#wednesday teaches enid how to be more confident?
tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Ignore that I haven’t done anything on Tumblr fer over two years but
Now hear me out Wenclair fandom
With Wednesday’s canonical Mexican heritage in this version of the Addams family does
Does that mean
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
A Good Day for Death Pride Special 2023
Wednesday Addams x Reaper! Reader
            “There’s so much…color,” muttered Wednesday distastefully.
            The Quad of Nevermore Academy was being decorated in rainbows and bright colors for the school’s Pride event. A school for outcasts, it embraced the LGBTQ+ students among its halls, showing them that they belonged there as Outcasts and as members of the community.
            Unfortunately for Wednesday, that meant color. Everywhere. And the goth, allergic-to-color Addams wanted nothing more than to turn the world black-and-white. Alas, as her roommates helped put up decorations, that was most definitely not going to happen.
            “Well, it’s Pride Month!” said Enid cheerfully as she directed her boyfriend and another boy on centering a banner.
            “I’m sure you’ll survive, Wednesday. You’re tough,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            Wednesday looked (Y/N) up and down. Even they had on color instead of their usual black. Instead of a skull sweater, they had a jumper in the pan flag colors. They even had a they/them pronoun pin on the sweater with a rainbow background.
            Wednesday narrowed her eyes slightly. “Even you’ve been sucked into this nonsense.”
            (Y/N)’s cheerfulness was not impeded in the slightest. “You bet!”
            “Come on, Wednesday, try to cheer up a little,” said Enid. “This could actually be fun since you’d fit in at the event instead of standing out so much.”
            “Until this rainbow apocalypse is over, I’m staying in our dorm,” declared Wednesday, turning and walking away.
            Enid frowned and glanced at (Y/N). “Do you want to go after her? I think if anyone can convince her to come out for the party it would you. That or I send Bianca to drag her out, but that would end in a swordfight so I’d rather not.”
            (Y/N) turned pink. “I don’t think I could convince her. Besides, I still need to help you finish setting this all up.”
            Enid huffed. Those two are so damn stubborn and oblivious.
            Wednesday rolled her eyes as she saw the lights and heard the music from the Quad below the dorm room. Too many people for her taste.
            Thing tapped the desk, and Wednesday glared. “No, I’m not going down.”
            Thing tapped furiously.
            “Why should I care if (Y/N) is there?” questioned Wednesday.
            Thing pointed out the window.
            Wednesday stepped onto the balcony and looked down. Below, (Y/N) was chatting and dancing with Enid and few friends. Wednesday felt a slight pain in her chest. Ordinarily, that would be a welcome sensation, a harbinger of death, but Wednesday didn’t enjoy it this time.
            Thing tapped.
            “I don’t care if they’re having fun with other people. I don’t do ‘fun’ at these events,” said Wednesday.
            Thing didn’t move, but Wednesday felt an unimpressed stare.
            “…Fine. But not because I’m jealous, it’s because there’s too much music to work on my novel,” said Wednesday. She stalked out of the room, and Thing proudly looked out on the Quad below.
            “Wednesday! You came!” (Y/N) grinned at her, and Wednesday disliked how much she didn’t mind the pure joy and brightness directed at her.
            “This party is too bothersome for me to do anything productive,” said Wednesday.
            “Are you sure you didn’t want to celebrate?” teased Enid. “You seem like the type of girl confident in her sexuality.”
            Wednesday shrugged. “I don’t label myself, but of course. I am not confined by any societal expectations. One of my great great aunts was feared by men for seducing their women and teaching them witchcraft.”
            “Even if you don’t label yourself, would you mind this?” asked (Y/N), holding out a pin.
            Wednesday glanced at it. It was in the shape of a skull, but the eye sockets were two hearts with a tiny engraving of a rainbow in the metal of the forehead. Wednesday felt something light in her heart. (Y/N) had considered her preferences, just like they had during Valentine’s Day. It was oddly…nice.
            Curse her heart. She was weak for (Y/N).
            “It is acceptable,” said Wednesday.
            (Y/N) brightened and eagerly reached up to pin it to Wednesday’s shirt. “Good enough for me.”
            Enid quietly shooed their friends away to give (Y/N) and Wednesday a moment.
