#well. disclaimer: i am safe i'm not planning on doing anything now. don't worry.
scorndotexe · 2 months
man i feel so fucking hopeless constantly truly what is the fucking point
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yousta · 9 months
Hi, you can call me Yume Yousta, or Jacob.
A little about me
I'm a 23-year-old warehouse worker residing in Indianapolis. I have aspirations in school, music, body improvement, and love.
Themes and things you'll see on this blog may include :
Obsessive/overprotective soft yandere/lovesick one-shots, and monologues. Poems and lyrics. Song recommendations. Personal vents, and rants, and ironic self-deprecating commentary.
Disclaimer: these scenes in no way depict real-life scenarios. Nor is it an endorsement of any extreme or violent behavior. All content here is made for people struggling to find love in this sick twisted world.
You've been through enough. Come in, I promise you're safe here.
Most of these expressions are just me speaking my love into the world. They aren't necessarily made for any one person in particular, (Mumbles) Well, maybe they are, just for you.
Yume as in if you put you and me together ❤️ (it's not supposed to be Japanese (even though I am a weeb)) Yousta is slang for Youster. A word passed down from my lineage of divine beings. It roughly translates to a very empathic and caring person.
So a little more about me..
I'm kind of all over the place, bouncing off the walls all disorganized. I apologize if it's hard to follow but I'll try my best.
Taken to @your-thorn ❤️
I'm going to school for IT to hopefully get into some form of cybersecurity. Once I've made some money for myself, I'd like to go back and become a physical therapist or chiropractor. Mainly due to my interest in biomechanics and anatomy.
I love love love music. I'd probably also consider being an audio engineer or some sort of performing musician as a career. It's my favorite pastime. I like to study and compose, as well as listen. I've been pretty into making digital music as of late, but I still play my keyboard and guitar.
Body improvement
I grew up with a wannabe bodybuilder brother. Lol which when I was younger, inspired me to get into the boxing gym. I'm not going to make it seem like I am or want to become something physically extraordinary like my brother, but I'm pretty fit as a result of growing up with him. I used to box but I got worried about my hands and brain. Now I just hit the gym.
Poetry and writing
I was never formally taught to write anything. If you have any tips, please
The dream
I just want a better life. For me, and my family. What's all this planning for? No short of world domination. Call me greedy because I do want it all. A mansion with my future darling, and our Yandere friends/family. It'd be so uptight. Everyone with laser focus and mutual respect. I've found so much light in being here, I really couldn't imagine living without you guys in my feed every day. So many of you I genuinely love from the bottom of my heart. It's what makes me happy, just seeing true love in the world.
Please be aware, that I've struggled with loneliness and even isolation throughout my life. This will affect how I interact so please verbalize any discomfort.
My mbti is ENFP-T
DNI list: anyone racist, transphobic, pedophiles, xenophobic, or anything mean cause it's only wholesome, soft, gentle, and nice vibes here 🥺🤚 oh and please don't DM unless 18+
Enjoy your stay, love you so much
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crystal-heart-saga · 3 years
CHAPTER ONE: A Startling Discovery.
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Natasha’s POV
The Battle raged around me as I raced across the compound. I had to get inside before HYDRA wiped their Computers.
“I’ve got your six Tash,” Clint’s voice rang in my ear.
“Copy that,” I said, effortlessly taking out a HYDRA agent that had attempted to block my path.
I took a moment to catch my breath, the gun still firing from my shoulder. Suddenly, a barrage of bullets rang out from the other side of the fence. I turned around and saw Cap crouched behind his shield. pinned down by a half dozen HYDRA agents.
I vaulted over the fence and rolled towards the sounds of gunfire. A HYDRA sniper had been hiding on top of the security building. I fired a few rounds into him. He screamed as one of the bullets hit him. His weapon ejected and he crashed to the floor below. I grabbed a piece of pipe, and another HYDRA agent rushed towards me. I smashed him with the pipe, knocking him out cold.
This gave Steve the opening he needed, he leapt to his feet and tossed his shield. taking out three goons in one swoop, then he punched the last one and tossed him into the security fence.
"Go Romanov," He said, turning to me, "We've got this out here, but there's no point if we lose the Data."
I nodded, heading towards the door.
Inside the perimeter of the security building, three HYDRA agents had managed to capture James. Clearly they'd used a trigger word to knock him out.
"What's the plan Ms Romanov?" Spider-Man asked. I glanced to my left where he hanging upside down off a web at my side.
I held up a finger to shush him as I watched what the HYDRA goons were up to. They were working on loading the gasses back into the portable canisters.
"I'll take them out, you get James to safety," I whispered, turning to the boy beside me.
"You got it."
I kicked down the door, startling the agents, One of them tossed a canister at me, I dodged it but It exploded, the blast left a giant hole in the floor.
That was the opening I needed.
using my widow's sting on the agents, I was quickly able to incapacitate them. and as Spidey moved in and got James out, I dropped down through the hole in the floor.
I was inside the Compound.
Walking through, it seemed that all the occupants of the compound were outside getting their butts handed to them by the rest of the team. Reaching the Server room, I pulled a USB drive from my suit pocket and plugged it in.
"Alright JARVIS," I said, "Start the Download."
"Straight away, Agent Romanov," the AI replied.
While I waited, I picked the lock on the filing cabinet and started digging through the paper records. I found the Winter Soldier Files but put them back without looking. That was too Personal. Something else caught my eye, A file marked Kriegerkinder
Kriegerkinder? why did that sound familiar? I opened the file and promptly shut it again, desperately trying to dispel the nausea that had risen from what I'd seen inside. the team needed to know about this.
