#wester vampires
toa-arania · 1 year
hey guess what im doing this year
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As someone who helps run a vampire larp I was never not going to be Team Vampires, was I?
Anyway this seems like it'll be fun and I have A Lot Of Characters (17 currently on there with an 18th planned to go up later, including a couple who aren't in the oc masterpost if you want to come see them) and it'll probably finally give me the motivation to do a lunarian species reference sheet.
Absolutely no idea how reliably I'll manage to do any of this but we'll find out. Have fun :)
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catofthenine · 5 months
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Hey ghouls!
I thought that making a non-introductory post would help solidify what I got goin here.
I think that the first things that I want to cover are my definitions, values and other miscellaneous junk, so that my coming posts are more cohesive. I do not claim to be someone who knows everything or makes the "rules of goth", I just form my opinions and claims based on what I see. I love taking part in friendly discussion, as well as hearing critique on my ideas! I've decided to cover "What makes someone goth" today, because I think it is what defines the subculture! *This is SO long! I'll provide a TLDR at the bottom, as well as try and organize each piece of thought!
What I think makes you goth! : I think that many factors come into play within considering oneself apart of the gothic community. This may be super controversial! But please, make sure you read my argument! If you pick it apart I don't mind, but please don't throw baseless accusations at me!
There's a common argument going around places like Instagram and Tiktok, where, the only factor in consideration is "Well, Do you listen to the music?" and, I think that's a really dim view on the community as a whole . Gothic Rock, Deathrock, Darkwave, Post punk, Horrorpunk, Gothibilly, etc. are all excellent music genres, and there's such a vast range of what constitutes as "Goth Music" that I don't think someone can say that they just don't like it! But nevertheless, I don't think it is the only factor in considering oneself goth, gothic, vampiric, etc. (Holy hell, that's a ton of micro labels.)
On Literature
The gothic subculture has roots back to the 1700s, as the first gothic literature by Horace Walpole, Castle of Otranto (1765), was published (Britannica). Britannica has an excellent article about Gothic fiction and if anybody is interested, I'll link it below! Other popular fictions are Dracula by Bram Stoker, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu. (Books are expensive, and I'd like to read more from the genre, but between cost and time, these are the only one's I've read.)
*The article on Castle of Otranto, however, mentions s*xual assault, so please! Take care of yourself!
Gothic fiction and literature are super duper old, and the emergence of gothic fiction, especially around the 1850s, was what I believe to be the first inklings of the gothic subculture. People's ideas are ever evolving, individually, but over lifetimes as well!
There's a very interesting book by Maisha L. Wester, called African American Gothic: Screams from Shadowed Places (2012), I have not read this book, as it costs like a 100 dollars! I did check it out from the library but was too afraid of ruining it to touch it, Haha! I did manage to find the introduction on link springer, but I don't want to pirate the book because I'd love for the author to be able to get paid for the work she's done.
According to it's introduction, African American Gothic: Screams from Shadowed Places (2012) argues that so much media surrounding racism (historical fiction, historical biography, etc) is in fact applicable to gothic media (Horror, Literature, etc), but because it depicts horrors towards black bodies, critics deem it "less scary", or "too realistic" to be considered "applicable".
*Because I haven't read African American Gothic: Screams from Shadowed Places (2012), I am unable to give full context for it!
**IT IS extremely important to include black views and opinions for what makes something gothic, I'm not sure if Wester argued for inclusion in the subculture itself, or just the literary inclusion, but the literature is EXTREMELY important to consider in foundational gothic media, and so I believe Wester's argument for inclusion is something we must all consider when discussing gothic media!
On Fashion
This is an incredibly touchy subject at the moment. I think everyone has different views on the "gothic fashion vs. goth subculture" online argument. Fashion is an expressive outlet for many in the gothic subculture, and I include makeup and clothing as apart of this.
In my opinion, it's not black and white! While I do not think our desire to look cool comes before those who work in sweatshops, plus size and disabled people deserve clothing that they like! It's no secret that plus-sized individuals have a difficult time finding clothing they can wear, and brands like Shein, Romwe, and Cider, all accommodate that. Disabled people who have difficulty leaving their homes, whether it be issues that impact their energy, mobility, or something else, also need clothing to wear! There really is no difference between wearing something gothic vs wearing something basic from these websites, and so while I appreciate the sentiment "Goths don't support fast fashion", there's no possible way to make this a monolithic idea within this specific part of the subculture.
Some people will also accuse others of being classist within this topic. I think it is SO important to remember these few things:
You do not have to be goth! You also do not have to dress gothic to be goth!
There is a set of values that comes with being apart of the subculture! This is like, one of the only necessary factors I consider for members of the subculture.
IMPORTANT! So many baby bats I see are very nervous about not looking "goth enough", and not having as big of a gothic wardrobe as other people. REMEMBER! Most gothic wardrobes are curated over long lengths of time, and anything black can be made into a goth fit!
But this isn't to say that if you are poor, that you do not deserve nice clothes, or new things! I myself have been known to commit the sin of shopping on amazon! I just wanted to put this tidbit in to encourage others to not feel the need to overconsume fast fashion to fit into the community.
All that being said, I do not think fashion alone is enough to consider yourself Goth. I've seen people create a distinction between goth and gothic, and that honestly sounds like a nice way to say poser.
In the past, if you did not listen to the music, share the values, but enjoyed the aesthetic, you were seen as a poser. This got so extreme that people began to anti-label themselves! (I believe this was circa 2000s, with the emergence of emo and scene in prominent media), People would avoid labeling themselves anything at all, There's an interview of Avril Lavigne saying that calling yourself punk is the least punk thing to do, which is now totally clowned on...
... But my point here, is that as many people online who have been alternative for a very long time, seeing another alternative person cemented a feeling of community, as shared interests and values were likely.
On Values
This is so very very long already!
Alternative subcultural values are not monolithic. Metalheads, goths, punks, emos, etc. all have different values, takes, opinions etc. Please do not ask me the difference between all of these, It'd be a super long answer, and I nor anybody actually cares about my opinion about that.
That being said, gothic values and punk values are almost one in the same. I feel that it depends on the type of goth you are, but it is not outlandish to expect every goth to be against capitalism and anti fascist.
A seemingly small portion of goths say that veganism or vegetarianism is necessary, but I really think that's extreme. Necessary veganism/vegetarianism is also anti-indigenous, classist and ableist.
* I do not want to get into a debate on veganism. It is off topic.
Something that I used to see everywhere for a main criteria, is also knowing goth history! This is very important to be able to provide context on why things are the way they are, as well as rules/regulations, as well as understanding the modern gothic movement.
^(I consider this to be Bauhaus' Bela Lugosi's Dead (1979) onward, although many consider The Doors to be the first gothic rock band, and many other influences between The Doors and Bauhaus arose as well. I'll get into this later, maybe my opinion will change after more research is concluded)
That was a lot! Please remember that this is just my opinion, and while i am open to pleasant conversation and critique, I wont respond to anyone unkind and inflexible, and depending on the severity, I may block you! It is not out of hate or spite, but this blog is something I consider to be a safe space, and home to one of my biggest passions.
I think that I could speak more about each topic individually, but I also go outside, and don't want to get caught up in things that do not matter.
I do want to cover history as well! Maybe Vampira, Elvira, and Etcetera!
IMO, The factors that would make somebody goth, are not concentrated to just taste in music! The gothic subculture is not just a music fanbase! Enjoying media such as horror literature and movies, listening to music, dressing up, expressing yourself are all large components in what make up the culture, and between being a horror fan (for ex.) vs. being a goth overlaps in so many areas!
