadia Bay, and ever since you’d brought it up with him it was a constant thought, but deep in your heart you knew you would likely be tied to Arcadia Bay forever. Plus, even after everything, Nathan still seeked the approval of his father. He could yell, curse, break things and swear up and down that he hated his father's guts, wanted nothing but to break away from the Prescott name, but in the end you knew he wanted to do right by his father. It saddened you to think about how he was chained like that, stuck between hating his father and needing to live up to his expectations. It fucked him up beyond belief.
So, for now, the only thing shoved into a suitcase was the thoughts and plans of leaving the city. You’d leave a note attached to the zipper that read, “For the future”, and you’d shove it into the back of your mind.
Your eyes found their way to the floor, catching on his broken phone. The first time you saw him destroy his cellphone you were worried you wouldn't be able to call or message him anymore, and then it turned out the next day he’d gotten a brand new one. After that you lost count of how many he went through.
“Can we go?” Nathan suddenly spoke, and you looked at the digital clock by the wall. The dorms would be locking up soon but you nodded anyways.
“Yeah,” You said. “Where do you wanna’ go?” Nathan shrugged, and you leaned your head back in thought. “Beach?”
Even though it was cold out, summer still being months away, he agreed.
When you stood up he followed, rolling his shoulders and taking in a much needed deep breath. He inspected the broken phone on the floor and you were scared for a second he would get mad all over again, but instead of restarting his cycle he just shook his head in irritation and grabbed his varsity jacket from the top of his bed. You in turn leaned down, grabbed your shoes and slipped them on before throwing on a light jacket.
Outside was much colder than you’d initially thought it would have been. Your breath was visible every time you breathed out, and even though there was no snow on the ground there was some soft frost lining over the grass. As much as you hated goosebumps and shivering, you were grateful that this was the worst winters could be in Arcadia Bay. You’d rather have this than 3 feet of snow and icy roads.
You tried to maintain yourself in front of Nathan, fingers subconsciously gripping your forearms as you fought the urge to shake. Nathan would give you his jacket rather you’d want it or not if he found out you were cold, and even though you did like wearing it you’d rather he kept it for himself today.
The thought made you smile, though. Big bad Nathan Prescott would totally give you his only jacket in order to make sure that you were feeling okay. People would go nuts if they’d learned that little tidbit, but then again maybe they wouldn’t. They’d ignore anything that could potentially make Nathan seem like he was human.
“Ugh, he’s only doing that because ‘he's got possessive issues,” someone would say. “Yeah, he’s a total freak.” Another would add. You frowned bitterly at knowing how some people treated him.
“What is it?” Nathan suddenly asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. His hands were shoved into his pockets and he was looking down at you, probably wondering why you were looking so crossed for no apparent reason.
You shook your head. “Nothing, I’m just thinking.”
“Whatever you say.”
As he turned his gaze back down the ground, you looked up at him. He obviously wasn’t nearly as upset as he had previously been, but there was still something swimming beneath his skin. You could see it in the way he didn’t shiver in the cold like he normally did. He hated colder temperatures, and whenever it was even slightly chillier out he’d shake even with the aid of his jacket. This time, however, he didn’t, which led you believe his mind was still racing with whatever his father had said to him earlier. How could he think about how cold he was when he was remembering his father's shitty words?
Worried, you wondered if you should try to hold his hand, remind him that you’re there for him. When you two were alone he wasn’t against it, but maybe right now wasn’t the best time. He scared you, but not in a frightening way. You weren’t scared of what he could do to you, no, you were scared of what he could do to himself. Should he blow up at you, cross some sort of line you’d made in the imaginary sand, he’d always mellow out at some point and try to make it up to you. However when it came to himself he owed no apologies. He liked to pretend nothing could cut him, that words were only sticks and stones that would bounce clean off, but you knew better. You knew better than anyone else that words could fuck him up just as easily as a fist could, but those marks were much harder to see than bruises.
He was so reckless with himself, doing all these drugs, getting into trouble. He didn’t care whatsoever what happened to him and it worried you so bad. At one point you’d accidentally started an argument about it with him- and even though you hated fights it turned out pushing your relationship further than it was before.
You can’t do this to yourself, you’d cried at him, and when he asked why you said, It’s not fair to me.
You told him it scared you. You told him with tears in your eyes, a shaky voice, and tight fists that you loved him so much and you couldn’t handle the thought of one day learning you were found dead in some ditch. 
It was in that moment that Nathan learned someone loved him, and he had no idea how to handle it.
At first he was pissed. He stormed away and for the first time you almost gave into your anger and put a hole in your wall.
But then, hours later and without a word, he came back. He pressed you to your mattress and told you he was sorry, and you believed every word.
He’d gotten just a little bitter after that entire ordeal. Finally he started answering you when you called, and along with that he stopped turning his back on you when you tried to help him. It was a hard journey to where you were now but you earned it, and you were going to keep it.
Arriving at the beach and finding a spot in front of the coast, you two sat beside each other but kept some sort of distance. You didn’t force yourself closer, knowing that at first he needed space before gradually making his way closer to you. Even though you wanted nothing more than to grab him, hold him close, you taught yourself to wait. Being patient with him was rewarding.
Thanks to the shorter days the moon was well out by the time he started scooting closer to you. The stars were beautiful, as was the ocean, and feeling his fingers tentatively tug at your arms made it all the better. He found a spot right behind you, holding your back to his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist. He would only cuddle you in the dark but that was okay, you’d accept it. However, outside in the cold, you forgot to stop yourself from shivering when a gust of wind cut through you. Without a word Nathan pulled back for a moment and you sighed knowingly, already about to argue with him to keep his jacket on, but he took it off too quickly and shoved it over the top of your shoulders like a makeshift blanket.
“And they say romance is dead.” You mumbled to yourself in defeat, slumping your shoulders but tugging it closer to you nonetheless. Finally you stopped shivering.
“Be quiet,” He breathed, finding his way back against you. “Are you warm enough?”
A smile found it’s way to your lips. If you ever happened to tell anyone that Nathan, the dangerous, asshole-rich-kid gave you the jacket off his back, affectionately asking if you were warm enough, they’d laugh at you. Even you yourself would have been shaking your head in disbelief at the scene, but now you’d learned enough about him to know that even though he was an asshole he still had some good in him. It all came back around to people not knowing who he truly was, but you stopped yourself from thinking about it all before you got angry again. Right now you were safe with Nathan, and so you were more than content.
“Are you feeling better?” you asked softly. Nathan shrugged behind you, and you bit at your cheek, daring to take a leap. “You know.. You shouldn’t care what he thinks.”
Nathan bristled against you and you almost groaned at your own stupidity. Way to ruin a nice moment.
“I don't.” He managed quietly, but you knew better.
“Nathan I’m serious. If he doesn’t care enough to get to know you then you shouldn’t care enough t-”
“I said I don’t fucking care what he thinks.” He snapped, and you went silent. You heard him give a deep breath before speaking, quieter this time, taking the time to sound calmer. “I don’t care. Not anymore.”
You watched the moon. “What changed your mind?”
His chin rested atop your head, and when no answer came you smiled.
When his anger subsided Nathan was always a tired soul. In the heat of the moment he had enough power to bend the world around him it felt like, and despite knowing him you sometimes feared you would get in the crossfires of his meltdowns. But, it never stopped you. You’d step right into his hurricane, mollify him, ease him into a softer state of mind. It took so much out of him mentally and physically, and often when his fire faded from the edges you could see how burnt out he was. He was a melting candle that hid behind an impressive flame, and in order to stop him from completely falling to pieces you had to douse it.
This, sitting with him at the beach as though it was summer all over again, is how you doused him. The sand was soft beneath your legs, fingers drifting through the particles that fell atop one another. Neither of you cared that sand would be stuck in your clothes for the rest of the evening. Sitting with him, watching the stars and the slowly pulling tide... Sand didn’t matter. 
You looked out to the dark horizon, finding where the water met the sky. Under the moonlight, resting atop buoys, you noticed two ducks perched side by side. You smiled.
“Those birds,.” You started, blinking slowly at the scene in front of you, “They’re us.”
Nathan breathed a laugh and you imagined him rolling his eyes. “Shut up.” He said.
“Wouldn’t it be nice, though?” You ran your fingers through the sand again, sighing. “Not having to worry about anything, just kinda relaxing together.”
For a moment Nathan was quiet, then he spoke again. “Remember what you said, the whole ‘we could run away after Blackwell’ thing?”
His voice was strangely fragile and you swallowed, nodding. “Yeah?”
There was another pause.
“Let’s do it.”
You didn’t turn to look up at him, staring forward at the seemingly endless ocean. In the silence his arms came to wrap tighter around you, squeezing you to him, and you felt your heart pick up. You were so entirely afraid, your stomach was churning, anxiety holding you tight. But, your fingers came up, held gently on his bony arms. Everything seemed to come to a stop, as if the world had ceased turning. The coast didn’t even seem to be moving anymore. The entire world teetered on the edge, waiting for your fateful answer, but Nathan already knew what it was. You said it anyways.
Beneath the moonlight, the ducks flew away.
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irlcringekin · 7 years
Callout post: @toroidion @fckhand @mashcores @googledocz @1cm3 @tcnno @tarnmas @p976 @p15s @harmacysts tons of other urls-- SEXUALLY HARASSES AND ASSAULTS OTHER MINORS!!!
I apologize so much for posting this into fandom tags but he’s a Transformers fandom blogger and everyone needs to watch out. First off,
Here’s a list of shit this callout post covers:
him forcing nsfw/kink onto both MINORS and adults.
him being very emotionally manipulative (guilt tripping, threatening suicide to force people to be friends with him, etc.)
Here are his blogs:
@38 (current url!!!)
@fckhand  (he goes back to this url a lot)
@googledocz  (past url)
@8752  (previous url)
@tcnno (a previous url)
@tarnmas (a previous url)
@roughbf (some sort of active sideblog)
@ctdc (an old tfkin group chat he had -- this is where he’s proved to harass people the most!!)
@pcrv (old URL - still online) 
@p15s (old URL - still online)
@skrnr (old blog - recently taken by the Woody Collectives)
@breakpng-remade (an old blog when he used to ID as Breakdown)
@harmkin (an old blog he used to stalk people on to send them n.s.f.w)
Past URLs:
Names he goes by to watch out for:
Para / Paralon
He’s a minor himself but that does NOT excuse him from literally sexually assaulting other minors and putting them in danger within multiple group chats.
Note: some people in this post are kin with certain characters. If someone is using a character name, it’s because of that. Don’t attack them about this.
Note: those whose names/urls/etc. are not censored gave FULL PERMISSION to be included and not censored in this post.
Note: again, this person is indeed a minor too (which doesn’t excuse him at all) but please do not harass him. Block him and spread the word to protect other minors!
He sexually assaults other minors:
It’s been my personal experience of being with him in group chats that many times he has just been asked to stop talking nsfw/kink because he’s a minor or it just made people/other minors uncomfortable. However, most of the time, he either refused or said he’d stop... only to continue. That’s all I’ve experienced. This obviously isn’t enough to warrant a callout post, however...
I’ve been given permission by the person he assaulted to say who they are: it was @t4ilgate he assaulted.
