#sam guthrie x reader
theyluvlyss · 1 year
/ᐠ-˕-マ~ master list for...
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𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 !
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《 ♡ 》 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐠𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐞
nothing here yet :(
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𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 :
something about his accent in this movie does something to me🥴✨️.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞
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5 notes · View notes
doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
Simon Said | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ? )
Warnings: mind control, canon violence, canon gore, consent lines blurry bc mind control but nothing happens to the reader, mind control attempted suicide
Word Count: 5301
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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“I don't know, man, why don't we just chill out, think about this,” Dean said, trying to soothe his brother.
Sam had another vision while he was washing his face a state or two back. Dean was having to be the level-headed one at this moment because Sam was a complete basketcase. “What's there to think about?” the latter asked.
“I just don't know if going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea,” Dean replied.
“I agree. I like ‘em, but I don’t trust any of them enough yet to tell them about this,” you said earnestly. 
“Guys, it's another premonition. I know it. This is gonna happen, and Ash can tell us where,” Sam protested. “Plus, it could have some connection with the demon. My visions always do.”
“That’s my point,” Dean said. “There's gonna be hunters there. I don't know if going in and announcing that you're some supernatural freak with a— a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?”
“So I'm a freak now?”
You gritted your teeth awkwardly.
Dean slapped Sam on the thigh. “You've always been a freak,” he smiled weakly. 
You looked at Sam concernedly, and it seemed he couldn’t keep still even if his life depended on it.
“Sam, it’s gonna be fine, I promise,” you said. 
He looked back at you, offering a small smile at your attempt to comfort him. You could tell he was unconvinced.
When you arrived at the Roadhouse, Jo bounded up to you and the brothers. “Just can't stay away, huh?” she grinned to Dean.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. You knew your jealousy was baseless but still could barely hold it at bay.
“Yeah, looks like. How you doin', Jo?” the older brother asked her.
Sam hurriedly asked, “Where’s Ash?”
“In his back room,” Jo replied.
He brushed past her wordlessly.
Jo turned after him, watching him go. “And I'm fine…”
“Sorry, he's, we're... kind of on a bit of a timetable,” Dean explained, following after his brother. You nodded and gave a closed-lip smile to Jo, who returned it, before heading after Dean.
You arrived at a door labeled, “ Dr. Badass is: IN.” You snorted at the sign, and Sam knocked on the door. “Ash? Hey, Ash?”
Moments passed; no answer. You knocked, this time saying, “Hey, Dr. Badass?”
The door unlatched and opened a crack to reveal a stark naked Ash. You averted your eyes, feeling intensely uncomfortable.
“Sam? Dean?” Ash sounded high. “Sam and Dean. And (Y/N). Hey, (Y/N).”
You laughed awkwardly, still turned away from Ash standing in the doorway. “Hey, Ash. Um. We need your help.”
“Well, hell, then! Guess I need my pants.” He shut the door, and you and the brothers turned to move back to the bar.
Sam described the scene from his dream and drew a logo of the bus he saw in his dream. Ash sat at a table with his homemade laptop and somehow found the logo based off Sam’s drawing. “Well, I got a match. It's the logo from the Blue Ridge bus lines in Guthrie, Oklahoma.”
“Okay. Do me a favor—” Sam began. “Check Guthrie for any demonic signs, or omens, or anything like that.”
“You think the demon's there?” Ash asked.
Sam nodded. “Yeah, maybe.”
“Why would you think that?”
Dean gruffly replied, “Just check it, alright?”
You shot him a look, as did Ash. He obliged, though, and said, “No, sir, nothing. No demon.”
“Alright, try something else for me. Search Guthrie for a house fire. It would be 1983, fire's origin would be a baby's nursery, night of the kid's six month birthday,” Sam said.
You looked around for eavesdroppers, only to find Jo cleaning a table nearby and watching your group.
“Okay, now that is just weird, man,” Ash protested. “Why the hell would I be looking for that?”
Sam pulled out a beer and set it next to his laptop. “'Cause there's a PBR in it for ya.”
Before Sam could finish his sentence, Ash replied, “Give me fifteen minutes.”
You sat next to Ash as he continued his work, and Dean left to get a beer from Ellen. Suddenly, REO Speedwagon’s “Can’t Fight This Feeling” started playing from the jukebox. You turned your head to the source of the sound and found Jo sauntering over to a horrified-looking Dean at the bar. Your blood boiled, but you just looked back at Ash and his computer. However, you didn’t register anything he was saying or scrolling through.
All you could think about was Jo’s attempted flirting with Dean. Technically, neither party were doing anything wrong; you and Dean had agreed to be friends for the time being. But you were furious at the thought of the two of them together. How disrespectful would that be for Dean to get with Jo days after saying he wanted you and agreed to be friends for now? Your jaw clenched, and you clutched your beer tighter.
Sam snapped in front of your face. “(Y/N), let’s go.”
You broke out of your thoughts and grabbed Dean’s jacket, pulling him along with you.
“See ya, Jo,” you called over your shoulder, stomping out of the bar with Dean in tow. 
Dean chuckled at you, gently shrugging you off him. He stooped down to your level and whispered lowly, “Jealous?”
You jerked away from him, cheeks heating in embarrassment. “No.”
He just smirked in response and kissed the side of your head. “Sure, sweetheart.” He then walked ahead of you to the Impala. 
You froze, flustered and unappreciative of the effect he had on you. “Dean—!”
“Sam, you can’t tell me Lord of the Rings is better than Erin Brockovich,” you argued with the younger brother. The two of you had been locked in a heated debate on your favorite movies of recent years, and these two were the next in question.
“(Y/N/N),” Sam started, “Lord of the Rings is based on six books of Tolkein’s experience in World War I, and Erin Brockovich is—”
“Two hours of fuckin’ perfection,” you cut him off. “Julia Roberts acted those other bitches under the table.”
“But the worldbuilding, (Y/N), it’s not even comparable!” 
“Yeah, if you stick around long enough to learn about it. It’s a snoozefest from start to finish,” you giggled.
He scoffed. “Okay, what about—”
“If you two keep talkin’ film nerd, I’m gonna kill myself,” Dean grumbled.
“Killjoy. If it’s not eighties horror, you’re not interested, huh?” you commented, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back in your seat. 
Dean’s eyes met yours in the rearview mirror. “Did you actually read anything back there, or….?” 
“I did, thank you very much.” You pulled the stack of papers on the seat next to you into your lap. “Andrew Gallagher. Born in ‘83, like Sam. Lost his mother in a nursery fire exactly six months later, also like Sam.”
“You think the demon killed his mom?” Dean asked.
“Sure looks like it,” Sam responded.
“How did you even know to look for this guy?” Dean asked you.
“Well, Sam’s visions have all been attached to the demon or the other kids—”
“Like Max Miller, remember him?” Sam cut you off.
Dean scoffed. “Yeah, but Max Miller was a pasty little psycho.”
“Well, yeah, but my point is, he was killing people,” you began.
Sam continued, “And I was having the same type of visions about him. And now it could be happening all over again with this Gallagher guy.”
Dean asked, “How do we find him?”
You blew air out through your pursed lips. “Don't know. No current address, no current employment. He still owes money on all his bills; phone, credit, utilities—”
“Collection agency flags?” the older brother questioned.
“None in the system.”
“They just let him take a walk?”
You shrugged. “Seems like it. There's a work address from his last W-2; about a year ago. Let's start there.”
You and the brothers stopped at a coffee shop dressed in your “formal attire” to question a girl you knew to be friends with Andrew Gallagher about his whereabouts. 
“You won't get anything out of Andy, guys. I'm sorry, but they never do,” she said.
“ ‘They’?” Sam asked.
She tilted her head in confusion. “You're debt collectors, right? Once in a while they come by. I don't know what Andy says to them, but they never come back.”
“Actually we're- we're lawyers. Representing his Great Aunt Leta. She passed, god rest her soul, and left Andy a sizable estate,” Dean lied. “Are you a friend of his?”
“I used to be, yeah. I don't see much of Andy anymore.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
A man came up behind the bashful woman. “Andy? Andy kicks ass, man.”
“Is that right?” Dean questioned.
“Yeah. Andy can get you into anything. He even got me backstage at Aerosmith once; it was beautiful, bro.”
The woman turned to him. “How about bussing a table or two, Weber?”
“Yeah. You bet, boss.” The man named Weber turned away.
“Look,” the woman sighed, “if you want to find him, try Orchard Street. Just look for a van with a barbarian queen painted on the side.”
“Barbarian queen?” Dean’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“She's riding a polar bear. It's kind of hard to miss.”
She was right. It was incredibly hard to miss. You and the Winchester boys sat in the back of the Impala, having caught sight of the blue van with the aforementioned painted on the side of it from across the street.
“I'm sorry, I'm starting to like this dude. That van is sweet,” Dean grinned. He turned to his brother. “What's wrong?”
“Sam, you look like you're sucking on a lemon, what's going on?”
The brunet sighed. “This Andrew Gallagher, he's the second guy like this we've found, Dean. Demon came to them when they were kids, now they're killing people.”
“We don't know what Andrew Gallagher is, alright? He could be innocent,” the older brother argued.
“My visions haven't been wrong yet.”
“Sam, you’re not one of them, if that’s what you’re concerned about,” you said.
“(Y/N), the demon said he had plans for me and children like me,” he replied. “Maybe this is his plan, maybe we're all a bunch of psychic freaks, maybe we're all supposed to be—”
Dean scoffed. “What, killers? So the demon wants you out there killing with your minds, is that it? Come on, give me a break. You're not a murderer, Sam! You don't have it in your bones.”
“No? Last I checked, I kill all kinds of things."
“Sam, that’s different,” you chimed in. “We kill shit that’s already dead. Or… undead. Or… not human— What are you looking at?”
“Got him,” was all Sam replied with. He nodded toward a man walking down the road in a robe, sandals, and baggy pants. The man in question blew a kiss up at a beautiful woman in lingerie leaning out of a window and waving down at him, got a coffee from some random guy he was passing, and then, shook hands with another. 
“That's him. That older guy, that's him, that's the shooter,” Sam rushed out, referencing the man Andy had shaken hands with.
“Alright, you keep on him, we'll stick with Andy. Go.” Sam got out of the car at his older brother’s command.
“We will?” you asked, climbing over the front seat. 
“C’mon, sweetheart.” Dean followed Andy— who had just climbed into his ostentatious van and began to drive off— closely. 
A few minutes of following the man into a suburban area later, the van stopped in the middle of the road and approached the Impala. You discreetly handed Dean his gun from the glovebox and tucked yours into your jacket.
Andy leaned into the rolled-down window of the Impala. “Hey.”
“Hey, hey,” Dean replied.
“This is a cherry ride,” Andy grinned. “Man, the '67? Impala's best year if you ask me. This is a serious classic.”
“Yeah. Y'know, I just rebuilt her, too.”
“And who’s this gorgeous lady you got next to ya?”
“Oh, I’m (Y/N),” you smiled, suddenly not feeling right.
“Hey, can I have the car? And her, if she’ll let me?” Andy asked you and Dean.
“Sure, man,” Dean grinned, getting out of the car to let the man into the driver’s side.
“Hi, handsome,” you smiled, draping yourself over Andy’s shoulder. You weren’t quite sure what was happening to you, but you knew you weren’t fully in control of what you were doing.
“Take it easy,” Andy told Dean before driving off with you.
“Where ya takin’ me?” you asked him, still mentally horrified by the effect he was having on you. 
“You’ll see,” he grinned, and you settled into his shoulder as he continued to drive.
About ten minutes later, the man driving you around received a call that seemed to really upset him. He drove a little faster and parked the car moments later once you’d arrived in front of the café you’d first gone to when you rolled into town.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” you asked, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Uh, I—” he paused, sighing. “Stay here, okay?”
“Okay!” You sat patiently with your hands folded in your lap, waiting for him to come back. You suddenly seemed to realize what you’d been doing and looked around yourself, trying to gain your bearings. You were relieved to see Dean and Sam approaching you. You jumped out of the car and leapt into Dean’s arms. “Dean! What the hell, man, he full-on Obi-Wan-ed us!” You let him go and hugged Sam. “What’s wrong, dude, you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
“That guy, um, from my visions, he stepped out in front of a bus. Right after he got off the phone,” Sam explained. “We’re thinkin’ Gallagher called him.”
Your brows furrowed and stomach dropped. “Oh.”
“He would’ve had to be on the phone with you in the car,” Dean added. “Was he?”
You shook your head. “No. I mean, not until a second or two before he ditched the car and me in the front seat.”
“Did he… do anything to you?” Sam asked. 
You shook your head.
“A real Samaritan, this guy,” the brunet quipped.
You turned to Dean talking to his car. “Oh, baby, I promise I’ll never leave you again.”
“Do you want a moment alone with her?” you deadpanned to Dean.
“We have a special bond,” he said after a pause. He turned back to his car. “She just doesn’t understand us.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to suppress the smile tugging at the ends of your lips. “Anyway, he didn’t give any kind of a command over the phone. If anything, he was upset when he answered his phone not ten minutes ago. I don’t think he’s our guy.”
“Either way, how are we going to track this guy down?” Sam asked.
“Not a problem,” Dean smirked.
“I’ll give you that, his ride isn’t exactly ‘covert’,” you said upon finding the van again. 
