#we were left alone for a while bc cousin and her bf went to a night store for more alcohol
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Hi today. Things happened. Good lord (positive)
#basically my cousin's cute friend did show up#and. well.#we were left alone for a while bc cousin and her bf went to a night store for more alcohol#and we had a respectful chat about basically. thinking the other is hot. he straight up said hes into me. respectfully#and later when cousin and her bf came back she asked what did she miss and the cute friend was like 'oh just rizzing your cousin' kdbdndnxn#and from that point we spent most of the time cuddling#like proper cuddling like. first i was just leaning on him and he hugged my waist#but it gradually went to#hes sitting behind me and im half laying down between his legs on his torso and hes holding my waist and putting his head on mine#so like. yeah#yeah im normal about everything#he even tried to kiss me at one point but im not a kissing person#he was very respectful about that tho. after he did smooch me next to my lips.#like he apologized immediately and didnt try again but we still cuddled#and later later we like swapped and he was laying on me#like girl. hot damn#tho i do very much prefer being the hugged person lmao it was still cool as fuck#and like hes tall. so tall. i love tall people. felt really comfy and safe in his arms. good lord#im didnt get drunk today but i did get a lil silly after drinking. mostly just sleepy and more open to touch#im not tipsy anymore but honestly i feel drunk on just the feeling of being desired by someone and touch and all that shit#like im ace in a way so cuddling real close and kisses not on my mouth is i think the most im okay with#and i do like that physical attention but i dont really get any ever#its a really good feeling to know that someone finds me attractive. and to just cuddle about that#praying he wont see this lmaoo#theres no reason he would but i do still remember how my friend i had a genuine crush on found and read my posts about her lmao#but yeah i don think i ever shared my tumblr w him. good#anyway it was a great evening and my brain is still short circuiting#bee buzz
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aleksa-sims · 10 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
I was at my grandparents. N. was there a few minutes before me, but he picked me up from that dark alley that made me so scared. My Grams sent him down to me, when I called her earlier. N. was a little worried about me. I didn’t talk to him. I didn't want to and I also couldn't. I was somewhere else with my thoughts. To be honest, I was thinking about Daniel and that horrible night a few months ago. Once I entered my grandparents' apartment, even more memories of the time with D. came up. There were some pics of our wedding on the walls. And right here in my old bedroom, Daniel proposed to me. While I was looking at all our family pics, I noticed something. There were pics of Ana, my Cuz M. my Dad & me. But what happened to my uncle’s photos? Why did my Grams take his pictures off the wall?
I wanted to ask my Grandma, but she immediately started talking about my pregnancy. She asked me to keep my Baby. No matter what worries & fears burden me, my Baby is a gift from above, she said. Yea, my Gram's deeply religious. Anyway! It was pretty late. I just wanted to go to bed so I postponed our conversation until the next day. But before I did, I asked my Grams if she was mad at my uncle? Why else are his photos missing, you know? I once mentioned at the beginning, that my uncle has an illegitimate child but none of us knew about it for a long time. 14 years! Well, now it came out! And my Cuz M., moved in with my grandparents for a while, because he was also totally mad at his Dad. His mom left his Dad! She wanted a divorce. So my uncle that stupid fraud, was now all alone in his house for which he can repay the loan alone. His wife just wanted to get away from him! I would do the same in her place.😡
Back to me. I unpacked my bag. I brought some clothes, bcs I had planned to stay here for a while. I was sad. My Mom and Dad also had probs with each other. ..... Ugh, and in my bedroom where even more pics of Daniel & me. I felt sorry for Nico. This all must feel pretty crap for him to be constantly compared to Daniel. I decided to put away my wedding photos. Nico was still in the living room with my Grampa. My Grampa liked N.! It's always been that way. He could talk to Nico for hours about soccer. He wanted to know everything about N’s job. But I think Nico didn’t mind talking to my Grampa about his soccer career. Normally he is more used to rejection, when it came to that. I mean his Dad (mine too actually), he was always against N. playing soccer, as you know.... I took my cosmetic bag and was on my way to the bathroom. I opened my bedroom door and saw Nico standing in the hallway with my Cuz M.
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Mario (to N.): I really wasn’t expecting you here. Hm!🤷‍♂️ Nice to see you again, dude.
Nico: Yea, same.... I didn’t mean to stop you, but would be nice if you could tell me which of those doors here, leads into your cousin’s room. I don’t wanna burst into your grandparents' bedroom.😅
Mario: Ana or Aleksa? Ha? 😜🤣
Nico: Ana?? Hell, no! I haven’t even seen Ana since A. and I got back together.
Mario: I was totally confused  when I saw Philip with Aleksa last year. He was Ana's bf! I-... I had no bloody clue what was going on there! She even said you knew about it. Is that true man? Did you really want that??
Nico: Uhhm,..... won't talk abou that. But she did nothing wrong! I..... demanded certain things from her and this one thing was.............. stupid! But I didn’t take advantage of your cousin or anything. I loved her. So much. Maybe too much. 🫤🤷‍♂️
Mario: Aghh... Honestly? I don’t wanna hear any details. I was just surprised you agreed, that’s... all. And A.'s room's back there. Last door on the left. Right next to it, is my bedroom so.... keep it  quiet pls. But haven’t you been here before? You should know where her room is.
Nico: No, I’ve only been to your grandparents' house with her, but, never here. I just used to pick her up a few times from here.
I went to the two to say hi to my baby Cuz. We talked a bit more. Especially about M.'s ugly room. It used to be his Dad’s. My Grandparents apartment is ....old! Older than my Dad & uncle, that's for sure. My room looked nicer! My Grams always took care of Ana's & my stuff. My sis and I were much more often here, than our Cousin. That’s why his room looked a bit neglected and was often used as a kind of....big storage space... Before Nico came to the bathrom with me, he went over to M.'s room. My Cuz borrowed him a shirt and some shorts for sleeping, so he doesn’t have to sleep naked. And they also talked about their dumb Dad's! This one thing, they had in common now.
