#well hi hello she's in bitch mode im sorry but shes not
evcryopeneye · 5 months
@directorofwulin liked for a starter
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The Phoenix had gone forward in time for a god damn reason. Some peace and quiet. It wasn’t enough that during her multiple lifetimes in the mortal world she had spent most of it helping other people and trying to keep the world from ending, her vacation days got ruined as well?
She’d picked the year precisely because it was so far in the future Cultivation as they knew it was long dead, replaced with technology, the ability for anyone to manipulate the world around them. It was a glorious thing really, even if it meant the era that Feng Wu was so versed in had been lost to dust and buried under rocks. It was the perfect getaway.
Right up until she felt something tug inside her, as if her mind blipped out of existence for a moment only to return almost instantly. A single frame drop that alerted her to shenanigans. Whoever it was, better have a damn fucking good reason. It happened again, and then again, each time she pulled herself back, dug in metaphorical heels and refused to move.
The last time someone tried to command her to anything it had ended badly, for everyone involved…maybe that was some justification for being selfish enough to refuse to attend, right up until pain overcame annoyance. She was starting to get a migraine, the metaphorical tug of war was tiring and even the immortal phoenix couldn’t ignore it forever.
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It took only a blink of an eye, and felt far longer than that to appear in the clearing. Feng Wu could feel the cool grass under her, a hand reached out to feel it in an attempt to center herself. Though the fact she was ready to stab someone in the face made it more difficult to do.
“You have three seconds to explain yourself.”
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am-artist · 2 years
the wilds s2 finale thoughts im mad these seasons are so short
ok damn with the future flashes ??
shelby looks great. TONI also looks great. one of the perks of the setting is that the girls with makeup on do look aged up from the island.
i find it hard to believe that shoni are permanently broken up until post island though
oh not fucking gretchen again. why is she not dead.
thank fuck it was a dream!
girlies finally realizing leah is not insane at all.
kind of wish shelby had told fatin about the ship thing instead of defaulting to toni but oh well. fatin in trees now!
“ditto bitch different her” ????????? is she saying this to shelby or about leah??? hello??
that tree is very climbable
is martha not in interviews bc shes still catatonic?? ahhhh
um this fatin & leah moment… GIRLS???? if they make them happen next season wow
honestly if we get both girl pairs and like one guy pair to be fair i would be very pleased. lgbt island
the helicopter makes so much make sense bc i was wondering how the girls wouldnt move beyond certain beats (leah not learning about fatin’s discoveries, shoni breakup) but if now is when they get sent off to interviews…. i get it
the boys being so fractured and isolated makes total sense but hurts. raf and henry bonding is very cute tho even if its over fucking seth.
i love kirin and ivan im sorry!!!! frisbee bonding excellence. i keep saying they could be excellent team parents if they tried
ooooofffff course seth’s stupid ass brings back the boat to play hero bc he Needs to be the Good Guy. jesus
kirin and seth seems like a recipe for disaster.
okay raf makes sense but i do wish ivan somehow went with because to be fair he is a fairly good peacemaker + the comedic potential of him and kirin stuck in a raft at sea together is too good
literally what is seth’s plan even. i mean theyre all stupid for rushing off aimlessly but what is his plan. “was this like fucking stupid” um yes
if seth doesnt drop the jocular act i SWEAR TO FUCK i am going to kill him.
nevermind kirin will
oh raf is going to beat seth’s ass. deserved
not more gretchen i cannot. s3 murder gretchen as genderless bonding arc
“you’re stronger now” well for starters rachel is missing a hand
leah baby i love you. a winner truly.
this leah montage!!!!
ok the fatin leah reunion really got me. my bestieeeees……….
omg crossover event. why am i getting so hyped for this meeting of groups
ugh gretchen do not ruin this for me
raf and leah i do love.
oh did all the researchers run off??? s3 dual island survival mode???? FUN
loser mom loser son moment. also dont care about this evil scientist faceoff.
PEOPLE on the inside? multiple? is shelby meant to be who we suspect?
seth is so incredibly annoying
oh season three cannot come soon enough
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caysophia · 4 years
Sam Guthrie x Reader (f, smut) Dirty thoughts
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"..."-actual talking
'...'- y/n talking with others telepathically / others responding to her
y/n pov
I rolled around my bed a little thing to get comfortable "Good morning. It's 8:30..." Rang out the speaker in the corner of the room. I groaned and sat up, pushing my hair out of eyes and rubbing my face "We get it, we get it." I groaned and stood up slowly from my bed walking over to the dresser of clothes and getting dressed.
I put on a black flannel, some ripped jeans, and some slides. I sat down at the metal and wood desk in front of my bed and put on some mascara and eyeliner, not a lot as it looked like it was gonna rain.
I walked out of my room, an actual room. I walked down the many halls to the bathroom to do some stuff and then going to the cafe to make a cup of tea, it was a tea day today. I opened the metal and glass double doors being the first one in. I boiled some water and prepared my tea, it was just black tea with honey.
I stood at the counter hearing footsteps, they weren't heavy so it isn't Sam or Roberto.
'Hello' i said as the person walked in, it was Dani "I forgot you were telepathic, to early for that y/n." she said with a laugh 'sorry, I don't t feel like talking right now.' i said and she nodded "We going mute today? or just not in the mood?" she asked as she sat down at the table closest to where I was." I cocked my head and thought about it.
'not in the mood right now.' i thought as I bent back making my back crack, and stretching out my neck "What are you doing today? It might rain." Dani asked as she stood up grabbing a random fruit from a bowl on a metal counter.
I poured the boiling water into a mug and stirred it 'I think I'm just gonna head back to my room, or go into the lounge. oo the attic to maybe, the rain sounds so nice up there.' I chuckled and she smiled 'what about you?' I asked as Dani threw away the apple core "I don't know, I have more testing." Dani said as Rahne came in, she waved and we waved back.
"Hey!" Dani said as the girl walked over, I waved again and pointed to the door "See ya y/n."Dani said with a smile "Bye y/n."
I exited the cafe with my cup of tea and walked around wasting time before seeing same down the hallway coming towards the cafe 'Hey starshine.' i said and waved, he waved back and jogged down the hall slightly meeting up with me 'Morning handsome' I said with a wink, he rolled his eyes "You just gonna invade my thoughts now." Sam said and I laughed talking another sip of tea 'Of course, I always do.' i chuckled.
'Im gonna go outside. bye-bye country boy.' i said as I took a sip of tea "See ya." he nodded his head as he fixed his hat. I and sam split ways, I walked down the hallway more making it to the front exit of the building 'Reyes please open the front exit door' and heard the door open 'thanks.'.
The metal doors closed behind me, over the forest beyond the gate were dark clouds 'Nice...' i walked over to the concrete block that sam used when he goes into rocketship mode. I jumped onto it and sat down, The placement of the block made it perfect to watch the sky and field at the same time.
I spent a few minutes there, completely spaced out (like no thoughts, no hearing, head empty) I felt a tap on my shoulder "What the fuck!" I screamed and also spilling the cup of tea on me. I jumped off the block and turned towards the person who touched me. Rahne put her hands up in the air "Woah, chill. Didn't mean to scare ya. It group time." I raised a brow "It's only like 9:30..." Rahne shook her head "It's 11, you've been spaced out for a while..."
I looked at Rahne "I-" I stuttered out and laughed "I-yeah okay, time for a group I guess... let's go, thanks for getting me." I thanked Rahne and grabbed the mug, and walked towards the door. I poured the cold tea into the dead bushes and walked in the building dropping the mug off at the cafe and then heading to the group.
Rahne walked into the room sitting down next to Dani "I'm glad you could make it y/n. Did something happen?" Reyes asked as I froze, the room went quiet "head went empty, no thought." I said quietly and sat down in between Roberto and Illyana, Illyana chuckled 'Shut the fuck up blonde bitch.' I smiled and she glared.
"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start," Reyes said with a smile. I looked around the room making eye contact with Sam. Sam shook his head slightly, I smirked 'hi.'  he rolled his eyes fixing his hat 'Yeah?' i smiled slightly looking at sams sitting from up and down 'You looking kinda cute today.' Sam locked eyes with me 'I know where this will lead, no. Not now.' I pouted 'You're no fun...' i pouted, sam scoffed out loud "Yes sam?" Reyes questioned looking in between me and him "Nothing, sorry." Sam muttered out and looked at me, Reyes nodded "Y/n, stop please." I nodded and looked at the floor, Reyes went over ways to control the powers of the other.
"Why is y/n here?" Illyana blurted out stopping Reyes mid-sentence "What do you mean Illyana."  Reyes fixed her posture in her seat, I looked at Sam 'I've been here for a year, how the fuck does she not know?'  Sam shrugged his shoulder 'She doesn't like you, you know that. She's just trying to cause trouble.'
"She doesn't have any powers beside for fucking physic powers." Illyana scoffed, I laughed at her. Reyes looked at me "She is here just like everyone else. Something happened, putting her and others in danger." Reyes said softly glancing at her "You do realize, telepathic powers are mind not just mind linking right?" I questioned the blonde looking at her "It's the power of invading the mind like Mind Control, Illusion Manipulation, Psychic Torture. I could fuck with your mind so hard that your safe plane wouldn't be a thing anymore." I threatened and Reyes snapped her fingers, just something she found out stops me from hurting things...
"Well, what you do? kill your parents?" Illyana mocked and I laughed "kind yeah. I lost control and made a bus driver drive a bus into a body of moving water and everyone drowned. Besides for me somehow." I said in a smart ass tone fighting the lump in my throat 'im going to fuck this bitch up, either making her see smiley men or just giving her an uppercut to the jaw.'  i said sam and cleared my throat. Reyes wrote some notes down "Ok, we're done here. Everyone can leave." I stood up and walked to sam and gave him a fake smile, Illyana bumped into my shoulder and smiled "Sorry." she laughed 'try me, you'll see smiley men.' i smiled as she glared at me and walked out. "What did you just say?" Sam said as he throws his jacket over his shoulder "Oh nothing." I smiled and grabbed his hand and left the room.
I and sam walked to the lounge in silence, my mind rushing with flashbacks from the crash. Even though I didn't get hurt, it still haunts you. When we got to the room Dani and Rahne were already there turning on the Tv "Hey guys!" Dani said in a happy tone "Hey." me and Sam said, sam going to the foosball table with Roberto, I jumped over the couch next to Rahne "You talking now?" She asked I shook my head "Oh boy, ill be doing more than talking if Illyana tried anything." I said and looked at the tv, a random movie turning on.
Rahne patted my shoulder "Hey, she stepped over a line. Yes. But you can't make her live through her fears." I laughed  "Okay." I said and looked over the couch to sam 'You looking kinda hot right now.'  Sam shook his head not stopping the game to respond 'what? You're not gonna respond?' i teased him, no respond 'Your asking for it. watch it.' i waited for a response nothing. I turned around and watch the movie on tv.
3rd person (it's gonna start getting graphic and smut.)
Y/n continued to tease and bother sam more and more, making him lose a bunch of foosball games against Roberto "Well you suck." Roberto laughed as he fixed the players on the polls, Sam rolled his eyes and put the ball in the middle "Is y/n talking to you through brain waves for some shit." Roberto laughed and took the first hit Sam laughed and started to play "Oh no, definitely not." Sam laughed.
'You're not talking about me, are you?' Y/n voice popped into sams head, Sam rolled his eyes 'Why would I? It's not like you don't invade my head every day.' Sam replied y/n chuckled from the couch where her, Rahne, And Dani were sat watching a movie 'You're too cute sam, you know that? Oh and don't even get me started about how big your hands are, I wouldn't mind them on me.'  Y/n teased, sam took a deep breath not wanting to lose the game but also not wanting  Y/ns comment to go to his head.
'Oh come on big boy, don't ignore me. I can see your breathing patterns change.' Y/n said making sam frustrated, and groan "Oh my." Sam glared at him "Stop it."
'You wanna leave the lounge? go up to my room and see what is a coal miner does to the body?  I bet it does wonder.' y/n flirted, Sam scored a goal against Roberto "Imma go, see ya." and sam left, y/n rolled her eyes "I'll be back." and left the room after Sam.
Y/n exited the lounge going after sam "Sam!" Y/n yelled down to him as he walked down the hall ignoring her "Sam! come on, stop it."Y/n said as she ran down the hall trying to catch up to him. Sam continued to ignore y/ns calls as he walked down the hall, he was embarrassed and a little angry.
'Sam, come on. I'm sorry okay?  I should've told you earlier and tried to stop, okay but it's hard when you hearing the thoughts of everyone around you .' Y/ns voice echoed through sams head, sam stopped and turned around to face y/n who was only a few feet away from him "Why?" Sam asked, leaving y/n confused "Why what?" Y/n gave a nervous chuckle worried about what he was gonna ask.
"Was it all a joke? Just something to get a laugh at?" Sam scoffed y/n laughed at his comment, leaving sam confused "What?" Y/n bent over laughing before catching her breath "Oh my! you are clueless Sam. You don't think I would've made sexual jokes for fun? I might be a bitch but I don't play with feelings sams." Y/n said with a smile, Sam glanced down at Y/n "Sam! I like you your clueless puppy!" Y/n Yelled but not loud enough for the group down the hall to hear.
"Oh so- oh... oh." Sam said out loud as he thought, he smirked at y/n "Ill take you up on that offer." Y/n laughed "Bet." and with that Y/n grabbed Sams wrist and the two of them ran down to the dorms.
Y/n pulled Sam into her room, locking the door and covering the camera in the corner of the room, y/n turned around taking off her shoes, sam already doing that  "You ready?" Y/n smirked, "As all hell."
Y/ns pov
Sam pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. bringing sam into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck one hand in his hair and throwing his hat off.  "You are a naughty girl," he said looking at me in the eyes, I winked "I know." bringing him into a rough kiss letting him lead. Sam started taking off his flannel and shirt, I doing the same.
I pulled sam back into a kiss now just in a bar and jeans. Sam kissed down my jaw and onto my neck leaving hickies and bites. I moaned once he hit a spot right below my jaw, he worked on the spot for a while before moving to my chest. His hands traveling down to the hem of my jeans. Sam looked up "You ready?" He asked I nodded. Sam Unbuttoned my jeans and sticking his hand in.
He started playing with my clit with us thumb, "wet already ?" He said smirking, I moaned "just fuck me Sam " I moaned, throwing my head back fisting my sheets in the bed, "not yet baby," he said inserting his middle fingers. I arched my back and moaned "s-Sam f-faster " I said breathless moaning, Coming close to an Orgasm, he inserted two more fingers going faster, I was a moaning mess "I-I'm cL-close " I moaned out and came on this hand.
He licked his hand clean, and took off his jeans, and stroked his penis, he groaned and I flipped us around so he's on the bottom and I put his member in my mouth it was at least 10 inches so there was still a good amount not in my mouth so I rubbed the exposed part. "Y/n," he said putting his hands to his face before grabbing my hair.
