#well it was more about lady anne dealing (poorly) with him fucking up and the impact on young darcy and wickham
m-jelly · 1 year
Hello, Jelly! Can I please request a Canon Levi x Wife Reader who is actually a sly cunning, smart intelligent noble woman with a kind, heart of gold? You can do what you want with the plot. Thank you
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Cute brain
Levi x fem!Reader
Canon, wife and husband, romance, love, married, sweet moment, fluff.
Levi spends a day off with you and gets to see how you work.
Big thank you to @ladycheesington for helping me come up with a plot.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi leaned against the frame of the window as a man dropped to his knees before you. He tried not to laugh when the man started begging you to help him. The man was pleading for you to give him back everything, but you sat behind your desk drinking your tea.
He shuffled closer. "I need those trading deals. Give them back."
You hummed. "I paid for the fair and square. You lost, accept it."
He grabbed the edge of the desk. "I need them!"
"I don't think you do. You have so much money that you don't know what to do with it. It is just you and you pay your workers poorly." You sighed. "About them. I have paid them off and they are now working for me."
"You sly bitch!"
Levi snarled. "Tch, watch your fucking mouth. That's my wife you're talking about."
The man shook in fear. "I didn't know...you...uh..."
You smiled at him. "So, I have the trading routes, I have your workers and you kind of owe me money because you took some loans."
He started to get nervous. "I uh..." He laughed nervously. "I don't have it yet."
You tilted your head. "Hmm...Levi? As a man from the underground city, you know very well what things can bring in money, right?"
Levi walked closer. "I do."
"Anything on him that could sell well for his debt?"
Levi cracked his knuckles. "Yes."
You got up and packed a few things as Levi got what you needed. You waited for the man to scamper out sobbing before you held your husband's hand. "You ready?"
Levi squeezed your hand tightly. "Yes."
You kissed the back of his hand and walked with him through the town until you reached a large building. You slipped inside and grinned when kids started screaming and shouting for you and Levi. You kissed Levi's cheek and left him to the children you'd both saved from the underground. You moved to the person in charge and handed them money.
The teacher welled up. "Thank you so much! Oh, Mrs Ackerman, you have been wonderful. You and your husband have rescued so many children and women from the underground."
You smiled softly. "Levi came from that life and he lost his mother to the city. We want to prevent more death and suffering."
"You're both a blessing." She placed the money in her safe. "How is your husband?"
You giggled. "Likely playing with the kids." You walked with her back to Levi running around with the children. "There he is." You smiled as the rescued women were giggling and saying nice things about Levi. "It makes me happy to see these women and children doing well. Do we have enough for therapy?"
The teacher nodded. "We do. I'll action it. These ladies and children have seen and done things...we'll get them the support."
Levi jogged over to you and panted. "I have fought titans, people, trained for days and even camped out beyond the walls for days. None of that compares to running around with little kids for a while." He ruffled his hair and sighed. "I'm exhausted, but it's fun."
You giggled. "You are doing wonderful with them."
"Thank you." He hummed a bit. "Kids..."
You kissed his cheek. "A lovely thought."
He nodded. "Yeah, yeah it is."
You hugged Levi's arm. "Shall we buy the kids some sweets?"
"Sounds good and then a date after?"
You kissed Levi's cheek. "Perfect."
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anghraine · 2 years
I’ve been writing an extremely long and rambling post about my headcanon for Darcy’s and Wickham’s upbringings, given that their common parental figure was by all accounts a super nice man and yet, as Elizabeth notes in P&P, it seems like something went very wrong.
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arty-e · 4 years
My Tudors series ‘review
Y’all asked for this so here comes my rant review about the Tudors:
TW: Rape mentions
First things first let’s address the biggest elephant in the room and that is the costumes. Holy shit series 1 was fucking painful with the costumes. At least they got the basic dress shape for the women but other than that the women costumes were painful to look at. The headdresses were the biggest crime of them all. There were no French hoods, at least no accurate French hoods. Also why were there so many sequences! What was going on with all that glitter!! Don’t get me started on the hair! One lady in waiting (Joan Bulmer) had a fucking bob! A bob! The men costumes weren’t great at the beginning but as the series went on they did improve quite a lot. I’m gonna give credit where credit is due and say it did improve as the series went on as a whole (but not by a lot).