It started off with someone messaging me about it:
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Note that @/harmacysts aka @fckhand (now @toroidion) fakes being a system in order to get out of most of the shit he starts. Ie. “oh my other alter did that, not me, so I can’t take responsibility for my actions!”
I later got proof of his sexual assault and harassment on a tumblr user by the URL of @t4ilgate (again, permission was given to make their url public):
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He later tried to defend them not speaking up as them “giving consent”:
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“They should not have given me the slightest consent if they didn’t want it” SILENCE AND FEAR IS NOT CONSENT.
“i gave them the option to say no multiple times” THEY WERE TOO SCARED OF YOU TO SAY NO. ALSO ACCORDING TO THEM,
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And here it is CONFIRMED that they were pressured and scared/forced into this shit:
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[ @/t4ilgate: i really tried to hint at trying to make things slow down when he started getting too sexual with me. he just kept asking and asking me until i just felt really pressured to just agree. he really took advantage of me, especially since i had something really similar like this happen before, i was distressed abt upsetting him. he kept asking me over and over how i was feeling, and asking me if i knew what he was feeling and doing. he kept insisting that i should be blunt whenever he did.
(name redacted): god - im so sorry you had to go through that ]
Again allow me to emphasize:
“he just kept asking and asking me until i just felt really pressured to just agree. he really took advantage of me, especially since i had something really similar like this happen before, i was distressed abt upsetting him.”
And in response to his “public apology”:
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[ @/t4ilgate: HAHAHAHA W O W OK THEN - 'consent' oh, you mean, constantly badgering me until my 'i dont know, im not sure' turns into '....ok' - 70% of the call was spent doing sexual activities he spent so long trying to convince me to do. - get fucked. ]
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HE DID THIS WITHOUT CONSENT AND EXCUSED EVERYTHING WITH “but... [after i intensely pressured and forced them into it] they barely said ok so it’s consensual!”
I hope you have fun living with this knowledge for the rest of your life.
And here’s him being asked to leave, saying he’s “so sorry” for sexually assaulting someone, (note: the person telling him to leave says that he’s done this to MULTIPLE PEOPLE SO HE IS A REPEATED OFFENDER AND DANGER):
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As you can see, him asking “are you sure you want me to leave [after sexually assaulting a member of your chat]” outright shows that he’s not even considerate of how others feel LET ALONE THE PERSON HE ASSAULTED. He asks after sexually assaulting someone if they really want him to leave. Which, no shit asshole who WOULDNT want you to leave.
As a trauma survivor myself, this utterly disgusts me that this person @/harmacysts aka @fckhand (now @38) who is also the owner of @/ctnet would go so far as to WILLINGLY TRAUMATIZE ANOTHER MINOR FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.
That’s cocsa even if it’s not physical or in-person, it’s still a form of sexual assault and harassment and I feel so fucking bad for the person (people?) he’s sexually harassed.
It gets worse!!!!
Apparently this has happened BEFORE with other people as well many times:
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[@/t4ilgate: -and really sexually affectionate, but i never knew he’d do that w/out asking me first - YEAH - like he even made a nsfw vent blog to talk about him lusting over me and just feels so bad and wrong i hate it i hate it
(name redacted): he did that to us too
@/t4ilgate: the url used to be harmkin - seriously???
(name redacted): he used to have a blog called fakegimmick and he’d vague about wanting to fuck us (all 17+ year olds) all the time
@/t4ilgate: that’s so fucking sick holy shit i never knew
(name redacted): and he’d even send us the links to the shit he’d vague - it was so fucking uncomfortable - he even made fun of sex-repulsion]
Him making nsfw blogs to literally stalk and harass other minors sexually and to talk about them sexually is fucking creepy. He was asked to stop multiple times but DID NOT EVER STOP. This is harassment, this is cocsa, and this is disgusting.
If that wasn’t enough, then here’s more of what he’s done:
UPDATE!! -- his new url has changed to @38 !
@tcnno used to be a previous url (proof):
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[ like… i know ive been denying everything this whole time but… the person that was called out is in our system. im a newer host. i tried to get away from the whole thing because im a coward but that’s irrelevant. the point is that im letting go of my role as host and Pharma is taking that. if anyone is uncomfortable just leave the server its all fine. i doubt im going dormant but we’ll see. im really sorry i have to do this everything is too much for me to handle right now.
if anyone wants anything cleared out just ask. pharma is here with me so he can ask questions as well.
by the way feel free to screenshot that because im not hiding anymore.
oh and if you dont know whats going on just… ((link to the callout against him)) yeah. he doesnt do that kind of shit anymore and is getting better but still if anyone is uncomfortable, feel free to cut contact ] --- source (tcnno)
please note that he has excused his manipulative and abusive behavior and even the fact that he has sexually harassed a minor with his “system” and “headmates” before!!!!!
He has said MANY TIMES that he has “changed”!!
this is normal manipulative behavior for him. please do not fall for it! he is STILL VERY MUCH A DANGER!!
and he’s since then moved to @1cm3 as stated on his blog:
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and from this blog you can find a url trail from 1cm3 to @incelreaper and then back to the old @fckhand and over to @arknights  and over to @mashcores and then to @googledocz where he deleted most of his content and then to 8752 where he seems to go back to the url @fckhand a lot where he admitted he was googledocz. he is now @38
I guess he saw the callout post and all he did was make jokes about it and thus him sexually harassing people:
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and then even say he “feels bad but also not”:
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He forces nsfw/kink onto both other minors and adults:
Many people have come to me telling me that in all of the group chats he runs and/or is in, he has tried to force nsfw/kink shit onto minors MANY TIMES.
The below pictures in this next part include him going so far as to force nsfw/kink onto his old ex datemate. He’s went so far as to completely ignore their boundaries and they make commentary here and there about how scared they were (tw for vaguely nsfw implied text - but nothing outright nsfw):
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[ @/harmacysts: we still have that thing you suggested - we should do that eventually.
--- A note from his ex who we’ll call “Tracer”: I didn’t suggest it. ]
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[ @/harmacysts: well i just remembered a thing from our past and im-
“Tracer”: ???????
Harmacysts: try to guess
---  A note from his ex: here im playing along bc im too scared to do anything else ]
and here is where his ex datemate tried to LEAVE THE SITUATION but he kept forcing it further:
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Nothing is outwardly nsfw but his ex is clearly very VERY uncomfortable and tries to literally escape the situations he puts them in MULTIPLE TIMES to the point where they feel SCARED of him.
There were also a few other instances of him forcing nsfw/kink onto people:
He has posted pictures of himself wearing a collar in a group chat he used to be in. This made a lot of people very uncomfortable as he’s a minor so they had to delete the pic he sent. During the time he was wearing it/sent the pic, he kept talking about how “age regressed” he was and then later on called his age regression “pet regression” (possible fetishization of age regression and trauma?)
After being called out about it, instead of apologizing and trying to make things better, he deleted most of the shit he sent and ran from the situation and left the group chat, unable to take people telling him to stop posting nsfw things.
Most of it was deleted including the picture he posted, but here is where he sent it:
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note: NO ONE told him to send it and NO ONE told him that it was ok to. Here’s proof that they did not encourage him AT ALL and even told him to NOT post it:
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and here’s the aftermath of it where, when being talked to about it and asked to stop in a calm manner, he immediately guilt trips the person telling him to stop:
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(Name redacted): I apologize but you didn’t have to leave. All I was asking was for you to not post such things into a chat with adults and - Yeah a few people have also mentioned that it made them incredibly uncomfortable as well as adults. I also don’t understnad the issue with me asking you to not post such things, and for adults to be informed of you being a minor.
Harmacysts: no its just best im not there at all]
However, after that, he once again began to force collars and kink shit onto people DESPITE BEING TOLD TO STOP MULTIPLE TIMES:
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Here’s where people tell him to stop:
Note, these are taken from multiple group chats,
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[ (name redacted): you NEED TO STOP POSTING THIS SHIT its making so many people uncomfortable and youre a MINOR. this isnt an nsfw chat. this is a sfw chat. and even if we did allow nsfw, YOURE A MINOR YOU NEED TO FUCKING STOP OR ELSE WE’RE GOING TO BOOT YOU FOR GOOD, OK? ]
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[ (name redacted): pleasee stop this is really uncomfortable im a minor and i dont wanna see this stuff.... please??? idc if youre a minor too i want you to stop!! ]
He’s made EVERYONE both minors and adults uncomfortable. He forces nsfw/kink shit onto minors. He forces it onto adults too. No matter how much people ask him to stop, he doesn’t.
He’s caused multiple minors harm and has even triggered quite a few of them into panic attacks with his blatant sexual harassment.
I can’t stress it enough that even though he’s a minor himself, THIS IS NOT OK --- LET ALONE THE FACT THAT HE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED ANOTHER MINOR!!
He’s very emotionally manipulative:
Here are some accounts of him emotionally manipulating, guilt tripping, threatening suicide, and even trying to break relationships up out of jealousy.
This will be a mixture of people’s encounters with him and screenshots of what he’s said/done.
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[ (name redacted): one of the only things that made me stay and wait for him to get better was the fact he used to guilt trip me with "i think i would have kms if i hadn't ever met you" which made me feel important but burdened WITH A FUCKING HUMAN LIFE ]
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[ (Name redacted #1): all he said when i once commented about the age difference between his first two relationships i knew of was "i can see why it's not everyone's thing" like................. hey
(Name redacted #2): oh my god
(Name redacted #3): so he perpetuates gross age gaps - also he’s still shoving his nsfw kink talk into minor’s faces - he’s doing it in other group chats
(Name redacted #4): UGh ]
so he advocates and even perpetuates for adult/minor and age-gap relationships.
a few emotionally manipulative and guilt-trippy things he’s said but nothing too serious to warrant a callout post by itself, but it’s still something to include to show his general behavior:
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(he apparently used to go by this name and icon in a different chat)
EDIT as of 21/01/2018: since then, he has been changing to numerous URLs, FULLY PRETENDING TO BE OTHER PEOPLE, and trying to drag new people into his shit. He’s hurt even more people according to a few sources and STILL tries to excuse his actions with weak apologies and saying that he “has changed and improved”:
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[[ Pharmy boy (aka harmacysts/fckhand -- now @toroidion): yeah ik its really bad but if you need an apology/explanation or something i can provide one? just first off its been 5 months since everything Happened. ive improved a lot since then and i dont condone those types of things at all. it was very stupid of me and i take all the responsibility for it. i mightve been 14 at the time but that doesnt take away how bad it is.  ((continued))--
I am trying my best. So first off yeah I did do sexual things on call with another person when i hadnt been given a proper answer, and i did pressure them into it. I admit that. I didnt mean to hurt them, I genuinely thought it was ok, but now i know better. i do feel very guilty for what i did. ill be more careful in the future and am sure to not repeat the same thing ever again.
then theres me talking about nsfw when people were telling me to stop. obviously thats not a right thing to do either, as everyone was clearly uncomfortable with it. i wont repeat that either, and will look after it myself.
theres also me blaming things on alters, and not taking responsibility for what they mightve done. i dont remember exactly what happened but from now on im sure to take note of what they do and apologize for them.  ((note: he is NOT an actual system, does not have DID, and only started to claim to be one after he got friends who also claimed to be systems))
ive also bee manipulative in the past, and ive taken note of it. i used to guilt trip people and say shit like “no one loves me and youre lying” etc etc but i promise i will not do that again.
the only time i ever did stuff like that was the ones mentioned, i havent done the same before, and neither will i do it again.  ((false: he has done many more things that weren’t documented due to him deleting messages after he was told off or called out))
sorry thats a bit sloppy.
but like. i promise ive improved, and i still am. ill continue to improve from now on as well, you can give me a chance to prove that if you so desire.
bottomtron: sorry but, literally, i cant. my abuser of 3 years that ruined my life was like this and i even physically lived with him. im sure youll get better in time but 5 months isnt long and my gut tells me to just do what i feel is right. so i hope you have a good run in life and you do get better. ]]
however, despite harmacysts/fckhand’s claims, he actually HAS NOT changed and continues to sexually harass and perhaps even groom other minors:
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plus it should be quite obvious that 5 months is barely enough time, especially since there has been little difference in his behaviour.
