#we’re in a park and drunk and blaring pop music and some people are playing flunkyball with a beercrate instead of a shoe
so-you-melted-22 · 2 years
Love how this year literally starts out like a slightly dumber coming of age movie…
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diegos-butt · 3 years
Electricity Chapter 2
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Summary: For the first time in her life, Melody Williams is moving out of her hometown to Minnesota where she got a job as a crime journalist for the Minnesota Daily. But this city does not only have a new job for her to offer. What will happen when she crosses paths with detective Walter Marshall? Heads up, a little electricity is involved ✨
Walter Marshall x Melody Williams (Curvy OFC)
Warnings: alcohol, we’re going out people
Wordcount: 2.9k
A/N: chapter 2 here we go! Hope you enjoy 😘
Chapter 1
“Mel you have to come!” Gia said while jumping up and down. “You have been here for over a week, and not once we have gotten a drink. I need to know what you’re like drunk.”
“I absolutely agree with her,” Carmen said, grabbing her purse. The three of us were still in the office, everyone else had already left. It was Friday, 6pm, and they wanted to get drinks after a long week of work.
“Alright, alright! I’m coming with you guys!” I laughed as we walked towards the elevator.
“Good, because the bar will probably be packed with detectives since they closed that difficult case today. Sometimes they go out and celebrate afterwards,” Gia babbled, “I hope the hot ones will be there tonight. It has been way too long since I had a good shag,” she said mischievously while playing with a strand of her pink hair.
We stepped in the elevator while Gia and Carmen decided we all needed to hook up with a hot detective tonight. They were already getting excited and discussing horrible pick-up lines.
“I think I should let you guys know, I am terrible at flirting,” I say. “I just start to make stupid jokes no one but me finds funny and I get so awkward.” The elevator has reached the ground floor, and as we stepped out, I noticed it was already getting dark outside.
“It’s a good thing you are going with us, because we are masters at flirting, aren’t we Carmen?” Gia said as she nudged Carmen in her side with a spark in her eyes. Next thing I knew she ran towards the door that led to the parking garage.
“Carmen, I’m coming with you. I need something to wear and tonight I’m borrowing that cute little black dress you bought the other day,” Gia yelled.
Carmen and I looked at each other and laughed as we followed her into the parking garage. As we walked to our cars, we decided that I should go home and change before going to Carmen’s place where we would order some take out.
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I went home and quickly freshened up. I decided to wear a pair of black jeans with a dark green satin blouse. I completed the outfit with my black leather jacket and white chunky sneakers. I reapplied my make-up and added some glittery eyeshadow. Once I was ready, I grabbed a bottle of wine and drove to Carmen’s house.
We ordered pizza and had a few glasses of wine. Unfortunately for me, they became noisy after a few glasses of wine.
“So, tell us about that guy you met at the supermarket Mel. We need to know everything and so far we haven’t heard enough details!” Carmen said with a big smile.
“Yes, yes, yes! Tell us!” Gia yelled as she jumped up to grab another bottle of wine.
“Alright, alright! So, I had forgotten to buy groceries and realized that like half an hour before the store would close. I jumped in my car and drove there. It was late so there were just a few people inside,” I told them as I got into a more comfortable seating position.
“I grabbed the stuff I needed, but I remembered I needed some cereal. I walked to that aisle, it was empty, but I had had a long day and I was so tired I just stood there staring at all the boxes. Completely zoned out for a moment. I finally regained my conscious and wanted to grab a box, but at the same time someone else grabbed the exact same box.”
“You didn’t even know someone was behind you?!” Carmen yelled while her eyes nearly popped out. “I just met you, but I already know it is impossible to sneak up on you.”
“No! I was completely zoned out there! And when I turned around, I bumped into him and I dropped the apples I was carrying,” I said while I hid my face behind my hands. “But then, I got to take a good look of him. And I swear, he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.”
“We need more details girl. Way more,” Gia said while shoving the last piece of pizza in her mouth.
“Well, first of all he is so tall. And he is big and muscular. He made me feel small, and that doesn’t happen very often,” I explained and took a sip of my wine. “Besides that, he had gorgeous blue eyes and brown curls. I seriously had to slap my hand away so I wouldn’t touch the curls.”
“That might’ve come across a little weird,” Carmen chuckled.
“Just a little? I would have to move again! It would be that humiliating,” I laughed. “Anyways, then he picked up the apples and handed them back to me, but me being my clumsy self, I almost dropped them again if it wasn’t for him. He grabbed my elbow to prevent that. Oh God it was so awkward.”
“Tell me you at least spoke with him?” Gia asked.
“I obviously thanked him and we exchanged a few words. Nothing really interesting though. Well, then he said he needed to go and started to walk away.” I took a deep breath and continued. “Of course, I had to say something to embarrass myself.”
They looked at me waiting for me to continue.
“I said, and I quote, ‘see you around?’. I swear I could hit myself in the face once that popped out of my mouth.”
“What did he say?!” Gia and Carmen both yelled at me.
“He said, and again I quote, ‘I hope so’.”
“Girl, I am proud of you. He’s clearly into you,” Gia said while she raised her wine glass.
“I’ve met this man once Gia, and we barely spoke. It is practically impossible to know if that’s true. Besides, while I was driving home, I remembered I forgot to do something.” I added.
“What did you forget? To check him out properly? Because I think you checked him out pretty well,” Carmen gave me a wink.
“I forgot to ask his name, so it is impossible to track him down ever again. There are so many people in this city,” I murmured.
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Apparently not so impossible I thought as Gia, Carmen and I walked through the doors of the bar. He was hard to miss. I recognized his massive shoulders and curls immediately. He stood there with some other men around a few standing tables. He had his back towards me, but I knew for sure it was him. I believe he even wore the same sweater. Or he has multiple of those.
“Look, that booth is still free,” Carmen said. “Go sit, I’ll grab us some drinks!”
The bar was packed and some rock music blared through the speakers.
Gia and I walked through the busy crowd and sat down in the booth. I made sure I could still see him. From this position I could actually see his face, and it was indeed him.
“What are you looking at?” Gia noticed me staring. She turned around and scanned the crowd.
“Nothing. Just looking around,” I lied, but then I remembered I was a terrible liar. Oh no, I have to tell them. This is not going to end well.
“You’re obviously lying so spill it.” Gia narrowed her eyes.
“What is she lying about?” Carmen asked as she placed our drinks in front of us.
“Alright, don’t look but I think the guy from the supermarket is standing over there.”
“Where?!” They both turned around at the same time.
“I said don’t look around!” I hissed. I scooted over so I was leaning against the wall and took a big sip of my drink. “Oh wow, what did you give us?! This is actually pretty good,” I said while I felt my throat burning from the alcohol.
“That is an irrelevant question right now Mel and you know it. Is it that guy over there?” Carmen pointed at the standing tables. He had a beer in his hand and he laughed with the guy next to him.
“Sit down! Now! Don’t point, but yes that’s him.” I could feel my cheeks burning already.
Gia and Carmen sat down and sipped from their drinks.
“He is really handsome, but dear, you have no idea who he is? Really?” Carmen looked at me suspiciously.
“No, I don’t! Remember, I just moved here not too long ago,” I said.
Carmen and Gia looked at each other and laughed before Gia spoke. “First, as I predicted, there are some detectives here. Second, your guy over there, is one of them.”
Wait, what? Well that explains why I felt safe around him. And why is has such an authoritarian vibe. I looked over at him and noticed his glass was empty. No, no, no don’t get a new beer now. You have to walk past us and I am not ready for you to see me. Carmen and Gia saw the panic in my eyes and they looked over at his group.
Gia also noticed that they were all out of drinks. “Wait here.” She said before standing up and walking towards the bar. She came back in a few minutes with a tray full of shots.
“Follow me,” she instructed us and grabbed her own drink. Carmen got up and grabbed my arm, making me stand up.
“No, we are not going over there!” I protested but it was already too late. Gia placed the shots on the standing table and started talking to them. She waved at me and Carmen and gestured we had to come over.
“Come on, what could go wrong?” Carmen laughed. We grabbed our drinks and I looked at the ground while we walked towards them. When I looked up my eyes locked with his and I felt something familiar. I felt the same shot of electricity going through my spine as the one in the supermarket.
“These are my friends! We all work for the Minnesota Daily,” Gia said. “We heard you guys solved a case today, consider these shots as a thank you for protecting us from all those creeps out there.” She batted her eyelashes at the man next to her.
Everyone grabbed a shot and I couldn’t wait to have one myself honestly. Gia shouted a toast and we all took the shot. I might need 5 more of these. I was getting nervous from just being this close to him again and I had no idea what Gia or Carmen might do. They could easily embarrass me right now.
But they were already talking to some guys before anything embarrassing could happen. I looked around and felt a little uncomfortable and insecure between these guys. I always seem invisible to men, which is ironic since it is kinda hard not to see me. The friendly looking detective next to me seemed to sense my insecurities and started a conversation with me. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and answered his questions relieved.  
We chatted for a couple of minutes when his boyfriend walked in and greeted him. I looked around for Gia and Carmen. Gia was still talking to the man next to her with a new drink in her hand. Where did she get another drink?
Before I could ask her, Carmen showed up with another tray of shots and a deck of cards. “Who knows a drinking game?” she shouted. The group answered by cheering and pointing at one of the guys.
“Make sure Walter needs to take some shots, he always finds a way out!” another one shouted. They all laughed and looked at the man from the supermarket.
“I play fair and square guys, I can’t help it I always win,” Walter says. His eyes lock with mine again and I quickly look away. Why can’t I just look at him? Why am I so awkward?! At least I know his name now. I thought while grabbing a shot and pouring it down my throat.
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I should not have played this game. I gave all the wrong answers, so I had to take a few shots too many making me drunk. And drunk me? Well, drunk me gives even worse answers. I embarrassed myself so many times I thought the night couldn’t get any worse. I was wrong.
After the third tray of shots we ended the game. Most of us were drunk, especially Gia. She wobbled on her legs and had her arms wrapped around the guy next to her, John I learned.
A few guys started to leave, but Walter and the guy next to him, Liam, stayed. Carmen stood next to me, she looked at me with a smirk and walked towards them while dragging me along.
“Hi guys! So, tell us, what’s the weirdest case you’ve had?” she asked.
Liam starts telling a story, but I couldn’t focus. I stood next to Walter and I could smell the same musky cologne he wore in the supermarket. I smiled at him and I received a small smile.
We looked at Liam and Carmen and see that they were already making out.
“Well, that escalated quickly,” I chuckled. Oh no, it’s just the two of us now. Mel, act like a normal person for once please.
He nodded and awkwardly took a sip of his beer. Silently we stood next to each other. I opened my mouth to say something, but I had trouble with forming a sentence. He looked at me and I laughed nervously.
“So, you look less tired than the last time I saw you,” I blurted out. I need to have a chat with drunk me tomorrow. I mentally slapped myself across the face.
He blinked a couple of times with a confused look on his face.
Wait, maybe he doesn’t even recognize me. Of course not, why would he?! I anxiously fiddled with a paper coaster in my hands. I should say something.
As he opened his mouth to say something, I beat him to it. “You probably don’t remember me or anything, but we met a few days ago in the supermarket. We grabbed the same box of cereal and I dropped the stuff I was carrying,” I started rambling.
He looked at me amused. Is he smiling?
“Yeah, I remember. The stuff you’re referring to are apples in case you forgot,” he responded. “Did you drop them again?”
“Nearly, when I put the groceries in the trunk of my car.” I felt relieved he did remember me. That would’ve been very awkward.
“I have never seen you here before, you are new in town?” he asked. I explained I had just moved here and why. We actually had a quite decent conversation until I had to pee really badly. I grabbed my drink to take the last sip, but it slipped out of my hands and fell on the floor.  
“Shit!” I yelped. “Oh well, I have to pee so maybe I shouldn’t have tried to drink it anyway.”
Again, he looked at me amused. Why do I say I have to pee?! Why am I like this?
“Yeah, so, I’m going to the ladies’ room now. I’ll be back.” I want to walk away, but somehow, I forgot I had just spilled my drink a few seconds ago and that the floor is slippery. As I turned around to walk I away, I felt my shoes slip away and I started to fall.
“Careful out there, don’t fall like those apples,” he says with a smirk while he prevented me from falling as he grabbed my elbow. I immediately felt the heat from his hand on me. My cheeks burned and I felt my head spinning a little.  I regained my balance and chuckled nervously.
“I wish I could say I’m a lot less clumsy sober, but we both know that’s not true,” I joked.
I quickly walked towards the ladies’ room and luckily there is no queue. Once I peed, I look into the mirror. My hair is a mess and my cheeks are burning. I tried to make my hair look a little more presentable and take a few sips of water.
I am actually having a conversation with the most handsome man I’ve ever met. And it isn’t even going that bad! Alright, time to go back. I check my make-up one more time and walk back out there.
I almost stood next to Walter again when Carmen came up to me.
“So, Gia is way too drunk and is about to throw up,” she said with a panic look in her eyes. “I can’t help her because I will throw up myself! You need to help me get her out of here. I’ll grab our coats, you get her,” she ordered me.
I wanted to question her plan, but she stormed off. Walter looked at me with question marks in his eyes. Suddenly I heard a girl laugh loudly. Gia. I looked at her and I saw she is not fun drunk anymore.
“Shit,” I muttered and walked towards her. She clung to John and I apologized to him as I took her over. “Come on, let’s go home Gia. Please don’t throw up now.”
Carmen showed up again with our coats and I felt how Gia clasped her arms around me. I practically lifted her up as Carmen pushed us outside.
We were almost outside when I heard a deep voice from behind.
“Hey, what is your name?!”
I looked back but couldn’t answer because Carmen closed the door of the bar behind her.
