#so mat helps but i am sure i will get something wrong lmao
laur-rants · 5 months
My Print Store is now OPEN!
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With new prices for 2024, as well as new prints! I will be adding to this store as the year goes on, as I hope to add more original work to the store as I complete it! Things you can look forward to this year:
Fanart illustrations Digital illustrations Linocut prints Woodblock prints (!!) Original Painting prints
And more!
Shipping is currently only in North America; I will be adding international shipping in a few months, if only to examine pricing and what to expect over time. These are also not going through a drop-ship site, but instead my own website, so please give a few weeks for processing! I have to print some of these by hand, you know.
Thank you for supporting my work, and I hope to bring more to everyone very soon!
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spiderlyla · 5 months
headcannon of asking miguel to help you make your ass fatter at the gym??!? bro is all over that
turned this into a fic LMAO hope you enjoy (gn!reader)
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"You want to what?
Miguel grunts, carefully setting the weight rod back in it's slot after he almost dropped it onto his chest upon hearing your request. He flicked off the sweat on his forehead, eyes glancing up to see you smiling ever so sweetly at him.
"You heard me," Getting sassy with him now, aren't you? You crossed your arms, grinning. "I want to make my ass bigger, figured you'd know how to help me."
He sat up, placing his hands on your each sides of your hips, still utterly and completely baffled. "No, I heard that, but I don't get it." You wrapped your arms around his tense shoulders, massaging them slowly. "Tu trasero se ve bien." [Your ass looks great.]
"Of course, you think so. But I already made up my mind, so are you going to help me or should I open a tutorial to follow?"
He groaned, mulling it over in his head before nodding. "Okay, okay, I'll help." Excitedly, you placed a kiss to his forehead, pulling him up to his feet.
His reluctance was not out of laziness, he loves it when you ask him for help working out, but this was going to be the end of him.
"Is it suppose to feel this uncomfortable?" It was your first exercise and you were already pouting up at him. Miguel adjusted your hands on the rod, then moved to check your posture.
He told you the first exercise should be a little more easier than this, but you insisted on trying the squat rack, saying you could take it. "Your posture is all wrong. Arch your back a bit, baby." He placed his hand on the small of your back, trying to push you forward a little. You moved just a little, letting out a pained groan, "It feels worse."
"Honey, that's because you didn't move." He makes his way behind you, pushing you forward until you finally let out an exhale of relief. "Now you can move. Just very slowly, okay? Make sure your grip is tight around the rod." Miguel didn't have time to move, he found himself trapped behind you, as you squatted ever so slowly, brushing against him with each movement.
He stood stunned, breath hitched in his throat, lips pursed, hands beside him as he stood awkwardly behind you.
"Am I doing this right?" Your ever so innocent question bursts his bubble, and he lets out a small hum of approval. "Yeah, just..." He placed his hands on each side of your hips, pulling you towards him. You squatted again, this time very aware that you're brushing against him. He could feel blood rushing between his legs, every time the curve of your ass came in contact with him. Miguel almost choked up on his groans, "Yeah, just like that..."
"You seem out of breath, Mig. You wanna sit down?" You're teasing him, he can tell. Was this your plan all along, to get him groaning and squirming in place like some horny teenager?
"No, I'm fine—Aye, por el amor de Dios, me estás volviendo loco." Very reluctantly, he moved back to his original spot. He watched from the sidelines as you went up and down, struggling with the weights a bit after a few squats. "That's enough for now, cariño, or else you'll get a cramp. Let's try something else." He stepped infront of you, easily removing the weight from your hands and setting it down.
Miguel led you over to a mat, his hand never parting from your waist. "Here. Get on all fours."
"Amor, por favor."
Your giggles made him drop the tough exterior he was trying to maintain. "Prop yourself up, and kick back with your right leg 5 times, then your left 5 times."
Simple as that, right? Wrong. He knew how smart you are, so for you to mess this up was deliberate, then again, those innocent stares you were giving him were really throwing him off. He spent the next ten minutes trying to guide you, but you only seemed to get it right when he kneeled beside you.
"Honey, don't open your legs, just—" One of his calloused hands rested on the back of your thigh, while other was shamlessly on your ass. That seemed to seize your movments completely. He gave you a gentle squeeze, beckoning you to move, but you let out a small squeak. "Focus, hm?"
Now you got it right. Once he made sure you were doing it correctly, he stood up, yet his eyes stayed on your form, watching you intently as you huffed and puffed. "Someone's tired already? You've done this 20 times total now."
"Maybe we should take a break, Mig."
"I thought you have a goal here, don't you?"
You stopped the exercise and laid on your back, smiling up at him. "Mhm, but I am tired, and it seems like my coach is distracted too, so maybe we should both take a moment."
He raised his brows, unimpressed, yet his flushed cheeks exposed him. He spread an arm to help you up, only for you to tug him down, making him lose his balance and fall ontop of you. His knee separated your thighs, while his arms held him up, entrapping you. "Did you actually want to work out, or did you just want my attention?" He asked, a wide grin replacing his usual pout. You wrap your arms around his neck, smiling. "A bit of both. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping we'd end up where we are right now." He laughs, brushing his nose against yours, tufts of his hair tickling your forehead. "All you had to do was ask, didn't need to put me through all that."
"I love teasing you."
"Oh, that I can tell." His lips press against yours in a heated kiss. Miguel's hands wrap around your waist, pulling you on top to straddle him. His hands roam further down, on your rear.
Then he gives you a strong squeeze. You squeal, breaking the kiss to glare at him. He only grins back up at you, cupping your cheeks.
"Well, it's definitely firmer."
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dangraccoon · 4 months
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Oyuba’din - Chapter 28: Heard
Summary: Hunter searches for more information, only to be interrupted by an incoming attack.
Warnings: discussion of major character death, grief, concern that a loved one might be hallucinating/losing it, getting stunned, canon typical battle
Author’s Note: Hunter isn't crazy he swears lmao
3 chapters remain
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Crosshair didn’t hear Hunter approaching, his focus solely on Jaine’s too-still body, her cold head in his lap, ruby hair still damp and splayed out everywhere.
Hunter stopped a few feet from him. 
“What do you want, Hunter?” he rasped. His voice was more hoarse than usual, Tech noticed, but Hunter didn’t answer; his eyes were fixed on a point neither of his brothers could see, somewhere upwards of Jaine’s body. “Tech?”
“I am… not sure,” Tech muttered. “He started looking around and then he stalked over here.”
Starlight, the small ball of light tsked. You’re startling your brothers.
Hunter growled again, his shoulders tensing impossibly tighter.
“What is wrong with you?” Crosshair asked, his brow furrowing. 
“Can’t you see it?” Hunter mumbled, eyes fixed on the light.
Crosshair’s eyes followed Hunter’s and scanned the area. “See what?”
“Perhaps it is something with an electromagnetic field that we cannot see?” Tech suggested.
They can’t see or hear me, Starlight, the light chuckled. Mird’ika was faster to understand, though I first came to him in a dream. You simply don’t sleep as deeply as he had.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” Hunter grunted.
It’s the name she gave you in her mind, translated to a language you understand.
Crosshair and Tech exchanged a silent conversation through their expressions. 
“It’s been an…eventful day. You are likely overly stressed,” Tech explained, hesitation evident in his voice as he placed a gentle hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “You should rest. We will wake you if anything changes.”
Your companion. She’s given you all little nicknames.
“Jaine?” Hunter whispered. “What do you know about her?”
She is the last of my children.
He wasn’t paying attention to Echo and Wrecker approaching or the hushed discussion between his brothers. 
“Is she going to be okay?” he pressed.
“C’mon, Sarge, let’s get you some rest,” Wrecker said, scooping Hunter up in his arms and throwing him over his shoulder.
“Tell me what’s happening,” Hunter insisted, eyes finding the light again. “Please.”
“Easy, Hunt,” Wrecker murmured, patting his back. “Just need to relax.” 
Rest, Starlight, the light’s voiced. I will meet you when you sleep, should you sleep deeply enough.
“Wrecker,” Hunter grunted as he was tossed onto a mat. “I need you to stun me.”
Wrecker’s brows pulled together, his head tilting a little. “Huh?”
“Stun me, knock me out, something; I need to sleep,” Hunter insisted.
He looked back and forth between Hunter and Tech, hoping that his little brother would come to his rescue. “I’m not so sure I should-”
“Wrecker,” Hunter repeated. “Stun me.”
While Wrecker seemed to have an internal argument, Tech made his way to Hunter’s side.
“There’s gotta be something in Jaine’s pack to knock me out,” he insisted, adding quietly to himself. “I need more information.”
“Information?” Tech questioned. “Hunter, tell me what you saw.”
Hunter sighed. “There’s a light,” he pointed. “Hovering over Jaine. She was talking to me. I could hear her. I’m not-”
“I know,” Tech interrupted. Realization stole over his face. “The Chromira.”
“Of course, why didn’t I realize it before?”
“You sleep lightly. That’s why she spoke to me first. After utilizing the tea blend Jaine made for me, I was able to sleep deeply enough to allow The Chromira into my subconscious.”
“I don’t understand,” Hunter finally cut in. 
“You need to sleep,” Tech nodded, taking a few steps away. “The Chromira might explain the rest.”
“She’ll help Jaine?”
“In theory, she may,” he took one of his blasters from its holster and adjusted his goggles. “Apologies in advance for the headache this will likely incur.”
A stun round hit Hunter, knocking him onto his back. The last thing he heard were his brothers arguing. 
Hunter bolted upright, instantly aware that he was no longer where he had been, and his brothers weren’t here. 
His eyes scanned the differences in his surroundings. It had been midmorning, but now the sky was tinted shades of pink and orange. There were more pine trees, but no river. 
“There you are, Starlight,” that soft voice said warmly. “I’m so glad you could join me here.”
“I’ll have a nasty headache when I wake up,” Hunter chuckled, surprising himself. He felt safe, as though no danger could be found here. 
“Yes, I’m afraid so,” she chuckled. “I do apologize for that.” 
“Doubt it’s your fault.”
The ball of light he had seen before came through the trees, giving his eyes a focal point. 
She hummed a little. “I do wish it was easier to stay in your world. It would make talking to you easier.” 
Hunter nodded, wondering idly how any of this made sense to him. 
“You rely primarily on instinct, Starlight. Something in your gut is telling you to trust me. I hope you listen.”
“You can hear my thoughts,” Hunter smirked. “Do I trust you?”
The Chromira laughed. “Yes, it seems you trust me, though you trust my child more, I might add.”
“Jaine is…something alright,” he smirked, absentmindedly rubbing at the back of his neck.
“‘Something’ indeed,” she smiled. “So tell me, Starlight, what can I do for you?”
Hunter’s brow furrowed. “Do for me?”
“It was you who called out for me, remember?”
“I- yes,” he murmured. “I need help.”
“That’s right,” the Chromira said. 
“Is Jaine going to be alright?” Hunter asked immediately. “Has she really- has she come back before?”
“There are some things I cannot tell you directly,” she whispered, suddenly sounding somewhat distracted.
“Please, I- I need to know,” he pleaded.
“I know, Starlight. Just,” she sighed a little. “You mustn’t lose hope. That isn’t what she would want, is it?”
Hunter felt like the weight of the galaxy lifted from his shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded. “She’d probably kick our asses for sitting around like we are.”
The Chromira chuckled. “My child is quite spirited.”
“That’s one word for it,” Hunter smiled.
A faint noise raised the hairs on the back of Hunter’s neck. It was distant- must’ve been very distant if he couldn’t make out the words.
“What was-”
The Chromira flew up and away from him, towards the faint voice.
“J-Jaine?” he whispered, getting to his feet. 
“No! Let me see him! I need to-”
“Jaine!” he shouted, not realizing he had been sprinting in the direction of her voice. He burst through some bushes blocking his path, seeming to have come back to the same patch of clover he’d left. “Jaine? Where are you?”
His head was spinning as her voice seemed to echo around him.
“Hunter!” she shouted again, her voice seeming different, deeper.
He ran again, but didn’t make it far before falling deep into the inky abyss of unconsciousness. He felt something in his chest, burning; it was growing stronger and hotter than ever before.
“Hunter!” Wrecker shouted. “C’mon, Sarge!”
Blasterfire surrounded them. His vision was blurry, but he could see the painted face on his brother’s helmet flicking between him and tossing grenades and firing his blaster at an unseen target. Hunter could feel the clankers, not far from them. Four heartbeats- no, five?
“Jaine,” he must have mumbled. 
“She’s back, but she’s still down,” Tech answered through the comms.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, Sarge,” Echo called, sarcasm apparent even as he fought the droids.
“You awake enough to fight?” Wrecker shouted, a spray of blaster bolts flying towards the droid battalion. 
Hunter shook his head, trying to clear the rest of the post-stun daze from his brain, Jaine’s heartbeat echoing in his ears.
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Thanks for reading! - River
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bunnywritesmarvel · 2 years
Do you have any tips on adjusting to living on your own/away from family for the first time?
i dont have much advice considering ive only lived alone for like,,,, 3 days so far but i can tell you what ive experienced so far and my plan that i developed so my raging introverted tendencies dont isolate me lmao
this is very long and ramble-y so i apologize in advance LMAO
so far ive had some weird sleeping issues but im just chalking it up to im not used to sleeping here and also theres no curtains. just blinds and the street lamps outside are casting a little light into my apartment, so i doubt itll persist and ill eventually get used to the light and the new location and sleep just fine
ive always enjoyed cooking, so cooking and all that stuff isnt too new to me and i enjoy making myself dinner. if youre on a budget like me, definitely write out a meal plan and tick off any ingredients youll need for them and only buy those ingredients + any little snacky stuff you might like that wont blow your budget too much.
id definitely say just make sure you build up a routine, heres mine for example
after work i go to the gym, after the gym i come home and shower. after my shower, i make dinner. when i make dinner, i prep all the ingredients first and then cook, but as im cooking ill also clean the dishes i used that i wont need anymore. eat dinner, prep lunch for tomorrow, finish dishes, then i just kinda tidy up a little for like 5 minutes and honestly you can get a lot done in 5 minutes. put your clothes in the hamper, wipe down your kitchen counter/coffee table/bathroom sink, sweep up the little pile of crumbs on the floor, take the trash out, etc. just some small stuff, all the bigger things like deep cleaning can be done on a day off or when you have more time. after that i get ready for bed, wash my face, take my meds, have a lil snack if im still hungry then brush my teeth, etc
then after that i usually have an hour/hour and a half to do whatever i want. i try to aim to do something productive for myself that i'll also enjoy like work on a skill/hobby, maybe a read a little or write a little but theres also no shame in spending that free time binge watching youtube or netflix lmao
i also aim to go out with a friend at least once a week, usually a time when i know i wont have to get up early for work the next day so i dont have to worry about getting home in time for bed
also, if youre close with your family like i am and you still live relatively close to them, dont be afraid to admit when youre feeling lonely and to go visit them!! there will definitely be some times youll feel lonely living on your own, even it youre a raging introvert like me. theres nothing wrong with that, but just dont let it isolate you and keep you from going out and seeing people!
honestly, you dont even have to tell them youre feeling lonely if you dont want to, just text them or call them and ask if you can come hang out and take up the opportunity if they say yes! and if theyre busy or need a rain check, dont just stay in your apartment. if you can, go out and do something! get some coffee and sit down and read for a little bit inside the shop, or go see a movie by yourself. yeah, youre still technically by yourself, but going and doing something might still help the loneliness and you also might meet some new friends! maybe theres a local book club, or an animal shelter that needs volunteers.
i also hate the silence of my apartment, so i always have music or a podcast going, or my favorites playlist on youtube playing, something for just a little background/white noise that i wont have to pay too much attention to while i clean/cook/do whatever
honestly, just dont be afraid to reach out to people or ask people to check up on you every so often. im such a big introvert, i thought quarantine was going to be GREAT for me, but eventually i did get lonely and i started to feel terrible, so dont doubt that itll happen to you. dont isolate yourself no matter how much you want to
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heelhausen · 2 months
Ok extended crash butler stip au notes under da cut bc I am cringe but I am free
Mostly origin of the butler stip match and what essentially boils down to “crash has a very bad time” lol
- The match that Roman acquired Crash in was a Bloodline Rules/No DQ match between Crash & Solo Sikoa— the climax of a Neo-Evolution vs Bloodline faction feud. What’s notable about the match is that while the Bloodline were present and actively there to help Solo, Randy Orton & the other members of Neo-Evolution were completely absent from ringside, and failed to show up before Crash was pinned due to “transportation troubles,” according to Orton. Put a pin in that.
