#werehog fic
lea-andres · 2 years
Omg I wanna ask soooo many questions but I’m so bad at like thinking of them lol😭 Ummmmm idk what’s like the basics of their story, how’d they meet, when’d they start being besties etc etc.😳😳😳😳
Okay, so when or if I ever finish When the Day Met the Night, the next fic in that series is going to be my Werehog fic (there's still no name for it. 😔). TL;DR: Eggman tries to turn Sonic, Shadow, and Silver into Werehogs and enslave them, but he lost control of them (Shadow's half alien DNA led to an... Interesting reaction to the transformation), and they escape out into the world. The Restoration is trying to capture them and turn them back... But it's been rough going. (GUN wants to just shoot the Werehogs and be done with them, they don't even realize they have three Werehogs on their hands until Silver's inside Restoration HQ... it's a mess)
They attempt to lure Shadow into an ambush so they can capture him, which goes SO POORLY you can't even begin to imagine. Pretty much all the power characters left that plan with at least one broken bone... But Infinite rolls up to the party last second and scares off Shadow with the Phantom Ruby's reality altering powers (The gem's been yoinked out of his chest way earlier, also long story. But he still has it and uses it.)
Infinite's sudden appearance startles everyone, because UHHH... Didn't Shadow say the guy got absorbed into the Phantom Ruby and killed after Forces? How is he still alive? (Infinite: ...Shadow told everyone that I got VORED BY A ROCK???)
The Restoration takes Infinite into custody, and they try to bargain with him for further help wrangling the Werehogs. While Infinite would want to help Shadow (a dumb SparkNotes version of @bitter-sweet-coffee 's Follow You happened behind the scenes in my series, we learn), he doesn't give a shit either way what happens to Sonic (remember, they don't know about Silver yet, but he probably wouldn't have been invested in him either.) Plus, what guarantee does he have that they're not going to chase him down and arrest him after this is over?
It's Jewel that offers getting Infinite pardoned for his war crimes in exchange for him helping wrangle the Werehogs, which he very much likes the idea of. Infinite had been hiding out in a penthouse Shadow owns in Spagonia since Forces... And to say he's got a bad case of cabin fever by now would be an understatement. (It's been six years from games/comics canon to my fics, so... He's been in a penthouse by himself/with Shadow when he swings by for a long ass time. 😬)
Anyway, Werehogs are wrangled and turned back, Infinite's been pardoned like promised, and he decides he wants to stick around Restoration HQ... Get to know his new BFF Jewel better~
Jewel's... Not on board with this idea at first. On a good day Infinite mildly irritates her, on a bad day she's ranting to a sympathetic (and VERY PATIENT, poor guy) Bark about how much she can't fucking stand Infinite. He has his uses though. He's been giving her some tips on how to stand up to people that actually work, for example.
She turns around on Infinite during the fic I call my "lesbian pirates fic". The Sol Emeralds fling all the girls into the Sol Dimension because Blaze needs a pirate crew... And Infinite was one of the ones that got yoinked. (Assigned Girl by Klik Klak Shiny Rocks... LOL) Turns out Jewel and Infinite needed to be stuck on a boat together to work out their friendship. Jewel feels bad for Infinite when he tells his sob stories, and he reveals that he does admire Jewel... she just needs a bit more confidence and bad bitch energy, and he thinks he can teach her that.
Infinite really solidifies himself as her friend during Miserably Loving You, when Bark's hag mother Ursa attempts to steamroll his and Jewel's wedding plans. He teams up with Amy and Lanolin to throw Jewel a nice bridal shower to cheer her up, and when they need to go to North Island to stop Ursa from getting the island destroyed by her own idiocy, Infinite's the first one to join Jewel's team.
Skipping WAY ahead into the future, Jewel discovered babies are Finn's off switch. Need him to shut up for a while? Shove your baby into his hands and walk away. She takes FULL advantage of this while Patience and Marzipan are small. 😂
That's all I feel like sharing at the moment. The rest is heavy spoilers. 😂
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animaginaryartblog · 3 months
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[Image ID: Two versions of the Sonic Unleashed logo. On the left is the regular logo. On the right, the colors have been inverted and the "un" has been scratched out, leaving it as Sonic Leashed. /end ID]
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[Image ID: Two colored sketches on a plain background, with a straight black line dividing them. On the left is a drawing of Dark Gaia looming over an unaware Chip. Text on the top and bottom reads: "Dark Gaia awakens and divides the world (literally), while Light Gaia is reduced to an amnesiac dog creature, Chip."
The drawing on the right depicts a monstrous version of Light Gaia, eagle-like with yellow eyes and three sets of green wings. It looms over Pretzel, a version of Dark Gaia reduced to a small, cat-like form. Text reads: "Light Gaia awakens and unifies the world (via brainwashing), while Dark Gaia is reduced to an amnesiac cat creature, Pretzel." /end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left is two drawings of Sonic the Werehog. One has him with a menacing snarl, clawed hand reaching for the camera. Wisps of purple rise from him. The next is him smiling and giving a friendly wave, while a green heart rises beside him. The caption reads, "Dark Gaia turns Sonic into the wolf-like werehog. It doesn't look like Sonic, but it's still him inside."
On the right is a similar pair of drawings, this time of Sonic's Light Gaia form. In the first image he smiles brightly, waving. In the second his smile turns menacing and his eyes glow yellow, while yellow lightning bolts surround him. The text reads, "Light Gaia turns Sonic into the lion-like hedgecat. It looks like Sonic, but inside is something else." /end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left are drawings of several of the human NPCs from Sonic Unleashed. Nagi, a young girl, looks mischievous; the ice cream man has his head down with despair; and Professor Pickle's assistant has his arms crossed and an irritated expression on his face. All are colored purple, with glowing pink eyes and pink wisps above their heads. Text above reads, "Under Dark Gaia's influence, people become depressed, sullen, and antisocial." Smaller text over Nagi's head adds "(Or just mischievous ig)". Text on the bottom continues: "Some people, like Pickle's assistant, are possessed by Dark Gaia, while others (such as Pickle himself) are left unaffected."
