#weekly housekeeping services
stanneshousekeeping · 2 months
Consistent Cleanliness: Embrace Weekly Housekeeping Services
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In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a clean and organized home can often feel like an uphill battle. Between work, family, and other responsibilities, finding the time and energy for thorough housekeeping can be challenging. This is where weekly housekeeping services come to the rescue, offering a convenient solution to keep your home consistently clean and welcoming.
At St. Anne's Housekeeping, we understand the importance of a clean living environment for your well-being and peace of mind. Our weekly housekeeping services are designed to alleviate the burden of household chores, allowing you to focus on what matters most to you. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent juggling multiple tasks, or simply someone who values a tidy home, our services are tailored to meet your needs.
Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining cleanliness in your home. By scheduling weekly housekeeping services, you can ensure that your living space receives regular attention, preventing dirt, dust, and clutter from accumulating. Our team of experienced professionals follows a comprehensive cleaning checklist to ensure that every corner of your home is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
In addition to saving you time and effort, investing in housekeeping services can also have long-term benefits for your health and well-being. A clean and hygienic home environment reduces the risk of allergies, respiratory issues, and other health problems associated with dust and germs. By outsourcing your housekeeping needs to professionals, you can create a healthier living space for you and your loved ones.
Moreover, a clean home is a happy home. Coming back to a freshly cleaned house at the end of a long day can lift your spirits and create a sense of comfort and relaxation. With our weekly housekeeping services, you can enjoy the benefits of a pristine living environment without the stress and hassle of doing it yourself.
At St. Anne's Housekeeping, we're dedicated to helping you maintain a clean and comfortable home that you can be proud of. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment and experience the difference that consistent cleanliness can make.
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Get a Spotless Home with Top-rated Weekly Cleaning Services in Brampton
Get a Spotless Home with Top-rated Weekly Cleaning Services in Brampton
Introduction: In the bustling city of Brampton, maintaining a clean and organized home can be a challenge amidst busy schedules and responsibilities. However, the solution is at hand with top-rated weekly cleaning services. 
Consistent Cleanliness: One of the primary advantages of weekly cleaning services is the consistency they bring to your living space. Regular cleaning ensures that your home remains clean and tidy throughout the week, eliminating the need for last-minute cleaning sprees before guests arrive or special occasions.
Efficient Cleaning Routine: Professional cleaners follow a well-structured cleaning routine that covers all areas of your home. From dusting and vacuuming to kitchen and bathroom cleaning, their systematic approach ensures that no corner is left untouched. This level of thoroughness can be difficult to achieve with sporadic cleaning efforts.
Enhanced Hygiene: Regular cleaning helps maintain a healthier living environment. Weekly cleaning services in Brampton remove dust, allergens, and germs from surfaces, minimizing the risk of allergies and respiratory issues. A cleaner home contributes to improved indoor air quality and a safer atmosphere for you and your family.
Stress-Free Lifestyle: Juggling work, family, and other commitments can leave little time for intensive cleaning. Weekly cleaning services alleviate the stress associated with keeping your home in order. Coming home to a clean space allows you to unwind and focus on what truly matters.
Preservation of Belongings: Dirt and dust can accumulate over time, leading to wear and tear on your furniture, flooring, and other belongings. Regular cleaning prevents grime from building up, thereby extending the lifespan of your cherished possessions.
Attention to Detail: Professional cleaners pay attention to the smallest details that might be overlooked during infrequent cleaning sessions. They clean hard-to-reach areas, wipe down surfaces, and ensure that your home is not only clean but also meticulously groomed.
Time-Saving Solution: Time is a valuable resource, and weekly cleaning services provide a time-saving solution. Rather than spending hours cleaning on weekends, you can devote your time to leisure activities, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones.
Tailored Cleaning Solutions: Top-rated cleaning services tailor their offerings to your specific needs. You can discuss your preferences and priorities with the cleaning team, ensuring that the service is personalized to meet your expectations.
Positive Home Atmosphere: A clean and well-maintained home creates a positive atmosphere. Walking into a spotless living space after a long day can instantly uplift your mood and contribute to a more enjoyable living experience.
Conclusion: Top-rated weekly cleaning services in Brampton offer a convenient and effective way to maintain a clean and inviting home. From consistent cleanliness and efficient routines to improved hygiene and reduced stress, the benefits of opting for professional cleaning are undeniable. By enlisting weekly cleaning services, you're not only investing in a pristine living environment but also reclaiming valuable time and enjoying the peace of mind that comes with a spotless home.
For more information visit us:-https://kepstencleaningservices.com/
Call us:+1(437)236-4152
Location:4900 Glen Erin drive, Mississauga
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gremlingottoosilly · 2 months
König x Housekeeper!Reader? He was expecting some little old lady, not a college student looking for an extra side hustle to pay their tuition. He can already picture them as a housewife as they work around his mess of a place.
You're playing with the poor man's heart! When he was signing up for the weekly maid services, he hoped that it would be different people each time. Calling in for a housekeeper and a cleaner is already embarrassing enough at his grown age - there is a voice inside his head that tells him he should man the fuck up and stop being so damn difficult about watching over his own house, but having a regular maid who would know just how messy his life is...yeah, he was not having it. He needed someone old and boring, someone who, preferably, doesn't even speak German so he won't have to awkwardly master the conversation. He got you instead. You're...you're fucking perfect. In cozy and comfortable clothes, nothing that hugs your body and suggests something innappropriate - and yet every time you bend over, he can't help but imagine the way your ass must look under these baggy pants and has to fight the urge to just grab your waist and slam his erection against the curve of your hip. You're eager to work, you buzz around the messy house like a busy bee you are - there isn't much of his personal items inside, but his clothes and various gear laying around does make it a messy space. You were wondering if he is either a soldier or a serial killer, judging by the amount of weapons you got laying around...but it's better to not ask this question. You just needed some money, and the maid services are paying on the day of work - with repeating clients actually sometimes leaving you a nice tip or something to eat if you were to clean their houses at the dead of the night...it's really nice, somehow. Konig just can't keep his hands to himself sometimes. You look too adorable not to compliment on how you look - although he never dares, usually just staring at you from the corner. You're probably thinking he is afraid of you stealing something, but it's not like you really care about any of this, to be completely honest...you just want to keep your head low and get money. Unfortunately for you, Konig has a thing for housewife and domestic life. One time you were doing the routinely cleaning and it got really late - and with Konig literally having his house as far from civillization as possible, ass the buses were already leaving from the stations, leaving you stranded until the morning...and you'd be fucked or in for a very hefty taxi bill if it weren't for Konig oh so generously allowing you to spend the night at the guest room. You knew each other for a few months already, and the guy is harmless...naturally, you agree. Naturally, you never left this house without him again.
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suzdin · 3 months
Belly of the Beast: Part I
Dark!Dave York x F!reader
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Warnings: it’s Dave, so…buckle up! No use of y/n. Homicide with a gun, reader is shot and grievously wounded and dying, graphic descriptions of murder and gore, use of medical equipment/terminology, amateur triage and medical care, Dave is a voyeuristic creep, Stockholm syndrome?, physical restraints, partial nudity, divergence from EQ2 plot and major character deaths mentioned. No mention of wife or kids. No smut this time! (Shocking, I know.) Dark themes obviously, I mean, Dave DOES kill for money, after all.
Summary: You’ve been Dave’s housekeeper for two years. When you arrive for your morning shift, the last thing you expect to see is Dave standing over a body.
This was going to be a one shot but I decided it worked better as a two parter. Enjoy!
Word Count: 4,700
Taglist: tagging the people I know for sure want to be tagged. If you want to be tagged for part II, lmk!
@ohheypedrito @kateispunk @survivingandenduring @kellybelly1978 @awilderi @oberynslady @natdeandar @daddy-dins-girl @heavennumber2 @guelyury
The sky is still dark, a faint slice of jagged light cast across a slate colored horizon, when you arrive for the day at Dave York’s home.
You notice his car parked in the driveway as you pull in, checking your messages to make sure you hadn’t missed anything from him, finding nothing. You frown.
Normally, he would tell you when he would be home if he knew you were also going to be there that day. He simply must have forgotten to mention it this time. It wasn’t a big deal; you could just work around him like you always did.
He was gone for work more often than not. What that entails, you aren’t entirely sure of; all you knew was that he worked in D.C. Something bureaucratic, most likely.
What was even more curious than his unannounced presence, however, was a second vehicle parked behind his.
You pull up next to aforementioned vehicle and get out, gathering your bucket of cleaning supplies from the backseat. Dave provided most of what was used, but there were a few items you preferred for various reasons, with his approval, of course. You had been his housekeeper for the last two years, servicing his home bi-weekly, and he paid you well, plus tips. You had few complaints.
Although the home was large and stately, he lived alone as far as you knew. You couldn’t recall seeing anyone there before now.
As you walk along the edge of the driveway to the side door, you note the pale illumination filtering out through the kitchen window onto the concrete, which makes sense considering the time of day. He’s most likely just sitting down to have his coffee and breakfast. You hope you don’t startle him too much.
The sun is ascending rapidly, already burning brighter in the short walk from your car to the door, providing you with enough light to get your key out.
You unlock the side door, which steps directly into a small utility and mud room. The interior door to the kitchen is drawn shut, which wasn’t unusual, but an unfamiliar noise registers as you enter, immediately followed by what sounds like chair legs scraping along the tiled floor, and Dave’s voice saying what sounds like a name. Mac? Is that what you heard?
Your mind fumbles over the original sound, knowing it’s familiar, but that you can’t quite place it, trying to trace its source. You can best describe it as a muted pop, loud enough to notice but not so loud as to sound any alarm bells. Or so you think.
You smell the strong waft of coffee and eggs cooking as you enter. And something else.
The scene that is laid out before you as you push open the kitchen door is the last thing you would ever expect or want to find, and the realization of what the unidentified sound was hits you like a freight train.
What you discover is Dave standing above a body, pistol clutched tightly in his right hand, knuckles turning alabaster, with what you’re certain is a silencer screwed to the end of the barrel.
The body sprawled across the floor belongs to a man you don’t recognize, a pool of fresh blood spreading rapidly from a single gunshot wound to the front of the skull, bone and brain matter studding the kitchen island and wall, the stink of crimson iron filling the air.
Dave’s head snaps up when he hears you enter, his face gone pale, but otherwise completely blank and devoid of emotion.
Your eyes lock.
You think you say his name. You aren’t sure, and the only reason you know you’ve said anything at all is because you feel the muscles in your esophagus stretching and vibrating, your heart thundering inside your rib cage.
You’re smart enough to deduce that this isn’t some home invasion gone awry. The unknown car in the driveway and the trained, emotionless nature at which Dave currently presents himself is testament to that.
The only option left is that Dave killed a man. And now he has his sights trained on none other than you.
You drop the bucket of supplies, the hollow sound of plastic hitting ceramic reverberating in your skull as you turn, your brain screaming at you to run, run.
In hindsight, running was a bad idea. But panic doesn’t always create rationale.
You feel your legs pumping, your lungs sucking in air. You want to scream for help but when you attempt it, the only sound that comes out is a small, strangled croak of terror. You feel like a damsel in distress in every horror movie you’ve ever seen, almost as if you aren’t actually moving at all, like you’re just running in place while the villain slowly catches up to you.
If you could just reach the neighbor’s house. If you could just… reach…
You manage to make it to the driveway, but you’re barely a few steps onto the concrete when that same muted pop registers again, and you instantly feel a sharp, burning, agonizing sting that rips right through you like a hot knife through butter, knocking you ass over teakettle just paces from Dave’s car, your face slamming hard against the ground.
You look down to see the spreading circle of blood on your shirt against your lower abdomen, a geyser of red bubbling up from the wound. And Dave is on you in an instant, hovering above you, gun trained right at your head.
You know you’re a goner. Abdominal gunshots are frequently fatal, at least according to the kind of shows you like to watch. And at the rate you’re seeing your blood spill out, you know it’s anything but good.
Before you fully comprehend what is happening, your vision already waning, you’re pleading for Dave to end your life as quickly as possible, ‘please, please Mr. York, I’ve been good to you. Please do it fast’, you choke out.
But Dave doesn’t kill you. His dark eyes bore into you, through you, and he hesitates. He’s watching you die and beg for him to put you down and yet he can’t bring himself to actually do it, regardless of how many names he’s scratched out of his ledger without remorse. Maybe because you’re just an innocent, wrong place wrong time, but he can’t seem to do it.
“Please, don’t let me suffer,” you sob as you lift a single, quaking hand that is slicked deep burgundy, and still he doesn’t put you down, only lowering the gun to his side, and you can’t help but wonder what you did to deserve to suffer slowly like this.
Finally, some sense of self preservation washes over you, and even as you’re dying, in your final throes of desperation, you start ripping and clawing at your shirt, managing to somehow tear a sizable chunk out of it, in order to make some kind of makeshift tourniquet that could potentially save your life.
Your hands shake and slip, blood pressure dropping rapidly, and your vision wanes more, the edges of the lightening sky fading and blotting away. You suddenly feel very cold and you can feel your heartbeat gradually ebbing to a slow, dull throb.
The last thing you see before your vision goes completely dark is Dave crouching over you, his face screwed up in regret.
God damn it.
When Dave had found out only days before that McCall was still alive, and that his old compatriot had sniffed out the details shrouding Susan’s death, Dave had lost all sight of anything else, completely forgetting you were scheduled to clean his house that day.
Had he realized, he would have canceled. It would have made things far less complicated.
But God fucking damn it. He didn’t want to kill you, his militaristic training and instincts piloting his actions when you fled instead of surrendering, intending to put a round in your skull but changing his mind at the last possible fraction of a second so that he totally FUBAR’d the shot and hit your abdomen instead. A gut shot wasn’t much better. In fact, it was worse. Way worse.
You’re still breathing when he finishes applying the crude tourniquet that you had started, which didn’t completely stop the bleeding but slowed it enough to make a difference. That way, he could get you down into the basement where he could apply proper triage.
His medical training was rudimentary and archaic at best, but it was better than nothing. And it was his best chance at keeping you alive.
Your blood soaks through the light blue dress shirt Dave is wearing as he carries you through the house draped in his arms, the one you once told him looked nice on him. He takes you into the basement and places you on his work table — which isn’t sterile — noting no exit wound as he sets you down, which can be good or bad, all things depending.
Thankfully, he locates the bullet readily enough, fishing it out with a narrow pair of forceps, discarding it into a medical pan as he lets out a sigh of relief when he sees the bullet didn’t strike anything crucial, an incredibly lucky feat.
He grabs a skin stapler to close up the wound; a messy and rushed method of closure that would leave behind a pretty significant scar, but he didn’t have the luxury of time to close the wound properly with a needle, especially considering the rate at which his hands were already shaking.
He takes in a deep breath when he finishes stapling you back together and leans over you, examining your face and body visually, his mind racing as to what he should do now. You still had a pulse. You were breathing. But you had lost a lot of blood, and your prognosis wasn’t good.