The takeaway I hope that is received is, be open minded. Gatekeeping is necessary to keep the subculture the subculture, but I don't think that it's as rigid as many people think it is.
Song Recommendation: Stigmata Martyr
I wanted to put a Bauhaus song, but I figured since I already linked Bela Lugosi's Dead, it would be redundant. Also it's likely that SO many of anyone who sees this will already know Bauhaus.
Thank you for reading!!
-Cat (They/Them)
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forestofforever · 10 days
Vampire headcanons
Since I am feeling spooky (I know it isn't Halloween yet but I feel like we're close enough) I thought I'd share some vampire headcanons that I have about my muses.
Etienne would embrace being a vampire, adapting to it easily. His job allows him to stay in the shadows, and his playboy persona makes it easy enough to get people to agree to let him take a nibble. Sure, not everyone is into it, but enough people are, and Etienne takes full advantage of this.
Wester manages to deal with the situation quite well. It's a lot like the werewolf situation, it requires some alterations to his normal life, but he figures it out in no time. The gym he works at is open 24/7, and he simply takes most of the late-night shifts, something that his coworkers really don't mind. He mostly feeds on animals, preferably large ones that will be fine even if he takes a sip.
Sylvester cannot deal with the situation. He's a monster, he refuses to drink, becomes even more of a recluse than he already was, and starts to really spiral. He refuses to feed until the hunger becomes so intense that there is no fighting it, resulting in him usually killing the people that he drinks from. Every time this happens he only becomes more afraid of what he's become, causing him to get stuck in a vicious cycle.
Benjamin adores being a vampire. He's already powerful and can work from the shadows just fine, but now he's also immortal and a literal monster, delightful! No better way to traumatize your enemies than by sucking one of them dry in front of the others. They're never going to recover from that.
Mary is an absolute fucking menace. She already was one before becoming a vampire, but now she's a complete nightmare. Her tendency to recklessly throw herself into any dangerous situation is only made worse by the fact that she is now immortal. She would probably handle the situation a bit too recklessly though, managing to get herself killed pretty quickly.
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daco-showman · 11 months
wow absolutely blows my mind that aljazeera can literally livestream a hospital bombing by israel and all israeli government vampires have to do is get on wester dog media and show a piece of paper with a 240p printout of a rocket in the black sky and every western organisation will lap that shit up for a week straight without a second thought as if that somehow erased all the other genocide going on for two weeks now. absolutely pathetic Liberal enablism
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gameforestdach · 6 months
Einführung Star Trek: Infinite, das ambitionierte Weltraumerkundungs-4X-Spiel, veröffentlicht von Paradox Interactive und entwickelt von Nimble Giant, wird keine zukünftigen Updates mehr erhalten. Diese Entwicklung wurde von der Gaming-Gemeinde, insbesondere den treuen Fans des Star Trek-Franchise, mit Enttäuschung aufgenommen. Detaillierte Übersicht Ankündigung der Einstellung Informationsquelle: Die Nachricht über das Ende der Updates wurde durch ein Entwicklertagebuch im Paradox-Forum am 27. März geteilt. Es dauerte ein paar Wochen, bis die Ankündigung die Aufmerksamkeit eines breiteren Publikums erregte, was die bereits schwindende Sichtbarkeit und das Engagement für das Spiel hervorhebt. Inhalt der Ankündigung: Der Forenpost bedankte sich hauptsächlich bei Geschäftspartnern und der Spielgemeinschaft, statt die Gründe hinter der Entscheidung, die Updates zu stoppen, im Detail zu erläutern. Das Fehlen einer Erklärung hat zu Spekulationen und Enttäuschung über das abrupte Ende der Unterstützung für das Spiel geführt. Community- und Spielerreaktionen Sofortige Reaktion: Die ersten Reaktionen in den Foren brachten erhebliche Enttäuschung zum Ausdruck, mit Aufrufen, ein neues Betreuerteam einzuführen, statt die Updates zu beenden. Auswirkungen auf Bewertungen: Nach der Ankündigung haben sich die neuesten Bewertungen auf Steam zu "Überwältigend Negativ" gewandelt, ein Abkehr von den zuvor "Gemischten" Bewertungen, was die Reaktion der Gemeinschaft auf die Nachrichten über die Einstellung widerspiegelt. Vergleich mit anderen Paradox-Titeln Ähnliches Schicksal wie andere Spiele: Das Schicksal von Star Trek: Infinite spiegelt das von Imperator wider, einem anderen Paradox-Spiel, das bei den Spielern nicht gut ankam und ebenfalls ausgelaufen ist. Muster von Herausforderungen: Dieser Vorfall ist Teil einer Reihe von besorgniserregenden Entwicklungen bei Paradox Interactive, zu denen die problematische Produktion von Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 und enttäuschende Verkaufszahlen von Spielen wie Lamplighters League von Harebrained Schemes gehören. Probleme bei Paradox Interactive Führungswechsel: Paradox hat einen bedeutenden Führungstumult erlebt, mit dem Rücktritt von Ebba Ljungerud als CEO, nachgefolgt von Ex-CEO Fredrik Wester. Westers früherer Rücktritt im Jahr 2018 wurde von seiner Rückkehr im Jahr 2021 gefolgt, kurz nach der er mit Vorwürfen unangemessenen Verhaltens gegenüber einer Kollegin konfrontiert wurde. Interne Herausforderungen: Das Unternehmen hat zahlreiche Berichte über schlechte Behandlung, insbesondere von weiblichen Mitarbeitern, zu bewältigen gehabt, was zu einem problematischen Arbeitsumfeld beigetragen und seine Gesamtleistung beeinträchtigt hat. Schlussfolgerung Die Reise von Star Trek: Infinite endete nicht mit einem Knall, sondern mit einem Wimmern. Das Spiel, das versprach, das reiche Erbe von Star Trek in einem groß angelegten Strategie-4X-Format fortzuführen, konnte letztendlich weder den Erwartungen gerecht werden noch langfristige Unterstützung gewährleisten. Diese Entwicklung ist symptomatisch für größere Probleme bei Paradox Interactive und deutet darauf hin, dass bedeutende organisatorische und strategische Überholungen erforderlich sind. Ähnliche Geschichten entdecken Für diejenigen, die an Updates und Herausforderungen bei anderen Spieltiteln interessiert sind, schaut euch das Neueste zu Palworld Update v0.2.0.6: Spannung und Herausforderungen auf der Xbox an, um vergleichende Einblicke zu erhalten, wie verschiedene Unternehmen ihre Spielupdates und Community-Erwartungen verwalten. Quellen: - Vollständiger Link zum Artikel von PC Gamer über das Thema: PC Gamer - Star Trek: Infinite wird nicht mehr aktualisiert - Vollständiger Link zum Entwicklertagebuch-Post im Paradox-Forum: Paradox-Forum - Entwicklung von Star Trek: Infinite eingestellt - Zusätzliche Informationen über Paradoxs jüngste Herausforderungen: GamesIndustry.biz - Paradox Interactive kämpft mit neuen Veröffentlichungen
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buxberg · 6 months
À chaque projet, la jeune actrice a acquis plus d'expérience, rencontrer d'éminents réalisateurs et collègues
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L'un des meilleurs projets auxquels Michelle a participé était la série télévisée Buffy contre les vampires (2000-2003).  Le réalisateur Joss Whedon a choisi Trachtenberg pour jouer Dawn Summers, la sœur agaçante du personnage principal, interprétée par Sarah Michelle Gellar.  Les filles ont étroitement communiqué sur le plateau et sont ensuite devenues des amies proches.
