#wen qing deserved better fuck you
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Was thinking about how often I see reactionary pro-Jiang Cheng content, and I just realized something: jc stans, just like their fav, believe that every good thing Wei Wuxian has—whether loved ones or good memories or admirable characteristics or character growth, whether canon or fanon—is actually the rightful property of Jiang Cheng that Wei Wuxian “stole” from him through the sin of existing, and it is their sworn duty to correct this “oversight” of canon.
Wei Wuxian gets his happily ever after with the love of his life, so jc stans give Jiang Cheng Lan Xichen and call Lan Wangji “second place.” Or they make Lan Wangji a cheater because “he actually likes Jiang Cheng more (who doesn’t, amiright?)” or Wei Wuxian a cheater because “he can never appreciate a good thing like Jiang Cheng can.” People point out how Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang seem to have had a closer relationship than Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng, so jc stans make the latter two a ship or make them the bestest friends ever that bond over being annoyed with Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian has a close relationship with the Wen siblings, so jc stans make Wen Qing spend all their time together saying that Jiang Cheng “was right” about him while Wen Ning is being “bullied” into being “anti-jc.”
Wei Wuxian is canonically smart and driven, so jc stans say that he is lazy while Jiang Cheng is hardworking. Wei Wuxian is canonically charismatic, so jc stans say that it was actually Jiang Cheng who was loved by all the disciples and is the sole reason the Jiang Clan of the present was able to pull in new disciples post-fall. Wei Wuxian loves to learn, so jc stans say that Jiang Cheng was actually a model student being sabotaged by the slovenly Wei Wuxian.
People imagine the Lan as accepting Wei Wuxian post-canon or imagine aus where the Lan adopt him as a child, so jc stans make Jiang Cheng the adopted Lan child, who Lan Qiren now likes better than his own nephews. People write Nie!wwx, so jc stans write about how “actually” Nie Mingjue sees Jiang Cheng as the brother he never had and views Wei Wuxian as an unwanted nuisance and competition. People make the most batshit ooc au where the QishanWen are actually good and adopt Wei Wuxian, and jc stans turn that into actually, the Jiang siblings are adopted while Wei Wuxian stays with the “totally horrible, abusive” father in Yunmeng. Fucking Baoshan Sanren descends from her mountain to look for her martial grandson, and jc stans will shove Jiang Cheng into the narrative as a disciple because “he’s just so lovable!” In all of these cases, some will still imagine that Wei Wuxian still gets left on the streets as a petty afterthought.
Shit, even some of the BAD things that happen to Wei Wuxian canonically are misappropriated by jc stans to give Jiang Cheng unearned sympathy. Wei Wuxian was whipped as a child? Now Jiang Cheng was too, but also his dad hates him. Wei Wuxian is an orphan who creates his own family in adulthood? Jiang Cheng is now disowned/an unloved runaway who later finds his people because who wouldn’t want him (amiright?). Wei Wuxian was at risk of losing his golden core completely in the transfer if it failed? Well Jiang Cheng was going to DIE! “See? Look how much harder Jiang Cheng’s life was than that pathetic attention whore Wei Wuxian! Doesn’t he deserve all the things Wei Wuxian has? Aren’t they rightfully his???”
And it’s like, you can’t even escape into fan content with this type of mentality, because look out how much I mentioned is popular fanon. Notice how ubiquitous these ideas are surrounding anything to do with Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng, even if only one of them is mentioned. No matter what anyone reads in the novel, no matter what individuals come up with in their own heads, no matter what tag or platform is used or not used to keep it out of their hands, jc stans will be there to create a reactionary counterpart to prove that nothing, nothing can ever just be Wei Wuxian’s. Because at the end of the day, the “oversight” that jc stans want to correct isn’t Jiang Cheng’s supposed depreciation by the author. The “oversight” was the author daring to say that Wei Wuxian deserves to be treated as his own person and not Jiang Cheng’s personal property. And every fandom interaction has been retaliation towards that fact.
The main character of the novel is relegated to mere a lightning rod that exists to attract all of Jiang Cheng’s bad qualities while injecting him with all of Wei Wuxian’s good, but jc stans wonder why people are upset.
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wasted-women · 9 months
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Causes of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Jiang Yanli
Cause of Death: Stabbed; Self-sacrifice to save her brother.
she's your pfp that's got to count for something
I love JYL don't get me wrong! But also. She is solely written as a part of the male characters and does not get much in her own right. She is Wei Wuxian's older sect sister, or Jiang Cheng's sister, or Jin Zixuan's fiance/wife, or Jin Ling's mother he never got to know. Even what characterization people give her (like liking soup/cooking or standing up for her family despite being gentle) are things that have to do with her brothers. I wish we got more of her in her own right.