Frowning, the crease deepening between his brows, he cleans and sterilizes the wound, wrapping you up in proper dressing, which he hopes is enough to stave off any infection. He can’t risk taking you to a hospital. Especially when there’s still a dead man to deal with only a floor above.
The good news is that he knew no one would come looking for McCall, the majority believing him to already be dead, so disposal would thankfully be swift and painless. You, on the other hand, he was unsure of. He knew your parents had passed and you didn’t have siblings, but he didn’t know if there was a boyfriend or girlfriend in your life, or friends who would notice your absence.
His mind reels with every possibility. Dave isn’t a man who enjoys loose ends. Loose ends make his ass itch.
Your shirt is shredded and bloody, so he removes the remainder of it, leaving you in a soft black cotton bra. He doesn’t let his eyes wander, although, at the back of his mind, he realizes he has always found you attractive. Just as quickly as it dawns on him, he shakes the thought from his mind; it is neither the time nor place for such endeavors.
He removes your shoes but not your socks, knowing you would be cold from having lost so much blood. He might actually put one of his pairs over your own, for good measure.
After a long beat of silent contemplation, Dave scoops you up into his arms once more.
You wake up from a fitful sleep some hours later, in a bed you’ve never slept in before. The room around you is dark, shades drawn, a faint light flooding in from beneath a closed door.
When you attempt to sit up, pain lances through your torso and you cry out, your back hitting the mattress. You immediately realize, much to your horror, that you’re also handcuffed to a bedpost. Even if you could move without effort, you aren’t exactly going anywhere.
Your memory suddenly comes flooding back in a tidal wave of images, recalling all of the events that lead up to this point; the body on the kitchen floor, the gunshot, Dave staring down at you with a pistol in his hand.
But you aren’t in a hospital and this isn’t a hospital bed. You’re in Dave’s bedroom. In Dave’s bed.
The door clicks open and a familiar silhouette steps into the room, regarding you in steely silence. You recognize the broad shoulders right away, the thick arms, the short cropped hair.
Your pulse quickens, your body and mind telling you to flee again, even though you know you can’t, causing you to flinch with a choked whimper when he takes a step toward you.
“I wouldn’t move, sweetheart. You lost a lot of blood,” Dave explains, his voice low and soft to your ears as he approaches the bed.
Your body is trembling hard. So hard that it makes the entire bed vibrate.
He’s no longer wearing the blue shirt or black slacks from before, now dressed in a slate gray t-shirt and Adidas sweats. His dark eyes study you as he sits next to you on the edge of the bed. If you weren’t so weak, you think you would strike him.
He lifts the back of his hand to your cheek and you flinch again.
“Shh,” he tuts, “I’m not going to harm you.”
His hand presses to the soft round of your cheek, your forehead, checking for fever.
“Y-you— you s-shot me—?“ you croak.
“I reacted poorly,” Dave agrees with a small nod, his lips parted softly, “but you also shouldn’t have run.”
“You k-killed… that man…”
“I did, indeed.” His eyes grow a shade darker, his brow knitting together, lending him a sinister appearance. “But that man was threatening me. That man was going to kill me…” Dave explains, an edge of malice and contempt to his voice. “I was left with few options.”
You stare back, unblinkingly, trying to decide what to say next, if anything.
“My family will come looking for me,” is what you settle on, a wash of bravery suddenly welling up within you.
To that, Dave smirks, eyes remaining dark, hand lowering to the bed by your hip.
“What family?” Dave asks, smirk slanting even more, his tone semi-mocking. “Do you really think I would hire someone to come into my home without doing a full investigation on them?”
Your jaw drops open, hanging slack in the air, as it dawns on you that a trained killer has been right under your nose this entire time. You would scream if you had the lung capacity to do so.
You should have seen the patterns. Noticed the signs. The constant travel, the lack of personal touches to his home, the pinpricks of blood you occasionally found on his clothes that you excused for other things. That one room in the basement he forbade you from entering.
But you hadn’t, causing you to nearly pay with your life.
Truth is, Dave had picked you for good reason, and it wasn’t just because of the exemplary reviews. You were naive and trusting, you had no family, no criminal record, you didn’t work for an agency; you worked solo. Your work ethic and reliability were just cherries on top.
You look down to notice the IV needle in your hand, and you lift it in examination, your hand shaking and sputtering weakly. No… no, you really had no clue who this guy was at all.
Dave watches you for a beat before he gently grasps your hand and places it back down on the bed, regarding you with uncharacteristic softness and empathy.
You feel your consciousness starting to drift then as Dave pulls the covers back to check the dressings, finding they’re still intact and that the wound hasn’t reopened from what he can tell. He’ll clean and redress everything in the morning. For now, you need rest.
“I’ll be right back,” he tells you, stepping out of the room for what feels like only a meager blip of time to you, but when you open your eyes again, he’s hovering above you once more with a thermometer and an ice pack.
“Open up,” he instructs, and you do so obediently.
“Good girl,” Dave praises as he checks your temperature, and you close your eyes.
When the thermometer beeps, which feels like an eternity later, he frowns, exhaling a long sigh. “101.5. Here,” he says, leaning to the side where he opens a drawer on the night stand, a bottle of aspirin rattling somewhere next to your head. The sound is grating, making your head throb, and suddenly the lamp seems too bright.
He feeds you some pills and gives you a drink of water from a nearby tumbler, which you guess was also on the nightstand, but aren’t too sure.
He pulls the blanket back up all the way to your chin and places the ice pack on your forehead, staring down at you. Although Dave was the reason you were even here at all, he is treating you with a surprising amount of tenderness.
“You need to eat,” he says after a moment. “Dinner is almost ready.”
You must pass out again, because when your eyes reopen, Dave stands next to you with a small tray table filled with food.
“Chicken and dumplings,” he explains. “It will keep the cold away.”
You nod your head weakly as he places the tray over you. When you reach for the spoon, he stops you, blocking your hand with his own.
“Let me,” he says, picking up the spoon. “I don’t want you moving anymore than necessary.”
You have to keep reminding yourself that he’s the one who shot you. He’s why you’re in this mess in the first place. Why you’re here, injured, with a hole in your abdomen, chained to his bed.
The way he’s acting shouldn’t be trusted.
You try to resist, but he grabs your jaw with the other hand and forces it to pop open, pressing the spoon past your lips as he ladles the soup into your mouth, much to your displeasure.
“Eat,” he says softly, but sternly, his features darkening in regard.
The food is warm, as promised, and delicious. You aren’t sure of the last time you ate, not knowing what time or even what day it is, but you soon realize you’re starving. Because of this, the second spoonful is not met with as much resistance as the first, your mouth hinging open in resignation and acquiescence.
Dave’s eyes zero in on your soft lips. The way they twitch ever so slightly as they divide. The way your tongue looks so velvet and inviting…
He feeds you slowly, thoughtfully, watching your every move, his own lips parted in concentration as you take in the much needed sustenance.
By the end of it, you’ve managed to polish off about half the bowl. Seemingly satisfied with that, he makes you drink some Gatorade.
“Why are you doing this?” you ask weakly as soon as you swallow down a couple gulps of the blue liquid, your consciousness ebbing and flowing by the second. Dave looks at your face, but he doesn’t give you an answer. He doesn’t have one to give.
Part of him wishes he did.
“I have to pee,” you tell him suddenly when you notice the familiar stab of discomfort in your lower region. A realization that sends a jolt of anxiety rushing through you, your pulse racing when you watch his face fall. He hadn’t even thought of that…
His skills and equipment were limited to wound care, so of course he hadn’t put a catheter in. He wouldn’t know how even if he did happen to have one.
He deliberates on what to do. He didn’t have a bed pan. But, he was sure he could find something comparable to use.
Or he could help you to the bathroom. He has an en suite, it was literally only steps around the bed. But the space was tight. It would take some maneuvering. And he would have to be close to you the entire time. Not to mention uncuffing you from the bed.
In the end, that’s what he settles on.
“Let me help you to the bathroom, sweetheart,” he says to you, pulling the blankets back, and you are cold. So cold. Your flesh pebbling with the lick of cool air against your skin.
He unlocks the handcuffs and you massage your sore wrist and shoulder the moment you have full motion of your arm again.
“Slowly,” he instructs, his voice low and even. “Grab the IV stand.”
You do as you’re told, gripping the cool steel in your hand as you grasp his forearm with the other while he gingerly manipulates you into a sitting position. You cry out at the sudden dagger of pain that slices through your lower gut, and he does his best to steady you against him.
He did this to you, you keep reminding yourself. He did this to you.
He lifts you carefully, slowly, and you groan at the swell of pain when he places you on your feet.
“Easy, easy…” he murmurs, one arm circling your waist to keep you upright. You flinch at the contact.
You make it to the bathroom easily enough, light flooding the small room as Dave flips the switch. A bathroom you’ve cleaned countless times. There was rarely much to clean in here, save for the occasional whisker in the sink, or some light trash in the bin.
Dave was neat and fastidious, and not frequently home. You often wondered why he needed someone to clean his house in the first place.
The space looks no different than usual, but right now it feels… different. You shouldn’t be here.
He guides you to the toilet, and when you get there, you stare down at it, pondering to yourself how this is going to work.
He seems hesitant to leave your side.
“Go ahead,” he tells you softly, “I won’t look.”
You freeze. The last thing you want is to expose your body to him when he already has several advantages on you. But your bladder is screaming at you to go, especially now given your proximity to the porcelain bowl, and you can barely stand on your own, your arms and legs wobbling.
You watch as he turns his back, placing himself between you and the exit. You bend just slightly to tug your bottoms down, but it’s too much, more pain coursing through your body. You yelp, unable to even budge the fabric.
“Hey,” Dave says, turning back to face you, “Let me help you.”
“No, I—I got it,” you protest, your arms shaking, attempting it again, only to end up with the same result. “Fuck—“
“Hey,” Dave says a second time, more sternly than before, as he moves in to your space. “Let me help. I promise I won’t touch you.”
You tremble. You’re cold, you’re frightened, you’re weak. So weak. You’re in your bra, partially exposed to him already. Yet, you concede with a nod anyway. You’ll piss yourself if you don’t.
He mirrors your nod in silent confirmation and moves closer, crowding into your intimate space, his fingers finding the waistband of your leggings and underwear. He slides them down your hips and legs in unison, all the way to your knees. As promised, he doesn’t touch you more than he needs to.
But he has to look. He needs to see where his hands are in relation to your body in order to keep himself from accidentally breaking his promise of touching you in a way you didn’t consent to, and another part of him just can’t help it, either. He is a man, after all, and he wasn’t currently seeing anyone. Romance wasn’t exactly optimal for someone in his position, his attention honed in on his work above all else.
When the nights were long and lonely enough, he would, on occasion, share his bed with a sex worker, but aforementioned nights were few and far between. He enjoyed his job. He got off on it. Romance was often placed on the back burner.
But there’s just something about you. Especially now, with how vulnerable you are, that he finds irresistible.
His gaze only lingers on your bared skin for a moment, big brown puppy dog eyes roving over your soft curves, holding on to you as he lowers you down to the commode. And, god, you’re just as beautiful as he imagined, his skin heating at the sight of your soft folds.
“Call for me when you’re done,” he grates quietly as he takes a step out of the bathroom, blood rushing to certain parts of his body, shutting the door to give you a modicum of privacy, which you’re more than grateful for.
His eyes on you had not gone unnoticed. You weren’t stupid and you weren’t seeing anyone either, currently; his attention, regardless of how brief, had made your skin heat and your core pulse with need. You clear your throat and try to discard the thought.
Dave is why you are here. Dave is dangerous. So dangerous he can’t even take you to a hospital to get proper medical attention. Stop it.
It feels like you pee for ages. You aren’t totally convinced you’re awake for most of it. Eventually, you finish, even managing to wipe yourself, in spite of things, which you’re relieved for. You wouldn’t want him to do it for you; that would be humiliating and degrading.
You call for Dave when you’re done and he returns in an instant, hoisting you to your feet as he pulls your pants and underwear back up and over your hips, trying not to think about your soft cunt. You can see how hard he’s trying not to look at you.
“Good?” he asks. You nod.
Bracing yourself against him, he helps you back to the comfort of the bed. It smells like him, despite how little he’s actually in it. You hiss through your teeth as he manipulates you into position, adjusting the pillows and covers until you’re as comfortable as possible.
You’re cold. Freezing, in fact, despite it being the swell of summer.
“I’m c-cold,” you lament to Dave, crossing your arms over your chest beneath the blanket.
Dave’s lips pinch to the side in thought. “Hold on.”
He returns a moment later with an extra blanket, tossing it over you, tucking the edges neatly around your form, taking extra care to be gentle, noteably around your abdomen.
As you watch him, his face and eyes soft, his hair mussed and unkempt, you ask yourself once again why he’s doing all of this for you.
Guilt? Shame? Something else?
You don’t have much time to ruminate on it for too long before your consciousness peters away once more.
Dave sighs as he watches you slip back into listlessness. You’re doing better than he anticipated, but you aren’t out of the woods yet. He knows how much blood you had lost; he’d spent hours cleaning it. Not to mention McCall, the remains of which he had delivered to an acquaintance who works at the industrial incinerator on the outskirts of town, after tending to you.
He loops your hand back through the cuff on the bedpost and peers down at you. You’re so beautiful; he hopes you make it. He wishes you hadn’t run from him. God, why did you run? He doesn’t want you to meet the same fate as McCall. He doesn’t want to know what your incinerated body smells like.
Every body has a different smell, in his experience.
He gives you another dose of morphine to reduce any pain you may be feeling and to keep you knocked out for a few more hours, checking for fever again, which is currently holding steady. It was good that it wasn’t going up. Any higher and you could potentially be in trouble. He’ll keep checking throughout the night to be on the safe side.
He sighs, knowing he’ll have to stay in town for weeks, which he detested doing. He hated staying in one place for longer than required. But he didn’t have much of a choice at this point.
He turns off the light and shuts the door behind him as he leaves you to rest.
Part II coming soon!
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edytae · 1 year
Chapter 1: Needy Love (smut-mature) ft. Kim Taehyung x Reader
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“I am promised to you, Taehyung.” Your engagement ring shined as you took off your earrings and undone your hair.
“You are…” Taehyung hugged you from behind. His hands wrapped around your waist. “My promised girl…”
pairing: Taehyung x (female) reader   
summary: You and your fiancé Kim Taehyung had to stay in a hotel room because of the pouring rain, giving you the best chance to show your neediness. 
rating: 18+, smut, mature, do not interact if you are underage
genre/warnings: period fic (bad attempt), Taehyung tries to be gentleman and he cares about virginity and stuff, Y/N is needy as hell but she is clueless, some clit action, there is no penetration, attempt to handjob or smth like that, it is not that spicy but they are needy whores.
word count: 13K
Chapter 1:  Needy Love
Chapter 2: Tae-time
A/N1:  It is the week before finals so that means I have to write a smut!! Please don’t mind spelling and grammar errors.