- At this time, Crash was performing as “the Lock” and wore a mask on the lower half of his face. I’d consider this as the biggest divergence point from the WWE 2K23 version of Crash’s story. In the game, this is the lynchpin that leads to the Lock getting fired from WWE and going on a journey of self-discovery on the indies. In this more kayfabe-adhering version of the story, Crash doesn’t get fired for acting out, and is instead bound to serve the Bloodline because of the contract.
- The fact that there was even a contract over this match was never explained to Crash beforehand. All he knew was that if he lost, Randy was threatening to kick him out of Neo-Evolution & promising to put Crash’s career on ice with WWE higher ups.
- It’s notable that prior to this showdown, Crash was on a 4 match losing streak. He’d challenged Gunther for the IC title and got his ass beat so bad it threw him off of his rhythm.
- The rhythm loss could be partially attributed to Neo-Evolution shunning him HARD for his loss. Sure, Crash had been a little cocky in insisting he’d be able to take the belt off Gunther, but he wanted to make Randy proud! He wanted to manifest it!
- ironically. The Gunther match was the beginning of “The Lock Poor Little Meow Meow-ification Era.” Turns out the tumblr girlies just really like watching him bleed and get the shit beaten out of him. And they are willing to dedicate time to giffing stuff like this. Crash is enchanted by this notion.
- Anyways. The No DQ Match. This was Crash’s chance to redeem himself. Lol. Lmao, even.
- He failed, although only after a full hour of getting his shit absolutely ROCKED by Solo. Crash could have tapped at any time and ended the beatdown Solo was delivering, but kept getting back up and kicking out. Solo only managed to pin Crash after repeatedly making him bleed and then botching a move that led to Crash injuring his ankle. FWIW, Solo would later apologize to Crash for the ankle injury and would be told by Crash that it wasn’t his fault.
- The bloodline had been present but hadn’t intervened until Crash sustained the ankle injury. Roman was the first to notice something was wrong— specifically, he realized it because Crash wasn’t getting back up.
- Roman and Solo had studied what they could find of Crash’s / The Lock’s tapes beforehand. While it wasn’t much, a running theme did seem to be a high pain tolerance and a refusal to stop fighting right up until the very end. This was made pretty evident in the fucking straight up hour it took Solo to finally wear Crash down
- So Crash is family guy death posed on the ring mat. Absolutely covered in his own blood. Solo is standing over him. Roman is climbing into the ring to check and make sure Crash isn’t concussed or seriously hurt. Guess who finally fucking decides to show up
- Randy Orton finally arrives with the rest of Neo-Evolution, fucking Triple H, and Crash’s gear bag thrown over his shoulder. Orton finally reveals he was late not because of vehicle issues like he claimed, but had deliberately hung back and refused to come help even when things got dire.
- Randy is given a mic and proceeds to inform “The Lock” that his loss to Solo officially puts him over the limit for “tolerated losses” within Neo-Evolution. Randy also reveals the contract that he and Roman signed before the match— if Crash won, N-Evo would have gotten Solo as a butler. If Solo won, then the Bloodline got “the Lock” as a butler.
- and. Well. Solo won.
- Crash tries to scramble to his feet and protest, but pain shoots up his ankle when he tries to put weight on it and he ends up collapsing about 2/3rds of the way to the mat before Solo and Roman catch him and haul him back up.
- Roman is heavily supporting Crash’s weight so he can remain standing. Crash takes note of this, somewhere in the back of his mind.
- anyways. Crash can’t really hold the mic up to his face, so Solo holds it for him.
- Crash is expected to cut a promo, but his head is fuzzy and his ankle is burning, and he knows there’s no energy left in him for a witty retort. He elects instead to just. Breath heavily into the mic for a moment. Try to gather his thoughts. Try not to vomit inside his mask.
- What Randy says, with the long pause Crash ends up giving him: now I know you’re slow on the uptake and you probably haven’t figured out what’s happening yet, so I’m gonna say it nice and clear for you. You’re Roman’s problem now. And who knows, maybe you won’t disappoint him like you disappointed me. I’m sure you’ll be much better at being a coffee fetcher than you ever were at pretending to be a wrestler.
- what Randy does: throws Crash’s gear bag onto the mat. The sound that comes from it indicates that several items inside have broken from the impact.
- what crash wants to say: fuck you. You promised to help me. You promised to teach me. You promised to help me become the future of professional wrestling. I have followed every stupid fucking rule you’ve ever set for me. I saw you give preferential treatment to the other guys and I ignored it. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I gave you everything I fucking had, and you’re selling me to the glue factory like a lame horse you can’t beat anymore. I gave you everything. I gave you everything. I just wanted someone to at least pretend to be proud of me, and you couldn’t even fake it for a second.
- what crash ends up saying: i hope he fucking kills me, because it’ll be kinder than all the shit you’ve put me through, you poisonous fucking cunt
- whatever happens next, Crash doesn’t know. His adrenaline finally dropped. His heart stopped racing. Exhaustion crawls in and makes a home on shaking shoulders. Crash’s head drops, and he sags in Roman and Solo’s arms, and he finally passes out.
- what happens next is this: smackdown goes off air, having failed to censor any of Crash’s swearing— a deliberate choice by the producers
- what happens next is this: Neo-Evolution makes their exit. Triple H calls for a stretcher and tells the Bloodline he can take it from here.
- what happens next is this: Roman picks up Crash, instructs Solo to grab his gear bag, and carries Crash to medical himself.
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ha-hatdog · 4 years
daisuke kambe hcs
- what is it like to be dating daisuke kambe/domestic life with daisuke kambe
i hope you don't mind but i slapped two requests together because they were nearly similar. since i am making one post with two requests, i'll try to make this longer. i hope you enjoy this
requested by anon (i just turned my anon ask and i'll just go ahead and presume you want to be anon hehe sorry about that) : Hi, I saw your post. 😳 I just wanna say goodluck to your writing! and I'll be looking forward to them in the future. ❤ (Your anon asks aren't on btw. 😔) And for the request, it can be a headcanon or a short fic/scenario, whichever you like. :3 But can I please get soft/domestic Daisuke to his s/o (which is the reader)? Like, they're taking care of each other stuff. ❤👁👄👁
uwu thank you so much and i look forward to writing more stories for you
requested by @holdmejk : what it’s like to date daisuke 🥺
i wonder too how it would be like to date this rich man so here ya go
haru kato is the simple man, simple life
there is no way daisuke kambe can be considered the same. this is the very reason why haru hates the man with a burning passion
waking up with daisuke goes two ways - the normal soft wake up, or the after sex wake up
if you wake up normally, you will always find yourself on his chest, a hand over the small of your back and the other behind your head, pressing you close to him as if you were his leverage to the real world
you never get tired of seeing him peaceful and cute that you kiss him everywhere your lips can touch - his chest, his cheek, his nose, his forehead, but never his lips
daisuke loves waking up to your kisses but what really gets rid of his sleepiness is the annoyance he felt that you never kiss him on the lips
he will lift his head up from the pillow while holding your head and lean forward to capture your lips. no, he doesn't care about morning breath, he cares about your kisses
if you two had sex the night before, it's a different story because it's daisuke who always wakes up first this time around because you know, he tired the hell out of you
he runs his fingers through your matted tresses as the side of his head rested against his open palm, elbow proped up on his pillow
he loves how you look so happy and satisfied and peaceful. he admires your beauty silenty, a small smile on his lips
he'll try to go another round because he can't help himself when you look so enticing but you stop him because you were already so tired
you will drown in luxurious things. this daisuke kambe we are talking about. what did you expect?
you want it? you got it. you like it? you got it. you need it? you got it. your eyes looked at it a second too long? you got it
daisuke believes you deserve the best of the best so whatever you wanted, bam, something much better
flowers? you get a garden. chocolate? you get a factory. movies? you get a theater. cup noodles? you get a ramen shop or the actual cup noodles company. dress? you get your own clothing line that trumps over versace and gucci
oh you think you can stop daisuke from spoiling you just because you begged him and showed him your big doe eyes? he was tempted for sure but there is no way he'll be holding back, especially after seeing your big doe eyes (yup, that plan backfired)
one hard thing about dating a millionaire? you can't buy anything for him
you do not have the money to lavish him the same, and even if you did, it's stupid to assume daisuke can't afford the same things you plan on buying for him. maybe he'll buy something even better
so instead of spoiling him like he does to you, you buy him trinkets that remind you of him
daisuke has no clue as to why items could remind you of him but he still keeps everything you buy for him close to him like in his office so he can always see them
you bought daisuke a goofy looking bobble head and he put it on the dashboard of his super cool looking car and haru was like the hell is that
daisuke sped through the streets before haru could make a comment
daisuke trust you more than anyone. more than suzue, more than haru, more than himself, more than his credit card
that being said, you are the only one he allows to patch him up after a particularly rough day at work
he will literally drive all the way to your shared home while bleeding out, enter your shared room as more blood trailed his face and deadass say "Can you help me? My head is bleeding"
you scold him for being so reckless and for always giving you a heart attack whenever he comes home in that condition
he doesn't mind being lectured tho because he still gets to feel your soft touches and gets lots and lots of kisses from you
he doesn't get why you kiss his wounds after patching him up. like his wounds are dirty? it still hurts? what was the science behind it? he still won't get it even if you explain it to him but he'll take note for reference
when you get injured, you are obligated to tell daisuke that you are not severely hurt that he had to call the hospitals all around the world to come heal you
you had to snatch the phone from him at one point when he tried to contact professional surgeons from america after you scratched yourself from a bush
daisuke at least knows how to use the first aid kit and no matter how little your injury may be, he will always proceed with the basics because he's very worried about you (though his face doesn't show it), that your small wound would get infected, and then you'll be on your death bed saying your last words, and then he's kneeling on your grave -
you had no idea this is what goes on inside his head every time you get injured
he also kisses your wounds after patching them up. he still doesn't understand the reason as to why you and others do it, but he does it because you do it
daisuke doesn't allow you to move a muscle aftee he's done fixing your wounds. he acts as if you have a terminal disease and would check on you every five minutes when he's working at home and calls you every three minutes when doing police work (haru gets annoyed with that habit so you had a talk with him)
dates with daisuke is far from simple. you either go to the most expensive resorts or attractions in japan or you're going out of the country. yes, your dates are basically mini vacations
so that's the reason why whenever you two want to spend time together, you are in charge. you can't always go to malaysia and england every weekend. plausible when you're with daisuke but you're not having it
you try to make your dates as simple as it can be. like what regular couples would do like going to movies (he was irritated because he had to sit near other people because he only wants to be near you), hanging out in the mall ("No, Daisuke, don't you dare buy that Gucci bag for me, I just glanced at it - oh for fuck sake"), and eating food from stands (Daisuke was confused like where will you two sit so you can eat your food properly?)
you two went ice skating and you guided him as he wobbled on his skates. you never let go of him because the first time you let go of him so he can try to balance alone in the ice, he looked very worried and made grabby hands at you
he becomes better at skating after doing it so many times. you were a little jealous because he's better than you now
daisuke his whole life always had a professional chef make something for him and when he began dating you, he also began inviting other professional chefs to make something for you two
but as your relationship grew stronger, you began cooking for him and you made him feel so special and he couldn't react properly
sometimes he watches you cook and helps with the cutting (you stopped him when he cut himself), but most of the time he's at his office and you bring his food to him and he scolrs you because he wants to eat properly with you ay the dining table
bringing food to his office is a no no. eating together at the dining table and sharing stories together is a yes yes
you don't know if the food you make for him is good or bad to be honest because he always has a deadpan face and if it is bad he won't tell because he'll hurt your precious little feelings but he'll be blunt as hell if it was another person
don't even wish that daisuke will cook for you. don't get him wrong tho, he really wants to but he's been pampered a little too much that he can't distinguish onion from garlic. he just thinks garlic is an elderly onion lmao
so yeah, daisuke cannot cook
but he likes cleaning the dishes with you because he can spray you with water and he'll hear your giggles. you always break many plates when you clean dishes and always drenched in water after your little fight
having the same authority with his AI. you rarely use the AI unless absolutely necessary and you can communicate with daisuke through it. you always mess with daisuke and you'll say something to the AI like "dial haru" and AI will go like "contacting haru kato" daisuke will go "cancel dial" and then AI says "cancelling contact" and you'll say "dial haru again" and the cycle goes on
late night walks are common for you two. when he comes home earlier than he originally does, he will insist you to take a walk on his private property and if he's feeling extra generous, he'll let you take him outside and to the park or something
you can take him to the convenience, the gas station, the prison - as long as he's with you, he's fine
stargazing is part of the late night walks. he'll point at a star and you'll say what constallesation that star was part of
"do you want that star"
"no daisuke"
"i can buy it"
"you are not buying a star"
daisuke : (꒪-꒪) ⇨(¬、¬)
he loves kissing you on the lips. your lips and kisses were just so addicting and sweet that he can't find another better place to kiss you
plus your blush is too adorable. he smirks whenever you get flustered. add a soft embrace to the mix, and his heart melts
daisuke will always open the door for you. in cars, in restaurants (he'll pull your chair for you too), in anywhere
he won't let you open a door as long he's there with you cause he's a simp for you
he won't care about any other person trying to enter an establishment after you enter. he'll let go of the door handle and won't even turn if he hears a loud thump behind him
you know what else he loves? hand holding. daisuke always holds your hand whenever you're outside and will only let go if absolutely necessary like going to the comfort room
he likes playing with your fingers while you love tracing the lines on his palm. you'll probably make a cheesy joke that you can see him marrying you in his future and he goes ( ºΔº )
"how do you know i was planning to marry you?" ( ºΔº ) "can you really read palms?"