> chapter three
Taglist: @keanureevesisbae​ / @klaine-92​ / @xxxkatxo / @stxlemate / @oddsnendsfanfics / @amberangel112
If you want to be tagged, let me know! ✨
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itsadamcole · 4 years
graduation day pt. 3
fem!reader x finn balor
It’s Christmas now, and Finn and reader have been able to keep their relationship on the down low for four months. That is until the faculty have a Christmas party, where no one’s secrets are safe ... “i really wanna kiss you right now”
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word count: 5.3k+
warnings: a former teacher/former student relationship, drinking / being drunk, jealousy, angst, smut, a little bit of public teasing, fluff
— someone wanted a part 3 and this popped up into my head so this is for whoever wanted the part 3. y’all will finally find out where finn teaches in this part .... but part 4? —
masterlist || part 1 | part 2 | part 4 | part 5 || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
“Baby,” Finn whines. “Come on. It’ll be so fun. Everyone is gonna be there. Plus, you’re part of the faculty now because ya are Ver’s assistant.”
He stands in front of you in a suit with red and green Christmas themed tie and sneakers. You love Finn, but the tie he’s wearing is ugly.
You look up at Finn and say, “I don’t think I even have anything to wear, Finn. It’s so last minute. You’re literally on your way to the party.”
Your boyfriend pouts and gives you puppy dog eyes. “Please, Y/N. Pretty please. I’ll never ask ya for something again.”
You giggle and say, “We can’t even be together at the party so why should I go? It wouldn’t be much fun for me because I have maybe two teacher friends, one of which you hate because you think he flirts with me.”
Finn says, “I don’t hate him. He just better learn how to stop flirting with my girl.”
You laugh and say, “I need like forty five minutes to get ready because you caught me off guard.” You’re in your Christmas pajamas. A red cami tank top with Santa’s face on it with red and black plaid pants. Those are your pajamas.
Finn gets happy and excited that you said you were going. You walk back into your bedroom and let Finn into your apartment. You walk to your closet to find something to wear.
You call from your room, “So, is this like a formal event or can I wear a short dress?”
Finn says, “A short dress should be fine. It’s not really formal, I just didn’t know what else to wear so I put on a suit.”
You laugh as you raid your closet.
It takes a good ten minutes before you find a dress that would be acceptable for a last-minute Christmas party.
The dress is a dark red, two piece number. The top of the dress is sparkly with a halter top. The fabric on the back is completely sheer except for the line of the zipper, which runs from the collar down to the bottom of the top. The skirt is a little poofy and ends about halfway down your thighs. The waistband of the skirt is sparkly like the top. A bit of your stomach peeks out between the top and the skirt. You wear a pair of dark red heels to match the dress.
You curl your Y/H/C colored hair and do a red and silver smokey eye look for makeup. You add a little foundation, highlight, and dark red lipstick to complete the makeup look. You put in silver earrings and a silver bracelet that Finn got you for your birthday last month.
You leave your room, walking down the hallway. Finn hears you enter the living room and he smiles when he sees you. “Wow,” he says.
Your face turns a little red and you ask, “Like it?” You do a little spin and the skirt flares out a little bit.
Finn walks over to you and says, “I love it. Ya look stunning, my love.”
You look up at Finn and ask, “So what’s the plan? We can’t walk into the party together.”
He says, “I’ve thought about that. I’m going to park in my usual parking spot. Ya will get out first and I’ll be about five minutes behind ya.”
You giggle and say, “Hm. Smart. Except everyone knows your car.”
“Exactly,” he says. “So we’re taking yours. I’ll drive.”
You blink and say, “That’s also smart.”
Finn laughs and says, “I didn’t become a professor overnight. I went though college and training in Ireland and in the United States.”
You say, “You’ve never explained to me how you became a teacher. Is it different in Ireland than it is here in the States?”
He says, “Not really. I needed my Bachelor’s degree, which I got after four years. Then I had to get a basic teaching credential, which I got after 120 hours of training. I taught in Ireland for three years, until I was 25 before I decided to come over to the States to get my Master’s degree in education, then I was offered a job here once I completed my Florida teaching certificate so I stayed and have been teaching in the States for ten years this year.”
You look up at Finn as he talks. He seems so excited when he talks about going to school in Ireland before coming to the United States to teach. It makes you so happy that he gets excited to talk about his journey from Ireland to the United States.
You wait until he’s done talking before saying, “That’s amazing. It’s crazy how long you’ve been teaching for.”
Finn smiles and says, “Yeah, it is. So, shall we head to the party?”
You nod and collect your things, and by ‘things’ you really mean your clutch, your keys, and your phone.
You and Finn leave your apartment building and the cool breeze hits you.
It’s a warm night tonight in Orlando, Florida. You and Finn will make the short drive to Full Sail University, where Finn teaches and you assist.
Finn drives your car and you play on your phone as he drives. You scroll through Twitter and Instagram.
Your phone begins to ring and you see it’s your mom. Your eyes widen and say, “Crap, I never told my mom I was coming home this Christmas.” You had a flight today but didn’t make it in time, which is why Finn showed up and asked you to come to the party.
Finn glances over at your phone to see your mom calling and he says, “What’re ya gonna say to her?”
“Well I can’t tell her the truth,” you say, answering the phone. “Hey, Mom.”
Your mom says, “Hi, honey. Where are you? You should be home by now.”
You say, “Um, yeah. I missed my flight this morning so I won’t be making it home for Christmas this year.”
“I can book you another flight if you’d like,” your mother says. “It wouldn’t be an issues.”
You internally start to panic and say, “No, it’s okay. I’ll FaceTime you, dad, and Y/S/N on Christmas morning to see everyone open presents and everything.”
Your mom says, “I’ll send yours down to you so you’ll have them before Christmas. They’ll probably be in a big box so be prepared.”
You laugh and say, “Alright, Mom. I’ll talk to you later. I’m on my way to a little get together at the school.”
“Have fun,” your mom says. “Stay safe. I love you.”
You say, “I love you too, Mom.”
She hangs up and you sigh. “Not a complete lie,” Finn says, pulling into his parking spot. You laugh.
He parks the car and he looks over at you. “You’ll be coming in a few minutes?” you ask, looking over at Finn.
Finn nods and says, “I’ll be there in about five minutes.”
You nod and say, “I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He smiles and nods before you get out of the car. You walk through the parking lot to the gym area.
In your four years as a student, you’ve heard all about the faculty Christmas parties. You’ve heard all the stories of drama that have happened at these parties. You’re hoping that nothing happens this year but you’re not holding your breath.
In the past four months, you and Finn have begun a ‘friendship’ by having lunch in the cafeteria or his office. You’ve tried to stay away from him as much as you can but it’s hard when he’s one classroom over from you.
Veronica, the teacher you’ve been assisting, has kept a close eye on you since day one. She’s very suspicious of something more than just a friendship between you and Finn because of what happened day one in Finn’s office.
You walk into the gym. Faculty members are all scattered throughout and the gym is decorated with Christmas decor. There are tables are covered with red and green covered with a Christmas themed figure in the middle. Lights and garland hang throughout the rafters. Christmas music is blaring in the large room. There’s a small dance floor section. You see a minibar in the corner. So there is alcohol, which makes you happy. You’re 23 so you can drink legally.
You ask for a Coke and vodka at the minibar before you walk around, trying to find anyone you know.
That’s when one of your professor friends comes up to you. Mr. Seth Rollins. History professor.
“Hey, Y/N,” he says, drunkenly wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I thought you were going home for the break.”
You laugh at how drunk he already is before you say, “I was, but then I missed my flight this morning. Someone convinced me to come tonight so here I am.”
Seth smiles and says, “Well, I’m glad you’re here. Come dance with me, Y/N. Have some fun."
You look up at Seth and say, "Alright. One dance."
The two of you walk to the little dance floor area. You sway to the beat of the music with your drink in your hand. Seth makes small talk with you as the two of you dance to Santa Claus Is Coming To Town by the Jackson 5.
A few minutes pass by and you decide to start looking around for Finn. Seth notices that you're distracted and he asks, "You looking for someone? Maybe a boyfriend you invited?" Your eyes shoot to Seth when he says the word 'boyfriend'. "So it is a boyfriend. Do I know him?"
You immediately jump into defense mode and say, "No, it's not a boyfriend. I'm just looking around. I haven't met half these people."
Seth says, "Don't think I haven't seen how close you and Finn Balor are. Always in the cafeteria having lunch. It's a little weird considering that you're his former student."
You stop moving and you look at Seth. You say, "I graduated in May. It's been over seven months. I had you as my history professor in my first year. That's a little weird too."
He opens his mouth to talk and he says, "I won't deny that but you're so much closer to Finn than you are to me. Plus, Finn looks at me weird when I'm around you."
Finn does think that Seth has a thing for you. You look the same way at Veronica when she's around Finn. You two get so jealous sometimes, you won't deny that fact.
"Finn looks at everyone weird," you say. "I don't know if you've noticed that."
As your eyes scan the room, you find Finn. He's standing with Veronica and one of the other English professors, Mr. Kevin Owens. You sigh. Seth looks back to see Finn talking with Veronica and Kevin before looking back at you.
Seth says, "You're either jealous or upset that he's talking to Veronica. I heard what happened when she walked into his office on the first day. You told her off and she's been upset over that for the past four months."
You say, "I'm not surprised. She's been harassing him for a while from what I understand. He's been rejecting her."
He laughs and says, "She's been after him since she got hired. The English Department head loves her. Finn's been saying no to her for years but she won't lay off him. Everyone was shocked when you of all people said something to her."
"How many people know that I said something?" you ask, looking up at Seth. 
Seth says, "A lot of people do. I think some people from all departments know what happened. It's not exactly a secret, Y/N."
You facepalm and say, "Great."
After a second, Seth says, "Oh, shit."
You look up at Seth. "What?" you ask. "What's happening?"
"Veronica is all over Finn," he says. "Kevin left and it's just the two of them. He's pushing her away from him."
You turn and look at Finn. Veronica is all over him. Kevin is walking away from them. Anger rises inside of you.
Seth says, "For someone who isn't your boyfriend, you're sure acting like he is. You look so mad, Y/N."
You look at Seth and say, "Excuse me for a second, Seth." You walk toward Finn. Your boyfriend looks over at you and says something to Veronica. She looks over at you and rolls her eyes.
Finn looks at you and says, "Y/N, nice to see ya."
"You too, Finn," you say, looking at him. "You looked like you could use some help." You look over at Veronica, glaring at her. "No offense."
She forces a smile and says, "Full offense taken."
Seth walks up beside you and asks, "Everything okay over here?"
You look at Seth then look at Finn. Veronica says, "Everything's fine. Just making polite conversation. Nothing to be worried about."
Finn is staring at Seth. In Finn's defense, Seth is standing a little too close to you for comfort.
Seth snaps his fingers and says, "Oh, Veronica, I wanted to talk to you about something so can I borrow you for a second?"
She nods and walks off with Seth. When they're out of sight, Finn takes your wrist and walks with you outside the gym. "Finn," you gasp as you walk after him. "I'm in heels. Slow down."
The two of you walk around the building and Finn looks down at you. "Why is Seth hanging around you?" he asks.
"He walked up to me," you say. "I was getting my drink and he asked me to dance. I could ask you the same question. Why is Veronica hanging around you?"
Finn says, "She walked up to me as soon as I walked into the room. It's like she was staring down the door and waiting for me to walk in. Why? Is someone jealous?" He raises his eyebrows at you.
You say, "Every chance she gets, she's all over you. I'll tell her off again, I swear to God, Finn. I will. I'll throw her across the damn room if I have to."
He laughs and says, "Stay around me tonight. I want to make sure ya don't throw her across the room."
You pout and say, "I'm not complaining about being around you but I still want to throw her across the room."
Finn leans down and pecks your lips before he says, "Relax, Y/N. Ya won't want to throw her across the room in a few minutes."
Confused, you tilt your head at Finn and ask, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"That's for me to know and for ya to find out," Finn says. "Come on. Let's head back inside before it looks suspicious that I dragged ya out here."
You nod and head back into the gym with Finn. You walk with Finn to one of the tables. He pulls out a seat for you and you sit down, scooting closer to the table with Finn's help. He sits beside you and says, "Feeling better?"
You nod again and say, "Much."
Right at that moment, Seth and Veronica walk over. Seth sits on the other side of you and Veronica sits on the other side of Finn. You sigh softly and take a large gulp of your drink.
"Everything okay?" Seth asks, seeing you take the large sip of your drink.
You say, "Everything's just peachy."
After you say that, you feel Finn's hand on your knee under the table. The red table cover hides his hand on your knee.
Finn asks, "So what did the two of you need to talk about?"
Seth replies by saying, "I was going to come by and talk about the history behind the book she's going to be assigning her class to read in a few weeks."
"What book would that be?" you ask, looking at Veronica.
She says, "The Diary of Anne Frank. We analyze that book like no tomorrow. Usually, I have one of the history professors come in and talk about the historical context behind the Holocaust and everything. Seth knew this so he asked if he could be this year's speaker."
You look at Seth and say, "Oh, really? Well, I look forward to seeing you come to class in the future."
Finn's hand slide up your thigh under it's right under your skirt. You take another sip of your drink to wash away the nerves. Finn's never touched you when you're at the school, except for the three times you've had sex in his office since graduation day last May.
Seth says, "I do as well."
You finish your drink and look at the ice in the cup. You say, "I'm going to go get another drink. I'll be right back."
You start to get up and Finn's hand slides off your thigh.
"I'll come with ya," Finn suddenly says. "I've been needing a drink myself." He stands up and walks with you to the minibar.
You ask, "What do you think you're doing, Finn? You can just put your hand on my knee like that."
