#we're nearing 100 days...
kinetic-elaboration · 2 months
April 7: Today's Excerpt
I did a marathon writing session that I think might have topped three hours--not really sure but I don't think I could have hit the word count I did in only 2--which is a good way to finish out a weekend that was mostly Gremlin time. I think this also means my College AU Chapter 1 is finished in draft form. I should not--NOT!!--hurry to post it. I should have self-control. I should give it plenty of editing time. I should get a chunk of the next chapter written. I should make sure I'm fully ready to continue writing this for my own enjoyment if no one else is interested in it, which is a legit possibility. Can't assume anything, you know.
But man. Tempting.
Anyway, here's a bit from today's writing:
"You're not imposing. You're accepting an invitation. Not even a good invitation. An invitation to sleep on the floor and possibly be suffocated in your sleep by paint fumes."
"And then you'll dump by body behind the pizza parlor."
Jane makes a low, clicking noise. "You've already discerned my master plan. Now I really will have to kill you."
Jane's dorm is only a few minutes' walk away, an imposing building nearly as wide as it is tall, which glows a pale white in the gray city darkness. She leads the way up the steps and swipes in with her student ID card, and in the quiet beneath the overhang, a wave of white concrete above their heads, the flick of the lock clicking open sounds stark and clear. The lobby looks nothing like that of Daria's dorm back at Raft: lighter, newer, bigger, and the contrast between where she should be and where she is seems to pull her out of herself, like there's a new her warring to take over where the old her usually is. She is simply not going home tonight. She's spending the night with a stranger, like it's some sort of sleepover of the type she never had in high school, and despite the surreal sheen over everything, she finds she isn't nervous or scared.
In the elevator, Jane pushes the button for the sixth floor.
As they step out, Daria hears the faint sounds of music from the far end of the hall, too distant and too weak to be identified, but otherwise the floor is quiet and empty. Jane stops outside the second room to the right, Room 608. While she rummages for her keys, Daria examines the whiteboard on the door, not unlike her own back at Raft, but bigger, and covered in a wider array of pictures and messages. Most of the space is taken up by art: several sketches of creatures she can only describe as goblins, or maybe demons, a caricature of a man with big ears and square glasses, and off to the left an anatomically correct picture of a penis. In the bottom right corner is a message about Monday night dinner, addressed to someone named "S," and scrawled along the top: Laaaaaane, need your notes for Life Drawing ASAP. Find me...! and a picture of a mushroom that must be some sort of signature.
On the right side, one final message in a neat, round hand: Jane, Staying over at Richie's, see you tomorrow, S.
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demonzoro · 5 months
i will be posting more news about palestine along with the various call-to-actions i have been rbing to this blog. it's my hope that everyone continues to hold their governments accountable for their complicity through protests, but also witnessing and remembering the cruelty of israel and their coloniser allies.
this is especially important to me now with the news of south africa taking israel to international court, with yemen halting trade to israel, with nations actually finally taking action for palestine.
please, if you do see posts about palestine on your dash, don't bury your head in the sand and lament about doom-scrolling. the state of affairs in the world is horrific right now, but you DO have power to make it a better place by criticising what our governments are hoping we'll turn a blind eye to.
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prossima-nebulosa · 6 months
Entering twitter and seeing people asking for remakes of 90's anime that still slap to this day is my worst fucking nightmare
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ye-olde-cider · 1 year
So I'm trying to make folk linen pants from sowing to sewing.
Second post (here's first)
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It's been about 60 days since sowing (it's 22nd of June). It's looking so pretty and started blooming about 55th day. I've been watering it one or two wheelbarrows of every 2 weeks, which I thought would be too little but it's growing pretty good. It's still not that high (about over the knee) and I doubt it'll get much higher sadly. That means lower grade of fibers but whatever. It'll be fine.
Every now and again there are parts laying down and I've been seeing some hares running about so they probably hide in it tramping down the plants. But it gets up no problem so all good. Maybe next time I'll put up a little fence around it.
Also idk when should I harvest it bc all the info is about oil flax, not textile flax, and even then it's contradictory sometimes. But either way it's around 100-120th day, so we're still only halfway.
Next up I need to start thinking about scuthing it, and it requires some equipment. But it's easy enough to build on my own probably. It should be something like this flax-brake:
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And then this kind of metal comb, which I'll make just by densly putting nails in a blank:
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So yeah, that's the plans for the near future. Here's a bonus flax video if you stayed till the end ❤️
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readychilledwine · 4 months
Small World Pt 2
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Summary - After discovering you and Azriel share much more than a mating bond, your relationship grows stronger as tensions between you and your aunt seem to grow higher.
Warnings - implied emotional and mental abuse, second child syndrome in a not good way, we find out Nyx is an asshole, unrequited love, slight smut, use of daddy
A/n - a potentially cliff hanger ending because I haven't decided 100% how this ends
Peep Part 1 Here 💙
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Azriel stared at the dress box sitting on Rhysand's desk and nicely folded Illyrian leathers. He couldn't remember the last time he had worn them. The last time he had used a siphon. The leathers were fitted for 7, something Azriel immediately knew would no longer work.
His powers after removing the precious stones had gone wild. His shadows were different now. They were more aware, able to span wider distances, and able to recruit more shadows into his network to join them.
He had spent 5 years alone meditating and learning even more control over them, over what they could do, over how deadly they actually could be.
7 siphons would not be enough.
And he didn't understand how Rhysand did not see that.
He finally spoke, gesturing to the box. "What is this?"
Rhys was settled in his chair, trying to maintain his composure as Cassian stood near the bookshelf to mediate if needed. "We're going to the Court of Nightmares. My daughter's engagement has spread like wildfire, and dear Keir wants to host a party in her honor."
A breathy chuckle left Azriel's lips before he could stop it. "So my fiancée will be dressed like a goddess while I am in leathers at a party to mock us?"
Cassian shifted slightly. "We've always worn leathers to Hewn City, Az. It's to honor our heritage." Rhys just inclined his head to Cassian and nodded. "Y/n wears leathers."
"She has never worn a single set in the 2 years we've been together. There isn't even a set in her closet."
"There's several sets in her closet here," Rhys said quietly. "All set up for pink siphons. 14 of them." Cassian and Azriel couldn't help their chuckles. "Imagine a blonde Illyrian with pink siphons, Azriel, its quite the sight." Rhys smiled fondly, eyes glimmering with pride despite everything. "She's-" he looked up, searching for the perfect word for his daughter. "She's my everything. And I've done a horrible job showing her that."
Azriel sucked in a deep breath. "I won't mediate this, Rhys. This is a you two thing. Not an us three thing."
Azriel knew now why you were estranged from your family. Nyx was their golden child. Constantly praised, admired, in the spotlight. He was, and still is, their reminder of how they had almost died to pass along their love. He could do no wrong, never be wrong, and was treated as such.
You, on the other hand, were the second child. The significantly younger one Nyx learned to plant blame on and watch as you were scolded and seen as "the problem" as you had told him you were now addressed as in Hewn City and Illyria. You had been raised by Ness more than Feyre and Rhys, passed off to them until your powers bloomed at 16, and suddenly your father found you interesting again. With a lack of a spymaster, he exploited you, forcing you to touch people and feel their emotions, when they lied, their stories. Forcing you to live trauma over and over of females clipped in the mountains, of tortured traitors in dungeons, of Nesta's dark phase.
You locked your powers so far away one day, so deep inside you that even you hardly could access them unless you actually wanted to. It had been just before your 18th birthday that happened. And then the fight that sealed the casket happened. Rhys had verbally lashed you. Attacked you for refusing to let him use your "one worth" to keeping his family and court safe.
Your father had said he saw you as useless, and everyone else just stood by watching.
Like they had with Nesta.
Only you were just a child. Not a head strong warrior, a goddess in fae form.
You packed the basics and spent the night on the streets in a dark alley.
Even if you and Rhys magically fixed things, even if you forgave but not forgot, Azriel would never. How you were raised, how you've been treated, it forever will taint his vision of Rhys, Feyre, and Nyx. The abuse they unleashed on you, they'd never make up for.
Rhys nodded, eyes glancing to the doorway as footsteps approached. "I would never ask you to fix my relationship with her when I need to fix my relationship with you as well. I just need you to know I love her. That she will always be my girl."
"You have an odd way of showing her your lo-"
The door opened, and you stepped in, immediately going to Azriel's side and eyeing the box. "Dad. Cassian." You opened the lid and nodded. "Well. At least it's sparkly."
Rhys cocked his head. "You don't like it?"
Azriel watched as you paused. The bond flared with conflicting emotions. Anger, hurt, longing. How long had it been since Rhys held you? Since he told you he loved you without you having to earn it. "No, I like it. I just know what this means. You never give me nice things unless Hewn City is involved." The last sentence trailed off quietly, and pain flooded the bond.
