#well. including one type of shipping 😂
morethanonepage · 7 months
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happy valentine's day, jp3 gays
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acotarmemes · 3 months
ACOTAR tweets + headcanon // OBGYM
This is less of a meme and more of a headcanon for the Twitter AU. It's been on my mind for a while; I really wanted to do something with the Valkyries (and to explain their absence on Twitter). They've been working hard to get this off the ground.
I haven't actually thought of the Illyrian culture for this AU, so I'm just going with whatever SJM did for them. I do wish it had more depth/nuance, but I'll save that for fics 🙂
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I believe that Nesta would have busted her ass and used her position of privilege to get the support/financial backing for this idea.
OBGYM -- the branding is meant to deter ignorant males who think 'ew, female private parts'. The branding/pun actually came from Cassian who's really good at making gym puns (as you'll see in the tweets below).
The gym is a front for a women's shelter. Politically, I imagine that Rhysand can't openly do something like this without risking losing his army, but I've always imagined him as cunning so he would absolutely help Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn to get this going. If any of the Illyrian lords question him, he says his hands are tied as this is a private institution + I'm sure he would have worked out a good deal in terms of money going back into Windhaven so it makes it hard for the War Lords to complain because idk capitalism? Idk how it works dude, I don't think Windhaven has formal permits and all that.
The seven donors are the High Lords, naturally. Eris, yet again, swooping in on behalf of Beron who wouldn't care about this shit so the donation was from his personal funds on behalf of Autumn which is why Autumn is not listed as open for visiting. Winter is not included even though Vivienne pushed hard for this, I always imagined Kallias has struggling to be open again after UTM (or in this AU, some type of trauma). They will soon, though! Vivienne is currently working on opening a sister OBGYM in Winter Court.
Part of the donations includes clothes from other courts.
I also want Mor to open an OBGYM in Hewn City, too. After she becomes Mayor, ofc. Another reason why she's got no time to tweet 😂
The "protein/snack" bar is actually a full kitchen.
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How else do you move an army into a politically tricky situation? THEY'RE JUST WORKING OUT, BRO 💯
Vela-LIFT (a pun on Velaris hehe) is opening their gym exactly at the same time as OBGYM, if not earlier.
Cassian's army has a lot of Illyrians who moved from serving their War Lords to working with Cassian directly; sharing the same mindframe as their general, I feel like Cassian's Illyrian soldiers would go above and beyond to help protect OBGYM from those who disagree.
The outdoor gym is specifically so Cassian's longtime members can keep an eye on OBGYM, hopefully making Illyrian women who come and go feel safe that there are trusted, vetted males (by the Valkyries) nearby. Anyone tries to mess with OBGYM? Well, they're about to find out how easily a 45lbs plate can be thrown like a frisbee at a head 😂
This may be one of my super far off canon headcanons, but as a gymrat, in my experience, the largest, scariest dudes at the gym are always the nicest. Maybe not the brightest--I had to steer a guy into the correct changing room this morning, he was so lost it was sweet--but super kind. This is the perspective I'm approaching this with, SO KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR CASSIAN'S GYM MOTIVATIONS 🔥
If you have any questions, or headcanons you'd like to know about (or my Twitter AU version of them), feel free to jump into my ask box.
If this wasn't for you, that's okay, the Twitter AU exists in multiple shapes and forms, as you've seen from the different ships happening at once 😂
cassian's icon is by @copypastus
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5and3nevermind · 3 months
Visual ties between SGMB and yoonmin
Sometimes people look so hard for ship-related visual clues that it ventures too far into the realm of speculation, in my opinion.
However, I saw some visual clues in the SGMB music video that I simply couldn’t ignore. I won’t try to persuade you with any theories. I’ll just put some screenshots here for you to consider. As I’ve said before, it’s ok for us to notice small details. This doesn’t mean we’re citing it as “evidence.” We’re just making observations. Others are free to conclude whatever they want!
• From SGMB:
So much yellow:
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…and we know that Yoongi and Jimin agreed that yellow is the color that best captures their dynamic. We also know this has been a common trope among yoonminers for years, and possibly it’s a theory that the guys themselves are familiar with? (It seems reasonable to think they might be.)
A blue butterfly:
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Which seems like it could be reminiscent of the one in the Never Mind Comeback Trailer:
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Could it merely be a coincidence that there is imagery that connects Jimin’s new music video to the comeback trailer of the song he has tattooed forever on his body?
Ok, this one might be a bit of a stretch, but blue mushrooms? More than one? Blue? Seriously?
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I’ll admit, I had to google this one, but yes, both mushrooms and mold (including blue mold or penicillium) are types of fungus. So, they aren’t identical, but they’re…cousins? 😂 Again, what an incredible coincidence that Jimin would sing a song (Serendipity) which referred to penicillium (blue mold), and the other members would refer to Yoongi as blue mold more than once and Jimin’s music video would include blue mushrooms!
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Plus…Yoongi loves the color blue:
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He has talked about it, he’s referenced the color blue in his lyrics. This is well-established. And then there’s this.
Anyway, those are just the things I’ve noticed so far. (And we haven’t even gotten to the song’s lyrics yet!) This is a hurried and somewhat haphazard post, but I’m excited and wanted to share some quick thoughts. I may edit this and/or change my mind once I’m well-rested. 😉
The song is so wonderful and Jimin is gorgeous!
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hello! I'm the anon that asked if you could write a male!reader. I was making sure you do :).
Well... I saw the fic with traffy and reader that has those wings! It was amazing! It made me think, what happens if like- Law had this (rude) awakening. Like he realizes he could be bisexual or pansexual after seeing male!(y/n) shirtless for the first time.
But like-- (y/n) almost has the same body composition as law but just with a bit more muscles since he's like responsible for some heavy duty work around the sub.
Also, I had this occuring thought, a devil fruit of sorts, like... A devil like those performers at wano? (Forgot what they were called 😭😭)
The devil fruit allows the user to turn into a lion or a big furry wolf, only downside is that... Male! (y/n) would have like a fur as a chest? Like a soft fur chest? But the human muscle structure is still there but the fur is just on top like most animals. Like soft cloud pillows 🤤🤤
Anyway- the devil fruit's downside can also vary if it's a lion, the instinct of being on top of everything since lions are the king of the jungle and for big furry wolf is that... It only seems in the darkness, like... He'd hate the light since most wolves hunt at night (I guess...?)
I didn't understand what I typed lol, I hope you do, though 😂😂
(also, re-reading this... Maybe male!(y/n)'s chest would look a bit big if it's under some clothes but it's the fur that's making them big by the volume of said fur {yes, I study volumes of fur because I love lions and big furry wolves lol} as well as maybe, juuuuussst maybe, (y/n) enjoy brushing the fur on his chest every once in a while.)
Don't worry about me understanding, I ramble too. Since you didn't specify if you wanted them to be different fics, I included it all in one thing. I made him a wolf because while I like all cats (big or small) in real life, in the instances of writing, I like wolves better. I hope this is what you wanted and please let me know if you don't like it! I've only written like, 3 things with a male reader!