Finn stands beside you at the minibar as you order another Coke and vodka. He leans down and says in your ear, "I did and I will again."
You're handed your refilled drink and look over at Finn. "You're being very touchy-feely tonight and it better stop unless you want the relationship coming out into the open."
He says, "I'm a little drunk and a little jealous that Seth can just openly flirt with ya."
"Now you know how I feel," you say, sipping your drink. "We both get a little jealous, don't we?"
Finn secretly leaves a few soft kisses to your jawline as he says, "I'll lead to some really hot, jealous sex tonight."
You giggle and say, "If you're that lucky. You won't be lucky if you keep kissing my jaw when our co-workers are around."
He smirks and says, "Touche, my love."
After the little conversation that left your core aching for Finn, you head back to the table. Clearing your throat, you sit back down.
You cross your legs under the table in case Finn gets any ideas. His hand goes back to its spot on your thigh when he's settled next to you.
You, Finn, Seth, and Veronica make small conversation.
Veronica asks, "So, Seth, have you been seeing anyone recently? Or have your eye on someone?"
Seth looks directly at you and says, "I have my eye on someone. I don't think she feels the same though."
Finn grips your thigh a bit after he slides it up a bit. You gasp and cough to cover it up. You take a sip of your drink.
"What about you, Y/N? Dating anyone or talking to anyone?" Veronica asks, eyes staring into your soul.
You say, "I'm dating someone but it's none of your business who it is."
Seth nudges me with his elbow and says, "Tell us about him. What's he like? Does he go to school here?"
You look over at Seth and say, "He's not from around here. He's from Europe. France, actually. He's home visiting his family for the holidays."
Veronica says, “Oh, wow. What’s his name?”
Quickly, a name pops into your head. “Francis Blanchet,” you say. Finn’s initials. F.B.
Finn snickers under his breath. Seth asks, “What’s so funny, Finn?”
“Nothing,” he says, pulling his phone out quickly. “Just got a funny text. That’s all.”
Veronica says, “Well, I have my eyes on someone.”
You shoot a glare as Veronica and say, “We’re all aware that you stalk Finn because you’re in love with him.”
Finn and Seth both stare at me as Veronica says, “You’re acting like you’re in love with him or something.”
I am, you think to yourself but you say out loud, “I have a boyfriend in France and Finn never told us if he was dating anyone.”
All three of you look at Finn. He looks at you and says, “I am.”
“There we go,” you say, glaring at Veronica. “Stop chasing a man who’s taken.”
Finn gets up and says, “Alright. I’m diffusing the situation before it gets too out of hand so, Y/N.” You look up at him. “Come dance with me.”
You get up and take Finn’s offered hand that he held out to you after he asked you to dance. Veronica’s jaw drops and asks, “What about me?”
“You sound like a five-year-old and you’re, what, 35?” you ask. “Grow up”
Finn walks away with you, hand in hand.
Snow in California by Ariana Grande is playing. There are a lot of pairs on the dance floor so you walk to the other side, out of sight of Seth and Veronica.
Finn takes you in his arms and you wrap your arms around his waist, both of you swaying to the music.
He’s looking down at you and you look up at him. Finn’s face is close to yours and he says, “Ya are jealous.”
You smile and say, “Maybe a little. She’s claiming you like you’re hers.”
“I’m yours, my love,” Finn says to you. “All yours. I may not show it a lot when we’re here at school but I do love ya. A lot.”
You stare up into Finn’s eyes and you say, “I really wanna kiss you right now.”
Finn’s tongue swipes over his bottom lip and he says, “I really wanna do more than just kiss ya right now. Our little conversation earlier made me a little too excited.”
You bite your lip lightly and say, “Let’s head out soon and we can go to whoever’s place is closer and you can do more than just kiss me all night long.”
He nods and says, “Ya leave in a half hour and I’ll follow behind ya after about ten minutes.”
You nod and pull yourself closer to Finn, staring up at him.
Someone clears their throat and taps you on the shoulder. You turn and see Seth Rollins. “Can I get a dance?” he asks innocently.
You look up at Finn and he has a jealous look in his eyes but he says: “Sure. Find me after, Y/N.”
He hands you over to Seth and walks off. You look up at Seth and he says, “I’m surprised that he said yes. I thought he was gonna kill me right then and there.”
You say, “He’s a little possessive of me. I mean, look around the room. I’m the youngest person in here. He just wants to make sure I’m safe.”
Seth says, “I do too, but if you were my girlfriend then I wouldn’t leave your side.”
You stare up at Seth and say, “For the last time, Finn and I aren’t-”
“Cut the bull,” he says, cutting you off. You close your mouth. “When Ver said that you were acting like you were in love with him, you muttered ‘I am’. I heard you. The way you look at him, I wish you’d look at me that way.”
Seth looks behind you and you glance behind you. Veronica is trying to kiss Finn and you look at Seth. You say, “I can’t do anything without it looking suspicious.”
Seth says, “I’ll handle it.”
He turns to walk away before you take his wrist, saying, “No. I’ll handle it. I don’t care anymore.”
You walk over to Veronica and Finn. You look at Finn and say to Veronica, “What would Finn’s girlfriend think if she found you were moving in on Finn. She's not here but imagine if she walked through that door and saw you trying to kiss her man."
Veronica looks at you before she asks, "What would your boyfriend think if you were defending Finn like you were the one dating him?"
Finn looks over at you and says, "Because she is the one dating me."
You, Seth, and Veronica all look at Finn. Finn smiles and says, "She's Finn's girlfriend." You smile when he refers to himself in the third person. "And I am head over heels for her."
He walks over to you and you stare up at him. Seth smiles behind you as Veronica says, "This is highly inappropriate. She's your former student."
"Keyword," Finn says, not looking away from me. "Former. She graduated in May, she's not my student anymore. She's just my co-worker and my girlfriend."
You giggle and say, "I am."
Finn rests his hands on my cheeks and says, "Ya said how much ya wanted to kiss me earlier. What's stopping ya now?"
You smile and say, "Nothing." Your hands fly to the back of Finn's neck and you pull him down to you. His lips crash to yours and start to move against yours. Seth claps behind you and Finn smiles against your lips.
Veronica says, "Whatever." She walks off.
Seth says, "Okay, okay. Let's not suck off each other's faces in front of everyone."
Finn pulls back and smiles down at you. You look at Seth and say, "Thanks for like not freaking out."
Seth smiles and says, “You guys are cute. I kind of suspected something day one and was waiting for the day that you guys made it public. It was also why I never made a move on Y/N even though I liked her.”
You laugh a bit and Finn says, “I think I’m starting to like ya a little more.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Seth says. “Go home and take care of that.” He motions to Finn’s hand on my butt. “I know how you two are just dying to leave so go ahead.”
Finn doesn’t waste any time in grabbing my clutch and my hand before running out the door. You laugh as you try to keep up with Finn.
Finn’s place is the closest to the school. He lives in a three floor Victorian house. You guess with a professors salary he can afford this on his own. You’ve been here a few times before but he likes to come to your apartment.
He parks your car in his driveway and gets out. You get out and walk into his house. Once the front door is closed, Finn’s lips connect to yours and your hands fly to his hair. You smile into the kiss and kick off your heels by the door. Finn sheds his jacket.
The two of you stumble toward the stairs. Finn’s tie comes off and you start to unbutton his shirt as you walk up the stairs.
Once up the stairs, Finn shrugs his shirt off and unzips the top of your dress. You throw the piece of clothing onto the hallway floor and Finn picks you up by your thighs.
The kiss has gotten more intense when you and Finn slip your tongues into each other’s mouths. He pins you against the hallway wall.
“Finn,” you giggle against his lips. “Your room is right upstairs.”
He says, “I can’t wait that long.”
Finn pulls off your skirt and you reach down to unbutton his jeans. He walks upstairs to the third floor and into his bedroom.
You’re dropped on the bed and he pulls off his dress pants. He kicks off his shoes before leaning down and hovering over you.
His lips are on your breasts, kissing and sucking one while his hand groping the other. You moan softly and run your fingers through Finn’s hair as he pays attention to your breasts.
You lift your hips up so your clothed core rubs against Finn’s bulge. He lets out a soft groan so you do it again. And again. Until he pins your hips to the bed.
“Relax, my love,” he says, pulling down your soaked red lace panties. “We’re gonna get there.”
You bite your lip and look up at Finn, saying, “I need you inside of me right now, Finn. Please.” Desperation is laced in your voice.
The room is dark but you know that Finn’s looking at your now fully naked body as he throws your panties to the floor. He gets himself out of his boxers and hovers back over you.
Finn pulls you close to him and kisses you. Your lips move feverishly against his as his top runs through your wet folds. You moan into the kiss.
He pushes himself into you, making you moan louder.
You love when you have sex at Finn’s house instead of your apartment because you can be as loud as you want. Your neighbors can hear you when you’re with Finn in your apartment. There’s no one around in Finn’s house.
Finn moves slowly, letting you adjust to him inside of you. You gasp and moan as he pulls back from the kiss. His lips attach to your neck and he starts thrusting harder and faster into you.
“God, Finn,” you moan, throwing your head back. “Fuck, right here.” He moves deeper into you and he grazes your g-spot with his top.
You moan loudly and your back arches off the bed. Your hands are on Finn’s back, digging your nails into his flesh.
Finn’s now kissing your jaw, panting a bit by your ear.
He mumbles, “I love you, Y/N. I love you so much.”
Finn thrusts faster and you moan, “I love you too, Finn. So much.”
The room is filled with your moans and the sound of skin slapping as Finn thrusts into you.
It takes a little bit before both of you reach your highs at the same time. You release around Finn and he releases into you. You scream Finn’s name as you climax.
Finn helps you ride out your high and kisses you messily. Both of you are breathing heavily as you come down from your highs.
He gets off of you and he says, “Come with me.” He puts on his boxers. You grab one of his shirts and put your panties on. Your legs are a little weak but you follow Finn. His hand is in yours. He pulled the blankets off the bed and he walks downstairs with you and the blankets.
“Where are we going?” you ask, walking into the living room.
Finn gets the fireplace started and you smile. He lays out the blankets in front of it and he lays down. “Come cuddle,” he says.
You giggle and lay down beside him. He wraps his arms around you and you throw your arm lazily across his waist. Your head rests on his chest and you intertwine your legs with his.
The two of you lay in front of the warm fireplace for an hour before a clock goes off.
It’s midnight. It’s Christmas Day.
Finn smiles and looks down at you. “I know we promised not to get each other anything,” he says. “But I have something for you.”
You watch as Finn gets up and grabs a little present from under his tree. The present is big enough to fit in your hand. He sits next to you and holds it out to you.
“Finn,” you say, sitting up and crossing your legs. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” You take the gift from him.
He smiles and says, “I know. Just open it.”
You smile and start to open the gift. Inside the gift wrap is a dark red velvet box. You look up at Finn and he’s smiling. Slowly, you open the box.
Inside the box is a ring with an oval diamond. You look up at Finn again and ask, “What’s this?”
Finn smiles and says, “A ring.”
“Why?” you ask as he takes the ring out of the box.
He holds it out to you and moves so he’s on one knee. Your eyes widen. “The past few months have been some of the best of my life. I love you, Y/N. More than you think. I didn’t know that when ya walked into my classroom a year ago that we’d be here. When ya came to me on graduation day and told me how ya felt, I knew that I wanted ya in my life forever. So, I’m asking ya for forever.”
You stare at the ring in Finn’s hand as he talks.
“Marry me, Y/N.”
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anonfanfic · 4 years
Life of the Party || Clexa Small Town AU
The huge bonfire crackled and hissed in the distance. Lexa wasn’t sure what she was doing at this party. She hated parties, she hated crowds, and she hated most of the people gathered around the fire yelling and laughing way too loud. She could already smell the stale beer and cheap vodka all around her. 
“Holy shit, I didn’t think you’d actually show.” Lexa spun around to see Clarke holding a red plastic cup and smirking at her.
“Yeah well,” Lexa’s right hand was clutching her left forearm protectively. She couldn’t hide how uncomfortable she was in this environment. “I’m full of surprises.” 
Clarke walked over to Lexa and the second she started to speak again Lexa could smell the liquor on her breath.
“Are you staying long?” Clarke reached out and pulled Lexa into a tight hug. “Or are you gonna disappear like you always do?” 
Lexa wrapped an arm loosely around Clarke’s waist and smiled. “You know me too well.” 
Clarke pulled away and took Lexa’s hand, pulling her toward the crowd gathered around the fire.
“Come on, we’ll get you a drink.” 
Lexa didn’t want to be here, but Clarke was here and that was enough to get her to stay for at least one drink.
The air smelled like smoke and alcohol. It was a dizzying combination made only more intoxicating with each drink Clarke handed to Lexa.
At some point, music started to blare from one of the cars parked nearby. People started to jump, scream the lyrics, and grind against the nearest body.
Lexa watched Clarke in the middle of a group of people shaking her hips and finished yet another cup of alcohol. 
After a particularly loud song ended with a final bass drop, Clarke came over and wrapped her arms around Lexa’s shoulders. 
“You’re still here!” Clarke’s voice was slurred and Lexa put a hand on Clarke’s waist to steady her.
“I am.” Lexa looked down and could see just how blasted Clarke was. “You aren’t driving home tonight, right?” 
Clarke shook her head and smiled. “No, I’m sleeping at Raven’s tonight.”
Lexa’s brow furrowed in concern. “Raven just left half an hour ago with Finn.”
Clarke pouted dramatically and went to reach for another drink, but Lexa took her arm.
“Why don’t I drive you home.” 
Clarke eyes went wide. “I can’t go home, my parents would murder me.”