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Hm, I wouldn’t mind N. sleeping naked next to me, I thought, as I watched him take a shower. I didn’t want to be mad at him anymore, but that damn Stephanie!!! He dumped me again two days ago, just because his stupid ex fiancée made drama like last time. Agh, it didn’t go on like that! I had to sort it out with him and talk about it. But... I really didn’t feel like talking about Stephanie that night. So I just kept doing my skincare....
Nico: I'm sorry..... Won't you talk to me?☹️
Me: What can I say??? ... It’s always the same. I ask you to stay with me, you promise, but then you leave anyway. This is the third time you’ve left me because of her.
Nico: Her fucking family came back today. Now it’s finally over, I don’t have to take care of her anymore. She's gone. She's with her parents.
Me: My feeling tells me she won’t give up! She’ll come up with more excuses and lies, to get you back. And I know you’re not stupid. That means, you can't let go of her either.
Nico: I swear it’s not like that! I can’t let YOU go. I want you! I love you. And I want our Baby. Honestly!... I saw that one pic of you earlier. Your Grams told me you were 5. It was your first day at school. I immediately recognized you by your curly hair and big, brwon eyes. I wish our Baby will be a girl and look exactly like you.
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Okay, that was really cute. Besides, he was still almost naked. I admit, it was hard for me to reject him. I think my hormones were partly responsible for me wanting N. sm. The pregnancy not only increased my desire for him, I will notice that I have generally become more sensitive. I cried for almost every stupid little thing.😩But I was also very happy! N and I went to bed. He wanted to settle this issue about Stephanie with me, but I told him, I didn’t want to talk. I wanted him. But tomorrow we will argue about exactly this topic! His ex! Also about Alex!I mean Alex's message/letter. Alex wanted to see me!
Oh, and Dilek will come to me to....... see Nico. She seemed to be more excited about it (him), than I was. She was a big fan of N. 😒 I was just glad Philip wasn’t there. The two in the same room with Dilek?? No thanks!🤢 I will avoid this, as long as I can!!!!!!!!!!!
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
So, I guess here comes the Camille ☕️ (if you wanna call it that)
Sorry in advance this gonna be a fucking long one.
If you have any questions just ask.
I honestly don’t know if I should be impressed or concerned that my brain still remembers so much details about this shitshow. But I guess their plan did work in the end.
So you asked about Camille. I honestly don’t even know where to start with that one. I don’t know for how long you’ve been a fan of Harry and how intensively you stan him, but this one send my bullshit detector right off in the same way that Holivia does.
Can’t really explain it but I just smell if something isn’t right. It’s not only that way with Harry but in general. I just KNOW if something doesn’t add up.
The reason hamille wasn’t overdone and ppl believe it was bc it was marketed to be real. It wasn’t for promo in the sense Holivia is or to be shoved in ppls faces. The point was to have a relationship to fall back on when his album came out to be the “long term relationship” described in the songs. To have a certain narrative if you want to call it that.
They only were papped 2 (+the time at the Classic East concert.) They went to really popular places where you only go to when you want to get papped.
Other than that they only posted „sneaky fanpics“ which was on purpose to make them look „private“ but they were anything but that.
I actually had saved so much stuff as proof till recently when I deleted it all bc it honestly has been 3 years and I didn’t think I needed it anymore to help me explain lol. And please don’t make the mistake of looking up Hamille timelines, bc they’re all created by shipper afterwards so 95% of the shit is wrong, in the wrong order or they added the wrong pics to certain events. (If you want to look for pics, specific dates and stuff look them up individually and NOT through shipper pages or similar shit.)
Alright, back to explaining why it was so obvious. Disclaimer: I‘m just gonna point out the most obvious things but there is way more.
Harry started following Camille back in June 2016. They have several mutual friends (Waseem, Alexa Chung, Matt Hitt etc) so I assume they‘ve met before. She didn’t follow back though till shortly before the „relationship“ started. So after Harry followed her in 2016 she started to tag him in posts of her and her friends ass and did that video moaning his name while grabbing her boobs (classy 🤢). Shortly afterwards Harry unfollowed for a while and started follow her again before the mess began.
Fast forward to 2017. After doing „Dunkirk“ and about to bring his debut album out they started the first attempt at what I call a failed narrative with Tess. Not gonna go over that again bc one anon pointed out right how fake it was. They got rid of her rather quickly after she posted several times from his house which wasn’t the „private way“ they intended it to go.
So they were looking for someone to replace her. Cue Camille entering the scene.
Perfect person for the narrative as she’s half french (goes well with Dunkirk promo), is a VS model, have mutual friends and she has several ex bf who have written songs/albums about her. She’s the picture perfect muse for his second album.
Please let’s first talk about chemistry and body language bc I can’t even say how awkward they always were around each other. First the two pap pics from the sushi place and in front of the gym/ yoga place: both times both had closed off body language either crossed arms, Harry walking 3 steps ahead, faces didn’t look pleased at all and rather irritated or as of they just had a fight/ were in the middle of a fight (especially the pic from in front of the yoga place). No touching or anything involved in any pap pics. If you didn’t knew they were supposedly „dating“ you wouldn’t see it.
Let’s get to their behavior at the „sightings“: they weren’t seen much together outside of touring. But when they were seen we got pics in like 95% of the cases and people meeting them always said they didn’t seem like a couple (apart from shippers who made up shit about them all the time).
Even in every „sneaky pic“ there was as much chemistry as in Holivia -> none!
