#Vampire lore
izzylimon · 2 days
Dracula´s Castle Romania
Bran Castle "Have you seen vampires? Nestled deep in the rugged landscapes of Transylvania, myths and legends swirl as thick as the morning fog—here lies Bran Castle, often dubbed Dracula’s Castle. This imposing fortress is the heart of countless vampire tales and whispers of the undead that have captivated imaginations worldwide.
Bran Castle’s link to Dracula is steeped more in fiction than historical fact. Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel “Dracula” painted the portrait of a bloodthirsty vampire count, a character loosely based on the real Vlad the Impaler, known for his brutal methods of punishing his enemies. Stoker never visited Romania, but his descriptions evoke the eerie essence of this region, aligning perfectly with the gothic stature of Bran Castle. The castle itself, dating back to the 14th century, perches dramatically on a hill, inviting stories of nocturnal creatures lurking in its shadowy corridors.
Though the connection to Vlad is tenuous, the castle has embraced its role in vampire lore, attracting those fascinated by the supernatural and the spine-tingling tales of vampires. What is it about vampires that continues to draw us in? Is it the thrill of the unknown, or perhaps a darker reflection of our own nature?" source: Romania (on ig) @macabreland 🦇
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farvann · 8 months
Thiiiiiinking about my vampires again and I think that their appearance is definitely affected by if they're well fed or not AND especially if the blood is fresh and "live". Live blood invigorates them and brings life back to them, making their features appear a bit more normal. Pupils more circular instead of slits, skin less pale, ears and even fangs less pointy. A vampire who has no trouble regularly feeding off live prey has a way more advantage of blending in with humans, making them even more dangerous.
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bunnis-monsters · 10 days
You saying vampires have no blood flow means they also don't get erections
That shit is going up!! I’ll put a damn wooden dowel in his peehole!! GIMME THAT VAMPIRE COCK!!
Yeah they’re corpses but it’s fantasy… I’ll let his cock get hard.
A little solution!! Maybe vampires can only get hard once they’ve consumed blood recently? Some of the blood they consume travels to their dick. Kinda makes sense, my ideal vampire man gets horny after drinking my blood 😏
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gabrielisdead · 4 months
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my vampire lore iceberg, open for criticism and suggestions
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vyvilha · 11 months
fun facts about ukrainian vampires (opyr)
• opyri can be of two origins: born and made. made opyri are made by witches, who can smear a baby with blood of a man who went to sleep without praying, thus making the child an opyr.
• opyri have two souls. when opyr dies, only one soul goes to the otherworld. this is why they continue living after death. they aren't immortal though, and only live post-death for seven years. you can presume the person who died was an opyr and will return later if right after their death was a great storm.
• they are very merry fellas and are known to sing, dance and play musical instruments. you can see them partying if you go to the village border at midnight. they also can be spotted smoking a pipe while laying in their coffin.
• opyr can turn into variety of different things: a child, a white or a black dog, a cat, a wolf, a horseman.
• if someone sneezes and you don't respond with "bless you" such person can become an easy target for opyr.
• to get rid of the opyr, you must take them into your arms and carry them across the town or village three times. classical stake to the heart works too.
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weirdpolis · 1 year
The further we get in the Dracula Daily, and the more I realize all of the discrepancies between the Original Text and every single one of its adaptations, the more I think there must be some weird vampire quirk at work here. Some spell, or a curse, that prevents the faithfull translation of the original story. Some combination of "Vampires don't have reflections in the mirrors, and their likeness cannot be captured on film or photograph" and "victims cannot speak directly about the Vampire because they are put under their spell or in a trance". I have not yet figured out all the details of how this peculiar vampire quirk works, and wheter the wild mistranslation of the "Dracula" onto Islandic language also occured under this spell, but you must agree with me, that it's weird it happened this many times.