Lexa thought for a long moment, looking around as the crowd around them started to thin. People were pairing off or just sitting next to the dying fire still singing along with music that had long since stopped. 
“Alright,” Lexa made a decision. “We’re gonna crash at Lincoln’s tonight.”
Clarke’s eyes were wide again. Lexa could see the embers of the remaining flames dancing behind the bright blue.
“It’s fine. He’ll be cool and in the morning I can either take you to Raven’s or to your house.” 
Clarke nodded along with Lexa’s words though Lexa wasn’t sure if Clarke understood anything she was saying. 
“Let’s get out of here and maybe find you some water.”
Clarke nodded again, this time reaching down and lacing her fingers with Lexa’s as they walked back to Lexa’s truck. There was a rush of electricity that started at Lexa’s fingertips and charged through her body to her chest. The surge seemed to pull all the oxygen from Lexa’s lungs as she fought to inhale the closer they got to her truck.
Lexa helped Clarke into her truck, her mind still racing through everything that was happening. It was like the world was moving so much quicker than she could keep up, but she was trying her best stay above water.
Lincoln’s place wasn’t far from where the party had been held, and Clarke had taken the opportunity to play Lexa’s radio as loud as she could a sing along to some cheery pop song Lexa’s didn’t know. It didn’t stop her from looking at Clarke and cracking up as she pretended to be on stage performing.
They got to Lincoln’s and Lexa used her spare key to get into the small, dark house. There was little chance Lincoln would walk up and if he did Lexa knew she would need to do some serious explaining as to why a drunk Clarke Griffin was now raiding his fridge.
“Okay, let’s get you to bed,” Lexa whispered, after Clarke had downed a large cup of water and taken the leftover burger that Lincoln had in his fridge. Lexa made a note to grab Lincoln dinner tomorrow.
Lexa carefully maneuvered Clarke to the guest bedroom on the other side of the house and got her settled into the small bed. She grabbed the trash can from the bathroom and placed it next to the bed.
“I’ll be right over there if you need me.” Lexa pointed to the floor near the closet where she would be camping out for the rest of the night.
Lexa turned to walk away, but felt Clarke grab her wrist.
“Stay here with me.” Clarke patted the bed.
“No, it’s way too small. You need to rest.” Lexa looked down at Clarke’s hand grasping her wrist and felt the same shock move through her system, but this one stopped in the pit of her stomach.
“I can make room.” Clarke moved over and once again patted the bed in front of her. “Please…” Clarke stuck out her bottom lip and batted her eyes up at Lexa. “For me?” 
Lexa felt her resolve crumble. This was a bad idea. The only thing worse than Lincoln finding out Lexa had hidden Clarke here was Lincoln waking up to Lexa and Clarke sharing a bed and reeking of booze. 
“Fine,” Lexa kicked off her boots. “But only until you fall asleep.”
Clarke smiled and released Lexa moving one of the pillows as Lexa settled into her spot. 
The bed was far too small for this. Clarke’s body was flush against Lexa’s as she pulled the covers up. Clarke draped an arm over Lexa’s stomach and wiggled her body around until she finally got comfortable. Lexa felt Clarke’s warm breath on her neck and it was almost enough to make her jump out of bed. This was too close. This was crossing a line with Clarke who was too far gone to know it.
“Lexa?” Clarke’s voice came through the dark. “I love you.”
Lexa’s heart stopped. This had to be some fever dream. Lexa was at home in bed, she had never actually gone to the party. This couldn’t be real.
Lexa swallowed, feeling a lump the size of a boulder in her throat. 
“Tell me that again when you’re sober.” Lexa whispered back.
There was a moment of silence that made Lexa’s ears buzz like a nest full of wasps.
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alitaimagines · 4 years
request: “I’M ALIVEEE. This wasn’t requested, I just had some free time and wrote it. this is apart of my pregnancy series.”
character: toshinori yagi x fem! reader
fandom: my hero academia / boku no hero academia 
semi-long note ahead: i don’t know when I’ll be back to taking requests but for the time being, enjoy my free write? 
this imagine gave me leverage bc i’m in a sorority so if it’s anyone that knows how frat parties are, it’s me! 
also, grammar/spelling mistakes! my next imagine will fall in the pregnancy realm BUT this time with a twist. it should be up tomorrow. maybe. it’s with my fucking husband Narumiya. 
ALSO, I changed my URL. it’s now ALITAIMAGINES. 
song recommendation: literally any American party song you could think of. 
David knew that All Might wasn’t accustomed to the party life that America had. Nightclubs, bars, frat/sorority, house, etc. He knew this was something he had to introduce him too and being that Toshinori loved all things American, it wasn’t hard to convince the blond. 
“so how are we getting into this party?” Toshi asked David. David gave Toshi a smile before parking the car on the side of the street, “you know my friend ( your name)? she’s in a sorority so all we do is say we know her and we’re in!” David said in a simplistic tone. 
Toshi felt a blush creep on his face, you knew him and he knew you. There was a bit of awkward tension between the two of you. He thought you were the most beautiful girl he ever encountered. You were loud, smart, friendly, everything to make a great hero although that wasn’t what you were planning on being. 
The reason why he even met you was because you were in a lot of David’s class. You also wanted to help heroes and their development for costumes so it wasn’t unusual when you were in his dorm, complaining about school work or something along those lines. 
“see, we get to party and you get to hang out with ( your name ),” David emphasized as he knocked on the door, quite loudly. Toshi could hear the music blaring from outside the house as someone opened the door, “who are you? do you know anyone here?” the boy asked. 
Toshi’s hands immediately moist as David gave the boy a look, “we’re here with ( your name), apart of the sorority also throwing the party,” David said with a bit sarcasm. 
The nodded, closing the door before quickly yelling something. The door opened the door but this time with you, “DAVID! TOSHI!” You screamed as you shoved the boy aside and let the others in, “I DIDN’T THINK YOU’D MAKE IT!” You screamed again. 
David chuckled as you grabbed Toshi by the arm, “you’re in for a hell of a ride, Yagi! c’mere, you need to try everything!” you exclaimed as you grabbed the buff man by the arm and dragged him to where one of the frat boys was making drinks. 
Toshi stood to the side as he waited for the drink and awkwardly excused himself for being in the way, “this is your first frat party, right?” you asked as you took a sip from your own drink. Toshi gave you a nod as he analyzed you. you were wearing your sorority gear with black ripped jean skirt and neutral colored heels.
“Kyle, how long does it take to make a Long Island?” you emphasized as you tapped on the counter impatiently, Adam from what he guessed gave you the middle finger, “do you see all these people?” Adam replied. you shrugged as you snapped your fingers as he quickly shook the drink and poured it into an empty glass. 
“try this, it’s the best!” you said shoving the drink to him, Toshi gave you a hesitant look as David came up to the both of you, “a Long Island? already? are you trying to get this poor man drunk so quickly?” you smirked, “I’m on my second one, you gotta keep up David!” you said as you yelled to Adam to make you another drink, this time being a tequila sunrise. 
Toshi took a sip, the hard alcohol hitting him rather quickly. you and David laughed as he gave the two of you a look, “aww, don’t be mad! you’ll get used to it, trust me!” you told Toshi as he nodded. 
after you got your drink, you brought him over to the table where flip cup was happening, “wanna play? the game is called flip cup,” you asked Toshi. he shrugged before explaining that he had no idea what the game even was, “watch, I’ll play a round with David and you can switch with him after you’ve seen,” you said as you brought David to the ping pong table. 
Toshi watched as a boy poured beer into five red solo cups and filled them to the brim. two other people walked to the other side of the table and the boy did the same before he blew a whistle. 
he watched as you and David immediately started chugging back the beer, a lot faster than the people across from you. after both of you finished, you started flipping the cups, trying to make them land on the other side. he felt nervousness as everyone watched intensely. 
as soon as you flipped the last cup, the small crowd around you erupted into cheer. Toshi clapped as you gave him a wave to come over, “wanna try?” you asked again. Toshi nodded as this time, they added a sixth cup and filled it with two different beers. 
as soon as David blew the whistle, you and Toshi started chugging them back. you had to admit, Toshi knew how to handle his alcohol and handled it well. he was chugging them back a lot faster than you were and admittedly, a lot faster than David. Toshi waited until you finished your cup before starting to flip them. 
it didn’t take long before Toshi flipped the last one and David blew the whistle again, indicating that you both won. you jumped on him squealing as Toshi’s face went bright red. 
“Daisy! you’re here!” you said as you noticed David’s girlfriend appearing from the crowd. she gave you a hug before waving to Toshi and making her way to David, “wanna sit? i’m pretty tired,” you mentioned to Toshi. he nodded as the two of you sat down on the brown busted up chair. 
it was big enough to have you and Toshi fit on it with only being squished a bit. you watched as Daisy and David danced in the crowd, giving Daisy a supportive smile every time she looked over at you, “they’re amazing together. I can see them getting married after college,” you told Toshi as you looked over at him. 
he nodded, giving David a look before turning over to you, “yeah, he really likes her,” he replied before taking another sip of the drink he was having. you smiled, “yeah, she really likes him back. by the way, are you and David crashing at our place after this? I can’t imagine either of you driving back, especially in the condition the four of us are in,” you said sternly. 
“I think so, I don’t think David wants to drive back home drunk,” Toshi admitted. you nodded as you clipped your keys to your belt loop, “wanna grab another drink and dance a bit?” you asked. Toshi nodded as you grabbed his hand and led him to the bar again. 
this time the bar was empty but before he could realize what was happening, you jumped over the counter and grabbed a few bottles of alcohol, making whatever your mind first thought of. a mai-tai was what you ended up making for yourself before making Toshi a concoction of Gatorade and Jaegermeister. 
after you slid the drinks to Toshi, you jumped back over the counter and went to the dance floor. the song seemed to be slower as more couples went onto the floor. 
you grabbed Toshi’s hand and put them on your waist as he stood there, awkwardly. you laughed as you went on your toes and got as close to his ears as you could, “everyone is too drunk to care how you dance, relax,” you said as he gave you a relieved look. 
the night continued as you and Toshi got progressively drunker. Daisy and David had cut themselves off, knowing you and Toshi were getting way too drunk to even carry yourselves home. 
“TOSHI OH MY GOD, IT’S MAMMIA MIA!” you screamed as you head ‘Lay All Your Love on Me’ start playing. he laughed as he watched you sing into the beer you were drinking, “DAISY, IT’S MAMMIA MIA!” you screamed to her as she gave David a nervous chuckle. 
they both knew nothing good ever came out of having two drunk friends singing and drinking they way you were with Toshi. once they realized it was time to get the both of you home before the two of you ended up with alcohol poisoning. 
the walk to your apartment was a fun experience to say the least. you and Toshi were loudly talking about random shit as David and Daisy continuously told the two of you to be quiet before the police got called. 
once the trip to your apartment was a success, Daisy and David immediately shoved you into your room and forced you to sleep before you threw up. you on the other hand had other plans. 
as soon as you realized that they both had fallen asleep, you crept to the living room where Toshi was still up and watching TV. you could tell he was just as awake as you were. 
“Toshi, wanna grab a beer and head to the balcony?” you asked him excitedly, Toshi nodded his head, just as excitedly before you grabbed a bottle of wine for yourself and a few beers for Toshi before tiptoeing to the balcony. 
you shut the door and popped open the wine as Toshi opened his beer, “this is the best night I’ve had in so long!” you slurred to Toshi as he chuckled, “you’re the best,” he replied as you giggled. 
the conversation quickly ended as you slowly made your way onto Toshi’s lap. being that he was as drunk as he was, he didn’t actually get too nervous or scared. 
“did I ever tell you how attractive you are?” you admitted as Toshi laughed confidently, “I might’ve heard that,” he playfully said as you rolled your eyes jokingly, “I could say the same,” Toshi replied. 
you adjusted yourself as you wrapped your legs around his waist, “oh yeah, you think i’m cute?” you asked as Toshi nodded, “well I think you’re even cuter,” you replied as he waved you off, “no way,” was all he said before he went for a kiss. 
you laughed into the kiss before returning it. the kiss quickly turned heated as you ran your fingers through his hair. Toshi’s fingers danced on your hip as you took of your shirt. 
“we should move this to our room before we get caught,” you whispered as he did the two of you a favor and carried you to your bedroom. 
you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, the urge to throw everything you drank back up, and with a weight next to you. you quickly turned around, sighing as you remembered it was only Toshi. 
Toshi brought you in closer, making you smile as you cuddled up against him. it wasn’t long before you heard your door open, “hey did Tosh leave last night-,” you heard Daisy say before David let out a laugh loud enough to wake Toshi up. 
you covered your ears, yelling at David to shut up before you chucked a shoe at him. Daisy and David started laughing as you covered your ears with your pillow, Toshi following what you did. 
“get the hell up and explain how that happened,” Daisy whisper-yelled as you gave her a cut it off hand motion, “give us a fucking minute, will you?” Toshi screamed as you chucked your croc at the both of them. 
they finally realized that the two of you were being serious and quietly left the room. you stood up, quickly grabbing your robe as you handed Toshi his clothes. you didn’t find it awkward but you felt a bit embarrassed being so naked in front of him. 
“want me to make you some coffee?” you asked Toshi. he nodded, bending over to your side and giving you a quick kiss before getting dress. you blushed as you walked out of the room and seen Daisy and David smirking at your walk of shame, “WALLK OF SHAME, YALL HEAR THAT, WALK OF SHAAAME!” Daisy sang/taunted. 
you gave her a look before chucking a used Keurig cup at her, making her dodge it and hit David instead, “watch your mouth, Shield. I’m way too hungover to be hearing any shit right now,” you threatened as you grabbed two mugs. 
they both giggled to themselves as Toshi walked out of your room and sat next to David. you walked into the small dining room and set Toshi’s coffee down as you immediately poured some instant espresso into your cup. 