As the download finished, I grabbed the USB drive and started to head out through a different exit. walking down a dark, foreboding corridor. lined with doors to what seemed like holding cells. suddenly, my foot collided with something soft.
I looked down, it was a teddy bear. A tattered, old, slightly disgusting teddy bear with a missing arm, ear and eye.
Children, there had been children here.
maybe there still were.
I broke opened every door in the corridor, all of the holding cells were empty. the floors were stained with blood, vomit and other body fluids. and the walls had chains much too small for any adult.
Cell after cell, empty, empty, empty. Like HYDRA had gotten them all out when we'd shown up.
and then, as I threw open the door to the last cell, I found a sight I'd never forget.
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It was a child! A little girl who couldn't be older than ten huddled in the damp corner of the cell. she had messy platinum blonde hair that was long, unkept and matted with filth. scraps of tattered grey fabric that could barely be called a dress, hung loosely off her far too thin body. Big heterochromatic eyes, Blueish green on the left and deep hazel brown on the right, stared up at me in fear.
"Don't be afraid," I whispered, kneeling down, "I won't hurt you."
The little girl looked at me as if she didn't believe me.
"You are safe now," I told her, "you're okay now, I promise. What's your name?"
"1 2 2 8 1 9 2 2." She replied, almost robotically.
"That's your number, what's your name?" I asked again.
She remained silent and looked at the floor.
"You don't have a name... do you?" I guessed.
She shook her head, Blood-stained pale locks falling in her face.
"Well, I'm Natasha. Natasha Romanov."
The Little girl gasped and recoiled in fear, "You... You're... You're one of them! You're an Avenger!"
"Yes, I am an Avenger. But I'm not going to hurt you. and neither will anybody else. We don`t hurt children."
"So you`re not going to feed me to the Hulk?"
"Why would I do that?" I asked, appalled.
"That's what they said you'd do to us if we ever left."
It didn't take me long to realise why the little girl thought I was that kind of person. HYDRA tells people anything to keep them under their control.
"How many of you are there?" I asked.
The little girl hung her head and chewed her lip, "I... I... I don't know... but... They stick us with needles then we become really sick. A lot of us don't make it."
Bile rose in my throat as I tried not to let my anger truly show. I'd only scare this little one who'd already been through so much.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
The little girl shrugged.
"Would you like to leave here? with me?" I asked, "We can keep you safe. I promise."
The little girl looked away, as if thinking about it. then she turned back to me and nodded meekly.
I offered my hand and she hesitantly took it. Together, we left that dark, damp cell behind.
"You know, I have to call you something," I said, "You really don't know If you have a name?"
The little girl shook her head again, "No. but... but I have dreams occasionally, someone's in them, and they call me Mel."
"Mel, huh? Well, I`ll call you that. Would you like that?"
she nodded.
I held Mel close to my side as we left the Compound and walked across the now-empty battlefield. Evidently, the Avengers had won the day yet again.
Mel Stumbled as we passed through the mangled wire fence and headed for a large group of black Vans.
"M'sorry." Mel said softly.
"Nothing to be sorry for," I replied, "It's alright, just a few more steps."
"Tash!" Clint called out to me. I felt Mel jump and try to make herself smaller. "There you are! Do you have any idea how worried we were?"
"Sorry, got a little... distracted," I replied, gesturing towards Mel.
"S***!, Barnes was right... the orphans... the experiments, just like the twins."
"I think she's the only one left."
"What's your name kid?" Clint asked, kneeling to Mel's height.
"I don't really have one," Mel responded shyly, "but Ms Romanov's been calling me Mel."
"Nice to meet you Mel, I`m Clint Barton, Codename; Hawk-eye." Clint smiled, then he turned back to me, "You should talk to Hill."
"That's a given, here she comes now," I replied.
"Agent Romanoff, did you discover anything?" Hill asked.
"You could say that."
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xplrsquad7137 · 4 years
How I Met Your Mother-
Colby Brock × Reader
Chapter Eleven is here...
Chapter Twelve: Room 333
**disclaimer** in this story, Y/n goes with them to the Langham hotel, the one that they filmed for their channels.
Word Count 1,653
Warnings: light angst and cussing
Sam and I have been planning this trip for a long time. We have been wanting to go to this haunted hotel for what feels like forever! I want to take Y/n along with us because she has never been to anything actually haunted before. She has been to events for Halloween before but this is different, it is actually real. 
"Baby, do you want to come on this trip with us?"
Y/n "I'm down, where is it?" I told her where the hotel was and how far away it is from Los Angeles. "Yeah! What time do we leave?"
"In a couple of hours, it is still pretty early so we can stay in bed for a bit if you want."
Y/n "mmm yes please." She climbs back on top of my body and falls back asleep for another hour.
It is now 12:23 p.m and we are all eating before we hit the road. 
Corey "Are you excited?"
Y/n "Hell yeah I am!"
Jake "You're not at all scared?"
Y/n "Not really. I mean I'm sure it'll be scary if shit happens but if nothing happens then what's so scary about staying in an old hotel?"
Sam "She is your soulmate, Colby."
I blush and start laughing, "I know this! She is like me but a female!"
Y/n "It's the best, isn't it?!"
"It's pretty cool, baby girl." 
Sam "Well this place seems legit. Everything that I have read about it is all haunting stories. Shit flying off of the walls and dressers. Blankets moving off of guests while they sleep...it's insane."
Y/n "great….not at all scared now, thanks Sammy."
