stingfirst · 2 years
·  𐡀  𝙸𝚃'𝚂 𝙰 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴; 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝙰 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝙺.  ៸ ៸ ៸  visage. ·  𐡀  𝙸 𝙻𝙾𝙾𝙺𝙴𝙳 𝙰𝙼𝙰𝚉𝙸𝙽𝙶.  ៸ ៸ ៸ wardrobe. ·  𐡀  𝙸'𝙼 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝙽𝙾𝚁𝙼𝙰𝙻! 𝙸 𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝙱𝙴𝙻𝙾𝙽𝙶!  ៸ ៸ ៸  study. ·  𐡀  𝚈𝙰 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙺 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙽𝙴𝙴𝙳 𝚃𝙾 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆 𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶?  ៸ ៸ ៸  headcanon. ·  𐡀  𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝚂 𝙰 𝙶𝙾𝙳𝙳𝙰𝙼𝙽 𝙼𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙴 𝙶𝚄𝙽.  ៸ ៸ ៸  aesthetic. ·  𐡀  𝙸𝙵 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙶𝙴𝚃 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂𝙴𝙻𝙵 𝙰 𝙱𝙴𝙴. 𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃.  ៸ ៸ ៸  thread. ·  𐡀  𝙸'𝙼 𝙰 𝙶𝙾𝙾𝙳 𝙿𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙾𝙽 𝚃𝙾 𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴 𝙾𝙽 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴.  ៸ ៸ ៸  main. ·  𐡀  𝙸 𝙰𝙼 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝟷𝟿 𝙰𝙽𝚈𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙴.  ៸ ៸ ៸  before wellsbury.
0 notes
bumblesimagines · 6 months
Marcus Baker
you never gave me back my things.
i was hoping i'd see you again.
i never like how it ended between us.
you never gave me back my things.
i was hoping i'd see you again.
i never like how it ended between us.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, Gender Neutral!Reader
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You released a sigh of relief as you slumped back in the chair and released the pencil, giving your aching hand a much-needed break. You rubbed the area between your thumb and index finger, pleased to have finally finished the five-page essay for English class. You were certain if you had to read another ancient poem and write an essay about it again, you'd have a breakdown alongside your classmates. But with the pressure of the deadline disappearing, you looked forward to taking a break from classwork. 
You stood up from the table and collected the papers, carefully slipping them into a folder and then sliding the folder into your backpack. You nodded to the other students studying and working at the table before slinging your backpack over your shoulder and making a beeline for the doors. As much as you loved the school's library, you never wanted to step foot in it again for at least two weeks. 
"Hey, (Y/N)!" A voice called out, attempting to be quiet but still getting dirty looks from those nearby. Marcus dipped his head apologetically and whispered a few 'sorry's before facing you and offering a sheepish, equally as apologetic smile. 
Before Virginia Miller had strolled into Wellsbury, you might've greeted Marcus with a kiss and told him all about your day. You might've taken his hand, listened to his troubles, and given him as much advice and reassurance as he needed. But he'd chosen to ruin the relationship you'd poured so much time into over a girl he hardly knew well. You half-expected them to boldly continue their secret relationship as an official couple now, but all you saw were longing looks from her and an exhausted-looking Marcus.
"I heard you were going to start tutoring again and- and was wondering if you could help me with homework? I'll pay you, obviously. I don't have a lot but-"
"Silver's looking, too. I can pass her your number and she'll help you with whatever you need, Marcus." You told him, turning on your heel and stepping out of the library. The door shut behind you, only to open again as Marcus followed. The Bakers seemed like a notoriously stubborn family, and yet they'd been a family you once wished to become a part of.
"Actually, I was hoping I'd see you again. I-I wanted to talk about everything, you know? I didn't like how it ended between us." Marcus explained, occasionally stumbling over his words as he quickened his pace to catch up with you. 
"Oh, you mean how you spent months secretly hooking up with your neighbor who was in a relationship with one of your sister's friends and I found out at the same time as everyone else because you didn't have the balls to tell me you didn't want to be with me anymore? It would've saved me a whole lot of trouble, Marcus. And by the way, you never gave me back my things."
Marcus quickened his step again and stepped in front of you, his hands shooting out to grab your forearms and force you to stop. You pursed your lips, your jaw clenching briefly and head tilting to finally look him in the eye. "I fucked up, and I'm really sorry, (Y/N). And I didn't tell you about Ginny because I didn't want to break up. I-I-I was an asshole, I know that. I don't know what I was thinking but I knew I didn't want to lose you. I was confused and-"
"You were confused for nearly a whole year, Marcus? I seriously doubt that. Like I said, you would've saved me a lot of trouble being honest. Besides, if Ginny really wanted you, she wouldn't have gotten with Hunter." You brushed his arms away and stepped back. "Please, just drop this Marcus. It's over and it'll stay over. Maybe I'll forgive you and we'll become friends again but... I don't really want you in my life right now."
180 notes · View notes
train-wrecc · 2 years
Nobody Gets Me
marcus baker x bestfriend!female!reader
warnings!: hunter-bashing?, a slap?, curse words, I think that’s it…
word count: 6.3k
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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You and Marcus had been friends since the second grade. You and your family had moved to Wellsbury in the middle of the school year, leaving you to have to deal with the difficulty of making friends. 
When you first arrived in the town, your mom instantly became friends with your next-door neighbor, known as Ellen. Your mother had gone on about how her new friend had twins your own age. Your parents let you pick out your own room, you chose the one with a large bay window in it, which happened to be facing another window. Your small eight-year-old self sat on the seat of the bay window, taking in the large tree beside your home. 
Suddenly a boy appeared in the window across from your own, he made his way over to the window, now facing you. His face was filled with curiosity and slight annoyance. It was as if he was called by someone, because before he turned to walk away he saluted you, then ran off. 
Seconds later your parents called you downstairs as well. 
“Honey, our neighbors invited us over for dinner earlier, let’s head over and when we get back we can finish setting your room up.” Your mother explained, gaining a nod in response from you.
It was then that you were first introduced to Marcus Baker. 
The dinner was filled with you sitting quietly, Marcus making sarcastic remarks, sign language, and Maxine Baker talking everyone’s heads off.
The following Monday would be your first day at your new school in Wellsbury. Your mom had prepared you a special lunch, filled with your favorite snacks, and paired with your favorite meal. 
The day had gone smoothly until recess hit. You had barely grabbed the little race cars you had decided to play with before they were abruptly snatched out of your hand, “Hey! I was gonna play with that!!” You told the person who had rudely snatched the toy away from you. You turned to face them being met with none other than Marcus Baker. 
“Give it back, Marcus!” You shrieked at the boy in anger.
“No, race cars are for boys.”
“No, they’re not! Give me it!” You whined, arms crossed. 
“Make me!” The boy teased you as he stuck his tongue out at you, running off to the playground.
Of course, you were not about to let some boy treat you like that, so you ran after him. Marcus made you chase him around the playground as you shouted at him, and he laughed continuously until he tripped in the sand of the playground. You took this as your chance to take your toy back. You snatched the little race car from his hands, grabbed some sand, and threw it in his hair before your hand formed a little fist and hit him in the arm. 
Marcus let out another annoying laugh, before the following remark left his mouth, “You hit like a girl!”
This caused you to become even more upset at the boy, who had wasted half your recess and stole the toy you were going to play with. Your response was to muster all the strength you had and hit him again. This time he wasn’t laughing, “Ow!” He cried out.
You let out a “Hmmph” as you stared at the boy who was clutching his arm, a satisfied smile on your face. Your dad had taught you well. 
The boy looked up at you, and your satisfied smile was returned with a matching grin, causing your own to falter. 
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” You questioned the boy, sass dripping from the words you spoke. 
“Wanna be friends?” He asked with a villainous giggle.
“I just hit you, and you wanna be friends?” Confusion was written all over your face.
“Well yeah, your second punch actually kinda hurt, so I need you as my friend now.” He laughed.
You thought it over for a second, “Sure,” You shrugged.
You held your hand out to help Marcus up, he accepted the gesture, albeit he pulled you into the sand, causing you to yelp in shock. “Hey!” You shouted at him as he burst into laughter, before throwing sand at you.
“Now, we're even.” He smirked at you, before getting up and helping you up as well.
“Fine, let’s hurry up and play, you already wasted half of our recess!” You told him off as you both walked to a nearby bench.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You were abruptly woken up from your sleep to hands shaking your shoulders.
“Get up loser, or we’re gonna be late.” You heard Marcus say before you had even opened your eyes.
“Shut up.” You responded before turning away from him.
“I got you your favorite,” He told you, as he walked over to the other side of your bed, you were now met with him shoving a drink in your face.
That was all it took for you to sit up. “Alright come on, I do not want another detention with Mr. Peterson.” 
“Fine,” You sighed, getting up from the comfort of your queen bed. 
You went to your bathroom, quickly doing your daily morning routine, before walking back into your room, Marcus sitting on your bed, back against the headboard. 
“Hand me my phone, please,” You said, Marcus handing it to you.
You turned your phone on, and 6:00 was read on the screen. “Marcus you’re fucking with me, we still have like 2 hours until school starts.” You rolled your eyes at your best friend.
“Exactly, you take forever to get ready, Y/n, you can’t even lie. Now hurry up and start getting ready before we really are late.” He waved a hand at you. 
You ignored the boy, heading downstairs, and were greeted by your parents in the kitchen. 
“Morning sweetheart your mom made breakfast,” He nodded toward the two plates on the island, before he kissed your cheek, which brought a smile to your lips.
“Morning, and thank you, Mom,” You hugged her, before grabbing the two plates and making your way upstairs and back to your room. Marcus practically lived at your house, rather than his own which was a couple of feet away, and your parents knew this. You and Marcus had been attached at the hip since you were younger, nothing being able to break your friendship. You figured Marcus always stayed over at your house because you guys were inseparable, but also because Maxine annoyed the shit out of Marcus with her need to always be the center of attention.
Marcus had already turned on the tv, your guy's favorite show playing as he sat on your now-made bed, one of your bed trays unfolded over his lap, as he waited for his plate. 
You placed your own plate on your makeup vanity, placing his on the tray, “Thanks, bub”
You respond with an “mhm” as you took a seat at your vanity nibbling at your breakfast while you apply your makeup, occasionally glancing at the tv.
Once you had finished your makeup, you rummaged through your closet looking for something to wear. 
You had shown Marcus the two outfits you had been debating on wearing, “Which one do you think?”
“Mmm, the second one, it brings out your eyes.” He said with a small smile.
“Alright,” You murmured, heading to the bathroom to change.
As you looked at the time it was 8 o’clock. 
“Shit, we gotta go.” 
Marcus and you made your way downstairs, bidding your parents goodbye, and getting into your car. Marcus had gotten a motorcycle a couple of months ago but didn’t have his license. You were older than him by a few months, so you’d already had your license.
As the both of you got settled into the car, Marcus connected to the Bluetooth, playing the playlist he’d made for you, which consisted of some songs he liked, and a majority of the songs were ones that he knew you liked. 
As you drove you could feel Marcus’s eyes on you. When you were stopped at a red light you turned to him, “What?” 
“What do you mean?” He questioned you, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“I can feel you staring at me, you weirdo.” You laughed.
“You wish,” He scoffed, a smirk on his face. “No, but I was just thinking about how you don’t even really need makeup, I mean you look good with it, but you also look good without it.” He said with a clear of his throat, before turning to look out the window.
“Oh, thanks…” You said, turning to face the road ahead of you as you felt your heart flutter at his words.
You pulled into the school parking lot, driving around like a crazed maniac as you looked for a parking spot, “I told you we were gonna be late.”
“We still have like 2 minutes,” You said, as you pulled into a parking spot.
“Yeah, and our classes are like halfway across campus.” 
“Shut up, we're wasting time.”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You met with Marcus at your usual lunch table, which was isolated from the rest of the tables. The table sat right under a big oak tree, whereas the other tables were a long way from it. You walked through the grass field until you made it to the table where Marcus sat scribbling in his sketchbook. 
“Hey, what are you drawing?” 
“Holy fuck, you scared the shit out of me, Y/n!” His hand flew to his chest, as you laughed at the boy.
“Sorry, you must’ve been really focused,” You murmured before taking a bite of your lunch. 
You reached over the table to try and get a look at his sketch but before you could he slammed the book shut. 
“Alright,” You said, returning to your spot on the opposite end of the table. 
It was quiet for a moment as you both ate, however you interrupted it with a question, “Who was it, Padma?”
Marcus looked up at you, eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “What no, it was no one.” He responded and you knew not to press him any further about it.
“And how do you even know about me and Padma?” 
“I mean it’s pretty obvious, Marcus, for example, that hickey on your collarbone, I’m not stupid.” You said with raised eyebrows. 
“I never said you were.” He responded gruffly. 
You bit back a response, “And it’s none of your business either way.” He muttered with a shake of his head.
You purse your lips, unsure of how to respond. 
“And me and Padma are nothing compared to you and Hunter.” He said which caused a scoff to fall from your lips.
“You’re insane Marcus Baker. Hunter and I are just friends.”
“Yeah, like me and Padma are just friends.” 
You shook your head at his response, “Just like you were ‘friends’ with all the girls before Padma.”
You knew he and Padma had been seeing each other for a while now, but you’d never brought it up because you wanted Marcus to tell you. He had slowly been spending less and less time with you, always running off to do god knows what with her. However today, you’d just been tired of it, you had thought you guys told each other everything but maybe you were wrong. You had seen a glimpse of the drawing but it was clearly Padma. It irked you, and you weren’t quite sure why. Padma wasn’t the first girl Marcus had been with, there had been many before her. He thought he was good at hiding his flings but he wasn’t. 
Truly you didn’t even know why he felt the need to hide them from you. You were his best friend. 
“Honestly, I don’t know why you hid it from me or why you even felt the need to hide it from me, Marcus, I mean we’re best friends, I don’t understand-” Before you could say anything else Marcus stood up, leaving the Capri Sun that came with his lunch because he knew you loved them, before taking off. 
You let out a sigh, using the straw attached to the Capri Sun and poking it in the pouch. You sipped on the juice, you were so deep in thought you didn’t realize Hunter was now standing beside you. 
“Hey, you alright?” He questioned, taking a seat beside you. 
