#web developer dan web designer
desainweb · 5 days
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rootwaysinc · 2 years
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One way to understand human progress is to look at how technology has made products and services - once reserved for the elite - progressively more accessible and affordable. - Dan Schulman Happy Monday!
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ranticore · 4 months
Settling Siren, the deep dream, and dream rot
This is something I can't present with accompanying art so I will present it with accompanying prose, from an anonymous archaeologist's research paper on the mechanism by which the very first human on Siren was 'born'. I wrote a whole bunch like this and I'd like to share it some day as a type of web serial thing, following two parallel in-universe stories separated by thousands of years (the story of Ishmael, the first human born on Siren, and the story of the archaeologist uncovering the past who was forced into hiding and had to publish this stuff anonymously) but it's early stages for now.
But one bit of the world that I'm happy with is the dream & delayed birth, a way to grow a human during long space voyages so that they can be old enough to work (or study, in this case) when the voyage is over. This means they grow up in a false reality, and may only take their first breaths when they're years old. More valuable humans just get cryogenically frozen and don't age, creating a two-tiered system. Anyway the writing below explains it better than I can, check it out
The Lonely Sailor was owned by Atom GeneWeave and would carry a cargo container full of fertilised Human eggs to the new world. These were known as embryos and were mostly held in a frozen state, but there were twenty of them which were not frozen. They were placed in false amniotic sacs and allowed to continue growing throughout the entire voyage of The Lonely Sailor, even though the adult Humans themselves would be frozen, too.
Dan Lorvis slotted his first viable attempt at life into the cargo hold last, knowing that it would be the first to wake. He used a computer machine called a Deep Dreamer to monitor the growing life, and encoded within it an operation called ‘Athletic_Boy_Childhood_03.deepdr‘. He wrote on the amniotic sac the name of his creation: Ishmael 1© property of ATOM GENEWEAVE®.
Dan Lorvis then settled himself into a sleeping chamber which would freeze him harmlessly for the duration of the voyage.
The journey from Ceti to Siren would take seven years. Ishmael grew from fertilised egg to embryo and then became a baby in the normal period of time that these things take. But he was not born then. He remained asleep, dreaming that he was living a Human childhood.
Contemporary scholars such as ourselves can only guess at what he dreamed of, as the memory encoded into him was designed to fade, leaving behind only the lessons that Atom felt were necessary for him to learn, to function normally and not emerge from the seven year journey in a feral state. He learned how to speak, how to read and write, all without ever having taken a single breath. When he was old enough, he moved his body as though he were engaging in games of chase and team sports, and this allowed his muscles to develop.
The embryo cargo pod was offloaded thirty-nine days after landing on Siren, still in the first year. Five days later, Ishmael’s amniotic sac was drained, and his deep dream interrupted by his birth.
The last moment of his encoded dream was common to all artificial dreams, designed to ease the transition into true waking life. He was falling asleep in his bed (an archaic sort of bower), his body feeling tired but satisfied after a day of typical, perfectly generic childhood games. He had something called a mother in this dream who pulled the blankets around his shoulders and kissed him as he drifted off, though he did not remember what their face looked like, only that they instilled within him a sense of perfect safety.
His moment of calm was soon eaten by sensation. It was cold, he realised. Colder than anything he had ever felt. The fluid that had supported him at a constant temperature for seven years was draining away and he reached out, to grab at the blanket he half-remembered. His nerves were alight with new sensations and the world was so bright it felt that he was staring into Odr’s eye.
Dan Lorvis described Ishmael as strong and healthy, but he didn’t feel that way. Everything was loud and bright and his body was so heavy. He had never truly experienced gravity, but that alone did not account for the disconnect. His dream had been the dream of a Precursor Human, a bipedal creature with a fully upright stance, straighter even than a shortwing’s, with no tail, no flippers, no phocid morphology. To the newborn Ishmael’s mind, he had just undergone a horrifying transformation, and his body was wrong.
Cherta, who gave their name to the wandering moon, was the fifth born beta phocid. There is very little to distinguish Cherta from the rest of the group, at this early stage, but I have on file their original description - “‘Cherta’, named for a sponsor of the project who donated three million nua*. Unisex ‘phocid’ of the Beta generation. Born age 10 years and 5 months, in [Year 3]. Melanistic colouring was chosen as protection against solar radiation, but it is expressed in heterogenous patches with a strong dorsal stripe. Length 5’1 nose to tailtip at time of birth and weight 54kg. Unusually violent birth, needed sedation.” In fact, Cherta assaulted Dan Loris’s assistants as they were born, reacting to the event as though it were an invasion of the bedroom of their dream. It was by all accounts an auspicious start compared to the others, and perhaps an indication that Cherta’s experience with the deep dream was not standard.
Cherta had fallen victim to another rare phenomenon of the incubator, referred to by Dan Loris as ‘dream rot’. This occurrence is a result of differences in the receiving brain, rather than the dream machine itself. The brain begins to understand, in some form, that what it is witnessing is not reality, and the structure of the dream begins to unravel.
At the time of Cherta’s delayed birth, the dream had been in the early stages of this process. If allowed to continue for too long, permanent damage to the psyche’s ability to judge reality is the result. Cherta would be haunted by this for the remainder of their life and suffer from regular seizures that severely reduced their ability to swim like any other phocid, but it was not severe enough to significantly alter their treatment compared to the other beta phocids.
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godlizzza · 3 months
for an "imagine me & you" (which i'm loving, by the way) prompt, maybe something more with the spiderman AU from chapter 52?