Sam "Hey, don't shoot the messenger!"
"Don't worry baby, I'll keep you safe." She leans into me so that I can kiss her forehead. This is going to be so much fun having my girl tag along with us!
I drove my red Corolla while Sam sat passenger, Y/n sat in the middle between Jake and Corey. The drive was three hours long, straight shot. Once we got to the hotel, we got all of our cameras and the rest of our belongings and headed to the front desk. 
Corey "This place just screams haunted..jesus!"
Jake "Really Corey? Already? We just got here."
Corey "Sorry Jake...I can't help that this place just screams demonic!"
I grab Y/n's hand and start laughing at Corey's crazy response. Even though he was being dead serious, it was hilarious the way he said it. 
Y/n "I will have to agree with you, Corey...it looks way scarier in person."
Corey "THANK YOU! We should bring her more often, now I can have someone to agree with me that this is a fucking bad idea!"
Sam "brother….it's only for the next...12 hours."
Jake "Oh yeah...only 12 hours...easy peasy!"
The front desk Manager "Hello, welcome to the Langham hotel!"
"Hello, yes we have a reservation for room 333 and 334"
The Manager "Oh yes, under Cole Brock and Corey Scherer?"
"Yes, that is us!"
The Manager "Very good, I'll just need a way of payment and then you all can be on your way." I handed him my credit card and then he handed me the room key.
Jake "Bro..I have to ask you, is this hotel really haunted?"
The Manager smirks "Well you will find out sooner rather than later."
Corey "Oh fuck this bro! Are you kidding me?!" Y/n's face dropped and I could see the little bit of nervousness in her face. 
Sam "This is gonna be a fun night boys!"
Y/n "haha! Yeah..super fun boys!" I wrap my arm around her shoulders to keep her close to me. 
I whisper to her, "You good baby?"
Y/n "Yeah..just creeped out."
"It'll be fine, I'm sure that nothing will even happen. It's just for fun okay?" She giggles and agrees with me. Oh I was so wrong...so wrong!
As soon as we got in the room, our equipment started going off the charts. The meter spiked red immediately.
Corey "I am not staying here, bro."
"Yes you are, I already paid." 
Jake "These meters are a joke. Anything electric can set it off, this means nothing." I hate how negative Jake can be sometimes during these trips. He isn't completely wrong but it has to be more, right?
Sam "Wow! Did y'all hear that?"
Y/n "I heard it! It sounded like a little kid screaming!"
Sam "Yeah! You guys didn't hear that?" We all say no.
Y/n "Babe..that was so loud, how did you not hear it?"
"I wasn't really paying attention."
Jake "I never pay attention."
Sam "Yes, we know Jake."
That made her laugh a little bit. I hand Sam the camera and go behind Y/n and wrap my arms around her waist. 
"I'm not gonna leave your side, okay baby?" She nods and relaxes a bit. She can fool the other guys into thinking that she isn't scared but not me, I know her better than anyone and she is terrified. 
The night goes on. We walked around the whole hotel, getting some spikes on our meter and heard some voices that we couldn't really pinpoint where they came from. I didn't let go of Y/n's hand the entire time, even when I filmed so that Sam could have a break I either had her hand or she had her arm latched on to mine. Once we got back to our hotel room, Y/n laid down on the bed while Jake and Corey got their room set up for the night and Sam charged the camera. 
Sam "That was spooky, huh?"
Y/n "yeah..some of the voices I heard were really strange."
"Do you think we caught everything on camera?"
Sam "I don't know here," he hands me the camera so that I can look through the footage of the night. As soon as I started scrolling through the videos, we heard a soft moan come from the bathroom. I looked up at Sam for validation and he looked at Y/n and we all heard it.
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I immediately got up from the bed, pulled Y/n into my side and we got our belongings and headed to Jake and Corey's room.
"Dude, dude, dude, dude! There was a moan!"
Corey "what?!"
"There was a fucking moan coming from our fucking bathroom!"
Sam "We all heard it."
Y/n "it sounded like one of us made the noise but we didn't...that's how clear it was!"
Jake "Alright...I am kind of freaked out guys."
Y/n "can we please leave?"
Sam "We only have 4 more hours to stay here...why don't we just all go to bed?"
Y/n looks up at me with fear in her eyes, I grab her face and kiss her quickly. 
"Everything is fine baby...let's just go to bed." That's where I regretted it...we should've left when she wanted too.
Sam slept on the left side of the bed, Y/n was in the middle and I am on the right side. We fall asleep after a few minutes of chatting. In the middle of the night, Y/n jolts up from a dead sleep and screams.
"WHAT? WHAT BABY?" I look down and the blanket is completely ripped off of the entire bed.
Sam "Oh my god! Go, go, go!"
We all got our belongings packed up and we walked towards the door but before we reached it, the door bangs. As if someone is trying to break into it. We all scream and Y/n falls into me. 
"HOW CAN A SPIRIT DO THAT?!" Sam walks up to the door and looks through the peephole.
Sam "there...is no one there."
Y/n "Oh my god let's get the fuck out of here!" Sam yanks the door open and we run out of room 333. The boys heard all the screaming and they packed up in a hurry and we got out of there by 6:52 a.m.
We got in the car and everyone is out of breath and really shaken up. I told Jake and Corey everything that happened and they almost didn't believe me.
Corey "I heard a loud bang..I thought it was one of you using the bathroom or something!"
Sam "No brother! That was the freaking door!"
Jake "I think that this was the most evidence that we have ever caught."
"Just wait until you all see the footage, we caught more than ya think."