“how? we put both of you to bed?” David asked immediately. you put your head on the table, feeling way too hungover to explain how it happened, “ask Toshi, I feel like if I talk too much, I might vomit all over this table,” you managed to say before drinking some coffee. 
a month and a half later: 
“Daisy, what the fuck am I going to do?” you whispered as you looked down at the pregnancy test in your hands, “Is it Toshi’s?” she asked. you nodded knowing it was his. 
“yeah, before Toshi, I didn’t have sex with someone in months. it’s his, for sure,” you said as you banged your head up against the bathroom counter, “do I tell him or should I just leave?” you asked, not really expecting an answer back. 
she rubbed in a consoling way, “don’t you even dare tell David about this, he’ll end up telling Toshi and I don’t think I’m ready for that,” you begged her. she nodded as she grabbed the pregnancy test from your hand. 
“give it a few days and do what feels right, if you want to hide it from him, I fully support you but if you want to tell him, I’m right there with you,” Daisy said as she gave you a supportive smile.
you were lucky enough to know that if your mother found out that you were pregnant, you would be scolded for a bit before getting excited and start rambling about baby clothes and baby necessities. 
after a week of dodging Toshi and David, you realized it was best to not mention the baby to Toshi. his hero career looked extremely promising and you didn’t want a baby messing that up. you didn’t want Toshi to put his career on the back burner because of a one night mistake. 
once you talked it over with your mother and Daisy, you realized that you would finish off the year online and move back in with her so you wouldn’t run into Toshi while you were pregnant. 
“so she just moved out and left?” David asked as he gave Toshi a look of sadness. David knew that he was just starting to genuinely like you so with you just up and leaving without any prior warning, he couldn’t help but feel a bit sad for him, “did she say why?” he asked. 
Daisy immediately was stunted into silence, “there was an emergency with her family. I’m not allowed to say who or what happened but she told me to tell the two of you that she’s okay and there’s nothing to worry about,” she explained as she gave Toshi’s hand a squeeze. 
“don’t worry, when she’s ready, she’ll return to you.” 
it had been a year since you left your college and moved back into your mothers house. the upside for the entire fiasco was that you had a beautiful baby boy and a start up company that was getting a lot attention. 
being that you were extremely informed on the logistics of hero costumes and the scientific side of it, you were able to get the attention of heroes who wanted adjustments to their costumes for a decent price. 
your Toshi was now a full fledged hero. you knew him as Toshinori but to the world, he was All Might. you would watch him save civilians with little to no effort and always come out with a smile on his face. you couldn’t lie, you missed seeing his smile every day and every so often you would regret not telling him about your son. 
since your company was now some what affiliated with professional heroes, seeing invitations for different events wasn’t unusual. one particular event stood out. it was a family friendly event for those in the hero industry. it was to basically thank those behind the scenes who were helping the heroes with their costumes, defense tools, etc. 
you RSVP’d to the event and bought your son an outfit for the event. it was a small tuxedo that would make even the most stoic hero smile. to the untrained eye, they wouldn’t know it was Toshi’s baby but to anyone who knew you and Toshi, it immediately recognizable. 
Daisy would visit you whenever she got the chance. she told you how sad Toshi was when you left and how David proposed to her after they graduated. you felt a bit upset knowing you missed out on a bunch of milestones within the year you left everyone but you knew this was partially your fault. you were the one who pressured Toshi into drinking that night and partially persuaded him to get into bed with you. 
the day of the event came and you were dressed in a simple summer dress and flats. after giving birth, your ankles were never the same so your days of wearing heels was completely thrown away. 
the Los Angeles heat was something you got used too so the dress you wore was as lose fitting as it could possibly be. you straightened your hair and applied very natural make up on before getting your son dressed. 
figuring that you wouldn’t be seeing anyone you knew, you weren’t too worried with how you were looking. the event was being held outside so everyone wouldn’t be sweating over their makeup or clothes. 
after you dressed your son, you grabbed your things before heading the venue. you had a small picture of you and Toshi on your dashboard of your car. it was more of a comforting thing so every time you seen it, you couldn’t help but smile. 
the venue was closed off to the general public so after they scanned your invitation, you walked towards the sitting area. you hadn’t realized that there was photographers taking photos as you walked in. 
once you found your seat and sat your son on his blanket, you asked one of your coworkers to watch your son while you grabbed the both of you something to eat. 
throughout the night, you sat down, enjoying the conversation you were having with your coworkers and some clients/heroes. it wasn’t until your son started getting restless when you realized that you had to change his diaper. 
“do you think you could point me in the direction of the bathroom?” you asked one of the venue workers. she nodded before pointing inside the building. 
you walked inside as you had your son strapped in a sling in front of you. he was making gurgling sounds as you gave him funny faces to try and calm him down. 
before you could turn the corner, you accidentally bumped into someone, “I am so sorry!” you chirped as you quickly walked around the big man, not registering who it was and went towards the family bathroom. 
it wasn’t until you finished changing your sons diaper when you realized who exactly you ran into. your heart immediately falling to your stomach as you felt yourself getting extremely nervous. you knew you had to leave the bathroom eventually and you were just hoping Toshi didn’t recognize it was you. 
grabbing the knob, you opened the door slowly. upon opening widely, you realized Toshi was waiting. you gulped as he had full vision of your son, well, his son as well. 
you couldn’t even hold the tears back anymore. he immediately embraced you, making sure not to hurt the baby in the process. your cry turned more into a sob as he brought you back into the bathroom. 
“is he mine?” toshi asked as he studied the baby’s features. he knew it was his baby. the baby looked exactly like he did at his age, “yes, the baby is yours,” you whispered as you felt him take the baby out of the carrier. 
“is that why you left,” you nodded again, “well, he’s beautiful, just like you,” Toshi whispered as you felt more tears come out. you were an idiot for leaving the man you liked and now you felt extremely shitty about Toshi being absent within the year that the baby was born. 
“what’s his name?” you knew it was a sensitive topic to talk about and while you were pregnant, you battled about the name for months until you realized that you were going with what your heart wanted, “I named him after you but his middle name is David,” you confessed. 
Toshi for the first time let a tear out as he cuddled the extremely small baby into his chest, “were you ever going to tell me?” he asked. you stayed silent, “damn it! were you?” he asked a little louder. 
you jumped a bit as he sighed before grabbing your hand, “yeah, I was going to tell you when I found out but I didn’t feel like it was right. I was the reason why you got drunk that night and I was partially the persuader when we had sex. you’re an upcoming hero. you didn’t need the distraction of a child holding you back from your life’s dream,” you finally admitted. 
Toshi sighed once again, “you can’t make a decision that big without my input. this is my child, my bloodline. do you know how this impacts me now? I’m a father, I have a son!” he exclaimed as he cuddled him even more now. 
you nodded as you tried to stop your crying but before you could wipe anymore tears off, Toshi wiped them for you before giving you a long awaited kiss. you sighed into it as you returned it, this time a lot more soft. 
“I need to ask you a question.” Toshi said suddenly. you gulped as you felt your heart racing again, “do you love me?” he asked. 
you were stunted into silence. Toshi gave you a few minutes to process what he asked you. you knew you did. you’d be an idiot not to love him. not only love him because you actually loved him but you loved him bc he was the father of your son. 
“yes, yes I do.” 
Toshi gave you a wide smile before setting the baby back on your carrier, “I’m going back home to Japan. move with me?” he asked once again. 
this time, you didn’t take as long to reply. you knew it was only in your best interest to follow Toshi and if that meant living Japan with Toshi than it meant just that. you knew it was one of two choices. moving and being with Toshi or remaining in Los Angeles and having Toshi live out his hero career in the states. 
you felt like you had done everything you could in Los Angeles. whether it be with your career or for personal reasons, living in Japan brought new experiences and new clients. 
“of course!” you managed to say as he grabbed you and lifted you off the ground, “Toshi, the baby,” you exclaimed. he immediately set you down and gave you a kiss before kissing Toshi Jr on the forehead. 
“he has to meet David!” Toshi exclaimed as he ran out of the bathroom and to the nearest phone. you grabbed his hand and stopped him, “I think calling David can wait till tomorrow, for now, lets go back to my place and think of how we’re going to move our entire livelihoods to another country,” you stated. 
Toshi waved you off, “don’t worry about that, leave that to me,” he said as he grabbed his son and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. 
“I love you.” 
you gave Toshi a look before giving him a quick kiss. 
“I love you too.” 
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stenbrozier · 5 years
Modern Losers’ Club Headcanons
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Plot: Individual headcanons of the modern Loser’ about different things they’d do and love (mostly during high school)
Warnings: slight Reddie, shit ton of Stenburough, drug use + mentions of sex + swearing
Bill Denbrough:
~ He’s the artist, everyone knew that.
~Typical art kid who won all the awards and participated in every art class his school offered.
~ He just didn’t take choir or band because we know this boy has no musical abilities at all.
~ Bill would save up all his allowance and holiday money so that he could buy that really good drawing app that he could use on his IPad.
~ After he got it, there was no way to get him to look up at you for more than ten seconds. He would fall in love with digital art.
~ Remember he took all of the art classes? Well, creative writing and poetry we’re considered arts at Derry High School, so that’s where he fell in love with writing.
~ Suprisingly, he would be really into heavy metal. Bands like Bring Me the Horizon and Of Mice and Men would blare in his headphones while he drew in his room late at night.
~ Bill would also really love watching indie movies on Netflix and other platforms. He’s lowkey a movie buff, but he doesn’t tell people too much.
~ His favorite movie from the past decade would probably be Moonrise Kingdom (good movie!!) or The Skeleton Twins (also good movie!!)
~ Bill’s favorite book would 10000% be Turtles All The Way Down by John Green because of the main character and her battle with anxiety.
Mike Hanlon:
~ He runs a cooking YouTube channel, you can’t fight me on this one.
~ Mike would definitely have one of those motorized scooters, idk seems like a Mike thing
~ He’s in love with video games but only the ones that are based on a lot of skill. He doesn’t like first person shooters, nor does he like any games with violence at all. Tbh, Papa’s Pizzeria is right up his alley.
~ Mike would be a gym try hard, most definitely. But in every other class he’d just sit on his phone.
~ But he’s so smart that he’d pass all the tests anyway.
~ He’d work a lot just so he could afford the newest phone because he thinks it gives people less of a reason to pick on him and bully him. (News flash: it doesn’t)
~ Whenever Mike isn’t working, he volunteers at the animal shelter in Derry. He runs the Instagram account :)
~ Probably one of the guys who posts shirtless pics on Instagram because he likes the attention the girls give him in the comments.
~ Will answer any of Bill’s texts at 3am when he wants feedback on a new piece of art.
~ A secret theatre kid, no doubt. Not really a musical kid, but he loves acting and just being on stage with everyone’s attention on him.
Richie Tozier:
~ Speaking of theatre kids, Richie is the BIGGEST fucking one. He has been in every musical and play that his school has done since 6th grade, and he was one of the best kids they had.
~ He wears Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens shirts, but Richie mostly listens to softer bands like Arctic Monkeys and The Neighbourhood.
~ He has a bi pride pin on his backpack. Kids will sometimes pull it off and throw it around, but he just pulls another one out of a ziploc bag full of them in the tiny front pouch of his bag and sticks it on there.
~ Richie unapologetically owns a Juul and will sometimes let Bev borrow it as long as she pays him “25 cents a hit”, which she never does.
~ Posts music on SoundCloud. He’s not much of a singer outside of the musicals because he’s mostly shy with his talent; however, he does a lot of instrumentals.
~ Richie shops are thrift stores most of the time. He’ll take Eddie with him and though Eddie won’t touch anything until it’s been washed twice, Richie will buy him anything he likes.
~ He LOVES Harry Potter. He found the first book when he was younger and he just fell in love with the story. He owns all the first editions and all of the movies.
~ Goes to small venues to see bands that no one knows. Richie will go to so many concerts because he likes the escape it brings for him. He’s in his element when he goes to concerts.
~ Despite what many people think, he isn’t a whore :0 He just flirts a lot and he actually didn’t lose his virginity till he was 17 at a party. He regrets it, though, cause he was drunk off his ass.
~ He was also in the color guard for his high school’s marching band. A lot of the girls from the theatre stuff begged him to be apart of it because he could dance really well, and he ended up being in it for both the indoor and outdoor seasons all throughout high school.
Eddie Kaspbrak:
~ BOOKWORM, BOOKWORM, B O O K W O R M!!! This boy would spend every second he could just browsing the books that his school library had.
~ After he yelled at his mom for his pills, he started to kind of overcome his germaphobe tendencies, but he still was very iffy about touching things in places he’d never been.
~ For example, Richie took him to the park one time and he had never been there before, so the whole time he was holding his noses and steering clear of the snot nosed little kids.
~ Him and Richie definitely dated at some point or another. Whether to get a feel for guys or just for each other, but it did happen. Beverly was the only one who ever knew.
~ Eddie fell in love with engineering at school. He would always call one of the Losers at an ungodly hour in the morning and rant about how all of the buildings in town were built and with what materials. Honestly, Ben was the only one who shared this interest with him.
~ Eddie was the first to get his own car so all of the Losers would pile into his Jeep. Richie always tried to convince him to take off the doors, but Eddie thought that that was the biggest goddamn safety hazard he’d ever heard.
~ As they all got older, obviously him and Richie stayed close, but he also got surprisingly close with Ben and Ben would gush about Beverly to him after Eddie would excitedly explain how a car’s engine works or something like that.
~ Eddie was the one to convince Beverly to go after Ben and stop pining over Bill.
