#we're very normal okay
ministarfruit · 4 months
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day 12: karma ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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the-nightshade-crypt · 7 months
Steph sings
"You bet they can, oh babe, you bet they can, Don’t need a lover boy, need a lover man. Sure! I’m a sapiosexual, you’re intellectual, But I cut my lover losses when I can"
Headcannon that Steph had a crush on him for a while, they state in Highschool is killing me that they have had classes together for a long time. I like to think that she's seen him be super smart and despite never really talking to him she started to have one of those crushes of just thinking about what they might be like. And so when she realizes she needs to pass this test more than any previous one she jumps at the opportunity to talk to him!!! She is so surprised when he says something funny cause she was all like "oh he's smart and funny? Hot." And then asks to study and just Ahhhhh
Haven't seen anyone talk about this line it's just so good! Shes literally saying, "Sure I'm only into smart people, and you're smart as fuck, but I don't date people who might leave" AND SHE SAYS IT RIGHT AFTER HE SAYS THAT A RELATIONSHIP WONT WORK WHEN THEY GO TO DIFFERENT COLLEGES!!!
Bold of Pete to assume anyone leaves Hatchetfield but have dreams ig
Anyways, having the best case of brain rot for this fucking musical and it'll never stop
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do you think MK is gonna have a circlet arc?? Going along with your eldritch mk theory jt could parallel his past life being contained and also more parallels to SWK and MK how fun
This ask has haunted my ask box for 3 days. Circlet arc??? CIRCLET ARC???? THAT WOULD BE TERRIBLE AND SO SO SO GOOD.
I have no idea if it would actually happen in show, but I have a feeling MK is at the very least going to have an "anti-circlet" arc. Go with me for a moment:
So, we know MK's bandana parallels Wukong's phoenix feathers in design, right?
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MK with the two ends of his bandana and Wukong with the two feathers coming out of his cap.
However, MK's bandana is ALSO a parallel to Wukong's circlet:
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And MK was given this bandana by Pigsy (presumably):
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This is basically a long winded way to say that MK has already been "crowned", in a sense. Unlike Wukong, MK never needed to be controlled in the same way his mentor did at the beginning of his journey. MK, instead, was given morals and love by our wonderful Dadsy from a young age, which effectively functioned as a "circlet", if that makes sense.
So, the bandana, a symbol of both who he is/was raised to be and the crown, is already his circlet. As MK is now, he doesn't need a circlet to exert control over him because of who he is—a good kid who is trying his best to make the right choices.
But, you know, there was that really scary scene that one time where MK didn't exactly feel like MK and he kind of went off the rails...and...WHAT IS THAT
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Say MK were to rip his own bandana off, symbolically showing his complete decent into his "harbinger of chaos" role...that would mean another crown would have to go on to replace it, right?
Whether MK get's crowned symbolically with another bandana or an ACTUAL circlet remains to be seen, but the potential is definitely there! And I'm normal about it
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hella1975 · 9 months
i need to read more books and annotate in the margins i need to write more i need to buy jeans that fit me i need to eat more fruit i need to buy good quality headphones i need to get a skincare routine i need to talk to my friends more i need to wash my hair i need to stop treating this inhabitation as a curse. i am tired of punishing the body that has fought me for survival every day for years. i deserve little treats as regularly as possible !!
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danvillecheese · 1 year
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looks like SOMEBODY doesnt know about milo murphy's law
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 month
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blujaymi · 1 year
"Damn it! You weren't supposed to be here."
those are yang's first words upon seeing ruby.
when yang fell, she thought she died. not only that, she thought she died protecting ruby. and she was so at peace with that idea if it meant ruby was okay.
seeing ruby in that moment, she wasn't relieved in the slightest. just imagine what yang (who makes it her life mission to protect the ones she loves) must have been thinking:
"i was supposed to protect her, and i failed"
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mishapen-dear · 9 months
Am I the only one that feels icky about 4halo marriage? Both of them aren’t in their right mind and have both have said before they don’t want a relationship with the other.
Them being married even accidentally would be against what either of them want. I just don’t like to imagine them being in that kind of situation, a fake loveless marriage…
oh yeah you're free to be squicked out by it! I, however, love that dark shit, and will be gleefully and shamelessly enjoying it.
Heads up, btw- please don't send asks like this to anyone else who's enjoying the current arc. I don't know what your intentions were, but this comes across as very judgemental for what is, ultimately, a difference in what we enjoy. you find 4halo fucked up marriage squicky, i find it fun- that's cool. But there's two points to address here. The weaker point, first: canon basis of the ship doesn't matter. 4halo canonically has like. a Thing for each other (bad has said he wants to live with 4ever and skeppy, forever Literally Proposed while high off his ass on happy drugs). but i think codehalo is super fun too and that's NEVERRR going to canonically happen and would be even more fucked up than the current 4halo arc. it's fandom and we do what we want here because these are characters who are not real. and, because they're not real, what they want is Made Up by their creators. by playing in any fandom space you Make Up things about any character you touch, and if I want to Make Up facts about them sharing a bed and putting poison in each other's coffee, that's no worse than cellbit Making Up facts about his character literally eating people. second, MORE IMPORTANTLY so i will say it again: don't shame people for what they enjoy, dude. i hope you're having fun with whatever dynamics you do enjoy, and i wouldn't judge you for whatever they are, even if they're not my cup of tea. I'm really fucking disturbed and disappointed that you'd bring that puritanical bullshit to my inbox. you're not protecting these characters; you're using shaming language to make me, a real person, upset. that's not cool. legit questions i want you to consider for Personal Growth- what is the reason that you sent me this? is it a default disgust response? how do you identify the difference between a squick and something legitimately harmful? are you letting your emotions get in the way of being kind?
