#well NO
tiredofsatansbullshit · 11 months
me, reading my own wips: oh my gosh no ways. that's so good. what happens next though????
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saint--claire · 5 months
When I was a little child, there was a particular library book I checked out week after week, endlessly renewing it as much as I was able. The book, How to Raise and Keep a Dragon by John Topsell was a quasi-nonfiction guide to, as you guessed, rearing different species of dragons. I loved it. Tiny-me had plans.
As an adult, I tried to buy it a few times. No dice. The book was so old that no mainstream bookseller stocked it. Even when I tried niche websites recommended by various booksellers and librarians, I still couldn't find it. It was sadly lost to time, apparently not popular enough to make it into the archives.
My best friend had a copy of that book. We're going to call her G, for several reasons not relevant at the moment. I was discussing my search with G one day, for some reason I can't remember now. She got a funny look on her face, asked me a few questions about the cover, listened to me do a very poor job of explaining with my hands how the hardcover copy had included a real gemstone in the dragon's forehead, and then went off to fish it out of her bookcase.
I was Gobsmacked.
I should not have been, given that the history of shared childhood books between us both would have made a circle with ragged edges, more so than a venn diagram, but I digress. The book came home to live in my house for a few months, and I was delighted by the chance to read it again.
Do people remember those type of books? Dragonology, Egyptology, The Stone Age - a way of introducing children to non fiction. They very earnestly spoke about the responsibilities needed to raise dragons, the practicalities involved. There was a record of registration you could fill out, if you had carefully considered the information to your self and felt you were responsible enough to to go through with adopting a dragon.
I vaguely remember filling out some of the riddle and puzzle questions in the Dragonology books. I would never have written in John Topsell's book, it was a library book.
When I re-read G's copy at home, smiling over the familiar artwork, I was surprised to turn the page and find the painstaking, somewhat-wonky handwriting staring back at at me. Baby G, with her name spelled out in freshly-joined but still-not-quite-got-the-hang-of-this-yet cursive lettering. Baby G had filled the registration out in her best handwriting, in glittery green gel pen to denote the importance of the document. This was compared to the earlier, less important checklists done in plain black ink.
I read the registration certificate. Smiled. Smiled some more at the names listed for G's dragon, her dam, and her sire - Eragon was also a great book. Go off, Christopher Paolini.
Breed; standard Western Dragon. The box 'miniture' was ticked, to show that G's dragon was of the minature specic variety, rather than a full size dragon. This was, as she would later explain to me, chosen on the basis that baby-G felt it was the more financially responsible choice. Also so she could keep her dragon in her house with her, but we're not there yet.
I looked at that certificate. Looked at it again. Looked at the calendar, and then looked at the sewing machine I had just been given for Christmas.
G celebrates her birthday in January.
The template came first. I studied the different images of the standard western dragon through the book, picked my favourite, and re-drew it to a significantly larger scale.
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Inking the design to the fabric, four times over probably took the longest.
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I very subtly asked G the next time she was over (after hurling all dragon-related materials in a panic into the depths of my wardrobe) what type of colour dragon she would have, should it come up. As G later said, that type of question from me truly did not register as anything other than a question asked from theoretical interest. I transitioned the topic as discreetly as I could after she answered, and delightfully, my sneakiness went in one ear, out the other, and she forgot I had ever asked until several weeks later.
I enjoyed painting them.
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Don't ask me how many mistakes I made through this process. So many. I do already know how to sew, but it's been a long time. I'd been meaning to get back into it for a while.
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Given that various aunts and grandmothers and my mother had a knack for calling when I was up to my elbows in either paint or pins, it became a family affair. Each of them peered at the project through face time and offered their advice.
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Some of the advice I took, some I didn't. No regrets about sewing it in pink thread. Considerable regrets about accidentally slicing one of the feet in half and having to fix that.
In the end though, she was finished.
I carefully pinned on her name tag, with the name baby-G had chosen with a little blue ribbon. A collar was unacceptable, this is a dragon, people, come on. Dragon's don't wear collars.
I put the book in the box, open to the registration certificate, and put the dragon on top. Wrapped the whole thing up with a bow and then refused to touch it before I sent myself mad trying to fix details that didn't really need to be fixed.
A bit late for her birthday, sure, but there we are. We'd gone for a trip off to nowhere for a weekend, to go try wine made out of blueberries and hike up a waterfall. (And climb on it. And swim in it. It was a very good waterfall).
I gave her the box, informed her she wasn't allowed to keep the box, just the contents (it was the only thing I had that was big enough for me to keep all of my A3 portfolios in, it had only been temporarily-repurposed as dragon housing), and then left the next bit up to the gods.
A surprise, sitting un-awaited for some 15 years in amber, to catch up to baby G and adult G together.
Happy Birthday, baby and adult G.