~ Eddie went to concerts with Richie all the time, and even if the sweaty roadies grossed him out, he fell in love with the bass killing his eardrums and the way the mic static could transform someone’s voice.
~ He also joined his school’s marching band (mainly cause Richie begged him) and was fucking AMAZING at playing snare drums.
Stanley Uris:
~ He was the last one to enter high school, everyone a year ahead of him, but he was ironically the most popular among the lower class men.
~ Stan was a very private person, but his willingness to do other’s homework for $5 a page made him infamous.
~ Because of all this money he’d been making, he’d buy the Losers presents all the time. He would treat them to their favorite snacks whenever they went to Keene’s or to a new shirt whenever they went to the mall over in Bangor. And he never went over budget because he’s a goddamn accountant by nature.
~ He had a massive crush on Bill and asked him to homecoming his freshman year. Yeah, they were bullied, but Stan couldn’t have been more happier.
~ Bill convinced him to tryout for the baseball team. He tried out for pitcher and got it immediately. He was also one of the sports kids who would post on his Snapchat whenever they had a game.
~ Him and Bill ended up dating up until junior year, when Bill admitted that he wanted to date at least one girl before college and Stan wasn’t mad because he honestly wasn’t feeling it anymore. Afterwards, they both started dating cheerleaders.
~ Stan was in Calculus his sophomore year of high school, which was the class that all of the AP seniors took. Many people called him a genius, he just thanked the internet.
~ Stan fell in love with indie bands like R.O.A.R and Florence + The Machines. Richie did, however, convince him to go to concerts with him and Eds. He might’ve not enjoyed the music, but he still loved being with his best friends since diapers.
~ He didn’t like movies too much but would watch them with Bill. He enjoyed TV shows a lot more. He’s definitely a true crime baby.
~ Stan also fell in love with photography because he was forced to take the class. He begged his parents to buy him a camera for his birthday, and his many cork boards were filled with pictures of his friends and birds.
Ben Hanscom:
~ Was a track start in high school. He ran off all of his fat and just fell in love with the high of running (tbh this is my favorite part about Ben’s character. like such a determined boy 🥺)
~ Ben enjoyed sitting at the library with Eddie and just watching him peruse books, usually pointing a few that he had read and liked. He also just loved the fact that him and Eddie were able to get so close as they got older.
~ Ben was in all the engineering courses his school offered. He was just so happy that he could take classes that pertained to the career path he wanted to go down.
~ He was able to finally get Beverly their senior year. He had been in love with her for the longest time, and she asked him to homecoming.
~ Ben also considered trying out for the football team, but it conflicted with the winter track season so he wasn’t able to; however, him, Mike, and Bill would always play their own small games in the field by Mike’s house.
~ While Stan helped everything with their math homework, Ben helped everyone with their history homework. He was a big history nerd, and everyone knew he paid attention the most.
~ He lost a bet one time and Richie was able to give him a stick and poke tattoo anywhere of his choosing. So now on the inside of his left ring finger he has R.T. written messily.
~ Ben loves pop music. He had always liked it, and some of his favorite artists were Katy Perry and Sia.
~ He rode his bike to school everyday. He was a very big proponent for the environment and hated the idea of driving, so he’d pass up the rides from Eddie or Richie and just bike with his headphones in.
~ Ben was apart of the school’s Green Team and protested climate change and the use of fossil fuels. When he had free time, he’d study ways that he could benefit the environment when he became an architect.
Beverly Marsh:
~ She was an English wiz. It was her favorite subject, and she fell in love with analyzing poetry and other forms of literary work.
~ Beverly started to let her hair grow out again and she was relieved to see that it started to grow out straight. She hated her curly hair.
~ She bleached her hair a few times throughout high school; she hated the red because it reminded her too much of her mother.
~ Her and Richie’s friendship fell off big time, but she got super close with Bill, Ben, and Mike. Her crush in Bill didn’t deplete for a while, even after him and Stan started dating. She still had hope.
~ Eddie told her about Ben and it really changed her whole perspective on everything. But that wasn’t until junior year.
~ Though she didn’t have too good of a singing voice, she loved being in choir. The angelic reverberations throughout the auditorium whenever they performed always gave her chills and she wanted so desperately to be a part of it.
~ Beverly wrote a lot of poetry. She wrote some to her friends, to her dead mom, to her asshole dad. Just to whoever she was focused on in that moment.
~ She helped Mike after school at the animal shelter and actually ended up adopting a kitten for herself.
~ Luckily, her dad didn’t mind the cat too much as long as Bev took care of it and didn’t bother him for a single thing.
~ Beverly didn’t get her license until she was well into her twenties, but she loved hanging her arm out of the passenger’s side window of Richie’s car and listen to the bands that he’d blast with closed eyes.
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worldwide-winner · 6 years
Change (2)
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summary: It’s only when he gets a girlfriend that you realize you have feelings for your roommate and best friend Jeon Jungkook. You tumble further into confusion as you realize you also have feelings for your other roommate and bff Park Jimin
Warnings: Drug mentions, drinking
After grocery shopping with the boys and getting crepes, the sun was already setting. Time had flown by and now you were peacefully scrolling on your phone from the comfort of your couch. Your peace was broken when your phone started vibrating aggressively, signaling the income of many texts.
You opened the group chat feeling more annoyed than you should.
Dance king: '____  ____'
Worldwide Handsum: '____ come to this party'
Tae: 'yeah, its lit'
Jimin walked up and looked over your shoulder. You sighed and typed up a quick response, "Sorry, don't feel like getting drunk and doing something I'll regret." Send.
Three dots popped up on the bottom of the screen.
Dance King: 'But ____, you don't have to drink.'
Tae: 'Yeaah wdym? Just come for the tunez and experience'
You rolled your eyes. They wouldn't stop bugging you until you gave in.
Worldwide Handsum: 'plus we need a ride. our last uber driver was rlly shady'
Tae: 'pls uwu'
You clicked your tongue and tapped away, "Why can't you just stay there?"
Tae: 'Gross, last time they spent the night I found Hobi naked on the table'
You chuckled, remembering when Tae called you, only to scream into the phone about how traumatized he was. "See u in 10. Bringing Chim w me." Jimin punched your shoulder lightly. "You didn't even ask!" you shrugged and smirked, "You would've come anyway."
It didn't take long to get ready. You changed into a lighter shirt and applied minimal makeup. Jimin was quick too, only changing into a comfier (but still fashionable) outfit and brushing out his hair. He drove since your car was in the shop. The house was massive and flashing lights poured out of the open windows.
You and Jimin walked side by side past the kids smoking on the porch and into the loud house. The music blared so loud that you could barely hear yourself think. You nudged Jimin, "Taehyung really outdid himself this time!" you shouted over the noise. He just nodded at you. "Speaking of Tae, where is he?" You shrugged. "Let's split. Text me when you find him." He smiles and nods, stepping out into another room.
You wander through a crowded hallway when you're roughly pulled into a dark closet. "What the heck?! Who is it?" you blink in the darkness and your eyes slowly adjust. "It's just me.." Taehyung's voice calms you. "Tae? What are you doing in a closet?! Is this a metaphor for something...?" you teased.
"What?! No! Listen I'm hiding from someone.  You slid down the wall to sit on the floor. "What happened?" He sits next to you. He's wearing a hideous cashmere turtle neck and jeans with gaping holes that leave his knees exposed. It would look horrendous on anyone else, but he manages to pull it off. "Well..." He brushes his pink hair out of his eyes. "You know the life of a party goer is preeeetty wild." You narrow your eyes at him as he continues. "There's the basic three things: Drugs, sex, and alcohol."
"Oh my god, you do drugs?!" He holds up a finger and glances away. "Well..." He bites his lip, pondering over his words. "Okay, so there's this guy that I usually go to. Not the best, but his prices aren't bad-" "Taehyung." You stop him, "You're crazy. You know that this is illegal, right?!" He throws a glare your way.
"You sound like my mom! Can I finish?" You press your lips into a thin line and grunt. "ANYWAYS... I was trying to throw him some hints. Y'know, just to say that his product quality is degrading a lil." You sighed. "What were these 'hints' then?" He coughs awkwardly and plays with his sleeves. "I stopped paying him." Your mouth drops. There is no doubt. Kim Taehyung is the biggest idiot you know.
You slap him upside his head and he yelps. "What the hel-" "YOU MORON! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" he frantically covers your mouth with both hands and hisses "He'll hear us!!!" You lick his palms and he releases you with a disgusted look on his face. "Listen, he's here right now, and he probably won't be happy when he sees me. He might even gun me down." His eyes widen and start watering and he clasps his hands together, holding them in front of his chest.  "I can't die, ____,  I'm too young, too gentle, too-"
"Okay Tae, what do you want from me?" He smiles slyly, "I just want you to get him out of here." You squint in disbelief. "If you want me to flash him then my answer is no." He raises his hands in defense, "Hey, I didn't even think of that! Good idea though." He smirks and continues, "I was just gonna have you say I'm not home and give him the money." You unfold your arms that you'd unknowingly crossed.
"Here's the money." He presses a white envelope into your palm and you tuck it in your shirt. "Alright. I'll come to get you when he's gone." He smiles and grabs your head to squish his cheek against yours. "Ew don't touch me." You giggle and push yourself up from the floor. "I'll be waiting!" He sings and you shake your head as you step out.
You have to squint as your senses are flooded with everything. The music pounds into your eardrums and the lights blind you. Someone grabs your arm and pulls you into their chest. You turn and see Jimin giving you a puzzled look. "Oh, hey," you say softly. "I thought you didn't drink?" It was more of a question than a statement. "I- What?" you gently shove him.
"What makes you think I've been drinking?" You ask and he chuckles, "You just look so out of it." You roll your eyes and huff, "Yeah, that's probably because I've been in a closet for the past 15 minutes." He gives you a questioning look. "Tae's in trouble with a drug dealer. I gotta go find the guy."
"Here, let me go with you! Sounds dangerous." He grabs your hand, enclosing it in his. "What does the guy look like?" You groan again. "Didn't ask. I'll text him." You pull out your phone and text Tae. Your phone beeps and you pull Jimin through the crowded house. "Over 45, glasses, and pug-faced. Likely to have a girl on each arm."
Not too long after, you finally find him and he's surprisingly nice. You apologized about 50 times for Tae's idiotic actions and promised that it would never happen again and even follow him to the front door to ensure his departure. You sigh as you stare out the window. Jimin throws his arm around you to pull you closer. "____ I-"
You jerk away and feign shock. "I forgot, we need to get Tae!" You rush to the closet, your face flushing. This is normal. Jimin is always touchy. You slept with him wrapped around you last night for pete's sake! So why did it seem like there was something more to his show of affection? You tore open the closet door.
Taehyung is quick to spring up. "Let's go party!" He pulls you to the kitchen. It's surprisingly empty besides the few boys from your small friend group. Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok. Even Min Yoongi was there. "Hey! Hoseok shouted. "I haven't seen you since...." He taps his chin in thought. "Hobi. I saw you yesterday." You mutter. "Ohhhhh yeah!"
They were wasted. Seokjin stumbled over to you and you gripped his waist to keep him from falling. "____" He slurred, "I officially signed the papers... Joonie too. I-" Hiccup. "We're your new dads." You laughed and shook your head. "Gee, thanks, dad." He ruffles your hair a little too roughly and leaves to pour another cup of an ominous looking liquid into his cup.
The atmosphere suddenly turns awkward and Taehyung is quick to break the tension. "Let's play a game! Bring the pitcher, we're moving this party to the basement." Hobi lets out a too loud whoop and the group follows Tae out of the kitchen. Somewhere along the journey Jimin joins in and when you turn to him he flashes you a confused look.
You ignore it and the group halts as you reach the basement door. Taehyung always keeps it locked even though there's nothing of value stored there. It's where he could be himself with his friends and not have to keep up the rich host act.
He stepped aside to let you file down the stairs and you kept a close watch on the others, making sure they didn't tumble down. Once you were there, you clicked on the lights and Taehyung cut in front of you to spread pillows out on the floor. Everyone sat on a pillow in a small circle and poured themself a cup from the pitcher. Tae, who sat across from you, handed you a cup. You were too lazy to fight him. One cup couldn't hurt.
He groaned as he stretched his arms up, "It's so nice to get away from all the noise. Being the life of the party can be sooooo exhausting." You roll your eyes. "Then why do it? Why host parties and get wasted all the time?"
He gazes into your eyes before turning them to the ceiling. "It makes me forget how sad and lonely I am, I guess..." He opens his mouth to speak again but Namjoon drunkenly interjects. "That's dark, dude..." "Didn't know you were so emo" Yoongi adds.
Taehyung scoffs and Jimin changes the subject. "Let's play a game or something!" Everyone agrees. You end up playing truth or dare and the game is surprisingly tame. All the truths are about who has a crush on you and it's hard to believe that you're with 20-year-old men. The dares are mild too. Just kisses and prank calls. Finally, you decide to wrap it up and the group heads back upstairs.
The party has mostly died down, just a few couples making out in various corners and a group of people dancing. Tae turns off the music and cups his hands around his mouth to shout, "PARTY'S OVER PEOPLE TIME TO GO HOME!" To which they groan and stumble out of the oversized house. Jimin grabs your shoulder, "Let's get these guys home."
You look at Tae whos now picking up shards of glass from a vase while grumbling. "You know what Jimin? I think I'll stay here and help clean up." You turn back to Jimin, "Besides, I didn't even realize Joon and Yoongi were here. We can't even all fit in the car." He frowns and nods. "Are you sure though? I can drive back... I don't mind." You smile and pinch his cheek assuringly. "Of course, Jiminie. Just be careful driving!" He smiles widely and leaves with the four drunken men.