After a while, he comes into my mouth.
I looked at him and started kissing him, giving him hickeys down his jaw and next, while my hands went down his abs, I gave him hickeys on his neck where he couldn't hind them and down his stomach. After Sam flipped us so I was under him, he put a condom on and slid in me, I moaned his name digging my nails into his shoulder blades leaving marks. Sam groaned giving my neck hickeys. "I-I'm close Sam," I said moaning. San put my hands above my head and held my hand. "M-me too," he said and we both released, and plotted down next to me. Both of us out of breath.
"I bet you don't like dirty thoughts anymore huh?" I joked Sam chuckled.
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amphii-writes · 4 years
How Fukurodani And I Would Interact Head cannons
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Hey! this is just how I think I would interact with the team because I know myself better than I know you, the reader! so i’m sorry if these are a bit boring :,)
warning: use of marijuana, swearing
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Wow anyways what the fuck would i get myself into
I'd be like the school mascot person and be walking around in the owl suit and bokuto would be so excited to see me
Like not me,, but the owl mascot cause he may be 18 but on the inside hes a fucking child
He’d hug me too hard and the head would pop off and he’d just be like 😀
He would cry, he would go into “emo mode” and god it would be fucking horrible
Getting my head back on and trying to comfort a crying beefcake of a man is hard 
Akaashi would of course hear the sobbing of the fucking ace and run because poor dude is the only one who can handle him
Akaashi would see what happened and just fuckin be so tired
Give this man a break please
He’d be like “Bokuto-San, you have to apologize to the mascot for decapitating it” and bokuto would be like “iTS A TRAITOR!! A WOMANS IN THERE AGAASHI” and id have to take the fucking head off and explain to this grown ass man that the mascot isnt a real owl and that im in the suit.
He’d be so heartbroken
I’d know about the volleyball team because I have to show up to most sports events unless I can get someone else to suit up for me. That shits so hot so barely anyone does it other than the kid i'm training to take it for next year cause i can't handle it
The mascots job is that when it's a home game to rile up the students, get them to cheer, yada yada 
I would for sure be acquainted with bokuto and his personality due to the fact he fucking loves the mascot character so much
Who doesn't tho? Its a cute fat owl of course everyone loves it
Bokuto heard one team talking shit about the owl mascot before a game and made sure to fucking pummel them
Find that absolutely hilarious to think about, he’d rant to akaashi and he’d just be so fuckin tired
As an apology, bokuto invites me to practice and akaashi is just like “i'm so sorry about him” and introduces himself and everything
For sure a sweetie about everything because Akaashi's an angel
I meet the main 3 of the team, everyone else just kinda ehs away 
I’d meet Bokuto, Akaashi, and Konoha
Konoha’s kinda a fucking dick so id be like “ah,,, GROSS” in my head but id be nice to him no matter what cause im a pussy
I feel like id bring brownies one day and bokuto would start to cry out of pure joy
He seems like the brownie/chocolate type of guy ya know?
Akaashi would compliment my baking and ask if its a recipe that i made/was handed down to me
Homie would totally ask if he could come over and bake with me
Bokuto would force akaashi to let him come even though bokuto would probably eat a raw ass egg
I feel like that’d be when they invite me to their team group chat called “OWLS!!!” with owl emojis on either side of the name
It’d be pretty normal minus bokuto being absolutely chaotic constantly
He's the type to send the chat weird ass shit at like 2 am and the next morning not remember
For sure me and Akaashi would get high and chill
He’d at first be against it but then i feel like he’d be like hm fine
We’d go to like a gas station and get an ass ton of snacks and watch shitty movies and giggle
Oh and he fucking totally gets talkative while hes zooted, cant tell me otherwise
He’d talk about everything and anything, for sure would tell his secrets and others and just talk mad shit too
HE”D BE LIKE “sometimes im just really tired of bokuto-san’s shit, like i get it but shut the fuck up” AND ID BE WHEEZING
For sure bokuto would ask me to dress in the owl mascot and id get him to just let me dress up like the owl
Id show up to a game in a cute owl-based outfit with wings n shit and poor dude would combust
Him and akaashi for sure would just- not expect that their 5’2 manager looks like an angel like awe
Would for sure yell and brag about me to other teams, bokuto to nekoma’s kuroo and Akaashi to Karasuno’s Daichi
After that game it became a thing for them to ask me to wear weird outfits to games and practices
Worth it tho. On halloween they’d be excited as fuck cause they know damn well im showing up in a costume
I show up in my Kocho Shinobu cosplay and just :))
She's very pretty and i think that the 3 would like her butterfly jacket a lot
Bokuto would for sure call me butterfly-chan for the rest of practice even though he usually calls me owl-chan
Akaashi would comment on the detail of the costume and how much he respects my hard work
I feel like bokuto would say something about how i'm clearly not asian and be like “SO WHErE YA FROM OWL-CHAN?”
It’d be kinda funny to see Akaashi tell him how rude that is and he’d apologize but also be curious
For sure akaashi would ask me to translate literary devices and idioms for him and explain what they mean to him, this includes sayings and other stuff he just doesn't understand
Bokuto would ask me to speak english and I'd say “hello Bokuto, how are you?” and he’D FLIP HIS SHIT BAHBDSJBDK
He’d find that so cool and call me smart :))
On birthdays id make the birthday boys favorite food and a homemade cake and surprise the team
When this happened akaashi started to cry because he didn’t think i’d go so far for him
Bitch of course i would now eat your noodles
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Hey! I know this isnt exactly a super flashy or organized version like you see other bloggers and writers use but im trying and that’s all that matters-
thank you for reading, it means a lot to me!
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munsooon · 5 years
aka damn bitch im tired
when i got this request i screamed bcs i felt this on a spiritual level. also i kinda deviated from the request a bit so im sryy!! hope you enjoy it tho :)
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Usually you worked the morning shifts, not that you minded. the crowd was nice enough and it never got as hectic as it tended to get on the afternoons, and it was a nice balance between your life here at earth and the life you had with The Doctor.
He never understood why you’d kept your job, it was tiring and you’d always come to him complaining about the ridiculous rude people you had to serve.
But alas, you were independent, and you liked being able to provide for yourself (even though current earth currency didn’t mean shit in outer space). So he learned to work around your schedule.
However, this time you were late.
He usually parked(?) the TARDIS in the spare room in your apartment around the time you usually got home- which was always at exactly 4:35. it was 5:00, and there was no sign of you. You always called if you were to be late, usually something about the metro not working or taking a different course due to traffic.
He was starting to worry.
Did you break your phone? Did your bus get hijacked? Did a customer finally push you over the edge and you rko’d them and now you’re in jail?
He didn’t know where to start looking, the city was so BIG! you could be anywhere!
With a long sigh, and a rub to his temple, he stepped back into the TARDIS and made his way to ground zero, your job. didn’t take him long to arrive, and when he did he carefully made his way inside.
Today seemed to be busier than usual. He looked through the windows to see if he could catch a sight of you, and it didn’t take him long to find you.
you were attending a table, smile bright and big, eyes dead and empty. You always told him you were a fake bitch but he never knew what you meant, until now. Your hair was a little disheveled, and your apron was slightly crooked. You looked absolutely exhausted, and he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. He knows your work schedule like the back of his hand, yet when you’re out on an adventure he’ll push your limits. He doesn’t mean any harm of course, he simply wants you to see and enjoy everything the universe has to offer, but you’re only human, and with this job combined with your space journeys, you’re bound to burn out. and burned out is exactly what you looked like.
whatever plans he had for you this afternoon would have to wait, he needed to put your health first.
despite that he decided to go inside, and was quickly greeted by the hostess. “Hello! dine in for one?” she chirped. she shared the same look of death in her eyes as you did, so he just smiled widely and nodded. “Yes! i was wondering if i could sit by a booth?” he asked, he knew you always got the booths as your section. “of course sir! follow me please!”
he was quickly sat on a booth by the corner, and promptly waited for your arrival.
it took you less than 45 seconds to come and greet him, eyes glued to your notepad. “Hello! what can i get you to drink?” you asked in what could only be described as your customer service voice.
“just a water for now,” he said and immediately you looked up at him with wide eyes. “oh god, what are you doing here?” you asked him before looking around and making sure none of your managers were around so you could take a seat.
“well, i didn’t get a call so i got a bit worried,” he said, exaggerating a bit.
“oh i’m sorry, i didn’t have time to get my phone and call. we got slammed and one of the girls had to take her kid to the doctor so she wasn’t able to come in,” you explained with a small frown. “i don’t know if they’ll keep me until closing or until it dies down, sorry.”
“nah don’t worry about it,” he said, holding back the urge to tuck your loose stands of hair behind your ear, “i didn’t have anything extraordinary planned out,”
that was a lie.
“and you, deserve nothing but extraordinary.”
that wasn’t a lie.
you gave him a smile, but not like the ones you gave your tables; with your eyes blank and soulless- no, for him your eyes shone with what can only be described as adoration.
before you could tell him anymore, you could hear your name being called from the kitchen, indicating that your food was ready.
you gave him a small smile as you stood from the chair, “were you gonna stay?” you asked hopeful. with him there your shift would certainly be a little more interesting.
“no, i’d be a distraction, and you missy,” he said, finally reaching to tuck your messy stands behind your ear, “need to focus. i’ll come by later to pick you up okay? if you get out a little early i’m only a call away.”
your name was called again, and you nodded at him before running to the back to fetch your food.
after he left, he couldn’t help but to think about how exhausted you were going to be afterwards. you needed a break, from work and from you me adventures. but he didn’t know how to help you accomplish that. well at least now he’d have time to think.
it wasn’t until very late that night that the Doctor got your call indicating that you were out.
“i know it’s late sorry, but i called just to let you know i was on my way to my apartment,” your tired voice said, barely above a whisper. “don’t move a muscle, i’m going to pick you up!” he said quickly, knowing your only mode of transportation was either him or your own legs- and it was dark and dangerous.
not even two seconds later the TARDIS materialized in front of you and the door soon opened. you stepped foot inside and was surprised at the sight.
along the rails were lit candles leading into the hallway, and although you were dead tired you couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement as you put your bag down and followed the path.
it lead you a way you weren’t too familiar with, but it didnt take you long to reach your destination.
the door was old, made out of wood and was a little heavy to open, but once inside you couldn’t help but squeal. there was a little table, with two chairs at its side, with a bouquet of some alien flowers and what looked like food on a plate.
you wanted to cry!
“i thought you were in need a break, and decided to pick up your favorite,” a voice quipped up behind you, and you turned and ran into the Doctors arms. it wasnt anything big, but in that moment all you wanted to do was kiss him.
and kiss him you did. UwU  
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Alright so I did this for Episode I which you can find here and then Episode II which you can find here and then Episode III which you can find here. So here’s my weird live reaction/note taking/whatever this is.. to Episode lV.
I remember this being my favourite of the original trilogy because it sets everything up and basically kick started everything but lets see if that changes when i’ve finally got through all of these. 
Also I’m just watching whatever version i can find online because I can’t be bothered to go and find my dvd of it so yeah.. whether we get weird updated version or original effects or whatever, who knows. 
All the old effects like how C3p0 looks and r2d2 are impressive. 
There wasn’t really anything in the opening crawl i felt like commenting on, no big THEY DID THAT IN THE OPENING? but i guess it’s the first one that came out so that makes sense. 
WTF did the stormtroopers use to get that door open, that was so explosive wtf.
Also the blasters are like set to 10000 and smoke is everywhere. 
How did nobody shoot the dorids?
Yooo little Ani nice suit my dude. 
Hold on, she sent a msg with r2 to go to Obiwan which for 1 howd she know he’s alive? I’m gonna presume her dad said or something and 2.. ..why not just.. go yourself? 
So when they’re set to stun a Stormtrooper can shoot someone no problem
Also we dont get enough stun weird circle blaster shots
Ohhhh she didnt go because the scan for lifeforms thing alright ill allow it
but my dude.. even so.. maybe just shoot it just in case? like.. droids exist and people know about them?
DARTH VADERS LITTLE HANDS ON HIPS! Omfg he’s like “God damn, this bitch again.”
This Vader is a sassy boy. 
I love this guy who works with Vader and doesnt mind chatting back to him. 
Loving the droids in the desert. 
R2 does not look like it would work in a desert. 
C3 like “He tricked me into going this way” stop being a lil bich. 
The crawler thingy is badass. 
I thought that was a magnet it was just a big sucky pipe. 
Oh yep theres the new effects. 
Droids sleep? I guess power saver mode. 
Wtf is that dome droid
Luke! Luuuuuke! Iconic 2 words there. Well reused for that episode of Rebels where Obiwan watches from a distance. 
Bocce.. what a classic language. 
How is that “wasting time with friends” and not chores, going into town to get something sounds like a chore to me. 
Why did they get an atromech anyway? Like.. what’d they need the other droid for? 
C3 is a real bro lbh, if it wasn’t for him, R2 would be with the jawa still. 
Oooh oil bath. sexy. 
I wonder if people ship R2 and C3 because tbh it makes sense to me. 
Luke got an erection at the mention of the rebellion. 
Now it’s getting harder at that random blurry image of his sister. 
R2 is a cheeky lil shit. 
This is just some good home life shit. 
Dat soundtrack. 
You know what.. it’s a really nice home. 
Is it just me or is Owen dressed kinda Jedi-y. 
So is “Sand People” like the racist way to say “Tusken Raider”?
Obiwan, thats a ridiculous fucking noise. 
“Hello There” iconic. 
You know what the Prequels do add a lot to this. 
A young Jedi named Darth Vader.. im sorry.. thats just not a name. 
For someone who wants to get off the planet, Lukes like “Naa but i gotta get home”
Obiwan also just being like “You know what, fuck it here.. lets go.”
You know what as much of a bitch as that guy who gets force choked is, he’s a good actor. 
Also Tarkin yay. 
I feel like he should have dropped to his knees or something there. 
That is a scary droid. 
Cool door close. 
Thats a weird ass CG droid with a hole in. 
None of the other storm troopers gonna wonder why Dave’s being weird? 
Wahey! Figrin Dan and the Model Nodes! Love that Jizz music. 
Who just ugs on the back of a bartenders shirt? Wtf Luke
Yo he didnt even pay for his drink, free drinks?
Who gets the death sentance in 12 systems and goes around bragging? 
The first arm cut off and theres all sortsw of blood which there shouldnt be because lightsabers cauterize the wound, tut tut. 
Gooood scene with Han and Obi, honestly i keep forgetting to comment because im just watching xD
Wahey! Greedo 
If we’re doing a han shot first thing.. Greedo shot first in this version and missed and then Han shot him but tbh i prefer the Han shot first.. makes him more interesting. 