A/N2:  If you like to check my other work: Sweet Welcoming , Norway , i am mad, you’re mine, take a break, concert rush and my masterlist. Take care and stay safe.
 “I leave the keys on- here.” After placing your suitcase on the ground, the housekeeper left the keys on the bedside table and looked at Taehyung for approval. 
Taehyung was standing tall in front of you, “Thank you.” 
“We have running hot water in the bathroom. If you like, I can bring more wood for the fireplace, sir.” The man continued, his white beard and chubby cheeks welcomingly smiling. Taehyung shook his head no. The only thing he wanted was to be alone with you. 
“Of course, sir.” The man bowed to him and walked to the door. “Our dinner service starts at 7 pm and lasts until the first lights of the morning. We would love to see you in our weekly recitals tonight. Our pianist is the best, travelling from Petrograd.” The housekeeper finally left the room after completing his job and announcement. 
As soon as the man left the room, you let out a long puff. Taehyung followed the man and locked the door, putting the safety handle on. “I am actually soaked,” You complained, trying to take your brown coat off that weighed double as it was completely wet. 
Taehyung couldn’t help but find you adorable. “Let me help you, my darling.” He said, hands finding your shoulders. When his large palms touched your skin, you felt electricity strike through your muscles.
Taehyung smiled at your reaction and helped you remove your undercoat as well. The two thick layers of clothing were gone, but now you felt freezing cold. As soon as Taehyung pulled the right arm off, you ran to the burning fireplace.
“I don’t think I've felt this cold since I was in Moscow.” You groaned at the feeling of warmth coming from the burning woods. 
“I am sorry, darling, I didn’t know it would rain this terribly. If not, I would have postponed our train.” Taehyung followed you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You let out another pleased grunt, “No, I loved our little adventure.” You touched his hands clutching your stomach. It was beyond wonderful running in the rain with his large hand holding yours.  “You should remove your coat as well, Taetae.” You turned your face to him and palmed his large shoulders— just because you could. Taehyung didn’t want to wet your blouse any further, so he got rid of his long coat in one single motion and returned to your touch quickly after. 
You hugged his chest, stealing more warmth from him. He engulfed you in his embrace, allowing you to feel his heartbeat. You felt secure in his large arms. He silenced the world with his heartbeat and sweet musky smell.
“It is the classic London weather, right?” You rubbed your face to his chest. “Yes,” He giggled, chest vibrating under your ear. 
“Yet it is very concerning. Ships might not leave ports for a few days.” He caressed your back gently as he spoke. 
Your untimely visit to England had a very joyful purpose despite the gloomy weather. Taehyung’s eldest cousin’s wedding cheerful contrast all problems. 
Taehyung’s mother informed you and Taehyung after Youngsun’s engagement was announced that you two would attend in their name. You were expecting a big family trip, just like you were a kid, but the fact that she was a widow remarrying was enough to hurry the wedding with little guests. After hearing your families’ remark, you took it upon yourself to make sure Youngsun had at least one cheering friend. That’s how you and Taehyung travelled to England at the end of October. Two of you had spent the last two months travelling together as an engaged couple, and it had been wonderful. 
“We could stay here for a bit, don’t you think, fiancée?” He said while swaying your body to the sides. “We couldn’t spend a lot of time together lately and I would love to take my fiancée to the best restaurants in central London.” 
“I would love to visit Hyde Park too. I wonder how it has changed since last I came here.” You pouted, there was no way you could with this rain.
“Sure, my love.” Taehyung kissed your slightly cold cheeks. “But first we have to go to a shop. I know a very good hat maker here.” He caressed your chin as you looked at him in excitement. 
“We have a deal then.” You tried to shake his hand as he playfully dodged it. “Shake your hand on it, Tae!” You whined.
“Promise to shop and have dinner. Not to visit Hyde Park.” He loved annoying you, oh, so dearly. “We can come here before the next Regatta, okay? Then you can run in the muddy grass all you want.” He kissed your eyelids while you let him hold your face.
“We won’t have time next spring.” You mumbled excitedly. Taehyung playfully gasped, “Oh, right. We will be busy with wedding preparations.” He kissed your grinning face. “Then, we can come here on our honeymoon. What do you say?” His tone was going deeper and deeper. You couldn’t help your lady bits get excited about the word honeymoon. 
“But we won’t have the energy to leave our room.” Taehyung kissed your earlobe. A shiver ran down your spine. His lips kissed the side of your neck as your breathing sped up. 
Taehyung’s nose hit the ends of your hair. They were damp with rain. “Do you want to have a bath, fiancée?” He whispered into your ear in his low voice. His intentions were not entirely dirty. He simply wanted you to relax since it was his fault that the two of you were caught in the rain. You shivered when his lips touched your cold ears. A scorching hot bath would be awesome right now. 
“Are you going to keep me company?” You kissed his chin while smiling largely. Taehyung bit down his lip, of course, you had to make his sexual request very sexual.
“You know, I have been a good girl for you,” You shamelessly confessed. In the last weeks, Taehyung was busy taming you and himself.  
He giggled, how could you be this adorable and sexy at the same time? 
“Please Taehyungie, I am craving you…” Your core was lightened the first time Taehyung touched you, but now that he mentioned a bath, you were on fire.
Taehyung kissed your forehead and slightly squeezed your body in his arms. 
This was his biggest struggle too. Maybe, it was a price to pay as he found his soulmate. Even though both of you are engaged now, Taehyung still didn’t have you truly despite your very tempting efforts. 
He craved you— more than you craved him— but he was too afraid of scaring you, hurting you, getting you pregnant… He knew what your parents expected from him. They knew Taehyung’s sloppy past with a couple of women. If Taehyung were to act like before, it would be the last time he sees you.
But that didn’t mean he make you stay hopeless. He indulged your fantasies from time to time and allowed you to release your sexual frustration. Also, it was great training for Taehyung as he lasted two minutes at most.
“You know-” You stopped his repetitive excuses with a scoff and changed the subject. It was starting to feel humiliating as you craved him insanely.
“I don’t think I have the energy left for a bath, but I should definitely change my clothes- ugh and my shoes too.” You grimaced and released his body.
Taehyung fell over you slightly, “You should, baby, let me help you get your shoes off.” He said, getting on one knee. 
Your breath hitched when Taehyung lowered himself and caressed your legs over your long skirt. Then, he carefully bent one of your knees and placed your feet on his knee and opened the laces. He worked as if you were a precious piece of diamond. 
"Thank you, Taetae." You shyly said as he got rid of your soaked shoes and placed them in front of the fireplace. Then, he sat on the armchair, watching you open your suitcase. 
You pulled out a new outfit for yourself, this time a one-piece navy dress with sleek shoulders. After pulling many white pieces of cotton, which were your undergarments, you drew the curtains of the room.
 Taehyung didn’t understand what you were going to do until you unbuttoned your blouse. You were undressing in front of him as if it was a casual thing. Taehyung had seen you half-naked before, he was blessed to catch glimpses of your skin. However, he had never seen you undress. You always had plenty of maids around you and he wasn’t really allowed into your room in your aunt’s house. 
But here you were, taking off your white blouse in front of him while standing in front of a mirror. As your white lace blouse was carefully placed over one of the empty hangers, your arms and necks were bare. Taehyung’s dick wished to be bare as your arms. 
While Taehyung placed his arms over his crotch to disguise his growing crotch, you were busy taking off your gored skirt. Its hemline was ruined by dirt. 
Under your skirt, you had a petticoat. You remembered your aunt’s maid pulling on it harshly as she said your waist will appear very thin, mademoiselle. But now you were struggling to pull the strings free. Only if you didn’t cut your nails recently, you would be able to do it. As your arms become sore from stretching back, you took a step closer and turned your back to the mirror to have a better view. 
Taehyung stared at your small and defined figure for so long that he didn’t think about helping you. He drooled over your body until you asked him for help. “For the love of God, let me out of this petticoat.” You groaned, a layer of sweat already on your skin. Taehyung got up by holding onto his knees. It would be so embarrassing if you noticed his erection. He felt guilty about popping an erection while you were being so domestic and natural around him.
Taehyung's hands found the two elastic strings. “It is too tight, darling.” He shared his observations quietly, but you shivered at the words. Would he say that while you two… have sex? Would you be tight for him? Taehyung swallowed thickly, realising what he said. 
Up close your skin was even smoother. It took everything in Taehyung not to ogle. “I can’t believe women are forced to wear such restricted garments,” he said, desperately wanting to touch your skin, but he took steps back, hoping his erection would go down quickly.
You nodded, “Could you help me with my corset too?” You asked while taking off your petticoat. Taehyung had already started diverting his eyes while his hands stuffed into his pockets. 
“Oh- It’s okay, I’ll call the-um…” You felt your neck burn with embarrassment as he avoided touching you, and you were thinking it would be okay to change clothes in front of him. The hotel’s owner's wife had offered a helper lady, but you denied it without giving it a thought. Now, you wouldn’t be able to ask for room service as you were already undressed.
“Could you ask one-” Your voice sounded weak. A sudden dry throat didn’t allow you to speak. You clutched at your chest, trying to cover yourself as Taehyung turned his head to the side. Why didn’t he look at you? Were you not pretty or flattered in your undergarments?
Taehyung could easily pick up the sad tone in your voice. “I can help you further if- if you don’t mind, my darling.” 
Even though the words came from his heart, from his sole desire to take care of you, they didn’t sound sincere to you. You worried that he thought you were using him.
“The housekeepers must be very busy. This place is overbooked…” Taehyung took a step closer to you, his eyes laid on the silky corset cover and the corset itself, tightly secured on your body.
“Taehyung-” You took a deep breath and folded your arms under your breasts. Then, Taehyung looked you in the eyes.
“You don’t have to do anything just because I want to. I don’t want to force things on you. That- that would make me a very bad person.” You grew angry when he averted his eyes again.
“Darling, that is not my intention.” He took another step closer to you, but this time you turned your back to him as his words rang in your ears. Your hands returned to your back to find the knot in the middle. There were four strings knotted cross two times. As you didn’t see which side to start, you mindlessly pulled on one of the ends. Thankfully, the corset became a bit looser to give you enough space to move in. You drew your hands to the front to hook off the corset from the front side. You tried to pull your stomach and chest in to give yourself ease but still, the knots in the back were too tight. 
You scoffed, your own corsets—the ones you used as a nurse never had these problems. You could take them off in a breeze as they were knotted on the front and less complicated. However, your mother had discarded them saying you were no longer part of the working class. You were an aristocratic daughter trapped in her stupid corset.
Taehyung didn’t want you to struggle and he replaced your hands with his. “I am sorry, my love. Please allow me.” His breath hit your neck and as an unashamed girl, you felt aroused in seconds. 
As he loosened the strings in the middle, you let out a deep breath. Finally, the tightness on your chest was gone as you took off your strict undergarment.
“We can eat dinner in our room if you like.” Taehyung patted your sides. It worried him how you seemed yellow all of a sudden. Was it because of your tight corset? 
You shook your head no, “I don’t min-d.” Taehyung furrowed his brows at how shaky your voice was. Your nose was red as well as your whole bare neck.
“Darling?” He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to his chest. You whimpered; Taehyung buried his nose into your bare neck. “I always want to touch you; you must know that. Please don’t feel ashamed. I always want to feel your flesh on mine all the time. But you must also know how you affect me…” He said, eliciting a scoff from you. Your effect on him? Does he mean his pure aversion?
“Do you know how frustrating it is to keep getting denied?” You asked with a pout. Taehyung opened his eyes while his face was still buried in your neck. He could see the swell of your breasts very easily, so he immediately shut his eyes back. 
“Do you know how frustrating it is to walk around like… this?” Taehyung pressed your lower back to his crotch. You immediately felt his erection, positioned against his abdomen. You squeaked.
“You make me insane, Y/N.” He caressed your back. “And you have the audacity to sulk at your future husband. Must I stay on my knees every single moment to prove my love to you?” Taehyung bit down your neck, and you shivered. 
“It is not my fault that I desire you uncontrollably, Taehyung.” You continued pouting. Taehyung ran his thumb on your bottom lip and groaned at your confession. 
“Oh my sweet, baby,” he murmured while looking at your red cheeks. He couldn’t understand a young woman’s endless needy burn. “Don’t baby me,” You pushed his hand with a pout. Why didn't he see you as a desirable woman? 
Taehyung looked at you in shock when you pushed him, “My darling, your desires are reciprocated. I feel the same desire, if not more…” He pulled you in again, laying your forehead on his lips. He pressed a few innocent kisses, “It would be such a crime if I didn’t yearn you, my gorgeous love. But you must understand why I refrain-” His low and steady voice didn’t ease you.
“But you enjoyed your time with other ladies without refraining yourself. Am I not simply enough for you or not as important as them?” Oh, there was the deep jealousy you harboured for every woman he ever laid his eyes on. “Maybe I should have spent my endless night in the arms of many men, and then you could maybe understand how I feel.”
Taehyung hissed with a bad taste in his mouth, “No woman in this world is comparable to you. Your worth in my heart is never a subject to question. There is only you now and forever.” 
You shrugged, no matter how much he said he was loyal to you, you couldn’t extinguish your flaming jealousy. “I-” You held yourself from arguing any further. One said that wife’s endless bickering caused the man’s life. 
“I simply crave you endlessly, and I-I wish we could be more- physical like you were with other women in your life.” Taehyung’s arms sank. 
“But I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want, Taehyung. I understand.” You pressed a simple innocent kiss to his hand on your face and kindly returned to your clothes on the chair.
Taehyung gulped, his erection further throbbed. “It is not that I don’t want you, my love. I am afraid that I will hurt you, or that I will cause a big fiasco and damage your honour.” He explained calmly. “I want your soul and I want your body. I want you more than anything.” 
“I am promised to you, Taehyung.” Your engagement ring shined as you took off your earrings and undone your hair.
“You are…” Taehyung hugged you from behind. His hands wrapped around your waist. “My promised girl…” He kissed your hair. He looked at you through the mirror ahead of you two. 
“Gosh, how sexy you are…” Taehyung’s hand shook as he carefully caressed your stomach and he kept kissing your neck.
You smiled at him sweetly and continued to brush your hair in the small space he gave you. 
“Your smell is truly exciting, baby. It is such a sweet drug, it heals me.” His hand held the hair brushed sweetly and smelt it. “My love,” His eyes were closed, otherwise you could see them roll back. 
“You should change into your clothes too, Taehyung.” You knew giving him a cold shoulder wasn’t the most mature thing you could do. But it hurt you endlessly to see him so unaffected. 
Taehyung understood your thoughts from your voice and pressed a final kiss to your neck, “I love you, Y/N.” His voice was not loud but very clear.
You smiled at him back, and rubbed his hand on your stomach, “I love you too, Taehyungie.” Despite your momentary annoyance, your love for him was undeniable. 