AND ALSO. ALSO??? HER DEATH MAKES. NO SENSE. Okay first of all - she was in Lanling grieving for her very recently dead husband & taking care of her newborn baby. Who would let that woman out of Lanling????? WHY???? How did she get out of there SO FAST????? She doesn't have a sword/isn't a cultivator (at least in MDZS) so she couldn't have flown. And then after she got there WHO LET HER JUST OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BATTLEFIELD???? WHY DID SHE GO THERE???? Even if there was a short part of her saying "I need to talk to Wei Wuxian about how he killed my husband and I'm going to get there no matter what" would've clarified things a little bc it's like okay she needs to go there even if we don't know how. Where are my answers MXTX, where are my answers????
Qin Su
Cause of Death: Suicide; Stabbed herself with a knife. (NOTE: In some versions of the story, she was being controlled and thus forced to kill herself.
I'm fairly certain this character was only created as set dressing for the main villain's tragedy. We get zero insight into her inner life, zero hints that any such inner life might even exist, and after she dies basically no other named character other than the aforementioned villain is shown to be majorly affected by her death, even those who logically should have meaningful relationships with her.
Compared to the other two main female characters in this series (who are also fridged) Jiang Yanli and Wen Qing, Qin Su is probably the least aggravating because she's barely in the show and has very little character that we see. But I still think it's worth noting. I really wish that she could've survived and been there in Guanyin Temple IT COULD'VE BEEN COOL OKAY.
Wen Qing
Cause of Death: Executed; Burned to ashes.
The fact that Wen Qing is the character that originally said the thing about "I'm sorry" and "Thank you", which is repeated multiple times in the post-resurrection parts of the series, but is so rarely mentioned by name is so aggravating! She's such an important part of the plot that did SO MANY THINGS but just basically disappears after her death!!! The only time I really remember her being mentioned is when her brother, Wen Ning, mentions her integral role in the golden core reveal. Jiang Yanli's ghost haunts the series after her death, but Wen Qing's really doesn't, and that's so fucked up to me. She even dies during the same time that Wen Ning does, but then it's revealed he survived (well, "survived", he is a zombie, but he was that beforehand too) SO WHY COULDN'T SHE HAVE SURVIVED TOO????
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rayan12sworld · 5 months
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💙🧡Wish I could forget the taste of your skin and the feel of your hands pinning me down
Wei Wuxian would like to think that - if he had known that Lan Wangji would walk out of his life immediately after they hooked up- he wouldn’t have given into his ridiculous attraction for the man. He wished he were better at lying to himself.
Guest-starring Lan Wangji’s canonically poor communication choices after romantic cave encounters
“I don’t work with major sects. Especially not the Lan.”
He had to see Wei Ying, to make sure he was okay. He hadn’t been allowed to see Wei Ying six years ago, and the man had nearly died. Would have died if Wen Qing hadn't randomly happened to be interviewing at Gusu hospital that same day. It was unacceptable that a sheer coincidence was the only reason Wei Ying was still alive. The company Lan Wangji’s family owned had put Wei Ying at risk, then abandoned him. Someone in his family’s company had made the decision to fire Wei Ying without notice, which violated company policy. Someone in his family’s company had further made the decision to pull medical support over a policy that was clearly not meant to be used in this way. Lan Wangji was going to find this ‘ someone .’ And when he did… Lan Wangji cut himself off at the shocking violent images that flickered through his normally peaceful mind. There was precedent for such punishments. Though much of his ancestor’s history had been burned, enough survived to make it clear that Lan discipline had always been harsh. In the modern context, he knew such measures would be viewed as archaic… even barbaric. But cultivators were given leeway by the authorities and society at large to handle their own business. Lan Wangji felt a primal sort of anger and thirst for vengeance that - for the first time in his life - made him fiercely glad that there would be no boundaries to stay his hand if he found the one responsible for Wei Ying’s treatment.
“You never told me that you and Hanguang-Jun had been romantically involved.” Wei Wuxian choked on his in-drawn breath, which sent him into a coughing fit that lasted almost a minute. “What?!” He wheezed, when he could finally form words again. “Why would you think… it was only… we weren’t romantically involved. Fuck, who says shit like that?” Wen Qing eyed him skeptically. “If you’re trying to play this off cool, you are failing spectacularly. Though that’s nothing new.”