 Le film suivant, dans lequel la jeune actrice est apparue, Eurotour (2004), a également été un grand succès.  Cette comédie d'aventure mettait également en vedette Scott Meklowitz, Jessica Bears, Jacob Pitts et Travis Wester.  L'histoire du voyage d'amis joyeux à travers l'Europe à la recherche de la fille Mika était très populaire parmi les jeunes.
La même année, Trachtenberg a joué dans deux autres projets : la série The Client is Always Dead, où elle a joué un rôle mineur, et le drame Mysterious Skin, où elle a joué l'un des rôles principaux avec Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jeffrey Leacon. et Brady Corbet.
Une étape importante de la carrière cinématographique de Michelle a été le tournage de la comédie Ice Princess de Tim Fyvell (2005), dans laquelle la jeune fille jouait le personnage principal, Casey Carlisle.  Elle était professionnellement engagée dans le patinage artistique, mais pour réussir, l'héroïne a dû suivre un entraînement sérieux et de multiples chutes.
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gamerbulten · 7 months
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2, geliştirici değişikliğinden sonra neredeyse iptal edildi Ama inandırıcı bir adım onu ​​canlı tut...
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@athelstan-anglecyning tagged me in something where i have to fill out some questions. so yeah. thanks for the tag. idk what i'm doing yet.
Favourite colour and why? blue. it's so comforting and relaxing. also lilac, teal and green.
Five comfort movies: i can't choose a top five. hmm. i love calamity jane tho.
Favourite season and why? autumn. i love the colours of the leaves and how crunchy they are when they fall down. the smell of bonfires. (i stole this entirely from prevs answer but i just agree too much)
Favourite book(s): i don't read that much :/
favourite aesthetic(s)and why? cowboycore, cottagecore and pastel. i like light colors and westers.
Favourite genre and why? rom-com
Favourite clothes style: mostly i dress pretty casually. i like anything with bees or plants on it, and anything with embroidery. pastel colors are always good too
Favourite music genres: country and folk
Favourite artists: anything country or folk related. also queen. i've recently got into hozier
Favourite song(s): the heart of the appaloosa has such sentimental value for me, and i still listen to it loads. mostly i like queen. i'm kinda basic in my taste in pop songs.
Favourite fandoms: star wars. i've loved it since i was a kid. i used to love the lone ranger too. *sigh* i'll have to watch it again
Hobbies: walking in nature, birdwatching with my bf, reading fanfiction, baking, playing soccer. lots of things
Care language you give: soup
Care language you like to receive: hugs and a willing ear
Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert. i don't like interacting with people much unless ik them lol. it's much easier online.
Morning or night person? tbh i'm more of an afternoon person
City, country or suburbs and why? city, but veering more towards suburbs. i don't think i'd be able to survive out in the sticks.
Favourite time of day and why? probably late morning. that's when i feel most energised.
Do you have any religious beliefs(don’t have to answer if not comfortable)? nope. nobody in my family is particularly religious apart from my great-aunt, but we don't talk about her.
What does your ideal family look like to you? it's already pretty good. me, my bf, and my pet dog. i wish our families could see more eye to eye tho.
Dream future: for my family and my bf's family to get on with each other, with me, with my bf, and for everyone to be accepting of each other in general :)
Dream place to visit: prev said Denver and!! i live in Denver!! hai!! it's actually a nice place to live. my bf has lived here all his life and is kinda sick of it tbh. there aren't many tourist destinations ngl, but maybe that's a good thing, idk *shrugs* aNYWAY i would like to visit Edinburgh. I have been to Scotland but not to Edinburgh
Favourite type of nature: when i visited Scotland, I loved seeing the lochs
Favourite habitat (eg jungle, desert, tundra etc): grassland-y type places
How would you describe yourself in 4 words: shy, nostalgic, excitable, loving
If you could be another thing on earth what would it be: ooh, tricky one. maybe a fish.
Favourite type of weather: crisp autumn weather
If you could travel anywhere right now where would it be: prev said Denver!! i could give you a guided tour. I would travel to Paris.
Do you have any fears (serious or otherwise): insects :(((
Dream job: an actress in a western
Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why? cowboy. i love westerns.
tagging @veradragonjedi and all their mutuals
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alter-aeon · 1 year
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kronim195 · 2 years
Don’t get my hopes up...
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thevampirearchive · 3 years
☾ Vampire lore around the world ☽
[From a black vampire lover - Updated 2024 ]
CW; Contains graphic depictions of vampires, incl. mentions of blood, death and more. Proceed at your own discretion.
Introduction Growing up I always loved all things supernatural, mythology and lore, but being raised christian meant I was not allowed to consume a lot of that type of media. Shows like The Vampire Diaries, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Twilight etc were a no, but somehow I still watched Vampire Of Brookly, and gifted the book series My Sister the Vampire by Sienna Mercer. A I got older, I realized everything boiled down to my parent's love for Eddie Murphy and whether the material in question looked child appropriate. Because to them, vampires were satans foot soldiers; terrorizing, demonic and too sexual (I bet Edward Cullen would have co-signed this in a heartbeat) With the years I got better at hiding my consumption of the terrorizing, demonic and sexy vampires (as teenage girls do) and it didn't take me long to realized that I, a black woman, was never properly represented. It wasn't until I read Twilight for the first time, during Lockdown, that this overwhelming feeling became more heart wrenching because why are we (black people) nowhere to be found in this genre? So of course, I began doing research as well as creating self-insert fics with black vampires. I know that black vampires have been portrayed or featured in western media before, but it was rare to see us be the main lead, an important character, written well or written with a black vampire in mind (oppose to creating a vampire character that happens to be black) The reality is, black and brown vampires in media were always being taken advantage of, mistreated, miserable, had few to little lines, or simply not celebrated as much as none-black vampires despite being cool or even being better, at times.
As I wrote my stories I began to ask my friends if they had any lore in their respective cultures and countries surrounding vampires. I was send a delicious amount of information and furthered my research. And thus began my hunt for the life beyond the living, and here is what I learned...
Disclaimer; All research was done at 3 am, either high or sleep deprived, all sources are cited at the end. If you have more to add or corrections please add it or feel free to DM.
The West and Vampires The Vampyre by John William Polidori (1819) was the first recorded published fictional Vampire Novel, in the West. It was also the first time Vampires had been potrayed as seductive and alluring creatures, whom despite prayed on beautiful (virgin) women, were very much humanized. There was also a sesnualizaton and romantisation of them, unlike previous found material, where vampires were nothing but terroro spreading monsters. Most of the lore that inspired western writers came from Eastern Europe and Aast Asia. The word Vampire itself comes from the Ukranian word Upir - meaning re-animated corpse, and later the word became Vampir in Serbian and by the 1700's the French had adapted it as Vampire. But it's origins date back further, with its origins meaning Witch. Some of the earliest accounts can be found in the later 1500's; In the Croation region of Istria, the villager Jure Grando Alilovic (1579-1656) passed due to illness. He was said to have risen from his grave at night to terrorizing the village for 16 years. He would knock on his victims door, and after a few days, someone from that household would die.In 1672 he was finally decapitated after many attemps of threatening him away, impaling and excorsising him. Simutaniously, in Breslau Germany, a shoemaker took his own life, and out of shame his widow hid his body with the help of her sister. They told people a number of lies to keep the secret of his suicide hidden, but it was not till the ghost of the shoemaker had harrassed the townsfolk for many months - from inflicting nightmares, physical abuse, bruises and punctures, that his body was echumed, cut into pieces and tossed into the river.