            “I’m glad you came,” said (Y/N) as they straightened the pin.
            Wednesday glanced between the pin and their eyes. The music seemed quiet as she stood there alone with (Y/N). “I suppose it’s not as terrible as it could be. Even if it is a rainbow apocalypse.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “Coming from you, that’s pretty good.”
            “I didn’t realize my opinion held so much weight,” said Wednesday.
            “Well, to me it matters,” admitted (Y/N). “You’re my friend.”
            Wednesday furrowed her brow in surprise. She was unused to someone wanting to be her friend. “I…” She found herself unable to say that she didn’t have friends. (Y/N) was one. “If you insist,” were the words Wednesday settled on.
            (Y/N) grinned. “You can’t get out of it now.”
            “How unfortunate.” Wednesday didn’t mean it in the slightest.
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
Yoko Headcanons Pt 3. (this has been in my draft for a while)
Yoko isn’t a big romcom fan but Enid and Divina are so her and Wednesday end up watching them begrudgingly for their girls. That does NOT stop them from complaining though.
Wednesday: Yoko I can feel my brain cells deteriorating.
Yoko: Girl same im getting dumber watching this and I’m already the dumbest person here.
Unlike Enid, Divina helps Yoko study on her own and teaches Yoko little tricks to help her remember things in class. Enid usually just lets her copy.
Though Yoko acts very confident, she does have a lot of insecurities surrounding her intelligence because she’s never been really good at operating in a school setting. Things that don’t immediately capture her attention will often not keep her attention very long.
Yoko can sit and read Wednesday’s books for an hour straight squealing but she cannot take a math test for thirty minutes.
Yoko finds out Wednesday likes Enid (not that she didn’t already guess) because Viper so obviously has a crush on a new character that’s supposed to be Enid.
Enid and Yoko met in their freshmen year, Yoko tried flirting with Enid but Enid wasn’t really interested. Which is how they became best friends.
Young Yoko was a bit more of a menace and much more spoiled due to her wealthy upbringing. She absolutely thought she could have anyone she wanted and Enid was like “I’m not really attracted to you.”
Yoko: Not possible but OKAY.
Enid: Well do you want to be friends?
Yoko: This is literally the most embarrassing day of my life. Yes.
Enid and Yoko are literally inseparable. Yoko is an only child and Enid has only brothers. They’re literally so thankful for each other.
Because of her upbringing, Yoko has a lot of trouble showing and expressing negative emotions. Enid is like a sister to her and is always patient with Yoko when she needs time.
Yoko calls Divina princess, at first it was an insult because she’s stuck up and such, but it grew on both of them. Yoko is very affectionate with Divina when they’re alone, Divina loves it.
Divina: Get up. We have class.
Yoko: Come back to bed, princess. It’s cold.
Divina: Because you’re dead. Get up.
Yoko: You don’t love me.
Divina, rolling her eyes and climbing back into bed with her: You’re right. I hate you.
Yoko: Mhm. :)
Nobody in their right mind besides Enid would believe Yoko is so affectionate and loving because outwardly she is so against relationships and she kicks girls out as soon as they’re done. “I’d call you a cab but you live next door.”
Yoko is in fact only soft for Divina.
I raise you Yoko and Wednesday having a talk about being afraid of emotions.
I raise you Enid and Divina wondering if their girls actually like them because they have those kinds of insecurities and little do they know their girls would die for them without question.
I raise you Wednesday at first being jealous of Yoko until she realizes there couldn’t be anything to be jealous of because all Enid and Yoko do is argue.
Yoko, kicking the door down: Wednesday get your fucking girlfriend shes DOING IT AGAIN
Wednesday, sighing: Do you want this chapter done or not, Yoko?
Basically Wednesday was jealous up until she realized they’re basically siblings and they are trying to kill each other at least 90% of the time.
Divina had to win over Enid and Wednesday first. It was like asking for their daughter’s hand in marriage.
Wednesday: What are your intentions with our idiot?
Enid: I will skin you alive if you ever hurt her.
Wednesday: I’m so in love with you.
Thing, Yoko, and Enid have girls nights.
Yoko never liked Tyler either. “He just looks like a card board cut out.”
Yoko actually wants to become a movie director but not many people know that. Specifically horror movies.
