#werewolves destiny
sognareleggiesogna · 2 months
REVIEW TOUR: Le fasi dell'amore di CoraLee June
Cari Sognatori, Lily ha letto il terzo volume della serie fantasy romance Werewolves destiny, scritto da CoraLee June e pubblicato dalla Heartbeat Edizioni !!! SERIE: Werewolves destiny GENERE: Fantasy romance EBOOK / CARTACEO Affiliati Amazon Ero un alfa. Una compagna amorevole. Una ragazza trascinata in un mondo crudele. Sono scappata, ma non senza conseguenze. Con una risoluta forza della…
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vmplvr1977 · 24 days
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Chapter 26 of Whims/Winds of Fate/ Destiny is posted!!!
Most couples have a quaint tale of how their relationship began. A meet-cute, of sorts, where two people destined to be together, whether as friends or lovers, share a random moment that changes everything. Usually, it is bumping into a stranger and spilling a drink all over their new shirt. Or two people who pass each other only moments apart at the same coffee shop for years before fate finally intervenes.
Clarke's first meeting with Lexa was nothing like the movies. Nor was it a tale to share with friends and family without extensive revisions. Still, it was clear that destiny had brought them together.
A serial killer is on the loose, and the bodies left behind suggest a vampire is the culprit. Hoping to avoid a war with Heda's vampires, Abby sends Clarke to investigate, resulting in a fateful meeting. Following their steamy introduction, Clarke can't get the Vampire Queen out of her mind. Once known for being a player, the alpha ignores all potential paramours, hoping to win Heda's heart as fate forces them together to hunt a murderer.
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laur-rants · 8 months
My Print Store is now OPEN!
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With new prices for 2024, as well as new prints! I will be adding to this store as the year goes on, as I hope to add more original work to the store as I complete it! Things you can look forward to this year:
Fanart illustrations Digital illustrations Linocut prints Woodblock prints (!!) Original Painting prints
And more!
Shipping is currently only in North America; I will be adding international shipping in a few months, if only to examine pricing and what to expect over time. These are also not going through a drop-ship site, but instead my own website, so please give a few weeks for processing! I have to print some of these by hand, you know.
Thank you for supporting my work, and I hope to bring more to everyone very soon!
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taffydragondraws · 1 year
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Can't believe I got through all that Captain Scarlet stuff without mentioning once how I had him turn into a werewolf in a fancomic
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lavenderarts · 1 year
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Dropping all my attacks/revenges from this year's ArtFight on your dashboards.. I had so much fun this year WAHH
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softerhaze · 2 years
mentioning inés reminded me that i actually played that challenge for quite a while after I stopped posting it?? omg but when akira and inés announced to her mom that she was preggers this happened:
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and i literally haven't stopped thinking about it since lmfao, it KILLS me
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madeofcc · 10 months
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DH MELODIA : CHAPTER 3 : Dancing On My Own
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[transcript and musical part description ]
MILO : Well everyone, ain't no moutain high enough for sure for these two ! We actually should bring the jazz back don't you think ? Isn't it refreshing ? Anyway, love seems to be around every corner, especially today right ?
MILO : Oh ! I have a special guest coming at the studio so I guess this is the best time for our commercial break ! I know, this sucks but you know the deal, no free show without commercials !
Milo on the mic will be right back !
MILO : Hey you [he kisses him]
LOU : Hey …
MILO : Your show was awesome this morning, as usual
LOU : Thanks ! So ... What's happening us this couple of months was nice ... But ...
MILO : You don't have to ...
??? : Lou Howell ! That show was dope ! I told you I only date winners !
Lou: Hehe ! Thanks babe !
Milo : Hello ...
??? : And bye ! Sorry we don't have time for your ... Anyway ... Come on babe !
MILO : I guess it always end up like that huh ? … Somebody said you got a new friend ♫ Does she love you better than I can ? ♫ There's some big black sky over my town ♫ I know where you at, I bet she's around ♫ Yeah I know it's stupid, but I just got to see it, for myself ♫ I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, oh, oh-oh And I'm right over here, why can't you see me? Oh, oh-oh And I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the guy you're taking home Ooh-ooh-ooh, I keep dancing on my own
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hiseumingo · 1 year
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My attack on @jarhingeart !