Once we got home, we immediately went through the footage of tonight's events. We got all of the whispers and moans that we heard throughout the hallways. We got bangs and creeks that we didn't even hear! We caught the blankets being ripped off of our bed and the loud moan. Lastly, we got the bang on the door. 
Corey "I'm so glad I didn't stay in room 333 dude...that shit was crazy!"
Jake "Yeah..nothing happened in our room."
Y/n "Awesome."
Sam "Well we got the proof that we needed! I say we edit it later on today and we all shower and go back to bed." We all agree and Y/n and I go to our room.
"Wanna join me in the shower babe?" She sleepily agrees and we both wash each other. Once we got into bed, we melted into the mattress like it was butter.
Y/n "That was scary...I didn't believe in the supernatural until last night."
"Yeah...I haven't experienced anything like that before, are you okay?"
Y/n "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for not leaving my side babe."
@moriartysringtone7137 @multistanimagines @kid-that-likes-to-xplr @azurebrock @taradummy @daddydobrock
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Monachopsis- Monsters chapter 5
Pairing: Olivia x Liam, Olivia x Emma (MC), minor Liam x Emma (MC)
Word count: 2,418
Warnings: Evil Liam, Evil Olivia, manipulation, mild nsfw 
Summary: Emma and Olivia get cleaned up. The group prepares to leave New York.
A/N: More evil Liam. This one is severely twisted. This is a collaboration with @sirbeepsalot, so hang onto your seats.
Series warnings: Evil Liam, Evil Olivia, child abuse, character death, abuse, knife violence, blood, unhealthy sexual situations, NSFW content to come. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let one of us know if you want on or off the taglist.
Disclaimer: We only own our OC’s, the rest we are just borrowing from PB.
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Monachopsis: The small but somehow persistent weird feeling that you're out of place.
Emma rested in the bath for several minutes, her hand haphazardly popping bubbles from the vanilla bath soap Olivia gave her. She felt guilty for pushing her away. Obviously she isn't trying to use you. If she was, she wouldn’t have helped you get away from Trey. She thought of the wound on her chest, how swollen and angry it was compared to the bruised flesh of her other breast. She let him do that to her to save you.
She slipped out of the bath and patted herself dry before wrapping her body in a luxurious towel, all the time chastising herself for her actions. She left when you told her you didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. She looked hurt but respected your wishes.
She opened the door and left the bedroom suite. Maybe she will want to join you after Liam cleans her wound. She looked around the suite, unsure of where Liam and Olivia were. She noticed a room service cart to the side of the living area. She walked over and plucked a strawberry off a tray before biting into its juicy flesh. She loved strawberries but Trey didn’t like them.
She quickly ate a second one before returning to the task of finding Olivia and Liam. She noticed a door to what she assumed to be another bedroom suite ajar and smiled as she padded across the room. The door was ajar and she heard soft voices whispering. She paused as she tried to figure out what they were saying but she couldn’t make out the words.
Her hand shook as it fell from the door. They are using you--they won’t even speak freely when they believe you are in the bath! She shook her head to clear her negative thoughts. Why do you always suspect the worst? They aren’t Trey. Maybe they are planning a nice surprise. Maybe they don’t want to disturb you while you relax.
Her hand reached up and cracked the door open when she paused. The unmistakable sound of a moan filtered through the gap. Her heart plummeted as tears sprang to her eyes. I knew it! I always pick the wrong people! Damnit, Emma, pull it together--you knew they were together!
She carefully pushed the door wide enough to look through the gap and bit back a gasp at what she saw. The pair sat on the bed, Olivia dressed in a white robe, Liam beside her, his pajama pants pushed down exposing his hardened length.
They aren’t doing anything wrong, you turned her down, now stop staring before you get caught! Her eyes remained glued on the pair; she was unable to tear them away no matter how hard she tried.
She watched Olivia’s lips move as her hand stroked Liam’s cock. Emma leaned in and focused on picking up anything they were saying. She stepped backwards as she made out a few words. Are they talking about how we killed Trey? She shook her head and tried desperately to understand what she witnessed. She slowly backed away when she heard Liam’s breath come faster and quickly walked away before they found her spying on them.
Olivia smiled as she saw Emma still in the bath. Being pushed away had stung at first but she understood; had she not had Liam for support she would’ve been wary to trust new people too. She still was, but something about Emma was different. She could spend hours trying to pinpoint the reason and still be confused by why she felt so drawn to her.
"Enjoying the bath?" Olivia asked as she shrugged off her robe and hung it on the door.
"It's getting a bit cold … I was going to get out." She looked and saw the disappointment on Olivia's face. She lifted her hands from the water. "I'm getting prunny."
Olivia laughed, her emerald eyes glittering with joy. "Well we can't have that now." She picked up the body wash and walked to the shower. “I'm going to take a quick shower. Room service is here--why don't you eat while it’s hot."
She turned back to preparing her shower, very aware that Emma was still the the tub. She turned the shower on and waited for the room to fill with steam before stepping in. The water felt like a thousand bees stinging her over and over. She picked up a cloth and washed her body, the remnants of their actions that night swirling down the drain. Olivia turned off the water and watched Emma through the glass. She wondered why she was sitting in cold water when five minutes ago she wanted to towel off.
"Emma, is something wrong?" Olivia sat on the edge of the bath to find tears in Emma's eyes.
Emma looked up at Olivia with watery eyes, guilt from spying on them twisting her stomach in knots. She chewed the inside of her lip, debating if she should mention what she had seen. If you tell her and it changes their minds about you where does it leave you? You have nothing, no one. "Could it stay between us?" She was so used to anger being the response she couldn’t risk upsetting Liam.