Yoko was the kind of kid who would film her own movies on her phone.
Since Yoko has trouble expressing herself, her forms of love come in physical ways. Bumping Enid in the halls, playing with Divina’s fingers in class when she’s distracted, ect.
Wednesday and Yoko actually become amazing friends. They have a lot to bond over. Their love of horror, they both hate Tyler, they both have girlfriends who love them more than anything, they’re both bad at expressing emotions.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if you could write a gender bent Wendsday Addams x male reader (it can be Genderfluid reader and everyday Wendsday Addams if you want to) in which the reader dies protecting Wendsday or the crazy pilgrim dude kills or something among those lines.
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Nevermore never looked more beautiful then when it’s quad was set alight with vengeful crimson flames by an balding undead pilgrim and his stupid staff of powerful arcane magic that changed based on what the wielder wished. You knew Thornhill was a suspicious figure from the start, I mean why would a normie want to teach a school of outcasts if there wasn’t any ulterior motives regarding the eviceration of all outcasts having a pivotal part to play in all of it?
It was too late to be concerned by those thoughts any longer as the damage had already been dealt and now the task of saving the school whilst clearing up any messes befell to you, your fellow nightshades and Wednesday. Enid had and Thing had left to find Wednesday at Crackstone’s Crypt but have yet to return which made you believe that the Hyde or Thronhill must’ve intercepted them along the way; You didn’t dare say otherwise as you firmly believed in Enid and Thing’s capabilities to take care of them, more so especially after hearing the werewolf howl’s deep within the foggy woods as a smile crept on your face.
“Enid, you son of a bitch, you did it.” You said under your breath, full of pride, knowing very well of Enid’s issues of wolfing out and as though by some sheer luck, the battle seemed to have shifted in your favour, even if it was by ever so slightly but you’d take it over nothing anyway; Not wanting to be a sitting duck and miss out on the action, you decided that it was your turn to look for Wednesday and that’s when you found yourself bolting back into the school, disregarding the shouts of protest from fellow students and facility staff who attempted to hold you back out of fear that you’d do something reckless.
However you managed to shrug off their holds and keep running until you were in the entrance hall where above you, Bianca, Kent and Divina were still in the midst of escorting students. Bianca noticed you from the corner of her eye, “‘bout time you showed up.” She said, ushering some students towards the stairway that Kent was stood nearby which would leave them out the way you came, using her siren song to charm a teacher into giving them an extra hand in the evacuation process. “Any sign of Wednesday?” You asked, chipping in with your own aid by making sure every student got out safely. “You’ll be alright, just get to the gates out front where the others are, they shouldn’t be that hard to miss.” You told a passing teacher who only uttered their thanks and took over from there on.
“Hell if I know,” Bianca started, “Enid and Thing still not back yet?”
“No.” You replied.
“Shit,” Bianca cursed, “my best guess is that she’s in the quad with Crackstone, we’ve had an influx of students running in from there.” You looked up at her quizzically, “I thought that dickhead died?”
Bianca shrugs her shoulders, “apparently Thronhill worked her magic and resurrected him to kill us all.”
“Well ain’t that lovely of her,” you muttered sarcastically, “anyways I’m going to give Wednesday a hand, if I see anyone still lingering in the halls I’ll send them over to you.” You told the siren, determined to put Crackstone back in his Crypt for good or obliterate him to smithereens so that no one will ever tempt the idea of bring him back a second time. “Don’t do anything stupid.” Bianca said and you only smiled at her confidently, “how can I when Kent’s up there with you?” You cheeked in attempts of getting a smile out of her, which you did for a brief moment before your face settled for one of a more serious tone. “See you on the other side, Bianca.”
“See you on the other side, y/n.” She replied, watching as your form got smaller the further into the school you delved before turning her attention back to the task at hand as fewer and fewer students came racing towards her in a blind panic.
By the time you made it to the quad, you crossed paths with Xavier, free from his shackles, as he escorted some frightened students towards the door you just came from. “Y/n? What’re you doing here, we have to leave now.” He said sternly but as he tried to grasp your wrist, you swiftly side stepped him before pushing him into the hallway and bolting off deeper into the blazing quad, hearing as his screams of your name became fainter and fainter the closer you got to the true battle. Crackstone had Wednesday rendered immobile by the green glow that came from his arcane staff, pinning her against a broken piece of wood , crushing her.