Dan adjusted his badge as he was ushered through the door by Hill's personal assistant, Mallory Mead. Her bob of blonde hair and pretty face reminded him of Meg. Just the thought had him wrinkling his nose as he followed her through the sleek, high-ceilinged lobby. Had Hill hired her just for that reason? Had he suggested she get a haircut and take to calling him Carl?
He shuddered involuntarily.
Mallory must have noticed. "Yes, we keep the facility quite cool. It helps with all the heat from the workshops, you see."
"I do," Dan replied, straightening up. He couldn't afford to get distracted and slip up now. He'd worked too hard to be chosen as the delegate for the proposed collaboration between the hospital and Hilltop. He had to be on his best game. "I'm used to it from working in the hospital."
Mallory smiled an artificial smile, making her look like a new model of lifelike android Hilltop had just developed. "Of course."
Dan smiled back at her, though hopefully without the plastic quality. "I'm looking forward to see all the facilities with you."
They came to a halt at the far wall of the lobby, adjacent to where scientists and mechanics were filtering in and out of elevators. Even in her heels, Mallory still barely reached Dan's chin, but the curve of her painted lips was assured as she surveyed him. He itched for his mask but he wasn't here as Funnel Web. No. Today he was regular ol' Dan Cain.
"Unfortunately, I won't be able to show you our stunning facility today," she said. "Or Dr. Hill. He has some unexpected urgent meetings to attend to in regards to the development of our latest model. He sends his apologies. He was very much looking forward to meeting you, Dr. Cain."
Dan told himself that the hard look in her eye was just his imagination. That she probably just looked at people like that all the time. It certainly wasn't an indicator that she- and by extension, Hill- knew anything particular about him.
So, he simply nodded and said, "That's a shame. I suppose we'll have to arrange for another time then-?"
"Not at all," Mallory cut in smoothly. "We've already got someone else who can give you the grand tour. He's a doctor, like yourself, so he'll doubtless be able to answer any questions you have better than I could."
At that moment the elevator closest to them dinged open. Dan glanced over and had to fight to keep his expression neutral as Herbert West of all people emerged, his pristine lab coat fluttering behind him. Mallory motioned for him to come closer and Herbert begrudgingly complied, flicking a glare Dan's way as he approached.
"Dr. West," Mallory began once Herbert was between them. "This is Dr. Cain from Miskatonic Hospital. He's here to tour our facilities today, so I want you to show him everything you can and tell him all he wants to know, alright?"
"Of course," Herbert answered with a roll of his eyes. "Why get any actual work done when I could just babysit all day?"
Dan had to bite down on the smile threatening to split his face. It was just such a Herbert thing to say, right down to his insulting drawl. He couldn't help the surge of fondness that swept through him, seeing that characteristic ire directed unknowingly at his ally, Funnel Web.
"I'll try not to be too much trouble," Dan promised, though Herbert didn't look convinced.
"I know you'll take good care of him," Mallory said to Herbert with just enough sternness for Dan to not miss it.
Herbert remained silent, staring stonily at the back of her designer blazer as she sauntered away, leaving Dan alone with him. They stood in silence, smartly-dressed Hilltop employees swarming past them like a current around a rock. Dan cleared his throat, hoping to break the tension, but Herbert just turned his glare on him.
"Great lobby you got here," Dan tried with a charming smile.
Herbert just gave him a withering look and turned on his heel. "Come along," he said, waving over his shoulder for Dan to follow. "We'd best just get this over with."
It wasn't the warmest reception but Dan would take it. He followed Herbert over to the elevator, up to the higher floors, where Dan was showed the assembly line of some of Hill's lesser robots. Posters of the CEO were hung up on every wall, his grinning face accompanied by various company slogans, such as: Life made easy with Hilltop Robotics, and Why live hard when you can live on top?
Dan snorted at that last one.
"There you have it," Herbert said after rattling off a long list of electronic jargon at Dan. "Some of the greatest advancements in the history of robotics, reduced to performing household chores."
He flapped his hand with disgust at the line of AI-infused vacuum cleaners being taped up into premade, Hilltop branded boxes.
"Interesting," was all Dan said as he watched Herbert grip the railing.
"Is it?" Herbert demanded, eyes shooting over to squint at Dan. "Because you don't sound all that interested. I've heard of this supposed partnership with Hilltop and Miskatonic. A laser drill, wasn't it?"
Dan nodded. "To assist in craniotomies. Director Halsey seems to think it'll be financially beneficial for the hospital."
Herbert scoffed. "Beneficial in lining Hill's soiled pockets, more like it."
He shook his head, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Dan did the same with his own glasses. He didn't need to wear them anymore, not since his vision had been enhanced by the spider bite that gave him his powers, but he thought it was easier to keep up his appearance of his old self. Surely, no one would suspect a man with a vision impairment of being Funnel Web.
"Hill would only ever do something if it benefitted him," Herbert went on. "If the hospital gets something out of it then it's a pleasant--though unintended-- consequence. Nothing more."
"Do you really not remember me?" Dan asked.
He hadn't planned on saying it, but it was all that had been running through his head as he'd stood there, listening to Herbert talk. Did Herbert not remember him? They'd been in med school together for nearly two years, had interacted quite often during that time. Truth be told, Dan hadn't thought much of Herbert during that time. He'd viewed him as stuck-up and unnecessarily mean (two assumptions he stood by after getting to know Herbert).
But that had been before their...professional relationship as Dr. West and Funnel Web had developed. And, of course, something else.