Olivia nodded, her brows knitting together in confusion and worry.
“Umm … I saw you and Liam ... together.”
Olivia closed her eyes and let out a breath. This wasn't how she wanted her to find out. "Liam and I have a complicated friendship at times. We were planning to tell you more about us tomorrow after the excitement of today died down."
“Okay,” she replied, her words barely a whisper.
Their heads raised and turned as they heard a gentle rap on the door.
"Yes? Liam?"
"The delivery from Bergdorf arrived. I'll set it outside the door for when you're ready."
"Thanks Liam. We're just finishing up."
“What delivery? What would Bergdorf be sending at this time of night?” Emma questioned.
Olivia smiled. “A nightdress.” She stood, offering Emma her hand.
Emma looked up at Olivia with surprise. She took her hand, carefully pulling herself up from the bath. She hesitated, her shame at being seen completely bare with all her scars visible to the marked goddess before her.  
Olivia sensed her hesitation as Emma’s eyes fell to her arms. “See?” Olivia said as she stroked her hand up Emma’s arm. “You’re perfect just like me. Now, come on, let’s dress so you can eat.”
Emma paused as she lifted her body from the bath. “Aren’t you going to eat too?”
Olivia started to say no but the hopefulness in Emma’s pale green eyes gave her pause. “We’ll see.”
Emma stretched between the luxurious sheets, a small smile on her lips as she remembered the last 12 hours. She felt surprisingly calm and happy after the nights events. She couldn’t remember the last time she slept so well.
She rolled to her side and opened her eyes to find she was alone in the bed. Surprise filled her at the revelation. I really am free. Even nights she went to bed alone, she’d wake up bare and with Trey. Was she really safe or were they just filling her with a false sense of security, spilling empty promises just to pull them out from under her? She heard sounds coming from the main room of the suite and went to investigate.
She found Liam sitting on the sofa sipping coffee and reading the paper. Nearby, a food service cart held a variety of continental breakfast foods.
“Emma,” Liam said as he laid his paper down, “How did you sleep?”
“That was the most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in,” she said. “How was your night?”
Liam smiled as he sipped his coffee. “Wonderful, as always. Breakfast is by the table. If you would like something else, we can call room service.”
Emma walked to the cart and picked up a small plate. She looked over the spread and didn’t know where to start. She started with strawberries and yogurt before pickup up a piece of fruit that was new to her. Here’s to trying more new things.
She sat across from Liam and started on her breakfast. “Where is Olivia?”
“She went to Bergdorf’s to pick up some items for you. We realized you don’t have anything to wear and we wanted you to be comfortable.”
“That’s nice,” Emma said before eating a strawberry. The idea of someone shopping for her--assuming to know her tastes, dressing her--made her feel a bit uncomfortable, but she knew she couldn’t leave the hotel dressed in her pajamas despite how expensive they were.
She turned her head when she heard the door to the suite open. Olivia stepped inside carrying two large bags. “Emma, Liam, good morning!” She set the bags down before coming to sit next to Emma on the sofa. “I’m sure he told you about my secret mission this morning, didn’t you Li?”
Liam chuckled. “She asked, and you know I can’t keep secrets from you.”
“I hope it isn’t creepy for you, Emma, but I did a little shopping this morning to pick you up something to wear home. If you don’t like it, we can go to the store and you pick out something you like better. Once we are back in Cordonia, I’ll have my personal shopper meet with you and help you build your own wardrobe.”
Emma’s stomach fluttered. She couldn’t remember the last time she bought new clothes, much less pieces that weren’t off discount store clearance racks. “I’m sure whatever you picked out will be lovely. You have good style.”
“Thanks babe,” Olivia said. Emma admired her leather pencil skirt and pussy bow silk blouse as she walked to the bags. “Come along, let’s get you dressed. We have a plane to catch.”
Olivia led Emma to the bedroom and shut the door. “Now, I want you to know you are worthy of our love. I saw you with Trey and I’ve seen what cruel people did to your body. Liam and I experienced awful things growing up, so we really do understand. But now, we have reclaimed our power,” Olivia said as she took Emma’s hand, giving it a soft squeeze, “and we will never live in fear again because we have the right to protect ourselves.” Olivia watched Emma’s eyes as her words swirled through the young woman's mind. We will never live in fear again… we have the right to protect ourselves. The concept of protecting herself felt weird and foreign.
Olivia gave her hand a final squeeze before setting the bags on the bed. “I wasn’t sure, so I picked up a few options. We’ll send back whatever you don’t want to keep.”
Emma watched as Olivia laid out a small selection of tops, sweaters, and pants that could be mixed and matched to make several causal but designer outfits.
“What do you think, Emma? I was looking for something comfortable for the flight home.”
Emma walked to the bed and ran her finger over the panties Olive purchased. The tag flipped over showing they cost $49. The price of one jacket made her do a double-take. That was my share of the rent.
Emma leaned into Olivia and rested her head on her shoulder. “What do you think I should wear?” When she didn’t hear a response, she glanced up to see Olivia watching her.
“This isn’t about what I want you to wear. It’s your body so you should wear what makes you feel good about yourself. I just picked up some basic pieces to get you dressed for the trip home.”
Emma nodded her head before selecting a pair of dark trousers, a polka dot blouse, and a chunky knit cardigan. She pulled on a pair of leather booties and admired herself in the mirror. “It’s been a long time since I’ve worn something with polka dots. I loved them as a kid.” Emma smoothed down the front of the cardigan. “What do you think?”