Jabba looks smaller. 
Casual Boba Fett appearance. 
Yooo Poncho. My boy Cal approves. 
Fuck those weird long nose aliens. 
The Falcon looks so good. 
Get those poor guys by the Death Star laser a damn rail. 
We just cool with igniting the lightsaber in front of Han and Chewie? Chewie at least knows wtf it is.
Chewie is a badass. 
Let the Wookie win. 
WTF that isnt the lightspeed effect.. it’s like a weird blanket tunnel 
The fact they get onto the Death Star with no issue is kind of ridiculous. 
The motion of Darth Vader is kinda just.. not fitting right. 
Han just pat Chewie like hes a dog. Rude. 
Han just gets caught up in this without a choice rly. 
He just wants those sweet credits. 
Also Set Design on Star Wars is amazing. 
Leia just lounging all sexy like 
Also does she have a stain on her tit? .. Not that im looking >.>
The Jedi being called a religion is kinda weird but i guess accurate. 
This has to be the worst star to a friendship for all three of them. Chewie seems cool though. 
I also thought the trash compactor scene was earlier on in this movie than it is. 
Who the fucks voice was it that said “Thats your imagination” ? 
How the fuck are they standing if the water is that deep?
I liek the touch of the monster whos name im sure i learnt but forgot let go as if it knew the trash compactor was about to turn on, that implies it has a safe spot down there that it stays. 
Some of the voices sound off on this but ah well 
Hans already a little Handsy with Leia but i think Harrison Ford was sleeping with Carie at the time so like.. i get it. 
Obiwan just strolling about, as you do. 
I love just these giant pits with walkways with no rails. If I worked on the Death Star it’d be a nightmare for me to get around. 
“NO WAIT THEY’LL HEAR!” ...and they’re not gonna hear you shouting?
Stormtroopers just shooting the shit is the best. 
You know what with everyone being like “Wow that ships a shitheap.” I can understand why the prequels made their ships look nicer and newer. 
I love that shooting a door panel in star wars just makes it so the doors wont open at all, thats some good shit. 
Lukes as bad of a shot as a Stormtrooper. 
First little kissy incesty moment but hey it was on the cheek, universally thats fine but im sure at the time this was him setting up that Luke and Leia were gonna end up together, before he decided they were siblings. 
Vader just standing there, lightsaber already out like “Ahhh Mr.Kenobi I’ve been expecting you”
As lack luster as the chroeography is in this fight im kinda thinking of it as like, they’re reading each other, like Obiwan and Maul’s final fight. 
I don’t really know why Obiwan just chooses to die like that but heyo. 
Vader stomping on Obiwans clothes? Why? I guess because he gave himself to the force and thats the first time he’s seen that? 
I love the gunner seats moving around, idk why i just love it. 
Whats the point of the ear peices if they’re just gonna shout at each other. 
Not mentioned it until now but everyone says Leia wrong. 
They’re really harsh to Han tbf
This is like if you got an Uber to a place and then the Uber driver got pulled into a police station because you’re a terrorist and then you have a go at the Uber driver for wanting to leave after he’s got you out of there. 
Another kiss for Luke.. .. okay
I like how Biggs earlier scenes are deleted so when he shows up it’s just this random dude who somehow knows Luke
That air traffic control guy has no idea what hes doing, nobody is even in the air yet or moving, wait. 
Man X wings are cool, makes me think of Battlefronts VR mission thing where you get to pilot one and it’s the coolest VR thing ive done. 
For a space station the size of a moon you’d think they’d have enough fighters to just wipe out the rebels no biggy. 
ALSO if they know the rebel base is on that planet, why not just blow that planet up? 
The targetting computer seems very invasive. 
Those turrets are useless. 
I would have rated it if they let that random dude blow up the Death Star.
Tarkins thinking face is beautiful. What a man, 
If Luke missed this shot, everyone knows he’s turned his targetting computer off, so they would be PISSED
RIP R2. 
Woooo Mr.Solo. 
Well.. Well done Luke you killed a lot of people, some just trying to do a job and live their lives. 
Han, Leia and Luke all went off together all holding each other.. like.. Threesome? 
I’m sorry but after that, someones doing some fucking. 
Leia just giving her lovers, dont @ me, a medal. Thats why Chewie doesnt get one, he wasnt there for the orgy. 
R2 looking fresh. 
You know what, that is a good complete story that actually works on its own, i appreaciate that. 10/10. :P
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Summer Training Camp Arc/ Rescue Bakugo/ The End of All Might
Episode 39: Game Start
•the fact that Denki and Mineta physically went to Mido’s house to invite him to the pool is actually kinda cute. Too bad they have creepy intentions
•Momo:”Aw I was supposed to spend several weeks traveling Venice with my parents”
Uraraka: “WHAT is YoUr LiFE??” I feel you girl
•Mineta/Denki:”TheRe’S BoObS At tHe End Of ThiS TuNnEL”
Iida-Absolute Unit-Tenya:”HELLO FELLOW CLASSMATES”
•Iida is built like a fucking TANK what the heck but why the fuck are you walking like that Iida lmao
•Iida talking about how far he and Izuku have come as friends, I’m soft
•Kiri refusing to come without Bakubabe convincing Bakugo to join then looking so defeated when he immediately starts picking a fight I can’t with these two
•”friendly competition between classmates” cuts to Bakugou looking possessed before saying “I’m going to annihilate you Deku/ Icy Hot Bastard” bruh do you have an off switch or at least take it down like 20 notches you’re exhausting
•Lmao the whole class is cheating
•I love how it just cut to a dramatic montage of TodoDeku moments while Sho can’t take his eyes off Mido WHY THEY ALL SO INTENSE FOR YOURE 15 HANGING OUT AT A POOL DURING THE SUMMER WHY ARE YOU GUYS ALWAYS ON
•Mido/Todo/Iida all just staring at each other intensely having their own inner montages. Literally anybody watching them “...are they okay?”
•Aizawa you party pooper
•I’m sorry but Kirishima is so in love and no one can tell me other wise no I do not take constructive criticism
•Okay that end montage is so fucking pure I’m. So. Soft
Episode 40: Wild, Wild Pussycats
•Kirishima “can’t keep my hands to myself/off Bakugo Katsuki” Eijirou
•Class 1B to anybody they meet: “we’re sorry about Monoma”
•Aizawa loves his class can’t you tell
•”Long time no see” Aizawa’s a cutie
•Lmao KOTA the first of Mido’s adopted kids
•These poor fucking kids can’t catch a fucking BREAK
•Koda tried and I love him
•Kiri’s heart eyes are so LOUD
•I love when they all work together
“Then pick another route” Todoroki doesn’t have time for your tantrums Kacchan
•These poor kids
•Kota went for the KO
•”Brats got spunk”
“He’s like a mini version of you “
He’s right and should say it
•Mineta needs a muzzle
•The boys are all like we’re just as curious to see the girls but Mineta needs to calm down 300%
•Kota to the rescue!
•Mina almost killed a child with her boobs I’m dead and so is Kota
•I’m sorry but it’s both funny and weird that Midoriya is just naked while being told this child’s tragic backstory
•Aizawa you are actively trying to kill your students aren’t you just admit it
Episode 41: Kota
•Testutestu is such a good boy
•Good training idea according to UA Teachers: Break yourselves or else you’re weak. Just fucking die then you can be heroes
•Tiger is amazing “I’m here to beat you guys to a pulp”
“I have some questions about him...” ME TOO RANDOM CLASS 1B STUDENT BUT I LOVE HIM
•Iida tries so hard
•Momo explains how her quirk works: smart and precise description
Sero Fucking Hanta: “like how poop works” BRUH
•This kid is literally just a mini Kacchan
•I’m sorry but Mido why would you ask a small child who you’re trying to befriend about their murdered parents like what part in your mind made you think that was a good idea
•Mina And Bakugo sleep the same way, starfish style, I love them. But who the FUCK is sleeping under a bunch of pillows off their mattress on the straight floor with their butt in the air (I bet money it’s Kaminari)
•everyone complaining about training in the dark:
Tokoyami: ”Revelry in the Dark”
•Kirishima’s too tired to deal with his angry boyfriend
•Todoroki trying to help Midoriya with Kota “be careful what you say, you can be really annoying” he’s trying
•Tokoyami constantly whispering “Revelry in the Dark” to himself is the FUNNIEST thing to me I love you, you emo punk
•It Dabi Time
Episode 42: My Hero
•these poor fucking kids I swear
•”we want our treat Mr. Aizawa”
“Do you want me to tighten your bindings?”
Oooh Kinky Bad Aizawa akshdhbekal
•Spinner is a long lost Ninja Turtle Brother change my mind
•I respect Testutestu so much
•This muscley villain is Bakugo’s real dad and nobody can tell me other wise
•Okay that fucking Bondage villain is genuinely terrifying
•it’s been X amount of days since breaking my bones- erases whatever number was there and puts a fat zero MIDORIYA YOU WERE DOING SO WELL but for this we will make an exception I guess
•Mido really thought he was gonna die holy FUCK
Episode 43: Drive It Home, Iron Fist
•Shiggy thinking in Video Games format is honestly so on brand
•Mido is FUCKED UP right now poor boy
•”We’re in big trouble” YEAH NO SHIT ERASURE
•BAMF Aizawa is my reason for living
•Okay I forgot how much I love Twice
•Aizawa seeing Izuku’s broken bones: ”AGAIN???”
•Kota’s precious and I LOVE DADZAWA
•”Teachers changing their minds about fighting, why do I feel like this is Deku’s fault” BAKUGO SHUT UP YOU HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT RIGHT NOW YOU DICKHEAD
•Midoriyas doing a Naruto run because his arms are fucking broken I’m crying
•Tokoyami, Dark Shadow And Shouji IM READY
Episode 44: Roaring Upheaval
•Tokoyami tries so hard to be good I love him
•Yami is so emo And is just such a Good Boi AH
•Scared Bakugo is Baby
•Honestly they’re all Baby
•Toga:”I love messed up bleeding people”
Mido: shows up completely broken
Toga:”Mr. Stainy who? I want that one”
•Aoyama would be the kid who gets caught in hide and seek because they think they have a great spot and can’t be seen and try to peek them convince themselves still nobody saw them in plain sight
•Awase was fully prepared to die protecting Momo I’m CRYING he’s my new favorite
•Battle Plan Mastermind Mido is amazing
•Also poor unconscious kid just being dragged behind Uraraka haha
Episode 45: Shat A Twist!
•Kiri: “I cant let them take my boyfriend” poor boy just wants to help so bad
•Whelp nobody is safe
•LMAO Aizawa just stomping on Fake Dabi has me dying
•Shouto how long has it been since you last saw your brother...?
•Shouji SMACK A BITCH Mezo
•Compress you freak get those kids out of your mouth ya nasty
•Dabi stop being a dick to your little brother I’m gonna tell Rei
•Kirishima is so upset AND IM UPSET MY BABIES
•These kids just wanted a fun week at camp LEAVE THEM ALONE THEYRE 15
•...Mic...is the traitor...
•I love how everybody hates All Might’s ringtone lmao
•All Might’s like only Us teachers are allowed to beat our kids to a pulp in order to better them as heroes y’all are just mean
•I know Mitsuki has just a bad a temper as her son but how do you think she reacted finding out her child was the kidnap victim of a villain attack? No matter what you think of her as a parent, that’s still her kid and she must have been devastated. But just like Katsuki she would never admit it to his face
•Precious Boy Denki And Class 1A coming to visit their hurt friends I love this class so much
•”I brought a present! I mean it’s from everyone. It’s a melon!” Okay that was pretty cute
•Kirishima being like “why is everyone crying we’re going to go get him let’s go gays time to get our Gremlin back”
•Kiri:”he’s still within your reach Midoriya!”
Mido:”...my arms are BUSTED my dude nothing is in my reach right now I’m still gonna come tho”
Episode 46: From Iida to Midoriya
•Kirishima is THE Best Boi I love him so fucking much I would die for him
•Iida’s trying his best not to blow a gasket
•”Hysterical Strength” yeah sounds like Deku
•”Go home and take it easy” lmao have you met this kid?
•Kota is so freaking sweet
•Izuku. Go see your mother
•Iida’s got some good points. I’m including that punch to Midoriya
•Bakugo must be so tired of being tied up and restrained you know he doesn’t have bondage kink later on in life just hits too close to trauma
•Kiri’s constant state of mind: WWBD (WHAT Would Bakugo Do)
•Mido: Stealth Mode=Wakanda Forever
•Iida has the best costume this is not up for debate. I also always forget he has an undercut, we Stan an icon
•”So the rich girl just wants to go shopping” I’m crying
•Clean Shaven/Neat Hair Aizawa? Hell to the fucking Yes Please
•I’m genuinely proud of Bakugo and the fact that he knows that he’s intense and scares a lot of people/ how he comes across is aggressive and almost villain like, he adamantly doesn’t want to be a villain even if everyone just assumes he would be. He wants to be a hero. Whatever it takes
Episode 47: All For One
•Rightful shoutout to Kendo and Testu
•”We are offering mental health counseling to every single student but right now we do not see signs of any serious psychological trauma” Nezu I’m sorry but those kids are officially fucked up for life you can’t be serious
•”what if they’re brainwashing young Bakugo right now towards the path of villainy” leave Bakugo ALONE
•Aizawa is like you come for my angry son I come for your throat try me again bitch
•FERAL GREMLIN BOY FIGHT OR FIGHT MODE ACTIVATED Bakugo has no flight mode only fight
•Mido: Incoherent mumbling
Momo:“this is peak Midoriya” I love how they’re just used to him now
•the boys are just like you’re not touching our friend you drunk creeps
•Kirishima came PREPARED to get his boy back I love him
•Bakugo just take the help you prideful little shit
•Okay Edgeshot is great where has he been all this time
•Annndddd it all went to shit so fast
•oh my god Best Jeanist is fuckin dead
Episode 48: Symbol of Peace
•”You won’t escape Shigaraki” umm so how’d that work out for ya All Might?
•Kamui Woods “IM SO SORRY” poor boy
•Talking to Best Jeanist:”consider me...pressed” All For One got jokes huh
•...yeah no BJ REALLY Fuckin Ded
•These kids are so fucking traumatized
•Twice has big Deadpool energy tbh
•Lmao Iida has had enough
•Mom and Dad of group award goes to Iida and Momo
•All For One: asks Kurogiri to help warp the League
Also All For One: Stabs him while doing it
•”I don’t think so. Because... I Am Here!” All For One really said Fuck All Might
•All these kids think in Video Game Lmao
•I know there’s a lot of commotion happening but I definitely feel like the villains would be able to hear them talking
•Midoriya went to Kirishima like time to get your asshole boyfriend back you lovesick fool
•”YOU IDIOTS” you’re smiling because your friends are here you jerk
•Everyone’s so intense then Kiri-fucking-shima is there smiling like an idiot because BAKUGO’S BACK
•...I always forget Shiggy’s familial lineage and it’ makes me sad every time
•I love this episode so MUCH
Episode 49: One For All
•Nana Shimura looks just like Momo...Todoroki Secret Lovechild Theories Intensifies
“You’re welcome!”
