#well i got a crown of greed last time but this is the first one i got from fighting
risingsunresistance · 11 months
i've largely ignored the mythological rituals until very recently bc i never did enough damage to bother trying
got my first drop today :]
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quietbrushstrokes · 3 months
I present to you: My babies! This is an alternate universe in which instead of narinder being the one who waits, It’s leshy !
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Leshy is the bishop of chaos. With a name like The Bishop of Chaos you’d think he’d cause some, no? Well, In this universe, he does.
He causes so much, in fact, that his siblings chain him up in purgatory. Narinder had proposed death as a solution, but Shamura shut his idea down fast.
‘How could we kill our own brother?’
Wrong choice, Shamura.
Or maybe, right choice?
Now, employing the help of the last llama, he intends to regain control of not only dark wood, but every other realm. While causing a little chaos, ofcource.
(Yes I know the llama has the crown and weapon out, it was for aesthetic reasons dammit)
More beyond the break If you want more details on the au ⬇️
Our llama, now tasked with assassinating all of the bishops, decides this path is not for her. She doesn’t want to kill them. But She doesn’t want to be killed either. She starts her cult. Through old tombs etched into stone in each bishop’s domain, She learns the past of the bishops. Each bishop was born for good, Narinder the bishop of life, Heket the bishop of harvest, Kalamar the bishop of health, Shamura the bishop of peace. Each one turning to evil. Narinder the bishop of death, Heket the bishop of famine, Kalamar the bishop of Pestulance, Shamura the bishop of war.
Leshy’s tomb is etched out, and unreadable, but there are fragments of words. Chaos and order being the only readable words.
She knew what she had to do.
She meets with ???, the mystic seller, who informs her that to reform a bishop, you need god tears, but they must be defeated first. And be willing.
One by one, she takes down the bishops, and invites them to stay at her cult. Each one declines, so she locks them in a small area of their domain. She visits daily, bringing food, water, and kind words. The bishops slowly warm up to her, and each one begins to slowly feel indifference to their old ways. She soon gets her hand on god tears, and begins reforming the bishops. One by one, she restores peace. Until Leshy. As the bishop of chaos, he has no want for order, for kindness. He was also betrayed by the llama, who used their own crown against him.
Durning this time, She finds out what’s truly up with leshy from the other bishops. He was never born for order, never born for good. He was born as a normal Darkwood worm, and found the crown. It gave him power like nothing else, and he loved it. He fought with the crown for more of its power, corrupting it with his greed, making himself the bishop of chaos.
This all culminates in a final Battle. All of the reformed bishops fight with the llama against Leshy, weakening him until they can get him to stop fighting. Once he is weakened, they show him how life could be. He submits, and is turned into the bishop of order, and his crown returned.
The llama, now without a crown, and no longer a bishop, has completed her journey. She knows she did the world a justice, and rejoices in the fact she reformed a world so set in its ways when they couldn’t see the wrong they had done.
….and that’s all I’ve got so far- I’m not sure if she dies, lives on as a normal mortal running her cult, maybe the bishops grant her immortality? I was also tossing around the idea that the bishops donate a bit of their power to create a crown for her, making her the bishop of something? Maybe the bishop of wisdom or perseverance or something? I never got that far.
I don’t know if I’ll continue this au, but I had this cooking in my brain soup, and figured I could pour out a bowl to sample. I might draw the reformed bishops later on if I get bored. This was fun to brainstorm though!
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neonthewrite · 5 months
Shackled Forest
The next GT July prompts were Jewelry and Cursed, and though I started with just the first one in mind, it fits the second pretty well too, so I'll count it for both. Got a new concept for me to play around with, some new characters ... we all know I love a forest character.
Introducing Morrel. He's doing his best, but it's difficult.
The jewels hadn’t shown a sign of life in a long time.
Sometimes Morrel naively, stupidly, foolishly-optimistically thought that they’d finally fallen inert, all power sapped away into the atmosphere never to bother him again. But if that were the case, he’d be able to remove them. The thick wrist bangles, glittering with teal and blue gems, would unclasp and fall away while the choker with its enormous ruby at his throat would fly open and he’d be free of the weight at last.
But no. They stayed with him, more than a human’s weight in gold and a matching quantity of precious stones, heavy and lifeless, until that morning.
It began as a stirring dread in the back of his mind that he almost hadn’t recognized in the early hours. By sunrise, though, he couldn’t deny what it meant.
A human had found and donned the fourth and final piece of jewelry in the set. A ring, the band human-sized rather than giant, sporting a humble diamond little more than a fleck of glitter to his eyes. Despite its small, nondescript appearance, though, that ring meant only trouble for him.
He felt no compulsion, no drive towards the wearer of that ring, which meant that they didn’t know what they’d picked up. That was good. There was still time to figure something out. Time before they understood they had a giant bound to their whim, no matter what it may be. If they figured that out, Morrel would be stuck with them, and they with him, until they passed on or renounced the ring.
No wearer had cast off the ring before. He had no reason to believe this newcomer would either.
To that end, he rushed towards where he’d last seen that infernal ring. The height of a young tree himself, nearly thirty feet, he couldn’t do much sprinting on the forest floor without damaging everything in his path. Instead, Morrel skimmed over the canopy, his boots barely touching the crowns of the trees like a water skimmer barely touched the surface of a lake. To anyone on the ground below, he would be a passing wind and little more.
He tried not to think too hard about what he might need to do when he arrived. If he indeed found the ring near where he expected it: on the tiny, fragile hand of a human. He couldn’t touch the ring itself, thanks to his own accessories. He couldn’t harm someone who’d activated the power in the ring. For someone who didn’t know, though … Morrel had options. None of them were good.
The alternative couldn’t happen again. That ring had passed through generations of tiny human hands, leaving him at the command and mercy of tyrants and warmongers, pillars of greed and conquest alike. He’d never felt relief the likes of what he felt when the last king to wear that ring had fallen to a highwayman, his jewels and money taken away to be passed around among thieves. One of Morrel’s first actions taken with free will in centuries had been to terrorize a camp of bandits, to put his hands on a human before he could take up the ring.
A nondescript piece of jewelry was easily forgotten, tamped into the mud and ruin of that camp. No one remembered a ring over a gold-bedecked rampaging giant-of-the-woods, with skin like tree bark, long, bloody hands and sharp features, four narrow eyes glowing with the colors of sunset and a voice like a storm.
Morrel didn’t want to hurt anyone like he’d done then. He didn’t need to hurt anyone. He merely needed to separate them from the ring that would seal his fate.
Whatever human it was had some choice in the matter too.
At less than half a mile from where that camp had stood decades ago, Morrel slowed his dash, sinking into the woods with only a whisper of leaves against his skin and tattered clothes.
He couldn’t do much about the shining gold of his jewelry, but Morrel had at least switched out his old clothes, fine things in the colors of the kingdom he’d belonged to for so long. He wore rougher fabrics now, pieced together or bartered from the occasional passing hill-giant, in the greens and greys of the woods he called home. When he sank into the forest, it was like a new tree had sprouted there and began slinking between the trunks.
The dread in his core ebbed and flowed like a tide. Morrel couldn’t say whether his own anxiety or the actions of whoever had the ring did it. He could barely remember the first time that ring had fallen into human hands, how it had felt then. The freedom of before was a faraway dream, hazy and faded by centuries of subjugation. What he had now wasn’t even freedom, not with that threat constantly waiting.
The threat that, now, hung so close over him he practically felt its shadow.
Stalking through the trees, the dread became sharper, more focused. He had never kept track of where exactly the ring had fallen—he never needed to. This clarity always grew when he came too close to it. Only bad things came from that little band of gold and his whole body knew it; if running as fast as he could in the opposite direction would help, he’d have abandoned it long ago.
A small voice mumbled up ahead—no, two voices. Morrel’s eyes narrowed and he crept even slower towards the sound, blending into the trees despite his bulk. His recent years of avoiding humans hadn’t been enough to forget how to read tone in a small voice; they were arguing over something. One of them was old and gruff, the other young and fresh. It was more than the simple kind of arguing between a willful youth and their elder.
Creeping close enough to parse the words but not enough for them to spot him easily between the trees, Morrel’s core chilled like winter.
“I’ve got a feeling about this thing. Why would we just give this away for what’s probably not enough money to solve our problems? There’s something magic in it, we just need—”
“What we need is money, you little idiot. Not flights of fancy and pretending the dirty jewelry you found in the woods is magic. Give it here!”
Foliage and twigs shuffled as the pair apparently chased each other a few steps. Not far—the older voice grunted in discomfort and the younger voice huffed defiantly. “It is magic. It resized to fit me as soon as I put it on. And I’m going to find out what it does!”
It was as good a cue as any. Morrel couldn’t allow the owner of that young, hopeful voice find out what the accursed ring did. He abandoned stealth for speed and surged forward, slipping past tree trunks like they were reeds in a pond, scraping away bark and low branches.
And then he was upon them.
He was fast, faster than his bulk might suggest. One long hand dropped to the older human where he stood, knocking him from his feet and pinning him harshly to the ground. Weak struggles met Morrel’s unforgiving palm, though he didn’t lean enough weight onto the man to give him more than bruises.
The other hand snatched at the other human where she stood on a boulder jutting out of the ground, surely the spot she planned to flaunt her spryness over her companion while she talked wistfully of magic and boons and happy tales. Morrel’s hand found her all the same, long fingers like steel coiling around her middle before she could flinch away. His thumb lengthened and sharpened as he hauled her off the stone, the point resting just a breath away from her throat. She stared at him with wide eyes, all bravado forgotten, while her companion shouted unintelligible things from where he was stuck on the ground. She didn’t even struggle, just stared at him with wide, terrified eyes.
It wouldn’t be the first time. With and without the influence of the jewels, Morrel’s hands had been bloodied. He could do this again.
She was so young.
Had that mattered last time?
He couldn’t remember the faces or the voices of the last humans he’d accosted. They had been bandits, humans living rough much like these two seemed to be. They were so so different from the humans dressed in fine things and living in constant luxury that had hurt him. But they had the same opportunity to hurt him anyway.
He couldn’t hurt a fully aware master of that ring, but even though she wore the grubby thing on her grubby finger, she hadn’t realized its potential yet. She knew it held magic, and that provided the wary dread at the back of Morrel’s mind, the knowledge that he could be captured again. Now was the only time to save himself, and he hesitated.
It needed to be done. He’d be protecting himself. Just one little motion of his hand and it would be over. Her fate was regrettable, but his own had to matter more to him.
But she stared up at him, so young and afraid, with eyes that couldn’t have taken in two decades of life.
“Close your eyes, young thing,” he said. He didn’t have a mouth, but his voice rumbled out of him all the same, and he was grateful it didn’t betray his hesitation. “Close your eyes. Look away. Whatever is easiest.”
It wasn’t the young human but the older one that responded. “No ... no! Take me instead, if you must take someone! We meant no disrespect or trespass!”
Morrel didn’t look away from the human in his hand, but his gaze softened. His lower set of eyes closed entirely. “No. Close your eyes, little thing.”
She shook her head, though a shiver diminished some of the sense of brave defiance. Her gaze flickered over him quickly, taking in a few details of his appearance, but she didn’t waver. “Y-you don’t actually want to hurt me, do you?”
Morrel’s eyes shifted to a slightly stormier color, some grey mixing in with the sunset hues. “I want to do what is necessary. If you will not accept what mercy I can offer, that is not—”
“No, that’s not it,” the girl said, her confidence growing while his dimmed. “I can—” she broke off into a laugh and finally looked away from his face down to her pinned arm, where one hand sported the faintest glint of gold. “I can feel what you actually want.”
Morrel froze.
Somewhere within him, a lock clicked into place.
His dread peaked and then drained away to nothing.
The girl grinned wider. “I know what this ring does.”
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
The Targ Talk: House of the Dragon S2
Season finale commentary & overall thoughts:
Tyland Lannister going on a wrestling match, and well...bedding Lohar's wives will never not be funny. Dude really went above and beyond to secure a naval force that would fight the Velaryon fleet. If he doesn't get a raise for this, I don't know anymore.
With Rhaenyra gaining the upper hand, and Aemond becoming more psycho, Aegon doesn't really have the choice but escape. But with the number of women he had taken, he deserves to have his cock explode like a sausage on a spit. This is an indication that he can longer sire another male heir, unless of course he slept with Helaena the night before he got toasted, and the latter ends up getting pregnant with Maelor. This would make Aemond's claim to the throne stronger...or he could name Jaehaera his heiress which would be so ironic and hypocritical considering that the greens usurped Rhaenyra's throne in the first place because they do not want a woman to rule.
Ulf showing signs of greed and entitlement and Jace putting him in his place is so satisfying. This is one of the cons that I don't know if Rhaenyra had thought carefully. In Ulf's mind, if a bastard like Jace can be named crown prince, and have all these privileges, why can't he? What makes Jace so special that he has everything while other bastards like him were left to fend for themselves? Rhaenyra making them knights is not going to be enough for someone like Ulf, and if Rhaenyra isn't vigilant he will not only betray her, but will use Silverwing to his advantage. You might think, Rhaenyra would still have more Dragons right? She still has Vermithor (if Hugh does not betray her in the show), Seasmoke, Syrax and (finally) Caraxes plus Vermax, Moondancer, and if Rhaena succeeds they'll also have Sheepstealer. The greens are still at a disadvantage with only Vhagar, Silverwing and Tessarion. But this will again put her decision-making into question by her council since she was the one who hired more bastard dragonriders. Also having more dragons didn't stop Jace, Joffrey and Daemon from dying.
The Haunting of Harrenhal finally ends with Daemon having this whole ass vision about the song of ice and fire, Daenerys Targaryen being the one from the prophecy, and she came from Rhaenyra (and his) line. Him finally understanding why Viserys chose his daughter to ascend the throne, and Daemon rallying an entire army for his wife which is cute btw I love that Daemyra is back to being a team now. But let's not forget how horrible the screenwriters were for fucking up Dany's story in Game of Thrones, for me the show ended with Daenerys coming back to Dragonstone, the last two seasons were shit.
So...Helaena can not only have visions, but she's also capable of appearing in someone else's vision which makes her power a lot more interesting. Also I love the fact that she didn't gave in to Aemond's demands and told straight to his face that he was gonna die. I really do hope that we'll get to see more of Helaena's magic, I want her to take Jaehaera (and Morghul), ride on Dreamfyre and find a place or people who could help her hone her power, a peaceful life may also do. But judging from her conversation with Alicent, she might also end up staying for she knew that no matter what she does, she couldn't change her fate.
The final cut in this episode is so far the dumbest I have seen. Rhaenyra choosing to take a chill pill in a desperate attempt to convince Alicent to end this senseless war was...a waste of time no matter how good Rhaenyra's intentions were. Alicent only realizing how fucked up her sons were all this time after she was thrown out of council is just...I don't even know what to say anymore. I thought of Alicent turning her back against her sons but I didn't expect her to actually do it. But this scene just doesn't make sense. Here's why:
If Rhaenyra really wanted to take back what was rightfully hers, she must get rid or punish every single one of the opposing side. Her wanting Aegon executed, but letting Alicent go is so stupid. Alicent was the one who fed poison to her sons' minds, she was part of the greens' scheme to put Aegon to the throne who by the way didn't even want it in the first place, and now Alicent is throwing him under the bus AND Rhaenyra is letting her off the hook just because she admitted her mistakes and "helped" Rhaenyra with a plan to take King's Landing from Aemond and the greens? Has the latter forgotten that she lost a daughter and a son because of what the greens did?
What the fuck is this bullshit?
I just find it hard to believe that Alicent would give up Aegon just like that. It's like creating something and when you make a mistake, it turns out really bad you throw it away and move on. Were the writers even fully aware at how ridiculous this is? Some Alicent stans say that she cared for her children and she tried her best to be a mother, well then...look at her now. Some may even argue that she was a mere tool, okay, but her children were also pawns to this game weren't they? If Aegon is to be executed, then so should she and the rest of the greens especially Crispy and fucking Otto Hightower. If she wants to set things right so badly, then she should also be facing Rhaenyra's punishment. Not just Aegon or Aemond.
Rhaenyra should have at least held Alicent hostage and imprison her, that would have been more realistic than letting her go because she was a former friend *face palms* Ewan Mitchell said in an interview that Alicent was Aemond's kryptonite, then that would have been an opportunity for Rhaenyra to use her against Aemond. Alas, she wasted it. You know what's fucking annoying? This never-ending cycle of misunderstanding. Because if Rhaenyra finds out that Aegon escaped, she'd think that Alicent lied to her, that the queen dowager went to Dragonstone to talk to her and buy Aegon some time to get the fuck out of King's Landing and Rhaenyra is going to get angry, and the tragedy goes on.
Perhaps they came up with that idea to have some sort of comparison with their younger selves. Rhaenyra being able to do whatever she wants while Alicent is being chained by her duties that she never asked for. Now it's the other way around. In addition, if Aegon learns of his mother's betrayal it could also fuel his anger which will make him ruthless next season but...it's still so disappointing.
I never got to say this, but Simon Strong is THE man of the season.
Caraxes cheering up as soon as he saw Syrax and Seasmoke will always be cute.
Overall thoughts: This season is rather underwhelming. Everything else is on point except the storytelling, is this better than season 1? No. Though I love that there are more dragons now and I absolutely love Helaena more this season. I also love that there are more Jace and Baela scenes...before the Battle of the Gullet which I feel like season 3 is gonna kick off with a heart wrenching episode.
Did I enjoy watching it? Hm...the exhilarating part was the battle between Rhaenys, Aegon and Aemond but other than that, it's just meh. My least favorite season so far.
P.S. Tessarion and Daeron are the other greens I stan, they better be worth the wait.
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 63
End of one arc. Start of a new.
Xiao Mei is farting in Ed's drawing of her.
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That cut Ed got from the younger Slicer brother, which has continuously reopened in every fight, is now a scar on Ed's head.
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We see some cenz coins. Looks like one side is a multi-pointed star and the other side is a wreath crown with a king's crown in the center
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It's resonable to assume these coins are 100 cenz coins since Ed didn't have to pull too many out to reach the amount Roy was asking.
In chapter 56, Ed placed 5 coins on top of the phone booth and those coins appear to be the same size and shape so they likely were the same value coins. So if Ed mugged borrowed 520 cenz from Roy and he had 5 coins on the phone booth, then the cost of a public phone is probably 20 cenz.
How long has Foo been away? Ed spent the next day in Resembool. The next day, he dug up the body then got to Central that evening. The next day, he and Al began Heist 3. After it's success, they spent the whole night and the next day dealing with the Homunculi. Ed returned Hawkeye's gun that same night and the next day, Ed and Al began searching for May.
Meanwhile, Roy implied Ed and Al spent several days baiting Scar and they've been searching fro May for several days as well. So I guess Foo has been gone maybe 2 weeks at most.
This is the first time we learn Lan fan is Foo's granddaughter.
Lan Fan and Foo's departure and Dr. Knox meeting his family make this part truly feel like we are closing a major act in the story. There have been other arcs, but none of them ended like this. Those other arcs were shorter and Ed and Al were traveling. So the departures gave a sense that we might meet them again someday.
But this arc doesn't feel like that. Roy's crew were sent away. Lan Fan and Foo have to go into hiding. Lin Yao is now their enemy. It honestly feels like we are saying good bye expecting to never see these people again, even if they say they'll be back.
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In a separate post, I once mentioned trying to figure out what direction Central HQ faces, and it was because I wanted to know where Greed was looking out. He's looking southward, but I wish he'd been looking East instead. Then we could have the little poetic part of Greed looking toward Xing.
There's no way Greed's just been sitting in that spot for several days. Maybe he likes to look out there at night.
How does it feel to exist, Greed? How does it feel to look out and see there's this vast world, Greed? Do you dread when the morning rises and you're forced to return underground, Greed? Do you hear that little voice amongst the sea of souls in you, Greed?
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And the second half of this chapter is the start of a new arc. Kimblee is released from prison to help the Homunculi out. His and Envy's conversation implies he's been affiliated with them for some time now. He probably was working with them before Ishbal, hence why he was entrusted with a Philosopher's Stone.