you always massage each other because stress. when you massage him, he'll let out small mewls that just makes you go omg so cute but when he massages you - he will whip out the best of best stuff for massage
he will play relaxing music for you. you fall asleep whenever daisuke massages you because he's just so good with his hands
you know what else those hands are good for? touching your body in places that'll make you blush but he mostly especially likes cupping your butt because he thinks its so cute
you don't try to do the same because last time you did, you couldn't walk the day after. don't seduce daisuke if you're not prepared for a pounding
you like grocery shopping with daisuke. sure you can always order someone else to do it or you can make use of shopping as a time to bond with each other
you two work out together. daisuke is a boxer and learning that, you begged him to teach you to box but he didn't because what if he hurts you and instead, taught you how to workout and how to defend yourself
he wanted to test out if his self defense lessons were truly learned so he hired someone to pretend to steal something from you
he learned that his self defense lessons was fruitful because the man he hired came back with bruises and such
when daisuke admitted, he slept on the couch for an entire week
in your birthday, you woke up feeling nervous because it's your birthday - meaning daisuke must be up to some expensive shit
then you realized you're not in your bedroom. it was a completely different bedroom
you were scared honestly and you thought you were kidnapped until daisuke comes into your room wearing his beach wear and his shades while holding two coconuts with straws
"happy birthday. welcome to hawaii, my love"
you're just very tired the previous night after some fun activities with daisuke if you know what i mean wink wonk you wouldn't wake up no matter how many times you tried
suzue adores you because daisuke smiles more with you and you're best friends uwu so cuteeee
will always be your peace maker whenever you and daisuke fight. she ships you two. her ship cannot sink
suzue: "just hug it out now. hug it out - I SAID HUG DON'T MAKE OUT YOU TWO ARE GOING TOO FAST"
daisuke loves head pats. he wants them all the time. ruffle ruffle his hair. his eyes will close whenever you pat his head
he only wants you to pat his head. anybody else is a no no. maybe suzue but mostly just you
he lets you get all the groceries while he pushes the cart. he doesn't know the brands he sees on the shelves so he depends on you all the time
there's another reason he likes holding hands with you - he doesn't get lost. there was this time when he got lost because you let go of him and someone called you in the intercom and when you went there, you saw daisuke waiting for you with crossed arms and a balloon and its string around his wrist
the person at service said he was frowning the whole time you were gone and so they gave him a balloon but all he did was frown while playing with the balloon. he's mad because he got lost, you were gone, and you let go of his hand
you two are opposite of haru and his girlfriend in grocery shopping
you love it when his hair is down because he's so cute? can a man really be cute and hot at the same time?
the first you saw him with his hair down, you swooned and coddled him and since then, daisuke makes it his point to put his hair down more often now
taking baths together is just as great as massages. shower? you're not some commoner peasant. you use a very large bathtub
you relax with daisuke in the bathtub with bubbles and wine and sometimes he read you a poem from the poetry book he brings at times
you two always go to bathe together. but if you feel like you wanna bathe alone, daisuke will get all pouty aww and sulk aww
he will sit at the toilet seat and stare at you and when he does this, you can't hold yourself back anymore because he's too adorable and just let him join you with a sigh. he's with you in the bathtub in seconds
but if you don't, he'll leave the bathroom after a while and poke his head at the door, staring at you, as if saying this is your last chance and if you still don't allow him, there is a good chance you'll find him sulking on your bed while lying down, back facing you
just cuddle with him, he'll be fine
haru still doesn't believe daisuke got someone like you as his girlfriend because you're so kind and down to earth and you're dating this rich bastard like whaaaat
you try to make haru see the good qualities of daisuke and every single time you do, daisuke does something to piss him off
you made it your personal mission to experience the regular life of a human being without an unlimited balance
daisuke allows you to style his hair whenever you two sit on the couch. any hairstyles, any accessories, he's open so long your soft fingers are on his hair
you have always wanted a dog and begged daisuke for one but he did not relent, saying it was too much work and although it hurts to see you sad, he had to be strong
this is the only thing and time he said no to you and i'm pretty sure you heard haru scream in horror at the distance in disbelief
then one day you and him were walking down a street when a small puppy trotted up to you two wagging its tail and barking happily at you
you bent down and patted it, cooing and daisuke is wary of that small adorable pup. will it bite you? surely the pup has some common sense
you scooped the pup up and it licked your face and you were laughing and daisuke just has a sudden realization - who looked cuter? you or the puppy? or perhaps you made each other cuter?
daisuke rejected the puppy when you tried giving it to him but you forced it into his arms. daisuke and the pup kinda just stared at each other for a long time. you honestly thought you broke both of them until daisuke kissed the forehead of the puppy, hesitantly but softly
you were shooked (you swore you can hear haru screaming again)
daisuke couldn't help himself. something about the puppy just reminded him of you. it's those puppy eyes
"we need to find its owner, daisuke"
you told him he cannot buy the puppy because the owner must be worried sick
but it turned out it was a stray lil pup and you adopted her
now daisuke comes home to see you sleeping on the couch waiting for him with the pup in your arms. his heart melts every time
his small little family
for now
Daisuke Kambe let out an exhausted sigh as he parked his car in the garage. His hair was tousled, eyelids dropping, and jacket discarded on the passenger seat beside him. The case earlier has proven difficult than the previous ones he had taken. The criminal was harder to catch with his agility and athletic abilities, and was not easily persuaded when beckoned by cash. Not to mention his partner has been rebuking him the whole time, ranting about how justice workes and how money does not solve everything - basically, the usual. He was extremely fatigued, and all he wanted to do was wash up and go to bed with his beloved in his arms.
A tired smile broke his bland visage at the thought of you. The only reason he hasn't decided to spend the night at a hotel was because you weren't there. The faster he moves, the faster he can get to bed with you. Oh, he can't wait to see you and that little puppy of yours and his.
He exited the car, jacket draped over his shoulder. He sluggishly went to the front door and entered. As he delved further into his mansion, he was immediately greeted by a lovely sight. Your slumbering figure was laid out on the couch, the newly adopted puppy curling near your chest and resting with you. Warmth swaddled his heart and his eyes softened. All of a sudden, the exhaustion he felt has vanished, and all he could do was admire this masterpiece before him. You were waiting for him again.
As much as he wanted to see you like this longer, he couldn't let you sleep on the couch. There's a much more comfortable bed waiting for you upstairs. He approached you with quiet footsteps. The puppy perked up, her superb hearing picking up the sound of his advancement. Daisuke knelt down and stroked her head. "Good evening, Chico." Then he turned to you. You looked so peaceful - parted lips, even breathing. He leaned forward and pecked your cheek, smiling a small smile when you shifted. "Good evening, love."
You let out a yawn as you rubbed your eyes, body shuffling. "Daisuke?" You groaned out. "Is that you?"
Daisuke knew you couldn't see him but he nodded anyway. "You don't have to keep waiting for me like this, you know."
To his surprise, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled yourself closer to his body. "But I want to. And I missed you." You yawned through your statement as you nuzzled your head on his neck. "You still smell good after being outside the whole day. How unfair."
Daisuke let out a chuckle. "Come on. Let's get you to bed." He stood up easily even with your form carried in his arms. Chico jumped out of the couch at the same time and followed Daisuke as he carried you upstairs to your shared room, lying you down carefully on the bed. Daisuke made an attempt to withdraw from the withholding grapple of your arms around his neck but his endeavor was less then proliferant as you have established a stronger hold on him, unrelenting.
Daisuke let out a sigh as he tried to adjust from the uncomfortable stance he was positioned in. "I need to change first, Y/N." Badgered Daisuke, hands resting on your back.
Yet his words did no preclude you and you merely shook your head in response. "No," Your eyes shone with defiance, pout manifesting on your lips. "Stay."
"I'll come back in a few, love. I can't sleep in my work clothes." Insisted Daisuke, resolve crumbling the more he looked into your eyes.
"I don't care. Just stay." You grumbled.
Sometimes Daisuke sometimes wondered just how much power you had over him. He couldn't say no to you, apart for that one time when you asked if you two could get a puppy. Looking back at it, he felt guilty that he did not allow you two to have a dog earlier but if it wasn't for his stubborness, you wouldn't have come across Chico.
Speaking of the little puppy, it had successfully jumped on the bed and let out a merry howl. Distracted by the new development of the young dog, you were able to pull Daisuke down on the space beside you and did not think twice before snuggling to his side, arms embracing him tightly as you grinned happily, a happy giggle exiting your lips. You rubbed your head on his shoulders, sighing contentedly. "You're staying here with us."
Daisuke looked down at your beaming face and looked away, redness tinting his cheeks. "If it can't be helped." He stated, but he knew he made his choice the moment you had told him to stay.
Daisuke slowly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer, and you willingly accepted his affection. You were so warm, so loving. How did he ever find you?
And then came the cloud of exhaustion. His eyelids gradually drooped over his sockets, his strength withering every second that had gone by until the last thing he saw before sleep overcame him was you and a bounding Chico burying herself in between the two of you.
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jiminrings · 4 years
Hello hello 🥺 I miss Hobi nd I just wanted to request a drabble piece with him as a teacher and your also a teacher and somehow??some students??? Ship you two??? And the next thing you know, they're trying to get you two together and oh boy...chaos ensues :') there's no pressure 🤗🤗 stay safe Hannah! 💞💞
base line
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pairing: hoseok x y/n
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: hoseok swears that you’re intolerable, but maybe that’s just because you don’t greet him good morning like you usually do :D // gif isn’t mine!!
notes: my first hobi drabble!!! thank u for requesting and waiting babie!!! this threw me back to when i was in preschool and one of my earliest memories ever was me being a teacher’s pet and being able to read straightly and coherently :D (i am a mess now hee-hee)
you love your job
you shouldn’t even call it a job if you’re genuinely enjoying what you do, right??
there’s just some days that you feel like you’re going to sit down the puzzle-matted floor in the middle of the class, tuck your head in between your knees, and sCREAM then yeet yourself out to the corridor
ok but listen
you really do!!
you studied for this!! you have a degree!!! you have a license!!! being a preschool teacher has been the career path you’ve always wanted to take!!
you like being around kids in general and taking care of them and teaching them!!
your age gap with your older brother isn’t exactly small and that meant that growing up, you had to keep up with him!!
because FUCK coloring books and building blocks :-) let me read your textbooks :-) i can’t read but i wOuld like to pretend and bond with u
jin has kids of his own and since it’s only the two of you, that automatically meant that you’re the favorite aunt!! well because after all you are the only one
you’re young and you’re hip and you watch animated shows still!! you can resOnate with them!!!
seokjin can’t make his two-year old eat his steamed carrots but YOU can!!
aha you have now established power <3
but ya know,,,
being a teacher is different from being an aunt!! it’e worlds apart because not everything that applies to your nephews and nieces, also applies to other kids necessarily
obviously you can’t treat every kid to the park once they master their ABCs and can grip a pencil properly
you’re just exhausted ok!! it doesn’t make you love your job any less
it’s just as simple as that
wait actually no
there is ONE more hiccup in your job and at this point, the thought of it plagues your mind beyond your place of work
not it
h i m
jung hoseok — your co-teacher!!
your co-teacher that helps you in handling a batch of fifteen preschool kids for hours, two batches a day, five days a week
hoseok whose hair smells like vanilla and flowers and is never not wearing an article of beaded jewelry and has the good voice that could make three to five year olds listen
.,.,. hoseok.,.,.,. who isn’t yours.,.,.,
and hoseok.,.,., who probably hates you.,.
you’re not trying to make a reach but you FEEL it,,,, you feel it in your knees and your spleen that oh god your co-teacher probably resents you and just tolerates you to not make the kids worry :((
it doesn’t certainly help too that uhm
... you may have a tiny crush on hoseok
maybe you really do like him or oR!!
or maybe you just see him practically like everyday and you find yourself paying more attention to him and finding details that you normally wouldn’t find for any other person besides him but-
“good morning, hoseok!!”
you mostly make french toast every morning because:
a) you’d probably eat it as often as you could until you could no longer look at it anymore and practically barf at even the mention of it
b) baby it’s EASY
c) you can make it as a batch and that way you won’t have to wake up every morning to cook for yourself
d) tastes immaculatE whether warm or cold
e) jungkook gave you his recipe after nagging him everyday for a month <3
you knew how to make it in the first place but uh well,,,.,,
jungkook is jin’s regular babysitter for his kids and he’s very organized although you won’t admit that
he’s carefree but like disciplined at the same time y’know
like YES eunji you can take a sip of my orange juice that ur appa told me not to give you BUT you need to drink one whole sippy cup of water okay??? say yes uncle goo
and he’d also have snacktimes and he’d make his own and french toast is one of them
one time you came over and babysitted with jungkook and u snuck out a piece from eunji’s bowl and wow
every time you came over you’d make him cook and he’s all??? 
“y/n are you SURE eunji told you she wants two bowls of french toast?? to herself?? are you sURE???”
lmao he’s figured it out late that it was you who kept eating the french toast because he peeked at the bowl and then??? eunji’s mouth doesn’t bite THAT big?? 
not unless a toddler’s mandible is already that big and he’s been wrong all along 
so the french toast?? yeah you put it in your cute tupperware with the cute waterproof stickers in the lid
one loaf is to four squares and two of those are for hoseok :D
minor problem tho
he doesn’t take up your offer :((
maybe it’s just yOU who’s the problem at this point because you tried bringing other food and ?? he just shakes his head no and gives you a curt smile
every morning, you greet him!!
“good morning, hobi!!”
you call him that because that’s what jimin and namjoon call him since they’re your co-teachers!!!
... although maybe it’s just for friends of his only...... a-and well maybe you aren’t his friend
.... aha anywAys!!
you leveled it up a notch and switch up your greetings
“good morning handsome!!” or like “heeeeey cutie!!” or maybe even “hi sunshine!!!”
you: :D
him: :|
every afternoon, you ask him if he wants anything from the vending machine in the faculty room
every month, the principal gives tHREE bottomless cards to the best-performing teachers and that basically meant you don’t have to pull bills from your wallet to pay for overpriced soda
you’ve gotten it twice consecutively in the last month
free pass or not, if hoseok finally tells you what he wants from the vending machine, then you’d get it for him in a heartbeat and less
vending machine talks r some of the best talks and you want that :((
sometimes he’ll tell you that he’s full, or shake his head no, or semi-rudely glances at you and sets his head down and that translates to no
every weekend, you ask him if he feels ____ because you totally have that in ur apartment
“it feels a bit hot, no? good thing i have a new airconditioning unit :D”
no you don’t have a new airconditioning unit
you just had jin clean out the filters while you were at work and it’s basically the same thing, right??
pls say right
you’re basically FLIRTING with him
and you feel useless about it because you haven’t made any progress whatsoever no matter your approach :((
at first you didn’t feel embarrassed whenever namjoon pointed out your crush on hoseok
in fact, the whole faculty knows but you’re just gonna ignore that
you didn’t feel like a FOOL because it’s hoseok you’re making strides towards to
he’s worth the embarrassment that you don’t feel at all
and he doesn’t notice and doesn’t care and he probably won’t talk to you if you are the only preschool teacher in this school besides himself
you’re starting to feel the secondhand embarrassment joon always points out to you multiplied to five
oh god what you’re doing is LAUGHABLE
it’s even more painful to look at yourself in a third perspective because you look like an utter fool chasing after him and all he does is push you away
you’re tired of trying 
it’s okay :)
hoseok looks like someone who’d tell all about your doings to his groupchat and they’d laugh at you together
wait no that’s quite a reach
you’re probably not even tHAT important to be made fun of in the gc :((
fine then
you’re gonna focus on everyone and everything else besides him -- it’s not like he’s even gonna notice anyway!! not that it’d matter
if hoseok can sleep at night peacefully without even acknowledging you, then you could sleep at night without him crossing your mind
you kept thinking about not thinking of hobi last night that in return you did think about him
but that is the LAST time ok
you’re gonna start tallying this morning
wait a minute!! you don’t have to tally because you genuinely need to not care and be indifferent!! 
wait this was easier than you expected
you feel a weight out of your chest when you kept your eyes on the ground when you passed by hoseok in the hall
you felt nervous initially because you never skip a day of not being all googly-eyes for him but you know!!!! this was actually nice!!!!
for a change yOu’re the one who’s unaffected and as cold as it sounds -- 
it feels good to not care :D
“up please!! up!!” 
you’re feeling so zen and un-dejected that you forget for a moment that you’re still in class and yOU’RE the teacher
and it’s hyunjin!! one of the younger kids in class
also he’s quite the troublemaker and intentionally likes teasing you and being play-mad at him makes him giggle to no end
he does nOt vibe with hoseok he’d jus keep a straight face on and ??? no ur not teacher y/n
he’s tugging at whatever he could reach and if he turns out to be holding a marker in his hands then you might just Pass Away
you comply to hyunjin’s request but you know you’re gonna put him down in two seconds because you know that the other kids are gonna see and-
yeah nevermind
it’s now a carrying train :D
you just made up that name on the spot
it’s a line of kids going up to your arms, and then you passing them to hoseok, and then putting them down to the ground and them running back to the line again until everyone’s satisified
bAsically you’re passing around kids and it’s hoseok who calls off the game because you have no backbone sometimes when it comes to four-year olds
throughout the whole time though, hobi feels like something’s wrong
he just can’t place it
he’s trying to sniff so hard if someone had a toilet accident and he can’t smell anything??
maybe his shoelaces skipped a hole??
either way there’s just something wrong in the back of his head
anyways he better snap out of his daze before you ask if he’s okay or if he needs anything
why are you not looking at him
that’s weird
but you always look at him??? and he can see you in his peripheral vision and this time he can’t even see you glancing when his head’s turned????
his prayer’s been answered!!
honestly hoseok finds you kinda annoying and he’d like it if you just leave him alone and stuff and give up whatever it is that you’re doing
you finally got the message :D
yeah that’s good :D
hoseok’s okay he’s cool he’s happy he totally feels complete
“let’s stop now?”
hobi leans in to tell you because he counted and this is hyunjin’s third time on him
you’re kinda lost because he stops this game in his own accord but whatever
you just give him a smile and what’s THAT supposed to mean???