“Yeah, ’m fine.” You said letting out a soft sigh as you stared at the bark of the tree in front of you. 
“Well it’s Friday, Happy Friday, so turn that frown upside down!” He exclaimed, to which you awkwardly laughed, unsure of how else to respond to Hunter’s weird antics. 
“You know I think I have just the thing to cheer you up,” He continued.
“Really, what-” You were interrupted by his lips being pressed against yours.
You pulled away once you realized what was happening, “Oh my god, Hunter, what the hell, dude!?” 
“What, I thought you- I must’ve read-” 
“Yeah, Hunter, you thought wrong, I- I don’t like you like that!” You exclaimed.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Y/n, I should- I should go,” He gestured, to which you nodded.
You let your head fall into your hands, “What the hell just happened…” You murmured.
The rest of your classes had gone by dreadfully slow, with not much happening in your classes.
You were now seated in your car waiting for Marcus. You looked up from your phone to see him getting into Padma’s SUV. 
“Wow, really, Marcus…” You grumbled. 
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
It had been a few days and Marcus hadn’t talked to you, texted you, or even opened his curtains because your windows faced each other. This had never really happened before so you weren’t quite sure what to do, in the numerous messages you’d sent him you’d apologized about bringing up Padma and all his ex flings. Once a week had passed you were now annoyed. 
“You know what, I’m not even gonna apologize anymore, y’know, why should I if he’s gonna ignore me anyways, might as well save my breath.” You ranted to Silver, you were both comfortably seated on a couch which was in one of the numerous hallways of Wellsbury High.
“Yeah, I’ve never seen him like this before, maybe he just needs some space?” 
“He’s never needed space before, I just can’t believe he’s acting like this just because of what, me talking about Padma? God, he can be so infuriating sometimes, ugh!” 
“What if, what if this is it? Almost 10 years of friendship down the drain over some dumb shit…” You said your eyes began to water, you glanced away, blinking to clear the tears.
“I’m sure he’ll talk to you soon, y/n/n, he’s just being dramatic, don’t worry,” She attempted to reassure you, her hand gently caressing your shoulder. 
“Yeah,” You sighed, “Enough about me, what’s happening with you and Maxine?” You questioned after clearing your throat, ridding yourself of the emotion that had been previously heard in your voice. 
“I don’t even know, sometimes I think she’s into me and then other times she’s talking about Sophie, I think she’s still in love with her.” She sighed.
“It’s her loss, you’re seriously amazing, Silver.” 
“Thanks, if you weren’t so hung up on Marcus, I’d think you’d have a crush on me,” She giggled jestingly.
“What, me and Marcus, psst, yeah right. Like we’d ever be together, I- I can’t even picture it,” You shook your head.
“Mhmm, girl, you are head over heels for him and vice versa.” 
“Now that’s absurd, Marcus is with Padma.” You once again shook your head ‘no’. 
“Have you ever actually seen them, y’know kiss?” Silver inquired.
“Well no, but when he’s not with me, he’s with her and he’s been spending a lot less time with me.” You countered.
“Well, maybe they’re just friends, like how you and Marcus are just friends.” She raised her eyebrows.
You scoffed not believing for one second that Marcus and Padma were nothing but friends. As you were about to speak up once again, you saw a figure hurry past you, a figure that looked oddly like Marcus.
“I‘ve gotta go Silver, thanks for letting me rant to you, I’ll talk to you later.” You smiled in appreciation at the girl before hurriedly following the form ahead of you.
“Marcus?” You called out to the person, who seemingly began walking faster. It was definitely him. “Marcus! Stop, we need to talk!” You shouted at him, speeding up to grab his shoulder, and turning him to face you.
“What’s there to talk about?” He retorted, a glare besmirching his face.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Marcus.”
“I don’t need to Y/n, I have nothing to say to you.” 
“Really? So that’s it. 8 years of friendship down the drain, because of what - a stupid fucking remark I made?” Marcus rolled his eyes, “Wow, I cannot believe this,” You shook your head in disbelief.
“I really don’t understand why you’re so touchy about your relationships, Marcus, but fine if that’s how you wanna be then I won’t bother you anymore.” Marcus stood silently, his face still formed in a scowl. 
“I’m not gonna keep trying to mend our friendship if you’re not gonna bother to try either.” 
“That’s the fucking problem Y/n I don’t give a shit to fucking fix our friendship, okay? And you, you are a fucking lying hypocrite!” He snapped at you, you took a step back at his accusatory tone.
“What the hell are you even on about Marcus, if you don’t wanna fix our fucking friendship then what the hell are we doing still talking?” You angrily muttered, your eyes beginning to glimmer as tears formed, hurt by your ex-best friend's words.
The hallways that were once filled with students, were suddenly deserted, neither of you heard the shrill ring of the bell, signaling the end of lunch.
You attempted to blink away the tears, turning away from Marcus as he went on, “I saw you and Hunter that day. You said there was nothing going on between you two. You lied to my fucking face, Y/n.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Not even 5 minutes later and you’re kissing him.” 
“And don’t even try to deny it, Y/n, I fucking saw you both, with my own eyes, okay?” 
You huffed, multiple feelings coursing through you, “Clearly you didn’t see everything, or else you would’ve seen me shoving him off of me, you asshole!” You yelled at him, tired of being called a liar. 
“Yeah right, Y/n.” He scoffed at you.
“God, I cannot fathom this,” You shook your head tired of this nonsense.
“If you want ask Hunter yourself for all I fucking care! I cannot believe I’m the hypocrite and liar when you’re the one lying about your relationship with Padma while walking around with fucking hickeys from her!”
“It wasn’t a fucking hickey, I fell off my skateboard and ate shit. And Padma and I are just friends, I don’t even have to fucking explain myself to you!”
“Neither do I!” You growled at him, through gritted teeth.
Your screaming match had caught the attention of multiple security guards, resulting in getting written up and sent to the principal’s office for skipping class, profanity, and a long list of other supposed offenses.
You and Marcus sat across from each other in uncomfortable hard plastic chairs that decorated the hall just outside the principal’s office.
“This is all your fault.” He spoke up after the long silence that had followed your fight. 
You rolled your eyes at him, choosing to remain silent.
“If you had just left me alone and taken a hint this would’ve never happened.”
“Oh, well sorry for trying to be a decent human being and apologize and try to resolve our problems, oh, I don’t know, fix our fucking friendship.” You sarcastically muttered, words filled with venom.
Marcus was the one rolling his eyes now. 
“You were just trying to make yourself feel better. All that lying and kissing Hunter and god knows who else probably made you feel guilty.” He scowled. 
You didn’t hear the door of the Principal’s office open too blinded by fury. Before you could stop yourself, your hand was already meeting Marcus’s cheek.
“Ms. Y/l/n! You are suspended, effective immediately!” The Principal demanded in a raised voice. 
You pulled your hand away from Marcus, both of your faces wearing nothing but shock on them. A red flush complimented Marcus’s face on the cheek which had been met with your palm. 
The same palm stung with a slight pain, making you question how hard you had slapped him. Your eyes watered once again, as Marcus turned to face you, jaw clenched. 
Had you really just slapped him? What the hell was wrong with you, you thought to yourself. 
Marcus’s eyebrows were pulled together in what you could only assume was anger, however, it wasn’t anger but worry. Were you really telling the truth about you and Hunter? Did he push you too far? Would you guys even be able to come back from this after everything that had been said?
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
Throughout your week of suspension, you had done nothing but lie in bed all day. When you went home that day, your parents had called you not long after you had arrived. The school had notified them of your suspension, the actions which led to the suspension, and that they’d sent you home immediately. To say they were upset was an understatement.
They couldn’t believe that you would slap Marcus. They were confused, and you were a little as well, still shocked at the fact that you had really slapped him. You remembered when you were younger and hit him, but that was different, you were a child who didn’t know how to contain themselves.
That evening you did nothing but cry, you felt so guilty for hitting your once best friend. Sad that your friendship was over. Mad at yourself for losing control and getting suspended. 
It had been 6 days into your suspension, you hadn’t talked to anyone since that day, not even your parents, choosing to lock yourself in your room. Your curtains had been shut, not bothering to peek out the window and see what Marcus had been up to. 
He had been debating going over to your house, and when he saw Hunter pull up in his SUV, anger began to fill him. 
He knew it, you were lying and to think he had begun to feel sorry for all the things he’d said to you.
“Hey, Marcus!” The boy called out to him, simultaneously running up to him.
“Y/n lives in this house right?” He questioned as he pointed in the direction of the girl's house.
Marcus shook his head no, “Really? Silver must’ve given me the wrong address by accident.” 
Marcus nodded silently, jaw clenched in anger which he tried his best to conceal.
“Anyways how’s Y/n? Did she tell you about what happened? Have you guys even talked since?”
“She didn’t need to tell me, I saw.” He responded by choosing to only answer that question.
“You did? Oh, shit man, I’m sorry, I guess I interpreted things wrong. I really liked her, but I shouldn’t have just kissed her like that, and I should’ve known she didn’t like me like that. I mean with how she looks at you she probably has feelings for you anyways, and she pushed me off her man, I didn’t mean to cause problems between you two.” He rambled on.
Marcus was taken aback by the words Hunter had said, “What the fuck did you just say?” He growled at the boy.
“What? That I kissed Y/n, I thought you said you saw?”
“Not that part dumbass, the part where she pushed you off her.”
“Well yeah man, I was tryna’ cheer her up and I thought we had y’know a mutual liking for each other so I just kissed her,” He shrugged.
“Why the fuck would you kiss her, let alone without asking her.” He spat out at the boy.
Before Hunter could say anything else, Marcus swung at him, hitting him straight in the nose, causing Hunter to stumble back. 
“What the fuck, bro!?” He shouted, clutching his now bleeding and probably broken nose.
“I’m not your fucking bro. And that’s what you get for fucking touching Y/n without her consent, dickhead.” He angrily told the boy, before Hunter then took off toward his car.
He couldn’t fucking believe Hunter. Or himself. He should’ve believed Y/n, she had never lied to him before but he was so blinded by anger and his feelings for her that he had refused to accept the truth.
However, it was Padma that made him realize and accept his feelings for his best friend. He was telling the truth about him and Padma, they truly were just friends. Albeit he had intentionally been spending more time with her to try and make Y/n jealous in an attempt to get her to reciprocate the feelings which Marcus felt for her. 
He couldn’t believe what a fucking idiot he was. And did Y/n have feelings for him too? Padma, Silver, Maxine, and now Hunter had claimed the girl was in love with him as well, but he figured there was no way a girl as amazing as his best friend felt anything for him. 
But maybe they were right. All he knew was that he had to apologize to Y/n, beg for her forgiveness, and attempt to mend their relationship. Marcus had never been one for prayer but now he prayed that he hadn’t fucked up too terribly and that Y/n could find it in her heart to forgive him.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
Marcus skipped school the next day. He knew it was your last day of suspension and he reckoned he’d apologize, however, he figured it’d be better to show up with something rather than empty-handed. Marcus would do anything for you to forgive him, including bribing you with your favorite things.
He had already gotten your favorite flowers, candy, and another stuffed animal to add to your endless collection of them. He had also gotten you some eyebrow thing that he knew you had run out of the week before, as well as a little headband thing the sales lady told him you’d like. He had also created a playlist for you filled with songs he thought you’d like because he knew you had been wanting to find some new music to listen to, getting tired of some of the songs you had been listening to on repeat for a month now. He had drawn the Spotify barcode to the songs and labeled them with various text, like ‘listen to me, when you feel sad,” or “listen to me, when you want to escape reality for a little bit,”. He had put all the codes in a jar for you. The last thing he had gotten for you, was a drawing he’d done of you.
He’d put everything but your flowers in a gift bag in your favorite color. He had decided that it may be best to knock on your front door rather than going through your window, unsure if that would upset you seeing as you were - well he wasn’t sure what the two of you were anymore. If there were two of you anymore.
Marcus swallowed the lump in his throat, his fist met your front door as he repeated his apology in his head like a mantra. The knock on the door was met with nothing other than silence. Which prompted Marcus to knock on the door once again. There was still no response, so he resorted to calling you, albeit you didn’t answer. You left him with no choice. He made his way up and through your window, barely managing to keep your flowers and other gifts intact. 
He was expecting to get yelled at as he set foot on the wood flooring of your room, but it was quiet and you were nowhere to be found. Marcus knew if you weren’t in your room you were most likely sitting on your back porch, sometimes you’d sit out there and curl up with the most recent book you couldn’t seem to put down, or just feel the wind kiss your skin as you watched the sunset. If not that, you’d be laying in the hammock that the two of you had begged your parents to get when you were 12. Marcus would often join you out there, only needing each other's company and nothing more.
As Marcus made his way through your house and to the french doors that led to your back porch he immediately spotted you sitting on the loveseat which faced your backyard. He pushed the doors open gently, not wanting to frighten you, he knew you got easily scared. 
“Y/n/n?” He gently let your name escape his lips. You slightly jumped at the voice that sounded from behind you. You turn to face Marcus, face set in a stern glare, as you refused to meet his eyes. “Here to call me a lying hypocrite again?” You crossed your arms against your chest, in an attempt to keep your guard up, and not give in to the puppy eyes Marcus was giving you.
“Bub, I’m really sorry,” Marcus apologized, holding the flowers out for you to take. 
“I don’t want your apology flowers, Marcus, and don’t call me bub, I’m not your bub anymore. I’m not your anything anymore, you made that clear when you didn’t care to try and fix our friendship.” You spat at the boy, shivering slightly as the wind began to pick up.
“That’s the thing, Y/n/n, I said I didn’t care to fix our friendship, because-”
“I really don’t want to hear it, Marcus,” You interrupted him, hugging yourself to try and get some warmth in the cold of the afternoon.
“Here,” He set your present down, pulled his hoodie off, and offered it to you.
You swatted the jacket away, “I don’t need your jacket Marcus, I’m fine.” 
“Y/n you’re shaking. Take the jacket.” He held it out again.
“No, Marcus I don’t want your stupid jacket, matter of fact, I don’t even want to look at your stupid face!” You hissed at him through trembles.
“Y/n come on, stop being stubborn, you’re gonna get sick.” 