Lan Xichen shot him a sideways glance, and continued to scroll. “Wangji…,” Lan Xichen said after several more pages of scrolling. “Did you have time to do anything other than follow Wei Wuxian around and document his actions?” Lan Wangji felt his ears heat as report after report with his signature flashed across the screen. He had, perhaps, not realized that there were so many reports he had written about Wei Ying. “I was the Compliance officer,” Lan Wangji replied tersely. “Mn,” Lan Xichen said, an unforgivable smirk appearing on his face. “You wrote him up for wearing too few layers on a night hunt after being covered in Yao viscera and changing into civilian attire?” Lan Wangji clenched his jaw. Wei Ying had been wearing only shorts and a tee-shirt. It had been a professional trip. It had been… distracting. “You know that most people don’t flirt by giving citations of minor rule violations to the person they are interested in, right?” Lan Xichen persisted, openly laughing at him, even if it was only with his eyes. “ Ge ,” Lan Wangji said repressively, which only served to amuse Lan Xichen more.
He also really wanted to run his sword through Su She, metaphorically. And also literally. His hand flexed around the cool, smooth hilt of Bichen. He trusted his brother, but Lan Xichen was kind. Su She did not deserve kindness. “Please trust me, Wangji,” Lan Xichen pleaded, as if reading his brother’s thoughts. “Su She must face discipline. According to the sect rules, not civilian laws,” Lan Wangji stated. He would not bend on this.
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zombubble · 3 months
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From In Memory; In Truth chapter 12:
“How would you activate an array without a jindan?” Mu Qing asks. “I used my blood,” Wei Wuxian says. “Draw it right, you can use blood and your primordial spirit. You can use resentful energy.” “In theory,” Feng Xin says. “In practice,” Wei Wuxian retorts. “Remember that whole cultivation path I made up? It doesn’t require a golden core at all. I used it for…” He looks at Wen Ning. “What, five? Six years before I died? Start of the Sunshot Campaign.” “Thereabouts,” Wen Ning says. “I used arrays and talismans all the time.” Wen Ning nods. “C-Constantly.” He remembers well their walks around the mountains, when Wei Wuxian would check the defensive arrays he had set around the Burial Mounds. The arrays within the Demon-Quelling Cave, the arrays used to bring him back, to purify their water… Wei Wuxian can draw a perfect circle in dirt in a single try at this point. “Wait,” Mu Qing says, “this implies you—When you… ascended, you shouldn’t have had a core, then. Not if it didn’t still exist.” Wei Wuxian looks at him. “I said I didn’t have one. I didn’t say it didn’t exist. No, I will not elaborate.” “You can’t just—That’s just rude,” Feng Xin says. “Spit it out.” “No.” “You’ll n-never get it out of him,” Wen Ning says. Both of the Southern Generals look back at him. “Wait, so you know?” Mu Qing asks. “You’ll n-never get it out of m-me, either.” Wen Ning looks at them with a respectful defiance that says clearly they have no chance. Rolling his eyes, Mu Qing huffs, obviously annoyed. “He’s as loyal as a fucking dog, I see,” he mutters. In an instant, Wei Wuxian has Mu Qing up against a wall, an arm on his throat. “Do not ever refer to him as a dog,” he snarls. Not after everyone called them ‘Wen-dogs’. Not after they were treated as beasts, as less-than, as inhuman and disposable by virtue of their blood. Not after what the world did to them. Wen Ning deserves better. “Touchy, much?” Mu Qing asks. Grabbing Wei Wuxian’s arm, he forces him off—easily, without much effort, a subtle show of power—and shoves him a couple of steps away. “I apologize,” he says to Wen Ning. “Didn’t mean to step on toes.”
Drama in the Celestial Court, oh no! (not that much though, lol)
In right under the wire, whoops. I was busy today. Hope you enjoyed!
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stiricidewrites · 4 months
The Damage You Do: ch 25, pt 1
tbh, I'm not entirely positive I didn't write a completely different backstory about how wwx reconnected with the Wens, but I couldn't find it while searching so *shrug*
CW: homelessness, wwx's addiction issues, mention of needles
wwx blinked up at his dom through his watery eyes, his heart feeling a little too raw. He might have overdone it with the whole… pulling sad memories out of his mind to make his sadness feel more legit thing. The memories he had dredged up…
Well, needless to say, he truly felt like his needed lwj’s soft care now, which hadn’t actually been his intention! He was Just. So. Damn. Horny! And the horrible man was still soft and trying to force him to prove he could relax doing yoga—which he knew he couldn’t do, not when his balance was shit and all he could think about was his dick and the growing wet spot on his shorts—and he’d panicked, okay? There was no way he could relax! So, he’d done the only thing he could think of to get out of that little requirement. Cry. Be sad and pathetic. Make lwj feel so bad for him that he’d just sorta… fuck his sadness away. He had definitely succeeded in looking pathetic, if the hand cupping his cheek and the weirdly heartbroken look in his dom’s eyes was any indication.