At this point Lust is dead and Gluttony is out of commission. Sloth is away doing a job. Wrath is stuck in Central. Greed is likely being kept on a short leash after the last one went AWOL. So that would leave just Envy and Pride able to pursue Marcoh. Obviously, Pride would never deign to do such a menial task. Meanwhile, Envy's power is likely too valuable and their temperament too volatile to go on a long term mission like this.
Ency drove by the Lab 5 ruins when they told Kimblee his second stone was made from the researchers.
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Roy is coming up with a new plan after everything he's learned. Before, he thought he was playing chess. His goal was to take down the enemy king. But now that an internal takeover is impossible, he's choosing to play a new game with a new deck and a new set of rules.
Roy thought his opponent was Bradley, but it turns out he's just a piece on the board. So Roy's new plan is to win not by checkmating his opponent's king, but rather by killing his opponent.
Roy mentioned how Reole fell to riots only after Central got involved. Years ago, he questioned why the military went to such trouble to exterminate the Ishbalans. The dots are literally being connected.
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sketch-mer-6195 · 1 year
I'm back~
It's been a very, very, very long time since touching anything remotely related to LOTR or The Hobbit. But these past couple of months, Forsaken has nagged at me to read it once more and officially get through this series and be able to write once again!
Sadly with the name change on my account, it got rid of the series as a whole... thank the Allspark for google docs.
So, for this.... I'm going back to my roots when I first started here on Tumblr. Just to give me some nostalgia. A little drabble of my first OC for The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
This is a spoiler as well to the sequel of Forsaken (which there are added spoilers of what is yet to come in Forsaken for those who have read up to chapter 14.) I shall bring back Forsaken once more after proofreading and tweaking it where needed. For now, please enjoy.
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Sisílla, growing up in Rivendell, was always escorted by Lindir or by one of Elrond's three children. When she was introduced to Aragorn, at that time a young lad, she found him different but a pleasant boy. Her only interaction with the race of Men and he, growing up with the Elves, gave her high hopes that Men were all kind and understanding.
But during her journey with Thorin and Company and meeting Bard and the people of Laketown, she had mixed feelings towards them. Not hate or disgust, except for Alfred who was a leech, but not in love or confident. She felt the air around the Town Master of his greed. Nowhere near as bad as the Dragon Sickness that Thorin faced. But she also found the compassion and dedication with Bard and his children. It was the glimmer of hope that she needed and he was the one that visited her, after the Battle of the Five Armies, during and after the funeral of Thorin, Fíli and Kíli and the crowning of Daín. King Bard was there for her, as a friend and one she could speak to when she needed to escape Erebor from the painful memories.
After several years and returning to Rivendell, Aragorn had been one of the first to welcome Sisílla home and knew by her hollow voice and meek smile that she had changed from her travels. As years passed and many moons later, Aragorn and Sisílla grew closer. She was his ward. And when he chose to become a Ranger, Aragorn apologized to her only to see her smile and her silver blinded eye glimmer with tears of joy.
"Mellon, there is no need for apologies. I have waited for this day for you to seek your own fate."
With a small kiss to his cheek, she bid him farewell and watched from the visions she had seen before to make sure he was safe.
As the years passed and the dark whispers in shadows began to crawl across Middle-Earth, rumors of the One Ring had begun to flock near and far. Raven's from Moria had stopped, that was a first sign for Sisílla. And then the sudden darkness and sense of dread came like a thunderstorm when Arwen brought Frodo to the kingdom after being stabbed by a wraith's blade. Elrond's council had sent word about the One Ring had survived all these years later.
Legolas Greenleaf, prince of Mirkwood. Gimli, son of Gloin. And Boromir, son of Denethor and captain of Gondor's army. All but he was welcomed by Sisílla as Elrond felt uneasy with the likes of Boromir. He had faith that he would help with bringing the Ring to Mordor to be destroyed. But to know that the Seer or Middle-Earth was also in Rivendell. It would have brought unwanted attention to the young woman who was not needing the stress of a Man whose father was not one to think clearly.
But it wasn’t to last for Boromir had begun to wonder and view the sights and landscape that was Rivendell. Light, peaceful, away from danger and war. Something that was so foreign to the Captain. With the moon taking its place in the night sky, he couldn’t help but take a slow and deep breath as the cool mountain air that welcomed him happily. But something caught his eye down below. Something made of starlight. To be correct... someone. Fair skinned and hair long and soft. Braided in a simple but intricate design. A circlette adorning her crown, and a pale blue and silver gown that was as delicate as the moons rays that followed her path. He watched with great interest of this maiden. He had not seen her, yet she looked as though of great importance based off of her attire. But something was not right. She was in no where related to an elf yet, she held herself with the same grace and obedience of them.
As she slowed to a stop and slowly turned towards the direction of where the moon hung, he noticed something fare more striking.
Her eyes.
They were that of diamonds. Brilliant and bright. More dazzling than any star in the night sky.
Enraptured by her beauty, Boromir for once, lost his ability to breath until she begun her walk once more. How can such a maiden capture him such as her?
Elrond's council was in session for the start of an important conversation. The Ring of Sauron was upon them. Men, Elves and Dwarves all under one council. But there was one seat that was open and placed next to Lord Elrond himself to his left. "It seems that we have one more?" Gandalf spoke, his pipe perched between his lips.
"And who would that be? If they had word of this council, they would have been here like the rest of us." Boromir said hotly as his patience grew thin with waiting on the late comer.
But it was pushed aside as the rest of the council murmured in awe, some in shock, two of which were honored to be in the presence. Confused from all the quiet excitement, Boromir turned to see where everyone was pointing and looking only to swallow his own words in a thick gulp. Walking in such silence and elegant grace, adorned in a velvety green gown that matched the color of mint and her same circlette and long silvery white hair, the maiden walked with Lindir by her side to the seat next to Elrond.
As she sat straight with such poise her silvery clouded eyes, unfocused but dazzled like diamonds, Boromir couldn't think. Stories were told and rumors spread. But to be in the presence of the Oracle or Rivendell herself was something more to add with the Ring of Power in the possession of the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. Maybe having his father send him to the council instead of Faramir was for the best. To bring the One Ring and the Oracle to his father would help defend Gondor, bring a beacon of hope to his people, and have the power to stop all enemies from Mordor.
Or so he hopes...
It's been a long time and I am so happy to have this here to give me the drive once again. For those who I am tagging... please let me know if you would like to stay tagged or not. I know it's been a very long time since writing for this franchise, but know that you all are what brought me to tumble to start off with. Especially you @luna-xial. With your amazing fiction work, you helped me face my biggest fears of sharing my written work to the world.
Taglist: @lathalea @laurfilijames @wordspin-shares @notlostgnome @blairsanne @welcome-to-writers-haven @luna-xial @i-did-not-mean-to @tolkien-fantasy @sillydowneyboat @lonikje @fizzyxcustard @middleearthpixie @sirmacbethbeth @myselfandfantasy @mysticboombox @sweetestgbye
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kattythingz · 2 months
Hi!! My nephew got me to watch fmab and i just finished last night, i went looking for fics and ive been binge reading Crown today :] my first fma fic and im having the time of my LIFE
Like ok Greed and Ling are two of my faves and just. The way you write them. Both their dynamic and them individually just UGH. YOU GET IT!! and oooooohhhh the repeat symbolism with Ed being golden and the sun and warm just. You have to understand what a sucker I am for poetic prose ESPECIALLY for relationships.
Also I wasnt 100% sold on edling before but you have solidly convinced me. And AROACE ED!!!<3<3 tbh I wouldve been commenting on the actual fic but sometimes I get too hyped and my words abandon me, plus Ive been so immersed in reading that a couple times I didnt notice pressing the 'next chapter' button. (also, off topic but I noticed of you add a nose to :] it looks like Gluttony. :o] )
Dude I was having a kinda shit day before I got this ask and SUDDENLY YOU HIT ME IN THE SOLAR PLEXUS??? I don't even know where to start ;;
First of all: WELCOME!!! I'm genuinely so (so so so) honored to be your entry point to the fandom! I hope you have a nice stay! And uh I apologize for maybe ruining your standards right out the gate XD I'm so happy to hear about Greedling's dynamic! They were a bit of a struggle to figure out cuz canon doesn't super elaborate on their relationship growth, but seems I did well enough! I'M ALSO HYPED TO HEAR THAT ABOUT MY PROSE. Imma be so real, but Ling's pov was solely an excuse for me to wax poetic about Ed. For every sun/gold symbolism I wrote, there was a stupid grin on my face to match. I love Ling loving Ed so much.
TALLY UP ANOTHER ONE FOR THE EDLING CRUISE, WOOOOOO. I'm glad I helped you see the light >:D AND ARO 👏 ACE 👏 ED 👏, YES BITCH. The only valid take on him, I dare say /j
Thank you so much for taking the time to send this. I hope you have as wonderful a day as I did from getting these sweet words <3
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sukirichi · 2 years
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[ DUSK ‘TILL DAWN : 007 ]
“we who bear the burden of the crown do not need to love. you only need to stay here, with me, in power, in greed, in lust – in victory.”
c/w. modern royal au. infidelity. angst. gaslighting. toxic characters. suggestive. toxic relationships. mentions of neglect and abuse. hurt and comfort. it’s cringy when suna calls us ‘my love.’ half heartedly edited.
notes. this chapter is dedicated to all my fellow oikawa fuckers, enjoy <33 i’m really in love with how deep his character can be like lowkey he has more personality (as of now) than rintaro lol
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[ SEVEN ] i know you don’t really see my worth. you think you’re the last guy on earth, well, i’ve got news for you. i know i’m not that strong, but it won’t take long
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 “Would you stop pacing?” Prince Tooru reprimanded. His wife, the ever-so-sweet Maiko, jumped a little at the sting of his voice. She was no longer an alien to his harshness, nor was it anything new for her the way he sent daggers her direction. “It’s an eyesore.”
“My apologies, Your Highness. I just... I’m extremely worried for the Princess.”
The Prince kept flicking through the television. However, behind his uncaring facade, he shared the same sentiments as her. Everyone would be lying if they said the entire manor hadn’t been deadly quiet the entire night, save for the hushed whispers between your servants appalled by Rintaro’s display. Tooru was actually impressed they hadn’t called your parents by now. Your servants watched you grow up and had been loyal to your family for years, yet not a single one of them stopped the Crown Prince from dragging their precious Princess like she was nothing but prey. Then again, Tooru mused, maids from a noble family would never go against the crown.
“You heard what Kiyoomi said. The Princess wants space, and Suna will not let us step a foot outside either. We have no choice but to await her return.”
“Would she even return?”
Hearing the scuffle of her feet rubbing against the carpet one more time, Tooru dragged a palm down his face. “Look. I cannot answer your questions, so can we please just go to sleep?” Sleep, of course, meaning that Prince Tooru enjoyed the luxury of your guest room’s king-sized bed while his wife remained on the couch. Hell, he was kind enough to share the same room as her.
Unbothered by the Prince’s nonchalance, Maiko gazed at her feet and fiddled with her fingers.
“Your Highness, I-I know this sounds far-fetched of me, but would you grant me a small favour? I promise I would repay you generously—”
“If you offer to leave me the fuck alone for a month, I might consider it.”
Maiko’s head snapped up. Her husband held no trace of remorse on his face as he pulled the blankets under his chin, handsome as usual—as all the Princes were—even with his eyes peacefully closed. Such a sight made him look unbelievably gentle with the way soft, brown strands of hair brushed over his forehead. And Maiko, poor Maiko who never learned, had no choice but to swallow her pride and give in to the Prince’s request. Whether it was because she had been in love him with him for the longest time and this was the first, possibly last, chance he would ever hear out, Maiko prioritized your well-being over anything else.
“I...Of course, Your Highness. If it is what you wish.”
Tooru raised a brow in disbelief, eyes narrowed at his wife’s sagging shoulders. Just like that? Ah, but he wasn’t complaining. “Fine. What do you want?”
“Please find the Princess. O-Or at least check up on her, talk to her or something. Anything would be of great help as long as she knew she does not have to face this alone. The Princess is having a hard time and it breaks my heart to imagine she is all by herself—”
“Why don’t you go yourself if you care so badly?”
“Because...” Maiko frowned, “If the Crown Prince catches me, I am done for. He might be far more merciful to you considering you are his brother.”
“That is hilarious,” Tooru couldn’t hold back a guffaw. “You think Rintaro would be less bothered if his brother sought out his damsel in distress of a wife? Oh, how gold. Has it not crossed your mind that Rintaro is oddly possessive over his wife? He thinks either Kiyoomi and I will snag her up.”
“But you will not, so—”
“What if I did, hm?” he challenged. Instantly, Maiko held her breath, awaiting the threat—or rather the possibility—that Tooru didn’t jester. He had always made it clear how he didn’t want her. Expressing at any opportunity he could take about his desire to have had the privilege to choose who he could have been married to, and Maiko knew exactly what he was doing. The Prince, just like now, was simply reminding her the consequences of her actions. But she must have been a true masochist as she remained mum in her spot the longer he continued, sitting up now and tilting his head with a smirk. “The Princess is gorgeous. I could easily choose her over you any day, so let me ask—would you still want me to find her and lend her a shoulder to cry on?”
Be strong, Maiko—was what she must be thinking. And honestly? Tooru thought it was complete, utter bullshit. She could plant her feet on the ground as solidly as she could, but he refused to have his bones buried next to hers.
Maiko had already taken his life.
He should choose his own death now, and if that meant slowly driving a dagger deep into her heart and carving out his to place into the mercy of your hands—because god forbid, you would be death of everyone someday—then Tooru would have no regrets. To have his fate intertwined with yours, whether the outcome may be bitter or would shatter him to pieces, would be honourable. A heaven in comparison to the hell bowing his head at him right now.
“We are family now, Your Highness. She needs us.”
“I take that as a yes?” Tooru mocked. He didn’t wait for her response as he was swiping his car keys off the counter the next second, his jacket shrugged on and halfway out the door before he sang, “As you wish, my dear.”
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There are some things Tooru would never admit out loud. One, how he grew up closest to Kiyoomi and Keiji out of their shared love for literature, and that those two brothers of his held one of his most embarrassing secrets on how Tooru loved romantic novels. Jane Austen? He personally booked a theatre all for himself just to watch the film adaptations of her works. Margaret Mitchell? Tooru had handmade notebooks buried deep within his study filled with his favourite lines from her in perfect cursive; the younger version of him fantasizing about what it felt like to yearn for somebody your being felt incomplete without them. Two, how grateful he was deep down that Maiko had asked him to find you, because truth be told, only Rintaro got in his way. He would have ran after you hours ago the moment his bastard brother returned to the manor without his wife in tow. But appearances must be kept, trouble must be avoided if it provided more conflict than entertainment, and looking at it now, Tooru didn’t quite regret his previous actions.
The pitch-black sky felt more comforting than haunting as he pulled out of the driveway and headed to town. Maiko informed him you were at your family’s bed and breakfast, quite possibly asleep, but fuck it, right? Tooru convinced himself he wasn’t doing this for his wife. Never for Maiko, but not quite for you, either. Other than having a miserably pretty face that wasn’t as adored as it should be, and a heart bigger than Maiko was capable of, Tooru came to a conclusion he was doing it for himself.
Yes, he was simply a bored prince. Dragged into the edge of the country with no phones to use since Maiko would just snoop around, and Rintaro didn’t help with the situation by driving everybody apart. Even Kiyoomi seemed more of a bore than usual. So yes, Tooru was fetching you for his own gain, because surely listening to a broken hearted woman weep about her woes sounded far more entertaining than pretending to be asleep back at the manor.
No. He did not care about you at all.
He does not care one bit as he found you minutes later, sulking like a little child on the swings under an old sycamore tree whose leaves danced amongst the wind. He would admit, however, that you were undeniably beautiful. You always had been.
With a fresh face that granted him the luxury of seeing how crestfallen, forlorn eyes could remain dull under the moonlight’s gleam, Tooru tightened his grip on the scotch bottle. He wondered how sadness could look so beguiling on someone—whatnot with the lines of your frown and the absence of light you usually emanated. You sat there unaware of his presence looming overhead of you before you kicked and up high you flew. Skirt flowing at the same time you finally turned your head to look up at the sky, eyes glistening with tears and kissable lips quivering with slow, shuddered breaths he knew held back a sob. Tooru couldn’t help but find it befitting how you would one day hold power over everyone, because you were capable of breaking hearts. You could ruin kingdoms and tear everything apart. Yet, Tooru also knew how gentle you could be. He had shared enough family dinners with you to grow envious—no matter if he was aware they were all a sham—with the way you and Rintaro would share knowing smiles with each other like you both spoke a secret language exclusive only for those who had experienced falling in love.
Was this why Rintaro was so adamant in keeping you?
Had his brother even looked at you this way?
You made princes like him who grew up skilled in the arts of swordsmanship and combat weak in the knees. All you had to do was keep kicking your feet and fly higher up in the air and Tooru wouldn’t have argued if somebody told him he saw a fairy that night. A fairy who shed tears for a man unworthy of it. A fairy who mourned for a love that was never hers and whose cries were as muted as the dumbfounded Prince tracing the shape of your lips with his eyes and wonders, what would his name sound like if you whispered it to his ears? Would it feel biblical if Tooru could also share a secret language with you and murmur it into the crevices of your palm in a promising kiss, or would your words curse him into a thoughtless follower who walked into his own demise? You would be his Queen, after all. You would be the one he would fight for his life with, and whose wishes would become his command—his only good reason for living.
“Fuck,” Tooru muttered under his breath as he leant against his car. He could already feel his heart pounding. And for what? The spine-chilling realization of—or more like could no longer deny—that he found his brother’s wife mesmerizing? “Fuck you, Rintaro. I don’t wanna be like you. I’m not stealing anybody’s wife.”
Tooru chanted those words in his head like a mantra.
He needed more than a bottle of alcohol to get him through the night without accidentally blurting anything stupid, which he was certain was the last thing you needed. Tonight, you needed a friend. You needed someone with genuine intentions after being cruelly dragged into a make believe story of Prince meets Beauty, only to wake up with an unfortunate twist of Beauty and the Beast where happy endings didn’t exist when Rintaro was the Beast through and through.
Tonight, you would not be Prince and Princess.
Tooru would come as himself, and with a clear of his throat, plastered on his infamous smirk. “The night is too good to spend alone, Your Highness. I am quite certain no lovely woman would envision their honeymoon to turn out this way.”
You halted your body from swinging up.
Eyes widening at the sight of the Fifth Prince in nothing but sleepwear and a coat, your mouth falls open. You must have remembered you were now a Princess and had to act properly in front of a royal blood that you sat up straight. The action had Tooru sucking in a sharp breath before making himself comfortable on the swing beside you, opting to stare out in the vast fields because his chest was fluttering at the look on your face. How relieved you seemed upon seeing him. Like he was your hero even if he was far from having heroic attributes, and Tooru bit the insides of his cheeks.
He loathed how that passing moment made him feel important and brought a tint to his cheeks.
“Your Highness,” you began, “Wh-What brings you here?”
“To comfort a certain lonely Princess,” he winked, and you respond with a surprised squeak. “What? Can’t believe that the most handsome Prince is now your knight in shining armour? Don’t flatter yourself, though. This will not be a daily occurrence and—”
“Thank you.” Ducking your head, you stare at your lap, and Tooru patiently waited for you to continue speaking. He could see your eyes water as you swallow audibly, “I...I did not think anyone would bother to come find me, much less you, my Prince. Out of everybody, I thought you might have cared the least, but forgive me for I was mistaken.”
“Well,” he shrugged, “Not everyone is as heartless as Rintaro. Not your fault too that you thought of me that way.”
The both of you share a knowing smile—his telling you that you would be alright, and you reciprocating a thankful one. A comfortable silence settled after that. None of you found the need to talk about anything when Tooru wasn’t the best at comforting, and you were more than satisfied for the company. It shocked him, though, how he unexpectedly ended up playing in the swings with his brother’s wife at three in the morning, surrounded by nothing but grass and the faint sounds of crickets chirping. The wind would occasionally hum, and so did you.