“No, Marcus, just- just leave me alone, okay? Don’t call me, don’t come by my house, we’re done.” 
(A/N: LMAO, did y’all get the reference? I couldn’t help myself, haha)
“No, Y/n, we're not done until you hear me out, okay, and then I will leave you alone if that’s what you really want…” Marcus said, “Now, please, either put my jacket on or let’s go inside and talk about this.”
You glared at the boy, shoving his jacket toward him again and walking inside the house. 
You stood, arms crossed, still quivering.
Marcus had your gift in his hand and his jacket in the other.
Instead of trying to get you to put his hoodie on, he walked toward you and pulled it over your head. You let out a sigh, adjusting the hoodie on yourself. “Fine. Talk.”
“I’m sorry. I should have believed you when you said you and Hunter were just friends. I-I talked to him yesterday, and he told me what happened, what he did.”
“Is that why your hand is bruised?”
“Uh, yeah…”
“Does it hurt?”
“A little,”
Marcus laughed, “That’s fair, I guess.”
You rolled your eyes, annoyed that the boy would hurt himself for you. You walked to the freezer, as you two were stood in the dining area beside the kitchen. You grabbed a bag of frozen peas and handed them to Marcus. He exchanged the peas for your gift, placing the bag of frozen peas on his hand to soothe it. 
“Well, thanks, for punching him for me, I never even really liked him as a friend, but I didn’t really know how to tell him that.” You said, rubbing your arm, feeling awkward.
“Yeah, he’s a dipshit for kissing you like that.” Marcus shook his head. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n I said some shit I didn’t mean because- I, I-” Marcus’s mouth opened and shut repeatedly as he attempted to get the words out. He shook his head, slightly flustered before he gestured to the gift in your hands.
You looked down at the gift bag in your hands, eyebrows pulled together in confusion. You removed the gift tissue from the bag, eyeing the various objects in the bag. You pulled out the various things in the bag, placing them on your kitchen island. 
Your eyebrows scrunched up, how’d he know you need this? Or how did he know you had been wanting that plushy? “Y/n I don’t notice the small things you like, need, or do, because I’m your best friend. I notice how you play with your hair when you’re nervous, or how you bite your lip when you’re concentrated, how you rub your arm when you feel awkward, because, I love you, Y/n.”
“When I said I didn’t care to fix our friendship, I said it because, I don’t want to be your friend.”
“What- what are you saying, Marcus?” You gaze into the boy’s eyes.
Marcus steps closer to you, “Y/n, I am madly, deeply, overwhelmingly, in love with you. I want to be more than just your friend, and I’m sorry I ever hurt you, I just got so jealous and let my anger get the best of me. It took me a long time to realize that I’ve been in love with you since that day you punched me on the playground.” He let out a slight chuckle.
“No, you can’t be in love with me Marcus, okay? You’re, you’re with Padma, and she- she doesn’t deserve this. And you and me, we’re friends, that’s it. That’s all we’ve ever been,” You shook your head at the boy.
“Y/n, I swear to you, Padma and I are just friends. I mean she’s the reason I realized I was in love with you…” 
You took in a shaky breath, shaking your head as you brought your hands up to your temples. 
“Y/n, it’s okay, everything is alright,” He said, his hands placed on your shoulders.
“No, Marcus, everything is not alright, okay. This- this is not alright, this isn’t supposed to happen. We are friends. A relationship between us wouldn’t work, I mean were both too stubborn for our own good, and if we were to ever break up… we’d lose each other as more than friends, and friends. I mean ex’s can’t be friends, and-”
Marcus stopped your rambling, shutting you up by placing his lips on yours. His kiss took you back, literally, as your legs slightly trembled, causing you to take a step back. Marcus remained still, giving you a chance to pull away from the kiss, however, you did the opposite, returning the kiss and pulling him closer to you as you wrapped your arms behind his neck. You both poured all your love into the kiss, his hands cupping your face to deepen the kiss, your own running through his hair. You both pulled away to take a breath of air, foreheads leaning against each other. 
“I- I love you too Marcus, since the day you stole that toy car from me.” You sighed in contentment finally being able to get those words off your chest after all these years. 
You grinned tears of joy in your eyes. A tear ran down your cheek, prompting Marcus to swipe it away. You both had matching grins on your face, sitting at the island, as you began to really notice the jar and what was in it. The label on the jar read, “ Songs you’ll love as much as I love you.” While you were admiring the jar filled with music, Marcus pulled the drawing of you toward him, holding it in his hands. “This was what I had drawn that day at lunch. It wasn’t a drawing of Padma, it was a drawing of you. It’s always been you, Y/n.”
“Oh my god, that’s why you didn’t want me to see it… wow, you made me look so beautiful...” You murmured in amazement.
“You are beautiful, bub. You’re everything good in the world and more. And I have no idea how you thought I had been drawing Padma. Padma is pretty, but you- you’re ethereally beautiful, Y/n. You mean everything to me, and I never want you to ever think otherwise.” 
“You mean everything to me too, bub. Nobody gets me like you…”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
A/N: This didn’t turn out how I planned, or how I really wanted, but I haven’t posted this week, and I’ve been trying to post every week, so I just decided I’d post it. I might rewrite it and post the other version later, or I might just write another best-friends-to-lovers trope, we’ll see.
Also, how do we feel about the use of you instead of Y/N, I don’t know how to feel about it… this was my first time describing the reader as you instead of Y/n, so yeah!
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undercoversasa · 2 years
Hiiiii! Could you write a Marcus x fem reader? Idk if you write smut, it’s okay if you don’t and you can just leave that out but I’d like fluffy and angsty smut please. :) or just fluffy with some angst in there somewhere. Maybe something with him climbing into readers room or her climbing into his at some point? But please don’t write anything where reader or Marcus cheats/cheated. Thank you!!!!
Hi yes of course I can write that
his actions are kind of ooc
Wounded Dove
It was Friday night. Ginny and I had gotten into an argument over mom’s suspected murder. I knew mom would never hurt anyone unless it was for our family. Unless there was a reason.
I was the eldest daughter of Georgia Miller, y/n. Ginny and I are the same age but not twins. I came along when mom married my dad, Anthony. To be blunt, I’m her stepdaughter. He was a shit dad to be honest. After his death she took me in. Growing up we had moved between so many different locations that me and my siblings barely had any time to make friends or find where we belonged. Our newest location being Wellsbury. We’ve actually been here long enough to find friend groups and love interests. Mom seemed to be settling in quite well with multiple guys as per usual. I ship her the most with Joe, a total sweet eye candy. Although it seems she much rather prefers the mayor. Ginny has hit it off with this boy named Hunter. He’s good for her, he makes her happy. I happened to hit it off with our neighbor, Marcus Baker. He’s a total eye candy and he rides a motorcycle somewhat like Zion. Me and him had a connection ever since the first day we ran into each other and ever since we made things official between us he started to call me his dove. Lately he’s been sneaking into my room to have make out sessions but it hasn’t gotten to second or third base quite yet. I was hoping today would be the day until the fight with Ginny happened. Now I just sat pathetically crying in my room, having completely forgotten the fact that Marcus would come over. I didn't realize his presence in the room until I heard a slight coughing. “You good, dove?” he approached my side.
“Yea, I’m fine” fidgeting with my hands. “you know you can talk to me about anything, I’m always gonna be here for you” I sighed “thanks it’s just Ginny” I didn't really want to burden him about my family issues but I knew that I could trust him. “What happened? Did she do something to you?” he inquired whilst holding my hands. “it’s just we got into an argument over Georgia. She’s always being so rude to her and for whatever reason she believes she’s always out to get her. She’s our mom for Christ sake.” Speaking of this made me recall how Ginny called our mom a “dangerous woman” who could “hurt us” and it made me feel sick. “ dove, you know her relationship with your mom is complicated. Don’t stress yourself over it because I assure you, it probably won’t end any time soon.”
I realized I probably ruined the mood for the plans we had tonight but I really had looked forward to it so here goes nothing. “can we kiss?” when I said that his face turned slightly red and we began to make out. He certainly knew his way around these kinds of things. Things started to get heated and before I knew it, his hands were up my shirt fumbling with the straps of my bra while I tried my best to aid him. Finally with a bit of struggling we got my top off and we’re just about to take of the rest of our clothes when all of a sudden someone pounds on the door “Y/N YOU BETTER NOT BE GETTING FRISKY WITH WHITE BOI IN YOUR ROOM” ah shit… it’s mom. that’s kind of the end please let me know what you think
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augustvandyne · 1 year
Sorry for the aggression… No one writes for her🥲
Maybe like R is Ginnys sister (different mom) but she never knew her mom bc she dropped her off at Zions w a note and a DNA test or something. Maybe she does online school bc she’s always travelling w Zion then she moves with him and goes over to see Ginny, Georgia and Austin bc Georgia was always basically her mom.
She then had her first day at school and meets Max and they both have gay panic and stutter bc yk gay.
Then later Ginny takes her to sit w her friends and Max is talking about this girl she ran into and swears she’s in love and R is just sitting next to Ginny on the end of the table waiting for her to notice she’s there. And she only notices when Ginny asks what the girl’s name was and Max is like, “CRAP! I WAS JUST RAMBLING AND NEVER ASKED HER NAME! SHE KNEW MINE BUT I WOULDN’T SHUT UP TO LEG HER SPEAK! Oh god🥲” and bangs her head on the lunch table and R is like, “My names y/n Miller btw” and Max just slowly lifts her head, and everyone is like ‘how did she not notice the person sitting right mf there! although very max’ then she’s like “I do enjoy the rambling though, it’s cute” then everyone is like ‘oh SHES the girl’ and start laughing at Max. R after saying this gets up and sees her friends from one of her classes and goes to max giving max her phone open on contacts so max can put in her number but she’s just broken. Abby snatches the phone and is like ‘sorry i think you broke her’ and outs in the number. R smirks and kisses Max’s cheek before going off with her other friends.
omg i actually love this. the aggression is very much needed! no one writes for our girl maxine.. she needs the love.
sorry this took me so long.. haha. don’t be afraid to request more. i promise not to take as long this time.
Gay Panic
When you found out you would be moving to Wellsbury for a while, you were through the roof excited.
You hadn’t seen Ginny, Georgia or Austin in a while, and you were beginning to miss your family! A few days after you’d arrived, your dad enrolled you in Wellsbury High School.
Ginny immediately introduced you to her friends. She introduced you to Abby, Norah, and a group of boys that you could care less about.
Your first class happened to be a drama class, where you met Maxine Baker. She drew you in with her vibrant colors and extroverted personality.
The teacher wanted to do an exercise to start out the class, in which the class paired up and acted out a scene of a play of their choice. Max loved the class, but she had no friends in it.
A new face had her intrigued and so she partnered with you.
You suggested Romeo and Juliet—because you can’t go wrong with it. Max stuttered and reluctantly agreed. She tried to get out that you should do the balcony scene, but it came out as a blubbering mess.
The first time you open your mouth, a similar things happen. Red tints your brown cheeks, as you make a fool of yourself.
Normally you can keep your cool around cute girls, but this girl is different. She’s confident and knows what she wants.
The two of you laugh off the stuttering and blushing Max grabs a book off the shelf so the two of you can act out the scene. You lean in close to her and can smell whatever perfume she decided to spray.
The close proximity has both of you blushing again.
Both of you mess up and stutter so much neither of you even finish the exercise before the teacher pulls everyone in to assign the work for the day.
The rest of your first morning is just as exciting. It’s followed by two other classes—art and study hall, where you meet some other girls. After study hall you follow Ginny to the cafeteria where you sit at a table filled with the same faces you saw this morning.
And Maxine.
You are surprised to see her at the table. But it makes sense. All the girls are more quiet than Max, which makes you believe she’s the leader.
Especially because she’s leading the conversation right now.
“So we are like acting the scene out, right, because I swear that our drama teacher hates me,” Max talks fast. “But anyway, we’re acting it out and I swear- I’m in love.”
“What happened to, uh, what’s her name?” Abby chews on a fry as she tries to come up with the name of the girl Max was all about the week before.
“Oh, I’m over her.”
“Already?” Norah barks out a laugh. “That was fast.”
Max glares at her.
“So this girl,” Brodie shrugs. “She hot or what?”
“Uh, gorgeous!” Max shakes her hands all around like she’s have a seizure. “She’s mixed, and kind of looks like Ginny. But she is the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. Like ever.”
“What was her name again?” Ginny rests her elbows on the table.
“Crap,” Max’s face falls. “I was rambling and stuttering and blushing so hard I forgot to ask her what her name was. I told her mine but I didn’t ask. Oh my God. I want to die now. I’m never going to speak to her again.”
As the girl bangs her head on the table, you reach your hand over Ginny and say, “I’m Y/N Miller, by the way.”
Abby’s mouth drops open and she laughs, “Max.. how did you not see her.”
Max is frozen in place. She isn’t blinking, talking, or breathing for that matter. She looks like she might cry.
“Um, are you okay?”
“Don’t worry, she does this all the time,” Ginny waves it off.
“What? Falls in love with girls she just meets?” You laugh awkwardly.
“Has gay panics,” Norah clarified.
“Ah,” You retreat your hand.
Jordan and Abby laugh at Max, whom is still frozen in place.
“Do you think if we nudge her she’ll tip over?” Abby jokes.
“Max, breathe,” Ginny places her hand on Max’s shoulder.
“Thank you for complimenting my looks,” You flash a bright smile. “And I enjoyed the rambling, it’s very cute.”
You see a few girls from your art class and get up to go say hi, stopping near Max, who then takes a deep breath and begins blinking again.
“Here,” you place your phone in her hand and she just blinks up at you. “Put your number in. Your cute. We should meet up some time.”
Abby leans across the table and puts the number in the contacts app, “I think you broke her.”
You smirk and grab your phone out of the redheads hand. You drop the phone into the back pocket of your jeans. Leaning down, you plop a kiss on Max’s cheek.
Max’s eyes widen and she waits for your to be out of earshot before grilling Ginny.
“Virginia Miller! How could you not tell me you were sisters with a hot, sapphic, greek god?!” Max starts freaking out. “What the F?! I let you date my brother and you gate-keep your beautifully gorgeous sister??”
Ginny just chuckles. “She has that effect on people.”
