#went a little over the top with these
yoongikook · 11 months
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i’m so proud of jungkook, i couldn’t resist making something to celebrate the release of seven! if you’re interested, these are available on my etsy
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I adore the vibe of redeemed durge your sister killed your mind and took your place - it was the greatest gift she ever gave you
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doraspenlow · 1 year
have been crazy insane about the cover for the 2024 asoiaf calendar ever since it was released. LYANNA STARK!!!
the way rhaegar lurks in the corner all in shadows while lyanna walks in the light… he will be the death of her. the bed of blue winter roses below and the weirwood watching. the ambiguous intractable face of the past and the future… like Narrative itself.
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because lyanna is killed by the narrative the same way she is the center of the narrative. there is a dead girl in the middle of this book! and we never get to know her, only know the memory of her, smoothed over and distorted. she was a “child-woman of surpassing loveliness” or “beautiful and willful and dead before her time”. what we hear of lyanna’s personality, her wolf blood, would make you think she’d be opposed to that memory. but of course we can’t pick how we’re remembered.
when you die at sixteen you will always be dead and sixteen — beautiful and impassive as a stone statue in a crypt. a whispy memory, like the scent of a flower preserved between pages. crushed blue petals. and blood.
lyanna is the ghost in the center of the book and i love her because it is impossible to know her. and i love this cover. the beautiful girl surrounded by annihilation in the guise of a fairytale. sometimes you think you are the princess on a grand adventure but you’re destined to be some unwitting child messiah’s unwitting dead child mother. such is life
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 25 days
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7am, morning, in your small apartment's even smaller kitchen
usually you'd make instant coffee, but it's a saturday and you don't have to be at work and you shouldn't even be up this early. you'd be asleep right now if you hadn't spent all night awake, unable to sleep, your thoughts too many and too loud.
so instead of going back to sleep, you get up and you make coffee in the ibrik and you smoke the first cigarette of the day watching the water and the coffee and the sugar boil to a froth as your thoughts slip away from you, the song on the radio in the background too quiet to keep you here, to keep you grounded
you're distantly aware you've turned the heat too high
or: face cafea la ibric 😭
close-up fridge photos with explanation under cut
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top to bottom, left to right (was gonna put numbers but its hard so youre just gonna have to guess, sorry)
top left is harry and kim at the precinct, top middle is jean's brother archer when he was a kid + jean kid, top right is harry and kim at the river istros in jamrock (my hc)
next row is harry stella maris in '50, then harry and jean when jean was first partnered with harry feat jean buzzcut jumpscare (in '47 or so)
then 3rd row from top is jean + harry in front of jamrock / bay of revachol, then fidéle (jean's horse) + judit at the stables at precinct 41
second to last row is miklós (judit's older son (he's 16)) + judit + théodore (judit's younger son (he's 14)), then archer (jean's brother) at a rave with jean (who's taking the photo; archer dragged him to it)
last row is Enzo Tetreault (jean's friend from police academy who was too dangerous for the rcm who works for la puta madre now) and Björn Dayal (jean's friend from childhood who was, according to jean, "so delusional about becoming rich that he made it happen"). they're at the horse races bc jean likes to go to horse races and bet on horses
other things to note, the little square magnets are from kids' yogurts that jean likes to collect. they're directly based off danonino magnets we had in romania in the earlier 2000s (idk 2010s??) except with elysium countries and a mouse instead of a dinosaur
the codes are phone numbers. archer's is VIE-6612, harry's new house address is CEN-9985 (it was supposed to be 9855 but i fucked up), and Minot's is 4531
oh also the little handwritten note up on the top row bw the kim and harry image and the jean brother + jean kid image is the landlord's number. it reads Hubert Daviau (i think), CEN-1138, Propriétaire.
his list reads Eggs, Detergent, CHEESE, Call Archer, Call Harry, 7PM Harry Mon
oh and the scroll on the right is a wall calendar. something something samaran wall calendar from the outdoor market jean goes to to get his groceries (it's called a piață in romanian but that doesnt translate. it's kinda' like a farmer's market but it happens every day. like an established Thing.)
the kitchen is based off romanian commie apartment kitchens!! apartment blocks outside his window and everything. also his plants on the windowsill bc he has plants, ok. (and the square white space to his right of the stove is um. the washermachine.)