Oh Bakugo just say thank you
•...soooo many people died in Camino Ward, man...
•Aizawa looks so young
•All For One really just pulled an “I am your father” move but with Shiggy and Nana that’s messed up
•Everyone loves All Might I’m so soft
•I’m genuinely crying guys
•...can everyone hear All For One talking about Midoriya oorrrrr???
•All Might you’re pulling a Deku pleaSE STOP
•United States of Smash I cant
•Kirishima really tried holding Bakugo’s hand YALL
•...Bakugo knows
•I love this episode too I’m so upset
Episode 50: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
•Gran Torino explaining why they didn’t know about Shimura’s family/Shigaraki is. Sad
•Bakugo is traumatized someone please help him
•Endeavor and Bakugo are the same person and I hate it
•Midoriya and All Might running to each other on the beach is big Marty and Alex from Madagascar energy I’m cackling
•Jirou’s parents are so cool, Kyoka’s so cool THE JIROUS ARE SO COOL
•Oh my god the Bakugos are so CHAOTIC
•It all makes so much sense why he is the way he is and it’s all. Too much. Poor Katsuki
•He’s so. Tired. You can tell. I just want to give him a hug
•”Be CoOl MoM” Izu you’re just as tense and you’ve been with All Might for literally HOW LONG???
•Mama Midoriya is. Right. But that sucks for Izuku
•This is. So. Emotional
Last part of Season 3 is next. DORM LIFE BABY just a little less angst thank god these kids need a break
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Episode 2: “Hopefully my hunch is wrong!” -Ruthie
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scratch whatever I said 
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I’ve been vibing with a lot of these thots and the first few days have probably been the most fun I’ve had in my Tumblr Survivor career. Sarah and I are very close and locked down a final 2 from day one and I’m feeling it but also I’m gay so I’m going to try to keep my options as open as I can while trying to use my [insert witty catchphrase here] to get people to open up to me 😊. It seems to be working so far - I seem to be generally well liked and I’ve had multiple people spill very personal things about themselves to me so it’s a wig and a half. 
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So....Isaiah is gone, which sucks personally but strategically it's good. I really want Joey out but if he leaves it'll just be me Jake and Kevin and even though threesomes are hot, three tribe members are NOT. I also feel like I can work with Jake and Kevin more in the long run, and Sarah and Tom have been bonding with me on the one world calls which is great because the more numbers I have the better
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I trust Keaton about as much as I trust R. Kelly.
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Hello again. So first, it didn't surprise me that Isaiah was voted out first. He wasn't nearly as social as most of the cast during the first day, got picked last for his tribe and stuck out that way. GG. And now let's talk about this challenge. My tribe sucks on a social level and this challenge - a fine challenge to make some big social moves on to team up with other tribes via One World - just blows stinky fucking ass. I feel safe right now, but I don't even want to risk alienating myself by even spilling a tiny bit of information to other tribes. So essentially, we're stanning protectionism and hoping that we luck out! I haven't heard about any plans from my allies from other tribes, so it looks like this will be a boring cointoss challenge in the end. This is a big missed opportunity. IF I get played here, I have faith in Ruthie and Lucity to vote out Julian. That's all you get for now. Hugs and kisses!
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yaaas bitches im finally immune! i went to the blue tribe for this challenge because Dani and Ryan were on it and i knew we could trust them to keep us safe. Dani told me that Sarah was helping their tribe and wanted to target pacific, so I went to Sarah about making a deal between our teams as well... and it worked because Pacific got crushed LOL. So I'm glad we won, and I'm really hoping that there's a tribe swap next round because I do not like small tribes. I also want to be on a tribe with Ryan or Dani. Right now I trust Ryan, Dani, Joey, & Kevin the most. I trust Madison too but, her conflict with Joey will never work out long term. I'm starting to bond with Andreas a little bit, so I do hope he stays. Mark seems nice too but Ryan told me that he stirs shit up for fun and everyone likes him so I'm not sure how much I should actually trust him. There's no one that I want out right now, and I'm hoping that my social game is decent enough right now. I'm not bothering to talk to those who don't speak to me (aka like 1/4 of the cast) but I'm hoping that the connections I do have are strong enough to keep me in a good position moving forward. 
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https://youtu.be/0o7Eag7sDng Personally I think that I am at the bottom of this alliance but thats fine for now
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God, I am pissed. Not actually pissed, but pissed off, you know? We lost the challenge ans I pushed our tribe a little to reach out to other tribes to pile up on either Meadows or Robinson, but BRANDAN was against it - and the result speaks for itself. I really like Brandan as a player, but I know I can't trust him too far, and oh boy, did he make himself vulnerable at this vote. If we had just lost like that, I have no doubt that JULIAN would have just been voted out, but now his name is on the plate, and I am not opposed to voting out Brandan here. LUCY seems to agree with me. It all depends on what RUTHIE is comfortable with. I hope we just go for Julian. Next question: Does Brandan have an idol, and would he use it on Julian? I am sure that Brandan is more dangerous right now, so getting him out here would be the smart move, since we might swap at 18. I'd usurp my Kuang Si heritage and a guy who might vote for me at FTC, but I honestly feel that as long as Ruthie is open for it, we should go for him. Julian will probably suck at swap too, and would be a safe and easy vote at any TC while Brandan would fight for his life in any way possible. Enough rambling, tldr: Head says "Vote Brandan", Heart says " Vote Julian". I doubt that Ruthie would blindside me, and I think Lucy would know that she's in the hot seat if she goes after me, but you never know in Survivor.
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I got myself into my very first TS alliance!!! Currently Ruthie, Andreas and I are a threesome, and hopefully we can stick together this vote. I personally would've preferred voting Brandan out, since come a swap he will most likely have more social ties with people from the other tribes over Julian, who seems to not be that talkative. But then again we don't even know if a swap is coming yet. Andreas seems to want Julian out, and Ruthie agrees with him. I'm currently fine writing his name down, mainly because I don't think it's something I need to make a fuss about right at the start. I'd rather have Julian go home and be more secure about my position in the game than pushing for Brandan and possibly having this whole thing turned around against me.
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I'm kind of bored. We won again. A lot of people want to work with me. Ryan wants to be my F2, Dan and Billy both said they want to go to the end. I'm in an alliance with Dani Isaac Tom and Sarah. I kind of want like a swap or something to shake the game up. But then again my goal is to get single digits at least so not going to tribal and being bored is good I guess.
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It seems like we're set on Julian. My heart is telling me to go for Brandan, but I know it's not the right move right now. I think I just kind of feel for Julian since we've both been talking about how we just want to get a redemption and do any better. I just have to remind myself of how easy people were in lying to me and voting me out last season. Most of these people have had 3, 4 or even 5 chances to play. This is my shot at redemption, not theirs.
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SOOOO. The alliance is going great I think. We teamed up with two other tribes (I forget their names sorry) to get the pacific (I think) tribe out. So far I really like Ryan and Mark even if Mark seems a little iffy. People are very call orientated in this game and I have to start being on calls more! I also think I’m good with joey. We called and had a good convo! I don’t really remember much of it but he kinda admitted to liking Madison ooops
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Brandan and Julian have now approached me and they, or at least Brandan, knows about the vote being on Julian. I wouldn't be suprised if Andreas told him about that. They seem to want to put the vote on RUTHIE. I can't just let that happen! It does make me feel a bit more comfortable because being in this split vote position means that my chances of surviving this tribal have gone up, however I am the one who decides who goes home basically, and I'll probably get a fair amount of backlash from doing so from Brandan. Especially if Andreas let Brandan know that he's voting for Julian, all the blame would be put on me. I'm still comfortable with my vote for Julian and it should feel good knowing I'm in the middle, but I still have to pick a side and let either Ruthie or Julian go which really is a sticky situation to be in.
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I've definitely shot myself in the foot by thinking too much about the vote. I doubt Ruthie will flip on me, I really don't think Lucity will flip on me, I don't expect Julian or Brandan to have an idol, but if they do, I'm gone. This is me in paranoid mode and I hate it. :D
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I can't with this vote. Brandan and Julian are acting so shady and I just hope I'm not the back up plan if one of them has an idol. I KNOW I can trust Andreas and I hope I can trust Lucy but I don't know, I'm scared that the three of them are in cahoots and that it's going to be me. Hopefully my hunch is wrong! 
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juliivn-blog · 6 years
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*  bill skarsgård, age 27, he/him  | oh, them? that’s julian nilsson. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, one week. last time i spoke to them they were a drug dealer, and if i remember correctly, they’re an aries. seeing them around always makes me think of track marks hidden beneath a long-sleeved shirt, the watery reflection of a neon sign in a motel parking lot, the eerie quiet of 5am after a sleepless night. ( lainie, 24, cst, she/her ) 
hello bitches it me ur local bag of literal garbage ( lainie ) back at it again !! this time bringing u the anti adrian and pls be wary bc there are a lot of sensitive topics down below ( tws for major drug use, drug addiction, death, grief, shitty parenting, neglect, abandonment?? kind of idk better safe than sorry )
so bear with me bc his background info is kind of Long!! his mom and dad are from just outside of st louis, missouri. his mom came from a pretty wealthy family and she was just like tryna be ~rebellious in her young adult years by dating julian’s dad (who came from a super trashy family and had a Bad Boy Rep). when she was 19 and he was 22 she got pregnant ( with julian ) and her fam was like lol get rid of that baby or ur gone !! but they were “““madly in love””” and she was on her rebellious shit so they literally eloped to the city ( st louis ) and got an apartment together and had julian but never actually got married bc they were too cool ( read: irresponsible ) for that. ofc this ended up being rly miserable bc she was used to living the rich life and now her family had disowned her, and suddenly she was starting to realize this dude she had a kid with was kind of a deadbeat party boy with no interest in having a family, not to mention she started realizing like?? i don’t actually want a kid this is a lot of work?? so like julian’s childhood years were a lot of him having to learn to take care of himself and not having anyone to depend on most of the time. and that’s not to say they didn’t both care abt him on some level bc there were definitely times they paid attention to him and gave him a birthday party or two but for the most part he was on his own
fast forward 5 years and finally julian’s dad, now in his late 20s and getting antsy, peaces the fuck out to los angeles to live his best party boy life. baby julian is very upset bc even tho his dad doesnt pay a lot of attention to him he like idolizes him. julian’s mom is saltier than EVER about having to take care of a kid but she doesn’t wanna go to LA ( especially for this asshole she doesn’t even like anymore ) and her parents won’t have anything to do with her or her illegitimate child so the NEXT 5 years are a lot of moving around from shitty apartment to shitty apartment and job to job by themselves. his dad would now and then send weird postcards and stuff from cali so he had like a vague idea of the fact that his dad was living his own life somewhere that looked super wild, and when he was 11 years old he managed to send a letter back asking if he could come live with him. his dad contacts his mom, there’s a bunch of fighting, but in the end julian did indeed get to go live with his dad in los angeles, mostly bc his mom just didn’t give a fuck anymore and was lowkey like…u know what fine take him i can have my life back
obviously his dad does not know how to be a dad !!! he kind of thought of julian as his little like…..sidekick like he just thought having this 11 year old kid around was hilarious. so julian went to LA and was living with his dad and his dad’s friends in a relatively nice apartment but like it’s always filled with people doing drugs and having sex and it’s just. not child friendly at all. so that’s how julian was introduced to weed at the ripe young age of 11!!! from there on out he was like a big time weed and cigarette smoker, was very early having sex and trying other drugs, and by the time he graduated high school he was already hardcore doing coke
so julian like kind of wanted to go to college bc some part of him did crave normalcy, but he was way too far up his own ass to get his shit together for that !! plus like....he didn’t rly have good role models. so his first year after high school instead of getting on a good path for his future he decided living his best life would include moving into an apartment with his cokehead best friend. it was around that time that julian met his first boyfriend. he was already totally aware he was bi, had slept with boys in high school, but this was the first time he rly fell in love with a guy. he was like……….head! over! heels! for this boy. julian met him at a club and he was like sort of soft and relatively innocent until they started dating and julian got him smoking weed and then snorting coke
this next part is very triggering so please read with caution !! when he was 21, julian tried heroin for the first time. for about 6 months it gradually got really bad, his life started spiraling, and his bf was like….becoming unable to deal with it, especially bc while julian was getting worse his bf was kind of trying to move in the opposite direction and get off the coke and get his life back together. there was a lot of fighting, but his bf kept not actually making the move to end things bc he loved julian and was just like hoping something would turn around. one night, however, in a moment of weakness, he let julian talk him into trying heroin with him. it was kind of a “i promise i’ll get clean if u try it with me this one time” thing. being in and out of consciousness and not really aware of what was going on, he didn’t notice that his bf was overdosing and he ended up dying simply bc the heroin was too much for his body and he stopped breathing. julian didn’t notice until the morning when he woke up, and obviously that was by far the most traumatic thing that’s ever happened to him and left some deep ass emotional scars
so following this, he actually did check himself into rehab. he was there for 3 months, got completely clean, but he only managed to stay that way for two weeks before he was first snorting heroin again and then back to shooting up and selling drugs
it was about a year later when he was 23 that he met kit while he was doing a deal at some seedy bar outside of town. they quickly fell into a completely unanticipated relationship--notably, julian’s first since his boyfriend’s death. in spite of that trauma and feeling guilty even as he did it, he started introducing kit to drugs. in his mind, it was kind of a thing where he fell in love really fast and really hard out of nowhere and he saw this sad little thing with no place to go and drugs are the only thing he’s ever known himself, so it was very natural to be like “here try this it helps” and also naively convincing himself he’d never let what happened before happen again
so four years later they’re living together and completely broke, living mostly off the money julian makes selling drugs and whatever else they can scrape up, when kit decides he wants to do a road trip across the country. julian’s very impulsive, doesn’t really give a shit about anything in LA anyway, and to top it off has a hard time saying no to kit. SO a road trip it is !! they make it all the way across the country before finally using up the last of their money and realizing they don’t have enough to get back
which is how he wound up in carina bay! they’re currently living out of julian’s car with a little makeshift bed in the back and he’s selling drugs again to try and save up enough so they can get home, but they use most of what he’s supposed to sell so it’s.......not going very well euyagafdhs
so now that his lengthy as fuck background is over with………julian is an extremely EXTREMELY dry sarcastic person. the guilt over his bf has made him wayyyyyyyy worse, like his sense of humor is so so much darker than it was before that happened, but he’s honestly just a rly sarcastic person to begin with. he has some softness inside especially for people he rly cares abt, but you will not catch julian being sentimental or taking literally anything seriously unless you’ve managed to seriously worm your way into his heart
he’s not like a GRUMP tho at all he just....doesn’t take things seriously. he’s literally the embodiment of every bart simpson meme
"whatever my dude” is his aesthetic
he’s very careful about his drug dealing, he won’t go around talking about it or anything, he does it all under the radar as much as he can and especially having done it for so long now and having experienced a lot of traumatic crap, he’s pretty good at what he does and he won’t fuck with people he doesn’t trust
even when it’s warm it’s not totally unlikely to see him in long sleeves bc he has really bad track marks all over his arms from shooting up so much, especially in the early days when he was really bad at it
he absolutely will not talk about his past and if anything even close to it comes up in conversation he will skate right over that so qUICK ur head will spin
i think that’s IT FOR NOW if u made it this far i commend ur effort and attention span. im gna list some plots n stuff below and hit me uP for some angst bc ya girl is here for the drama as usual
any and all drug related things !! people who buy from him (especially weed, he’s a lot more lenient about to whom he sells weed as opposed to other stuff), people he introduces to drugs, friends he actually does drugs with
he’s very dry and enigmatic but he’s also quite social so seriously give me friends for him. he’s high a LOT but not always and he likes being out doing stuff
definitely somebody or somebodies who don’t trust him and his drug addict bart simpson vibe please please give me people who don’t like him
along that same vein it takes a lot to get julian worked up and in fight mode bc he prefers to just let things roll off his shoulders but it would def be fun to have someone who gets him to that point
also somebody who?? maybe thinks they can “fix” him and genuinely does their best to try and persuade him to change his life and that it’s not too late to turn everything around
if ur muse is randomly from st louis missouri????? hit me up with a past connection from way back in julian’s childhood 
also someone he went to high school with in LA if they’re from LA. this person would probably not be surprised at the way julian turned out ystefygdjhs
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ofstaffs · 7 years
rey: rey will be like 'ah..... so UR the one my best friend is fucking but like not right'
steve: or peggy
rey: rey will be like 'wait is that a mirror nope ur a different person ok hi'
steve: u know vision could pick up the mjolnir so why cant rey
steve: she got the force
rey: and then shes like 'hAH tricks on u ive got the force, bitches'
steve: can rey and ben join the avengers thx
rey: rey would ruin all the undercover stuff
steve: GUYS http://www.cinemablend.com/new/An-Avenge...
