#wet willies
giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Kunigami with ticklish ears 😭😭 like u get a paint brush or a feather and run it around his ear and he’s squealing like a girl and kicking his legs around 😭😭
(im kinda sick rn so excuse me for the poor grammar and random typing)
Headcanons To Dabbles: Officially CLOSED!
AHHH I LOVE IT!!! Lee!Kunigami is so needed right now- especially after how much we've bullied Chigiri kjaerkjekjakjaekjr I've gotcha covered, friend! :D
“WET WILLY!” Bachira screamed in glee before shoving his finger into Kunigami’s ear.
Okay- so he didn’t actually shove a wet sloppy finger into the bigger boy’s ear; it was just a trick he loved pulling on Chigiri and Isagi. What he really did was wiggle a finger behind the ear. Usually the act was convincing enough to get a squeal of disgust from Team Z’s princess and a string of creative swear words from his boyfriend.
Kunigami on the other hand…
“Gehhahahaha!” He squawked, doubling over with wide eyes. Bachira blinked, mouth in an “o” shape and brows raised. “B-Bachira, what the hell?”
“......” The smaller boy stared, finger still hovering. Then he reached out and gently ran the tip of his finger along the outer shell of Kunigami’s ear.
“EEEH! Stahhahap!” The ginger turned fully now, covering his ears. “Bachira!”
“You’ve got tickly ears?” He was grinning now.
“Bachira…don’t you da-ahahhahahahre!” Kunigami went to scoot away, but Bachira was on him faster than he could react. His fingers flew over the hero’s sides, making him shoot his arms down. That’s when he readjusted, sitting on Kunigami’s hands with his knees and lightly tracing his ears. “Bahhahahahhahchirahahhahahahaha!”
“Oo, they’re so sensitive! Look how red you’re getting already!” Sure enough, Kunigami’s ear was bright red- both of them were; as was his face. His laughter shook them both, feet kicking helplessly against the matted floors. “The big hero’s kryptonite is his ears!”
“Bahhahahahchira! Bahhahahahahhachira pleahhahahahhahse!” Kunigami cackled out, lacking any real strength to pull his hands free. “Sstahahahhahp ihihihihihihiihit! I gihiihihhiihve uhuuhuhuhp!”
“Boo, and I was just getting started!” Despite his pout, Bachira let the other boy up, pulling his hands up and rolling off his prone body. “You’ve got such ticklish ears! I don’t think I know many people who do.”
“Eheh…ehhehheeh…” Kunigami covered his face with his hands, too tired to say anything in response to that. He only moved them when Bachira poked his bicep, making him look over.
“Wanna go see who else got ticklish ears?” Bachira waggled his brows.
Kunigami thought about it. “Sure.”
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
History of Club Handy
Hey! While writing Milk & Honey I’ve encountered more information than I know what to do with, so I thought I’d share some of my findings on one of the places the story takes place the most, just in case some of y’all were curious.
So anyways, here’s the history of Club Handy
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The building was originally built in the 1890′s and turned into a Battier Drug’s store (very right side of pic), until being purchase by a man named Abe Plough (who was born in Tupelo, MS before moving to Memphis. So weird. Anyway), who turned it into Pantaze Drug Store.
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In 1944, a man named Andrew ‘Sunbeam’ Mitchell (above) purchased the top two floors. The building was run by him and his wife Ernestine, and together they created the Domino Lounge which occupied the second floor of the building. Many black musicians would perform at the Domino Lounge on their way through the Chitlin Circuit (Which, named after the food, is a variety of venues throughout the U.S. that accepted colored acts to perform during the segregation era. So, basically it was a map). But many of the musicians that performed at the Domino Lounge weren’t allowed to stay in the white-only hotels surrounding the area, which led Sunbeam to turn the top floor into Hotel Mitchell. He and his wife were well known for their generosity (and chili) and housed many struggling musicians who would perform in exchange for a room and food, including Little Richard, who stayed at Hotel Mitchell for weeks while saving up money.
In 1945, Mitchell employed a house band and dancing girls (the Mitchellettes) and turned the Domino Lounge into Club Handy with Little Junior Parker, Bobby Bland, and B.B. King(I believe pic below is him with Sunbeam btw) being regular performers, and many other famous musicians that would perform there as well. Elvis would perform here early in his career and saw a performance by Lowell Fulsom there.
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Sunbeam also owned other clubs like Club Ebony (’The Hippodrome’), and Club Paradise, which both became very successful, Club Paradise being the largest nightclub in Memphis during it’s time.
Today, the building of Club Handy is still alive and well, now occupied as bar and restaurant ‘Wet Willies’.
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So, yeah, hope you guys find this interesting!
(I don’t own any of the photos)
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mangoshibi · 6 months
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He practiced those faces before
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maximumeffort · 4 months
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cheers to all who celebrate
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ellesdoodles · 2 months
On a more serious note, can you imagine how Aelwyn, someone who was never allowed to form a meaningful and loving relationship with her younger sibling, must feel now that she lives in a house with three younger girls who go out of their way to make her feel welcomed.