Taehyung let out a long, relaxed breath. He might have cried if you didn’t say I love you back. He reluctantly released your body from his arm, you shivered at the cold air after his body left.
Taehyung returned to the suitcase, his clothes were mixed with yours. He tried to pull some decent clothing. He picked up his dark brown velvet suit and returned to the mirror. 
He was going to undress in front of him as you did. However, you avoided Taehyung’s eyes. You walked to the single chair in front of the fireplace, Taehyung only saw your side profile.
Your reasoning was quite simple. You didn’t want to provoke yourself any further. Taehyung knew that, but he wanted more, just like you.  “You can’t look at me too, darling?” Despite his understanding, Taehyung was slightly offended. 
“I just feel very cold, my love.” Your extra sweet voice tried to cover your bitter mind as the fireplace warmed your rigid muscles.
Taehyung wasn’t a quitter, he walked around the chair and stood in front of you. You dropped your head back to look at his large figure. His large hands caressed your face, dragging your bottom lip down. 
“Don’t sulk at me.” His voice was stern but hinted a glimpse of playfulness. You dropped your tongue out and pressed against his thumb to provoke him.
“You little coquette,” He inserted his pointer finger into your mouth instead. He watched you as you glided his long digit slowly between your wet lips.
“Is this what you wanted, baby?” He asked sternly again as he pushed his finger against your rhythm. Your mouth pushed him immediately as a reflex. 
“Is this why you are being so naughty?” He leaned in and whispered into your ear. 
“It is not my fault if my fiancé can’t meet my needs.” You challenged while drooling into his hand. Taehyung’s eyes fluttered, the lengths you would go to make him lose his mind was impossible. 
“Do you think I can’t meet your needs? Huh? Let’s see,” He mumbled, sliding your sleeves off your shoulders. Your soft breasts were welcomed by the warm air coming from the fireplace. 
Taehyung hissed at the sight of them, sitting there pretty, juicy… You watched his expression very closely. The side of his mouth pulled to the sides, normally he would bite down his lips to conceal his hungry expression, but he didn’t do that now. He let his hunger read by your eyes.
“You think I can’t meet your needs?” He asked as lowered his hands to his sides, his low voice never sounded this drenched with sexual frustration. 
You pushed your chest out instinctively to make him touch them. “Maybe…” you mumbled a lie. 
“Get up, my love.” He ordered, voice far from cold. You followed excitedly. Taehyung’s eyes gazed at your knobby nipples. He wanted to wrap his mouth around them now… 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked when you were raised up to your feet. His gentleman side made you smirk, for a second you had thought he was gonna be rough with you. 
“Yes.” You answered with a pout, only his unbuttoned shirt at your eye level.
“Look me in the eyes.” You heard Taehyung gulp. When your eyes met his, you saw not an angry or frustrated man- you saw a man in love. 
“Taehyung…” You sighed his name under his caring caramel eyes, leaning towards his body. You sighed again when your bare chest touched his almost naked one. 
His hand held your chin delicately, “My love…” He sighed back while his eyes danced around your face. He looked at you as if he was seeing his own God. 
“My love.” You nuzzled into his hand. It was when Taehyung aimed for your lips. 
This was not your first kiss. However, every single one of them made you lose your mind, your breath. His lean lips were mostly messy when he kissed you. Despite every bit of control Taehyung had, he became a desperate lover in disguise. But this time Taehyung’s kiss was calculated. He overwhelmed you with his tongue and pulled back right after.
Every time he pulled back, he pulled your body onto him. Your legs didn’t even try to support you as they cutely trembled every second you spent lips locked with your husband-to-be. His title made you grow hungrier. 
“Ahh,” You whined, clasping your hands more securely to his shoulders. Taehyung felt how you were trying to climb onto him. He bit your lip down, “Tae-” You gasped, immediately pulling back. However, Taehyung chased you immediately, sucking your lip, and invading your mouth with his large, thick tongue once again.
As you were comprehending his warm tongue in your mouth, his large hands wrapped around your thighs. And with a simple tug, Taehyung picked you up.
A scream let your mouth, he never had done that before. “Be quiet, baby.” He warned you as your stomach clenched at the anticipation. You hugged him tighter, “How could you- do- what?” You looked around in his arms, legs locked around his waist. Everything seemed different… a lot smaller.
Taehyung scoffed, “Pick you up? You weigh like a leaf, baby.” Taehyung’s hands held you on your asscheeks. He pulled you even higher, and for the first time he was reaching up to kiss you.
“Tae-h-yung..” You moaned the second and melted on his lips. As you sloppily kissed his lips, Taehyung carried you to the bed a few steps ahead. His thighs hit the bedside. He smirked with anticipation, “I am gonna show you how well I can meet your needs.” 
You looked him in the eyes just before he dropped you to bed. You immediately hold yourself on your elbows to watch him. Taehyung pulled off his button-up, making the little buttons rip apart. 
You gasped and watched him like his good girl. “Up, baby.” Taehyung got on the bed and pulled you over the pillows. “Let me kiss you everywhere, huh?” He said before diving into your neck. With his whole body weight on you, it felt like you could burst at any moment. 
Your lips said gibberish, “Taehyung, baby, baby…” He hummed every time you called his name.  He sucked along the vein on your neck, feeling your frantic heartbeat when he pressed your tongue on it.
“I own your pleasure just like I own you.” He whispered into your skin. You pulled his hair back, “Yes, yes, you own me, Ta-eh-yung.”
He smirked knowingly, “Say it again, my little slut.”
“You have me, Taehyung.” You gasped out, desperately trying to kiss his lips. “Hmm,” Taehyung’s attention was on somewhere else.
Your nipples were the next. He kissed around one of your nipples, chin grazing over it. Your soft nipples slowly got erected as Taehyung warmly breathed over your wet skin.
“S-so gg-od-d,” You writhed against the mattress and layers of bedding. Without a doubt, he licked a small stripe on your nipple.
A series of moans left your mouth after one single lick, and you pulled on his brown hair. “Do you like that, baby?” He asked you and gave you another small timid lick. This time, you let out a guttural moan. “You are so naughty. You do everything to get me angry and rail you like a whore. Is that what you want, huh? You want to be my whore?” Taehyung spitted the words with his deep low voice that melted your insides. His hips rutted against you. You nodded vigorously as he laughed.
“My baby, my lovely fiancée and my little whore…” He licked around your nipple slowly, eyes fixed on the brownish-pink knobby nipple. “My virgin whore… hmm?”
You squeaked, “Yes, yes, your whore, I am yours!” Taehyung faked a gasp at your words. “You have such a bad mouth-” Taehyung tried to discipline you, but you knew it better.
“Maybe you should stuff it with your dick, Taehyung?” Your smart mouth did you good when Taehyung buried his face into your chest again with a groan. He kissed and bit every bit of skin he could reach. “Dirty girl… What happened to my sweet innocent babygirl?”  Your warm smooth skin was enough to have Taehyung have uncountable fantasies. His cum on your skin sounded more than he could ever fantasize.  
“Taehyung, don’t mark- Oh my God….” You tried to resist his sinning mouth. 
“I will mark you the way I want. You are mine after all…” Taehyung brushed his nose along your jaw. 
“But my maids!” You insisted but turned your head to the side so his mouth could take advantage. 
“Then you shall not have maids, my love. After all, I am the only one who is responsible for you. I will dress you every morning.” He groaned into your ear, one of his legs was between your thighs and your hips were trying to hump him.
“Oh, are you needy, my love?” He asked as he pinned your hips to the bed. You moaned in frustration. “Are you rubbing your sweet juices onto me?” Taehyung always made you ride his thigh and dirty his clothes. Then, he touched himself with wet patches on his pants, imagining your sweet weight on him.
“See it for yourself…” You cried as his mouth kept sucking little roses to your breasts.
“Mhmm, my sweet love… Can I taste it for myself?” He rubbed his nose where he just sucked a pink bruise. 
You mewled an answer. Taehyung cooed, “Isn’t this what you wanted all month, Y/N? You teased me so brutally.” 
Taehyung watched you hiccup as his warm breath blew onto your knobby nipple. “Such a sexy woman I have. Absolutely ravishing.” He took your nipple in his mouth and groaned while sucking it in his warm mouth.
Your back arched into his mouth, your hands were pushing him on the shoulders when the sensation got too hot and pulling him back when you craved it. You thought the pleasure was unbearable. “Taetae,” You mewled. One of your hands brushed your hair out of your face. 
“Mhmm, fiancée…My whore…” Taehyung let you pull him off your chest. You heaved when he hovered over you. “What do you want, baby?” He asked. 
Your eyes blinked open, “I want you. I want you so much, Taehyung.” 
“Where do you want me, babygirl?” He raspily asked.
“Between my legs…” Your cheeks burnt like oak wood on a winter night. Taehyung laughed through his nose, “Tell me where, baby.” He kissed your earlobe. You couldn’t bring yourself to say where it is, and Taehyung knew that.
“Is it somewhere sinful, baby?” Taehyung loved playing into your innocence, the more he played into it, the needier you became. You nodded, suddenly the confident sexy persona of yours had melted into a puddle at Taehyung’s feet.
“Mhmm, I could have guessed since you…” He took a big breath in your neck, “you are still rubbing yourself to be like a little slut….” He kissed the top of your shoulders. 
“What are you, baby?” He asked, eyes expecting an answer. 
You choked out your answer, “I am yo- girlf-riend…” Taehyung immediately tsked, his lips brushed yours, hands caressed your shoulders as you whined. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are my slut, my fucking wife-to-be…” 
You gasped as his hand wrapped around your neck, “My pliant little fiancée, you are so good for me… sitting with my family prettily, being a good girl,  knitting for me too. Mhmm? You are going to be the best wife, right?” His veiny strong hand only looked like he was squeezing, however, he was gently holding your neck, feeling your throat gulp. 
“I am going to have a beautiful wife…” He looked at your teary eyes as you nodded vigorously. Taehyung groaned, you were his… He could have you the way he wanted. 
“Can you take my trousers off, princess?” He babied you with his head tilted to the side. You nodded eagerly, “Free me.” You patted his hand on your neck. Taehyung released you in a second and his hand went to your bare boobs. His large, long hand engulfed one of them easily and slightly squeezed it. Despite the heat pooling in your underwear, you followed his request. 
You had undressed him before, but excitement struck you nevertheless. Taehyung smirked at your excitement, “Can you do it, my love?” He rose to his knees, his free hand brushing your shaky ones.
“I have undressed many men, Taehyung.” You wanted to sound clever and refer to your job at the military hospital, but Taehyung looked displeased. 
“You are only to undress your husband from now on.” He looked at your eager hands at the top of his crotch.
Despite your said experience, you were shaking like a leaf with excitement. “But I have never undressed such a handsome man like you, fiancé.” Calling him by his title still made your insides tickle. 
Taehyung responded by only patting your hair, thankfully your precise hands sided with you and took care of the one button in a blink. Before you could take it off completely, Taehyung’s hand wrapped around your hair and pulled it back.
“Where is your manners, baby?” His low demanding voice made your pussy cream itself. You cried another whine out, “Please?” You asked with a timid voice.
Taehyung’s eyes closed when he brought his fingers to caress your lips. Your lips immediately fell open to greet his long slender digits. Taehyung bit inside of his cheeks, your mouth was so tempting, warm, wet. Your pretty tongue came out and licked his thumb. 
Taehyung hissed at the contact and memorized its texture immediately.  “More?” You asked right after you wrapped your lips around his thumb. This was your time to tease him more, make him unforgettably hard that he will suffer from that boner for years.
“Baby,” He needed to get on track otherwise you were going to make him orgasm. “Be a good girl and lay back…” Taehyung took his thumb out and held your chin. His low voice excited you, a playful hitch left your throat.
You laid back with him following you. His upper body pressed yours, his insanely warm skin pressing your cold one was enough to get your eyes rolling. “Mhmm, isn’t this nice, baby?” He asked you, eyes locked on your lips. Your hands wrapped around his neck and brought his lips onto yours. 
He smiled when he hovered his lips over you, he could feel your heartbeat against his chest. “You want to kiss me again, darling?” He brushed your nose with yours.
You pulled his hair slightly, “Taehyung.” You tried to sound demanding but his insanely hot body on top of yours made it impossible. He didn’t wait too long and connected your lips together.
Oh, his sweet, velvety lips… He was the definition of smoothness, charm and oh, loveliness. Your heart poured out when he slowly started to kiss you. Despite his slightly hard and mocking tone earlier, he melted inside your mouth like hot chocolate.
“Such a good kisser.” Taehyung was loving the way you kissed him back, giving your everything back to him eagerly. You shivered at his compliment.
“Learned from the best.” Your breath hit Tae’s now wet lips. Taehyung chuckled and then buried his face into the crook of your neck. He took a big whiff, followed by a sensual groan as if he had his favourite meal for dinner.
“Taehyung…” you bucked your hips up to him. “I want to be good for you.” Taehyung’s eyes rolled back in his head, his lip tingled from your needy statement. 
“You do, kitten?” His voice was unclear, pressing wet suck onto your shoulder.
You were an absolute mess, no matter how much he kissed you before. “My love,” Taehyung sighed as he lost track. His hips subtly bucked up to yours, lowly mewling as your half-bare skin touched his trousers. 
“Please take off your trousers completely, baby” You begged him as his clothed member rubbed you. Oh, how big he was, only the swift touch was enough to remember how gifted Taehyung was. He was large enough to make you lose your breath and mind.
Taehyung let your hands find their way to his trousers, “Baby…” He growled when your finger brushed around his head. You circled the large meaty tip while whining.
Taehyung leaked as you touched him and ruined his underwear. You bit your lip at the sight of his aroused face. He rarely gave you this much time to touch him. You tried your luck by going down his shaft. 
Taehyung followed your fingers with a low growl, which made you retract your fingers. His animal-like whine was definitely out of the need for you. It did stroke your ego. “Hands off, love.”
After your hands pulled back, Taehyung brought his hands onto your clothed waist. Your chemise was pooling around your waist and covering your private areas from his eyes. That didn’t mean Taehyung didn’t feel the heat radiating from it. Your pretty cunt was burning against his thigh. Most probably it was messy with your juices. Taehyung’s hips bucked up to you at the thought, he licked his lips. 
“Baby,” he ran his hand from your waist along your sides. You held your breath in as he caressed the cotton fabric of your undergarment. 
He smoothly ran down, and both of you hitched when your bare skin touched his. Taehyung felt your smooth skin as you shivered at his numbing fingertips. Taehyung drew circles on your thighs and momentarily rubbed your knees to warm them up.
His touch was the opposite of soothing. Your heartbeat was beyond any normality, breathing hard as a stallion after a Sunday race.
“Let’s play a game, Y/N.” He cockily said. “Everywhere I touch with my fingers, I have to kiss too…” 
You only heard his hands gliding up to your thighs to your hips after that. Your thighs pressed together instinctively, but he already had his hands between them. You let out a long, high moan. His hands were inches away from your heat. If you could buck up, his fingers would touch your heat.