Warnings: Male!Reader, mentions of arousal, fluffy wolf!Reader
Word Count: 1350
     The Polar Tang had always required quite a bit of maintenance. A submersible ship with hundreds of moving parts that needed constant attention. Subsequently, along with the typical night watch, there was usually a crew member dedicated to roaming the halls and checking or looking out for any problems that might arise with the machinery and either fix them or wake the crew. For reasons he’d never really understood, you usually took this shift if possible. Working late into the night then sleeping late into the morning. Most of the others didn’t much care for the shift, finding the darkness of night on the sub to be rather eerie. Yet you seemed… eager to fill the shift. You’d joined only 2 years back, shortly after Sabaody. An interesting man, about his age, with a similar body build, only with a larger chest and more muscle. Nocturnal as hell, having a surprising abundance of energy at night, yet absolutely dead in the mornings, playful with the crew, yet he’d seen you actively take attacks aimed for the crew or viciously tear into an enemy that threatened them. 
     Closing your file, he leaned back in his chair. You’d avoided his physicals probably a dozen times or more, always stating an excuse, but he was determined to get you into his office this time! This time, he had Penguin and Shachi watching you, waiting for the second you had a free moment before they ‘pounced’, telling you that you should go see Law for your physical exam. It wasn’t long before you were peeking your head into his office, looking around as if hoping he wasn’t there. To be honest, you didn’t mind doctors, it wasn’t that you were afraid of them, but this was Law, the most attractive doctor on earth! How could you just go in there and be… examined by him? Forced to sit still, half naked, on his table, hoping that your body didn’t… react to him, praying that he didn’t get close enough for you to take in his scent. He looked like he smelled like coffee… coffee and sanitizer, the latter of which didn’t seem so attractive, but you hoped for coffee. Part of you knew he probably didn’t care about your devil fruit features, the large, fluffy fur that covered your chest probably wouldn’t bother him, aside from interfering with his stethoscope, but it felt… personal, it wasn’t something you typically showed off to others. 
     Sighing, Law gestured for you to come in, making you duck your head, looking at the floor as you slowly entered the room.
     “Since this is your first exam with me, I’m going to need you to take off your shirt.” Law said nonchalantly, starting to write in your very thin file. 
     “Is that… absolutely necessary, captain? I’m sure the physical would go just fine if I kept it on.” you said, shifting nervously.
     “Yes, it’s necessary, now take off your shirt and get onto the table.” Law demanded, making your heart jump. How many times had you dreamt similar things leaving his lips, though in entirely different contexts. Reluctantly, you removed your shirt, gently setting it aside as you hopped up onto the table. 
     Law sighed, he’d finally gotten you onto his damned table! Looking up, the young man froze. It wasn’t the fluffy fur that had caused him to stop though, rather the young man beneath the fur, shifting nervously on the table. His eyes ran over your body, muscular from working with the machinery, thin and lithe, your size betraying the strength he knew hid under your clothes. For the first time in many, many years, his pencil fell from his hand, clattering to the floor. The sound seemed to startle him out of his thoughts, quickly gathering himself together and starting the exam.
     “You’re a devil fruit user then?” he asked stoically, quickly grabbing one of the pencils from his pocket.
     “Uh, yeah, a special type of wolf user. It’s complicated.” you said, looking away. Those few simple words explained so much about you. Your nocturnal sleeping schedule, your playful demeanor and protectiveness, the Heart Pirate crew was your pack. Law simply nodded, returning to his check up, trying desperately to focus on the check-up and not your body. Not to say that he was the kind of man to only be attracted to a person’s body. Not that he was attracted to you!!! The physical seemed to last an eternity for the both of you, neither of you quite sure what to say or do until he was finished with the check-up. Almost as soon as he gave you the green light, you were bolting out of there, hurrying back to your room.
     Law sat in his chair, staring at the photo of you in your file. His heart was still pounding from seeing you and he felt something strange in the pit of his stomach, tightening and flipping. He was a healthy young man, he was no stranger to the body’s urges and needs, but he’d never felt this kind of desire towards another male before, never desired another male like he was desiring you. He briefly wondered if that fur was as soft as it looked. You’d parted the fluffy looking pile so he could listen to your heart, only able to lightly brush against a few stray hairs, but he hadn’t been able to get a real feel for it.
     Back in your room, you took deep breaths as you ran a brush down your chest, letting the feeling relax you. Feeling the bristles of the brush comb through your fur always brought a wave of comfort to you, allowing you to calm down from your recent encounter with your captain. It wasn’t something you did often, but if you were having a hard time relaxing, it always helped. Your mind was still playing through every second of the physical as you just sat there on your bed, brushing your fluffy mound of fur. He’d smelled like coffee… coffee and hand sanitizer like you’d expected. But also something else, something you couldn’t quite pin down, something that had had your body reacting in ways you really didn’t want it to while sitting in front of him. Vaguely you wondered what it would be like to have him brushing your fluffy chest, stroking your chest with the brush. Would he sit behind you as he ran it through your volumes of fur, his arms wrapped around you in a loving hold as he gently fingered the soft tufts? Maybe he’d kneel in front of you, admiring your fur as he gently pulled his fingers through the silky strands. Perhaps he’d rest his head on top of your chest, using your fur as a pillow, maybe you’d be able to get the insomniac to get some sleep. You might be nocturnal, but you’d gladly sleep through the night, or at least sit still through the night, if it meant letting Law sleep on your chest. Taking another deep breath, you set the brush down, your day dreams would have to wait for another time, it was getting close to dinner, meaning that you should start preparing for your usual night shift. It would be a welcome distraction from the events of the day, finding something so energizing about the night. Your mind could focus on the machinery and any malfunctions, allowing you to take your mind off your captain.
     Law looked at the time. Dinner would be announced soon, maybe he could find a way to sit near you? Could he find a medical reason to ask about the fur? He really wanted to see how soft it was. Shaking his head, he grumbled to himself, he was Trafalgar Law! The surgeon of death! What was he doing getting worked up over someone? Even if that someone was the most attractive person he’d ever seen! Between finding himself attracted to a male for the first time and all the things he wanted to do or say, things were about to get a lot more complicated.
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broomsticks · 2 years
What was the HP fandom on AO3 writing in 2022?
some stats diving, ship- and femslash-focused.
default filters used for everything unless indicated otherwise: language: english, no crossovers. only on AO3 (obviously)
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hmm someday i'll do a yearly breakdown maybe.
for reference, there were ~324,676 total works in the HP tag updated in 2022 and before, so the top ship Drarry makes up 16% of HP works.
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ships in this list but not the former: jegulus, dorlene, and regulus & sirius.
ships in the former list but not this one: snarry, sevmione, tomarry.
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harry the character is tagged in 42.7% of all HP works.
the list of "fastest-growing HP character tags in 2022" was almost identical to this. sirius, remus, james, and lily went up one place, severus and ginny down by one, and ron dropped by two. no change in the top 3.