He felt bad about that part especially. lwj didn’t deserve for the scene to make him sad too! This was supposed to be fun, and here he was, ruining it with his theatrics! Plus, he wasn’t sure that look would lead to sex. Well, maybe to sappy sex, which wasn’t exactly what he was in the mood for. He’d take what he could get, but maybe he could still turn this around? Get that rough, kinky sex he craved?
wwx almost laughed as that thought crossed his mind. Only a few days—only a few times having sex—and he craved it?
Yeah, he did. It was ridiculous, but it was like the addiction he had spent years trying and failing to fight. It was a need crawling under his skin and he knew—he knew—he shouldn’t be feeding it, even if sex was a whole lot better than sticking needles through his skin. He’d fed his drug habit until it had almost broken him—until he’d shown up in the ER and run into Wen Qing who had dragged him home with her to dry him out under the care of Wen-popo, who had experience with helping people getting clean, even if that experience was decades old now.
He couldn’t resist lwj, though. He’d never been good at avoiding his addictions, only the reality that he would disappoint his family and potentially lose his son keeping him from relapsing most days. Out of all the things he could be addicted to, though, lwj and his dick were probably the healthiest. Wen Qing had even noted he’d seemed happier since realizing he was bi, joking just the night before about how even if he lost this job, he was going to need to keep getting dicked down regularly because it was doing wonders for his mood. So, like, it was totally a doctor recommended addiction, right!?
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lilnasxvevo · 1 year
I know that A Yuan is always put in as the Wangxian baby in Wangxian kid fics because he’s considered Their Baby in general but consider that I think that kind of fucking sucks because the only reason he was mostly raised by Lan Wangji is because his entire family died. In a modern setting, if Wen Qing and/or Wen Ning or any other Dafan Wen are alive and available at all, it doesn’t make sense to hand Wen Yuan off to Wangxian! Adoption is inherently traumatic for a child and it’s always, always considered better for their well-being to keep them with their birth family—yes, EVEN if the couple that wants to adopt the baby happens to be richer than Croesus.
And if the Wens DID all die in your modern AU, then it’s completely fucked to just ignore that and make it a happy little story about a happy little family when the Dafan Wen were like family to Wei Ying. Either you’ve completely rewritten it so he never even met them, which is Kinda Rude, or Wei Ying should be very deeply grieving their loss.
“Well, but I want Wangxian to raise a child together and I don’t want to make an OC! Who else is there???” Oh, I’m SO glad you asked!
-Xue Yang. This one is my personal fucking favorite, which is why I put it first. A foil for Wei Wuxian and a potent example of what could have happened to Wei Wuxian if no Jiang Fengmian had come for him, Xue Yang’s core problem is that his childhood was completely devoid of love, so he never learned how to love or care about other people. Instead of a fate where he’s killed by Lan Wangji for causing the death of Wei Wuxian’s martial uncle (among other sins), I would be FASCINATED to see what happens if instead those two gave him the love and care and stability that all children deserve. Imagine Xue Yang’s brilliant mind getting the resources it deserved. Wow!!!!
-Jin Rusong. Now…any sequence of events where Wangxian end up with Rusong is going to be slightly convoluted, but Rusong gets erased from existence 99.999% of the time in modern AUs and I just think he deserves a chance.
-Jingyi? Idk we don’t even know if he has parents or not but like, he’s already the Lan-est Lan while being very WWX-flavored, so he’d turn out pretty similarly to canon if he was raised by Wangxian tbh.
-Mo Xuanyu. Idk, this one might squick some people out, considering…you know, Considering, but I think it would be really interesting. Mo Xuanyu’s mom was an unmarried teen mom and I can easily see how a modern AU would change her circumstances enough in some way or another that she would decide to give Xuanyu up for adoption. I just think it could be pretty fascinating to take a character whose sacrifice of his very soul ended up bringing Wangxian together and have Wangxian be the ones making (smaller) sacrifices for him as his parents.
Just a few ideas! In case anyone else out there is interested in shaking things up in the field of Wangxian Studies.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
controversial fandom confessions:
1. i don’t care if jgy did in fact kill his son
2. i lowkey ship jiang cheng and jin ling after cql
3. jc and wwx’s relationship is more interesting than wangxian
4. jiang yanli is boring as fuck and the female characters in general deserved better writing
5. i hate both xicheng and nieyao
puts on my oven mitts before handling these hot takes 👀 you’re really looking to get me in trouble today, aren’t you anon
1. i largely agree with you? i don’t want to say that i don’t care, precisely; it’s more that i am way more interested in the mental state that jgy would have to occupy to either arrange to have jrs killed, or to contemplate it for any length of time. he clearly wasn’t ambivalent towards either qs or jrs, the text makes it apparent that he would flee the room rather than exist in the same space as them without other people around. our boy is not well and we should discuss this more.