So you did. “Tae!” It almost sounded like a cry. “Yes, baby” he answered sweetly as he ran his finger inside your thigh, collecting a taste while he perfectly managed to block your attempts. He mockingly laughed.
“I can already smell your taste, baby.” Taehyung licked his lips. You clenched your thighs even harder, locking his hand between them harder. 
Taehyung laughed lowly, signs of adoration were apparent. “Baby, spread your legs.”
His low voice made your thighs lock even harder, you bit your lip, ready to face the consequences. “I can’t…” You whined. Every muscle on your body was convulsing excitedly. 
Taehyung rubbed your hip with his free hand, “Why is that, baby? Don’t you want me to touch your…” He brought his lips right to your ear, “touch your little pussy? Make her so wet for me, cream for me, huh?” 
He didn’t need to do anything, you already started pushing out more warm juice. Taehyung was pleased with your reaction. “Even my words are enough to get you soaking, baby. Do you still think I can’t please you?” He rubbed the smallest circle against your pelvic bone. He could imagine your creamy juices rubbing up there, lips enclosing that beautiful pearl. 
“Spread…” Taehyung was ready to let his horny side take over him, that was what you wanted. “It is me, baby. Don’t be shy.” He pecked your lips. “I will pleasure you, my love, just like the way you were begging me…” 
You squeezed his hand even harder, you were being ridiculous. He was right, you were begging him to touch you all the time, and now don’t let him feel you.  “But Taehyung was a patient man…” you thought. And very handsome… Your real-life prince, your one true love, your soulmate… 
“Can you kiss me, my love?” You asked him in a small voice coated with arousal.
Taehyung groaned at the pet name, he would do everything as long as you called him my love. He connected your lips in a second, taking his sweet time despite the hard erection he had. 
This time Taehyung kissed you like he was hugging your lips with his. He was rubbing your waist with his free hand, his chest grazing over yours sweetly. To his surprise, your thighs were still quivering; but they were slightly open now, giving his hand space to move.
“Do you trust me, baby?” Taehyung backed off as you chased his lips. Your swollen lips were attached to his chin. “Yes, yes, I do, my love.” You answered with a breath. Your confidence and trust in him aroused Taehyung even more. You were so ready to give yourself to him. 
“Do you want me to guide you, darling?” His question confused you. Yes, he was supposed to guide you. What sort of a question was that?
Taehyung saw your confusion, “Do you want me to tell you what I am going to do or would you like to be surprised?” He explained further without messing up your mood. 
You nodded, “I want to be surprised… but, but-” Taehyung watched you speak eyes closed. “But I want you to talk to me.” 
If your eyes were open, you could see how much you made Taehyung gulp. “Do you want me to talk dirty to you?” Taehyung placed his forehead next to your ear. He could easily whisper into your ear like this. 
“Do you want me to say how much  I want to play with this pussy?” You anticipated the touch. Your hips were trying to chase his fingers but Taehyung’s firm body made you slightly immobile. 
“Yes, yes. Please, please..” You cried out in pleasure. Your hands were securely planted on his shoulders, trying to move his body on yours.
“Oh, I will tell you then. I will tell you how many times I imagined these lips would feel…” Taehyung touched your outer lips with a hiss. Just like he imagined they were drenched. Your reaction was similar, your body jolted up at the contact. 
“Ha-ah, did y-yo-u reall-yy?” You asked. His growl was enough of an answer. “You have no idea...” He shushed you with a wet kiss and continued his dirty ministrations. There were more than a few moments where he fucked his fist while imagining painting your sweet cunt with his seed.
Your back arched deeply at the next swipe, this time his thumb nestled between your soaking, warm lips. “Tae…hyung.” You breathed out to his face. His firm body was the only thing that was keeping you bound to the bed. 
Taehyung muttered some curses under his breath, “Taehyung…” You held the root of his hair as he started to move his fingers. His thumb found your clit very easily, “That’s the pretty pearl, huh?” 
You gasped, how could something so little could be this shaking? You quivered in sweet sensation. “It is magical, right?” He asked as he pressed the pad of his thumb. 
“Yeah… It feels.. mhm. Taehyung!” Taehyung watched your pleasure crumble. “You became such a needy girl. You want me to touch this little clit until it breaks, huh?” He kissed your pout as your teary eyes opened and found him. 
He was the definition of your pleasure. You couldn’t be mad if he broke your things. “Let me feel you, baby…” He murmured, Taehyung had more in mind than just rubbing your pleasure spot. 
“Let me feel these butterflies…” He closed his eyes and tried to imagine them as his pointer finger stroked your inner lips lightly. Your reaction was another high-pitched cry and endless tugs. Letting him have all the power was comforting at all times; but when he teased, Taehyung was infuriating. You almost wished he let you ride his thigh. 
“Ohh, they are so wet too, baby.” Taehyung followed them until very down, feeling your gaping core seriously drenched with your juices. “You are doing so good, baby. My good fiancée…” Your head was slightly turned to the side, lips bit down as pleasure coated your face with just a simple stroke from his finger. Taehyung kissed your cheek cutely as if he didn’t have his hand inside your underwear. “I can feel your little hole, baby.” Taehyung circled his pointer finger around the twitching hole, you mewled. 
“Taehyung, I will explode…” Your voice asked for mercy. If you could whine and mewl enough, maybe he would grant your wish and stuff himself into you. You would absolutely explode then. 
Taehyung felt your hole clenching harder as your thoughts went wilder. He immediately brought his thumb onto your clit again. He precisely pressed onto the spot while caressing your inner lips. “You are clenching so hard baby, relax pussy for me…” 
You scoffed, “I can’t help it…” He knew that.
“How do you plan to fit my cock in here, baby? You are so small. Feel, you can’t even take my one finger in…” Taehyung groaned, he knew that you could take his one finger at you if he slightly pushed. He was actually afraid if he could get it out by the way you are clenching.
“But that’s normal… My- mhmm, baby.” Taehyung felt a gush of your juice dripping out. Maybe he should have stopped circling your clit. 
You held Taehyung’s bicep, you could feel the muscles flexing as he rubbed your numb clit while caressing your inner lips. His fingers were intimidated by your clenching core, so he only slightly tried to push his one finger in. You dug your fingers into the meaty bicep when you felt him slowing down. Your guttural groan stopped him fully. 
“Taehyung!” You screamed. “Please, don’t stop, baby, please... Please, I am so crazy for you.” 
Your loose mouth made Taehyung go back to action with more vigour. That was it, he was going to make you cum now. 
“You are? You are so horny for me, huh?” He repeated your words as his hips started moving against your hips without him realising it. 
“Yes, love. So much. You are doing so g-good.” You wished you could do better in dirty talk. 
“Y/N…” He hid his face in your neck, your intoxicating smell could make him orgasm on its own. 
“Cum for me.” He ordered. “Cum all over your lover’s hand baby. I can’t wait to be drenched by you, ohh, be covered in your juices.” You nodded mindlessly while your hips worked back to his hand. 
“You would rather it was my big cock, right. You want it buried in your sweet cunt. You want me to co-rrupt you and g-ive you m-my babies.” Both of you moaned in unison. Your high came to you in bliss. Your thighs locked over Taehyung’s hand.
“Y/N…” He moaned seconds before your orgasm, but you couldn’t hear him from the intensity of your orgasm. You were sure that your breathing stopped at one point. 
Taehyung pressed your waist slowly to stop your back from arching, your one leg around his waist kicked straight as you hummed a sweet moan. “Good girl…” He praised you as you tried to calm down your shaking. “You are so pretty…” Your gaped mouth, closed eyes, bruised lips… They were too pretty. 
“Taetae…” You squeezed your thighs back. Taehyung kept caressing your skin. His mind was hazy from the smell of your orgasm. “You’ve done a good job, baby…” He praised you. 
Your light giggle filled his ears. “You did, too.” Taehyung left your little clit alone and dipped your fingers down in your lips. Just like he expected, you were absolutely wet. He moved his finger to hear the squelching sound. 
You groaned in embarrassment. Taehyung flicked his fingers even harder to make a louder sound. “This is how much this cunt loves me, mhmm? Just for me…”
You moaned, you could orgasm from this. Taehyung watched your face. You were concentrating on your orgasm again. He felt a sudden pride. “I can make you cum with just two of my finger tips.” 
You groaned, Taehyung joined you with a laugh “But I haven’t finished yet.” Your eyes opened largely at his words. He finally made eye contact with your glowing eyes.
“I said I will kiss everywhere I touch, right?” He licked his lips in anticipation. Your hands pushed him. Taehyung knew you didn’t actually want to push him off. 
“I want that too, yes…” You immediately proved him right. Your little horny body was too stimulated to take in Taehyung’s naughty words. “But… but I am so sensitive.” You didn’t mean to shiver. “What if I squeeze your head too?” You said it in a mockingly shy voice.
“My love, that would be my happiest place to be trapped in.” Taehyung’s eyes fluttered. His face got taken over by a faint smile. You touched the side of his mouth, his full cheeks. His smile largened quickly before pressing kisses to your fingertips. “If that’s your concern, I can help you do this.” He said after coming to his senses. You looked at him with a smile, excitingly waiting for his next move. 
“I won’t trap you, okay? Tell me if you don’t like it.” His extra warning made you extra excited. 
You kept peering up at him with a smile on your face. He studied your face, no sign of doubt was there.  “Let me, babygirl.” He whispered when his large hand grabbed both of your thighs strongly and pressed them apart. A high pitch squeak left your mouth.  Your knees were pushed to the sides with his iron grip. You tried to close your legs again but there was no chance. Your hips weakly bucked followed by a whine from your sweet mouth. You didn’t think he could command your position this easily. If your long chemise could allow, you would be fully spreaded and bare for him to see.
Meanwhile, Taehyung kept looking for signs of your discomfort, but you granted him a chuckle. “What is so funny, Miss?” He expected you to moan from you- not that he didn’t find your laughter amusing.
“I must be dreaming…” Your hands came on his large ones resting on your thighs. 
Taehyung bit his lip, “I am definitely not…” He murmured as he laid on you, this time spreading your legs ever so slightly with his knees. Your chemise rid up to your thighs, his clothed hard crotch pressed against your thigh.
“This is not even close to what my finite mind could make up. You are beyond my dreams, my love.” Taehyung had already missed kissing you in such a short amount of time. So, he indulged. He sweetly kissed your cheeks as your hands found their way to his nape. You felt him twitch. You wonder if he was aware of it. “Did you dream about this?” Your voice was still joyful. 
Taehyung scoffed, “You cannot even imagine what I want to do to you, Y/N.” Despite your happy mode, your body went back to having small shivers and twitches. “You have no idea how much I want to play with this little pussy.” Taehyung’s voice got lower and throaty as he finished speaking. His manhood twitched as he deeply inhaled.
“Wh-wha-at?” You asked in a small voice. If Taehyung wasn’t a breath away, he would have missed it. 
“Let me show you, love.” Actions speak louder than words. So he got on his mission.
You welcomed his warm lips on yours sweetly. You kissed him timidly, too excited about the proximity of his member. To not wait any longer, Taehyung skipped past your neck. Your hands encouragingly held him. You searched for the courage to ask him for a touch…
“Mhmm, Taehyung…” Maybe for the first time tonight, you moaned this sensually. Your head was clogged with his hard member. For a second you were sure he would let you touch it. Your moan forced Taehyung to stop his mouth and look up at you. Your eyes were already locked on him. 
You brushed his hair out of his face, looking at him with admiration tinted with pleasure. Taehyung kept eye contact with you as his brushed his nose against your nipple. A giggly whine left your mouth. Your nipple became harder with the smallest touch. Taehyung bit his bottom lip to make sure he didn’t pierce through the prettiest breasts. He gave you enough time to prepare for his next move. You watched him wet his lips and open his mouth slowly. Despite your anticipation, another whine ripped through your throat as his warm mouth wrapped around your bare nipple. His hips rutted onto your thigh ever so slightly. 
It took you even more to get over this little sensation. Much to Taehyung’s surprise, you spoke coherently. You could not just lay here and enjoy pleasure selfishly.  “Taehyung, stop.” 
Taehyung tried to get up on you in an instant, but you kept him by the head.  “Little sweet whore, do you want me to stop or continue?” He said as you didn’t let him get up. 
“It feels so sensitive there…” You whispered, feeling guilty because you made him feel guilty. 
“My love, we can stop anywhere you want.” He lovingly cooed you while you realised his manhood against you, only underwears in between. It throbbed at this very moment. 
“No, no, I don’t want to stop.” You clung even harder to him, lowering his face to cover him in your kisses. Taehyung smiled as your lips danced over his cheeks and eyes. However, your cuteness soon ceased. 
“I want to please you too, Taehyung.” You whined. You were very selfish when it came to pleasure. Taehyung helped you with all of your needs to the best extent but never let you pleasure him fully. He was secondary. He came but his orgasm was never the focal point.
“Love,” He breathed loudly. His cock throbbed more to prove him wrong. “Let me help you too.” You asked. “Maybe it will help me get less sensitive too.” You said while covering your nipples. They were getting harder at Taehyung’s gaze. 
“Baby,” He breathed again. You arched your back to show him your desperation. 
“Let me touch you, baby.” Your hands slowly and gently went to his chest. He had always been very soft with you. It was why you always felt good when you were with him. You knew he meant comfort, pleasure and fun. You would never expect less of him. 
Taehyung moved away from your touch when come too close to his crotch. You recognised this gesture from yours. “Can I continue?” You asked, lips already trembling at the possible rejection.
“I am so weak with your touch, my love.” He cried out. “You make me so drunk…” He whispered as he rubbed his face to your chest. 
“You make me so weak too…” You whispered in return, patting his hair. He stayed there for a few minutes while throbbing violently. 
“How much do you want me, Taehyung?” You asked him, you were annoyed by how many times you had to have this conversation. 
“My love,” He picked himself up and peered at you from your chest. “Just be honest. How much do you want me sexually?”
Taehyung answered immediately, “So so so much, very much. All the time, always…”  He kissed up to your lips. 
“That’s exactly how much I want you back.” You spoke into his mouth as he nodded. 
“Never, I will always crave you more.” He said childishly. You giggled. He cut your giggles with a snap of his hips. “Never, I crave you more.” He said back.
“I crave you more.” He snapped this thigh again, this time his crotch pressing your bare core momentarily. 
You couldn't answer back this time. Long breathy shakes felt your mouth as he granted himself the pleasure.
“My love,” He growled. If he raised onto his knees and pulled you closer, he could give you more powerful thrusts. “Yes, baby?” You asked while your lips aimed for his. 
You held his gorgeous head and looked him in the eyes. “I want you to cum, Taehyung. Please…Anyway you want… I just want to see you cum for me.” There was no shame or shyness. You wanted to see him fall apart for you, lose his mind for you.