i think this pic takes place after the events of my casefic if i ever get around to it. basically jean's a lot more settled and happier
OH AND his shirt reads "i'm not shy, i just don't fucking like you"
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cinnamon-flame · 2 years
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pokemon bats my beloved
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luck-of-the-drawings · 5 months
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(OLD OC SKETCHES) Meet Sunnabelle Von Sunnoviche, final daughter of the Sunnoviche family. Peeking from behind a window, she witnessed a wizards final spell, one that reduced the world to a wasteland. Her noble blood damned her to [HELL], but unwanting to suffer with her family, she made a deal with the devil. She now hunts in his name. The top of her head was taken by the blast on that day. The fires of her spirit have boiled her blood into a super-heated plasma.
#luckys original content#GRAAHH MY OCS OCS IM SORRY MY OCS I NEVER FUCKIN DRAWW YYAALLL#i was cleanin stuff on my pc again n found a buncha stray doodles of her that i made like. 1 or 2 yrs ago. so i cooked em into smth edible#shes a gunslinger rogue i think! mechanically aasimar bc plasma blood#played her once for a very teeny tiny improved oneshot me n some buddies did forever ago#would love to play as her again... someday a cowboy themed game will find me.. n she will live again...#SUNNABELLE VON SUNNOVICHE! the last name was sposed to sound like 'son of a bitch' ehehehe#bc she is ONE HELL ofa son ofa bitch. shes mean shes short tempered she takes NO SHIT#and she loses her mmIIIIND when she meets a delightfully stupid pretty person#i didnt play her for long so her personality hasnt evolved that far. thats the fun thing abt playing characters! u meet them when u play em#SUNNABELLE FUNFACTS: she is the 6th child of 11 siblings. middlest a middle child can be. bc o this she was often overlooked or ignored#she grew up in a family of obnoxiously rich nobles. all the other siblings were trained and focused on to be the best a sunnoviche can be#meanwhile. sunnabelle often stuck to herself. drawing and creating little fantasy worlds. was always a fan of wild wests n cowboys n guns#she was the only one that saw the WIZARD coming. she was peering over a window when the blast went off. taking the top of her head#GUHH IM ACTULY SO PROUDA HER DESIGN SHE LOOKS SO COOL.. LIKE WHATS WITH THE PLASMA HOW DID I DRAW THAT SO WELL. IM SO PROUD.#I lov all the sun symbolism.. its so fun.. what a fun character ive made.. hell yeah.... anyway hope u guys like her too.#if u got questions ive got ANSWERS!!! my askbox is always open. im pretty sure.
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looking-for-orion · 11 months
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hello helloo! i just read through your modern au and I'm in love (shocker), i wanted to ask if you'd give some more info on poppy? apologies if there's already a dedicated post to her, looking is not my specialty
there is not! i will gladly ramble!
in this au, Poppy is slightly less fearful than canon. this is for several reasons! 1) years of therapy. 2) anxiety meds. 3) teenage years of her friends dragging her out for Shenanigans & hyping her tf up! but she's still a worrywart! she's very cautious! she can and Will see the bad/dengerous side to every situation. but! now she has the tools to not only cope with but combat her intrusive thoughts & fears <3
i think i mentioned it before but she Did Not Realize she was trans until highschool! specifically, when she met Sally! Poppy had to stop by the theater department after school for some reason or another, and Sally noticed her looking longingly at the costume dresses (Poppy thought she was alone lol)
and while Poppy was mortified at being caught, Sally was delighted. they only knew each other in passing and from reputation but Sally started holding up dresses to Poppy and complimenting how well they suited her. (i could joke about how Sally could sniff out the lesbian in her before Poppy even knew she was a girl!) Poppy, flustered by the sudden attention and apparent acceptance, didn't know how to handle it and fled. then started avoiding Sally in the halls. but! eventually she had to go back for Insert Reason Here, and ofc Sally was there. this time around Sally is a little gentler and less assertive, but manages to coax Poppy into checking out the more ~feminine~ costumes again. thus begins their little meetings where Poppy tries on costumes and Sally is her biggest hypeman
it takes a while for things to Click in Poppy's mind! it isn't until she tries on a dress that Sally custom-made for her, wearing some makeup and a wig, that Poppy has her oh moment. unfortunately, some of their ~mutual friends~ (Wally, Barnaby, Howdy) walk in on them. there's a short, terrifying moment where Wally is all "who's your friend, Sally?" and Barnaby has to lean over to let him know "that's Poppy, bud". before Poppy can fully freak out, Wally immediately goes OH! and starts complimenting how pretty she looks. Barnaby chimes in next to ask if the dress is home-made bc it fits Poppy beautifully, Howdy nabs a necklace from the nearby gathered accessories and put it on her to "tie the outfit together". in short! Poppy finds nothing but support from her buddies & they're more than happy to help her figure out this new internal crisis / revelation
then of course eventually she's found out by her family, which goes very well (im using sarcasm! it goes terribly!). Poppy isn't outright disowned or kicked out or in immediate danger, but her relationship with her family is ruined by their transphobic bigotry. her friends have her back throughout this, and the guest room at the Beagle farm is always open to her! Sally continues to make custom clothes for Poppy (something that becomes a love language for the two of them <3).