Rhys looked down, nodding as he scratched the stubble growing on his face. "I am sorry. I just-"
"Please don't. You never mean it." You grabbed the box. "I will wear it and find jewelry." You turned to Azriel. "Elain would like to speak with you. She said something about a garden you two planned together and how I'll never understand the love you two share. How it breaks bonds and shakes worlds."
The relationship between you and Azriel had been messy since dinner two weeks ago. You two had your first fight over, of course, Elain and her rekindled love, lust, whichever felt appropriate at the moment for Azriel. He ignored the constant letters, the random headache powders, the message coded flowers.
He had reached out to Lucien, asking the male what had happened. According to the new Lord of Day, Elain and he had tried for 5 years, but the damage had been done. Lucien didn't trust Elain, Elain spent most of their time comparing the two of them, and nothing Lucien gave her was enough. He had been the one to reject the bond, and after 7 years, he had found himself heavily involved in a relationship with a now fully fae Vassa and Jurian.
Rhys and Cassian both gave him gentle looks of concern as he held your hand, preventing you from walking away. He stared Rhys in the eyes, doing something he felt Rhysand had never done to prove a point. "I'd rather go home with you, so if you were planning on winnowing, we might as well go together." He picked you.
They watched as all tension left your body, as security eased into your face. "Then let's go home." Azriel grabbed the leathers, nodding to Rhys and Cassian before following you.
Azriel's elbow locked around your neck, hand squeezing your hip as he pinned you below him and continued taking you from behind. You both had no interest in heading to Hewn City, so you had distracted him, walking into your shared bedroom in just a pretty blue silk night gown offering to give your body to him for what he had done, the message he had sent.
You were supposed to be getting ready, but instead, Azriel was growling above you, pumping into you carelessly. Your toes curled at how deep he was hitting, at how good he felt, how good he felt every time. "So close," you whispered. "So fucking close-" You were moaning his name when the knock on the door came.
A shadow rushed to him, curling his ear as he paused. "It's Elain," he muttered. "She's relentless." You whined below him, hips wiggling to get friction back. "Baby,"
"Please," you begged. "It's been weeks, I've been so good, please, daddy."
Azriel felt his cock twitch at the use of the name. He'd longed for a moment to erase the memory of what happened, and you had just given it to him. He felt you moving your hips, doing the best you could while pinned to the mattress to fuck yourself on his cock.
You were his focus, the rest of the world melting away as he heard your moans turning into screams of his name. You sounded so pretty coming for him, crying for him, begging for more for less for everything as oversensitivity took over. You especially looked pretty dripping his seed when he pulled out of you. Once again, he had chosen you.
You two laid there, holding each other until claws came for both of you. Scratching angerly as your mental shields and causing you to bury your head into Azriel's chest. "We need to get ready unless you want him showing up here next," Azriel played with your hair, scratching your scalp lightly. "Let's see how many siphons I blow through."
After 2 sets of siphons being destroyed, you were currently dragging Azriel down the streets of Velaris and to your brother and father's tailor. You knew she'd be able to fit and dress him in seconds and that he'd look every bit handsome as he deserved. You were pissed when you saw he had been gifted Illyrian leathers and not a suit. Your father was out of touch with Azriel. With you.
"Helena," you smiled at the older female. "We need help."
Azriel felt stiff. Staring at the doors of Heen City as a shocked page boy ran to inform Rhys and Feyre of the late arrival. You two were about to upstage them in their own court. The guests of honor arriving late and being introduced after the Lord and his Lady.
You would have upstaged them by yourself anyway, though. Azriel admired you one more time. Rhys had picked well, though you both would never admit it. The dress had a see-through bodice of black lace and floral applicates with thin straps. It led to a satin skirt that was tight and then flared out to your hips. The left leg had a high slit, showing the toned beautiful skin Azriel was begging to cover in his kisses. You had picked a simple necklace, a single tear drop shaped sapphire with matching earring and a matching bracelet. Your ring sat on manicured nails painted a soft shade of pink to white coffin head tips. Heels graced your feet, the red underside flashing when you walked. "Gods, you are stunning," he finally whispered out in a hoarse voice.
"And all yours," you looked at him, adjusting the lapel of his jacket. "Forever." Your mask slipped on as the doors opened, a collective gasp ringing through the room over who was on your arm followed by whispers.
Azriel knew this song and dance, walking you into one thousand eyes staring and gawking. He hated seeing you like this as you were ushered to the dance floor. The first dance of the night had been delayed, and the fae were restless.
Once you were centered on the floor, you turned facing him, eyes cold and distant as you disassociated from this place. He placed a hand on your hip, leaving his other to his side where both of your sat.
It was unfair of Feyre and Rhysand to expect you to do this traditional waltz, but you followed Azriel's steps as the music began, that first note echoing in your bones and soul. Your parents had claimed your first dance with your mate. The first true dance you two would ever share, and it had to be done in front of hundreds of fae who spat your direction when the Lord and Lady were busy.
Azriel had decided he hated this side of you. He was studying you like a project. You were a different female down here. Cold, uncaring, forced into this role of the High Lord's daughter.
Did these fae know you took far too much creamer in your coffee?
That you were afraid of storms?
That you only ate fruit pastries because you found chocolate too bitter?
You were Rhysand through and through with that mask on. But inside, inside Azriel knew you carried the very light of what your grandfather built. You were a true dreamer, and you could rattle the very stars themselves if your father would just give you the chance.
If Rhysand would just believe in you.
Azriel decided in that moment what the answer to your happiness was. He'd take you tonight and you two would leave.
Fuck expectations.
Fuck the rules.
Fuck your family.
Azriel would pick you for the third time today, and you two would leave.
He just had to get you through this visit at Hewn City first, and as he watched Elain shatter a champagne flute in her hands, he knew that was going to be a mission all on its own.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish
Small World Taglist-
@amara-moonlight @iimichie @acourtofbatboydreams @justasillylittlegoofyguy @janesalvarerelochanarcheron @hungryforbatboys @sidthedollface2 @hunt1bryce
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angelbowerz · 7 months
Bowers gang asking you out/you asking them out
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-if you asked him out...it would be a no, he would be inlove with you and still say no
"Hey Henry"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out some time?"
*gives you a blank stare* "...no"
-he'd wanna say yes but if he said yes to a someone asking him out...his ego would be down a notch
-I mean come on...how DARE you ask the MAN out 🙄
-but a few hours later you're getting books out of your locker and here he comes
"Wanna be my girlfriend or something"
"But I just-"
"I'M ASKING NOW! yes or no"
"Okay sure, I'll be your girlfriend"
"After school we're going to the woods to bang, see ya"
*before you could respond he walks away*
-let's face it..Henry doesn't do dates, he finds them too romantic and cheesy
-you'll obviously hang together but he wouldn't class it as 'dates'...just 'hanging time'
-romantic rating 2/10 😭
-he would be WAY too scared to ask you out.. poor reggie
-buuut..if you asked him out....
"Hey reggie, I was wondering if-"
-you just made him the happiest person alive
-but on the actual day of the date he is PANICKING
-he is so nervous...what If you aren't enjoying it? What if something bad happens?
-he has blankets...food..drink...everything
-when he drives to pick you up...omg he is a sweetheart
-waits outside with a bouquet of roses
-treats you like the only person in the world
-drives you to a secluded place and stargazes with you
-the perfect date..literally something out of a movie
-drives you home then calls you later tonight and checks in on you
-romantic rating 100/10!!!!
-he wouldn't exactly ask you out but...
-he'll stalk you, wait for the right moment and then just walks alongside you all day
-you won't realise it's a date until he mentions that halfway through
"This date is going great right?"
"Wait wha-"
-he'll walk you home...well follow you home expecting you to invite him inside
-if you don't? That's fine, he'll just climb in while you're sleeping
-he'll either walk through the door or climb through your window
-he'll get in the bed with you...to watch you, not to sleep
-when he notices you start slowly waking up..he'll wait until you look at him then he very slowly turns his head...with the most scary smile you have ever seen
-when you scream..he just laughs...so much
-if you ask him out though...oh god...you're in for a night of torture
"Hey Patrick...I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime"
*does THAT smile* "oh I would love to..."
-it won't be cute...oh no no no
-he'll take you out to the movies, not to watch a romantic movie
-Patrick will do his research to find the most scary horror movie playing right now
-if you think he's taking you there so you'd cuddle into him....ahahaha aren't you delusional
-he'll laugh his head off when he sees you scared, pure happiness
-if you try covering your face, he'll take his hands, place them on your head and will force you to watch that movie
-After it ends..he'll still scare you in ways (making you jump etc)
-if you're in the right state of mind, you wouldn't go near him again...but if you're THAT crazy over him...goodluck
-romantic rating -10/10
-if you ask him out infront of the gang, he'd say no just because he wants to act 'cool' in front of the guys
-but when he's alone he'll come upto you and say he actually will go out with you and apologises
-probably had no clue where to take you so you two just end up in a park talking all night
-I feel like he would be very awkward at first but after awhile he'll loosen up and be really cool
-when you two get tired of talking, you'll just end up making out lol
-he'll walk you home of course
-romantic rating 6/10
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animehideout · 6 months
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read part 2 here
a/n: Here's part one, since all of you voted for Gojo satoru arranged marriage. Once I'm done with this story I'll start writing Long distance relationship x geto suguru.