"Why are you still here?" Taehyung squints at you, holding a trash bag. You shrug and smile, "I figured I could help clean up... It can't be fun to fix this all by yourself." You motion to the messy living room. He nods with a small smile and you both busy yourself with cleaning.
By the time you finish, it's 3:30 in the morning and you're exhausted. Tae leads you to his large bedroom and you both plop down on the king sized bed, staring at the ceiling. "You sure you don't want to change into some pajamas? I'm sure they'd fit you." He asks, not making a single move. You groan. His designer, silk pajama set would probably feel like heaven but honestly? "I'm too tired to move."
"Same." he mumbles. "How can you be so lonely?" You ask, bringing up the conversation you had in the basement. He rolls over to face you and you do the same. He hums, looking at the ceiling again. "I know it may sound cheesy but... I wonder if anyone will really love me." You snort and he looks back at you.  
"What are you saying? Everyone loves you." You sigh. He frowns.  "You really believe that? I thought you were smarter." You gasped, offended, but let him continue. "They love the guy who's open to trashing his house every weekend. I doubt half of them even know my last name..." He trails off and you reach out to grab his hand. "You know our lil squad is always here for you Tae. We all love you, we just express it differently. Someday you'll find the right person."
He smiles and ruffles your hair with his free hand before pulling the covers up and you both drift off.
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Dance With Me? (Brian May X Reader)
WC: 3121
Warnings: Some swearing, its Very Australian, y’all it is so fucking cute
Summary: Y/N returns home to Brisbane for Christmas with her boyfriend Brian who is very shocked at how different Christmas is in Australia.
Tagged: @antoouu @ceruleanrainblues (If y’all wanna be tagged in any of my future works lemme know and I’ll do it)
A/N: I’m actually really proud of this one so I hope you guys like it! (Also all temperatures mentioned are in Celsius not Fahrenheit fyi)
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December 17th, 1978
 “Yes mum, I know. I am coming home for Christmas, don’t worry.” Y/N said, glancing at the clock on her bedroom wall. It was 10 at night and she had stayed up late so she could call her mother in Brisbane.
 “Well that’s good to hear. Are you bringing that rock star boyfriend of yours?” Y/N groaned at her mother’s question, her eyes going to the bathroom where Brian was currently taking a shower.
 “I don’t know. Maybe, but it depends on his schedule. You know how busy he is, mum.” Y/N said, twisting the cord of the phone in her hand. Her mum let out a sigh before taking the conversation away from boyfriend-related matters.
 “Mum I love you but its past 10 and I really need to sleep. I’ll talk to you soon, ok? Bye.” Y/N said, hanging up the phone and leaning back against the pillows. Y/N noticed that the shower had stopped, and soon enough Brian was emerging from the bathroom in nothing but his boxers.
 “Who was that on the phone?” Brian said, pulling the covers back and getting into bed next to Y/N, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Y/N snuggled into Brian, feeling calmer now that he was in bed with her.
 “Just mum. She wants to know if you’re coming home with me for Christmas. I said you might, but you’ve got such a busy schedule and my home is on the other side of the bloody world.” Y/N rambled, waving her hands about as she spoke, and Brian gave her a smile before kissing her cheek.
 “Tell your mum I’m coming home for Christmas.” Brian said, and Y/N stopped, her eyes widening in confusion.
 “I mean that’s great Bri, but what about recording and press releases and all that music industry stuff?” She said, and Brian chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.
 “I’ll find a way to get out of it. It’s Christmas after all, and I would want nothing more than to spend it with you and your family half way across the world.” Brian said, and Y/N felt herself smile, leaning up and gently kissing his lips.
 “I love you so much, Brian May. You mean the world to me.” Y/N said genuinely, looking up at Brian with love in her eyes. He smiled back at her, pulling her against him so her head was resting on his chest.
 “The same goes for you, love. I think the Earth would stop spinning if you weren’t in my life, Y/N Y/L/N.” Brian said and even though his words were sweet and sentimental Y/N let out a laugh.
 “Bri, that’s not possible. You’ve practically got a PhD in astrophysics, surely you know what makes the Earth turn and it isn’t me.” Y/N said, poking his chest lightly and Brian groaned, rolling his eyes.
 “God I was trying to be romantic and you went and fact-checked me. Seriously, woman.” Brian said, running a hand through his curly hair. Y/N just laughed, reaching over to switch off the lamp on their bedside table.
 “I love you Brian.” Y/N said, pecking his cheek as they slowly drifted off to sleep, tangled together under the covers.
December 22nd 1978
“Jesus Christ!” Brian exclaimed, wiping the sweat from his forehead as they stepped out of Brisbane International Airport, towing their luggage as they walked.
“Told you it was hot.” Y/N said smugly, adjusting her top as they waited for her sister to arrive with the car. Brian was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt that had become stained with sweat and long black pants. Paired with his thick dark hair, he was a hot mess in the December sun.
“Yeah but I though you meant England hot, not this hellfire.” Brian said, and Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes.
“It’s only 35 degrees, Brian. I’ve had to deal with summers where it gets to over 40 degrees.” Y/N said, and Brian groaned in disgust at the thought of weather that hot.
Suddenly they heard someone blaring their car horn loudly and Y/N looked up to see her sister Lucy sitting in the driver’s seat with a wicked smile on her face. Y/N grabbed Brian’s hand and dragged him up to the car, telling him to open to boot and put their luggage in.
“Luce! How are you baby sister?” Y/N said, once Brian had sat down next to her in the back seats of the car and Lucy had started driving.
“I’m good. I finished my nursing degree last year and I got a job at the Mater private hospital in town earlier in the year. How about you? Would you care to introduce me to the handsome man you’re sitting next to?” Lucy said, and Y/N scowled, sticking her tongue out at her sister.
“Oi, I’ve been back in the country for ten minutes and you’re already trying to nick my boyfriend. Lucy, this is Brian. Brian, Lucy.” Y/N said, and Brian gave Y/N’s sister a wave from the back seat.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Lucy. Y/N talks about you a lot.” Brian said, and Lucy chuckled, nodding with a smile on her face.
“All good things, I assume, Brian.” Lucy said cheekily, and Brian laughed, taking Y/N’s hand in his as he nodded. 
“Good. It’s nice to meet you, Brian. All Y/N ever talks about when we’re on the phone is Brian this and Brian that. So, tell me, what do you do for a living?” Lucy asked, and Brian smiled, shooting Y/N an amused look before answering.
“I do work in astrophysics, mainly. A bit dull but I love it.” Brian said, and Lucy nodded, turning off the highway onto one of the smaller streets.
“Y/N has always had a thing for smart men. Particularly ones with glasses, but I see you’ve broken that streak.” Lucy commented, and Y/N scoffed, leaning forward to smack her sister on the arm.
“Piss off, Luce. Can you just turn on the radio because I am quickly becoming reminded of why I left this place.” Y/N said causing her sister to roll her eyes before turning on the radio.
The song playing was incredibly familiar, and Brian straightened up as soon as he heard it. “Oh this is a good song.” Lucy said, turning up the volume on the radio, Bohemian Rhapsody playing louder through the car.
“Luce, do you know who sings this song?” Y/N asked cautiously, and Lucy shot her a look as they pulled up into the street Y/N grew up on.
“Of course. I’d be a total dumbass if I didn’t recognise a Queen song when I heard it.” Lucy said, stopping the car after parking in their parents’ driveway. Y/N and Brian laughed with each other as they took out their bags and pushed them up to the front porch.
“Guess who I’ve got with me!” Lucy announced as she swung the door open, causing her parents and other relatives to rush into the hallway. 
“Y/N! You made it!” Jo shouted, pulling her daughter into a tight hug. Y/N chuckled and hugged her mum back fiercely, glad to see her again given that it had been a year since her last visit. They walked into the dining room
“Oh it’s good to see you mum, however I have someone I’d like to introduce you to. Mum, dad, this is Brian.” Y/N said, stepping aside as Brian gave a small wave to her parents.
“We’re so glad you could join us. I know you’re always busy, so it means a lot.” Jo said, and Brian smiled as she hugged him tightly.
“Busy with what? Monitoring planets and doing boring sums?” Lucy said, cutting up a mango in the kitchen. Y/N’s parents looked at each other strangely as Brian let out a chuckle.
“Lucy, sweetie, Brian is in a band.” Jo said, and Lucy pulled a face, popping a piece of mango into her mouth.
“What do you mean? He told me he was an astrophysicist.” Lucy said, sitting on the kitchen counter. 
“I am, yes, but my main job is playing guitar in a band.” Brian said, and Lucy’s eyes widened as Y/N fought back a laugh.
“What band then, space man?” Lucy said, and Y/N frowned, walking over to the kitchen and stealing part of her sister’s mango.
“Only I get to call him space man, Luce.” Y/N muttered, and Brian laughed at their dynamic.
“I’m Queen’s guitarist, actually.” Brian said, and Lucy’s jaw dropped, her eyes the size of saucers.
“What? No fucking way!” Lucy said, causing her parents to let out a noise of protest at her swearing.
Brian and Y/N laughed, nodding in confirmation of Brian’s statement. “Yeah, I took a break from working on our new album to visit you guys for Christmas.” Brian said, slinging an arm around Y/N’s shoulders as they sat down at the dinner table.
“Y/N you are a terrible sister. I can’t believe you let me listen to a Queen song not knowing that the bloody guitarist was in the car with me. Tiffany is not going to believe me, I have to call her. Be right back.”
December 23rd 1978
“So how do you guys celebrate Christmas in Australia?” Brian asked over breakfast, a glass of orange juice clutched in his hands.
“Usually it’s loud and chaotic. People are swimming and there’s always water on the deck somehow. There’s a lot of fruit and seafood and champagne is drunk by all.” Jo said, and Brian chuckled, interested to see how this very different Christmas would go down.
“We do have some similar traditions, though. If you want, tonight we could go and check out some Christmas lights. Mum and dad used to put them up competitively when we were kids, but they’ve stopped which is disappointing.” Y/N said, sipping from the mug of hot tea she had.
“That sounds like fun, actually. I do love Christmas lights.” Brian said, and Y/N smiled, pecking her boyfriend’s cheek before stealing the bacon from his plate.
“Y/N!” Jo scolded, and Y/N gave her mum a kind smile, eating a piece of bacon before speaking.
“Mum, Brian is a vegetarian who is too polite to tell you that he doesn’t want bacon. Luckily, his girlfriend adores the stuff.” Y/N said, winking at Brian who had a dumb smile on his face.
“Ok, now that that’s all sorted out you two can go off and have fun somewhere. Your father and I can clean up.” Jo said, kissing Y/N’s cheek as she began cleaning up the table.
“You heard mum. Let’s have some fun.”
“Brian Harold May, don’t you dare!” Y/N screamed as Brian picked her up, holding her in his arms. They were by the Y/L/N family pool and Brian was holding Y/N over the water.
“I thought you said you loved swimming.” Brian said nonchalantly, a smirk on his face as he rocked on his heels, causing Y/N to let out a shout.
“Not when my dickhead boyfriend is threatening to throw me in the pool.” Y/N said, and Brian sighed, pausing for a moment before dropping Y/N into the water, laughing at her face as she fell.
Brian was in tears laughing once Y/N had resurfaced, her hair plastered to her face. She could tell that Brian was distracted so she leaned up, grabbing Brian by the ankles and dragging him into the pool.
Brian was gasping for air and Y/N was laughing hard, treading water next to her boyfriend. “What goes around comes around, May.” Y/N said, splashing Brian in the face.
“You are awful, you know that?” He said, splashing her back. Luckily Y/N avoided most of the water, but her eyes widened once she saw Brian’s hair.
“Oh my god Bri, your hair! You look like a wet dog!” Y/N said, cackling at her boyfriend’s now flat hair. He frowned, playing with his hair slightly.
“So what if I do? Is that a bad thing?” Brian said, swimming closer to Y/N. Y/N rolled her eyes, noticing that Brian was standing up while she still had to tread water.
“Just think you look funny. Not bad, but funny.” She said, wrapping her legs around Brian’s waist. His hands instinctively went to her hips, holding her up even under the water.
“I’ll take that.” Brian said, pressing his lips to Y/N’s. There was a hint of chlorine in the kiss, but it didn’t bother then as Y/N ran her fingers through Brian’s wet hair.
“I love you, poodle boy.” Y/N said, smiling brightly at Brian once the kiss was over.
“And I love you, you weird Australian.”
“It’s Christmas light time!” Y/N announced loudly, squeezing Brian’s hand as they left the house.
“It certainly is.” Brian said, smiling at the excitement his girlfriend had for Christmas lights.
“Sorry if I’m a lot, it’s just that I’ve always loved Christmas and whenever I see the lights they make me happy. Plus they remind me of my childhood which is a nice bonus.” Y/N said, and Brian nodded, kissing her forehead as they began walking along the streets.
“It’s all good, Y/N. I think you look adorable when you’re excited. I mean you look adorable all the time but still.” Brian said, adjusting his shorts with his free hand. 
The couple walked along the streets for an hour or two, checking out varying displays while Brian complained about the mosquitoes. “God they’re awful! How do you deal with them?” Brian asked once the sun had fully set and Y/N chuckled, shrugging her shoulders.
“Cover yourself in insect repellent. That’s my only advice.” Y/N replied, linking her arm with Brian’s as they entered another street. By 9 they returned home and decided to call it a night.
“Thanks for today. It’s been wonderful.” Brian said, playing with Y/N’s hair as they laid in bed together, the soft glow of Christmas lights from outside casting a red and green shadow on their faces.
“There’s no one else I’d rather spend Christmas with, Bri.” Y/N said, unknowingly echoing Brian’s words from the night he agreed to come home with her for Christmas.
