webheads-dot-com · 1 year
Just recieved this absolutely lovely commission of The Hacker, Webmaster, and E-Male being yearning gay computers from @whoalymammoth :-)) I’m absolutely delighted with how this piece came out and he was a joy to commission, so check him out here, or on instagram and twitter, and get somth yourself!
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(ID in ALT, little snippet of dynamic thoughts below cut because I’m going all out w this)
Always dedicated to saving the day, Webmaster finds solace in the downtime he has out of the suit. That’s where he meets E-Male after all, a brash and overconfident coworker who manages to warm his circuits. The two find themselves getting closer over time, an understanding blooming as they help each other come out of their shells and discover their feelings beyond the societal roles they’ve been pressured to conform to.
But Webmaster is conflicted.
As a hero, he has existed in a place of constant flirtation with one of his enemies, The Hacker. Dangerous as he may be, Hacker is smart and witty, and he has a pull to him that is hard to escape. Their dynamic has continued this way for ages, and now, caught between the two, Webmaster finds there is no easy answer.
The more he tries to make sense of things, the more tangled the cords of his heart become, twisting over each other with the thrum of care and wanting.
Stretched to the limit of his processing power, sparks begin to fly.
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newspider · 2 months
cap'n crunch's OOPS! all tags (cap'n crunch is a fraudulent former member of the united states navy who has knowingly endangered children and should be caught at any cost to the cereal bureau of investigation)
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simplypeterparker · 5 years
💞 💔
💞: What was their first love like?
It was… a lot. Confusing like most crushes. Like most young love. It’s hard to determine what his first love was. Was it his first crush? Or his first crush that lasted more than a few weeks? His first crush that liked him back?
Looking back now he realized he had probably been high strung on hormones and probably hadn’t actually loved her. But in the moment he had. And then her dad tried to kill him so that kinda stopped those feelings in their tracks. 
💔: Have they ever had their heart broken? If so, why or how did it happen?
Aside from when Liz Allen’s dad happened to be his enemy, yes. He’s had his heart broken platonically (and romantically but he doesn’t like to think about his romantic screw ups often). He’s had his trust broken by people he thought were his friends. cough cough Skip Westcott Whenever he gets his heart broken he blames himself, as he does with most things, but he’s never been good with maintaining healthy relationships. Spider-Man has a tendency to get in the way since he prioritizes his vigilantism over everything else.
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snarkyspider · 8 years
⌆ a nervous tic or habit they do
Peter rubs or scratches the back of his head, specifically around the base of the neck, when he’s nervous. He doesn’t actually do that much in the way of scratching, as he’d tear up the skin there easily with how much he does it, but that’s where the ‘spider-sense’ is clustered, and when he rubs or scratches it, he’s usually trying to relieve a little bit of the nervousness he feels.
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webheads-dot-com · 1 year
Holy shit I just realized Hacker isn’t gendered like a lot of the other dolls. Himself is used once in the bio but the “Perfect for pictures of [blank]” part also lists sisters as one option. Genderqueer king… I’m gonna have a field day w this.
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webheads-dot-com · 1 year
Realized web cafes would just be cafes in the webheads verse, and that got me thinking about how food places would also probably be places to nap in public. Like they can go in and plug in for tasty info strings or higher/crisper communication, or just to power down and charge for an allotted amount of time via paying a certain amount like a parking meter and leaving when the time is up.
Stuff on the menus taking the place of food and drink could be different small upgrades or short programs to run for a tactile experience and circuit cleanse, similar to how we enjoy the taste of food, though I don’t think they’d need it to stay alive. Are those bodies actually human bodies? Idk! But it’s fun whatever it is. Maybe bio-circuitry or somth.
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webheads-dot-com · 1 year
Looking to know a Webhead?
Hi there! My name’s Michael and I made this blog because I took a funny little interest in First Ideas’ Webheads toy line from the early 2000s. They’re a fascinating group of computer and internet themed toys, meant to be monitor companions and photo frames. Now out of active production and circulation and never reaching popularity, the Webheads line has faded into obscurity, and in many cases presents a mystery. What happened? Why is there so little information online about them? Where did they go?