On the right is a mirroring drawing of three NPCs. Nagi's sister Rudi yells angrily, the ice cream man grins maniacally, and Mr. Pickle beams enthusiastically. All are colored red, with glowing yellow eyes and lightning bolts around their heads. Text above the drawing says: "Under Light Gaia's influence, people become cheery, domineering, and mob-like." Smaller text over the ice cream man's head adds: "(ice cream man never gets a break)". Below the picture, the text continues: "While some, like Pickle's assistant, are unaffected by Light Gaia, many, such as Pickle himself, are fully possessed." /end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left is two drawings of Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Whip posing together. In the first they are beaming happily. Text above the drawing reads: "Sonic travels the world with Chip, aided along the way by his closest friends..." In the second drawing Sonic and his friends are sweating nervously as Professor Pickle's assistant stands behind them in a-pose, eyes glowing pink. Below the picture, the text continues: "...and working to free unfamiliar allies from Dark Gaia's influence."
On the right is two drawings of Sonic, Blaze, Shadow, Rouge, and Pretzel. In the first Blaze and Shadow stand menacingly while Rouge holds the purple Chaos Emerald. Sonic is behind the group, palms up and an awkward smile on his face. Pretzel stands near his feet, looking annoyed. Text above the picture reads: "Sonic travels the world with Pretzel, aided along the way by distant allies..." In the second drawing the characters all look to the side with varying expressions of concern and anger as Tails appears behind them, eyes glowing yellow. The text continues below: "...and fighting to free his closest friends from Light Gaia's control."
/end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left is a drawing of Dark Gaia facing Super Sonic. A png of the Gaia Colossus has been inserted behind Super Sonic. Text above reads: "Super Sonic faces Dark Gaia with the help of Chip and the Gaia Temples." Smaller text next to the Gaia Colossus adds, "I ain't drawing that."
On the right is a drawing of Light Gaia facing Dark Super Sonic and a dragon-like Pretzel. The same png of the Gaia Colossus has been cropped to cover Light Gaia's back and the tops of its wings. Text above reads: "Light Gaia, empowered by the Gaia Temples, is challenged by Dark Sonic and Pretzel." Smaller text adds, "Also Pretzel turns into a dragon."
/end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left, text reads: "Chip selflessly embraces his destiny. Alone, Sonic is helpless to stop his sacrifice." Beneath is a drawing of Chip waving goodbye with a sad smile. In front of that is a drawing of Sonic looking down at Chip's bracelet in his hand. Below the drawing, the text continues: "Sonic is stripped of his new form, and both Gaias are sealed away, continuing the cycle."
On the right, text reads: "Pretzel selfishly resists her fate. With new bonds, Sonic saves her from her sacrifice." Below the text is a drawing of Pretzel, hunched over and looking up with a frightened scowl. In front of that is a drawing of Sonic in Twilight form, a mix of the Werehog and the Hedgecat. A purple and red yin-yang symbol glows over his chest, and the purple Chaos Emerald is in his hand. He looks up with a hopeful expression. Blaze stands to the left, a hand on Sonic's shoulder as she smiles at him, while Shadow stands on the right, arms folded but looking back at Sonic with a faint smile of his own. Farther back Rouge stands with a hand on her hip, eyebrow raised as she makes a snarky comment.
/end ID]
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[Image ID: On the left, text reads "Blaze is not in Sonic Unleashed. At all. Not even mentioned." Below is a drawing of Cream, Amy, Cheese, and Tangle. Cream holds a stack of posters in her hands, and Amy has her hand on her shoulder as Cheese puts some of the posters up on a pole. There are four posters visible on the pole. The first is an image of Blaze smiling, with writing saying, "Have you seen her? Now you have." The next is a stock image of Blaze with the word "missing" written above. The next has the word missing written on the top, followed by a photo of Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS. Writing beneath says, "x 3 SEGA please". Finally, there is a poster of Blaze and Marine at the end of Sonic Rush Adventure, with text written on top reading, "Bring her back!" In the foreground, Tangle kneels on the ground, one poster spread out under her hand while she clutches another in her fist, shaking it at the sky.
On the right, text reads: "Blaze is a main character in Sonic Leashed. She kicks Sonic in the head and sets a fish on fire. And that's awesome." A drawing shoes Tangle, Amy, and Cream all cheering as Blaze stands in the forefront, smiling self-assuredly and surrounded by an aura of flames.
/end ID]
You can view this as one long image on my DeviantArt.
I have returned from The War (my recent Stardew Valley addiction) just in time for Sonic Day. May I present to you: this thing. I had the idea that it would be funny to make little "infographics" for my needlessly convoluted role swap AU, with the addition of Blaze being the punchline of each one. Naturally I then sunk way too much effort into it. And then I didn't post it for over six months. Whoops.
If you aren't familiar, this is a summary of my old Sonic Unleashed roleswap fic, Sonic Leashed. You can read it on Archive of Our Own (my personal recommendation), Fanfiction.net, or DeviantArt. It has two completed sequels (or a sequel and a sidequel, rather), and I've nearly finished drafting the third. The writing quality increases with each installment and Sonic Unleashed fics are a dime a dozen, so if you'd rather skip right to the Colors rewrite you can consider this your primer. maybe. I'm not the boss of you. bye.
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molinaskies · 6 months
Just wanted to say, I love you’re analysis post, there so peak🔥🔥🔥🔥, also you’re fic is peak 🔥🔥🔥
Awhh, thank you so much!! I’m so glad you enjoyed them :)
I started this blog almost 3 years ago because I didn’t have anyone to listen to my ideas. Now there are so many of you in this little journey with me, so thank you so much for being here! ♥️
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piko-power · 11 months
Under the Moonlight - Final Part- Source of Light
Read Part 3 if you haven't already - Arguing with Myself (Sort Of)
Quick note: This story takes place before the sequel. Any Sonic Movie story I write like this one will be a pre-sequel story.
TW: Slight gore, though there is no blood, it's mainly violence towards Nightmare creatures.
Sonic was all by himself in the dark woods, and encounters a dangerous enemy. Believing he'll settle in to his new lifestyle, some unexpected visitors came to save the night.
He couldn't stop thinking about it. For hours he couldn't stop thinking about it.
He couldn't stop thinking about them.
They saw everything, and they were terrified.
Why did he lose control of himself? Why did he do that? He would never do that.
But he did all of it anyway, because he's the Werehog.
Puppy like whimpers escaped from his mouth when he continued to sob by a tree. He looked up to see that the moon was almost gone, but the stars were high and bright.
He lost track of time but he knew that it would be morning soon.
At this point, it might be impossible to look for Light Gaia's Bracelet in time to get rid of this stupid Werehog form.
And even if he succeed, Tom and Maddie, and the majority of his hometown, would be scared of him for a long time.
It's hopeless, even if there is hope for Sonic.