Dean pulled a small crowbar out of his jacket and pried the doors of the van open with it. The opened doors revealed a disco ball, fur rugs, a tiger painted on the wall, several thick books, and an enormous bong.
“Oh. Oh, come on. This is— this is magnificent, that's what this is. Not exactly a serial killer's lair, though. There's no... clown paintings on the walls, or scissors stuck in victims' photos. I like the tiger,” Dean chuckled in awe.
“Dean, he tried to kidnap me. And he kidnapped your car. Can we stay focused, please?” you deadpanned. You looked down at the books. 
Sam picked one up. “Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein? That's some pretty heavy reading, guys.”
Dean picked up the glass object lying next to them. “Yeah, and, uh, Moby Dick's bong.”
Sam and Dean bickered over whether or not they thought Andy was guilty as you zoned out in the backseat. That was, until, the man in question hit the passenger’s side door, startling all three of you.
“Hey! You think I haven't seen you three? Why are you following me?” He asked, his voice reverberating strangely in your ears.
Sam calmly began to explain. “Well, we're lawyers. See, a relative of yours has passed aw—” 
“Tell the truth!” Andy’s voice echoed in your mind.
“We hunt demons,” Dean rushed out.
Andy jerked back in surprise. “What?”
“Dean!” Sam scolded.
“He’s telling the truth,” you jumped in. “That’s Sam. He’s Dean’s brother. I’m (Y/N). I met their dad on a hunt, and, uh, here I am! I follow them everywhere because they’re my best friends and the only real family I’ve ever had, and I’m terrified of losing them, and I followed them to you.”
“(Y/N), shut up!” Sam chastised, turning to face you. 
“I’m trying,” you said.
“He's psychic. Kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer,” Dean continued, “and he's afraid that he's going to become one himself, 'cause you're all part of something that's terrible. And, I hope to hell that he's wrong, but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right.”
“Okay, you know what? Just leave me alone,” Andy said.
“Okay,” Dean nodded.
Andy walked away from the door, and Sam followed. You and Dean clutched your heads.
“Holy fuck, that hurt,” you groaned.
“Did you really mean that?” Dean asked, clutching the bridge of his nose.
“What, that this hurts?” you scoffed.
“No, about me and Sam.”
“Dude, he made me Professor-Xavier-level spill my guts,” you grumbled. “I couldn’t have lied if I tried.”
Dean gave you a confusing look, but you got out of the car, feeling embarrassed. Sam held up a hand, warning you not to come any closer. You could vaguely hear Andy and Sam arguing about the origins of their powers and the doctor’s death, but all you could focus on was what you’d just admitted.
“(Y/N)—” Dean started.
“No, Dean.” You looked up at him. “We can talk about it one day when this is all over. Just… for now, let’s not.”
He didn’t say anything, but eyed you curiously. Before either of you could say another word to each other, Sam began to collapse to the floor. You and Dean ran to him to catch him and lowered him to the asphalt.
“Sam? What is it?” Dean asked his brother, shaking him.
“Look, I didn't do anything to him—”
“We know you didn’t,” you told Andy.
Sam snapped to attention. “A woman. A woman burning alive. A gas station, a woman is gonna kill herself.”
Andy’s voice rose significantly in pitch. “What does he mean, going to? What is he, what is—”
“Shut up!” you and Dean told Andy.
“She gets triggered by a call on her cell,” Sam continued.
“I don't know.” Dean helped his brother stand as he continued talking, “But as long as we keep our eyes on this son of a bitch, he can't hurt her.”
Andy raised his hands up in surrender. “I didn't hurt anybody.”
“Yeah, not yet,” you said. Your head jerked toward the sound of a fire engine roaring and flashing by you on the highway next to you.
“Go,” Sam told you and Dean. The two of you sprinted to the car and headed off to follow the firetruck.
When you arrived, you were disheartened to see the first responders trying to put out the fire, keep civilians away, and recover the charred body of the woman who had died.
Dean immediately called Sam. “Hey, it's me. She's dead. Burned up, just like you said… Like minutes before I got here! I mean, the smell hasn't even cleared. What's up with your visions, man? This wasn't even a head start… Listen, you were with Andy when this whole thing went down, so it- it can't be him, it's gotta be somebody else doing this… What else is new? Well, we'll dig around here, see what else we can find.”
You and Dean roamed around talking to first responders and bystanders, posing as relatives of the woman who’d died. It was one of the things you felt guilty about in your line of work; posing as relatives of the dead to get information felt disrespectful to you. But alas, you had to, in this case.
You and Dean drove in silence back to the lot where Sam and Andy were talking on the bed of a broken truck as you rolled up. 
“Victim's name was Holly Beckett, forty-one, single,” Dean explained to Sam.
“I called Ash back at the crime scene,” you began. “Said he found a Holly Beckett who gave birth when she was eighteen, back in ‘83. Same day you were born, Andy.”
“Andy, were you adopted?” Sam questioned.
He nodded as if it were obvious. “Well, yeah.”
Dean glared pointedly. “You were? And you neglected to mention that?”
“Never really came up,” Andy deadpanned. “I mean, I, I never knew my birth parents, and, and like you said my adopted mom died when I was a baby— do you, do you think this Holly woman could actually be my m—”
“I don't know,” you explained. “I tried to get a copy of the birth records, but they're hard copy only, sealed in the county office.”
Andy smirked. “Well, screw that.”
You and the brothers went through the drawers of file cabinets searching for phone records as Andy began leading the guards out of the room.
“Probably shouldn't have left you kids in here,” the guard said.
Andy rubbed a hand over his back. “No, it'll all be fine. Alright? Just go get a cup of coffee.” As the guard left, he continued, saying, “These aren't the 'droids you're looking for.”
You and Dean grinned. “Awesome,” the older brother said.
“I got it,” Sam said. “Andy, it's true. Holly Beckett was your birth mother.”
Andy looked like he’d been punched in the stomach. “Huh. Does anyone have a Vicodin?”
"No Vicodin. Weed, though," you told him, offering him a joint from a pack of pre-rolls in your jacket.
Andy considered but shook his head.
“Dr. Jennings was her doctor, too, I mean, he oversaw the adoption. You have a solid connection to both of them.”
“Yeah, but I— I didn't kill them,” he rushed out.
“We believe you,” Sam told him.
“But uh, who did?” Dean questioned.
“I think I got a pretty good guess,” Sam replied. “Holly Beckett gave birth to twins.”
Andy’s jaw dropped. “I have an evil twin.” He looked to you. "I may take that joint now."
Sam began flipping through another folder of documents. “Holly put you and your brother up for adoption. And you went to the Gallagher family, obviously, and your brother went to the Weems family from upstate.”
You looked over at the zoned-out Andy. “You okay? Still with us?”
He shook his head and looked over at you. “Um. What was my brother's name?”
Sam flipped to another page. “Here. Um, Ansen Weems. And he's got a local address.”
“He- He lives here?!”
Dean pushed a few buttons on the computer. “Let's get a look at him. Got his picture coming off from the DMV right now.”
“Dean, you can barely work a toaster. How’d you find his picture from the DMV?” you asked.
He just glared at you in response. You could tell he was messing with you, though.
You pulled the paper off the printer, eyes widening as you recognized the man in the picture. “Hate to kick you while you're freaked,” you said. “Take a look at that.”
When Andy caught sight of his friend from the café Weber looking back at him from the printed off image, his jaw dropped even further in shock.
It was a race against the clock to find where Weber had taken Andy’s ex-girlfriend, Tracy— the woman you spoke to at the diner— after Sam had another vision about her jumping off a bridge. Sam’s visions were getting more intense and painful; poor guy. Andy directed Dean to the bridge Sam described from his vision, and the four of you climbed out of the car in unison.
“(Y/N), Dean, you should stay back,” Sam said.
“No argument here. Had my head screwed with enough for one day,” Dean leaned against his car next to you. You watched Andy and Sam head to fend off Weber when you got an idea. “You got a Remington in the trunk? Or an FR F2?”
He smirked at you. “Have you met me?”
You and Dean found a spot in the trees far enough away from the scene below to get a clear shot at Weber without being able to hear one of his commands. Dean only had one FR F2, and you convinced him to hand it over to you. You were a damn near perfect shot and could easily take this guy out.
You lined up your shot, smiling smugly when you centered his head on the cross in the middle of the scope. ‘Gotcha,’ you thought. Suddenly, his head turned to you. He said something you couldn’t hear, but it was enough to get you to tuck the barrel of the rifle under your chin.
“(Y/N)! Stop it!” Dean tugged on your arm and managed to wrestle it away from the trigger when another gunshot rang out. As you came back into full control of your body, your breathing labored. You dropped the gun and collapsed backward into Dean’s chest, and his arms circled you as you turned your face into him.
“I got you, I got you,” he assured you as you wound your hands around his neck and buried your face in his chest.
“C’mon, we gotta get Sammy,” Dean said, pulling you down the hill to the bridge with him. 
You found Sam passed out on the floor and sat with Dean while he did his best to wake his brother up. When he did finally awaken, the paramedics had begun to arrive. Andy’s skills were clearly developing given the way he spoke to the police about the incident.
“He shot himself. And you all saw it happen,” he told them. All of the policemen nodded in affirmation.
The paramedics fixed Sam’s shoulder and wrapped a disposable blanket around Tracy’s shoulders. You watched Tracy’s frightened gaze that she couldn’t quite meet Andy’s eyes with. You knew she wouldn’t ever see him the same, and that broke your heart a bit. Andy seemed to understand that, too.
“She won't even look at me,” he noted.
“Yeah, she's pretty shaken up,” Sam gently responded.
“No, it's— this is different. It's, uh, I never— I never used my mind-thing on her before. Before tonight. She's scared of me now.” His face fell as the words left his lips; as if it became real for him.
“Hey, Andy, I hate to do this, but um, we have to get out of here. Here. I wrote down my cell.” Sam handed him a piece of paper with his phone number on it. “You don't have to be alone in this, alright? If anything comes up, just call me up.” 
“Wha- what am I supposed to do now?”
“You be good, Andy. Or we'll be back,” Dean stated firmly.
“Looks like I was right,” Sam said as you walked back to the car with the brothers.
“About what?” Dean questioned.
“Andy. He’s a killer after all,” he responded.
“No, he's a hero. He saved his girlfriend's life, he saved her life.” Dean pointed to you, his voice becoming firmer.
“Bottom line, he wasted somebody,” Sam argued.
“No, dude,” you jumped in. “He’s not a foaming-at-the-mouth psycho, though. He was pushed into that. All of us would’ve died had he not.”
“Weber was pushed too, in his own way. Max Miller was pushed. Hell, I was pushed by Jessica's death.”
You scoffed. “What’s your point, man?”
“Right circumstances, everyone's capable of murder. Everyone. Y'know, maybe that's what the demon's doing. Pushing us. Finding ways to break us,” Sam continued.
You considered Sam’s words. “I agree that everybody’s capable, but—”
Dean cut you off. “Sam, we don't know what the demon wants, okay? Quit worrying about it.”
“You know, I heard you before, Dean, when Andy made you tell the truth. You're just as scared of this as I am.” Sam turned to his brother.
Dean scoffed. “That was mind control! I mean, it's like, like, that's like being roofied, man, that doesn't count.”
“No. I'm- I'm calling do-over,” the older brother responded petulantly.
You giggled. “Are you five?”
“Doesn't matter. Look, we've just gotta keep doing what we're doing, find that evil son of a bitch and kill it,” he told Sam.
The brunet sighed, “Yeah, I guess.”
Dean’s phone rang through the uncomfortable silence. “Hello? Ellen. What's going on? Yeah, we'll be right there.”
When you arrived at the Roadhouse, Jo eyed Dean wantonly. You were repulsed, but you stomached your jealousy and pushed forward to Ellen. “What’s going on?” you asked her. 
She motioned for you to sit at the bar. You did so, confused. 
“Jo?” Ellen called to her daughter from behind the bar. “Go pull up another case of beer.”
“Mom,” she groaned.
Ellen stared her down. “Now. Please.”
As Jo left, Ellen leaned across the bar in front of you and the boys. “So. You uh, you want to tell me about this last hunt of yours?”
Dean shook his head. “No. Not really. No offense, it's just kind of a family thing.”
“Not anymore,” she responded. She dropped a stack of papers on the bar in front of you. “I got this stuff from Ash. Andrew Gallagher's house burnt down on his six month birthday, just like your house. You think it was the demon both times, don't you? You think it went after Gallagher's family?”
Sam answered before Dean could. “Yeah, we think so.”
“Sam—” Dean scolded.
“Why?” Ellen asked.
You began, “Ellen, you’re lovely and all, but this really isn’t—”
She cut you off. “You mind your tongue with me, girl. This isn't just your war, this is war. Now, something big and bad's coming, and it's coming fast, and their side holds all the cards. Now, at best, all we got is us. Together. No secrets or half-truths here.”
You eyed her warningly as Sam spoke. “There are people out there, like Andy Gallagher, like me. And um... we all have some kind of ability.”
“Ability?” Ellen asked.
Dean rolled his eyes, uncomfortable.
“Yeah. Psychic ability. Me, I have, um, I have visions. Premonitions. I don't know, it's- it's different for everybody. The demon said he had plans for people like us.”
“What kind of plans?”
“We don't really know for sure.”
“These people out there; these psychics— they dangerous?”
You and Dean jumped in quickly. “No.” Dean finished by saying, “Not all of them.”