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i'm thinking of doing one for HP ships but am unsure which ships to do. you can get a rough estimation from graph #2 though!
A closer look at just the 2022 ships:
filters used: english, no crossovers, works updated between 2022-01-01 and 2022-12-31.
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color = ship type by canonical gender. outlined = canon ship
Background vs main pairing ships:
most commonly tagged ships, with the otp:true filter:
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very pretty spread of (canon gender, not AO3 category) F/M & M/M ships here.
notable: there is not a single snape ship in the first list, and two snape ships in the second (sevmione at #4 !! and snarry at #8). grindeldore is the other new entry, and
romione, dorlene and regulus & sirius fell out of the top 10
this is probably a better view though:
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a mix of all ships in either of the top two graphs (excluding the platonic ship regulus & sirius by definition of the otp:true filter), plus remadora.
open to more ship suggestions, but at some point i need to think about a size cutoff
anyway: some interesting strata here:
snarry+sevmione at the >60-70% mark. (do all snape ships show this trend? just crossgen snape ships? what about other crossgen ships? to be investigated)
grindeldore is an expected outlier due to the different canonical time period
marauders era tends to have more fics-with-multiple-tagged-ships. unexpected - there are so many more named lightning gen characters! lightning gen fandom more splintered/fragmented?
clustering of canon couples at the 15-20% mark, surprisingly consistent across marauders vs lightning gen
oooooo i could soapbox about this dorlene outlier for days. (tldr: if you want to write OFCxOFC that's all well and good, but writing OFCxOFC as what's quite clearly a background ship and a background ship alone? i think we can do better.)
Multi-shipping & ship overlap
marauders era is dominated by one main fanon pairing. no other “/” pairing with either of these two characters makes the top 10 list. in contrast, wrt lightning gen, Draco, Harry, and Hermione are all shipped with each other, with all three combinations making the top 10 list.
there is one pair of marauders era ships with ship overlap, though. which means stats! also included remadora as an additional comparison point since that's another big overlapping ship
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jegulus AND jily are tagged in 675 works, out of 3944 works (17%) where all three of james, lily, and regulus are tagged.
meanwhile drarry + dramione: 80 works tagging both ships, out of 8128 works tagging all 3 characters, with an overlap of <1% fics tagging both ships. these two do not mix.
actually ykw this all was very funny
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filters used: english, no crossovers, works updated between 2022-01-01 and 2022-12-31, and category:F/F.
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ok so that's a complete nonstarter 😂
tried two ways of filtering down to just femslash ships without losing too much else in the process:
1) excluding works tagged M/M, F/M, and Gen (leaving 2765 fics)
dashed outline = cross-gen ship. solid = marauders gen. everything else = lightning gen.
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oh, interesting, people are writing genderbend wolfstar? *checks fics* -- no they're not. 'nuff said.
2) instead, tried adding the otp:true filter (2402 fics)
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very similar results -- both lists had the same 9 femslash ships. Bellamione (#1 on both), Fleurmione (#2), Pansmione (#3/#4), Dorlene (#3/#5), Linny (#4/#6), Cissamione (#5/#6), Ginmione (#7/#9), Marylily (#7/#9), Ginsy (#8/#10).
i don't see any obvious trends re. which ships are ranked higher on one list vs the other.
a real quick rating comparison between categories, using the otp:true filter:
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"angst" and "fluff" were the top two tags used for most categories so i decided to try a bit of:
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<1 = more angst works than fluff, >1 = more fluff works than angst.
the other top tags for each category:
F/F and F/M: both romance (#3)
M/M: established relationship (#3)
Multi: polyamory (#3)
Other: au canon divergence (#3). "other" was used to refer to a mix of NB/trans character, thingfic, and x reader.
Gen: au canon divergence (#1). i was worried about using the otp:true filter for gen fic but the top two tags were indeed & tags (harry & severus, regulus & sirius).
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7ndipity · 5 months
You're absolutely right. Also wtf happened with the Joon bit? I tried to make one (1) word special for emphasis and boom whole text has joined the club. That's how it works. Don't take the shine of that one word. Stay in your lane (I feel kind kf cringe saying that because I think I'm too old to use it. Especially because I don't know if I did it right 😂)
Anyway yeah I was a bit undecided about Yoongi too. Hence why I didn't really include him. He could still go places on his own then. I like your "I didn't go looking for it" statement. I do think he reads fanfics, just not bts fanfics? Like he'll read Harry Potter no problem, he'd even appreciate some of the writings cause he knows how difficult it can be. I just don't think he'd read any bts fics. Mostly because I think he can separate the characters from the real people. This would be a problem for Jin too. So if he were to read a ship or maybe like dom!member x reader he'd just see his hyung/dongsaengs and scoff. "As if they would even think of using pineapple as a code word"
Jin would just be absolutely disgusted at what his fanfic members do 😂😂 if, and this is a big if, he's going to read anything it's only with the G or T rating. Nothing above
No, I loved the Joon bit, your wondering thought totally changed my opinion abt his stance on fics!(and idk if you used it right either, lol, but who cares?)
But yeah, I totally agree abt Yoongi, I could definitely see him being part of the fanfic community, just not within his own fanbase, cause yeah, separation of character and person and all that(that pineapple line is going to come back to bite me somehow, I swear😂)
And poor Jinnie makes a point to stay away for the sake of his own mental well-being, only reading the ocasional crack posts or incorrect quotes type stuff.
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valeffelees · 5 months
I wanna hear you break down Davy
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How I feel about this character
davy cadwallader is the diseased mouse i want to befriend. he's such a fucking pathogen. he's so fucking annoying. davy's hobbies include: being a goddamn nuisance. he is a professional inconvenience. why the hell is he dressed like that? nobody knows. yes, i think he's hot. lmfao, ok. but real talk: without writing an essay here (my beloved and most loyal companion @drowninginships can attest that when i really get started on my davy mage meta bullshit i just don't shut the fuck up about it), the long and short of it is -> i think davy blows chunks but he's so interesting. his story is so fucked up. davy is claude frollo with a robin hood complex, that's my favourite way to look at him. nobody in their right mind is out here saying davy isn't god-awful, right, but he's not as black and white as people make him out to be. the whole point of davy's character is that he viewed himself as good, he wanted to do good. but it was to such an extreme that he was willing to do terrible shit for it, and the deeper he spiralled, the more his vision tunnelled and the more amoral his actions became. he's a really, really well-written villain.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i like davy and lucy. i don't like how shit ends, obvs, and i don't like the shape their lives take before that, but i dunno. their story is a tragedy. i think they really did love each other, even though it wasn't good. i think both can be true. and yeah, malmage. i wasn't into it at first, but then i started reading cautionary tale by @confused-bi-queer and it snapped me in half. rotted my brain to slop. holy fuck, it is so good.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
davy doesn't want friends. lucky for him, nobody wants to be his friend bc he sucks! 👍 but, headcanon: davy has a cousin named corianne he gets on with alright enough. i mean, kinda. he thinks she's dumb as rocks, she thinks he's an asshole. only one of them is correct, and it's not davy. but they have a brother-sister type thing.