Small edit as of 2018/07/30 --- fckhand (now @38) proves that he STILL has not changed and does not care about nor respect any of his friends’ decisions to leave him after they find out what he has done.
He has no changed, will not change, and refuses to respect peoples’ decisions even after claiming for ages now that he does. He is lying.
TLDR --- this person @fckhand (now @38) literally sexually harassed another minor under the guise that their silence and fear was consent. He pressured them into it and harmed them. He’s extremely manipulative and toxic and is KNOWN to force nsfw/kink onto other minors. since then, he has been lying and trying to worm his way back into fandoms and people’s lives.
again do not harass him but by all means please reblog this post, block him, and tell others!
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trace395 · 7 years
Symphogear XD Unlimited Kageri Saku Senkō summary from /m/
Prologue: https://pastebin.com/3QXDHaZ9   
First Part: https://pastebin.com/K8LuWF7P
Middle Part: https://pastebin.com/yNhBmx9j
Final Part: https://pastebin.com/yK69e4bG
Our Maria and Chris are helping parallel-Tsubasa fight some noise.
Edgebikki shows up and starts fighting them. Tsubasa doesn't recognize her, asks Maria and Chris who she is. Maria and Chris realize she isn't their Bikki. Meanwhile, Hibiki is at home having nightmares about being alone while Miku watches over her. Miku worries.
>Prologue A few days before, a bunch of them are out fucking about. Everybody notices Hibiki not doing so well and they're told about her bad dreams. Miku worries.
They go to training and Chris beats the shit out of Hibiki too hard and knocks her out. Elfnein does a checkup and says she's fine. Hibiki wakes up Miku continues to worry.
In the morning, Miku confronts Hibiki about her dream-talking, and Hibiki denies that that's what she actually feels (she isn't alone, obviously). Miku's worry approaches criticality.
Everybody else goes back for training, Chris hits Maria too hard and gets chewed out. A Gjallarhorn alert comes up, Chris wants to go alone. Genjuurou says no, Maria volunteers to tag along. They go off, and when they arrive they note that the Lunar Attack hasn't happened in the new world. They immediately locate parallel-Tsubasa and move to assist.
5-3 Part 1 >Chris/Maria arrive in original underground Div2 base >Chris is bad and keeps confusing Genjuurou, so Maria tells her to shut up and let her explain >Gjallarhorn is explained, told about strong noise (Karma Noise) >There apparently was a noise pattern a few days ago in the parallel world >Genjuurou is worried about strong noise appearing >Flashback about Tsubasa deploying to find the noise, but it dissapeared before she arrived >She sees grey bikki on the scene, apparently recognizes her >They think grey bikki defeated the noise on her own, Chris says that it's impossible without EKKUSU DORAIBU >Karma noise explained >Maria asks where grey bikki is, Genjuurou doesn't know because she doesn't work with them >Want to start looking, but Tsubasa wants to train with our OP geahs since there aren't any other geahs to train with Battle >Maria asks Tsubasa if she knows anything about Hibiki >Says she doesn't, but seems like she does >Chris wishes she would just tell them what's up >Maria and Chris find Hibiki at a park, she seems like a different person >Maria confronts her, asks her about the previous night (prologue) and the Karma noise >Hibiki tells her to fuck off, runs away
5-4 Part 1 >Chris and Maria return to home base, Genjuurou asks if they got any information from bikki >They didn't >Chris doesn't want to believe that it's really Hibiki >Genjuurou apologizes >Maria asks if Genjuurou knows anything about what happened, Genjuurou hesitates >Maria presses, Genjuurou spills the beans >Hibiki has had a difficult past, can't trust anyone >They tried to help her but she wouldn't accept it >Hibiki just kept fighting noise alone >Genjuurou explains the Zwei Wing concert, Bikki sole survivor, had nobody outside her family >Bikki had nobody other than her family >Chris stops him, asks about "Nobody other than her family" >Maria asks about Miku >Genjuurou doesn't know her >Chris is surprised that Miku isn't by her side >Maria says that they don't know where she lives, if she's even still alive, or if she ever even existed >Maria says it doesn't matter right now, need to deal with noise >Chris slightly upset by this >Maria says they have to prioritize >Noise alarm >Meet up with Tsubasa in town >See Bikki Battle >Back at div2, the noise have vanished >Genjuurou thankful for reinforcements >another alarm goes off >Big reaction, same as a few days ago (Karma Noise)
5-4 Part 2 >Genjuurou warns them about incoming >Karma noise shows up Battle >Karma noise regenerates >Bikki rushes in >Saved by Maria >Bikki says not to do things that aren't necessary >Chris confused >"Nobody ever comes to help in truly difficult times" >Karma noise vanishes >Back in the main world >Our Bikki in a park with Miku >Hibiki wonders what Chris and Maria are up to, Miku says not to worry about it >Hibiki faints
5-4 Part 3 >Hibiki is in the hospital >Apologizes to Miku for making her worry >Hibiki is in pain for some reason >Elfnein shows up, asks Miku to come to the command center >Everybody shows up, worried about Hibiki >Elfnein doesn't know what's wrong, thinks it's mental, asks about her dreams, Miku explains >Nobody believes that Hibiki would have dreams like that >Noise Alarm, Tsubasa, Kiri, Shirabe go fight, Miku told to go stay with Hibiki Battle >Back in the hospital, Hibiki is awake, heard the alarms >Miku says not to worry >Hibiki wants to help people by fighting, but can't in her condition >Hibiki is falling into despair >Miku won't let her >Miku continues to worry
5-5 Part 1 >Maria and Chris are going to return >Tsubasa is thankful for their help >Maria says they'll be right back after collecting information >Genjuurou gives them a chip, all of the data they have collected thusfar >They return >Chris is glad to be back, Maria asks if she didn't like the other world >Chris just doesn't like edgebikki, wants normal Hibiki >Noise alarm Battle >Everybody welcomes Maria and Chris back >Chris asks about Hibiki, Tsubasa tells them what's going on while they return >Chris arrives at the medical room >Hibiki seems sick, is very depressed >Chris says they managed without her >Hibiki wonders if she is really needed >Chris says she didn't mean it like that >"A time will come when we need your power. Until then, take care of yourself. Understand?"
The following translations are from Dragonmience
EV5-5 Part 2 Elfnein says Hibikis conditions are getting worse quickly. Miku tells them about Hibiki's nightmare sleep talking Im alone, After all, no one helps. Chris realizes that AU Hibiki said the same thing, and says that AU Hibiki has the complete opposite personality of Hibiki Prime. Miku is interested that theres also a Hibiki in the other world, and also asks Chris to tell her about AU Hibiki clearly. Maria and Tsubasa train in the simulation. Theyre both worried about Hibiki. Maria asks what Tsubasa thinks about what Hibiki said in her sleep. Tsubasa says that there has to be some connection between AU Hibiki and Hibikis nightmares. Miku is glad Hibiki hasnt gotten worse, but if it does, it would be bad for Hibikis body. She also believes theres a connection between the two events. But right now, what is it that she can do for Hibiki?
EV5-5 Part 3 Tsubasa, Chris, Maria, Shirabe, and Kirika are all at the simulation room. Tsubasa: Everyone is worried about Hibiki, I guess. Chris teases her: Who was here before anyone else? Tsubasa: I I only got here earlier because of my motorcycle. Shirabe: Everyone came from different places, traffic doesnt matter. Kirika: Yeah, but Chris was the second to arrive, right? Chris: I I just live closer. The five train, but theyre absentminded and decide to cut it short. Elfnein calls them to the main room.
EV5-5 Part 4 Everyone arrives really quickly. Tsubasa and Chris hurriedly ask about the situation. Elfnein thinks she knows the reason for Hibikis sickness, but she hasnt confirmed it. She believes the two Hibiki's spirits are resonating. That is, AU Hibikis negative emotions are coming to Hibiki, making her suffer. Chris asks why its only happening with Hibiki. Elfnein: Its because of the natures of their spirits. Hibiki has strong righteous emotions; on the other hand, AU Hibiki has strong negative emotions. Due to resonance, the difference in emotion potential makes it so that if either side moves, it flows into the others emotions. Even though righteous emotions arent bad, they either dont have much influence on AU Hibiki, or she isnt aware of them. However, Hibiki is rapidly taking in negative emotions, and her mind and body arent adjusting well. It doesnt affect anyone else, since their personalities are probably close. Hibikis recent collapse was probably influenced by AU Hibiki being hit by the Karma Noise, since Karma Noise are connected to negative emotions strongly. Miku: What can we do? Elfnein: I'm afraid, Miku is the key. Noise appear. Later, Chris and Miku prepare to go to AU. //<Flashback to after the battle> Elfnein: If everything is correct up to now, if AU Hibiki's emotions are stabilized, that is, righteous rather than negative emotions are strong, the influence on Hibiki will disappear. Miku is the key. To Hibiki, Miku is an existence that can't be lacked. If that world doesn't have a Miku, then Miku should go to that world. Chris: But thats dangerous. Elfnein: Yes, but thats the only way I can think of right now. Tsubasa: Wait, only gear users can travel between worlds. Miku isn't a gear user. Elfnein: I looked at the records. Miku used a gear in the past, right?     Miku: Shenshoujing (She looks sad) Elfnein: Yes. Kirika: But it was disintegrated then? Elfnein: True, for this world. Shirabe: Perhaps. Elfnein: Yes, even if it's not on this world, that world may still have it. //<End of flashback> Chris: Don't worry, well definitely find Shenshoujing. Maria: Maintain your physical condition, since you may have to go at any time. Miku: I understand. Chris and Maria leave for AU. Miku: Please, you two. The power to save Hibiki...
EV5-6 Part 1 World Prime: Tsubasa: How’s Hibiki? Miku: Not very good. She slept most of the day. At Miku’s request, Tsubasa, Shirabe, and Kirika all hold onto Hibiki’s hands. Noise appear.