Let me know if you want to get tagged in the next parts🫶🏻
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"You can use the main bedroom; I won't be home much anyway," Satoru casually said glancing your way.
You silently agreed, carrying your bags to the spacious new bedroom.
The house was fancy; everything looked classy and pricey, but it's Gojo Satoru we're talking about.
You didn't exchange many words. It's your first night together after saying your vows. Still in your wedding dress, changing felt awkward with his intense gaze, so you began unpacking instead.
Leaning against the door frame, he observed you before finally speaking.
"Let's agree on something, okay?" he said.
"Huh? What agreement?" you asked.
"Listen, I have no idea how I ended up in this marriage mess, and I think you feel the same, even though you're the one benefiting. But let me be clear—this marriage isn't real."
"But how the curse will break?—"
"It doesn't matter how. The prophecy said it will so you can save playing as real husband and wife to yourself," he interrupted. "I'm not interested in you, and I don't need to know more about you. I already know enough," he added.
"I'm not interested in you either, and you know it Satoru."you spat.
"Yeah, right. That's why you needed my help." he mocked.
"I DIDN'T. I was fine with not breaking the curse, but my family and the higher-ups insisted for some stupid reasons."
"Yeah, right. STOP LYING. I know you wanted this; otherwise, you could've refused."
"If I had any power to do so, I wouldn't have wasted a second" you glared at him, feeling offended.
"You just confirmed that y/n, I really don't wanna see your face, you can wander this house as much as you want. I'll be in Jujutsu high” he said closing the door forcefully, leaving you all alone.
You removed your dress, changing into comfier clothes.
You were more than relieved that he left, you couldn't stand him anyway or stand his annoying voice. You wanted peace and you finally had it.
You couldn't understand why your family and the higher-ups insisted on breaking your curse, you were completely fine with it. With not being a sorcerer, breaking the curse will only bring a huge responsibility on your shoulders and you'll end up like every one in your family...A jujutsu sorcerer, exorcising curse day and night to help those who can't defend themselves.
Even though you weren't capable of seeing curses, you still could sense them roaming in the space..
It scared you at first, knowing that something is near but you can't do anything about it, unlike your other siblings.
But you grew to accept it and see the whole situation as a blessing not a curse.
But here you found yourself, marrying Gojo Satoru the strongest sorcerer, by an order of both your family and the higher-ups, saying that this bond wouldn't only break your curse that's stopping you from using your Jujutsu but it will also bring a new balance to the jujutsu world.
You're stuck with him, stuck with Satoru. You don't know him well, all what you know is that he's extremely powerful and from what you've seen, he's also a dick and a pain in the ass. Only a few hours in your marriage and he managed to offend the shit out of you.
“its just a matter of time” you said to yourself, while getting under the covers.
The night was truly terrifying for you, you weren't used to spend a night all alone in a big house like this, but it was 100 times better than spending it with Gojo.
So you just shut your eyes, hoping to fall asleep before falling apart.
•In Jujutsu High•
“Huh Gojo what are you doing here?” asked principal Yaga.
“What?” he answered coldly while shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Its your wedding night, why'd you let your bride alone?”
“Hah bride?” he laughed raising an eyebrow. “And I thought she's the only one being delusional.. I did what all of you wanted, I married her, but thay doesn't mean I wanna live with her” he added.
“But Goj-”
“Sensei- I did my responsibility as the strongest sorcerer for the sake of the jujutsu world.. you can't ask for more”
“but if the higher-ups learn that you'-”
“Well screw the higher ups hehe” he laughed then headed to his room, reserved on Jujutsu high to spend the night away from you.
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sugawhaaa · 1 month
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{Chapter 4}
Warnings:: sexually/mentally abusive fiance! Mentions of blood, knives and swords!
Genre:: Pirate Au!!
Pairing::pirate!Seonghwa x princess!reader
A/N:: I'm pumping out these chapters so fast bro 💪 I'm loving this series but we're nearing the end 🥺 I think there will be about 6 chapters in total at this rate 😭
Reminder‼️this isn't 100% historically accurate and should be taken with a grain of salt. This story is also set in the late 1800s to early 1900s specifically in Europe but if you want you can imagine it wherever else you'd like, it is a fictional story after all 💗 this story also takes some inspiration from Pirates of the Caribbean, specifically the first movie.
Taglist:: @hi-kariii @deltamoon666 @hxpelessxcean @luvleejuyo
Chapter 3::
You little," you grit your teeth and his smile turns into a smirk again. His eyes avert to the entrance of the castle and he frowns.
"This won't be the last time," he kisses you on your lips quickly before jumping off the balcony. You stare off into the distance trying to process what just happened. You quickly look down at the ground but he's already gone.
"Sister?" You hear your older sister call out to you. You turn and look at her slightly surprised. "Are you alright, you're leaning over quite far," she says in a light tone.
"Oh yes, there was just a chipmunk," you smile with a nod and your sister chuckles.
"You're still so peculiar," your sister comes up beside you, leaning against the rail. "Your fiance is nice," she says as she looks at the horizon, the sun setting.
"Yes, he's…great," you sigh and look at the sunset as well.
"You don't like him do you?" She chuckles and looks back at you, her blonde hair swaying in the wind.
"I don't. But I need to marry him," you look determined at her before smiling. "It's for the better of both our countries," you look at the sunset again. Your sister stands up straight again. She places her hand on your shoulder.
"You are a good woman," she smiles before walking away, leaving you and the sunset alone.
[That night, Seonghwa POV]
Seonghwa came back to his ship, clenching his sword in his fist. Burnt red coloring on it. The crew greets him kindly and he greets them back. One of the younger members of the crew walks beside him.
"You've got lipstick on your lips," he chuckles and Seonghwa stops dead in his tracks. He brings his ungloved hand to his lips, running his middle finger along his lips. He looks down at his fingertip to see a soft pink tint on it. Seonghwa sighs and the crew mate smirks at him with a knowing look. "Looks like Captain Seonghwa got a little distracted on his mission," he laughs and Seonghwa throws his sword at the man, hitting the wooden wall just beside his head. The sword sticks out, gently swaying from the force of his throw.
Seonghwa scowls at the man. "Clean it," he orders before walking off, his cape blowing in the wind.
[Time skip, festival day. Your POV]
The day had finally arrived. The festival of glamorgan. The celebration of the day your kingdom was born. The streets were full of people and beautiful blue and yellow decorations. Today you were finally free from your guards because with so many people around your loyal citizens would help if there somehow was a dire situation. Not to mention herrington was with you a lot of the day but you didn't let his presence ruin your day.
In the afternoon after you finished your noon meal you went on a stroll around the outskirts of the kingdom, without telling anyone. You needed some time for yourself. The hot sun beamed down on you as you fanned yourself, walking down by the shore. You gazed off into the waters before noticing something strange. A certain patch of water wasn't moving. You stopped in your tracks and went to examine it. There was a large oval shape in the water that just didn't move. You looked closer at it when you heard someone walking up behind you. You turn to see none other than Seonghwa.
"I told you I'd see you again," he smiled and walked over to you. "I see you've found my ship," he says as he puts his hand on the hilt of his sword.
You look at him confused. "Your ship?" You look around. "I don't see one," you look at him with a frown, tilting your head.
"And here I thought you were smart," he sighs and shakes his head. He takes your hand in his and walks up to the edge of the grass. He then steps over the edge of the hill.
"Wait! What are you-!" You cling to his arm as he steps out into the air. There's a loud whoosh sound and you're standing on a ship. You fan yourself as you look around confused. You hold onto Seonghwa's arm as you look around the deck of the ship.
"This is my ship," he smiles. "We've been hanging out around here for a while. That's why I keep running into you," he explains as he leads you to the center of the deck. "A lot of my crew are not on the ship right now because of the festival but of course, a few are," he smiles and stops to introduce you to one of the young men. He's carrying a barrel on his shoulder with ease as he looks at the two of you. "This here is a good friend of mine, Mingi," he gestures to the man. Mingi takes off his hat and tips it towards you.
"It's a pleasure to meet you princess," he extends his hand out for you to shake and you hesitantly shake his hand.
"Mingi, this is princess Y/N," Seonghwa nods to Mingi.
"Yeah it's about time you bring her on," he laughs and Seonghwa frowns. You can't help but chuckle at their attitudes toward each other.
"Well, we'll let you carry on with…wait what are you doing I didn't tell you to move those?" Seonghwa cocks his head as he realizes where Mingi is moving the barrels.
"The captain did," Mingi shrugs and continues on. Seonghwa frowns and grits his teeth.
"I'm gonna kill him," he mumbles as he lets go of your arm. Storming off.
"Wait, I thought you were the captain?" You speed up to Seonghwa.
"I am, I'm the crew captain, Hoongjoong is the captain captain," Seonghwa rolls his eyes.