The intimate beginning of a core memory felt like a scene straight out of a novel, but Tooru knew better. As much as he cherished this moment of sharing a silence with somebody in a world filled with people demanding for answers and explanations, Tooru understood this moment would not last. He had to remind himself he wasn’t your Prince. You weren’t his Princess. You were both just royals stripped of their titles until they were reduced to nothing but humans at their rawest form—a Princess with a disloyal husband, a broken heart and pride, and him as a Prince who didn’t quite knew where he belonged. At least, Tooru knew his place, and maybe that was why it felt a bit wrong to be the one next to you this moment. You were newly married and should be having this emotional intimacy with your husband. Not his brother. It was a constant fight of push and pull in his brain of wanting to be greedy and have more for this, whatever the fuck this was, whatever the fuck it meant now that you were smiling to yourself without saying anything, but Tooru chose to be the bigger person and stop kicking his feet.
“Say,” he scrunched his nose, “The town is dead, and you look like you have a lot to get off your chest. What do you say about a drive up the hill? You can scream as much as you want there.”
“Scream? Why would I scream?”
“Curse out Rintaro. I do that a lot when he gets on my nerves.”
When you laughed at his words, Tooru had to stop himself from getting too ahead of himself. Surely, it didn’t mean anything at all that he just made a pretty Princess laugh, even if your laugh was so airy and sounded so nice he would have taken full credit of doing a job well done for being a temporary friend.
“That does not sound too bad. In fact, I know a spot.”
The spot being a ten minute walk up the hill, far enough to be hidden from the prying gaze despite everybody being asleep but close enough that Tooru could retrace the steps back to the town in fear you would get lost again. Not that he had to worry. You were already steps ahead of him, shoes looped into your fingers as your toes dug into the bare earth—the very spitting image of a woman he couldn’t have most with sparkling hair pins keeping the strands kissed by the wind at bay.
Right. He needed to look away.
You were not his to appreciate.
“How did you find me, Prince Tooru?” you asked when you’d both settled next to each other, knees slightly brushing with every relaxed move.
Prying his eyes away from your fingers spreading to let the blades of grass peek through the spaces, Tooru raised a shoulder. Stop, he chastised himself. Do not muse about how strong the soil must be that night to carry the unspoken sorrows that weighed heavier than earth itself. Do not put yourself into the shoes birthed with a responsibility you were not man enough to step in on.
“Let’s just say that my wife and I never really went to the shop centres. That was nothing but a lame excuse we had to tell her parents. Instead, I roamed around this lovely town of yours and wished earlier that this might as well be my spot—but of course, this has always been yours, isn’t it?” he attempted to lighten the mood, “You have a lovely view from here.”
While his view from his bedroom, up north in the Inarizaki Tower, granted him the vision of a god who saw all from the citizens rising early in the morning to mill about for work to children laughing as they chased each other outside their parents’ humble, little shops, nothing could have compared to the serenity of Greenville. Miles and miles of land rich with flowers and fruitful trees laid home to rows of grapevines; its scent so addicting the Prince might as well have gotten drunk from a single whiff. The land stretched overhead until the peak of the mountains along the edge allowed room for the sun to stretch its arms out in a few hours’ time. Crickets chirped. The wind sang a lullaby that put the people to sleep, and he had you next to him. Close enough he might have plucked out the flower tempting him nearby with its dulcet beauty and humorously recite you poetry like he was your lover if that would make you smile.
Unfortunately, you didn’t share the same sentiments as him. “I doubt anything could be lovely from now on.”
“Don’t let my brother get to you.”
“That is easy for you to say,” you exhaled, “You and your brothers all the same. We, as wives, never meant anything significant to your hearts. You throw us to the side away like we are lesser than dust. I doubt you could even understand my pain when you are clearly incapable of being a good husband with the inability to feel love.”
Biting back his tongue to ask “don’t you want to prove me wrong about that?”, Tooru blew a low whistle. “You don’t pull your punches, do you? That is harsh.”
“Well, I see no need to coddle you, my Prince. You are a grown man who needs to realize his own disgusting flaws.”
At any other day, Tooru would’ve taken the unnecessary projection of your own heartbreak out to him with disdain, but today was different. For his own entertainment, he would be a little kinder. A little more patient. So he let it slide, and masked his confused heart with the one thing he had perfected—the all-too-confident smile that made men and women weak in the knees. The smile that brought him to where he is now, married and unhappy.
“Oh, there is no need, Princess. I am more than well aware of what makes me terrible,” he admitted, “What my brother did was wrong. There is no excuse for his behaviour, but you must understand—this is all very common to us now. Rintaro was able to deceive you like that because he had seen it with his own eyes; how marriages needed to be successful politically but never romantically, and once he has a goal in mind, nothing is stopping him from achieving that,” it was more of a warning than a reminder, and Tooru snuck a glance to confirm if you understood where he was going. “Do not take it personally, Princess. Rintaro would have been a liar either way whether it was you or not that he first laid his eyes on.”
“Is that supposed to comfort me?”
“I am shit at comforting others—” a laugh was pulled from him before the Prince steals the bottle from your hands and takes a swig. “—but I do sincerely hope you stop crying now.”
His words had the opposite effect. Not even past the neck of the bottle, you choked before him in a fit of sniffles and sobs. Eyes puffy and red, lips wobbly and fingers angrily wiping away at the tears you desperately tried to conceal from his stupefied gaze. “What do you care whether I cry or not?”
Out of instinct, Tooru’s arm reached out to stop you from pinching your cheeks.
Slapped by logic, on the other hand, his arm retreated by itself because he was only here to comfort, not to reassure. And bound by the foolishness that was called the never-learning vulnerable heart, Tooru found himself in the middle of heaven and hell as he sighs. “Believe it or not, Princess, but I do care,” was his confession, though before you could ponder too much about it, the Prince was already hogging the scotch. “Implausible, is it not? But I do not blame you for it. I know I seem unable to care about others when I hate my own wife, even if she has been nothing but an angel to me.”
“So you know Princess Maiko adores you. Why do you not treat her with the same kindness, then?”
Princess Maiko again. It always had to circle back to her.
“She annoys me. She clings to me like an obsessed leech and demands affection when she knows I have no interest in reciprocating it,” he scoffed, “It is for her own good, though. There is no point to fool herself we can be happy together when I never wanted to be married. It is better to break her heart from the beginning than be sweet to her and get her hopes up.” The Prince held no room for argument. Palms leaning back on the grass, he extends his leg and crosses them as he glares at the sky like the darkness caused all this trouble. “No idea what anybody told you, but Princess Maiko and I were not married under the Queen’s choice. It was Maiko’s.”
“Princess Maiko...proposed to you?”
“Something like that. Maiko is a year younger than me, and naturally, since our families had close connections to each other, I grew up treating her like my little sister. She was always clumsy and stupid that I feared she’d get into trouble if not properly watched over. Little did I know that my concern for her would grow into being lovesick, and next thing I know, she is begging with the Queen to marry me. One thing led to another, the Queen saw potential in our union, and now here we are.”
“You make it sound like you had no choice in this, yet you still let her walk down that aisle. Are you sure you are not just using the Queen as an excuse?”
“If I did not marry Maiko, the Queen would have kicked me out the palace.”
“That is legal?”
Tooru wore a face that said beats me. “When there are too many Princes in a patriarchal monarchy, there will be hierarchy among our worth. The First Prince is already worthy to remain in the family as the eldest heir, and then Rintaro is the only child of the King and Queen. Prince Shinsuke will never have to worry about not being Prince when his mother plays a large role in the Kingdom as one of their best lawyers. The twins, too, come from a wealthy mother whose chain of businesses greatly benefits the palace. The youngest, Prince Tobio, is naturally adored by everybody else. He is given everything without having to ask for it. But the rest of us? We have to fight for our place in the dinner table. My clan is not exactly on good terms with the royal family, either.”
“But did you not say you did not care about being Prince?”
“I don’t. The duties of a Prince wears me out and I hate having to put on a facade all the time, but I have no place where I belong in,” his voice grew somber, the tips of his ears tinting red at the realization he was actually being vulnerable to someone who wasn’t his brother. Hell, he didn’t even trust his brothers anymore the night titles mattered more than familial bond, yet here he was. “My mother... her family does not accept me because she was a married woman who had me after having an affair with the King, and the King never looked at me once when I was born. He merely had me to establish ties with the Oikawa Clan, but when he realized my maternal grandparents barely recognized me as their own, I was useless to him. So as much as I despise being a Prince, it is the only way I can actually live. If not for my title, I would have already been sent to the streets.”
Tooru was quietly begging whatever gods looked down on him that you wouldn’t look at him with pity. The last thing he wanted was to be pitiful.
Sneaking a glance after a split second decision dissolved his worries, because you were far from seeing him as less. No, you glanced at him more out of curiosity. Like if he allowed you to give it more thought, you could magically have a solution. “Then...if you are not that important to them despite being an heir to one of three founding clans, why could Prince Kiyoomi not be important, as well? He is the Second Prince. Is that why he married Princess Iris—to ensure his title of a Prince?”
“Nobody knows why Iris and Kiyoomi got married, and neither will anyone of them talk about it. None of us were even invited to their wedding. We just woke up the next day and found out our brother had gotten married with minimal preparations, but it was all over the news. The Kingdom ate their marriage and claimed it to be a firmer peace treaty over Inarizaki and Itachiyama.”
You hid a sniffle.
“...How long has Prince Suna and Princess Iris been together?”
Tooru believed it was best you knew less. But the look on your face begged, pleaded to have that certain itch scratched that Tooru had to give in. “They met when they were in high school,” he supplied, albeit hesitantly, “Iris was a scholar of the royal family as her mother was a loyal follower of the Queen despite being born in Itachiyama, and Iris was an intelligent girl. They hit it off ever since, but drifted apart due to obvious reasons. Then they met again right after the wedding, and have been inseparable ever since.”
God. He really shouldn’t have said it. He had barely finished speaking before you pulled your knees up to your chest, head buried between your legs and sobs stifled in the eerie silence. “Oh my god. I look like a fool, don’t I? They’ve known each other forever.”
“None of this was your fault, Princess. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
“It was my fault, though. I-I knew all this time,” you were full on sobbing by now. “I found out the night we announced our engagement. Ever since that day, I knew whatever we had was never real, but I proceeded with the wedding anyway because I hoped he would still look at me the same way. D-Do you have any idea how much it hurts to learn that you were never loved in the first place?”
Your voice cracked with every sharp breath. Fingers lifting to dig into your scalp deep enough the skin turned raw, and Tooru was immediately peeling your hands away from yourself. “Princess, breathe. Do not hurt yourself—”
“It kills me, Your Highness. I have never felt this pathetic before.”
“I can’t stop looking in the mirror and find a warped reflection of myself staring back,” you wail and flick his arm away, like the thought of being touched by someone else repulsive. “Every day, I see nothing but my flaws and insecurities and think, is this why he doesn’t love me? Am I not pretty enough? Am I not good enough? Will I never compare to Iris? I feel so horribly ugly and disgusted of my own skin.”
“Don’t think that. You’re beautiful.”
“His Highness said otherwise—”
“My brother is fucking stupid for taking you for granted. If you were mine, I would have never made you feel like you were not good enough.”
Your head slowly turns to face him, the previous sobs now dwindling into little sniffles, but Tooru was already looking away. Downing his wine before you could say anything else. Drinking fast enough his brain felt muddled and there was an ache forming at the back of his head, but anything. Anything to escape the prying eyes wet with tears as the confession settled into the air.
He either fucked it up, or started a new chapter along the way.
The sound of you crying harder again brought him no answer.
“I w-wish...he thought the same way.”
What did it all mean? This moment... when you looked at him now, clinging to whatever hope was left in your love struck heart. When you looked at him now, smile flattened upon the mutual understanding that maybe this was what it meant. Not quite friendship, not quite partnership, not quite acquaintances—but the gentle promise that when the castle and its burdens grew too suffocating, you would have the Fifth Prince to run to out of the thousand others living under the grand halls of royalty. And if you had even the slightest inkling that perhaps Tooru might be growing too warm in a cold night, he was comforted enough by the fact you and him were as impossible as him and his wife.
Whatever attraction he held for you simply had to die. Whatever happened tonight stays within this spot closest to the stars in a quiet town called Greenville.
“Let him go,” was all Tooru could offer before his hand covered yours—that silly smile returning on his face again as if to say the pain would pass. “He’s stupid, anyway.”
“Right.” Finally, fucking finally, you smile brighter than he ever could. “He is stupid.”
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“What the fuck were you doing with my wife?”
No good thing ever lasted. It was a fact Tooru learned the hard way, and had to relearn once more when he brought you back ‘home.’ After an hour and a half more of sharing jokes that slowly, the both of you were forming your own secret language Rintaro would not be a part of, you decided to loosen up a bit and steal the rest of his drink. Well, he brought it for you, but he didn’t quite expect you to rummage around his own hidden stash in the car of flasks, only to be giggling and practically dead weight in his arms later on.
It was good until it lasted.
It was good until he showed up. Tooru hadn’t stopped scowling since your husband bundled you in his jacket and held you like you were a fragile woman in need of care. Sure, you could be, but if Rintaro knew it all along, why hadn’t he been more careful since the beginning? Tooru hated inconsistency. Hated lying out of everything—all of the traits his younger brother was an expert of.
It was absolutely revolting how he immediately took on the role of a concerned husband and carried you to bed when you passed out in his arms—like he hadn’t been the reason you felt the need to drink yourself to such a state.
“Only what you should have done.”
Rintaro grabbed him by the collar, their eyes levelled but neither giving in. “Don’t mess with me, Tooru. You think I don’t know what you’re doing, huh? Making my wife warm up to you so you can mess up everything I worked hard for?”
“I didn’t do shit. You ruined everything by yourself and you know it.”
“You still had no business going after her like that.”
“Are you fuckin’ serious?” gritting his teeth, Tooru shoved Rin back hard enough his back hit the doorframe. Although the impact didn’t cause too much of a sound, he still glanced your way to see if you had awoken before lowering his voice. “Your wife cried for hours. She could barely breathe well from how overwhelmed she is, and what were you doing? Oh, that’s right. Fucking your mistress while your wife wondered over and over again just what made her so unworthy of love in your eyes. It’s actually pathetic that such an amazing woman would shed these much tears over a man who can’t even tell her the truth about his malicious nature!”
Rintaro snickered, and it took all of Tooru’s patience to not punch his brother.
“Since when have you cared about the Princess?”
“Maybe we all do, Rintaro! Maybe every single one of us is tired that you and your mother are the exact same—you do nothing but manipulate people for your own gain and then wonder why your lives are so miserable! Your wife loves you, Rin. She would forgive you at the blink of an eye but it does not give you the right to abuse her kindness.”
“That is hypocritical coming from you. You talk as if you do not neglect your wife and leave her crying, too.”
“Maiko, Maiko, it’s always about stupid, fucking Maiko!” he fumed, “Don’t fucking pit me with you, asshole. You courted Princess Y/N for two years and had no intention of coming clean about your sins. Everybody knows I never wanted this marriage. It was Maiko who bound me with these shackles because she was obsessed with me!”
Rintaro was at a loss of words.
He, too, knew that in some way, Tooru had been better. Tooru had always been consistent over his disapproval of the marriage, and had no choice but to accept it in order to survive the harsh environment of the palace. But did Rintaro care?
Obviously not.
“Go back home. I don’t need you here.”
Tooru scoffed. “If it brings you any comfort—” with his back turned to his brother, he glared at him one last time on the way out. “I didn’t come here of my own volition. It was Maiko who requested me to go. Nobody’s out here stealing who isn’t theirs.” An excuse, a valid reason, a half truth—call it what you wanted. Tooru wasn’t sure himself either which one of it he truly meant when he could still smell your perfume all over him on the drive back to the manor.
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At one point in your life, you became a Princess before you married a Prince.
It happened that one fateful night. Where elites, nobles, royals, and all the important figures in the world gathered in a grandiose castle in celebration of a Prince’s eighteenth birthday. Naturally, as the daughter of two of the trusted followers of the throne, you had been invited. You could still picture it all clearly—the weeks ahead of preparation despite being a guest who would most likely befriend the shadows and be accompanied by the walls until the party ended. Still, your mother insisted you be dressed to the nines. Calling out for the best dressmakers to travel to Inarizaki with the sole purpose of transforming you into—as what your mother called —“a butterfly who attracted attention, but would be out of reach.”
You were close to telling your mother she would return home from the party disappointed. Unless she could accept you were more of a moth who clung to the unknown corners.
Not that you thought lowly of yourself, but you preferred the term... realistic. Yes, realistic was what you were. You simply accepted the fact you weren’t the prettiest, the most sociable, nor the most interesting woman to ever be attending these balls. Perhaps only slightly above average all thanks to the respectable status and money you were born with, but otherwise not as dreamy as your mother painted you out to be.
See, you weren’t the best dancer. Your mother had given up halfway into dancing classes once she realized you were a lost cause. Little did the both of you know, that from that night onwards, the young woman who had two left feet would someday master the art of dancing all to impress a certain Prince who wouldn’t stop looking at her that night.
His name was Suna Rintaro—the Crown Prince by birth.
And you had caught his eye.
In fact, you must have captured his entire attention and bewitched his whole being that he was unable to take his eyes off of you and pushed through the crowd, all to ask for a dance.
You said yes. He said you made him the happiest man that night.
“Truly?” he echoed, as if a gorgeous Prince like him ever experienced his dance invitations rejected before. “You would dance with me?”
“It would be my pleasure, Your Highness. I...I am not great at dancing though,” you began to stutter, palms growing damp behind the lace gloves. “Perhaps you ought to find somebody better? I am uncertain I am the best choice to dance with tonight—”
“You are the best choice,” the Prince grinned, and your heart skipped a beat in awe at how someone could be effortlessly charming. You barely even noticed he was already leading you to the dance floor until you felt a hundred pair of eyes on you. All these people who bore more importance and held heavier money in their pockets witnessed how the Prince slid his warm hand above your waist then, his smile just as soothing as the little finger rubs to ease your nerves. “You are—” he leant closer, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “The only one who I want to share this dance with.”
 You awoke with a jolt, heart pounding a mile a minute as the memory replayed in your head. Like a film caught on tape, you could still hear the violins singing at the top of their lungs, the cello hitting deep notes that vibrated within your bones. You could still feel the warmth of the Prince’s touch as he danced the night away with you. How gentle he had been to walk you out the gardens just to shyly murmur how he found you beautiful.
Until suddenly you were not—or more like, you had never been beautiful to him.
“My love,” a voice—one that used to be comforting but now only brought pain—broke you out of your reverie. “I prepared breakfast for you. We should go downstairs and eat.”
Your husband, Rintaro, sat at the edge of your bed with a pinched frown. As if he was worried. He had no right to be, yet somehow, there was still that voice at the back of your head rejoicing in delight. Because he came. He came to find you. You woke up with him, and sure, it didn’t erase yesterday’s events, but could it mean something? You so badly wanted to reach out to him when his hand snaked across the mattress to find yours. Offering you a small squeeze. Looking so concerned you would have believed it all over again.
How was it possible someone could be both your happiness and torment?
No! your inner voice screamed at you. Don’t let him get close.
Blinking back the tears you hadn’t noticed arrived, you kicked the blankets off of you and trudged to the bathroom when you felt bile rise from your throat. Right. Such great timing. You were pushing the toilet lid up the next second, knees scraping against the floor as you emptied your stomach. Your head pounded as you did so, and you winced, remembering just now how Prince Tooru had visited and you drank yourself to your limit.
Which, obviously, was a decision you regretted making.
“My love!” Rintaro was behind you in an instant. He rubbed your back, held your hair up as you retched a few more times, and whispered sweet nothings that did nothing but to intensify that sick feeling in your stomach. “How much did you drink? I was so worried for you, honey—”
You slapped his hand away.
“Don’t call me that.”
If Rintaro looked defeated, he hid it extremely well. “Please. I only worry for you,” he helped you up on your feet. Fortunately for him, you were too wobbly on your own legs to complain. You quietly let him sit you on the closed toilet and sat down before you, his knees brushing against your bare feet and his handsome face deceitfully worn. “Listen...we can talk about it later, alright? You need to eat first before you get even more sick.”
“You are concerned over my well-being?”
“I am—”
“It did not feel like that yesterday.”
“Please. Let’s stop fighting.” How rare for the Crown Prince to beg, much say please more than once in a row. Wasn’t he too prideful for that?