"Dumb Dark Gaia energy..." He grumbled sadly, putting his head down again.
You keep forgetting that I can hear you.
"Oh, shut up." He barked hoarsely. "Why won't you go posses someone else and leave me alone...?"
You are quite the simpleton for being so powerful. Like I said, you cannot rid of-
"I KNOW!" He rose his head up again, yelling at nothing in particular. "I know I can't get rid of you!" He panted, feeling restless and tired from screaming and crying.
He plopped back on the ground, face into the grass. "Just stop talking to me..." His voice mumbled.
Sonic. It is almost the rise of dawn. You need to complete our mission.
"I can stay as the Werehog, but I don't want to hurt anyone anymore..." He sniffled.
I'll make you if I have to.
"...And I'll fight back." His eyes glow for a moment.
Dark Gaia sighed.
For how long? How long would you be able to fight back when you know fully well you that put your town in fear?
"It's your fault that I caused havoc back there..." He argued.
Is it, really, when it was you who partially became a Nightmare, and nearly cost one's life in front of hundreds? Including your family?
Sonic froze.
"Th-They're... How did you-?"
Like I said, I know everything about you. Once my energy is one with a being, I have all their memories. Knowing their weaknesses, I will use them to my advantage to create an bigger army.
Sonic sit up in horror. "W-Wait... Are you saying...?"
You knew those humans of yours are looking for you, don't you?
He looked out to the dark opening of the woods. He gulped, and his lips quivered. As much as he knew that Tom and Maddie were afraid of him, he just wished they were here right now.
But at the same time, putting the pieces together he wanted them to stay away from him at all times, knowing that Dark Gaia will make him hurt them, or anyone near him.
"I won't let you make me hurt my parents just to get you a bigger, stupid army, you JERK!" He roared at the sky.
Careful. Your anger. It take you over as well. Sunrise is soon, and your energy will become unable to resist.
They're right. ...Again.
He must remain calm. He doesn't want to destroy anything or hurt anyone again. He already scared Green Hills badly, he does not want to make it worse for him or the town.
It's for the best to stay away from the town for good. If Dark Gaia doesn't make him, of course.
"I can't go back... I can't put Green Hills in danger all because I turned into a monster..." He said to himself. "They'll be safe when I'm far away..." He was choking up again. "And I'll be safe if I stay here... Where the Nightmares belong..."
About that...
Before Dark Gaia can say anything else, a low growl could be heard from within the forest. Sonic jumped and got back on his feet, looking around for the source of the sound. "What was that?! A lion?! Wait a minute, there aren't no lions in Green Hills..."
You are half Nightmare, may I remind you. Not all of my minions will cooperate with you since the transformation isn't complete yet. But I will do all I can to make sure they behave themselves so that way they won't harm you, only the humans.
"What are you, their dad?"
Do not mock me.
However, if you ever dare to ignore my orders again at this point... Well... You'll see.
"Compared to how I look, I bet they won't look so..."
Catching something from the corner of his eye, Sonic turned to his right to see something come out of the shadows...
A dark blue and violet-ish creature, with a glowing aura which appeared to be purple fire of sorts coming out of it's spikes on it's back. Their eyes glow a frightening bright pink, staring into Sonic's soul.
Their arms and hands were huge and they had sharp blue claws, same for their feet. The claws on each were glowing light blue like the fire and eyes. There was a long horn coming out from between it's eyes, and it had a long tail that looked like a glowing sickle.
There were glowing markings on the back of it's hands, in an eerie magenta color. Sonic watched as the creature goes on all fours for a brief moment, snarling at him.
"A Nightmare." Sonic spoke finally, backing away slowly from the beast.
The Nightmare was unsure if the Werehog is it's ally, since it's half Nightmare like them, but half human. Though the Nightmare was confused on why it isn't human, but whatever isn't infested with Dark Gaia energy is the enemy nonetheless.
"Look, pal," The Werehog stuttered, faking a smile. "I don't wanna start anything, alright? Just because I don't wanna be like you that doesn't mean you wanna pick a fight, right? I mean we're both Nightmares, yet we both have our differences! That makes sense, right??"
All the Nightmare could do was growl quietly at the startled teen.
His ears pinned down to his head. That didn't work.
My Nightmare wouldn't trust you so easily considering your appearance, but until you find a human or more, and transfer your energy to them, you will gain the Nightmare's trust.
"Good luck with that." Sonic says, backing up more. "Ever since I defeated Robotnik, my duty is to protect the people I care about! To be a hero! And because of you, the whole town thinks I'm a monster!"
The Nightmare slowly began to approach the Werehog, snarling at him and preparing to attack.
"As long as I stay here in the woods, I won't bother anyone again. And I don't care if you can control me, I will find a way to snap out of it like before and keep my family and town safe! Like a real hero I am!!"
The Nightmare then lets out a loud, glass shattering screech of a roar and pounced on the Werehog, ready to bite his head off. Sonic let out a yell trying to push this creature off of him.
It's mouth was filled with fangs just begging to rip something apart. It continued screaming at the Werehog, trying to attack, but Sonic kept fighting back, trying his best to remain calm and not go feral like last time.
"Get! Off! Of! Me!" He strained, pushing as hard as he can.
He groaned loudly, using all his strength to push this beast off. With a cry, he lands a big punch on the Nightmare's stomach, sending it flying a few feet away from Sonic.
The Nightmare collapsed on the ground and Sonic quickly got back up on his feet. His eyes were huge and his mouth was agape. "Holy crap..." He stared at his humongous hands and a big smile slowly crept back on his muzzle for the first time since forever.
He began to laugh out loud with pride and excitement, running in circles on all fours. "OH, MY GOD, ARE YOU SERIOUS?! THAT WAS SO FREAKING COOL!"
He then came to a halt, and looked down at his hands again, unaware that his tail is wagging fast like a hyperactive dog. "I didn't know I was that strong! HAHA! In your face, Nightmare!"
The lizard like creature got back up and turned to the Werehog, incredibly furious now.
"Uh oh." His joy quickly vanished the moment the Nightmare glared right at him. "Probably too early to celebrate."
You made quite a mistake. You should run.
"I'd rather stay here. So that way, no one can get hurt but the real enemy." Sonic got back on his hands and feet, preparing to attack the Nightmare.
He took a deep, long breath, calming himself down, before opening his eyes, which are no longer glowing, and back to it's usual emerald green windows of the soul of a hero he used to be.
