#wh40k concept
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Space Marine: 11th Legion (artist unknown)
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ruoyuart · 4 months
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Did a quick concept sketch of a Chinese-themed Sister Hospitaller!
Please, if you want to support me to keep making content like this, consider supporting my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/ruoyuart!
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virozero · 9 months
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Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus, Omnissiah Edition Artbook
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kiiingsnake · 1 year
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sketchy tempered angel painting
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heuldoch7b · 1 month
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swagnus the red
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mangaka-neko-chan · 4 months
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More drawn concepts for my Rogue Trader Wynnrun in WH40k. Some context under the cut.
Wynnrun and her Raptor Pod (because of course I put my beloveds into every setting I can). Raptors appear naturally on Alemannis and the people worship the bright red Raptors as signs of strength and prosperity since they naturally show greater abilities in survival to make up for their red feathers standing out in the woods. Wynnrun's raptor is not one of the bright red ones but the closest to a red Raptor her House has ever produced. Her people, most who have never seen the elusive red Raptors, see it as a sign of her greatness.
Wynnrun with two of her many many cousins showing that the people on Alemannis, her home planet, are naturally taller at the same age as her. Wynnrun lacks this, as she has inherited the average height of the Von Valancius side.
A concept of Wynnrun in her home planet's ceremonial wear. Red feathers for the legend of the red Raptors, a Raptor skull filled in with gems and garments mixed with Imperial influence.
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krisfaeley · 8 months
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I remembered that, once, I drew a comics with LOADS of gore, and I got so sick of it I never drew gore since, afaik. So, I'm doubling down on drawing Warhammer until I can't stand to draw another fekking gun or a soldier or a tank. In the meantime, however-
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enerisarchive · 7 months
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No love is purer and more devoted than the love of a Sister of Battle for the Emperor. Happy Valentine! 💖💖 This is my OC, Cassandra, I'll talk about her more in the future
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anggrishka · 3 months
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Why I just can't stop thinking
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rearmingstrafbomber · 1 month
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Starting a new project, pray for me
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Tlatia a.k.a. Primarch. (Ibrahem Swaid)
Someone named Female Primarch #2 already her name is Micte Mori (allegedly) so this one can be #11
"who cares, she not cannon" feels...wrong to say... but call her what you like. I'm calling her Prmrch#11
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ruoyuart · 1 year
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Did a SoB/Necron speedpaint, was feeling like I hadn't done anything just painty for a while :)
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virozero · 9 months
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Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus, Omnissiah Edition Artbook
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kiiingsnake · 1 year
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another (hopefully final) necron design… everyone’s favorite worst technomancer ever
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heuldoch7b · 4 months
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ok tusk magnus goes crazy
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aerkame · 10 months
It Was Just The Wind
Warhammer40k reader insert concept one shot (may be others...)
I have many fast thoughts and sometimes it's difficult for me to organize my ideas, but sometimes, certain ones stick, like this one. For my usual Welcome Home fans on here, I hope you don't mind, but there really isn't anyone doing reader inserts and I feel it's my responsibility now to make some. Concept: When you sleep, their universe goes quiet, a ghost town, save for powerful beings that stay behind, and you take the place of the beings that once existed there, free to roam around unbothered. For now at least. Read the bottom for details on this concept.
It was just like the other nights, all the same but also different. Once you felt yourself drift into slumber you had these vivid and all too real dreams. This was something you assumed to be just lucid dreaming, something that happened when a person became self-aware of their own dream.
That was until you got hurt.
You remember it clearly as if it happened just yesterday. In the "dream" there was the skull of...something. It was metallic and covered in neon green fluids. An object stuck out from the side of it's face, a chain-saw? Or was it a sword? A sword-saw you concluded. It was large but clearly man-made.
In an attempt to get a closer look, you slipped on the green liquid and landed on top of the strange skull. The sharp edges of the head sliced the flesh of your arm, leaving a long gash with no blood. You didn't react, not feeling anything, you assumed it was because you were dreaming. No blood came dripping out. It was as if it didn't happen... Suddenly feeling strange, you felt yourself begin to stir and wake.
Eyes shooting open, you looked down with blurry vision as a burning sensation spread throughout your arm. The bed was covered in fresh blood. There was blood dripping from a fresh wound...there was blood dripping from a fresh wound-
Panicking, you stumbled out of bed and ran to the bathroom, opening the cabinet to take out the first aid kit you never thought you would need.