We got a few pics or even videos were you could see them backstage or besides the stage (e.g. 2017 Toronto show: while Muna is on stage Harry and Camille stand awkwardly 3 feet apart from each other, both closed off body language, not interacting with each other. You’d think as they were still in their honeymoon phase at that time and in private, seemingly not knowing that anyone could see them that they acted more coupley or at least would not stand there like 🧍🏻 🧍🏻. (Have you seen him interact with Xander while watching 1D’s opening act? Total opposite to Hamilel and they were „just friends“. Also in other pics Harry would rather cling to her bag / coat etc that he was holding so he didn’t had to touch her or anything. I think the only time we saw them „touch“ was that Classic east concert („relationship debut“) when he awkwardly held her shoulders and she was swaying weirdly. She even tried to touch him or get him to sway with her but he shot that down immediately 🤣. I could go on for longer but you get what I mean...
The next weird thing is, that she was down in literally the pit or sitting with „regular fans“ 97% of the time. Without Harry’s bodyguard around. Sometimes Jeff was with her but mostly she stood there alone. Everyone knew that she wasn’t really popular and liked around fans, so why would you put your gf in the pit with all the crazys or why would you as a gf want to be in the crowd at most shows when you could watch from the side of the stage or backstage? Also the fact that we always knew when she was at a show because she was always „spotted“ even the few times she was indeed staying at the side of the stage, she didn’t stay hidden. Sometimes we even joked about how she wanted to be part of the band or something by how close she stood there in the open. But whenever Anne for example was on tour or close friends of his or whatever they always had someone walking with them for protection and Anne never was like „in the pit“ like Camille. She never followed any of Harry‘s close private friends or family. Only people who she could gain something from. Like Lambert, Jeff, Teasedale, the Crawford’s etc. And she was never at any of the London or Manchester shows where basically all of his friends and family were. Even though she would have had definitely time bc she posted herself and friends doing nothing or trolling in LA all the time in that time. When she was at that show in Paris in 2018, she brought her friend who lives in Paris and her cousin I think. We got backstage pics of them all and Harry and Camille staying as far away from each other in that pic as possible. She was seen leaving as well after that show with her friends out through the main entrance. This was also the show Anne was at and an awkward hugging video of them both came out. Tbh it’s not clear where Camille and co were sitting bc they moved around the arena the whole night. At one point you can see Anne and Camille standing next to each other and all of a sudden Camille was „hugging“ Anne but Anne was so surprised that she was just standing there like 🧍🏼‍♀️ and waited till it was over (that „hug“ looked more like as if Camille tried to tackle Anne 😂). Also serious question and not to make it sound weird, but it deadass looked in that video as if Camille just waited for a sign to go for that hug and that it was being recorded. Because the way the camera was pointing at them all of a sudden and they were just lucky enough to catch that on camera? Yeah sure...
Not to forget, she didn’t seem to have a lanyard like for example Anne had, so everyone would knew that she could move around the arena and crew as she wanted which is fucking weird not to have as a girlfriend especially if you’re apparently on tour for many dates. This also mean she couldn’t join them when she wanted but had to contact Jeff or Harry before so they could give her a lanyards for that specific date or a sticker with AAA. Sometimes she wore a lanyard but that was literally the VIP lanyard that you got when you bought a VIP ticket like any other fan. Didn’t mean she could move freely around the venue. Even weirder is that she put that AAA sticker on the back of her phone after she left tour 2018 and placed it obviously in lots of her insta stories and posts on insta (one where you can see that sticker is still up). Fan behavior not that of a real girlfriend!
Camilles mum followed Hamille shipper accounts at one point and liked a post of them. After that shippers were unbearable. Which mum follows a shipper account on insta? 😬
What I also find weird is that she was barely working and when she did she posted only like 2 about it. I mean it’s part of her job to post stuff like that?! But she went radio silent more often then not to let fans guess if she was with him or if she would turn up somewhere.
Her friends who are all are well in their 30s or older made often „jokes“ about Harry or implied stuff about him or 1D and posted this on their stories and she was laughing with them most of the time... what a girlfriend huh...
Another thing is, she was never at his house in London. Because she was never at any of the UK dates besides that one gig he did for X -factor. They were not much in London at the same time. And when she was alone in London or with her friend, they literally stayed at an AirBnB or a hotel. So I ask you, why would she as his gf of a few months not stay at his place while she’s in the UK? Or that one time when she was in the UK making it look like she was waiting for him coming back from tour in Asia and he stayed extra long there (a week or two) even after tour in Asia finished and she was in London. But he went rather out partying in London. I don’t blame him.
When she was at his show in Milan (2017) she met a „fan“ and they took a selfie in the restroom (classy 🥴🤐) during the concert. Idk but this is one thing which is really questionable bc people were speculating she was at this show but we hadn’t gotten pics yet. So that she then took a pic with a „fan“ coincidentally seems really fishy to me. Also that said „regular fan“ had allegedly floor tickets as you could see in the videos and pics she posted in the beginning of the concert. But after the pic with Camille she all of sudden appeared on the balcony as well, close to where Camille and more VIP guests were. So how did she end up there if she didn’t have connections or was told to take a pic with her so then being on the balcony was her „reward“? To add this woman was close to Camilles age so this scenario makes just less and less sense the longer you think about it.
In May she was still on tour with her then bf in Tokio. In July just two weeks before they were seen together for the first time that awkward Grimmy interview happened. Where he specifically asked about her. And Harry said he „ didn’t know her“. Fucking weird to bring up such a private topic on radio and then be seen not even 2 weeks later. (Not gonna argue on that one, it’s the same like the wedding weekend pap walk just more subtle).
Then there were so many pics of him backstage at that concert, pics with fans, official pics, „sneaky fan sightings“ in the audience... He looked rather uncomfortable holding her shoulders while she was dancing. We know Harry goes often to concerts but when did we ever get so many pics from one? Mostly it’s a blurry pic of him or one backstage pic with the artist, not like the ones we got and certainly not that many. Plus we got an relationship article the day after.
Funny is also how he was on vacation in Muskoka with the Gerbers and Anne at the end of July 2017 shortly before the first spotting of Hamille and Camille no where to be seen.
Now I‘m gonna point out inconsistencies and such might be in chronological order, might be not.