rey: she cant work the sweatshirt, sunglasses, and hat
rey: bYE
thor: the instant steve announced the challenge, thor tore his way through the ballpit and lunged after him, mere seconds behind. the very first tunnel proved to be a challenge in and of itself, however. huffing out a frustrated breath, thor awkwardly half-shimmied, half-crawled through. "these tunnels weren't made for asgardians, that much is clear." by the time he finally made it through the other side of his fifth tunnel, his chest was heaving with exertion and the sides of his arms were bright red from squeezing through the tunnel walls. "i surrender," he called out grudgingly. without warning, he collapsed onto his back in the middle of the tunnel, thankful that this one was at least made up of some type of rope rather than the hard plastic of the others.
thor: rip thor
steve: rey drag him with ur jakku junk dragger™
thor: LOL nah she can just climb over his corpse it's ok
steve: I WAS TRYING TO FIND A PIC OF THE JUNK DRAGGER AND I FOUND THIS http://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/...
rey: rey immediately got into competitive mode as soon as steve brought up the challenge. within moments, she was crawling through the holes and squeezing past crevices with ease. scavenging in small areas helped with that, along with her tiny body. unfortunately, an irregular diet helped with /that/. but finally she slipped through the last tunnel and came out victoriously, holding her arms up. "i win!" she grinned happily. then she laughed as she saw that thor was stuck, and moved quickly to him, placing her hands on her hips. "maybe if you weren't so strong, this wouldn't be happening," she teased.
steve: LIKE OMF
rey: no shell just go cuddle him
steve: steve took a seat in the cube area that connected two tunnels, letting rey pass him up. even for a super soldier it was really hard. he got a glimpse of thor laying in the center of a rope tunnel. as soon as rey announced her victory, steve found a slide by the next tunnel up. he even slid down it defeatedly. "i'm too old for this." the avenger mumbled as he got to the bottom of the slide, which ended a few feet from rey. if laser tag included narrow passages, then he would be on his way to the area where the parents sat earlier.
steve: cap is #done
steve: i love how thor and steve can beat the fuck out of huge robots and space dragons but fail at playgrounds
rey: ok i think kayla passed out and im about to too rip
rey: well def continue tomorrow tho omg
steve: same
steve: night!!
rey: night fam
steve joined the chat 21 hours ago
thor was timed out 19 hours ago
thor joined the chat 15 hours ago
thor left the chat 14 hours ago
steve joined the chat 12 hours ago
steve: im lowkey here
rey was timed out 9 hours ago
rey joined the chat 8 hours ago
rey: I'm low key here now omg
rey: i should be around for a little while
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve joined the chat 8 hours ago
steve: hello!!
rey: HELLO
steve joined the chat 7 hours ago
rey: HI
thor joined the chat 6 hours ago
thor: thankfully, thor recovered swiftly. he had no intention of navigating his way through the godforsaken tunnels to get out, however. "my strength is not the problem," he informed rey, eyes glinting as he realized exactly how he could escape this monstrosity. rolling over onto his stomach, he grabbed hold of the ropes directly below him and forcefully pulled them apart. they surrendered easily to his strength, the tunnel giving out underneath him in a matter of seconds. landing in a crouch, he shot rey a grin. "see? these fragile midgardian materials cannot hold the mighty thor."
thor: thor has no chill tbh
steve: im dying
thor: don't die omg what will america do without u???
thor was timed out 3 hours ago
thor joined the chat 3 hours ago
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
rey rey giggled in admiration as she watched thor literally rip the ropes apart, and land in a crouching position. then she met up with steve and shook her head. "no..." she complained dejectedly, reaching her hands out to him. "we-we still have the trampolines. and-and laser tag!" she grinned, hoping to get his spirits up.
thor: i suggest a rey/thor laser tag team-up against steve
thor joined the chat 109 minutes ago
rey: YES PLS
rey joined the chat 93 minutes ago
thor joined the chat 90 minutes ago
thor: NICE 2 bad steeb's missing :////
rey: fml ik
rey: i messaged mia tho
thor: gosh does she have a life or something?? RUDE
thor joined the chat 87 minutes ago
thor: OH GR8
rey: brb dinner ayy
steve: steve hoisted himself up from the slide, joining rey and a crouching thor. he had no idea what a laser tag was or why they'd let children play it, but he proceeded to agree anyway. the laser tag facility was unlike anything he had ever seen. the room was pitch black, aside from the various neon obstacles and graffiti on the walls. there were staircases leading to ramps above the floor. there were guns, presumably 'lasers', lining the wall next to the entrance. steve grabbed a laser, before tossing two to rey and thor.
i watched this shit
thor: omfg i admire ur devotion sm
thor: thor caught the weapon effortlessly, though he held it slightly away from himself in wary consideration. it appeared to be of the same style as most other midgardian weapons, yet they were used for games? reminding himself that steve was the one handing them over – so it couldn't be /that/ harmful – he wrapped his hands more securely around the gun in preparation for battle. leaning close to rey, he murmured, "join forces with me?"
thor: rip steve
steve: https://49.media.tumblr.com/e0a9dce6eefe...
thor: LMFAO
thor: get out ben, this ain't ur battle
steve: if ben found out this was happening he would be like http://66.media.tumblr.com/a95daaf244c20...
rey: IM HERE
rey: IM H ER EE
rey: FCK
thor: FIN ALLY
rey: HUSH
thor: NO
steve: HI
rey rey followed steve up the stairs, making sure thor was there behind her, then giggled excitedly at the pitch black play area. she carefully caught the laser gun he tossed her, grunting slightly at the force, then looked up as thor leaned down beside her. she giggled silently, hand going over her mouth, and nodded her head swiftly. "let's do it," she whispered back, then winked and moved to steve. "okay, let's spread out first. i'll start our guns with the panel on the wall. then we go. agreed?"
rey: HI BABE
steve: steve caught a glimpse of the two whispering out of the corner of his eye. he was too busy trying to scope out the area to realize what was going on. "okay." cap spoke as he zeroed in on the perfect spot. as soon as their guns were activated, the avenger was bolting up the stairs to the first hanger. the ramp was dark so soon enough he lost sight of the two. he kept his gun on the rail in true assassin fashion, ready to shoot at the friends.
steve: steve learned his moves from bucky ))
steve: wtF IS THAT THING
rey: thE EMOJI OMF
steve: steve, finding out his friends are t8rs:
steve: tr8s***
rey: t8r tots
thor: "agreed." thor slid his finger over the trigger, readying himself. it didn't surprise him when steve was the first to take off as soon as rey gave the signal. considering his history as a soldier, thor had opted to take on an ally against him for that very reason. with one last nod at rey, he began navigating his way after steve as quietly as a man of his build could manage. it was much too dark, however, and thor soon found himself using one of the several odd glowing pillars for cover as his gaze scanned the area for signs of movement.
thor: T8R TOTS
thor: delish
rey "okay, ready? go!" rey shouted to them once they were all dispersed, using the force to start up the panel that gave their guns power. she began running along, mainly for cover at first, and ducked expertly behind walls using her stealthy silence. soon, she saw steve on the second floor and grinned to herself, running up the back stairs. she stayed ducked behind a wall, but stuck her gun out just enough to zero in on her target, and shoot rapidly at him, the sound effects going off.
rey: LOL
rey: if ben and rey ever played laser tag, shed get v emotional bc she tried to go after him with a gun on takodana rip
thor: sudden feels
steve: steve caught a glimpse of someone shuffling behind a pillar below. his finger snuck down to the trigger, slowly but surely ready to shoot the target. alas, his grand moment was ruined when laser beams sounded off behind him. he expected thor to be the one behind the shots, but he was faced with rey crouching behind a wall below. "rey, you traitor!" the super soldier exclaimed, surprisingly offended by her actions. he took off down the stairs determined to take her down.
rey: feel trip
steve: pft ben wouldn't go into the laser tag room, the darkness is too ~tempting~
rey: 'Does Rey call you Daddy ' riP
rey: the darkness works with his aesthetic tho
steve: wtF
steve: i don gettit
thor: the commotion from nearby, quickly followed by steve's shout, brought a grin to thor's face. remaining in place, he cocked his head and listened closely for the careless series of telltale stomps down the stairs as steve searched for his victim. alas, thor fully intended to protect his ally. as soon as he heard the other man moving passed his pillar, thor lunged out from behind it, sound effects deafening the quiet as he unloaded a series of shots directly at steve. "hide, rey!"
thor: oMG i saw that ask & i screamed
rey rey couldn't stop laughing as she ran as fast as she could away from steve, tripping over her own feet every now and then, though she allowed herself a break as she heard thor's gun go off, meaning he found steve. now was her chance. she ran up the stairs steve had been on earlier and crouched behind a wall again, then fired her gun... at thor. she fired shot after shot, right when he least expected it, then turned her gun on steve as well, continuing to laugh as she nailed them both. "sorry, i had to trick ya!"
steve: the confusion on his face was absolutely priceless as rey shot at them both. he was unbelievably aggrieved that the two had teamed up against him, but then this? steve didn't spare the laughing girl a look before lifting his laser and shooting it at her. "number one rule of war, skywalker: never get distracted on the battlefield."
steve rn
rey: OMFG
thor: his own ally had turned on him. when steve turned his own weapon on her in return, thor used it as cover, swiftly moving to circle around rey. it would have been a prime opportunity to shoot her again, but she deserved far worse than that. throwing an arm around her waist, he lifted her off her feet and draped her over his shoulder. "no more fun," he announced in a cheerful tone as he casually made his way back to the captain. "rogers, how do you punish traitors on this planet?"
rey "hey!" rey gasped as steve shot her, moving to run away again, then shrieked and laughed hard as thor picked her up and laid her across his shoulder, kicking her feet playfully. her gun slipped out of her hands in the midst of all the fighting, and she was laughing even harder as they approached steve, crossing her arms stubbornly. "not fair!"
rey: i shouldve had her say 'spank me, daddy'
steve: NO
thor: oMF G
rey: o ya
thor joined the chat 20 hours ago
thor: http://images.idakoos.com/B0220000BL0000...
rey: oh my og od
rey: oh my og od
steve: "well, it usually goes something like.." steve pretended to stroke his chin in thought, before deciding on a torture method. "tickling. lots of it. it worked on the nazis every time." the captain joked lightly, letting his gun clatter to the floor beside him. "tickling on a trampoline seems pretty brutal to me."
steve: pcE
steve: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236...
rey: stop
rey: SOTP*
steve: can u imagine derek walking in one two burly blonde dudes tickling tf out of his gf
steve: can u imagine thor and cap on a trampoline like girl
rey: yum
rey: ive gotta go yeet to the shower after i do this next reply
thor: "tickling it is." tossing his weapon onto the floor as well, thor then turned on his heel and began making his way for wherever the 'trampolines' were. eventually, he managed to find them – and stepped onto the closest one without even hesitating. instantly the unstable, bouncy terrain threw him off-balance, and his grasp on rey loosened as he fell onto his back. as soon as his head stopped spinning, he spoke dryly, "/this/ is supposed to be fun?"
thor: prepare 4 me 2 randomly pass out again as soon as u shower xoxo
rey: omg ill try 2 hurry rip
rey "no, no, no!" rey protested and shook her head swiftly, knowing how ticklish she was, and laughed again as thor carried her to the trampolines, though she gasped as well as he fell, allowing her to break free from his hold. "yeah, it's so much fun! look!" she giggled and began jumping up and down, reaching her hands out to steve.
thor: if u guys would just move to the superior east coast this wouldn't be a probLEM
rey: OK BRB
steve: ive never been to the east coast i am down
steve joined the chat 19 hours ago
rey: I AM BACK
rey: OR NO
rey: WHAT
steve joined the chat 19 hours ago
steve: im heeree
rey: friEND
steve: steve's left angle gave out beneath him on the canvas of the trampoline. he stumbled a bit before finding his footing. as soon as rey approached him, he reached his hands out to attack her ribs. he began to tickle her, seizing her jumping movements
rey: i tolD U WEHRE I WAS GO ING
rey: GDI
thor joined the chat 12 hours ago
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rey joined the chat 4 hours ago
thor joined the chat 4 hours ago
rey: ayyyy
thor: ayyy hello ur fav sleepaholic is here
rey: LOL
thor: upon carefully finding his footing (which proved immensely more difficult when rey was bouncing all over the place) thor stepped over to join the pair engaged in a one-sided tickle fight. bending his knees a couple of times in a test bounce, he glanced down at rey with undeniable smugness. "i would help you, but this is your rightful fate after betraying me." and if asgardians were good at anything, it was holding grudges.
thor: i love how we're all rarely on at the same time lmao
rey: thats so tru
rey "no!" rey shrieked as steve began tickling her, causing her to completely lose her footing. his hands were the only things holding her up now, and she was laughing so hard it was almost silent. and thor wasn't helping. time to pull the guilt card. "ow, steve. /ow/," she winced, hand going to her ribs, where he had bruised her from hugging her too hard. "it hurts, stop..."
rey: rey u bitch
rey: I K NOW
steve joined the chat 3 hours ago
steve: WAS GOOD
steve: steve withdrawled his hands with a mortified look on his face. how could he forget? that bruise was bound to be there, and worse than it was before. "i'm so sorry," the avenger gushed. his apology was a little humorous due to the way he swayed back and forth on the trampoline.