While I’ll be trying to dig up more about them, what I know for now is that there are 16 total dolls listed on the archived iwebheads.com via the wayback machine, several of which have no available photos beyond blurry thumbnails for their bios, and who present both an interesting cast of characters, and a fun look back into the early days of the internet.
These characters are:
Auntie Virus • Baby Boy.com • Baby gURL • Browser the Webhound • Cookie • Cyber Cat and Mouse • Dot e.com • Dr. Disk • E-male • Eve Shopper • Hacker • Melissa LuvBug • Wally Wallstreet • Web Mistress • Webmaster • Web Surfer
Here I’ll be posting the history bits I’m able to find on the Webheads line, the characters’ bios, playlists, headcanons, OCs, art, and more! So if you’d like to stick around and learn about some friendly computer companions that nearly count as lost media, you’re in the right place :-)
I got some fanart to kick this blog off, which is just absolutely gorgeous and shall remain here because it’s very close to my heart.
Tag directory is under cut, and otherwise have an epic day!
Characters will be tagged by their names as done so on this post, and each of their bios will be tagged with #site bio for their official ones, and #webheadcanon bio for my takes/additional bios on their characters
Posts featuring media from the webheads website will be tagged as #web(head)site
Posts with headcanons or analysis on the possibilities of the web-world and characters will be tagged as #webheadcanons
Posts talking about the current state of the brand, new information found on other sites, or anything to do with finding more than I have will be tagged as #webheadsleuthing
Posts with random mod commentary or ab irl stuff will be tagged with #off the web and details and reviews on different Webheads dolls as I track them down and collect them will be tagged with #doll reviews
Original characters will be tagged with their names, as well as with the tag #original computers
Fanart and fic will be tagged as #art and #fic respectively
Asks and submissions will be tagged with #web mail
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simplypeterparker · 6 years
memeSend ☂ for a FOOD headcanon.
Peter has an absurdly fast metabolism. He has superpowers and he’s a teenager. Those thing together leave him needing food constantly. However, Peter has a tendency to hyper focus and forget to eat until he’s too shaky to ignore it anymore. That leads him to raiding the fridge and going down to the nearest bodega to get a few chopped cheeses. 
This biggest issue with this is that while he doesn’t have expensive taste, eating so much costs a lot and he feels bad eating May out of house and home. So he spends a good portion of his own money on high calorie snacks that fill him up and he hides them in his room. 
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simplypeterparker · 6 years
One thing I've always wanted to do it play around with the idea of Peter and his puppy/celeb crushes. People, especially teenagers, sometimes have crushes on celebrities that they know they could never get with. I can't name how many 15 year olds I've met who've talked about wanting to get with famous people twice their age.
It's a normal thing. Why would Peter be any different? Peter definitely has celebrity crushes on at least half the Avengers-- especially prior to meeting them-- and has thought about them in ways he would <i>never</i> mention to them or act on. But he still feels it. I mean I've had entire conversations in high school about how everyone in the group wants to suck Captain America's dick. It's only weird when those adults feel the same way about Peter and act on it.
Peter having a crush on an adult is hormones and self discovery. An adult having a crush on Peter is Not.
Also I just want an excuse for Peter's bi little heart to flutter.
Tl;dr Peter is a hormonal teenager and has a crush on some of the avengers, but don't engage him. You'll also have to guess who he likes and who he doesn't.
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simplypeterparker · 6 years
For some reason the spider bite gave him the ability to lick his elbow. He doesn’t know what to do with this new skill.