By this time, the Vampires in question had for a long time been regarded as the walking dead, resembling zombies moreso then Vampires. It was not till Father Francois Richard wrote of the Greek Vampire the Vrykolakas. This was a seen as a mischivous creature who would prey on their victims in the night - eat all their food, drink their wine, pull off their cloths and proceed to crush them in their sleep. They were said to be stillborn who did not recive their final rites, those concieved or born on a holy day, those who had consumed animals killed improperly, those burried incorrectly, the sinful and those killed by other Vrykolakas. Greece had a reputation of having the most vampires, especially island's such as Santorini.
From Albania we got the lore of the Sampiro, which was a night wandering creatures with glowing eyes, wearing flowing fabrics that covered most of its body, and in a pair of high heels that caused it to sway from side to side. It is said to follow its victim around, making a sound closely resembling kissing noises as it hungers for blood. It was not known to kill its pray, but instead take a larger amount of blood before fleeing again. It would often target the same people and could only be stopped with a stake through its heart. The lore of the Sampiro had it's prejudice as Albanians were conviced that Turks were the once turning into this vampiric creature, due to their mistrust and disdain of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Alongside the Sampiro, there was also the Lugat (also dubbed the Kukithi), who were known to also not kill their victims but drink smaller amounts of blood to satiate their sensual appetite. It was said to be a shapeshifter who would take the form of a human man, child or animal, who's bite left their victim with psycological or spiritual ailments such as mental disorders, curses or bloodthirst of their own. The way to kill the Lugat was a wolf.
You can imagine there were many more accounts that seemed to appear in journals, letters and more - it wasn't till around 1679 that the matter was taken more serious and investigated. Philip Rohr, Roman theologist, wrote the book 'The Chewing of the Dead' (translaton) where he stated to believe in Vampires existence and that they were not to be hunted through the desecration of graves but instead through the strengthening of faith in God. Many accounts came after disputing the idea of Vampires, while more accounts grew depicting them. With the spredd of more terror across many countries and regions - more living dead were seen roaming hungrilly, drinking from livestock, as well as children and virgin's. It was not til later that physicians would attempt to prove that instantaneous rigor mortis or livor mortis was at play. With shifting corpses and bodies that still contained blood after days of being burried, the creation of devices were created meant to trapped the dead. This was done in metal cages, spiked coffins, decapitation before burrial, removal of teeth, tongue and heart and even the gouging out of eyes. And in some cases, the burning of bodies. Oppositly, devices to insure that no living were accidentally buried were created as well.
Today, many historians explain that these actions were the results of hysteria, which was only further fueled by folklore, as well as the many grave robbers, cannibals, serial killers and farm animal thieves that were present during these times. The panic made it as far as the New World (what we now know as the Americas) but the issue of Withces seemed to rapidly become a bigger problem. As many large events in the world, these stories and occurrences became compelling to artists such as authors and during the 19th century the surge of vampire fiction truly began to gain popularity, specifically in the direction that we recognize today. In our modern time, most see vampires as creatures created to warm young women and children from pale beautiful strangers who seem to never age. But many still believe these creatures existed, or did exist, and that these tales were our ancestors warning us and each other. As stated before, the lore that dominates the west does not always resemble the vampires of the rest of the world. Through research, I’ve found a platter of lore from all over the world, and thus divided them by continent. It is important to note that these versions of vampires have the characteristics of all thirsting for blood, praying on vulnerable people and being overall terrifying. They, on the other hand, do not all resemble the smooth-and perfect skinned pale sunlight-fleeing creatures that we know today to be Vampires. It is therefore important to keep that in mind that not all vampires look the same across the world. I, and many others, classify them as vampires and would like to see more of them respected outside of their respective regions for some flavor.
Africa The first two recorded vampires that I could find were suprisingly two I did not think were regarded as Vampires; From Egypt we have the lion-headed goddess, Sekhmet. As the deity of war (battle and healing) she was created to destroy the enemies of her creator Ra, but she quickly became overly bloodthirsty and was said to be unstopable. It wasn't till a red liquid was created, which was a mixture of wine and human blood (also said to have been beer) that she got drunk and ended her terror. In other versions, it made her fall alseep where her slumber was said to last for 3 days, where she was divided into two goddesses in hopes to end her terror. Her hatred
Despite not being African, the Jewish/Babylonian lore of Lilith, tells the tale of a bloodthirsty woman who would sneak into the homes of people. The ancient lore has inspired popular media, and you may have seen her mention in the Tv-Show True Blood as being the First ever Vampire. The Ashanti Tribe of modern day Ghana, has the obayifo. It is said to appear as human during the day, with shifting eyes and a huge appetite. It has the ability to take flight in search of prey, targeting corpses, children and are often found close to cocoa trees. It has the power to absorbe the lives and energies of its victims - a processes that can take several days. It is often said to be a witche or controlled by one. This is one of the accounts that lean more so towards an energetic vampire more so then the classic blood consuming one. Sometimes it is also closer linked to a zombie then a vampire.
Then we have the Asanbosam, also known as the Sasabonsam - who's lore are more widespread throughout Ghana, Ivory Coast and Togo. They are depicted as human-like creatures with hooked legs, iron teeth and wings that are said to be twenty feet. The Asanbosam live in the trees of the dense forests and feed mainly on those who dare to wander into their domain. They wait silently in their trees to pounce on unsuspecting prey, and rip out their throats with their iron teeth. Other lore depict these creatures as having emaciated bodies and twisted feet, claws, horns and said to be extremely vicious.
The Betsileo tribe of Madagascar has the Ramanga; a creature that is said to work closely with ththe chief(s) or witch doctors, summoned to consumed the blood remaining from surgeries, extractions and accidents. This even included the blood remaining from fallen teeth, nail clippings etc. If they weren’t present, the blood would be preserved and given in ceremonies for when the Ramanga returned. This was not specificed why, but my assumption would be to reward/pay the Vampire for it's work or presence, and to deter it from harming anyone. In the Cape Region of Africa, there’s the lore of a young beautiful man dubbed as the impundulu. He is said to be controlled by a witch, who gained control through female witch line. The witch is said to feed him well with the blood of cattle and humans, as well as even sleep/marry him. All this is done to keep him satiated so he continues to work for her, and to avoid betrayal and rebellion. 
The Ewe people of Togo have the lore of the Adze, who takes the shape of a firefly. This creatures form is described as having a hunchback, sharp talons and jet-black skin when they are not fireflies – which is their most dangerous form, as it is then they are able to kill their victims, drink their blood and eat their heart. They favor feasting on young children, so this lore has been said to be the result of warning people from trapping fireflies.
In the southern parts of Africa the lore of the Tikoloshe, which is an energetic Vampire, is said to resemble a freakish baboon. They are said to have a violant appetite, and often assult women and suck their energy. Many believe a witchdoctor can trap and destroy them by luring them with milk.
Most energetic vampires are known to be monsters hiding amongst us, sucking out the energy of those around them to keep young and beautiful. I've added this type of vampire due to the many accounts of them, and it is facinating to imagine more then one type of vampire. The lack of blood consumption is still fascinating, as the thought of a human like creature that can survive off others essence/energy feels just as terrifying as a bloodthirsty ones
In the Philippines there is the lore of the Manananggal. She is believed to be a shapeshifting woman who sucks the blood of pregnant women’s stomachs. Like many western vampires, she hates garlic and her thirst is endless. She’s often depicted as a flying disembodied sucking nightmare at night, but beautiful by day. There is also the lore of the Aswang, which is often also a generic term for malevolent supernatural entity. She is said to be a beautiful woman who traps her victims, sucks and drains their blood with her proboscis-like tongue. There are many similar lore to her, but she is considered the deadliest.