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor: thor's earlier amusement quickly turned into a whirlwind of confusion and concern. while steve withdrew, the asgardian lowered himself to a crouch beside rey, his hand tentatively enveloping her shoulder. "what happened?" his eyes scanned the girl for injuries before snapping to his fellow avenger accusingly. "did his tickles harm you?"
steve: im here
thor: SUP
thor joined the chat 41 minutes ago
rey: riP
thor joined the chat 13 minutes ago
rey: IM SRY
rey rey bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. the bruise was already almost gone, and she wasn't hurt at all. she just liked to mess with her boys. as thor asked his question, the smile finally spread across her cheeks as she shook her head, easily rising to her feet and bouncing up and down a bit. "actually, i'm feeling a lot better," she giggled and winked before bouncing away as she laughed even harder, knowing they'd want to get their revenge. "gotcha!"
thor: thor picked himself up off the ground, reaching up and patting the back of his head in the process. the bun still held. huh. it really did hold better thanks to rey's superior method. "if anyone attempts to arrest us, i'll stop them," he replied with confidence. narrowing his eyes in rey's direction, he added, "besides, i don't wish to ever come back here again. it will only remind me of betrayal."
rey at the mention of getting arrested again, rey's smile immediately disappeared as she stopped her bouncing, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. she felt slightly more relieved at thor's promise of keeping them out of jail, nodding her head. then she moved to thor and couldn't help but wrap her arms around him, still overall grateful that he would even think about stopping people from arresting them. she couldn't do that again. "thank you..." she whispered, then reached a hand out to steve.
thor: thor picked himself up off the ground, reaching up and patting the back of his head in the process. the bun still held. huh. it really did hold better thanks to rey's superior method. "if anyone attempts to arrest us, i'll stop them," he replied with confidence. narrowing his eyes in rey's direction, he added, "besides, i don't wish to ever come back here again. it will only remind me of betrayal."
rey at the mention of getting arrested again, rey's smile immediately disappeared as she stopped her bouncing, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. she felt slightly more relieved at thor's promise of keeping them out of jail, nodding her head. then she moved to thor and couldn't help but wrap her arms around him, still overall grateful that he would even think about stopping people from arresting them. she couldn't do that again. "thank you..." she whispered, then reached a hand out to steve.
steve: "don't worry about getting arrested." the captain shot a smile to rey. "rey has the force. she can get us out of everything." he spoke highly of the girl, grasping her palm in his.
thor: though thor was supposed to be annoyed with her, he couldn't help but soften as her small arms wrapped around him. he enveloped her in one of his own in return, rubbing one of her shoulders. "the force?" he repeated, brows furrowing. "she is tiny. what force could she have?"
rey "...if snoke doesn't get in my way..." rey replied quietly in a pessimistic manner, glancing shyly up at steve. then she clasped onto his hand before looking up at thor, smiling softly. "the force surrounds us all. it controls... basically everything. watch," she whispered then turned to the ball pit, lifting her free hand up. but nothing was happening. "...no," she breathed out, shaking her head as she tried again and again to at least make one of the small, colored balls levitate. "no, no, no..." she could feel its absence in her mind, in her heart. with snoke so strong now, it was hard to keep in touch with it. "steve, i-i can't- it's gone..."
steve: snoke. he had heard that name before.. it was the sith lord who invaded rey's brain. the captain moved closer to her, bending down slightly to get a better look at her. "are you alright?" he pressed. at times like this, he wished wanda was here to help.
thor: if the force surrounded them all, thor had no idea how he'd never sensed it before. he watched, captivated, as rey seemed to be attempting to do something –– but failed. "what's gone? the force?" thor looked back and forth between steve and rey, faintly irritated over his lack of understanding. instinctively, his arm tightened around her shoulders, pulling her in closer. "we will help you find it."
rey rey looked into steve's eyes nervously as he ducked his head down to look at her, much like derek did when she was upset about something. "it-it doesn't hurt yet, but i can't... i can't focus on doing it," she whispered, wrapping her arms around thor again as he hugged her. then she nodded her head and stepped back as she took a deep breath, thinking about the hope that both steve and her new friend, thor, had for her. she closed her eyes and held her hand up again, focusing as hard as she could. when she opened her eyes, only one ball had popped out of the pit, and rolled a few inches on the ground, then stopped. she sighed heavily and buried her face in her hands, hoping she wasn't losing touch with the force for good.
rey joined the chat 2 days ago
ur favorite grandpa joined the chat 2 days ago
ur favorite grandpa changed name to thor
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thor joined the chat 2 days ago
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rey joined the chat 2 days ago
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thor joined the chat 46 hours ago
steve joined the chat 45 hours ago
steve: steve smiled gently as the ball rolled forward. he knew it must have took a lot to persevere with snoke inside of her mind. "don't get upset." the avenger chastised the girl. "you just need to.. find the force again. is there anyone who can help you?" he knew that rey had multiple family members in magnolia. they had to be able to help her, someway or somehow. "could we help you?"
thor: a ball levitated in midair, seemingly doing so as a result of rey's concentration. thor barely heard steve as the man spoke, too busy gaping at the ball in newfound fascination. an amazed laugh escaped him. "did you move that with your mind?" he turned to face rey, eyes dancing with enthusiasm over what he had just witnessed. "is this the force? i did not realize you were capable of something so incredible." after a pause in which the solemn mood washed over him, he added, "if you could do that, then the force is still within you. you haven't lost it."
rey rey turned sheepishly towards the two again, nodding her head to steve. but then, noting thor's reaction, her own expression lightened slightly, her shoulders straightening. "r-really...?" she whispered, feeling more reassured by the way he was so interested in her force skills. "as-as long as snoke's here, i don't think i can get any better..." she mumbled to steve and stepped back. in fact, she could feel him coming now. she opened her mouth to explain it to them, but just turned and moved off the trampolines onto the floor, rubbing her temples with her fingers.
thor was timed out 43 hours ago
thor joined the chat 43 hours ago
steve: "don't say that." steve called after rey as jumped off the trampoline. he looked at thor before following after her. surely this snoke guy could be stopped. they've dealt with aliens before, what made this one so different? "what can we do to help?"
steve joined the chat 43 hours ago
thor: the mention of snoke nearly drew a low growl from thor's throat. the idea of an unseen opponent harming someone like rey right beside him while he was powerless to do anything to stop it was beyond upsetting, to say the least. "there must be a way to track him," thor added as he trailed after steve, worried gaze on rey's back. "if i know where he is, i can put a stop to this. even if he has armies, they will not stop me."
rey rey buried her face in her hands now and sniffed, trying to push him out of her mind as much as possible. but it wasn't necessarily simple. at the first small pain, she winced and jumped slightly, hands dropping to her mouth. "no, no, no, no..." she murmured under her breath as she began to tremble, pleading for him to leave her mind. then there was another, sharper pain and rey tucked her knees to her chest, beginning to rock back and forth.
steve: steve dove to his knees as soon as rey fell. "hey, hey," he cooed, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. he knew whatever she was feeling or seeing was much like what they went through when wanda brainwashed them. if not worse. he felt a intense need to protect his best friend. "it's gonna be okay, rey. i love you. stay with us," he cooed, rubbing her back as his heart hammered in his chest.
thor: it appeared steve and rey were even closer than thor originally suspected. the revelation did little to ease the tension in his muscles as he began circling restlessly around the pair, hands curling into fists as he itched to summon his prized weapon and smash something, anything. "we must help her," he finally said, stopping to glare at steve. "there must be a way. think of something."
rey rey clasped her hands over her ears and began to cry as she buried her face in his chest, but managed to murmur, "i-i love y-you too..." through her sobs. just so he knew how appreciative she really was of his kind, caring heart. her hands moved about until they landed on thor's chest, curling her fingers into his shirt and holding it tightly, tugging him closer. another sharp pain caused her to shriek and weep even harder, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
steve: "you're the one from space." steve gritted his teeth, trying to focus on the girl falling apart before him. she was in excruciating pain by the looks of it, and it killed him not being able to stop it. "rey, listen to me. is there anything we can do? what makes it hurt less?" the usual put together soldier was now stumbling over his words in an attempt to help his friend.
thor: thor allowed himself to be pulled closer, teeth grinding together as he fought to keep his rage against an invisible foe in check. his temper wouldn't help, especially not when the likes of even steve rogers was losing his cool. "i could take her to asgard," he said slowly. "our healers may lessen her pain while we search for answers." assuming everyone on asgard cooperated and sought to help her as much as he did.
rey "d-derek..." was the first thing rey choked out. he usually helped her after a snoke episode. by... doing exactly what steve and thor were doing now. holding her. talking to her. maybe things would be okay. she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on clearing her mind, like anakin and ben taught her, attempting to push out all thoughts of anything dark. instead she focused on memories of derek. of ben, of steve, of thor, everyone. and slowly, gradually, she calmed down, eyes finally fluttering open. he was leaving. he was smart enough to pick his battles, rey was sure, and probably couldn't fight this one.
thor joined the chat 41 hours ago
steve joined the chat 41 hours ago
steve: steve's jaw clenched at the mention of derek, but he quickly shook his rage off to focus on rey. her body noticeably let up moments later. he retracted his arms once he knew she was alright. "how often does this happen?"
thor: the unfamiliar name made thor frown, glancing at steve for answers – only to find an odd expression awaiting on the man's face for a split second. dislike? mentally tucking it away, he refocused on rey. where steve moved back, the asgardian leaned forward, slipping his arms beneath rey and lifting her effortlessly into his arms. steve already asked the question on his mind, so he remained quiet, merely looking down at her with expectance.
rey rey's arms slid easily around thor's neck, noticing how he didn't even flinch when lifting her small body. she really was curious to know how strong they both were. "it's-it's been happening more often than not lately..." she admitted in a whisper, rubbing at her eyes with her fists then returning her arms around thor's neck as she looked into steve's eyes. "i-i'm okay, though... please don't tell derek, i don't want him to worry. please."
steve: "do you know how to get to this snoke person?" his tone was firm and assertive, much like the one he reserved for the avengers. he ignored her question about derek and continued with the questions. "can your family help you at all?"
steve: "do you know how to get to this snoke person?" his tone was firm and assertive, much like the one he reserved for the avengers. he ignored her question about derek and continued with the questions. "can your family help you at all?"
thor: there was that name again. derek. thor's eyes narrowed in annoyance over not knowing yet another piece of information in the rapidly developing mystery of rey. at least the captain was back in action, a small silver lining. "if she knew where snoke was or if her family could help, i'd wager she would have already said as much by now." looking back and forth between the pair, he added, "who is this 'derek'?"
rey "/no/," rey snapped in frustration, mostly at herself for not being able to rid of the sith lord. "just-just forget it, he's gone now..." she mumbled, then closed her eyes again at the mention of derek. now she really missed him. she took a few deep breaths to keep the tears from filling her eyes, then rose to her feet shakily, one hand still in thor's, and the other in steve's. "i-i don't wanna dwell on snoke anymore... not tonight... please? i need a break...'
steve: "her boyfriend." steve answered curtly as rey let out her frustration. he couldn't understand how she could try to move on from something like that. his grip on her palm was loose. "what do you want to do?" he looked around, mentally checking off everything they had done. ball pit, check. playground, check. laser tag, check. trampoline, check. "i saw a game room near the front?"
thor: for a long moment, thor didn't move, only staring hard at the captain. if derek was rey's lover, why was steve so visibly displeased by the very mention of him? thor had only ever seen one reason for that type of behavior. as a fresh understanding dawned, thor wordlessly tightened his grasp of rey's hand and began leading her in the direction of the game room. when they arrived, he stepped passed several brightly colored loud machines until one in particular caught his eye. "captain america and the avengers?" he read aloud, amused in spite of himself.
rey "yeah, can we do that?" rey whispered as she took out her pigtails, trying to let the smile appear on her face again, though it was still shaky for now. she let go of steve's hand, knowing the reason behind his sudden closure, and instead held thor's with both of her own, stumbling along behind him. "whoa..." she whispered in amazement at all the machines, her eyes widening. once at the machine thor stopped it, she began giggling and moved to sit down on the floor in front of the game, knowing from experience to not be on her feet for too long after a snoke episode.
steve: "sounds about right." steve laughed under his breath, leaning against the side of the arcade game. he stared at the giant, cartoon version of himself for a few beats before moving around again. he wandered off toward a skeeball machine where he grabbed one of the basketballs. the avenger stood there, absentmindedly dribbling the basketball. the first time he shot, it went in effortlessly even though he hardly paying attention.
thor joined the chat 32 hours ago
steve joined the chat 32 hours ago
rey joined the chat 29 hours ago
thor joined the chat 26 hours ago
thor: thor watched rey settle down onto the ground before glancing once more at the machine. uninterested in trying (and likely failing) to figure out how to toy with it, he shifted his attention to steve and the ease with which he tossed a ball through a hoop. "how long have you known each other?" he finally asked, looking back and forth between them. he could have asked more about derek, but keeping the peace felt like a better idea right then.
steve joined the chat 25 hours ago
thor joined the chat 25 hours ago
rey: \
rey rey watched steve as he moved to go shoot a basketball, still staying where she hd sat on the ground. then she glanced up at thor and shrugged a shoulder. "i-i don't know... a month or so...? maybe longer?" she asked steve, smiling shyly to herself and resting her chin on her knees. "i used to have the biggest crush on him."
thor joined the chat 22 hours ago
rey was timed out 21 hours ago
steve joined the chat 18 hours ago
steve: steve nearly choked on his tongue at rey's confession. instead of replying, he merely shot the basketball into the 100 point section. "you might not want to tell derek that." the soldier muttered as he collected the tickets that spewed out of the machine. he handed them over to rey, seeing that he had no use for them. "go get a prize."