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rail-of-light · 1 year
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First Friendly fire✨
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antlerlad · 1 year
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asthete and heulog for @verndusk and @rivaldi22. wamen
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wyrmswears · 2 years
happy halloween i drew athena cykes as a dog
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m-i-a · 1 year
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Artfight… soon… >:]
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vmplvr1977 · 3 months
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Chapter 25 of Whims is posted!! Read it here.
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marshii-marshii · 1 year
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ART FIGHT ATTACK #6 - attacking @\Verndusk on AF
character featured!
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qqchurch · 2 years
hold on a minute, how many “transfem vampire” plots are there already? I swear I’ve seen this specific trope pop up a bunch of times (often with the “becoming vampire” = “becoming girl” happening at the same time)
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desi2go · 4 months
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Pairing: werewolf!Felix x huntress!reader
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, mention of blood and weapons
Summary: You were a huntress, trained by the Artemis' nymphs to hunt werewolves. However, you weren't prepared to find ,our mate this way.
Author's note: Here it is! I enjoyed writing it and I hope you'll like it too. There is definitely another greek mythology fic with Hyunjin I'll start writing now.
Wild, untameble and strict. These were the words how you would describe the goddess of hunting, the forest, birth and the moon. As well as the guardian of women and children. Artemis. It was your destiny to follow her. You and all the other huntresses who were led by her.
In the past, for over thousands of years, her adherents were nymphs, female, semi-devine nature spirits. After Artemis had climbed Mount Olympus and no longer walked in the mortal world, the nymphs trained some young women who were willing to live up to her ideals. Staying virgins and to hunt creatures that don't belong in this world.
Werewolves. Offsprings from Lykaon who was turned into a wolf as a punishment by Zeus. The trained girls hunted them until they were old. Then, the nymphs will take new girls, never older than six years old, and the training starts again. This procedure went on for over thousands of years.
And one thing they imprint in the brain is staying a virgin. Artemis rejected men and was an eternal virgin. Once, a nymph was raped by Zeus. When the goddess found out, she was furious. She transformed her into a bear and hunted her down.
You were once a young girl that was taken by a nymph to a temple and was trained. Due to the young age, most girls took over the mindset of the nymphs, adopting the goal to hunt werewolves down and to kill them. They taught the children to fight at the age of eight. At first only with the bare hands, then with weapons, especially with bow and arrow since that were the prefered weapons of Artemis.
With the age of 20, the training stops and you become officially a hunter. You travel around the world, killing as much werewolves as you can over the years. And that almost completely unnoticed from the whole society. You were trained like that.
Tracing the steps of packs, following them and then, when the time is right, you kill them.
You were now 24 years old. For four years, you were now travelling, mostly in South Korea. Currently, you traced the steps of a pack near Seoul. As far as you knew, they were only male werewolves, eight in number.
The pack alpha was just two years older than you, while the youngest was one years younger.
Right now, you followed one of the werewolves through the forest. Werewolves had an incredible sense of smell, however, the nymphs provided the hunters some sort of potion that suppressed their scent. That way, you could easily hide and shoot the male without being noticed.
Taking a deep breath and one final step, you concentrated on your target. Unfortunately, you stepped on a twig that broke. The werewolf turned around, growling at you. You let the arrow fly through the air, the moment his glowy eyes targeted.
You jumped back, back so that you could bring some distance between you and the creature. The man yelped and whimpered painfully.
Another pair of footsteps was behind you.
"Shit" of course he wasn't alone. That would be too good. You ran. When the other werewolf found you that wouldn't end well. An angry and pissed wolf is no fun. His claws ripped through your jeans, leaving bloody marks and tackling you to the ground.
You rolled around and threw a dagger at the beast, jumping up as soon as he was distracted and leaved the forest, climbing into your old car.
In the small apartment that you rented for the time here, you disinfected the painful marks and took a shower. You knew that the other pack members will now search for you. They want to get revenge. Revenge for their pack member you shot. Well, he isn't dead yet since the arrows didn't hit the heart or the head.
But the arrows are laced with a poison with silver and wolfsbane. It was extremely painful and the person will die when they aren't treated properly.
You were on high alert all the time after the that. Due to the potion, they seemed to have problems in locating you. But still, a dagger was always in one of your pockets when you needed errands and stopped by a grocery shop.
With a big bag in hand, you got out of the shop, the other hand fiddling with the car keys. You managed to get the passenger door open and were just placing the bag on the seat when a hand shut it with force. Luckily, you managed to get your hand out just before the door fell shut.
"Seriously?" You exclaimed.