In Cambodia, my friend told me of the female ghost Krasue; “She is a head with floating organs hanging out of her as she flies around at night looking for victims to suck the blood out off for her survival. She was cursed as a woman for her sins (or something like that) then was reborn this way.” In Malaysia there is the lore of the Bajang - a weasley-like male creature that is inoffensive at first glance. He is said to be created from the bodies of stillborn babies, and that their victims typically are babies, newborns and children. Often, they seek out families with small children, and after being accepted into the family, they feed on the children and rarely spare the parents. Their cries are said to be able to induce illnesses in children, as well as spreading diseases and madness through entire towns. There is also a similar lore but of a small statue like creature that is passed down from generation to generation, that requires blood for it to obay the word of its master. It is not possible to destroy it, but instead appeasing it with blood offerings. Killing its master simply results in it finding a new one. In Indonesia there is the tale of the Leak, a creature that feeds on unborn children and babies. They are believed to be women who have black magic abilities, and who have a strong thirst for human flesh and blood. By day she appears normal, but by nighth er intestines break free and her head floats, hunting for victims. In Japan, there are a few vampire-like mythological creatures, but those that exist are all often depicted the same; As a human-size serpent (or with an animal body) with a woman’s head. They are often found near large bodies of water, and different provinces of Japan, have varying descriptions. What is common is that these creatures are known as merciless killers. An example is the Suiko, which means ‘water tiger’, and they drags humans into rivers and lakes, only to drain them of blood and feast on their souls. They are said to do this to stay in power rather than to satiate thirst or substance. Note; In my research I've observed that many asian vampire lore come from islands of southeast Asia, where similar sightings have been retold (beautiful woman who turns into floating heads, guts hanging out as they roam villages and cities in attempt to satisfy their thirst for blood and bodies) More examples of this is Myanmar's Kephn, who resembles the Malaysian Penanggalan and Bajang.
The America's and surrounding islands
Amongst the Wyandot People, indigenouus to North America, the legend of the Hooh-Strah-Dooh is what I found many describe as a cross between a zombie and a vampire. The Hooh-Strah-Dooh is said to be an evil spirit that inhabited recently dead bodies and caused the corpse to rise and devour the living.
In the Carribeans there is the female vampire-like monsters who is often dubbed Soucouyant, Loogaroo and many other names. They are bloodsucking elder women, who are reclusive by day but by night they take off their skin and hide it away to fly across the sky as a fireball in search for victims. They leave their victims bruised black, purple and blue. They are said to suck their victims dry till they die or become like her.  To expose them or hinder, it is said to throw rice around the house or on the crossroads of the village. The creature will be distracted by the grains and want to pick every single one up, and by the time she’s done, the night will be over and she is forced to return to her skin. This is believed to be a French-West Indies lore mixed with western African lore and French lore (I could not find which ones).
The Argentinian (and Chilean) Mapuche People have a lore of the Peuchen, a shapeshifter that is often described as gigantic flying snake, who produced strange whistling sounds and has a paralyzing gaze that permits them to suck their victim's blood.
Afro Colmbians, and sometimes Ecuadorians, are said to have believed in the Tunda; a female shapeshifter, who would take on the shape of a loved one, lures her victim in and drinks his blood. They often preyed on men who wandered in the forests or are campt outside.
The Patasola or also known as the "one foot" creature, similar to the former, appears in many South American lore. The Patasola is a jungle monster who appears before male hunters or loggers in the middle of the wilderness. They are said to only appear when men think of women (including their significant other) The creature will take on a beautiful shape and seduce the men, luring him away from his group and deeper into the jungle before feeding on his blood and flesh.
Of the Banks Island, Venuatu, the vampire lore of the talamaur is known as being either good or evil. The evil ones would feed on the energy of the newly dead or dying. Alongside that, they are also known to enslave healthy people's souls by eating their heart. This type of vampire was said to be able to control the ghost of a dead person, and could use them to drain the vitality from the living and the recently deceased.
In iceland, the Draugr is rooted in Icelandic Viking and Norse mythology lore - Their motivation is said to come from jealousy and/or greed. They are shapeshifters, associated with the deep forest and nature overall, where they are said to roam and deplenish livestock by either riding them or pursuing them in their hideous form. Despite their consumption of blood and flesh, they are often mostly associated with vampires because of their contagiousness – They are said to be able to spread their likeness (vampirism) through luring others and contaminating them.
The more I research, the more I find many similarities across cultures, continents and different time periods. As I go, I am slowly compiling a vampire reading list (literature) to read, as well as creating the bounds, laws and lore for my own story, with heavy inspirational rooots from those of the past. Even the western vampires of today seem to have strayed far from their roots of Zomie-like vampiric creatures, and I am starting to wonder if we were to have stuck with them would there have ever been the heavily white-supremicst rooted vampires of today? Would it have become a tool to press this immortality-perfection imagery on the world? or would they have found a way to still romantisized the corpse-like, terrifying vampires? Regardless, it is all very interesting and I hope to continue to discover more of these accounts and lore for my own etnertainment purpuse. Finding that there was an abundant amount of BIPOC accounts and tales of Vampires have given me so much inspiration and (sickly enough) joy knowing we do indeed exists within the genre. There is a plethora of different types of vampires, some crossing between zombie, witch and wolf, and all it took is to dig deeper.
Thank you for reading Updated 7/1-24 Sources;
The Vampire Timeline
Vampire Folklore by Region
Vampires of Albanian
The history of Vampires on Santorini
Vampires Before Dracula
Breslau Vampire
Francois Bertrand
American Antiquarian (Contains more source on Vampires)
Jure Grando - The First Recorded Vampire
East Asian Vampire Lore
Types of Vampires
Lamia - The Greek Demon (also check out Empusa and Mormolykeia)
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 3 years
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Maera my dai qunari inquisitor OC from the Vampire Western AU fic i will finish writing next time I get back into DA....  She’s like 10 and the cat is Vicomtesse, who is technically Josephine’s but like everyone else, has decided Maera is baby and her favorite.  I also tried to make it a vintage photograph.  this was a little treat from me to me <3 
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skullizzard · 3 years
Some doodles of SOLC characters I like
I drew these a few weeks ago and forgot to post them here oops
Wester !!!!! He’s a bastard but I love him. Also bonus Larten because :’)
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And Randel Chayne who can suck my blood any day of the week :)
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I wanna draw them both more in the future, I might play with Randel’s hair a bit in the future so follow me if u wanna stay tuned ig lmao
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cirqueducrazy · 7 years
What did I say about stabbing your brother?
Seba, to Larten
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A time-travel fix-it AU came to me in the form of a dream last night, so here I am to share it with you all.
The Plot: Somewhere during the events of The Trials of Death and The Vampire Prince, Darren messes with shit that he was explicitly told not to mess with and winds up passing out during one of his trials/a battle. He then proceeds to wake up in an unfamiliar place, a place that quickly proves to be unfamiliar because it is several hundred years in the past. While trying to figure this out Darren manages to stumble across a pre-Larten Seba, who takes one look at Darren and says “Yes sir, there is something up with this child” while also promising himself that he will track down and kill whomsoever blooded this kid if it is the last thing that he does. 
Darren is both understandably terrified of this situation and completely agreeable to the idea of staying with Seba, because he knows Seba and Seba would never hurt him despite being an old-time vampire that is always prepared to throw-down on a moment’s notice if need be. Two or three months go by of these two just trying to exist, and then suddenly BOOM! Larten. So now Darren is really freaking out because Seba is still trying to non-too-sneakily track down and kill whoever blooded Darren, how does Darren even begin to go about explaining that this kid ACTUALLY IS the one who blooded him and he isn’t from this time your honor.