EV5-6 Part 2 (Continuing the fight from Part 1) Tsubasa: If we’re slow in taking down the noise, we’ll just make Hibiki worry unnecessarily. Battle Hibiki wakes up: Thanks for always staying with me, Miku. Sorry. Miku: Apologies aren’t necessary. Miku: Hey, Hibiki… I want to stay here like this, but, I must go to the other world. Hibiki: What!? Why? Miku: Calm down and listen. The reason Hibiki’s condition has become bad is in the other world. In the other world, another Hibiki’s spirit is flowing into Hibiki and causing pain. So, I… want to go to help you, Hibiki. And also the other Hibiki… Hibiki: Even stopping you… (will be impossible). Miku: Yes. I’ve already decided. Hibiki: It is, isn’t it? Hey, Miku… I have a request. The other Hibiki is probably always in total darkness alone, holding harsh thoughts. Because no one helps, she believes in no one, saying out nothing sad, feeling those kinds of feelings. So, I want to help her. Because when it was the harshest for me, the one who taught me that I’m not alone, was Miku. Because the one who helped me on countless dark nights, was Miku. Miku: But, Hibiki. Hibiki helped me countless times right? Haven’t we always lived together like this? So, once more, it’s my turn. Will you let me help? Hibiki: Sure… thanks, Miku. I’ll be waiting, so don’t do anything rash, okay? Miku: Haha… it’s the opposite of the usual, right? Hibiki: Yep, it really is the opposite. I always make Miku feel this way, right? Miku: Since you understand how I feel, starting next time, hold back your rashness a little, okay? Hibiki: Sure… As much as I can, I’ll see if I can do my best.
EV5-6 Part 3 In the AU, Chris and Maria have explained things to Genjuuro. Genjuuro: I see, to help Hibikis, Shenshoujing is necessary no matter what, right? Maria: Yes, do you know its location? Genjuuro: I do. It’s already been made into a pendant. Chris: Really!? Then… Genjuuro: No, but, we couldn’t find a user for it. There was also a forced activation experiment, and it was unfortunately damaged. It was disposed of. Chris: In that case, it’s now gone? Genjuuro: No, even though it was disposed of, you can’t throw away a Relic, so it’s now kept under strict custody. Chris: I don’t care about that. If there’s the possibility you can get it, that would be enough! Genjuuro: I see… you really care about your Hibiki, right? Chris: That, that has nothing to do with it. Genjuuro: … I understand, I’ll prepare. Even here, under current circumstances, there are no objections on increasing the fighting ability of the gear users. Tsubasa: Really? Without the permission of the higher-ups, how are you going to transfer a relic, even it’s been disposed. Genjuuro: Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of all the responsibilities. Noise appear, so does Hibiki.
EV5-6 Part 4 During the battle, Maria: Hey, remember what Elfnein said as we left? Chris: Of course! //<Flashback> Elfnein: If you come into contact with the other Hibiki, there’s one thing I want to try. From what I can tell, the other Hibiki has a strong sense of loneliness. So, please teach her that she’s not alone. To the other Hibiki, flowing from our Hibiki’s feelings, those words will surely reach her. //<End of flashback> Chris: Haha, now that I think about it, we were saved by her, right? Maria: That’s right…That means we might not be qualified for this, right? Haha. Chris: Hahaha. That’s why, your (Hibiki’s) back! Maria: We’ll protect it! Battle Chris: Hey, you… Hibiki: What is it? Chris: I’m Chris Yukine. 17 years old. My birthday is December 28, and my blood type is A. The thing I like is… Anpan! Hibiki: What, all of a sudden? Chris: Remember it! Maria: I’m Maria Cadenzavna Eve. 22 years old. Hibiki: Even you…what in the world? Maria: Haha, just a self-introduction. Just remembering the old days a little, right? Hibiki: I’m leaving. Chris: Unfortunately, she left… Maria: Yeah, but, from now on… Chris: (You saved us. This time, we’ll definitely save you.)
5-7 Part 1 >Chris and Maria arrive back in our world, welcomed by Genjuurou and Elf9 >"Were you waiting for us?" >Gen: "No, we just happened to be here" >Elf9: "Yes, we've been eagerly awaiting your return" >Gen: "...Anyway, how did it go?" >They hand over the broken SSJ pendant >Elf9 thinks she can fix it >Miku handed new SSJ by Elf9 >She needs LiNKER >Miku is a little scared, relies on her feelings of wanting to save Hibiki >Successfully activates SSJ >Kirika thinks it makes them look bad that she can do it so easily >Shirabe says it's just the power of Miku's feelings >Start training Battle
5-7 Part 2 >Miku thinks she can do well against normal noise >Chris says she's doing well for her first time >Reminds her that they are fighting Karma noise as well, so she has to obtain more power >Training continues Battle >Chris "loses" to Miku >Miku accuses her of holding back >Chris says she can't go all out on someone who hasn't even worn a gear before >Genjuurou registers Miku as a temporary adaptor >Gen wants her to promise that she won't to anything reckless, for Hibiki's sake >Miku says she will save Hibiki
5-7 Part 3 >Miku, Chris, and Maria arrive in the parallel world >Miku says that she can't even tell >Chris says that if you look hard enough you'll be able to see the differences >People who should be there but aren't, things that should be somewhere but aren't >Chris: I am senpai please rely on me >Maria tells them to stop wasting time and go to Div2 >Chris is upset that Miku addresses her as "Chris" but Maria as "Maria-san" >Meanwhile at parallel Div2, incoming phonecall from Nagata (Japanese political center) >It's about a complete relic >Due to all of the recent noise reactions, they asked a specialist >Gen tells them to hold off on doing anything for a bit >Maria and friends arrive >Introductions >Div2 still hasn't bothered to stick a tracker on Hibiki or have Ogawa (where is he?) tail her, so they don't know where she is >Noise alarm, dispatch Battle
5-7 Part 4 >In battle, Miku sees edgebikki >Miku tries to introduce herself but Hibiki just runs away Battle
5-7 Part 5 >Fight is almost over >Karma noise appears Battle >Miku is too close, Chris yells at her to back off >Edgebikki shoes up at pushes her out of the way >Karma noise vanishes, couldn't kill it due to regeneration >Tsubasa asks how they were able to defeat it before >Maria says she will explain later >Miku tries to confront Hibiki >Wonders if saving her was a coincidence
5-8 Part 1 >Miku is in town, worrying about Hibiki >Flashback to being saved >Concludes that it was intentional, that edgebikki is really Hibiki, wants to talk to her more >At Div2, strategy meeting about Karma noise >Miku isn't present because she had "something very important" to attend to >Maria explains everything they know about Karma noise again (redacted) >There aren't many ways of dealing with Karma noise in the parallel world >Just coordination and saturation attacks >Tsubasa asks how what other ways there are that can't be used in the parallel world >S2CA and Ignite >Tsubasa asks what they are and why they can't use them >S2CA is a superb song, Ignite is berserker strength >S2CA requires Hibiki, who can't fight >Chris says it would be nice if they could just use edgebikki but it's probably too reckless >Maria says that edgebikki's characteristic isn't necessarily even the same >Chris and Maria explain Ignite/Dainsleif, can't use it because of the Karma noise's 「curse」 >Therefore, we have to use coordinated attacks >Gen says that we had 3 people, now Miku makes 4 >Chris says that isn't enough >Maria says they need edgebikki's cooperation >Tsubasa asks for help in raising their coordination Simulator Battle >Tsubasa wonders if they will really be able to work with egebikki, worried that they're polar opposites >Tsubasa says that she's met Hibiki on the battlefield many times and tried to persuade her to join Div2 >Hibiki always says that she's uninterested >She can't tell what Hibiki is thinking at all >Chris says that she's too direct because she's an idiot >Maria says that's basically Hibiki >Tsubasa says that both Hibikis are not necessarily the same >Maria says that they aren't necessarily different >Gjallarhorn ties together branches of a larger river, but they all flow in the same way as the original >Therefore an individual's character and taste should be mostly the same >Whether someone has a Gear or not, whether someone exists or not, and other small differences are ok (Someone not existing is totally a smaller change than them having a different personality, right?) >Maria is surprised by the gap between edgebikki and the original Hibiki, but doesn't think that they're fundamentally different >Chris feels the same >Tsubasa still wonders how they're going to persuade her >Maria: "Leave that to the specialist"
5-8 Part 2 >Edgebikki is in the forest (seems like she's training or exercising) >Miku shows up, edgebikki asks why she's so over-familiar >Miku thinks that Gjallarhorn should be a secret, but decides that lying will cause edgebikki not to trust her Explanation >Miku says it's fine if she doesn't believe her immediately >Edgebikki says she doesn't care, tells Miku to go away because she's distracting >Miku says she wants to talk to edgebikki longer >Edgebikki doesn't want to talk >Miku asks about how edgebikki saved her in the Karma noise fight >Edgebikki is surprised >Miku says that she did, and so she wants to thank her >Edgebikki says that it wasn't her intention and is merely Miku's misunderstanding >Miku doubles down and says that edgebikki protected her >Edgebikki reiterates that it was merely a coincidence, and therefore no thanks is needed >Miku says that it was certainly thanks to edgebikki >Hibiki tells Miku to go home and not follow her >Edgebikki wonders what Miku's deal is >Continues to deny to herself that she saved Miku >Edgebikki's heart hurts >Realizes it isn't pain, she wouldn't feel pain from something like that anymore >Convinces herself that she doesn't need anyone, being alone is fine >Noise alarm, edgebikki says she has to go defeat them Battle >Maria and Chris in an apartment >Apparently it was nothing but normal noise this time >Chris wants to just hurry up and kill the karma noise >Miku shows up, asks about Hibiki protecting her >She thinks that edgebikki has been preventing the noise from destroying the town and has been drawing their attention >Even if unconsciously, edgebikki has been protecting everybody >Chris thinks Miku is over thinking it >Miku is convinced because it's Hibiki >Maria says that she can't say that just because it's Hibiki >But Miku is the one who knows Hibiki the best and has the deepest bonds with her, so she trusts her judgment >Chris agrees
5-8 Part 3 >Genjuurou put the Karma noise data into the simulator so that they could train >Chris is surprised that he could do that >Maria says that their Gen is a martial arts specialist >Gen says he knows basic self defense, but has no further knowledge of martial arts >Rather, he likes to handle machines and watches sci-fi instead of action movies >Maria remembers hearing that Kanade's Genjuurou liked to watch mysteries >They train with Gen's new simulator upgrade Battle >Simulator is weaker than the real thing, needs some adjustment >Chris says that they are lacking decisive factor or trump card >Miku apologizes for being weak >Tsubasa says that it isn't her fault, she also lacks power >Miku says that she's the most inexperienced >Tsubasa says that she has the lowest power output >Maria says that everyone is equally weak >Chris says that they have to find a way to work with edgebikki >Tsubasa wants to continue training, but Miku runs off to go talk to edgebikki
