#we'll see how it goes huh
hyunin · 1 year
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surprisebitch · 2 years
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wow okay 😳
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lesbianyosano · 9 months
legitimately what the fuck was that
#ig im dissapointed lmao#sorry most of it i just kind of expected (bram regaining his body and stopping the vampires. fyodor dying bc there isnt really anything els#you can do with him. dazai and chuuya both alive)#mostly i wish aya awakened an ability give her oneee also i want to see how they manifest#idk we'll see soon where this goes ig but 1. i really wish fukuzawa had just died alongside fukuchi and 2. that there would be some calmer#chapters more focused on political repercussions rather than more fighting but the 2 hours later thing isnt really pointing to that huh#ill have to reread this arc at some point bc fukuchis and fyodors plan got so convoluted i was barely following it#and also 1. what abt sigma do they just. leave her there#i mean surely not bc she has info on fyodor but dazai really just did not care#and 2. yeah i wish fukuzawa died but now that he didnt. does he???? just keep the one order#and wheres that fucking page#and whats exactly on it#bc i dont think they can just rewrite anything 1. they dont know how much space is on it and theyll need a lot to fix this mess#2. god knows if they even can do anything or if theres some condition written in already thatd stop them#also asagiri for the love of god get into anticapitalism bc you cant just go into criticing states and military without talking about it#and i still need the hunting dogs dead even if i know its likely not going to happen#but how are you going to go all “absolute power corrupts” and “omg fukuci dont create a military state” and then just leave the super cops#running around and getting redeemed bc “they mean well” yeah they do but it doesnt matter#they are complicit in the state violence THEY ARE state violence#asagiri pls i can show you theory you havent even dreamed of#txt.
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daz4i · 9 months
psychiatrist: do you really think you have treatment resistant depression?
me looking at her with my 13 years of suicide ideation, over 10 types of medications tried, and 6 years of trying multiple types of therapy:
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genspiel · 9 months
continually rotating a genshin/pandora hearts fusion au idea in my mind and it is so fucking funny to me that, by pandora hearts rules, bennett would technically not be a child of misfortune
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kringelorde · 9 months
a’ight so far, early progress with the antipsychotics, we got:
- so so so so SO sleepy syndrome but I napped 2 hrs and it felt like 8 hrs so nice, tight, hell yeah. I cannot keep running on 4 hrs of piss-poor sleep this is NOT sustainable. these fuckers got hands. I wanted to do my usual “nooo I gotta do [x]” schtick but the second they hit, I got dragged kicking and screaming into beddy bye time. kinda dope. - I had the energy and drive to fucking make myself a proper meal for the first time in... oh jesus, like two weeks? I think I’ve been just grazing on bagels, plain rice, and whatever the fuck else I can find for two weeks now (shoveling $1 fries into my mouth between sprinting across campus aside). that’s grim. jesus. so marked improvement. - the anxiety has not gone away... :(
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kdsburneraccount · 10 months
of all the teams to trade for trey lance the DALLAS COWBOYS????
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holofishes · 1 year
so i realized i am the calmest, happiest, and most productive when i'm away from a screen (imagine!)
i ended up deleting most social media apps from my phone in an attempt to be an actual human again, including tumblr! since i won't be logged in all day long anymore, i am bound to miss stuff so! if you have a post you want me to see, please feel free to add me to your tag lists if you do that sort of thing- either togepies or holofishes (i follow both ^^)
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imanes · 2 years
i hope you’re all ready for a year of me crying shaking and vomitting because of my dissertation <3 many moons ago in 2016 some of you were here the first time i ever wrote one... so here we go again with this bs!!
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starsandwriting · 2 years
Oho. Oho. Oho oho oho. About 8 days until the tma 30th 👁👁
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ancientmyrddin · 3 months
about 200 words away from 19k, and also. daily stomach ache :-/
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why did I just almost slip into using thee pronouns in my fic just now entirely without thinking about it
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neonpinksnake · 1 year
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buckyalpine · 4 months
Did You Hear
Fluffyy crack fic and nothing else. Imagine Tony Stark's shy new assistant sitting at the kitchen island for breakfast, getting a cup of tea before heading to the lab. She's sipping from her steaming mug when a very pretty super solider walks in from his run and the heat rising in her cheeks isn't from the hot Earl Grey.
"Mornin' y/n" He gives you a polite smile while he makes his way to the fridge and you had to silence the squeak that nearly escapes your lips. He's in a pair of snug grey sweats which are resting sinfully low on his hips and his tight black t-shit showing off every divot and curve of muscle on his torso. You bite you lip as he bends down to grab a cold bottle of water, silencing a squeal with a sip of tea.
"Morning, Sergeant" You give him a smile and the lopsided grin he gives you as he goes on about his day leaves you giggling and kicking your feet. You were just about finished your cup when Nat walked in next, looking you up and down with a shake of her head.
"Bucky was here, wasn't he" She playfully rolled her eyes knowing the effect the brunette had on you. "What happened this time"
"Bucky has a cute butt" You giggled, while Nat snorted at your flustered state. "And slutty thighs"
"Do you ever plan on actually telling him"
"No!" You vigorously shook your head. That was out of the question for you; you were happy to admire the soldier from afar. The last thing he'd want is to have to deal with is the playground crush you had on him anyway, it was a miracle he even noticed you. "He doesn't even see me that way"
"Well, guess we'll never know" She sassed as you slipped off the stool to make your way to the lab.