“I will send you back to hell.” The discredited pilgrim threatened, flashing his rotten and blackened teeth as the arcane staff now began to flow a fierce crimson. Needing to think fast, you looked about for a weapon of any kind that could distract Joseph long enough for Wednesday to get back up and end the nightmare before it ever begins. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.” You hissed under your breath as panic now forced your hands to become unsteady whilst fear pierced your heart at the grim and bleak thoughts that permeated your mind of less then savoury outcomes of this fight should you all prove unsuccessful.
Yet you refused to yield to those odds as your fingers managed to pick up the end of a shattered blade, “not if I send you back first, you decrepit cunt.” you hissed under your breath as you steeled your nerves before charging towards the pilgrim, taking full advantage that your presence has yet to be noticed and managed to stab the blade into Joseph’s back as he howled in pain; staggering back from the blow as he stared down at the wound you inflicted before looking back at you with unbridled rage within his dead fish eyes. “Y/n?” Wednesday called out weakly when she noticed you standing behind Crackstone, broken blade tip in hand.
You smiled softly at her, thankful that she wasn’t grievously wounded, however your tender moment was cut short when you both remembered that the crazed pilgrim wasn’t dead. “You wretched abomination!” Crackstone cried as he used his cane to hit you but luckily you managed to doge the first attempt but didn’t have the same success upon the second one, where you were hit in the abdomen by a blast of green arcane energy, sending you flying back first into the crow mural where you laid there limp.
“Y/n!” Wednesday screamed in disbelief as something thick and crimson start to pool beneath you. “Y/n, get up!” She winced as she mustered the strength to stagger her way over to you, uncaring of the notion that your blood was staining her clothes as she knelt down next to you. Wednesday lifted her hand to your neck, checking for a pulse and almost breaking down when she felt the soft, weak beats of your pulse meet the pads of her fingertips; you were still here with her but not for much longer. She let out a uneven sigh as she cradled your head against her lap, your skin was lukewarm to the touch and your chest was inflating slowly but deflating far too fast to be considered normal.
At this point of fight Bianca had joined in and immediately saw that Crackstone was creeping up behind Wednesday, red glowing arcane staff and all, whilst she was busy weeping over your bleeding form, begging you to open your eyes once more. “Die! Vermin!” Joseph cried as he raised the cane overhead and was about to bring it down on Wednesday when Bianca grabbed a piece of broken blade and lodged it deep into his shoulder, forcing him to drop the staff as he roared out in pain once more. “Only after you.” Bianca spat, rushing to your side afterwards as Wednesday took advantage of the momentum built and stabbed Joseph in the heart; causing him to explode into smithereens.
With Crackstone defeated, Wednesday felt a massive weight off her shoulders for the briefest of moments as she could feel herself breath properly until she heard Bianca call her name solemnly. “Wednesday.” She turned to the siren who had her fingers on your pulse, tears in the corners of her crystal blue eyes, “they’re gone.” Wednesday lost her ability to breath again as though she was still being pushed down against that piece of wood by Joseph’s arcane magic; she crumpled to the floor as sobs racked her body so badly she couldn’t stop the river of tears that cascaded down her cheeks as she held her hand against her heart.
They had won but at the cost of your life.
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lord-of-the-muses · 1 year
💘 Permission to Wed Wednesday 💘
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Pairings: Enid Sinclair x Female Reader x Y/N
A/N: I wrote a different fan-fic about morticia x weems x Y/N (its pinned), if you dig that, do support my work ❤ much appreciated if you could share it to people who ship that pairing 😊
Enid Sinclair nervously approached the grand gates of the Addams Mansion, her heart pounding in her chest. Her girlfriend, Y/N, a reserved person in nature followed closely behind, her hand tightly gripping Enid's. The two women were there to ask for Gomez Addams' permission to marry his daughter, Wednesday, a strong-willed woman, and their lover.
As they walked up the winding path to the mansion, Enid couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She had never met Gomez before, and from what she had heard, he was a bit of a traditionalist when it came to marriage. She knew that asking for his blessing wouldn't be easy.