As much as you basked in how this man was now on his knees for you, you didn’t trust yourself to not give in to whatever he asked of you. True as it was that it hurt, love didn’t disappear in a night. It wasn’t that easy to un-love someone you planned your whole life with. Of course, going back to that same hellish place he put you in would truly paint you the ignoramus, but you currently didn’t have the power to say no to him just yet. It was two years of being wired to please him at all costs. And it would take more than that to unlearn all the habits you’d formed just to align with who he wanted you to be.
But things would change now. It would no longer be the same, and you could only hope the next chapters of your life would bring about a better change.
Today marked the beginning of you detaching from your husband.
Pushing past him, you walked out with clenched fists. You would not cry in front of him now. You would not let him feel the satisfaction of how perfectly he’d executed his plan of wrapping himself around your finger until the end crashed you both. You would not let him see that you still loved him, still craved him, still fucking wished he would be genuine in comforting you and not because he had to keep you as his pliant wife.
No matter how hard it was, you needed to turn your back on him from now.
“Wait,” he grabbed you by the wrist, and you nearly collapsed on the spot from how much you yearned for his touch. “Where did you get this?”
He was pertaining to the scratches on your palm. The ones you got when he rudely pushed you off. “It’s nothing,” was all you supplied, however, because he didn’t need to know. Rintaro would feel guilty and just feed you honey-like words to thaw the ice in your heart. Soon, you would be putty in his arms again if you weren’t careful enough. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Of course I worry.” He said it like this should be obvious to you by now, and you scoffed.
“Why? Because I’m not the perfect Princess you want me to be anymore now that I have wounds?”
Rintaro’s lips puckered out. “Because I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You hurt me yesterday. Funny how fast your feelings change in the span of a night, no?” you grabbed your wrist before crossing your arms against your chest. “Is this how you always were? Kind one moment, ruthless the next? You put on so many faces and tell too many lies that I have no idea who I am talking to right now. So tell me—are you my husband who promised to take care of me and cherish me until death do us part, or are you the greedy Prince who manipulated me into marrying him?”
Rintaro does not respond. Instead, he manoeuvred around the cramped space of your bathroom and reaches for the first-aid kit on the top shelf. Your husband slowly unrolls the bandages before he takes your hand in his, touch butterfly like that you wondered if he was the same man who had been aggressive yesterday. Still, you waited with baited breath, unable to stop yourself from staring at him. And blessed he was with those hazel eyes who’d seen every ugly part of you yet stayed with you anyway—whether it was out of need or he actually cared sometimes to not mind—and that soft tuft of hair you loved running your hands to. Those lips who recited empty vows and kissed you like he meant it. That voice that made your legs quiver countless nights and now, these hands wrapping the bandages around your blistered palm with patience and grace you knew you had fallen in love with.
Tears sprung once again. Chest squeezing uncomfortably as you realized you still were, and still would, be hopelessly in love with Suna Rintaro. Heart shattering all over again when you began to accept your heart would be a chamber that hung him like an oil painting that never aged through the years. How your love would remain frozen in time along with his smiles, and you loved him so much you sometimes forget he did not love you at all.
He had someone else in his heart when yours cried out no one else’s name but his.
“Why her?” you croak out weakly, nursing your bandaged palm to your chest as you leant against the wall. Feeling your knees weaken little by little. “What does she have that I do not? Why did you love her...but not me?”
“I do not want to talk about it.”
“Why her, Rintaro?”
It was the first time you called him by his first name. The shock is apparent on his face, but Rintaro opted to shake his head before wrapping an arm around your waist. “We should eat first. Then, I will you tell everything.”
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Breakfast, while not entirely comfortable, wasn’t as terrible as you expected it to be. It was difficult to stay mad at him when you were greeted by the staff who wouldn’t stop gushing about how your husband stayed up the entire night to cook for you. The said man only blushed in response, seemingly embarrassed and continuously apologizing for the mess he made in the kitchen.
Now, if Rintaro was on a mission to mess with your heart even more, it definitely worked.
All your anger dissipated as you ate the rice soup. The breakfast wasn’t anything flashy, but it contained everything you needed after a hungover. Bananas, some sliced apples, a light soup and some ginger tea to help ease your nausea. Such simple food, yet seeing as how Rintaro grew up with a silver spoon and never had to cook anything in his life before, your husband took multiple attempts to perfect the soup into a plausible taste. Not that you would ever tell him since compliments seemed far and beyond in this already failing marriage. But... you supposed, you could give him some credit. You appreciated the effort, and thanked the staff generously before you both decided to just walk back home and talk.
Greeting people as you go, your husband kept trying to hold your hand. For appearance’s sake, or because he simply wanted to have you close, you didn’t ask anymore. You shoved your hands deep into your pockets and led him into a field of dandelions—one of your favourite places as a child. The bright yellows mixing in with the lush green, along with the fresh breeze, and it would have been picture perfect.
You always wanted to visit here with Rintaro. Tell him some childhood stories. It was something you had been dreaming of around the third month of your relationship, but now that you were here standing next to your husband, you didn’t quite feel the same elation.
“This place is beautiful,” he cut the silence and faces you with a soft smile. “Imagine one day, our kids would run here with us—”
“Why are you doing this to me, Your Highness? Do you take pleasure in my suffering?”
“Princess, I—” he sighed, “Let me explain.”
“Go ahead. Tell me everything from the start and I might be kind enough to understand where you come from.”
And tell you, he did. He told you everything. From how they met, to how he had always felt this ‘pull’ with her and smiled to himself dreamily because gravity pulled him to her; they had this magnetic force that they couldn’t stay away from each other. He told you about the dreams he shared with her. The plans they made. He listed down every little thing he loved about her and remained unaware that you stood there furiously blinking back tears, because you were the wife, and you had never felt so unloved at the face of someone who proclaimed his undying affection for a woman who was not his. He reminisced about how it all went downhill when Iris married Kiyoomi, how they were so lonely that they just found home in each other. He couldn’t help it, he said, I just knew I needed to do everything to make her mine.
We were meant for each other.
And you? Who were you meant for? Perhaps, you were destined for this sick, twisted fate where you felt like the outsider, the third party, the side character, in a story that was supposed to be yours? He looked so in love. And you knew, because you mirrored everything he felt about her. You knew because you looked the same way as he does now when you were in love, and it’s not you—it’s never going to be you. It was never supposed to be you. All you could do was smile bitterly when your husband uttered her name like she had cast a spell on him. Pretending with whatever strength you had left in you to be fine.
“You love her that much you were willing to sacrifice me for it?”
“Did you ever think about how this would make me feel? How-How I welcomed you into my home and told you about my deepest fears and-and none of that had been real? Was there a single moment where you stopped to think maybe you were hurting someone else all because you wanted to be with the woman you want?”
“I never wanted to hurt you.”
“But that is the thing, Your Highness, you already did. You cannot undo what has been done.”
“I know that,” Rintaro stepped forward, only to be greeted by you keeping the distance bigger. The crestfallen look on his face nearly made you feel bad. “I do not expect forgiveness from you, Your Highness. Absolutely not. But if we could compromise on something—”
“What would we compromise on?” you laughed without a trace of humour, “I love you. I married you because I love you, I care about you, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You married me out of greed. You still wish to proceed with your plans which shows you truly do not care about me, so tell me, what is there to compromise about? I want my husband more than anything else, but that is the one thing you cannot give me.”
Rintaro shook his head. “No, no. I am still yours, Princess. Iris is not my wife, you are. You are the one who I will wake up to every morning, the one I will spend the rest of my life with. We can still do the things you wish for. Iris, she... she is not a selfish woman. She has always been kind enough to let me be with you for the greater good—”
You raised a palm in front of his face.
“Please stop talking.”
Was he defeated? No. Rintaro needed more than this blatant rejection of yours. If he had been that weak or gave up any easily, then he wouldn’t get where he was right now. But at this moment, you could have sworn he meant it when his shoulders fell and called out your name.
“Had we met earlier, I would have loved you first.”
“That just hurts me more.”
“I was, and am genuinely happy with you, my wife,” he reassured, but it didn’t stop making you cry. It didn’t ease the pain as Rintaro slowly encaged you in his embrace. Your tears staining his shirt and fists crumpling the material as you felt yourself die little by little. “Shh, Princess. Not a part of me regrets reciting my vows to you on that day in front of the entire kingdom. Believe it or not, but I adore you. I love listening to your stories and hearing you laugh, and-and you are kind. You are strong. You are an extremely beautiful and loving woman that I am the luckiest man in the world to have been your husband.”
“But you do not love me,” you cried harder, “You will never look at me the way you look at her.” When the Prince remained silent, so did you. He didn’t deny it this time—how you would never receive the same treatment as Iris. That fact alone had you pulling back to stare at your husband’s eyes.
“Does she make you happier than I do, Your Highness?”
Ignorance was bliss, indeed. If only you could turn back time and undo this moment where you stopped curiosity from getting the best of you, perhaps you would not be twice as heartbroken when Rintaro nodded. No hesitation in his features. Just pure love, and an ounce of regret and guilt from the way you slowly crumbled before him.
“Yes, she does. The Princess is my entire universe. I would be utterly devastated and lost without her.”
It felt as if the wind had been knocked out of your body. It became a challenge to speak, to feel the tips of your fingers as you stepped back one time, two time, three times until the distance was just as big as the hole he punctured through your heart. Now, you had enough. You had reached your limit, learned your lesson, been humbled to your place—and Rintaro had no intention of taking his words back.
He meant it.
He would lose himself if Iris disappeared from his life.
With that, you had no choice but to force a smile. “I understand,” you declared, wiping your pathetic tears because it hadn’t been an hour since you promised you would be stronger now. But luck was never on your side, and you still kept tripping and wounding yourself.  “I...I would like to return to the castle, Your Highness. There is no need to extend this trip any longer than it should be.”
“We don’t need to return right away, Princess. There are still plenty of things we can do—”
“Please refrain from sharing any activities with me from now on unless it is bound by duty. No eyes are looking, so you have no responsibilities with me right now,” you sent him a pointed gaze. “I wish to return to the city, and that is final. Do not question my decisions as I will not interfere with yours.”
Rintaro’s lips flattened into a thin line. You couldn’t bear yourself to look at him anymore, so you walked away from him, salty tears cascading down your cheeks, and the wedding ring heavier than the weight in your heart.
From today onwards, you might not recognize yourself anymore.
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None of the Princes and their wives questioned the sudden return to Inarizaki Palace.
When they saw you and Rintaro walk in with gloom faces, everyone shuffled to their feet and quickly packed their things. No words or explanations needed. This honeymoon had already ended on a sour note, and now it was time to return to the reality of royal obligations and duties. Duties such as keeping a fake smile plastered at all times when the supportive citizens of Inarizaki waved and cheered at the couples’ arrival. Atrocious obligations such as letting your husband place a possessive hand at the small of your back when the rest of his brothers welcomed you into the lobby, the youngest Prince bouncing at his feet at the sight of you.
“Back so soon, sister? Did you guys enjoy?”
You shared a quick, affectionate glance with Rintaro. “We did. I had the time of my life, but I thought it unnecessary to dilly-dally around in my hometown when royal duties await us all.”
“As expected of my sister. You are always so adept,” praised the marvelled Prince Tobio who had taken himself to looping himself to your arm. It left Rintaro awkwardly following behind as you were guided to your shared chambers, but you weren’t complaining. The youngest Prince was lively and brightened up your bitter days. “Say, would you mind taking me to Greenville someday when we are both free? I heard you had the loveliest manor there.”
“It would be my honour, Your Highness.”
“Please,” he beamed, and instantly, you were given a reason to endure this hell even longer. “Call me brother, we are family now. But ah, it is night time! I should let the both of you rest. Take good care of her, brother!”
Rintaro offered a nod. The both of you waited as Prince Tobio left the room in high spirits when the uncomfortable silence stretched, leaving you to scurry changing into your sleepwear in opt of avoiding your husband’s gaze. Once done, you let your hands roam over the cream pillars surrounding the edges of your king sized bed with a robin egg blue and gold palette. A golden chandelier with diamonds hung from the ceiling above the bed, the bed post textured with coral shaped indents. The same shade of blue hung from the windows. A large television right across the bed with a cream coloured cabinet lined with gold outlines—a perfect room for a man who would be sleeping by himself. Who, by the way, was already comfortably settled into the left side of the bed with his arm propped behind his head.
“Where are you headed?”
“In your nightgown? Absolutely not.”
“In the drawing room, my Prince. I am not stepping out of our quarters dressed like this.”
“But it is time for bed.”
“Indeed, and I do not wish to share one with you when you and your mistress must have rolled around in it already. Good night, Your Highness,” you sent him a preppy smile, bowing deep before shutting the doors shut. A baffled Rintaro about to leave his bed the last thing you saw.
Hearing the doors close behind you, you practically crashed into the couch. You were beyond exhausted and your head still pounded from your endless crying—it was now time for a good night’s sleep. Not that it would be good, no matter how soft the cushion may be, because the palatial room did nothing but echo the loneliness residing in your heart.
Unbeknownst to you, Rintaro wouldn’t stop tossing and turning in his bed. The clock ticking got to his nerves until he was cracking open every book, tossing the television to random channels, and even swiping his fingers across the countertops to check for dust. He couldn’t sleep—not when his wife wasn’t beside him. This wasn’t how he pictured his marriage out to be; sleeping alone, with his wife intent on keeping her distance. Still, Rintaro thought, shouldn’t he be happy? You were not getting in his way. You were not particularly malicious to Iris on the way back home, or anytime after that, despite his confession that he knew wounded you. You simply ignored her existence, and now it was his turn.
Did you intend on pretending he wasn’t there too? Because Rintaro wasn’t having any of it. He would rather you hit him, scream at him, even call him a monster if it meant you looked at his way.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Rintaro walked to the doors and prepared himself to carry you back to bed when he heard it—the sounds of muffled cries and nearly inaudible whimpers.
He didn’t know why his mouth tasted sour and bitter at the same time.
Rintaro had no idea why he stepped away from the doors like what stood behind it scared him, and slowly returned to the bed. The door acted as a barrier between the two hearts who unknowingly kept themselves up and awake until the sun rose the next morning—Rintaro with a heavy chest of guilt, and your heart gradually losing the spark it once held for him.
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MC’s Date With The Brothers Goes Terribly… Then it Starts to Rain.
Side Characters ver.
Hello my dearest degenerates, there’s nothing I love more than ridiculous crack fics, but I wanted to do some fluff, so here we go!
This just had to happen on Lucifer’s one day off… didn’t it? He had the entire day planned out, his brothers would be out doing their own thing, which left him and MC to have the entire day together.
The two of them would have gone to Ristorante 6, watched a movie, and simply enjoyed each other’s company. But no, Lucifer can’t have nice things.
It certainly started off that way, MC and Lucifer held hands as they made their way over to Ristorante 6, and the Avatar of Pride was reminded for the thousandth time exactly why he adored this human so much.
The human was both one of the most stress inducing parts of his life, and one of the few things that made him feel completely at peace. He would move mountains for them if they asked him too…
While Lucifer was in the middle of staring incredibly lovingly at his beloved MC, the human stopped suddenly and pointed ahead of them.
“I think Ristorante 6 may be… closed today.” “What do you mean, MC- oh.”
Apparently, two demons got into a very nasty fight inside, and one slammed the other through a wall. The restaurant was in the middle of scheduling repairs and would be closed until the hole in the wall was fixed. Lucifer developed the tiniest of tics in his right eye, but all MC had to do was squeeze his hand and give him that perfect smile of theirs… *sigh* they were right… there were other good places to eat.
Well, the cafe they wanted to go to was closed that day and they both walked over there for nothing… the second restaurant they went to was full on account of Ristorante 6 closing earlier…
Finally, the two practically trudged to Hell’s Kitchen, but Beel was there an hour earlier and cleared the entire place out…
Lucifer told MC not to fret, they’d just head to the movies and buy some snacks, sure it wasn’t the fancy dinner they planned but… at least it was food.
Oh… the movie they planned on seeing was… not running that night…
“Did you check online before we left?” “…damn.”
Their date was going decidedly terrible, MC and Lucifer were eating movie theatre popcorn outside, in outfits that were way too formal, and were rapidly becoming more and more convinced that the day was just… cursed.
Then… a crack of lightning, then it began to completely pour.
Lucifer winced the moment he heard the lightning, of course… of course it would start to rain… as the rain began to pour down on the two, he simply stared straight ahead, completely and utterly defeated.
The Morning Star, the right hand to the Crown Prince of The Devildom, The Avatar of Pride himself, was defeated by a simple thunderstorm. He took a deep breath in, prepared to shout, scream, throw a tantrum of the highest degree, then just visibly deflated. He turned to MC, who looked just as defeated and drained.
Lucifer wordlessly used his magic to put up a small shield above them, sheltering the two from the torrential downpour.
“You know,” MC mumbled, resting their head against Lucifer’s arm. “The movies make getting caught in the rain seem much more romantic…”
That comment elicited a quiet chuckle from Lucifer as he pulled MC into a hug. The two were already drenched, what did it matter if Lucifer got cheap popcorn butter all over the front of his outfit? Nothing else mattered when he was with the one person in the world who could make his heart swell with this much love and adoration.
“How about we head home, MC? I think I still have some of Barbatos’ cake hidden in the kitchen, we can enjoy that and listen to some music.”
Lucifer felt MC sigh against his front, then look up with that bright sparkling smile that never failed to make him blush.
“I’d like nothing more.”
Okay, Mammon had this whole day planned, by the end of it, his human would be swooning! He had gotten paid big bucks from his latest modelling gigs, and he was going to treat MC to a full day with their first man.
First, they were going to spend the morning shopping, then they were going to eat lunch at this new restaurant that had just opened up, after lunch they were going to just kill time until dinner, then eat dinner at Hell’s Kitchen, then they were going to go home, get changed, then head out to The Fall, party, then head home again where MC would most definitely shower the Great Mammon with all the praise and affection he deserved!
Of course, MC would be given all the love and adoration they deserved and more! Mammon’s human was the best, and they deserved the best! The Avatar of Greed was ready!
Or so he thought. The day began with Mammon deciding that he was going to make himself and MC breakfast. It was going fine until Mammon got lost in an intense daydream and by the time he snapped out of it, Beel had eaten the pancake batter and there was no time to make anything else.
Mammon’s surprise breakfast ended up being toast and cut up fruit. It wasn’t so bad, but everyone knows that fruit is very unreliable. Sometimes it’s good… sometimes it’s squishy and unappetizing…
The morning shopping trip was ruined when Mammon went to withdraw money from his account and it turned out that the money from his shoot wasn’t in the account.
Apparently his paycheque was being held back because one of the modelling agencies was being sued.
“…MC?” “Come here, silly.”
After having his face peppered with kisses, Mammon was completely rejuvenated. His human had magic kisses, after all! They never failed to make him feel better!
The two decided that instead of a shopping spree they’d spend a couple hours of window shopping, after that when the two stopped for lunch at the new restaurant. Twenty minutes after eating there, Mammon was dry heaving over a trashcan while MC chugged a bottle of water to try and settle the awful nausea that had completely taken over. Perhaps a bad review would be necessary…
The time that was meant to be spent just wandering around the Devildom was completely ruined when those damn witches showed up! Mammon was not about to forfeit his time with MC to play servant to those three, so he grabbed his human and sprinted away.
That cat and mouse game with the witches lasted for literal hours and ended with Mammon and MC hiding behind a random alley dumpster…
Finally, Hell’s Kitchen, it turned out that they didn’t take too kindly to dine and dashers, so Mammon ended up spending the time he was supposed to be spending eating with MC waiting tables to pay off his tab.
After that, Mammon was too exhausted to even think about partying, so MC suggested that they just head home and watch some fun action movies.
The moment they began their walk home however…
A single drop of water tapped against Mammon’s sunglasses, he looked up and pointed a finger at the sky.
Another drop of water hit the rim of his sunglasses.
I’m a matter of seconds, it had begun to completely pour, Mammon dug his hands into his hair and shouted in frustration.