I think the next time we saw them was a „sneaky fan pic“ (just the two of them) without a source from Beverly Hills hotel at lunch. Her friend Lauren posted a instastory being at that hotel right then and there and deleted the story like 5 minutes afterwards. She wasn’t in the pic of the „fan“ so my bet is she was the one taking the pic.
Coming to the stunt props. The „ring“ he was suddenly wearing on his pinky was from Camille. She only wore it once for a photoshoot in 2013 and then all of a sudden she wore it in every story she posted for the next 2 weeks right BEFORE he was wearing it and literally made such a show out of showing that ring that it was so cringey to watch at.
Not to forget his Pink Floyd shirt that was featured in his Rolling Stones mag interview that she not only wore but posted a few instastorys with showing it up close so every Harry fan could identify it from the distinctive holes in it.
Funny was the times she wore „his necklace“ and again posted several stories wearing it and even went to an event with it that Kendall wore before. After people pointed the connection to Kendall out, she never wore it again 😂😂 Harry being papped leaving a gym while wearing Camilles ex shirt was peak comedy.
Camille making a post saying „goodbye“ to her friend Lauren before Christmas in a really distinctive fur coat. Then New Years dinner pics with Jeff, Camille and co came out. Harry looking bored as always around her. Then the weirdest thing: he took fan pics while holding Camilles distinctive fur coat in his hands in every fucking pic. And it wasn’t that cold to wear a fur coat! Why couldn’t she hold it herself while he took the pics or Jeff or put it on the chair beside him? That wasn’t really slick of them.
Then Camille having a girls trip to Corsica and literally posting so fucking often being girls only in cars an what not. Harry was in London out with Mitch and was also seen on other occasions so I assume he went to Corsica for maybe 2 days max to get pics in. (Her cousin/ goddaughter of her mum posted a pic with Harry in Corsica in 2018 from that time). Mind you they could have just „dating“ for maybe 5 week’s max at that time bc they were never at the same place at the same time before maybe late June, and that’s when Robin died and he was home so I doubt that’s when they met. I assume 1.st proper meeting was in early July or after the Grimmy interview.
Harry filmed the Manchester special for his album in Manchester literally right before he went to HC with Camille. Yet Grimmy, one of his best friends at least at that time, never followed her or hung out together.
The next thing is her being in Holmes Chapel. She hinted at it on insta, like she did EVERY time she would be around Harry. Also appearing in every pic of him in the background when she was around. Even posted a story of random people with Harry’s voice in the background. That’s also a point why it was so obviously fake.
She posted in a train and captioned it with something like „England ❤️“ and then a cow (similar to Olivia with the hedgehog and caption) and then appeared in every pic we got of him that weekend.
She turned up to several of his shows, yet NEVER to his hometown shows (neither London or Manchester) where all his family and friends were at. She also only followed people beneficial to her career like Lambert, Jeff and co but never anyone of his real friends or family even though Gemma followed her after Christmas 2017 (which was taken as the „proof“ that they spend Christmas in HC🤦🏻‍♀️ and we got this photoshopped pic of Hamille which turned out was an old pic of originally Harry and Gemma. Glenne also never followed her and Camille was also never seen with Glenne it was only ever Jeff around and people noticed that (probably why we got now the joyride etc including Glenne).
Ok so what do we have next? The charity gig where his mum celebrated her 50th bday with everyone wearing a yellow flower crown. Everyone besides Camille. She wasn’t invited and just was brought to them while Harry was already singing a song, Gemma looking annoyed in the video her friend posted. Before Harry’s set was over someone came and took Camille with them again while Anne, Gemma and co stayed in the crowd. So why was she even going to them and didn’t stay backstage if she clearly wasn’t invited to celebrate with Anne and co and left before Harry even finished his set. We got also pics of a bday dinner with Anne, Harry, Gemma and all the friends from the concert but without Camille. This was also the gig where he was groped on stage.
After that charity gig in late October Harry went to tour in Europe. He stopped wearing the ring and seemed happier than before somehow. I went to the Cologne show and let me tell you, it was fucking nuts! His energy and the way he was smirking all the time not to forget Kiwi twice.
You’d think Camille would have been quiet now on sm that Harry wasn’t around, but it was exactly the opposite! It was like as if she had to remind everyone that that „relationship“ was still „on“ after he ditched that ring bc she was literally unbearable on insta. We got her and friends singing SOTT on karaoke (while she was wearing the Kendall necklace like mentioned previously), then she did a whole photoshoot (sorry but that’s just what it was) with her friends Djuna + Nik whit a very distinctive blue totebag Harry was carrying around just a week or two before while meeting fans in LA and she did the same thing like she did with the ring and posed with that bag in every angle. As if all that wasn’t enough in the space of 3 days she then celebrated Halloween with her friends and 2 or 3 of them wore costumes that reminded of 1D and Harry. All this happened between his cologne show and Halloween. Trolling at its best.
Then Camille decided to turn up to tour in Europe but she didn’t choose days when he actually had time off (even though she evidently didn’t do anything in LA besides trolling the last few days) so she decided to pop up when Harry had shows back to back and needed to travel to them as they were all over Europe. He had two more Berlin 7.11. and an event in London on the 6th) before she turned up on 8.11. in Amsterdam where she met Ella his cousin who followed Camille then (but Camille never followed back), 9.11. Italy x-factor, 10.11. Milan , 11.11. London X-Factor). He clearly didn’t have any time then which gets even more ridiculous if you know that she was back in LA by Monday the 13th the latest bc a photographer „exposed“ her being on set early that day. So why did she even bother turning up to tour that time when she could have done earlier and be at his homeshows?