“You better text her,” Norah threatens. “Or I will.”
And Jordan doesn’t even protest.
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melswifeasf · 1 year
Safest in your arms pt 1
|| series page || next chapter ||
Pairing: Georgia Miller x Fem!OC
Summary: A blonde woman moved in across the street, little did Samantha know she’d be turning her life upside down.
Warnings: (18+) minors DNI cursing, drug use. age gap relationships (18 and 30) grooming.
Notes: welcome to my new series! i’m really excited to write this:)
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being adopted and hispanic in a small town like Wellsbury was rather lonely.
at least that's how Samantha always felt. she had never really felt like she fit in with her siblings or in her family, really. Ellen and Clint had problems getting pregnant early into their marriage, in fact they thought there was no hope so they adopted Samantha as a newborn. then two years later Ellen ended up pregnant. it was a miracle, a happy miracle. Samantha would have siblings and that's all the Baker parents really wanted.
growing up Samantha was alone most of the time, she went a school with mostly white people, only a handful of kids that could relate to Samantha. thankfully that all changed once she started middle school, she had met the twins, Oliver and Nia first during the first day of sixth grade. Samantha was going to sit alone like usual but Oliver saw her and sat at her table no questions asked. Nia followed after her brother and soon they became best friends. Mathew came into their lives only a couple of months later during their gym class. he was considered popular, he even played on the football and basketball team but even then he chose to hang out with the three best friends. it wasn't hard to understand why, they all had one thing in common; being outsiders.
the four became inseparable, even when Oliver joined the football team or when Nia joined cheer or even when they all started high school. it was as if they were a small family. they fought sometimes, like normal friends do but it never escalated into anything serious.
it was freshman year when Natalie and Jade joined their friend group. Oliver had a crush on Natalie so he asked her out and the group accepted her without much thought, Oliver seemed to really like her so they didn't find a reason to give her or him a hard time. they had met Nicole one day when they were at the skate park hanging out, she had approached them speaking to Samantha in particular and from then on she seemed to linger with them more and more to the point in which she just hung out with them everyday.
Oliver and Natalie dated most of their high school years, they broke up briefly during their junior year which wasn't surprising. junior year was known for being the most academically challenging. Oliver had practice along with keeping up with his AP classes and Natalie had an after school job so they didn't have much time to hang out. regardless they made it work and got back together just four months later.
junior year was also the year Max and Marcus started high school. Samantha didn't love it, especially considering Max would ask her for advice literally every second of the day or include herself in the friend group even though she most definitely was not. it didn't last long though, her Abby and Norah soon blended in and left Samantha and her friends alone. thank god.
the six teens were hanging out in Samanthas room the day before the first day of school. Oliver was sitting on the floor with Natalie beside him whilst Nia was on Samanthas beanbag and Jade was on the bed beside the shorter girl. Mathew was on his way and they were all waiting for him to bring the alcohol. initially they planned to smoke but Ellen had said Samantha couldn't go out since she started school the next day. they wouldn't stupid enough to do it inside though, the smell would be too obvious and Samantha did not want her parents image as a perfect child to be ruined.
Natalie giggled as Oliver kissed her neck making Samanthas nose scrunch in disgust, "can you guys please stop" she groaned and threw her body back on the bed. Oliver chuckled with his arm thrown around his girlfriends shoulder whilst the blonde stuck her tongue out at Samantha.
"suck my dick. you're just mad that you're still single" Natalie smirked.
Samantha rolled her eyes, she turned her head to see Jade looking down at her with an amused smile. the shorter girl smiled back and moved her body closer to Jade so she could rest her head on the girls lap. immediately after Jades hands began to softly comb her hair.
"yeah. why are you still single? arent half the girls at school in love with you or something?" Nia asked and narrowed her eyes in confusion.
Samantha scoffed, "please like that matters. Maxine would kill me if i got a girlfriend" she rolled her eyes with a huff.
Nia mimicked her actions, "are you serious? don't you get tired of having to put your life on pause because of her? i mean didn't she pretty much welcome herself into our group and when i asked you to join cheer you said no because 'Maxine thinks cheer is a cliche for mean girls' or whatever" she said holding her hands up in quotes.
Samantha could hear her friends chuckle at Nias words, "it's not like that. i just don't want her to feel left out, okay?" she said feeling a little annoyed by their comments now. sure, Maxine could be a lot but she was her sister and as the older child she felt like she had a responsibility to protect her sisters feelings.
"fine if you say so" Nia said holding her hands up.
it was Jade who spoke next, "what about you Nia? excited for Mathew to come over?" she said wiggling her brows in a suggestive manner earning laughs from the other two girls in the room.
Oliver looked at them confused, "Mathew? why would you be excited about him?"
Samantha glanced at Nia who was looking at her in warning. "it's nothing" she muttered lowly to try and cover for her best friend.
Jade laughed, "yeah nothing at all" she added.
Oliver didn't seem to be buying it as he glanced at each girl still obviously confused by Jades comment. thankfully the door opened to reveal the subject of their conversation with a huge smirk on his lips.
“why wasn't i aware of the smoke show moving across the street?" he said immediately moving across the room and toward the window. he moved the curtain to the side and looked outside.
"what are you talking about?" Samantha asked confused and began to sit up from Jades lap. Nia turned her body toward the window as well to look out of it, her eyes widening.
"holy shit, she's hot"
Samantha didn't waste another second and jumped up from the bed, she almost tripped on her own feet as she shoved Mathew out of the way making the boy groan and hold his stomach.
"shit girl, chill. she's not going anywhere" he joked making Samantha roll her eyes and give him the finger. the raven haired girl could faintly hear her mother yelling at her brother but she didn't much bother listening to whatever it is she was lecturing him on. it was the same story everyday with him.
her eyes roamed the street to try and find the woman Matthew was talking about. she didn't have to search for long as her eyes landed on the blonde woman in a yellow top with jean shorts on. she had a bandana to top it all off and she looked hot as hell.
"close your mouth, you're drooling" Nia said and Samantha didn't have to look at her to know she was smirking.
"fuck you" the short girl responded.
"Samantha, i made cookies!" a loud voice called from downstairs making all the teens jump up and start rushing out of the room.
"move your ass!" she heard Oliver say most likely to Matthew as they shoved one another to get downstairs first.
Samantha was about to turn around and leave when the blonde woman grabbed a box from her trunk and began to walk to her house. she was beautiful, really. her hips swayed naturally and everything about her was screaming Samanthas name. until the blonde stopped abruptly and turned her head, her eyes roamed the house until they landed on the window the young girl was currently looking through. any normal person would've backed away from the window and walked away but Samantha didn't. she felt like she was in a trance. instead she kept her eyes locked on the blonde, intently watching every emotion swirling behind her eyes. it was hard to read her though.
the blondes lips quirked into a small almost missable smile but Samantha caught it. their staring contest lasted just a second longer before the blonde turned back around and continued walking into the home.
a blaring alarm was what woke the short girl up from her deep slumber. a loud groan echoed throughout her room as she hit her hand against the pillow beside her. black hair was sprawled on the pillow underneath her and her face was smudged into the pillow, some strands of hair resting on her face. she was surprised she wasn't woken by her parents instead of the horrid noise coming from her phone. she reached over toward her nightstand where she finally found her phone and slapped it until the noise finally stopped.
it took her a couple of minutes to actually wake up. she wanted to skip school, it was the first day and most teachers just went over the syllabus or made them introduce themselves to the class as if they weren't already seniors. she only had half days, taking all AP classes when she was in her junior year paid off. so enduring three hours of school shouldn't be that bad.
the raven haired girl got out of bed lazily, her feet dragging against the ground as she walked to her dresser to choose an outfit for the day. a pair of light blue jeans and a white tube top. she'd take a sweater with her just in case she gets dress coded. her room was slightly messy from the day before, they all got a little buzzed and ended up watching a movie before it got dark and Ellen told them they needed to get home.
the white duvet on the bed was neatly made and sitting under three pillow. there was a black nightstand on the left side of the room that held a  picture of her and her friends during their junior prom. her walls were painted dark gray with LED lights along with posters of movies she liked. she had a dark blue beanbag near the window and across her bed was her dresser with a television on top. she even had a desk pressed against the left side of her room among that there was small tokens of her, like the plant on her desk, the pictures of her and the people she loved, even the mini figures of characters from her favorite movies.
once she was completely dressed with her hair curled and makeup ready she went downstairs and was met with Max and Marcus arguing about who knows what. it was like that almost every morning and at a certain point Samantha just learned to not care.
"good morning" Ellen said with a smile.
"good morning" Samantha signed with a slight smile.
"want me to make you chocolate chip pancakes?" she asked as she held up the spatula in her hand.
Samantha shook her head, "kinda in a rush. i have to pick up Jade" she said as she grabbed piece of pancake already cut up form Marcus's plate and ate it.
he looked at her with a bored expression to which she winked, "what? i'll consider that my pay for driving you around all summer" she said with a shrug.
he gave her an annoyed smile and looked back down at his food, "can we stop by blue farm on the way?" Max asked her sister.
"what?! why not?"
"because i am not paying for your caffeine, i don't need you freaking out because i'm going five over the speed limit again" she said.
Marcus chuckled making Max groan in annoyance.
"mom, tell Samantha to take me to blue farm"
Ellen shook her head, "her car, her rules" she shrugged.
Maxine huffed in annoyance once more and Samantha shot her a cocky smile. once she drank all of her orange juice and ate half of Marcus's food, she grabbed her backpack and kissed her fathers cheek in goodbye. "let's go chums" she said as she walked toward her mom to give her a kiss goodbye as well. Ellen smiled in appreciation and watched as her daughter walked to the front door with marching steps.
she had always been the more responsible out of the three. being mexican meant she didn't get a lot of the opportunities that her siblings could have, that meant she had to get a job at blue farm since she was a freshman, had to take the most advanced classes and even join a lot of extracurricular activities. she even bought her car with her own money - although her parents pitched in for the down payment she had to pay every single bill from that day on.
the girl got inside her white Camry with her siblings behind her, as Marcus was about to get in the passenger side she clicked her tongue with a shake of her head. "nope, you know the rules. in the back, i don't need your sister ripping Jades head off" it wasn't much of a surprise that Jade and Max didn't get along, they were slightly alike yet completely different. Max thought Jade was a bitch and Jade thought Max was too loud and possessive over Samantha which meant Samantha did everything possible to keep them as far away from each other as possible.
"cant i just get in the back once we pick her up?" Marcus asked slightly annoyed.
Samantha sighed, "fine. whatever. just get in" she said waving him inside. he smiled in triumph and got inside the car like she had said. "seatbelts" she turned to look at each of them to make sure they were buckled in before finally backing out of the driveway.
the ride to school from Jades house was a little awkward, Max kept talking about how she was crush sophomore year and interrupting Samantha and Jades conversation every other second.
the shorter girl shot Jade an apologetic smile but she just waved her off, she already knew how Max was and after four years she was used to it. once they pulled into the parking lot Samantha got out with her backpack slung over one shoulder.
"later losers" she said to her siblings as she walked alongside Jade.
"i know you're gonna hate me but your sister is a bitch" Jade muttered with an eye roll.
Samantha laughed, "yeah she is and you know you're the only person i'll let say anything about her"
Jade smirked, "cause i'm your favorite?" she asked and fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously.
the shorter girl shook her head, "whatever" she muttered shoving her softly. Jade laughed loudly as they approached the other three teens who were sitting at their usual spot. "sup losers" she saluted them as she sat down on Nias lap who was sitting on the couch. the curly haired girl wrapped her arms around her best friend and placed her chin on her shoulder.
"how was it?" Natalie asked Jade who shrugged.
"like always, didn't let me get a word out" she said making everyone chuckle.
they soon fell into a conversation that didn't last long considering they all had to get to class.
"i have calc and AP Lit after" Samantha announced as she stood from Nias lap.
"fuck, isn't it exhausting being little miss perfect?" Matthew asked with an amused smile.
Samantha looked at him with a neutral expression, "isn't it exhausting acting like a slutty jock?"
he laughed holding his hands up, "damn. you're breaking my heart here, Sammy" he joked making her roll her eyes.
"yeah, yeah. save the dramatics for Lauren. where is she anyway?"
"we broke up" he shrugged.
everyone stopped walking and turned to look at the boy in slight surprise, "seriously?" Jade asked.
"yeah" Matthew shrugged once more with his hands in his front jean pockets, "she was bitching about how i don't have enough time for her so i figured it's better to call it quits now. she was only supposed to keep me company for the summer anyway" he said with a smirk.
Samantha groaned, "oh my god, you are such a fuck boy it physically hurts to be around you"
"what? my parents are divorced and i went through emotional trauma and-"
"oh my god, shut up!" Jade exclaimed quickly earning laughs from everyone including Matthew.
"you know i'm fucking with you guys"
"yeah super solid joke, it isn't five years reused or anything" Natalie shot back making Oliver laugh.
"god i love you" he admitted and pulled her in closer as he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
Jade made a gagging noise, "please leave and never come back" 
"gladly" Oliver said happily. he dragged his girlfriend with him into his next class.
"relationships are gross" Samantha grimaced.
"please, i live with him and they don't know what being fucking quiet is so if anyone has a right to complain here it's me" Nia said with a grimace.
Samantha and Jade laugh at her whilst Matthew slings his arm over her shoulder, "don't worry, i can keep you company" he said shooting her a wink.
anyone else would've missed the look on Nias face but Samantha didn't, the girl had a slight blush coating her cheeks and her step faltered for just a second before she continued like normal. soon after she shoved the boy off of her, "please, you would be my last option. after like - Marcus"
"absolutely not!"
three hours later Samantha and the five teens were sitting at a table in blue farm. Samantha and Nia were the only ones with half days but the rest decided to just skip the rest of the day, it's not like there was anything important anyway.
everything was going great, they were all talking like usual when a certain blonde walked in and everyone went quiet. in fact they didn't do much talking after that but Natalie commented on how obvious they were being so they tried to act as if they were making conversation. they all glanced at the blondes table as she talked to Paul and even after he left.
"i swear you guys are staring like some kind of stalkers" Natalie said in a hushed tone leaning toward the middle of the table.
"she's hot" Matthew shrugged.