“NO! NO! NO! WHY RIGHT NOW?! Why… why right now..?” His outburst had quickly petered out into Mammon physically drooping and quietly taking off his jacket. He held it over MC so they would be spared the brunt of the rain and looked down at his now soaked shoes. “I… I’m sorry… MC…”
“Mammon, what are you sorry for?” MC said gently, lacing their fingers with his.
What kind of a question was that? Mammon had fucked up the date he had planned and made himself look like a complete idiot in front of the one person who showed him any amount of love and affection.
His heart sank as he managed to drag his gaze over to MC. They were worried about an idiot like him… maybe they’d be better off without needing to constantly babysit him…
“Today… everything… I dunno…” Mammon mumbled, MC looped their arms around him, being careful not to drop his jacket onto the wet ground.
“Are you kidding? You planned this entire nice day for the two of us,” when Mammon didn’t respond, MC took on a more firm tone. “Listen, sometimes dates don’t turn out good, that doesn’t mean you have to mope in the rain. Let’s go home, order some food, and watch a movie or some dumb show, whatever makes you happy.”
Though the constant patter of the rain made it difficult to hear, Mammon sniffled and finally returned the hug. His human really was the best.
“You’re too nice to me… ya know that?” Mammon whispered.
MC pressed a soft kiss to his lips and smiled. “Get used to it, because I don’t plan on stopping.”
Levi had to psyche himself up for months in order to do this… he had seen and swooned over cliche TV show dates thousands of times and now, he wanted to take MC on one.
Simply asking them was a Herculean task all on its own… Levi tried to kabedon them, and failed miserably and ended up head butting MC by accident. The Avatar of Envy could have shrivelled up and died of embarrassment right then and there, but MC let out the sweet laugh that never failed to make Levi’s heart swell. They accepted the date request.
When the day came, the two left the HOL, and Levi began his checklist of things that needed to happen to make this a perfect date. First! Dinner!
Dinner… did not pan out well to say the least. The place they had decided to go to was incredibly crowded and the two of them got seated in just the worst spot. They ended up needing to end their meal early and eat outside because Levi was getting hit with a bad case of sensory overload.
Eating outside wouldn’t have been so bad if it weren’t for the fact that it was cold and windy as hell… Levi was cold blooded… not figuratively, but mostly literally, he did not do well in overly cold environments. He ended up cuddling closer to MC, which would have been really romantic if he hadn’t accidentally spilled their drink all over them.
Okay… that didn’t turn out good… well, after dinner they were supposed to go do some karaoke! Levi loved karaoke! He could sing something cute and sappy for MC, that was a romance staple!
And the karaoke place was closed for renovations… ugh…
Levi wanted to just go home and abandon the whole date idea, but MC looped their arm around him and pulled him away from the closed karaoke place.
“Remember the arcade we went to a few months ago? I saw it on the way here, let’s go there instead.” “Are you sure you want to keep this date with me going..?” “Positive.”
The arcade was fun until Levi spotted the DDR (Devil Dance Revolution) game that he and MC got the high score on last time. Levi wanted to see what other noobs had tried and failed to beat him and MC.
It turned out… someone beat them…
It seemed like Baphomet and Azazel made a good DDR team because they had managed to knock Levi and MC down to second place by a lot, that wasn’t all, apparently someone was salty after not getting past Levi and MC and put “are dumb” under their names!
Levi was practically frothing at the mouth when he pulled MC to the DDR machine to restore their lost honour. They… did not restore their lost honour. Levi ended up getting so upset he tried to unplug the machine, which somehow ended up permanently freezing the high scores onto the screen. It seemed that the entire Devildom would know that Baphomet and Azazel were better than Levi and MC, and that they were both dumb…
There was still one more thing Levi had planned on doing during his date with MC, he wanted to take them to a cherry blossom tree and suavely kiss them under it. Sadly, there were no cherry blossom trees in the Devildom, but there was a pretty decent substitute that was in bloom during that time of year. Levi and MC made their way to a spot where Levi knew there was a tree, and stood under it.
That was when Levi suddenly realized he had no clue how to be suave and began to stutter-spiral. MC patiently waited for Levi to properly articulate what he wanted to say, when they spotted a unicorn in the distance! MC excitedly pointed it out to Levi, who immediately went pale. Apparently Devildom unicorns are very territorial and very aggressive. They are Satan’s familiar for a reason…
Booking it from a unicorn was not how Levi wanted to end the date… it really wasn’t… but the final straw that broke the camel’s back had arrived in the form of a single raindrop. Then another… then another…
“Levi, please get out of the pond…”
“Leave me, find someone better.”
After the rain had started, Levi had taken off his jacket, handed it to MC, then proceeded to float face down in full demon form in the middle of a pond. The Avatar of Envy was so tired and embarrassed that he just wanted the pond to consume him.
“Levi,” MC tutted. “You’re going to get struck by lightning.”
MC’s sudden shout caused Levi to flail in the water for a brief moment before he was able to use his tail to stabilize himself as managed to tread water.
“Get out of the pond right now! The Lord of Shadows would never abandon Henry like this!”
“The Lord of Shadows is cool, I’m not…” Levi crossed his arms and sunk ever so slightly deeper into the water.
“What the hell are you talking about?” MC asked. “Did we watch the same show? The Lord of Shadows is a huge dork, like you, now get out of the pond so we can go home and not get struck by lightning.”
Defeated by the power of friendship/love/fandom brotherhood, Levi made his way back to shore and was given a quick whack to the back of the head.
“That’s for being a sulky dummy!” MC then yanked Levi forward by the front of his shirt and kissed him. Levi nearly gasped and began to fanboy right then and there in the middle of the kiss. A rain kiss! A dramatic kiss in the rain! That was one of the best tropes ever! “And that, was for trying to take me on a sweet date.”
“M-marry me…” Levi whispered before he could stop himself. MC giggled and patted one of his now bright red cheeks.
“Maybe someday.”
Going on fun spontaneous dates really wasn’t Satan’s forte, he preferred a schedule, but both he and MC had the afternoon free and Satan didn’t feel like bumming around at home when the two of them could do that any other day.
Oh-so charmingly taking his beloved MC by the hand and leading them to the nearest cat-cafe was the first thing Satan could think to do. He loves cats, he loves MC, what could possibly ruin a nice afternoon with both?
When the two reached the cafe, they were met with an employee closing the place early, claiming that all the cats had actually gotten adopted and they were waiting for more rescues to come in.
Satan couldn’t decide whether to be upset about the lack of cats, or happy that the cats got adopted into loving homes like they deserved. Satan settled on being aggressively happy.
It was no big deal, there were other things they could do together, like go to a library, or bookstore, or a museum, the possibilities were endless!
Well, it would have been endless if it wasn’t for the world conspiring to make Satan loose his cool. First, the line for his favourite book store was looped around the block because of a new book release. Inconveniencing, sure, but nothing too awful, there was a nice park nearby, the two decided to relax on one of the benches.
Problem number two arose when some idiot threw a Fangol ball a little too far and it ended up hitting Satan, then bouncing off his head and hitting the tree that the bench was under, normally, this would be rude and annoying but nothing that would activate Satan’s volcanic temper, except for the tiny issue that there was a wasp nest in that tree that decided Satan’s drink was enemy #1.
After being stung approximately eight times in the hand, Satan wasn’t doing too good, MC could tell and offered to go to the doctor’s with him. As Satan led them out of the park and towards the sidewalk he assured MC that there was nothing to worry about…
But MC, holder of Satan’s heart, went to go get him ice anyway.
The third and final thing to make Satan blow his top, the rain… the cold… depressing… rain…
“Oh…” MC mumbled as they looked up at the rain, then at Satan, whose hands were balled into fists so tight that his palms began to bleed. “Satan are you-”
Completely silent, Satan strode toward a nearby dumpster and slammed his foot into the metal, sending the entire thing into the back of the dead-end alley. The entire dumpster practically compressed and folded in on itself from the sheer force of the kick.
“Do you want to go home?” MC asked gently, taking a few steps towards him, Satan slowly nodded.
“Y-yes. I think that’d be the smart thing to do.” Satan massaged his forehead and took the ice from MC. “It seems that spontaneity isn’t our strong suit as a couple.”
MC sighed and nodded. “Yeah, we should go back to planning this stuff beforehand, and… you know,” They gestured around the two of them. “check what’s open and what the weather’s going to be before we head out.”
Only MC could soothe Satan’s temper as quickly as it flared up, and MC was getting covered with rainwater. That just wouldn’t do. He turned to MC and offered them his jacket. “I don’t want you to get cold.”
“Isn’t your line supposed to be ‘here, take this, you might catch a cold’?” MC lightly teased as they took the jacket. “Like a classic romantic lead?”
Satan shook his head and laughed softly. “No, that’s a common misconception. You can’t actually get the common cold or flu from being out in the rain. The real danger is hypothermia or frostbite.”
“Ah,” MC looped their arm around Satan’s and held his non swollen hand. “So smart, tell me more about the dangers of hypothermia.”
“Don’t tease, dearest, or I’ll take back my jacket.”
Asmo had just the most stressful day… and decided that he and his sweet MC just had to go on a nice date together to fix it!
Most dates with Asmo had a sort of three act structure, first they would coordinate their outfits together for the actual date activity, then they’d do whatever they set out to do, then they’d go home and either snuggle, or do the Devil’s tango, whichever MC was feeling up for.
But on this particular day, the three act structure was being ruined. It started with the outfit coordination, somehow everything Asmo had that would match with what MC was wearing was in the laundry, he had to be convinced by MC that this wasn’t that big of a deal and the two of them would look radiant whether they matched or not.
Since that was settled, Asmo and MC made their way to Asmo’s all time favourite spa, which was not closed, no no no, it was actively on fire.
“How… how did this happen?” “Well, there were a lot of candles burning in that place, I guess we’ll just have to save the spa trip for another date.”
Everyone was fine by the way
Oh well, it would take more than a raging inferno to ruin Asmo’s date, he was determined to have a good time, so he cheerily took MC’s hand and led them away from the fire. He also casually mentioned that being so close to danger was a total turn-on.
MC very quickly ended that comment with a kiss, Asmo can’t make inappropriate sex jokes when he’s kissing his favourite person. It was truly a testament to his complete and utter adoration of MC that Asmo was willing to share the top spot of his list of favourite people with them!
While on their merry way to find something else to do, Asmo’s fan club caught wind that he and MC were on a date and decided to make their appearance. Now Asmo’s groupies are normally very sweet, but they can also be incredibly unaware of boundaries.
Everywhere Asmo and MC looked, one or two of Asmo’s fans would be half hiding and half spying on how the date was going. It was common knowledge that Asmo x MC was the OTP of the entire club, and some of the members wanted to get a peak of their ship doing something romantic.
As much as Asmo loved attention, it was getting kind of… creepy. He began to usher MC away from certain areas and tried to find a suitably nice place to get away from prying eyes.
The pair ended up in this absolutely gorgeous public garden that was thankfully quite empty. Though, all it took was one awkward step with the kind of shoes he was wearing and Asmo fell straight into a rose bush.
MC had to quickly get to work kissing Asmo’s cut up face better before he started to cry and ruined his mascara. What was even worse was that the fall messed up Asmo’s shoe and he’d have to walk back to the house like an uncoordinated baby deer.
Everything was fine… just fine… no need to worry… everything was… cloudy…
The moment the first drop of rain landed in front of Asmo he stood completely stiff and still.
“Don’t.” He growled. “I just got my hair fixed.”
The rain didn’t listen, and began pouring down, absolutely drenching Asmo and MC in a matter of minutes. MC tried to pull Asmo towards an alcove or a covered patio so they could call a cab home, but the Avatar of Lust refused to move. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, smiled serenely to himself, then looked back up to the sky and screamed with the hatred of a thousand suns:
It was quite a scene for MC to witness, Asmo rarely fully lost his cool, especially not enough to swear like an ‘uncouth barbarian’, combine that with his running mascara, scratched up face, and dirty clothes, he looked more like a feral movie star that was just rescued from the woods than the solid ten out of ten MC normally knew him as.
“Momo?” MC gently patted his back. “Come on, we should go home.”
Asmo finally turned to look at his sweet MC, the poor thing shouldn’t have seen him act like this… the day had gone completely horribly and he just had to drag MC into this, didn’t he? He felt his heart drop right into his gut as he practically collapsed into his human’s arms.
“Oh MC, I’m so sorry I dragged you out today… we should have just stayed home…”
“Asmo,” MC weighed their options, before settling on just rubbing his back. “There there.”
The awkward sniffling and snorting continued for the next couple of minutes while MC called a ride service to come pick the two of them up.
“Thank you, MC,” Asmo sniffled. “You’re the sweetest thing in the universe…”
“You’re sweet too, Asmo. It’s a shame today didn’t work out.”
“We can still save this date, you know? When we get back home we can take a bath and snuggle.”
“That…” Asmo sniffed. “That sounds really nice, MC.”
“Anytime spent with you is nice, Asmo.” MC then rolled their eyes while Asmo giggled. “Man that was corny…”
Beel had come back from one hell of a Fangol game, and he was in an amazing mood! He wanted to take MC out to celebrate!
Between-meal snacks were packed, and they set off to the carnival. Nothing could beat the nice smell of fried dough, Carmel apples, popcorn, and spending time with MC.
Of course, the food wasn’t the only thing Beel wanted to enjoy with MC, there were rides and games to try while they enjoyed their snacks. First they made their way to the teacup ride.
In theory, having big strong Beel to spin the big wheel in the middle to make the teacup move would be a good thing, but even though it was the first ride, MC had eaten quite a lot of carnival snacks.
Beel only had to spin the centre disc once for the disc to both break and make the teacup to whirl around at a speed that practically threw them into Beel’s side. MC then… well… vomited. Everywhere.
Since Beel accidentally ripped the centre disc off, he couldn’t slow the teacup down manually to stop the puke-tornado, so it took a little while before the ride operator realized that something was wrong and stopped the ride.
The walk off the ride was both embarrassing and completely nauseating, MC needed to stumble to the nearest trashcan and hurl. Beel did his best to comfort his poor human and mumbled quite a lot of apologies.
“I’m sorry MC…” “Beel, it’s okay… I’d uh, kiss you but the… vomit.”
Both Beel and MC decreed that maybe rides weren’t the best idea after that, and went over to check out the carnival games.
After a few unsuccessful tries at a few games, a plushie caught MC’s eye and they were absolutely smitten with it. Beel vowed to win it for them, and lined himself up to try the pitching game.
Well, something good came out of that… Beel threw so fast it may have broken a record, the bad thing was that the ball tore through the tent and caused the whole thing to collapse.
The tent then caught fire after landing on some of the candles that were set up… the plushie went up in flames…
Beel turned to MC, who wordlessly patted him on the back. At… at least they still had their snacks…
As Beel and MC made their way to the exit, a group of kids rushed past the pair, Beel, not wanting to step on or bump into any of them, awkwardly wobbled, then fell and dropped all of his emergency snacks.
And then came the rain…
“Oh…” Beel mumbled as he stared down his spilled food, MC quickly wrapped their arms around him, looking up at him with a half-hearted smile.
“We can buy some more, or wait until we get home, it’s okay, Beel.”
The Avatar of Gluttony slowly nodded, tearing his gaze away from the wasted snacks. Thunder sounded above the two and the cold rain began to beat against them.
When Beel looked down at MC, he felt his heart flutter in his chest, they weren’t upset at him, they weren’t angry… they just wanted to make him feel better… Beel nodded resolutely to himself, he was going to make MC feel better too! He picked MC up bridal-style and began to walk away from the rapidly emptying carnival.
“B-Beel?” MC sputtered.
“Let’s go home, MC, I have cookies hidden in one of the cabinets that we can share.”
MC looked up at their sweet cinnamon roll, then buried their face in his chest. Their shoulders shook slightly as they looped their arms around Beel’s neck.
“M-MC?” Beel asked, he tried to shift MC in his arms to see if they were crying, but MC looked up at him with a sweet smile.
“You’re just the best, Beel. Never forget that.”
The Avatar of Sloth doesn’t exactly “do” traditional dates, but even he could tell that MC wanted to do something a little more exciting than “lay in bed and make out until Belphie falls asleep”.
Since Belphie is a totally wonderful brat boyfriend, he decided to take MC out to the best possible place in the human world for some stargazing… and napping.
He even put together a picnic basket so he and MC could eat while watching the sunset before the stars came out!
The favourite blanket was packed, the picnic basket was ready, and Lucifer gave the two permission to visit the human world for the evening. Belphie took a mental note to avoid doing any pranks for a week as a thank-you to his older brother.
Well, the first problem came when the two spread out the blanket and opened up the basket to find… nothing. Belphie immediately thought that Beel must have eaten their food, but then the memory of the food clearly sitting in the fridge entered his mind. He had forgotten to put the food in the basket… and he was too lazy to check why the basket was so light…
Oh well… no big deal, MC had a big lunch. The second problem came in the form of a swarm of mosquitoes. Gross, bloodsucking mosquitos.
“MC?” “Yeah?” “Did you happen to pack bug spray before I took you out on this surprise picnic?” “No…”
Belphie’s solution was to use his tail to bat the bugs away, but that proved to be quite useless. It didn’t help that while both MC and Belphie were being eaten alive, Belphie would end up accidentally thwacking MC with his tail.
Well, at least the sunset was nice, or it would have been if Belphie hadn’t slept through it by accident.
It was classic Belphie to manage to sleep through anything interesting, and apparently he also missed out on a shooting star which soured his mood even more.
The only little bright spot of the date so far was that MC did say that they wished for something for him on that shooting star… hopefully wish magic might salvage the date…
After being awoken by MC to look up at the sky, the two realized that something was… missing. Where were the stars?
MC and Belphie were laying on their backs facing the clouded over sky when they both had the dawning realization of what was to come.
Of course… mosquitoes are extra active and crazy before a storm… that’s why they were coming at them…
Belphie let out a dejected sigh as the first raindrop of many hit the tip of his nose. MC scratched at their arms and began to pack up the blanket into the empty picnic basket. At least the blanket wouldn’t get too wet.
Well, he fucked this up royally. The Avatar of Sloth almost never put any actual work into something that didn’t benefit himself, but MC had managed to make themselves the exception. He wanted to make them happy, he wanted to see that cute little face they made when he’d crack a joke or make a quip about something, but now, lying flat on his back staring up at a coming rainstorm, Belphie had come to the crippling realization that all his work went to waste.
“You know, MC, the outdoors is going to lose my patronage.” Belphie murmured, blinking a few raindrops out of his eyes as the rain began to patter down with more ferocity. “I think the two of us should stick to indoor dates.”
“Couldn’t agree more.” MC sighed as they used the picnic basket as a makeshift umbrella.
“I’m um…” Belphie began, guilt twisting in his gut. “I’m sorry this turned out so shitty.”
“It’s okay, Belphie.” MC pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “If by some miracle the food that was supposed to be in the fridge hasn’t gotten eaten by the time we get back home, we’ll eat a late dinner, cuddle, and then sleep till noon.”
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its-snicket-here · 3 years
Instead of wynly elf, how about cosmic eldritch demon like hp lovecraft shit but they heal things but they also kill things like Zenyatta in Overwatch
OoooOooo. I think Demiurge would be highly interested in you if you were part of a demon breed too!
Cosmic Eldritch Demon who not only kills, but also heals?! That'll be a shocker honestly to the people who always think demons only focuses on damage than both damage and healing.
Due to your status as a Eldritch, I would see that you would have a some sort of undead status with a half human/half skull face.
Originally, you were (still) human as your starter race, because like what I said, still unfamiliar with the other races. The cosmic, eldritch, and demon part came in with events and a starter package deal that Ainz bought and carried you through.
With the cosmic powers, I would see that your powers would involve with space: Blackholes, Novas, Time warps, etc.
With the Elderich, basically you're like 25% Ainz.
With demon, you were blessed with accessories that each 7 sins are as: Cape of Pride, Sword of Wrath, Dress of Lust, Staff of Envy, Shoes of Sloth, Crown of Greed, and Chalice of Gluttony.
Being a cosmic eldritch demon would be a bazaar thing to see to the people outside of Nazarick. That some would say that you're the goddess of judgement, due to your ability to heal too.
You have now acquired a cult following
Demiurge will be thrilled to carry out your orders, or at least observe your doings. As being a demon and all, he will probably mentally crown you as a demon queen as well everyone else.