"That makes no sense," you sigh and shake your head.
"It would if you were smarter," Seonghwa replies instantly and you gasp.
"How dare you speak to the princess of glamorgan in such a tone!" You storm up to Seonghwa as he bursts into the captain's quarters.
"Hongjoong!" Seonghwa stomps up to a man sitting in the captain's chair, his feet on the desk in front of him.
"Captain," the man corrects Seonghwa.
"Stop commanding my crew to do things that I don't approve of!" Seonghwa puts his hands on his hips as you stand in the corner.
"Well they're bored of doing nothing when you're out frolicking in the fields with your little girlfriend," hoongJoong says as he spins a broken compass.
"We won't be waiting around for much longer okay? I've got almost everything," Seonghwa says as he leans in closer to Hongjoong. "And get your damn feet off my desk!" Seonghwa pushes his feet off the desk and HoongJoong loses his balance. His eyes finally fall upon you.
"Oh you finally brought your girlfriend on deck!" He stands up and walks over to you, looking you up and down. You chuckle awkwardly and Seonghwa sighs.
"Yes, I thought it was about time she met everyone," Seonghwa walks over to the two of you. Hoongjoong shakes your hand and you smile.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go introduce her to everyone!" Hoongjoong grabs your hand and pulls you out to the main deck. He drags you around the ship introducing you to everyone. "Mingi is a sailsman, San is the main combat man, junho and Yunho are good at stealing and mapping, Yeosang covers the lookout as well as cooking sometimes and Wooyoung cooks and helps with a lot of combat," Hoongjoong explains all the details of their ship. Under each of those men, there is a smaller crew that follows their commands.
"And Seonghwa looks after the crew?" You turn to Hoongjoong.
"Yep," he nods before pulling you closer. "But be careful, Seonghwa is obsessed with his treasure and will stop at nothing to obtain what he wants," he whispers before smiling again.
"Well, this was fun and all but I should really get back soon," you say as you fan yourself harder, the breeze from the ocean not enough to cool you off. Hoongjoong agrees and lets you go back with Seonghwa. Seonghwa holds your arm as he leads you back to the village, your fan never stops moving.
"Are you alright Y/N?" He turns to you with genuine concern. You frown and hold your chest.
"I'm alright," you sigh and smile up at him. He looks at you unsure. As you continue walking back things start to get hazy. You see stars and your eyes start falling closed. Every time you breathe out you feel like your lungs won't reopen. "Seonghwa," you wheezed out and hit his shoulder rapidly. He turns to look at you and sees you gasping for air. You suddenly collapse and he catches you in his arms.
Panic washes over him but he quickly steadies himself. He pulls out a pocket knife and starts cutting your dress. In the distance he sees a group of soldiers rushing over to the two of you but Seonghwa doesn't care currently. He cuts your dress down to your corset and quickly rips it off of your body. You gasp for air and grab his jacket, pulling your body up.
Your hands shake as you cling to him as you inhale and exhale quickly.
"It's okay, you're okay," he says as he pets your hair as he holds you. "You're okay," he repeats before the soldiers separate the two of you quickly. Herrington instantly came to your side, noticing your exposed body and the pirate he scowled at Seonghwa. Seonghwa sighed and scowled back
"Soldiers, take him," he nods his head to the soldiers and you jump in to interfere.
"He just saved my life!" You yell at your Fiancé. "You wanted me to wear this stupid dress and I almost died because of it!" You say as you push Herrington away. He frowns at you before looking over at Seonghwa, his hands up. "Let him go," you scowl at your Fiancé. Herrington sighs and nods to his soldiers. The soldiers escort you back to the castle where your Fiance locks you in your room.
You hear your parents and Herrington talk outside your room, discussing how they can't keep you safe anymore. Not with Seonghwa around, yet if it wasn't for Seonghwa you wouldn't be breathing right now. The maid comes into your room offering you dinner and you accept her offer. You sit at your desk and eat, your maid accompanying you.
"I heard about your encounter today," the woman says as she stands beside you.
"Yes, it was scary," you hummed before eating.
"I bet. I heard prince Herrington saved you," the maid said as she swayed on her feet.
"What?" You turn to look at her. "No, no, Seonghwa saved me," you explain with a frown.
"Oh, my apologies," the maid bows.
"Who told you Herrington saved me?" You asked before eating some more of your dinner.
"It's been going around the village, but Herrington told me personally," she informed you. You frown and turn back to your dinner. You continued to eat in silence, thinking about Seonghwa.
The rest of the evening went normally, aside from the fact that your fiance hadn't spoken to you. He was very mad that you were with Seonghwa and so exposed to him. You thought it was a little odd that he was so mad but you decided to pay no mind.
You slept peacefully in your bed before slowly waking up from a pestering sound. You rubbed your eyes and tried to locate the source of the noise. You realized that it was knocking on the door of your balcony. You slowly arose and opened the door, the midnight air flowing into your room. As your eyes adjusted you realized Seonghwa stood before you, a soft smile on his lips.
"You don't seem very awake," he chuckles as he allows himself into your room. You sigh and close the door before sitting back down on your bed.
"That would be because you just woke me up," you watch him walk around your room. He sits next to you on the bed with a smile.
"My apologies," Seonghwa patted your head and you looked at him confused.
"You're being oddly kind," you tilt your head. "You want something from me don't you?" You scoff and he laughs.
"I want to get to know you," he says as he relaxes his body on the bed. "You should trust me by now. I saved your life, showed you where I live and basically my family," he explains. "You know what I like and you know who I am," he looks over at you and you blush. "Yet I hardly know anything about you," he says with desperate eyes but behind them, something more is lingering. Sincerity, interest, trust, eagerness, love.
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
Okay so as a non-American, i'm curious: what's the deal with Biden v Trump? How did it end up with only these two if everyone hates them so fucking much? If there are only two candidates, and neither are votable, what are people supposed to do on election day? Do you have a way of annulating the vote such that it doesn't just go to the candidate with the most votes? Or are you planning to just not vote and pay the fee? Wait, is voting even compulsory over there? If it isn't, are you just gonna not vote? Would that be better? Or is there some mysterious 3rd candidate no one's mentioned?
Dems & Republicans the only parties with ballot access because they're the only parties with money. They have money because they serve the interests of corporations, shareholders, etc.
Non-democrat and non-republican parties have limited ballot access across the 50 states and in order to get on the ballots, they have to meet whatever the standards are for ballot access in each individual state. Sometimes it's automatic, sometimes they need petitions, sometimes they need a Lot more than that. And doing all that costs money which again, a lot of them don't have.
If you don't have ballot access in all 50 states then you are at a risk of losing. You see, each state has a designated number of delegates. You need a certain amount to win. Some states have over 100 delegates. If you don't have ballot access in all 50 states then you NEED to win more delegates in the states you do have just to keep up.
This is why most people are stuck voting democrat or Republican even if we don't want to. And it's why we're told they're the more "realistic" choices.
That said, tere are several Really Decent 3rd parties running and I intend to vote for Jasmine Sherman if she's on my ballot in November. She is an AMAZING candidate if you ask me. Not perfect, but leagues ahead of our other options.
HOWEVER. Do to more bullshit, my vote won't matter as the state I'm in sends their delegates to whoever the majority of the state votes for... Which will likely be Biden.
Also Biden is only the nominee of democrats at the moment. He is not the only democrat running. The Democratic party does hold a Primary Vote to determine who will be the official nominee. Democrats have Very Shitty options this year. None are as shitty and violent as Biden, but- actually idk why they don't just vote for someone else. They could absolutely vote for a different democratic nominee.
The primaries are happening right now though, and it doesn't seem like that will happen.
Republicans do the same thing. Trump is running as Republican and like Biden, is expected to win the primary.
The winners of the primary are who people have a choice to elect for president in November.
Hence why our options are Biden v Trump.
Other 3rd party candidates will hold their own primaries (if the party they're in has more than one person running).
Again tho, there is no guarantee that they will be on the ballot in every state.
I personally don't know if annulating a vote is even possible.
Voting is not compulsory & there is no fee for not voting.
It's also not entirely accessible and every year democrats and Republicans fuck with voter boundaries and cut more polling places which makes voting take like ALL DAY if there's only one poll near you that needs to serve your region. God forbid you're disabled or elderly and want to cast a vote in a place like that..
TLDR: Our entire voting system is absolute trash and intentionally complicated to keep the capitalist two main parties in power.