A hero he still is.
He smirked his traditional smirk. "Come and get me." He called out in a cocky tone.
The Nightmare charged at the now confident beast with another loud shriek before suddenly they were kicked in the face by someone's foot, making it tumble to the ground just inches away from Sonic.
"What the-?!" Before he could react, in front of was the person, who attacked the Nightmare, landing back on his feet.
Sonic gasped and got back on his feet, taking a step back.
The Donut Lord himself turned to face his fluffy friend, with a tired but big smile. "Hey, bud." He said, panting.
"Thomas!" Another voice cried out from the distance. It was Maddie, the Pretzel Lady.
"We're right behind ya!" Crazy Carl was there too, also catching up with the sheriff.
"Maddie?! Carl?!" Sonic was relieved, yet shocked to see the three humans in the same forest as him out of all things. "What are you guys doing here?!"
"Saving your butt, that's what!" Tom try to stand up straight, taking some deep breaths, while being comforted by Maddie.
"But... B-But..." Ears bent back and tail flopping down to the ground, the Werehog stepped away further, feeling unprepared and scared now.
Perfect timing.
"No! You shut up right now, dude! I am NOT in the mood to deal with you!" He yelled at a tree, which was kind of random to everyone involved except Crazy Carl.
"Sonic?" Maddie said, one eye brow raised.
"Uhhh, haha... That was nothing." He chuckled.
They're here. Now... Do it.
"NO! I WON'T! Get out of my head!" Sonic cried out once again to nothing at all, which is worrying Tom and Maddie.
"Sonic, who are you talking too?!" Tom said, trying to reach out to the Werehog.
"it's Dark Gaia." Carl said. "It's communicating with him since he's half Nightmare. He's trying to fight back it's control."
The couple looked at each other and nodded, knowing what to do next. "Carl, you distract that... Thing, me and Maddie will go comfort our kid!"
"You got it!" Carl gives a thumbs up and ran towards the Nightmare. "Just don't get hurt, alright?" Tom said.
"I'll be fine! I got what I need to fend mahself!" He said, pulling out a flashlight. The Nightmare was about to attack Carl, but he began to shut the flashlight on and off rapidly at the creature, blinding him constantly with light.
It shrieked loudly, covering it's eyes. "Go on! Get! Get!!" He yelled at the creature, not stopping the blinking light anytime soon.
"Guess that'll do." Maddie said, with Tom nodding in agreement. They both run off to see Sonic, shaking his head violently.
"Go away! GO! AWAY!" He cried.
Last warning, Sonic. Do as I say, or I'll make you.
He then punch a hole through the tree. He yelped, not meaning to do that.
"Sonic! Buddy, you need to calm down! Dark Gaia's in your head!" Tom said, cautiously approaching him. "You think I don't know that?!" Sonic barked at the sheriff, nearly scaring him.
He gasped, realizing what he had done. "N-No! You shouldn't be here! Leave before I-!"
"We are not leaving you, young hedgehog!" Maddie said, placing her hand on his hairy arm.
His eyes grew in fear.
He lightly punched Maddie to the ground. She winced, feeling scrapes on her arm. She sat up, holding onto her arm. Tom ran up to her and placed his hands on her cheeks. "Maddie! Are you okay?"
The Werehog couldn't be any more frightened. He hurt her like he did before back at the house. "Nononononono! NO! GET OUT OF HERE!"
"Please! I don't want to hurt you!" He screamed, feeling tears stinging his eyes.
"Uhhh, guys? The flashlight's not working!" Carl said, waving his "weapon" quickly before seeing the Nightmare snarl at him. He stuffed his weapon back in his pocket and ran to the group. "We need to run someplace else before-!"
"THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!" Maddie shrieked.
"Too late."
A couple more Nightmares slowly crept through and out of the shadows. They were nearly surrounding the four. Carl put up his fists, ready to beat up some monsters, Tom and Maddie held each other's hands and Sonic was out of breath.
I am out of patience.
Oh no, here comes the stupid headache.
The hedgehog cried out, holding his head, fighting back the control. "GO...! AWAY...! I DON'T WANT TO...! H-HURT MY..." He groaned loudly, tears streaming down his light blue muzzle.
The couple looked behind them to see their kid crying in fear. "Sonic!' They both shouted.
The sun will rise soon and you will be my puppet! You will obey!!
When Sonic opened his glowing eyes, he looked up to see the horrified Tom and Maddie.
The sight weakened him at first but...
Looking at them for long enough...
They weren't running away. They were blocking the Nightmares' way of trying to reach to him, even Carl. He wasn't running away either. Well, it's Crazy Carl, of course he's not running away.
But Tom and Maddie...
These people who gave him their home and look out for him for months...
Now seeing him as some slightly bigger monster, who ruined a bank and beat up a bully, didn't run off.
They weren't scared of him. They were scared of losing him.
After all this time, he thought he frightened them because of his appearance. They were really just worried for his well being?
But he's a Werehog.
...But to them, he's still their hedgehog.
The ringing faded. The pain faded. The control faded.
Sonic got back up, completely ignoring Dark Gaia's control. He exhaled a shaky, but determined breath as he opens his eyes, no longer glowing slime green, but this time, the electric bright blue.
Lightning began to bounce off his quills, back to their normal blue color. Tom, Maddie and Carl back away a few steps, knowing exactly what's about to happen.
The Nightmares took notice and kept their glowing eyes on their new target; the traitor.
Once more, he smirked.
What the hell is this?! You are under my control!! How is this possible?!
"Plain and simple, really... I'm in control now."
Then, with a burst of speed, the Werehog punched a hole through one of the Nightmares, and it screeched out to the heavens. Tom and Maddie gasped loudly, seeing the scene unfold.
"Oh, I love where this is goin'." Carl said, smiling finally.
He pulled his fist out of the lizard beast's chest, and landed another punch but to it's face, knocking it out completely. It fell to the ground motionless, and faded away like dust.
"Who's next?!" Sonic announced loudly to the crowd the Nightmares with an iconic smile on his face.
They all hiss at him before charging at him. One of them tried to scratch him but he dodged quick enough for the Nightmare to attack the ground instead. He grabbed it's horn and shoved it's head in the ground.
Then he landed a dozen punches at another one before landing a heavy kick to the face, defeating it completely. Sonic continued going all out on the monsters one by one, some both at once.