Sam eyed his brother. “But some are. Some are very dangerous.”
“Okay, how many of them are we looking at?”
“We've been able to track a clear pattern so far. They've all had house fires on the night of the kid's six month birthday,” Dean explained.
“That's not true,” Sam told his brother.
You turned to him, confused.
“Weber? Or Ansen Weems, or whatever his name is— I looked at his files, and there was no house fire. There's nothing out of the ordinary,” he explained.
Ellen took yours and Dean’s shock as an opportunity to rejoin the conversation. “Which breaks pattern. So if there's any others like him, there'd be nothing in the system. No way to track 'em all down.”
“And so who knows how many of 'em are really out there?” Sam added.
Jo walked up behind you and the boys.
“Jo, honey?” her mom said. “You'd better break out the whiskey instead.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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thequiver · 1 year
Who is.....Paige Guthrie | Husk? - A Reading Guide
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Paige Guthrie is an X-Men affiliated mutant from Marvel comics first introduced in 1984. Paige is the younger sister of Sam Guthrie (Cannonball of the New Mutants), and the oldest daughter of the Guthrie family. Paige is known for her passion and drive, as well as for her intellect. Husk has the mutant ability to shed her outer layer of skin and reveal a new state or shape underneath. Her power can cause random changes if she activates it without thinking, but by concentrating on specific chemical or elemental formulas, she can control the nature of her transformation. These shifts in state can leave her vulnerable to mood swings and blackouts, requiring her to be careful when she uses her powers. Despite her character being best known among fans for her relationships with Jono Starsmore (Chamber) and Warren Worthington III (Angel/Archangel) - Paige is a smart, strong, and kind character worthy of focus in her own right. (She's also amazing Appalachian representation in comics <3).
Below you can find a mostly complete record of Paige's appearances through February 2023 complete with totally legal links ;)! I've included context for crossover events and major storylines in the hopes of making this reading list as accessible to new readers as possible!
First Appearances: within these two issues, we get our first introduction to Paige, and the family dynamic she exists in. (While Paige is only present in passing in New Mutants #42, that issue offers an in depth look into the Guthrie family dynamics of the oldest siblings, even if Paige is noticeably absent from this conversation.)
Rom Annual (1979) #3 New Mutants (1983) #42
Child's Play (and its aftermath): In this crossover event, the Upstarts continue their series of games to prove their power and worth to one another. This time, they devise "the Younghunt", a mission to capture all of the surviving members of the New Mutants (some of whom are now members of X-Force) and the Hellions. Paige had secretly followed X-Force, and ends up saving the day with her intellect. The event ends with New Warriors #46, and Paige's appearances afterwards tackle the aftermath of the event, with Cable trying to talk to Paige about her future and her training.
X-Force (1991) #32-33 New Warriors (1990) #46 X-Force (1991) #34-36
Phalanx Covenant: Mutant hating humans that have gained access to Warlock's techno-organic Phalanx virus use it to turn themselves into techno-organic beings. With these powers, the Phalanx are able to change their shape and assimilate organic matter. As a hive-mind they are programmed to exterminate all mutant life. This event sets up Generation X (which is Paige heavy!). The first three issues listed below are the only ones technically part of the Phalanx Covenant event, but some more issues have been included to add a bit more context before the Generation X section :)
X-Men (1991) #36 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #317 X-Men (1991) #37 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #318 X-Force (1991) #42
Training with the X-Men
Generation X: A new team of mutants under the leadership of Sean Cassidy (Banshee) and Emma Frost (The White Queen) is formed at the Massachusetts campus of the Xavier Institute. The goal of this team is to earn an education and learn how to become the next generation of X-Men- their focus is not to fight villains. Paige is featured heavily in this book and is one of the main team members!
Generation X (1994) #1-9, Annual #1, 10-21, Annual #2, 22-23, Annual #3, 24-40, 1/2, 41 X-Men Unlimited (1993) #20 Generation X (1994) 42-49, Annual #4 Generation X Holiday Special Generation X (1994) #50 X-Man(1995) #50 Generation X (1994) #51 X-Force (1991) #87 Generation X (1994) #52-56 Wolverine (1988) #141 Generation X (1994) #57-58, Annual #5, 59-75
Uncanny X-Men: Generation X ends with #75 and from there Paige's next appearances are found within the pages of Uncanny X-Men. In this arc, we see Paige recruited by Sean Cassidy (Banshee) onto the paramilitary team, X-Corps (this plotline is certainly a choice made by Marvel comics). While X-Corps was not a long lived team, and the arc mostly happens in Uncanny X-Men #403-406, the rest of the Uncanny X-Men and related/chronological plotlines are listed here as well - this leads directly into M-Day.
Uncanny X-Men (1981) #403-426 Exiles (2001) #28-30 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #427-441 Weapon X (2002) #15, 18
House of M/M-Day: After altering reality so mutants were the dominant race, the Scarlet Witch then changed reality again, this time attempting to rid the world of the mutant gene, by casting another spell, "No More Mutants", de-powering the vast majority of mutants.
Excalibur (2004) #11-13 X-Men (1991) #165 Decimation: House of M - The Day After
Sentinels: The Sentinels were artificially intelligent robots designed to hunt mutantkind. Although a prototype was developed in San Francisco in 1906, the modern Sentinels were first created by Dr. Bolivar Trask. His intention was to use them to save humanity from what he saw as an impending threat to the species' existence due to the increasing numbers of emerging mutants. Sentinels have long been one of the largest threats to mutantkind in X-comics and at this point in comics are one of the greatest threats to them from the government. Especially when so many mutants have been depowered as the result of M-Day/Decimation. This section also touches on Divided We Stand, a synopsis is linked here for ease of understanding.
Uncanny X-Men (1981) #469-472 New X-Men (2004) #24-32 X-Men: Divided We Stand (2008) #1
Secret Invasion: TW: THIS EVENT IS TIED PRETTY HEAVILY INTO ANTISEMITIC TROPES PROCEED WITH CAUTION The premise of Secret Invasion is that the Skrull empire, in a bid to take control of earth, replaces several super-powered humans/humanoids on earth with Skrulls.
Secret Invasion X-Men (2008) #2-4
Utopia: Within the Utopia event (connected to the Utopia base that used to be Asteroid M), Scott Summers (Cyclops) instructs Logan Howlett (Wolverine) to create a new secret X-Force team to act as something like a black-ops squad. Meanwhile, Norman Osborne (of Spider-Man, Green Goblin fame) had promised Emma Frost (White Queen) that he would spare the mutant society in San Francisco if she kept them in line. This event is heralded by secret-keeping with a backdrop of anti-mutant legislation being passed in many US states due to Simon Trask's (Bolivar Trask's, creator of the Sentinels, brother) push for a lack of reproductive freedom for mutants.
Dark Avengers (2009) #8 Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus (2009)
Necrosha and Second Coming: Necrosha is a crossover event that deals with mutants being resurrected for the dark purposes of Selene Gallio (an old enemy of the X-Men, first appearing in New Mutants (1983) #9) who intends to use these resurrected mutants in her quest to become a goddess. Second Coming is a storyline that builds on the Utopia and Necrosha storylines. The story centers on the return of Cable and Hope Summers, and on attempts to end the X-Men through the destruction of the Mutant Messiah, the aptly named Hope Summers.
X-Force (2008) #22 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #231-233 New Mutants (2009) #14 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #237
Curse of the Mutants: In what can only be described as the "oh shit we've run out of ideas" last resort of any creative company putting out too many crossover events in a short period of time..... the X-Office put out Curse of the Mutants. The arc centers on a human bomb exploding in San Francisco's Union Square, covering dozens in vampire-converting blood. It then becomes the mission of the X-Men to track down Dracula's son Xarus, now "Lord of the Vampires", even if that means enlisting vampire-hunter Blade. Yeah.... I don't know either.
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - X-Men vs. Vampires X-Men (2010) #5
Age of X: The mutants are almost extinct, tortured by a strike force led by Colonel Graydon Creed. The first signs of the Age of X appeared in X-Men: Legacy #244; the events were removed from the Earth-616 mainstream continuity, with no memories of the alternate lives. If you've taken a look at my David Haller Reading List you'll see this event explained as "David’s desire to be loved forces him to grapple with reality," and as a story that "places David in a role where he has to choose between a false universe where he is considered a beloved hero and reality where he must choose to be a hero despite the fear others feel about him." And while that is the base cause of the event, Age of X also has some absolutely INCREDIBLE moments for Paige (and her relationship with her brother Sam) to shine!
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #246 New Mutants (2009) #23 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #247 New Mutants (2009) #24-27
Regenesis: In the aftermath of Schism, the X-Men re-organize and face new challenges. Imo you don't necessarily have to read Schism to understand Regenesis, but it might be helpful if you want to grasp all the nuance.
X-Men: Regenesis (2011) #1 Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #1-3 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #260.1 Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #4-7 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #261-265 Astonishing X-Men (2004) #51
Avengers vs. X-Men: When the Phoenix Force approaches Earth, Hope Summers is assumed its next host. The X-Men and the Avengers are divided on how to handle the situation. The X-Men believe that the Phoenix Force will herald the rebirth of the Mutant Species, while the Avengers believe that it will bring an end to all life on Earth. This leads to a war between Marvel's two powerful superhero factions.
Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #9 Avengers vs. X-Men (2012) #3 Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #10 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #266-267 Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #13-19, 30-41
What comes next?
While many of Paige's appearances take place in or connected to crossover events, there is a blissful period in the 2010s where this is not the case and the stakes aren't quite as high. The events pick up again in 2019 with Age of X-Man, but the following issues take place between Wolverine and the X-Men and the Age of X-Man event.
Nightcrawler (2014) #3-4 Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600 Generation X (2017) #8-9 Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016) #24-25 Generation X (2017) #85-87 Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016) #27-40
Age of X-Man: The name and premise derive from the 1995 storyline Age of Apocalypse, but instead focus on a utopian alternate universe led by the X-Man, Nate Grey. This is.... not the comic to read for Nate, but Paige is here!
Uncanny X-Men (2019) #1-10 (Paige is technically only in #9-10, but all ten issues are highly recommended as they're the lead-up to Age of X-Man!) Age of X-Man: Next Gen (2019) #1-2
House of X and Krakoa: House of X is the event that sets up the founding of the island nation of Krakoa as a safe haven for mutants. These comics also detail the Crucible, a way for de-powered mutants to die in combat and be resurrected with their powers once more.
House of X (2019) #3-5 X-Men (2019) #7 Fallen Angels (2019) #5-6 X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #1, 3-4, 22, 24-25, 41 Legion of X (2022) #8
If you have any questions about Paige, or have a specific request on which of her siblings (Sam, Jay, Mel) I should do a reading list for next just let me know! My asks and DMs are open!
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x-manson-annotated · 4 months
X-Manson Annotated - Chapter Three - Part 2 - DOUG RAMSEY, ANGELICA JONES, AND VANCE ASTROVIK.
In this chapter we'll talk briefly about Doug Ramsey, known to comics readers as the beloved husband of Bei the Blood Moon. As usual, if you're here, you'll find the usual warnings in the pinned post.
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I've thought about how weird this comment was for a while. But then when i posted it to r/menwritingwomen, a user pointed this out to me:
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This actually makes so much sense and recontextualizes the entire fic for me. It makes me read these bracketed asides as the narration of Kitty watching it.
Marie-Ange Ramsey is Marie-Ange Colbert. Also known as Tarot. She's a member of the Hellions and has the mutant power to make things on tarot cards come to life. Feels real weird in this au, but whatever
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we now transition to the Astroviks. Here we get a few more details of worldbuilding. The Avengers exist and have Firestar and "Vance Astro/Justice/Whatever his alias is" as members.
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The Avengers existing is really bothering me for some reason about this fic. It seems to really drive the "The Avengers don't do mutant things" angle in a different way.
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That's not a cult thing, Scott's just incredibly autistic, Vance, you prick.
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Oh dougie.
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I think McCoy being here contradicts Hank's testimony at the beginning. I think around this time was a period where he wouldn't have been present at the school (according to him).
Xavier's preoccupation is curious. What is he thinking about in this moment to draw away his attention? Perhaps who is he thinking about? Maybe who he's controlling? All of these things?
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I don't think it was Xavier trying to get into his mind, I think it was David Haller.
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I'm not sure what to make of these innate psychic defenses. I don't think Doug has that, usually.
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Because there isn't anything in the house, the whole goddamn thing has been hollowed out.
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Jean Grey
Scott Summers
Hank McCoy
"The Irish Guy" (Sean Cassidy)
"The Russian Guy" (Piotr Rasputin)
(Piotr's Sister) Illyana Rasputina (this is unconfirmed if she is his actual sister)
Sam Guthrie
"Psyche" (Dani Moonstar)
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Poor Gabrielle.
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Gabby and Doug: The horror and the tragedy is immense, we don't know how we're going to cope with what's happened to us.
Vance and Angie: Golly gee, this is just super! That autistic fella let Vance drive a Rolls!
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He was trying to communicate to her.
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Dani just repeating that she's happy to be there sounds incredibly upsetting. How much of that was coerced through the usual means of abuse and how much of it was her brain being cooked by psychic powers?
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Is Vance jealous of a guy he knew when they were teens?
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Is the throne the equivalent of CEREBRO?
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I don't know why, but this whole setup is reminding me of how the tables are arranged in the Harry Potter movies. Especially the first one.