2. ooh anon. you aren’t going to get any judgment from me on this one tho i can’t walk down that shipping road with you. that said i’ve spoken to a number of other mdzs fans in dms who also either sail this ship or others like it, so you aren’t alone.
3. YEAH it really is 🤝 the yunmeng heroes dynamic in general is fascinating and tragic and holds my interest more than the principle romance. (confession: i was at one point wild about wangxian? until, well. /stares at the wwx stans)
4. yep 🤷‍♀️ i’ve mentioned it previously that wen qing’s arc i cql was one of the few things about the drama that was an objective improvement over the source material! even tho i know it was done initially to create the groundwork for a bland-ass straight love triangle, the end result is wen qing becoming a much more interesting character.
5. ohhhh anon, you’re preaching to the choir here, my feelings on nieyao and xicheng are well known lol.
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fanonplussed · 1 year
thanks @lu-sn for tagging me!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
first fic ever published: Settling Down, Settling In
this was Beka Cooper post-canon fic from 2011 and also the only het fic i ever wrote lollll though i then proceeded to publish nothing else for 8 years, i do still have a lot of fondness for this fic, and for the many, many het YA fantasy novels that have shaped the way i read and write
last fic published: a patient kind of guy
actually i lied, there's het in this fic too...specifically comphet, and the explorations thereof (it's a Be My Favorite fic, specifically a Pisaeng character study, nuff said). actually really proud of this one cause i like to think this fic showcases how far i've come in terms of being able to write angst, smut, humour, longing, and complex themes all in one 6k word fic
any fic i wrote for a ship only once: Five Times Wen Qing Writes to Jiang Yanli
huh, turns out i write quite a lot of ships only once, but i'm particularly proud of this femslash fic, firstly because in general there's not enough femslash in the world, and secondly because the MDZS ladies in specific deserved better!! also there's an incredible podfic recorded by some incredible people for it and listening to that was the COOLEST FREAKING THING
favorite fic for ship with most works: Thirty Years of (Someone Else's) Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
you know what, i loved this ship SO FUCKING MUCH and this was hands down the most joyful cracktastic fic i've ever written and it's all about THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP and yeah, if i could pick one work to remember of everything i wrote for these boys, it would be this one. sigh.
fic i wish more people read: Dad Joke
speaking of joyful cracktastic fics about the magic of friendship lolllll Macau and Chay have so much potential to be INCREDIBLE together as romantic/platonic co-conspirators and i didn't even realise until i finished writing this fic--this legitimately started out with me wanting to have Macau yell "it's a dad joke" about calling Pete 'dad' and then i woke up from my 24 hour writing fugue state with new, inconvenient macauchay feels lol guess the joke is on me (also i sometimes read this fic again and still laugh at my own jokes and i'm v proud of that)
fic i agonized over the most: Starving, Faithful
okay i'm sure i agonised over The Long Road Across The Wilderness - 荒尘渡 too (42k words of yi city boys on a big bang deadline ><) but FUCKING HELL the sheer amount of SCREAMING i did about the vegaspete post-credits scene for Starving Faithful man, and how it didn't ALIGN THEMATICALLY with how i'd conceptualised vegaspete in chapters 1 through 4 with the HUNGER and the OWNERSHIP and i rewrote that ending scene SO many times (with very patient, intelligent handholding from my incredible beta) and in the end just kinda went fuck it and gave up lol tbh i still have no idea if it's as resonant or consistent as i wanted it to be but overall i think i did pretty okay with that fic anyway
fic that sprang fully formed from my mind: Seven Years
444 words of Xue Yang character study that just flowed out in like 10 minutes inspired by this piece of fanart, one of the coolest collab and writing experiences i've had because i'm a plotter so that's basically never happened to me before and has never happened to me again lol (maybe i should actively look for fanart i like to see if inspiration will strike again hmm...)
work i am proud of: all of them. genuinely. i worked hard on every single one of those fics and at least one person has enjoyed reading each one of those fics, and i dunno i just think that's really, really cool. fandom is really pretty special <3<3<3
tagging @ghost--houses and @giraffeter
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veilchenjaeger · 2 years
Rate my blorbo Wen Qing?
She is such a good Blorbo, you have excellent taste.
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Hhhhhhhh Wen Qing. Fucking hell. She's such a great character and everything about her morals and beliefs and actions gives me brain rot. I have no idea why I don't think or talk about her more, because she's one of my favourite characters. Maybe because I actually think she did get a satisfying (although sad) ending? Oh well.