5-8 Part 4 >Now that it's just the three of them, there's no point in coordination training >Tsubasa wants to know more about ignite >Maria says they can't use it against Karma noise anyway >Tsubasa doesn't care, feels as though she has not yet mastered Ame-no-Habakiri >Wants to know the true power hidden in the symphogears >Maria says that ignite is due to a different relic, so it would be meaningless in showing the symphogear's potential >Chris says that the berserk is part of the symphogear itself, so it counts >Chris is bored so she ignites >Maria has to copy everbody else so she ignites too Battle
5-8 Part 5 >Tsubasa thinks ignite is very cool >Maria explains how Dainsleif interacts with the Karma noise, making it useless >Chris says that if they could use it freely then any number of Karma noise would be no big deal >Maria says that she wouldn't say that much, but it makes fighting very easy >Tsubasa wants them to fight her ignited >It's too dangerous >I don't care, I'm Div2's sword Battle >Miku in the forest again with edgebikki >Miku asks if edgebikki likes the forest >No response >Miku says she wants to fight with edgebikki to defeat the Karma noise from before >They need to join forces or else they won't be able to defeat it >Therefore they need edgebikki's help >Edgebikki is shocked by the proposal and wants none of it >Says that Miku will have to drag her kicking and screaming >Transforms >"I won't work with anybody. If you want me to cooperate, use your power to force me to submit"
5-9 Part 1 >"It's no problem if we go all out here. If you want me to listen, then show me your strength. If I end up hurting you with my fist, I'm sorry." >"No. Your fists aren't meant to hurt anybody. Don't say such a terrible thing." >Hibiki drops her transformation >"If you won't listen to me and fight, then just let me do as I please." >"Hibiki..." >Back at Div2, noise alarm >Karma noise pattern >Another, stronger energy pattern from somewhere else >2 Karma noise >One is in the city, Tsubasa, Maria, Chris are already nearby >Gen tells them not to worry about the other one, it's on the outskirts and therefore the city takes priority >But Chris remembers that they only appear where PHONIC GAIN is high >Maria just assumes that it isn't necessarily the case >The other Karma noise actually appeared on top of edgebikki and Miku >Edgebikki gets mad and transforms >Miku tells her not to try to fight alone and to run away >Edgebikki tells her to leave alone and that she won't run away >Miku transforms >Miku won't let Hibiki fight alone Battle >Miku tells edgebikki not to be reckless >Edgebikki gets hit >Miku notices that edgebikki's movements are slow, realizes that it's part of the Karma noise's 「curse」 >Edgebikki charges the noise >A little girl shows up looking for her mother >Edgebikki is protecting the little girl from the Karma noise >Miku grabs the girl, delivers her to her mother, and returns to the fight >Both of them attack the Karma noise >Edgebikki asks Miku how she managed to match her movements >They turn to deal with the noise
5-9 Part 2 >Back in the city, the other three are dealing with the other Karma noise >They get word from HQ that edgebikki and Miku are fighting the other noise >They want to finish where they're at fast so they can go help Battle >They are having trouble against the Karma noise >Tsubasa wants them to leave it to her and buy some time >"Listen. This is the song of a sentinel." >Tsubasa jams, as she does when she feels threatened >Maria and Chris shout at her for being dumb >Tsubasa apologizes in her thoughts, continues to jam anyway >Karma noise is dead but Tsubasa faints >The ground starts shaking, as if there was an earthquake
5-9 Part 3 >Edgebikki is having an easier time fighting >It's because Miku is there, and she knows what edgebikki is going to do next and can match her >It's the first time edgebikki has ever fought with somebody else >Edgebikki calls Miku by name >Miku calls her out on it, but edgebikki denies it >Miku tells her that the little girl from earlier thanked her >Edgebikki wonders why she saved her >Miku tells her not to get distracted >(Oh yeah, I remember now. My old childhood friend who was always by my side like this.) >(Kohinata Miku.... I've forgotten that name for a long time.) Battle >Miku is predicting Hibiki's attacks and coordinating with her >They think they'll be able to beat the Karma noise together >Miku says that she's going to help Hibiki >Edgebikki stops dead >"Help... me?"
5-9 Part 4 >Noise alarm >Large energy pattern from underground "Ruins of Memory" >Gen: "What? Impossible! This energy pattern is...! Why now?!" >Gejuurou tells the geahs in the city to evac, says there's no time to explain >Kaiju from EX2 shows up >It's an autonomous complete relic called Goliath that was stored in the Ruins of Memory Battle
5-9 Part 5 Battle >Kaiju smacks Maria and Chris around >"If only we hadn't just fought a Karma noise" >It's more powerful than a Karma noise >Chris and Maria wondering why something so dangerous was being stored >Maria is running out of stamina because she's useless >It dissappears or collapses or something, the day is saved by doing nothing >Back in the forest >Miku is worried about edgebikki >"Save... You're going to save me?" >"Even though when I really wanted to be saved, nobody was there to save me?!" >"You're just the same as everybody else after all! You're still lying to me!" >Karma noise hits edgebikki >She goes berserkki >Berserkki absorbs the Karma noise >Miku shouts at her to return her to her senses
5-10 Part 1 >Back in our world >DMJii are at the medical room with Tsubasa watching Hibiki sleep >Hibiki suddenly starts screaming >The three hold her down >Back in parallel world >Berserkki is attacking Miku Battle >Miku wonders if she'll be able to properly deal with berserkki >She's too fast, can't hit her >Berserkki hesitates, Miku punches her >Berserkki turns into edgebikki >faints >Back in the medical room, Hibiki calms down >Everybody is worried, Tsubasa wonders what the hell is going on in the other world
5-10 Part 2 >Parallel Div2 >Maria is worried about the other Tsubasa >She's sustained a lot of damage from the superb song, but finished off the Karma noise >Maria asks what the fuck the Kaiju was >It's an autonomous complete relic called Goliath that was stored in the Ruins of Memory >From 1 Samuel, the Giant that was defeated by David >Received from America for research >Activated by the large amounts of PHONIC GAIN from Tsubasa jamming >So what should we do >I dunno >I guess we should deal with the Kaiju >By the way you should help us with that >We were going to do that anyway >According to legend, Goliath appears from morning to night to trample the Jewish army >With the arrival of night, that power becomes weaker >So we should aim to fight at night >The problem being that our opponent probably won't allow that >Yeah he'll probably just run away like before >By the way, how's edgebikki? >She seemed mostly fine, but escaped before a detailed examination was carried out >So now that the Karma noise are dealt with, let's deal with the Goliath problem >Genjuurou has a report about parallel Miku >"Is she alive?" >"Yes, she is in good health." >"After hearing from you that she was related to Hibiki-kun, we looked into Hibiki's past and found her name." >"Kohinata Miku-kun..... Hibiki-kun's classmate and childhood friend from before the Live Incident and before she entered Lydian." >"Before she entered Lyidan?" >"The Kohinata Miku-kun of this world did not enroll in Lydian." >"Immediately after the Live Incident, due to circumstances of both her parents, she transferred." >"So she isn't by her side, that's the way it is?" >"Yes. We have no reason to expect that she knows that Hibiki enrolled at Lydian or became an adaptor." >"It is also possible that she has no idea of the hell of undeserved bullying caused by the incident that became her daily life." >"Hibiki.... So that's why she was saying things like "Nobody ever saved me"..." >"So do you know where she is?" >"Yeah, we were able to find her somehow, but we haven't contacted her yet." >"Why not, you can't tell her about Hibiki?" >"They were childhood friends... A long time has passed since they were separated. I don't know if we should get her caught up in this." >"It's been so long there's the possibility that she may not even remember Hibiki-kun." >"No, there isn't." >"Miku-kun....?" >"I would never forget about Hibiki." >"Is that so? I apologize." >"For now, we'll have her put under surveillance. Let's think about it again when revisiting Hibiki-kun's situation." >"...Understood." >Out in the hallway, Chris asks Maria what to do during standby >Maria suggests training, because that's the only way she can look good fighting strong opponents >Miku wants to practice more with SSJ so that she can stop another berserkki attack and to protect her >Miku says she won't be reckless, just like she promised Hibiki >They head off to training Battle >They take a break >Chris brings up Miku's parallel self >Miku is troubled that she isn't by Hibiki's side >Maria says that if it's due to her parents' work, then it can't be helped >Miku is sure that she would still want to be able to see Hibiki >she wants Hibiki to understand that she isn't alone
5-10 Part 3 >Miku is out in town while on standby >She sees edgebikki >Edgebikki suddenly turns and starts talking to an old woman >She wants to go somewhere but doesn't know the way >Miku takes note that she started a conversation with an old lady >Edgebikki shows her the way >Old lady asks if she's a student, says that she's about the same age as her grandchild >(She's carrying the old lady's bags and walking alongside her... She's helping people.) >Yappari, Edgebikki is Hibiki >Old lady thanks Hibiki >Hibiki waves it off and tells her to be careful >Miku hands her a drink and Hibiki asks her how long she's been there >Hibiki says it was just because she was annoyed by her loitering >Suddenly the old lady starts screaming about a monster >Genjuurou calls about a nearby noise pattern >Hibiki and Miku rush in to fight Battle
5-10 Part 4 >Hibiki and Miku see a piece of cloth belonging to the old lady >Hibiki gets mad, Miku tells her to calm down >Hibiki tells her not to tell her what to do >Maria and Chris show up >They follow Hibiki into battle Battle >Battle is over >Hibiki is looking at/holding/doing something to/with old lady's cloth >Old lady shows up and says hi >Hibiki shocked >She is okay, says that she was saved >Hibiki gives her back her stuff >Hibiki is glad she's okay >(That old lady was helped, and there was a person who helped her. But why..!) >"Why... Why does nobody..." >"....I hate it" >"What is it... This annoying feeling in my chest..." >Miku: (When Hibiki gave the old lady's things back to her... she smiled just a little.) >(After all, Hibiki is...)