“oh sO do you want another round?? or??”
he’s enunciating it for you but it’s more for him actually
you just wave him off
.... communication.... where is it
he’s gathering the facts so far.
you’re not looking at him!! that’s fine
you didn’t call him handsome but hEh he’s handsome even if you don’t call him that
not that he needs comforting words and compliments.. or whatever...
that he can let pass because he doesn’t really care
but what he dOES care about is why are you not offering him anything right now???
where.,., WHERE is his french toast
he’s been putting his hand on his tummy for the past five minutes and rubbing it in circles and he’s ALSO humming every now and then
jimin’s lost as he’s writing his agenda for the week and hobi’s across him looking constipated and relieved at the same time
ok what’s happening now
you’re... not trying to wedge into the same table he’s in.. ?
you plop right next to namjoon and he instantly throws his arm around yours because he’s been looking for you too
“hey!! how did your recipe night go??”
you reckon that joon allotted another evening for trying out new things because it helps him destress!!
he shudders just by thinking about the smell in his apartment and how opening the windows didn’t do shit
“tasted so bad i couldn’t even eat it :((“
mug cake is the actual devil!!!
imagine having to crack an egg along with a couple other things in a mug and cook it in a microwave and it doesn’t turn as good as the ones you’d see in youtube videos
congrats you now have bread stuck in a mug that smells like chocolate but tastes absolutely nothing like raw eggs
there’s an irritable scowl on his face and great now hobi just feels worse
it’s been almost a week
and practically everyone knows that something’s wrong going on with him and they don’t know wHY
some people dO have an inkling though,.,.
“ah, what seems to be troubling my best teacher?”
principal min drawls out as soon as hoseok enters his office before rolling his eyes at him
normally in other schools you’d be fIRED if you disrespect the principal but nah :D
yoongi takes pride in being the cool principal
he’s so cool that everyone’s in a first-name basis with him
he’s not your typical principal!! normally they’d be preppy and he’s not that much but when he sees the kids??? immediately goes soft
“you say that to EVERY teacher”
lol everybody knows that but no one points it out
he’s so grumpy that even the principal took notice of his behavior!!!
“there’s nothing wrong, okay??”
hobi says it in more of a scoff and that just goes against what he said
yoongi’s sitting here,,, eating his plain loaf of bread aND minding his own business,, and then now hoseok’s mad at him??
“don’t show me bread sTOP showing me bread!!”
the next day hobi’s so grouchy <3
there’s a circle that the kids are in and it just keeps going in and out
you and hobi are in the middle and each time they sing, the circle keeps getting sMALLER
now normally y/n from a week ago would blush to death
but present y/n just feels awkward and kinda :// at the whole situation
it’s not really a tight squeeze tbh but hoseok kEEPS going forward torwards you to the point that his arms around you already
he’s obviously flustered and he’s trying to recompose himself but you’re barely meeting his eye contact
okay now that hurt
god he’s just so left behind with what’s going on :((
and he won’t say this now but fUck he misses you!!! a lot!!!! he feels like pavlov’s dog and he’s automatically wired to miss your affection whenever he’s aware of your presence
does he uhm
does he l-word you??
“and that’s it!”
you’ve just finished teaching them how to fold a paper boat :D
that is a BIG achievement okay you’re actually serious
it teaches them how to be more patient and pay more attention!!
“you can give them your mom!! or if you have a tiny crush on someone in the room then-...”
lil seungmin steps right up to give you a boat
yes it’s wonky and the folds aren’t really done properly and won’t float in water but wow!!! that’s so cute!!!
you immediately thank him and ruffle his hair 
he’s such a cute kid omg 
“thank you s-...”
however hyunjin wOn’t be affected by that
with a huff does he march over to you and his long hair’s getting in the way (hobi just tied it awhile ago) but nO that is not important rn
he gives TWO paper boats but the other one he just stole it from jisung lmao
the kids are catching up and sUddenly it’s a competition to who gives who paper boats
there’s a fair share of boats between you and hoseok
you’re awed bc wow they really did learn and yOU taught them and it’s just so fulfilling to see wonky wittle boats :’’)
“give to who??”
the tiny felix sitting by your side tugs at your shirt and he’s pointing to the boat you made yourself sitting on your palm
how did you get put in the spot by preschool kids
oKAY definitely not hobi
maybe you can call namjoon from the other room???? or maybe even yoongs and-
the sudden shrieking in the room brings you down from your thoughts and you’re quite frantic trying to catch up
the commotion?? ur palm
hobi himself folded a crane!!
and it’s sitting snugly in your palm
he’s been feeling so lost the past week and he realized that it’s because of yOU and how he’s so dense to drive you away when all he wants to do is keep you close
hobi’s never really beamed at you directly like that before
you might just cry
hyunjin’s kicking the air and so does every kid who has googly eyes for their teacher 
but it’s okay 
it’s all okay because hobi’s looking at you the way you look at him and he’s the most gentle and pleasing thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on
it’s his turn to put his chin against his palm, a knowing smile on his face before he asks
“do you feel chilly tonight?”
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softboyscully · 4 years
Public School Stuff I Wanted to Share
public school is both beautiful and horrifying am i right
so ill just go by the grades i guess
Kindergarten, first year
i did kindergartden at a catholic school in a relativly big city so this one’s got some shit
we went to church every wednesday, me and best friend (lost track of her when we moved, wish we’d stayed in touch, she was awesome) would giggle the whole time, pretty sure we made fun of jesus once, can’t remember why, possibly the hair
i had the nicest teacher, she was (as i remember her) young, blonde, and super sweet, that was the first and last year i ever had naptime
SPEAKING of naptime
i never slept during it
once i found what i remember being a nut of some sort on the ground, probably came off someone’s shoe
i grab it, turn to sarah (my best friend), say something about putting it up my nose
sarah, apparently having common sense, says, “no dont do it!! we’re supposed to be sleeping!!”
i put it up my fucking nose
try to get it out, just push it farther in
im crying a little bit now, that shit hurts
go up to my teacher
“you’re supposed to be asleep!”
“i have a nut up my nose and it wont come out”
teacher tries to get it out, but it wont budge
just. sends me back to my mat
that was it
the art room was tiny
like re-purposed broom closet tiny
there was a copy of the mona lisa in the hallway, someone had drawn ray bans on it with a pencil, never got replaced
there was a creepy-ass basement i went down to after school, we ate cheeseballs and sandwiches with some kind of meat, mayo, and that kinda yellow bread
someone broke his leg down there once, think an older kid threw him at the ceiling or something
we learned how to play Silver Bells with actual bells in music class
Kindergarten, second year
i remember these two teachers as the evil step sister-type look, but it might be my little kid imagination
but seriously they were horrible
we learned stuff in a room that was more middle-school styled, except everything was green or black and it was v dark
me and sarah attained a new friend, john
honestly i think we would’ve stayed friends for a while if i didnt move away
i have two vivid memories
one is of me really wanting to go home, so i walked by the teacher’s desk and did a fake sneeze
they laughed at me and told me to go sit back down
the other is  john leaning his chair back and then falling, so me and sarah went to help him back up
it was funny, so he did it again
and again
me and sarah were laughing, had the time of our lives
after the maybe fifth time the teachers said “john can get back up by himself. sit down and stay there.”
one of the reasons we moved was bc i got sent a letter from my fourth grade buddie
most of the words weren’t spelled correctly, many letters were backwards
my mother was horrified
ofc now we know it was probably a learning disability 
1st grade
this is when i moved
beginning of school i was ASTOUNDED we didnt have uniforms, one of the best things ever to happen to me
nothing wrong with this teacher, she was cool
thing is i was a little shit
told everyone my dogs died (they did but i was maybe three when it happened, i remember it not)
all my personal narratives were bullshit (only one sticks in my memory, wrote it about celebrating christmas AND hanukkah with my dad’s friends who were jewish, i have never even met those friends)
had a crush on this kid, best friend (she was terrible and helped wreck me emotionally) told me to kiss him in music class. me being a stupid ass bitch, i did it, aND HE GOES TO THE TEACHER AND CALLS ME OUT. at the end of class she gets both of us to stay for a bit, AND I DENYIED EVERYTHING. i walked across the fucking classroom, kissed him on the cheek, ran away giggling, told my teacher i didn’t do anything, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. i’ve embarrassed myself further with this child but thats another story
2nd grade
i loved this teacher but honestly he was absolute shit
like. all he did was play the guitar and sing with us
never actually taught us stuff???
middle of the year, my mom goes in for a parent-teacher conference, he tells her i dont pay attention is math.
“what do you mean?”
“she doesn’t listen, she just takes out a book and starts reading.”
“........have you.... tried taking the book away?”
“sure, i could try that.”
he also told her i’d be a girl who’d grow up to love spellcheck (which i do lmao)
like ???? why not just??? teach me to spell????
there was this one dude who one day showed up, gave me a pink stuffed cat, and then asked me where i lived
funniest thing was he lived on the same street as me
something that is vivid in my memory is showing up to class one day and realizing that i was wearing my regular clothes over my pajamas
also we had fish
every day someone else was in charge of feeding them
one of the times it was my job, i grab the fish food and walk over to the tank only to find all of the fish floating on the top
i screamed “THE FISH CAN FLY?!?!?!?!?!”
everyone ran over, all of us scarred for life when Mr. G walks over and goes in the most normal voice ever “no theyre dead”
we held a funeral
the cause of death is still undetermined
3rd grade
this year just draws a blank for me
all i know is that whoever the teacher was, they neglected to teach me how to tell time from a clock
also we learned the Cotten Eyed Joe dance in gym around here
4th grade
i had two teachers this year
one was the same one from 1st grade, the other one was a total bitch
made a girl named hannah ball her eyes out once, never apologized
i was (and am) and avid reader, so my reading skills were high above average
instead of being proud of me she told me i was weird, not normal, and too smart for a 4th grader, so i MUST be cheating. 
she was the start of a lot of self confidence issues for me ngl
this was around the time i went and got tested for ADHD (me and my grandmother almost broke down on the highway but thats another story), Mrs. M (the nice one) was super supportive when i told her why i was leaving early but Ms. S (bitch) told me ADHD wasn’t real and i just wanted to be special for once
she sucked, Ms. S
5th grade
this is getting super long so this’ll be the last one i do
but my teacher..... Mr. F was A+++++
he legitimately taught me math
we had i guess like,,, a buddie class we switched with sometimes
the teacher of that class was Mrs. R, who had crazy red hair and many freckles
at one point she referenced a meme and my entire class started screaming
also there was another Mrs. S (to differentiate this one will be called Mrs. Su)
she was kind of crazy
she was the astronomy teacher and she told us many times that the moon landing was faked
once she handed out sunscreen and had everyone put it on their whole body (this was in december, fyi)
Mr. F also hosted an ‘archeological dig’ which sounds cool but in reality he had a bunch of arcade prizes from his childhood buried in little flower pots we dug into with plastic spoons
also heres some stuff i cants pinpoint the time of/happened in multiple grades:
someone held a who-can-scream-the-most-like-a-goat contest
a guy named Makenzie won
remember we planned it while the teacher left the classroom so the teacher walks back in and one by one everyone in the room starts screaming, there was some applause, a few kids got a standing ovation
we cleaned out our desks in the middle of the year, i found 3 socks and a dog treat in mine
like how the fuck did any of those things get there
and where’s the fourth sock
b o t t l e f l i p p i n g
but no seriously there were at least five water bottles stuck in the ceiling in the cafeteria
my sorta friend charlie was obsessed with paper airplanes
one time he might’ve broken the world record for longest time in the air but he was counting in his head and it was at recess so there was no video
four square and gaga ball would be played no matter the setting, time, or conditions and it was super competitive
like if you could get to king in four square you got the everlasting respect of everyone
and everyone was super educated on four square special rules, special plays, that kinda shit
no but guys i grew up with bus stop, candy store, haunted house on mondays, haunted mansion on fridays, zombies was fair game unless it was Zach, Ryan, Chrissy or Vee
me and one other guy named andrew were the only known pjo fans, had the time of our LIVES making refrences
“hey annabeth, i thought you looked like a princess when i first saw you. i printed out a picture you sent me casually and kept it with me. i snuck along on a quest so i could save you, endangering myself immensely. i held the sky for you. when you talk about your crush on luke, i get jealous. beckendorf understood, but hes dead.”
“ikr we’re literally the best of friends”
also the first time we finished mark of athena we were in the same classroom and we individually dropped the book, stood up, looked at each other, and screamed “WELL FUCK YOU TOO RICK RIORDAN”
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marvxlousqueen · 5 years
Warren Worthington- Laundry
word count: 1.8K
warnings: really soft smut like just sweet smut, no condom whoops, cussing, also! not proofread lmao
A/N: so i have two requests rn but i’m having a hard time writing them bc i don’t feel inspired but ! i’m inspired for this so let’s get it folks
also this is like a modern college!warren au 
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Finals week. Commonly referred to as hell week, which is a perfect description for it. College was hard enough without taking long, difficult exams. (Y/n) had been going through a quizlet for her macroeconomics class for the last 2 hours. She could feel her brain start to go numb. If she had to go over monetary policy one more time, she was going to literally punch herself in the face. She shifted in her desk chair, trying not to wake her dorm mate. (Y/n) grabbed her phone, going to check her notifications, but stopped herself when she saw the time. 
“2 am, holy shit.” 
(Y/n) didn’t want to pull an all nighter, knowing it would just make her feel like shit the next day. She figured she deserved sleep (if she was able to get any). After closing her laptop, she slowly creeped over to her bed.
“Damn it.”
Her dirty laundry was in a pile in front of her bed. She was supposed to do it earlier and study at the student laundry mat, but all the machines were taken. (Y/n) thought about her options, deciding that since she had just drank a red bull an hour ago and wouldn’t be able to sleep, she might as well throw her laundry in the wash instead of just laying in bed overthinking. She figured she could go over her biology notes as her clothes washed, giving her a break from economics. 
She quietly threw her laundry in her basket, placing her bio notebook on top. (Y/n) tiptoed out of the room, heading left to the student laundry mat. The dorms were extremely quiet. Everyone was probably either cramming for exams or passed out already. 
(Y/n) reached the laundry room that was at the end of the hall, but hesitated in walking in. She noticed a person sitting on top of one of the machines, but with her eyes still adjusting to the bright florescent lights she couldn’t tell who. 
“Oh, hey (Y/n).”