Samantha was trying to be more discreet. she sipped on her coffee and listened to Matthew and Natalie argue back and forth.
the young girl was glancing at the blonde from the corner of her eye every couple of seconds, that's when she noticed the blonde woman stand from her table and approach them.
Samantha tried hush them but they weren't listening, up until the woman was standing at their table. "hello" she said a very strong country accent dripping in her voice that made the young girl feel queasy.
she had on a pink dress that highlighted all her curves and pushed her breasts up. her hair was down and she was holding a bag in one hand. Samantha's mind went blank at the sight.
"uh hey" Jade said with a slight wave.
the woman looked around the table until her eyes landed on Samantha, "i moved in just across the street from you" she said directing her words at Samantha.
the young girl gulped before nodding, "yeah." she said dumbly. she was never really the type to be left speechless, in fact it was always the other way around but somehow with this unnamed woman she couldn't come up with a single coherent thought.
"Georgia Miller" she smiled with her perfect teeth and held her hand out. they all glanced at each other then looked at Samantha in anticipation.
the girl smiled, "Samantha Baker but i assume you already know that" she chuckled softly as she shook Georgia's hand.
"your mom is so kind, she brought cookies over" she said happily.
"oh, her cookies are to die for" Oliver said making everyone look at him including Georgia. he didn't seem to care that he said his thought out loud.
"i can second that" Georgia said, "not to be.. that adult but shouldn't you guys be at school?" she asked looking around the table again.
"i have half days" Samantha said quickly, cursing at herself silently for answering so quickly.
"me too" Nia responded.
"and we're just getting lunch, we'll be back once we're done. right guys?" Jade asked looking at her friends with a slightly tightened jaw. they all nodded quickly.
"yeah, yeah. of course. we're very responsible" Oliver said with a charming smile.
Georgia seemed amused by all of them as she nodded, "okay well i'll be leaving you guys to it" she said, "have a nice rest of your day" she finished glancing at them all once more. and yet again her eyes landed on Samantha for just a second longer. soon after the blonde put on her sunglasses and walked out of the restaurant with a slight sway of her hips.
"holy shit" Matthew said practically reading Samanthas thoughts.
"she's hot as hell" Nia said breathily.
"how is it you check out girls more than your brother does?" Jade asked.
Nia shrugged with a smirk, "i actually have good taste" she said looking at Natalie who rolled her eyes and lifted her middle finger at her.
"fuck off"
"my eyes are simply captivated by this beauty right here" Oliver shrugged and pecked his girlfriends cheek.
"gross" Samantha said with a slight smile.
if only either of them noticed the look of longing in the girls eyes.
after blue farm they all went to the store to buy snacks and then parked outside of an abandoned building to smoke. Samantha opted out of it for the time being, she had to go home and confront her mom and she had already seen the way she reacted with Marcus and did not need that kind of weight on her. once school was officially released she said her goodbyes - much to everyone's disappointment who still wanted to hang out but she had to pick up Marcus from school. Max was already home, she had texted her saying she skipped after lunch.
much to Samantha's surprise they all decided to just hang out at her house. everyone was there except for Oliver who had practice and Natalie. the two worked at blue farm but Samantha wasn't scheduled in for the day. they usually had the same schedule but Joe thought they distracted each other too much so he made sure their work times didn't align all that often. unfortunately.
they were all outside, Samantha didn't feel like spending another day cooped up in her room so she decided to just stay outside instead. she was on the hood of her car with Jade beside her whilst the other two were standing to the side.
"there's gonna be a party Friday" Matthew said once he blew out the smoke out of his mouth. Ellen didn't have much of a problem that her daughter vaped, of course she didn't love it but she was eighteen and she couldn't really control that part. although Samantha always made sure to never do it in front of her or make it obvious that she was doing it.
"already?" Samantha asked confused.
"what do you mean?" Matthew chuckled, "it's the back to school party, Tyler is hosting" he says referring to one of the guys on the football team.
"hell fucking yeah, he always has the best parties" Nia smirked and snatched the vape out of Matthews hand to take a hit.
"i charge for every hit y'know" he says looking at her. Nia rolled her eyes.
"oh yeah? how's that?"
"i wouldn't mind a kiss" he shrugged innocently making Nia snort out a laugh.
"hilarious. really"
Samantha laughed at them along with Jade. the shorter girl had one leg resting on top of Jades with her head on the girls shoulder. "im assuming your going then?" Samantha asked Matthew who quickly looked away from Nia and at her.
"of course. i can't miss out on the first party of the year" he said with his usual smirk, he and Nia had a respectable space between them but every so often Samantha could see both of them inching just a millimeter closer. it was cute how oblivious they both were.
"Oliver and Natalie are probably going so count me in. just please don't let me do shots like last time" Nia said in a desperate tone.
the two girls chuckled at her whilst Matthews smirk widened. "i can take care of you"
Nia laughed, "right. sure. maybe i'll wake up in the bathroom floor and see you hooking up with some other girl in my room again"
Matthews smirk twitched, "that was one time and  i said i was worry" he said and even though he was trying to sound playful it was obvious he truly felt bad about it.
Nia chuckled, "yeah okay"
Jade glanced between them, the tension so strong it was starting to suffocate her so she turned to Samantha, "are you going?" she asked.
Samantha shrugged, "maybe. i have to ask but she'll probably say yes. i'll just need a ride" she said knowing that was one of the only rules Ellen had set when she started going to parties. she knew her daughter would drink and she'd rather be aware of it then the fact being hidden from her so she just always made sure Samantha wasn't the one driving.
"i'll drive. Oliver and Natalie will probably ditch me either way" she rolled her eyes. Samantha smiled. she had been ditched by them as well, having to find a ride home from someone she'd rather not think about.
"cool then yeah i'll go" Samantha nodded.
Matthew cheered softly knowing he wouldn't be having to venture yet another party alone. it wasn't really anyone's fault, he seemed to want to go to one every weekend and they all were busy. considering his parents were divorced he had the benefit of their guilt on his side so he didn't have to get a job or do anything other than the bare minimum. he even got a black mustang for his sixteenth birthday.
Marcus had joined them a little later as he began to clean his bike. Samantha thought it was pointless that he got one, he couldn't ride it for another couple of months and she knew their mom wouldn't be all that in favor of him riding it all that often.
they were talking calmly until a girl with curly brown hair walked out of their house. Marcus stood up from cleaning his bike and said something but Samantha want entirely listening. she wondered who the girl was, though.
she saw the teen get on the bike and put on the helmet, she was slightly confused but then assumed she was just trying to show off to Marcus. she knew her brother could be an asshole and for some reason girls really loved that. but she was wrong seeing at the teen turned the key to start the bike and soon drove off.
"shit" Samantha muttered as she stood from her car and saw Marcus tell the teen to stop and come back but it was to no use. Matthew stopped talking to see what she was talking about and by the time he did the curly brunette was back on their driveway. she took off her helmet and got off, her body turned and she grabbed Marcus by the shoulders and leaned in to kiss him.
"damn" Matthew said amused, all of them now forgetting whatever it was they were talking about as they watched the scene unfold before them. the kiss looked awkward and weird and it made Samantha laugh along with her friends.
Matthew couldn't cover his amusement so he held his fist up to his mouth to try and contain his laughter. then a car pulled up making Samantha turn to it. shit.
Padma said something to Marcus and he immediately turned around to walk to the car. Samantha knew all about them hooking up and in her opinion Padma deserved better than an emotionally unavailable fifteen year old. they all watched as Ginny watched them drive off very obviously embarrassed by her previous actions.
"bold move Maxine's friend" Matthew called out obviously having heard what Marcus had told Padma just seconds before. the brunette blushed pink and began to walk away. she saw her walk toward Georgias house. huh. could she be her daughter? Georgia looked way too young to have a fifteen year old but then again she could've been a teen mom.
once the brunette was out of sight Matthew began to laugh even louder making Samantha turn and smack his arm. "stop being an asshole!"
"hey!" he laughed, "you've got to admit that was funny" he said his laughter still not dying down.
a small smirk formed on Samanthas lips, maybe he was right. Nia and Jade broke into a fit of laughter too which a wave of laughter escaped her lips as much as she tried to fight it. she just hoped that girl wouldn't cause problems in Marcus's life, he already had to go through enough shit already.
once the sun had set everyone except for Jade went home. Samantha was the one who had to take her home and she didn't feel like being without the girl so she told her to stay for dinner instead. Ellen loved that. Jade was always extremely respectful toward her and seemed to be the closest to Samantha aside from Nia.
after dinner Samantha drove her home, they stayed in the car talking for an hour before Ellen told her it was late and she should start heading home. the girl did so, even watched a movie with her parents before saying she was going to bed. of course she wasn't, she just had to wait until it was after one before she could sneak out and smoke. her mom never really suspected her daughter smoked weed and she'd never been caught, even by her siblings. she made sure to keep her secrets hidden. that was the point of a secret after all.
the raven haired girl already had a blunt rolled so she climbed down from her window and sat behind her car where no one could see her. she took her lighter out of her pocket and flicked it on. once it was lit she inhaled deeply, leaving it for a couple of seconds then exhaled. a wave of relief hit her at the feeling. the girl laid her head back against the white car, her arm was on top of her knee whilst the blunt was held with her thumb and pointer finger.
the neighborhood was quiet to no one's surprise, she lived in a rather wealthy side of town so it made sense that there wouldn't be crime or people on the streets. it was almost depressing how boring everything around her was. only the crickets could be heard and occasionally a vehicle or two would drive by. the only thing accompanying her was the starlit sky and the full moon.
or so she thought. her eyes landed on the house across the street. it was normal, just like any other house in the neighborhood. the porch light was on, Georgia's car was parked in the driveway and it seemed quiet. just like a basic suburban home. but it wasn't just a basic suburban home because this home had a blonde woman sitting on the balcony that was on the side of the house. the woman looked to be drinking a glass of red wine and she was staring at Samantha intently.
it was dark so Samantha couldn't really make out what she was wearing but she could feel her eyes on her. she wasn't expecting much so she just sent the blonde a smile, although she wasn't all that sure if she could even see her. it was hard to make out but once she narrowed her eyes she saw the blonde motioning her over. Samantha was confused, was she imagining this? she debated on if she should go over, she reeked of weed and she's sure Georgia saw her smoking but she didn't seem like a snitch. at least that's what she hoped. maybe going over and asking her to keep what she just saw on the low wouldn't hurt.
the raven girl put out the blunt and stood, she was a little high, just enough to feel fuzzy but not enough to actually feel it. she dusted her silk shorts and put her hands in her gray sweater. she was wearing black silk shorts that didn't exactly like hide much but she wasn't exactly expecting to have eyes on her, especially not her hot neighbor. she was only wearing a tank top so she decided to throw on of Marcus's sweaters on that for the record it looked like it was drowning her.
she made sure to look both sides before crossing the road, it was pointless considering it was the middle of the night but she did not want to die tonight. once she reached the blondes home she looked up as the blonde looked down at her. "hey stranger" she said with a smile.
Samantha smiled back, "hey" she responds. the blonde looked at the shorter girl slightly amused as she looked at the girl up and down. the action alone was making the raven haired girl grow nervous. she cleared her throat,  "you didn't see anything.. right?" she asked extremely nervous now.
Georgia laughed, "oh, you mean the weed you were just smoking?" she asked with a very cocky smirk. Samantha was shifting from one foot to another and she scratched the back of her neck nervously. the blonde woman seemed to find pity on the girl as she waved her off, "i'm kidding of course."
a sigh of relief left the girls lips, "cool so you like, won't tell my mom or anything?" she asked hopeful.
there was a glint in the blondes eye that made Samantha feel even more nervous if that was even possible. "on one condition" Georgia said making Samantha raise a questioning brow. "share" she said simply.
Samantha was confused as hell by her comment. did she hear her correctly? she wanted her to share? "share?" she chuckled nervously.
Georgia simply looked at the girls right pocket that her hand was in and she was holding her blunt. the young girl finally cracked a smile, "fine" she shrugged. if she had to share her drugs to not get in trouble then that's fine with her. the blonde motioned to the tree making the shorter girl look at her confused.
"what? want to go through the front door instead?" she asked with a raised brow. Samantha glanced at the front of the house, contemplating if she should just go through the front door or not. chances are she'd end up making too much noise and wake her daughter up, not something she needs. she sighed heavily and took her hands out of her pockets.
"if i fall please tell my mom you coaxed me into smoking with you" Samantha said as she began to climb the tree. a beautiful laugh echoed throughout the dark night making the girls stomach fill with butterflies. it was hard to get her balance at first, her foot slipped once or twice but finally she was able to grab onto the railing. Georgia was standing now holding her hand out in case Samantha needed help but the girl was able to do it on her own. "fuck that was horrible" she breathed out and held her hand against her chest.
"you're so dramatic" Georgia rolled her eyes in amusement. once the girl calmed her heart she sat down where Georgia was previously sitting and the blonde followed her actions, taking the spot beside her. Samantha wordlessly took the blunt out of her pocket and the lighter as well.
“wanna do the honors?" she asked holding it close to the older woman. Georgia smirked and grabbed it from Samantha's hand before pulling it up to her lips. the raven girl turned the lighter on making the fire illuminate her face with an orange light. her freckles could be seen perfectly in that instant. the young girl made eye contact with the blonde before they moved down to the blunt, she bit her lip as she carefully brought the fire toward the blunt and heard it sizzle before it began to burn.
she pulled away a second later, still a little dazed by how close she was to the blonde. she cleared her throat awkwardly and looked at her hand as it reached into her pocket to place the lighter there. her eyes soon met Georgia's body, they started at her legs that were exposed. she was only wearing shorts and a silk shirt, both a beige color. her skin looked so smooth and soft Samantha had to hold herself back from recaching toward her and touching her. but she was snapped out of it pretty quickly by a cloud of smoke hitting her face slightly. her head shot up to see Georgia already looking at her with a small smirk.
Samantha cleared her throat, "i think i met your daughter today" she said and watched as Georgia offered her the blunt. the young girl grabbed it and brought it up to her lips, she inhaled deeply letting the smoke remain in her lungs for a couple of seconds before releasing it into the night.
Georgia chuckled, "oh, you mean the one who stole your brothers bike and then kissed him?"