honestly, this period in Poppy's life is part of what like... idk... strengthens her, in a way? her continuing to be herself and actively rebelling against her family, i mean. Poppy becomes a pretty stellar liar lol (lying to her parents about where she's going, who she's hanging out with, what she does after school, etc). she's very cautious about all of it, but she does it! she's determined to pursue and discover and Realize the woman inside her! i have this sweet scene in my mind of the Group at the Beagle farm chilling on the floor with notebooks, brainstorming on possible names. (Sally enthusiastically says a variation of 'exquisite' to each one, and then when Poppy says 'im not sure about that one' Sally - still enthusiastically - says a variation of 'horrible terrible how could you suggest such an ill-fitting name'). despite everyone's efforts, i like to think that Poppy finds her name entirely on accident! maybe during the Gap Year Road Trip! maybe they stop by a SoCal poppy reserve in superbloom and the flowers Resonate with her! who's to say!
but Poppy begins her (medical) transition in college! she, of course, gets shit for it, but she also begins to find community and enjoyment in the local queer community. and of course, she has her buddies <3
but anyway! i like to think that Poppy participates in local farmer's markets with her crochet work & baked goods, the latter of which is a complete hit! that, plus her first experience with going to a tearoom inspires her to strive towards owning her own! tearooms are right up her alley, i'd say - calm, quiet, and Poppy can make peoples' days a little brighter with a tranquil atmosphere & delicious treats! i swear i have a reason between 'Poppy british = she goes into tea business'. honestly! tearooms are more about the tiny sammies & tasty cones w/ cream! and feeling Fancy while chatting!
i think it takes a while for her to actually be able to start up a tearoom. I'd imagine she starts by holding a small, single-table reservation-based one in her own place once the Group decides on what town to move to. it's successful, slowly (but steadily) grows, until she can get an actual House and transform the ground floor into a full tearoom. lil shop by the checkout counter, several different rooms, a sizeable kitchen. staff! the tearoom is a humble one, but it's a killer holiday & tourist destination! the high ratings even bring in people from out of town!
and when it comes to Poppy & Sally, bc yall know i'm a sucker for Popstar - i like to think that they start dating after (mostly) all of them move into their new town. & after they both have been in prior relationships! and then they never stop dating. well, they do, but that's so that they can upgrade to Wife Status. and then they never stop being wives so there <3
but Poppy is successful and happy! she had a rough go of it but she Makes It! and she continues to make it!
#i hope this Suffices!#ofc the ~lore~ in my mind is a lil more complex#but its Too Much to fully write out yk yk#giving her a tearoom was uhhhhh a bit of Personal Indulgence i will admit!#i used to have a tradition with my mother/grandma/sister where we'd all go to a tearoom once a year#but then grammie bit the dust (or rather - got turned into it) and that tradition uh. kinda stopped#i have very fond memories! i'd like to go to one again someday! perhaps with friends!#so when i was thinking 'what modern day profession would suit poppy' i do think owning a high english tearoom would fit#theres also just a level of personal influence to that ahaha#also if i went to a nice tearoom and the owner was a gorgeous 6'8 woman. ough. thats all im gonna say about it. ough <3#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#sally likes to waltz into the tearoom while poppy is working to buy One (one) little box of tea and also flirt over the counter for an hour#and there's an upstairs room reserved for Poppy & her friends!!#it's free for them to use at any time!#though they still always pay. they have a lil game with poppy where she tries her best to refuse#but they manage to sneak the payment past her anyway#or they so happen to 'leave a tip that just so happens to be the exact payment' on their chair#on top of the tearoom she also supplies some baked goods for Howdy's shop#it was something they started when she was first getting her lil business off the ground#it evolves into just 'poppy bakes a batch of muffins as her morning ritual and sends them to howdys'#she supplies more when she can! or when she stress bakes! or when she and frank stress bake together! the entire group gets fresh tasties!