5-10 Part 5 >Maria and Chris have been on standby for several days >Normal noise has appeared, but no Karma noise >Neither has Goliath >Maria wonders if there is a Goliath in their world >Maybe they can find a way to capture it by investigating their inactive version >Maria wonders why there's still a Gjallarhorn Alert, and if Goliath is causing it >All of the Karma noise should have been defeated >While there's still an alert, they can't just ignore it >Also worrying about Hibiki >Miku is sure that Hibiki is okay, because she's Hibiki >Back in our world, Tsubasa fighting noise with DMJii >Tsubasa says that Elf9 said that the alert has gotten stronger >Tsubasa wonders if that means the threat has increased Battle >They're struggling >Have to ganbare for away team and Hibiki
5-11 Part 1 >Edgebikki is in her apartment, complaining about her chest >(...My chest hurts, it's hot...) >(It hurts.... somebody....) >(....No, there isn't anybody.... No matter how close they are, they will all leave....) >Edgebikki has dream of normal Bikki >Miku is trying to wake Hibiki, who is sleeping while trying to eat breakfast >"School? Lydian? Why are you wearing a uniform..." >"Are you still half asleep? We enrolled together, so it should be obvious." >"Here's your bag. I got everything ready for you. Finish eating that and we can run to Lydian, alright?" >"Are you done eating? Alright, let's go." >Edgebikki wonders why the dream keeps occurring, wonders if it's because she met Miku >Stone/metal fragments have been falling from her chest with increasing regularity and causing her chest pain >Back in our world, the home team is still fighting noise >Wonder if there's too many for the three of them to handle >Let's ganbarou >Wouldn't X-Drive be really nice right about now >We don't have X-Drive Battle
5-11 Part 2 >At SONG, there's a new energy pattern >More noise >Adaptor's vitals falling >Genjuurou orders withdrawal >Tsubasa says no >Worried about what would happen if they withdraw >Is their duty to defend while Maria is busy and Hibiki is in the hospital >Maria is working hard so they have to as well >Genjuurou: Don't be reckless Battle >Noise eliminated >DMJii are sleepy, so they faint >Tsubasa notes that there was such a large number, almost as if Solomon's Cane has been activated >Tsubasa faints too
5-11 Part 3 >Away team returns to SONG >Hear about how home team got their asses kicked by noise >They're going to be okay >Miku asks about Hibiki >Hibiki is having frequent fits, when it gets bad Elf9 administers a sedative to restrain her >Miku runs off to see her >Maria asks about the Gjallarhorn Alert >It hasn't gotten better >It's gotten worse >Chris complains that they've already defeated two Karma noise >Maria says that something worse than the Karma noise must have shown up >Chris thinks it's related to the Kaiju >What Kaiju >Maria explains about Goliath to Genjuurou >Miku arrives in the medical room, Hibiki is sleeping >Miku holds Hibiki's hand >"I will save you, I'm sure of it. So please, hold on just a little bit longer." >Goliath explanation finished >Chris is kind of mad, tells Genjuurou to tell them about it >Genjuurou claims ignorance >Maria says that the parallel world got it from America >Wonders if the American government is hiding it >Genjuurou says that the chance isn't zero, but even if they are then there's slim chance they'll offer information >Elf9 has a plan >Wonders how the Goliath determines "night" >Chris says when the sun goes down, obviously >Elf9 says the sun going down is determined by the eyes >Maria asks if it could be brightness, since it may not have sensory organs that could intuitively be considered "eyes" >Elf9 says that that could be the case, and that it enters a temporary rest period as part of a cycle >If day or night is determined by brightness, then they may be able to fool it >It's worth a shot >So how do we do it? >Go ask them >Okay let's go >Wait, Maria needs to worry about Tsubasa and what will happen with no defense >Tsubasa should wake up in a day >Tsubasa shows up >Chris asks if she's okay >Elf9 says she can't possibly be okay after such a long battle and short recovery period >"This is nothing compared to Tachibana's fight" >"I will absolutely keep my vow to protect while my comrades are away" >DMJii are already awake, but moving is too hard >Everybody is worried about Hibiki >Maria asks if Hibiki's condition is really that bad >It's so bad Tsubasa says she can't look >Hibiki's fits have been getting more frequent and more violent >At this rate, it may put her life in danger >Away team heads off >In parallel world, edgebikki is fighting some noise >There's an "earthquake," Kaiju shows up >Edgebikki wants to defeat it Battle >Parallel Div2 gets the Goliath appearance reaction >Edgebikki is fighting it alone >Tsubasa still hasn't recovered from jamming >Div2 to support edgebikki however they can >Difference in power is too large, edgebikki can't go at it from the front or else she'll get oneshot >(If only I had more strength...) >Relic cancer heating up, power is coming forth >"Like this, I can fight. Even if I'm alone, I can defeat it!" >Suddenly a guy shouts out for help >(Somebody late getting away!? At a time like this-) >(...I have to save/kill them...) >"-Eh? What..." >(They're a person, so I have to save them. They're a person, so I have to kill them.) >"What... is this? What's this feeling inside me?" >"This feeling.... It's like a hazy swirl going around and around... It's unpleasant..." >"Run away! If you don't want to die then run!" >(No... I never wanted to kill anyone... What the hell-) >(...That black noise... from that time...) >"Oh shi-" >Kaiju punches Hibiki >(I can't move... the damage...) >(...Is this how it all ends?) >Night arrives >"It left... Why...?"
5-12 Part 1 >Edgebikki has dream of Hibiki helping the cat in S1 and some other stuff with her friends >(...Is that... me....? No.... this is... this is all-!) >(This is... me...? I don't know... this...) >Edgebikki wakes up in a fit >Wonders why our Hibiki is so different, why she is able to smile >Another rock from her chest >Doesn't understand what it means >Ever since the Kaiju fight, she hasn't cooled down >She doesn't feel the black noise's influence anymore, but feels like it's still there >"Even though it's my own body I have no idea what's going on" >"Somebody, tell me... Somebody... help me...." >"I'm scared... of being alone..." >(There's nobody... to help me...) >(That's the way it's always been... Why, suddenly...) >"Anyway, everybody is gone. But I..." >Away team arrives back at parallel Div2 >Maria tells Genjuurou about Hibiki and the home team >Genjuurou tells Maria about edgebikki fighting Goliath >Time ran out for the Kaiju and edgebikki is fine >Maria tells Genjuurou about Elf9's plan >He says he can do it >Noise pattern, large number >Away team about to head out >Tomosato says that they're suddenly rapidly decreasing in numbers >It's edgebikki Battle >Miku in SSJ catches up to edgebikki >Maria and Chris surprised that edgebikki already killed them all >Miku approaches her to make sure she isn't hurt, notices the heat >Everybody realizes that it's relic cancer >Miku tells edgebikki to come with her to Div2 and get properly examined >Edgebikki tells her to leave her alone and runs away >Miku knows she has to do something >Edgebikki alone in the forest >Wonders if the fusion is why she's heating up >Wonders what would happen if it continues >She's scared of not knowing, but she's more scared of knowing that there's nothing she can do >Miku shows up out of nowhere >"Who!?" >"I'm right here." >"Oh, it's you again..." >(Why am I relieved?) >"What are you doing?" >"Nothing... Just looking at the stars." >(I wonder if this Hibiki also likes to look at the stars?) >"Then I know of a good place to go stargazing. Let's go together sometime." >"I guess I want to see just a little bit..." >"Then it's a promise. We'll go together." >"....." >("Promise?" "Together?" I wonder if it would be okay....) >Edgebikki starts screaming and heating up, a black fog swirls around her >(I have to kill...) >"Black... fog....? That's-" >(I saw it when we fought that Karma noise-) >(I have to kill...) >"Hibiki! Get ahold of yourself, Hibiki!" >"---Shut up---!" >"Hi-Hibiki...?" >"Ah.... It's nothing. Anyways, I'm going now." >"Wait, Hibiki!" >"Leave me alone!" >"If you keep using your Gungnir your live will be in danger. So please, will you let me look at it? Besides that, now-" >"Go away!" >"Hibiki..."
5-12 Part 2 >Away team is at an apartment, discussing edgebikki's relic fusion >Miku wonders what she should do to save Hibiki >Chris says that they can't allow her to fight >Maria suggests vaporizing it with SSJ, like in the original world >Miku thinks it might be a different ailment than the original world >Explains the Karma noise and black fog >If edgebikki fused with a Karma noise, then they can't just blast her with SSJ as it may erase her body as well >Need to have her undergo a medical examination, but it's easier said than done >If she stops using her power, her rate of progression will slow >Have to persuade edgebikki to come along for an exam >Have to rely on Miku >Next problem: Alert cause >Previously thought that defeating Goliath would resolve the alert >Maria thinks to herself that it could actually be due to edgebikki's Karma noise absorption >In the worst case scenario, "resolve would be needed" >Instead of letting everybody know this, she decides to keep it to herself and say that there may be other Karma noise around or some other cause >Chris wants to focus on the Kaiju and worry about the alert later >Genjuurou calls, noise >About to start fighting >Genjuurou calls, more noise >Edgebikki is already at the other location >Miku goes to the second location to find edgebikki Battle
5-12 Part 3 >Miku finds edgebikki >"Why are you being so reckless!?" >"It doesn't concern you. This is my fight." >"No, Hibiki! If you use Gungnir anymore, the fusion will-" >"Get out of my way!" >"Hibiki!" Battle
5-12 Part 4 >Noise fight finished >Edgebikki collapses >Miku sees a fragment of Gungnir fall off edgebikki's body >"Please, don't use your gear anymore, I will-" >"I don't want your lies about helping me! Nobody ever helped me!" >"The Hibiki of your world is what's important to you, and I'm just a secondary concern. Am I wrong!?" >(That's right, the scene I saw in my dream-- No matter how much I desire or wish for it, that life will never be my own!) >"Don't ever bother me again!" >(Even though I don't have it, even though I understand... I can't let myself have hope!) >"I can't just leave you alone!" >"I am not your Hibiki." >(I can't smile like that, I can't live like that. -Because I don't have anyone!) >"I don't care! Hibiki is Hibiki!" >"Then I'll prove that I'm not your Hibiki." >(Yes, if I can't have it, then-) >Black cloud surrounds hibiki >"Hibiki..." >(I can see that black fog.... Is it responding to Hibiki's emotions? If that's the case-) >"If that's the case, I'll stop you!" Battle
5-12 Part 5 >"Don't get carried away just because you have an armed gear!" >"Haven't you thought about why you don't have an armed gear!?" >"What about it!? Even without an armed gear, my hands can break anything apart.... destroy anything!" >"You're wrong, you're hands are-" >"Yeah, just like this! To break anything and everything that stands in my way!" >(Yes, destroy! This girl right in front of me!) >Flying noise appears >"Wha-!?" >"Noise!?" >"Hibiki, watch out!" >Miku is hit >(--Now! Now's my chance to kill-!?) >Hibiki: "No! STOOOOOOOOOOOP" >"No, no.... I don't want to do something like this...." >"Hibi..ki, are you, okay?" >"This isn't the time to be worrying about other people!" >"I'm glad... that you're not hurt...." >Miku collapses >(No, why did I-) >(I didn't want to do something like this, why did I do such a terrible thing-) >"Sorry.... Miku, I'm so sorry" >"It keeps welling up..." >"I won't let you lay a finger on Miku... I will pulverize you all with this fist!" Battle >"Miku!" >"Get a hold of yourself, Miku!" >"Hibiki.... You finally called me by name..." >"More than that, are you hurt?" >"I'm alright... But more than that, I'm worried about you." >"What?" >"Gungnir's fusion... the more you use it, the faster it progresses." >"Why do you know..." >"There was another Hibiki who was just the same. I know it very well." >"That time, no matter how much Hibiki was troubled.... and now, no matter how much you are suffering..." >"So please, get a proper medical examination. I don't want you to push yourself anymore." >"..." >"Please, will you listen to what I have to say?" >"...It's not fair. If you say it like that, I can't refuse..."