My unpopular opinion about this character
most of my opinions are unpopular ones. 😂
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
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dearweirdme · 11 months
Was sitting on a message I had typed up then I saw the other heterosexual JK warrior here sooooo... "Let's say Tae is not in the picture, what are the reasons that made you think JK could possibly be gay?"
This is a funny question to ask, because being gay only has one criteria: being attracted to someone of the same sex. That's it. So what they're asking is "Outside of his attraction to someone of the same sex, what makes you think he's gay?" Well…nothing outside of that would make him gay, would it. When people ask questions like this, it makes me think they want you to start listing stereotypes that he fits into. I see people say things like "He's the straightest person I've ever seen" and I think…where? That would require him to constantly be expressing attraction to the opposite sex, and he doesn't. At all. The only direct statement we've gotten from him recently regarding this, and I think it was a pretty bold one, is that he doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't want one and then steered the conversation back to his work. Is it really that he has stereotypically "straight" characteristics? Have these people never seen a physically fit gay man? What does he do that they don't think a gay man would do? I'm genuinely curious because I don't get it. "jungkook literally took it upon himself to BE that fanfiction male macho tattooed pierced motorcycle rider heterosexual guy, so i doubt that most tkkrs/jkkrs ship him with vmin because "he's saur obviously queer!" And here we are. Exactly what I was talking about. 😂 Jungkook never took it on himself to BE anything but who he is. Has anon never seen a physically fit gay man? Has anon never seen a tattooed and pierced queer person? His tattoos and piercings are not a costume he's wearing to feed fantasies, it's what he genuinely wanted to do with his body and had been saying so since he was much younger and had people discouraging him from doing it. In a perfect demonstration of what I was saying earlier, they have listed these characteristics along with "heterosexual" like that all just fits together. Anon even uses the word "macho" which...doesn't fit Jungkook at all to me. It means appearing aggressively and "typically" masculine like being physically strong but not showing "weakness" like emotions...that ain't Jungkook. The one who cries the most easily of all of them? Jungkook is so soft, polite and kindhearted and has NEVER been the fanfiction tropes that y/ns want him to be. I'm a tattooed and pierced queer person myself. I'm also a Jungkook-biased Taekooker. Most of the Taekookers I've gotten close to (been here since 2016) are also queer. So I guess it really depends on who you're associating with. There's also a big difference between "shippers" and the kind of people who come to this blog. Shipping is wish-fulfillment. That's not why I'm a Taekooker. I didn't wish for something between them, I just saw it. Didn't even have to try. I had included in my original message a bit about the convo I've seen around Jungkook possibly being demi so it's interesting to see that popped up in other messages. It's possible he is, but I think what's more interesting about people seeing that and bringing it up now is that it goes against the narrative that he is blatantly and aggressively "straight". I agree with the anons, and you, that outside of what I see with Tae he doesn't really express attraction. Which is why I think the "straight" label comes from people stereotyping other things about him, with a little bit of wish-fulfillment. 😉
Hi anon!
This, very much all of this! I couldn’t have said it any better.
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queen-scribbles · 5 months
#YEEEESSSSSSS WHAT AN AMAZING GIFT 🥰💖🥰💖🥰💖#god I don't even know where to start it's all so good#tragen and marii understanding each other so well they can communicate without words or using the force YES#marii having a voice-kink and competence-kink and struggling to keep her mind out of the gutter while tragen gently threatens people YES YE#when brin actually thought he'd trapped them! 😂 alexa play 'now you fucked up' from whitest kids you know#the action! the fighting and the chase sequence! their banter! 😘🥰 YES YES YES YES#the contrast of tragen being so calm and in control as he casually wins 4v1 fights and sprints down hallways without even getting winded#vs aramarii 'force-assisted recklessness' wrinn ripping out wires and stabbing consoles and barreling around corners#him preferring to travel in her ship because his is too gloomy and scares people 😭 darling boy you would've made such a good jedi#(give her a hydrospanner and a week and she can fix it up. she's already planning a shopping trip to bed bantha and beyond with vette)#does he KNOW how sexy his voice is? that he could melt her into a puddle reading space-ikea instruction manuals?#or is he genuinely unaware of the power he wields? thank the stars he's not the type to use it for evil#okay I better stop before I write an entire tag novel 💖💖💖 I'm gonna go eat some cake and read this like. 30 more times
@haledamage I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT. :D I did some poking around in Marii's tag for details and personality stuff but didn't have time to read everything, so I'm happy to have done her justice. 💖 (cut for length)
I love couples who know each other so well it's like they read minds or share thoughts, it's so good. They would clean up at one of those game shows where you have to writ down your partner's answer to a bunch of questions. xD I cannot blame Marii for any of those kinks bc they're all very fair ones to have wrt Tragen. Competence is extremely sexy. 😂 (I might have a bit of a Thing for the M!Warrior's voice. Just a little one. That may have bled through. I mentioned it was self-indulgent, right?)
And I've long headcanoned for Tragen's own universe--and now this one apparently-- that they don't make it common knowledge he has less of a Force connection than your average Jedi/Sith. Might be perceived as weakness yada yada. And people he fights are too busy trying to survive to notice he's like 95% martial skill/5% Force use. This is just one more benefit; someone like Brin goes "How do you catch a Sith? Get him away from his lightsaber and cut the Force and he's nothing" aaaannnnnnddd they're Very Very Wrong. >:3 I love the contrast between Tragen and Marii's personalities, and their complementary roles in escaping(I had to throw in combat. It's my Brand now) were so fun to work out. The thing about Tragen's ship is another long standing headcanon, and Vette will be thrilled to help Marii redecorate. She's already complained about it being gloomy multiple times before the end of the class story. xD (Now I want to write Marii "kidnapping" Vette for a girls' day which just means giving the Celestial Dawn a makeover and Vette's practically dancing with excitement the whole way through Bed Bantha and Beyond(I'm laughing at that again jsyk) bc she's wanted to do this for a DECADE, why didn't you start dating him sooner?!?!? shush with your logic about Emperor's Wrath and Jedi Battlemaster etc
Tragen is... aware some people(Marii included) find his voice attractive. He is NOT aware of just HOW Attractive. We are very lucky he's at least partially ignorant and not the type to use it for evil even if he fully understood bc holy HELL could he conquer galaxies. That voice? His charisma and diplomatic skills? the Arms? YEAH.
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iridium-quality-salad · 4 months
Sticky Business
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[ID: The banner of the game, with the title, sticky business, written over purple brush strokes, next to a pair of pink scissors and an open box with several stickers inside: a frog wearing a suit, a piece of pepperoni pizza, a pink popsicle on a stick with rainbow sprinkles, and a rainbow with a heart. Everything is pixel graphics. End ID]
Do you like pixel graphics? Have you ever wanted to run your own online shop, but you don't actually want to deal with taxes, rude customers, or the post office?