December 24th 1978
“Ok we’re off to church, we’ll see you two later tonight.” Jo said, kissing Y/N’s cheeks before leaving the house with her husband and youngest daughter.
Once the door was closed and the house all but empty, Y/N smiled at Brian. “I’ll put the kettle on and make us some tea. You get comfy on the couch, mister.” Y/N said, resting a hand on Brian’s chest before kissing him softly.
“Yes ma’am.” Brian muttered, watching as Y/N sauntered into the kitchen, popping the kettle on the stove and leaning against the kitchen counter while she waited for it to boil.
Brian decided to ignore Y/N’s instructions and crept over to the record player in the living room, finding a copy of the Jackson 5’s Christmas album and placing it on the player. As soon as the music started Y/N smiled, recognising it instantly.
“I thought I told you to get comfy on the couch, May.” Y/N called from the kitchen, making tea for her and Brian. A smile settled on Brian’s face as he entered the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Y/N’s waist.
“I was in the mood for some music. Besides, you look so beautiful tonight.” Brian said, pressing a kiss to Y/N’s shoulder. Y/N felt herself blush, picking up a mug and turning around so she could hand it to Brian.
“And you look very handsome. Maybe it’s the sunburn but you’re just glowing, love.” Y/N said, and Brian pulled a face, taking a sip from his mug.
“Don’t bully me. I’m English, we never see the Sun at home.” Brian replied, and Y/N shook her head, setting down her tea and grabbing Brian’s wrist, leading him into the living room with her.
“Dance with me?” Y/N suggested, wrapping her arms around Brian’s neck as he nodded, his hands sitting on Y/N’s waist. The two swayed in time with the music and Y/N hummed along to the Jackson 5’s rendition of ‘Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas’.
Suddenly an image of the small velvet box in the drawer beside their bed came into Brian’s head, and he took in a shaky breath at the thought of it. He had been wanting to ask Y/N to marry him for a while, but earlier in the day he asked Y/N’s dad for permission and he granted Brian with it in spades.
“Stay right there. I’ll be back in a sec, I promise.” Brian said, pecking Y/N’s lips before rushing to their shared room. He quickly found the box and slipped it in his pocket, adjusting it so it wasn’t too obvious before returning to the living room.
“Took you long enough.” Y/N said, and Brian huffed, rolling his eyes before taking in a deep breath.
“Y/N, spending the last three years of my life with you have been a dream come true. You are a strong, beautiful, caring woman who takes shit from nobody, including me.” Brian said, chuckling as Y/N nodded at his statement.
“I love you so much and I don’t know where I’d be without you.” Brian said, dropping onto one knee. Y/N gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in shock as she looked at Brian.
“You’re the love of my life, even if you decide to make fun of me sometimes. Which is why I decided now would be the perfect time to ask you, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, if you’ll marry me.” Brian said, opening the box and revealing a beautiful diamond ring that was small enough to sit comfortably on Y/N’s hand, but big enough to get people to ask about it.
“Yes, you stupid man, of course I’ll marry you.” Y/N said, crouching down and holding Brian’s face in her hands, pressing a passionate kiss to his lips. Unfortunately, Brian lost his balance slightly under Y/N’s body and slipped slightly, toppling backwards with Y/N on top of him.
They burst out laughing, unable to believe that this beautifully romantic moment had been ruined by Brian’s awful balance. “Where’s my ring, May?” Y/N asked once the laughter had subsided, and Brian smiled at her, taking the ring and sliding it onto her ring finger.
“Y/N May. That has a lovely ring to it.” Brian mused, and Y/N chuckled, pecking both his cheeks. 
“I’ve got a nice ring to me as well.” Y/N said, waggling her left hand in front of Brian’s face, showing off her new engagement ring. Brian let out a loud laugh, pressing kisses all over her face. 
“I love you so very much, Y/N. You’re the best Christmas present I could ever ask for.”
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sincerelymrnaked · 7 years
Danger Room: Toronto’s most hostile comedy show for hecklers
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We walk into the bar known as The Corner Comedy Club, a grimy comedy club with a fitting slogan: “It’s so small it’s funny,” on the corner of John Street in Downtown Toronto. A fat comedian in a red plaid shirt and ripped jeans is sitting on a stool on the stage with a mic in a sweaty hand, getting chewed alive by a crowd of the most ruthless hecklers I’ve ever witnessed.
“Yeah, that’s what your mom said when I was sitting on her face last night!” Fat Comedian calls.
The poor guy can’t get two sentences in without being ripped to shreds. Chirps fly through the bar like rapid gunfire, the heavy-duty artillery leaving the brave comedian wounded and humiliated on the grimy stage. He’s struggling to stay upright, pushing weak incest and dead baby jokes, desperate for the slightest trace of laughter that he’s actually responsible for, trying to make a joke and not be the joke. He has no such luck.
But this wasn’t your usual comedy night. This was Danger Room — a night were most comedians don’t last more than one minute before the shark tank of hecklers swallow them whole.
And one of my best friends was soon to perform.
Let’s back up to six hours prior.
I was at the gym near the free-weights when I bumped into one of my old buddies from High School. He’s a writer too and whenever we see each other we often dive into discussions about the pressure to engage readers. He told me he’s been writing a new short story every day, but that he’s also been doing some stand-up comedy to test material in front of a live crowd. 
“Really? Stand up?”
“Yeah man. There’s this open mic place I go on Sunday nights on Danforth and Broadview.”
“How’s the crowd?”
“Depends on the night. Sometimes there’s silence, but it’s a good crowd to go to for your first time. Everyone’s pretty open and positive.”
“I’ve got a friend who I’ve been wanting to get on stage for a while. He’s a born comedian! I would love to get him on.”
“You guys should definitely come by!”
My friend Phil is the funniest guy I know. Not only can he spit out any accent with cunning precision, he can also spiral into rants of improvised comedy as if he wrote the stuff down and rehearsed it for weeks. He can play any role. Become any character. He’s quick. Spontaneous. And damn right hysterical. But here’s the problem: he’s nervous about getting up on stage.
Here’s why.
Phil and I are fraternity brothers, and a couple years ago I convinced him to do some stand up for a sorority’s philanthropy event. I had helped him prepare his set, making sure to throw in some of his signature stuff. His Frat Bro PC character he not-so-loosely based off of South Park was one of his best rants, and we decided it would be fitting for a Greek life gathering.
But were we ever wrong.
The audience of sorority sisters, children, parents, and distinguished philanthropists were not prepared for a set screaming about how “PC DOESN’T STAND FOR PUSSY CRUSHING!” 
Though his material was comedic gold to my buddies and I, it wasn’t the right time or place, and it left a sea of mothers and daughters staring at him with lowered jaws and wide eyes — all in deafening silence. 
Phil’s been rightfully nervous to get back up on stage ever since. I figured tonight would be the perfect opportunity to get him back on that horse.
I shot him a quick message: “We’re going out tonight.”
After meeting up with Phil and some buddies for a quick pre-game, we all hit the road in my buddy’s soccer mom van and drove twenty-five minutes to Danforth and Broadview. This was the night of Thanksgiving Sunday and most of us had dinners with our families that delayed our departure time, so we were running a little late. Actually we were running very late. By the time we arrived at the bar, the show was over and everyone was gone.
Giving up, we considered the alternatives of going to another bar, racking in some shots, and maybe getting Phil a mic anyway. But then my buddy Bernie came up with a final idea.
“There’s another comedy club not too far,” says Bernie, scrolling through his phone. “It’s just on the corner of John Street. Ten-minute drive from here. Some show called ‘Danger Room.’”
“Is it open mic?” Phil asks.
“I think it’s for actual comedians. And I think there’s cover.”
We agree to check it out. Nothing else was happening anyway.
When we get to the bar, we ask the guy running the door — a bearded man in a leather jacket, sporting a red bandana around his head — if our buddy can get up on stage. “You done this before?” he asks Phil.
“This is my first time,” Phil replies, not counting the sorority event.
“First time? And you’re fucking stupid enough to come here!”
In that second, as if on cue, we hear from inside: “GET OFF THE STAGE MAN BOOBS!” 
We shuffle through the crowd and find seats near the front of the tiny bar. The place reeks of beer and tobacco smothered clothing, with faint lighting illuminating a small wooden plank constituting a stage. Drunken chirps are firing from a group of guys scattered all around the grubby place; the poor comedian currently up is being publicly decimated. He struggles to squeeze in some of his prepared jokes until one of the drunkest hecklers literally rips him off the stage.
More comedians step on, and nobody does any better. The drunker the hecklers get, the more shameless they are with their heckling. This results in comedic desperation: comedians resort to new levels of vulgarity in hopes of cheaper laughs. Jokes about sex become jokes about overdosing on drugs, which becomes jokes about being fucked by dads, which spirals into jokes about being a child predator. The laughs never come. Well, besides the laughter deriving from shameless heckling. The cycle continues.
One guy is heckled so badly, he tries to avert the attention to the Muslim sitting in front of him, hoping to use pathetic racism to weasel out of the ambush. (Yup, a real stand-up piece of shit.) He’s proven weak and unfit, and this only amps-up the insults.
“YOU LOOK LIKE A GERMAN SKATEBOARDER THAT ALSO DJ’S!” one guy screams at a comedian in a bomber jacket with a big man-bun dangling from a backward cap.
“AND YOUR CAP LOOKS LIKE IT’S TAKING A SHIT OUT OF YOUR HEAD!” another heckler adds. (Not all of them were so clever.)
Why would anybody stand up before such a merciless crowd? Simple. To battle the most vicious monster there is, and survive to tell the tale. Most of the guys who go up are actual comedians, who come to Danger Room to test their skills against the worst crowd you could possibly encounter. After a Danger Room attack, silence would feel like a compliment.
But even these guys were used to getting up on stage. Phil was up next. 
He sits on the stool and raises the mic to his mouth.
Despite these initial heckles, Phil starts off strong by faking weak. He begins with a quaky, loud and high-pitched voice, playing the character of someone terrified to perform — like a voice-cracking thirteen-year-old about to read the Torah for his Bar Mitzvah.
“H-high g-guys, my n-name is Ph-Phillip and I’m s-super n-nervous t-to perform t-tonight in front o-of all o-of y-y-you…”
Before the next heckle can fire, he jumps up, snaps into a booming southern accent — blaring with confidence and authority — and ascends into an incredible rant about the astonishing diversity of the crowd which he “ain’t used to in ma neighborhood back in Virginia!”
Everyone erupts into laughter.
A heckler screams a dumb Jew joke.
He switches from his southern accent to his Gay-Nazi-German-accent. “Vhat nobody veally knows is zhat vee vere all gay!”
His set is completely improvised. He rolls with the punches and starts introducing all his classic characters that were once confined to the frat house living room: Puerto Rican drug dealer, Australian pervert, Chinese businessman — those that were previously only available to the boys at the end of a drunk night with pizza boxes scattered on the floor. For the first time, Phil’s contagious humour is completely unleashed. And nobody could get enough of him.
When the heavy chirps start flying, unlike the other guys, he doesn’t revert to desperate comedy by raising the vulgarity or trying to deflect the cruelty towards people sitting in the crowd. He’s genuinely funny, and not desperate to make the crowd think so. He simply is.
And if you think I’m just being biased, even the drunkest hecklers gave him a big round of applause. It was the first and only applause of the night. None of the boys could believe it. But I’m gonna be a huge cheeseball and say I knew he had it in him all along. 
As we walked out, the owner told Phil he could come back anytime. Two comedians gave him their business cards as they hacked darts outside the bar. People who were in the audience asked him where his next gig is. He was the newly-emerged celebrity of the night. 
People often feel like they need to ease into challenges. They prefer slowly moving forward, gradual development, and keeping their dignity intact throughout the process. But sometimes your dignity has to be compromised. Sometimes you need to dive headfirst into the trenches of difficulty in order to come out stronger. Sometimes you need to go all in.
Failure has a way of holding people back — the silence of the sorority is something that may’ve stopped Phil from further performances, but the bravery to move on was the key that popped open the door to the night’s success.
Now, allow me to be sincerely-naked-honest for a second: There’s a lot of assholes in the world. 
There’s a lot of people who are going to give you every reason possible to stay safely buckled to your seat. They’ll take pride in ripping you down, in laughing or shaming you for even trying. But that’s all part of the system of growth. When you make yourself vulnerable and try to pursue something scary, chances are you’re going to eat shit sometimes. And most times, people will shit on you.  
It’s one of the biggest risks of starting a blog — hell, about writing in general. Not everyone is going to agree with the things you’re writing about, and a whole lot of people will make the effort to make their disagreements heard loud and clear. They’ll so much as bombard you with novella-long comments about how you don’t have the right to say the things you’re saying. They’ll send you hate emails. They’ll even straight up say that you don’t have what it takes and that you should just give up — the equivalence of a heckling reaction to a punchline. 
When I was the opinion editor for my university paper, it was a hard pill to swallow: the acceptance that not everyone will like or agree with my stuff. But I eventually began to see flack as a necessary part of my development, similar to the way comedians who come to Danger Room see ruthless heckles. It’s part of the process, and the more accustomed you get to the horrors of people protesting against your stance, the taller you eventually stand. 
In summary, there’s two ways of approaching assholes who love to shit on you like it’s their day job. 1) You could play victim and cry about being verbally assaulted, complain about feeling unsafe, or blame all lack of success on the pricks that walk the earth. 2) You could suck it up and use those same assholes to make you stronger. 
We may bomb it. We may kill it. But until we try, we’re letting the hecklers win.
We all live in a Danger Room. So let’s use those pricks to our advantage.  
Let’s raise our red solo cups (or cheap glasses of wine if you think you’re classy or something) to the assholes that make silence feel like a compliment — and who make our worst fears a fucking joke.
Sincerely,  Mr. Naked.
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