He still recalled the soft press of Herbert's lips against his. The roar of the rain around them, the cold seeping through the thin fabric of Dan's costume as he'd hung upside-down from his webbing. He'd only felt warm the places where Herbert had been touching him. Funnel Web hadn't been able to visit him again since then, being too tied up with his day job, but that didn't mean Dan didn't think about it.
He did. Often.
Herbert just looked at him strangely. "Of course, I remember you." He paused, then added with emphasis, "Daniel."
Dan shivered at the sound of his name falling from Herbert's lips. He rarely got to hear it. Herbert mostly called him 'Web' or 'Spider.' Not Daniel.
"Oh, well," Dan fumbled to say, growing hot under Herbert's scrutiny. "I, uh, wasn't sure. That you did."
Herbert rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. "Well, I'm very sorry for not greeting you like an old, dear friend. Now, come along. Let's finish this tour so I can get back to work."
He turned his back to Dan and Dan felt the irrational urge to reach out and grab him, turn him around and tell him who he really was. I'm Funnel Web! he wanted to scream. I'm not just some nobody you went to school with! We know each other. We've worked together.
You've kissed me.
But, of course, he couldn't say any of that. He could never reveal his secret identity to Herbert or anyone else. It was for the sake of everyone's safety, not just his own. To put Herbert in more danger than he already was just so he could maybe kiss him again was beyond selfish. Definitely not the kind of thing a hero should do, or even consider doing.
Herbert seemed to realise Dan wasn't following him as he stopped and looked over his shoulder at Dan's frozen form.
"Are you coming?" he asked, like he couldn't care less either way.
Dan swallowed the knot forming in his throat and nodded. "Yeah," he said, ungluing his feet from the metal flooring and stepping after Herbert. "I'm coming."
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ldso-tron · 9 months
My interview with the Lead Programmer of TRON 2.0 and Designer of the Light Cycles experience, Kevin Lambert, for the 20th Anniversary of TRON 2.0.
You'll have to pardon me for constantly stumbling over my words, I was nervous during the entire interview.
Also did my best to clean up the audio. I don't have professional recording equipment, just a cheap headset with a microphone. Removed as much as I could of clicks, pops, hiss, breathing, clipping, and so on. But there was only so much I could do, and the final result definitely isn't perfect. You can still expect some distracting noise.
I can't thank Kevin enough for agreeing to do this. I'd like to try interviewing other Monolith Productions staff – who worked on TRON 2.0 – in the future, too.
I also want to thank @thedavetron (Senior Manager of Quality Assurance at Buena Vista Interactive, at the time TRON 2.0 was released) and Andrew Borman (Digital Games Curator at the Museum of Play).
Here's a link to the written version. It's not a word-for-word transcript, but rather summarizes the interview.
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:10 Greetings Programs
0:03:35 How Kevin started making games and his full resume
0:09:58 Work at Monolith Productions prior to TRON 2.0
0:13:41 Was Kevin a fan of TRON before working on TRON 2.0?
0:16:30 When did development of TRON 2.0 start?
0:17:38 TRON Killer App was the original name for TRON 2.0
0:18:59 Was the game delayed because of LAN/Online Light Cycle Multiplayer? ➜ TRON 2.0 Lead Designer Frank Rooke states no Online Light Cycle gameplay at 14:03: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRc9Omencs4 ➜ TRON 2.0 Lead Artist Matt Allen on additional Light Cycle gameplay at 16:19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhgbmm3F2u4
0:22:56 Content cut from TRON 2.0 ➜ Former Monolith Productions CEO Jace Hall on Firewall level at 9:30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C-f99FyOY0 ➜ Jace on ENCOM systems being geometrically primitive at 12:58: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C-f99FyOY0 ➜ Jace mentioning later systems were meant to be more sophisticated at 16:04: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C-f99FyOY0 ➜ My interview with TRON 2.0 Disc Arena Designer Dan Miller: http://tronfaq.blogspot.com/2010/05/interview-with-tron-20-team-member-dan.html
0:56:46 Why no free-roaming driveable Light Cycles, Tanks, Recognizers, or Solar Sailers?
0:59:07 Easter eggs in TRON 2.0
1:04:48 How Monolith's earlier games scale on more modern display resolutions
1:06:47 What were all the sources Monolith drew inspiration from when designing TRON 2.0?
1:08:16 Did you incorporate anything into the game that resembled yourself, or Monolith Productions as an organization?
1:09:50 What did you do to get the feel of Disc combat right in TRON 2.0?
1:10:52 How difficult was it to implement RPG elements, such as Subroutines?
1:12:13 How much of a technical challenge was the TRON glow effect lighting in TRON 2.0?
1:13:35 How long did TRON 2.0 take to develop, and how much testing did you personally do yourself? ➜ Post-mortem by Frank Rooke that adds insight to length of development: https://web.archive.org/web/20090509175547/http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/2810/postmortem_monoliths_tron_20.php?print=1
1:14:57 Was there going to be an expansion for TRON 2.0? Would any cut content have been in it?
1:19:29 Did anyone at Monolith meet the cast and crew that worked on the original TRON film?
1:20:40 Did TRON himself appear in the game?
1:21:41 Why was there no TRON 2.0 Soundtrack CD? ➜ LDSO Unofficial TRON 2.0 Soundtrack download: https://www.gog.com/forum/general/release_tron_20_4769a/post108
1:23:25 How many copies of TRON 2.0 were sold? ➜ My Twitter thread, estimating number of TRON 2.0 copies sold: https://twitter.com/LDSO/status/1563016442949165056
1:25:54 How much did it cost to develop TRON 2.0?