5-13 Part 1 >"Is the inspection done now?" >"Yes, it looks like it. We'll get the results in a few days." >"Even though it wasn't really needed..." >"No, you have to do it properly" >"Or I'll end up like your world's Hibiki?" >"I hope you won't. Anyway, the inspection is over, what should we do now?" >"Go home?" >"You can go home later. If it's no problem, would you go out with me?" >"Ah, wait- Fine." >"Hmm? It looks like there's someone in the training room." >"..." >They meet Tsubasa in the training room >She's rehabilitating, but not ready for combat yet >Maria is there, complains about sword never listening to anybody >Tsubasa is finally able to welcome edgebikki to Div2 >Miku says they're going to go >Maria asks where they're going >Going to town for a date >Tsubasa is shocked >Maria just tells them to be careful, notes how "the snow is melting." >Tsubasa is surprised that they're getting along so well >Maria asks Tsubasa out on a date >Tsubasa spaghettis and says that her concern isn't needed >Yappari, this sword is too cute >Maria just asks her to go shopping some time >Tusbasa reiterates that her concern isn't needed >Maria says that she wants to go, and wants Tsubasa to guide her since she isn't familiar with this world >Tsubasa hesitantly accepts >"We'll go after you calm down" >Maria is thankful that edgebikki accepted Miku >Tsubasa can't believe that edgebikki would hold hands with someone like that >She wants to make friends too >She says she knows the pain of Tachibana's loneliness >Maria complains to herself about how sword should just be more honest and direct, but is willing to meet her half way >Maria decides to accompany Tsubasa for more rehab training Battle >Edgebikki and Miku went to Flower >"The okonomiyaki here is delicious." >"Here, eat some." >"O.. okay" >"It's fine.. I guess.." >"Would you just be honest and say that it was good? Yappari, Obachan's okonomiyaki is the best." >Obachan: "Oh? Have you been here before?" >"Oh... uh... I used to come here before." >"Is that so? I usually remember my customer's faces, so forgive me." >(I guess that's true. This world's me hasn't ever been here before, since she isn't enrolled in Lydian...) >"I look forward to your continued patronage." >"Yes, of course. Now, lets cook up and eat a bunch. Obachan, please add the seafood mix and tomato cheese." >"Sure, wait just a moment." >(....It's good)
5-13 Part 2 >Edgebikki and Miku back in town >Talking about how they ordered too much >Edgebikki tells her to stop confusing her with the other Hibiki >Miku says that the Hibiki in front of her is another, entire separate Hibiki. >"If you understand... then it's fine I guess." >"...Hey, the other me, what kind of person is she?" >"..What kind of person... Ummm... A person who likes to eat delicious meals, I guess?" >"What? That's it?" >"Well, she likes to oversleep and then nap in class, let her homework accumulate and then cry for help..." >"Isn't that just a failure of a person?" >(But after all... it's just like what I saw in my dream...) >"Haha... I guess if that was all there was to it. But she has a lot of charm points." >"She can't help reaching out a hand to those in need... Ah, but, that's just like you." >"I'm not like that... I help people, they rely on me, and I betray them..." >"No, you don't do anything like that. At least, the Hibiki I know would never think of anything like that." >"Hibiki is... Even if she hurts herself, even if she suffers, she will never give up, and she will never give in." >"Even if you say it's fine, even if you say that you give up, she absolutely won't allow it." >"And even when she's in pain, she will always be laughing. 'Heiki, hecchara,' she'll say." >"Where have I heard that before..." >"'The magic words to help you get through any tough any tough spot'" >"Of course not... There's no magic words..." >"That may be so, but if Hibiki believes them I believe them." >"Even when she's suffering, she never loses faith, never gives up, and never hangs her head." >"That way, she continues to shine brightly on me and everyone else" >(...I just look away from suffering...) >"She calls me her sunshine, but to me she is really the sun. Without the sun, sunshine isn't... I'm not needed." >"...She's my best friend in the entire world." >"...Best... friend..." >(I'm envious... I'm jealous... This person... I want to destroy her...) >(No! I won't think about something like that--!) >"What's wrong, Hibiki-" >"It's nothing, I'm fine." >Ring ring >"Hello yes this is Kohinata." >Noise has appeared within the city, have to go deal with them >"I'm sorry, Hibiki. I'll be right back. >"I'm going too." >"No. The results of your medical examination still haven't come in yet. I'll take care of it this time, please wait here and don't fight." >"But..." >"Please. Leave it to us. Okay?" >"...Fine." Battle >"Thanks for waiting for me, Hibiki." >"It isn't like that. I thought there might be a situation where I have to fight, so just to be sure I stayed behind." >"Really? So you were worried about me. Thanks." >"Don't think of it that way. I just can't forgive the noise..." >"That's fine. Then, let's go part of the way home together." >"Together? Why?" >"Because we're in the middle of a date." >"Do what you want." >"I will." >"Well then, Chris, Maria-san, I'll see you later" >Maria and Chris show up out of nowhere >Chris: "We're close to Div2 so we're going home." >Maria: "Be careful." >Chris and Maria are surprised that edgebikki is being obedient, isn't fighting, and underwent her medical examination >Surely, Miku is getting through to her >If edgebikki's negative emotions are going away, then maybe our Hibiki will get better >Edgebikki is alone at her apartment >"I...." >(Holding hands with that girl... It was just so warm, but now...) >"Now it's freezing, it's cold..." >"No. She isn't helping me." >(I'm just secondary. That warmth, it's not for me.) >"The warmth will soon be completely gone from my hand..." >"This is just... painful..."
5-13 Part 3 >Miku and friends are at parallel Div2 >They got the results of the medical examination >"I thought it would be a good idea to tell you in advance before Hibiki-kun." >It's cancer >Edgebikki wandering Div2 >(-I wonder if Miku's here.) >(It's nothing but painful, but, I don't want to be apart from her...) >(...I don't want to be alone anymore...) >Overhears a conversation >"Hibiki-kun's condition is..." >(They're talking about me?) >"If this continues, she will die soon. That is the conclusion of our medical staff." >(---!? Then, after all...) >Miku: "No, it isn't like that." >"I understand how you feel but..." >Maria and Chris explain how it's already happened to our Hibiki >Genjuurou is shocked >Explain how SSJ can be used to vaporize relics >(Am I... saved? Will Miku save me?) >Genjuurou didn't even know SSJ could do that >It worked before, let's try again >Maria: "But before that, I want to hear a little bit more about the results of the medical examination." >"...Meaning?" >"I wanted to keep this a secret from her, but there's a possibility that there's something other than the Gungnir fusion affecting her." >"Another influence?" >Chris: "It seems like she absorbed a black one, that time she went berserk." >"Black one... A Karma noise!?" >(--So it really was that noise's--) >Miku: "Yes, so we can't use Shenshoujing carelessly-" >"Wait... I see. The truth is, we found many mysterious readings during the medical examination." >"We suspected that it was due to equipment breakdown or malfunction, but if it's like that then it seems we were wrong." >"...Inside her body, there was a mysterious energy reading. It was a different type than Gungnir." >(...) >"It fluctuated, becoming weaker or stronger. But, it was the same type as noise." >"It's unthinkable that something like that would be inside her body. To a person, that energy is a deadly poison." >"But if that's the case, then it is likely that the Gungnir's fusion is in opposition of the Karma noise's energy." >"So the Gungnir's fusion is saving her?" >"We can't be certain, but if it's not the case then I can't explain it." >"Hey wait! So if we erase her gear--!" >"It would be impossible for a normal human body to withstand that energy. Perhaps, as soon as you erase her gear..." >"Thats--" >Edgebikki stops eavesdropping, enters room >"Haha... Nothing ever changes after all. After all, nobody will save me." >"Hibiki... how long where you there?" >"After all, I'm--" >Edgebikki runs away >"Hibiki! Wait I want to talk-" >Egebikki in the woods >"So that's the way it was..." >(The chest pain, the abnormally high body temperature... I always thought it was strange...) >(The strange stones falling off of me... I don't think I'm a normal human being anymore...) >"I see... So, I'm going to die.... alone... why..." >"If I'm just going to die here, then why--" >"Why did I survive that time? If only I hadn't survived, then I wouldn't have to feel this way." >"I always suffered, it was harsh, I was lonely. Even so, nobody came to my rescue...." >"My friends, my family, everybody vanished from in front of me..." >"On top of that, I'm going to become a monster and die. I hate it.... What did I do to deserve this?" >Edgebikki gets a call from Div2 >More noise >(Thats right. If I'm going to die anyway...) >"Then I'll fight. The noise that destroyed my world, I'll take them with me!" >Karma noise appears >Egebikki starts to get mad >"It's your fault... that I became this way, everything, all of it!" >"I'll kill you!" Battle
5-13 Part 4 >Edgebikki is overpowering the Karma noise alone >She is heating up >Tells Chris to leave her be as she's going to die anyway, may as well take the noise with her >Chris tells her not to be dumb >Miku says that she will save her >Edgebikki complains that it's just words >Miku says she can save her with her gear >Edgebikki says she's lying, if she erases the gear then she'll die >Miku won't let edgebikki die >"I became an adaptor to save you, Hibiki!" >(I want to believe her... I want to... but...) >Edgebikki is running out of time >Maria wants to bring her to the medical room >Chris wants to knock down the Karma noise, it's already wounded >Edgebikki agrees >They shoot at it a bit, it disappears >Nope >Edgebikki absorbed it >Turns into berserkki >Berserkki's phonic gain is increasing into the danger zone >At the worst possible timing, Goliath shows up >(I won't give up either, Hibiki. No matter how hard it is or how much it hurts. I won't give up.....) >"Heiki hecchara, right Hibiki...." >"So... I'll absolutely save you!" Battle
5-13 Part 5 >After the battle >"Hibiki! Wake up, Hibiki!" >Chris: "Shit, we aren't getting to her. Isn't there anything we can do old man!?" >Absorbing the Karma noise's curse has, in combination with her relic cancer, has provoked her berserk state and placed strain on her body >"That's not what I was asking! I was asking for a way to help her!" >Maria: "Now that it's come to this, there's nothing we can do except for to fully purge her with Shenshoujing." >Chris: "If you do that now, then she'll die of the curse!" >Inside edgebikki's mind >"Ah... after all... this pitch blackness, is where I belong." >"In the end, I'm alone and nobody rescued me." >"So... I'll destroy... it all!" >Resume berserkki >Attacks Maria and Chris, heads downtown >Miku asks if they're okay, Chris says to chase the idiot >Leave the Kaiju to Chris and Maria, Miku is the only one who can help edgebikki >Tsubasa shows up >Miku goes to save edgebikki, leaving Tsubasa, Chris, and Maria to deal with Goliath >Chris says Tsubasa is being too reckless >I am sakimori sword >Sun is about to set, preparations are almost done, need hold out until then >Night falls >They implement the plan, flash, Goliath stops moving >Fooled it into thinking the sun was still up using artificial light, its energy levels are dropping >Chris and Maria ignite Battle >Goliath is defeated >No time to rest here, gotta catch edgebikki >Genjuurou calls, things not going will for edgebikki >Lots of energy due to the synergy of relic cancer and karma curse >If a normal human were to approach, they'd probably die >If edgebikki gets to downtown, there could be a lot of casualties >It will be difficult to capture her in berserkki state >"If Miku-kun can't destroy her gear, then there will be no other way to stop her than to defeat her." >Chris: "And will she be saved by that!?" >"That's..." >Tsubasa: "At that time... I'll.. do it. I will cut her down." >Maria: "Tsubasa..." >Tsubasa: "That is the duty of an adaptor in this world." >Maria: "Wait! She is desperately trying to help her, even now!" >"As long as she doesn't give up, we shouldn't give up either!"