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lesbiandarvey · 8 months
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evilsartcorner · 7 months
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 months
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must be nice, being free for once
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cutechan555 · 7 months
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Translation: My dear listen to me
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leaping-laelaps-art · 5 months
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The Devonian trilobite Crotalocephalina gibba.
Made as a more or less successful exercise to emulate the style of Junnn11, the person who illustrated many of the wikipedia articles on Cambrian arthropods and Paleozoic euchelicerates (and whose art I happen to like very much).
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aidenwaites · 2 months
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Bunny camera strap,,,
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ashclouds366 · 8 months
so i watched fright night and now that i've seen lloyd's va acting as a total bitch, i really kind of want an au where lloyd is a bully.
i know that would be the literal opposite of him (and i love all the trauma and angst that comes with that guy, believe me), but it would just be so interesting. like. he HAS the power to be a bully. he COULD be a bully if he wanted to.
i know a bully au would change what makes lloyd, lloyd. but. just think about it
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puppyeared · 1 month
who up seeing their disorder in a fictional character but feel like its not their place to put a name on it
#id have to be waterboarded before i can talk abt how i see a lot of my adhd and personality in mitsumi iwakura let alone post it#idk how to talk abt this without feeling like im talking over or invalidating ppls experiences relating with a character#someone was talking abt how ppl tie laios' autism to special interest and social difficulties but not much else which kinda flattens it#and then went into a respectful in depth analysis of other autistic behaviour that laios exhibits and it wasnt phrased meanly#its fascinating and important to me to hear someone explain a little bit abt traits that they recognized and often go overlooked#because it does help me learn more about it. but i think thats also where hesitancy kicks in when it comes to depicting it accurately#like i have adhd and some of my adhd symptoms overlap with autism (time blindness and pattern seeking behaviour) but that only means#it feels familiar to me even without having autism. on top of that traits arent always cleanly determined as being /caused/ by#a disorder. to understand my environment i compare it to something unrelated but similar to make it more familiar and for the longest time#i thought that was a personality thing and not an information processing thing since i loved playing pretend in my head as a kid#so if you make a character who experiences that hoping to reach people that also experience that and tell them its not weird or#smth youre making up like. thats the goal. ppl who dont get it arent expected to it just means it doesnt cater to them but it helps them#become familiar to it yk? since i dont have autism myself i dont feel confident i can depict it properly or explain it in my own words#but that doesnt mean im trying to dismiss it or try and cut it out completely.. ill just leave the floor open to someone who /can/#a lot of issues around fanon depictions are when smth is baselessly popularized or a characters personality and behavior is flattened#especially to fit them into a trending meme. its harmless and its supposed to be for fun but it gets tricky when you drag things that#need to be carefully explained beforehand or else it gets lost in translation. like that tweet abt 'hyperfixating' on cooking pasta#once it becomes popular language usually the original meaning is left out for the sake of simplifying it for everyone that when it#circles back theres a sort of hesitancy like. am i using it the way it was intended or am i unknowingly using the popularized version of it#actually thats probably why i felt wrongfooted during diagnosis bc it felt like i was misusing the words i heard to describe what i felt#i /know/ i see a lot of myself in mitsumi because our minds are always somewhere else and we tend to put good faith first and for me#that personal connection is enough. but idk it feels like its always gonna have to be 'palatable' first before i can talk abt it openly#mad respect to writers and creators who stick to their story even if theres the looming fear of ppl misinterpreting it and letting them#have it.. its been almost 2 weeks and i am so close to deleting that m3 dunmeshi drawing bc ppl keep saying chilchuck wouldnt have 200 HP#IT LITERALLY SAYS I MADE IT WHILE WATCHING EP 1. I USED EARTHBOUND LOGIC AND I WASNT EVEN TAKING IT SERIOUSLY CHILL#yapping
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