Then this might be the game for you!
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[ID: Three stickers made in the game, all with a purple theme. The first is designed like a polaroid, with some books in front of a rainbow as picture. Pink tape with I heart is clipped to the top right corner, and a pencil is writing the word books at the bottom. The second is a round sticker with purple night sky, a half moon, and a very round black cat with white eyes at the bottom, in between high rows of purple plants. The third is an assortment of purple potion bottles, crystals, and plants. End ID]
Now, let's be clear. This is not a business simulator. I'm not sure if it is even possible to actually lose the game by running out of money - you can run out of money, for sure, but at least the first time, someone will bail you out. There also seems to be no penalty for messing up/missing an order.
This is a "have fun creating fun stickers" simulator.
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[ID: Full screenshot of the game, showing the sticker creator. On the right side are all the object categories, with the DLC one chosen, showing various words like books, gratitude, travel, and work. In the middle of the screen is the assembled sticker, a flowerpot with a red bow. The plant growing out of it has a smiling dog head with a flower above its ear. End ID]
The mechanics aren't groundbreaking. You design stickers from premade assets by placing, resizing, flipping, turning, and sometimes tinting. You arrange them on a sheet of paper to print—there's different types of paper with sparkly effects, too. Customers order stickers, and you pack them into packages to sell.
You cannot pick prices, reorder, promote, or anything like that, only list and delist. Each object used gains experience with each sticker with it sold, which you can boost by up to 75% per order. When an object levels up, you gain points you can use to unlock more elements.
Sometimes, customers will tell you their story and ask you to make stickers with special elements. You can do that. Or you can shrink the element and hide it behind something else 😂
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[ID: Full screenshot of the game, packing stickers up for shipping. The top row shows all available stickers. The first one in the list is a small rainbow with a thank you note, available over 1000 times. The left side shows one order at a time, with the message the customer sent, if available. The right side shows multiple tabs of available goodies to include, currently strawberry candy, miniature chocolate bars, and chewing gum. In the middle is an open box, padded with pink paper and blue wrinkly paper, containing the stickers appearing in the last screenshots (despite not being ordered), as well as two pieces of candy. End ID]
The boosting is basically free: just make a tiny (unlisted) sticker that can fit in all the cracks and blanks on any sticker sheet, and you have hundreds of those to throw 15 (max bonus) into every order you send. There's little point in purchasing actual goodies, just like actually using wrapping paper has no influence on anything.
The maximum amount of orders coming in depends on whether you have ongoing "quests" - that is, those customer story email chains not yet finished. As soon as the last one is done, you get many more requests, allowing you to gather currency for unlocks much faster.
There is an achievement for unlocking everything. I got it early—and I am glad I did. Halloween, Christmas, and the DLC brought three huge new categories, and I am not sure if they count for that achievement, but if they do, it would take twice as long now.
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[ID: Two more stickers. One shows a green goblin in front of an open book. Left to it are a crossed sword and magical staff. At its other side sits a little ferret. Three red, twenty-sided dice are in the foreground, all showing 20. The other sticker is a christmas three. End ID]
All in all, it was a fun game, and I messed around with it for about 20 hours. I made lots of stickers I loved and shared with some friends, and *whispers* I even managed to spell the word fuck.
Why the frowny face then?
I played mostly on the steam deck.
At first, you may think "whee, full support, awesome", but the longer you play, the more things get incredibly frustrating.
It's impossible to export stickers on the deck. Why? Hell knows. Perhaps because they don't trust a "console user" to find the steam compatdata folder. You can override this by forcing it to not recognize the device as steam deck with the launch option: SteamDeck=0 %command%
The cursor keeps flipping back to the start of the list. Every time you pack the last of one sticker, the cursor flips back to the start of the list. Every time you go into another section (for example arranging stickers on the sheet) the cursor flips back to the start of the list. This isn't so bad the first time. Ten hours in, it makes me wanna cry. Also because:
There is no way to scroll through a list or even hold a button. No. You. Need. To. Press. The. Button. Over. And. Over. Again. To reach that 30th sticker you made.
While you probably break your mouse wheel finger trying to scroll through the end of day report, there's no button that works at all on controller. So you either sit through the painfully slow popping up of the report, or you speed it up and can't see it.
There is also no display when creating a sticker to show which assets are already maxed out on points you can earn. Have to go into the asset store for that. If you make me need thousands of points to unlock things, at least show me what can earn/earned those points!
Very occasionally, I couldn't edit a sticker sheet I made on desktop/deck on the other without having to adjust some stickers.
Also occasionally, the game started up on desktop without the save being synced, giving me half a heart attack as I thought my save was gone.
Don't get me wrong. It's still a good game, and it delivered exactly what was promised, and I wouldn't vote it down for that but. Geez. To play the DLC, I forced the deck to pretend it's a desktop and set mouse/kb controls, dealing with the touchpad mouse just so I could have A BUTTON THAT SCROLLS.
If my cursor had jumped back to the start of my sticker list. One. More. Time. I would have made another sticker that said fuck.
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midnightsilver · 2 years
A note to new Spn artists on tumblr about tagging,😇
The tagging system is your friend!🤗 How exposure basically works here is that your art posts spread through the web of your mutuals and on out to their mutuals and ever onwards like a growing tree🌳, but the process can be hit or miss. You might not have many mutual yet, or they might not have many mutuals themselves. Or your mutual might not be online when you decide to post your art, and by the time they do get back their dash has gotten busy and your post has dropped so far down that it would take a million years to scroll down to see it. Or maybe your mutuals were online when you posted and did reblog but their mutuals weren’t online and then their dash got busy and…. Etc Etc. There is a way to help with this! ⭐️Tag your art posts⭐️. Tagged posts are searchable and many people follow specific tags. If you tag your art then your posts will continue to show up in that tag list for anyone who missed your initial post or for anyone who isn’t yet your mutual. Give your hard work the chance it deserves!
I find loads of art to reblog by searching through tags but I’d love to find more! If you make Spn art consider tagging it with ‘Spn Art’ or ‘Spn Fanart’ or ‘Supernatural art’ or ‘Supernatural Fanart’ or even ‘Spnfanart’ (if you are still stuck in Twitter mode). These are first tags that most people search for 🔎👀or follow if they are looking for art to do with Supernatural. My favourite to use is ‘Spn Fanart’ - the term ‘supernatural art’ can sometimes be used by other fantasy creators 🐉 but ‘Spn fanart’ is very specific to us.