The arrangement is odd. Xavier feels like he would be at the dead center large seat, but he isn't?
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You're a fucking idiot, Angie.
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That isn't vegetarian, Vance. You goddamn moron. It's people. It's people, Vance.
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Angie continues to be the dumbest motherfucker in the room. This is after the fact and she hasn't put together that the voice speaking to her was David Lehnsherr and not the voice of the virgin mary.
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See. David figured out what kind of fucked shit was happening and was trying to warn them.
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I think...I think at this point, Bobby is dead. I think this would have been right around the time and this is before they recruited more people. So, I think that at the most we're seeing David catch a glace at someone's thoughts and he knows that they killed bobby and dumped his body in the lake.
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And rooting itself in final place as number ten of the 🐉Wings of Fire aus names lists are...
The 🌲LeafWings🍂!
The X-Men Members:
• Charles Xavier/Professor Xavier: Xanthium
• Ororo Munroe/Storm: Oleander
• Logan Howlett/Wolverine: Walnut
• Scott Summers/Cyclops: Sumac
• Jean Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix: Juniper
• Hank McCoy/Beast: Hawthorn
• Anne-Marie/Rogue: Mahogany
• Remy LeBeau/Gambit: Redwood
• Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat: Pecan
• Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler: Nightshade
• Jubilation Lee/Jubilee: Lily
• Evan Daniels/Spyke: Spruce
• Bobby Drake/Iceman: Mandrake
• Piotr Rasputin/Colossus: Columbine
• Illyana Rasputin/Magik: Iris
• Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane: Wolfsbane
• Samuel "Sam" Guthrie/Cannonball: Calla
• Roberto da Costa/Sunspot: Sundew
• Danielle "Dani" Moonstar/Mirage: Mistletoe
• Laura Kinney/Wolverine 2.0: Laurel
•Tabitha "Tabby" Smith/Boom-Boom: Tansy
The Brotherhood:
• Erik Lehnsherr/Magnus/Magneto: Magnolia
• Raven Darkholme/Mystique: Holly
• Victor Creed/Sabretooth: Cedar
• Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver: Poplar
• Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch: Willow
• Mortymer Tonybee/Todd Tolansky/Toad: Sycamore
• Fred "Freddy" Dukes/Blob: Bloodroot
• Lance Alvers/Avalanche: Larkspur
• St. John Allerdyce/Pyro: Pine
(I believe this has grown its' way to the end... but we have one more bud to bloom before this is over, and it is the...)
• Reader/Bby: Ginkgo, Oak, Banyan, Maple, Beech, Palm, Elm, Chestnut, Birch, Hickory, Eucalyptus, Yew, Fir, Ivy, Sumac, Snakeroot, Hellebore, Foxglove, Crocus, Saffron, Poinsettia, Snowdrop, Hyacinth, Azalea...
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newx-menfan · 1 year
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Superboy # 1 Review 
I know I primarily post about Academy X here…but I have layers people and truthfully….X-Men kind of sucks right now…
So I am reviewing instead MY FAVORITE CLONE of the DC verse- Conner Kent AKA SUPERBOY!! 
The issue starts with Conner being super villain cockblocked…
Conner is feeling “replaced” and “inadequate” at Metropolis by all the Superkids around…which is kind of dumb considering no one in the DC verse is frankly as effortlessly cool as Conner…(I mean look how many times Diana has tried and failed to rock a leather jacket…) 
Conner then flies somberly back to Smallville, to bring back coffee to Ma and Pa Kent…who suggest Conner is wasting his coolness on Metropolis… (I heard Metropolis is super gentrified now anyway Conner!) 
Conner decides to go intergalactic and with an unstable teleportation device- teleports to a planet that’s being decimated by meta human clones based off of Earths superheroes and Cadmus cloning! (Well that’s super convenient!)
Conner battles the clones and let’s the 
Main villain- the Dominator (sounds like a BDSM Marston villain…but okay…) scenery chew for several minutes while the aliens of the planet evacuate, before really cutting it loose with his TK.
Just as Conner looks like he has won and confirms to the Dominator that he’s alone; the big bad releases ship upon ship of clones.
As Conner is regretting his choice to go at this alone- the Cosmoteers show up to kill all the clones and plan to kill Superboy!
Truthfully I am disappointed. Conner feels pretty “blah” here. 
Sure, we got some of the old Superboy ego and bullheadedness with Conner borrowing shady technology and totally not bothering to do any homework on the planet or the current conflict…But I felt like this book had pretty limited humor and snarkiness that readers more or less expect with characters like Conner.
It would be like if Hellion lost his “mean girl” edge to suddenly be written more or less like Sam Guthrie…
Reading this- I felt like it was often copying Kirkman’s “Invincible” (the meta humans even LOOK like Kirkman/Walker characters!) than really being a “Superboy” comic…
The problem with Conner, much like the problem with Laura, is Geoff John’s pretty much tanked his prior personality years ago… 
Where Bendis totally killed Laura’s introversion to make her a generic “Logan”- John’s stopped having Conner be a total shit. 😕
It’s weird comparing it to the 90’s solo series- I know people complain about Conner being sexualized/“jailbait” in it now and his relationship with Tana being problematic…but the series was at least a fun commentary on current pop-culture of the time. Conner kind of IS the perfect character to talk about Social Media/shameless self promotion/influencer culture…Yet this book has none of that. 
Conner should frankly HAVE an edge and yet he feels pretty dang generic in this book. 
Much like Deadpool and Plastic Man- I think writers really struggle with writing these kinds of characters anymore. 
You need someone who can write comedy and is willing to take risks instead of playing it safe…you need someone who has an eye for social criticism…you need someone who can break the fourth wall effectively without it becoming generic or annoying…and you need someone who can be pretty creative…and I just don’t think DC and Marvel HAVE these kinds of writers staffed there anymore. 
Even Gail Simone, whose Deadpool run I LOVE!…her “Plastic Man” mini several years ago was pretty disappointing and played it pretty safe, in my opinion.
Part of the problem is- a lot of these characters feel sanitized to fit into the “superhero mold” they were originally created to criticize. Where they were originally SUPPOSED to be more or less outsiders of the world they inhabited…now they’re focal characters of the universe.
I am glad however that the writer went back to Conner having TK instead of generic “Superman” abilities- I HATED John’s for removing it. 
Overall I thought the art was pretty “meh”. Not terrible but not memorable either. 
Con’s telekinesis looks more stylized off of QQ and other telepathy/telekinesis- which is a bit disappointing.
I was confused if the Domineer is supposed to be Citadelian? I am always surprised more isn’t done with them, since they were always pretty frightening… (and I just want Tamaraneans to pop up!) 
Overall- I would have rather had Conner do something in Hawaii again or Young Justice stuff or in a Mongul “War World” type of situation or pretty much anything else than where this story is gonna go (him befriending Cosmoeers and realizing he doesn’t “have to do things alone”….
Obviously “befriending Cosmoeers/realizing he doesn’t have to go at it alone” story…
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mrs-barnes-library · 3 years
My Favorite The New Mutants Fanfictions 🎴
Fluff : 🌺    Smut : 🔥    Angst : 😭    None : 🌲
If you like these characters don't hesitate to check the new arrivals, I update every day according to my readings.
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Sam Guthrie :
New Girl 🔥
Dirty Thoughts 🔥
Having Absorption Powers 🌺🔥
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caysophia · 4 years
Sam Guthrie x Reader (F) Crazy.
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Word Count-6225
(the reader is 5'7-5/8 so shes were an inch or two taller than the rest of the girls.)
Warning- Swearing And mention of death
Lightly Edited
3rd person
Dr.Reyes walked Y/n down the hall towards one of the concrete rooms. The sound of her shoes echoed along the halls. Dr.Reyes opened the door and gestured her in "here is your room, for now. You have some clothes on the bed with some toilet trees." Dr.Reyes said with a small smile, y/n walked into the room "What now, doctor?" y/n chuckled, she looked around. The room was slightly cold "Were going to monitor you. Make sure you don't lose control of your mutation." Reyes stated and y/n turned around and looked at her. Reyes closed the door closed with a slight slam.
I looked around the room, a few outfits sat on the green-colored bed 'I wonder what there's do around here.' i thought before I laughed "probably nothing but good girls.' and got changed.
I grabbed a pair of dark jeans and a black hoodie with a pair of slip-on shoes that were placed in the corner of the room. I fixed my hair and exited the room. The facility was big but not like a hospital. I walked to the end of the hall and took a left. I walked passed an open door and heard Reyes talking ' i guess this is the room?' and looked through the door slightly, 2 boys and 3 girls. They were sat in a half-circle on yoga mats.
"I'm not going to that, no way." I thought to myself and walked down the hall towards the exit/ entrance of this building. Reyes told me some directions but not a lot. I'll have to ask one of the people here. I walked up to the door and pushed on it, it didn't budge. I pushed it again still nothing "Open please." I yelled out to no one in particular. I heard the lock to the door open "well then..." and pushed open and walked outside. There was a church and then the main building with a fountain in the middle.
The gate was open, but you can tell there's a field around this place you can feel it. I walked towards the church, seeing a giant clock on the top "Could see I can break it and sit up there. That might be fun." I said out loud, see that there isn't anything to do here. I walked in the church and up the stairs to my right. The steel stairs shook a little as I walked up to them. I got to the top and climbed over the rail to get the clock platform.
I knocked on the wood, something my grandfather taught me to see if the wood was rotten or not. The wood sounded hollow, I kicked it and the bottom cracked. I started pulling out 2 pieces of the wood, just big enough for me to sit in and not get splinters.
I looked out of the clock tower, a concrete block sat in the middle of an old-looking basketball court. It had a giant chain and harness on it "What the fuck?" I said and sat down, my feet dangling off the edge.
"I wonder where the road leads to? There no cars here." I thought to myself as I looked around some more. There was a giant field surrounding the facility, and then a treeline so ways back.
I saw the 2 brunettes from the meeting earlier walk out of the main building, they seemed to be laughing at something waling towards the church. The two girls looked up and saw me and pointed up "Hey what are you doing up there?!" she yelled up at me, it was faint but I could still hear her "I'm god! you?" I yelled back down laughing, swinging my feet.
"No your not. Come down before you get hurt." The girl in the blue sweater yelled and I signed, standing up and walking down the stairs. I opened the church's main door open and the 2 girls were standing in front of it a few feet away. I smirked "Wow, you guys are younger. How old are you." I chuckled, the 2 were probably about an inch shorter than me.
The girl with long hair laughed "Your not much older. were both 16." the girl in the blueish black sweater nodded "You guys are children, You guys should be in fucking school... Or in alleyway doing graffiti and dumb shit like me at 16... I'm not a good influence " I drew off "Oh I'm y/n, I'm 17 btw. So you're not that younger I guess..."
The blue sweater smiled "Rahne." and she held out her hand, I shock head "No no no, I don't shake hands. Not anymore." I said in an anxious tone "Danielle, May I ask why?" Danielle crossed her arms over her chest "You'll learn one day. Not now." I smirked, "So who else is here?" I asked looking around, the outside is empty "Well you've met me and Rahne. Then you have Roberto, his family sent him here to be cured, Then Illyana She's not so nice, and Sam he's nice." Danielle answered.
"Interesting. Well then" I signed "So what's there to do here? It looks pretty empty and dead..." I said looking at the dead bushes around the entrance of the main building.
"Not really, we have the church, a commons room with a TV, Foosball table, And a mini library. We also have a pool, that's it." Rahne said before Dani could. I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth "So what was that meeting room thing you guys were in? Do you guys do that every day?" I asked the girls looking around, maybe for another place to climb.
"Pretty much. Its like group therapy. Except we have to do to get out of here, you can not go but you'll get out much later than expected." Rahne replied 'she's one of the nice kids. Both of them are.' i thought to myself before looking at the "How long are we here for? 3 months or 3 years?"
Danielle and Rahne looked at each other "Umm, we don't know. Rahne's been here for about 3, I've been here for 2 months." Dani said quietly. I nodded slowly and clicked my tongue "Fucking great. Well, I'm going to go and maybe fuck around and break something. See you, girls." I saluted and walked away 'this is fucking great' I yelled in my head.
3rd person
"Well then... She seems nice..." Danielle said as she watched Y/n walk away, Rahne smiled "Shes gonna get in trouble a lot... I can feel it." Dani nodded and the 2 walked to the field to hang out for the cool afternoon.
Y/n pushed the door open and bumped into someone "What the fuck. Watch it." A girl said from the other side, Y/n looked at her. The girl had long straight blonde hair and bangs "You watch it bitch. You're not scary." Y/n flipped her off and walked off laughing.
Illyana turned around and watched the girl walk away with her middle finger up "Bitch." and Went outside to tag the fountain or the back of the brick building.
Y/n took some turns before being called from down the hall "Y/n!" Reyes yelled to the girl and she turned around "Yeees" she drew out as the women walked closer. Reyes looked at her with a brow raised "Where were you this morning? I haven't been able to find you all day. You know you have to check in with me." the Doctor said in a stern voice. Y/n laughed "I was outside, duh. You have cameras all over and you couldn't find me?" She mocked "That's bullshit, Doctor and you know that."
Reyes signed "Am I going to have to assign you, someone, to walk you everywhere? Y/n." Y/n scoffed and looked at the women "What?" Reyes repeated herself s "Am I going to have to assign someone to watch you during the day?" Reyes put her hands in her pockets "Haha, ill just lock them in a room and leave." Reyes nodded and wrote something down on a note pad from her pocket "We will see about that, Mrs. L/n. But for now, you are confident for the rest of the night. My superiors believe you should not be out alone for now."