Another thing is, when Harry went to NYC at the end of January 2018 to perform with Fleetwood Mac he didn’t take her instead he took Jeff and Xander was there as well. But no Camille. Right before was one of the rare times they got papped. Harry as always looking irritated around her. And them looking as if the soccer mom collected her son from practice😂
On his b-day her friend Lauren posted Camille chilling at their home reading and hanging out with her. Harry was officially MIA but a good friend of mine actually saw him while walking her dog the next day in Hampstead rather covered up with another guy (assuming his trainer or PA) trying not to be seen. She is not a huge fan of Harry and only knows him bc I‘ m a fan but she texted me right away saying something was weird about how he was trying to not be seen.
And on cue allegedly someone (real estate Agent from London) said he was on her flight to London over a week later (even though I knew he was already there for a while).
So the last time they were actually seen together was the day they were papped (I think that was even the day of the Grammys).
Then the thing about her quitting smoking bc she was „ dating“ Harry 🤣🤣. The way she even lied about that. She posted a video and made a few instastorys throughout that year to say how long she didn’t smoke at that time „bla, bla, bla“ and Harries ate that shit up. She was caught so many times lying in regards to that. Her friends and co were the ones to always expose her accidentally. She appeared in so many stories in her friends stories were she smoked a cigarette and not „just“ a juul like she always liked to pretend (not that a juul would be any better lol). Harry probably didn’t like it when he had to be around her for longer periods of time and she would smoke around him or smell of smoke so she had to pretend she cared for his sake and quit publicly. To say is also that she publicly started smoking again after she came back from tour end of March/beginning of April 2018.
Now speaking of the big tour in 2018. Camille seemed to had joined tour again at some point. She was at the Paris show like mentioned earlier but then only joined tour 2 dates or something later in. Someone „exposed“ her of staying with friends in each city she went on tour with at that time instead of staying with him. I think he also got fed up with her bc Harry & band + some of the crew went to museums in each city. But of course Camille had to post something every time they were at a museum and so it didn’t take long till fans caught on and turned up en masse in these museums so he couldn’t go there anymore. I would have been pissed too if I were him. And girls who’s dad is the director of one of the museums did meet Harry at the museum and he invited them to the show and backstage. These girls said Harry and Camille didn’t look or behave like a couple at the museum, he was mostly around the band and she on her own. And backstage the same thing. She was kinda just there and nothing more. Not long after that she left tour and only turned up at the Ireland show and then later the NYC and LA one.
Speaking of the Ireland show, that must have been the most awkward thing ever. I saw a few videos from people who did constantly film the side of the stage and she is staying alone there with the sound guys while Mabel was performing and Harry was standing backstage with Jeff and the band, watching Mabel and preparing for their prank they did on Mabel.
Twice Harry is walking past Camille and didn’t even acknowledge her. She was once again just standing there. You could almost feel bad for her, but only almost. Then he went to prank Mabel on stage with the rest of the band and was so affectionate with Mabel something you never saw him be with Camille.
After that show the trolling did turn down a bit for a while but like 2 days before the concert she posted a Mick Jagger pic and everyone knew she would turn up in NYC. And she proved us right bc she posted about being on a plane the minute she stepped foot in said plane 🤦🏻‍♀️. At the show itself she was in the crowd/pit with with Xander, Waseem, Matt Hitt & Jeff but Jeff had to fetch her again a lanyard at first for that day bc she still hadn’t one although allegedly „dating“ him for nearly a year at that time. You’d think she had one for the whole tour but nope. And after the concert Harry was once again out with friends while she stayed with another friend in NYC. Between the NYC and LA show she was seen being cosy with Alexander Skarsgard and then her now bf Theo Niarchos. To the LA show she turned up with Djuna, Nik and another friend. All of them sat up pretty high in the nosebleeds while Kendall and co where in the family and friends lounge right above pit. And Camille and co left a little earlier before the show finished and left through the front entrance. Suspicious is also that the „break up“ was announced like exactly on the year mark of the start their „relationship“. Sorry that I wrote so much. And I probably still missed a lot but I hope it’s gotten clear what I mean.
I'm still reading this through but wanted to post for those asking about it!!
Thank you!
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kpop-forwhaat · 5 years
alright sO, here’s a little story of how kpop helped me personally. but in order to share my story, i must start from the beginning. 
growing up, i’ve never had much family. my mom was constantly on drugs and my dad wanted nothing to do with me. my cousins and aunts wanted nothing to do with me either, they would say one thing and then never commit. my mom’s mother (grandma but she wanted us to call her mema bc it grandma made her feel old) also wanted nothing to do with me. so what i had growing up was my great grandmother and her son, my papa (grandpa). 
my mom was constantly on drugs, always moving us around from town to town whenever she made some enemies. i remember going to 7 different school districts by the time i had started my freshman year of high school. 
but throughout this entire time, my grandma and papa would always be there. when i was a toddler, my mom was caught and sentenced to 4 years in prison, while she was in prison, she had my little sister, we’ll call her Taylor. but that’s another story. 
so basically, my grandparents raised me together. 3 generations living peacefully, as well as my siblings. 
fast forward to 13 year old me. i was in my hometown, where my grandparents were raised, and I was living with them again at the time because they both had their own variants of cancer. so i offered to help with getting groceries and cleaning the house, so i lived with them. one day, my mom drops my sisters off for the “weekend” and says she’ll be back on monday. i was stuck watching two elderly cancerous people as well as two little girls who are 5 (Haley) and 6 (Edith), for six months. my mom didn’t come back for six months. i had to enroll them in school, i forged her signiture. i washed, clothed, and fed 4 people at 13. 
fast forward 2 years later. 
my grandpa had just passed away from his 6th round of cancer, throwing my mom back into a deep spiral of drugs after being clean for almost 2 years after coming back. her dad just died, i understand that she was going through a lot. but with the lack of my father figure, my papa had become my dad, and my grandma had become my mom. 
my mom had moved out to live with her boyfriend at the time, as well as taking my little sisters Haley and Edith. that left me with my grandma, who i had no problems living with. she was beginning to get quite old, so i would help out even more. 