But Seba is, while not completely oblivious to this internal struggle; not getting very much warmed in his guesses about the truth yet so what happens is basically just “Oh, hello there small and vengeful child! This is my other child who is already a vampire, I am trying to find and kill whoever blooded him, play nice now!” :D
So long story short Larten and Darren get progressively closer whilst Seba politics with Paris about his growing brood and Darren delights in calling Larten a twat sense they are equals now and he can do so whenever Larten screws up. Wester then get’s introduced at right around the same time that Seba and Paris finally figure out the truth and confront Darren about it, Darren whom does not handle this well and has a breakdown (Seba and Paris are surprisingly down to comfort him rather than scold or berate him, like obviously there is tough love there too but Larten you could learn a few things from this.)
Darren goes home after a few more months of past-life therapy, idk how dream was nonspecific.
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multiversecarnavep · 3 years
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Howard's first appearance in comics is when he is abruptly abducted from his home planet by an unseen force and randomly dropped into the Florida Everglades by the demon-lord Thog the Nether-Spawn. He meets the Man-Thing, who had been attacked by Korrek of Katharta, and the three of them are confronted by warriors of the Congress of Realities.[22] He then meets Dakimh the Enchanter and Dakimh banishes the warriors and transports Howard, Man-Thing, and Korrek to his castle, where they are joined by Jennifer Kale. They then travel to the realm of Therea and destroy Thog the Nether-Spawn. Howard then accidentally falls off the inter-dimensional stepping stones that the group were traveling on[23] and materializes in Cleveland, Ohio, where he battles Garko the Man-Frog.[24] Howard is arrested at this time for disturbing the peace and is mistaken for a mutant during a strip search, but is released because the police fear he has mutant abilities. Howard also briefly encounters and kills a vampiric cow named Bessie the Hellcow.[25]
Howard makes friends with an artists' model named Beverly Switzler and a bizarre series of encounters follow. He battles Pro-Rata, the cosmic accountant, then meets Spider-Man at the end of the battle.[26][27] He battles Turnip-Man and the Kidney Lady,[28] who would become a semi-recurring character over the years,[citation needed] then learns the fictional martial art of "Quack-Fu".[29] Howard then encounters the Winky Man, who is actually the sleepwalking alter-ego of Beverly's artist friend, Paul Same,[30] who would become a series regular and later become the pair's roommate.[citation needed] Howard also briefly becomes a wrestler.[31]
Howard and Beverly hit the road, seeking shelter in a gothic mansion where they battle a girl named Patsy and her giant, animated-to-life gingerbread man.[32][33] They eventually end up in New York City, where Howard is nominated for President of the United States by the All-Night Party[33] and he later battles the Band of the Bland, alongside the Defenders.[34] A doctored-photo scandal leads him to Canada where he defeats a supervillain, the Beaver, who caused the scandal. The Beaver falls to his death in a battle with Howard.[35] Howard then suffers a nervous breakdown and flees Bev and their situation on a bus. Unfortunately, the bus' passengers are all believers in various weird cults, and try to interest Howard in them. His seatmates are Winda Wester and the Kidney Lady, a woman who believes that the soul of a person lives in their kidneys and attempts to stop anything she sees as "anti-kidney health." After the bus crashes, Howard and Winda are sent to a mental institution. There he meets Daimon Hellstrom, and is briefly possessed by Hellstrom's demonic soul, becoming the new Son of Satan.[36] Beverly and Paul manage to get them both back to Cleveland. Later, while on the S. S. Damned, a cruise ship returning from scenic Bagmom, Howard and Beverly are taken captive by Lester Verde. Verde had known Beverly in college and had a crush on her and had assumed the identity of the supervillain Doctor Bong,[37] who illegally marries Beverly against her will and transforms Howard into a human.[38][39]
After escaping back to New York and being restored to his natural form, Howard is hired as a dishwasher by Beverly's uncle, Lee Switzler. Howard is later reunited with Dakihm the Enchanter, the Man-Thing, Korrek and Jennifer Kale, and they all battle the demon Bzzk'Joh. Korrek pilots the ship the Epoch Weasel and drops Howard back off at Cleveland before he and their allies fly away.[40][41] Howard finally meets up with the cruise ship that rescued Paul and Winda from Doctor Bong, and finds that Paul and Winda have befriended socialite Iris Raritan.
Howard is later kidnapped by the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime. Winda is abandoned by Paul and Iris and Paul is shot and left in a coma.[42][43] After defeating the Circus of Crime, Howard is plagued by pessimistic dreams and goes his way alone, just as he had at the series' beginning.[44]
Writer Bill Mantlo, beginning with issue #30, returned the series to its former status quo, bringing Beverly back into the picture and having her divorce Doctor Bong. Howard's creator Steve Gerber, who left the series after issue #27, originally intended for Beverly and Bong's marriage to be lasting and for Beverly to be written out of the series from that point on. Howard and Beverly's friend Paul, who had ended up in a coma after he had previously been shot by the Ringmaster, awakens from his coma and is released from the hospital. Beverly's uncle Lee brings everyone back to Cleveland and employs Howard as a cab driver, while Paul, back to being a somnambulist after his release from the hospital, becomes Winda's boyfriend. Howard dons a suit of "Iron Duck" armor made by Claude Starkowitz, a man who has delusions of being related to Tony Stark and dreams of being the personal armorer to Iron Man, and battles Doctor Bong in the final issue of the original 70s Howard the Duck series (issue #31).[45][46] Howard later encounters Dracula[47] and even once returns to Duckworld.[48] At the end of the nine-issue magazine series, Howard leaves Beverly (at her request) and is later offered a genetically-constructed female duck mate, whom he does not take to.[49]
On a later occasion, She-Hulk accidentally pulls Howard though a cosmic wormhole along with theoretical physicist Brent Wilcox and they are able to prevent other universes from crowding out Earth-616. During this time, Howard meets a character called the Critic, travels to a dimension known as the Baloneyverse and again battles a group called the Band of the Bland, whom he had previously battled with the Defenders.[50][51][52]
In an encounter with Peter Parker and Ben Reilly (the then-current Spider-Man), Howard gets a rematch with the Circus of Crime and the Circus is defeated. During the fight, Howard and Beverly get stuck in a warehouse full of anthropomorphic ducks, briefly meeting the Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck. Parker and Reilly leave the warehouse believing that they have the correct versions of Howard and Beverly with them. However, in the Savage Dragon/Destroyer Duck companion story that takes place simultaneously and that was written by Gerber, it is explained that the version of Howard and Beverly that left the warehouse with Parker and Reilly are simply clones taken by mistake and that the real Howard and Beverly actually left the scene with Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck .[53]
The sorceress Jennifer Kale, in a weekly attempt to return Howard to his home world, inadvertently teleports Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy into her New York apartment. The disoriented dinosaur attempts to eat Howard, but spits him out when shot with John Blaze's hellfire gun. Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy then rampage through the city before being subdued by Ghost Rider (Daniel Ketch). Howard says that he relates to the pair being trapped in a world they never made before wandering off.[54][55]
Heroes RebornEdit