Y/n grinned "For what? hurting your feelings?" she mocked in a childish tone of voice, y/n laughed at Reye's facial expression "While you are here, you listen to me. okay, I am in charge here. Not you." Reyes asserted, glancing  up into Y/ns eyes  "Oh yeah?" Y/n said looking down at the doctor slightly getting close to her face "I've controlled people way stronger and bigger than you. You don't scare me, doctor. You're weak." Y/n had a devilish smirk on her face, one that could make a grown man cry.
"Confinement now. Sedation or free will. You choose, Y/n."  The Doctor said in a steady voice, y/n still close to her.
Y/n scoffed "Fine." and stepped back, The doctor let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. The doctor nodded and stood behind the girl as she walked down the hall towards the concrete rooms"Lockdown, off." Reyes said and the gate opened up, and so did the doors.
Y/n pushed opened her assigned room and looked at the doctor "bye-bye." she teased and waved her fingers at the doctor. Reyes closed the door with a slam. Closing the opening on the top of the door.
Reyes turned from the door and walked down the hall, to go to her office and the camera room to check on the other mutants "Doctor Reyes!" Was heard from down the other hall, Reyes turned towards the voice, Rahne and Dani jogged towards her.
"Yess girls?" she asked as the girls got closer, putting her hands in her pockets "Why did we just go into lockdown? is everything alright?" Rahne asked Reyes cleared her throat and thought for a second "Yes, everything is fine. Just a glitch..." she said was a gentle smile, trying to keep what just happened a secret "Oh, okay." Rahne nodded "Oh do you know where, umm what her name. Y/n is? we've been looking for her." Dani asked, Reyes, nodded slightly "Yes, umm. She just got done with the test. She in her room. She is to not be bothered for the rest of the night. Sorry girls."
Rahne and Dani nodded and Reyes walked away. Rahne and Dani watch the women walk away, and turn down the long hall.
I kicked the bottom of the door and walked towards the bed and sat down. The room was cold and the light flickered. I  laughed at the situation and fell back onto the hard bed under me "What the fuck!" I yelled looking at the peeling ceiling. I looked at the camera in the corner "Hello, doctor." I waved at the camera which had a red light now "I'm just gonna go to bed, I guess," I said with a yawn and turned away from the camera.
Next day
"It's 8:30, please start to get ready for the day. A required meeting is at 10:30. Everyone should be there." I heard Reyes talk from the speaker, I groaned and heard the speaker connected tot he camera in my room crack "Ill be there in 10 minutes to bring you to my office You'll be with me today until group." I herd Reyes say and sat up "you're kidding me... Am not a fucking kid!" I yelled and changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a long sleeve shirt, I tucked it into my jeans and put on the slide on sneakers I was wearing yesterday.
I fixed my hair and waited for Reyes to come down. A few minutes passed before I heard the lock to the door open and the door opened "Good morning, how did  you sleep?" Reyes asked me as I exited the room and closed the door behind me "Fine, Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked as we walked down the hall, Reyes nodded and we walked to the bathroom. Reyes stayed outside while I took my time. I do not want to be with these women today.
A few minutes later I exited the bathroom and Reyes mentioned down the hall. We walked to her office in silence. She opened the door I walked in "Why am I here?" I asked as I fell into the couch in front of her desk. She sat in her desk chair and looked up "Because of the incident yesterday. I am going to watch you for the first half of today, until the group. Then I am going to put you with one of the trusted mutants to watch you until I believe you can roam free. Do you understand?"
I looked at her "Who is it that gets to watch me?" I questioned looking at the bookcases around the room, She stopped typing on her computer and looked up "Sam Guthrie. He has agreed to be your, so-called 'keeper'. He will keep you calm and out of trouble, like yesterday you got into a small conflict with Illyana." she stated and looked again at her computer and started typing.
I sighed and leaned back on the couch, The room was light up by a lamp on her desk. The bookcases were filled with books and random Items, I guess from her higher-ups. The room also had file cabinets along one wall 'probably all of the other mutants that have come and go. Mines probably in there as well with the others...I'll have to get my hands on it.' I thought to myself.
The sound of typing and page-flipping were heard through the room. The woman was very focused on her work. Only leaving the room to go across the hall to check on cameras. An hour passed and it was time for the group. Reyes and I walked to the room, as Reyes ha to set up.
"You can sit there." Reyes pointed to the seat closest to the door and her, I rolled my eyes and dropped into the wooden chair. The room was filled with different types of Items, like yoga mats and an easel for painting.
The mutants all came at once like they had a meeting before coming, I waved to Dani and Rahne. Dani raised a brow "Why are you here so early?" she asked in a quiet tone as she walked to her seat, I gestured to Reyes and rolled my eyes. Rahne shook her head and took a seat, Reyes looked at the room "Hello, how is everyone?" She asked and took out her clipboard.
Good was muttered around the room "Whos the new girl?" the boy across from me asked, looking me up and down. Reyes nodded and gestured towards me "This is Y/n L/n. She came in 3 days ago." I waved and looked around.
The blonde from yesterday, who was holding a purple puppet glaring at me. I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes. There was also a boy right next to me, he had a cast and sleeve on and a grey sweatshirt with a hat.
"Why haven't we seen her ?" the guy  from across the room asked, Reyes, cleared her throat "Because Roberto, she is..." The woman thought for a second "She is more troublesome than my superiors anticipated." I chuckled and leaned back "Oh my."  
"Y/n, why don't you introduce yourself? same to the rest of you." Reyes asked pointing her clipboard towards me, I sat up and pulled the sleeves of my shirt over my hands " I'm y/n, as you know... I'm here because I can control people like 'puppets' and drive them insane. Close to killing themselves... insane." I said in a quiet tone "Also, I'm here because I'm just fucking trouble."
Reyes looked over at me "Language, Y/n. Now everyone else introduces yourself." The room went quiet and Dani spoke up "Well you know me and Rahen." Dani said with a smile. Roberto looked up "I'm Roberto." I shook my head and looked at the blonde "Show and tell, sweetheart. What's your name."
The blonde looked at me and smiled "Your nightmare" I laughed, and took a deep breath "You're like a chihuahua. All bark and no bite. I asked for your name, not your coping mechanism." She gasped and gripped the purple dragon puppet "Her name is Illyana." The boy next to Me answered, I took a dramatic breath "Wow, The chihuahua couldn't talk for herself. Thank you 'Luck Combs." I heard him huff.
I heard a chuckled from across the room, it was Dani "Now, Mr.country. What is your name?" I said turning in my seat facing him 'Imma annoy the shit out of him. he seems fun.' He sighed and fixed his hat "My name is Sam." I nodded and gave a soft smile before turning back around facing Reyes with the most annoying smile I can.
"Now that everyone has introduced themselves. Were going to talk about the incident that leads us into where we are now."I rolled my eyes and zoned out, Already knowing 3 out of 5 incidents.
3rd person
"I killed 18 men." Y/n heard Illyana making her zone back in, "What else?" Reyes asked the girl "I killed them with my sword and Lockheed." She smirked with a strong voice. Reyes wrote down some notes and looked at the same "Sam what about you?" Y/n focused her attention on him, still looking at the floor. Sam shuffled in his seat "I got claustrophobic." y/n shifted in her seat a little, wanting to be able to hear him better "I... Freaked out, and blasted. Killing my dad and his team."
"Oh, shit..." Y/n muttered putting her hand on her face. Sam looked at her and then back at the floor "Y/n, why don't you share?"  Reyes asked the girl, y/n shook her head "No thanks." Reyes nodded and wrote down something on her page. A few more minutes went by before the meeting was over.
"Well, that wraps up today's meeting. Y/n and Sam, please stay behind for a moment. Everyone may leave, you're free for the day." Reyes stated and the room stood up, Y/n and sam stayed in their seats. Once the 4 left Reyes close the door "What is it? gonna lock me in a room again?" Y/n smirked standing up fixing her shirt.
"No, y/n. This is sam, the person I said volunteered to watch you?" Reyes said with a soft smile, Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose and turned towards sam "Well the aren't you lucky country boy." Reyes cleared her throat "Y/n. Be nice, this is your last chance." And with that Reyes left, probably going to her office or the camera room.
Sam stood up and fixed his sleeve "So what did you do? to you know, have to have someone to watch you?" sam asked as the two walked out of the room, Y/n chuckled "I threatened Reyes last night, told her that she was weak and that I've dealt with people stronger than her. I also got into a little conflict with Illyana the other day and apparently Reyes though it was a big deal."
The two turned the corner walking outside "What did you do to Illyana?" Sam questions, knowing that Illyana isn't hard to break. Y/n stopped walking and looked at him "I opened the door, I bumped into her. She told me to watch it, so I told her that she wasn't scared and flipped her off. That was it." Sam turned around and nodded slowly, rethinking his agreement with Dr.Reyes.
"Well then. Umm, I'm going to practice and your gonna stay out here on the wall, and try to not get in trouble?" Sam asked the girl I front on him, She smirked nodded"Fine, I can't promise though." and followed Sam to the concrete block. He took off his sweater and sleeve, Y/n watched to the church outside wall and stood against it. Sam hooked himself up and looked and y/n, she waved her hand to him and shook his head and prepared to blast off.
Y/n watched sam as he launched into the air, right when he did. Y/n ran into the church and up to the clock, the wood was replaced with a tarp which she held up and sat where she had on her first day. She watched Sam fly through the air, the bright orange light that followed him. Sam went around a few more times before he started going off track, he crashed into the ground and Y/n flinched as she heard the crash, sam flew back into the air and crashed into the concrete a few more times before stopping.
Y/n Jaw dropped as she watched the boy lay on the ground for a few seconds before standing back up "I thought I was messed up." she muttered to herself as sam Unbuckled  the harness from his torso and looked at the wall y/n was at before he blasted "Y/N!" Sam yelled for the girl and she held in a laugh swinging her feet, hitting the brick, Y/n watched sam look around while putting his sweatshirt on and sleeve.
Sam looked up at the church and saw y/n sitting in the clock "I told you not to leave the wall, come down here." He yelled up to the girl and she laughed "Ask nicely." she yelled down to him, he shook his head and rubbed his face with his right hand "Can you PLEASE! come down?" He yelled up, drawing out the 'please', Y/n stood up and walked down to the boy.
Sam stood a few feet in front of the door waiting for the girl. Y/n walk out and laughed "You look like a dad who just saw his daughter's boyfriend." she said holding her stomach laughing, After a few moments y/n stopped and took a deep breath fixing her hair. Sam shook his head at the girl with a small smile "you are... something." She smirked and walk to the boy glancing up at him "Its called trauma, sweetheart." and flicked his hat. He rolled his eyes and fixed his hat and nodded.
The two stood close to each other for a few moments before Y/n spoke up "So those crashes you tool, you need medical attention or?" Y/n asked stepping back from Sam, looking at his eye which was turned red. He shook his head "No, I'm fine. Thanks."
The two stood in silence before y/n started to walk away from him towards the cemetery behind the church "Where are you going?" Sam asked catching up to the girl, she laughs "Looking around. I have only seen a little bit of the main building and whatever you can see from the church. So, Sam is going to come with me and walk around while I get familiar with the place. Okay?" Y/n looked at Sam and winked "Okay." Sam agreed and the two walked around in silence for a while, Y/n taking a moment at a few graves to look at them and push away weeds covering them.
Y/n ran towards the giant greenfield looking at the tree line among it "DO you ever wonder what's behind it?" Y/n asked sam as she kicked off her sneakers letting them fall to the grass. Sam walked to her side "Yeah who wouldn't, also what are you doing?" Sam asked looking at the now barefoot girl.
She stared at him "What does it look like? Imma runs down the hill, with no shoes on. Possibly fall and hurt myself but imma have fun. With or with you." And with that y/n ran down the hill laughing. The grass wasn't so long that she could trip on it but it was long enough to not be able to see rocks. Y/n tripped slightly but caught her footing and continued down. She got to the bottom and danced around, Sam watching her from above.
Y/n did a few spins and fell to the ground on her back. Sam sat down on the grass where he was standing. Y/n took some deep breaths and let the world stop spinning before sitting up. Y/n looked up the hill and saw sam sitting there looking at the sky, distracted.
Y/n stood up and slowly walked up the hill and sat down next to him "What you looking at." Y/n said getting close to his ear, Sam flinched "dear lord. The sky, you?" Sam Chuckled glancing at the girl who had moved away from him "You. Because I'm stuck with you for a while."  Y/n said as she leaned on her hand looking at sam.
Y/n and Sam sat on top of the hill for a while in silence, the two were strangers and had nothing in common that they knew of. But they both felt like they could trust each other. The sky started turning orange and sam stood up and gave y/n his right hand "Come on, we got a go in." sam said as Y/n took his hand he lifted her "Is there a crew few or something?" Y/n asked as she brushed her butt off due to grass.
"No, not really, only in the morning. But we have to eat, and then the group will probably go to hang out in the attic later."Sam said and y/n nodded "Okay." Sam walked in front of Y/n as the went to the main building. sam opened the door for y/n "What a gentleman." Y/n Joked and walked through, the door closed and locked. Y/n turned to sam "So where is the cafe?" Sam pointed down the hall "Down there, Its not a hard building to find yourself around. It's just a matter of knowing which door is the right one."  Y/n nodded and followed sam.