around christmas that year, my mom was kicked out of the house she was living in bc her boyfriend just recently went to prison and there was no reason for her to be living there with my sisters in a house with her bf’s parents. she had no where to go, and my grandma almost didn’t let her stay with us. hell, my mom didn’t even know where we lived. but i had convinced my grandma that my mom had changed, and that she just needs a place to live before she gets back onto her feet. 
boy, was that the biggest fucking mistake i’ve ever made. 
my mom used to be abusive before, whenever she would get high, she would get angry at something and then proceed to take it out on me, whether it be through physical violence or mental abuse. i learned to tune her out eventually, but years of damage had been done. 
i knew something was going on when she would bring strangers over, or i would hear her fucking her newest side piece in the living room at midnight in the same room while my sisters slept on the other couch. 
but one day, i had stayed home from school bc i had pulled a muscle in my back helping my grandma bring groceries into the house. i remember sitting in my room alone when two of her druggie buddies practically knock down my door and say that the cops are at the front door. they said they wanted to hide out in my room, and pleaded that my grandma don’t open the door. 
my grandma had nothing to hide, and she wasn’t going to stop the police from coming in when she knew that this could be the way to get my mother out of our lives for good. she opened the door, and the police found a fucking meth lab in the garage. 
my sisters and i were put into foster care in march of 2015. i was 15 years old. 
because my sisters could go and live with their dad, they weren’t sent to a foster home. i had no family that would take me in, other than my grandma but i couldn’t live in the house with the lab so i had to go to a home. 
fast forward to my junior year of high school.
i’ve always been fangirl. first it was one direction in middle school. then 5 seconds of summer after that. but then i had started watching kdramas on netflix and came across this one group. in their webdrama “To Be Continued...” Astro caught my attention. they were all so cute and i wanted to know more. 
so in my senior year of high school, i was finally living with my grandma again. i wasn’t in a foster home anymore, and i was happy. but then, my grandma had fallen ill, the fumes from the meth lab years ago were still fucking with her lungs, and she had stayed in the hospital for a few days. 
my social worker found out and told me that i can’t live with her anymore, unless i let my cousin move in. so that’s what happened. 
then in december, between christmas and new years, my grandma had fallen. she broke her hip and her collerbone. because of the injuries, she had to be transferred to around the clock care in a nursing home. 
that next february, with the stress of college applications and the fact that my own fucking mother figure was dying in front of my eyes, i attempted suicide in february of 2018. i had taken 30 tylenol pm tablets without hesitation. but once it had sank about what i had done, i immediately asked for help. i was in a hospital for 5 days, and then court ordered to go to a mental health facility. now this is where kpop really helped me. 
the other girls in the facility knew about kpop too. we all bonded over BTS, EXO, and other groups. before this, every other kid in the teens wing was there for attempted suicide. but when all of us girls started bonding over kpop, the therapists and helpers saw a change in our behavior. we weren’t sad anymore, we were happy, singing our favorite songs that we knew by heart. 
i know that i personally sang bs&t for days, and us girls even did our favorite choreo during physical times. it got to the point where one of our supervisors brought in tv, hooked up a computer to it, and let us watch music videos during our free times. 
i honestly don’t think i would’ve recovered as quickly as i did if i didn’t have those other girls, if i didn’t have kpop or BTS. they helped me, they saved me. and they continue to save me whenever i have a bad day, or i feel an episode coming on. BTS is my world, and i love and appreciate everything they do for us. 
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daomings-blog · 6 years
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      hi my new friends ! i thought i was gonna copy and paste this intro from an old group i was in, but i love Torture and thus... rewrote the whole thing with a couple of new tiny details ! i’m jai, 21, she/they, and from the eastern timezone ! uh... this is my first time being in a krp and i kinda recently got into kpop as a whole i’m biased to got7 if you haven’t noticed Yeet, so pls take it easy on me, i’m trying my best ! and.... i hate to be That Person, but discord/ooc chats make me anxious & overwhelmed so i won’t always be in the chat but just know like ... i’m there in spirit. anywhomst, what you do guys say to me introducing you guys to kang while i wait to see if my spanish professor cancels class tomorrow, shall we ?
let’s introduce you to DAO MING ‘KANG’ FENG MIAN, they are a TWENTY EIGHT year old WANG JACKSON lookalike living in HOTEL YONGSAN. this particular CISMALE has been living in Seoul for TWO AND A HALF YEARS and has gained the title of being THE INTANGIBLE CONCEPT during that time, which is probably because of their SCRUPULOUS, OBSERVANT yet DOMINEERING, AGGRESSIVE tendencies. not to mention HE currently works as a RESTAURANT OWNER & HEIR, and can been seen hanging around DONGMAEMUN DESIGN PLAZA in their free time. 
right off the bat, kang’s real name is feng mian but literally no one calls him that now other than his grumpy grandfather. he introduces himself as kang and likes to be addressed as such.
he was born in shanghai to zhang wei ( ceo and director of the london headquarters of the dao ming corp. ) and jinghua ( a former international high fashion model and current cookbook author ). kang doesn’t have any siblings, so he grew up close to his cousins.
the dao ming family business is the dao ming corporation, which is the largest family owned corporation in shanghai and makes the dao ming family the wealthiest in china, with an estimated net worth of $58.9b, and it constantly rises everyday.
the dao ming corporation mostly focuses on financials, luxury real estate, and construction. the current ceo and director is kang’s grandfather, but when he passes away, then kang’s father will take over the company as a whole and kang will lead the london headquarters.
jinghua had a pretty difficult pregnancy with kang ( which is why he’s an only child ), and it was expected that she would have a miscarriage, but kang ended up coming a few weeks earlier than his due date. her pregnancy had already been a public spectacle since their relationship & marriage was already followed and scrutinized, so jinghua and zhang wei decided to raise kang in london. he was 3 when they made the move.
the family settled in the affluent hampstead, london village and kang grew up pretty spoiled. his parents always got him whatever he wanted, but they also weren’t the kind of parents to pass their son off on nannies. despite their own busy careers, zhang wei and jinghua were always there for important events, to tell him goodnight, and greet him when he came home from school.