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miaclemeverett · 7 months
amazon standing lamp - using drugs and sex and other unhealthy distractions and coping mechanisms to deal with losing people you love out of your own fault. the top-heavy amazon standing lamp part is a really old wilbur joke (back in 2020 he joked about naming a song this) and it also reminds me of how (i think it was him?) he once said that he moves house so often that he loses so many belongings and only has a few things left that he cares about, i think this pairs really well in the song how the artificial meaningless things are all that remain
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mine / yours - the breakdown of a relationship, seeing the warning signs and the things you take for granted assuming a person will stay with you forever despite it all
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around the pomegranate - this song reminds me a lot of "since i saw vienna", when a place (california in this song) becomes so married to a person that it serves as a source of comfort and nostalgia for when things were simple and happier. being on the road you can never set down roots and people come and go from your life
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i don't think it will ever end - he lives life in front of millions of people (chat in this song) watching his every move, like an actor he either has to play the part he's made for himself or isolate himself from this audience, it's a repetitive cycle that sends him downhill
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glass chalet - back in the dark days of 2021 i remember wilbur would always joke (SLASH SERIOUS) about quitting streaming and disappearing off the face of the planet for years without a single word. VERY HEALTHY MINDSET exhibited right here in this song
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melatonin 130 - I LOVE 100 GECS!! but in all seriousness the constant reminder that you have mental illness/anxiety your entire life and you can only cope with it, that it impairs you even when you should be happy cus obviously you're living out what you thought was your dream and everyone else thinks you should be on top of the world duh!
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oh distant you - JUST KILL ME. your sister was right but WORSE!!!!!!!! again you take for granted that someone will stick with you forever and only after it's over realizing that you can't fill the hole where they were. and again we're back on fixating on who is the villain in this narrative
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eulogy - your sister was right but worse 2, this song focuses on the whispers (good and bad) leftover from a relationship. harkening back to screensaver where he says that the subject in talking about their relationship basically makes him sound like hitler, and your sister was right where he talks about the warning signs the subject should have seen, this squarely places the blame on him
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dropshipped cat shirt - I LOVE 100 GECS!!! but anyway the grueling day-to-day of being on the move, singing to people who adore you and make up a version of you in their head, latching onto unhealthy coping mechanisms to keep going, you have everything you ever needed and wanted but you're bored out of your mind
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the median - short but sweet! as i said earlier, wilbur always has to play a part, and this audience projects their version of himself as the truth
trying not to think about it - I KNOW I PUT DAMN NEAR THE WHOLE SONG DOWN HERE BUT LISTEN. again realizing how much you take for granted the assumption that someone will stick with you forever. wilbur has mentioned before how as a hypochondriac, he's never taken seriously by doctors whenever he doesn't feel well. also this idea of romance and love as something just for the aesthetic, not as something that gives you stability and meaning but realizing that it can be that for you until its too late.
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10 week rule - who got him pregnant?? but in all seriousness i think this can be read as a way of turning a new page, but obviously its not as simple as just getting rid of something unwanted
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matan4il · 3 months
Daily update post:
On Friday, there was yet another Palestinian terrorist attack. Terrorists started shooting at Israelis near a yeshiva, and as security forces gave chase, an explosive device was set off through remote control, which shows just how sophisticated some of these terrorists are getting. Seven Israeli soldiers were injured. The explosives were homemade, and I heard one estimate that if they had been "proper," the number of casualties would have been much higher.
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Friday was also International Women's Day, when we asked people to remember Israeli and Jewish women, including the ones still being abused by terrorists in captivity. Here's a small round up of a few related global events... In South Africa, Jewish women marched, asking their president and government to condemn Hamas' sexual violence, protesting against the extra burden of proof demanded of Jewish women. Similar protests were held in other places around the world, among them in front of the UN headquarters in NYC. Following an Israeli request, the US, the UK and France have asked the UN's security council to have an emergency session on the UN report regarding Hamas' sexual crimes, Israel's Foreign Minister and the families of the hostages are meant to attend. But maybe the most poignant news come from the Norwegian capital of Oslo, where protesters holding up signs in support of the Israeli women held hostage by Hamas were barred from participating in the International Women's Day March by its organizers, after other participants of the march were physically stopping the group supporting the kidnapped Israeli women.
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Biden's recent MSNBC interview, where he's said that "there has to be another way to deal with the trauma caused by Hamas," has managed to piss off even left wing journalists here. I'm gonna pass along what one said... Biden doesn't get it. We're not fighting in Gaza to deal with trauma, this is not the equivalent of going to therapy. We're facing a terrorist organization that massacred us, rules an entire strip of land, and has turned it into the world's biggest base for terrorist activity, turned its 2.1 million people population into a human weapon, and if there is another way to make sure Israeli civilians are safe by destroying Hamas, with less casualties on the other side, let him present it in practical matters. So far, all he does is to give the vague, abstract, "Israel needs to do better," which is not a practical plan of action, and it's especially condescending, when we don't actually have historical examples of any country doing better during fights conducted under the conditions created by Hamas in Gaza.
I have written about the incident in northern Gaza, where over 100 people were killed in a stampede, as they were storming humanitarian aid trucks. It was a complex situation, in addition to those who died from the pushing and trampling (something we've seen in lots of tragic disasters around the world, which were by no means a massacre, such as a fairly well known stampede of Liverpool soccer fans), apparently some of those who died, were ran over when the (Arab) truck drivers were scared and tried to drive away from the mob, while a small number of suspicious people advanced menancingly on the soldiers. An IDF investigation report confirms the Israeli soldiers only fired at this smaller group, suspected of being terrorists, not at anyone else, and certainly not at the aid convoy itself. Of course none of this complexity was reflected in any anti-Israel propaganda posts, which labeled this a massacre. But now the size of the stampede has been confirmed as well, which in itself says a lot about this tragic chain of events: no less than 12,000 (!) Gazans were storming those aid trucks. Given the size of that crowd, it's almost a miracle that not more people were killed. Just compare the Liverpool fans stampede, where the size of the involved crowd was smaller, the situation less complex (no moving trucks or terrorists around), and the number of fatalities was practically the same, at 97 people killed.
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This has got to be one of the worst things I've heard since Oct 7 brought new focus to the antisemitism problem on American college campuses. One of the morally clearest voices against this Jew hate has been a Jewish Israeli professor at Columbia University, Shai Davidai. Now apparently the uni has started an investigation into him, instead of... IDK, learning from the criticism he has raised regarding their failure to address antisemitism. They sure are doing a great job, showing Jews they're listened to and cared about, and protecting Davidai's freedom of speech, that last line of defense that all the college presidents fell back on when they had to address why calling for the genocide of Jews is not considered bullying or harassment on their campuses.
This is 100 years old Yocheved Gold (on the left, obviously).
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Yocheved was born in 1923 in Germany. In 1936, as a Jewish teenager who was mistaken for a Christian girl, and despite her fear, she refused to hand a bouquet of flowers to Hitler at the Berlin Olympics. Two years later, at the age of 15, she was among the last Jews to flee Europe before WWII. She managed to make it to the Land of Israel, which saved her life. On Oct 7, she was in kibbutz Sa'ad, one of the southern Israeli communities attacked by Hamas terrorists. Eighty years after antisemites first forced her to flee her home, she had to do it again, and is maybe the only Israeli evacuee to be over 100 years old. Now she has returned to kibbutz Sa'ad, even though most still haven't (as they don't feel safe from Hamas), because she said she doesn't want to die away from home.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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butmakeitgayblog · 27 days
Ahhhhh Lexa is so cuddly in that oneshot! 😍😍
She had to be
Listen to me
She had to be
Because this little ray of sunshine?
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Deserved to be allowed to be cuddly
Because the thing is, she always wanted to be. She did. Even when she didn't know how to ask for it. Even when all she knew how to do was nudge the door open for Clarke and wait silently to see what she'd do
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Even when she didn't feel like she deserved to want it.
Lexa spent so much time worrying about Clarke's comfort and boundaries. So much time carrying the weight of her decisions like a scarlett letter on her chest. She lived with the guilt - not for the decisions themselves - but for how those decisions hurt Clarke, and how it all ultimately lost her the girl she had fallen so hard for, so fast.
But still, there were so many instances where she wanted nothing more than to be allowed to be soft. And you could see it.
So many times when she put herself out there just to feel like a fool in the end.
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You could see it in these tiny glimpses of moments, her hesitation. Her disappointment. Her wanting so badly to reach out. But not letting herself.
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Always waiting to be pushed away. Always accepting when she was. Always swallowing the pain of her own heartache while aching to be let in...
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Which is why the second Clarke said yes? Lexa absolutely let the floodgates open.
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While we saw after their first time she had given Clarke space again, had rolled away to recover from being fucked into a nap the intensity of finally getting to have that intimacy with Clarke, I don't think it was because it was what she wanted to do. I think it was pure instinct. Fear. A learned habit to always give Clarke space, and always another chance to push her away should Clarke want to. Seeing how Lexa operated when it came to Clarke, I don't think she took them having sex for granted in the aspect of "oh now all is forgiven." I think even after having Clarke make love to her, a piece of Lexa would've been careful not to push for too much too soon. Been too clingy. Assume Clarke woukd want to cuddle with her, to hold her. To even want Lexa to touch her the same way so intimately.
When Clarke gave the ok? When Clarke made it clear that she was open to that?
Oh she smiled.
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And she was happy
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She held her hand during sex for godssake, you can't get more mushy than that
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And even in her final moments, what made her break? What was the only thing that really truly cut through the pain and the strength of Heda, and gave Lexa a moment of solace?