Sam and Y/n entered the Cafeteria, Y/n saw Danielle and Rahne and walked towards them and sat down. Sam going to a random table in the room.
I and Sam entered the Cafeteria, I saw Rahne and Danielle and Went to there table. I Waved and sat down"Hey! How are you guys." I asked as I sat down, the two girls smiled "Were fine, you?" Rahne responded with a smile, Dani nodded and smiled Taking a small bite of food.
"I'm fine, first full day here so..." I shrugged my shoulders, Danielle raised her brow "why did Reyes need you and sam  group?" Dani asked, I smiled and sighed "Apparently, I'm more then what her higher-ups though. So, Reyes asked sam to be the 'watcher' of me. It's my last chance or I guess I get sent somewhere else?" I explained to Dani "So You and Sam basically have to hang out all day, Just to make sure you don't get in trouble?" Dani asked and I nodded.
We talked some more about each other's day/ life before coming here while the two girls ate, I had gotten up and grabbed an apple "Are you going to the attic tonight?" Rahne asked and I raised a brow "I guess, I mean why not." I responded and Dani smiled "Oh your in for a surprise." I rolled my eyes and laughed "I bet, It can't be that bad."
"So how you liking Sam?" Rahne asked I shrugged "He's nice, I mean he's a good boy. And I'm not good, I'm trouble so." I started glancing over at Sam who was talking Roberto. Rahen chuckled "A Trouble maker paired with a good guy. What could go wrong?" Dani smirked at y/n " Very little, actually. I and he literally sat on the hill for like 30 minutes in silence." I laughed and so did Dani.
3rd person
A few minuted pass, Dani And Rahne had returned their trays and y/n had thrown away the apple "You wanna come to the common room with us until we all go to the attic?" Rahne asked as they returned,  Y/n nodded "Yeah sure." Y/n stood up and went to walk out with the 2 girls "Wait hold up, Never mind ill meet you there." Y/n said and stopped waving to the girls and walked over to sam.
"What you doing?" Y/n  said as she sat down at the table sam was at reading a book, sam looked up "Waiting for you. You done?" He asked marking and closing his book, Y/n nodded "Yeah, wanna go to the common room?" Y/n said as she stood up pointing to the door, Sam nodded "Okay, Come on." Sam and Y/n left the Cafe, Roberto washing dishes in the room.
The two entered the small room, Y/n jumped over the couch next to Dani and Rahne "Hello!" Y/n laughed and the girls waved continuing to watch the movie. A few minutes passed and Roberto knocked on the door "Come on attic time."
Rahne and Dani stood up, and y/n turned off the tv standing up and walking out of the room with the group. Roberto and Illyana up front basically running. the group went to the staircase and went up, the room smelled like old wood and dust. Y/n waled up the stairs and saw a wooden chair with wheel, an old gurney, with a stool next to it, and another table in the middle and on the side.
Illyana Walked tot eh back of the room pulling out an old briefcase, and opened it up. Y/n saw what it was "Oh, a lie detector test. wonderful." y/n said as she poked sams arm, Sam shrugged and sat on the stool next to Y/n who was on the table. Dani sat next to Y/n and Rahne sat next to the test.
"Whos going first?" Sam asked and Illyana smirked "Roberto?"Roberto got in the chair and Rahne hooked him up. After he got asked his question he got out and sam jumped in the chair Rahne hooking him up and such "Whos gonna ask?" Dani asked, Illyana spoke up "What's up with you and Y/n?" Y/n looked at the blonde and then at sam.
"Nothing, why?" Sam responded Rahne nodded "He's telling the truth." Rahne said to Illyana "Then why were you with her all day?" Y/n laughed at Illyana's question, Illyana faced her "What are you a stalker?" Y/n laughed at her, Illyana looked at sam "So..." Sam looked at y/n and cracked his knuckles "I was assigned to supervisor her. That's it." Rahne looked at the graph "Truth." Illyana nodded and looked at y/n "Your turn, new girl get in the chair."
Y/n shook her head and waited for Sam to get out before sitting in it and Rahne hooked her up "Why are you here?"Illyana smirked moving the light into Y/n face, y/n flinched before answering "I drove a bunch of people insane, and controlled them like puppets to kill each other." Y/n sated in an  emotionless voice "They killed each other slow and bloody, while voices in their heads drove them deeper and deeper into the craziness." Y/n said as she looked at Illyana.
The line on the board was straight "Shes telling the truth." Rahne muttered out, Illyana looked at the girl "And why is sam assigned to watch you? You to crazy to be alone?" Illyana said the last part in a high pitch voice,  Y/n chuckled "Yeah, pretty much. Reyes Higher Ups said ' I am too much then they can handle.' So yeah your right, I am too crazy to be alone. That and I threatened Reyes the other day." she said with a smile, the room went silent.  all that was heard was the lie director writing the line on the screen.
Y/n pulled the wires and stuff off of her and got out of the chair "I'm going." she said and walked down the stairs sam got off of the stool and signed "Good job." he faked smiles and followed the Y/n.
Y/n ran down the stairs and opened the door with a slam, tears were building up and she really just wanted to break something. She speed-walked down the concrete brick wall, Sam opened the door and y/n was halfway down the hall "Y/n!" he yelled but not too loud, Y/n didn't stop but ran into the bathroom and locked the deadbolt on the door.
3rd Person(bathroom)
Y/n ran into the bathroom and locked the deadbolt on the door, the tears that had built up started to fall. Y/n fell down the cold cinderblock wall, Flashbacks of the incident purged her mind and they would stop. Y/n put my head and my knees and hoped it would stop, hitting the wall once in a while when they got bad.
A knock echoed through the room "Y/n?" a person from outside answered, Sam. Of course. she didn't move, fearing the people would be in the room with her, Sam knocked again "Y/n, open the door. You're fine." sam voice was muffled slightly. Y/N shakily stood up and unlocked the door she stepped back so sam could get in. Tears still falling and her breathing is ridged with the scenes playing in her head.
Sam slowly pushed open the door closing it behind him, Sam faced Y/n whos hands were covering her eyes, "Y/n, hey you're fine. Okay, it was an accident."  Sam said trying to help the girl but not really knowing what to do. Y/n latched on to sam and cried harder, Sam hugged her with his right arm his left one was still up against his torso. Sam slowly bent down leading the two to the floor, sam pulled y/n into his lap as he sat up against the metal door.
Sam rubbed Y/n back slowly trying to calm her down "Tell me whats going on, y/n." Sam said in a quiet voice and the girl cried, she choaked "They're killing each other and screaming, there's blood everywhere. I don't-" she stopped talking covering her ears "What are you hearing y/n? talk to me." Sam stated holding her a little tighter "Just so many voices, ones from the men and ones from my power. It just won't stop sam." she cried hitting her head lighting with her palm.
Sam grabbed her hand and pulled it to her side so she couldn't "Hey, listen to me ok?" Sam asked the girl rubbing small circles into her hand, she nodded "They aren't here. Its just flashbacks of the incident. Your gonna be okay." He told Y/n, as she calmed down a little bit.
This went on for a few minutes before y/n crying had stopped. Sam rocked side to side a little bit until he heard no more crying, Y/n wiped her eyes and Sam gave her a tissue from his jacket, Y/n chuckled and cleaned herself up "Thank you." Y/n muttered in a tired voice getting out of his lap and leaning up against the wall next to him.
"You're welcome, you good now? You want me to carry you to your room?" Sam asked looking at the puffy eye girl, she shook her head "No, it's fine." she covered her mouth and coughed lightly. She brought her knees up to her chest " you good?" Sam asked rubbing her back "I will be If this breakdown didn't alert Reyes." she chuckled and look at sam and smiled, sam chuckled "I think you're good.  the only thing in the bathroom is probably a microphone." the two laughed, and Y/n shook her head  "Honestly with the number of cameras in this place probably." Y/n drifted off in thought, sam looked at her "What are you thinking?" Sam asked with a little fear in his voice, Y/n busted out laughing "With the number of cameras and microphones here in this building. The amount of security guards that have probably caught people doing the deed is ... Oh my god." Sam walked Y/ns calf with his right hand lightly and y/n stuck her hands up "I'm just saying... don't get you jockeys in a knot." Y/n laughed and Sam dragged his hand down his face shaking his head.
Y/n laughing echoed throughout the room, soon Sam joined in. the room echoed with the twos laughing. A few moments later they topped and y/n chuckled "I mean... We could test that microphone theory..." Y/n drifted off in thought with a wink, Sam shook his head "What?" Y/n looked at him, Sam's mouth widened at the realization and y/n wheezed " Oh my, y/n."  she laughed harder and Sam tried to comprehend what I happening.
Sam signed And looked at y/n "Not now, oh my god." Y/n stopped laughing and shrugged "I mean, you won't know until it's proven or not." Y/n smirked at Sam, he shook his head You are just, too much."
"So, you want to? or..." Y/n joked Sam laughed "one day sure, now? no." Y/n shook her head, and grabbed some right hand with her left hand and looked at him "I'll hold it to you, Guthrie." Sam shook his head and yanked Y/n hand towards him. Putting his arm around her shoulder "I bet you will."
86 notes · View notes
tawneybel · 2 years
Tumblr media
Imagine being a mutant with shock absorption powers. 
Thanks to Illyana, Dr. Reyes was out cold. Giving Sam and you an opportunity for some alone time. 
Your sleepy boyfriend looked content to be steered towards your bed. Once tucked in, you snuggled to his side, about to plant a goodnight kiss, when he caught you off guard. By asking if you wanted to combine your powers. 
“During training?” 
“Nah, I mean… right now.” He looked sheepish. “If you’re up for it.” 
“We could break the bed.” 
“Never mind,” he mumbled, shutting his eyes. For a moment neither of you spoke. Then you leaned over to give him a kiss.
“Show me your cannonballs, Sam.” 
151 notes · View notes
mr-walkingrainbow · 4 years
Yay! Finally someone who will! I've been thinking a lot of this weird AU where theyre at the X school, tell me what you think! Prompt: Starting at the end of the movie, the gang finds themselves at the school for mutants. Sam & reader (name doesnt matter!) have a hard time fitting in/adjusting at the school and find themselves getting closer and closer, until they finally become an item!
Sam x reader
Your very nervous,
it’s the only think you can really think of.
Panic isnt right for the scenario.
And fear sounds to dramatic.
But your very nervous of this new Mutant school.
And that sounds correct.
Sam stands besides you, holding your hand in support.
You blush and look away. He doesn’t know you like him.
Shame on you.
You want to feel excited that he’s holding your hand. It feels warm against your sweaty palm.
But you’ve seen him with Illyana. And are convinced he likes her.
“Hey Luke!” Roberto calls out.
You look over.
“That one metal guy asked for our last names. What’s yours?”
Truth be told, you’ve never told them your last name. You never wanted to. It was best to remain inconspicuous. Tell the least amount of information.
It was best.
“O is fine Berto.” You speak in your Yorkshire accent.
“Luke. O,” Illy states drily, “Wow I feel like I know you so much now.”
“Illy,” Sam mutters protectively. Him and Dani are the only ones brave enough to really say anything to her.
The Russian just rolls her eyes in response. Dani leans in, whispering something no one can hear.
Illy nods. But does nothing else.
“Shall we go’n now?” You ask.
Everyone nods but illy. Who instead pulls out Lockheed. Holding him close.
You think you understand. Lockheed was her comfort, her security. Something you wish you had right now.
Everyone walks in. But no one is at ease.  The place is large. Filled with people bustling around. A guy with green skin nearly bumps into you, but Sam pulls you out of the way in time.
“Thanks,” you blush, “Uh, thanks.”
“Course.” He nods.
This blonde woman walks over. Briefly glowing blue. She blinks a few times and they dim to normal.
“Hello,” she introduces, “I’m Esme. Some call me Cuckoo, others stepford. But you can call me Frost.”
The others look at her apprehensively.
The blonde shrugs, “Esmes cool too.”
Her eyes glow once again.
“Ugh, be quiet!” She snaps.
You flinch backwards, and Esme offers a apologetic smile.
“Sorry,” she reaches up a pale finger, tapping it once against her mind, “Sisters.”
The woman doesn’t offer any more words then that. So you nod uneasily.
She starts to walk forward, and everyone looks at each other before following.
“We have a lot of cool things here,” the mutant starts talking, “Thermal rooms for Berto to flame in. Chains and gear outside for Sam. Courses for Rahne to run, and even something for Dani!”
Esme abruptly stops. You nearly crash into her if it wasn’t for Sam.
“How do you know who’s who?” Dani questions nervously.
She turns around, staring at everyone with intently piercing eyes.
“I know things. Now,” she swivels her head to glance at you and Illyana, “Your thoughts are unexplainable. I should say unhelpful. You, Luke, are thinking to hard.”
You blush. But you don’t know why.
The eyes trail to stare at Illy.
“And your having a conversation with no one?”
The Russian glares.
“Not true. I’m having one with Lockheed!”
Esme looks confused, “Where is he.”
Illy blushes, but holds up the puppet for her to observe.
You notice Dani grabbing her free hand. Rubbing her thumb over her knuckles soothingly.
Esme blinks, and then they glow again.
“Ah. He’s your friend. Back in limbo.”
Illy jerks, “How do you know that.���
The woman smiles, “All in a telepaths work.”