I want her to have a better time, obviously, but I also want to put her in situations where she suffers even more and eventually gets better <3 Any scenario where she survives but is separated from her currently dead best friend, her undead brother and her dead family is top tier. I don't think any of that could give her more trauma than she already has tho. She has a good amount of trauma for a Blorbo. She also deserves to lean into her mad scientist tendencies and take some revenge, I think. She's one of the smartest characters in MDZS and she should use that to kill Jin Guangshan. It takes a lot for Wen Qing to be willing to kill anyone, but I think she might be pretty close to snapping.
Re.: romance, I don't actually need her to have any? I enjoy her rejection of Jiang Cheng a lot because it's a rejection and because his feelings are unrequited, and I like that her most important relationships are platonic. It's refreshing. If she were to date someone tho, it should be a woman bc she's a lesbian <3
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viterbofangirl · 2 years
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I posted 3,877 times in 2022
11 posts created (0%)
3,866 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,870 of my posts in 2022
#fanart - 278 posts
#star wars - 165 posts
#heaven's official blessing - 157 posts
#tgcf - 157 posts
#the daily adventures of viterbofangirl - 131 posts
#*undignified giggle-snort* - 130 posts
#dracula daily - 128 posts
#this blue hellsite - 126 posts
#just for fun - 122 posts
#somedays i love this website - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#every scene with renner and johannson together is played as a huge unspoken 'fuck you' to brucenat and the farm family and bless them for it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey I don't have links myself but re: that post about DuckDuckGo: I've seen a different version of the post with links to the CEO's Twitter where he refuted that (and explained why independent outlets fall lower in results) and I don't think it's true. There are a few reblogs in the notes with links. Also many of the alternatives in that list are Google or Bing clones posing as "independent" search engines to lure in people who are cautious about the big names.
Thank you so much for this info! TBH it's a relief because I've been quite happy with DDG, and I will now be on the watch for poser search engines!
4 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Tag game!
Thanks to the ever-lovely @akamarykate​ for tagging me! <3 
Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better.
Three ships: Most recently, Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing from The Untamed, but I gotta go with Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade from the Star Wars EU, and Gary Hobson/Toni Brigatti for the longest-lasting ships!
First ever ship: See the above two! They were going on around the same time. L/M probably predates G/T by a year or two, but G/T was more viciously shipped (at first).
Last song: “Queen” by Loren Gray
Last film: Film? Ah geez. I honestly don’t know. I’m going to cheat a little and say “Frozen II” not because I recently watched it, but I’ve had a strong hankering for it so it’s got a 99% chance of being the next movie I watch!
Currently reading: I’m technically in the middle of “Because Internet” by Gretchen McCulloch, but tbh I’ve been reading a metric shitton of MDZS fanfic on my Kindle.
Currently watching: I’m taking a very brief hiatus from The Untamed and just finished up rewatching BBC’s The Musketeers, a.k.a. Man Candy the Series.
Currently consuming: Alyssa’s Healthy Chocobites
Currently craving: Reaching That Point In My Life Where I Regain A Smidgen Of Energy. And also the inspiration to continue some WIP fics!
Tagging: @themoonstarwarrior, @cat-a-holic, @fallynleaf, @threadsketchier, @squirrelasinthewoodlandanimal, @pityen81, @shaelit, @lucife56, @ancientstone but seriously no pressure on the above and loads of encouragement to participate to anyone else! To anyone who wants to play, please just tag me so I can see your answers! <3
5 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
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5 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💖
My sideblog was tagged by @ancientstone and so I decided to post there AND on my regular blog!
Okay, so, I've been writing and not completing fandom stuff since I was at LEAST 16 which means over twenty years now, but I looked through my folder and I *think* these are my faves in no particular order:
1) Sinbad and the Garden of the Hesperides: a Proteus-heavy sequel to Dreamworks' animated "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas" because Proteus deserves ALL THE LOVE dammit! >:[  (currently over 41k words and unposted but stay tuned because I know the first 4-5 chapters are done at least...)