Immediately, you grabbed the dagger in your pocket but the person pushed you against the car while you turned around.
Even at night, you recognized the face.
"Hello there, Bang Chan. How can I help you?"
He pushed you against the car once more. "Save it, hunter. You hit one of my members."
"Jup. That was me. So he's still alive?"
He growled low. A slight threat.
"Yes, he is. And he will stay alive. Because you are going to help him"
A amused chuckle comes out of you. "Why do you assume that I will help? I'm a hunter. Not a vet"
"You don't get to decide" Claws digged into your back as he pushed you forward into the forest.
The walk was rather short and Bang's claws nicked you from time to time, reminding you that he was in force. And the big cottage came closer. That must be their pack house. A bulky alpha stood outside, eying you sharply. You were led upstairs into one room. There was another wolf, you assumed it was Yang Jeongin, the youngest due to his appearance.
In the middle of the room stood a huge bed and you immediately recognised the wolf that layed on it. It was the male that you had shot this morning.
Well, you can't deny that he wasn't pretty. Actually your type, wouldn't he be a beast. The black hair was a huge contrast to his pale, nearly white skin. His breath was uneven and from time to time, a small whimper leaves his lips.
"Help him, hunter. When you want to live a little longer" Bang exclaimed and took place next to Jeongin.
Well, there wasn't really a chance when you wanted to experience your next birthday. You took off your small jacket and leaned over the fragile body. Wolfsbane was deadly to werewolves but even humans could die. That's why the nymphs teach you how to heal such diseases.
You touched his forehead. He felt really cold, even though he was sweating.
"Okay, he needs to get warm" The younger wolf immediately left the room, apparently to search some blankets. You lifted his thin blanket and shirt to see the wound. The arrow was already pulled out and his chest bandaged, already blood stained.
Jeongin came back with blankets and threw them over the wolf's legs. When you removed the bandage, you could see some of his veins being light purple due to the silver. As long as the silver was in his system, he wouldn't heal. You couldn't do much because it was already in his blood system.
He needed to get through it to heal. You cleaned the wound and bandaged it new. Then, you threw all the blankets over him.
"That's all I can do right now."
"If he dies, you will die as well" Bang threaded and walked out of the room. You sat on the chair next to the bed. Apparently his temperature rised to the normal which was perfect. Well, that will be a long night.
Something moving shot you out of your sleep. Apparently, you must have fallen asleep, watching the wolf over the night. You blinked a few times before you saw into the brown, more golden, eyes of the wolf. He was awake.
That's good. That means, he is definitely healing. Jeongin was soon beside you, relieved that his fellow pack member was awake now.
"Felix, how are you?" He asked. Felix, that was his name. When you collected information about the pack, you stumbled over his name a few times. He was an alpha.
"Fine, I guess. But what is she doing here?" Yeah, he was definitely pissed that you had shot him. Well, you would be too.
"I'm actually helping you. You're welcome" you grumbled and yawned. Hopefully, you could get going soon. You were starving. Hunting the wolves can wait.
"Yeah, helping me by shooting an arrow at me. How nice"
"well, that's how I am" you answered, giving him an amused smile. "Let me check a last time on you before I want to go"
You pulled the blankets down without waiting for an answer. Pushing the shirt upwards, you revealed his toned body. What a shame that he was a wolf. When your cold fingers touched his warm skin, he sucked breath in, flexing his muscles.
"Looks good. Can I go now?"
Jeongin sighed and you followed him through the house to the front.
Little did you know that soon as Felix saw you that morning, his whole life changed. It changed because of you. And not because you had shot him but because the world became just a bit brighter, more colourful. All his life he had searched for you. His soulmate, his other half.
Seeing you there, he couldn't take his eyes on you. He didn't even noticed the arrow until it hit him. The pain took over and you quickly ran away, just when Hyunjin shot through the bush.
He had felt the silver travelling through his veins, making him slowly unconscious. The last thing he saw was Hyunjin who came up to him. A cut under his eye from the dagger you had thrown.
In the middle of the night, he woke up again. The pain was still there but bearable. He looked to the side and he saw you laying with your head on his bed, sleeping tightly. When you moved you shot up. And oh, you were beautiful but he was a little bit pissed that you had shot him. That wasn't how he wanted to meet his soulmate.
After you checked on him, you quickly exited the house. Hyunjin was already beside him.
"How are you, Lix?"
"Good I think." He mumbled
"Really Felix? You seem sad" his friend stated. Well, he wasn't wrong.