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Clarke's touch.
Clarke's comfort.
Being able to soak in another moment of just being close to her. Loved by her.
Lexa was always a touchy a person. She craved that physical intimacy with Clarke from day one. I mean we're talking about a woman who decided to casually ~take a nap~ on her canopy bed with the drapes open while an almost complete stranger waltz around her tent. She was always sending out the signals out that not only did she want more emotionally from Clarke, but that she wanted more physically. And I don't mean sex (ok well not just sex at least), she wanted that soft comfort of just being near her too.
So yeah. 100% I believe if given a chance to have more moments together after they'd both finally let each other back in, every time Clarke even halfway made it seem like she was open to it, I think Lexa would've become more and more comfortable letting go of her fears and been as affectionate as she'd always wanted. I think she would've become more and more snuggly, more tactile in her expressions of love and pride, to the point that when they were alone I don't think Clarke would've quite known what to do with herself and her little commander-noodle-arms shaped shadow
They still would've argued all the time tho
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proseka-headcanons · 3 months
heck. it's kamikou second years anon back at it again at krispy kreme (pet* edition) (*definition of pet might be stretched)
mizuki, nene, an and akito all pass around one fake rubber cockroach as a just in case whenever they see tsukasa. toya actively discourages it but the other four have grown attached to the rubber cockroach and when he confiscated it he felt bad so he gave it back. they named it and everything it's their child now
there's a strange purple cat that occasionally shows up on campus that the five of them have befriended. mizuki made up the theory that it's rui in disguise ("we've never seen the two of them in the same location before!") that toya fully believes (an is starting to believe too, but she won't admit it). it does not help that this cat hates being near the vegetable garden
nene has a tamagotchi that she cannot keep alive. she just can't. she tries her best but she always gets distracted and forgets about it and when she comes back it's dead. the rest do not know this; she once lent it to an to let her try and it died off the bat and an didn't know how to break it to nene so she blamed it on akito (who had no idea what was happening)
Do they name the roach Gregor /silly /reference /sorry the lobotomy /sorry my demons /I love you bug guy -🦈
HELP????? also i don't wanna name it gregor, we all know how that ends :( also rui cat real - 🥞
the cat IS rui. rui is a cat we all know this and also purple and hates vegetables it's 100% rui. also the cockroach is named JEREMY and we're passing him around and hopefully one day we can sneak him into tsukasa's pocket... a group of silly teenagers can dream... also i've realized all of the kamikou 2nd years are represented by mods now. me, mod aki, mod toya, mod nene and mod an! the gang's all here - 🎀
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dark-frosted-heart · 8 months
Roger's Wicked Birthday - 1st -
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The story's in his POV. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Nsfw. Awkwardly translated smut.
They say that something predestined, something that cannot be changed or avoided, is called fate.
Being born male, female, or otherwise.
Where and when you were born, how long you'll live and when you'll die, all of these seem to be predetermined.
I've always been looking for a way to fight against all of that.
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Roger: Hey, Jude. Cut back on those cigarettes. You don't know when those lungs of yours will fail.
Jude: Quit yer yappin'. Are ya my mom or somethin'?
Roger: Don't remember givin' birth to an arrogant, swearing bastard like you.
As I walk away after finishing up Jude's regular check up, my ears pick up the hustle and bustle of the dining room.
Roger: Huh? They're bein' awfully noisy.
As expected, when I entered the dining room, I found Harrison listening to a distraught Liam.
Roger: Hey, what's up? Did somethin' happen?
Liam: Kate isn't back yet so I want to go look for her now.
(The little lady?)
Roger: Calm down... You're not gonna find anything if you run out in the dark.
Harrison: Yeah, Roger's right. You were the last one to see Kate, weren't you Liam?
Liam nods.
Jude: You were supposed ta be watchin' 'er. Why'd ya let 'er go about as she pleases?
Liam: Tomorrow's Roger's birthday so we went out shopping to celebrate in advance. I thought about dressing up a bit and doing some stuff that'll surprise Roger.
Harrison: Liam, I now there's something you don't want to tell us, but now's not the time.
Liam: After we finished shopping, we parted ways near Leadenhall Market. Kate told me to go home first because she wanted to buy something in secret.
Harrison: Where'd you and Kate part?
Liam: At a bakery called "Harmony". Around there.
Harrison: If it's around there then...flowers, huh?
Liam: Flowers?
Harrison: Did she go by herself to get flowers for Roger?
Roger: Me?
Harrison: Yeah. There's a popular flower shop in alley where Liam and Kate parted ways. She probably knew about it.
Jude, who was quiet this whole time, muttered something troubling.
Jude: Tha's right, there's been some strange incidents lately. The naïve princess must've gotten mixed up in it. That woman (the queen) must 'ave some kind of info. Maybe.
Roger: I'll go get Victor...
There's been some kidnappings recently where Kate was now alone.
All those kidnapped were women, and those who were lucky enough to escape only had their hair cut, so it seems like they were kidnapped to sell their hair at a high price.
Based on the information from Victor, it was decided that Crown would search several hideouts of the criminals.
Harry and I ran through the back alleys of London in the dark.
Roger: ...? Hey, Harry. I can hear a man...and the faint voice of a woman through this door.
Harrison: May that's it. Let's go.
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The man's voice gets clearer as we head down the path leading to the basement.
Men with guns and knives gathered in the dark.
(I see. So a bunch of thugs were kidnapping people)
Bearded man: After our watch is done, let's go for a drink- Huh, who're you?
In the dim light, Harrison and I exchanged glances. In times like this, a liar and traitor's quick thinking is useful.
Roger: Don't be so guarded. We're your buddies. We thought we'd take part too.
Bearded man: Huh? What're you on about? We'll lose our share with more people.
Harrison: Don't be like that. The police have been sniffing around lately.
Bearded man: The police...?
Harrison: We got contacts in the police. I got info on how to escape them.
Man with a gun: Hey... Wouldn't it be better if we brought them in?
Roger: Oh, we got a right to choose though. Let's hear some details about what you guys are doin'.
Bearded man: It's simple. You kidnap a woman to sell her hair and if she gets out of line, you kill her. That's it.
Man with a gun: In this day and age, a corpse has some value so it's like killing two birds with one stone.
(Yep, these are definitely the guys. Can't mess this-)
Harrison and I fire at the same time.
Criminal: Guh...
Roger: What's up? You're bein' unusually aggressive Harry.
Harrison: Yeah, wel... Anyway, I'll take care of the rest. You go ahead.
Roger: Yeah, I'm on it. Can't help but hear Kate's voice in my ear. Don't die Harry. Bringing you back will be a pain.
Harrison: Gotcha...
I head into the darkness, the sound of gunfire behind me.
(Multiple female voices...One of them...sounds like Kate)
I thought Kate would be sobbing in fear-
Kate's voice: -ight... It'll be alright. Help will come. It'll be alright...
My ears picked up Kate's voice, who was assuring the other women with her.
Roger: Geez... You're even worryin' over others in a time like this.
I run and run toward the voice, open the door in the dark, and head up the stairs.
Muscular man: Hey, who're you- Gah?!
I shoot and kill the criminals that come at me as I keep going.
(Found her...)
Among the women bound in rope is Kate.
Kate: Roger...
(Why're you trying to smile at a time like this?)
(You're not fooling anyone...)
As I go up to her and cut the rope with a knife, I notice flowers that fell at Kate's feet.
Roger: ...
Seeing them, I impulsively-
I held Kate tight in my arms.
Roger: Are you hurt?
Kate: Nothing serious. Just some scratches...here and there.
It's so like her to not count scratches as injuries.
Roger: I see...
Kate: I was sure...
Roger: Hm?
Kate: I was sure that Crown...that you would come and save me.
Kate knew about my curse as the "treacherous huntsman".
Still, she believed in me and fought against fear and anxiety.
(Damn. You're so cute and brave)
Roger: You're my birthday present, got it? Not letting anyone take you away from me.
Kate: Got it...
Kate's body starts trembling as if finally letting go of all the pent up fear.
I pat her back as if soothing a baby.
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Roger: Scary wasn't it...
Kate: Yeah...
Roger: You did your best. You were great.
Kate: ... Roger... I-I...
Kate bawled so loudly that I couldn't help but smile.
After taking care of everything, I brought Kate back to the castle and tended to her wounds.
Kate: O-ow. It hurts...
Roger: It's supposed to hurt. Otherwise this wouldn't be moxibustion.
Kate: I'll accept it...
Maybe because she was still feeling guilty, Kate endures the pain without a fuss.
As I watch her in amusement, a thought appears in the back of my mind.
It's said that those cursed will meet an equally tragic end.
That's a solid conclusion I came to after years of researching curses.
(That's what's supposed to happen to us)
(I wonder what Kate's fate's like)
Kate's a curious woman who's aware of the fact that the world isn't pretty, yet still retains some purity in her heart and eyes.
Even those in Crown with strong personalities seem to be moved by her.