Personally, I would think you would self proclaim yourself as high court judge when the Sorcerer Kingdom takes over E-Rantel and Ainz would agree. At least now he doesn't have to entrust one of his guardians or servants to be judge with bias opinions. Sebas already so much on his plate already.
The children would adore you honestly, because of your cosmic side. Astronomy and Astrology will keep them up al night to listen on with the tales of what these signs are and the fascination of what you dubbed "space."
Those who comes from the Holy Order would question your identity. Although you ARE indeed part demon, you don't function as a ruthless one like a certain person. Demiurge. Though they would accept who you are. Brownie points of confusion if you are also in the religion that they are in.
If Ainz wants to take over the world. Then you already must have taken over "space." You must have been waiting for Ainz to have the power to conquer something right, my lady?! <- According to Demiurge.
I would say that Demiurge would actively study on your words when talking about space and astronomy. He thinks you're talking to him in riddles, and WANTS him to solve your riddles to understand your knowledge.
Now onto the confusion where people try to guess what you actually are.
Bitch. Get ready to be corpse bride 2.0
Like the section where your right or left eye and part of your jaw/lips is a skeleton, but you're rocking the look. Tis a shame that you hide it behind a white veil. Kinda like how that one chick in Resident Evil Village that controls the doll.
Oh yeah, the dominate arm is a cosmic arm. Good luck trying to pick up stuff, unless you want shit to be sucked in bwb
Though despite you being half corpse, some parts of your body shows the cosmic space you keep describe about.
Any magic casters would be honestly interested in your cosmic and eldritch powers to be blunt.
M I L F C O S M I C E L D I R I T C H D E M O N W H E N ?
Unlike your Wyld Elf version MILF. You're much taller and robust due to your demonic side. So the idea of the stretching you got from supposedly birthing Ainz is less thought about, but the idea still there as you're still shorter than Ainz by mere feet.
Big tiddies, small tiddies, or no tiddies. You're still a MILF. Shut the fuck up and accept that fact.
You do get deterred on seeing your cult just acting... disturbed when trying to summon you to bless them or something like that.
Though you do step on the line when they demand you to overthrow Ainz. There is no fucking way you'll hurt your skeleton baby boy. Demiurge go do something to them, please. :)
People would come to you for healing, especially healing that isn't curable. If you can cure those incurables, you'll be honestly worshiped as not only the goddess of judgment, but also the goddess of healing.
'Cosmic Blessings' - Due to you completing the COSMOS EVENT during the time limit you have now received the COSMIC MAGE SKILL SET. You can now learned skills: Cosmic Blessing, Meteor Crush, Fallen Star, Star Rush, the Zodiac's Blessings, and Pluto's Revenge. You have now equip the costume COSMIC MAGE.
'Cosmic Blessing' - Blessed upon by the stars. Your attacks now deal fire damage, 120% crushing damage, 165% armor and magic penetration. Additionally, you have now gain the speed of 200% when activated. Status effect last for an hour.
'Meteor Crush' - You have now summoned falling meteors at your selected area. It deals 125+ damage on hit first then 60+ damage per second when inside the radius of the target. When inside the area, enemies' speed has been decreased by 110%. Lasts for 30 seconds. ONLY 3 CAN BE PUT UP AT THE SAME TIME.
'Fallen Star' - Like 'Meteor Crush,' accept 250% fire damage and a bigger radius area. Lasts longer depending how much MP is left. Only disappears after MP is drained to 1.
'Star Rush' - You can now bless your team or yourself. When blessed ATK speed has been increased by 185%, Agility has been increased by 200%, Speed has been increased by 45%, MP storage has been increased by +165. Lasts only for 3 days, then rest must occur to be used again.
'The Zodiacs' Blessing' - Blessed by the Zodiacs, your traits are now increased by 105%. (All traits are now increased permanently upon self. When used on another person, you have now gain the ability to take the blessing away. Only 3 can be blessed at a time, excluding blessing yourself.)
'Pluto's Revenge' - (THIS SKILL CAN BE ONLY OBTAINED BY APRIL'S FOOLS AFTER COMPLETING THE COSMOS EVENT) Due to Pluto being not considered a planet anymore, it nows comes in. Haunting the people to get's its revenge. 250% Area damage, guarantee critical hit. (Total damage: 130,000)
'Death's curse' - Due to your curse, you can not die. When HP reaches to 0, an item must be sacrificed to be revived. If an item isn't chosen to revive immediately, you can rather spawn back to your guild and be immobilized till HP slowly regain to full HP. (Can be bought on the Eldritch Starter Pack: $14.99)
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
You’re Important to Me part 4
Part 1 | part 2| part 3
Genre: angst/comfort
Chat: Troublemaker (affectionate)
Lucifer: Come home immediately. We need to talk.
Mammon: bout what? If its one of your shitty punishments. Think I’ll pass.
Lucifer rested his head on his desk letting out a groan. The second-born was frustrating him to no end. However, the first-born supposes he’s made him this way from everything he’s put him through. Picking up the pill bottle, he rolled it in his hand and watched as the contents slid from one side to the other. He placed them in a locked door in his desk as he thought about how they had been this close to losing yet another sibling.
A soft rapping on the office door pulled his attention back to the present.
“Enter,” he sat up straight as the guest joined him. It was Levi.
“Do you think Mammon still loves us. I-I’ve really been thinking about what’s been going on….. about our family. What if he leaves us? We lost Lilith. I-I don’t want to lose him too…” The Avatar of Envy’s voice quaked. Back when they were angels they were once close- almost even closer than the twins.
“I’m sure he does, Levi.” His response was hollow words. If Lucifer was being honest, he didn’t really know how Mammon felt about them currently. If he were the one in Mammon’s shoes, he would absolutely despise his brothers.“He’s currently refusing to come home, however. It’s likely that he knows what went on today and that’s why he broke up with the human we all know he cherishes so deeply. He didn’t want us to know.”
“I knew it! He hates us and never wants to see our faces again.”
“Leviathan, I never said that.” Lucifer’s voice was stern. “Please calm down before you throw yourself into a panic attack. He has to come home eventually, and we’ll all talk then- if not tonight then definitely tomorrow morning. For now, maybe you should go play one of your games. If you’d like I could join you to help take your mind off this whole debacle.”
Levi nodded his head slowly. “ I would appreciate that….. Actually, I had made this rpg specifically to play-test with Mammon but if you wanted to….we could play it together.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Levi.”
Finally deciding to make his way home, Mammon pushed open the heavy doors to the house. The last thing he wanted to do was face his brothers right now. He already anticipated their reactions. The teasing and mocking that would be thrown his way- there wasn’t any escape for him now, was there? At least no one was here at the moment- that much he could be greatful for.
As he made his way up to his room, the demon made sure to avoid the places he knew his brothers would frequent at this time of night. Once there, he slipped inside and tossed the bag of clothes he had modeled in today from the top of of the stairs into the walk in closet with practiced precision. When he turned his head, he saw her small, blurry form just lying there on the couch.
“Why’re you in here? Ya got a room if your own dontcha?”
“I just….. sorry. I pushed too hard, didn’t I?” Arella’s voice sounded hurt. “It was just that I thought this might be the only place I could go and you’re brothers wouldn’t come looking for me. I’m still really angry with them. Not that they would anyway, not with how I screamed and yelled at them earlier...”
“And Lucifer didn’t kill ya on the spot? Its a miracle you’re alive after that.” He let out a chuckle. “I can’t tell if you’re incredibly brave or just plain dumb.”
“Maybe both…..” Arella sighed, “I… um… I’ll go back to my room now.” As she stood and made her up the staircase, he could feel the sadness radiating off of their pact mark.
“‘Rella, wait.” He grabbed her by the arm. “Don’t go. I don’t mind if ya stay…. We should talk about earlier, okay?”
He watched as she nodded a small frown on her face. Now that he could see her more clearly, he noticed the puffy eyes and tear tacks streaked down her cheeks. Now he just felt worse.
“I was thinkin’ real hard about this morning and I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” He started, “I don’t… I don’t really think we should break up…. I know you were just trying to help. That you were worried and scared for me.”
“I was…. Can I tell you something?“ she asks as he nods. “Seven years ago, I lost my little brother and then six months later my mother to suicide. One to cyber bullying, the other because she was so consumed with grief from the loss of a child that she saw no way to go on…. Do you know what was like….. to find their bodies? To realize you could have helped them if you had just paid attention and seen the warning signs? It still affects me to this day….They were the only blood related family I had left until I had found a new family here in the Devildom with you and your brothers. A-and then when you were saying all those things last night, I- I flashed back to the night I had found my brother but instead of him it was you and I-I-”
Mammon pulled the human tight against his chest in what could have been a bone crushing hug if he wasn’t careful and she buried her face in his chest. Her body shook with with muffled sobs.
“I’m sorry. I was running my mouth without thinking ‘bout what that might do to everyone- worst of all you….” He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I wont say things like that ever again. No matter how I’m feelin’.
He walked her back towards the bed, letting her get in as he went to go change into some more comfortable clothes for sleeping. He joined her in bed shortly after, pulling her close as he wiped the stray tears from his cheeks. Arella moved closer so she could lay her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, her crying reduce to quiet sniffles and hiccups by this point.
“Ya know, I think you just wasted your breath when you were yellin’ at my brothers earlier…. I think to them, I’ll just always be the family screw up. I’m already dreading the teasing I’ll get tomorrow at breakfast….”
“It had to be done, though. I think I managed to set them all straight….If you could have seen the look on their faces when I lost control of my temper and fried all the electronics in the common room or when I commanded Asmo to sit so hard he crashed face first into the floor….”
“Wait…you did what?” He quirked an eyebrow as he stared down at her before breaking into a soft laugh, “Ya really are something else, Hon, ya know that? I’ve never met someone who would fight for me like this before- who would call my brothers out on their bullshit.”
“Only because I know you don’t deserve to be treated this way…. You… you deserve good things and to be treated well by the people who you love most.” She yawned as she stretched out a little more in his embrace. “And because I love you and I would be lost if anything were to happen to you.” Her eyes were starting to slip closed.
“I love you too, babe.” The demon hummed as he started to card his fingers through her hair. As soon as he was sure she was out like a light he pressed his lips to the crown of her heard once more.
“Thank you for being here on my worst days, for being my little ray of sunshine down here in the dark.”
Once the morning came around, most of Mammon’s brothers gathered in the common room. They were awaiting the entrance of the Avatar of Greed as it was nearly breakfast time.
Lucifer had figured Mammon would be avoiding them as if they had the plague, so he instructed Beel to drag him in here by any means necessary. They all knew he was successful when they heard Mammon let out a surprised yelp and the clattering of a bowl against the floor.
“C’mon, Beel, Let me go!”
“Not until we all talk.”
“Talk? What’s there to talk about? I didn’t do nothin’ so let me go!’
Both demons soon entered the dining room as the sixth-born sat his older on the couch facing all of them, holding him down by his shoulders so Mammon couldn’t escape despite how he squirmed and tried to wiggle his way out of Beel’s grasp.
“Mammon, stop struggling.” It was a request from eldest, a chance to cooperate. “We all have some words we’d like to say to you.”
Mammon froze at that statement. Here it came: all the ridicule and teasing. He wanted to run. He was the second strongest of them, maybe if he tried hard enough, he could shake his little brother off and get away. What good would that do him though? His brothers would just corner him later anyway so maybe it was just best to get it over with now.
He looked towards his brothers’ blurry figures, a million different thoughts rushing his head. He couldn’t tell their expressions from this distance but they had to be smiling, right- ready to laugh at him any minute now. His body tensed as he braced himself for the harsh sting of their words.
“Mammon, we’re sorry,” Asmo was the first to speak up after a short moment of silence, “We love you so much even though we suck at showing it.”
“You did so much for us after we fell,- you still do a lot for us even now,” the seventh-born picked his head up from the table,“And I don’t think we ever told you how much we all appreciate it…. If it weren’t for you, I don’t even think we would still be a family… don’t forget, you’re the one who kept us all in line when Lucifer would lock himself away in his office back then.”
“I know we act like you’re just a burden to us,” Satan started, “but I think all of us would agree that life would be so boring without you here.”
“Yeah, I-I mean who else would take the time to play games with me when I’m down in the dumps?” Levi asked.
“Or risk getting strung up from the chandelier to get me the food that I want from the human world?” Beel cut in.
“Or compliment me on my outfit or hair no matter what form I choose to take for the day. Or is always there to hype me up when I’m having a bad day? Hell, you even gave up the position of DevilStyle’s cover model just for me! Honestly I think you might be the best big brother out there.”
“We know about all the things you’ve done in secret for us- the things you don’t take credit for,” Lucifer smiled softly, “I’m proud to call you my brother for that. We love you and while you may make some poor life choices from time to time, our lives just wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Mammon looks at them in a daze. Was this really happening? His brothers were…. Apologizing? To him of all people? This had to be a dream. There was no reality in which his brothers really cared about him. The second-born pinched the skin on his arm. That’s what you did to check if you were dreaming, right?
Harder, harder he pinched until the spot was sure to bruise. It wasn’t until Beelzebub placed his hand over his that Mammon realized he wasn’t dreaming. This was reality.
Tears welled in his eyes as he processed the words he just heard. One tear fell down his cheek soon followed by another then another until eventually the demon let out a sob.
“Th-This ain’t real! It ain’t!” The second-born yelled, his body shaking as he sobbed harder. “I’m still dreamin’. I-I gotta be! None of this is real…”
His brothers moved to embrace him- first the sixth-born, then the eldest and then the youngest. One by one, the rest of their brothers followed suit until the seven of them all somehow managed to end up on the floor in one giant cuddle pile, his face pressed into Lucifers as they allowed their brother to cry out all the tears he’d been bottling up for all these centuries.
It seemed they were going to be there a while- Good thing Lucifer had called Diavolo to tell him they wouldn’t be attending RAD today. That this was a more important matter to attend to.
“This stops today, Lucifer announced to his siblings once Mammon had stopped crying. “From today on, the six of us will make a conscious effort to change the ways we’ve talk to and treated you.”
“And if we get too out of hand, feel free to put us in our place,” Belphegor chuckled. “We can be blockheads from time to time.”
“The point is,” Asmodeus sighed as he hugged his brother a little tighter, “We all messed up big time. We just want to make you feel loved and appreciated again- like you’re an important part of this family.”
“We lost Lilith.” It was Beel’s turn to speak. “We’re not losing you too.”
Mammon smiled at his brothers’ words. Finally, he had thought, finally they were showing their true feelings to him after all these centuries.
“Thanks guys…..” the demon’s voice sounded cracked and strained from all the crying he had done earlier. “Even after everything that’s happened I wouldn’t trade y’all for the world. I love you guys.”
A chorus of ‘I love you too’s sounded from the group of demons as another family hug commenced. Eventually, as hours passed, one by one, they had all fallen asleep, each with a smile on their face and still huddled together.
Arella eventually found them in that state. With a soft smile she grabbed the blanket they often used for movie night and draped it over them heading back to her room so she wouldn’t disturb them.
Taglist: @gallantys
Masterlist 2
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empires-au-ideas · 2 years
False. The Soul King.
She's been iseakied from who knows where, right onto the king's doorstep. The king is gonna suck her soul as soon as he figures out a) what kind of magic she has and b) finds out where's False is from and if he can invade it.
Scott bears witness to this, as he's at the king's castle to intercept a magic item delivery. But the thing is: False has no magic on her. This is before Scott meets Sausage or the others, so he's gonna have to talk False out of the castle some how.
He takes a few magic items from his stash and proposes them to the king, claiming to only want to see the new arrival in return. But he wants to do that first.
The king, blinded by greed, agrees just to get the items faster.
The king accompanies Scott to the dungeon, asking annoyingly important questions. Where did Scott find three magic items? Why did he want to see False? What's wrong with his eye? Scott easily lies, found them in a warehouse, curious, pink eye (the king somehow believes that last one) until they get to False's cell.
Scott leans forward. The girl looked about his age, curled up in the corner, facing away from him and the king. He just now realized he came in here without a plan of what to do once he got in.
"She's not magic though?" Scott raised an eyebrow.
The king snapped his head over to him. Crap.
"Well," Scott thought quickly. He shrugged. "You obviously know how all magic has a pulse. Even commoners can feel it, as a powerful magic user yourself, your majesty, I'm sure you've noticed this person has no magic pulse."
The king looked slowly over to the girl. "Why yes of course I can feel she has no magic. But that doesn't mean she... won't develope any."
Scott internally pumped his fist. He knew the king had no magic, or that's what his parents had told him a while back, being people who actually remembered when the king was crowned. And he was right, the king's fatal flaw was wanting people to think he had more power than them.
"How old are you, boy?"
Scott thought for a moment, considering if he should lie again, before answering. "Twelve."
The king hummed. "Pretty young to be giving advice on how to approach magic users, especially one like this with so much potential."
Scott became uneasy. He was alone down here with the king. No one would notice if he disappeared, and he currently had a magic item stuck on his face.
"Can I talk to her alone, your majesty?" Scott asked, trying to keep his voice level. The king tilted his head down at him.
He squinted his eyes. "Why?"
Uhm. "She looks sad, she might want to join your magic league if she was happier, or at least knew what was going on."
This "magic league" was the BS the king told the kingdom, why he wanted magic users, he wanted them for a "council" to "work for him".
The screaming souls in the king's chest said otherwise. Scott didn't know exactly what was going on, but he was smart enough to tell no magic users live after their meeting with the king.
The king gave a short nod, getting to the stairway of the dungeon as quickly as he could. For someone who wanted them so badly, the king seemed nearly scared of magic users.
"Pst!" Scott leaned forward into the bars of the cell once he heard the door slam. "You good in there?"
The girl looked up, deadish dull eyes with long golden hair. She had on one of those red and white striped shirts like a pirate, but she didn't have that same grimey look. She gave no response, only staring.
Scott fished through his pocket and pulled out his fourth magic item he hadn't told the king of. He threw the short sword over to her, hoping the clang wasn't enough to alert the king.
"The next time a guard comes to give you food, after they unlock the door start fighting," Scott instructed, whispering. "Try and do it at mid day, there'll be more crowds in the square to get lost in if you make it all the way out."
No words. The girl only moved closer. As she did, her hair fell away from her face to reveal something shiny, blending in with the rest of her golden hair. Feathers.
Scott tensed his shoulders. A lot of hybrids were very on the cusp of being hunted fir magic, even though most were completely natural. "Try and hide the feathers. Hope you get back to where you were before."
The girl took the sword and cradled it close to her as she curled up again. At least it wasn't visible.
Scott whispered a bye and went up the stairs into the grand hall. The king was waiting right outside for him.
"Did you cut through to her?" The king ask. "Even just figure out where she's from."
Scott bowed and shook his head. "Hard as stone. Thank for your time, your majesty."
The king waved his hand, dismissing him. Scott hot out of that castle as fast as he could. He didn't care who got caught next, he was never getting that close to the king again.
The day after the next there was a search for a bright blond girl in a red and white shirt with a magic sword, but nothing showed up of her. Scott also tried to find her himself, but not much he could do that the guards already have, especially if he didn't want to freak her out.
The only thing False has to her name now is a weird sword that some kid gave her, and after a year or two, when she probably needed to replace the grip, she noticed a symbol under the strap.
Searching far and wide, False knocked on the door of a certain blacksmith.