1:27:34 Was there a sequel planned to TRON 2.0 at the time? In game or film form? ➜ Free .PDF version of The CRPG Book, with my review of TRON 2.0 on page 336: https://crpgbook.wordpress.com/
1:30:47 Thoughts about a remaster/remake with VR support?
1:33:01 What are Kevin's thoughts about entries in the TRON franchise that followed TRON 2.0?
1:34:48 If you could make another official TRON title, or even an unofficial TRON-like game, what would it be like?
1:36:20 What does Kevin think about fan-made content for games, and TRON 2.0 in particular?
1:43:33 Myself and fans thank Kevin
1:45:52 Killer App Mod news for 20th Anniversary ➜ https://mastodon.social/@LDSO/110959566656685334
1:46:12 What do Thorne's initials "J.D." stand for?
1:47:02 End Of Line
1:47:58 Outro
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serviceswetm · 5 months
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Le menu de bas de page, que l’on fait apparaître en général via la structure du site pour toutes les pages, devient un lieu de placement de choix et y afficher un plan du site web est la meilleure option pour ce site web, qui offre aussi des pages d’articles qui n’affichent pas toutes les mêmes options que les pages web. 
Nouvellement apparue dans le Mensuel de janvier 2024, la chronique webmestre Les nouvelles du bureau vous présentera chaque mois les nouveautés du côté de la programmation web, du design (UX) et de contenu rédactionnel aidant à la bonne réputation de sites web et à l’augmentation des visiteurs et prospects. Consultez le tout dès maintenant et tous les premiers du mois lors de la parution du Mensuel. 
Fr : https://www.jeffmaheux.com/le-blogue/lemensueljanvier2024 
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En: https://www.jeffmaheux.com/the-blog/monthly-ticket-january2024 
Hi Marketers, 
The Footer, which usually contain the company information, the terms and policies, and retention links (so the visitor can return to the site easily, like the social media links and mailing subscriptions). 
Did you notice since the January 2024 issue of the Monthly Ticket, the webmaster column, or chronical Office News present the latest developments in web programming, design (UX) and editorial content to help a good website reputation and increase visitors and prospects. As the saying goes, you don't code a website for yourself, but to attract visitors. 
Check it all out now and every first of the month when the Monthly Ticket is published! 
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greatwyrmgold · 11 months
One thing that's been in the back of my mind is the aesthetic component of great video essays. I don't mean the fancy costumes of ContraPoints or PhilosophyTube, or at least I don't just mean those. The video that got me thinking about this topic was The Future is a Dead Mall - Decentraland and the Metaverse by Dan Olson. The video has a running motif that I can only describe as "the 90's".
(Perhaps inaccurately—I don't actually remember any of the 90's, and I think there are some aesthetc call-backs to the 80's, too? Or at least things that make someone who never saw the 80's think "the 80's"...)
At its most obvious, you have Dan comparing the Lindt Experience to the decade's FMV adventure games. Once you I notice that detail, I started to see this motif reflected across the entire video—early Internet gifs in the title cards, references to other 90's or 90's-adjacent media, slides presented in the style of ye olde analog projectors, period music, and so on.
Why does Dan keep referencing the 90's? Several reasons come to mind.
Two of the big metaverse-inspiring narratives, Snow Crash and The Matrix, were written in the 90's. All modern "metaverses" are building on ideas developed in that era.
At the same time, they are failing to learn lessons learned in the 90's. Website design streamlined into a consistent form, simple layouts of text and perhaps images, because anything more complicated just makes the website more cumbersome. Decentraland and other metaverse projects which "activate the trap card of falsifiability" go hard in the other direction.
The whole video has a running mall motif. There's the MetaGamiMall, there's the mixture of social and commercial elements which malls embodied in their prime, there's the fact that Decentraland and other Metaverse projects are directly compared to dead malls, including in the title. That golden age of malls was, or at least included, the 90's.
Whatever the intended purpose of the 90's motif, or even if it has no purpose on its own, it serves to make the whole feature-length video essay feel cohesive. It makes the whole thing feel less like a series of topically linked shorts or a meandering stream of consciousness, and more like a single entity, a single work, a single argument with a singular thesis. "The Web 3.0 vision of the future is a dead mall."
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idwin-idwin · 2 months
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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Back in 2009, Lockheed's Catbird testbed aircraft (modified 737) which was carrying the F-35's entire avionics suite was able to jam the F-22's radar.
@Doha_104P3 via X
China’s Stealth Aircraft Program Will Face Advanced Defenses
Jan 17, 2011 David A. Fulghum, Bill Sweetman, Bradley Perrett and Robert Wall | Aviation Week & Space Technology
China’s newest combat aircraft prototype, the J-20, will require an intense development program if it is going to catch up with fast-moving anti-stealth advances.
In fact, anti-stealth will bring into question all stealth designs: How much invulnerability will current low-observability techniques offer as air defense systems adopt larger and more powerful active, electronically scanned array (AESA) radars? From the early days of AESA development, a key goal was to build a radar that could detect very small objects—such as a cruise missile at a distance great enough to target and shoot it down—or a larger object like a fighter with a very low-observable treatment.
Airborne detection of stealth aircraft may already be an operational capability. In a series of tests at Edwards AFB, Calif., in 2009, Lockheed Martin’s CATbird avionics testbed—a Boeing 737 that carries the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter’s entire avionics system—engaged a mixed force of F-22s and Boeing F-15s and was able to locate and jam F-22 radars, according to researchers. Raytheon’s family of X-band airborne AESA radar—in particular, those on upgraded F-15Cs stationed in Okinawa—can detect small, low-signature cruise missiles.