After a brief series of adventures with Generation X,[56] Howard gets a job as a department store Santa Claus, which gets him dragged to the North Pole where the real Santa Claus has sold out to HYDRA.[57] Howard goes through several dimensions, apparently through the power of Man-Thing, who can now talk but does not understand this new, unknown ability, and lands on a version of Duckworld where his parents are essentially Ward and June Cleaver, he has a sister named Princess, and he is regarded as a hero because his activities on Earth-616 were recognized by Duckworld's version of Reed Richards. This origin traces the source of these dimensions to be projections from Franklin's mind. Throughout the course of the adventure, Howard has a romance with Tana Nile, culminating in a kiss, after which he apologizes and tells her of his attachment to Beverly.[58][59][60] When Franklin understands that he has shaped all of these worlds, the group finds themselves back in the Man-Thing's swamp. While Man-Thing becomes a self-appointed guardian to Franklin Richards, Howard goes off on his own and is captured by the Cult of Entropy, who wrap him in swaddling clothes.[61] Although last seen in the swamp, Howard states that he was thrown into baggage and transported on a plane. The cult wants Howard because he has part of the Nexus of All Realities, which shattered during Heroes Reborn, inside of him. Man-Thing then enters Howard's mouth, and Howard vomits him back out with the fragment, but Man-Thing is left desiccated and practically dead.[62] Howard then encounters Namor, who thought he had slain Man-Thing, but Howard explains that he would not be lugging his friend's body around if that were the case. Howard sets the Man-Thing down in the water, and he revives during Howard's conversation with Namor. Once he sees that the Man-Thing is alive and well, he bids Namor farewell and says that he is returning to Cleveland.[63]
Years later, back with Beverly, he undergoes further shapeshifting experiences after an accident at a chemical facility of Doctor Bong's. Beverly is hired by Bong's Globally Branded Content Corporation, which manufactures boy bands from protein vats based on the sexual arousal of a focus group of gay men. Attempting to destroy an escapee whom Beverly has taken in, Bong inadvertently knocks Howard into a vat, which changes him, unstably, into a rat.[64] When Howard later showers, he changes his form multiple times before again permanently returning to the form of the giant rat. Verde then goes to the press and claims that his building was attacked by Osama el-Barka ("Osama the Duck" in Arabic). Howard and Beverly are sent back on the road after the junkyard office where they are living is destroyed by a S.W.A.T. team.[65] Denied admittance to every possible shelter due to lack of funds, the pair and their dog find a sign for the Boarding House of Mystery, but are taken to the police station for questioning and strip searches by Suzy Pazuzu, with whom Beverly had attended high school. One of the officers on the case is the same beat cop who mistook Howard for a mutant many years before. Suzy is the inheritor of the doucheblade, which starts to take her over when she wears an enchanted bracelet. In a skirmish, the bracelet is caught by Howard causing him to be the wielder of the doucheblade. The doucheblade causes its holder to grow enormous bare breasts and armor in a parody of Witchblade, and, possessed by this, Howard kills the male lover of a businessman who works with Verde as he and Verde break into Suzy's house.[66]
Arriving at the Boarding House of Mystery, Howard and Beverly encounter Cain and Abel, the latter with a rock stuck in his head that allows him only moments of lucidity. There, they are granted their every wish, including Howard's return to his true form, and Beverly never being poor again, and meet parodies of John Constantine, Wesley Dodds, the Endless, Spider Jerusalem, and Gerber's own Nevada (called Utah), all characters from DC Comics' Vertigo imprint. The downside to the House is that everyone staying there gets their every wish; so Che Guevara can have his revolution, but someone else can easily slaughter him.[67] One tenant, a writer named Mr. Gommorah (a parody of Spider Jerusalem), later takes Beverly and Howard to be on the Iprah show with the topic "Why Women Give It to Men Who Don't Get It", guest starring Dr. Phlip.
Upon leaving the House of Mystery, Howard is once again transformed into an anthropomorphic mouse. It is revealed that Iprah has been merged with an experiment by the Angel Gabriel called Deuteronomy, intended to replace God, because God has been spending all his time in a bar in Hell since 1938. Deuteronomy is a creature half-id and half-superego, while Iprah is an all-ego promoter of self-indulgent pop psychology. Considering her dangerous, Gabriel sends the cherub Thrasher to resurrect Sigmund Freud, whose cigar blasts out half of Thrasher's brains (being immortal, this just makes him act drunk). Iprah destroys Freud, but Howard blasts her with the cigar, separating her from Deuteronomy. Puffing on the cigar, Howard disintegrates and arrives in Hell.[68] He is eventually freed by Yah, a being who claims to be "God".[69]
Civil WarEdit
Sometime later, Howard attempts to register under the Superhero Registration Act during the superhero Civil War, but learns his socially disrupted life has created so many bureaucratic headaches that the government's official policy is that Howard does not exist. This lack of government oversight delights him: "For the rest of my life, no more parking tickets, or taxes, or jury duty. Heck, I couldn't even vote if I wanted to!" In this story, Howard says he was pressured to give up his cigars.[70]
After he defeats the supervillain M.O.D.O.T.’s (Mobile Organism Designed Only for Talking) scheme to control the public through mass media, his attorney, Jennifer Walters, successfully restores his citizenship, including all relevant responsibilities.[71]
Secret InvasionEdit
Howard the Duck is briefly seen as part of the superpowered army gathered to battle invading Skrull forces.[72] He is seen armed with a pistol and wearing a Skrull's hand around his neck.[73] He is later seen kicking a Skrull during interrogation after the invasion.[74] Brian Michael Bendis has commented when asked of Howard: "That character has shown up in six issues I've done, and I've never typed the words Howard the Duck."[75]
Marvel Zombies 5Edit
Main article: Marvel Zombies 5
In Marvel Zombies 5, Howard the Duck of Earth-616 teams up with Machine Man to travel across the multiverse fighting zombies.[76]
Fear ItselfEdit
During the Fear Itself storyline, Howard forms a team called the Fearsome Four with She-Hulk, Frankenstein's Monster and Nighthawk to stop the Man-Thing when he goes on a rampage in Manhattan, due to the fear and chaos he senses on the citizens. They later discover a plot by Psycho-Man to use the Man-Thing's volatile empathy to create a weapon.[77]
Spider-Man: Back in QuackEdit
Howard and Beverly are brainwashed and forced to work for Save Our Offspring From Indecency (S.O.O.F.I.) as Cynical Duck and Swizzle. They promote S.O.O.F.I. at a public speech held for them by J. Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man later interrupts a S.O.O.F.I. indoctrination at the New York Public Library, and Beverly and the other S.O.O.F.I.s see Spidey as a semi-demonic figure and attack him. Spidey escapes with Howard and breaks his brainwashing when Beverly is threatened. Howard quickly explains S.O.O.F.I.'s goals to Spider-Man. As Spider-Man publicly announces his long-standing support for S.O.O.F.I., Howard confronts Bev as she stands beside the Supreme S.O.O.F.I. Howard is able to break through to Beverly, reminding her of their past together. The Supreme S.O.O.F.I. orders the S.O.O.F.I.s to throw the pair into the special Blanditron at Guantanamo Bay, but Beverly keeps them at bay with a whip. Spidey attacks the S.O.O.F.I.s and unmasks the Supreme S.O.O.F.I., while the others escape through their teleporter. Howard states that he believes S.O.O.F.I. will lay low for a while after such a defeat and he also hopes that the group's Florida Everglades base might lead them to meet up with the Man-Thing.[78]
The Ducky DozenEdit
Because of his experience with zombie-infested worlds and his leadership of Machine Man, Howard is chosen as the leader of, as he dubs them, the Ducky Dozen. The team is composed of him, several Golden Age heroes, Dum-Dum Dugan, and Battlestar, who is also a veteran of a zombie incident. Upon entering Earth-12591, the Ducky Dozen fight hordes of zombie Nazis and Asgardians, but suffer grave losses as the team's members are either killed or zombified during the battle. After successfully accomplishing their mission, Howard, Dugan, Taxi Taylor and Battlestar are the only members to survive and return to Earth-616 along with the Riveter, the only survivor of Earth-12591's resistance team, the Suffragists.[79][80]
