#welcome to the inn
firstkanaphans · 1 month
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cuubism · 2 years
can't stop thinking about like. the shift in dream and hob's dynamic between pre- and post-fishbowl.
before dream got captured, he kind of had the upper hand in most of their meetings? he was the one setting them. the one watching, observing what hob did each century. the one with all the knowledge, the one who knew or learned everything about hob while hob never got to know anything about him. he was the powerful creature - being - devil? - god? (to hob's mind) while hob was just a man. etc.
and this does even out a bit over the centuries as they get more familiar with each other, as hob clearly gets more familiar with him and bolder with him (this starts to pop up more clearly in 1789, i think, he asks dream's name, he asks to get drinks later, and so on), but dream still ends up the one making final decisions over the meeting, and, in a sense, the relationship.
in 1889 hob flips the fucking table over.
in one statement: i think you're lonely, i think we're friends. suddenly it's hob who knows dream, who sees dream; suddenly dream's not there for idle curiosity, but out of some need; suddenly it feels like dream coming to hob instead of hob coming to dream. hob holds all the cards. hob's 'hosting' the meeting.
needless to say dream does not tolerate that very well. that shift in dynamic is summarily rejected.
the post-imprisonment meeting though...
by this point, any upper hand dream had in this dynamic (other than the basic knowledge of who he is) has been obliterated. he did this partially to himself by storming out in 1889 and setting up a situation where meeting hob again in any capacity was essentially admitting defeat on the 'we're friends' issue. then he's forced to miss the 1989 meeting (i'm still undecided on whether he would have gone or not if he hadn't been captured but as it stands the choice was made for him), setting him back even further with hob because now hob is, very definitively, the one who's arranging the meeting, the one who's hosting, the one who's waiting, and the only possible dynamic now is dream coming to hob. because they're friends. because he wants to. the 'experiment' is over, the illusion of distance has been dissolved and dream couldn't get it back if he tried.
dream goes to hob anyway.
knowing all of this, knowing he's forfeited pretty much all power in this dynamic, knowing he's admitting friendship, defeat, need, want, in doing so, knowing that for the first time hob could reject him, if he so wanted. still he goes, to hob's inn (if you subscribe to that headcanon), the place hob built for them, a declaration of his friendship and care that dream rejected last time they met. the absolute last thing dream needs after the incredibly shitty hundred years he's just had is to be berated for and called out on his past choices, but he goes anyway and puts hob in the position to do just that. and the flipped dynamic is so evident in the way hob is so established in the inn, waiting, while dream steps in slowly with almost a wariness in his step...
and he receives absolute grace and acceptance.
hob has the complete upper hand in that moment and he uses it for nothing but making dream feel safe and welcome. even his you're late comment is teasing and fond rather than critical. and the smile he gives dream, it's not exactly like the smile of meetings past, its not infatuated or charmed, it reads much more as like, i knew you'd come back. welcome home.
dream sits down and their relationship stops swinging back and forth and just clicks. into friendship. and equality.
where was i going with this? oh yeah just screaming eternally
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voca-song-a-day · 15 days
Today's featured song is: "Welcome to the Star Inn" by Kikuo feat. Hatsune Miku! (cw: death, and video contains flashing imagery)
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twstedsword · 1 year
doodles i did tonite
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aberration-abbey · 1 year
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or an Aberration I guess
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demolitionistic · 1 month
it is indeed a wandee Goodday HELLO good people i have missed HELLO show i have waited for
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
literati au where liz abandoned jess at luke’s dinner at the age of 10 because she couldn’t deal with this kid anymore, so luke took him in because honestly what else would he do? but also. lorelai loves jess so much because she’s saw him grown from this really 10 years old angry kid to this annoying teenager who asks her “how many coffee you had today, lorelai?” and she’d be like “not enough, jessie” and just. jess is always welcome at the gilmore’s household because at this point he is family and when liz danes comes back and saying she’s sorry and she wants to do right by him, lorelai literally yells at her that maybe, just maybe, she shouldn’t have left the kid outside of luke’s in the middle of the winter at 4am in the morning.
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wekillitwithfire · 2 months
its a unique kind of pain when you get really into something with a small fanbase and not much recent fanart, and you find a really cool piece from a really good artist and you just love how they interpret and draw the characters and you're obsessed with it and you can't wait to see what else they have in store, but then you go to their blog and you realize that the drawing was just a one-off 'i watched this show (etc.) recently and thought it was kinda cool" and they're very unlikely to make anything else for it again
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gl-asseater · 11 months
My current favourite podcasts rn:
Welcome to Night Vale
Wolf 395
The Bright Sessions
Archive 81
Gabriella and the Inn Between
The Amelia Project
Haunted House Flippers
How I Died
Patient 33
My Town (by Declan Grogan)
Forgive Me!
I could literally go on forever, the list never ends.
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alexpression · 7 months
Okay, but imagine...you're a weary traveler and you stumble upon this tiny inn on a remote island only to walk in and be happily greeted by the notorious pirate Blackbeard.
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spikesartbook · 1 year
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Welcome to the star inn, a place where people come to sit down and disappear ❤️
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Hello friends! We here at Podcast Hottie of the Week are sounding the call for new entrants!
If you would like to see your faves honored as the hottie they are, head over to our submit box. We currently have 45 active entrants, and would love to see more! Please simply include the name of the character(s) and the podcast in your submission. Thanks!
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cmweller · 1 month
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Challenge #04137-K119: The Founding of the Welcome Inn
The pickpocket no longer went by "Scram" but had chosen a new name for themselves. Thanks to the kindness of a wizard and their kobold companion, they'd opened an eatery that was very cheap, but with wonderous food, thanks to the farm, and the nearby river teeming with fish, they used to supply it rather than buying supplies elsewhere. In honor of the two, those who were poor and desperate were given food for free, shelter, and a chance to learn farming, fishing, and cooking, so they didn't go hungry, either.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03714-j061-change-a-life-change-the-world -- Anon Guest
[AN: Scram got a different story in One Life's Worth of Change but I can have room for more than one street kid thinking their name was Scram]
"Time is a flat circle," sighed the Elf after I introduced myself.
I had no choice but to stay. Trying to look inedible to a Kobold who was bigger than I was at the time. My hand was stuck in the Elf's pocket.
The Kobold was cackling. "More like city people are horrible," she said. "Name's Gikka, little one. We've done this before."
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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kariosho · 11 months
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Listened to Kikuo and activated like a sleeper agent.
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neositdow · 10 months
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Plushies of characters designed by chotashiki for two of kikuo's music video. I really love their designs ( and the musics they were made for ) and I couldn't resist to try to make plushies of them <3 They're both around 30cm tall ~ -----
I hope you like it ! ----
Characters comes from Yoru No Uta and Yōkoso hoshi no o yado You don't have the right to use these pics in any way thanks
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zevrans · 4 months
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