Taehyung’s eyes completely rolled back at your request. Fuck, yes he will give you what you want. 
“Naughty girl…” He growled as you didn’t let him stand tall. “Let me get up and pound this little cunt, okay?” He slowly moved your hands clutching onto him. Then raised onto his knees on the soft bed. “Spread these nice and good…” His voice made you clench them immediately. “You said anything I want…” He rubbed your hips sweetly as your thighs spread on their own.
“Good girl,” He praised. 
A moan mixed with a whine bubbled through your mouth. He was going to make you lose your mind once again. “Taehyung…” Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh at your sensitive, overstimulated, horny body, eager to please him, oh so eager to please him. Only him.
“Who got you this sensitive, darling?” Taehyung pushed your chemise up your hips. You moaned, “You, baby.” He smiled.
“My- my- my Taehyung.” You said as he nestled between your legs firmly. “That’s right baby, I am yours.” Taehyung’s finger brushed on your pubic bone. He gave you one touch and pulled his finger back. Your body reacted similarly to before, hips bucking, mouth gaping. After you stop bucking your hips, you felt the move in his hands. You patiently waited for the next brush, and Taehyung did gave you another brush, this time with his clothed member. 
Your breath hitched with contact. It was so hot, almost like he was in a fever. It was heavy and hard. You were sure your skin was engraved by it with the slightest touch. Taehyung's body was so tense, especially his stomach. He was squeezing his muscles hard not to cum right down. 
Your warm core, inviting smell, and sinful voice was too much of a temptation. To make matters even harder for him, your hands came over his large shaky ones. 
“Me, me.” You mumbled, hoping that he would let him touch you. Your answer was granted when Taehyung brought his hands to his back. Now, he was under your hand, only his cotton underwear keeping you away from him. 
You wanted to wrap your hands around the meaty member immediately. But Taehyung had never given you the pleasure that straightforward. He would tease you in one way or another. He would grip your thighs, and breathe lowly to your ear. You wanted to tease him too. Teasing him so painfully that his ground would shake under him.
You looked at his tall body, his button-up was open to show his chest, arms cuffed to his elbows. His strong neck was more prominent as he dropped his head to the back. His hands were gripping and twisting the bedsheet.
“On me.” You said as you brought his hands to your waist. His face ghosted a smile as if he was drunk.
“You could come up if you like,” you teased while tugging his wrist towards your tit. Taehyung groaned, “naughty girl…” 
You giggled at his words, “Yes, I am your naughty girl…” Oh shit, you talked back. Taehyung’s hips bucked up to yours, whining at your power. You giggled again. 
You placed your hands on his thighs; they were meaty and generous enough to provide you endless orgasms before. You squeezed them strongly which made Taehyung breath hitch. You looked up at him immediately, his head was still dropped back. 
Just like you did to him, he let him enjoy his body. You examined his crotch carefully. His bulge was very apparent.
“Ghmmgg-hh” Taehyung let a loud groan when your finger touched where you assumed his tip was. His hips rutted against your finger poorly. “Do you like it?” You innocently asked, deep down, realising you have no idea what to do. 
“Yeah, baby. You make me so weak.” He whimpered. His strong jaw, characteristically lean eyes, prominent nose, lean lips… everything manly and strong and put-together about him had diminished. He was, now, just whimpering because you were touching him at the most sensual point on his body. You had him. “Can I hold you?” Regardless, your submissive nature combined with inexperience couldn’t yield this side of Taehyung. “Baby…” Taehyung lowered his eyes at you. “Please.” He whispered. 
At first, his plea was not understandable, but he slowly tugged your wrist and hand and held it like it was his. Then, cutting all the teasing, he wrapped around his thick cock. His underwear was still on, but it was very thin. You felt the smooth texture of his skin, some prominent veins. You instinctively squeezed it, not sure what is the best way. 
“You are so warm, Taehyung.” You whimpered as he guided your hand over his length. Taehyung’s abdomen was clenching more so decided to return to his position back on top of you. 
“Yeah, baby? You are so warm too.” He plotted one arm over your head and hovered over your body. His shirt fell open towards you, you wanted to take it off, but both of your hands were occupied. You didn’t want to lose your privilege to touch him there. Taehyung moaned so sensually again. It seemed like he was never getting used to the sensation of your sweet warm hand, trying to jerk him. 
“Baby, don’t squeeze-” “Tae-s so hard…” Two of you moaned at the same time. “F- shi-” Taehyung gurgled the moans in his mouth, his hips were mindlessly rutting inside your fist. “For love of God-” You looked at him with large eyes. He sounded to be possessed by something. His eyes were closed and brows furrowed.
“Baby,” He groaned. “Can I take my- do you want to touch me bare?  I want to please.” He pleaded as his teary eyes opened.
You nodded immediately. “You don’t even need to ask, baby.” You said while he momentarily got up to discard his underwear. 
Taehyung had returned to your arms with another surprise. His button-up was also gone. For the first time, he was completely naked. Your shaky hands caressed his shoulders when he returned hovering over you. You wanted to touch every inch of his skin, but his hard dick waited for you. 
“Oh my…” You carefully lowered your eyes. There he was, free of every garment, standing up against his stomach. Your eyes momentarily closed as if he didn’t want you to look at it. When you opened them back, Taehyung was still standing there, with a lopsided grin on his face.
“Taehyung…” You whined in pain as someone pinched your skin. Your core leaked out twice as much juice in the sight of him. Your hips bucked up to meet him, but Taehyung pulled himself back in time. This time you cried in frustration, Taehyung kissed you to soothe you. 
“Shall we continue?” He asked as you sniffed. It was adorable how easily you could cry out of hornyness. 
“Do you want to help me, baby?” Taehyung playfully brushed your nose with his so that you could look him in the eyes, maybe his face was as exciting as his dick.
“Yeah,” You said, releasing your bottom lip from the tortuous grip of your teeth. “How do you want me?” Maybe, you should pull your garments up and show him how wet you were. Then, beg him to fuck you. 
“Put your hands here,” Taehyung brought your hands to your crotch. “Fist them,” He guided you with his shaky hands, cheeks are crimson red.
Taehyung fisted your hands right over your crotch, “Don’t move them, okay?” He pulled the collar of the chemise down to release your tits. When your right tit fell free, his lips couldn’t help but get a small taste.
“Look at you,” he said while you patiently waited for him. “You are such a good girl for me.” He kissed your forehead. You licked your lips, “Anything for you. Anything to get you-” Your words cut by Taehyung’s long groan. He kissed your lips and bit down your bottom lip before you could respond.
It drove him mad at how innocent you were and yet you got so dirty for him. You were his perfect girl. “Baby…” He connected his lips to your jaw, “I will put my dick in your fist, fuck it just like I would do to that wet cunt, okay?” You nodded.
 “Will it satiate my little, horny whore?” You cried out, “Yeah. But only for a little.” You shrugged. 
Taehyung giggled, “Thought so, you fucking whore.” He rubbed the tip of his cock against the side of your hand. “Mghmmm, Y/N.” He called your name, even this little contact turned him mad. He was almost ashamed of how easy you’d got him. 
“Babyyy,” He groaned again as he eased into your loose fist. “My sweet, little temptress…” His nose nudged yours with the slight movement of his hips to your fists. His lips pressed yours as you slowly squeezed him. The pressure got him weak, his mouth fell open on yours as his warm breath covered your face.
“Taehyung.” You aimed for his plushy lips, but your kisses fell on his chin. Your entire body was itching to touch his body, grab his shoulders, run your hand on his back, pull his hair; but your small hands were giving him the best fuck of his entire life. 
“Ghhhgh,” Taehyung growled instead of answering you. His lips slowly picked up a pace while looking into your eyes. Your eyes were silently encouraging him to corrupt you. His dick inside your fist was too large, he was straining them to fall open with every thrust but you secured a good on him. And it was hot, burning, scorching.  
It was your time to talk him dirty, well at least in your best way. “You will fuck me like this?” Such a failure. You asked in a small voice, hands getting incredibly wet and sticky because of Taehyung. You wanted him to feel pleasure, he deserved that after how well he had been treating you. Taehyung tried not to build a fast rhythm. He had to hold back and last longer. He shouldn’t return a minute man.
Taehyung seemed to be affected by your words as his hips snapped hard enough to shake the entire bed. His mouth closed on your neck, this time teeth getting involved. “I’ll f-fuc-kk y-u till y-ou c-can’t-tt ev-enn-” His ragged breath didn’t let him finish. He breathlessly continued pistoning into your fists. Even he doubted if he could ever do that. If you talked once again, he was sure to cum right away.  
“You are so hard, Taehyung…” You squeezed him to emphasise how rock-hard he was. Taehyung dug his teeth into your pulse. “And- Ah, baby…” You moaned at his wet tongue soothing the pain with a lick, and you continued with a breathy tone. “It is so long, baby.” You said it like it’s a secret. 
Taehyung’s member went past your two fists with ease and his mushroom tip hung out when he was all the way in. He was that long. “How are you going to fit him into me?” You asked with a buck up from your hips. Taehyung warningly groaned, and his one hand pushed your hips down. 
“I will finger you all night to get you loose for me.” He replied. 
“But it goes so far up…” You took a deep breath to enlarge your stomach so that his tip could brush against you. Taehyung cried a hush, but it didn’t make you shut up. You continued more desperately, “I want it in my mouth too, baby. Will you teach me that too?” You gulped. Maybe he would let you do it now?
Taehyung picked his face from your neck, his eyes were teary and desperate while maintaining that intimidating look. He let out a low whine, “I am going to release, baby.” His voice was hoarse, just like the way you love it. He wished he had a little mental space to rub your clit, trying to take you to orgasm with him, but his mind was completely occupied by you. By your touch, by your smell… 
You squeezed him more, slightly moving your hands along his shaft to match his thrusts. “Oh, Y/N.” He said while his back shook. 
There it was.  His orgasm, completely and most definitely owned by you. Taehyung kept eye contact with you as he released his warm seed into his hand. He burnt your face in his head. You were the reason for, not only his orgasm but his life. 
“Taehyung…” You murmured sweetly as his hips didn’t show any signs of slowing down. He kept fucking into your soiled fists while his mind ran wild. He thought every unspeakable thing while his mouth breathlessly confessed his love for the hundredth time. “I love you so much.” He smooched your lips once before he whined. Overstimulation was kicking in now, but he didn’t want to leave his nest. He was breathing fastly, his heart beating rapidly against your chest. His ears were ringing with the intensity of his orgasm.
You shakily unwrapped your fingers. Taehyung hissed loudly, he was just about to scold you for not being patient but you brought your dripping fingers to your mouth. 
Taehyung watched you in shock as you sucked on your pointer finger. His cum filled your mouth stickly. You pressed him against the top of your mouth to taste him properly. Bitter and addicting. 
Your dirty gesture almost angered Taehyung. How dare you? How dare you could be this dirty while looking like the most innocent angel?
“Dirty angel.” He tsked when you pushed your finger knuckle deep. A shrug followed his words. You licked your fingers eagerly. Right then, a bright idea striked your mind. 
Taehyung followed your eyes falling down to his cock. He was still standing tall and hard. Why was he still aroused after he orgasmed? 
Before you could ask him, Taehyung picked up his discarded shirt from the bed and wrapped it around his waist. 
“Don’t even think about it you, naughty angel.” He said scolding you playfully. You laid there, pouting, wishing to have your power on him back. Taehyung went to the bathroom to get a washcloth to clean your hands. You huffed as walked on the wood and found his way to the bathroom. While you waited for him, your mind wondered why he was still aroused. You made him cum just now. Shouldn’t he be less full? You wondered as the mess on your hands and chemise was long forgotten. 
Taehyung came back a minute later. He was wearing a clean boxer with a prominent bulge. He silently sat down next to your legs and guided you once again. A gorgeous smile was ghosting his lips as he cleaned your hands. Taehyung bit his lips when your clean hands went to pull up the straps of your chemise.  He had to say goodbye to your nipples. You were getting ready to get up. Taehyung pouted, now he didn’t want to leave the bed. 
You raised onto your elbows, spreading your legs a little. “Can you clean down there, too? I am soaking wet.” you asked with little to no sexual request apparent in your tone. No one other than you knew how uncomfortable it is to sit while a puddle in your pants. 
Taehyung’s mouth went dry with the request. Suddenly, he could smell that wet cunt. He nodded, “I need a clean towel, baby.” He threw the dirty one to the ground as he got up again.  
You watched his back and plump ass as he walked back. His muscles were almost more apparent now. You squeezed your thighs involuntarily, the puddle down there was enough to swim in it. The slight buzzing on your clit ceased when Taehyung left the room. 
You comfortably spread your legs fully open. The warm air hit your creamy cunt. The fire had become very powerful and the room was very warm. You heard Taehyung open cabinets in the bathroom. He was humming a low melody. You barely heard it from the fire cracking. Suddenly, the bed became very comfortable. You felt your body melt into the large bed. There was still time until dinner, maybe you could have a sneaky nap to process your orgasmic mind.
Right as you closed your eyes to sailing to the dreamland, Taehyun reentered the room with two towels in his head. The smile was still on his face, lighting up all his handsome features like a magical glow. His cheeks were full, lips still red from the biting.
“Good girl…” Taehyung smiled even larger as he saw your satisfied face. He climbed to the bed and placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Do you feel good, baby?” His low voice vibrated your body. You nodded, “I feel so relaxed…” You rubbed your face into your shoulder as Taehyung caressed your waist. “Are you sleepy, my love?” He asked even though your eyes told him everything he needed to know.  He took his favourite place between your legs–with an innocent will– and rubbed your knees and calves as you sighed contently. 
“Can I?” he asked while his fingers wrapped around the skirt of your chemise. Your eyes were closed. Taehyung's hands started working gently as he got permission from you. He pulled the skirt of your chemise up to reveal your creamy cunt. 
He held his breath to get rid of the piece of fabric, and there she was, looking creamy and relaxed. You fought the urge to close your thighs perfectly this time and allowed Taehyung to have his unsupervised look at your core as your eyes kept closed. 
Taehyung gulped largely, his mouth never felt this dry. He almost felt his stomach grumble in hunger. His concentration and self-control skills were about to give up on him. 
He looked up at your face, you almost looked like you were sleeping, then down to your pretty pussy. “Fuck,” A quiet swear left through his teeth. Your juices were rubbed to your thighs messily, creating clear strings. Some of it came up to your pelvic bone. 
He hummed as his hands shakily held the towel. He would rather have you in his mouth. Ah, he would love to have a taste. 
“Taehyung…” You called his name in a tone similar to a moan. Taehyung’s hands immediately stopped when he heard your voice. “Yes, my love?” He asked sweetly. As he was about to remind you that this could all stop, you spoke in a whiny voice. “Why are you still up?” Oh, dear… Taehyung choked on his breath as your eyes were opened slightly to look at his bulge. 