"She is my soulmate, hyune." Felix exclaimed.
"Shit. I'm sorry man" Hyunjin rubbed over his back.
One week later, Felix walked through the city. He and Changbin wanted to drink something at their favourite bar. And he definitely didn't expect to find you there. Next to you a man with a nasty smile. Was that your boyfriend? Jealousy washed over him but it deflated when he observed your body language.
Without you noticing, the man mixed something into your drink. Soon, you grew tired and before the man could lay his dirty hands on you, Felix pulled you to him. You were so befuddled that you didn't even notice Felix.
When you slipped, he lifted you with a wince. His wound wasn't healed completely. The rest of the silver stopped it from healing faster. But that was irrelevant. You were safe now, in his arms.
Changbin shielded you both from the man who protested. Then, the wolves brought you back into their cottage, earning a warning glare from Chan. You were still a huntress. Deadly and if you looked closer armed to the teeth. He pulled out the a dagger and a pistol that were secured in your waistband. And in your jacket there was another dagger.
Felix layed you on his bed. The same bed he layed just a week ago with an injury. Softly he took your hand. If you just could feel the tingles he felt when he touched you. Maybe then you wouldn't want to kill his pack.
For hours, he sat next to you, admiring your face. When you relaxed, you looked so kind and young. He wondered how old you were. Around 25? But definitely not older. Gently, he brushed a hair strand out of your face.
When you woke up, you didn't even realise that he sat beside you. You let out a yawn, that Felix found incredibly sweet, and tried to hide your face from the sun. Why did you leave the curtains open?
You turned and borrowed your nose in the cushion, smelling the scent. Wait, you couldn't remember that you went home. You shot up and saw Felix watching you.
"What are you doing here?" You exclaimed, searching for your weapons. You realised you weren't even in your apartment. No, you remember that room. You watched over Felix here.
"I correct, what am I doing here? I can't remember anything"
He chuckled. "Well, you were at a bar and a creep put something into your drink. You were almost immediately out like a light. I brought you here"
"uhm. Thank you, I guess."
"It's okay. I owed you" he exclaimed and his face was decorated with a pretty smile.
"Of course, you didn't owe me anything. I just shot you" you exclaimed ironically.
"I know. But you will think I'm a liar when I tell you that I saved you because you are in fact my soulmate" he told you and got serious.
You laughed. Funny, very funny. The nymphs told you about the whole soulmate thing.
"Funny. But I'm a hunter and definitely not bound with a wolf. Humans don't get bounded with wolves"
"Your wrong. It happens but really rarely" he tried to change your mind. You sighed. That's not good if he said the truth. All your life, the nymphs told you over and over again that falling in love is something that Artemis hated. She for it it, especially with a wolf. That's suicide.
"You know I should kill ya? I'm a hunter. Keeping your pack alive is against my principles."
"And still, I'm sitting here next to you. Clearly alive" he said with a sweet and amused smile.
You rolled your eyes. You hated how amusing it was for him.
Just minutes later, you walked back home. Your head hammered and you were confused. Why would Selene, the goddess of the moon that was the cause of the wolves having mates, pair him with you? That was crazy.
Even if you two would start developing feelings for each other, the nymphs would find out. They would send another huntress to see why your presence has changed so much. There is barely a chance that they wouldn't find out.
Days passed and you tried to get your mind straight. In the meantime, you had hunted another, smaller pack some kilometres away from here. Now, you were finally back in your apartment and cleaned your weapons from the dried blood. You stilled, when you heard a knock. Who would visit you? Maybe the old, forgetful lady from above? She asks for your help sometimes.
The small dagger was placed behind your back for the possibility that it was someone else. You opened the door and Felix gave you a kind smile. In his hands, there were grocery bags.
"What are you doing here?" you asked rather fierce than friendly. Without asking he slipped into the apartment and took off his shoes.
"Courting my mate. Where's the kitchen?" He told you like it was something normal to be strolling in here. In the home of a hunter who was armed to the teeth.
"Are you crazy?" you questioned and crossed your armes as you followed him through the apartment. "Sometimes yeah. Now please tell me where your kitchen is, sunshine."
You sighed. It seems like Felix wouldn't go away any time soon. You directed him into the kitchen. "And don't call me sunshine!"
He chuckled and placed his bags down, rummaging through them. "Okay, I won't, sunshine"
"You're unbelievable" you just muttered. He placed meat and some other ingredients on the countertop.