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seraphinitegames · 2 months
Hi! I hope yall are doing great! I was watching supernatural, and DMB was mentioned, and I thought, "Where have I heard that before? 🤔" and then remembered that DMB is also part of the wayhaven lore (I have a terrible memory). It made me wonder if you based Dead man's blood and other supernatural substances/beings in old series/movies :)
It was actually based on a super old legend for vampires! I love looking at the very original myths for supernaturals and seeing what could be used or adjusted for Wayhaven. Though some of the very old legends are…odd, lol! They make for good reading during research though, hehe :D
So yeah, dead man's blood is a super old legend for vampires, but I didn't want it to be just what it said, which is where the idea of having it as some kind of form of poison from a flower came about!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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anney-baker · 8 months
I really hope that the concept of a vampire familiar will become more popular even after the end of WWDITS.
Vampire familiar as a position brings so much to the character just right off the bat. The calm attitude towards gore and death-related things, the regular participation in the assisted murder (with the constant possibility of them being caught and arrested looming over their head), the mental gymnastics they do to exist between the human and the supernatural worlds, their flexible mental lists separating humans into the "out of bounds" and "possible victims" categories, them "trying on" vampire behavior to prepare for their new life and becoming more inhumane while staying human...
It creates a morally grey personality that is egually if not more unhinged that the one of a vampire and therefore quite captivating to readers/viewers. And anyway, who doesn't love the insanely tense boss/employee master/slave relationship between a familiar and a vampire?😏
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zsakuva · 9 days
Hi saku and everyone is reading this post ;-)
• So you've said in a previous ask if someone want to hurt pickle or he found out about their past partner was abusive ; he wouldn't hesitate to manifest karma as u say! so why didn't he do the same thing with Andrew? i bet he had saw the two filmed videos of him with darling in social media , especially when that latter was humiliated by the girl . plus the repulsive comments in the first one ... even in one audios he said to pickle that he did check on him from time to time.
• why did u choose precisely carfentanil 🧐 i mean it's a tranquilizer for elephants and large mammals 😅 and harmful to death for human health even a vampire is a half human !!!
Isaac wasn't as established as he was just after him and Andrew broke up. Because years have gone by and the flame between them has simmered, they aren't a part of each other's lives anymore. Although he would feel anger seeing what happened to Andrew, Isaac would feel like he had no right interfering. He does check in for his own curiosity, but it's highly unlikely he'd do anything further.
Carfentanil is absolutely harmful to humans, but not vampires even though they were previously mortal. Their bodies don't abide by the natural laws that are currently known: they heal exponentially, hunger for blood, their senses are almost outmatched, and they have abilities that are beyond science. Carfentanil is strong enough to debilitate mythics, and in higher doses it can incapacitate them completely.
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acutemushroom · 2 months
A thing I really love about Lost Boys lore is how hellhhounds aren't vampire ennemies but their protector. I was born in the 2000s, as such, I grew up with vampire medias from the 2010s where werewolf (and canine in generals) are their ennemies.
So, to me, it felt fresh. Seeing dogs being guardians to their vampire felt like a very fresh and novel concept in the genre to me (despite the movie being from '87 ^^').
Though, it makes me wonder... who is the lost boys's guardian ? Micheal and Sam have Nanook, Max has Thorn and them... ? Is it Thorn too and it's just the equivalent of teenagers sleeping anywhere but at their house ? Or is there a chihuahua or something hiding in their lair who really failed at its job since Marko died ?
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fuccboitroy · 7 months
I hope that if vampires are real, and I’m ever turned into one, that the garlic thing is a myth. Because I add like a metric ton of garlic to almost everything I eat.
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emoevilboyblog · 10 months
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this is so trve…. /|^;-;^/|(^+.+^)
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nyxwhispers · 6 months
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poor astarion missing out on the bloody fun inside
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heretherebedork · 7 months
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I love this vampire and his vampire lore so much and his tiny idiot babyness and how absolutely gaybie he is.
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Baby boy and most beloved.
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mr-laveau · 30 days
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"Laveau, you really can like stop–" So here's a small thing talking about vampire physiology because I think we should all make vampires who can be human but also share traits with animals too.
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