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robustcornhusk · 1 month
more complaining but easier for me to ignore/funnier:
toured a rental for slaw; it looked great! i really hope she gets it! not going to get my hopes up though! super cute and bright and well maintained upstairs (the kitchen even has a skylight!), and there's an attached garage and a pretty clean walk-out basement below, and the owner seems conscientious. that part wasn't a problem!
took a video of it to send to slaw, sent it, went about my day. a few hours later, unprompted, their parents started sending anxious texts about the basement, and then had a three-way call with us and slaw. "[slaw], you said you didn't want laundry in the basement!" "no, you didn't want me to have laundry in the basement."
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felixfellowish · 4 days
Training your dog can be so, so nerve-racking if you're perfectionist..............
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infriga · 11 months
I just read Undefined Variable by Dark_Nation and I am frothing at the mouth gnawing my arms off losing my mind y'all should go check it out it's great:
I'm gonna add it to my DBH rec list that I swear to god I'm still working on, but I'm also making a post about it now because it made me insane pls consider reading it
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I think something I'm coming to realize about myself lately is that I can be convinced to like anything if it's brightly colored enough
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annalyticall · 9 months
To be honest I think I'm starting to become so apathetic to gender that I could possibly be non-binary but at the same time I am also just apathetic enough to not care about changing my pronouns or doing anything differently about how i present to people
#long gender rant incoming but i've never not identified as a woman and I'll probably always be one#but also i don't think i identify so much as a woman that i find it to be so drastically different to being a man?#like i never identified as a man either and never will but also like. idk we're all just people man#it's the roles we impose on ourselves that makes it seem like there's such a chasm there but there's not#like sure i'm sure on some level being a woman predisposes me to behave certain ways#but i was also fortunate enough to be raised in a household where my gender didn't bar me from playing with or liking things deemed for boy#so when i gravitated towards engineering and action movies and video games i mingled a lot more with boys than i did girls#not to be a 'not like other girls' girl but just because i naturally wanted to surround myself with people of common interests#and that just kind of normalized for me sharing space and thoughts with men as an equal#and sure sometimes men in particular piss me off but mostly just the men who subscribe to the bs role they were given as a 'man'#like the ones who don't think they could possibly relate to me because I'm a woman#like fuck that. obviously. but i also find it hard to identify with movies like barbie that draw such a clear divide between genders#like i remember my biggest problem with the movie is that very rarely did it feel like the kens and barbies ever genuinely liked each other#i know that wasn't the point of the movie. it is a critique of gender roles and the patriarchy so relationships were not the focus#but i also couldn't really see myself in the barbies and i found it kinda hard to fully immerse myself in the message of it#idk. all this to say i am a woman but sometimes i wish i didn't have to make a big deal about it#oh yeah okay no wonder i'm bisexual
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
I.... Shomehow Just noticed that Descant's storytelling form is extremely similar to the format of the Tears from TotK. Like. Could not have seen this coming (also there is still a linearity, I'm trying to put non-linear things in a linear path to reveal and conceal stuff and weave thematic tissue between scenes in kind of a russian movie cut sort of way), but it is pretty much super similar conceptually to the Tears you collect from Zelda, except it is uhh.... Non-Tears you collect from the Man with the Dryest Face Ever.
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gurorori · 4 months
im so so sad i wish i could be an adult
#does anyone else get terrified of the fact they will never be an adult and adequately perform adulthood in any capacity#it might be subjective but i know i can't. everyone around us can without question but the moment i try my brain fails#im terrified of doing anything to escape this household bc i will be all on omy own#and i know i can't do that i will not survive but i have no choice and no support system i have NO ONE to rely on i have no outside contact#im so so scared. i was not taught any of the life skills and ilack the capacity to think or act like an adult and i know it's not something#i can acquire at all because everyone did by now. everyone did i wish i wasnt perpetually left behind and flailing trying to stay afloat#i hate everyone around me who set us up for failure i hate them for not being able to provide me at least the care and support i need#if i can hold down a job and that's very very questionable i will at least be happy with myself. that's something.#it's scary and so alienating snd i wouldn't wish it upon anyone i just can't function on the same level#something tells me it's okay bc normal brains supposedly don't finish developing til 25 but this is not considering developmental disability#but im so scared of being seen as incompetent and unserious and unreliable when we're already in our twenties#i wish someone could relate#maybe it's something to do with my source too as a system but i still genuinely feel like not a single thing changed since our teens i feel#so stuck and so stunted#i am nothing. perhaps.#vent#? idont even knoe
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hum--hallelujah · 6 months
Atavan Halen is a really good song and kind of darkly fun but also the second verse literally makes me feel like I'm going to throw up
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