“I think you look gorgeous. You just need a couple things.” Olivia pulled out a large gift bag from a bag she left by the door. “You are a noble woman now. I put this little gift together for you.”
Noble woman?! Emma’s mind swam as she realized how little she truly knew of her new life. She raised her head, the thoughts escaping her mind as Liam softly knocked on the door and poked his head in. “You ladies nearly ready?” His eyes traced the curves of Emma’s petite frame as he stepped into the room.
Emma shrank under his gaze; she was all too familiar with the way his brows furrowed and the way he tucked his lip between his teeth. She’d seen that face on Trey more times than she wanted to count.
“Is that what you intend to wear?”
Olivia noticed Emma’s unease; this was not how they would win her to their side. She refused to lose Emma like she had Juliet. “She on looks nice Liam. Besides, she should be comfortable. It is a long flight home.”
“Of course. Comfort is important..” Liam replied, his body tense, though his voice was light.
“We will be out shortly.”
Emma took the bag and set it on the bed, her small frame resembling one of a scolded child. “Should I change? Did I upset him?” Her previous enthusiasm over her new look was gone.
“There is nothing wrong with your outfit. Liam is just not … used to being able to dress down. Don’t mind him.” Olivia sat next to her on the bed. “Now go on, open your gift.”
Emma pulled the tissue back and gasped. “Is this a Daemarrel bag? For me?”
“Every woman needs a go-to bag and I noticed you admiring mine. Inside are other small necessities and gifts that I hope you like.”
She watched as Emma carefully explored the contents of the bag like a child who wasn’t sure it was time to open presents. She couldn’t believe Olivia’s generosity. Emma found simple diamond stud and gold hoop earrings and a matching makeup bag filled with essentials. This must have cost a fortune. What do they expect in return?
It suddenly dawned on her that they hadn’t actually spoke of what would become of her once they got to Cordonia.
Did I make a mistake?
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rnufharose · 4 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Chapter 4
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Words: 1.5k
Trigger Warnings: Violence and death.
DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this chapter is meant to start fanwars or point fingers at other artists. I am a multistan and I love many groups.
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The Magic Shop was teeming with life, the patrons sipping their drinks as the lights danced around the club. Inspired by the neurosurgeon James R. Doty, it is a place that exchanges fear with something positive. It was a paradise in the heart of Seoul's violence, where the citizens could escape and have a good time, and the owners wanted them here, safe and sound where they could smile their worries away.
Their hosts were seven of the kindest men in the city: a band of brothers who embraced the path of Dionysus and the Muses. They wanted nothing to do with the mob wars that plagued the city, offering what they believed to be the best modern take on the 1950s Hollywood.
The walls were lined with gold lights, the neon signs etched in cursive with the dance floor painted a shimmering red. The stage was occupied by backup dancers, an electric guitar sounding along with a bass, drums and scratching vinyl. The seven males came out, wearing himation robes over their suits as they broke into song.
[Taehyung, J-Hope/Suga]
Drink it up
Shot glasses (sippin') Link arms (tippin')
Thyrsus (grippin') Grape (eatin')
Drink it up
Vibes (Keep it) D style (rip it)
Here (Kill it) let's steal it
The illest!
Just get drunk like Dionysus
Drink in one hand, Thyrsus on the other
Art splashing inside this clear crystal cup
Art is alcohol too, if you can drink it, you'll get drunk fool
You dunno you dunno
You dunno what to do with
I'll show you I recommend you something different
From my mic made of ivy and rough wood
There is never a sound that comes out in one breath
[Jungkook, J-Hope]
Until the sun comes up, where the party at?!
Until we fall asleep, where the party at?!
Sing it, sing it again
Drink it, drink it again
We're born again
[Jin, J-Hope]
Drink it up (the pain of creation)
One-shot (the scolding of this era)
Drink it up (Talking with myself)
One-shot (Okay now I'm ready fo sho)
[V, Jimin/J-Hope]
Drink, drink, drink, drink up my glass, ay
Everyone all, fall, fall into this crazy artist
One drink (one shot), two drinks (two shots)
Get drunk on art and say onghaeya
[Jungkook, Jimin/J-Hope]
Drink, drink, drink, drink up my glass, ay
Everyone fall, fall, fall into this crazy artist
One drink (one shot), two drinks (two shots)
Hit the gong and say onghaeya
Shot glasses (sippin'), linked arms (tippin')
Thyrsus (grippin'), Grape (eatin')
Vibes (Keep it) D style (rip it)
Here (Kill it) let's steal it
The illest!
The silver-haired female had finished pouring a martini for one of the customers at the counter, flashing a smile toward the boys, specifically the male with blue hair. He harbored a heart-shaped face with big eyes and small lips that would spread into a big, genuine smile. Arabella listened to the patrons cry out with excitement at their powerful vocals and difficult choreography, which they executed effortlessly. She knew that if this city was much cleaner, these boys would have been a famous musical group that would take over the world.
"They're having a lot of fun," another voice spoke, and Bella turned to look at the older woman, whose black hair fell past her shoulders. She had soft features that also appeared striking, and she possessed a fondness in her eyes. She looked at her younger brother, who shared her similar features, but they appeared more distinct under the bright lights. "I knew their clothes would go well for tonight's show," Dawon commented confidently.
"You never disappoint with your creations, Unnie," Bella stated, and she watched the boys end their song, seated on chairs with legs crossed as they posed, smirking and catching their breaths as the patrons gave them a standing ovation.