Taehyung was hard and he had been hard even though he came to your hands like a pubescent boy. As he thought of an explanation, your hips bucked up impatiently. “Well,” He said while swiping the damped, warm towel between your thighs. A gurgled groan left your relaxed face. “You better get used to that…” He was going to have fun with your confusion only for a little while.
Taehyung watched you breathlessly, hoping you would ask him to do that again. “What- What do you mean?” You seemed to cope with this easily much to Taehyung’s expectations. Taehyung slowly laughed to tease you. “Taehyung!” You groaned annoyingly, your attempts at confrontation were followed by a yawn. “If you aren’t going to tell me, how can I know?” You innocently continued to complain. 
“How did you learn about your previous endevaours, Miss fiance, mmhm?” He asked, pointing at your hands. 
You scoffed with red cheeks, “Oh my God, Taehyung!” Your hands come to his hand on your thigh that was kept you spread. “It is very normal for me to wonder about these things! I am a young woman in her early 20s.” Ah, your shyness combined with stubbornness was Taehyung’s fuel to tease you harder, but he needed your cunt on his face so he didn’t continue.
Yeah, you fucking are, Taehyung thought. A beautifully sexy woman that made his cock twitch with her words. Taehyung took a deep breath, you were his woman, his, his, his… He had the time in the world to explore you sexually.
“It means he still wants you so badly.” Taehyung said while a wet circle was formed on his new underwear. “He is ready to go again.” He looked down at his cock desperately. 
“Tell him that I want him so badly too.” Taehyung’s hips involuntarily bucked up to your cunt. His eyes largened at his move. He definitely didn’t mean to do that at all, but his cock wanted to. Thanks to God, your eyes were still closed, a light sleep ghosting your face. Taehyung took another deep breath, he clenched his whole body. Back to front, he thought. That was how he suppose to wipe you.
With all the courage in the world, he wiped the mess between your lips. The wet towel felt refreshing against your burning core. It was not harsh against your skin as you expected, but it might be just because of Taehyung’s gentle hands. 
So much juice rubbed onto the towel that Taehyung wanted to smear his face with it. “Oh, baby.” The breathy moan belonged to no other than your desperate lover Kim Taehyung. Nevertheless, he continued to clean your wet mess quickly but gently. 
“Will you cuddle me, Taehyung?” You asked him as he let your skirt down and got ready to wash the towels. Your voice was sweet and needy as always. But this neediness wasn’t coated with sexual desires. It was simply a gentle, lovely request. 
A smile took over his face, yet his jaw stayed still. He was still clenching all muscle on his body to not buck up to you again. Taehyung’s muscles slightly relaxed as you opened your arms to the sides to persuade him to a long cuddling session. 
“Yes, my love.” He threw towels to the ground. “Let’s get under the cover, baby.” He suggested as you picked up yourself and get under the first thin layer of the bedding. 
As soon as Taehyung lay, you placed your head on his shoulder and threw your one leg over his waist. “Mhmm, love…” He groaned through his nose at your sweet arousing smell. “You smell like sex.” He pecked your forehead while caressing your arm.
You giggled, “You smell so nice…” You reciprocated his groan with a whine as you rubbed your face into his neck. You could stay here for hours… “This is so nice, Taetae.” You mumbled.
Taehyung squeezed your body to his side while nodding, suddenly he was quite sleepy too. “Let’s nap for a while, okay?” He asked as you intertwined your fingers with his and held his large hand. 
“Mmkay…” You followed with a small peck on his chin and fell into sweet slumber. The time it took you to fall asleep was hilariously short. Unfortunately, Taehyung couldn’t follow you thanks to the raging cock in his pants. 
And this was his lesson to never deny your sexual request ever again.  
Why don’t you continue the story by reading Tae-time? 
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terrainofheartfelt · 8 months
Serenate + 50
Serenate + 50 …out of love.
A vaguely 5b au
Having Nate as a roommate just…works.
They have similar rhythms, similar tastes, and since they moved into their midtown two bedroom, it’s been easy.
Sure, there are some hiccups—neither of them has lived without some sort of housekeeping service before, but Serena kind of loves doing everything for herself. Except washing dishes. She hates that. It’s lucky she and Nate could spring for a unit with a dishwasher.
Blair had raised her eyebrows at the whole situation, from Serena’s housekeeping to her choice in roommate, but she didn’t fight it. Serena knows her best friend was just as relieved that they would be getting space from each other. With Dan coming around all the time, it was the right thing.
Living with Nate is easier than it ever was with Blair. Definitely easier living with her mother.
Sure, they spend a lot of their free time looking up how-to videos on YouTube to keep everything clean and functional, but their system works, and Serena likes the accomplishment she feels from a freshly scrubbed bathroom or an edible home-cooked meal.
So, she and Nate fall into a routine. They have their own mish-mashed schedules of classes, a weekly grocery list, a dry-erase wall calendar in the entryway. They fall asleep on each other on the couch every other night, and it’s easy.
Of course Serena thinks about having more, in the way that she’s always thought about Nate. At the back of her mind, just out of her reach, if she stretched her hand out too far, he would disappear.
But it isn’t anything. It can’t be. She already fumbled her shot with Nate more times than she cares to tally up, and she’s only just getting over — whatever happened between her and Dan at the start of the year.
So what if it’s easy. So what if Nate makes her laugh more in two months than she remembers in the previous six. So what if their cramped and over-pillowed two bedroom is the first crash pad she’s had in her entire life that feels like home.
It’s home. Even when she does something so incomprehensibly wrong.
“What the…” she trails off as she rummages through the basket of newly dried laundry she just set on the coffee table to fold. She lifts a hand towel, formerly white, now bright pink—“fuck?”
She digs through the rest of the load. Every single towel, sheet, pillowcase. Egyptian cotton, the highest thread count her mother could find on short notice for a last minute housewarming, all white when she put them in the wash, and now they were all pink.
“Shit, shit, shit.” She wonders if there’s a way to fix it. She could call Dan. Or Dorota. Or maybe Rufus?
Except now she can’t find her phone.
She digs through the basket again, dumping the ruined linens on the couch next to her, hoping to find her phone buried in the wreckage.
It’s at that point that Nate gets back from class. Serena’s heart jumps into her throat at the sound of his key turning in the lock.
She looks up, frozen by a little bit of fear and a whole lot of embarrassment, and sees Nate gaping at the scene of her sartorial disaster.
“I have no idea what happened,” she blurts out, launching to her feet.
Nate bites down on his lower lip, inscrutable.
“I swear, it was an accident.”
He nods listlessly as he slowly walks towards her, eyes on their newly pinked linens.
“But –” she swallows, “good news: I’m really good at shopping. So we can just…You’re mad. Please don’t be mad. I’ll –”
Serena doesn’t get to finish the sentence, because Nate is kissing her. Nate is kissing her. Nate is kissing her.
She pulls back, but only slightly, keeping her face cupped between his hands. “What’s that for?”
His shoulders lift in a shrug in her blurred out periphery—she can’t look away from his eyes. “I love you.”
Serena hauls him back in, pressing her smile to his, the two of them meeting in an approximation of a kiss.
She kisses his lips again, and again, then moves to his cheek, to the side of his neck. The most at home she’s ever felt.
“I love you too.”
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oswednesday · 3 months
my family on my mom's side fired the like life long housekeeper who worked there longer than ive been alive and now gpa has like a weekly cleaning service come in and do it and i think i was the only one who was like jaw dropped aghast about it like i didnt verbalize but i certainty didnt contribute to the conversation chorus of oh finallys and im sure the expression was billboarded on my face i dont have much of a poker face when it come to these kinds of things
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angelic-omega · 1 month
TW: Discussion of Gaslighting and Abuse!! Discussions of extreme Christian values!!
I won’t stand for Aziraphale hate…
Let the record show that I am Trans, Queer, and currently living in an abusive household. Others have it worse than me and I am by no means making this post to gather pity. I am making this post to make a point! I grew up in a small southern town in West Virginia, I’ve lived here my entire life. I’ve known nothing outside of this state and this town until I was 18 and flew to Florida. I grew up in a Christian house with Christian values such as all women are taught to cook, sew, and housekeep. I grew up praying before bed, before each meal, and at every weekly mass. As I got older my church grew into a mega church with atms in the lobby. The type of place Jesus would flip tables at the type of place where my family spent copious amounts of money to move higher up in the church. For more money you got extra sermons, tickets to concerts, free services, and wild things like free paid cruises! My parents eventually got away from the pyramid scheme of that church but the rest of my family still are members!
Just because they left doesn’t mean they don’t still hold on to very black and white values of right and wrong. My father is more conservative than my mother and thinks that it goes against gods will for me to be trans. He’s bipolar and unmedicated as well as extremely controlling. He doesn’t let me speak in conversations and he barely lets my mother speak either. He is the “head of the house” and makes a point of speaking on our behalf even when we are spoken to directly by others. I’m 22 years old and both my parents have fought me when it comes to getting my license, to the point I gave up trying after I turned 19.
Daily I am ridiculed for my every decision by my father and even by my mother at times. For example, if I wake up early and take a short nap in the day my father will mock me for being lazy. (He also takes a nap every day but that’s besides the point) I am also told I am lazy and ungrateful if I wake up later in the day. My mother and I do not leave the house without permission from him. He tracks our phones and gets upset when we leave when he is not there with us. For some time he did not even allow my mother to have a car to actually drive places while he was at work. Therefor he controls all of the grocery shopping despite doing none of the cooking in the house. So with next to nothing to eat in the home at times I will suggest getting fast food, thinking since he does enjoy certain restaurants he will agree. Sometimes he agrees but more often than not he makes himself a meal out of what little food we have left.
I’ve gone many nights with only scraps for dinner because he refuses to go grocery shopping and refuses to order fast food. Our television is connected to his phone and made so only he can control it. Of course he will allow us to watch a movie or tv show but we are unable to physically put it on ourselves. He works to pay the bills (even thought my mom is the one who fills the paperwork out), he takes out the trash, and does the dishes. Meanwhile my mother and I take over all the other necessary tasks to keep the house afloat. Yes, I admit a lot of the strain on our household comes from the ten cats we own. Those cats are something I take full responsibility for as I am the one who has a big heart for strays. Both parents make me feel guilty for owning the cats and often make it seem like the cost of cat food and litter is what is contributing to our financial problems.
I cannot state enough how everything I say and do is an argument. Whenever I had friends and would want to hang out with them it was wrong of me to have chosen who I did. They were bad influences, they were manipulative, they were going to taint me. See my entire life I was a “good girl” and everyone fought hard to keep me in that box. I didn’t curse until 2020, I didn’t drink until last year, I’ve never been drunk, I can’t drive (legally), I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was 18, and to this day my entire family believes I am a virgin. Not only that but my entire family continues to praise me for being so “pure” while also reprimanding me for being a bad child. I am so good and well behaved but also need to not be so entitled for asking for help. I can tell them anything but if it’s something they don’t agree with they won’t take it seriously and will belittle me. I came out to them both in 2018 and both parents still refuse to acknowledge that I am no longer a girl.
Through our church they offer arranged marriage services and it is how my mother and father met. At 25 they have said they plan to put me into these services so that I can find “a good man”. Side note: I’m Bi…The point of all this being I have struggled and fought to be the person I am today that holds the values I do. However, their influence over me still affects my decisions. I doubt every decision I ever make unless they make the decision for me. I am desperate for their approval even when I know it is worth next to nothing. This post only discusses the bare minimum of what I’ve gone through. We have only scratched the surface of how deep their hold on me goes and yet my point still stands. I have spent my entire life trying to make the right decision and never feeling like what I chose was good enough.
All I ever wanted in life was to be a good person and do the right things. Aziraphale has been the same, except instead of abusive parents he has heaven. Aziraphale may be removed from heaven but he no longer knows how to make a decision for himself. He has learned to second guess his every thought and doesn’t know right from wrong. Heaven has told him one thing and even if he believes otherwise he will always feel that pull back to heaven. He loves Crowley deeply even though he knows heaven would not approve but when heaven asks him back and praises him…it’s hard for him to say no. It’s because even after years upon years of abuse he is still eager for their approval. He thinks maybe if I do things differently it won’t be the same…maybe they have changed and I can actually have a healthy relationship with them! THIS^^ NEVER IS TRUE!
I have tried and still find myself trying to build a relationship with my father after being dismissed my entire life by him. I still find myself trying to impress him and my mother. I still find myself watering my personality down to appeal to both my parents and gain their praise. Sometimes setting harsh boundaries and putting your foot down is best but sometimes you just don’t have the strength to do it. There will always be a part of you that wants to be a part of them, wants to stick together. You cannot change the way they treat you but for some reason you can’t stop trying anyway. Aziraphale is doing exactly that^^ he’s trying to fix things because he has been abused. Who knows what all heaven told him to be true! I know if it were my parents and I was hanging around with Crowley and they found out they would certainly see me as tainted. They would tell me all sorts of nasty things and would tell extravagant stories about demons and how they are all terrible. They would cloak their prejudice and hatred through a thin veil of caring and because I crave their approval I would probably believe them. However, to end on a good note I will say I am getting away from my abusive household. I am getting away because I have met my Crowley and they have shown me what true caring looks like. They have shown me that what my parents give to me is not completely love and if it is it is a controlling and overbearing kind of love. I know no matter what Aziraphale believes he will choose Crowley. Crowley has been Aziraphale’s safe space for longer than heaven has been! He lied to god about the flaming sword but not Crowley…remember that!
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enchanted-moura · 2 years
Bestselling author with an 8-part movie series adaptation and video game and multi-season prequel tv series, 100ksqft mansion with my billionaire husband who is strictly monogamous and loyal to me that I marry in a weeklong multi-million dollar ceremony, a half-year honeymoon around the world, twin boys and two baby girls who we dote on and raise to the best of our abilities with private lessons and European boarding schools, a full staff including a chef, driver, gardeners, housekeeper and weekly maid service, homes in South Florida, Manhattan, Toronto, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East, luxury vacations 4 times a year (every season), working for only myself and no one else, a siren who can’t help but to entice men of power, status and lineage but ignore all in favor of my husband who feels lucky and powerful to have me at his side, a sought after socialite with an exclusive and tight inner circle, parties every month in my 10ksqft ballroom, a charity the size and pedigree of Met Gala (but more exclusive), a mentor of status who pushes me to be my best, a legacy that secured the next 4-5 generations of black babies at the very least, to be known but not so well known that everyone is in my business, independence with love…
Aww this is amazing, I love the opulence and decadence. Its natural to you💳💸💵💴💶
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10cosmos · 1 year
Maintenance service for Electricians, Plumbers, Carpenters, and HVAC Technicians All Over India
In accorporated in 2006 Cosmos Facility Services Private Limited (CFSPL) is a professional and accountable facility management organization which provides a broad range of specialized services customized to minimize losses by providing innovative and strategic facility based business solutions.