If you are a creator who is focused on a single character you might tag your art ‘character X art’ and that will entice people who follow ‘character X’ posts but the Generalist Supernaturalist doesn’t have time to search individually for Character A, B, C, D …. Z, every day, so consider adding a general supernatural art tag as well.👍🏻😄
Also please pick a creator tag and stick to it. It can be as simple as ‘my art’ or you can use your name if you want. The pros of using ‘my art’: I see your art post tagged in the Spn fanart tag and I love your style, so I click on your blog to see if you have any more art. The first thing I type in the search bar is ‘my art’ because that’s what loads of people use and Yayyyyy I find loads more of your art and I reblog it and I am very happy! (If you haven’t used a creator tag at all then instead I start scrolling down your dash, realise that it’s been months since the last art post (no shame! Happens to us all 😊) and I find that your endless shit posting is hurting my brain (affectionate 😂 I love this hell hole as much as the next person but just now I’m looking for art not just browsing crack) and I regretfully back out of your blog because I don’t have time for this right now. Cons of using ‘my art’ as a tag: everyone does it, so if someone is searching the whole of tumblr for your art and they type in ‘my art’ then they get every person and their pet come up. To get around this you might use you name as an art tag, but see the issue above about new people finding your blog and not being able to guess what you tag is. So either tell people in your bio what your art tag is or maybe use both a generic ‘my art’ tag AND a personal one. 🤷🏻‍♂️👍🏻😄
Finally! (How fucking long is this post?!! Any of you still here???) Tag warnings, descriptions, characters and ships if any. Many people will search by ship, use the most common/fashionable portmanteau you can think of as a tag. because you want the one that most people might search by - or that ‘your people’ might search for. Also include warnings like MCD, non con, blood, gore, hurt etc without censorship. People can filter out these tags if they don’t like them but only if we have written them clearly. And lastly (as of now Nov 2022) tumblr is still a bit iffy about the whole not-safe-for-your-place-of-capitol-slavery, this is the only caution tag I would advise you not to use. It might still run the risk of a shadow ban - but let’s hope that changes in the future. Instead go for the citrus scale and use lemon for most of your not-for-grandma posts (unless your granny is hella bamf in which case good for grandma😁)
Okay I’m stopping now. Feel free to also chat in your tags if it’s something that you don’t want permanently on the bottom of your post but don’t forget that you are relying only on your mutuals and your tags, so get the searchable ones in there before you chat. 👍🏻😄 and I will look forward to seeing and reblogging all the wonderful Spn Art because you fabulous lot absolutely rule! 🙌🏼🎉
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sockeye-run · 1 year
I'm still here!!!
If you've noticed my absence I apologize. Things have been wild and crazy for about two weeks now, but have finally started to settle. I look forward to catching up with all my Tumblr faves ❤️ (tldr at the end, sorry it's a novel!)
The tire incident was simple and manageable, thankfully. Just another random, painful expense, and reminder that life is chaotic-neutral and meaningless at best, but possibly chaotic-evil and maliciously masochistic at worst. 🙄
All the stress of the past few weeks or so reminded me that I may have an autoimmune disorder of sorts; it seems any time I experience a high stress load, my body creates extreme inflammation or something, which causes me intense and chronic pain in my muscles, joints, and bones, as well as extreme fatigue. My poor, ever patient and graceful husband reminded me that last year I was prescribed some Celebrex for the very same symptoms, and I should give it a try. It helped almost immediately; I have a telehealth appointment with my PCP today to discuss seeking a specialist's evaluation for this. I'm honestly quite tired of doctors, diagnoses, and medication, but I can't exist successfully in the prior state of pain, so I will do as I must.
We got the new stove installed, finally. The whole process only cost us nearly $2500 from start to finish though lol 😂😭. We had to hire an electrician to wire the correct wire gauge and outlet through the house. We had to hire a plumber to cap off the gas line. We had many delays and miscommunications. But it's finally here! And it's been amazing so far. It's like the electric car of ovens lol: all torque all the time. I've been relishing in simply being able to make myself whatever I want whenever I want. I think I forgot how integral cooking is in my lifestyle until it was no longer accessable. I'm beyond grateful for the ability again. We can also stop spending tons of money on takeout, and can have healthier meals and snacks again, which is a blessing 🙌
Work has been off the rails too lol. It's the busiest time of the year for the bee farm, and it's my first time experiencing it. We're really feeling the pressure, but I think we're all doing our best to make it work. We are simply chronically understaffed and stretched thin. We have a general policy of flexibility; they purposefully cross-train as much as possible so that we can jump back and forth across different responsibilities throughout the day, but there are some fundamental flaws with that. I have noticed a lack of monetary compensation for the added responsibilities and skills, and of course without proper coverage, when someone hops from one need to another, a different hole is created and a new situation can arise. So we're trying to find the balance between what we need as a company, and what the human body and mind are actually capable of lol.
Two weeks ago was supposed to be our first bee pick up of the year. It was pushed to this past weekend due to weather, so we had about 400 orders stacked for one weekend. We sell two types of bees: Italian bees, which we source from California and Florida breeders, and our own specialty, chemical-free bees, which we breed on site. Due to the poor weather (climate change, lets be real), the spring season had yet to kick off, and it was impossible to ship the Italian bees during freezes and floods, as well as initiate the queen breeding process in the cold. So this past weekend our pick up volume doubled.
To make things more interesting lol, we also hosted this year's Texas Mead Festival! It was a fun display of 6 different meaderies from all over the state (including our own meadery, Wildflyer), with samples and gifts and live music and food. All week up to the day of the event, it was down-pouring rain daily. Our farm is mostly grass and gravel. The location for the outdoor festival was now officially Woodstock 1999 lol: a mud pit. But they set up booths and tents nonetheless and we went for it.
On that day, I was meant to run the farm's cafe, and flex between retail/bee pick up as I was needed. They also pinned me with hosting the gourmet honey tastings, and the history tour for the day. Why we allowed these extra events during such a chaotic day is beyond me.
We were busy from hour one. The festival didn't start until noon, and pick ups weren't supposed to start until two, but our owner made the executive decision to start pick ups early since we were technically 'ready', so we were bombarded with already frustrated bee keepers out the gate. Bee folk are strange folk, too; trust me on that. Thankfully I was sequestered in the kitchen for coffee service until noon, when I ran across the yard to host the gourmet tasting. The group was friendly and it went well, but I left right at the start of lunch service, and came back to it in full swing. We were slammed until I had to leave again at two for the history tour, and it was painful to abandon the crew, but I did my due diligence. It was another great group of customers though, and it went well. But when I got back to retail to check in, chaos had broken loose; the shop was overrun with regular weekend customers, day drunk festival goers, and cranky beekeepers. There were only two people at retail trying to do the work of at least four. But I couldn't stay to help, as the cafe had a line out the door and were in the reeds to say the least. We cranked out orders until we literally ran out of everything, and I had to ask the people in line to leave for an hour so we could desperately scramble to prep more ingredients and continue service. People grumbled but I think the mead was playing the part of placater that day lol, and we were barely able to scrape it back together. We stayed open until seven; retail was only open until five. One of the retail gals came and helped us close, because she's an angel and easily my favorite coworker right now lol. We had over-prepped in preparation for the event, and it still took us by surprise, so it was a heavy lesson to learn in the moment. But we survived and probably even thrived; all the customers had positive feedback, and we left for the day feeling satisfied.