Moreover, Northrop Grumman’s lower-frequency, L-band AESA radar on Australia’s Wedgetail airborne early warning and control aircraft is larger and potentially more capable of detecting stealth aircraft at longer ranges.
Lockheed Martin also hinted at a JSF anti-stealth capability in 2009 in a reference to combat with sophisticated, foreign aircraft. “The F-35’s avionics include onboard sensors that will enable pilots to strike fixed or moving ground targets in high-threat environments, day or night, in any weather, while simultaneously targeting and eliminating advanced airborne threats,” said Dan Crowley, then-executive vice president and F-35 program general manager.
The J-20’s underside was visible as the aircraft landed after an 18-min. first flight. U.S. analysts say the pilot scheduled for the event was Liang Wanjun, who previously tested the J-7, J-10 and JF-17. (Credit: Internet via Airpower australia)
The J-20’s underside was visible as the aircraft landed after an 18-min. first flight. U.S. analysts say the pilot scheduled for the event was Liang Wanjun, who previously tested the J-7, J-10 and JF-17. (Credit: Internet via Airpower australia)
Better images emerging from China point clearly to the J-20’s use of stealth technology, but major uncertainties and questions remain unresolved.
The overall shape resembles that of the F-35 and F-22, which have a single “chine line” uniting the forebody, upper inlet lips, and wing and canard edges with a curved surface above that line and flat, canted body surfaces below it. The wing and canard edges are aligned: The wing and canard leading edges are parallel and the trailing edge of each canard is aligned with the opposite wing’s trailing edge. The same basic philosophy also has been adopted in British, Swedish and Japanese studies for stealth fighters.
The aim in all cases is to endow a practical, agile fighter configuration with a “bow-tie” radar signature, with the smallest signature around the nose and the greatest (still much lower than that of a conventional aircraft with curved or vertical-slab sides) to the side. The fighter’s mission planning system, using a database of known radar locations, then derives a “blue line” track that weaves between radars and avoids exposing the side-on signature to those radars more than transiently.
The “diverterless” supersonic inlet avoids a signature problem caused by a conventional boundary layer diverter plate. For example, the F-22 has a conventional inlet, which is likely to require extensive radar absorbent material (RAM) treatment.
The biggest uncertainty about the Chinese design concerns the engine exhausts, which as seen on the prototype are likely to cause a radar cross-section (RCS) peak from the rear aspect. One possibility is that a stealthier two-dimensional nozzle will be integrated later in the program; however, the nozzles on the current aircraft show some signs of RCS-reducing sawtooth treatment, suggesting that the People’s Liberation Army has accepted a rear-aspect RCS penalty rather than the much greater weight and complexity of 2D nozzles.
Other features are less clear. Stealth development has been dogged by detail-design challenges. All the antennas on the aircraft have to be flush with the skin and covered with surfaces that retain stealth properties while being transparent in a specific frequency. Maintainability becomes a complex tradeoff: Some systems requiring frequent attention will be accessed via landing gear and weapon bays, and others by latched and actuated doors that can open and close without affecting RCS—but the latter involves a weight penalty.
Perhaps the toughest hurdle is managing radio-frequency surface currents over the skin. Early stealth designs used heavy, maintenance-intensive RAM. The F-22 introduced a much lighter surface treatment, but it has proven unexpectedly difficult to maintain, causing corrosion issues. Lockheed Martin now asserts that the F-35 will be robust and affordable to maintain in service, with a combination of a high-toughness, sprayed-on topcoat and a conductive layer cured into composite skin panels.
The Chengdu J-20 design has struck many analysts and observers as familiar and somewhat different from the F-22, F-35 or Sukhoi T-50.
“The J-20 is reminiscent of the Russian MiG-1.42 both in terms of planform and also with regard to the rear fuselage configuration,” says Douglas Barrie, senior fellow for military aerospace at London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies. “The most obvious difference is the greater forward fuselage shaping as the basis for low-observable characteristics, along with the different engine intake configuration. The MiG program was canceled by the Russian government around 1997,” he notes. However, the similarity to the MiG concept may suggest some collusion with the Russian aviation industry.
The J-20 made its first flight shortly before 1 p.m. Beijing time on Jan. 11. The flight ended three weeks of anticipation that began in late December when the new design started taxi tests.
The discussion about the program will now shift to the aircraft’s mission (fighter or, more likely, long-range strike), sensors (strike missions would require a high-resolution, long-range radar) and communications (which would demand high-speed data links and sophisticated integration).
Conventional radars have only one-half to one-third of the range of an AESA radar. Moreover, the movement of a conventional, mechanically scanned radar antenna provides a tell-tale glint of radio-frequency reflections to enemy aircraft with advanced radars. Such reflections undercut the effectiveness of a stealth airframe. China is known to be pursuing newer radar technology.
“It’s too early to tell the true status of the Chinese AESA program,” says a Washington-based intelligence official. “We’ve seen lots of press and air show information on the program, but that doesn’t automatically translate into a robust development or give us an accurate look at where [China] is as far as fielding one anytime soon.
“Like the [high-performance] engine, it’ll be a challenge to take the step from older radars to one designed for a fifth-generation fighter,” he says. “Again, though, the J-20 is just the first or second—depending on whom you believe—prototype in a very long development program.”
If the Chinese conduct a few months of flight tests and there are no more aircraft involved in the program, this might indicate that the J-20 is a proof-of-concept or technical demonstrator. If there are several aircraft eventually, a prototype program would be a more likely conclusion.
The flight occurred during a visit to China by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who says Chinese President Hu Jintao confirmed the event to him in talks. However, Gates still believes the U.S. will retain a preponderance of stealth fighters through 2025.