Everyone takes a subtle step back. So that’s why she walked in front of them. So they couldn’t see her eyes.
You immediately try and think of nothing, but somehow think of Sam instead. Esme looks at you with curiosity, but thankfully says nothing.
Her eyes glow again, momentarily making her face blank and stony.
She looks embarrassed almost, “Um. I just received word that you aren’t needed at the main office yet. Your free to explore. Just don’t break anything.”
You look at her, trying to find an earpiece of some kind. She notices you and raises her eyebrow defensively.
Esme then turns around and leaves, whispering “Sophie! Phoebe! Shut up!” On her way out.
“Uh,” you turn back to your group, only to find them all gone except Sam, “Thanks for staying.”
He nods, “I wouldn’t leave you.”
You blush again. And look away.
The day goes on. As you and Sam struggle to find something that works for you. Roberto was psyched at being given clothes that don’t burn when he flames up. Rahne loved the obstacle course. And Dani was interested in practicing her powers.
Illy hadn’t said anything. Just gnawed on her thumbnail and talked to Lockheed.
You and Sam had tried to find the chain thing outside. But their was too many people. And it made Sam feel claustrophobic.
“I feel like we don’t belong here.” You confess later on.
He looks at you understandingly, “I get what you mean. Though I don’t think Illy likes it either.”
You roll your eyes, “She doesn’t like anything.”
“Hey,” he snaps quietly, “She has reasons not to like things.”
You nod, “Sorry. I forget.”
He looks at you. His kind eyes making you blush.
“Why do you do that?”
“Why do you blush around me.” He wonders.
“I-um,” you falter, “I k-Kinda like you.”
He doesn’t respond and you immediately get up to leave.
“Wait!” He grabs your wrist, spinning you around.
You don’t have time to process anything before he kisses you, his lips surprisingly soft.
“I like you to O.”
You smile.
Maybe this place was ok after all.
hey!!! I hope you liked this! Tried to incorporate everything you wanted! 🥰
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rick-rayson · 3 years
Of Love and Clay | (I. Rasputin x Reader)
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A/N: Here's part two for "Of Blood and Porcelain." featuring a time before part one.
WARNING(S): Minor violence, cussing, toxic behavior.
As stated before in my previous post, this is simply a "what if," and "what would happen if" scenario. So do expect OOC behavior.
TAG(S): Angst/Hurt/Comfort.
USER TAG(S) (If you'd like to be tagged in any of my future posts, simply ask :)): @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
Not proof read
Part 1
Ever since you and Illyana had became an item, that's when the treatment became worse.
"They are the weirdest thing that's come to this hospital." Illyana's lips pursed with distate, her nose scrunched when she'd caught your figure shaking with what she could only assume was childish glee.
You, so enraptured in your own world, didn't quite care for the unwanted attention you were being served. Your lips tilted upwards in delight of your own creation, how lovely it was that you almost wanted to show everyone. Almost.
Out came a defensive, yet gentle voice, harbored by a boy with an awkward stature and tired eyes that rivaled a rotting corpse.
"They haven't done anything bad, I don't get why you hate them so much." Sam Guthrie, not much was notable about this boy, only that he was locked up in this prison you lot had to call home, and that he was a mutant, much like the rest of you.
"Can't you see it?" Illyana grimaced as her glare drank in your features like a forbidden elixir. Your smile, your bashful demeanor when you presented your creations to one of your comrades, Dani. "They're Reyes' favorite little dollface."
"I think you're the only one that calls them that, but alright." Sam exhaled to fight back the death stare Illyana had thrown at him before she went back to looking at you.
He could see it. She knew he could, and she hated it. Sam could see the green kissing at Illyana's eyes. He wished mercy upon anyone who made it glow greener.
Illyana had bet that you didn't notice the splotches on your clothes, your arms. Your cheek. Something about that made her face contort in annoyance.
"Hey, I've always wondered," said Dani Moonstar, one of of the only people that made you feel like you could slouch beside without any cruel judgement. "What is your ability?"
"I'll tell you but it's a secret," you made your way to Dani's ear and whispered one of the biggest mysteries in the hospital you all resided in.
Illyana peered from afar with feelings unknown brewing in her stomach as Dani's eyes grew in wonder. It was Dani's echoing gasp that had Illyana dreaming of her demise. With balled fists Illyana sauntered up to the two of you, bearing a smile so fake it was comparable to the doll in your hand.
Correction, the doll that was in your hand. Illyana snatched it without a single care for the gasp that had slipped past your lips.
"Give that back, Illyana." You shifted as if to dig yourself further into the couch at the sight of Illyana's figure, that which crept closer at a hauntingly slow pace.
"Why?" Illyana chuckled under false resolve, "it's just a shit little doll anyway. Wouldn't take much to break it."
"It doesn't matter, they told you to put it down." Dani, who noticed your discomfort long before you'd even moved, placed a hand on your shoulder to ease you.
"Are you really going to let the trainwreck stand up for you?" Illyana moved her face terribly close to yours, so much so that you felt as though you couldn't breathe.
"I remember when you weren't nearly as much of a coward as you are now." She huffed, "what a resounding disappointment."
"Fuck off." Your eyes stayed glued to Illyana's gaze.
"Yes," she leapt back, a cheeky grin playing at her lips. Accent thick, and growing in excitement. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"
Illyana faced away from you for a moment, such an oddity the action was that you found your head tilted in confusion.
"If only you knew," your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when Illyana threw the doll to the floor. Your perception of time appeared to have slowed as you watched in horror.
"how much I love pissing you off."
Crack. The doll was in pieces. And in that moment you could sense the life of the toy dissipate. As Illyana stomped on it with a crooked smile, what once was a solid creature quickly turned to mush under the seperation of your abilities.
"Oh shit!" Chuckled Illyana, kicking off the excess on her shoes. "Didn't expect that—"
What she also didn't expect, was for you to shove her to the floor, she'd fallen back on her behind. A low grunt brushing past her teeth.
"Oh shit- Doctor!" Dani rushed out of the room with a panicked expression. Leaving just the two of you alone for the moment.
Illyana wiped her face and forced a grin, "you want me so bad, don't you?" She licked her lips. A new found confidence glistening in her eyes, "I can tell."
"I hate you, Rasputin." You held your guard up. And yet, she could see right through that half-hearted facade. "These games, I'm sick of them."
"They're necessary." Illyana replied, sitting on one knee. Tone surprisingly calm and tender, her eyes engulfed you as if you were the only person in the universe. "My Love. They're so, so necessary."
"You'll understand," Illyana winked, "it's not all bad."
The sound of footsteps soon approached. In seeing your gaze shift from her to your new company, Illyana took it as an opportunity to fake up a grin.
"Illyana," Cecilia Reyes, the doctor of Milsbury, sheathed a sharp glare at the blonde sword bearer in front of you. "Because of your outlandish behaviour, this is another hour added onto our sessions."
"Oh and I bet Trainwreck here didn't tell you that they pushed me." Illyana fumed. It almost awed you how good she was at being fake.
"The walls have eyes, Illyana." Cecilia murmured with a fixed expression, the look of bewilderment that once painted her features long forgotten.
Illyana was aware, so painfully aware of how true Cecilia's statement was. The countless nights where she was tempted to envelope her lips with yours and drown out the morbidity of her living situation. The nightmares that clawed at the back of her mind, they seized when she was with you.
"Don't I know it." Illyana spared a glare towards you before leaving without even a trace of another word from her lips. Dont I know it.
The day had yet to meet its end and yet you could very well assume it did due to the deafening silence that loomed through the building of the Milsbury hospital. A devilish temptation brewed within the hospitals inhabitants to break that silence. Especially that of Illyana.
"Did you have to break the doll?" You traced your fingers delicately over your newest creation, which took the form of a clay figure, its form reminiscent of a jeweled royal.
"It was tacky anyway." Illyana attempted to jest as she took calculated steps towards you, the act, as Illyana imagined it to be— was similar to a cat readying itself to pounce on an unsuspecting bird. The unsettling implications aside, such a comparison brought a smile to her lips.
"Doesn't matter I needed them for my powers." Your tongue pushed out your cheek from the inside, brows contorted. Your eyes never left the focal point of which it had drawn onto Illyana's figure. A sense of weariness felt and shown from the way your back took purchase to the cold wall behind you.
"See this is your problem." A whine halted in Illyana's throat as she sauntered up to you and took to sitting uncomfortably close. "Just pay attention to me.. just for a bit."
Your knees forced themselves to hug your chest as a means of hiding away, an action that you hadn't caught, Illyana's eyes flickered at the movement.
"I'll be nicer.. but you do know why I do this, don't you?..." Without another beat she copied your body language, knees snug to her chest, hands hung loosely over them, even the way she began fiddling with her fingers seemed to reflect you.
The one thing she couldn't copy however, was the pounding of your anxious heart.
"If Reyes finds out we're in love, she'll take you from me." Her forehead gently met yours in a tenderness you'd almost forgot she possessed. "I can't have that, I cannot lose you."
Silence reared its head and made small effort in soothing your quickened heartbeat.
"Fine, I get it— I do," You laced your fingers with Illyana's. Not missing the way her cheeks radiated a warmth once absent,
And also the way her eyes stared down at your lips.
"You really want to make it up to me?" A hint of a spark found home in the galaxy of Illyana's eyes.
"and you really want my attention?"
"More than anything." Illyana's eyes closed under the temptation of her lips finally meeting yours. But you weren't about to make it that easy for her.
"Then roll your sleeves up and help me fix my doll." You swayed to the side, Illyana accidentally kissed your throat, and the spark that had resided in her died down.
A smile took its place. "You're going to make me work for it, Love?"
"Damn right."
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marvelvsmarvel · 4 years
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Marvelvsmarvel Year In Review Pt III:
Must Read Comic Series: Dawn of X
Dawn of X is the latest X-Men run by Jonathan Hickman that launched October of last year with Howers of X. The image above is my favorite page of the entire series and is the very first page of Powers of X Issue 1. It currently has 10 main titles and just wrapped up its major event X of Swords. This series is easily one of the best things to come out of this year and it only promises to get better with the Reign of X on the horizon. In reviewing it I wanted to share a few of my favorite images and moments and share in my excitement on what is to come. I wasn’t always an avid comic book reader but my passion for Marvel movies and shows made eager for more. I didn’t know where to start and a friend simply said to pick one and go! I actually started with Matthew Rosenberg’s Uncanny X-Men (2019) and that carried me into this. If you have not gotten into the comics and have any interest rose do so I am telling you to get into Dawn of X. The X-Men have isolated themselves in a pursuit of becoming their own sovereign and unified nation on the living mutant island Krakoa. In doing so they have freely given gifts to human nations that willing recognize them as so while putting an economical stranglehold on the nations that won’t. As if this were enough with mutant kind united by this vision they have found a way to face death without fear. Brace yourself that these might be spoilery but consider them teasers of the greater story!
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Favorite Dialogue: Apocalyspe (X-Men Issue 4) Ancient, powerful, evil, and Darwinistic am I right? Wrong! There is so much more to Apocalypse than we previously knew and yet all those descriptions remain true but clearly in a most badass way possible! What caused the end of the Bronze Age?! ME!!! Fucking Apocalypse taking names without even looking up from his plate! But again this historical context is just the surface of this mutant god’s being. The depth of his person runs as deep as his life has been long lived.
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Favorite Illustration: Hellfire Bay (Marauders Issue #2) I am beyond glad that they included the Hellfire Club! The mysterious mutant Illuminati gets the opportunity to operate out of the shadows and onto the Quiet Council of the sovereign nation of Krakoa although every good deed in light casts a shadowy deed of its own. But if there was a thing they visually got about the Hellfire Club it is that they are elitists. There are not many scenic views of Krakoa but they definitely accomplished something here with these castles for the three figureheads.
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Favorite Monologue: Cyclops (Excalibur Issue 15) Call me old fashion but I love a great hero speech! It finally seems that Cyclops is at peace and that is indicative of the state of mutant kind. Even while not taking the leadership role on the Quiet Council Cyclop remains a hero at his core. Krakoa trying to build itself as a nation trying to convince themselves as well as the world that they are good and they will not fail in this. With threats coming from all side Cyclops steps in to be the hero he’s meant to be nothing more and nothing less.
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Favorite Protagonist: Kwannon (Hellions Issue 7) This isn’t Psylocke and it isn’t Betsy Braddock. Kwannon was once a tool of the hand and was again just a vessel for Betsy. Today she is much more from the leader of the Fallen Angels (essentially her own title) and now leader of the Hellions and man does she kick ass! What she is mostly however is a mother and with that there is much more we have yet to learn about her.
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Favorite Antagonist: White Sword of the Ivory Spire (X of Swords: Stasis Issue 1) Antagonist meaning he opposed the protagonists but he clearly is no friend to the main villains either. White Sword is obviously someone you don’t want to mess with. Only time will tell if we will get more of what we see of him.
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Favorite Scene: Ressurection of Melody Guthrie aka Aero (X-Men Issue 7) I know right. Who the hell is Melody Guthrie. Yes she is Sam Guthrie aka Cannonball’s sister and yes she had no powers prior to this moment due to the events of House of M. But this scene depicted by 4 panels of dark, to light, to the towering figures of leadership, to life, to the harolding defeat over death is so eerie, so chilling yet so damn epic! This moment is a moment I hope to see come to life on the big screen! A blacked out picture then BOOM a crescendo of heavenly cries as Aero bursts through the egg. The bass hums deep panning over the faces of these three. BOOM another crescendo as she writhes and fights and wills herself back to coherence as the voices lift then fade to a whisper and tears start to pour in realization of her fate. Then holding still on Storm’s face she declares...