Selling delicate livestock has its drawbacks though. We've been fielding calls all week about unsuccessful transport and installation of colonies and queens. I've been playing customer service all week, trying to troubleshoot bee issues and manage replacements and refunds. It's kind of a case by case thing; we're responsible for the bees' wellness up to the point of leaving the property, and the customer must sign a waiver agreeing to such. But accidents can happen despite how seasoned and knowledgeable the beekeeper might be, so we try to be flexible and accommodating if the situation is right. It's been a bit stressful. I've also spent any free time I've had just trying to restock the absolutely obliterated equipment room of all its hive bodies, gear, tools, etc.
I had a nice debrief about the weekend with the owner though, and I think I succinctly communicated the reality of the flex ideology on me and my fellow workers, as well as the needs of the kitchen as an independent entity during big events like this. It was a fruitful talk and I think the next pick-up, this coming Friday and Saturday, will go much more smoothly, and not just because there won't be a festival cherry on top of the chaos pie lol. There will be many more large events at the farm this year, so I think Mead Fest was a harsh but necessary test run.
✨TLDR: It's been trial after tribulation, but I think I'm rounding a corner and coming out better for it.
I'm grateful for everything I've learned, the support of my loving friends, family, and husband, a safe home to come back to every day, a stable job with owners and coworkers whom I think genuinely care, and the general reclamation of my health lol. I'm beyond grateful for the stability and privilege in my life to be able to experience so much struggle at once and somehow bounce right back, possibly even stronger than before.
Thanks for sticking around 💖
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I’M BACK AND I WANNA SEND SOMETHIN’ IN YOUR EVENT!! Can I pretty please get a Coraline ship for Ted Lasso with no gender preference??
Some stuff about me:
So, my name is Dolly (you knew that), and I’m a panromantic asexual person. My gender is… weird (😂), because really I think gender is an odd social construct and I don’t really care what people refer to me as. I’m also autistic, and some of my special interests include musical theatre, books, true crime, superheroes, and mythology of all different kinds and cultures. I don’t get the opportunity to talk about my special interests a lot, but once I do, you’ll have a hard time getting me to stop talking.
As for hobbies, I spend most of my time either reading or writing fanfiction (and sometimes original short stories), listening to music, and watching movies or TV shows. I mostly like all kinds of music, but I’m not really the biggest fan of rap. I’m also really into true crime podcasts, and I have a love for older TV shows, such as M*A*S*H and The A-Team, as well as all the Marvel and DC movies and TV shows. I’m also a pretty decent singer, at least depending on who you ask. I really love books, and my ultimate career goal is to be a librarian (although if you asked me my absolute dream job, the answer would be a voice actor). I’m also a half-decent singer, at least depending on who you ask.
Appearance-wise, I’m pretty short and kind of chubby, but I have freckles in the summer which I love. I have brown hair that I’ve had in a pixie cut since I was in fifth grade, as well as a gap between my front teeth that I have kind of a mixed relationship with. My style is very relaxed and all over the place, but I would love to wear more cute dresses and skirts and cute pale pink clothes.
RPersonality-wise, I kind of cycle between being bubbly and cheerful and quieter and shyer (a textbook ambivert, me), but no matter what, I always do my best to be a good listener and to make my friends (which includes you!!) happy, because I am very loyal and I love them a lot.
Sorry, I know this was a lot (😅). But thank you in advance, my love, and I hope you’re doing well!! ♡♡♡
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(i was going to just type alright alright but then i read it in his voice and i had to add the gif)
This was a difficult one because there’s just so many of them that could work and they’re all so precious and lovely, and you’re so precious and lovely, but honestly I’m going to ship you with Isaac.
He’s very protective so if anyone tried to get on you for being queer or neurodivergent he wouldn’t stand for it at all, and he’d also be there for you if it ever got to you. I think if you met after Colin came out, and he was learning and becoming more knowledgeable about queerness and everything, he’d ask him questions but not in a weird “you must know everything about all the gay, you are the gay” way, but endearing like “you might know something about this and if not you can point me in the right direction of where i can learn” way.
And if definitely gets really excited to introduce you to the team, he doesn’t show it though until he calls a team huddle after their practice and he’s like “Oi, my partner (i like the term joyfriend but i know it’s not for everyone) is coming to the next match, and i’m a bit nervous, so we play our best, and you be on your best form.” so he introduces you to Keeley first, and then she brings you to her seats with Rebecca and it’s lovely and they win (some reasonable score because i don’t know soccer)—nil. And when you go out with the team to celebrate the win they’re all so kind to you and it’s lovely and wonderful 💕💕💕 and if you get overwhelmed he’s completely fine with going outside for a minute or going home completely. He wants to do whatever makes you most comfortable and happy and he won’t listen to you if you say you’ll go somewhere just to make him happy if it means you’ll be uncomfortable. He knows you’ll tell him you’ll go to make him happy, but what really makes him happy is when you’re having fun.
And BOOKSHOP DATES!!!!!!! 1000000000%
And when you move in together he wants you to fill all the shelves but he doesn’t tell you, he just takes you to a shop and says get whatever you want and you just go crazy getting anything that looks interesting from history books and encyclopedias, to fantasy series and mysteries
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an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
✨Fic Updates!!✨
✵It's Visceral And It's Cruel✵
I'M SORRY!! Writer's block is a bitch and she has me by the throat!!! I've been stuck on this chapter for agessssss and I can't seem to move past the blockage!!
I've got like 2k words done for it and I'm struggling, I have all the plot points in my notes, I just can't seem to verbalize themmm, UGH frustrating 😭😭 I'm going to keep trying this weekend though!! It's an Aemond focused chapter, and I am excited for it, I just need to find an angle on it and then I'll be good!
I might've shot myself in the foot by not including him in the flashback/prologue parts 🤣🤣 Because now I kind of need to catch up with the feelings of his childhood that lead up into the character/man he's become...or I might just skip to his feelings that immediately occurred after his first interaction with Rhaena and deal with the rest later 🤔 we'll see.
☾ He Saw Her At Daybreak ☾
I'M doing a whole lot better with updating this fic! Idk what it is about smut/fluff that's just so much easier to write...well I do know...it's because there's no stress with this one 🤣🤣
Anywaysssss, I've started ch.6, there will be a couple of time jumps in this one. Without spoiling too much, this chapter is definitely the start of the preggo Rhaena arc! She's going to start *showing* in this chapter, cravings might also start!! Overprotective husband Aemond is coming into play, as well as is the horny-preggo Rhaena arc!! I'm actually VERY excited! 😌💖
⚜️One Shots!⚜️
I'm going to blame this on my IVAIC writers block! But I've got a few Rhaemond plots that I really do want to write and I think they could definitely work as One Shots. They're ideas that either don't really work in either of my main fics, or they're not fully fledged ideas that could last for a multi-part series. So maybe I'll drop some! I figure most of them will have at least a little smut to them, knowing me they probably will 😂😂
🔷Sequel Series!🔷
BUT FINALLY SPEAKING OF MULTI-PART FICS! If anyone remembers when I posted that little character bio for Vaella Targaryen from my Her Saw Her At Daybreak universe (Rhaemond's firstborn child...which by the way, I have another one ready to post in my drafts! Coming soon!) Anyways while I've been creating character art and personalities for all of their babies (6 in total at the moment) I started feeling SUPER attached to this next gen of Targ babies! And talking with a friend of mine who's been reading this HSHAD, I brought up the idea of possibly doing a Part #3 to this series!