Now that we’ve got the costumes complaints out the way lets actually talk about the ‘contents’ of the series. First of all why the fuck was Charles Brandon such a big deal in this?! He wasn’t as important as the series implied him to be. I feel they only added him so that there was a consistent character through out the show and who was at least a little likeable (tbf on Tudors the main people who played a part in actual Tudor history were often executed or removed at some point).
On the subject of Charles Brandon they did get one thing right; he did marry one of Henry’s sisters, Mary Tudor. However in the series he married Margaret Tudor which made no sense at all! It appears to me that they merged the two sisters together and merge I mean they had the Mary Tudor history then gave them Margret’s name. In actual history Mary Tudor married the old sickly King of France and when he died she then married Charles Brandon. However in the tudors she marries the old sickly king of Portugal???? And because she doesn’t want to remain married to him kills him????? I know why they did this because they had already showed the king of France (Francis) who was young at Field of Cloth and Gold episode so it would make little to no sense to have her marry him. But that leads into my next complaint, the timeline.
Several things in this show don’t make sense with historical context because it’s all jumbled up. A couple of examples here are Henry Fitzroy, they killed him off when he was six in this, he died when he was 17 just before Edward was born. Along with that they also made claim that the Act of Succession (the act allowed Mary and Elizabeth to become Queens after Edward) was passed before Henry had married parr. The whole reason the Act of Succession ever came to be was because Parr had helped reconcile Henry and his two daughters and pushed for him to legitimise them and be added to the line of succession after their brother. Those are just a couple of examples that stood out to me when it came to the timeline.
Also the way they Jane portrayed as an innocent type and a ‘perfect’ woman was also painful. She acts all sweet to Elizabeth when the real Jane only payed attention to Mary and called Elizabeth the Bastard.
Now for my biggest complaint; the heinous misogyny in this thing. The way they treated the female character in this was (in my opinion) worst than actual Tudor history. Women in this show were constantly objectified and the amount of sex scenes in this thing is fucking painful! Did nobody have anything better to do!? In series one they took away Anne Boleyn’s agency and made her a complete puppet of her uncle and father. Anne was a very intelligent and charismatic woman and you don’t see this at all. To be fair on Natalie Dormer she fought with the writers for Anne to be more than sex object for series 2 because she had done her own research on her and fought for Anne. By Series 2 Anne got a bit more agency but they made her somewhat cruel and failed to really show her charisma. Now alone with Anne they were unspeakably cruel for what they did to Katherine Howard. They literally called her prostitute and even an episode synopsis they out right  call her prostitute. She was an abused child and they decided to do that. Along with that they also make it look like that her claim that Francis Dereham raped her was a lie and that she was only saying to save herself. It was truly disgusting. I do appreciate them trying to strongly tell the audience that Katherine was just a child (act all excitable, have dancing around the place) but the rest of her story was handled extremely poorly.
Catherine Parr is my next big complaint. They practically stripped her of everything that made interesting and took away all achievements while married to Henry. Ive already talked about the Act of Succession so I won’t go into that again. They only briefly show her being Queen Regent while Henry is away fighting in France (they were much more focused on Henry’s war), also when she discovers that there is an arrest warrant after her she sits in her room and cries for ages until Henry comes in asking what its wrong. They took away her going to him and winning back her life from him. When Henry does forgive her he is asked by one of his servants if they shoulda top the warrant but he tells them not to all because he wants to catch Gardiner out! What bullshit is that!? They took away Catherine’s indolence and replaced with Henry out smarting his evil bishop!? Henry was too fucking thick to do!
So overall I found this so frustrating to watch from costume and historical inaccuracies to the misogynistic choices to strip the few of the most important women in English history of their agency and independence. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world but still it was really annoying. My advice is for you to watch Game of Thrones instead because then you don’t have to complain about inaccuracies because it’s all fantasy and doesn’t claim to be a historical drama. (Also Natalie Dormer is also in this)
also if you want a good Tudor drama then watch wolf hall. Costumes are amazing and its very well done (only complaint Cromwell is painted too well in it)
(Also Elizabeth needed WAY more screen time)
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annewithagee · 6 years
Let Anne Say (Part I)
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Anne Shirley has never be one to throw swearwords around carelessly - but then again, we all slip sometimes.