steve joined the chat 17 hours ago
rey joined the chat 17 hours ago
steve joined the chat 16 hours ago
rey was timed out 12 hours ago
thor joined the chat 10 hours ago
thor joined the chat 9 hours ago
thor: "yes, go get your prize," thor agreed, pushing at rey with gentle but insistent nudges toward the area with several objects scattered along the wall that he assumed were prizes. as soon as she was out of earshot, he turned to steve, arms folding over his broad chest. "where i come from, we settle these situations with duels. have you considered fighting derek for her heart?" he kept his voice low, lips curving to betray his amusement. then, just like that, his features turned solemn. "if not, you must let go of her, friend. this pining is not easy to watch."
thor was timed out 5 hours ago
rey joined the chat 5 hours ago
rey rey looked up hesitantly as steve handed her the tickets, collecting them all into her arms and rising to her feet slowly. she didn't move immediately, but at thor's gentle persistence, she finally made her way to the counter, oblivious as to why they sent her away. she was too excited about her prizes. the worker there, the only one left, seemed less than thrilled about accepting the tickets, and told her to pick out three things. she looked over her shoulder at steve and thor, seeing them still talking, then glanced at the shelves to pick her prizes.
steve: steve scowled at thor's proposal. he wasn't entirely subtle about his dislike for derek, but he didn't think it was that obvious. "i'm not fighting derek." his gaze followed rey, who was eagerly awaiting her prizes. "i'll get over it. i always do." he shook his head, eyes falling down to his fidgeting fingers. it was a total lie. he wasn't even over peggy yet — and that was seventy years ago. he couldn't even close his eyes at night without thinking of her or bucky.
thor joined the chat 5 hours ago
thor: "no, you will not." thor knew an overly-attached lovestruck fool when he saw one. he himself had been on the opposite end of that sort of infatuation more than once, in fact. "these things do not simply fade away. they grow stronger, along with resentment, until you find yourself saying something you will regret." throwing rey a glance, he then dropped a hand on steve's shoulder, squeezing more tightly than truly necessary. "do not destroy your friendship with her. take some time away, if you must –– but let go of this before it harms both of you." thor released him and, without awaiting a response, strode over to join rey.
rey "thank you," rey gasped as the worker handed her her three items, hugging them close to her chest. then she turned towards her friends as thor made his way over to her, showing them the three bears she'd picked out. ( http://www.buildabear.com/ProductImages/... , http://www.buildabear.com/public/images/... , http://www.buildabear.com/ProductImages/... ) "aren't they so cute?" she giggled then moved to steve, wrapping her arms around him the best she could with her new toys. "thank you so much, steve."
steve: the crease between steve's brows tightened following his words. he knew thor was right, but the thought of distancing himself from the girl brought a sharp pain to his chest. he knew he would have to get over his schoolboy crush or else it'd cause damage. the soldier managed to muster a smile at rey as she approached. the stuffed animals tucked under her arm were cute, indeed. the cap and thor bears coaxed a laugh out of him. there was another one that strangely resembled darth vader. "you're welcome." his voice was distant, but the smile gracing his lips still remained. "where to now?"
thor joined the chat 2 hours ago
thor: thor cast a disapproving eye at rey as she embraced steve, but resigned himself to trusting that the captain would take his advice and move on. if not, thor would do his best to help pick up the pieces when things made a turn for the worse. "is this supposed to be me?" he took hold of his lookalike bear's paw, feeling the soft plushness of it. "hm. we should get ice cream." his eyes met rey's with a wink. in his experience, mortals loved their ice cream.
steve joined the chat 113 minutes ago
thor joined the chat 92 minutes ago
rey rey grinned softly at steve's laugh, wishing he would do so more often, then looked between him and thor. "of course it is," she giggled, holding up the thor-themed teddy bear she'd chosen. then she gasped before nodding swiftly. "yes, yes, yes!" she begged, and didn't even wait for an answer before moving to the exit, but not before scooping up her captain america figurine that steve gave her, and holding it with her three teddy bears. "c'mon, you two are so slow!"
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clonerightsagenda · 7 years
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bigbrothermonopoly · 5 years
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Kristine being in power scares me shitless. I know I haven't exactly been the MOST social person in this game and I've been very UTR the last couple of days/ non existent but I always felt like I was good with Kristine. I don't know? I thought we talked a good bit at least in comparison to others.... but then after she won I called her the HBIC and homegirl told me she loved my ass kissing. That HOHITIS is real with this one ladies. I offered up my services as a potential person to work with moving forward and she ignored my offer. She literally swerved me. Straight up IGNORED me and focused on what I said about not being social. So there is a good chance I'm going up and if I don't go up it isn't because Kristine doesn't want it.. it'll probably be because others don't want it. At least I hope? I'm trying NOT to go into crisis mode on the second HOH but... old habits die hard? I think that's the quote? I think if I had to write a "trust list" for this game.. honestly.. I'm feeling really good about Kori. I THINK we could go far together and we'd balance out each other well. Obviously he's a good player and I'm going to need that on my side moving forward. Eve is obviously my #1 right now but it'd be naive on me not to believe that others aren't saying the same about her. I really like Andrew but we don't talk game? But I guess I can improve on that? Those are the 3 people I'm vibing with right now. 
Ok so at this point I'm not entirely sure if I made a DR entry earlier or not, I planned on making a video but at this point it'd just get too long. Rehder going unanimously is STILL a meme to me but here we are. Kristine winning HoH was honestly alright for me because I feel like she and I have a reasonably good relationship. Though I'm not sure it could ever be something long term because she's likely working with people I have no desire to work with. (Dem, Chris, Brien, those guys.) Emma and I had a serious talk about long term what we wanna do about Eve since we seem pretty in agreement that the current dynamic is Jess and Mackenzie are Eve's Top 2 Bitches, and we're like probably the Bottom 2 Bitches. Personally I think the best time for Eve to go is like F7ish but obviously we need more time for things to progress to see where we sit. I think longterm the Mandela Monocles are a better alliance for me since I think I could sit next to Austin OR Silence and win. I just can't sit next to Gwen who I really think just has a better personality than me. With Kristine nominating Madison it... isn't really ideal for me, but Madison is also pretty isolated at this point. While we have that Mitten Connection, if she is lacking any connection with others in this game I can't go dragging my feet for her... That being said, I think eliminating Nicky this round, would not be like... the WORST thing ever. It'd just be a question of convincing Gwen that it's a good idea. Though the harder thing would be convincing others that keeping Madison is a good idea. While I like her, I'm not sure it's in my best interest to leave tracks trying to keep her in the game. Obviously it's gonna depend on how Veto goes, if noms stay the same I might push a little for a Nicky boot and see what happens, but if it's not gonna happen I'll just cut my losses. (Though with Nicky doing his thing he seems likely to dig his own grave.)
I am feeling very comfortable this week. I’m in the power trap alliance with Chris, Kristine, Dem, and Emma. I’m also in the Mandela Monocles alliance with Gwen, Silence, and Kori. Kristine is currently HoH so I don’t think she will put me on the block. I have suspicions that Emma is working with Eve because when we were playing the HoH competition, Emma refused to take Eve out. I’m just glad that one of my alliances is in power.
Love the alliance. So happy I won HOH and got to be in power. The veto comp didn’t go as well as planned tbh. I’m sooo upset that I didn’t do as well as I wanted I was up at 200 something and then lost it all over a very stupid roll. But it’s fine whether I win this or not I know I’ll get my way. Nicky is going home, let’s just hope he doesn’t win HOH. Don’t ever argue with the HOH when you’re the one on the block LOL!!!
CAN I LIVE? Can i fucking live? there are 16 other people in this and yet i got nommed for a stupid reason yet again. 
I'm so glad I escaped this week without being nominated!!! I feel so much better this week than last week! At the end of last week I thought for sure I was gonna leave pre-jury but now I feel like I've made so many real connections and I feel like I am in a great spot with many people
episode 2 This could be super naive of me to say and a little cocky and i know it 100% IS but i feel like almost everyone in this game loves me besides nicky, i think im just playing a really good social game im scared of eve for some reason i feel like she is the only person possibly playing a better game than me. just get those competitive af vibes from her, i will not go after her unless she comes for me doe. shes super cute tho love her vibes, and I think me and Jess formed and alliance just now As of now Austin Jess and Chris are my top 3 in that order Update: I love Eve, we had an emotional heart to heart about STUFF, ill never forget it and i appreciate her for it so much, even if we don't end up being on the same side in this game together, the bitch is dope. I fucking love these noms dude, my 2 least favorite people sittingpretty on the block and i had nothing to do with it. HORNY cuz they wont even be coming for me. I hope nicky fucking bombs veto. "i cant talk to all 16 of u at once" ya....nobody fuckin asked you too but kristines point is sometimes a simple HELLO can save u from being nominated But regardless im proud of her and her tatse. * has one mixed drink and suddenly wants to fight nicky for no reason * oops i apologized to him and i didn’t even read anything from last night after what i said bc embarrassment. idc if he accept my apology, just wanted to throw it out there so i don’t look like a total douche
Well week Number two and I’m in two separate alliances, have House majority, close with a few women, beyond the game have final choose with multiple people, should not be on the block for a long time, while slowly running this game behind the scenes with Myself. This backseat life is the best life
Hiiii. So looks like Nicky is going home tonight. He kind of dug his own grave. He was such a party pooper during our house game on Friday. Sooo. Yeah. I’m closest with Kori and Chris - getting closer to Chris for sure. What is it with me and Chris’s in ORGs? I need to get back to work. That is all for now :)
i really gotta uhhhhh try harder bc i feel on the lowest end of the Entire Totem Pole. i feel like if i won smthn that would change but i’m a flop so
I actually would have kept Nicky if he had the numbers. I wish he didn't quit. I think he messed up by throwing names around, because some people actually wanted to keep him...
if u cant handle the heat nicky why did u sign up.. quitting is worst then getting evicted.
Ok since I was out of it last round time for my cast assessment now. Since this was due prior to Nicky quitting I’ll include him Nicky - I forgot he existed week one. Actually sad he quit and was gonna leave cause he was entertaining arguing with Kristine Gwen - I love Gwen. She allows me to not be the official grandma of the game. She is very sociable which is scary. But I think I can trust her. Austin - automatically meh about him cause of his name. Pretty forgettable honestly. Mackenzie - nice gal. Nothing negative to say. Haven’t talked much. Jess - the person I’m most terrified of. When I realized she is THE boojess like fuck me. I’m scared. I feel like as long as I don’t get on her bad side I’m good. William - seems like a good kid. Kristine - I’m v intimidated by her. She won hoh and veto and seems like a very smart player. She makes me nervous. Silence - who???? Brien- ok this kid. I’m doing what I can to get him to trust me. I know he is a loyal person. But am I the person he is loyal to? Or is it someone else? How do I make sure I am that person? Dem - nothing really to say MADISON - I love her sooooooooo much. She’s like the light of my life honestly and if I find out something different I’m gonna cry. Like I feel like a betrayal from her will hurt the most in this game. Andrew - okay first off......damn. I’m aware of his sexual orientation but boy sent me a photo so I could see his tattoos and DAMN!!! I need me a straight one of him. But he is a fun character I like him. Chris - I think I freaked him out when I sent him a long message about how I’m scared of cops. But I didn’t go up week one so that happened. I’m hoping I can work my way into his good graces later. Emma - seems like a sweet gal. I enjoy her. Kori - nothing to say sorry
0 notes
grantsattler · 7 years
ok so here goes my vERY summarized spoiler review for spider-man: homecoming so beware: (note: it’s not summarized at all LOL)
i liked homecoming. it was a very delightful, light-hearted movie with a bunch of well-paced action scenes too. tom was wonderful, the whole cast of kids did an amazing job, jacob was great as ned and really killed it as pete’s bff and his IT sidekick, it was badass, as well as zendaya and her whole personality throughout the movie. marisa was also a very nice addition, it seemed peter and may are really close after everything they’ve been through and at no time did i feel she was trying too hard to be the cool aunt, bc peter knows her really well and she knows him too, they love each other so mucH AUGH. btw there was absolutely no trace of tony/may so rest in pieces.
i absolutely loved the dynamic between peter and happy. happy seemed all annoyed with peter messaging him all the time (CUTE) and everything but it was more of a big brother teasing kind of thing and it warmed my heart because he was in many scenes and in the end he reALLY SHOWED HIS GRATITUDE AND THAT HE REALLY CARED FOR PETER OH MY GOD.
then the vulture. in my opinion, michael keaton also did a genuinely amazing job as this villain, the effects were good, and the big reveal was such a tense scene, like both tom and michael were perfect in creating that frightening moment and the follow up that continued while they talk in the car. so all in all a very good villain imo. also, while in this topic of the villain, the whole third act is intense, the fight in the plane is well done, and while some people might think of the resolution as underwhelming, i liked what they did with peter’s character development, like he doesn’t really need to kill anybody, that’s the whole point, he’s a kid, he just wants to do good and save people, so it saved him a whole unnecessary ‘guilt’ plot device.
THEN WE HAVE PAPA TONY STARK. If you don’t want the whole thing about tony bc you want it to be a surprise then STOP READING RIGHT NOW ok. I literally cannot get enough of this tony. opened with a vlog of peter before and after the airport fight, he is relaxed through everything and really tries to be the cool dad with pete. he gives him the suit, says that he saw happy’s cardiogram (OMG DON’T REMIND ME OF IM3 HAPPY AND TONY’S HOSPITAL SADNESS) so don’t bother him too much (HE CARES SO MUCH ABOUT HAPPY U GUYS, IM GETTING SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT IT HELP). anyway, he stays off for a while until peter goes off in his first adventure, he saves peter’s life and guess what, we see that im3 armor mode again where he’s somewhere else in a social function (a wedding overseas???) while using the suit and he SCOLDS peter from far away like he says “i’m sorry i’m screaming, i’m dealing with a teenager” at some guest, and peter gets so offended lmao but he mentions howard a few times and you can hear him it gets him motivated to be a better role model and i’m so emotional.
ok and then right at the ferry scene he CALLS peter ok because he says hOWARD WASN’T of the congratulating type but HE WANTS TO BREAK THE CHAIN or something, but he literally says ‘BREAK’ the bad EXAMPLE and wants peter to know he did good in washington and he’s proud of him- i’m so ALIVE, and then continues saying peter is doing a great job but then figures out pete is lying to him about his whereabouts and he gets so angry and peter cuts off the call and its hilarious lmao. then he saves the ferry thing and while he makes his great entrance he’s all “hello spider-man” like in a mocking tone because he’s SO ANGRY oh my god he’s a DISAPPOINTED DAD. then peter gets angry at him bc he says “i’ve been leaving messages about this vulture guy and the weapons and if you only cared and done something this wouldn’t have happened. if you cared then you would actually be here” hinting about tony not being physically with him, only the armor, and thEN TONY STEPS OUT OF THE ARMOR (WHILE IM A BOSS ASS BITCH PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND AND HES LIKE [Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.]) ALL ANGRY OH MY GOD I CANNOT EMPHASIZE HIS OVERALL DAD ANGRINESS DURING THIS MOVIE. and he says something like “oh so i wasn’t listening about this” and proceeds to tell him about his daily reports and everything peter has been sending happy and tony sending the feds to the ferry, while he scolds peter in a speech that almost made me tear up, with visible pain he says that he was the ONLY ONE that believed in him (omg maybe he feels the situation is familiar oh gosh pls don’t), that everyone else said he was crazy for bringing a 14 year old into the mix, he mentions howard aGAIN, while his eyes are GLISTENING ???! OR MAYBE I GOT PLAYED BY RDJ’S EYES BUT I LITERALLY THINK HE WAS ABOUT TO CRY IN DISAPPOINTMENT OH GOD.  anyway, he takes the suit away and it;s amazing the chemistry that rdj and tom had.
fast forward to the ending. tony wants to see peter so he brings him up to the avengers facility and offers him a brand new suit and room and board and he says there are a bunch of reporters waiting for tony to present spider-man as the brand new avenger, and he seems so pleased with peter and glad he’s safe and stuff, and peter turns him down bc he wants to remain low-key for a while and UH WHY so peter walks away and he asks if it’s a test so tony just plays along and lets him leave.