She squinted to see the figure as she stepped into the room.
Him and (Y/n) were somewhat close, having shared a class their sophomore year of college. She had always found him cute, especially early sophomore year, but now he had grown into himself more- he was a straight up hottie. She saw him more frequently now because he had taking the position of RA for their dorm hall. They never spoke too much, just exchanged smiles and the occasional small talk. 
Warren hummed, looking back down at his textbook. 
(Y/n) lugged her laundry basket on top of one of the machines, filling it with quarters before turning back to face Warren.
“Why are you in here at 2 am?” 
“Why are you?”
“I asked you first.”
He let out a sigh, “Just couldn’t sleep. Figured I’d get some chores done and some studying in. Was going pretty well too before someone distracted me.”
(Y/n) laughed, “Distracting? I’m not that loud, but fine I’ll be quiet.”
“It’s not you talking, it’s your clothes.”
(Y/n) looked down. All she was wearing was a big t-shirt over a pair of underwear, her feet clad in fuzzy socks.
“That’s against dress code, you know.”
(Y/n) could hear the smirk in his voice. She turned back around, loading her laundry into the washing machine. “Oh shut up, Mr. RA. And if you’re distracted, close your eyes.”
“Why would I want to do that?”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes and even though Warren couldn’t see her, it’s like he could feel her annoyance. 
“Oh, fuck me,” (Y/n) mumbled to herself.
She slammed her hand down on the washer, “Shut it! Why are you so horny right now? I’ve never seen you act like this.”
“Must be all the sleep deprivation. Really gets the hormones pumping. But no, really, what’s wrong?”
He hopped off his machine, checking the time and seeing it only had another 5 minutes before it needed to dry. He walked towards (Y/n), trying to keep his eyes from scanning her bare legs and looking creepy.
“I didn’t bring my detergent. Fuck me.”
“You can use mine!”
Warren happily ran to his basket, grabbing two big bottles, excited to be able to help her. 
“Fabric softener?” (Y/n) tried to hold in a laugh.
“What? It makes my clothes feel nice!”
“You’re such a softie!”
“Shut it!”
“Nope! If you get to make sex jokes, I get to bully you for being a softie.”
Warren groaned, hopping up on the machine next to (Y/n), leaving his textbook abandoned on the other side of the room. 
“It’s cute, seriously. Wanting soft clothes and all.”
He rolled his eyes, but wasn’t able to keep a smile from forming on his face after she indirectly called him cute.
“But, no, thank you. For the detergent and softener.” 
Warren hummed in response, watching (Y/n) add detergent and softener. Somehow she seemed to beautiful even under the bright laundry room lights at two in the morning. 
(Y/n) started the machine and shut the top of the washer, hopping up on it. She scooted closer to Warren, her legs dangling off the washer. 
He turned towards her, waiting for her to continue. 
(Y/n) was interrupted by the buzzing of Warren’s machine. He hopped off, going to toss them into a dryer. (Y/n) followed him across the room. Warren opened the washer top and started loading the clothes into a dryer. (Y/n) grabbed some clothes, wanting to help. 
“Nice boxers.”
Warren spun away from the dryer, turning to face her.
“What? Put those down!”
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles huh?”
Warren snatched them from her hand, “Don’t touch my underwear! That’s- that’s weird.”
“Says the boy who has made at least three sex jokes since I got in here.”
Warren rolled his eyes, focused on digging quarters out of his laundry basket for the dryer. 
“I liked them though. Pretty cute.”
He let out a scoff, “Sure, cartoon underwear is so cute.”
“Yeah, would look even cuter on my bedroom floor though.”
Warren whipped his head to look back at her. She was sitting up on the washer he had just used, absentmindedly flipping through his textbook.
“Did- did you just make a sex joke?”
“Did you like it?”
Warren turned back to the dryer, finishing with his quarters, “Not at all.”
“Fuck you.”
“Please do.”
“Damn it! You’re good at that.”
“That’s what she said.”
(Y/n) lightly kicked Warren in response to his never ending sexual humor. He patted her leg, making her scooch over so he could squeeze in next to her. 
“So statistics huh?” 
Warren patted his textbook cover with his other hand, “Yup.”
A moment of silence passed, Warren’s hand still resting on her thigh. 
“S-so, what did you want to say earlier?”
(Y/n) looked away from his hand, “What? When?”
“Over there,” he pointed lazily towards her machine.
“Oh! I, um, I just wanted to say you got taller. Since last year, you know?”
Warren laughed, eyes on her face. “Thanks.”
“You look good, Warren! Serious glow up.”
“So I was ugly last year?”
“What?,” (Y/n)’s eyes widened, “no! Not at all! You were different though.”
“Bad different I’m guessing.”
She shoved his shoulder, “Shut up! Good different. You were cuter, now you’re-”
“I’m what?”
(Y/n)’s tongue darted out to wet her dry lips, “Hot. I mean- you know, uh, hotter? You always looked good. But now you’re like- whew! You know?”
Warren’s eyebrows were raised in amusement, not used to seeing (Y/n) so flustered. It felt refreshing, like they were finally escaping the stress of school and just having fun again.
“You’re hotter too. Still hot last year, but like- whew!”
“Fuck you, okay. Don’t mock me.”
He poked her ribs, “I’m serious! You look great.”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, trying to hold back her smile. 
“(Y/n),” Warren whispered, scooting closer to her, “C-can I kiss you?”
Instead of responding, (Y/n) smashed her lips into his, desperate for him. Warren’s hand moved from her thigh to cup her jaw, making her slow down. He wanted to savor this moment with her. 
The kiss became softer and lighter. Butterflies were going off in Warren’s stomach as she pulled herself onto his lap, accidentally shoving his basket off in the process. The loud bang made them pull apart.
“Fuck! Sorry! I was trying to be sexy and get on top, but-”
 “It’s okay.”
Warren shut her up by kissing her once more, slightly more feverish this time. His hands slipped under her shirt, slowly climbing higher. (Y/n) stopped to pull the shirt over her head. 
Warren’s jaw dropped when he noticed she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
“I- um, wow-”
(Y/n)’s lips moved to his neck while her fingers began to slip behind the waist band of his sweatpants. She slowly tugged them off, leaving them hanging around his ankles. 
(Y/n) began to palm his obvious erection, her mouth sucking a mark onto his neck.
“Hey, (Y/n)?”
She pulled away, retracting her hands from his boxers, “Y-yeah, are you okay? Oh boy-”
Warren grabbed her hands, holding them between his, “I’m fine! Great actually, really really great. I just- I really want to say I actually like you. Like feelings- not just this. And yeah I want to do this too, but I would also want something to happen with feelings..”
(Y/n) moved her hands from his to cup his face, “I definitely want to date you, Warren. You’re so sweet.”
She could feel his face heat up in her hands, “Good! Yay- yes, okay. Cool-”
“Just stop talking.”
(Y/n)’s lips found their way back to Warren’s neck as her hips began to grind against Warren, making him whimper.
Warren slid down his boxers before moving his hands to her underwear, rubbing her folds through it. (Y/n)’s sleep deprived body responded quicker than it usually would, she was already soaked.
She pulled away to move her underwear to the side, too tired to take it off in their difficult position. She lined herself up with Warren and slid down, taking him all in at once. 
Warren let out a breathy moan as her heat wrapped around him.
“Fuck, (Y/n).”
(Y/n)’s nails went to scratch against his head as she slowly moved her hips on him. 
It was soft and slow, but exactly what they needed to relax and unwind. 
(Y/n) felt herself grow closer to her edge and she began to move slightly faster, lips smashed against Warren’s.
She tightened around him as she came, making Warren follow. 
“Fuck- I’m so tired.”
(Y/n) laughed, climbing off of him and pulling her shirt back over her head. 
“Me too.”
Warren hopped off the machine, almost tripping over his pants around his ankles.
“You could come sleep at my place. I-um, I have a room to myself you know? Since I’m an RA. Y-you don’t have to, but-”
“No, that’d be nice. Except I’ve still got a load in. But you can just go ahead, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Warren shook his head, “I’ll stay.”
“Really? It’s like 3 am.”
Warren walked over to her machine, “I need to stay, you still have my laundry detergent.”
“Oh fuck you!”
“You just did!”
taglist: @chocolatealmondmilkshake @thoughtlesspace @billyhargovesgurl @babebenhardy @rexorangecouny @cyndagoaway @killcomet @mcrmarvelloki @queen-turtle-boiii @hardlylo @ziggymay @jacqueline1916 @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ixchel-9275 @queen-baelin 
hmu to be added!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by kaybee-x18
What was the highlight of your day? I mean, Flowers for Vases came out earlier on Spotify Philippines and I had no idea, and I waited all morning thinking the release would be in sync with US timezones so I was in for a nice surprise of a whole goddamn tracklist when I casually checked my Spotify at around 11 this morning haha. The album is beautiful and I’m so excited to take it with me on my journey to healing.
Also got paid today, so that’s shweeeeet. As a reward to myself (since I’m doing a bit of OT tonight) I also recently ordered banh mi and Vietnamese iced coffee for delivery and it’s currently on its way to me :) All in all, pretty solid day!
Do you know anyone who is anorexic? Not that I am aware of, but it’s possible that I do.
Are you dating the person you texted last? No. That would be the delivery rider who’s bringing my sandwich to me, and that is just creepy to think about.
Who has hurt you the most this year? I don’t let Gabie hurt me anymore, directly or indirectly. Everybody else has been gentle with me so far in 2021, which I appreciate.
What's the last insult someone said to you? Ugh it’ll stress me out to think about it again, but last week my mom was asking for some money and I advised her that I might not be able to just for the meantime; she immediately got all condescending, asking me how much I make in a month and what I spend it on. I thought it very rude and tactless, and it ruined the rest of my evening. I know she knows she has a tendency to be tactless, so I don’t know why she never does anything to change that behavior.
Trigger warning on a few questions belowwwww.
Was it a boy or a girl to text you last? It was a boy. Man is more proper actually, but whatever.
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Dude, it’s a Friday night and I’m on the rooftop on a chilly night, I’ve laid out a mat with some pillows and a blanket and I’m surrounded by my banh mi and iced coffee while Hayley’s new songs are playing faintly in the background. I’m right where I want to be.
Have you ever given up on someone for good? Yes, and I had no idea how incredibly liberating it would feel :)
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? I think it was my mom, since she briefly knocked on my door to say goodnight shortly before I passed out.
How much did your car cost? I’m not sure exactly how much, but it’s definitely in the six-figure range. It’s a hatchback and secondhand so there’s no way it’d be worth a million bucks.
Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in 6 months? No; I’ve ended up really liking being by myself. It’ll be a while before I open myself up to love again, if I ever do.
Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? One of our brand clients recently recruited a new guy to be a part of their team, so as we got acquainted I also got access to his contact details.
When was the last time you hugged someone? It was when Andi was leaving my car as we parted ways a few weeks ago.
What is the last picture you received on your phone of? Pretty sure it was work-related since my teammates share photos through Viber all the time. I can’t be bothered to check, though.
Are you better at remembering names or faces? Can easily spot familiar faces from a mile away, but I’m quite terrible at remembering names.
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? See: the entirety of my relationship that ultimately failed. I cherished and took care of that relationship as much as I could, but the effort I got was never the same and I ended up being hurt, too. It’s going to take a while before I gain my trust and confidence back when it comes to these things.
Have you ever let someone go because you thought they deserved better? This was Gab’s perspective and reasoning, not mine. I’m starting to believe it’s all bullshit though; that it’s an excuse she used so that I could feel better about myself. At this pont in time, I’m pretty sure she just wanted to be free from this “burden” of a relationship that she increasingly found “exhausting.”
Who did you last share a taxi with? God I have not been in one of those in a long time. My last ride in an actual taxi was with my family; but in the last ride-hailing service I took (like Uber), I was by myself since I was headed to school that day.
Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? No, no reason to feel that way towards anyone at the moment.
What do you hear right now? I can hear the faint engine of a motorcycle. I can also hear a couple of dogs barking.
Do you remember the first time you met the last person you kissed? Yes.
Do you like polka-dotted things? Not always, but sure. Sometimes the look can be tacky, but there are times that it looks cute.
Do you do anything to help the environment? In my own little ways, like dividing all my notebook pages into two columns to save up on paper; reusing paper and plastic bags, turn off my car engine when I have to idle somewhere, etc.
What do you think of people who complain about Valentine's Day? I don’t care lmao, it’s not my problem.
Have you ever had to get stitches? No.
When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong? Trigger warning: Self-harm. Last week when I grabbed a key in my room and did stuff to my wrist with it. A few months’ progress down the drain.
What was the last thing you wore that was black? The shirt I am currently wearing is black.
Is your tongue pierced? Nope.
Do you think that you have a pretty smile? Yes, I like the way I smile.
What month were you born in? April.
When's the last time you cried over a guy? Wow lmao, literally no idea. The only instance coming to mind is whenever I miss either my grandpa or Nacho, but I can’t pinpoint the last time I found myself in tears over either.
Are you keeping a secret that would shock people if they found out? I think so.
What pissed you off yesterday? The internet has been going on and off for the last few days.
The person you like at the moment finds someone new, what is your reaction? I don’t know if I like anyone at the moment, at least not anymore. But I think I would still get affected if the word ever gets to me that my ex is seeing someone new, should it happen in the near future. That’s why I’m one step ahead and just stopped talking to her and have muted her on all social media.
Are you scared to lose the person you fell the hardest for? I already did. I was definitely scared and devastated at first, and I was for a while. Once I came to terms with the fact that nothing was my fault and that it isn’t my loss, it became much easier to get over it.
Has anyone seen you in your underwear this month? Nah.
Is your life falling apart or coming together? Coming together.
Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now? When it comes down to it, and considering my stupidity when it comes to love, yes.
Do you know anyone in the army? Yes but just vaguely. Angela’s uncle is a high-ranking...army person. Army official?? Idk how to refer to them but yeah he’s like a general or colonel or something like that.
Do you have any friends that actually model? I wouldn’t count any of them as friends but yeah, I went to high school and/or college with people who have since become influencers and have endorsement deals and stuff. Cheenie is probably the most notable one.
If you could go back in time and change something, would you? Probably.
Do you care about the last person you kissed? Again, when it comes down to it, yes.
Do they care about you? I have no idea but I don’t dwell on it anymore.
Are you for or against gay marriage? Of course I’m for.
Ever kissed someone whose name started with A, B, C, & D? No to all of these.
Is there someone you wish you were with right now? Mmm I don’t think so. I like spending this evening by myself.
Do you still talk to the person you liked 3 months ago? Nope. I don’t have a reason to.
When do you want to get married? I’d love to get married in my late 20s, but I don’t know if that’s still a possibility.
Do you know anyone who’s committed suicide? Yes.
Have you ever imagined how it would feel kissing a certain someone? I think about this with certain people sometimes, but most of the time they are annoying, unwelcome, invasive thoughts that I try to shake off immediately.
Would you fall apart if that last person you kissed died? What’s with some of these questions lmao??? Yeah absolutely. 
Is there anyone who doesn't like you? If there is, I don’t know anything about it and I doubt that I would care,
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Yesterday when a client was being extra annoying.
What was the last thing you cried about? I stumbled upon an emotional scene from Grey’s Anatomy on Facebook this morning, and I let myself go while watching it haha. It was a great snippet.
Do you have nice eyes? I’m not particularly known for my eyes, like they’re nothing special. I’ve got nothing to complain about them, though.
What are the bad things you've heard people say about you? I’m not sure if I’ve caught anything bad. If I did it most definitely would have stuck and continued to stick with me.
Is there anyone that is jealous of you or anything that you have? Not that I know of.
How many true friends do you have? Right now, I would say two very close friends.