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avi17 · 3 years
MK X Pacific Rim AU Concept
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You ever get an AU idea in your head and go absolutely feral for a bit putting it all on paper?  Me neither, until now!  This isn’t so much a fic as just a detailed wiki-style outline, but hopefully it will still be fun to read!  I had a ton of fun figuring out how to translate all these concepts and backstories into the PR world. If anyone feels like doing anything with these ideas they’re absolutely welcome, just please credit me and link back to this post if you do!  I don’t think I’ll ever be able to write this into some massive longfic, but I definitely hope to do some shorts in this ‘verse. I brainstormed this with a bunch of people, and got some fun ideas from @sxvethelastdance​, @bastardsunlight​, and @fallen-angel-lucifer- thank you guys so much for humoring all this!​
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Pan Pacific Defense Corps Marshal Raiden was a legendary Mark 1 pilot dating back to when the program was first launched.  Based out of the Shatterdome in Tokyo, he and his brother Fujin, in their Jaeger Thunderbolt Gale, were the first line of defense from Kaiju attacks headed westward from the breach for five grueling years. However, they met their match in Motaro, the first Category 3 Kaiju to make landfall on Hokkaido, and when Fujin was torn from their Jaeger and killed, Raiden was forced to take down the creature solo- a feat replicated only twice since. The physical and emotional toll of that day led to his retirement from active combat, but he remained in the PPDC as a commander, as well as a mentor of other pilots.  When the Jaeger program was decommissioned, he was the last one to retain his faith in it, and took up leadership over the few remaining Jaegers at the Shatterdome in Hong Kong for one final stand against the Kaiju. Current Pilots:
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Liu Kang and Kung Lao Jaeger: White Lotus Original base: Hong Kong
The home base heroes of the Hong Kong Shatterdome, pilots Liu Kang and Kung Lao are the top graduates and darlings of the Wu Shi Jaeger Academy.  Raised together in a martial arts sect before the first breach and drift compatible since their ranger training began, they are nearly inseparable- though Kung Lao has never quite forgotten how Liu Kang's scores just barely edged out his own in their individual skill assessments, and he strives constantly to prove himself his partner's equal (despite Liu Kang's insistence that such competition is unnecessary). Their Jaeger, White Lotus, is a well-rounded, powerful machine, featuring high-powered flamethrowers, as well as a system of fuel vents that allow it to set its fists alight and heat them to brutal temperatures in close-quarters battle. For ranged combat, it utilizes a circular blade mounted to its head, which can be thrown like a boomerang with enough force to slice through buildings. 
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Kitana and Jade Jaeger: Edenia Glory Original Base: Lima
Interplanetary refugees, Kitana and Jade escaped to Earth after their homeworld was attacked and overrun by Kaiju invaders.  Their spacecraft crashed in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, and though they immediately searched for civilization in order to warn Earth’s people of what was to come, the first wave of attacks had already begun.  After making their way to Lima, they volunteered to put their combat skills and close bond to use as rangers in the South American Jaeger program. Together they have defended the coasts of Chile and Peru since the Mark-2 days, though between battles, they spend their time in communication with the PPDC and the U.N., sharing what information they can about the Kaiju and other alien life previously unknown on Earth. Their Jaeger, Edenia Glory incorporates technological elements from their original planet not used in any other Jaeger, and is lithe, fast, and deadly, with a style focused primarily on precision bladework rather than hand to hand brawling.  Its name is a tribute to their lost homeworld, and they use it to great effect to prevent Earth from suffering the same fate.
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Sonya Blade and Jackson "Jax" Briggs (later Johnny Cage) Jaeger: Flawless Victory Original Base: Los Angeles
Both Lt. Sonya Blade and Maj. Jax Briggs had successful careers in the U.S military behind them when the first Kaiju came ashore and attacked San Francisco.  Though at the time, Sonya was in the field pursuing the criminal Kano, she returned to the states when her friend and superior officer, Jax, suggested that they might be good candidates for the newly-formed ranger program.  He proved to be right, and the two did time at the Shatterdomes in both Los Angeles and Anchorage, fighting off Kaiju from Canada to Mexico, and became well-admired figures within the military for their ascent.  Though far from unscathed, the ostentatiously-named Flawless Victory is the last American Jaeger left standing by the time the program is decommissioned and is a tank of a machine, sacrificing some speed for the greatest physical strength of any Jaeger still on the field. Like the other American Jaegers, for long range combat it favors plasma cannons and explosives- particularly a ring-shaped plasma blast with wider coverage than the usual single beam- but it is at its most effective when delivering a crushing beatdown up close and personal. Johnny Cage is the star of a popular series of action films dramatizing the battles of the Jaegers and Kaiju, and to many civilians at home, is as much the face of the Jaeger program as its real members.  He has a secret ambition to become an actual pilot and has an impressive record in simulations, but because of his celebrity status (and his personality), Marshal Raiden and the other Jaeger teams refuse to consider him as a true contender.  However, when a vicious fight with two Kaiju at once leaves both of Jax's arms shattered, taking him out of commission as a pilot for the foreseeable future, Sonya is forced to accept Johnny as her new co-pilot in order to keep Flawless Victory in the fray where it is needed. Despite her irritation with him, they turn out to be drift compatible, and become a formidable duo in their own right.
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Hanzo Hasashi and Kuai Liang Jaeger: Phantom Vengeance Original Base: Nagasaki
From the Nagasaki Shatterdome, the bright yellow Mark-3 Jaeger Shirai Ryu defended the coast of the Yellow Sea across three countries.  Its building was overseen by its husband and wife pilots, Hanzo and Harumi Hasashi, and it was named for the legendary warrior clan from which Hanzo claimed descent.  It was in service for four years, though Hanzo and Harumi always spent as much time as possible between missions with their young son Satoshi, who lived with them in their quarters at the base so that his parents could still have a part in raising him in a world that would not guarantee a reunion for families who choose to separate. Across the sea based in Shanghai was an organization known as the Lin Kuei, a private military contractor funded by shadowy, unknown sources.  Though its bread and butter was anti-Kaiju weaponry, it also began to develop its own Jaegers- the only ones outside the PPDC, created from illicitly obtained blueprints, and hireable for the right price.  Its crown jewel was a small, stealthy machine called simply Sub-Zero, unique for its proficiency underwater and tendency to use coolant as a weapon rather than fire or explosives, and piloted by two brothers- Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. When the massive Kaiju Kintaro directly attacked the Nagasaki Shatterdome, Shirai Ryu was the only Jaeger left to defend it. Desperate, the Hasashis attempted to contact the Lin Kuei, as they were closer than the nearest other Shatterdome in Tokyo.  They received no response and were forced into battle alone, and though they prevailed, the price was too high- not only Harumi’s life when part of their cockpit was crushed, but Satoshi’s as well, buried in the wreckage of the base.  In his grief, Hanzo blamed the Lin Kuei- particularly Bi-Han, with whom he had never gotten along- for what he perceived as a failure to act due to greed and amorality. What Hanzo did not know that day was that they were experiencing the first double event in history, and Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei were under attack by the Kaiju Sheeva at the same time.  The Kaiju hivemind had figured out Sub-Zero’s usual strategy of attacking from the water, and were ready with an acidic bite that tore a hole in the cockpit, which rapidly flooded.  After a similar failure to make contact with Shirai Ryu, Bi-Han was swept out into the sea and presumably drowned (though his body was never recovered), but Kuai Liang, despite a bleeding face and water up to his neck, managed to kill the Kaiju mere moments before Sub-Zero ceased to function. After his release from medical, a furious Kuai Liang set off immediately for the remains of the Nagasaki Shatterdome to confront Hanzo for his failure to respond to the attack, since Shanghai was within Nagasaki's area of coverage. Both blinded by rage, they nearly got into a fistfight in the middle of the base, but once they realized what had truly happened, their anger cooled.  They bonded over their grief, and the unfathomable experience of having to pilot a Jaeger alone after such loss- and in the process, discovered they were drift compatible, and that they both wished to continue the fight in retaliation for what the Kaiju had done to their families. Their new Jaeger, Phantom Vengeance, is a strange sight- constructed from salvaged pieces of both Sub-Zero and Shirai Ryu (along with some newer tech to fill the gaps), it looks as much like a walking ghost as its pilots. However, it should not be underestimated based on its appearance. Quick and light (for a Jaeger), it features a retractable grappling hook to drag Kaiju into the range of its blasts of powerful coolant, and a devastating grip to snap them like twigs once frozen. 
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Other Players:
After the destruction of Sub-Zero and the defection of Kuai Liang, the Lin Kuei concluded that the problem with the Jaeger program was the human element of drift compatibility, which limited the number of possible pilots and held them back due to concern for their partners in battle.  Therefore, in secret, they began a series of horrific experiments, fusing subjects with their Jaegers to operate more like batteries than true pilots, and erasing their memories through drugging and electric shock in order to create blank minds that could operate together without the complications of emotion.  Assassins Cyrax and Sektor, along with Kuai Liang’s close friend Tomas Vrbada, were among the subjects of this initiative, forced to operate a three-armed machine called Triborg.
Shang Tsung is a scientist, shunned from the academic community and at times running afoul of the law for his unethical- if not outright twisted- biological experiments. He and Marshal Raiden have crossed paths in the past, and though no one knows the details, their enmity towards each other is clear. However, in his desperation after the decommissioning of the Jaeger program, Raiden had Shang Tsung brought from prison to the Hong Kong Shatterdome, and gave him access to whatever parts he needed to find a way to destroy the Kaiju- by any means necessary. Shang Tsung agreed partly because of the money offered, but mostly because the world's destruction would throw quite the wrench into his own personal goals. (And maybe because it was deeply satisfying- and perhaps useful- to have the Marshal in his debt.) Where his allegiance will lie at the end of the day, however, is anyone's guess. 
For such experiments, one needs a steady supply of Kaiju parts, and for contraband like that, Raiden had to look even lower- to the crime syndicate the Black Dragon, led by Kano and including his associates, Kabal and Erron Black.  Though once mercenaries dealing in everything from illicit arms trading to assassination, the Black Dragon followed the money and and put all their resources into the trafficking of Kaiju parts.  With demand so high, they have become immensely powerful, but their involvement with the PPDC in the name of greater profits ends up bringing Kano face to face with his old nemesis, Sonya Blade- with predictably violent results.
Nightwolf was the historian of the Matoka tribe, which had long ago predicted a great cataclysm that would bring about the end of life on earth.  Though he had been skeptical that such legends were real, when that cataclysm came to pass in the form of the Kaiju invasion, Nightwolf was not content to merely await a prophesied destruction.  He left home and applied for the ranger program, but although he trained toward being a pilot and had the necessary combat skills, he never found a partner with whom he was drift compatible.  Rather than dwell on this with resentment, he pivoted his focus into other ways he could help, and found his place as a technician and LOCCENT officer.  Transferred to Hong Kong after the decommissioning of the Jaeger program, he was the rangers’ primary point of communication with the base while in battle.
Though most of the world fears the Kaiju, there are also those who worship them, and such admiration has evolved over the years into a full-blown religion.  The shadowy high priest of this cult is Quan Chi, who claims that the Kaiju have been sent by the God of Death himself- to end the days of humans on Earth as we so richly deserve.  Recently, a strange, hollow-eyed man calling himself Noob Saibot has appeared like a shadow at Quan Chi’s side, serving as his personal bodyguard against all threats and a fellow ardent believer in the inevitability of humanity’s destruction. Mileena is a grotesque fusion of Kaiju DNA with that of Kitana, which was stolen against her will when she was injured and bled during the invasion of Edenia. She enters Earth as a general of the Kaiju, connected to their hivemind, along with the first Category 5 to ever come through the breach, Goro.  Together, they intend to ensure the will of their creator and the ruler of the Anteverse- Shao Kahn- is carried out.
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crispy-chan · 4 years
seesaw ↣ min yoongi
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↣ pairing: min yoongi x f.reader ↣ genre/warnings: fluff, angst, light cursing ↣ word count: 1646 ↣ a/n: happy birthday yoongi. this is yet again a product of like an hour of writing but i hope it isn't terrible. oh, and i love seesaws.    - listen to seesaw by suga
main masterlist (skz) | bts materlist
“It was a good start The ups and downs, themselves Before I knew it, we grew tired With meaningless emotional drains”
For the longest time, Min Yoongi was just a friend. The boy next door. You went together to elementary school, middle school, and now high school. For the longest time, he was just that.
It wasn't until you were in your late teens, that he asked you out. Occasional greetings turned into walking to school together, multiple study sessions, and a few dates.
For the first date, he took you to the park for a picnic. He prepared the entire picnic basket himself, even making fresh sandwiches and some raspberry lemonade. Laying the pleated yellow blanket on the emerald grass, he motioned for you to sit first, like a true gentleman.
“Thanks, Yoongi. It looks delicious,” you smiled at him, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. Squinting against the sunlight, you decided to move to the side, so your back would face the sun.
Yoongi took a seat across from you, flashing you a gummy smile before pulling out the paper plates and arranging the meal.
“I made some Caprese sandwiches. I hope you'll like them.”
Taking a big bite, you sighed at the taste, the familiar flavor melting on your tongue.
“They're really good, Yoongi. I love them. Didn't know that you could cook,” you beamed, the light breeze making your hair flutter around your neck.
At that moment, Yoongi knew he was in love. The laughs and giggles, the wide smiles, and your sparkling eyes looking at him like that. He felt like he found paradise. You gulped down the rest of the sandwich, not forgetting to compliment him and thank him for preparing them.
Sipping the fruity lemonade, you sighed, closing your eyes and looking up. A few fluffy clouds graced the clear blue sky. Yoongi got up, walking in the directions of the flower field, leaving you behind on the blanket.
“I'm just going to get some flowers,” he explained upon seeing the confusion on your face. Your frown disappeared, a boisterous laugh leaving you as you waved to him.
“Come back soon, Yoongs.”
Roughly ten minutes passed by, and you were starting to get worried. You contemplated running after him, to make sure everything was okay, but you didn't have to. Yoongi was pacing back to you, his hands behind his back, almost as if hiding something.
“Whatcha got there?” you questioned, excitement bubbling in your heart.
Yoongi's heart fluttered, cheeks reddening at the display. He slowly pulled his hand from behind his back, revealing a small flower crown.
You gasped with glee, looking up at him with glazing orbs. “I-Is that f-for me?”
Rather than answering the question, Yoongi chose to place the delicate wreath on your head. It felt like centuries have passed, by the time you have calmed your racing heartbeat. 
After that, you guys walked to the empty playground. At some point, Yoongi's hand softly gripped yours, and you had to stop the urge to squeal.
His hand was much bigger than yours, easily engulfing your palm in his own, as he swayed them back and forth. Reaching for the gate, he opened it, letting you in. 
You walked to the old seesaw in the back, the yellow paint chipping off after years of usage. With a laugh, you sat down, Yoongi walking to the other side and doing the same. Taking turns, you pushed yourselves off the ground in short intervals, laughing and chatting.
Yoongi told you about his dream, how he wanted to pursue music in life, even if everybody around him told him not to. It was hard to make it in the industry, with no promise of a stable career in the future.
But you encouraged him. Told him how he should pursue his dream, do what his heart longed for. He was delighted, you have been the first person to show outright support when it came to this passion of his. The serotonin was high when he realized that you said you would stand by him till the end.
After that, he walked you home as the moon lit up your path. The night was chilly, so after he noticed you shiver, he immediately threw his denim jacket over your shoulders and rubbed comforting circles on your hand.
You tried to protest, telling him that you were fine, that you didn't want him to freeze, but he dismissed it with a wave of his hand.
Arriving at your place, you were sad that the day came to an end. Yoongi has let go of your hand and you were walking up the steps but before you stepped inside, you turned around and quickly pecked him on the cheek.
Your cheeks flooded with warmth as you whispered a quiet “goodnight” before storming inside. Yoongi stood in front of your door for a few minutes, glued to the pavement before he was able to leave. His mind was still hazy from the kiss you gave him and he realized he wanted more.
It took three more dates before he officially asked for you to be his girlfriend. He grabbed your hand while in a restaurant, looking you in the eye and telling you how much he enjoyed your company and wanted to be able to call you his and spend more time with you.
You instantly agreed, chest filling with warmth as a wave of giddiness crashed over you.
Everything was going so well, the two of you going on weekly dates, texted all day, and even had study sessions together.
This went on for almost a year. It felt like your life was complete, you had everything you could possibly long for. Things were going great with Yoongi. 
Until they weren't.
“Repeated seesaw game Now, I'm so sick of this Repeated seesaw game We're getting sick and tired of each other”
It seems like good things aren't meant to last. Bit by bit, the relationship the two of you have carefully built, was crumbling. Falling apart. 
Weekly dates turned into monthly ones, Yoongi being all closed up in the studio, working on tracks until ungodly hours. You tried to speak to him, remind him to take breaks, occasionally even visiting him and bringing him dinner.
But it felt like he was shutting you out. Any attempt to mend your relationship felt futile. But you weren't prepared to give up. To give up on him. Not when everyone else around him has already done so.
You texted him. Told him to meet you at the playground. That if he wouldn't show, you personally go to the studio and make a scene.
He agreed, promising he'll be there. You felt a pang in your chest when you heard how tired he was. Someone had to make sure this boy wouldn't burn himself out.
You sat on the seesaw. The exact same one you and Yoongi were on almost a year ago. But it wasn't the same without him. Five minutes have passed. Ten. Twenty.
You were beginning to worry. Where was he? What if he didn't show? He was almost half an hour late at this point. You felt tears prick at the corner of your eyes, slowly standing up to leave in shame.
But then a running Yoongi came into view. He sprinted across the grass, bursting through the playground gate and stopping right in front of you. Bending down and placing his hands on his knees, he panted heavily before looking up.
His eyes.
They caught you by surprise. It has been ages since you last stared into his chocolate brown orbs. You could see the unshed tears welling up in them. 
“I have something to show you,” he whispered.
“Were the petty arguments the start? The moment I became heavier than you Because there have never been parallels in the first place Maybe it was my greed trying to match myself with you If it was love, and if this is what love means Is there really a need to keep repeating ourselves We're tired of each other, yet seem to be holding the same cards Well, then”
He pulled out his phone, swiping it open before clicking on something. An unfamiliar melody sounded in the vast night, lyrics that you heard for the first time, yet still felt as if you knew them by heart. After the track finished, Yoongi pocketed his phone, slowly looking up, waiting for your reaction.
When he saw none (you were too stunned by hearing him sing for the first time), so he started to explain.
“I- I know things have been going downhill with us. And I wanted to apologize, it's mostly my fault. I kept locking myself up in the studio, completely neglecting you and overall just acting like a dick-”
You laughed at that, making Yoongi smile.
“-it has been rocky, but I still love you. I came late because I was adding some finishing touches to the song. I guess I needed to get it out of my system. But in the meantime, I remembered why you mean so much to me. And I wanted to ask you - would you be willing to give us another chance?”
He looked up to you, shaking the hair off his forehead. His eyes shone with guilt, hope, and longing.
“I- I think we could try again,” you stammered, “but no more shutting me out. Understood?”
This brought you here. Three months later. The both of you were sitting on the seesaw, reminiscing about how you sat here for the first time, over a year ago. The seesaw has become your safe space, you'd go there after every argument, achievement, or when you just felt like annoying parents who thought you two had no business on the playground.
“There's no turning back”
a/n: hope you liked it. feel free to let me know your thoughts. stay safe ✨
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ktheist · 3 years
the emperor.
knj / myg / jhs / ksj / pjm / kth / jjk
the first time kim seokjin met the queen of the dragons was five years after he ascended the throne and united the whole continent under his empire.
all, except the kingdom of the free.
beasts with wings and fire in their breaths hover over the kingdom’s skies day and night.
always on the look out for the smallest of threats.
the day the queen visited with her delegates, the skies turn dark. the silver wyvern - the last of its kind and the queen’s loyal friend - perched itself on the clock tower of the palace.
hair as white as the silver scales of her guardian, she stared at him with striking blue eyes.
“greetings, kim seokjin,” she didn’t lower her head like the other kings and queens who ceded to him.
if she had been one of his people, she would have been executed for contempt to the crown.
but she wasn’t his person.
she was free.
kim seokjin got used to her cystal-like eyes that seem to pierce through his heart each time they gaze at him.
“we don’t control them. we’re simply grateful for the protection they swore to give to our ancestors and our ancestors’ descendants,” she says with the softest huff when he proposed an alliance to have the dragons guard the capital where the palace is.
“i apologize... for getting ahead of myself,” he bows, smile as sweet as honey on his lips.
he doesn’t know why he even bothers with the courtesy and feigned pleasantries.
for her eyes are as clear as the sky and she sees through him like he’s made of glass.
the next time he sees her, he’s the one that rode to the free kingdom under the guise of eradicating a crime syndicate that’s been plaguing the continent.
this is no job for an emperor yet here he is, standing in the open meadow past the snow valley where he watches the silver wyvern land gracefully, talons scraping against the blades of grass.
“seokjin, i trust your stay has been well?” it’s the first time she’s smiling at him, hand on the beast’s head as if she’s petting a kitten.