during his teenage years, as most do, kang went through his rebellious stage. he started not listening and being an overall little dick, but he made sure to bring home the best grades. he knew from a young age that he’d someday be doing his father’s job, and kang hates feeling like a failure, so he always did his best.
when he was sixteen, kang was gifted with a porsche 911 that he would always use to hotbox with his friends. kang got into smoking as a way to calm his nerves ( since he does have generalized anxiety disorder ), but he also liked to do it with his friends because that was their way of hanging out with one another.
fast forward and kang went off to the university of cambridge thanks to his incredible grades on his a-levels ( i hope i got that right i’m a dumb american ), and three and a half years later, kang graduated early and was gifted with the car that would ruin his life for a couple of years: a snow white bentley bentayga.
it’s the summer following kang’s graduation and he goes to a manchester united game with his friends. of course, kang had been drinking ( don’t worry, he wasn’t driving ), but they drove his car to the game. when leaving, kang’s car had been scraped badly by someone who was backing out of his parking space. instead of kang just exchanging insurance info and going to get his car fixed .... he ended up getting into a really bad fight with the stranger.
his friends attempted to get him to stop, and once the police arrived, kang turned his drunken assault on the police. thus, kang was arrested. he was originally charged with public intoxication, assault and battery, and assault on a police officer, but thanks to his fancy pants lawyers and his parents, it was talked down to two years on the charges of assault and assault on an officer.
so, kang spent two years in federal prison.
following his release, kang returned home, but his grandfather saw kang as nothing more than a huge, huge disappointment. he wanted zhang wei and jinghua to cut kang off financially from the family, but they weren’t going to do that to their son. kang spent about three months at home, and during that time he decided he wanted to open a restaurant in seoul.
his parents were supportive, and kang had always loved to cook, so he figured that the restaurant would keep him out of trouble and keep him busy until it was time for him to take over his dad’s portion of the family business.
once he got soba up and running, kang made the move to seoul full time two and a half years ago. over the course of those two years, kang settled into the presidential suite of hotel yongsan and slowly started getting tattoos. he currently has a full sleeve on his left arm, and for now he’s finished, but that’s mostly bc his mom smacked tf out of the back of his head when she saw it for the first time.
so, kang’s a momma’s boy even if he doesn’t want to admit it. you know that tumblr post about the boy who cursed really loud, his phone rang and like a second later, in the softest voice he said “hi mama”? that’s kang in a nutshell.
overall, though, he’s a really antagonistic guy. he’s content with being alone, and he doesn’t really like when people play games or joke around too much. all in all, he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t handle his emotions well and he doesn’t really like to have his emotions played with, so just.. don’t press his buttons.
positively, he’s really into a routines and having things in order, so he might panic if something falls out of whack and he doesn’t know how to fix it.
whenever he’s really upset, though, kang will completely shut people out and either spend his time in the kitchen at soba or he’ll shut himself off in his suitte. he likes to give himself time to be alone and it’s kind of his way of managing his anger -- sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. it all truly depends on how angry he was at that moment.
he swears a lot, skips breakfast all the time, and has a bad habit of stress eating amongst other habits. he can be really sarcastic and he doesn’t like letting people in, so good luck getting his can of worms open ! uh, he barely sleeps and wakes up at sunrise, but somehow manages to not look like a zombie so that’s we’re at fam !
as for plots, i’m pretty much open to anything ! best friends, friends with benefits, ex friends with benefits, ex friends, enemies, rivals, family friends, squad, strictly hookups, one night stand, two night stand, hateship, work friends, drunken hookup, flirtationship, ex fling, current fling, ex bf/gf, on and off again, almost gf/bf, workout buddies, neighbors, and literally anything else we could think of ! also, kang doesn’t label his sexuality AT ALL so that’s a lil thing to know when plotting ok !
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2slowgoers · 5 years
Ghosts of Christmases Past
Hi L,
I find that since it’s the end of the decade it’d be a good idea to write a tribute to all my fleeting memories of our friendship. Initially a challenge from you because you think I forget everything, I’ve used it as an exercise to remind me of why we’ve been able to become and stay so close in the relatively short 5, 6 years we’ve known each other. I realised that oftentimes it’s not the memory of our interaction but more so a feeling that stayed with me. Thus, the list you’ll see below is vague because I don’t really recalls details, but they’re there because they left a mark (I did use a few hints from my phone album). I’ll be writing this in chronological order from our first meeting to the last time we met in November
I’d love to hear if any of the things I write down are not in your memory or are remembered differently :) Memories are such a curious thing. 
-I think we were in front of LDC? But it was ISO and we were all getting to know each other and you complimented my fashion ;p I really appreciated it. I think at that time I had a pretty good impression of you and thought we might get along (I think I have a pretty accurate first impression of people for myself).
-I also remember me, TT, and ST visiting you in your dorm at Goodhue during spring term maybe? You said that T’s bf at the time had come to visit but I don’t remember that. I just remember you weren’t too happy then but I don’t remember why :\ maybe you were stressed from work?
-winter term after you came back from studying and trekking abroad, I remember feeling nervous messaging you about your trip. Somehow it felt like we didn’t get to talk too much about it during that first conversation, or at least it wasn’t fully positive. I think you’d opened up about the struggles of traveling alone as a woman and getting harassed then?