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simplypeterparker · 7 years
bold  any  fears  which  apply  to  your  muse   /   italicize  which  makes  them  uncomfortable   /   repost !
dark.  fire.  open water. deep water.  being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. open spaces.  change. failure. war.   loss of control.  powerlessness.  prison.  blood.  drowning. suffocation. public speaking (it depends if he has the mask on or off).  natural  animals.  the supernatural.  heights (pre-hoco).  death. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss.  the unknown.  the future. not being good enough.  scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty.  loud noises. lack of noise. being touched. forgetting. insects.  disease. falling. spiders.
tagged by: @godsperfectidiiot
tagging: @altarbov @franklinnelsonforthedefense @doctorbrycebanner @xspitfirex @missgwendolyne @liisacastle @britishdarkhairwelldressed @betternotmiss  and anyone else who wants to do it
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simplypeterparker · 7 years
😬 Greatest fear? 🐉 What triggers their past experiences? Certain words? Objects? 💀 How would the muse prefer to die if they were given a choice? 👻 If your muse became a ghost, who would be their go-to haunt? [guess what, WADE AND I ARE BACK FROM HIATUS. wade and I missed you and petah ♥
😬  - Losing everything he loves because he made a mistake. Hell, losing anyone because he made a mistake.
🐉  - If he was suddenly dunked in the water in a high stake situation it would bring up the memory of when he almost drowned. Same with if he got trapped under rubble again. But gunshots definitely freak him out.
💀 - He would like to go painlessly, but in a meaningful way.
👻 - Probably Tony Stark or Johnny Storm. Not in a menacing way, but just to mess with them.
I’m so glad to have you back!
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simplypeterparker · 7 years
meme//not accepting
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
“And now we wait.” Uncle Ben said, leaning back slightly in the small boat. He balanced his fishing rod stared contently out into water. Peter looked back at his own fishing line that Uncle Ben had helped him set up and huffed. He couldn’t get comfortable and relax like his uncle, the oversized life jacket was preventing that, and fishing seemed kinda boring. He thought it would be more exciting, like Moby Dick or the documentaries where people were in the Amazon River. Not… this.
He stayed quiet for a few minutes before he leaned over the edge of the boat to get a better look at the water. He reached out to touch it, he wasn’t afraid of falling in (that’s what the life vest was for). The water was cold and he thought that the fishes must too be cold. “Did you know there’s oxygen in water? There’s a lot of gas in water, and fish breath that. They filter it through their gills and take the oxygen. It’s weird, but cool”
“Where’d you learn that?”
“From a book.”
Before he knew it his uncle was docking the boat and telling Peter to help him pack up. Peter did so curiously, his uncle had wanted to take him fishing and they hadn’t even caught anything. Why would they be leaving. “What’s going on?”
“We’re going to the library.”
And they did. They read all day together, Peter showing Uncle Ben all the cool books he loved and Uncle acting interested in them the entire time. Just because it made Peter happy.
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
He had been so angry, so disgusted by what had happened to him, what he had let happen– no, Aunt May had told him not to think like that. She had told him it wasn’t his fault, that he couldn’t do anything, that he was brave for telling them. But that only made him feel even angrier that he had no control, that he had been helpless, and that he had waited so long to say anything. Yet at the same time he wished he had said nothing.
His anger would stick with him for a long time, and it would eventually morph into a fear and disgust as the events left everyone’s mind and they stopped telling him it was his fault. It never left him though, he still had nightmares about what Skip had done to him. And he always woke up angry and afraid.
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
He didn’t remember much of his parents, just morphed sounds and spotty visuals. He vaguely remember the night before the left forever, it was normal. He often went to stay with his aunt and uncle suddenly because his parents had to go somewhere. He didn’t mind, they had fun board games. He remembered their tight hugs and frantic nature. Their kisses and their demands that he promised to be a good boy. He promised. He had been really tired, having been woken up in the middle of the night to grab his stuff and go.
The memory was cloudy, foggy, and barely there, but it was the last memory he ever had of his parents
💖- A memory that made them feel special
When he was little, at the Stark Expo for the very first time. He had begged his aunt and uncle to take him. He was really taking after his father when it came to science and technology. And since May and Ben weren’t really science whizzes themselves they resolved to take him to events like this. But then chaos broke out, and Peter with his Iron Man mask and the heart of a hero stood to face the bad guys. Then a repulsor blasted and Iron Man was right there. He couldn’t help but stare in awe as he flew away.