"I'm happy to admire God's work from a safe distance!" You called over your shoulder while Nat shook her head, smirking to a third person you didn't see who was lingering near the kitchen, very happy to listen intently to the conversation that was taking place.
The one that was supposed to be a secret from Bucky's ears.
That wouldn't do.
"Did you hear?" Sam grinned, sauntering over where Bucky was sparring with Steve, both men panting after already going for a few rounds. "Word on the street is you have a cute butt"
"What" Bucky deadpanned while Steve smirked, watching the heat in his friends cheeks already starting to creep up to his ears.
"Mhm, that little tush of yours has been getting a lot of attention lately"
"From who" Bucky's face scrunched up in confusion, frowning when Sam cackled, clapping his shoulder.
"Tony's cute lil assistant" He says with a wink, noting the immediate change in Bucky's demeanor, his frown falling off his face, replaced with a very pink blush.
"You mean y/n?"
"Uh huh. Must've been those slutty grey sweats you've been running around in"
"Extremely. Especially with those thighs"
"And how do you know this" Bucky struggled to bite back a smile, not wanting to get his hopes up until he was sure. "There's no way she-
"Heard her talking to Nat this morning. She sounded real excited after seeing you and your cute butt" Sam gave him a swat causing him to yelp.
"Hm. Interesting" The soldier nodded already looking towards the showers so he could rinse off and find you.
"Yeah, yeah, go find your girl" Steve shoved Bucky off the mat with a grin. Bucky jogged off to the lab right after a shower, purposely throwing on a new pair of his snug joggers. He smirked as he walked in seeing you fully focused on a small creation Tony created, tinkering away without noticing him.
"Hey doll"
"Ser-sergeant!" You squeaked in surprise as he strode inside, dropping the gadget you were working on, "What can I help you with"
"Sam told me something earlier", Bucky shrugged casually while you stayed frozen in your seat, your heart rate picking up the closer he got. "Was wonderin' if you knew anything about it"
"What's-what's that" You fidgeted nervously, his baby blues staring at you intently, loving how flustered you looked.
"Someone said something about me having a cute butt"
"Oh" You looked like deer in headlights, wishing the ground would swallow you whole.
"Oh?" Bucky smirked while you hid your face in your hands, ready to sink to the floor and hide under the table, he must have thought you were such a pervert. "And something about slutty thighs-
"Not just your butt! All-all of you is cute all over" You squeaked out before slapping a hand over your mouth realizing you were making it worse.
"All of me, huh" Bucky pried your hand away from your face, cupping your cheek instead, the cool metal of his arm soothing your hot skin. "So you do think I have a cute butt and slutty thighs"
His thumb came up to pull your bottom lip away from where it was caught between your teeth, smiling at the little nod you gave him, too scared to open your mouth.
"Well I'm glad"
"Y-you are?" You shyly whispered, nearly whining when he brought his other hand to hold your face gently, his lips brushing against yours.
"Mhm, means I can do this" You went limp in his hold, every muscle in your body turning into mush as he kissed your lips sweetly, the gentle peck feeling like he'd stolen your breath away. "Don't faint on me sweets" Bucky chuckled as he pulled away, seeing the dazed look on your face.
"Such a cute butt" You whispered to yourself, eyes growing wide when you realized you said that out loud. You buried yourself in his chest making Bucky grin, kissing the top of your head.
"Want to grab coffee with my cute butt?" Bucky tipped your chin up to look at him, "I'll even bring my slutty thighs" He threw in with a wink.
"Promise?" You giggled while he slipped in his hand in yours, leading you towards the door.
"Scouts honor, doll"
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lordsardine · 2 years
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paddedzair · 4 months
2024 Padded Challenge
This is going to go until it eventually has no activity for two weeks, in which it'll be snapshotted and deleted.~
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We'll see how well this goes now that it's been split into separate challenges. Try not to spam comments tooooo much and if you reblog spam, do it strategically, like at different times.~ Wanna help me on my adventure or even add extra days separately? Check the wishlist!
Note Goals:
100: Daily Diaper Pics 200: Boosters to Weekend Diapers, even out in public. 300: Girly Socks Only, even out in public 400: Girly Clothes Only When Possible, at home, friends, out of town, etc. 500: Weekly Full Body Pics in Girly Outfits 600: Double the Days! Woops, all diapees. 700: Boy Socks Tossed Away.~ Girly socks only forever, huh? 800: Boy Undies Tossed Away.~ Maybe I'll eventually escape diapees to panties at least? Maybe? 900: Girlify My Room! Blankets, stuffies, all sorts of things added to the room to make it girly. 1000: Monthly Videos, whether it's twirling, wiggling, or just humpies.~ 1100: More Places To See Me! Expand out to other socials so my girliness is seen eeeeeeverywhere. 1200: Monthly Purchase Poll. Once a month, a poll will be done to decide what outfit or accessory to buy to help with my padded or sissy adventure. Next additions after we reach 800!
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