She just really isn't sure how to feel about the fact that whenever she does, Gilbert Blythe is there to listen.
Shirbert, Modern AU, dedicated to/blamed on @wilderwestqueen​
Gilbert Blythe winced as the word reached his ears and not only because he'd been surrounded by a nearly perfect silence of the Redmond library before. First, the silence was far from perfect – with the high school students visiting, wandering between the bookshelves, and gazing around as they learned about the rules set in that Holy Land of Books and Papers, he could hardly expect a moment of real peace. Besides, he was supposed to revise the material with Anne, so even when she didn't talk for a moment, he remained alert, ready to answer her doubts as soon as she voiced them.
No degree of vigilance could, however, make him ready for that.
"I'm sorry, but who are you?" he asked, staring, with raised eyebrows, at his ginger-haired friend , a corner of his mouth twitching already. "I do not recollect making your acquaintance."
Anne glanced at him inattentively; she frowned at the sight of the silly expression he was wearing. "What are you talking about?"
"Nothing; just pointing out how pleased I am to meet you now, Miss...?"
"What on – what's wrong with you?" the girl exclaimed, confused. The sudden move she made simultaneously resulted in both of her books and a notepad falling from the desk and hitting the ground with a loud thud. Anne was on her knees in a second. She looked up at her companion and hissed, "There's no one else in here, so who on earth are you talking to?"
"Why, you of course," he answered calmly, as if calling his best friend by some official title was a part of his everyday routine. "Although as I said, I can't say I recognise you as any of my many friends."
She grabbed her belongings and almost slammed them on top of the desk. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were shining already, as they did every time she felt at least a little bit agitated. She was more than that right now.
"Are you demented, Gil?" she quarried, staring him in the eye. "I'm not some strange, mysterious person. I'm me!"
"Anne, you just swore."
It is safe to say that she did not expect such an answer.
"What?" she asked after a few moments of silence and a few blinks of surprise. "And that's why you made me throw my books on the floor?"
"I didn't make you throw anything," he protested, "and it's not like you could blame me if I had. You almost gave me a heart attack with that spurt – you should be grateful I've decided to turn it into a joke instead of collapsing right at your feet."
"Gil, you're ridiculous."
"Anne, you're swearing."
"I'm not – ugh!" She groaned and hit the desk with her forehead, covering her head with her arms right after. "I’ve said it once in your presence, right now. What's the big deal? We're adults, for goodness’ sake. A few bad words here and there won't kill anyone, will they?"
"Your usual language policy says otherwise – wait, what do you mean ‘in my presence’? You want to tell me you do it more often when I'm not around?"
"I don't. But I won't pretend I hadn't slipped a few times."
"Oh, dear," Gilbert sighed emphatically, his voice significantly higher, and clasped his hand together as if he really was one of those 19th century ladies he was trying to (poorly) reenact. "Does that mean you can swear? As in, different than the 'I take thee to be my bosom friend' kind of swearing? Wait, don’t tell me; I'm not sure I'm ready to learn the answer to that."
"Of course I can, you idiot," Anne replied mercilessly. Gilbert pressed his hand against his chest and raised his eyes to the ceiling in another mockery of a heart attack, a performance his friend chose to ignore. "I am a grown up student majoring in English, and believe it or not, swearing is actually a language phenomenon and can be extremely interesting when treated as such. Moreover – and that's another fact you may find incomprehensible – I am just a human being, and a hot-tempered one at that, and thus I sometimes fail to control my language in the ways I would wish to - no matter how determined I am not to let it happen in general."
She was gazing at him expectantly, daring him to contradict her again. He didn't, shaking his head and giving her a warm smile instead.
"That makes more sense than I thought it would, although it doesn't really take the shock away," he admitted. "But all that aside, what is it that made you swear in the first place? It must have been bad to make you react like this."