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
When Peter was little and he missed his parents, he often blamed himself for them leaving and their inevitable deaths. Eventhough May and Ben constantly told him that it wasn’t his fault. He felt like he was burden as he watched them start to struggle to pay bills. A kid was expensive. He was expensive. So one day when he was feeling particularly crap about himself May and Ben sat him down and had a long talk about how he was their kid. And they didn’t just take him in because they had to, but because they loved him and wanted to give him the best life he could have. That he was worth everything to them and that he should never feel guilty about it, because he was loved.
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
Good or bad? Because thinking about Skip makes his heart pound out of fear and anxiety. But thinking about his middle school crush and how they once held hands on the playground before she moved to Pennsylvania also makes his heart pound.
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simplypeterparker · 7 years
How does Peter deal with the times he starts to feel the weight of responsibility become heavy on his shoulders?
Peter doesn’t really deal with it. Not well at least. I would say that it’s because he’s a teenager and has a difficult time processing emotions, but even as an adult he still doesn’t deal with it. He pretty much shuts down emotionally and socially. He doesn’t go out of his way to talk to people, he just focuses on what he could do or should do to make everything better. He still makes jokes, but his sense of humor becomes a little darker and he becomes just a bit more serious.His grades and school performance drops and he just goes on a downward spiral until something brings him back up. It might be a friend forcing him to distract himself with video games or something. It could be a random civilian thanking him. 
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simplypeterparker · 7 years
The ftm au
Peter had never been the most feminine when he was little, and he admitted that he didn’t feel like a girl when he was ten to Aunt May and Uncle Ben.
Peter’s birth name was Hailey Parker because I’m tired of when people write trans people as just choosing the male/female version of their birthname. It happens sometimes, but it’s rare compared to how often people write it.
Aunt May and Uncle Ben accepted him immediately, but they didn’t know what to do. They had to do a lot of research and they would slip up a few times with his name and pronouns, but within a year they stopped, Peter had went to sessions with a gender therapist, got a new wardrobe, and got a haircut.
Peter came out to the rest of the world slowly. Middle school was a nightmare for him but it was a nightmare for him in the main verse anyway. He fully came out at the start of high school and started hormone blockers. By the time he was sixteen he started Testosterone.
Peter feels truly free as Spider-Man. There are still people out there who knew Peter before he had started transitioning, but no one knew that Spider-Man was transgender, instead he was just Spider-Man.
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simplypeterparker · 7 years
1 , 10 , and 13 B)
1. What are three Netflix shows that they’ve rated five stars?
1. Orange is the New Black because of course2. Stranger Things because he is unoriginal (but the show is really good)3. White Rabbit Project because it’s just a more nerdy/modern version of Mythbusters
10. Do they eat breakfast? What’s a typical breakfast look like for them?
He does, but it’s far from the healthiest. On the weekends/when he’s out of school he’ll eat a bowl of cereal or toaster waffles or eggs if he’s feeling not dead in the morning adventurous, but during the school week he wakes up too late to get anything more than a poptart packet and an apple or something. Sometimes they’re accompanied by an energy drink if he was out super late.
13. Have they ever been do Disney World/Land, or any other amusement park? What do they prefer to do at them: go on the rides, play the games, eat the food?
He hasn’t been to Disney World or Land, but he had been to Coney Island, Six Flags Great Escape, Adventureland and he went to Victorian Gardens when he was little. He doesn’t go to amusement parks very often. Before the spider bite he used to love the rides. But after he got his powers it’s not nearly as exciting as swinging through the city. But a very tall ride can still make him nervous. He likes the greasy food, but it’s way too overpriced. The upside of having his powers is that he’s way better at the games. He can do the rope ladder and know over cans whether it’s rigged or not. Don’t take him to an amusement park he will leave with at least ten oversized stuffed animals.
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