>"Hibiki, this incredible heat... Even from this far away, I can tell..." >"If I can't stop her and she gets to town, it'll be bad..." >"I won't let Hibiki hurt anyone! Hibiki! Please stop!" >"Shut up.... shutupshutup! Nobody saves me... nobody!" >"Killing... Destruction... That's what this fist is for--!" >(HAYAI!) >(If she won't let me focus Shenshoujing's power, then I can't disintegrate her gear...) >(I have to find a way to stop her from moving...) >(But, what should I do....?) >(If I can force Hibiki to regain her will, her memories, just for a moment....) >Flashback to earlier in the event >"Then I know of a good place to go stargazing. Let's go together sometime." >"I guess I want to see just a little bit..." >"Then it's a promise. We'll go together." >End flashback >(This Hibiki doesn't know that place... But, if their spirits are in sync--) >"Over here, Hibiki!" >Miku leads Hibiki to a clearing in the forest >(Hibiki's movements have stopped....?) >"The other day, I promised you. That we'd go to a place where you can see the stars clearly." >"This place is... for me, a very sentimental place." >(Promise.... sentimental...?) >"Please, Hibiki! Come home! You can't be in such a dark place!" >"I am not in your memories. A promise..." >"Hibiki.... Can you hear my voice?" >"...is good for nothing. Watching the stars, in a place like this, means nothing." >"That's not true! We promised, you aren't alone!" >"A promise.... I don't understand..." >"You can't make a promise by yourself you know." >"When small promises pile up, you can create precious memories." >"Even in difficult times, they continue to shine in your heart, becoming stars." >"So... Hibiki. Understand. You aren't alone anymore." >"Tsubasa-san, Genjuurou-san, everyone is worrying about you. Your feelings, your anxiety, people who care about you are close to you." >"Do not turn away from the promises you've made and the connections you've formed." >"Do not give up on anything. Stop grasping things as if you are going to destroy them." >"Your fist is not for that..." >"...Shut up! Do not impose your selfish feelings on me! I, my fist, is to destroy, destroy everything--!" >"No! Hibiki always is, a good girl who can't go without helping people..." >"Be honest with yourself! Don't deceive your true heart!" >"How could you understand anything about my feelings!? You never helped me! You abandoned me! How-" >"Hibiki, show me your hands." >"Your hands without weapons, they're proof that you really want to hold hands with people more than anyone else..." >"Those hands... Are Tachibana Hibiki's armed gear!" >"These hands... are my... armed gear...?" >"And another thing, that you're wrong about..." >Flashback >"But if that's the case, then it is likely that the Gungnir's fusion is in opposition of the Karma noise's energy." >"So the Gungnir's fusion is saving her?" >"We can't be certain, but if it's not the case then I can't explain it." >"Hey wait! So if we erase her gear--!" >"It would be impossible for a normal human body to withstand that energy. Perhaps, as soon as you erase her gear..." >End flashback >(It's okay. I believe. Shenshoujing, my song, will certainly save Hibiki) >(So, no matter what happens-) >"Kohinata Miku will never abandon Hibiki! Never!" >(Hibiki.... Lend me, your strength...) >Miku sings her superb song >"Thats her... superb song..." >(Don't sing that! If you sing that then...!) >(...Why, for someone like me... Nobody saved me anyway... Everyone else was together, and no one with me... but...) >(--No. Kohinata Miku was always concerned for me, always by my side, and was the one to help me. And so, I loved Miku.) >(Why did I forget, something so obvious...) >(I have to save...) >(I HAVE TO SAVE MIKU!) >Edgebikki sings her superb song >Tsubasa, Chris, and Maria show up >Tsubasa: "Where did those two go? >Maria: "Surely they should be around here... We have to hurry!" >Tsubasa: "Wait! This is, Kohinata and Tachibana's song.... It can't be, their superb song!?" >S2CA tornado appears >Tsubasa: "What was that light just now? What's going on--!?" >Chris: "That was, it can't be, S2CA!" >"How?! Without that idiot, why is S2CA!?" >Maria: "Perhaps, Tachibana Hibiki finally grabbed her outstretched hand." >"The Tachibana Hibiki we know and the Tachibana Hibiki here are fundamentally the same." >"A girl who wants to hold hands more than anybody else." >Chris: "You don't think, that this light, is because..." >X-Drive Miku appears >Miku: "This... This power..." >(I can feel it... The warmth and the strength... This is the power... of my feelings for Hibiki...) >Hibiki: "Stop.... Don't shine that light one me!" >Miku: "Hibiki... Tell me.... What is it you truly hope for? What is it you truly wish for!?" >"For your sake I can do anything.... I will grant you anything!" >Hibiki: "I don't have any hopes! Leave me alone..." >(No! I'm sick of being alone! I hate being alone in this dark place!) >"I was never helped anyway. So I being alone from the start was fine..." >(...Hope is useless, even if I wish for it, nobody will save me...) >(I understand that! But... If it's this person, I feel like she can save me.) >(So please, just one more time...) >"Please.... save me...." >Miku: "Hibiki.... you finally answered. I've finally heard it. Your true voice." >"Okay. I'll save you. I promise." >Berserkki attacks, Eiai Promise starts playing >"Hibiki... I won't let go of your hand! NEVER EVER!" Battle >Miku: "My thoughs... Everyone's thoughts... How much we treasure you, everybody's feelings--- will reach you!!" >"I will shake off the darkness that gnaws at her heart---!" >Very poorly pre-rendered version of X-Drive Miku's laser beam >Hibiki: "AAAAAAA!? It doesn't... hurt...? What is this... light..." >(Aahh... it's warm... almost like...) >Miku drops her transformation >Miku: "HIBIKI----!" >Hibiki: (Miku is... reaching her hand out, to me--) >"MIKU....MIKU----!" >(...I finally understand what the other me said. That's right... To me, Miku is-) >"Mi,ku.... I'm.. sorry..." >Miku: "Heiki, hecchara, isn't it?" >Hibiki: "Yeah... thanks..." >Miku: "Welcome home, Hibiki..."
>Chris and Maria at the Gjallarhorn gate >Chris: "So it's finally over?" >Maria: "Yeah it seems like it. We've defeated the bosses and saved the girl." >Miku: "Uhm, I'm going to go check on Hibiki-" >Elf9: "Welcome back, everyone." >Gen: "Good job, I'm glad you made it back safely." >Chris: "What's with you two? Were you waiting for us to come back again?" >Elf9: "No, the Gjallarhorn Alert stopped, so we thought you would return soon." >Maria: "Really? Well, I'm glad the alert finally stopped." >Chris: "If that wasn't enough to stop it, then we would have to give up" >Gen: "It seems like this time was a tough fight, too. Good work you three, you've earned a good rest." >Miku: "Um, before that, how's Hibiki's condition?" >Gen: "I think it would be faster to hear it from her directly." >Miku: "Eh?" >Hibiki: "WELCOME HOME, MIKU!" >Miku: "Hibiki..." >"HIBIKI----!!" >Hibiki: "Miku, I'm so glad you made it back safely~." >Miku: "Well I'm so glad that you got better..." >Elf9: "The alert was resolved and at roughly the same time she regained consciousness" >"As if there wasn't anything wrong in the first place, she suddenly recovered." >Miku: "Hibiki, does it still hurt anywhere?" >Hibiki: "Nope, I'm fine now-owowow" >Miku: "Hibiki... Are you..." >Hibiki: "It- hurts-" >Chris: "H-hey! What's going on? Didn't you say that it was all better!?" >Elf9: "Please calm down. It is likely that it is simply a stomach ache due to over-eating." >Maria: "Over-eating...?" >Gen: "Honestly, even if her physical condition has improved, I can't believe she can eat that much." >Hibiki: "But, I was really hungry... It was almost like my stomach and back were stuck together 100 times." >"Uu, I'm going to throw up..." >Chris: "You idiot! Don't mislead us like that!" >Chris assaults Hibiki >Hibiki: "Ow! I'm still sick, so you should pity me more~." >Miku: "Hibiki please." >Maria: "As surprising as always I suppose. It doesn't even seem like she went through any hardship." >Gen: "If she's like this, then it means you managed to safely help the other world's Hibiki." >Miku: "Yes. It's already fine." >"Not just the matter of her fusion, but her heart too..." >"I was able to get through to her that she wasn't alone... Besides--" >In the other world >Gen: "It's incredible that only the corroded portions were removed so cleanly.... I'm nothing but impressed." >Tsubasa: "That's the results of Tachibana's medical check?" >Gen: "Yes. In their Miku's light, the tissue that began to fuse was completely erased." >"Of course, this includes the energy thought to be from the Karma noise was also erased. Everything has vanished completely." >Fujitaka: "But, since that includes the Gungnir fragment, she can no longer wear a gear." >Gen: "Yes, but, compared to her life, it's rather trivial. Well, I suppose it is unfortunate that our combat capacity has decreased." >"That reminds me. Ryouko-kun should be returning soon." >Tomosato: "Yes, the Shenshoujing pendant that Ryouko-san made, she'll surely be surprised that we found a suitable adaptor for it." >Fujitaka: "She also missed the X-Drive Mode activation. She's going to be pretty frustrated." >Gen: "Haha. No doubt about it. She'll just have to make due with the observation data." >Tomosato: "But... it really was a miracle to be able to save Hibiki from that state." >Gen: "Well, that's not the real miracle here." >"The power to save the heart of a girl, alone in despair, who rejected herself and everything else in the world, now that is worthy of being called a miracle." >Tsubasa: "...Yes, I suppose that is true." >Gen: "Well, anyway... We don't have to worry about Hibiki anymore. She has regained the courage to take other's hands and to connect hearts." >Tsubasa: "Anyhow, where is she now? I heard that the examination was completed but..." >Fujitaka: "It seems that after the examination finished she went home..." >Tsubasa: "Honestly. Even if she isn't an adaptor anymore, I wanted to do some things with her..." >"I had hoped that we would be able to work cooperatively, just a little...." >Gen: "What, isn't that unexpectedly early?" >Elsewhere >Hibiki: (These hands...) >"These hands aren't for destroying anything... Right, Miku..." >(Joining hands with someone... This hand, can join with someone...) >"I'm not alone... Once I joined hands, even after letting go we are still connected..." >(So, it's okay. I'm heiki, hecchara.) >"....Speaking of which, she's gone now. I wonder if I'll be able to meet her again...." >(I guess... it's impossible. Since she lives in the other world.) >(But I'm sure, one day I'll meet her again-) >???: "Hibiki..." >Hibiki: "Eh...?" >"Miku...?" >Memoria scene >"Why are you still here?" >Miku: "Hibiki... Hibiki! I always wanted to see you again..." >Hibiki: "We just separated, why are you acting that way..." >(Huh? Something's... different? >Miku: "I'm sorry... After that, I left you without saying goodbye." >Hibiki: "Eh? Are you-" >Miku: "I wrote you letters, but you never replied... No matter how many times I came to see you, you were never there..." >Hibiki: (This girl... No, this Miku is--) >"Miku, why are you....?" >Miku: "Some people from the Disaster Relief Squad came..." >Hibiki: "Those people did..." >Miku: "I'm sorry. I wasn't by your side in your darkest hour-- But... I'm glad I finally got to see you... Hibiki..." >Hibiki: (Miku..., she's warm... oh.. that's right. At that time, I remembered. Miku was always my sunshine.) >"That's right. I finally found you. The place where I belong is right here." >Hidamari Memoria Finish
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