incorrectspellcheck · 3 years
Lord Rockwell: Things I say in my office stay in my office.
Nina: Marzell's the only other one with a braincell, she's the only one I told.
Marzell: Nolwenn's my girlfriend, she's the only one I told.
Nolwenn: I told many, many people.
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okay, but seriously: WHAT wizard?
ayyyyy how ‘bout that last episode huh? Valgreens was great and then they got in the wagon and drove back to the Fortress of Reform and everything was fine it was really neat 😌
ao3 link!
Summary: Nina arches an eyebrow, looking over at Nolwenn and Corrun crouching behind a shelf. If they're trying to whisper, they're not doing a very good job of it. She leans in and actually whispers, "You should maybe tell him you're dating the wizard."
Nolwenn makes a strangled sort of squeaking sound.
"Which wizard?" Marzell asks, and Nina turns to look at her in disbelief. Really? Warnings: ummm mild spoilers if you care, awkward conversation Wordcount: 1224
Marzell is not really one for confrontation. It makes her a bit of a coward, maybe, but she embraces that. She would rather stay over here, thanks, and if she needs to fight someone, she can shoot spells at them from a distance.
Fighting isn’t the only type of confrontation, though, and firing spells doesn’t exactly lend itself well to getting people to answer questions.
Luckily, Nina’s the one Marzell has a question for. Nina doesn’t get fazed very easily, so it’s easier to just blurt them out without immediately regretting everything.
“What wizard were you talking about?” she asks, and only wants to take it back a little, and only after Nina slowly turns and blinks at her. “Earlier, I mean.”
“Well,” Nina says languidly, “you’re a wizard, aren’t you?”
Yes, what does that have to do with anything? comes first, and then the realization. Oh. Me. Okay.
A smile curls across Nina’s face as a blush rises on Marzell’s, and Nina pats her cheek, somehow managing to be slightly condescending but not in a bad way.
“She certainly wasn’t opposed to the suggestion,” Nina tells her, and Marzell decides she needs to go process all this.
She turns, remembering to stop and say, “Oh. Thank you, by the way. I have to go now,” instead of just leaving without explanation.
“Bye,” says Nina airily, sounding amused, and Marzell echoes that and walks off.
She needs to keep walking, to do something while she thinks, so she wanders the grounds.
The thing is, relationships aren’t hers. She isn’t very good at them, she means. And she’s only had platonic ones so far, so she can’t imagine she’d be any better at romantic ones, and she’s never really seen the appeal of those, anyway.
Like, what’s even the point? Sure, there’s attraction, but strip that away and you have—what? Kissing someone on the lips? Going out on dates? Being more intimate with them than with others? Wanting them to be in your life for the rest of your life? Those aren’t even exclusively romantic things (besides dates, but those are just outings labelled as romantic, and maybe the kissing. But even that’s a maybe, and Marzell doesn’t really care about kissing anyway).
And then, with Nolwenn?
Marzell’s relationship with Nolwenn is… interesting. There was the whole thing with the heads, and then Marzell was wrong but there were also shapeshifters to be worried about, and then they’d gone out to sea and dealt with that mess, and soon they’ll be done working together and really, Marzell has bigger things to worry about than whether Nolwenn likes her, and what she should do if she does. But here she is.
The best course of action would probably be to ask Nolwenn if she likes her, and that way if Nina’s wrong then Marzell can just forget about this. And if Nina’s right, then she’s thinking about it anyway, so she might as well have definite cause for it. Plus, asking Nolwenn puts figuring out how she feels for later, which Marzell is always behind doing.
So even though this is a confrontation and she does not care for it, Marzell wanders over to Nolwenn’s room and knocks.
“Hold on,” Nolwenn calls, and after a moment she opens the door. “Oh. Hi.”
“Hi,” Marzell echoes. They stare at each other for a moment, Nolwenn probably waiting for her to say something while she tries to think of a tactful way to say this and also not die from embarrassment. She’ll take Awkward Situations for 500, please (and by that she means please pay her for doing this. She’s already gone shopping today and now she’s interacting with more people. She deserves money).
“Did you need something?”
“Nina was talking about me earlier,” iiiiiis not what she was planning on saying, but, sure. That’s a good enough way to approach this.
“In Valgreens,” Marzell clarifies, but Nolwenn still looks confused, so she quotes, “‘Maybe tell him you’re dating the wizard?’”
Recognition flashes over Nolwenn’s face and is quickly replaced by embarrassment as she squeaks. It sounds kind of like someone stepped on a dog toy.
Marzell doesn’t really know how to respond to that, so she just waits, and eventually Nolwenn says, “Oh. I—yeah.” The ‘yeah’ comes out as a kind of stuttery sigh, and Nolwenn wrings her tail between her hands, gaze darting anywhere but at Marzell.
Marzell does not have the courage to actually ask if Nolwenn likes her, so she settles for “Did that bother you?”
“Nina saying that.” Marzell flops her hands in a limp gesture. “Us dating. Or the concept of it or whatever.”
Nolwenn squeaks again, clutching her tail. “No, I-I-I didn’t. mind? I didn’t—it didn’t bother me, I just—did it bother you?”
“No.” Technically it hadn’t bothered her because she hadn’t even considered it at the time, too focused on wondering what wizard Nina was talking about, but it doesn’t really bother her now, either.
“Do you—do you want to do… that?”