Anne sighed, suddenly remembering the reason for her initial distress and fixed her gaze on the book before her.
"I've just realised that I misunderstood Professor Atwell during the class last week, and consequently, I focused on the wrong parts of the material required for today's test. Which means, I'm going to fail. Tremendously. For sure." Her forehead hit the desk again. "Fuck."
Gilbert thought he really shouldn't laugh at her.
Oh well.
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wendynerdwrites · 7 years
Random Rant about Princess Diana, Prince Charles, and Camilla
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Okay, so despite being a gauche, socially progressive American who really doesn’t get why monarchies exist anymore, I am kind of a low-key royal watcher/follower. I was a HUGE fan of/admirer of Princess Diana when I was a little girl and am still a fan of hers in many ways.
But I’m also a fan of Charles and Camilla.
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“But how???? Charles and Camilla ruined Diana’s life! They are eeeevil!!!!”
First of all, NO.
Diana Spencer had intense issues way before she hooked up with Charles, for one thing. Her parents had a bitter divorce and custody battle that basically ravaged her childhood. Seriously, at one point her dad was practically holding her hostage away from her mother during Christmas. You think the Wales divorce was messy?... It was. But it was basically just a sequel to Spencer family drama.
By Diana’s own words, she struggled with bulimia from her adolescent years and had severe abandonment issues.
Ever wonder why William’s pet cause is mental health? DIANA IS WHY.
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She also grew up among a very specific “set” that included the royal family. She and her sister were playmates to Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. She grew up with the same weirdo aristocratic approach to marriage as them as well which was: pop out an heir and spare, then do whatever.
While she was young and naive and apparently did have a HUGE crush on Charles that resulted in her buying into the fairy tale narrative, she wasn’t the total shrinking violet/know-nothing people sometimes make her out to be. Diana thought she’d be the exception. She was wrong. But she DID enter that marriage with a shit-ton of pre-installed baggage that CHARLES HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH.
Second of all, ALSO NO.
God... This engagement and marriage was made of such crazy fuckery. But Diana was all in, hook, line, and sinker.
Charles, less so. And the situation was just... so fucked, you guys. And, no, sorry, it wasn’t all Charles’s fault. Or Diana’s fault. Or Prince Philip’s fault. But it went like this:
Basically, Chuck was pushing 30, was heir, and had yet to further the royal line, so to speak. It had been nearly a decade since he was formally invested as Prince of Wales. And the issue of him getting hitched had always been... there, but it really got serious as he neared the big 3-0. Especially since his younger sister, Anne, was already married and had a kid. But over the years, he’d had Richard Nixon try to set him up with his daughter and had been geared towards various COUSINS by no less than his “Uncle Dickie” AKA Lord Mountbatten AKA the guy who hooked Prince Philip up with Queen Elizabeth, who was basically Charles’s second Father.
Things got serious as Charles got older, though. Rumors were getting out that he might be gay (remember, this was the late 70′s/early 80′s and Charles is HEIR TO THE THRONE. One factor is/was that Charles is/was a surprisingly progressive dude even then and didn’t bat an eye at employing men who were OPENLY GAY IN THE 70′s. But the thing was, whether or not Charles was gay, if the public believed that, it could have potentially caused a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS BECAUSE ROYALTY IS ALL OF THE EXTRA)
Charles was into aristocratic blonds... Fine. Perfect... Except for the part where the aristocratic blonds he tended to go for were non-virgins (and therefore completely unsuitable according to his beloved Uncle Dickie)... also married.
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...That’s not Camilla, BTW. Camilla was already married to Andrew Parker-Bowles at this point. The lady in the picture there is Lady Dale “Kanga” Tryon, a fashion designer and Charles’s other mistress who actually lived a really interesting life culminating in a super tragic death. We’ll come back to her later.
But basically, Charles had to marry a virginal aristocrat, and fast. So he entered into a sort of courting pool of eligible ladies, at one point dating Lady Sarah Spencer, Diana’s older sister. But Lady Sarah went, “Nah, my sister is WAAAY more into you anyways. Date her.”