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artidesignstudio6 · 11 months
jasa web design
jasa web design
Jasa Design Website UI/UX & Web Development profesional. tim ahli kami akan membantu menciptakan brand identity, dan website yang menarik.
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desainweb · 7 days
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waltzforluma · 1 year
Jasa Web Desain: Meningkatkan Keberhasilan Bisnis dengan Desain Website yang Profesional
Dalam era digital ini, memiliki kehadiran online yang kuat adalah penting bagi setiap bisnis. Salah satu elemen kunci dalam membangun kehadiran online yang sukses adalah desain website yang profesional. Jasa web desain dapat membantu bisnis Anda untuk menciptakan tampilan dan pengalaman online yang menarik, fungsional, dan efektif. Artikel ini akan membahas pentingnya jasa web desain untuk bisnis, unsur-unsur desain website yang efektif, proses desain dan pengembangan yang profesional, manfaat dari menggunakan jasa web desain, serta cara menemukan layanan jasa web desain yang tepat.
Pentingnya Memiliki Website Untuk Bisnis
Sebagai bisnis, memiliki website yang menarik dan profesional dapat memiliki dampak besar pada keberhasilan Anda. Website adalah wajah online bisnis Anda, dan seringkali menjadi titik pertama kontak antara Anda dan pelanggan potensial. Desain website yang baik dapat menciptakan kesan positif yang kuat, menggambarkan kepercayaan dan kredibilitas bisnis Anda. Hal ini akan mendorong pengunjung untuk menjelajahi lebih lanjut, melakukan pembelian, atau menghubungi Anda untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Element Website yang Efektif
Ada beberapa elemen penting dalam desain website yang efektif:
1. Responsive Design Responsiveness adalah faktor penting dalam desain website modern. Dengan semakin banyak pengguna yang mengakses website melalui perangkat mobile, penting untuk memastikan bahwa website Anda dapat diakses dengan baik dan tampil sempurna di berbagai perangkat, termasuk ponsel pintar dan tablet.
2. Visual Appeal Tampilan visual website sangat penting dalam menarik pengunjung. Desain yang menarik, penggunaan warna yang tepat, tipografi yang mudah dibaca, dan penggunaan gambar dan grafik yang relevan dapat menciptakan kesan yang kuat dan memikat.
3. User Experience (UX) Pengalaman pengguna yang baik adalah kunci dalam desain website yang sukses. Website harus mudah dinavigasi, dengan tata letak yang intuitif dan navigasi yang jelas. Pengguna harus dapat dengan mudah menemukan informasi yang mereka cari dan berinteraksi dengan situs tanpa hambatan.
4. Navigation Navigasi yang baik memastikan bahwa pengunjung dapat dengan mudah berpindah antara halaman dan bagian yang berbeda dalam website Anda. Menu yang jelas dan terorganisir dengan baik akan membantu pengunjung menavigasi dengan mudah dan menemukan apa yang mereka butuhkan.
5. Content Organization Organisasi konten yang baik adalah kunci untuk memberikan pengalaman yang mudah dipahami dan terstruktur kepada pengunjung. Konten harus disajikan dengan cara yang logis dan teratur, memudahkan pengunjung untuk menemukan informasi yang mereka cari.
Bagaimana Ciri-ciri Web Designer yang Professional
Jasa web desain profesional dapat membantu bisnis Anda menciptakan website yang efektif dan menarik. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah dalam proses jasa web desain profesional:
1. Mengerti Kebutuhan Klien Langkah pertama dalam jasa web desain adalah memahami kebutuhan dan tujuan klien. Tim desain akan berkomunikasi dengan klien untuk memahami visi, merek, dan target audiens bisnis mereka. Informasi ini akan membantu dalam menghasilkan desain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan klien.
2. Memiliki Perencanaan dan Strategi Setelah memahami kebutuhan klien, langkah berikutnya adalah merencanakan dan mengembangkan strategi desain. Ini melibatkan membuat kerangka kerja, menentukan tata letak halaman, dan merencanakan navigasi website. Tahap ini juga mencakup penelitian pasar dan analisis pesaing untuk memastikan bahwa desain website akan bersaing dengan baik di pasar yang dituju.
3. Design and Development Process Setelah perencanaan selesai, tim desain akan mulai merancang dan mengembangkan website. Ini meliputi langkah-langkah seperti pembuatan wireframe dan prototipe, desain grafis, pengembangan front-end, dan pengembangan back-end. Tim desain akan terus berkomunikasi dengan klien untuk memastikan bahwa desain dan pengembangan berjalan sesuai dengan harapan.
Apa Keuntungan Menyewa Professional Web Design Service
Menggunakan jasa web desain profesional memiliki banyak manfaat bagi bisnis Anda:
1. Customized and Unique Design Jasa web desain profesional akan menciptakan desain yang unik dan disesuaikan dengan merek dan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Ini akan memastikan bahwa website Anda berbeda dari pesaing dan menciptakan kesan yang kuat kepada pengunjung.
2. Improved User Experience and Navigation Tim desain profesional akan memastikan bahwa tata letak dan navigasi website Anda mudah dipahami dan mudah dinavigasi oleh pengunjung. Ini akan meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna dan memungkinkan mereka menemukan informasi yang mereka butuhkan dengan cepat.
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly Design Desain website yang ramah SEO adalah penting untuk meningkatkan visibilitas
online bisnis Anda. Tim desain akan memastikan bahwa website Anda dioptimalkan untuk mesin pencari dengan menggunakan praktik desain yang tepat, termasuk struktur URL yang baik, penggunaan kata kunci yang relevan, dan pengaturan metadata yang benar.
4. Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design Dalam era mobile, memiliki website yang responsif adalah suatu keharusan. Jasa web desain profesional akan memastikan bahwa website Anda tampil sempurna di berbagai perangkat mobile, memberikan pengalaman yang baik kepada pengunjung yang menggunakan ponsel atau tablet.
Cara Memilih Jasa Yang Benar
Untuk menemukan jasa web desain yang tepat untuk bisnis Anda, pertimbangkan faktor-faktor berikut:
1. Portfolio and Experience Periksa portofolio dan pengalaman agensi atau desainer web sebelumnya. Tinjau proyek-proyek sebelumnya yang mereka kerjakan untuk melihat apakah desain mereka sesuai dengan preferensi Anda dan mencerminkan kualitas yang diharapkan.
2. Client Testimonials and Reviews Baca testimonial dan ulasan dari klien sebelumnya. Ini dapat memberi Anda wawasan tentang kepuasan klien mereka dan kualitas layanan yang mereka tawarkan.
3. Pricing and Packages Bandingkan harga dan paket yang ditawarkan oleh beberapa agensi atau desainer web. Pastikan untuk memahami apa yang termasuk dalam paket, termasuk revisi, pemeliharaan, dan dukungan pasca-penjualan.
Jasa web desain profesional dapat membantu bisnis Anda menciptakan website yang menarik, fungsional, dan efektif. Dengan desain yang baik, Anda dapat meningkatkan kehadiran online Anda, menarik pengunjung, dan meningkatkan kesempatan untuk pertumbuhan bisnis. Pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan jasa web desain profesional untuk mencapai hasil terbaik.
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prateekshawebdesign · 27 days
Building Responsive Web Apps with React
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In the fast-paced world of web development, responsiveness and dynamism are the cornerstones of a successful web application. React, a powerful JavaScript library developed by Facebook, has become an essential tool for developers looking to achieve these goals. Its component-based architecture, efficient state management, and rich ecosystem are just a few reasons why React stands out.
The Power of React's Component-Based Architecture
React's component-based architecture allows developers to build encapsulated components that manage their state, leading to more manageable and reusable code. This modular approach not only makes development more efficient but also enhances the maintainability of the codebase.
Quick Tip: Start small by building reusable components and gradually combine them to form complex UIs. This will keep your codebase clean and scalable.
State Management in React
State management is a critical aspect of building dynamic web applications. a <a href="https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html">React</a> provides a straightforward and intuitive way to manage internal state within components, making it easier to create interactive and stateful UIs.
Quick Tip: Use React's Context API or state management libraries like Redux or MobX for more complex applications to maintain a clean and predictable state structure.
Leveraging React's Ecosystem
The React ecosystem is vast and filled with tools and libraries that can significantly enhance your development workflow. From routing solutions like React Router to form handling libraries like Formik and UI frameworks like Material-UI, the possibilities are endless.
Quick Tip: Explore and integrate tools from the React ecosystem that best fit your project needs, but be mindful not to overcomplicate your tech stack.
Insights from Professionals
"React has transformed the way we think about web UI development. Its declarative nature and component-based approach make it an invaluable tool for building responsive and dynamic web applications." - Dan Abramov, Co-author of Redux and Create React App.
Enhancing Learning through Visuals
Incorporating images that demonstrate the component hierarchy or the flow of state within a React application can greatly aid understanding.
Statistics and Performance Benchmarks
Including performance benchmarks or statistics that highlight <a href="https://formik.org/">React's efficiency</a>, such as render times or bundle sizes, can provide a quantitative perspective on its impact on web app development.
Embracing Advanced React Patterns
Advanced React patterns, such as higher-order components (HOCs), render props, and hooks, offer more flexibility and reusability in your code. These patterns allow you to abstract and manage complex component logic more effectively. Quick Tip: Experiment with React Hooks, like useState, useEffect, and useContext, to simplify state and lifecycle management in functional components.
Optimizing Performance
React is designed for performance, but as applications grow, identifying and mitigating bottlenecks becomes essential. Techniques such as lazy loading components with React.lazy and Suspense, memoizing expensive calculations with useMemo, and preventing unnecessary re-renders with React.memo and shouldComponentUpdate can significantly enhance your application's performance. Quick Tip: Utilize the React Developer Tools to profile your application and pinpoint performance issues.
Testing Your React Applications
Reliable testing is crucial for maintaining high-quality code. React's ecosystem supports a range of testing libraries and frameworks, such as Jest for unit testing and React Testing Library for testing components in a way that resembles user interactions. Quick Tip: Write tests for your components as you develop them to ensure reliability and catch bugs early.
Staying Updated with React
The React ecosystem is dynamic, with frequent updates and improvements. Staying informed about the latest features and best practices is vital for keeping your skills sharp and your projects up-to-date. Quick Tip: Follow the React blog, subscribe to newsletters like React Status, and participate in community forums to stay informed.
Engaging with the React Community
The React community is an invaluable resource for learning, sharing knowledge, and networking. Engaging with the community through conferences, meetups, and online platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Reddit can provide support and inspiration for your projects. Quick Tip: Contribute to open-source React projects or share your own projects to get feedback and collaborate with other developers.
Analyzing Case Studies and Success Stories
Examining case studies of successful React projects can provide insights into effective strategies and common challenges. Look for post-mortems and developer interviews that discuss the decision-making process, architectural choices, and lessons learned.