When they reached the door, Enid took a deep breath and knocked. After a moment, the door swung open to reveal Gomez himself, a charming, slightly eccentric man with a twinkle in his eye.
"Welcome, my dears," he said, gesturing for them to come inside. "What brings you to the Addams Mansion on this lovely day?"
Enid hesitated, suddenly feeling unsure of herself. But before she could say anything, Y/N stepped forward, her voice steady and confident.
"Mr. Addams, we've come to ask for your permission to marry your daughter, Wednesday," she said.
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Gomez's expression changed in an instant, his smile disappearing and a frown taking its place.
"What is this, the dark ages? You know what? Since you've asked, no, you can't. Beat me in a duel first," Gomez retorted.
Enid and Y/N exchanged a worried look. They had not expected this answer and were not sure if he was serious or not.
"A duel?" Enid exclaimed, her heart racing. "But Mr. Addams, we don't even know how to sword fight."
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Gomez chuckled. "Don't worry, my dear. I'll teach you. And if you can beat me, I'll give you my blessing."
Enid and Y/N looked at each other, both feeling a sense of determination. They were determined to win Gomez's blessing and marry Wednesday.
Gomez led them to a large room in the mansion, where he pulled out a pair of swords and began to teach them the basics of sword fighting. Enid and Y/N were both hesitant at first, but as they practiced, they began to get the hang of it.
As the days passed, Enid and Y/N grew more and more skilled with their swords. They practiced tirelessly, determined to win Gomez's blessing and marry Wednesday.
Finally, the day of the duel arrived. Enid and Y/N stood on opposite sides of the room, swords in hand, ready to face Gomez.
The duel was fierce, with Gomez putting up a tough fight. But Enid and Y/N were determined, and they fought with all their might. In the end, they emerged victorious, having defeated Gomez in a fierce duel.
Gomez smiled, his eyes twinkling with pride. "You've done it, my dears," he said. "You have my blessing to marry Wednesday."
Enid and Y/N hugged each other, tears of joy streaming down their faces. They had won Gomez's blessing, and they were one step closer to marrying the woman they loved.
The three of them turned to Wednesday who was standing by the side watching the duel, and she smiled.
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💀 Wednesdays POV 💀
As Enid and Y/N fought in the duel, Wednesday watched with a mixture of emotions. She was proud of her lovers for stepping up and fighting for what they wanted, but she was also worried for their safety. She had seen how skilled Gomez was with a sword, and she couldn't help but wonder if Enid and Y/N were ready for such a challenge.
As the duel progressed, Wednesday could see that Enid and Y/N were getting the hang of it. They were fighting with more confidence, and they were starting to land some hits on Gomez. But Gomez was still a formidable opponent, and Wednesday couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of her stomach.
When Enid and Y/N emerged victorious, Wednesday let out a sigh of relief. She watched as they hugged each other, tears of joy streaming down their faces, and she couldn't help but feel happy for them. They had won Gomez's blessing to marry her, and she knew that they would be happy together.
As Enid and Y/N turned to her, Wednesday smiled. She was happy for them, and she knew that they would be happy together.
"I'm happy for you both," Wednesday said, her voice choked with emotion.
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Enid and Y/N walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug. Wednesday felt a warmth spread through her body as she hugged her lovers back. She knew that they were her family, and she couldn't be happier.
"Thank you, Wednesday," Enid said, her voice shaking with emotion. "We couldn't have done this without your support."
"I'll always be here for you," Wednesday replied. "I love you both, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with both of you."
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vinyl-shelf · 1 year
Wednesday x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some making out
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Wednesday asked to see your collection of artwork, which went well.
A/N: Hey everyone. This is my first uploaded fanfic, I hope you like it! I surely will upload more, I take requests!!
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"Y/N Y/L/N, you're late." Ms. Thornhill spoke. Your sudden appearance stopped her mid-teaching.
"Pardon me, Ms. Thornhill. I was doing- business." You chuckled sheepishly, your eyes glancing at the students one by one, trying to search for a specific presence.
You were interrupted when Ms. Thornhill asked you a question, "Now Miss Y/L/N, could you please tell me the name of this plant that I'm holding?"