Samantha smiled in amusement, "guess so"
Georgia sighed and brought the bud up to her lips and took a long drag. "that little shit doesn't know what's coming" she said as she released the smoke form her mouth. Samantha watched in amazement. she had been around people who smoked all the time but something about the way Georgia was doing it made her mind go blank.
she quickly blinked, she did not want Georgia to see her as the hopeless lesbian in love with her hot neighbor. "hey now," she said with a slight laugh "my brothers an asshole but.." she trailed off, where was even going with this? "yeah no he's just an asshole" she nodded in agreement.
Georgia laughed and blew the smoke out of her mouth once more. she did the same thing once more and gave Samantha the blunt. "you're not like your siblings huh?"
Samantha furrowed her brows in slight confusion, she looked at the ground as she took a small drag out of it. she was starting to feel it a little more now and wanted to pace herself. plus Georgia looked like she needed it more than her and she's willing to just give her the rest. "well i'm adopted" she tried to joke.
Georgia looked at her with a 'seriously' look that made Samantha laugh even more, "you know that's not what i mean"
the raven haired girl turned a lot more serious suddenly "i don't know i guess we just.. we don't have the same privilege that's all." she shrugged. Georgia saw the look on Samantha's face that told her she shouldn't push on the subject so she decided to change the conversation topic instead.
"your friends are funny" Georgia commented.
Samantha chuckled and pulled her knees up to her chest, she placed her chin on her knees for support and turned to look at the blonde. "if by funny you mean stupid then sure."
Georgia shook her head with a slight laugh. "you're a senior, right?"
"yeah. i was supposed to graduate early but i just couldn't leave those losers behind."
Georgia raised a brow, "so you're polite and smart, huh?"
Samantha did a double take "polite?" she asked completely confused and why she came to that conclusion. the blonde seemed to be asking completely random questions and she was starting to wonder how hard the weed is hitting.
the blonde smiled, it was one of those that made Samanthas heart beat a second time in just a second. "well, the first conversation i had with your brother he gave me weed" she started and was interrupted from continuing
Samantha looked a bit bewildered "he.. what?" she was aware her brother smoked every once in a while but she didn't think he'd be stupid enough to do it somewhere in which he could be caught. although she felt stupid for even thinking that considering their mother found him smoking on the side of the road a day before.
the blonde laughed softly at how concerned Samantha looked, "okay i'll admit i might've pried it off of him but regardless and this is the second conversation i've had with you that isn't ending up with you kissing up to me or you staring at my boobs."
Samantha looked even more shocked by her statement "oh?"
Georgia laughed even harder, "i just mean.." she chuckled breathlessly "you're mature for your age. that's all." she explained with a slight shrug. by now she had smoked all that she could and the tiny bud was resting on the ashtray beside her.
the girl finally understood what she was trying to say, she wasn't like her brother or maybe some of the teens she had met recently. it wasn't that she wanted be boring or a suck up but she just always craved the validation of her mom and sometimes even other adults. it was the way she could always be trusted and she was never considered to be irresponsible that really fueled her to always be perfect. she shrugged, "yeah well i guess that comes with being the older sibling and all."
Georgia nodded at her words and the two fell into a small silence. most of the time it would've made Samantha's skin crawl, she wasn't a fan of awkward encounters but somehow the way Georgia was smiling like this just gave her so much comfort. but even then she felt the need to fill the silence and he did, "so Ginny is your daughter?" she asked although she already knew the answer.
the blonde could understand the intentions behind her question pretty easily, it was everyone's question. "yeah," she nodded. "had her when i was fifteen."
Samantha's eyebrows rose in surprise "damn, that's.."
the girl chuckled "i was gonna say brave"
the older woman raises a brow in question, obviously not believing her words. that had never been a way she was described and she didn't think the stoned eighteen year old in front of her would be any different.
Samantha chuckled at her actions, "i'm serious. you seem to have your life together, it's really impressive."
the blonde didn't seem to find a single lie behind her question so she accepted it "thank you"
the smile and intensity of the woman's stare was making Samantha feel all giddy. a shy smile overtook her features "yeah." she said lowly. she realized the conversation ended there when Georgia didn't make a move to speak again. a beat of silence passed before she spoke, finally getting the hint. "i think i should probably get going though."
"yeah," the woman nodded "don't want your mom knowing you were smoking with me."
Samantha smiled and stood "most definitely not. have to keep up the whole 'perfect daughter' persona up, y'know" she said and dusted herself off again.
"absolutely" the blonde agreed with a slight smile. she didn't stand and Samantha assumed she was going to stay out a while longer.
she carefully climbed to the other side of the railing and held on tightly as she said one final thing to the beautiful blonde "i'll see you around bud buddy"
Georgias eyebrows furrowed in confusion, a dozen different emotions flashed by her "i-.. did you just.. you know what? i'm too high for this" she shook her head holding her hands up in defeat.
Samantha laughed at her and climbed down the tree. once her feet were safely on the ground she turned up to look at Georgia again, she shot her one last smile that the blonde returned with ease. a second later she turned around and ran back to her house. she climbed her tree back up to her room and closed the window behind her, she didn't even bother taking off her sweater that reeked of weed and threw her body on the bed.
an uncontrollable smile overcame her features.
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echoalyssa · 1 year
Omg I’m so sorry for some reason I automatically assume people know who I’m talking about 🤦🏼‍♀️ How about Marcus Baker x reader where she lives in another state and they met on like Instagram and one day she comes to see him?
ORRR (just to be safe😉😂)
Where her personality is like sunshine and rainbows so people are shocked that they’re together
Request 3 | Marcus Baker
You're gripping the steering wheel all too tight considering the road is empty and you've been driving for seven hours already.
Your comfort playlist plays through the speakers in an attempt to eradicate some of the nerves. You'd known him for a year, face-timed him every night for the past six months. He was real, you knew that much.
Though all those horror crime documentary's meant that somewhere deep down you were worried he might brutally murder you.
The two of you had met through a Instagram group chat for artists around the United States and had connected immediately. Your lives differed in every way possible.
You were from one of those small towns that barely made it onto the map with three siblings, and he was living in a million dollar house with his twin sister.
Your phone buzzes in your lap and its him.
'Hope the drive is going well! I'm excited to see you!'
You smile.
You're meeting him at a coffee shop in Wellsbury. It would be in broad daylight in a public place so not much could go wrong.
The navigation chimes, telling you to take the next exit.
Just like that, you're ten minutes away.
~~~ You take a breath outside of the door, using the slight reflection to check that your hair doesn't look insane. Your palms are sweating profusely so you have no choice but to wipe them on the front of your jeans.
You push the door open and the bell on top jingles softly.
The place is cute, with low ambience lighting and lounge chairs in the corner. There's plants just about everywhere and a mural has been painted on the far wall.
He spots you first, and he almost drops the two drinks he's holding. Marcus can't cross the small shop fast enough. He didn't even need a second to realize that it was you, he just knew immediately.
You shoot him a tiny shy smile and he returns it.
He wraps you in an awkward hug because he's still holding both drinks. Even though he's hugging you with his arms straight because of the drinks you can't help but think about how nicely you fit into his arms.
He smells good, like fresh linen.
His hair keeps falling into his face, and you keep wanting to push it out of the way for him.
"I got you a mocha frappe! I could have sworn that's what you told me you order but if that's wrong I can get you something else."
You're flattered by the fact that he bought you a drink and even more so that he remembered your order. That conversation must have taken place almost a year ago.
"That is perfect, thank you."
"Want to take a walk? You must be tired of sitting from the drive."
You nod, the weather in Massachusetts was stellar today.
He guides you out the door by placing a hand on the small of your back which sends sparks up your spine.
"I can't believe that you're here."
"I can't believe you're real."
He chuckles. "Are you cold?"
You're not really but he shrugs off his jacket anyway and drapes it over your shoulders.
His fingertips brush your neck and you shiver.
The town is cute but is very obviously a place where money is plentiful. Marcus tells you about his motorcycle and his plan to restore it.
You listen intently, your arm bumps against his as you walk.
He stops abruptly and turns to you.
"I feel like I know you already."
"You do! Now you're just putting a voice to the face,"
"I don't want you to ever go back home."
You can feel your face heat up, hopefully he wouldn't notice and would just think it was from the wind.
"You're just so far away." He continues, "And now that you're here I can't imagine you not being here."
Just the way that he looks at you makes you want to pack up all your belongings and move into this town, almost eight hours away.
His fingertips touch the side of your face, and he tilts your head so that you are looking up at him.
"It's a good thing I'm here for a week then." You whisper.
"We should make the most of it."
"Yes." You choke out because he's getting closer to you and you're barely breathing.
"You're beautiful you know."
You nod, scared to break this trance like interaction.
And then he leans the last few inches and his lips brush against yours, hesitant at first but they slowly grow more confident.
You tilt your head up for a better angle because there is no way that you're kissing Marcus Baker right now.
The butterflies in your stomach are doing somersaults.
It's slow and gentle. He pulls you close to him, his body radiates heat and warms you.
You could stay like this forever you think. This was perfect. All the anticipation and build up from the past year and finally, finally the two of you were together.
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
Love me like you — Joe x OC | Ginny & Georgia
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A/N: I always wanted to write for joe aka SAV but also didn’t want the diehard joe x Georgia Stan’s to come at me lol — although I’m also a stan. However after seeing that BS for Joe & Mrs. Redhead I had to do something of my own. (We’re not rocking with Cynthia like that over here.) Something that makes sense ☕️ but this will also feel like you’re getting your heart stomped on :) I have a few episodes left of the new season so I’m still holding my breath lol! And if you don’t know, now you know—angst is what I do. So get ready to scream at me but here’s to also cheering for Joe’s happy ending someday👏🏽
S|N: OC’s name is pronounced like Sienna just without the “i” lol & Lior is just like Dior—not liar lmao. She’s not physically described in this so it also works for x f! reader as well.
WARNINGS: bad judgment & Language.
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‘How did we get here?’ No Paramore! Senna-Lior thought to herself as she sat in the driver’s side of her car, hands gripping the steering wheel so tight that she started to lose feeling in her hands.
The rain pelted hard against the window shield as Senna took in a shaky breath with a damp face.
What she was going through with Joe was a whole lot.
Actually let’s run that back.
“How did we get here?! When I used to know you so well!” Senna-Lior screamed the lyrics that vibrated throughout her parked car, “How did we get here? Well, I think I know.” Then she went crazy to the beat, letting the lyrics basically attempt to soothe the heartache she was feeling right now.
What she didn’t notice was Joe locking up for the night, ready to go home. When he turned around, he stood across the street at his own business, underneath the tarp which shielded him from the rain. He watched her flailing her head around, hair whipping as he could faintly hear the beat of music bouncing from her car over the raindrops.
Joe wasn’t sure if he should make that move across the street, not after the rough discussion they had in his café a week ago. While he was pondering over these thoughts, her head slightly turned to see him standing there, watching her.
Great, now he felt like he was being a complete creep.
His eyes went wide in embarrassment at being caught. Should he wave? That probably wouldn’t be appropriate and lucky for him he didn’t have to think too hard about what happened next. Senna-Lior did the honors of turning her head to face forward, started the engine, followed by her headlights shining as she pulled away from the curb and away from Joe.
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It really shouldn’t have been a question why Senna-Lior and Joe were in this place now, looking back on things. They were always the best of friends, which didn’t come without the shit-talking and slight competition in the beginning. Senna-Lior owned a brew-pub right across the street from The Blue Farm called The Bronze Pantry.
So when Joe did his first walk-through as the official owner of the blue farm, Senna-Lior was the first to greet him on the street, telling him his building was haunted—just for shits and giggles…mainly. Of course he didn’t believe her, especially after learning from the shoe repair shop guy next door to him, that the building Joe now owned, was originally supposed to be The bronze pantry. However he entertained her interest in the paranormal, just to show that he was good spirited about her teasing.
It was more of a love and hate type of thing at first, between Senna-Lior and Joe. She really wasn’t out to get him like the people in Wellsbury thought. In fact Senna-Lior wanted to see Joe win from the very moment he showed his parents and big sister around The Blue Farm for the very first time. Senna-Lior couldn’t recall seeing them there at the grand opening; Joe confirmed that when he came over to The Bronze Pantry for a glass of whiskey before he went home.
From there they gradually got to know each other, piece by piece. Joe even placed a order with Senna-Lior for her manufacturer to distribute some of their beer (not exactly the same beer she distributed in the bronze pantry per say, since Joe didn’t want to completely take all of her business!) for a limited time only. Senna-Lior even did a collab with Joe for a couple of months, bringing the bronze pantry to half of Joe’s café, since her place suffered water damage and brew damage.
Joe’s joke not her’s.
Although Senna-Lior and Joe mostly worked on different time frames, they often spent their free time together. Even more now that her scumbag of a ex, who was in a successful metal band overseas, decided to stay international after she learned about his infidelity, along with finding the wedding ring he accidentally left behind, was actually for the redhead he fallen for and not Senna-Lior.
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On Sunday’s the bronze pantry was closed so Senna-Lior spent her time going for jogs at the local park with her sheriff father, then when they got home to their two family home, she’d head to her side of the house to the right and do laundry, while her father prepared Sunday dinner to the left for her and her little sister Flora. Joe would eventually make his way over after being at the blue farm, for sometimes a leftover plate or to mainly watch the game with Senna-Lior’s dad.
Mondays were usually slow days for Senna-Lior but fast-paced for Joe as everyone was getting back into the swing of things for the week. The bronze pantry opened at 12pm and she would arrive anywhere between 1-1:30 as she had her assistant manager open for her most of the time—thats the perks of owning your own business people! You show up when you want while still putting the work in.
Everyday was a routine once Senna-Lior and Joe became really close, yet they still had their own lives to live where it didn’t feel clingy.
Senna-Lior swore to herself that she wouldn’t fall for her best friend. It was the typical cliché  that she didn’t want to be part of but once she was healed and considered the possibility of dating again, Joe was surprisingly what she envisioned. They actually went speed-dating together, since she was always the one that told Joe that he needed to put himself out there! He had all the qualities of what made him a great partner, yet his response was being solely focused on the blue farm.