"I didn't know what you like so I figured i would buy something simple that I can cook for you. And for the dessert, I baked brownies earlier."
While he cooked bibimbap, you observed him nervously. He pretends like he was really close to you. Like a real pair, not a huntress and a wolf. It was crazy how much he seemed to trust you when he stirred the pan, his back facing you. Theoretically, you just need to throw the dagger and he would be dead.
But you can't figure out why but something within you stopped you from doing that. That what you were trained for. Maybe it was the bond between you that made you change your mind just a slight bit.
He turned around, drying his hands on a kitchen towel, giving you a kind smile. "Can you please set up the table? The meal is nearly ready." You just nodded and grabbed plates and cutlery, placing it on the table.
During the meal, there was a silence that was really uncomfortable. It was like he wanted to say something and eventually, he initiated a full conversation with you after some time.
Two weeks passed and during that time, Felix often visited you. Soon, it was kind of normal to have him around for dinner and the cold wall that you had built up during all those years of training crumpled down and Felix got to know the real you. Someone who isn't just defined by being a huntress. You grew comfortable and even if you wouldn't admit it you loved to spend the time with him. You knew that you must move away rather quickly so that the nymphs wouldn't suspect something.
Currently, you were getting ready for meeting Felix at their cottage. You assumed that after he cooked for you more than seven times in two weeks it was just kind to return the favour and cook for him. He assured you that most of his pack members weren't there because they all had something against you. Not that this was unjustified.
A sudden knock let you slip out of your thoughts. Definitely that wouldn't be Felix since you would go to him this time. You opened the door and were shocked when you saw who was on the other side. Lila, a huntress that you grew up with in the temple. She was one of your friends and actually shouldn't be here now.
"Lila! Nice to see you again. What brings you here?" You welcomed her. A laugh erupted from her and she braced you into a warm hug. "Hello, y/n. I wanted to see you again after months of being separated."
"That's so sweet. Do you wanna come in?"
"Thanks. So how is the hunt going?" She was always like that, getting to the point of her stay instantly.
"Good. I took down a pack two weeks ago" she gave you an approving nod. "Good that. What pack do you hunt now?" What should you say? Since you got to know Felix, you weren't sure if all wolves are bad. You started to see that not everything the nymphs told you is true.
"I took some time off from hunting. I enjoy it here" you avoided the question. "Then we can take the next pack down together. I heard that here is a pack of eight" Great, that's just great. You can't defend Felix when she was here. You needed to warn him.
"Yeah, that sounds good" you mumbled. Without her noticing, you wrote Felix a quick message on your phone that you couldn't make it.
You could tell that he was disappointed but his life depended on it.
The next morning, you tried to get your mind free from all the heavy thoughts and decided to go on a quick walk. Jogging along the empty streets, you listened to your music and enjoyed the nature along the streets. Due to your earphones, you were distracted and wasn't prepared to be pulled into the woods. You yelped and held the dagger against the person's throat.
"Easy, sunshine. It's me" Quickly, you withdrew the knife and gave him a smile. "You're lucky, I didn't stab you. What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you. Why did you cancelled last night?"
"Another huntress showed up. She wants to hunt your pack. I-" you stopped when you heard the bushes rustle. It could be the wind but therefore it wasn't windy at all. With his heightened senses, Felix tried to detect what the noise was.
There was another rustle and you quickly pushed yourself over Felix, tackling him to the ground and your body above his. Just where Felix head once was, there was now a silver arrow, undoubtedly from a hunter. You got down from Felix and scrambled up to face Lila who walked out the bush with her bow aiming at Felix.
"Go away from the wolf, y/n!" She shouted.
"Lila, please. Drop the bow" you pleaded, your own dagger in your hand. You didn't want to hurt her. She was a former friend after all.
"Seriously? He is a werewolf! You used to hunt them!" She exclaimed angrily. You couldn't hurt her but you couldn't let her hurt Felix.
"I know it sounds crazy but he is my soulmate! Selene herself selected him as my other half"
"That's pathetic. Go to the side and let me take care of him. Now" her voice was cold and filled with determination. You shook your head and felt Felix trying to push you aside, giving Lila the chance to aim at his chest.
The arrow glided through the air and before it could reach it's designated target, you shielded him and the arrow pierced straight into your skin, just centimetres above your chest. The first blood drained your shirt in a deep red, a sharp pain shot trough your whole body, making it impossible to stand. Felix catched you, taking you into his arms. There where tears in his eyes when you looked into those brown spheres, they were the last thing you saw before the black void swallowed you.