You stared at the plant as you walked closer to it. Studying and analyzing its color, petal, and smell. At that moment, you instantly knew it was the one unique-looking poisonous plant. "Ah! That's Aconitum. Also known as Wolf's bane." You answered with confidence in your voice.
At the same moment, you didn't realize that one particular girl was intensely staring at you with a hint of admiration.
"Perfect! Thank you, Miss Y/L/N, you may take a seat." Ms. Thornhill gestured to the seats.
Of course, you scanned the room to look for one girl, hoping the seat beside her is empty.
And it was.
Your gaze stopped at the alluring figure who was softly flipping the pages of her textbook. You walked up to her and sat down beside her quietly.
"Hi, Wednesday," You greeted, knowing she'll only reply with her signature death glare.
"Y'know, you could also try saying hi too for once." You joked, with a hint of seriousness.
"I don't want to dissipate my time talking to mindless people." Wednesday replied flatly, as usual.
Not knowing how to respond to her statement, you replied with a simple nod. Fetching your sketchbook from your backpack, instead of your textbook. You started scribbling something, and the girl beside you averted her eyes slowly to the direction of your sketchbook. Staring with curiosity.
"If you want to watch me draw, just say so. I won't mind," You stated, finishing off your sketch with a gentle brush from your thumb, revealing it to be a detailed drawing of a stalk of black petunia. "Black petunias, it somewhat reminds me of you." You added.
Without you realizing, you have made the girl's stone-cold heart flutter a little. But she hid it with an eyeroll and proceeded to ignore you once again. You smiled either way and continued to sketch the whole period.
"I despise her, Enid. She makes me feel abnormal things." Wednesday spoke as her fingers were clicking on her typewriter.
"And what are those 'abnormal things' that you're referring to?" Enid replied while having her nails painted by Thing.
"The way she makes my heart stir a little after telling something about me or the way my eyes light up everytime she's close by, I don't like it. It's quite agonizing." She replied, emphasizing the last part.
"Awe, Wednesday, you're just in love. You should go talk to her, I heard she likes you back!" Enid replied with energy, slightly moving her hand and accidentally smearing the nail polish all over her finger. "Oh, shoot! I'm so sorry, Thing. I'm way too ecstatic. Wednesday has a crush!~" She teased, walking up to the girl working on her novel.
"Enid, stop. She doesn't like me, and I don't like her." Wednesday retorted, tidying the pages of her novel.
"I could help you get close to her, if you want." Enid spoke, standing beside Wednesday and nudging her shoulder.
Wednesday contemplated for a while, and with a face of disappointment, "How?" She asked and sighed.
Steadying your posture, you pulled the arrow back, took a deep breath, and released the arrow. Much to your surprise, it landed right in the center.
"Dang, nice aim." Xavier said, dabbing you up.
"Please, these are too easy." You joked while making stupid celebratory movements.
You were doing archery with Xavier, your archery teacher and partner in crime. You and Xavier have lots of similarities. Like how you two have impeccable talent for drawing, the only difference is that Xavier has the ability to bring his illustrations to life.
"So, how's that thing going with Wednesday?" He asked, suddenly bringing up your crush.
"As usual, man. She's hard to impress." You replied promptly.
He laughed and punched your shoulder lightly as a response. You slapped his stomach afterwards.
You were preparing to shoot another arrow when you sensed the presence of a raven-haired girl beside you. As a reflex, you flinched, causing you to let go of the arrow and it landing on the center again.
"Shit, Wednesday! What the hell?" You screamed, dropping your bow and placing your hand on Xavier's shoulder, who was also startled by the girl.
"Y/N." The girl spoke.
"Hey? I thought you didn't want to 'dissipate your time talking to mindless people', why are you here?" You asked with seriousness.
“I wish to see your art room.” Wednesday spoke up out of nowhere, her emotionless face on display.
You were puzzled by her suddenness of the favor, "Why-"
"Please don't ask questions, am I permitted to see your art room?" She asked, cutting you off.
"Uh- well- I guess?" You replied, stuttering.
Wednesday nodded and looked up to you and Xavier before walking back to wherever she's going to.
You and Xavier looked at eachother, "Dude, go! Your chance!" Xavier spoke, slapping your back.
You, still puzzled by the girl's question, nodded and followed the girl.