It was a fun event but they both knew they didn’t hit it off with anyone there. They had better fun going for gelato afterwards and watching rom-coms at Joe’s ranch.
Their story felt like a brief moment, like she blinked and it was over for good. At least that’s what Senna-Lior felt and began to regret ever entering the cafe that night.
“I—I love you too.” Joe breathed, as he held Senna-Lior by the waist.
She had stumbled her way in just as Joe was locking the front doors. Senna-Lior had a lot on her chest and tonight was the night that she was going to admit that she loved Joe…more than a friend. Part of her hoped he felt the same but she knew about the small page he took up in Georgia’s story. Senna-Lior listened to Joe rant about this on Game night Wednesday’s and she wished that Joe would keep this same energy and just tell Georgia.
Which was a bit hypocritical as she realized now she has feelings for best friend, long before this Georgia Peach came back into the picture. If she was still included, since Georgia was engaged to the ken-doll looking Mayor and Senna-Lior was there to get Joe back on his feet. She hated that the southern woman with the good hair, held a good portion of Joe’s heart when she’s been right there, this entire time!
Granted, Joe watched Senna-Lior care for someone else but he never felt out of place on the sidelines. Perhaps Joe knew that Senna-Lior was not in love with her rockstar boyfriend and preferred being by her side. Not wishing for things to crumble for his best friend but to continue uplifting her when she needed it. He was fine being in his designated spot, however when Senna-Lior saw Joe with Georgia she realized maybe that’s what he’s always been waiting for.
Yet she would be damned if she didn’t at least test the waters. She was always the type of person that felt: if you didn’t try then you won’t know. Sure she had a bit of liquid courage and bounced her ass a bit with her assistant manager, Kennedy before heading over to the blue farm but hey you can’t say she didn’t put in the effort.
And that was her own fault.
She gave her whole speech about not waiting around for miracles when you can just look at what’s in front of your very eyes.
Joe snorted as he sat at the bar stool facing the woman, “I think you’re tipsy, venting and will probably hate that you got emotional about it when you remember in the morning. Yet…I kinda want you to carry on.”
Blowing a raspberry, Senna-Lior fanned her hand at the man, “Make fun of me all you want, Joey. But there are real feelings in here,” she patted her chest, “and I need you to hear them before it’s too late and you choose a different soulmate that’s not me.”
Joe raised his brow at that. So this was a serious, serious conversation right now and Joe wasn’t sure how to go about this. Senna-Lior wasn’t drunk, so she knew what she was saying but it was all rambling out too fast for her brain to process.
“I just want you to know,” Senna-Lior waltzed up to joe, resting her hands right on his sturdy shoulders, “that I love you.”
Joe couldn’t believe this. It’s not like she was normally this overly affectionate person but Senna-Lior knew when to say it when the time was right. It was not the first time that she has ever said the L word to him, being his best friend and all…but the look in her eyes hinted that this time was different.
This means something.
It really sucked watching life and love flow on around Joe, being on the sidelines and when the days were hard, it felt nice to hear that somebody loved him—other than his parents.
So Joe said it back but…he realized that he may not have meant it the way that Senna-Lior meant it. He hesitated with his hands on her waist and the words were automatic from his brain but his heart felt like it was being squeezed.
It was her eyes that got him in trouble along with his mouth because the next thing he knew, Senna-Lior’s lips were right on his. His grip on Senna-Lior tightened as he pushed off the bar stool, his lips were moving fast against hers as she gripped his face.
This should have been wrong instantly but he knew Senna-Lior. Knew her for years and sure this felt a little strange—new but with her hands traveling over his body, and gripping dangerously low, Joe had to rip his lips away with a groan.
“What are we doing?” Joe breathed, forehead pressed against Senna-Lior’s.
She swallowed, “trying something new in the new year?”
Joe couldn’t help but to chuckle and knew he really should have stopped this right there. However part of him didn’t want to and that had to mean something, maybe selfishness?. He realized it all the next morning that he didn’t want to be this guy as he watched Senna-Lior sleep in the back room.
He had the only coffee that Senna-Lior liked ready for her, he was dressed, washed up and ready to go, just to turn around and come back here in a couple hours. She was always beautiful and when she slept she looked like a total angel, like she didn’t have to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Joe was ready to wake her but the smell of the coffee must have wakened her first, as she stretched her arms above her head, wincing slightly before a eye popped open.
“Joe,” she started almost as a warning as he carefully approached her, sitting on the cot in the back room, slowly reaching over to pull up the sheet across her bare chest, before handing over a mug, “thank you for this.”
She leaned on her elbow, covers tucked against her chest as she sipped at the cappuccino with extra foam.
“You’re welcome,” Joe sighed as he watched her take a sip.
She hummed in content, licking her upper lip before she peeked at the bearded man. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing.” He was quick to answer which already made him guilty.
“You sure?”
“Yup! I was just coming to wake you, I know we both have to start getting ready for the day. It is Friday after all.” Joe responded as Senna-Lior nodded.
“How generous of you, waking me up with the only thing I like on your menu.” Senna-Lior teased with a wink.
Joe rolled his eyes as he counteracted, “that’s not necessarily true…you seemed to like what I had on the menu last night, if I remember correctly? Mind pointing out what you see on my neck?”
He revealed the dark patches on his pretty brown skin as Senna-Lior laughed to herself. She was sure there were plenty other marks on his back but these were nice too. “Shut up, you’re corny.”
“Which you love.” Flew out of his mouth so fast, that he had to sit up straight, like he’s just been shocked.
Senna-Lior groaned as she used her free hand to rub at her eye, “I did say that didn’t I?”
“A few times, actually.”
Silence was met and part of Joe felt maybe she was starting to regret this. Then that way this could make this a little easier for what was about to come.
“Do you want to talk about this…” Sienna-Lior glanced at the Roman numeral clock on the wall above the door, “over dinner tonight?”
Joe inhaled, “I actually can’t. Why don’t you swing by here, Saturday night? Give us some time to get our thoughts together…since I feel, both of us are a little unsure what to say about all of this.”
This wasn’t Joe’s intention to prolong this but he didn’t want to have this conversation so early. He didn’t know how this would go and he didn’t want to potentially ruin Senna-Lior’s day.
Relax, he already knows how this sounds.
“Okay,” Senna-Lior nodded, “Saturday night works for me.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed, downing the hot beverage down and used the spoon to scoop the leftover foam on the sides up.
As she collected her things, Joe kept quiet giving Senna-Lior the privacy she needed while she did. When she turned back around she laughed at Joe a bit saying, “are you seriously hiding yourself from this glorious view this morning? C’mon, joe! You’re acting like we’re on trial here!”
It would soon feel like it.
Joe gave a small smile as he rubbed at his beard in thought, “I’m just…being respectful.”
“Riiight, lighten up! It’s a brand new day,” Senna-Lior cooed, wiggling her hips as she finished buttoning her jeans, “I’ll see you soon then, weirdo.”
The man gave a small wave as Senna-Lior was now on her phone, leaving the spare room trying not to think about Joe’s actions for the morning after. Soon Joe had to follow her out, listening carefully to make sure she left the building to lock up.
Now Joe wished he could lock himself away for longer than a day, to erase the fury Senna-Lior’s spewed at him that Saturday night.
“It was all a lie then,” Senna-Lior said after a long period of silence.
Joe exhaled as Senna-Lior gripped the wine glass. He was expected her to throw it right in his face and he wouldn’t blame her but she just chugged the contents in the glass.
“No, it wasn’t.” Joe started, “I do love you, you’re my best friend in this whole snobby town.”
She visibly flinched.
“…I just never thought you would be one of those guys, Joe. To lie to me to get me to lay with you.”
This was exactly what Joe didn’t want this to look like.
“That wasn’t my intention,” Joe sighed, “it really wasn’t. I-I don’t want to take advantage of you like that. I just needed you to know before this carried on any further, romantically, that I can’t love you like you need me to. Not in that way or at least…not right now.”
Senna-Lior did not want to hold her breath on the last part of that statement. She didnt ever want to be anyone’s second choice.
“What do you want me to do with this, Joe?” Senna-Lior asked, “I confessed long time feelings for you and you kinda led me on, thinking that this could be more. If you just wanted a night with me as strictly your best friend, we could have discussed that.”
“You seriously would have been fine with me asking that of you? Like some sort of pact?” Joe scoffed, “I never thought of you in that way, as a one time only kinda woman. I value this friendship too much—despite how shitty this situation is turning out to be.”
Senna-Lior tossed her head back with a cackle, “Joe! Just cut the bullshit. You weren’t thinking with your main head, which is the problem here and wasn’t expecting me to be vulnerable or rather desperate for you.”
“You’re not—i fucked up and I’m sorry. I empathize with you saying that you love me and I’ll always care for you. It’s just—
“I’m not your true soulmate. I’m not the one.” Senna-Lior pressed her nails into her palms.
Joe tried to reach out for her hand but she pulled it back. The man closed his eyes briefly at this, he was hurting her and that’s not something he ever wanted to do.
“We were connected way before that Thursday night, that I’m sure of. It may not be romantically but that could simply be because my heart isn’t ready yet and i accept that. I think what that was…was convenience on both parts.” Joe slowly explained, coming to terms with his version of events.
He watched as Senna-Lior huffed out a breath.
“Hear me out please,” Joe raised his hands, “don’t get me wrong, I felt shitty as soon as I woke up but you’re right, I wasn’t thinking when it happened and that was wrong. I’ll always be sorry for that, not thinking about the consequences of it all. However, it’s only been half a year since things ended with Ruben…”
A sharp inhale was heard at the mention of his name in the dim quiet café, that Joe had to tread lightly.
“Although you told me you didn’t know what the future held for you two, you still loved him. You’ve been together before we became friends and that’s not something you can just get over, especially with how it ended.”
Senna-Lior was pointing now, “Are you trying to convince me or do you genuinely feel that’s true?”
Joe held the woman’s stare as he spoke, “I do. And that’s okay to feel that way. You haven’t really coped as far as I can tell? You carried on as if nothing happened, cut him out of your life completely without acknowledging that it’s over. You needed to and found that comfort in me, which i can’t be mad about by the way. It was a—
He caught himself, knowing now wasn’t the time to be joking around or be insensitive.
“Do you have a fucking degree in psychology that I don’t know about?” Senna-Lior questioned, “I don’t need you to analyze me. I needed you to love me back.”
The way her voice cracked made Joe want to sink into the floor forever. He couldn’t imagine what Senna-Lior was feeling right now but he could tell you he equally didn’t feel well.
There maybe some truth to what Joe was saying, as he was always on the outside looking in but Senna-Lior didn’t like how he chose to be honest now compared to two days ago. Before she was stepping out of her jeans for him and opened up in a whole new way that friends normally don’t.
“I’m so sorry.”
That was all Joe could say.
Senna-Lior swallowed, “I know and it does nothing for me. This hurts because now I have to lose you.”
“No,” Joe shook his head with a frown, “it doesn’t have to be like that.”
Senna-Lior scrapped the chair back, smoothing down her long length dress, “how else can it be, Joey? I’m unfortunately, secretly desperate for love and like you said…I haven’t healed from Ruben. So now I guess I’ll just add you to the list.”
She had to get out of here before the tears started falling, although Joe could see them brewing for awhile now. He also stood as Senna-Lior grabbed her purse and began making her way to the front door.
“Don’t leave,” Joe called out to the woman who kept moving forward, “w-we can figure this out, I’m sure of it.”
She hesitated at the door, shoulders tense before she turned back to Joe, leaning against the door. The back of her hand pressed against her nostrils as she tried to encourage herself how to breathe. Friendship breakups—if you still considered this that! were so damn hard and the worst you can possibly face.
Joe took long strides to get to the woman who was trying to catch her breath. He tucked her underneath his chin, her arms wrapping tightly around him as she allowed him to hold her for the last time tonight.
Things would never be the same.
And when she pulled back to stare up into his kind but sad filled eyes, she caressed his growing beard, before tugging his head down to kiss his nose.
“I love you, take care of yourself, Joey.” Sienna-Lior was able to get out before she exited, breaking down once more.
Joe wanted to grab her and not let her go but he knew he couldn’t fix this, no matter how sorry he was. Not when his heart was still waiting on someone else.
The love was there but the damage was already done.
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Continue along with my winter prompts here.
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keeloves · 2 years
Ginny is allowed to be a bratty teenager.
Virgina *Ginny* Miller from Ginny and Georgia gets a lot of hate. Yes, some of it is warranted however she is a 16-year-old girl. I am tired of seeing her be hated on for her reactions to things that most people would not react well to at all. Let's take a look at things from her point of view for a moment. Ginny was born under unfortunate circumstances, she was born to a homeless 15-year-old teen mom living in poverty, she had the chance to have a decent childhood as in she would live with her grandparents and grow up in a stable home but nope Georgia had to pack up her things and take her daughter with her. Her mom would pack up and leave anytime things got hard where Ginny never was able to stay in one place long enough to make a friend. This happened until she moved to Wellsbury Massachusetts. Life is going pretty well until Ginny finds out some hard truths about her mom now grant it Ginny is reacting to what she found out without knowing the whole story which isn't abnormal. What she found out about her mom, she is a murderer, a thief, and Georgia took out credit cards in Ginny and Austin's name. Yes, Georgia had good reasons for all of the things she did, she murdered first two husbands because they sexually harassed/abused her and her daughter, she became a thief to survive, and she took out credit cards and framed Gil who was already embezzling money one to get rid of him for being abusive and two so she could buy them a place to live. However, in the process she basically ruined Ginny's credit before she is even old enough to get a credit card. However, Ginny not having the full story is struggling to deal with this. The other thing Ginny struggles with is confiding in her mother with anything Georgia will have these extreme reactions, like when a little boy pushed Ginny off her bike, all Ginny wanted was a hug and the boy to receive proper consequences for his actions and what did Georgia do, she went and cut the breaks on his bike. She told Georgia about her microagressive racist teacher. Most parents would call the school and discuss the situation, but nope not Georgia she goes to the school and puts alcohol in his desk. There are more examples of Georgia having extreme reactions to things, but I can't remember them all at the moment. These extreme reactions to things are why Ginny felt safe enough to tell Zion her father that she struggles with self-harm. Zion's reaction, is to cry and comfort his daughter, tell Georgia to figure out a way to help Ginny but he doesn't because she begs him not to. He however decides to put Ginny in therapy and not only that he finds her a biracial therapist. This is another reason that the relationship between Ginny and Georgia is complicated. Ginny is a biracial with a white mom. Yes, Georgia is a great mom and will go through extreme lengths to protect her daughter but as a white woman she has blind spots. For example, she dressed as Scarlett O'Hara a very racist figure. In Georgia's mind she was just a woman who dressed pretty and probably did it because she is proud to be from down south. Too Ginny she saw her mom dress up as a racist figure. Race issues are hard for Georgia to understand as a privileged white woman. Now before people jump down my throat for me calling Georgia a privileged white woman, I don't mean she didn't struggle because trust me she had plenty of struggles, but I just mean is that her none of her struggle came because she was white. She also doesn't grasp that her half black would not be able to get away with half of the crimes she committed. Another reason that Ginny didn't feel comfortable telling her mom about therapy or self-harm is because Georgia is constantly, violating her daughter’s boundaries. Georgia smokes with her daughter’s boyfriends, reads Ginny’s therapy journal without permission, takes a credit card out in her name basically ruining Ginny’s chances of getting a credit card for herself when she is older, and she basically tackled Ginny when she found about her burning herself. On top of that she doesn’t even ask Ginny to if she can sit in on a therapy session she just barges right in and basically makes the session about herself. I am in no means trying to justify Ginny’s actions, but her reactions aren’t unreasonable or unrealistic. All of these things I mentioned are why Ginny needs therapy. Given what Georgia has been through she needs therapy as well. As Ginny matures, she will understand her mom and be less judgmental towards her mom. She truly appreciates her mom but as she put, she is allowed to feel hurt and be upset about stuff that was hard for her.