"Yah," the male with pink hair and soft cheeks took a seat at the counter, and Bella handed him a water bottle. "that felt great."
"You did so well," Dawon hugged her younger brother and he towered over her, squeezing her tightly but not so much that he would hurt her.
"Gomawo, Noona," Hoseok's smile was like sunshine.
"Have you talked to Haneul?" she questioned, and the male with black hair and button nose shook his head.
"We haven't gotten a hold of her," Jungkook frowned. "We've been meaning to visit her and pay our respects to her Halmeoni but..."
"We've been pretty busy with the shop," the tall blonde male with full lips and a sultry gaze—Namjoon—finished. "We still feel terrible that we couldn't go to Icheon..."
The male with blue hair--Taehyung--wrapped an arm around Bella's small shoulders and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose, "We'll give her our condolences, and we'll also help her get settled. She's our baby sister after all, and we can't have her living alone."
"We have to keep her away from the danger too," the male with sleepy eyes—Yoongi—added. "If anything happens to her because of the crimes outside, Halmeoni won't forgive us..."
"We head for Icheon tomorrow morning to pick her up," the tall male with broad shoulders and black hair—Jin—said. "If it's alright with you, Noona, we'd like for her to share a room with you back at the apartment?"
"That's more than alright," Dawon responded graciously. "And with me and Bella with her, she won't always have to be surrounded by men, not that that's a bad thing."
The boys laughed and Bella looked toward the older woman, nodding in agreement, "We can set her up with a job here too."
"Definitely," Namjoon smiled. "If there's one thing Haneul loves, it's performing."
︻デ═一 ♥
Sehun watched the man topple to the group, his face battered and bruised, blood dribbling down one of his nostrils. He towered over the man, eyes full of apathy as Kai continued to kick the man in the ribs.
"Heh," The third male, with his soft face, slicked hair and deep voice, named Chanyeol, smirked as he watched the younger male beat the injured male. "You really thought you could take our imports, huh?"
The man on the ground coughed, blood staining his teeth as he spat, "Y-You know that wasn't my intention...! W-We formed an alliance!"
"An alliance you chose to break!" Kai growled, crushing his foot onto the man's face, listening to him cry painfully. He lifted his chin, eyes narrow with a devious smirk on his lips. "Funny... I had a lot of respect for BIGBANG... wouldn't want to start a war with G-Dragon but..." he trailed off, looking over his shoulder at Chanyeol and Sehun.
Sehun's dark eyes shifted slowly from the man on the ground to Kai. He crouched, lips pressed into a tight line when he grabbed the man's face.
"S-Sehun," the man begged. "Y-You understand me, don't you?! I would never take your imports! No one even thinks of messing with EXO!"
He contemplated his next move, releasing his face from his grip before huffing, taking a stand and furrowing his thick brows, "Mianhe, Seungri... but this isn't the first time you've done wrong... G-Dragon will think we've done him a favor..."
Seungri watched the raven-headed male take a step back, turning to walk away, eyes widening with terror when he heard those two words fall from his lips.
Sehun came to a stop, ticking his hands into the pockets of his slacks, not once looking over his shoulder, "Kill him."
He ignored his cries, blocking out the sound of anguish in his voice as he made his way toward the car. In his thoughts, he did this city and BIGBANG's leader a huge favor by eliminating a piece of dirt. That was one less piece of scum tainting this world, and who knows if he planned on turning against his own.
Sehun opened the car door, taking the driver's seat and leaning back as he listened to gunfire, and Seungri's pleas ceased for good. He could see Chanyeol and Kai standing over his corpse, eyes lifeless and blood oozing from beneath him. The two of them walked away, taking care to get rid of any evidence that would incriminate them, and joined Sehun in the car.
"Looks like our imports are safe... for now," Chanyeol said as he called shotgun. Kai took the backseat.
"Tell Junmyeon hyung we're arranging a meeting with G-Dragon," Sehun got the car's engine running. "The sooner we tell him what we did, the better..."
He pulled away from the curb, driving onto the street before the cops could come, gripping the wheel as he stared out the windshield with a hardened expression.
Once this meeting was settled, he could go back to focusing on protecting that girl. He just had to find the person responsible for her grandmother's death, and Sehun had a feeling she would appear very soon.