Does anyone disgust you? Sure.
Do you flirt a lot? Never.
Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? I have not, and I’m glad none of them have.
What phrase or saying do you use the most? I’ve said this on a recent survey but I say “Awesome!” a lot, but it’s a habit I picked up from my now-ex.
What mood are you in right now? I’mmmmmmm getting a little sleepy tbh, but I’m trying to keep myself up for a few more hours because it’s a Friday evening.
Have you ever kissed someone that was high? No.
Are you waiting for anything? Not really.
Do you have a good relationship with your mother? It’s civil at best. We don’t get at each other’s throats as often as we used to anymore but I don’t feel the need to improve our relationship, and I’d rather still keep a safe distance from her.
Do you think Jersey people are annoying? I don’t know any of them because I live on the other side of the world, so...
How many exes do you have? One.
Did anyone break up with you in the last 5 days? No. Last five months, sure.
Who was the last person that broke your heart? Cheesy phrase, but Gabie.
Do you love anyone? I love a lot of people.
Do you want to be single or with someone? Not looking for anything at this point in time. I mean I’d really rather be in a relationship when it comes down to it, but I wouldn’t force myself in one for the sake of being in one. If no one fits the mold, then I’d be just as happy being single, and this happens to be where I am right now. I’m okay with that.
What song are you listening to right now? No music.
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because she was leaving and I wanted to say goodbye.
Does your mom think you’re a virgin? Yes.
Is there someone that wants you to give them a second chance? I think my brother, but my mind is set on never saying a word to him again.
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? I don’t hate him; he’s just a particularly difficult client to deal with.
Would you rather get high or have sex right now? Getting high would be a brand new experience, so let’s go with that haha.
Do you know anyone with a star tattoo right by their hip bone? No, I don’t.
Did anyone give you anything last Valentine's Day? Last year, yes. This year, no.
Do you keep condoms in your room? No, I don’t need to.
What do you think about people who party a lot? Like, in 2021?? I would think they are highly insensitive and irresponsible and putting so many of their loved ones at risk. 
Have you ever been caught sneaking out of your house? Nopes.
How much time do you spend on AIM a day? I don’t.
Is there a secret you've never told your parents? I hold way more secrets than actual things they know about me.
Ever kissed someone over 30? No.
What size bra do you wear? Baby bra size, whatever the measurement for that is HAHA
Does the person you last kissed still like you? Lmfao no. She hasn’t for a while now.
Are your parents still together? Yes.
Was your first time good or bad? Good.
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 years
Guard Dogs Week 2020
Day Seven 0.5 - Five Minutes
bc i've been high-key converted into a guard dogs shipper by joining this ship week, i've made not one, but two entries for this last day ^^
also bc i was restless yesterday and wanted to post again despite already making one for six.
here's a short sequel for day one and three.
The streets of Argus were orange under the sunset streetlights as Jaune made his way home. He waved to his sister before turning down another street to his flat. The sky was blue; caught somewhere between sunset and afternoon. Mesmerizing. It reminded him of Marrow's eyes. Which was why he loved it when he got to go home early, just to see the sky like this. Even the whole city was glowing. And it made him feel at home right away.
But as he neared his house, a familiar bugging crawled into the back of his mind.
Jaune has had several regrets in his life.
Lying his way into Beacon. Wearing pigtails during a family photo. Probably a lot more he forced himself to forget.
Adopting a rabbit was slowly starting to become one of them.
He hated that he felt that way though. Achilles warmed his heart to no end, and despite how hard it was to take care of a rabbit, he enjoyed it nonetheless.
Marrow seemed to be taking a while though.
Sure, he called him fluffy, but otherwise, he seemed to be keeping a distance from the rabbit. Jaune didn't know if that was just how he acted towards pets or if there was something wrong he wasn't seeing.
Jaune opened the door to his home, a quiet, stuffy air engulfing him. He frowned. Shouldn't Marrow be home right now..?
All the lights were out, furthering Jaune's confusion. Even Achilles wasn't on his usual spot on the mat. Then—
Jaune bolted towards the hall, slamming his bedroom door open.
"'Ro?!" Jaune yelled, his eyes searching the empty room. "Where are you?! Are you there? Areyouokay??"
"..Yeah." replied Marrow's ridiculously timid voice.
That certainly made Jaune jump. He looked around again, and his boyfriend was absolutely nowhere in sight.
"Marrow?" he said cautiously.
"Can you like.. Go outside for five minutes so I can get out..?"
Jaune raised an eyebrow, searching the room for the source of his voice.
"Wh-what, why?"
Jaune's eyes landed on the bed. He lifted the thick blankets. Then placed them back down. Bed was empty.
"J-Jaune. Please? I really mean it."
Ignoring that, a curious, very nosy Jaune glanced down his feet, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
He kneeled on the red mat, bending to the side to lie down.
And there Marrow was, staring unamusedly at his boyfriend. Achilles was with him, wrapped in what looked like a hug? Though the rabbit sure looked like he was enjoying it.
Jaune tried to hide a snort.
"Don't even start."
Jaune laughed.
"Wh-what, are you stuck or something?"
Marrow's expression turned much saltier.
"It was him. I tried to get him out."
"Then you got stuck?"
"No. Shut up. I am not stuck. I am helping your rabbit."
"Oh, okay."
Jaune reached out an arm to pet Achilles, who crawled out from under the bed rather easily and into Jaune's arms. He couldn't hold back an amused smirk. He glanced back at Marrow, who was pouting in frustration.
".. You sure you don't—"
"No. Leave. Give me ten minutes."
"I thought five?"
"I need an extra five to wallow in my pain."
imma face it— i love my baby rabbit achilles and i really wanted him to return anyways lmao
i'll put up 0.7 really soon though, seriously
— ari
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latestageyouth · 5 years
When you walk away (Nothing more to say)
chapter 10 - just,,,,all the fucking angst
trigger warnings: sympathetic Remus and Deceit, self-degrading talk, thoughts of suicide, crying, glass stuck in hand (Remus breaks a beer bottle in his hand), blood, toxic father, lots of swearing, lots of angst, allusions to biting nails into blood, rain, talk of hypothermia, some mentions of a dog barking, allusions to self harm and suicide (no actual suicide or intended self-harm), cognitive distortions, underage drinking, drinking spoiled beer let me know if i missed something
summary:  All the fucking angst poured into one chapter intended to emotionally destroy you.
author’s note: it's 2,500 plus words, buckle up, buttercups. I am writings this at near-midnight and if ya'll see some typos, don't blame it on me blame it on the red bull. Also wooo!!! this is the 10th chapter!!! can't believe I made it that far and that ya'll are still reading my elaborate daydreams that I vomited onto a screen!! yaay!!!
He was cold. No, not cold, numb. Both, actually. The rain trickled along his soaked denim jacket. Not that Damon cared, he deserved it anyway. The jacket did nothing to keep him warm, after all, it's main purpose was to look cool. A shiver shot through him as his phone buzzed in his back pocket. His shaking hand slowly took it out, "Avery...?"
Damon put the phone back and let it ring until the only sound he could hear was the rain falling, the occasional car driving by. He didn't want to talk to Remus right now.
...Huh. Didn't want to talk to Remus, that would be a first. A bittersweet feeling flooded Damon's chest. He couldn't tell if he was still crying or not, if yes, the rain mixed with the tears too perfectly to tell. He could still see the sidewalk before him, but not for long. It was dark, it was getting darker. Damon sighed, just a few streets more. Just a-
He sneezed. Great, so now he has a cold, this day couldn't end any better. He flinched as a loud barking began, probably a dog. It's not like Damon paid any attention to it. He didn't know if Avery would be home, he prayed that they were not. The barking stopped, that or Damon was far enough for the sound of rain to block it out. He should check if Avery was home.
He pulled the phone out again, scrolling through the phone screen with some difficulty due to the rain. He finally reached their phone number, typing a simple message: 'u home yet??'
He waited for a response, still walking towards their house. He tried to shield the screen with his arm but eventually gave up when his arm started cramping. After a few minutes, after he finally accepted he would get so response, his phone buzzed. Damon looked at the screen again.
Oh, shit, that's right. God, Damon was so stupid sometimes. It wasn't long before the phone buzzed again.
Well, there goes his freedom for the next six years and a half. He sped up his tempo and began writing back: 'i was at-' he hesitated, finger hovering before the screen for a while, then they got back to work 'i was at virgil's'
'...at least u were inside, wouldnt want u hanging out under a bride in this bad weather or something'
'lmao y would i be under a bridge im not THAT stupid'
'just get home already -_-'
And with that, Damon shut off his phone and looked up at where he was, hopefully his muscle memory didn't betray him. It didn't seem to, as his house was finally in view. He sighed and walked directly towards it, picking up the spare key from beneath the welcome mat on the rocky path. He opened the door and was immediately hit with a wave of warmth. He took off the soaking jacket and tossed it onto the kitchen table. He shivered at the feeling of bare arms, the wet t-shirt doing nothing to preserve his body heat. Not that he cared anyway, it was just another thing to add to his list of problems.
He went straight to his room, not bothering to turn on the light, plopping onto his bed in the still wet clothes. Now that he was alone, still cold, and at home, he could think about what will be the consequences of his actions. He tangled his hands into his hair. Stupid. Remus probably hates him now, great, he made everything between them awkward because he was selfish and wanted Remus for himself. He curled up into himself. Stupid. Of course the one time he doesn't think, the only time he acts on impulse, is the time that he ruins everything and more. He tugs on his hair harshly, taking his attention away from the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He's so stupid.
"Okay, you guys ready?" Jenna glanced between the two, "Or is our widdle newd here afraid of freezing to death?" she baby-talked at Logan.
Logan rolled his eyes in retaliation, not saying anything and instead walking up the steep hill to Jenna's brother's car. He...wasn't entirely sure what he was called. Kind of a bad thing considering he was getting a ride from him. It wasn't long before the other two joined, Jenna sitting in the front seat while Logan and Virgil were in the back seat. Logan didn't care for nor listened to the bickering of the twin. He turned his head to the other side at the heavy feeling on his shoulder. Virgil was resting against it, of course, Virgil always preferred to initiate physical contact, it was obvious why. The ride was not at all silent, not that it bothered either of them. It wasn't long before they were at Virgil's house, with the mix of Virgil signing and Logan interpreting to...Tyler, was it? for directions. He didn't thank the twins, even when exiting the old car. It was a bummer leaving Logan, but he'll live, right?
Virgil pulled out his keys to the house and let himself in, recoiling in panic when someone threw himself at him, "There you are! I was worried sick! I thought someone had kidnapped you or you froze to death!" Emile pulled back, still clutching at his shoulders, to look at him, "Do you even know how late it is?! I thought you…" Emile trailed off. The scars on Virgil's legs hurt faintly as he did. Emile soon shook his head, "Well, I am really glad you didn't. Y-you must be cold. Wait on the sofa, I'll make you some hot cocoa and reheat yesterday's dinner, yeah?"
Virgil couldn't help but nod, his chest heaving with guilt of what he did. Not the same guilt mom made him feel, no, definitely not. This was a new kind, he didn't like that one either. The sofa was soft, softer than he remembered, maybe he was just tired…Was Logan tired? Why was Virgil asking that? Of course he was, who wouldn't be?
To say Logan was tired would be an underestimation. He was exhausted, in more than one way, "Answer me, for fuck's sake!" The hands banged on the table. Logan didn't relent answering this time, "I, uh, I was heading home and...got caught up with some friends…" he fiddled with the loose of his flannel.
His dad scoffed, "Some friends you have, you smell like cigarettes and paint."
Logan needed to think of a good lie, just until momma comes down. Just a few minutes, she always worries for Logan, she would check if he came home. His dad inched closer, "It's a second-hand smell, I had to take a shortcut through a poorer part of the city."
Soft steps could be heard up the stairs, growing closer and closer. It wasn't soon after that momma revealed herself on top of them, tired as always. She froze for a second when she saw Logan, then stomped down, all while dad tried to reason with her, "Honey, Melissa, you surely know what a slacker he is, I mean, look at him."
Melissa turned her head so she couldn't see Gerald sign or move his lips. She looked at Logan taking his face in her hands. Logan looked away, sighing after an intense staring contest that Melissa won, "I am sorry, it won't happen again, I promise," Melissa was still frowning, but her face softened, she always had a soft spot for Logan.
Gerald scoffed, knowing his wife won't hear him anyway, "I can't believe she's that gullible..." he grumbled something under his breath, most probably about Logan being spoiled, and went upstairs to his office, where else would he go? His mother removed her hands from his cheeks and began signing, a thing Logan was glad he didn't have to interpret to someone anymore, like, do you even know how tiring that is?
'Where on earth have you been? Do you know how worried I was?!'
Logan sighed, signing back, 'I was out with some of my friends, I apologize for making you worry,' he watched as surprise glazed over her face for a second.
'Boys like Roman and Patton would never stay out so late.'
Logan hesitated, looking away.
Melissa raised an eyebrow, eventually waving it off and sending Logan to bed. The poor boy must be tired, she was too. She can interrogate him about his whereabouts some other time.
Tap. Tap. Tap. The droplets of rain fell to the ground endlessly. Clank. Remus kicked the trash can over, garbage spilling over the sidewalk. Tap. Tap. Tap. His shoes tapped against the concrete. His uneven breaths echoed the streets in white clouds of breaths. The place where his fingernails should be is stinging with the cold and pain, fingers digging into the outer side of his arms, dried blood on where the fingers were placed. It wasn't from the arms, his nails weren't sharp enough to do that. Remus could still feel the metallic taste in his mouth, the familiar taste, it didn't mean he liked it though. He hit his foot on something hard, his eyebrows furrowed. Remus looked down at it, slowly picking the beer bottle up. Did it have something left? Remus shook it. Hah, at least something in his life didn't go wrong for once. It tasted bitter, flat, Remus might say. Not that it mattered, as long as it got him drunk. He took another swig, face scrunching up at the taste, but hey, he'll get used to it. Just like he gets used to everything. Like living with momma. Like being a disappointment of the family. Like being alone. Yeah, he can get used to being alone again, no biggie. He'll get over it. He gets over everything.
He heard a car passing, god, he hopes it'll run him over. It gets closer, Remus can hear it. He considers running in front of it...no, he...he couldn't do that to Virgil. A freezing shock runs through the left side of his body, he shrikes and jumps away from the road.
...God, simply fucking amazing. Now he's soaked completely. Well, too late to jump in front of that car now. Remus blinked and looked up...Where was he again? How...How long did he walk for?
He already knew who that was, how couldn't he? He didn't need to be babied. Remus kept walking. He couldn't even bare looking at Damon's family.
The car still rode beside him slowly, "Remus, kid, you're gonna freeze out here, c'mon."
Remus kept walking.
Avery sighed, "I'll drive you home, okay?"
"Why?" Remus barked back. His step quickened.
Avery stuttered, "Why?!" Remus flinched at the sudden rise of tone. Avery tensed, "Look, sport, by this rate you're gonna get hypothermia, and I already have one teenager to worry about. Get in the car."
Remus didn't relent. He didn't wanna deal with anyone right now. Knowing Avery, they wouldn't...interrogate him, per se, but they will try to, ugh, talk to him. He didn't need that. He didn't hear them say anything. Did they drive off already? He didn't hear them.
Avery sighed, "I'll call your mom."
Remus' eyes widened, "Wait, no, don't!"
Too late. Too late again. Fucking god, Remus just couldn't do anything right, could he? He just...always messed up no matter what. Remus' grip on the bottle tightened. He could just hear ma and Roman, 'God, Remus, you're such a burden!' his hand started shaking. Why should he even bother them with his presence? Maybe if he hurts everyone he comes to contact with he shouldn't exi-
The bottle shattered. Remus hissed in pain. Fuck. He dropped the remains of the beer bottle onto the ground, beer mixing with his blood. His hand twitched, he trembled with pain, and the rain isn't fucking helping. Great, just...fucking magnificent. This shit is just asking to get infected. Whatever. Whatever. What the fuck ever.