-feeling replaceable when you and T got close, wondering if y’all would have dated if you’d met earlier. Anyway we talked (I don’t even know how I managed to approach you about this lol), and you talked about being friends with couples in your past
-summer after second year, going to Monterey with your family and eating at the Italian bistro bc your dad loves Italian food
-you visiting me in Seattle that summer and getting high with R. We had lunch with some college mates and were planning to go out but instead y’all just napped all afternoon. That was annoying but funny still
-visiting you in Berlin that fall -- going to all those weird bars, and in the last bar this guy came to sit with us and you talked to him, telling him we were all in relationships and he fibbed that he also was in a relationship. Later you told me his breath stank lol (let’s not mention all the other wildness that night -- still traumatised by the racist heckling and the people openly having sex at KitKat)
-meeting up in Venice (it’s still one of my fondest places that we went to together), trying to find cheap aperitifs and drinking them in front of a church, and lamenting over how romantic everything was and how many couples there were everywhere
-you, TT and ST coming to visit me in Budapest and us going to ruin bars. We left early and I remember being woken up at like 4am to open the door for TT. Also walking around Margitsziget (the island), and going to the open-air thermal bath. Do you remember zipping around in a whirlpool with throngs of people in it? 
-me doing your hair in T’s room the following winter, with you sitting on a pile of newspapers on the ground. I think we were trying to dye your hair brown
-us cooking at your house with your hs friend H and then the garbage can set on fire (?!); I think you were trying to make carbonara that time but the eggs weren’t going great or something; it was also the first time I’d seen anyone microwave tomatoes
-you and V trying to eat her frozen coconut water from a box and using a knife to hack at it. I was so scared for your fingers
-us going to the career center training with a quarter of a watermelon and eating it with spoons. I loved eating watermelons like that and feel like I haven’t really eaten that way since :(
-our birthday picnic and going to Valley Scare -- do you remember being scared? I feel like most of the folks were freaked out by the clowns and I was trying to not exhibit any fear so the attention would get directed to everyone else
-that one group confession/conversation we had in our room where people brought up their insecurities and feeling left out; I later confided in you about my hesitance with everyone trying to uplift each other through their looks
-going tubing toward the end of the year with J and trying to blow up those damn tubes! You had to blow mine up eventually because I was running out of breath
-the next time going tubing with everyone and it being a mess! Definitely thought we were going to die a few times (there was one particular moment where some of us were trying to latch onto a tree but there were bugs on it, and behind us TT and someone else -- was it you? -- got stuck on a shallow pebbly area)
-during graduation, I pulled you and T together to introduce to my parents, purposely to pad their meeting with T. I was hoping also that your dad would get along w my dad but they barely talked :[ 
-visiting you and H with T in August! I remember paddle boarding with y’all (lots of fun), watching you all play games, and going to eat pizza and trying kombucha for the first time. That was a much needed break from my family then
-you and J coming to visit for my bday! We went to Ktown and sang karaoke and ate bbq (J said that while we were waiting in line some girl passed by and gave me a judging side-eye); watching the Parent Trap with you; us all sitting in the pool area and chatting (K and JN came with a cake! it was so good) about the future and all its unknown
-the two wonderful weeks in Taiwan :) the pace was good and I really appreciated having you show me your city (and also exploring new places with you). I remember waking up early and staring out your window as you snoozed next to me; your smelly dog and me not knowing how to pet him; going to the most beautiful little thermal spa (and taking advantage of our time there alone); going to night markets with you and of course getting my ears pierced :)); playing with super fluffy cats at the cat cafe; scoping cute stores and cafes at the artsy warehouse area; eating that nasty eel in Tainan; biking around in Tainan and then you getting bird poop on your scarf (!); the cute capsule hostel in Kenting; driving scooters around Kenting and being terrified of the wind. I’d love to do something like that again, with a nice pace to explore a place that’s less familiar to us both and maybe through a decolonized lens :)
-seeing you and J in the Bay Area after you moved there. We were taking all kinds of photos with different flowers in your neighborhood; going to First Friday in Oakland; eating at a cafe in Berkeley and spotting Nick Robinson even though you and J were sure I was mistaking him; us eating cioppino in that one seafood restaurant outside (I don’t think it was very impressive)
-you came back again in like October and we went to see A in the burbs. It was practically blizzarding and we tried to go to that one mall but ended up at a Mexican resto. I think we ended up going back to her place to play Life? 
-spending Christmas, another precious chill time :) painting ornaments; decorating the tree; you and that puzzle (which still lies on our floor); cooking everyday; watching Strong Girl; going to that comedy show with my cousin and walking back in the cold; going to see the Christmas lights and paying money to see a rather unimpressive “4d experience”; buying a butcher’s knife and you hacking away at some chicken bones happily because I was too scared to do it
-hiking in March was also fun! You chose a beautiful and lovely b&b. I remember exchanging music with you (lots of Spanish electropop); eating that overpriced hotpot; and taking a bunch of photos while waiting for pizza
-seeing you again in June (feeling claustrophobic; going to that strange queer fashion show), 
-August (going to see Yuna <3; that bike trip where you and T were going so fast; eating food at that little pagoda with our hodgepodge of food which was actually pretty good; having Thai temple brunch), 
-September (2x! Spending time with my sister and all the stress incurred on us both that came with it before and after; I really appreciated you being there for me; getting good vegan food and trying but failing to find a plan for M; and trying to find hotpot mix all over the store but it was right under our noses?? -- the 2nd trip you came to Chicago and we watched Hamilton!!) 
-and then November (going to see Mean Girls in NYC and you were waiting in line with that white saviour-seeming lady and the guy in the t-shirt; trying to meet each other’s friends; eating at Modern Love --still the most inspiring place I’ve eaten in 2019 aside from the Mexican Michelin place T and I went to for our anniv; walking around the park and you giving me a leaf for a bookmark which I actually kept for like a month)! 
So many times this year lol, often unexpected and last minute. I’m sure there are plenty other memories rolling around in the back of my mind but these are the ones I wanted to highlight. Although I don’t know when we’ll reunite next, I have no doubt we’ll continue to support and uphold each other no matter the distance and time. You’ve been such a funny, supportive, insightful, and passionate part of many of my best memories in these past few years. I don’t say it enough but I hope you recognise the influence you’ve had on my life and those of others. Thank you, and I love you <3
Onwards to 2020!
W (December 30, 2019)
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