Tom, Maddie and Carl watched as each and every Nightmare fall to the grass and evaporate to the winds. "Go, Sonic! Come on! Get their asses!" The sheriff cheered. Maddie lightly shoved his elbow. How dare he swore in front of their hedgehog-werewolf child.
It felt like hours, but the Werehog wouldn't stop until every last Nightmare in the woods was completely down and out.
Then, one last Nightmare of the group tried to ambush him, creeping slowly and growling quietly. Maddie took notice of the monster and gasped.
"SONIC!" She cried.
He put his head up, feeling someone, or something, behind him.
Before the Nightmare even got a chance to pounce of him from a distance, the Werehog took a quick turn and STRETCHED his arm right at the creature at scary speed, impaling it.
Sonic just stared at his now stretched out arm, that was probably as long as a canoe. He blinked a couple of times. "...This form never fails to surprise me in so many ways." He said, flabbergasted.
The Nightmare goes limp and Sonic pulled his arm out and it goes back to it's original length. He was still wondering how he could do that. Probably a Nightmare thing.
As he looked back at the monster he knocked out, it faded away.
Finally, all the Nightmares are gone.
Sonic stood there for a moment for a few seconds, calming himself, before he turned to his left to see Tom, Maddie and Crazy Carl. They all looked so relieved to see him okay and proud that he took care of the Nightmares.
At first, he was relieved and happy with himself, glad he protected his friends and took out the enemies. But...
He frowned and looked away for a second, feeling guilty about the situation he caused earlier. He sat down, both of his hands placed down on the ground. His ears drooped and so did his fluffy tail.
He looked back up at the humans to see their concerned faces. "You can go now..." He sadly spoke.
"No way." Tom said, walking up to him. "We're not leaving you out here."
Sonic was startled to see Tom approach him so quickly. "Y-You should! I-I was causing trouble in town, I couldn't control myself at first! ...I even hurt Karen... She was a jerk but she didn't deserve..." His lips began to tremble.
"Honey..." Maddie goes up to the Werehog along with Carl.
"I looked like a monster back there... I am a monster..." Once again, tears were working back up. "You were so... terrified. Y-You were scared of me!"
Tom and Maddie couldn't feel more heartbroken.
"Y-You don't have to be here... Please, just go... I don't want to hurt you..." He choked, turning away and walking off, until Tom held onto his giant hand.
"Buddy..." Tom began, showing such a genuine, yet sad, smile. "Back at the house, we were afraid at first that you would lose yourself completely, but of course, you were still your ol' self, chasing down a cat instead of trying to attack us."
The Werehog was still facing down at his socks.
"Shocked about what happened, but still worried for your safety, me and Maddie went out to find you. To make sure you're okay." He continued. "I'm kind of glad you didn't see how Maddie reacted during the whole search. The poor thing couldn't help but talk about how worried she was about you."
"But not as worried as Tom." Maddie came in, kneeling down to face Sonic at his level. "We were both scared for you, despite those... drastic changes you had. We were hoping you didn't run out of town on your own again..."
"But..." He croaked. "I hurt someone..."
"You didn't mean to." Tom said. "You never meant that. It was Dark Gaia messing with you. Carl saw everything too and he told us everything."
"It's true." Carl added.
"We were lucky to find you out here. It was the first place Carl believed you'd run into. I was afraid you might come across any danger, though." The Donut Lord said, patting his shoulder, comforting the Werehog.
Sonic slowly raises his head to see Maddie and Tom, showing a smile on their face.
A relieved smile.
A loving smile.
He smiled back. Just a small smile, though.
"You're not mad at me? Or scared of me?" He stuttered out the question.
"Hey," Tom spoke. "Werewolf hedgehog hybrid or not, you're still our Sonic Wachowski. You've always have been since the day you saw your room for the first time. Since then, you've always been part of our family."
"And we'll do all we can to make sure nothing bad will happen to you, and we guarantee we'll get that Light Gaia's Bracelet in time before sunrise." Maddie added.
"...Really?" Sonic said, a brief glimmer of hope shinned from his emerald eyes.
There was a small pause, a pause of the small family looking at each other. Despite all the chaos that happened, their still together. They will always be together.
The pause was interrupted by a hoarse, but gleeful chuckle from Sonic himself. "You guys love me too much."
"Well, it's better than that than none at all, right?" The sheriff said. "Like I said, your feelings matter, and they always will, silly."
Looking back on that Halloween night, during the end of their trick or treating journey were words similar to what Tom had said. And he was right.
Hedgehog, Werehog, whatever, his feelings, and him as a whole, are important to these couple of humans in front of him. The very humans that got his back since forever.
Another wet chuckle escaped from his mouth. His smile was more wide than a while ago.
Then, Tom's smile grew afterwards.
"...What?" Sonic tilted his head slightly.
"I'm sorry." Tom said, looking away for one second before erupting into small laughter. Sonic was caught off guard by the sudden laughter and just stared at Maddie, who was also showing off a big smile.
"I'm so sorry, Sonic, you're just adorable." Tom finally managed to speak out.
"Wait, WHAT?!" Sonic screamed, backing off a few steps. "I'm what now?! Excuse me, buddy, but I am NOT adorable! Especially as the Werehog! I mean, look at me! What do you mean 'I'm adorable??'"
"From what I was told, werewolves are supposed to be ferocious, but you, sir..." Maddie says, beginning to reach out for his ears. He squealed and backed off even more, who is now right next to Carl.
"Don't even think about it, you two! I am not adorable, alright?!'' He warned them, trying to act tough, but it was useless.
"Compared to Ozzie, you look like an alien hedgehog version of a puppy! You ARE adorable." She says, finally being able to place her hands behind Sonic's ear.
"Don't do it."
From the look of Maddie's smug smile, she'll definitely do it.
The scratching from behind the ears finally commenced, and the Werehog's eyes grew in fear. He shall not be treated like some sort of puppy. He's not a puppy, and he is certainly not adorable-
Oh no. It feels good.
After just seconds of getting scratched, a goofy grin crept on Sonic's face and tried not to laugh, feeling ticklish. "Y-You guys are the worst!" He says between giggles.
Curse his back ears for being good weak spots.
His tail was wagging again as the ear scratchies continued, and Sonic's laughter was louder this time. "Aww, you like it, don't ya Sonic?" Tom asked.
"Q-Quit it! Hahaha!" Even though he sort of hated getting ear scratches, he needed this laugh after everything that had happened during this night.
The night was full of chaos on so many levels, he needed something to lift his spirits. Tom and Maddie were they to lift those spirits alright, but not with ear scratches!