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thesagedahlia · 5 years
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When it comes to the year he has been exposed to & the situations that befell him (publicly anyway), it is safe to say the Omarion had a few ups & downs this year. With that said, I think he is coming out as the bigger, more mature person in everything he has been through, & I honestly applaud him. Talk about growth & maturity. He isn't much of an "out there" individual, & I can get behind that type of logic, as it's better to keep a lot of your life & how you feel to yourself in a place like Hollyweird. However, getting into his cards, I did sense a lot of hurt & wanting to overcome that, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's been triggered into some kind of soul journey. He always seemed like a pretty positive individual, even on his season of Love & Hip Hop, so I didn't intend on picking up on any mess going on around him, & his cards are proving me right. Now mind you, I threw Apryl in ONCE, only because she was showing up in his cards, but I also tapped into what their relationship was like & where it took the left turn that it did. Let me just say (without saying too much) they probably should have ended sooner than they did 😕
I am not declaring, nor am I insinuating, that anything I say in my predictions are true accounts of any of the parties involved. This reading is for entertainment purposes only, & should only be taken as such. All in good fun, folks 🤷🏾‍♀️🧿
🤴🏾Energy Surrounding Omarion🤴🏾
I feel like Omarion has battled through a lot of betrayal & childhood wounding that has made him the man he is today. I do feel he has been through a lot of hard times before & it has made him very defensive in his approach to new beginnings, whether it be relationships & friendships, but I feel him trying to heal & overcome that. He is also in a place where he is turning his pain into art, & may even be making career plans in the midst of his healing. He is to be reaping benefits from times where he was too giving to the wrong people. I feel like he is working on coming out of a funky place financially, & it may have to do with his break up with Apryl Jones. I feel like the breakup was necessary in his healing process because there was much about it that was bogging him down. His money is pinched by having children with her, but there is no intention of going back down that path. There is a higher understanding that he will need to stay in a place of wisdom & to keep away from what is going on in the media to put him in compromising positions that will threaten his growth. He may have that back & forth with himself, because he is feeling hurt but what he's been through, but he is always checking in with himself so he doesn't make these decisions. Simply being involved with the mother of his children brings a lot of grief, though he is blessed to have his children, there are also the negative connotations to coparent with Apryl. He feels betrayed by his BM & ex bandmate, & feels this was a strategy that would get back at him. Even though he feels backstabbed, he has made peace with the situation. As far as his love for Apryl, it's dissipated; that ship has sailed long ago as he grew less & less open with her, & that may have hurt Apryl in return. Despite this, he does what he needs to do as a man, & a father, & goes home; he's about keeping the peace, though he may have words for how he feels. I have a feeling he is having fun & freely dating, even if he guarded about starting another serious relationship. He has been playing the field & enjoying the good time. In the end, walking away from the connection was needed, as it brought a lot of drama & burden to his life; now is the time where he is healing from that.
🤴🏾What was his relationship like with Apryl🤴🏾
I feel their relationship has been going through trials that they seemed to overcome, though it wasn't necessarily recovering well from it. I feel there were some things being kept from one another that kept the suspicion between them, & I'm feeling the suspicion was more on Omarion's side. They were working through some unfavorable outcomes that brought their relationship to sour, though it was underlying that it was better to end things, though the birth of their second child prolonged the choice of walking away. I feel Omarion wasn't as open to Apryl, in fact he could have been isolating toward her. He may have also been in a place where he didn't feel like the situation was balanced enough for him to be open to her emotionally. In turn, he didn't seem to be as active of a boyfriend that Apryl would have liked him to be. I feel he believed Apryl to be more of a party girl, rather than wife material. I get the sense that he kept her confused & on her toes about the connection & she was ready to make bigger plans of marriage with him; he wasn't on the same page. I have a feeling marriage was the next step, but there was a lot of confusion surrounding it from Omarion, because I'm getting that he couldn't be sure if marrying Apryl was the right choice. There has been a lot of resting & reconsidering of the relationship due to Omarion's own inner conflicts in making big plans. I don't think he was ready to move forward with her, nor make serious plans with her. He could have also been suspicious of her & her intentions. He felt that marriage would be a disaster waiting to happen; he felt like he would be taking a big risk in going through with it & he was very much back & forth about it. I also see he may have been moving on from wanting to be with Apryl after some time. I get a sense that he ended things with Apryl pretty brutally, but he was in the mindset of wanting to bring balance back to his life. I have a feeling that he needed to fight off some demons in order to achieve clarity in his situation. He felt like he was going through entrapment, & he felt bonded to the responsibility he felt he had to Apryl. Though I feel he was indulging in vices as well, this could have been a spiral caused by feelings he would be spending his life with the wrong person. I also get a sense that he wasn't even ready to take the serious steps necessary for marriage; he could still have been in a "wanting to be single" mindset. Omarion felt it was best to walk away from the relationship to fulfill his own personal growth & needs, & he may have not been ready for marriage, nor did he feel like Apryl was the right person to marry.
To be clear, Omarion was having second thoughts about the relationship & the route it was taking them; marriage was not in the plans for him.
💔How does Apryl feel about the breakup 💔
It may show in her actions, or the things she isn't saying, but she isn't over the breakup. In fact, she jumped into a new relationship to try to get over it. I have a feeling that she was feeling that they would've reconciled & gotten back together. Right now, she's feeling alone even though she isn't coming off that way. She is coming off as if she is over it, but she isn't. The way things ended hurt for her, & she thought she was going to marry Omarion. She needs to direct her focus to healing from him, instead she isn't speaking her truth nor acting on it. She is giving into her ego & allowing the wrong situations into her life. It is safe to say she isn't over Omarion.
🤴🏾What is next to come for Omarion🤴🏾
I think he is coming to a point where he is ready for excitement in his life, & he is wanting to let go of the burdens brought upon him from changes in his life. He may be getting bored with being a player or randomly hooking up with people, as he may be ready to settle down. He's overcome a lot & is ready to share it with someone. I also see it is a lot of burden that came with dealing with Apryl, & he is wanting to come out of that funk. I think he is on the fence about marriage or committing to someone else because of what he went through with Apryl, but he may be wanting to overcome that as well. I think he is coming to terms with wanting to settle down, but I don't think he is emotionally or spiritually prepared to do so, but I have a feeling he has someone he's wanting to be serious with. I really feel he has some inner conflict to work through before he plans to make the choice to settle down, but he needs to go within & tap into his intuition. I have a feeling that he is worried about things not happening the right way & he wants to be serious this time. Wanting to stay a single bachelor isn't what he wants anymore. He wants to plan for those big steps for the right person this time (& he may have found her, mind you he is an EXTREMELY private person, so I wouldn't put this past him...Scorpio teas💀👀). I feel like he is wanting to come into being a stronger person about becoming committal & that is currently what he is working on.
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