2) The Sense of Her: a FMA Royai one-shot taking place over multiple points in the series, each scene focused on one of the five senses (currently on AO3)
3) Gunslinger: written in a different narrative style than my usual (Old-West stylized omniscient present vs alternating third-person POV) it's a retelling of Roger Corman's (yes, I know) movie "Gunslinger" starring Beverly Garland that is one of my favorite MST3Ks (yes, I know) but still has really good bones to the story (unposted and honestly barely started but still has some damned good lines if I do say so myself)
4) No Miracle for the Likes of Us/Rebirth/Codename:Teen Idol 'Dite: *CHEATER ALERT!* These are _three_ Venus/Kunzite-centric Sailor Moon fics, but are set in the same no-Stars-AU, with the first detailing the fall of Silver Millennium, the second beginning with the Shitennou being revived immediately after the manga's SuperS arc, and the third being a plot line so heavily intertwined with Rebirth that I haven't decided whether or not to make them one big fic featuring Codename as specified interludes o_O;;; (overall size: *drops face into hands* it... it just keeps GROWING... *sobs*)
5) She-Ra: Princess of Power: a massive retelling of the original She-Ra series as a continuation of the Mike Young 200X animated He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series, with each chapter an "episode" (currently a highly disjointed >57k monster, but the first two "episodes” are on AO3)
Tagging @akamarykate @fallynleaf @rhysiana @threadsketchier @adriannasharp and anyone else who wants to participate! Tag me if you reply so that I might properly appreciate your efforts and genius! <3
7 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Offered Up
Abel you placed the stone in my hands Told me that God prefers innocent lambs Strike hard strike true my own my brother Then He’ll prefer you favored over another
Offer me up
Don’t worry don’t worry my own my brother I’m happy I’m happy my own my brother Release me release me my own my brother
Offer me up
The stone sat heavy and thick in my hands The blood ran heavy and slick on my hands This murder it seemed like a trick on my hands
Who is the victim? Who was the victim?
(inspired by @zelkam’s gifset)
22 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
I think one of my pet peeves is when people trying to justify certain characters actions because “they were young!” “They didn’t know better!!” “They were in grief!” “They are misunderstood!” “They grow up in a harsh environment!”
While condemning Wei wuxian actions, like he wasn’t traumatized teenager and young adult himself when everything happened to him. When his first life was one tragedy after another; they try to condemn him because of things that aren’t supported by canon and in modern society standards; “he uses demonic cultivation!” “He a mass murder!” “He tortured Wen Chao harshly!” “He a war criminal!” “He didn’t know his place!” “He shouldn’t saved the wens!” “It his fault that LP fall!” “He the narrator of the story of course his POV is biased!”
And those are the takes I seen TODAY, and my lack of sleep isn’t helping me being less annoyed by them. Because those takes? Don’t make any sense if you look at the canon novel; especially the last one, every time I see the take that WWX is the narrator therefore he unreliable is making me want to scream.
WWX is the protagonist of the narrative but he isn’t the narrator, did we forget the existence of “omniscient 3rd person POV” or that we need everything to be narrated from the main character point of view?
I don’t get it, I really don’t get it.
I’ve said it once and twice and I’ll say it again: nobody’s life in that story is more valuable than Wei Wuxian’s, the Wen siblings, or any of the individual Wen remnants. Not a single person is more deserving of life over that group of people. Mianmian was a servant in a cultivation clan who had her life endangered while her peers save for three were too afraid to act, but she still stood up to the cultivation world in defense of Wei Wuxian. Wen Ning and Wen Qing were the children of Wen Ruohan’s favorite cousin, but both still committed treason against their could-not-be-more-evil-if-they-gave-him-a-villain-twirling-mustache uncle. Hell, I’m one of the people who believes that Jiang Yanli compromised her relationship with Wei Wuxian for the Jin, but she still spoke up for Wei Wuxian in multiple instances against people who looked down on them both. All of them did this because it was the right thing to do, just like Wei Wuxian protecting the Wen remnants was the right thing to do. And every person in this list did what they did under direct threat and lack of power compared to those who could easily retaliate.
So no, I do not actually give a fuck about people’s justifications for why their favs being genocidal assholes is acceptable and justifiable while ignoring the very real, overtly powerless characters who do so much more than any of the clan leaders or heirs (minus lwj) ever dared to do despite having been raised under and surviving the same circumstances. Plus, you’d think stans would actually want Wei Wuxian to be the narrator of the story, because he is so much nicer by miles about the fact that all of his peers and elders (outside of a number he can count on one hand without using all 5 fingers) gathered together to kill him. Stans should be damn grateful that wwx isn’t actually his rumored self.
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I posted 117 times in 2022
That's 39 more posts than 2021!