At least he feels better finally after so long.
Eventually, Maddie stopped tickling the back of Sonic's ear and the Werehog tried to stop himself from laughing. "I-I'm sorry, give me one second-! Haha!" He snorted.
The couple just looked so happy to see and hear their hedgehog laugh again.
Carl was satisfied to see the Blue Devil cheered right back up again, but his thoughts were right back to Dark Gaia, and the fact that it's almost morning.
"I don't mean to ruin your moment, but..." He says, pointing out to the sky. The three looked up to see the dark sky becoming brighter slowly.
The sun is beginning to rise.
"Uh oh..." All of that laughter quickly washed away the moment he looked up at the sky, seeing most of the stars going away in seconds.
"If we hurry, we'll still have time to search for that Bracelet." Carl noted. "We can't waste any more time at this point."
"...Right." Tom says, getting back up.
Maddie gets up along with him. "Since you know so much about Dark Gaia, and probably Light Gaia, where do you think the bracelet is?" She asks.
"The heart of the forest of Green Hills. ...Hopefully." Carl sighed.
"Then come on!" Sonic says, jumping right back up on his feet as well. "We gotta get moving before those Nightmare jerks show up again!"
"And make sure you don't go crazy." Carl added.
"Right. That too..." He said, briefly looking down at his claws. He knew Dark Gaia isn't gone from his mind forever, and since the sun is rising soon, he needs to hurry this up before he loses his senses completely.
Or worse, hurt his family.
"Lead the way, Crazy Carl."
"Don't have to tell me twice, ya Blue Devil."
Carl runs off, with Maddie and Tom following him. Sonic stays behind for a while, looking down to the ground, feeling uncertain. His stomach was feeling uneasy.
You will not ignore me again.
"Heh. I was wondering when you were gonna show up." He spoke out to Dark Gaia.
You were lucky... somehow, but you won't take control for too long. The sun is rising, and you will fall, and be one with Dark Gaia.
A low, yet calm growl as let out by the space hog.
Soon, when the time comes, my darkness will reign over the Earth, as intended. No more retched light that burns upon my wondrous shadows. My energy will never be rid of. You are powerless against me.
"Maybe so," He spoke. "but Light Gaia sure isn't."
Then he dashed off, catching up with Tom, Maddie and Carl.
At the perfect moment, you will give me what I want.
"HEY! OVER HERE!" Carl cried out from the distance. The couple and the Werehog turned to see Carl looking over from behind a bush.
They push aside the leaves to see a small circle of gravel surrounding a tiny metal arch stabbing against the ground, front and center of a tall stone tablet of sorts, slowly breaking down after centuries of being there out in the open, and writings of an unknown language.
"Is that...?" Is all Sonic could say, looking out at the small half ring on the ground.
"It appears to be." Carl responds.
The group walks out of the bush and approaches the area with great caution. Looking around, including Sonic, for any Nightmares lurking in the dark.
Carl crouched down to take a good look at the ring. "Oh, yeah. This is the one, alright." Carl's smile was forming behind that bushy beard of his.
"The Light Gaia's Bracelet! We found it!" Sonic exclaimed, pumping both fists in the air. But the victorious feeling faded away for a while when a thought came.
"It looks really stuck in there, though..." He wondered out loud. "We can get it out. Right, guys?"
They all nodded.
"I'll do it." Tom says, going down on one knee. "Just be careful, Tom." Maddie, placed his hand on his shoulder, worried that he might pulled a bone or two.
"He'll be fine. He's the strongest guy I know!" Said the Werehog.
"We can't rush, but we need to get this wrapped up. The sun's almost here." Tom looked down at his watch.
It read 6:24AM.
Tom grab a hold of the bracelet with both of his hands and pulled hard. He grunted loudly, trying to get it off the ground as fast as possible.
Only a few itches of the bracelet got off the ground. Tom was already out of breath, but kept pulling anyways. "I'm helping." Maddie says, kneeling down and holding onto the bracelet next to Tom.
"Don't break it." Sonic says, feeling more impatient and nervous by the minute, waiting for something to pop out from behind the trees.
He nearly forgot about it.
Light is upon us. Now.
"Oh, no. Nonononono...!!" The throbbing pain was making a return. Dark Gaia is gaining back control. "NO! NOT NOW!" He pleaded through his teeth.
"Sonic! Remain calm! It's gonna be alright!" Carl held Sonic's arm tightly, hoping that someone's touch can help him snap out of it. "Remember that we got your back, Blue Devil!"
"GET... OUT... OF MY... HEAD...!" The Werehog growled quiet enough for the monster themself to hear. Blue sparks pop out his quills slowly.
Your power will be a great cause to my army. You will fall to my grasp and become part with Dark Gaia!
"Never... In a million years... You MONSTER!" Sonic barked.
"Any time now." Carl demanded calmly as the couple still struggled to pull the bracelet out of the ground.
But with enough strength, it was beginning to become more lose by the second, until finally...
"GAAGH!" With a loud grunt, Tom and Maddie managed to pull the bracelet free, revealing the full Light Gaia's Bracelet.
A huge, shiny, silver bracelet with some sort of click on the bottom, shows off a small bright emerald green orb on the top.
"The Bracelet...!" Sonic spoke weakly.
"Gaaagh!!" He screamed out, catching Tom and Maddie's attention.
"NOW!" Yelled out Carl.
Tom, with the bracelet in hand, ran up to the hedgehog and snapped it open for it to be big enough to fit him. "Hold still. You're going to be okay."
Carl moved Sonic's arm over to the sheriff but he kept trying to attack. "N-NO...! STOP...!"
"Hold still, little buddy." Tom kept saying, holding onto his kid's arm as he tries to put the bracelet on him. Dark Gaia's energy was getting stronger at this rate, and the transformation's second stage was about to start.
Now or never.
"Please work." Tom prayed under his breath as he snapped the bracelet back on, holding tightly on the Werehog's arm.
YOU WILL NOT- ... ...
It's voice stopped suddenly.
The pain faded away.
Sonic blinked.
Then, in an immediate second afterwards, a big burst of light shot out of Sonic's chest, unlike the first time he transformed, it was a bright green light, shooting out into the sky and through the clouds.
His eyes were glowing white, and was arisen off the ground as the energy of Dark Gaia was getting sucked out completely. The Light Gaia's Energy from within the bracelet's crystal emerges to erase Dark Gaia's.