Leveraging Next.js with React for Full-stack Solutions
As you become proficient in building responsive web applications with React, you might want to explore full-stack solutions like Next.js, which builds on React to provide server-side rendering and static site generation. This combination can elevate your React applications to new levels, improving SEO and performance, especially for content-heavy sites. Quick Tip: Use Next.js for projects where SEO and initial load performance are critical. It seamlessly integrates with your existing React knowledge, adding new capabilities like file-based routing and API routes.
Exploring State Management Libraries
While React's built-in state management is powerful, complex applications might require more robust solutions. Libraries like Redux, MobX, and Zustand offer different approaches to state management, each with its own set of advantages. Quick Tip: Evaluate the complexity of your application and choose a state management library that fits your needs. For many projects, React's Context API might be sufficient, but for global state management or more complex scenarios, Redux or MobX could be more appropriate.
Incorporating TypeScript for Type Safety
TypeScript has gained immense popularity in the React community for its ability to add type safety to JavaScript, reducing runtime errors and making the codebase more maintainable and developer-friendly. Quick Tip: Gradually introduce TypeScript into your React projects by starting with components or utility functions. The incremental adoption allows you to learn TypeScript's nuances without overwhelming the development process.
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by88fit · 30 days
Bài Phỏm là một trò chơi bài phổ biến và thú vị, thường được chơi ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới. Trò chơi này yêu cầu kỹ năng, chiến lược và sự kiên nhẫn. Dưới đây là hướng dẫn cách chơi bài Phỏm một cách đơn giản và dễ hiểu.
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serviceswetm · 7 days
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Chronique #webdev Les nouvelles du bureau // Office News, the web Monthly Column (English below) 
🔵 Bonjour, 
Les nouvelles du bureau vous présentent les trucs et astuces de l’édition de sites web afin d’améliorer le rendement de votre outil numérique de vente.
Édition jaune No 6 : l’organisation des prérequis d’un premier site web 
Abonnez-vous pour avoir le tout dans votre boîte courriel! 
Hello Marketers, 
🔴 Have a look at the webmaster monthly column, Office News, about the latest developments in web programming, design (UX) and editorial content to help a good website reputation and increase visitors and prospects. Check it out now, and every first of the month, in the Monthly Ticket! 
Yellow Edition No 6: Organizing the elements of a first website. 
Services W+M 
Web + Marketing = Québec, Canada. 
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bllsbailey · 3 months
DOJ Sues Apple In 'Landmark iPhone Monopoly' Case
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The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed a lawsuit against Apple, accusing the company of monopolizing the smartphone market. 
Attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia have joined the civil lawsuit, which charges Apple with limiting its smartphone operating system in a way that raises consumer prices and makes it difficult for developers to successfully release products on other smartphone systems.
“Consumers should not have to pay higher prices because companies violate the antitrust laws,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a news release.
They also allege that Apple prevents developers from creating cross-platform messaging apps in order to force users to purchase iPhones. 
The Department of Justice (DOJ) drew attention to the common grievance expressed by customers that messages sent from non-iPhone devices appear green rather than the typical blue color of iMessage and have fewer features than messages sent between two iMessage users.
Some Android phone owners have also reported that they can not watch videos in full size if it is sent to them in a text message by someone using an iPhone.
At a press conference on Thursday after the lawsuit was made public, Garland acknowledged Apple’s corporate dominance, pointing out that its market capitalization exceeded the GDP of over 100 nations. However, he said that this was more likely the consequence of Apple’s “exclusionary” business practices than its superior products.
He claimed that Apple has outperformed rival companies “by making other products worse, not by making its own products better.”
Apple refuted the claims and charged government overreach in a statement.
It stated that it was not required to adopt designs or guidelines that rival companies might favor, particularly if doing so would negatively impact the experience of iPhone users.
Apple stated, for instance, that it has not created an iMessage version that works with non-iPhone devices since it would not be able to offer a user experience that is comparable and up to the company’s standards.
“At Apple, we innovate every day to make technology people love—designing products that work seamlessly together, protect people’s privacy and security, and create a magical experience for our users,” it said. “This lawsuit threatens who we are and the principles that set Apple products apart in fiercely competitive markets. If successful, it would hinder our ability to create the kind of technology people expect from Apple—wwhere hardware, software, and services intersect. It would also set a dangerous precedent, empowering the government to take a heavy hand in designing people’s technology. We believe this lawsuit is wrong on the facts and the law, and we will vigorously defend against it.” A lengthy antitrust case against Facebook parent Meta and a more recent one against Amazon are both pending before the Federal Trade Commission, while the U.S. Justice Department is already suing Google for allegedly monopolizing digital advertising services. 
Additionally, the Federal Trade Commission attempted to stop Microsoft’s now-closed acquisition of Activision, a developer of video games, in December.
The lawsuit against Apple is the third effort by an attorney general to take on the tech giant with its headquarters in Cupertino, California.
“This clearly escalates the Biden Administration antitrust efforts against big tech giants and adds to the current ongoing antitrust case against Google and other various cases against Meta and Amazon,” Dan Ives, a managing director and senior equity research analyst at Wedbush Securities, said in an investor note.
The complaint goes on to claim that Apple has a monopoly over a number of other products and services, including web browsers, video chat, news subscriptions, entertainment, automobile services, advertising, and location services.
“For years, Apple responded to competitive threats by imposing a series of ‘Whac-A-Mole’ contractual rules and restrictions that have allowed Apple to extract higher prices from consumers, impose higher fees on developers and creators, and throttle competitive alternatives from rival technologies,” said Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “Today’s lawsuit seeks to hold Apple accountable and ensure it cannot deploy the same, unlawful playbook in other vital markets.”
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