"About time you catch up." Wednesday stated, her gaze fixed on the scene in front of her.
"Why do you want to see my art room? And, now?" You asked, piling up questions.
"Yes, now. When again?" She returned, ignoring the first question.
You nodded, still on the way to your dorm. When you two were almost at your dorm, your mind reminded you about all the Wednesday portraits you drew. You widened your eyes at the sudden thought. Your heart was racing, and cold sweat was starting to slide out of your head.
When you were already infront of your dorm room, Wednesday was waiting for you to open it. "Wednesday, I, uhh, I don't think you can see my art room today." You spoke nervously, earning a glare from the girl.
"Why? You were fine with it just a few minutes ago." She asked.
She wasn't patient enough to wait for an unclear reply from you, so she opened the door and went inside, with you joining her seconds later. "Uh, welcome to my domain, Wednesday. I have no roommate because I requested not to have one. I needed more space for my art." You explained in hopes that Wednesday wouldn't discover your incredibly detailed sketches of her.
"I could only wish." Wednesday retorted while going through the pages of your illustrations.
"Your drawings are incredibly detailed, Y/N. You must have an amazing pair of hands." She complimented, flipping through the pages of one of your sketchbooks that she picked up.
If you are stunned by her comment, she would owe Enid a hug and Thing a hand lotion. If you aren't, she'll give them the opposite- or maybe even worse.
"Oh, um, thank you! I will treasure that compliment forever." You replied, smiling uncontrollably.
Great. Now she needs to give Enid a hug and buy Thing some hand lotion.
Wednesday was slowly walking up to the big canvas you were worrying so much about without you realizing it because apparently you were still dazed by her compliment.
Once you're back to your senses, her hands were already pulling down on the sheet covering the canvas. Widening your eyes, you screamed, "Wait no, not that one!"
Too late.
Wednesday took a step back to see what the drawing was, and when she realized it was her, she turned to look at you who was standing like a stone statue then back at the drawing. She fairly studied the sketch. It was when she was playing her cello. She could tell you drew this thoroughly and accurately. What she was most interested in was how you drew her face. You drew her face as if she was trapped in the feeling of playing the cello, which she was.
"I'm sorry, I feel like a creep for drawing you. To be honest, I have a bunch of them," You took a step closer to her and fetched one of your sketchbooks from a pile of them. You showed her the label attached to the book, which said 'Addams'. You handed the book to her, and the girl opened the book and saw pages of sketches of her doing something.
"This one is my personal favorite," you said, pointing to the large canvas.
"I saw you playing the cello the other day, you looked very passionate playing that cello of yours. I've never seen you so energetic like that, so uh, I drew it." You explained.
"Don't be sorry for something you're not guilty of." The girl infront of you commented, looking at you right in the eyes.
You saw this as a chance to open up, so you did.
"Can I tell you something?- Actually you know what, I'll say it right away," You took a deep breath, Wednesday looking at you in confusion- and hope.
"I...like you, Addams. I've liked you since our first conversation ever, which was, I think, two months ago...yeah. I like you. Heh," You spoke fast, too fast.
The raven haired girl stared at you in awe, you were worried that she wasn't comfortable about this.
To ease the tension, you spoke again, "Look, I know you don't like me back and such, but-"
Wednesday cut you off by pressing her lips against yours. Your body jolted by the sudden gesture but you joined the kiss right away. You cupped her cheeks and smiled to the kiss, confident that Wednesday could sense your happiness. The kiss was soft and passionate. Wednesday's lips felt good on yours. You tried to extend the duration by heating up the kiss. The two of you enjoyed this moment too much. Too much, the both of you were obsessed with eachother already.
Wednesday entered Ophelia Hall quietly, which startled her roommate a little when she heard the door close.
"Oh Wednesday! So, how'd it go?" Enid asked, elongating her words.
"Nothing much happened." Wednesday shrugged and walked over to her typewriter.
"Aww man! But tell me, what happened there?" Her roommate asked out of curiosity.
"I became her girlfriend." Wednesday replied, starting to type on her typewriter.
At that moment, the room was filled with Enid's squeals of excitement. She also did a victory dance, which slightly annoyed Wednesday. But she was also slightly happy that she now has a thing with you.
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