Wolverine and the X-MenEdit
Howard later teams up with his friend Doop to battle the Robo-Barbarians in Dimension ZZZ. They beat the horde back with nothing but a broken sword, a rubber chicken with nails in it and a gun that shoots bees.[81]
Original SinEdit
After the death of Uatu the Watcher and the activation of the secrets buried in his eye, Howard discovers that he has the potential to be the most intelligent being in Duckworld. After evading a squirrel while driving, he is thrown flying from his vehicle but uses his intellect to calculate a way to land safely in a nearby dumpster.[82]
Back to New YorkEdit
Howard returns to his business as a private eye, working in the same building as She-Hulk, in Brooklyn. One of his first new clients is Jonathan Richards, who hires Howard to retrieve a necklace stolen by the Black Cat. With the help of Tara Tam, his new friend and assistant, Howard manages to recover the necklace. However, on his way to give it back to Richards, he finds himself kidnapped by the Collector and allied with the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape the villain, who was attempting to add Howard to his collection of rare space objects and entities. Upon returning to Earth, Howard is robbed by May Parker, Spider-Man's aunt, and later re-encounters the Ringmaster, who is revealed to have brainwashed the elderly into committing robberies. After recovering the necklace for a third time, Howard is approached by Richards in the middle of his fight against the Ringmaster and Richards reveals himself to be Talos the Untamed, who reveals that the necklace was part of a marginally powerful item known as the Abundant Glove. With help from Doctor Strange, Howard and Tara locate the final piece of the Abundant Glove, but are unable to put it back together when Talos grabs it and proceeds to use it to wreak havoc on the city. Talos is confronted by numerous heroes while Howard and Tara take cover. Howard is able to point out that Tara, who is revealed to possess shapeshifting powers similar to that of a Skrull, could help him defeat Talos. Tara used her powers to impersonate Skrull Emperor Kl'rt (the Super-Skrull), distracting Talos long enough for Howard to snatch the Abundant Glove from his hand. Talos is later apprehended by the Fantastic Four and everything returns to normal.[83]
Afterwards, with the help of new arrival Gwenpool, Howard prevented HYDRA from infecting the world with a deadly virus.[84] He also has a crossover event with The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.[85] Howard the Duck is shown to be living in the She-Hulk's apartment building when Patsy Walker moved out.[86]
Civil War IIEdit
During the Civil War II storyline, Howard the Duck is among the building tenants that learn from Patsy Walker what happened to She-Hulk following the fight against Thanos.[87]
War of the RealmsEdit
Howards last name, Duckson, is revealed in War of the Realms: War Scrolls #1.
Young biochemist Dr. Theodore "Ted" Sallis, a native of Omaha, Nebraska,[28] is working in the Everglades as part of Dr. Wilma Calvin's Project: Gladiator team, which includes Dr. Barbara Morse and her fiancé Dr. Paul Allen, and an assistant named Jim. A Dr. Wendell is later cited as being on the staff after Dr. Calvin is shot.[29] The group is attempting to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum that had created Captain America.[30] Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #6 revealed that Sallis at one point treated and worked alongside Dr. Curtis Connors shortly after Connors' arm was amputated, driving the research that would eventually transform Connors into the Lizard.
Though warned that the technological terrorist group Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) has been operating in the area, Sallis breaches security by bringing with him his lover, Ellen Brandt (referred to here as "Miss Brandt", but later retconned to be his wife). He destroys his notes to his formula, which he has memorized. Later, he is ambushed by two thugs and learns that Brandt has betrayed him. Fleeing with the only sample of his serum, he injects himself with it in hopes of saving himself. However, he crashes his car into the swamp where scientific and, as Man-Thing #1 later explained, magical forces combine to instantly transform him into a slow-moving plant-matter creature with large, solid red eyes.[31] Unable to speak, and with dim memories, he attacks the ambushers and Brandt, burning and scarring part of her face with an acid that he now secretes in the presence of negative emotions. The Man-Thing then wanders away into the swamp.[32]
Sallis' mind was apparently extinguished, although on rare occasions he could briefly return to consciousness within his monstrous form, as in Doctor Strange (vol. 2) #41 (June 1980), The Defenders (vol 1) #98 (August 1981), and Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual '99, and even to his human form, as in Adventure into Fear #13 (April 1973), Marvel Two-in-One #1 (January 1974), Marvel Comics Presents #164 (October 1994), and Man-Thing (vol. 3) #5 and 7-8 (April 1998, June–July 1998).
Under writer Steve Gerber, the Man-Thing encounters the sorceress Jennifer Kale, with whom he briefly shared a psychic link and who knew his true identity, in a story arc in Fear #11-13 – the final issue of which established that the swamp had mystical properties as the Nexus of Realities. Through an interdimensional portal in Fear #19, he meets Howard the Duck, who becomes stranded in this reality. The Man-Thing became the guardian of the Nexus, and found himself facing demons, ghosts and time-traveling warriors, while continuing to encounter such non-supernatural antagonists as rapacious land developers, fascist vigilantes and common criminals. He formed a bond with young radio DJ Richard Rory and nurse Ruth Hart. Issue #12's "Song-Cry of the Living Dead Man", about an crazed writer named Brian Lazarus, spawned Gerber's posthumously published 2012 sequel, "The Screenplay of the Living Dead Man", in the three-issue miniseries The Infernal Man-Thing.
In Man-Thing (vol. 2) #1-11 (November 1979 – July 1981), writer Chris Claremont introduced himself as a character in the final issue, as Gerber had in the finale of the first series. Additionally, Claremont temporarily became the Man-Thing after being stabbed to death. His and other characters' deaths were later resolved with the intervention of the War Is Hell series lead, John Kowalski, now an aspect of Marvel Comics' manifestation of Death. In Man-Thing (vol. 3) #1-8 (December 1997 – July 1998), Ellen Brandt Sallis returns to the Citrusville area and encounters a little boy, Job Burke, who is actually the Sallises' son, who had been put up for adoption. Following this series, the story continued in Strange Tales (vol. 4) #1-2, and was projected to continue in the unpublished issues #3-4. Summaries based on DeMatteis' unillustrated scripts appear on the K'Ad-mon and Ellen Brandt pages in Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe.[21][22]
During the "Civil War" storyline, two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents unsuccessfully attempt to register the Man-Thing under the Superhuman Registration Act.[33]
The Man-Thing later appears as a member of the Legion of Monsters alongside Morbius, the Living Vampire, the Werewolf by Night, the Manphibian, and N'Kantu, the Living Mummy.[34] He later gains the ability to speak comprehensibly through the use of the "Universal Language".[35] Phil Coulson subsequently recruits the Man-Thing for his incarnation of the Howling Commandos.[36]
As part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel branding, the Man-Thing appears as a member of S.T.A.K.E.'s Howling Commandos.[37]
During the "Empyre" storyline, Man-Thing falls under the control of the Cotati led by Ventri that were operating in the Savage Land.[38] Doctor Voodoo takes control of Man-Thing to free Matthew and Black Knight. As Matthew and Black Knight fight the Cotati, a Doctor Voodoo-controlled Man-Thing fights the Cotati's control and defeats Ventri.[39] As Doctor Voodoo exits Man-Thing to assist Scarlet Witch after Ka-Zar was stabbed by a Cotati using Black Knight's Ebony Blade, Man-Thing continued the fight against the Cotati. When the Cotati were defeated, Man-Thing takes his leave after being thanked by Black Knight. Ventri claims that what they learned from Man-Thing's energy has been sent to Quoi to fuel the Cotati's invasion.[40]
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