“quite,” is all he says, mesmerized by the glaring contrast of her midnight skin and snowy hair.
“come,” she holds out her hand and he foolishly takes it.
if she were to feed him to her beastly pet, seokjin thought, he would willingly let himself be eaten.
but she doesn’t do that.
no, she would never do such a barbarous thing.
instead, she takes him on a ride, on its scaled back with wind brushing against his skin and his hands on her waist.
seokjin realizes why her kingdom is free.
six months later, the continent is shaken by the news of the emperor’s proposal to the dragon queen.
he struts into the white walled palace and gets on his knees as if he’s fully submitted to the realization that she has him shackled by the wrists.
and he wants nothing more than to be hers. to be treated as one of those mindless beasts that come running with a single call.
she dismisses the servants and he waves his off.
“i’ve known of your greed the moment i met you,” her voice is sharp but there’s a kind of warmth in it - seokjin likes to think it’s reserved only for him.
“but to make this... this grand proposal just to get the dra-”
he swallows her words and she freezes under his touch.
her fingers begin to tug on his shirt. she kisses him back with just as much desperation.
seokjin thinks he’s about to die from how fast his heart is beating.
“i can’t leave the kingdom,” she says, stroking his hair as they sit on the marble floor of the throne room, surrounded by the jewels and riches he brought from the spoils of war.
“you don’t have to,” he assures, “you had the emperor bowing at your feet - he’s ready to give orders to prepare to move the capital of the empire here.”
he knows he sounds half-crazy for saying this. for plainly handing over the empire to be governed under the tiniest kingdom in the continent.
yet if it means being able to feel her touch for the rest of his life, he wouldn’t mind.
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blood 7 - Strange/Stark!Reader
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Relationship: Dr. Strange/Princess!Stark!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Themes, eventual smut, adult language, implied sexual violence, general violence
Synopsis: Reader is the daughter of the legendary King Anthony Stark, Uniter of Lands, The Iron Defender, and leader of the realm. When the king disappears during battle, hope is lost and he is presumed dead.
When the late king’s uncle, Obadiah, takes the throne until your brother Peter is of age, he quickly arranges a marriage for you with a wicked king in a neighboring kingdom.
With the realms politics in question, and rumors of an upcoming siege to overthrow Peter’s rule before it starts, you quickly learn who is loyal to the crown and who is not.
part 6 - part 8 (coming April 13th)
Chapter Playlist
CHAPTER WARNING: Yee-har, thar be smut afoot in this here chapter. 18+
7- a king
Anthony Stark hadn’t expected all of this to come of his death. He foresaw of some of it.  
Of Obadiah’s imminent betrayal and Brock’s general ambition, but when Wanda had approached him with her vision all those years ago, he couldn’t have understood what it all meant. 
Now, however, he realized the violence that was soon to arrive at his kingdom’s doorstep. It was an uneasy feeling; the responsibility bestowed upon him to put men’s lives at risk. To make widows and orphans because of inter family squabbles. 
But Tony knew that Obadiah and Brock both presented far larger threats in the long term. 
A king who is hungry for power will never stop to consider the least fortunate in his rule. 
It was a mantra Tony had created for himself after his father had let entire villages fall to win back some petty golden toy during the War of the Giants. In the end, the lives lost had been worthless and the giants returned to their mountains with more spoils than they’d started. 
It had made him sick. 
That was the moment Tony decided to be a better man. A better king. He took pride in his unselfish rule and lack of war among those who shared the boundary with his kingdom. By a miracle he’d gotten Brock into line, but Obadiah had gotten a taste of power from his position in the Giant’s War and wanted more.
Rumors turned to plots, and all at once Tony knew his family and legacy was in danger. He had a troubled relationship with the Wakandans after one of his own barons killed their king in a quest for vengeance after the Giant’s War. Steve had volunteered as ambassador with the shadowy James Barnes (who’d long had a positive relationship with T’Challa) and they’d managed to broker a deal benefiting both nations. 
And Asgard. 
That was a whole other bag of complications. 
Odin had long been distrustful of Tony’s first wife, the late Queen Alexandra due to her Vanir lineage. The Asgardians had fought for centuries trying to eradicate what they’d seen as a dangerous race of uncontrollable magic users. 
Odin had been a step in the right direction, after replacing his late father, but the prejudices still remained and Tony’s marriage to one of the few remaining Vanir royals had soured what little relations they’d had. 
Still, in the end, they’d protected you when he so desperately needed help the Asgardians could only provide. To that, he’d offered her hand to the princes, and Odin took the offer into consideration, only backing off when an agreement was made between the two boys and yourself that affections lay elsewhere.
Which brought him to his latest challenge. Your engagement to the monster king, Brock Rumlow. 
The popular story was that he’d had his late wife killed when she hadn’t produced a male heir. Every female baby prior had been fed to the dogs and at last, when her fifth pregnancy had yielded yet another female, she fell mysteriously ill and died a few nights later. Some say a villager found the baby’s water logged corpse shortly after. 
From a strategic perspective, it made sense. You hadn’t been called upon by any serious suitors, often running around the kingdom with a begrudging Stephen on your coattails, and you were still young enough to bare a child or two. 
Brock needed a means of securing trust in the kingdom, and marrying one of its beloved daughters was the way to do it. Not to mention, Obadiah got his army, Peter would be overthrown when he attempted to take his birthright, and both men would share in the mutual benefits of being involved in one of the strongest economies in history. 
It was a clear cut plan for control of the kingdom, and it would have been more than enough for Tony to take action.
Except for one small caveat.
You’d been born of the same Vanir blood as your mother and even as a days old infant, you had shown the Master Sorceress at the time an insurmountable measure of power. 
It was an old and finicky magic, the woman had warned before your mother’s body had even cooled in bed. You would need trining, but there was no one left to provide. 
The Asgardians had been thorough in destroying the ancient texts and any remaining Vanir had long fallen into hiding, often using enchanted amulets and trinkets to conceal their seidr from those with wicked intentions. 
Your mother had been a victim of such vicious greed. She’d been open with her abilities, sharing a close bond with Orin’s own wife and his young son, Loki. The pair had conspired to learn all the forbidden secrets of the Vanir, and she’d begun to accumulate quite the library of resources from old temples and Asgardian burial tombs. 
Frigga helped her translate and in turn, the relationship with the royal families had warmed considerably until a few days before your birth. 
Things had fallen apart so quickly. The Northern Kree empire had infiltrated the castle after hearing rumors of the queen’s power. Someone had once written that a single drop of Vanir blood was worth thousands in gold pieces. A bandit had gotten through the gates while she labored, he had ambushed her in the birthing chambers and despite putting up an admirable fight- died with a dagger stabbed through her heart. 
The beast had tried to cut it free in front of the midwives. 
The Master Sorceress had only stepped from the room a moment to freshen up her herbal remedies. By the time anyone had made it to her side, she had died, and you’d been cut free of her with that same knife. 
“Your majesty?” Wanda inquired, approaching where he sat by the fire of the rebellion campsite.
“Yes?” He blinked up, returning to the present at hand. The men who were preparing for battle around him. The women sharpening weapons and sewing leather.  
The people he had asked to rise up for the betterment of the kingdom. The people who were prepared to die by his side for a secure future. 
“Master Strange is to meet at my cottage in the hour,” she explained. 
“And what would you advise Master Sorceress?” he asked, an amused expression on his face. “Shall we let him in on our secret?” 
“With less than seven days to the wedding, it might be wise,” she reasoned sardonically. “Natalia has her own mission in securing the support from within. Master Strange is working with Peter and Loki on securing the vulnerable.” 
“Do you think he told him?” Tony looked down at the fire pensively. 
“Loki,” he clarified. “He and Master Mordo were among the few who knew. They had to have mentioned something to him. He’s- well- I’m not entirely sure what he is to her now, but he’s certainly one of the closest lines of protection to her.”
“Assuming the rune hasn’t already faded, I would think he either told him or Stephen found out for himself, my liege,” Wanda sat down on the log next to time, her gaze following his into the flames. “Her power is what Amora desires. It needs to be concealed until the princess is in safe hands.”
“Then he knows,” Tony decided, nodding to himself. “Amora would have done something stupid if the seidr had broken through completely. Someone is keeping it under control.”
“I’ll find out,” Wanda promised. “Would you like to speak to him?”
Tony made a disgruntled noise at the thought of approaching the sorcerer. House Strange had long served under the Stark banner, proudly riding at the front of the line when called upon for battle. When they sent their oldest to train at Kamar-Taj, Tony had been surprised.
The boy had a knack for strategy and was sharp as a needle point. Tony could have seen the young man easily rise in leadership in the house, ruling his own militiamen and managing the family affairs. 
But apparently he had no interest in it, and in an unorthodox fashion, the assets had been passed to their eldest daughter. 
Granted, in the end, none of that mattered- as the entire family estate had been stricken by a particularly nasty plague. The sole survivor was Stephen, who’d been away at Kamar-Taj when he’d gotten the news. 
He’d rushed home, and in the process gotten sick himself, but with the help of his fellow sorcerers, recovered with the only remnants of the illness remaining in his hands. He often told others it had been a riding accident. Only a select few knew the truth and devastation of his loss. 
Tony had met with the young man on his sickbed, assuring him the assets would remain in the family. That the castle would maintain the property while he fulfilled his obligations to Kamar-Taj. After all, there was no greater calling than to a life of service and compassion. It was the least Tony could do. 
Well, until you had scared off every Master to cross the castle threshold and he’d gotten desperate and asked the boy for a favor.
He should have known better. You were close in age. Equally as ambitious and cunning. For years you’d been sneaking through passages and around the villages at night, often with Natalia at your side. 
Stephen just made it easier, and helped Tony rest a little easier knowing the man would give his life for you, if need be. 
Tony wasn’t dumb. He’d seen it the first night the you had met. 
The sneaking smiles, the conspiratorial whispers in the corners of the ballroom, and when Peter’s cat turned into a lion almost identical to the Stark sigil, Tony knew that one day he might allow that young man to break the oaths he’d made for a single exception. 
“Your highness?” Wanda pried gently for a clearer answer. 
“Yes, I’ll speak to him,” he pinched the bridge of his nose. About a great many things.
“I somehow don’t believe you just found out about this,” you stated, sitting cross legged on one of the strewn about cushions, a teapot floating delicately from the palm of your hand. 
“I’ve learned a number of thing recently,” he replied dryly. “Like Mordo is alive, and Brock wants to kill Obadiah once you’re wed.”
You lost your focus and the cup shattered on the ground. 
“He what?” you gaped at Stephen while he repaired the ceramic cup with a wave of his hand. 
“It ties into the whole secret magic thing, but it really isn’t an ideal situation,” he explained, setting the cup aside and dropping to the cushion across from you. 
“I guess it’s good I’ve pestered you for your books over the years,” you mused, flexing your fingers in the air in front of you.
“It isn’t the same,” he sighed, watching while you lifted a few other stray objects and paused them between the two of you. “Seidr is... there isn’t documentation. The books were destroyed. Kamar-Taj had a few tomes but the Vanir language is nearly impossible to translate at this point.”
“What about Loki? Or Frigga?” you asked, moving both your hands at once and dropping a feather into his lap with a grin. 
“Believe it or not, I’ve been focused on other issues,” he muttered dryly. “We’re going to have to seal this before you leave.”
“But you said it’s what preventing Amora from taking over my head,” you reminded him pointedly, summoning a small flame from an incantation you’d studied the day before. Extinguishing it between your palms, you looked up at him for a better excuse. 
“But it is also the reason Brock is forcing you into a marriage and so she can control you, and in turn, your power better than you can,” he explained tersely. “She can’t know you’ve gotten partial control over it. Let her underestimate you, but until you can learn to conceal the energy yourself, you can’t risk exposure.”
“So am I being sealed or not?” you asked impatiently, floating a candle from you to him. He took it with an amused half-smile, extinguishing the light with a quick puff of air. “Can you do a... half seal? Hide the energy, keep some of the good parts?”
“Gods, I don’t know,” he groaned, shaking his head while he seat the canclde aside. “This is entirely new territory that I was not trained for.”
“That must mean you’re a terrible Sorcerer Supreme. What fool put you in charge?” you teased, reaching forward and tapping the top of his nose playfully. 
“It’s not my fault you’re a freakish anomaly that’s supposed to be extinct,” he mumbled, pulling a frown while you laughed. “Give me your wrist.”
“Fine, but when this over I demand you help me train properly,” you stated and though he  continued grumbling under his breath about being too old for your games, he agreed. “And Loki helps too.”
“Not part of the deal,” Stephen scowled. 
“Fine, I’ll marry him then,” you smirked back at him. “You still haven’t asked, so I guess when my wedding tragically falls through, I’ll have to find respite with him.”
He pulled you forward, a glint in his eyes that sent a shiver through your entire body. 
“I’m not going to chase after a betrothed woman, it’s bad taste,” he hummed, fingers crawling up your wrist and intertwining with your fingers. “I have a reputation to uphold, even if you feel comfortable hiding away with strange men in dark places.”
“Is that supposed to be a joke?” you whispered, sitting up on your knees and tilting your head.
“Do you not think I’m funny?” he murmured, reaching with his free head and tilting back your chin. A smile played on the corners of your mouth, both of you sizing the other up and daring the other to make the first move. 
“I can think of many things you are,” you lifted his hand and pressed a tender kiss to his palm. “But funny?”
“You laugh at all of my clever wit, don’t try to deceive me princess, I know the truth,” Stephen sharply pulled your hand forward, forcing you to fall into his chest. He held your lower back, gazing down at you adoringly. “You’re trying to hide it, but I see it in your eyes.”
“Do you know what I see in your eyes?” your voice cracked ever so slightly, your hand cradling his cheek, your thumb lightly tracing the sharp features. 
“What do you see?” 
“Strength,” you murmured, transfixed by his opalescent gaze. All at once, it was like you were seeing him for the first time. You could feel the energy radiating off of him, seeing the waves of magic as they ripples through his body. “Devotion to... Stephen you’re beautiful.”
“Or so the stars whisper to the earth below,” his voice was soft, gentle, while his hand guided itself up your arm to your cheek. “But, what the stars do not see is their own radiance, their own ethereal light shimmering across the velvet heavens above. The stars do not know how the Earth worships the very flicker of their existence, tells stories of their magnificence and beauty. The do not know how the Earth finds its meaning in what little time it steals away to them in the night.”
It all happened very quickly after that. 
You peeled at his robes, he worked at your corset, a frenzy of hands and mouths tasting one another in a way neither had ever imagined. 
Discarding the corset, he worked his hands up your blouse, fingers lightly teasing the tip of your nipple until you let out a satisfied moan. Robes loose, you pushed him back against a nearby pile of cushions, climbing between his legs and peppering hungry kisses up and down his neck until he growled, clawing at your hips. 
“If you’re-,” he tired protesting while you pulled away more clothing, pressing his leg between yours and letting out a whimper of pleasure when he shifted in just the right way. 
That seemed to set something off in him. 
He was over you, flipping you to the ground and pulling what little clothing remained between you, your naked bodies now flush. Stephen moved down to your breast, drawing a nipple between his teeth and watching you squirm under him at the incredible sensation. 
“Please,” you mewed, an absolute wreck under him. 
He took his time, moving to the other nipple and repeating his actions until you were begging for any kind of release. 
“Needy are we?” he murmured in your ear, his voice low and so controlled, you couldn’t understand how he could stand it. Goosebumps erupted over your body, and he just smirked, continuing his exploration.  
Teasing a finger at your entrance, he looked to you for final approval before easing the digit into you. 
“Gods,” he hissed, moving the finger at an agonizingly slow speed. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes upon.”
He caught you in a kiss, speeding up his hand below, his thumb searching for the sensitive nub of nerves. When he grazed over the tender area, you nearly shot out of yourself, the sensation feeling downright sinful. 
Pulling his finger out, you let out another whimper, this one of protest at the emptiness inside of you. 
“Are you certain-?” he asked again, eyes scanning your face for any sign of hesitation or doubt. 
“I’ve never been more certain of anything,” you replied honestly. It wasn’t an exaggeration. You’d been a make up to this point, untouched and with no interest in engaging in such outrageous behavior.
Yet with him, you wished you could give more. Your body. Your soul. Your love. What did it matter anymore? He was yours, sitting before you and showing you through his loving car assess and sensations you’d never known before this moment. 
He eased himself in, giving you time to adjust to his length, the member much larger than his single finger. But Gods, did he feel incredible. 
You’d never thought so much emotion and pleasure could occur in a single moment. For this tiny hidden corner of the universe, you felt like your souls had collided and merged. 
It was a far cry from how Nat had told you it was. 
This was- you anticipated each of his movements, raising your hips to meet his as he crashed inside of you. Your brain couldn’t form coherent thoughts and when he started to coax something feral from within your core, you let him lead you through it. 
Pumping in time with strokes to your clit, you clenched your walls around him, pulling a hissed curse from the sorcerer. 
A few more pumps and a final circle around the sensitive area and you felt your orgasm crash over you. 
At first, you thought you’d done something wrong. Did you break something? How did this feel so incredible and overwhelming all at once? 
While you rode out your bliss, you felt his hips tighten, finishing with a final grunt.
You both stated at one another, eyes wide, trying to catch your breath. 
“Have you-,” you started but paused. “Like that before-?” 
It was no secret Stephen wasn’t exactly a virgin. He had his vows but they were against attachment, not sex, and sometimes, as he put it, the spirit needed to be revitalized. 
You’d called him a creep and moved on, but Gods did you understand now. 
“I don’t know what happened,” he blinked, looking thoroughly bewildered. “That’s... I’ve never- my gods, you’re incredible.”
He pulled out, dropping to the ground next to you with a huff. 
“I have a potion,” he muttered, pointing to the table above them. “Prevents pregnancy.”
“And here I thought you were devoted to me,” you poked him in the rib and he just laughed. 
“I am,” he insisted. “However, I’m not devoted enough to end up in the gallows for deflowering a princess who is betrothed to a ruthless king. My apologies, my grace.”
“Hm, I’m sure I can find someone willing to make that sacrifice for me,” you hummed. 
“And a fool he will be,” he leaned up on his elbow. “I still win the day. He would be hanged and I still get my princess.”
“Your princess?” 
“Has it been any other way?” he asked, quirking a brow. “Truly, if I’m mistaken, tell me. I don’t want to sound too over ambitious.”
You considered it briefly. Had it? 
No, you knew from the moment you spied those eyes at the ball welcoming him to the castle that he was your future. You just hadn’t realized what that meant at the time. 
There was no world, no life, where you could live without him by your side. 
The thought sobered you quickly, your upcoming nuptials springing to mind, the spell locking you in your private world, now lifted. 
“Would you have asked my father?” you asked. 
“In another life, we would have been married by now,” he answered earnestly. “I’m a fool for having hesitated and nearly missed my chance at an eternity by your side.” 
“And Brock?” you asked, the name leaving a sour taste in your mouth. Stephen’s expression darkened at mention of the man. 
“I’ll kill him before he touches you,” he vowed. “I will not yield your heart to such a monster, and I will stop this. I cannot risk you leaving my side. Not again, my love.”
You leaned forward and kissed him, soft, intimate, and gentle. Stephen wasn’t a fighter. 
Certainly he could fight, but you knew him well enough to know that violence was a last option after all other options had been tried. And here he was preparing to declare a one man war on your betrothed. 
Truly, the heavens were smiling upon you in this life.
Later that evening, when Stephen had returned you safely to your quarters, he met with Wanda at her cottage at the edge of the woods to discuss the next steps in the plan. 
When she caught sight of him, her expression shifted from confused to elated to-
“What is it?” he asked, knowing she’d gotten a read of what he’d been up to previously. 
“Do well to conceal your thoughts,” she warned, leading him inside. 
“Conceal what-?” he asked after her, stopping in his tracks when he saw Anthony sitting at her table, sipping at a large horn of water. 
Tony stood up, giving the man a once over, brows raised as he took him in. 
“You couldn’t wait until the wedding night?” he grumbled, dropping back down in his chair with a long sigh. 
8- a secret
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@ayamenimthiriel​ @ladynothing
@im-a-bi-disaster-help @idkwhatthisislol
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