PEPPERONY SCENE INCOMING. So at that moment VIRGINIA “PEPPER” POTTS walks out the press room where indeed it is full of reporters and she’s like where did peter go omg guys they’re waiting for him. and tony’s like nah honey he left, let’s think of something else for the press, turns to happy and says ‘you got the ring?’ and happy says ‘yeah, omg i’ve been carrying it since 2008′ and takes the ring out all excited, waiting for a MILLION YEARS FOR THIS TO HAPPEN, LIKE ALL OF US, HAPPY IS THE BIGGEST PEPPERONY SHIPPER I’VE EVER SEEN, and pepper is so offended that this is the proposal and tony is so embarrassed omg lmao so she’s like uhm i’ll think of something else then and proceeds to KISS tony ON THE LIPS while I’M ON FIRE cluTCHING MY HEART and SOBBING. then she leaves with a BIG SMILE on her face and she’s like ‘i can;t believe u had the ring in your pocket this whole time happy wtf’ but she’s so cute and overjoyed, and then #domestictony goes after her ‘do i open the door for you hon’ and happy tosses the ring to tony while he goes in to the press room with her to probably PROPOSE in front of everyone and the worlD OH MY GOD??????????????????????////////////// #parallel im1: i am iron man; homecoming: pepper, will you marry me? 
finally, peter leaves and the film wraps up with him apologizing for the homecoming dance mess to liz and then basically goes back home to find the suit again in a paper bag with a card that says “this is yours - TS” or something like that and oh my god it was amazing 9/10.
and that’s it. i went overboard and i said it was gonna be a summary so wELP anyway RDJ WAS AMAZING OK HE WAS HOT AND HIS ACTING WAS EXCELLENT AS ALWAYS THNX RDJESUS and the peter/tony interaction wa s so pure and here’s the pepperony video if you want to be really spoiled: http://letsgetdowney.tumblr.com/private/162577231492/tumblr_osjthxwBN41r057rf
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here we are
It’s been a really long time since I’ve posted anything. I just have wanted to keep my head up and not really think about how much I miss Nick, or how badly it sucks not having him home. For so many reasons. For one he makes me a hell of a lot better person, he calms me down makes my anger dissipate which is a lot because my temper lately has been so bad. I just want to love on him and kiss him, I want to snuggle in bed with my man, I want to be able to wake up to morning kisses and it be a real tangible kiss, not something we do over wowapp cause it’s the closest thing we have. I’ve been trying to think about it like my reward for him going to Korea is getting married 12/08/2017, that’s a fantastic reward. I love him so much, and miss him so much. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.    The other night I had a really bad dream, like it sounds great at first, but it’s really not.  It’s long.   I was at a mall talking to this blonde, blue eyes, lean, 34C breasts (looked that way anyway) she was funny. The mall was on lock down and we were sitting there talking about life. “So are you single?” I asked looking at her pink lips. Thinking god it’s been awhile since I’ve done anything..just to taste her.    “Sort of, it’s a little complicated” She looked down at her hand then back up at me. “What about you?”   “My heart is taken, but I am single.” I said leaning in a little bit closer to her.  She sighed then “Men make everything so complicated, they should be more like women just straight forward.” She said looking down at her hand again to what I could tell was nothing, then looked over at my hand which the only thing I had on was my wedding ring. Before she could say anything else I leaned in and kissed her. We sat there as the world around us went on, we sat there kissing each other, her hand resting on my thigh, my hand caressing her face as we kissed. Pulling away we just looked into each others eyes, as we sat there it had been announced the lock down was being lifted.  If only there had been more time, I might have convinced her to go home with me. Instead we got up from our little corner, and I walked to her to her car, it was raining outside.    “This is me.” She said as unlocked her car, pushing her up against the car I kissed her again, not caring who saw me. At first she tried to push me away, but as my tongue slid into her mouth she became more relaxed against me. When I was beginning to think I might have a chance, she pushed me away and said she had to go. I watched as she got into her car and left.  ———————————————————————————————————    I get a call from Eric telling him to meet me at some lake house dressed nice, when I get there I spot him and wave him over .   “Hey” He said hugging me.  “Hey” I said a little more than tired, it had been a long drive back to my place last night, my bed cold, the house empty.    “So I wondering if you wanted to go to a wedding with me today? It will be tons of fun! I promise.” He looked at me almost pleadingly.    “Today? Seriously, toooday?” I asked looking at him, as he tried to sucker me into this.   “I’m sure you need something fun, beside I’m here only good things can happen.” He smiled as I reluctantly agreed.  We walked right into the house, and saw a group of people. Immediately taking me over they began to introduce themselves.  “Im Karen.” A woman in red said.  “I’m Josh.” The older man next to her said “I’m Raven” a middle eastern woman said, her long dark hair flowing.     “Nice to meet you, I’m” was all I managed to say “This is Carolyn, my girlfriend.” Eric said looking at me.     I was so livid I wanted to punch him right then and there, for the sake of not murdering him “It’s nice to meet you…will you excuse us?” I said practically ripping his arm off.  When we were out of listening distance “WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” I said beginning to punch him.     “It just..it just slipped out, oh come on just play along with it. “ He said.     “No, this is going to end badly” I said.      “You can’t just not now, I’m sure everyone knows by now. “ he said.   I just glared at him and walked away finding myself next to a group of guys drinking beers. Taking a drink off of the bar I just stood there chugging it, not even caring who’s or what the fuck it was.    “Woah there tiger. Look at her go!” A younger guy hooted out. Slamming the bottle back down, I looked at the group around me.    Smiling and wiping my face I say “I’m Carolyn, and I need another fucking drink.” One of the guys handed me a hard cider, and a screwdriver. I took both, downing the screwdriver.  “Jesus woman.” An older man said. “I like your style.” To which he downed his beer, and got another.    I stood around talking with them for about half an hour, before I started getting the dirty looks from the women. I mean I know I wasn’t acting classy, but the looks I were getting were down right hostile.  “Will you excuse me?” I said taking my drink with me. Only feeling a little buzzed at that point.  Then I saw her, the girl from yesterday. “Oh my god.” I said to myself. She’s the fucking bride! No wonder she kept looking at her finger, it was missing her engagement ring! Shit, shit shit. Nope, not a big deal. Don’t look at her, don’t do it. I told myself. Then she saw me, she visibly blushed, looking like she was about to walk over, and then some short girl wearing a silver dress got to me first.     “You  have got so much fucking nerve saying you’re dating my cousin when you’re fucking married. You’re such a whore.” She said shoving my facebook profile in my face. My profile picture was of Nick and I on our wedding day kissing, my cover photo was of him holding our beautiful newborn baby, me looking at him holding her.    “What?” is what I managed to say.     “Are you stupid too?” She asked. Instead of answering I set down my drink and walked up to the back porch where there was a mic.    “Well, I just would like to say a couple of things.” I saw Eric in the crowd coming up to the stage, and shook my head. “First off I want to say thank you for allowing me to be a part of this special moment, and for all the men who have been treating me nicely and talking to me. For the women in the family you’re a bunch of judgmental bitches. You don’t know me and instead of coming to talk to me like an adult to see what’s going on you fucking glared at me and accused me of things w/o really giving me time to explain myself. So here it is. Yes, that IS my husband in my picture, however that is MY DEAD husband, and that beautiful baby girl, that’s my dead child. Eric has known me for about three years, Nick and my child died about two years prior to that. I will always be married to my husband, I will never stop loving him, and I will never love another soul in my whole fucking life. I only said I’d come to this so Eric wouldn’t pester me about it, for fucks sake I didn’t know he’d call me his girlfriend..you can better fucking believe we aren’t friends anymore. You know what today is? Today is the anniversary of their deaths..so thank you for trying so hard to make it the most horrible day possible. Oh, and best fucking wishes to the newly weds. Enjoy the family Amanda.” With that I put the mic back in it’s place and pushed by the people who were trying to talk to me. Eric tried to stop me from walking out and for that he got slapped.  At this point I walked to the beach and sat down drink in my hand.  —————————————————————————————————     My phone started to ring, I look over and it’s about 3am.    “Erng..hello?” I answered bleary eyed.     “Hello this is Macy at Banner Del Webb is this Mrs. Aberts?” She asked.    “Yes, what’s going on, why are you calling me?” I asked instantly getting out of bed realizing Nick hasn’t come back to bed yet. The last thing he did was take little Adeline out for a drive to get her to quiet down.      “Your husband was involved in an accident and we need you to get to the hospital right away.” I didn’t even hear the rest as I dropped the phone and went into omg mode. I started crying, getting dressed, grabbed the phone which the line was now dead and drove to the hospital. I arrived at the desk. “I need to see my husband, and my daughter Adeline. I need to know what’s going on.” I almost screeched.     “Ma’am you need to calm down. Your husband was struck by a semi truck-the driver had fallen asleep. He’s in ICU, he’s conscious, but the doctors don’t think he will make it. “ She said looking at me as she walked me to his room. Seeing him there in his bed, I started to cry, reaching out to grab his hand. I looked at her then.    “What about Adeline..what about our baby?” I asked looking at Nick, who then began to cry. “No” I sobbed tears running down my cheeks.     “I’m so sorry baby. I’m so sorry.” He wiped away a tear that had rolled down my face.     “It’s not your fault, you’re going to be ok. I have you, it will be ok.” He smiled at me then, and then just like that he was gone.  I sat there crying into him, “I promise, I promise I’ll never love anyone else, and I swear that I will get justice for tearing my family apart.” I laid against him crying until they told me I had to leave. The next few weeks were a blur, as we had the funeral for them both. I cried and got angry often, my family not really knowing how to help, just letting it happen.  The man who fell asleep was charged with vehicular manslaughter, his boss, and two other people had charges against them and were found guilty. The man who had fallen asleep had taken on extra runs and it was ok’d by those other three people when it shouldn’t have. I filed a lawsuit against the company and won millions. However, for a long time my life was empty, I would go visit my family in Ohio (his parents), and see my step kids, go visit Nick at least once every other month.  ——————————————————————————————————– I woke up remembering something that never happened and yet it felt so real. Like that Nick and I had gotten married had this beautiful baby girl, light brown hair green big eyes. It feels like a real loss, it’s even been a couple of days and I just writing this out makes me sad and start to cry. Even though I know it wasn’t real. I told Nick this and he sent me kissy faces telling me he wishes he could be here to snuggle and hug me, to reassure me that he’s fine and that didn’t happen. Made me feel a lot better, he could cheer me up from 3000+ miles away. I love him so much. I really can’t wait to be Mrs.Nick Aberts.          Speaking of which wedding planning is difficult since we don’t really know for sure when he will be home.  He’s supposed to be back in November, since it’s a year long, however it’s the military so that doesn’t always mean it’s a year tour. I’ve been looking at venues by myself, getting his opinions here and there, photography, food, music all by myself. I am trying not to get stressed out. Every little girl has her dream wedding for me, I always wanted to get married in a forest, moss growing on trees, a little bit of fog going on, barefoot. I know, crazy. So I’ll settle for a outside wedding around trees and nature, I love trees. If I could have useless magical power it would be to get trees to grow from nothing. *sighs* that would be SO cool.  It’s funny cause Nick has always wanted an outside wedding as well, it’s like we really are the same person, just a male version and a female version. It feels like I’ve known him all of my life, and yet there is still so much more to learn and I yearn to learn everything about him. I can express how truly grateful and blessed that I am to have him in my life. I have no idea where I would be without him, probably miserable, lonely, and possibly a whore.  I wouldn’t have a matching cow tattoo (which makes me sad cause it cheers me up when I see it), I wouldn’t have plans to get a cherry blossom tree tattooed across my right side up my shoulder and act as he is a branch into his shoulder and arm. That’s how in love we are with each other. I can’t wait till we have our first child together, I’m hoping for a girl. Evelyn Grace Aberts…will be so beautiful, and I would be so thankful to have her. I want to have that special bond with Nick that parents get. I want to know the joys of motherhood, and see the man I love and my husband be a dad to our child. I want that. Sometime’s Nick makes me feel like a little high school girl, we are that obnoxiously sweet couple. We moo at each other, we tell each other we love you mega moo bunches, we make my parents want to vomit. It’s great. Especially that last part.    I  miss him, I try to think of it as a vacation I’m not allowed to go on, that it wasn’t a goodbye at the airport in Seattle that it was a see you later. However, that was so embarrassing. I sat there most of the night crying here and there even though he was there RIGHT there with me. I knew I wouldn’t see him and I’d try not cry as I held him close to me. I could feel people watching me as I sobbed in public as they called my boarding, I remember wanting to hug him so tightly that I couldn’t breathe, yet I still found enough air to cry uncontrollably as I walked alone to my plane. I don’t ever want to do that again. It was like waiting for duct tape to be torn off, but instead of pulling it off fast, they were tugging on it slowly. Ever so slowly. It was heart breaking. He will never leave me behind again after this tour. I don’t care if I have to pay out of pocket to fly wherever he does. It will not happen again.        I started a new job, I now work at Fry’s as a Starbucks barista, I have training this week after arrowhead, and then next week 8a-4p if Michael gives it to me off. We shall see cause I asked for it off kind of last minute, so I have no idea if I will actually be allowed to have the time off. I’m excited because hellooo I get to learn the menu and maybe the secret menu?! And it means more money for wedding/bills. So exciting, though I have to get used to working more than 24 hours a week again. Last week was brutal, Thursday and Friday I worked 11 hours and was totally wiped out. Done. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. So that will be kind of fun.   I’m all talked out for now. 01/02/2017
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