They realise that Aelwyn struggles with all the happy and amicable family love and they reach out to her in a language that she understands.
They show love like most younger sisters do at some point or another. They love her like younger siblings normally would.
And someone like Aelwyn, someone for whom love was always conditional and never kind, finally gets to feel at home.
She finally gets to feel like an older sister.
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crowlixcx · 1 month
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jaegersdevil · 9 months
boyfriend!gojo headcanons
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bf!gojo loves when you scratch him behind the ear like a damn cat
bf!gojo gives you 6 wet willies a day
bf!gojo is not allowed a pet because he wanted to cuddle with the fish yuuta got him……
bf!gojo goes on runs (i’m talking like 25km at once because he has so much energy all the time) and he wears singlets
bf!gojo begs for a sip of your drink because “it’s looks so much more delicious than his” so you let him and he drinks the whole thing :/
bf!gojo keeps track of everything you’ve ever said in his notes app so he doesn’t forget anything because his mind is going 2752 miles an hour, every hour, everyday
bf!gojo hums to himself 24/7 (mostly your favourite songs that are stuck in his head or, the most random songs that he’s only heard 24 seconds of thanks to yuuji & his giant fuck off speaker)
bf!gojo has a collection of sunglasses and puts them on you when he’s bored because he loves how cute you look in them
bf!gojo makes you brush his teeth when he’s being a little baby bitch & god forbid you don’t want his oral health to go to shit
i believe bf!gojo takes his shirt off and starts flexing obnoxiously if you say anything about how good he’s been looking lately (like he doesn’t look good all the time……), especially in the living room because “the lighting is better in here”
bf!gojo teleports to the shower (while you’re in it 😐) (“omg this isn’t the kitchen?????”)
bf!gojo loves when you wash his hair (when you’re in the shower together, he just tilts his head back and waits silently, sometimes shaking his hair when you take too long to realise)
bf!gojo watches you sleep and before you start omg ann that is creepy….. he has lost many people ok, gojo will do anything and everything in his power to make sure you don’t join that list, and if watching you sleep soundly helps him avoid a spiral, then let him be
bf!gojo allows you remove his blindfold to wash it because i know that thing is gross (smells citrus-y because other detergents make him feel sick (read: baby with fragrance sensitivity))
bf!gojo hates having his feet touched and will fight anyone who comes close to them
bf!gojo holds your hand every chance he gets, and plays with your fingers (cracking them even though it’s bad!!) like they’re fidget toys 😭
bf!gojo likes to be pampered by you (e.g. eyebrows plucked, non-existent beard shaved, face mask = on, skin = flawless & smooth)
bf!gojo invites all his students over for dinner every sunday and you all cook together (turns into cooking competitions: yuuta always wins & yuuji always complains for an entire week after saying he cheated (until the next week where it happens all over again))
bf!gojo cannot keep his mouth shut to save his life, but he will when you’re doing something that requires silence because he likes to watch you in such a way (reading, meditating, whatever you want; you are the only one who he will willingly shut the fuck up for <3)
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hamable · 2 months
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Silly Willy at it again with his lethal wet polar beasting
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junespriince · 19 days
Wet Willy au (I'm mentally 6yo y'all)
Wally, mer man saw Dick coming to Atlantis: wow...
The next day
Wally: kaldur, Garthy, my boys,,,,,, who was that pretty human with you with the black and blue suit,,,, and is he single.
Kaldur, looks at Wally: well, you are his type.
Garth: that's Nightwing, he is single, but Gotham and Bludhaven parts of the ocean is toxic and dangerous.
Wally, only heard what he wanted to: thanks guys! Tell Mr. Curry he can have my apartment I'm moving to the coastline!
Kaldur, sighs: you had to tell him where he lives...
Garth: whoops,,,,
Wally, now living in Batman's pool, telling Dick how he fell in love: and that's how I met your brother.
Dick: you almost died in that dirty water.
Wally: my simping kept me from radiation poisoning.
Dick: no, ivy kept you from radiation poisoning, then dropped you off at my doorstep as my problem.
Wally, waving hands: details, details. You love me.
Dick: I wonder why sometimes.
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risetherivermoon · 5 months
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pov you are Cassandra Swift a few minutes before you lose a hand
Nicky wasn't in Heaven because Willy took one look at his sad wet cat meow meow ass through Cassandra's ring doorbell and decided that he could never pose a threat to him, look at this fuck, look at his big sparkly eyes,
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messingwithjocks · 5 months
Bring back the Patience Test trend!
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 10 months
Doesn't matter, got kisses.
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I'm sure Simon would've preferred the kisses to not be in his ear, but kisses are kisses so it's all good!
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keemitthefeog · 2 months
kristen and fig immediately little-sistering all over aelwyn was so great
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vonderful-time · 8 months
as much as i like to joke about og durge and gortash fucking nasty on his office desk, I think it is much funnier to consider the fact that both of these sadomasochistic douchbags probably tried to fuck only to realize upon entering the bedroom that — gasp — they were both tops.
the horror, the audacity, the dilemma.
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