Anyways, the two seemed to hit it off, but they were only dating a couple months when the press moved in and started making everything a hundred times crazier. Diana found herself hounded by the press, culminating in the papers slut-shaming her for LITERALLY TAKING AN OVERNIGHT TRIP ON A TRAIN.
This prompted Charles dad, Prince Philip, notorious for choosing his words poorly, basically sending a letter to his son telling him to basically shit or get off the pot before he ruined Diana’s life and reputation. Charles, emotionally stunted and basically terrified of his dad, took this to mean that he HAD to marry her, or he WOULD ruin her life. Keep in mind Diana was SUPER SUPER into him.
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Charles went into this marriage feeling bound by duty, figuring Diana was game, that he could make her happy, that he was doing the right thing, and that she’d be along for the ride --- which included the model of marriages they were both used to.
Diana went into her marriage completely in love, knowing that Charles had girlfriends, knowing adultery was the norm, believing she’d be a game-changer.
She was technically right, but NOT in the way she imagined. She fell for the fairy-tale Charles thought they were merely selling to the public. She was an emotionally unstable 19-year-old with severe family baggage, and Charles was an emotionally stunted prince with his head shoved right up his royal butt.
What a winner.
Remember that Kanga lady from the picture above? Lady Tryon was a business woman and fashion designer. And one of Charles’s mistresses.
She was Camilla’s rival. NOT Diana’s.
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See that dress Diana is wearing at Live Aid? Designed by Kanga, Charles’s mistress. Yes, Diana knew who Kanga was and the nature of her relationship with Charles. At this point, Diana was cured of her delusions and was onto her own affairs. She and Kanga became friends and basically allied against Camilla.
At this point, Diana accepted that she and her husband would not be faithful to one another (it’s worth noting that during the early years of their marriage, both of them WERE supposedly faithful. Charles had his last run-in with Camilla the night before the wedding and kept away from both her and Kanga at least until Harry was conceived. But he also basically told Diana at that point that eventually, he’d be bed-hopping again. Basically, he knew Diana would have to be faithful until an heir and spare were produced and seemed to consider it fair play that he not indulge while she couldn’t. If that sounds completely fucked up THAT’S BECAUSE IT WAS). She gradually stopped caring about Charles cheating. She just hated that it was with Camilla. She very quickly embarked on a string of affairs of her own.
----And yes, Charles was a douche. He was also dealing with a wife he did NOT understand who had severe mental health issues.
Diana did things like call Camilla late at night to tell her that there was a man waiting outside, hired to kill her. She would also sometimes abscond with Baby Harry and William without telling Charles or anyone. Not a big deal in a normal family. But they’re royalty. So basically, she was happy to let her husband go into a panic about his sons possibly being kidnapped because he had no idea where the fuck they were. Keep in mind that Charles’s own sister was nearly abducted in 1974 by a gunman and that in 1982, THE VERY YEAR WILLIAM WAS BORN, a man had snuck into the Queen’s bed in the middle of the night carrying a shard of broken glass. So, yeah, Diana grabbing the boys and taking them to Windsor Castle without telling anyone, including her husband? SUPER SHITTY.
Charles tried to get Diana help, but she didn’t trust him whatsoever (because of course she fucking didn’t, no one would). Diana didn’t start getting proper help for her mental health issues until the separation. But she was prone to fits of extreme paranoia and rage, at one point culminating in her physically attacking Charles while he was praying.
Point is, she had a lot of troubles and instabilities. While Charles and Camilla certainly did not HELP, this was shit that went back years and years. Granted, that WAS exacerbated by royal life, but much of that was the strain of royal work --- constant travel, unending media scrutiny, a ton of fame all at once --- and the intense workload she was given when she became Princess of Wales did not help, either. Diana was young, troubled, and had a ton of issues.
Charles did not ruin her life. Nor did Camilla. Especially since Diana was kind of a badass.
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(Pictured: Badass Diana badassing through her badass post-divorce life like a badass)
She wasn’t a Rhodes Scholar, but she was a freaking genius at handling the press and an unparalleled activist. And she got some terrific revenge on her cheating husband, too. She nearly bankrupted him in the divorce (Charles had to borrow money from the queen) and turned him into a villain in the eyes of the press.