“What, date you?”
Nolwenn nods, staring fixedly at a point over Marzell’s left shoulder. She’s blushing hard enough that Marzell can actually see it, which, considering that she’s got dark purple skin, is both impressive and mildly concerning.
“Do you want to?” Marzell counters, because she hadn’t really considered it and that buys her some time. Does she want to date Nolwenn?
Well. Nolwenn’s pretty. Marzell likes her well enough. She doesn’t think it’s romantic? But she doesn’t think she’s liked anyone romantically, though, so who knows. Feelings are weird. She wouldn’t say she wants to date Nolwenn, but she isn’t opposed. She’d never given it any thought before, and she doesn’t really care either way now that she has.
“Um, um, I-I don’t… not want to date you?” Can people pass out from blushing? Marzell thinks she might be about to find out. “Do you—you didn’t answer my question?”
“Oh, I don’t really care.” Marzell shrugs. “I’m not in love with you or anything, but I’m willing to try dating you if you want.”
“I—That—that sounds good? I’d… I’d like that, that sounds good.” Nolwenn’s eyes keep jumping around, but they do flit towards Marzell’s face, so. Improvement?
“Cool.” Marzell pauses, debating, then adds, “Just so you know, I’ve never dated anyone before? And I have no idea if I’m any good at it.”
“Oh, me—me neither.”
“Cool,” Marzell repeats. 
Do they—is there anything left they’re supposed to, like… say? Are they supposed to shake hands or something? Marzell doesn’t know; why did she agree to make this sort of commitment? 
“Um. I’m going to just… go now?” Marzell jerks a thumb, wishing Cleary were here so she could squeeze her. She doesn’t know what to do with her hands.
“Okay,” Nolwenn says, and if there’s one good thing about how awkward Marzell feels it’s that Nolwenn looks at least equally so. “Bye?”
“Bye.” Marzell nods at her. “Good talk.” Her hands are just hanging there; she tucks them into her pockets and feels marginally better.
“Good talk,” Nolwenn echoes, stepping back and doing a little wave as she starts to close the door. Marzell waves back, stuffing her hand back in her pocket and turning as Nolwenn’s door shuts with a little click.
Well. That just happened.
Marzell… definitely deserves money for doing that.
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nvpengyou · 2 years
why did ugly tgcf manhua get such a good song for it :/
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sketchesmick · 2 years
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spider-kid - calzone 
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rakeshseohyd · 5 years
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magichcuse · 3 years
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Messy concept sketches of Kathleen's siblings
Hancock Jr. "Lil Cock" Websinger => 14 years older than Kathleen
Wilcock Horace Websinger => 12 years older than Kathleen
Babcock Willis Websinger => 10 years older than Kathleen
Arleen Bonnibel Websinger=> 8 years older than Kathleen
Colleen Arthurine Websinger=> 6 years older than Kathleen
Darleen Cabby Websinger => 4 years older than Kathleen
Eileen Dimple Websinger => 2 years older than Kathleen
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incorrectspellcheck · 2 years
Nina: Who do you like?
Marzell: I don't like anyone.
Nina: You have to like someone.
Marzell: If I have to, I guess, uh... Corrun?
Nina: Everyone likes Corrun. That's like saying you like Fergie.
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magichcuse · 3 years
Full Name: Kathleen Eunice Websinger (later, Eggleston and Bradshaw)
Nicknames: Kath, Kathy/Kathie, Kitty (Kat) [Ebony]
Basics: Youngest of eight children, three older brothers and four older sisters. Father owns a locksmithing business and mother is a stay-at-home mom.
Puzzles—Kathleen likes to solve things to keep her mind stimulated. Sometimes, she applies this logic to her interpersonal relationships and tries to "solve" people (to her detriment), best seen with her first marriage.
Security systems—Kathleen makes it a challenge to get past other people's security systems while also ensuring her own home has impenetrable security.
Secret codes—Kathleen wrote love notes to Ebony in a Secret Code...which she no longer remembers because it was erased when her memories were altered. However, she has created other codes that she still remembers (like her code with Vivian).
Rubik's Cube—Kathleen can solve one with her eyes closed because she's had a lot of practice with it.
Technology—Kathleen is distrustful of it, especially knowing how vulnerable it can be. She browses the internet and checks people's social media, but she doesn't have an account of her own and she only uses her phone to text Vivian or play mobile games. (This means Patrick can talk shit about Kathleen on Facebook...but get completely roasted by Ebony in the process). "Smart locks" are especially annoying to Kathleen since they can be bypassed even easier than a traditional lock...they're not even fun to exploit.
Theo—Kathleen absolutely hates how obsessed Patrick is with him, both out of jealousy and concern for the man she loves. However, she grows to like Theo more once she gets the opportunity to talk to him.
Lockpicking—Learned it from her father, knows a lot about locks and can get past some really tricky ones. Sometimes scares people by breaking into their houses instead of knocking because knocking is too boring for her. Ebony is the only one she's come across so far who doesn't mind this, probably because Ebony considers herself to be her own home security.
Puzzles—Whether it be Sudoku or a word search, Kathleen loves to solve a good puzzle. It's something she and Ebony used to bond over, since Ebony's complex equations are essentially puzzles to be solved.
Match-Three Games—Bejeweled is her favorite, Candy Crush is too childish for her liking.
Five Positive Traits:
Five Negative Traits:
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