At CFSPL we believe in executing and making a difference. We stand for service excellence, integrity, innovation and performance. People – focused values and principles drive quality customer service delivery and real value for our clients whilst originality and innovation continually helps us to improve our growing business.
Cosmos Facility offers a range of services including housekeeping, bodyguard, pest control, deep cleaning, maintenance, IT solutions, and manpower for corporate and residential clients in India.
Cosmos Facility Services gives all type of maintenance skilled staff like electrician, carpenter, plumber, etc with required tools on fixed basis or day-to-day basis.
Electrical: We take up Annual maintenance contract for Electrical (including generator and transformer) routine maintenance. We deploy qualified and experienced Electricians on the site for round the clock operations. Electrical and A/c maintenance for office campus, industries and multistoried building, by employing well-experienced licensed electrician and A/c mechanics under the control of Engineering Division.
Plumbing: Our plumbers take up minor as well as major repairs. Weekly visits are done for small offices. Full time personnel are deployed for larger facilities.
Carpenter: All types of woodwork repairs/polishing are undertaken. Outsourcing is a compelling strategic business tool that can solve pressing problems of staff fluctuation, salary cost cut out, Law strategies, Trade Union competencies, etc. Like it or not, outsourcing is here to stay.
We supply all type of unskilled, Semi Skilled & Skilled staff on contract services with all government labor rules. We take even your labor category staff on our contract basis. It is already the foundation of the global, connected economy. It was once a strategic tool. Our focus is on improving business results through people management interventions.
Visit Our Website :- https://cosmosfacility.com
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
☀️🖼 For Ethan & Cassie
🧹🏠 For Sienna & Max
Thank you for the ask! From this domestic headcanons list.  
☀️ Are they a morning person?
Ethan is a morning person for sure. He’ll rise early, cook breakfast, go to the gym three days a week before heading into work. It’s been his routine for years. When he and Cassie started their relationship, she would stay over a couple of nights a week as her shift allowed. As they are off on Sundays, that’s the day they sleep in (Cassie more than Ethan) and have a late start with brunch. This tradition continues even after they’re married.
Cassie is not a morning person like at all. She loves to sleep in and it takes several alarms and sometimes her friends (and Ethan) to get her out of bed. One of the things she hates about her job is the early morning shift start. So if someone wakes her up early on her day off, they’re about to get the lashing of a lifetime (if she can bother waking up to do it). The only time she does wake up early willingly is when she starts taking ballet classes again.
🖼 House décor
According to Cassie, Ethan’s house decorating style is Minimalist Bachelor, aka, no style at all. While his place was nice and the furniture was top quality, it didn’t necessarily reflect his personality. He told her he barely spent any time there so what did it matter? After they’re married that’s about to change when they buy their waterfront condo.
Cassie’s home décor style has always been a mix of traditional and contemporary, with a splash of coastal colors to reflect her love of the sea and modern accents (she grew up around antiques and felt intimidated by them). When furnishing their condo, they went with a mix of styles: sophisticated, modern lines blended with more comfortable and practical materials (not a leather couch in sight!); lots of whites, blues and greens, as well as wood accents. Splashes of color come from original artwork on the walls, cushions, fresh flower arrangements, etc.
Cassie’s mom has an extensive network of vendors; so, she put her daughter in touch with a local decorator that could do the heavy lifting for them. That was a huge help as it meant they could move in sooner than planned.
🧹 Cleaning (Maxenna)
Max has had a weekly housekeeping service for ages who look after his place while he’s traveling. After Sienna moves in that doesn’t change, and the frequency increases once they start their family. They’re both neat freaks anyway, so even in between their weekly appointments their apartment is always ready to entertain guests. They might have to pick up stuff lying around like a sweater or cufflinks on the coffee table or tablets on the couch, but it’s those homey touches that make it a home.
Sienna likes to clean the kitchen while she’s cooking or baking so there isn’t as much clean up after. Max thinks that’s adorable and a lot of work. He tends to stack utensils, plates, pots, etc. in the dishwasher as he goes so that it takes one click to get the machine started when he’s done. Neither is the type to leave dirty dishes just lying around.
Given that his job requires a lot of traveling and disorder at times, it’s important for him to come home and find everything neat and tidy. Sienna, in my version, grew up in her parents’ restaurant business. So, the importance of cleanliness was drilled into her from the beginning.
🏠 Quarantine (Maxenna)
I don’t have the pandemic in my fics so quarantine won’t apply. Real life is hard enough and fics are meant to be an escape for me.
However, Max and Sienna have a tradition they call ‘going dark’. It’s something Max has done for years as a way to completely relax and reset from his busy job. When he and Sienna became a couple, she fell in love with the concept too. The idea is to disconnect from their job, family and friends. They stay offline as much as possible and just enjoy simple things such as going to the beach, exercising, watching movies, etc. They spend quality time together without the pressure of their jobs and other commitments.
They both have their own interests and their place is big enough to spread out and do what they love to do individually, and together. Max works from home a couple of days a week when he can, and often has late calls/meetings, so he’s mostly in his home office or will work on the terrace when the weather is nice. Sienna enjoys spending time in the kitchen and just experimenting without interruption or sprawling on the couch with her tablet (often in Max’s office while he’s working). She’s always lived with roommates, so this is the first time she’s had her own kitchen and she loves it.
They always communicated well as friends, and it doesn’t change once they’re a couple.
Character Asks: @trappedinfanfiction @bex-la-get @genevievemd @jerzwriter @rookiemartin @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @dorisz @lucy-268 @a-crepusculo @ofmischiefandmedicine @queencarb @crazy-loca-blog
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Moominmama’s Life Story
On passing the torch
Since the birth of Moomin and Tayberry, the rest of the Moomin family had gradually taken more and more responsibility for the daily care of Moominhouse and Moominmama’s vegetable and flower gardens from Moominmama and Snork Maiden. Granting them the freedom to take a weekly day off for their private time together had taken things to the next level. Moomin and Tayberry learned how to help in the kitchen and even did some cooking themselves with Moomintroll’s and Moominpapa’s supervision. They were already willing and capable helpers with every other aspect of housekeeping and gardening. By the third week of Moominmama and Snork Maiden’s regular get-togethers on Fridays after Snork Maiden completed her cookbook, they knew what to expect after breakfast. They found a picnic basket filled with cucumber sandwiches and a jug of fruit juice waiting for them on the parlor table and their family gave them a loving sendoff as usual.
They made their way to the beach and spent the morning walking the length of the beach in the surf. They felt drawn to the large cave where The Scarlet Mymble was docked. They boarded the ship and took a tour of it. They joked about making off for the Caribbean by themselves while lounging in the captain’s quarters.
“Little My would never forgive us for not bringing her along!”, said Moominmama, laughing, “It does remind me of how I met Moominpapa, however. As you know, Turku is a port city. After my family moved back there for good, or so I thought at the time, my father used our ill-gotten wealth to buy out a tug boat operation. He and my brothers seemed to make an honest go of the business. They became the most trusted company offering their services to shipping and cruise ship companies in only a few years. I would find out much later that they had muscled out their competition through…(ahem)…forceful persuasion.
I was admittedly too much in bliss over our suddenly peaceful and secure home life to examine what they were doing too closely and my grandmother only wanted me to be happy, so she kept what she knew from me. In the year that I would turn eighteen, my grandmother’s health suddenly turned very dire. I spent most of my time every day looking after her in her bed. I constantly referred to her diary of remedies and recipes and tried every one that I thought would help. Naturally, my father and brothers watched her decline intently, but not with good intentions.
I finally had to face reality when she brought me close to her side one morning after I fed her breakfast, and whispered weakly in my ear, ‘After I am gone, your father and brothers will break their word and go back to a life of crime. They will try to take you with them. Do not hesitate to make your escape when you see a chance. You don’t owe them anything anymore. You’re such a good, strong woman. You have everything you need to make your way in life on your own. Even when I’m gone, I’m always going to be with you! Take my handbag and diary with you! They will serve you well. Trust yourself and don’t be afraid of anything!’ She kissed me on the cheek and squeezed my paws with the last of her strength and then she was gone.”
Moominmama paused for several minutes, tears poured out of her eyes and she put her paws over her face as she sobbed softly. Snork Maiden held her paws, and shed tears of her own. Without thinking about it, the younger woman reached into Moominmama’s handbag and brought out a large handkerchief. She used it to dry Moominmama’s tears. “We can stop if this is too hard for you.”, she said.
“No, I’m fine.”, said Moominmama, taking the handkerchief and blowing her nose and wiping her face, “I finally realize that I needed to pass down my story to really deal with it. Feel free to get Moominpapa’s help in getting it published. So anyway, my grandmother was absolutely right about my father. He and my brothers gave me and my mother no time to grieve. He had my grandmother buried with no ritual and as fast as possible. Before my mother and I could process any of this, he and my brothers forced me aboard their largest tug boat and started a long journey northward toward the Autarch’s estate, abandoning my mother.
They explained to me that they had been planning a raid on the Autarch’s annual grand party. They knew the Autarch ran his estate as an anarchic paradise and blending in with the beasts who he chose to live there while they plotted their raid would be easy. It took us several days to reach the shores of the Autarch’s land using such a slow vessel. I kept looking for an opportunity to escape, but they were watching me too closely. They explained that I had been too valuable an asset to their criminal enterprises to let me go. The night we were to make our landing a terrible storm broke out near the shore suddenly. My father and brothers were forced to attempt a desperate retreat towards the open sea. They were too intent on their own survival to pay attention to me.
I gripped my handbag with all my strength and jumped overboard. I was instantly swept away by the huge, wild waves. I couldn’t tell up from down in the darkness and it was all I could do to find opportunities to take a breath. Swimming was pointless. The waves overpowered me, I couldn’t see the shore, and I had lost all sense of direction. Suddenly, a strong arm took my left arm and pulled me determinedly towards the shore. The next thing I knew, I was catching my breath safely far from the surf on the beach of Moominpapa’s colony. Moominpapa was staring at me dreamily right next to me as I cleaned myself up with the help of my handbag. I knew that he had risked his own life without hesitation to save me and I fell in love instantly as I returned his gaze. You know the rest. I never saw my family again and never tried to find out what happened to them after that. Without my grandmother, they didn’t matter to me anymore. To my relief, they’ve never sought me out either. They were all too tough to have come to a bad end through accidental misfortune or be caught by the Hemulen Police for long. I’m sure that they’re still living their criminal life somewhere.”
The two women simply sat in the captain’s quarters for some time just appreciating each other’s company. Finally, they enjoyed the lunch that their family had prepared for them and then headed home. Moominpapa was enjoying afternoon tea on the verandah and immediately stood up to greet them as the two women approached Moominhouse.
“Uhmmm…Welcome back! The rest of the family are in the garden harvesting vegetables for dinner. Should I go get them?”, he asked.
“That won’t be necessary, my darling.”, Moominmama said, planting a particularly affectionate kiss on his cheek as she reached him, “Also, we’re done having regular weekly outings for a while. I’ll leave you a note if we’re planning such outings in the future. We very much appreciated everyone preparing lunch for us.”, she said with a big, warm smile.
The End
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Recognised for their consistency and high standards, our cleaning services Melbourne are the choice for those who value a reliably clean home. Each cleaner Melbourne based is carefully vetted to ensure your peace of mind. No matter the scale of your home cleaning needs, we're equipped to handle them, making us the standout choice for top-notch regular cleaning (weekly cleaning and fortnightly cleaning), deep cleaning, spring cleaning, end of lease cleaning Melbourne.
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floorcareco · 19 days
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kelownajunkremoval · 20 days
Consistent Clutter Cleanup with Kelowna Junk Removal: The Key to a Peaceful Home and Mind
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a peaceful home environment can be challenging. One of the primary culprits of household stress is clutter. Piles of unused items, old furniture, and miscellaneous junk not only take up valuable space but also contribute to mental clutter. Consistent clutter cleanup is essential for fostering a serene living space, and Kelowna Junk Removal is here to help you achieve just that.
The Importance of Regular Decluttering
Regular decluttering is more than just a housekeeping task; it's a lifestyle choice that brings numerous benefits. A clutter-free home:
Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Clutter can be overwhelming and visually stressful. By removing unnecessary items, you create a more relaxing environment that promotes mental well-being.
Boosts Productivity: A clean and organized space enhances focus and efficiency, making it easier to tackle daily tasks and projects.
Improves Physical Health: Clutter can collect dust and allergens, which can affect your health. Regular cleaning ensures a healthier living environment.
Enhances Aesthetic Appeal: A tidy home is visually pleasing and welcoming, creating a space where you and your guests feel comfortable.
Why Choose Kelowna Junk Removal?
Kelowna Junk Removal offers professional services like yard waste removal, old furniture removal, Estates cleanouts, appliance removal service any may more that make decluttering effortless and efficient. Here’s why they are the best choice for your junk removal needs:
Comprehensive Services: Whether it’s old furniture, yard waste, electronics, or construction debris, Kelowna Junk Removal handles all types of junk. No job is too big or small.
Eco-Friendly Practices: They prioritize environmentally responsible disposal methods, ensuring that recyclable items are properly processed and hazardous materials are disposed of safely.
Convenience and Efficiency: Their team of experts is equipped to handle the heavy lifting and transportation, saving you time and effort. They work quickly and efficiently to clear your space.
Customer-Centric Approach: Kelowna Junk Removal is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. They offer flexible scheduling and tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.
Steps to a Clutter-Free Home
Achieving a clutter-free home is a journey that involves consistent effort. Here are some steps to help you get started:
Assess and Plan: Begin by assessing the areas in your home that need decluttering. Create a plan and set realistic goals for each space.
Sort and Organize: Sort your belongings into categories: keep, donate, recycle, and dispose of. Be ruthless in your decisions to keep only what you truly need or love.
Schedule Regular Cleanups: Set aside time weekly or monthly for decluttering sessions. Consistency is key to preventing clutter from accumulating again.
Utilize Professional Services: For large or cumbersome items, or if you simply need extra help, schedule a pickup with Kelowna Junk Removal. Their professional team will make the process hassle-free.
Maintaining a Clutter-Free Environment
Once you've decluttered your home, maintaining it is crucial. Here are some tips to help you keep your space tidy:
Adopt Minimalism: Embrace a minimalist lifestyle by being mindful of new items you bring into your home. Ask yourself if each item is necessary or adds value to your life.
Implement Storage Solutions: Use storage solutions like bins, shelves, and organizers to keep items neatly arranged.
Stay Disciplined: Make it a habit to put things back in their designated places and regularly assess your belongings.
Involve the Whole Family: Encourage family members to participate in decluttering and organizing to maintain a harmonious living environment.
A peaceful home and mind begin with a clutter-free space. Consistent clutter cleanup with the help of Kelowna Junk Removal ensures that your home remains a sanctuary free from the chaos of clutter. By taking proactive steps to declutter regularly and maintain an organized environment, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a stress-free, beautiful home. Contact Kelowna Junk Removal today to take the first step towards a more peaceful and clutter-free life.
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