Avery opened the door to their house, putting the keys back in their purse. It was dark, don't tell them..."Damon? Honey, are you here?" they called out, listening carefully for any sound. Soft sobbing came from his room. Avery slowly walked to Damon's room, not bothering to knock and opening the door right away, "Sport? You okay?"
The light from the kitchen illuminated a part of his room, mainly the bed where a bundle of sheets shifted more into themselves, "Get out," came from beneath them, voice hoarse and raspy, almost like...
"Oh, honey," Avery walked closer, sitting on the edge of the bed, "I am assuming it has something to do with Remus?"
The muffled breathing stopped, they could almost feel Damon tense.
"I...saw him on the way here," they explained.
Like on command, Damon rose from the bed, "You what?! What did- did he say something? Wh- why is he still out, it's late!" his bloodshot eyes were wide and searching all over Avery's face for answers. All he was getting were dark circles and even darker eyes.
Avery sighed and slowly moved their hand to Damon's. This time, they could actually feel him tense up, "Damon, sweetheart, what happened? Did Remus hurt you?"
Damon looked at Avery like they had just slapped him, Wh-what?! Of course not! He would, he would never do that!" his hand clenched into a fist. Damon looked away from his parent, "I just...messed up like I always do."
Something in Avery broke, "Dee, dee, sugar, look at me."
Although unwillingly, Damon looked at them. They took Damon's face into their hands.
"You could never mess up something as big as you and Remus, okay? One mistake won't erase years of friendship."
"There are no buts in this household, Dee," they slowly stroked the other's cheek, "I am sure you two will make up in no time."
Eventually, Damon gave up on trying to convince Avery otherwise. He nodded, "Yeah, okay. You're right," just get over with it, he wanted to be alone right now. Or forever.
Avery sighed, "Of course I am, just wait," they got up from the bed and walked over to the door before turning back to Damon, "I'll order some pizza and we can watch Law & Order on my laptop, yeah?"
Damon nodded. As soon as Avery walked out he buried himself back in his bed. Huh, he didn't notice but he was starving. Whatever, he deserved it anyway. He could hear Avery talking on the phone, though he tuned them out. He wanted to be left alone, how could he trust himself around other people now? He couldn't. He shouldn't. He should just...pretend tonight didn't happen and avoid Remus as much as possible. Yes. The best-case scenario, Remus was too drunk to remember it, though, he probably wasn't. Eh, give Damon a rest, let a man dream. Though...Damon wasn't sure he would dream tonight...or anywhen in the future, really. Now that he thinks about it, Damon wasn't sure about a lot of things. Hah, how pathetic of him.
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Jumping Universes
Chapter 9
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Pairings: Bucky x f!Reader, OC!Daniel x Reader..?
Warnings: Each chapter will have its own warnings.
For this chapter: Fluff, Angst, Y/N has badass powers
Summary: Y/N Y/L/N lives in the real world (our world). She has loved the Marvel for as long as she could remember. Suddenly, when a universe jumping experiment from the 1900s is unearthed, Y/N is one of the billions to volunteer. After miraculously securing a place, Y/N trains for years, non-stop. When she finally gets her chance and it all goes wrong will she be able to adapt or will it all come crashing down?
A/N: You can breathe now! This is chapter 9 and I’m writing chapter 10 at the moment! I’ve procrastinated so much lmao. Enjoy! :)
Reaching the gym, smiling widely, Bucky stepped onto the mat and took out the punching bag. He draped his headphones over his ears and started his daily workout, uninterrupted, but not for long.
Your gaze - and fingers - were locked on your phone, you and Daniel texting back and forth. He was sweet, and handsome not to mention, and you had fun talking with him. Wanda had sent you to wait in the gym for your first powers training. To say you were excited was an understatement. Your hands were slightly shaking and a giddy smile graced your face.
You swung open the gym doors, your eyes still glued to your phone, when you heard the steady beat of punching. You looked up, meeting Bucky’s gaze, before looking back down again, blushing slightly.
Why were you always alone with him?
And how does he always manage to look so good.
You went and sat down on one of the benches , waiting for Wanda, when your phone started ringing.
You quickly picked up with butterflies in your stomach.
“Hi. It’s great to hear your voice again. Are you okay after last night?”
“Yes I am. I am so sorry about that but thank you so much for helping me, not many guys would do that.”
“Well then, those guys don’t deserve you.” He laughed quietly.
You felt heat rush to your cheeks and you stuttered, thinking of something to say. Once you finally got grip of yourself, you and Daniel flowed through easy conversation. On the other side of the room, however, unbeknownst to you, Bucky punched the punching bag harder and harder, until he was sure it was going to soon break. The sound of your angelic voice, and laughter being caused by another man, made his blood boil.
His sanity was saved when Wanda came strutting in, ready in her training gear. You clocked her at the same time, ending the call. You made your way over to her as she told you the basics and what you were going to do this session.
“So, what we’re going to do is just test the extent of your powers and I’ll show you how to control them. Sounds good?”
You nodded your head, eagerly, before taking a place in the middle of the room. Bucky had now taken residence on the bench, not wanting to be in the way of anything.
You slipped off your gloves, awaiting further instructions.
“Great now touch me and let me see what you can do.”
Hesitantly, you reached out and took ahold of her hand but she didn’t react like the others. It was only then, you saw the scarlet glow around her palm.
“Okay, great. I can feel that your powers are strong. We just need to channel it to that chair.”
She came up behind you, correcting your posture and carried on talking. By now, a couple of members at a time, the team started trickling into the gym  watch you. You hands were sweating and started to shake slightly from the attention. Wanda fixed the posture of you legs and whispered in your ear.
“It’s okay.”
She gave you an encouraging smile and you felt slightly better - at least your hands had stopped shaking.
“Great. Now, channel all of your energy towards the chair. Really focus.”
You gave her a quick nod and focused you gaze back onto the chair. Your hand was held out, your palm facing the back of the chair when, suddenly, you felt a tingling sensation shoot into your forearm and spread into your palm before you saw the familiar lilac glow shoot out and hit the chair. It exploded, pieces flying all over the place. You watched as you tried to control your breathing, a proud smile lighting your face. The team clapped and cheered from the other side of the room and you felt heat rush to your cheeks.
“Y/N, can you pass the beer?” Sam called out from the other side of the room.
Since there were no missions, the team had opted for a movie night. The common room was pitch black except for the faint glow of the TV. You and Nat were in the joined kitchen as the others secured their places. From across the room, you could hear Sam and Bucky arguing about what to watch. Tony was sitting on the loveseat with Pepper, rolling his eyes at the two. Steve, Wanda and Vision were laughing at their antics, occasionally throwing in their suggestions, which were shut down immediately.
You and Nat rolled your eyes at each other while you both stuffed your hands with snacks.
“So.” Nat asked.
“So what?” You looked at her, confused.
“Has the dude from the party spoken with you, yet?”
“Maybe.” You saw Nat quirk her brows before you gave her a wink and she smiled, beginning to gather the snacks.
You took the beer and soda while Nat gathered the popcorn and crisps. Making your way into the common room, you questioned what the choices were.
Sam wanted to watch the Little Mermaid.
Bucky wanted to watch Paranormal Prison.
It was likely to say that that wouldn’t resolve itself. In the end, Sam and Bucky took a coin toss - Bucky winning. Sam groaned and complained until the movie began playing. As he didn’t want to sit next to ‘this old ass idiot’, you had swapped places, now being squashed next to Bucky.
Oh boy, this was going to be a long night.
The movie started and you were immediately freaked out. You loved horror movies but the paranormal shit. That freaked you out. The movie continued, everyone watching silently, except for the occasional crunch or slurp. You eyes were fixated on the screen as you unknowingly grabbed onto a handful of Bucky’s jumper.
He gazed down at you, your hand fisted into his dark blue sweater. He saw the way you weren’t looking at him and immediately knew you were scared. He smiled softly, throwing a protective arm around your shoulder and watched as you snuggled into it more.
Maybe picking this movie wasn’t a bad idea after all.
Partway through the movie, you looked around. Most eyes were locked on the screen unlike Tony’s. He was facing Pepper, probably trying to get her to ditch the movie, but she kept batting his hand away, a playful smile on the corner of her lips. You stifled a laugh before leaving them in their own little world. On the other side of the room, Nat and Sam were chucking popcorn, trying to get it into each other’s mouths. Wanda was cuddled up with Vision and Steve was at the end of the sofa, gazing at Nat.
Huh, that was new.
You were subconsciously pulled into the warmth and comfort being emitted from the body beside you before freezing, realising just who it was. You flitted your gaze to Bucky, whos eyes were fixated on the screen in front of him, a light pink dusting his cheeks. He didn’t seem bothered so you decided to test it out. You shuffled, a bit, but his arm never left the spot around you. You saw him glance down at you but he didn’t say anything. Getting comfortable, you secured yourself for the rest of the movie.
You didn’t know when you had fallen asleep, only feeling the grip of strong arms under your knees and around your waist. You were to sleepy to see who it was, your eyelids refusing to open, so you positioned your head in the crook of their neck, smiling a sleepy smile.
You were vaguely aware of being set down on the comfort of your mattress, the warm duvet covering you. You peeked open your eyes only to see a burly figure with shoulder length brown hair walking out of the door.
Knowing exactly who it was, you felt heat rush to your cheeks before you became dead to the world.
Bucky walked out of your room before gently shutting the door. His heart was beating a million times faster and he couldn’t control the Cheshire-cat-like smile overtaking his face.
Knowing he couldn’t get you on his own, he made his way to Steve’s room, filling him in on everything that had happened. Of course his bestfriend had called him an idiot, but, for someone who had only have a few partners, he sure knew a lot.
They made a plan, that tomorrow, Bucky was going to man up, apologise and ask you out on a date, hoping you would say yes.
He thanked Steve and made his way back to his room, jus a couple doors down. The butterflies in his stomach prevented him from falling asleep, so he paced back and forth until tiredness overtook him and he collapsed onto the armchair by his bed.
Tomorrow came by too quickly for Bucky’s liking. He had only seen you in passing once this morning, franticly searching for Natasha, Wanda hot on your heels. Pinning it down yo girls stuff, he sat and lounged on the common room sofa, waiting for you to emerge from your room.
When you finally did, Bucky stood up and walked towards you, wiping his sweaty, flesh hand on his jeans.
“Hey, Y/N? C-can I talk to you, please?” He silently cursed himself for being so nervous.
“Sure. But can we please do it later. I’m kinda late.”
Bucky’s heart plummeted, but he forced a smile. Later.  Shouldn’t be too hard to wait.
“Of course, where are you going?”
“Hm? Oh, um, I have a date!”
Chapter 10 >>
Thank you for reading! I haven’t seen Paranormal Prison yet so bare with me with any mistakes! This one was a bit long but I am gradually increasing the amount I write! Also, sorry this one took so long, I was sick and I procrastinated a lot. Sorry! :)
@emetophilily @winterdrag0n​ @lostyx​ @stumbleonmywords​ @howlermonkey69​ @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @silentkiller2374​​ @xiernia​​ @sergntbarnes​ @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson​ @buckylokisimp @psychoticmason​ @blithecapricorn
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ameliabonse-blog · 5 years
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if you’re looking for AMELIA BONES, you’ll probably find HER in the HUFFLEPUFF dorm with the rest of the SIXTH years. they’re the TWENTY year old PUREBLOOD who looks kind of like NATALIA DYER. they seem PERSPICACIOUS, AMIABLE, & INDUSTRIOUS to me, but apparently they’re also OPINIONATED, OVERPROTECTIVE & RETICENT. maybe that’s why their patronus is A LIONESS. ( ic: cisfemale / she/her. ooc: ellie, nineteen, bst, she/her. )
hey everyone!! i’ve played amelia exactly Once before but i wrote her w a different fc and a whole different Sibling Vibe ( she was older + Burdened ) and tbh i’m ??? so excited to bring her to y’all!!  also i chose that gif bc i cannot stop laughing at it lmao it’s v amelia CHARACTER INSPIRATION: alex danvers (supergirl), peggy carter (agent carter), nancy wheeler (stranger things), leia organa (star wars), bonnie bennett (tvd), more tbd AESTHETICS: athena, bursting forth with plated armor and a victorious yell, a sword in hand and blood matting her hair.  soft, but hard, warm, but cold, always extremes, never one without the other.  caring so much you feel it will be the end of you.  a shining arrow on your forearm.  keeping secrets, the way you’ve been taught.  hair chopped off.  knowing the true good in this world is always found in the darkest of times. LINKS: stats. pinboard. character tag. 
my pureblood definitely not a purist Daughter is a Classic hufflepuff capricorn ass ( Dec 30th )
Hufflepuff Capricorns are extraordinarily hard workers. Their sense of duty is strong, and they have enough discipline to manage not just themselves, but a whole army of people if needs be. They take joy in being useful to other people, so are often quite helpful whether as lab partners or in their chosen careers (often in the Ministry of Magic). However, because they also make good leaders and want to get ahead in the world due to having more ambition than the average Hufflepuff, they tend to get selected for positions of authority, where they soon make themselves indispensable. They're good at organizing things. Hogwarts should always have a Hufflepuff Capricorn somewhere on the administration, to make sure all affairs are actually in order (all those head-in-the-clouds creative types on the faculty; good heavens, where would Hogwarts be if there was no way of balancing them with down to earth perspective?)
she’s a year below the marauders and is therefore in the same yr as charity burbage!!!
hufflepuff beater from fifth year to now, will literally fight ted tonks if he tries to get her off his team ( with her beaters bat. so don’t try anything )
also on the dueling club since it was founded and has been in the slug club since last year
edgar is her older brother and she loves him dearly, and they’re both a bit overprotective over the other (they have a younger sibling, which in canon would be susan bones’ dad)
she v much gives off an alex danvers vibe when it comes to family - in the broadest sense, as found family is more of a concept in supergirl than blood family is  - they mean the absolute /world/ to her and she’d do anything for them (x x x x x x)
loosely invested in muggle culture - she’s not arthur weasley levels of interested but she quite enjoys muggle music and has been to see muggle movies 
wants to make her parents proud like a crazy amount, to the point where she’s sure that she’d do anything to make them proud - they’re bigshots at the ministry and she’d hate to do anything to destroy that for them
she’s not as outright confident as her brother but she’d be hard pressed to find someone she thinks is better equipped than her in her year
she works incredibly hard - probably harder than you’ve seen anyone work in their life, because it’s how she’s been brought up
she’s DEFINITELY going to be an auror, no matter what anyone says otherwise
i mean, in canon she ends up as the head of the department of magical law enforcement and has a seat on the wizengamot up until her death at her home in july 1996
her patronus is a lioness because that pride Aesthetic is v much so the bones fam in my brain and lions are incredibly loyal 
her boggart is edgar’s dead body
uhhhh, she has several tattoos (what! a! badass! am i right)
she has a silver spear and a silver arrow tattooed on either forearm
has cross bones tattooed on the back of her neck, almost ironic because of her last name
identifies strongly with athena so has athena, clad in armour, tattooed on her left foot, a spear and shield in hand with a helmet
her wand is aspen, phoenix feather core, 9 1/4 inches, brittle
Wand-quality aspen wood is white and fine-grained, and highly prized by all wand-makers for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwork. The proper owner of the aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic. An infamous and secretive eighteenth-century duelling club, which called itself The Silver Spears, was reputed to admit only those who owned aspen wands. In my experience, aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries.