The sickening dark purple smoke rose from out of the hedgehog's body and slowly disappear into the crystal, trapping and ridding Dark Gaia's Energy for good.
A blinding flash emits out of the hedgehog, and Tom, Maddie and Carl covered their sight for a while. "What's happening?!" Pretzel Lady cried out.
"Don't worry! This was supposed to happen!" Carl said.
Eventually, the flash and the beam was gone, and Sonic, who was high up in the air, began plummeting to the ground. Tom gasped and ran up to the falling hedgehog and let him fall into his arms, safe and sound.
"Buddy?! Are you alright?!" He asked, worry in his tone.
The space hog could only groan in response for a while, as he slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a couple of times before looking up to see his friend, his eyes now fully adjusted.
"Tom?" He finally said.
A small, relieved laugh escaped from the Donut Lord.
Sonic sits up, still in the sheriff's arms, looking around himself. "Hang on a second..." Blue, skinnier and less hairier arms? Check. Hands and paws back to normal? Check. Quills back to their usual style? Check.
"It... It worked! IT WORKED!" He yelled out, excitement and need for speed finally back into play. He jumped out of Tom's arms and ran around in a circle millions of times in lightning speed, laughing and cheering.
"WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!" He shrieked out his happiness for the whole world to hear, glad to finally be back to normal.
Tom, Maddie and Carl all laugh lightly, watching the little hedgehog run around the area and dance around a bit, never feeling more energetic in his life.
"Sonic the Hedgehog is back, baby! WHOOP WHOOP!" He exclaimed, doing a back-flip before stepping on a rock that nearly stabbed his foot. "Ow! Ow, ow, ow! That hurt! That really hurt! Ow!"
He painfully stepped away and checked on his foot, only to notice that both of his socks have giant holes underneath now. His socks are ruined. "Awww, man... Come on..." He whined.
His socks weren't the only things that were ruined, though. He even noticed he wasn't wearing gloves. They were ruined too. "Seriously...? Now I gotta get a new pair..."
"It's alright buddy," Tom says with a small chuckle. "we'll buy you some new gloves and socks later today. ...Right after I take a quick nap."
At the right moment, the sun was shining through the leaves of the trees. Morning has arrived.
Sonic was extremely relieved the whole supernatural mess is over with. Glad to not hear Dark Gaia's voice bugging him, and especially glad to not deal with the whole Werehog look.
"Thank goodness..." He sighed heavily. "It's finally over."
"Right?" Maddie was exhausted, yet happy to take care of the situation. "Couldn't have done it without your help, Carl. Thanks."
"Hey. It was a pleasure of mine to help out some friends." Carl said. "I'm just glad your little Blue Devil was back to normal just in time."
"You and me both, man." Donut Lord laughed, tiredly. "Though... I should probably let the town know about what was going on with Sonic."
"Definitely." Carl, Maddie and Sonic all said in agreement. "I especially owe Karen an apology." Sonic said, scratching the back of his head. The beat last for a short time when he chuckled suddenly. "But I highly doubt she'll even listen to me, so what's the point? Haha!"
"It's gonna be a long day for me, that's for sure..." Tom let out a tired sigh, needing some sleep despite needing to check up on the town and the people in it.
"Still..." Sonic began. "That sure was an adventure. I seriously thought I was gonna be the Werehog forever! I thought you'll all be too afraid of me..." He cupped his hands together, still feeling guilty about what happened a few hours ago.
"We were never afraid of you, bud." Tom kneeled down, placing a hand on his shoulder and patting him, comforting him.
That silly little cocky smile of Sonic's appeared on his muzzle. "Says the one who use a tranq dart on me. Ha!"
"It was an accident! Ugh, are you EVER gonna get over that?"
"Of course not."
The two goofballs laughed away, going in for a little hug. They needed this laugh. After a long night.
They needed this moment.
They're both glad to be part of this moment.
"Welp, I'm glad I get to help, but I should get back to my RV." Carl said. "Happy for you, Blue Devil. Welcome back."
The hedgehog's smile couldn't get any more huge than it already was. "Thanks, pal."
"I'll see ya'll later!" Carl waved goodbye before leaving, heading back to the woods. Tom got back up on his feet and walked over to Maddie. "You alright, hon?" He held her hand.
She took a deep breath, rubbing her thumbs against the back of his hand. "I'm okay... I'm okay." She said quietly, tears nearly forming in her eyes.
"I know that mess was pretty, well, messy, but it's all good now, okay? Sonic's still here. He's safe."
"Yeah, guys! No need to get yourself worked up!" Sonic said, winking. "I'm not going anywhere! Don't you worry!"
Then, a big, long yawn escaped from the hedgehog's mouth. After a restless journey as the Werehog and searching for the Light Gaia's Bracelet, he never felt so exhausted in a long time.
"I can't believe I stayed up all night..." He mumbled to himself, rubbing his eyes. "I really need to get some sleep..."
"Yeah, we should probably head back home." Maddie said, shuffling some of her hair out of her face, still feeling like a wreck after the whole Werehog thing.
"Good idea." Tom agreed. ruffling up his hair for a bit.
Tom and Maddie looked out to the forest, figuring out where they entered and where they should leave. "The whole town must be loosing their crap right now. I bet Wade couldn't sleep after hearing all the commotion." She mentioned.
"Haha! Yeah, probably." The sheriff laughed.
"I think the closest route to Green Hills is this way?" Maddie guessed, looking out to her right. "Let's go." She goes off.
Tom was about to follow her but then noticed that someone in the group was missing. "Sonic?" He looked around for a second before seeing the speed demon asleep, completely out, snoring away on the grass and his head was in his arms, already drooling on his hand.
He huffed a quiet chuckle, finding the sight quite cute, but he needs to be sleeping on a real bed.
He approached the sleepy hedgehog and kneel down to place a hand on Sonic. "Sonic? Buddy." He shook slightly, trying to wake him up. A small grumble was the only response.
"Sonic. Wake up, little buddy. Buddy?"
"Come on, little dude. It's time to get up. Wake up, Sonic."
"Nooooo... Five more minutes." Sonic groaned, trying to go back to sleep.
"It's almost past nine, I don't want you to sleep through the whole day."
"Wuh...? It's not past nine, I thought it was six or somethin', I don't know, lemme sleep..." He mumbled on before dozing off again, snuggling against his pillow.
...Wait a minute, pillow?!
"Hold up!" He cried, sitting up with a start. "What happened?! How did I get here?! How long was I asleep for?!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down, Blue Devil." Tom placed his hand back on the hedgehog's shoulder. "What's wrong?"