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champagneprblms · 2 years
georgia & any :: @mlndless​
“now where the hell am i now?” georgia looked around the area with disgust. she’d spent so long building her life up and then she ended up in sydney. now, she ended up in yet another place she really didn’t want to be. “hey! you! with the nose. yeah, you,” she nodded toward the person, “where the hell are we?”  she narrowed her eyes at them, clearly expecting the person to know where they were and how they’d gotten there. the blonde woman was absolutely over this whole ending up in random places during random times thing. all she wanted to do was get back to wellsbury and get her life back.
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 location: erebor
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ajetn332 · 2 years
Bro Ginny and and Georgia is so addicting like I can’t even believe what happened ! Like it so dramatic and I can’t believe all the drama that happened I. Wellsbury and in Georgias job, her relationship with Paul and (spoiler) The wedding is so sad and she got arrested and for WHAT?????? U oh Bhutto literally need to watch it like right. Now now now now.
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bumblesimagines · 8 months
i've been in love with you since the day we met. there. i said it. happy now?
Ginny Miller
i've been in love with you since the day we met. there. i said it. happy now?
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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Ginny hated the crushing weight of realizing her crush would never like her back. It was a feeling she'd grown accustomed to since the moment her little mind had been able to process things like attraction. She couldn't help her feelings, always getting a crush on some guy just because he smiled, was kind, or just showed her the smallest bit of attention. It was frustrating, and embarrassing, watching them choose girls who looked like her polar opposite: tall, blonde, skinny, married parents, stable household, suburban white picket fence lifestyle. The pretty popular girls who looked perfect at every given moment. They didn't have to worry about struggling to control their hair or having to deal with their mom disrupting their life by moving from place to place or not getting to see their dad as often as they wanted. 
For a split, brief moment, she thought Wellsbury would be different. Sure, the residents were painfully white and looked too upbeat to be real people, but she'd found a group of friends that made her feel at home and had managed to land her first boyfriend. Sweet, considerate, attentive Hunter Chen. The perfect guy. He came from a good family, shared mutual friends, and was everything anyone could ever need or want in a boyfriend.
Except... Hunter wasn't the guy who'd first caught her eye when she arrived at Wellsbury High School and made her stomach turn to mush.
That spot had been taken up by (Y/N) Sanchez, the longtime friend of the Baker twins and brother to Sophie, the so-called 'hottest girl in school'. Ginny had the pleasure of meeting him at lunch when he'd gone back and forth in playful banter with Max and made Ginny feel more than welcome at their table. Hunter had been there too and while she blushed when he brushed off Max's semi-insensitive rambling, the spark just hadn't been the same.
She thought she'd get over it when Hunter asked her out but with her nearly always over at Max's place and (Y/N) and Marcus practically joined at the hip, her crush only worsened. And it absolutely didn't help that (Y/N) enjoyed being affectionate with his friends. An arm over Jordan's shoulders, piggyback rides with Abby, letting Max use his lap as a seat, playful drunk flirting with Brodie and Marcus. It'd taken a couple weeks before it started with Ginny. Hugs from behind, casual arm around her shoulder, the playfights and wrestling over snatched phones or beer bottles.
And then, it happened. 
M.A.N.G had gathered together at Max's place for a get-together with just the girls to gossip, chit-chat, and relax without the rowdy boys interfering with their stupid jokes or teasing. Ginny had settled down comfortably on Max's bed with a laptop resting over her outstretched legs as she searched for a movie they could watch. Nora and Abby arrived looking extremely pleased and an excited Nora couldn't help but spill out the news. 
(Y/N) had officially asked Abby out after years of flirting. 
Ginny had been crushed, to say the least, and barely paid any attention to the movies chosen while she thought back on each interaction he and Abby shared throughout her time knowing them. She'd never seen their closeness as something with flirtatious undertones but she supposed (Y/N) always teased Abby more than the others. 
From then on, her mood had considerably soured and it was beginning to be noticeable. She couldn't help it. Jealousy bubbled up in her chest and spread throughout her body whenever she saw the two together. She became snappier and standoffish, especially whenever the relationship was brought up and cooed over. Even Hunter had begun lightly questioning her, asking if everything was alright at home with Georgia and Austin. 
Ginny groaned softly under her breath and slammed the locker closed. She almost flinched at the person whose face had been hidden by it but her surprise was quickly washed away by a fluttery feeling in her stomach. (Y/N) flashed his pearly whites at her and arched a brow as he glanced between her and the locker. 
"What'd the locker do to you?"
"Nothing," She answered, slipping her backpack strap over her shoulder and shrugging. "Just... woke up on the wrong side of the bed." 
"Think you need to put your bed against the wall then, Gin and tonic. You've been bitchy all week and it's making Hunter think he pissed you off." (Y/N) pushed himself off the lockers and slipped an arm around her shoulders, tugging her close to his side as they headed down the hall. Ginny tried not to think about how perfectly she fit against him, like the last piece in a puzzle slotting right in. "What's going on, my little cocktail? Did Hunter try giving you a private tap dance class?"
Ginny giggled and lifted her hand to stifle it, the uneasiness that'd settled in her muscles slipping away. "No, he didn't. It's not him. I just..." She trailed off, the nerves flooding her system making her feel as if her guts were being twisted violently. She cleared her throat. "It's nothing, I swear. Having a bad day is all."
"You're a shit liar, Gin." 
"I'm not lying-"
"Yeah, you are. You can tell me what's going on, you know. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to, I promise." He assured her, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze. Ginny dug her teeth into the inside of her cheek and shook her head, brushing his arm off her shoulder and quickening her pace.
Before she could round the corner and try making a subtle break for it, a hand clamped around her forearm and dragged her into an empty classroom. (Y/N) planted himself in the doorway and crossed his arms, staring at her expectantly. Ginny pursed her lips and took a deep breath through her nose. Now or never.
"I've been in love with you since the day we met. I like Hunter but only as a good friend and- and I don't think you and Abby should date. She's a great friend but she can be mean and aloof and- and I hardly see you dating someone like her. I thought I could break up with Hunter and confess to you but then you got with Abby and I just- I... I can't handle it. I can't handle seeing you with her. I'm sorry, I can't..." She blurted out. "There. I said it. Happy now?"
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wellsburymayoress · 2 years
Georgia Miller Randolph
Mama bear
Wellsbury Mayoress
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cinemedios · 2 years
Reseña | 'Ginny y Georgia' Temporada 2
La segunda temporada de 'Ginny y Georgia' mejora sobre su antecesora y consigue tener su propia identidad.
Hay nuevas relaciones y desafíos en puerta para Georgia y Ginny, pero los secretos del pasado siguen acechando y amenazan con destruir su apacible vida en Wellsbury. Hace ya casi dos años que llegó a Netflix la primera temporada de Ginny y Goergia, todo ese tiempo tuvimos que esperar para saber como iba a continuar la historia luego del tremendo cliffhanger al final. Y ahora que por fin ya lo…
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girllookingoutwindow · 2 months
Ginny and Georgia is a Netflix show that premiered in 2021 and tells the story of 15-year-old Virginia Miller (preferred name Ginny) who moves from Texas to the fictional town of Wellsbury, Massachusetts with her mother and younger maternal half-brother Austin who is 9. Ginny's entire arc is her navagating being a biracial teenager. Her mother is white and her father is black. Georgia had Ginny when she was fifteen and throughout Ginny's childhood Georgia moved her and Austin around due to her inability to keep a romantic relationship.
In the first season Ginny attends her new school and become friends with the most popular girls in her grade (she's a sophmore) - Max, Abby, and Norah whose friend group name was called MAN before Ginny joined their group and they're now called MANG.
Ginny also becomes romantically involved with Max's fraternal twin brother Marcus but also becomes romantically involved with the most popular guy in the 10th grade named Hunter.
Georgia has a very traumatic and interesting backstory and becomes romantically involved with the town's mayor named Paul. But she still harbors romantic feelings for Zion who is Ginny's father and she also becomes romantically involved with Joe who is the owner of the Blue Farm Cafe a popular restuarant in the town who Georgia had briefly met when she was a teenager. She also reconnects with her abusive ex-boyfriend Gil who had been imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. He is the biological father of Austin.
The show touches on mature themes such as racism, sexism, teen pregnancy, underage drinking, and more. The second season was released in 2023 and the third season is expected to come out sometime in 2025.
It's sounds really interesting. Maybe I will give it a try when I've time.
Thanks for the recommendation. ❤️
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group20gwss · 10 months
Season 1, Episode 4
In episode 4 of Ginny and Georgia, there are two different scenes happening at once. The episode switches between Ginny’s and Georgia's point of view. For Ginny, this episode focused on her relationship drama with her boyfriend. She is struggling to feel sexy and when she sends a risky photo and gets no response, she is crushed. With the influx of emotions, she lets her guard down to her neighbor which leads to them texting about sending more pictures. In Georgia’s point of view, she is planning a casino night for a school fundraiser to raise more money than the bake sale the previous year ran by Cynthia. It ends up being a great success with Georgia’s sneaky strategies and the episode ends with her making date plans with the mayor, Paul, who also happens to be her boss. The key characters in this episode are Ginny, Georgia, Marcus, Hunter, Max, and Paul. The main actors are Ginny and Georgia, the mother daughter duo that the show is based around. Hunter is Ginny’s boyfriend, Marcus is Ginny’s neighbor, and Max is one of Ginny’s friends who is mentioned most in the episode. Paul is the mayor of Wellsbury and is Georgia's love interest.
Race is a crucial aspect of Ginny’s life. She is mixed which is significant because Ginny is a person of color being raised in an all white household along with living in a predominantly white neighborhood. She struggles to feel wanted and beautiful in this episode which can relate to her racial struggles. It is like growing up and not seeing dolls with darker skin and curly hair. Ginny doesn’t have a racial role model in her life which would be beneficial for her self esteem. This racial divide also has underlying racial political implications, with the town being so white and little diversity within the cast. This racial divide makes Ginny an outlier at such a young and vulnerable age. 
Both of the main characters in this show are female so many of the views of gender come from female experience with men. One of the opening lines that Georgia said to Ginny was “men are visual creatures, so give them something to look at” (1:47), which objectifies women within the first minutes of the episode. This gives Ginny, a young teenage girl, that the idea of womanhood is to be loved by a man. This idea of womanhood is what leads Ginny to send pictures of her in a bra to her boyfriend. She did this without warning, just wanting to feel sexy and wanted. When she received no response, her confidence dropped and she became very vulnerable. With her guard down, she starts texting her neighbor, Marcus, the same sexy pictures and others of her touching herself. Ginny is being objectified because she only feels beautiful when she receives a response from a male. This whole interaction shows how young girls crave the feeling of being told they're sexy and beautiful by men, even if it's the wrong ones. 
In this episode, there are no non binary or a - gender characters. However, there are lots of male and female interactions. Females speak a little more in the show than males but it is basically equal. The males are present in the storyline to further romantic relationships. The main males, Marcus, Hunter, and Pual, are all romantically involved with one of the main females. They are very stereotypical male side characters that are just for a love interest. Ginny and her friends are also stereotypical teenage girls, watching inappropriate shows and giggling, going to school functions, and talking about their love lives. With being so stereotypical, a viewer who is also a 15 year old girl could look at Ginny sending those shirtless photos and think it's okay to do whereas in reality, sending those types of photos could ruin a person's life. On the other hand, Georgia is not a stereotypical mom. She is a single mom with four previous serious relationships and both of her children from two different males. In Wellsbury, MA where the show takes place, this is a very uncommon parenting situation. Georgia has to be strong for both of her kids and be able to make ends meet.
Sexuality is a big portion of this episode of Ginny and Georgia. For one, Ginny is figuring out her sexual life and her attraction to boys. She sends the sexy photo to two guys and tries touching herself for the first time. Georgia also puts Ginny on birth control because she thinks Ginny and Hunter are having a sexual relationship. These are all aspects of growing up and finding comfortability in your own sexuality. Along with Ginny, her friend Max was also a prominent character for sexuality representation. She is openly gay and has a crush on a girl Sohpia. By the end of the episode, Max and Sohpia are talking together at a school function, showing progression in their relationship. Max’s character is very important for LGBTQ representation in the show as she was the only queer character mentioned in the episode. She is not made fun of for being gay and is fully accepted by her friends. This gives the viewer a queer person to relate to in the show or an idea on how to be a proper ally. Sexuality is a very open subject in this show and can help the viewer explore their own feelings through watching their characters deal with theirs.
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