Once out of royal life, she felt comfortable enough to get help. She got joint custody of the kids. She found great fulfillment in her activism and did some really fantastic things for causes like AIDS and land mines. She had a string of hot, rich boyfriends who spoiled the crap out of her and she was adored the world over by almost EVERYONE. That even included her ex-father-in-law, Prince Philip, who still signed his letters to her as “Pa.”
Charles nor Camilla could NEVER have hoped to ruin her life. She had too much of it. Diana’s life was ruined by a drunk driver, some paparazzi, and a traffic accident.
(And to those who want to claim that the royal family had her killed: kindly fuck off. Mohammed Fayed has had his case dismissed repeatedly despite numerous appeals and investigations. The only way Prince Philip would have had Diana killed would be if he REALLY REALLY wanted to end the monarchy. Somehow I don’t think an exiled prince-turned-royal-consort wants that. There was nothing the royal family wanted more than to see Diana married off to some rich guy and fade into the background. The LAST thing they would want is for Willam and Harry’s mother to die tragically young and cement herself as an eternal legend. Diana’s death was a fucking nightmare for the BRF personally as well as professionally).
Charles and Camilla, meanwhile?
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Camilla kept her head down and did quiet work for osteoperosis research after her mother was afflicted with it. Since becoming Duchess of Cornwall, she’s done extensive work on behalf of rape and sexual assault survivors. Among her initiatives was developing “wash bags” consisting of soaps and towels for victims to use after undergoing their rape kits.
Charles spent years being decried as a complete kook for being all worked up over stupid non-issues you might have heard of --- things like “climate change”, “sustainable farming”, “organic foods”, “the ozone layer” and a supposed “housing crisis” in Britain. Oh, and his lifelong project, The Prince’s Trust, is only one of the most important charitable organizations in the Western World.
So yeah, if I have to hear one more comment about EEEEEEVIL Charles and Camilla ruining poor, wilting flower Diana’s life again, I’ll see red. It’s insulting to all three of them.
(Once again, for the record, I think monarchy is outdated and dumb, But if you are going to have one, your heir to the throne should be a Charles. Or a Victoria. But if you can’t have a Victoria, you should have a Charles.)
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I discovered Boyle's way of expandin The Girls, through T.C. Boyle, is a novel that depicts the connections the well-known American designer Frank Lloyd Wright possessed with 4 women in his life. He understood that this world needs to have both the involvement from each men and women so as to produce a lasting globe prior to His marvelous gain. Unemployment, while growing throughout, has ended up being specifically in the Mezzogiorno, the southerly regions, specifically amongst youngsters and ladies. Trump, in a 2005 talk along with a television host that was actually caught on a real-time microphone, explains a broken seduction, stating: I did attempt and also fuck her, she was actually gotten married to," as well as mentions that when he meets beautiful ladies he experiences capable to order them by pussy". He arranges to market her to Girls from the Cotton, was actually the debut unique written through Gail Tsukiyama, and also very first published in 1991. The latter is due to the fact that each web server is a globe unto on its own, and provided the high degree from video game personalization you might find your own self on a Canadian hosting server where the graphics have been switched out for those from the Megaman yet along with adult plastered all around the wall structures (no joking). Given that that copes with long-term effects of little one overlook as well as misuse, curious viewers need to imagine there will be dramatization. Therefore while the hrs were actually long at the cotton factory, numerous women opted to stay single as well as worked with certainly there due to the fact that they had some freedom and cash. IOS 10 individuals are currently whining regarding cellular data concerns and also our team expect criticisms to grab (as they constantly do) in the full weeks in advance. But in fits as well as beginners, ladies in WWE have differentiated themselves certainly not just as valets or vixens yet as competitions. An additional girl left to ponder just what had occurred when the problem was, as well as constantly had actually been, him. Yet as ANN clarifies, this sort of ban at otaku events is relatively common in Asia, considering that coordinators bother with lots of males impersonated girls appearing. Even more a means from the seashore sands rested ladies sizing off Tilapia fish (Gege) generally found in Pond Victoria. I had been actually taking a trip for weeks and also certainly never found the issue with the food items in India.
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