(A miserable fate doesn't suit Kate)
A long life's better than a short one, better to be surrounded by people than alone, and a warm place's better than a cold one.
(The kind of fate that suits someone who's able to smile so peacefully)
It was out of character for me to think of that for Kate who trusts others so easily.
Roger: Alright, done.
Kate: Thank you so much. Sorry for bothering you so late. Then...
Roger: Hey now, who said you could go?
Kate: Huh?
Roger: The treatment's finished, but the punishment isn't, little lady.
I sit down next to Kate on the bed, who makes a sound in her throat.
Kate: Punishment...
Roger: Thinking you'll get an answer right away just by asking's a bad habit of yours. Ask yourself why you're getting punished.
I whisper in her ear as I swipe my thumb across her lips.
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Roger: I won't stop until you get it right.
Kate: Um, uh...
Kate jolts when I nibble on her ear before capturing her lips.
Kate: Nn...Roger...
(Soft as ever...)
Roger: Mm...Come one, answer me.
Kate: Because I got hurt...?
Roger: Wrong.
Even after releasing her wrists after kissing her repeatedly, Kate lets me do as I please.
Kate: Nnn... Hm? Ah...
(Hmm, not runninn'? Ahh...you obediently did as you were told)
The way she accepts my kisses while thinking fills me with sadistic desires and I hook my fingertips on the neckline of her dress.
Roger: That's it, think about it.
Kate: You don't need to tell...Ah...
Her breasts spill out as I pull down her dress and my lips are on her.
Roger: Hm? Givin' up?
While licking a nipple, I tease the other with my fingers.
Kate: ! I'm not...
(Ah~ That's a good look. You look so frustrated...like you're about to cry)
Kate: Ah...Is it...because I wandered off on my own?
Roger: Nope.
Kate: Huh...Ah....
I roll the peak in my mouth and Kate lets out a faint gasp.
(I'm disgusted at the thought that other men did that to her...)
I continue to suck and nipple as I slip my fingers in the wetness between Kate's legs.
It was already so wet and like with her nipple, I flicked her bud with a finger.
Kate: Ah...Nngh...Roger...
The moment I saw tears welling up, the irritation I felt within me finally subsided.
Kate: I...give up...
I grab Kate's chin and look at her as she muttered in frustration with tears in her eyes.
Roger: Hey, Kate.
Kate: Yes...?
Roger: I can't stand it when others make you cry. I'm the only one allowed to do that...Right?
Kate: Ye- Huh?
Roger: What's up with that response.
Kate: I just didn't expect it... I'm...not Roger's or anyone else's!
Roger: Then why're you squeezing my fingers so tightly?
Kate: That's because...Ah...I can't...
Roger: I'm not gonna last so let me enjoy your tears for a little longer.
Kate: Ah...wait...Roger
After that, I made Kate cry out a lot before having her finish me with her hand.
Satisfied, I went out for a drink with Jude.
Using my birthday as an excuse, I made him buy me a drink.
(I drank too much last night...)
I was lying on a sofa in the lounge with the aftertaste of alcohol still lingering when I felt a shadow over my face.
Kate: Roger...? Are you dead?
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Roger: I am. So what do you want with a dead man? I'm not taking any complaints about last night.
Kate: It's not that. I have something for you.
When I sat up, Kate shyly held out a bouquet.
Kate: Happy birthday Roger. Also... Thanks for being born.
Roger: O_O ...
(Thanks for being born... That's the first time I've heard it since my curse)
(Kate...Only you of all people would say that without any hesitation)
Kate: Roger? Um...I went shopping with someone this time?
Roger: Haha, I know. Thanks...
Kate smiles happily like a puppy.
(Her crying face is the best, but her smile- it suits her)
Her smile's so cute that I can't but want to tease her again.
Roger: Hey, Kate. I must've fallen for you if I'm always thinking about you right?
Kate: Excuse me........ I-I don't know!
Roger: Pfft, hahaha. How cold.
After that, while I was walking with the bouquet Kate gave me, Victor suddenly told me what those flowers meant.
Anemones meant "fleeting love".
Kate probably didn't know what the flowers she gave me meant, but it's ironic.
My fate's a future ruined by guilt.
The worst fate lies before me, but I'm not gonna let it get me down now.
Trampling on fate, I-
Roger: Now, let's fight against it again today.
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willalove75 · 6 months
Hello friends!!
I know I've been MIA for like, over a month lol and I'm so sorry!
Lots of things (good and exciting things!) have been happening that I can finally share with all of you!
As many of you know I had to take a bit of a break from writing because I was pretty sick for a while, but I can finally talk about what's been going on!
A little manthing!!! Heheh
So the reason I was so sick was because of morning sickness (which is just a fucking lie of a term bc that shit lasted all day every day. In my case I was fine in the mornings but got more sick as the day went on. By 6pm I was so fucking sick. Thank god I never threw up but fuck was I close a few times. It was awful).
But I am officially 14 weeks and due June 1!! This is mine and my husbands first child and we're both so excited.
Now that I'm finally feeling better I promise to get back into a normal writing schedule. It may take a second to get back into the swing of things but my goal is to get back to updating my series fics regularly and finally getting back to catching up with the damn near 100 asks in my inbox😅
I will probably be taking some kind of "maternity leave" from here for a bit around the time the nugget is due, but I have absolutely 0 plans of abandoning my fics or you guys! It won't be for a while and of course I'll keep you all updated whenever that's happening.
But for now I'm gonna get back to fic writing and responding to the amazing asks you guys have sent me!!
Love you all so, so much. Thank you all for your continued support💕💕💕
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eshoeteric · 2 years
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🍓 style analysis: nana komatsu / hachi (NANA) 
welcome to the first entry in my style analysis series- where i take a different fictional character for each entry and take a look at their fashion sense, as an exploration on how fashion plays a role in forming a character's personality & overall identity. in other words, it's a deep dive into the intersection of story & style. today we're starting off with nana komatsu (who we'll be affectionately referring to as hachi from here on out) from NANA, my favourite character from my favourite manga of all time.
NANA is a manga very near and dear to my heart. i could spend all day talking about why, but i'd say one of the biggest reasons is for how ai yazawa (the creator of NANA) uses fashion as a means of storytelling. in NANA, clothes are not just a typical character design element, but are instead a visual narrative tool used to convey a characters' personality, as well as to express their traits and feelings. today i've chosen hachi for the style analysis because i'm fascinated by the subtle changes to her style syncing with her character development over the course of the story. also, i think her style is just super cute. so let's get into it! (⚠ anime & manga spoilers ahead)
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if i only had one word to describe hachi's style, i'd say feminine- think frills and lace details. she's all about babydoll silhouettes, pleated skirts, knit cardigans, ballet flats, and generally embodying shoujo fashion from the early 2000s with a good balance of cute and classy. hachi's fashion sensibilities lean more towards the modest side, as her dresses and skirts are usually around midi-length, and mini skirts are often paired with extra layers like tights or leggings underneath. it's a very good girl chic look, which fittingly leans in to her innocent personality. hachi is very stylish and clearly puts a lot of thought into picking her outfits everyday, as she's not afraid to occasionally experiment with different styles every & to use fashion as a key means of expressing herself.
in terms of colour palettes, hachi's wardrobe has a bit of everything- warm hues, earth tones, soft pastels, which all work together to capture the warmth and sweetness of her character. she's definitely more attuned to light colours than dark. this suits her personality better too, as light coloured clothing is said to convey feelings of friendship, fun, compassion, and approachability. fabric-wise, hachi likes to keep it light and airy with materials like chiffon and tulle; switching to warmer fabrics like cashmere and wool for cold weather, giving her outfits a vintage feel.
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we can see that hachi pulls fashion inspiration from various aesthetics and fashion trends across different decades. she definitely incorporates her love for vintage fashion in her style, particularly with elements we've seen her wear before like mod dresses, neckerchiefs, pearl necklaces, long fleece trim coats, and brown platform boots. you can also see it in how some of the pieces she wears feels so unique, like a surprise gem you would find in a vintage boutique while thrifting. in dressier looks, hachi's girlish charm and allure is slightly reminiscient of 1960s it girls, like twiggy and sharon tate. she draws from a lot of 60s-inspired elements- the romantic parisienne style, and a bit of vintage preppy chic.
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scarves and bandanas are a vintage essential as well as one of hachi's signature accessories. they have tons of versatile styling options, plus the potential to be dressed up or down. we've seen her wearing one scarf (exhibit A) multiple times over the series. the babushka scarf version has to be my favourite, it's very hepburn-esque, who i 100% i could picture hachi having a poster of in her childhood bedroom. i also think that having characters re-wear pieces we've seen before is generally just a cool subtle styling detail, which adds to the realism of NANA's 10/10 worldbuilding. the scarf's many appearances styled in different ways also goes to show how hachi enjoys being creative with her outfits, loves the pieces she owns and wants to get as much use out of them as possible.