Fear took over Felix's whole body when he saw the arrow piercing through your skin. He held you, shielding you from the other hunter who still aimed her bow at him. It angered him how low it affected her that she just shot someone from her group. Or she isn't showing it. He let out a low growl as a warning.
Before she could harm you in any way again, Chan and Minho came out of the bushes. He had mind linked them earlier when you had talked to her and he knew that this wasn't taking a good turn. Chan knocked her over, slapped the bow out of her hand and before she could do anything that could hurt someone, he knocked her out.
Minho came towards him and you. Felix wanted to snarl at him for coming so close when his mate was hurt but he knew that he just wanted to help you. And you definitely needed that. Without moving you too much, your mate held you protectively in his arms as he ran through the woods to the cottage. Jeongin and Minho needed to get a closer look at the wound to treat you properly.
During the whole process, he sat beside you, holding your hand even though you wouldn't even feel it. But the warm skin against his soothed him even if you weren't awake. However, the skin contact reminded him that he hadn't lost you, that you weren't dead.
They got the arrow out and stopped the bleeding. With a bandage, they were finally finished and let Felix and you alone. You laid on his bed. Just weeks ago, he laid there too, with an arrow that you shot. But he wouldn't wanted it any other way. That way he got you and it was worth the pain.
When you woke up it was late at night, the moon shining through the window into the room. You felt something warm on your leg. It was Felix who slept tightly with your thigh as a pillow. Your whole body hurt but you were fine. But where was Lila? Felix seemed fine. What happened?
But that were questions for later. You were tired and didn't want to wake Lix. Tenderly, you brushed his fluffy hair out of his face, gliding through the strands and playing with them. With your hand in his hair, the dark swallowed you once more and you fell asleep.
In the morning, you woke up again. Felix still asleep and it seemed that he didn't even move. You teased his hair once again, especially the strands at his neck. It was so long, already touching his shoulders. But he seems to be ticklish and squirmed away from your hand, nuzzling further in your skin. His eyes fluttered open and he yawned.
"You're awake." He stated, his voice still deep from the sleep. "How are you? Does it hurt?" He questioned and pushed himself up, sitting straight on the stool.
"I'm fine" you said with a smile and took his hand in yours. "But where's Lila?" His face darkened and he sighed.
"Chan knocked her out and brought her here. We figured out that she is dangerous for us"
"I know. Can I see her? I need to speak to her"
"Are you sure? You just woke up." He pouted, showing clearly that he wasn't agreeing to that.
"I need to" you answered and pushed yourself up. It hurt and only with the help of Felix you reached the room where Lila was. You opened the door and walked into the room, Felix fussing over you. He was like a mom, watching carefully over his baby.
Lila sat on a stool, on the table next to her was a plate with food that she didn't even touched. She looked up when she saw you. "Hey" you said. She looked exhausted and like she didn't even slept a bit.
"Y/n, you're okay?" she asked hesitant. "Yeah. Even though you need to work on your aiming"
She let out a laugh, clearly relieved that you weren't angry. "Why did you protect him?" She asked. You walked across the room, sitting down on the other stool and pleaded Felix to let you two speak alone. He wasn't a fan of that but agreed.
"He is my mate. And I know that this felt so wrong at first but he showed me that there are other things in life than just hunting. I liked the life of a hunter but I love the life here, with Felix. And this pack is caring." You explained.
"So, you are giving the life of a hunter up?"
"Yeah. And I hope you can understand me. I'm not saying that you should agree to me but at least accept it."
She gave you a heart warming smile and nodded. "I won't say anything to the nymphs. I want you to live a happy life" you returned the smile and took her hand. "Thank you, Lila"
You escorted her out of the cottage, saying goodbye because she will return to the temple. You hugged and watched her disappear into the woods. Felix came towards you, having watched from the house, and wrapped his arms around your waist, pushing his nose into your hair.
"I can smell your scent!" He exclaimed happily. You giggled. "Yeah, because I didn't take the potion to suppress it"
He wiggled further into your hair, smelling you. "You smell so good."
"You're silly" lightly, you pushed him away to shut up his pouting with a kiss. He was shocked at first, his eyes growing double so big.
"Was that a kiss? Do it again" he demanded and pursed his lips. You laughed and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pressing his lips onto yours.
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