This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike.Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
recently cut her hair to her chin? it’s grown out now to her shoulders but yeah she felt she needed a change
historically, has not had the greatest relationship track record??? she was never comfortable being intimate with any of her boyfriends and thought something was really wrong with her before she realized that it wasn’t because she didn’t like intimacy, it was that she didn’t /like/ guys, period
she’s gay. an icon. with a beaters bat. so don’t try Anything
this is like the worst introduction lmao
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rcfcel · 5 years
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*  /  𝔰𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔢  𝔟*𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰  !  bet  you  thought  you'd  seen  the  last  of  me  !  lol  apparently  i  like  to  challenge  myself  and  just  haD  to  bring  in  my  new  man  so  yeah  hi  ,  meet  raf  /  rj  !  i'm  v  excited  for  y'all  to  meet  him  —  fair  warning  ,  i'm  starting  from  scratch  with  him  cause  i  got  #inspired  so  i  apologize  if  the  info  below  is  a  mess  !  pls  love  us  .
( tommy martinez, cis male, he/him ) i just saw RAFAEL MICHELENA walking down the streets of provincetown the other day playing CHATEAU by BLACKBEAR out loud. rumor has it that the TWENTY THREE year old is GENEROUS, but can also be AGGRESSIVE — overall they’re a MAVERICK. they remind me of LEATHER SEATS IN BLACK CADILLACS, CIGARETTES SMASHED TO ASHES IN ASHTRAYS, & MALT WHISKEY POURED OVER ICE. ( lenny the pooh, 5, antarctica, she/her )
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔠𝔰 :
full name : rafael johan michelena
nicknames : raf , rj
age / dob : twenty3 / february 14 , 1996
gender : cis male ( he / him )
sexuality : openly bisexual
occupation : firefighter
hometown : provincetown , ma
label : the maverick ( an unorthodox or independent-minded person )
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 :
so dear rafael here was raised by a single father after his mother passed away shortly after he was born due to complications during labour . raf’s father never really wanted kids as he’d been wanting to focus on his paramedic career and was worried he wouldn’t be home enough to be with his family , but his beloved wife had assured him everything would work out in the end — which , of course , it didn’t really because he was left alone with a baby boy he didn’t know how to take care of .
his dad struggled for most of raf’s childhood , having to juggle both his demanding career and an even more demanding child , but with the help of close family and a very generous family who lived next door and took care of raf whenever his father worked night shifts , it all did work out in the end , just as his late mother had promised .
despite his father being away so much , raf developed a very strong relationship with his father . when he was young , his father was away a lot because he was just starting in paramedics so he got stuck with the less desirable shifts — but as rj grew older , his father moved up the ranks of his career and finally made it into a position that didn’t keep him away from home as late , allowing the two to spend some actual time together .
from a young age , raf knew he wanted to save lives like his father . fun fact : one night when he was young and staying over at the neighbour’s house , he drew a little picture of his father in uniform and then drew himself wearing a little uniform too — the neighbour showed this to his father when he picked him up and the grown man damn near cried .
raf has always been super proud of his dad for chasing his dreams and taking on each obstacle that came his way . 
at first , he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a paramedic — which he did , for a short while . after his school graduation , he went to school to get his emt ( emergency medical technician ) certificate and then worked to become a paramedic , by the time he was twenty one he was working the same job in provincetown his dad had been when he was young .
after about a year and a half , raf realized he wanted more . as a paramedic he worked closely with the provincetown firefighters and had always found their bravery inspiring . he got along with the crew well and one night over drinks he confided in them about possibly following along their career path instead . of course they all jumped to say do it , while also giving raf good advice and facts about the job , but nothing they said scared raf away from it — if anything , he was even more excited .
so fast forward a few months , and a very gruelling entrance exam and training period , and he switched out his paramedic uniform for a firefighter uniform and joined his buddies in the station .
it’s been about a year now since he first put on that uniform and rj truly hasn’t looked back since . the hours are rough and the job is laborious , but it’s also super rewarding and he wouldn’t change it for the world .
currently , he lives in a cozy ass apartment in provincetown on his own , although he spends many nights at the station when he’s on duty so i have this headcanon that his apartment is like .. hotel raf lmAO like need a place to crash and get away from shit ? there’s a spare key under the mat .
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢 :
labels(s) : the maverick , the hedonist , the contingent
maverick : due to his father’s extraneous job , raf grew extremely independent at a young age . when he was finally old enough to stay home and take care of himself , he honestly thrived .
hedonist : working in such emotionally challenging jobs has taught raf to really live life to its fullest and treasure every moment . he never takes anything for granted and is almost always looking for a fun time during his days off .
contingent : while his independence is clear in how he can take care of himself and make his own decisions , raf is incredibly dependent on those around him for support and companionship . he struggles with being alone and is in constant need of company and friendship .
traits : generous , charming , aggressive , protective , passionate , diligent , indulgent , short - tempered .
aesthetics : leather seats in black cadillacs , thick ringlets curling around chiseled features , black jeans with a lighter in the back pocket , cigarettes smashed to ashes in ashtrays , malt whiskey poured over ice , callused hands stuffed in the pockets of a leather jacket .
soundtrack : honestly , i’ve been listening to blackbear during raf’s entire conception so you can literally just listen to his entire discography to get a feel for his vibe .
personality : while he inherited his father’s passion , drive , and general kind demeanour , raf definitely made a name for himself with his slightly mysterious aura at first glance — maybe it’s the mostly black wardrobe , the cigarette that usually dangles from his lips , or the way his brow creases whenever he listens to someone speak like they’re the only person in the universe , he’s a little intimidating at first — but honestly , anyone who really knows him would laugh at people who comment on his mystery : “ yeah , i thought he was gonna be a total asshole at first , could not have been more wrong though ” has definitely been said numerous times about him .
raf’s actually probably the biggest teddy bear in ptown . his heart is somehow bigger than his hair and he welcomes everyone into his life with open arms ( after a short trial run to make sure they’re not gonna fuck with him of course )
he truly loves his friends more than anything . i’m not kidding when i say his apartment is hotel raf cause legit if u need a place to crash , even if it’s 4 in the morning , you can knock on his door and he’ll likely even give up his bed for you .
wears his heart on his sleeve , probably a little too much for his own good , but thrives off of honesty and trust so he’s definitely your go to guy if you’ve got shit going on .
also your go to guy if you need someone’s ass kicked . he’s a firefighter for crying out loud , he drinks preworkout like it’s water and could probably bench the entire snack pack lbr .
he’s a big old hopeless romantic too — he was born on valentine’s day after all .
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 :
once again , let me scream into the void that i am open to pretty much anything . lay it all on me , give me your worst and just rIP my heart out why don’t you . but ! below is a list of ideas i brainstormed up for raf 
i really want someone from the family that helped take care of him when he was little !
neighbours , childhood best friends , childhood crush / first kiss
gym buddies PLS give raf a buddy he can call up to go play basketball or challenge to a weight lifting comp LOL
past / present hook ups ! raf’s an emotional guy but his job is stressful as fuck and he def needs soME sort of way to unwind .
exes ! mayhaps they dated in high school and broke up cause theY went off to college while raf stayed back in ptown .
brOS OHMYGODPLS give me joey and chandler , jake and charles , troy and chAD
a brother / sister friendship pls ! someone he can be way too protective of .
platonic soulmates ! my fav !!
an angsty flirtationship / skinny love type deal .
—— * / 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 :
his apartment is suPER masculine . like exposed brick walls , brown leather couches , stainless steel appliances , dark oak tables and shelves , probably big windows all over the place cause he loves natural sunlight . and the whole snack pack 100% knows where the spare key is in case of emergencies ( insert that one scene of friends where monica’s like “ i gave you that key for emergencies ” and phoebe’s like “ we were out of doritos ” )
he’s got a lil grey pit bull named lily that he saved a few months ago ! she’s his pride and joy .
like .. rarely uses his phone . he’s got all the social medias , but only really checks it when someone tags him in something or whatever . prefers to call over text cause texting annoys him , he’s an impatient fuck .
definitely is the pack’s lil doctor . he’ll always unwind and have a fun time , but will 100% be on alert at all times for accidents or anything bad that could happen . and if it does happen , he’s first on the scene — i mean , why wouldn’t you want a licensed paramedic that looks like tommy martinez icing your sprained ankle right ?
he’s never really travelled much , aside from the times he’s been called to neighbouring towns / cities during big emergencies and such with his crew . he’s got major wanderlust and really wants to travel to venezuela and such , but he’s also perfectly content staying in ptown for now .
he’s a celiac — idk why , i just wanted to give him some sort of weakness cause he seems too perfect rn .
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
Would Ghetsis, in his “oourhg gotta teach this feral child how to be a person” lessons have been,, let’s say ‘not very understanding’ of his son’s behaviors? Or would the “stop fucking flapping your hands, it’s unseemly” thing have been part of the being king lessons? Basically how does he feel abt N in this regard; he’s still the precious golden baby boy, surely, but??? This is not a well phrased question sorry
((Absolutely.  Ghetsis, especially before he realized oh that’s a neurological issue, not a Pokémon-upbringing one, had little to no tolerance for N’s neurodivergent behaviors.  N was definitely restricted from various stimming behavior, including flapping and verbal tics and noise-making that wasn’t being used for some communicative purpose.  Despite his research(study of? maybe Ghetsis has a Doctorate??) of psychology, it didn’t really occur to him that N’s behavior was from his having autism as opposed to, y’know, being a wolf child from the forest.
[As a note, I’m just covering things off the top of my head so, 1) sloppy as usual, 2) probably not well worded or fully correct due to it being 4/5am as I write this and not being in a heavy researching mood to look up more things that should be addressed.  So if there’s any other particular behavior or other thing(s) you’d like to know about or suggest, lmk!  And feel free to correct me, as I am a sleepy vee who is certain there’re a lot of mistakes in this.]
[obvious warnings for ableism and child abuse behind the cut.]
N would have been discouraged from things like hand-flapping and touching things for texture-based reasons--possibly did that shit where, to discourage him from putting his hands all over the place to analyze his surroundings, pressed his hands against sandpaper, or otherwise would slap at his hands to keep them from being put into uses that were ‘abnormal.’  On a similar note, he wasn’t as accommodating to his needs in terms of clothing choices at first, being annoyed by his pickiness and things like an insistence on wearing one thing over and over even if it wasn’t clean(or, in many cases, not wearing anything at all, which was fine except when he tried ti go into the hallway with his naked little kid ass out) but eventually got his tailors to make all of his clothes to his comfort level and made sure any clothes were of materials/textures/etc he was comfortable in.  However, he wouldn’t tolerate old clothes being kept after they were run thin or otherwise at a point where he’d discard them.  Ghetsis likely also had no problem holding N down and undressing him if he wanted something off of him and he was resistant.
As he began to understand and find uses for his divergent behaviors, he began to allow the things like touching his surroundings to pass them off as his displeasure and discomfort with many artificial things and human society and the like being a sign of its threat to Pokémon-kind.
He was also resistant in regards to food textures and the like and still often gripes when N doesn’t want to eat something on the basis of not liking how it feels--however, of course, only he’s allowed to do this, and he’ll demand the food be altered or replaced to fit N’s preferences.  ‘It’s annoying, but only I can feel that way’ is a constant theme of how Ghetsis handles N’s behavior.  N is his King and Hero and golden baby, so he needs to be spoiled and treated how he wants.
Ghetsis would force affection on him or get annoyed if he did things like tried to worm his way out of hugs or other physical contact when Ghetsis decided he wanted them.  This actually never changed.  At present, he’ll still likely force himself on N affectionately.  He does also wait for or demand that N come to him when he wants attention(holds his arm open to tell him to come close enough to hold, air kisses if he wanted to smooch him, etc) as N would have learned to do this to avoid drawing his ire even when he didn’t want the contact himself.  And, of course, the guilt tripping of “what I don’t get [affection]?” “come here and [affection] your Father.” and so on, making it something he’s owed.  I can kind of see him unlearning forced contact, but he’d still be pretty annoyed and grumpy if he didn’t get what he asked for.
(Occasionally said affection was allowed to extend to inhuman behavior both to and from N, with things like playful/affectionate licking or biting.  Is that weird?  My dad would do that to me when I was a kid, so I don’t find it weird.  It wasn’t anywhere bad, so.  I imagine N may have found this slightly more tolerable as it was more of what he was used to in the wild.)
One thing he’d tolerate more out of convenience was that I imagine N’s hair was a matted mess when he first came to live with him, and of course N hates having it loose.  To this day he often wears some of his hair in a matted style.  Having his hair touched is okay, especially when he’s being bathed or pet, but if you so much as think too hard about brushing or cutting it N will go ballistic in a bad way.  As a result, Ghetsis didn’t cut his hair much, just tried to keep the matted, locked mess clean and somewhat orderly as it grew out and did his best to brush and clean his hair as it grew in.  The weight and pressure changed when his hair was cleaned and brushed out and allowed to grow loose again, which is where his wearing baseball caps a good amount comes in.
N’s void cube is a comfort object and he can’t imagine having it away from him too long or having it too far away from him in general.  This had to be put up with to a certain degree because attempts to remove it or put it far away or take it would make N get violent, biting and hitting and scratching until he felt it was safe again.  (This was a problem when the initial chain holding it snapped and Ghetsis took it away to put it back on something stronger so N could wear it again.)
Sensory overload was understood but also not tolerated much.  Ghetsis would, of course, scold anybody who was inflicting too much noise or anything on N and making him uncomfortable, but if it was Ghetsis’s fault it was N’s fault instead.  Screaming or crying from harsh noises wasn’t well tolerated, and certain noises(such as banging his cane on a hard floor) were used as punishment or ‘alert’ sort of sounds to tell him to pay attention or that he did something wrong.  If N would not calm down, he might have been locked away in a dark room(or, like, a closet or something) to calm down(of course, he was mostly just frightened or too suddenly deprived of sensory stimulation and it didn’t help much, but eventually he did quiet down or Ghetsis would let him out otherwise.)
If he was ever especially physically violent with N it was always in private.  He was more psychologically and emotionally abusive.
As he understood more that it was Autism and/or other mental issues, he still felt it was something he could remove from him by not tolerating it, but he also increasingly found ‘uses’ for N’s sensitivities--and, of course, the positive aspects were valued and praised and permitted.  As time went on he’d learn to ‘combat’ N’s behavior more peacefully(and he’d apologize if he was harsh or violent--of course, it was framed as ‘if you hadn’t done this. . .’ and made to be N’s fault and the actual meaning of the apologies is questionable, but I digress) and discourage it more gently--but ultimately he tried to get rid of what he didn’t like.
Of course, any especially. . .idk how to word it ‘strong’???  Neurodivergent behavior was not tolerated, so anything below “high functioning” would have absolutely been completely untolerated unless a ‘use’ for it was found.
. . .so, yeah, Ghetsis was not very accepting or tolerant of most of N’s behavior until he found worth in it or got accustomed to it, or at least until he understood it as ‘autism, not animalism.’  However, this intolerance would not be tolerated in others.  If anyone tried to mistreat or deny N his needs and feelings, they’d be in trouble.  ONLY Ghetsis may mistreat N or try and shape who he is and how he acts and feels.  And that includes ‘getting rid of’ his autistic symptoms unless he otherwise approves of actions or words.
I can kind of see him getting better, especially with his own mind and body deteriorating and so on, but at the moment he’s still mostly shitty about anything he can’t control or fix or that isn’t up to his standard.  He’s the kind of weird guy who managed to study psychology and actually become a doctor on the subject!!  but still doesn’t always accept modern understanding or treatment methods lmao.  Ghetsis picks and chooses what he decides is true and it can change on a goddamn dime lolol
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