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hachi's style also incorporates a touch of influence from the kawaii lolita subculture, particularly modern offshoots like larme-kei. lolita is french rococco-inspired with a focus on cuteness, and has its origins in early 2000s harajuku street style- which is also where mori/kogyaru fashion originates from; hachi's go-to style during her high school years (see: her modified school uniform, miniskirts, fuzzy legwarmers). both of these movements were heavily pioneered by j-fashion magazines of the time like FRUITS, Olive, Larme & CUTiE, which were mainly popular with teenage girls and young women, and hachi is no exception. her fashion sense is also heavily inspired by famous japanese celebrities and style icons like risa nakamura.
if we had to really narrow it down, i think hachi's style can be best described by otome (lit: maiden) fashion. known as one of the predecessors of lolita fashion, this style was very popular among young girls in the 70s-80s and is heavily centered around embodying all things traditionally feminine. sweet, cute, girly, and romantic are all common descriptors of the style, which pulls influence from 60s mod fashion (which, as we've seen, has prevalent elements in hachi's style). think tons of layering, pattern mixing, longer hemlines, and mary janes/flats, all of which we frequently see in hachi's outfits. we also see that she takes elements from modern lolita fashion like frills, bows, ribbons, lace, tights & stockings, and incorporates them into her own personal style as more understated outfit details; making it more wearable on a daily basis while still being a tribute to one of her sources of style inspiration.
now that we've explored what makes hachi's personal style unique to her character, let's dig into how her style is influenced in relation to how the story progresses and how her character develops. and just for funsies, i'll also be styling a casual everyday outfit that i could picture hachi wearing for each story arc. let's go!
i. art school
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i'd describe hachi's style here as the most youthful, which makes sense considering she's freshly moved to tokyo to study at an art school. we see her sporting a face-framing pixie cut, which gives her look a bit of edge, but not too much as she still retains her signature soft girl style to balance it out. also, can i just say: super farmer's daughter vibes when paired with a bandana! jeans were having a moment too- during this era, hachi was often seen wearing a pair of bellbottom flares or baggy jeans, creating a casual and easygoing look which really leaned into the artsy college student fashion. this would also mesh well with her then-best friend junko's more bohemian/indie, woodstock-inspired hippie style. the short hair paired with her experimentation on androgynous silhouettes definitely accentuates her gamine facial features, lending to a cute boyish look.
all these style elements are in direct contrast with the hyperfeminine looks of her high school years, back when she'd opt for skirts over jeans and long, styled hair; showing how hachi underwent a pretty drastic style change whilst adapting to the new environment in tokyo. at the same time, it could also hint at hachi's approach to self-expression & using fashion as a coping mechanism to deal with major life changes. dressing more casually to blend in with the college crowd is one of many indicators on how easily influenced hachi can get, which is pretty on-brand behaviour for someone with a tendency to seek validation from others instead of oneself.
so let's get into the first look i've picked out for her: layers on layers on layers baby! for this outfit, i took a lot of inspiration from hachi's first day of class outfit. i tried to be consistent with her theme of 70s-inspired prints and silhouettes during this phase, but also wanted to incorporate a modern y2k touch since we know that younger hachi (before fully developing her unique & personal sense of style) is more of a trend chaser, and what could be more early 2000s than a blouse + dress + jeans combo? accessories-wise, i wanted to pick out unique-looking pieces that had a lot of charm, as i was really going for that 'flea market finds' vibe since she obviously wouldn't have been able to afford any designer yet on a college student budget. also please notice the gorgeous vintage floral print ballet flats- i was so excited when i found it, i thought it screamed hachi!! they look so comfortable to walk in on top of being cute, it's the perfect shoe to slip on for a long day of classes without sacrificing style.
ii. apartment 707
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during this time, we see hachi start to embrace feminine styles again. she lets her hair grow out and we see her back in skirts, dresses, and all things girly, which is why her otome fashion influences shine through most here. she wears tons of pieces in floral and polkadot print, as well as flowy babydoll tops which are very y2k-girl-next-door-reminiscient. we also see her starting to wear vivienne jewelry (the pearl choker, the dainty silver orb earrings), likely as a result of nana's influence (who she heavily admires and looks up to) & wanting to emulate her style. hachi's outfits here seem to have more colour and print, which i believe is reflective of her mental state here; happy, confident, and surrounded by support. good vibes all around, her environment at this time encourages her to take more risks in not just decision-making but also in her fashion choices.
in general, this era is where hachi seems to be getting a better hold on growing into her own personal style. she's still open to trying out different styles every now and then, but we can see there are some style elements that really stick and appear most often in her outfits. she's also seen here experimenting with all kinds of different hairstyles- french braids, pigtails, twin buns, the half-updo. to me, i think all of this signifies how hachi's style development runs parallel to her identity formation and how she grows as a person. at this point of the story, hachi believes she's finally found a place where she fits- within this ragtag but loving cast of unique characters.
so the second look was a little more of a challenge to work with- that's because hachi's style during this era doesn't subscribe to any one specific aesthetic or subculture, but more like a bit of everything, and her outfits can differ a lot between episodes. the goal here was to go for a casual daytime outfit, and i ended up super proud of the colour coordination in this one! i've styled hachi in a frilly vintage floral print chiffon slip dress that's almost reminiscent of the strawberry dress of 2020, but with unique details that give it much more character. i gave hachi a cream-toned vivienne crossbody purse, a scarf to balance out the salmon pink of the dress accents, styled as a neckerchief, some strawberry hair clips to match, and of course i had to include her much-spotted pearl orb necklace too. the highlight of this look are definitely the shoes, which are maison margiela tabi ballet flats- something i could 100% picture hachi wearing if NANA were set in the context of modern day fashion trends.
iii. motherhood
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as time passes, we also see how hachi's fashion sense has slightly evolved into a classier, more refined version. more adult, if you will. this occurs when hachi decides to move out from apartment 707 and starts getting serious with takumi. not only did her living situation change, but as did her lifestyle, and with that, her fashion sense too. her style here simplified and took on a more mature look. she started prioritizing function over form as she cut down on layering and accessorizing. she would also opt for longer, flowier silhouettes and comfortable styles, often wearing simple dresses or aprons over a basic shirt-skirt combo. i really like how the change in style here - which pulls a lot from the 50s-suburbia housewife trope (think frilly aprons, puffy dresses, flared skirts, modest hemlines) - feels like a sublte detail to show how hachi settles into her new role of motherhood, expressed via clothing choices.
as a whole, this period of her life signifies the drastic 180° change from spending carefree days of young adulthood, to taking on the role of mother/wife in a nuclear family unit. it's the most major life change she's ever had to experience at this point, and it's expected that her style evolves alongside this. she's seen wearing noticeably less patterns or colour during this time, which could hint at possibly representing her inner feelings- the bleakness of spending her days in a mostly-empty home, and the isolation of being separated from the friendships she once surrounded herself with daily. thankfully, we do eventually see her return to dressing fashionably again after the timeskip. however, it's extremely important not to gloss over this period of her life as it portrays how she must have felt having most of her agency taken away overnight, with her style being all she had left as a form of control.
so last but not least is the final outfit, which was tough styling as there was comparably less material to go off, but i based it on the few going-out looks we get to see hachi wear post-takumi. rolling with the 50s-inspired looks, i've styled her in a coral short-sleeve button down dress. for the outerwear i picked a long checkered overcoat, which nicely complements the dress in addition to being a going-out staple for classy ladies everywhere. since the outfit is mostly harsher silhouettes, i decided to keep the colour scheme light to balance it out. while i was going for 'stylish mature woman', i still wanted some youthful elements in there to maintain hachi's signature girlish look. i balanced it out by accessorizing with a headband (a prep chic essential) and dior saddle bag, both lime green for a pop of colour and contrast. and of course, i had to incorporate the iconic neckerchief too as it doesn't get any more vintage-looking than this. the final piece to tie it all together are a pair of classic miu miu ballet flats- chic and comfortable!
final thoughts
all in all, hachi's fashion sense is super girly and sweet, which i'd say directly reflects on her character's personality. hachi is an outgoing girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and has a lot of love to give. she's warm and approachable, which she expresses through her clothing choices by embodying the cheerful, down-to-earth girl next door look. her bubbly style is youthful and fresh, which personality-wise is in character with hachi's innocence and willingness to trust others. this is shown through how much hachi cares deeply about her loved ones & often (unhealthily) prioritizes their feelings over her own. however, this naïveté unfortunately leaves her a lot more vulnerable to others seeking to exploit her emotional attention.
hachi's fashion evolution over the series shows how she uses fashion as a coping tool to help adjust to life changes, capturing her emotional growth and how she matures over the course of the story. the way that hachi's sense of style develops alongside her character is so realistic. her style development tells the story of a girl who finds herself and loses herself over and over again, frequently changing jobs and wardrobes in a constant struggle to find an identity to latch onto- until she does. hachi's style story is one of self-expression & identity formation; a story that speaks to all the young, unsure girls out there who see a bit of themselves in her, trying to figure out their place in a world in a world that often decides for them.
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