So Rhaemond would still be the heart and soul of that fic. Except they'd be older and in a more Daemyra era position, like all 6 kids would be in their late teens/early 20s with their own shenanigans and drama, the chaos and wild love stories! We'd also have Jace and Baela's grown kids, Luke and Daenaera's (this ship will be hinted and shown during HSHAD) grown kids. We'd have grown Jaehaera, Jaehaerys, Aegon III and Viserys II too! Like I'm thinking a Bridgerton-type large family chaos mixed with GOT's general wildness, of course Targaryen incest is still a thing so expect some of those ships within this new gen 🤣🤣 but some of the kids will definitely fall for and make matches with other houses, Cregan will definitely make a return with his own son (and maybe more, if I have him marry someone and have more kids).
LIKE I can just see the potential!! 😂😂 Aemond's a very tired dad, his sons are wild, he's very overprotective of his daughters especially now that they're all of age and it's courting season 😂 Rhaena is the sweetest mom ever and she's handling courting season with their kids a whole lot better than her grumpy husband 😂😂 Daemyra stays ruling the kingdom and being the best grandparents 😂 Rhaenys and Corlys (Corlys might not be too present... I think Luke might be Lord of The Tides by this point ) will make appearances too!
So in a way it'd be like a trilogy! And I'm kinda super excited about it because it would all feel so complete if it was 💖✨💖
Idk if anyone would read this, but I hope y'all would! 😂😂
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acacia-may · 2 years
Oh hi!!? It’s always a bit of a surprise to get any likes on my Horrible Histories movie posts, I sorta send them into the void for self satisfaction😆, but it was even more surprising when your username popped up! I hope you’re feeling better. For the playlist ask game, obviously I’m asking if you’ve got any songs for Atti and Orla.
Hi friend!! What a pleasant surprise! 🥰 I got such a good laugh out of your Horrible Histories movie post, and it made my whole day so thank you so much for that! 😊 It really is a small fandom world, isn't it? Thank you so much for the well wishes and for the ask! 🥰 I have to admit that I am positively giddy to have an excuse to think about Horrible Histories: The Movie! 😁
To tell you the truth, I actually have a whole playlist of songs for Atti and Orla [I call it "Of Love and Sundials" because I amuse myself 😅]. Of course, they have a lot of wonderful canonical songs already (including a (sort of?) love song. That second verse and also the Latin translation makes me think it's a love song, but I suppose it's up to interpretation). Anyway... unfortunately those songs are not available to listen to in my country or to purchase internationally (believe me I've looked into it) which has been such a frustration when the songs get stuck in my head. (True pain is running around humming "something something sharing" for two weeks at time with no respite 😂). My sister and I actually once physically typed out all the lyrics to one of the songs by pausing the actual movie over and over with subtitles, and I also translated part of Atti's part of "Orla Alone" into the original Latin when I super bored once (my teachers would be so thrilled to know how I was utilizing my many years of "serious" Latin knowledge 😂). But mostly, I just made a playlist of non-Horrible Histories songs (and I got really, really attached to song "Lost in The Woods" from Frozen 2) as a way to fill the void. Here are a few of my favorites:
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This Land Is Mine by Dido (YouTube Link)
Home by Heron Valley (YouTube Link)
Don't Mention The War by The Divine Comedy (YouTube Link)
Vagabond by WILD (YouTube Link)
We Go Well Together by Goldheart (YouTube Link)
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos (YouTube Link)
Skyway Avenue -- We The Kings (YouTube Link) [A/N and brief warnings: this song mentions falling to one's death and (vaguely?/possibly?) suicide (though I don't think it needs to be taken that way. I've always taken it in a more metaphorical sense), but the line "I would die for you on Skyway Avenue" is too fitting for this ship to leave this song off of the list (and the song isn't really that dark)]
Bonus Fun, Silly and Cheeky Songs:
What A Man Gotta Do -- Jonas Brothers (YouTube Link) [A/N: Spoiler Alert: The answer is apparently just stop to tie your sandals, so it's not that hard...]
Lost in the Woods -- Jonathan Groff (From Frozen 2) (YouTube Link) [A/N: I got really attached to this song sort of in lieu of "Orla Alone" since it's a similar sentiment/vibe (in my head anyway. This song is also a bop in its own right!). Also, Atti does tend to get lost in the woods in a literal and metaphorical sense so I think it kind of works 😅]
I've included links to both Spotify and YouTube (I tried to pick the most official links I could find), and I'm crossing my fingers that you won't run into any international streaming problems similar to the ones I've been having with the movie's songs. When I get to feeling better, perhaps I'll try to make a proper post with actual discussion about these songs, but it'll just have to be the songs and links for now I'm afraid. I hope you'll still like them though! Thanks again for the ask! It was lots of fun! 🥰
Thank you for playing my Mini-Playlist Ask Game! 😊
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Here is the difference that I want a lot of the timdayas to understand, Zendaya was extremely popular and that was even before she stepped foot on a Spider-Man set, this is not because she was the best actor out there but she is loved and respected, and one can argue she was even more popular back then than even Timothy is right now and this is no shade to Timmy whatsoever. Zendaya has been shipped her whole life even when she was just a kid, a lot of the tomdayas saw clues and different signs that made them believe there was something there. A lot of timdayas may not have known at the time she was in a relationship the first time around and that's fine, but to persist still into pursuing some type of clues when the girl is clearly in a relationship is wrong. The other day she went viral just because of a plane ride with Timmy and people started saying that Zendaya is for the street, yes it's not Timmy or Z's fault but the type of narrative you put out there is only destroying the girl's integrity or maybe this is the tactic antis are using now. Not only that, it made a lot of the fans resent Timmy. At the end of the day this is very disrespectful to not just Zendaya but to Tom and Timmy as well, so really you are not helping anyone.
BTW, I never understood the backlash about Z and Timmy boarding the same plane?
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Ummmm.... did y'all not see how many ppl were on that private jet? 🥴 Tom, Z, and other members of the cast (including Tom's friends and brother) used to ride in private jets all the time together.
Timmy is part French lol. Maybe he was visiting ppl in Paris or had some obligations there. Why can't he be on a private jet that's already being paid for? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I still don't get it. I mean, if being on a private jet with someone of the opposite sex means that you're a "whore", then a LOT of celebrities have been "whores" since covid then, because due to the virus, that is how a LOT of them have been traveling these days lol 😆 😂 😅
Sounds like more Timdaya shipping nonsense to me. 🙄
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