Ultimately that is why I geek out over this. Yes it is an amazing story in and of itself. But it is also so epic and cinematic and truly different than any X-Men series that has come before it that I honestly believe that with Disney claiming the ownership of the X-Men from Fox that this will be the version that will be introduced in the MCU. Play close attention to the way Hickman lays out how this started and you’ll see how the MCU can do it without having to explain where they’ve been this whole time. Again this is a must read even if you just read one of the individual titles. And remember to look out for Reign of X dropping early next year!
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u23art · 4 years
A Look At The New Mutants Two years ago, this movie missed it’s first release date in 2018, and was originally intended to tie into X Men Dark Phoenix. Then the delays started, first because of reshoots, then because of the Fox buy out from Disney and then the damn plague came around. I was happy to finally see this movie, I wasn’t expecting a blockbuster, I wanted a mutant movie from the X Men side of the Marvel Universe. My expectations were tempered. After a horrific storm tears through her reservation, Dani Moonstar (Blu Hunt) wakes up in a facility in the middle of rural America. Overseen by a Dr. Reyes, Dani and 4 other institutionalized mutants reflect on their pasts and the hurt their powers have caused. These being Illyana Rasputin (Anya Taylor-Joy), Rahne Sinclair (Maisie Williams), Sam Guthrie (Charlie Heaton) and Roberto Da Costa (Henry Zaga). Knowing going in that this movie was leaning on horror elements, I appreciated that this film’s setting is an echo of past X Men movies. Past X men movies often used the Xavier institute as a place to calm the audience, it’s a peaceful setting for the characters to have exposition. In this movie, we have an institute for emotionally damaged youths, there’s a feeling of catharsis about it though undercut by it’s vacancy of people besides the 5 mutants and Reyes. It gives an eerie feeling to be sure. On the subject of the characters, there was a deeper sense of vulnerability from this team than one would be used to from the X Men movies. This was shown most in Sam and Rahne, both were timid and scared and quivered their feelings through their accents. Seeing Sam especially was satisfying to watch when he stopped being scared of his powers and more scared of watching his friends get hurt; letting loose his explosive invulnerability on the smiling men. Illyana was an acquired taste, her bad attitude was laid on a bit thick at the beginning of the movie but became more tolerable when her energy was directed towards the action scenes. Dani and Roberto were serviceable as characters, but I found Dani underwhelming. And Roberto, though he had some substantial scenes, amounted mostly to the film’s comic relief. I’ll also give a point of praise to the marketing of this movie. Most times, in press leading up to the release of some media, a character’s sexuality is advertised in big bold headlines. I hate this, because this can feel like an overcompensation for a lack of character, and in some instances can overshadow an audience member’s impression of said character. Rahne Sinclair, is a small lesbian and a small angel that convinces Dani not to jump to her death. It’s is just the cutest thing and it warmed my heart watching Dani and Rahne find comfort in eachother. HOWEVER Large portions of time were dedicated to the developing relationship between Dani and Rahne. Soon enough, Dani has overcame her emotional trauma, which is good for her but a double edged sword for the movie. Dani didn’t know at first, but in time learns that it was her powers that lead to the death of her father. Sam and Roberto, they know they killed people. It was unintentional but they’re terrified of themselves. Illyana was traumatized by demons of Limbo, and has been emotionally unhinged because of it. One could debate that so much time was given to Dani and Rahne overcoming their sadness that there wasn’t much time left over to give to the 3 other protagonists to reflect on themselves and rise over their fears. Their horror story was undercut, by the gayness of the movie. I can’t confidently say Dr. Reyes had time to be particularly villainous, she’s a shady psychologist but is otherwise unconscious through many parts of the movie because Illyana kept drugging her drinks. And that leads me to my final point: what could have been. The institution the characters are trapped in, is owned by none other than Nathaniel Essex. Mister Sinister His name has been creeping through the X men movies over the last few years, X Men Apocalypse, Logan and Deadpool 2(yuck). It’s a discomforting presence to be sure, but unless Kevin Feige sees fit to bring Sinister over to the MCU, X Men fans will never get to see what that weird pervert was planning. I liked this movie, it’s a comfortable viewing with familiar ideas shown in a different lens. I’ll be happy to add it to my X Men Blu Rays and slip my ticket stub into the case. But I’m sad to see this movie getting treated the way it is. It came out two years late in the middle of a time when are either too lethargic to go outside or too disinterested in a movie released by forces that be that didn’t want to nurture the X Men franchise and it’s characters. Even the original artist for the New Mutants comics, Bob Mcleod, tore into the movie mainly over the character’s appearances. As an X Men fan, this movie is inoffensive, this movie is harmless, this movie does well enough to shine a light on some otherwise overlooked characters in the mutant side of Marvel. If you like X Men, give New Mutants a chance. P.S. Lockheed’s inclusion was a treat for readers of the comics when I thought the producers of the film were copping out.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
People, July 13
Cover: Murder in Paradise -- two husbands poisoned, what do the wives know? 
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Page 1: Chatter -- Sandra Oh on wanting to be on Scandal after reading the script, Chris Pratt on thinking wife Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt laughed a lot when they first met, Charlize Theron on her relationship with Sean Penn, Patti LaBelle on how she feels at 76, Zoe Kravitz on how former Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer reacted to her taking on the role 
Page 2: 5 Things We’re Talking About This Week -- Jennifer Aniston shows off her tat, Mary J. Blige releases her own wine, a golden retriever turns 20, NASA honors pioneer Mary Jackson, The Princess Bride gets a quarantine makeover 
Page 5: Contents 
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Page 6: StarTracks -- The BET Awards -- Amanda Seales, Roddy Ricch and DaBaby, Beyonce, Michelle Obama 
Page 7: Alicia Keys, John Legend, Chloe x Halle, Wayne Brady 
Page 8: First Look-- Jennifer Hudson and Marlon Wayans and Forest Whitaker in the biopic Respect based on the life of Aretha Franklin 
Page 9: Fun in the Sun -- pregnant Ciara in a pink bikini, Cindy Crawford in a hot tub, Britney Spears and Sam Asghari wearing masks oceanside, Colin Jost goes surfing in the Hamptons, the new Bachelor Matt James went wakeboarding with the old Bachelor Tyler Cameron 
Page 10: Summer Lovin’ -- David Beckham and wife Victoria Beckham on an afternoon walk, Reese Witherspoon and husband Jim Toth hold hands on their way to an L.A. market, soon-to-be parents Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner masked up for a stroll, Kate Beckinsale and boyfriend Goody Grace wear masks for a grocery run 
Page 11: Pregnant Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt stepped out with mom Maria Shriver, Miranda Lambert and new kitten Tequila that she rescued near a highway, Savannah Guthrie and Al Roker reunite for the first time in months, Cardi B and daughter Kulture in matching outfits, Padma Lakshmi with daughter Krishna after voting in New York’s primary election 
Page 13: Scoop -- how Kelly Clarkson is staying strong 
Page 14: Miley Cyrus reveals she’s 6 months sober 
Page 16: Heart Monitor -- Nicole Young and Dr. Dre $800 million divorce, Ryan Seacrest and Shayna Taylor split again, Billie Lourd and Austen Rydell engaged, Timothee Chalamet and Eiza Gonzalez new flames 
Page 17: Katy Perry on mental struggles: gratitude saved her life, Amanda Peet -- funny mom and killer role 
Page 18: Open House -- Luann de Lessep’s retreat in Port Ewen, N.Y. is for sale, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s emotional visit to Homeboy Industries in L.A. 
Page 20: For Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson producing the second season of his hit NBC athletic-competition series The Titan Games became a way of paying tribute to the country’s real-life heroes 
Page 23: Passages, Why I Care -- Mayim Bialik raises awareness about mental illness and how to get help 
Page 25: Stories to Make You Smile -- a man and his dog cruise country roads in a motorcycle built for two, a chorus of women are spreading cheer one sip at a time 
Page 27: People Picks -- Hamilton (definitely watch it!) 
Page 28: Stateless, Expecting Amy, Karma, One to Watch -- Sylvia De Fanti 
Page 30: The Truth, The Baby-Sitters Club 
Page 31: John Lewis: Good Trouble
Page 32: Books 
Page 34: Cover Story -- two husbands poisoned in paradise: were they murdered? -- in December 2018, boyhood friends Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory made plans to ring in the new year on Anguilla with their wives but instead they ended up dead and now the men’s families wants answers 
Page 40: John Legend answers questions from readers -- musician and activist and the reigning Sexiest Man Alive talks to fans about his family life and his hopes for change in America 
Page 44: Country singer Granger Smith moving forward from family tragedy -- a year after the darkest day of their lives the singer and his wife Amber are finding purpose following the drowning death of 3-year-old son River in a pool accident at their rural Texas home 
Page 49: George Lopez -- my incredible life -- the comic gets candid about his difficult childhood, the ups and downs of his groundbreaking success and his blistering return to stand-up 
Page 52: Reunited with their newborn after COVID-19 -- we finally have him in our arms -- a Spanish couple spend 6 anxious weeks waiting to meet their infant son born in Idaho after the global pandemic shut down travel to the U.S. 
Page 58: Before They Were Famous -- roles of a lifetime -- Lifetime movies have been a rite of passage on the road to stardom for 30 years and counting -- Reese Witherspoon, Ben Affleck, Taraji P. Henson 
Page 59: Zac Efron, Kristen Bell, Hilary Swank, Mark Ruffalo, Jason Momoa, Ellen Page 
Page 60: A Teen Epidemic: Growing Up Anxious -- after a childhood steeped in anxiety and depression Kaylie Rosen found happiness away from school and then the pandemic sent her home 
Page 65: Kevin Bacon -- what I know now -- after 40 years in Hollywood the actor now starring in You Should Have Left reflects on fame and fatherhood and finding lasting love 
Page 68: Voices for Change -- as Americans grapple with issues of inequality and police violence and social justice these activists, artists and authors are helping to chart the path forward -- Rachel Cargle 
Page 69: Ibram X. Kendi 
Page 70: Brittany Packnett Cunningham 
Page 71: Nikkolas Smith 
Page 72: Johnetta Elzie 
Page 74: David Foster -- me and my girls -- the 16-time Grammy winner and his daughters open up about family ties and how he found his happily ever after with wife Katharine McPhee 
Page 79: Style -- summer sandals -- Mindy Kaling 
Page 81: Beauty -- the best summer hair tips 
Page 87: Second Look -- Match Game hosted by Alec Baldwin and featuring Thomas Lennon, Mary McCormack, Bob Saget and Padma Lakshmi 
Page 88: One Last Thing -- Andy Samberg 
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Floating on by like a butterfly for the 🐉Wings of Fire aus' names lists are...
The 🐛SilkWings🦋!
The X-Men Members:
• Charles Xavier/Professor Xavier: Xerces
• Ororo Munroe/Storm: Silk
• Logan Howlett/Wolverine: Lemon
• Scott Summers/Cyclops: Cecropia
• Jean Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix: Grayling
• Hank McCoy/Beast: Beauty
• Anne-Marie/Rogue: Rose
• Remy LeBeau/Gambit: Gossamer
• Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat: Sphinx
• Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler: Nymph
• Jubilation Lee/Jubilee: Gypsy
• Evan Daniels/Spyke: Skipper
• Bobby Drake/Iceman: Io
• Piotr Rasputin/Colossus: Peacock
• Illyana Rasputin/Magik: Marble
• Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane: Woodwhite
• Samuel "Sam" Guthrie/Cannonball: Comma
• Roberto da Costa/Sunspot: Sulphur
• Danielle "Dani" Moonstar/Mirage: Mint
• Laura Kinney/Wolverine 2.0: Lime
•Tabitha "Tabby" Smith/Boom-Boom: Burnet
The Brotherhood:
• Erik Lehnsherr/Magnus/Magneto: Metalmark
• Raven Darkholme/Mystique: Miner
• Victor Creed/Sabretooth: Viceroy
• Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver: Silverspot
• Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch: Witch
• Mortymer Tonybee/Todd Tolanksy/Toad: Tortoiseshell
• Fred "Freddy" Dukes/Blob: Blue
• Lance Alvers/Avalanche: Argent
• St. John Allerdyce/Pyro: Pinion
(Tied up that loose end, didn't I? But there is one more thread to add to this tapestry of words, the...)
• Reader/Bby: Ghost, Imperial, Polyphemus, Bella, Tiger, Leopard, Dagger, Esther, Regal, Emperor, Sable, Swift, Heart, Heath, Lappet, Looper, Blush, Gold, Pink, Brass, Crimson, Burgundy, Orange, Yellow, Emerald, Azure, Purple, Copper, White, Black, Gray, Cream, Monarch, Lady, Queen, Page, Ulysses, Adonis, Satyr, Hairstreak, Malachite, Pavon, Velvet, Flambeau, Doris, Argus, Glasswing, Cloak, Pearl...
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bboiseux · 4 years
Do you know anyone who would write for Sam Guthrie x reader (The New Mutants 2020)?
Unfortunately, I’m not in the fandom, just watched the movie for the first time!, so no idea!  Sorry!
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