47 posts created (40%)
70 posts reblogged (60%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 112 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#the a-qing show - 47 posts
#my post - 46 posts
#danganronpa - 31 posts
#purple dumbass with a whip - 30 posts
#mdzs - 29 posts
#sdr2 - 19 posts
#jiang cheng - 15 posts
#sunshine dumbass with a flute - 12 posts
#wei wuxian - 10 posts
#not fandom related - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#warning: v casual and short explanations of nuanced topics that i can write essays on but kiddy-fied for the sake of the post
My Top Posts in 2022:
there are two “fuck wei wuxian” clubs in existence
lan wanji heads one, sect leader yao leads the other
jiang cheng is the most loyal member of both
122 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
babie lwj, reading a recipe: beat the eggs.
lwj: ...
lwj: shufu said we must not bully those weaker than us. the eggs have no arms. it would not be fair.
lqr: i’m glad you remember that but that’s not wh-
teen lxc, cocking a gun: he never said eggs deserve fairness 😊
lqr: get out of my kitchen
166 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
xxc: these are my wonderful boyfriends, a-yang and zichen! they’re the sweetest i love them both so very much 😊😊
xy: this is my amazing, astounding, drop-dead gorgeous better-than-you-and-everyone-else frustratingly kind and extremely talented boyfriend xiao xingchen. and that’s song lan.
sl: this is my dear, lovely boyfriend xiao xingchen. and that’s xue yang. he has rabies.
a-qing: these two imbeciles are my valets and that brilliant blind gentleman in white robes talking to a bird over there is my emotional support daozhang
231 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
you know what yeah at this point i agree with antis if i was jiang cheng i would simply fuck zewu-jun (to activate protective lan simp mode) marry wen qing (to take in the remnants) and kill jin guangshan (to kill jin guangshan) and thereby solve every problem in the show by dinnertime it wasn’t that hard
300 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
jin zixuan: don’t talk to me or my son or my demonic didi or my daddy-issues didi or my perfect sister or my perfect wife or my wife’s daddy-issues didi or her demonic didi ever again.
794 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
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elvesofnoldor · 4 years
#i just read lan xichen's wiki to find out if he died in the novel or not and i saw in the trivia section#that he's supposed to be 'ranked best looking young man in the cultivation world' asdfjksadfadsf#i dont know what i was expecting. considering he looked the way he does in the animation series of mdzs#how do i say this dude has 'literal angel from high heavens' energy without sounding i LIKE like him#this dude is like finrod felagund except that he's Chinese and Not Blonde and MAYBE human#i mean finrod is 'fairest of all the princes of elves' so im gonna say thats western fantasy equivalent of xichen's title sdjfksdjf#there should be a category for characters called 'unrealistically pretty bitches who are. against all odds. genuinely nice and kind'#wwx and lwj doesnt have a lot in common but they both have a sibling from that category#for wwx it's his sister jiang yanli and for lwj it's his brother lan xichen#lan xichen and jiang yanli should unionize for being literal angels who deserved better#mae overshares#i also find out via google search suggestion that people ship xichen with JIANG CHENG?#yeah. u know what jiang cheng needs? therapy. not a boyfriend#bro im not ship shaming but i just find it funny that people ship xichen with jiang cheng#i actually am gonna prefer untamed's addition to the story: that jiang cheng had a crush on wen qing#idk. i love unfulfilled tragic love story ok idc it's heterosexual. give me a break#people also ship xichen with jin guangyao. that makes a lot more sense but also hummmm im gonna say no thank you#jin guangyao got mr. literal angel here fucked up. xichen deserved a better friend 2kforever#i ship xichen with peace and happiness. same ship i have for finrod#on the other hand i ship yanli with wen qing.yes i said i like that jiang cheng had a crush on wen qing i didnt say i want them get together#i still dont rly like jin zixuan at the end of the day. the untamed still kept his most asshole moment#and it added an asshole moment that i dont think was in the animation series or the novel#i was going to be ok with jin zixuan and yanli but actually u know what. No. he can die but yanli deserves to be alive#yanli could have been alive if she didnt went to the middle of battle field without a sword#she deserves to be alive and have a mistress. her brother jiang cheng can stay single forever tho
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littleladygodiva · 4 years
Wen Qing didn’t deserve to die. MXTX literally made every female character cannon fodder for male suffering, and I can’t subscribe. Wen Qing was one of the baddest bitches in the whole show and what does she get?? Her ashes dumped in the fucking Nightless City, a place she no doubt despised with all her being. No fucking respect for Our Queen.  
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you-dont-wanna-know · 4 years
You guys know what confuses me? The fact that everyone in the mo dao zushi was like Oh Wen Qing and Wen Ning didn't stop the Wens either so they don't really deserve to be free and roaming about. Like how is everyone gonna forget the fact that they literally helped The Yunmeng Trio and harboured them when they were declared as fugitives by the Wens and literally nursed them back to health and basically saved them even at the risk of their own safety? How did that not warrant a pardon, especially considering they hadn't really done anything wring such as murder either? I'm just so confused.
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