"I-I just fell asleep! In the woods! How did I end up here?" He asked, half asleep and confused about his surroundings. He was just at the forest a few seconds ago, what the heck happened?
"You weren't asleep in the woods?"
"Uhh, yeah, I was. You were there, and so was Maddie and Carl."
"Did you seriously forgot about the whole Werehog shtick or something? I thought- Wait. My gloves!" His hands suddenly caught his attention away from Tom.
"I got my gloves back! But how...?" Sonic is really confused on what's happening.
"Buddy, slow down. It's okay." Tom chuckled. "You just had a bad dream."
There was a beat. The hedgehog turned to face the Tom and blinked. Multiple times. "What? What do you mean? I-I thought I transformed into the Werehog and fought those weird lizard creatures and stuff! That didn't happen...?"
"Nope. None of that stuff happened. It was just Carl's story getting into your head." He said, patting his head. "It was only a dream, little buddy. You're alright."
"Man..." Sonic sighed. "It was just a dream? The whole time? Phew..." He rests his head back on his pillow. "At least I didn't actually hurt anybody. That was crazy!"
"Sounded like it."
"I'll admit," He said. "most parts of that dream was pretty cool but for the most part, it was kind of... Spooky." A small smile crept on his muzzle saying the last word.
"Definitely never eating Halloween candy before bed again." He said to himself, sighing in relief once more, looking up at the ceiling.
"I knew the candy had something to do with that nightmare of yours." Tom suddenly said.
The space hog's eyes grew wide open.
He sat up straight and faked a very nervous laugh. "I-I mean, I didn't eat any candy! That was probably a dream too!"
"You mean these?" Tom asked, before putting down a small pile of empty candy wrappers in front of Sonic. He gulped and audible gulp.
"Ohh, boy."
"Thought you pretty clever, huh hedgehog?"
The hedgehog sighed and pushed aside the pile of candy wrappers, feeling silly. "At least the candies were delicious."
"You are just like me when I was your age, I swear..." Tom laughed as he takes the wrappers and puts them in Sonic's trash bag, and placed it back next to his bedside table.
"Guess you learned your lesson, huh?"
"Yeah. I just couldn't wait to eat all that candy! I'm sorry, Donut Lord." He scratched the back of his head, looking at his feet.
"Don't worry about it. The important thing is that you didn't eat ALL of the candy."
The hedgehog looked up at his friend for a moment and smiled. He sighed again. "I still can't believe that whole thing was just a dream! It felt so real! The transformation, those creatures, the action, everything! Kind of feel a little bummed out that it wasn't real..."
"Really? Kind of thought you'd be a little frightened after a dream like that." Tom said.
"It had some good moments! I was kicking some butt back there! It was actually kind of cool!" He beamed. "I was protecting you, Maddie and Carl from those Nightmare freaks and I was SUPER strong! And my arms can stretch! I didn't even know Nightmares could do that!"
"Uhh, last time I checked, Nightmares can't stretch their arms."
"...Oh. I guess my dream was just throwing in some new ideas." He giggled.
Sonic kicks off the sheets, and sat on the edge of his racecar bed. "So... Dark Gaia really was just a ghost story?" He asked.
"That's right." Tom replied. "But you know something? Even if we hear some silly ghost story, and think it's just simply a story, sometimes it just plays with our heads. Happened to me when I was younger when I first heard about Dark Gaia."
"It was a pretty spooky story, I'll admit."
"Yeah, but our imagination can get creative in a lot of ways. And I can tell that yours is very creative." He said with a smile.
Creative. Sonic knew his dreams were wild and fun, sometimes weird and maybe creepy, but he never thought about his dreams being creative.
His Werehog adventure was neat, and very spooky, but a lot of fun looking back at it. It sounded like a great ghost story on it's own. Plus, it's part werewolf part hedgehog. How could anyone not like that idea?
"Creative, huh...? Y'know, Tom? I think I have an whole new idea on my costume for next Halloween." He said, already taking notes in his head for the best Werehog costume ever.
It'll just have to wait until next year.
The end
Happy Halloween!!
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000marie198 · 2 months
Werehog Sonic and Mangey play-wrestling.
Squealing over here this is so adorable! Aaahhhhh
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whisper-and-tangle · 1 year
passes you . an ice cream
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wereh0gz · 2 years
Am I the only one who gets really annoyed when ppl treat Sonic's alternate forms as separate characters
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plutounknown · 1 year
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saline-coelacanth · 2 years
I'm thinking about posting a one shot I wrote a while ago about Sonic still being a werehog and Shadow finding out about it as a sort of celebration for the fact that I've been playing through Unleashed for the first time with my boyfriend but the problem is I don't have a name for it and I also wanted to post if on my ao3 and if I do that I want it to have a proper name you know?
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Summary: Shadie leads a very domestic life in Spiral Hill. She enjoys waking up early and spending time with her friends at the mineral museum. It's like all her pain and suffering has come to an end and is nothing but an old scar. But sometimes old wounds can reopen. And who would've guessed a monster of the night was the one to heal her wounds for good?
Honestly, I don't advertise this story enough augh- So anyways, this is a Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Werehog story I'm currently dedicating all of my free time to I have written werehog stories in the past but I have never completed them, I intend for this to be the first one to be fully written and complete by next year
I honestly can't believe this is my first time writing a serious story for the Werehog, I have too much of a softspot for him, he's just a floofy puppy hgsdklsawioev
And anyways, I do hope everyone enjoys this fic and pray that i actually finish it for you all! I am making a promise this will be finished!
I would love to hear some feedback or just any comments you guys have for the story. It's only just started but I feel like a broken record I really do want it to go somewhere, I have plenty planned! This is really all I have today, so I'll see you folks around ^^
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rooftop--runner · 2 years
It only took one werehog centric fanfic and now I can’t stop thinking about sonic unleashed
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thegl0bgl0gabgalab · 2 months
A little sudden, but a teensy tiny brainworm burrowed into my head, and now I offer you Ignoring the “No Pets” Policy
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yellowvixen · 5 months
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week 17: hug
(inspired by the fic "to fear a werehog")
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piko-power · 1 year
There's not enough Werehog!Sonic Wachowski fics in the world...
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000marie198 · 11 months
Was reading a werehog fic and just saw the Hunters Moon from the window
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whisper-and-tangle · 1 year
i wrote a. fanfiction
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