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parti-poppers · 2 months
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seasononesam · 4 months
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Stackednatural- 204/327
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning (6x14) February 18th, 2011
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pixiecactus · 4 days
some people (you know who) do their best effort to no remember at all or completely omit arya's canon reaction when she learned about joffrey's death:
Arya edged farther into the room. Joffrey’s dead. She could almost see him, with his blond curls and his mean smile and his fat soft lips. Jofftey’s dead! She knew it ought to make her happy, but somehow she still felt empty inside. Joffrey was dead, but if Robb was dead too, what did it matter?
she's not happy about it and she doesn't feel vindicated at all, arya understands now that nothing will bring back her brother. pursuing revenge won't make her feel whole once again. and that's the point that most dumbasses miss completely. arya is not fueled by revenge. sure, she made a list long ago, but it was when she was grieving her father's death and she didn't knew how to deal with all those feelings in a better way.
arya only ends up in the house of black and white, because she does not have anywhere else to go, she wanted to go back to jon, but it wasn't possible and all she had left was the coin jaqen h'ghar had given her. she considered her options before making her choice, thinking about how she could go back to acorn hall with lady smallwood, but she discards the idea pretty quickly because she doesn't think herself able to find the path to acorn hall again, she could go out of her way to found hot pie at sharna's inn or maybe meet with the bwb again, but that would be stupid, because the brotherhood only wanted her for the possibility of ransom her name offered and because the boys she thought were her friends, decided to abandon her at the first chance they got, meaning in her mind that they don't want her around anymore. she's completely alone with nowhere to go and the only thing that could bring a little of hope back to her life is, you guessed, the damn coin.
so saying that arya is fueled by revenge in the same way her mother's ghost/zombie (?) seems to be, is just fucking untruthful.
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ratguy-nico · 4 months
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I want you to look at this...but not too much okey?
I...I dont love it, dont hate it either, is pretty good but is just missing that something that je ne sais quoi
So yeah I got tired of making scketchs I NEED COLOR so decide to take this and put some color, see how I want the final product to look like.
This is how I "want" the final product to look like:
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I wanted to made of of this typical Valentine Cards that evryone gives in San Valentin
the only problem is... se ve horrible -_-
Graphic Design is definitely not my passion. I consult a little with my bff who is actually a graphic design-er but they never want to help me with anything
So yeah... i dont even know what to say
Lat thing my work process is truly a mess I get boring and start doing whatever XD
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thatsbelievable · 4 months
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lilcatastrophe · 6 months
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@silentwillowwhisperer said sparkly paladins and I am here to deliver ✨
I will be putting the other paladins in some sparkle too I am not done, just you wait
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references ~
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shrimpfriedwhat · 4 months
First day for @obito-week!!
Broken goggles
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this is my first time participating in any kind of artist event i am so fucking scared for like, no reason
any tips are welcome btw, criticism too but please don't make me cry
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sgcairo · 1 year
Out of all my early life stories for Dottore, my favorite by far is not only that he had an oddly supportive mother, but the fact that she's the one who influenced his mad experiments and fascination with gruesome recreations of humans. No one knows she exists, Dottore made sure to bury the location of his home with all who discover it, but her little cottage in the woods is frequented every few months by her highly successful son (who she can't help but brag about to their extended family, her little Zandik is the best scholar on this side of Teyvat). They go on picnics, talk about Dottore's newest experiments, and, of course, bury a body together as mother-son bonding time.
When examining them side by side, Dottore definitely got his looks from his mother. His height was stolen from somewhere else, but he has her eyes, hair, teeth- even if his are a little bit pointier. He always was unapologetically a mama's boy as a child, and still is to this day. Anyone who dares insult or even look at his mother wrong runs the serious risk of becoming his next subject for an excruciating experiment, Il Dottore will not allow disrespect towards his dear old ma'.
His segments practically jump for joy when they get assigned to going to check on "the old coot", she always feeds them well and sends them back with plenty of specimens, snacks, and new clothes, whatever is an old witch to do with her time other than dote on her son and his precious creations? She even calls then her "other sons," which confuses the townspeople when she talks about all twenty-something of them. Everyone's too scared to ask how she acquired that many.
And yes, she's very long lived, Dottore offered her eternal life- which she immediately accepted. Contrary to the "let me die in peace" trope of the elderly, she went completely off the beaten path, might as well extend her life even more than she already has on her own. Terrorizing people is her passion, and why the hell would she chose to die when she can live forever! She can make bank if she lives long enough...
The only unfortunate side effect of Dottore or the segments visiting her regularly is Pantalone finding out. Not only does he pay mother dearest a visit, but he gets some fascinating blackmail material as she is not shy in the slightest, especially when it comes to Dottore's adorable baby pictures. Dottore comes home to find Pantalone sipping on his mother's famous no-sleep-for-weeks coffee, casually chatting about her newest formula for the "love potions" she sells.
Because Pantalone can't resist being smug, he calls Dottore "my dearest Dottie" once and she jumps to all the wrong conclusions. Dottore would correct her, but she's already planning their wedding, and whenever he visits, he's now implored to bring his "attractive fiance" with him. There's no escape, and Pantalone plays along, even worse!
Just wait until she meets the child...
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daily-yttd-something · 6 months
Day 106: hanging from the tree :)
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leheckajiri · 2 months
(referring to danya) One must imagine a crazed octopus
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parti-poppers · 5 months
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theredcuyo · 1 month
Okay but i just realized the consecuences of following Bad for so long
Because i just saw a vod that had in the title "The egg returns" and i had two reactions at the same time as i hadn't seen the date it was from
1- My stomach revolted and i got scared, a quick feeling of doom reaching me
2- I smiled and thought to myself, 'oh, that's gotta be cute, reunion and all'
Same happens when i read the words "Egg lore" now, i can't tell if i'm worried or happy and it's definitely Bad 'I will unofficially adopt all those children' boyhalo's fault
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kitdarling · 8 months
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i missed him
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i missed both of them so fucking much i didnt even know i did
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"please g0 the fuck away egbert, g0d."
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COME ON! die.
this is peak homestuck i swear to god it is
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dancefloors · 8 months
post liam payne dancing to exile
could only find this, my only question is why didnt any of you have me institutionalised at this point in time
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