You quickly debated washing the wound but decided against it, it's too deep to do that. You got the pads out and started applying pressure as the gauze was slowly wrapped around, finishing it off with the bandages. It was rushed, but that would have to do for now. You were going to the hospital even though it was late. This was far too much blood for you to ignore.
Getting in the car a bit woozy, you started driving.
It was quiet when you walked in, and surprisingly empty for the most part, only one or two other people were there. When a nurse finally checked on you, you gave the poor excuse that you fell on a sharp metal scrap when walking out in the dark. The nurse gave you a questioning look but got someone to start treating you regardless. You were still trying to process what happened...how it happened, still in shock.
The next few nights were absolute nightmares. You didn't want to go back to sleep after that. It was scary to think about. Maybe you were attacked in your sleep? If so, then you should have called the police to check the house. But then again, no one was there when you woke up. It was just you. All alone.
You grew sleep-deprived as the days went by, thankful you have a week off from work due to your injury, but oh, sleep culled you. Your body screamed for rest. So you gave in.
It was different each time like before. You have seen so many places now just by sleeping. Of course you explored with caution now, fully aware that getting hurt wherever there was, would result in injury to yourself here in your own body.
Eventually you had begun making literal maps of these places. Your memory was so fresh that each time you awoke you sketched landmarks and whatever else would help with mapping. It was strange and scary at first, but over time you grew to love these little adventures in dreamland.
There was what you assumed to be different planets with aliens and their own cultures. At least that's what you could guess from what was left behind. You felt like an archeologist almost. You did wonder though, why did everything look so fresh? There were no living beings around each time you visited, at least none you had come across yet.
Regardless of the strange circumstances, adventure called to you, so you slept.
This dream was different from the rest.
Tonight, you found your conscious in what looked like a cathedral or some kind of golden palace. Statues, stained glass windows, and art surrounded the halls. You followed along a grand hall slowly, taking everything in. You did not want to forget a single detail from tonight. It was beautiful. So ethereal.
Hallways looped around in one big circle from what you could tell, leading to a center hallway, that must be main path.
Quickly walking down the hallway, you stopped and looked up.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me..."
Stairs upon stairs stacked each other, leading up to what must be a throne room. Each step was human-sized, if human-sized humans were 7ft giants. You felt like a child trying to get up the stairs. But that wasn't going to stop the ever-growing curiosity in you. Lifting yourself up, you started walking up the stairway as best you could. One big step at a time.
Finally reaching the last set of stairs you sighed. You were going to be exhausted when you woke up for sure.
Rolling onto your side, you sat up almost immediately, not needing endurance in your dreams as you scanned your surroundings. It was more beautiful up here than anywhere else. Pillars were decorated in what looked like long strips of paper with unknown language written on them, something you saw often on battlefields attached to pieces of armor and sometimes guns. You wished you could stay here forever, it was so grand and dreamy to look at.
A small noise caught your attention. Something creaked shortly a few times before stopping again. You looked behind you for the sound, finally noticing the gigantic throne built into the wall.
There, sat what looked like the skeleton of a human, a large human. That must have been why everything here is so big. It's for these guys.
You slowly started walking towards the throne for a closer look, throwing your previous caution to the wind. The skeleton had wires and strange machines threading through the body, connecting to the armrests and behind the backseat. A single lens stuck out from one eye socket with another optic sealed behind.
Unable to reach the throne steps without climbing it, you decided to just look from a distance. You didn't want to be disrespectful even if this stranger was dead. Deciding to just look, not touch, you put your hands together to give a small prayer for the stranger. Whatever happened to them must have been awful. The prayer wasn't towards any particular god or religion, it was just something open-ended that you often did for others. Another creak sounded, grabbing your attention. This time the sound was right in front of you. You squinted...
The tips of the fingers were moving, gripping the very ends of the armrests.
Strong skeletal fingers left indents in the armrests, moving so slowly you wouldn't even know there was movement save for the throne creaking under the pressure. This person was still alive. There was someone alive here with you.
Your voice was caught in your throat as you looked up to stare into the skeleton's optics. There was no signs of life in them, no movement to take note of. So how is this happening...
You flinched grabbing the front of your head.
There was a sharp pain and then a swirling fuzzy feeling. It slowly spread downwards to the rest of your body. You slumped forwards before falling over, struggling to move your limbs that grew numb, everything felt so weird. It was like something-someone was trying to use your limbs for you, you felt like a puppet.
Struggling, you managed to fight back the numbing sensations and look once more at the throne. A single red eye stared back you.
The blankets went flying as you yelled, arms flailing and legs kicking now able to move. You sat stunned for a few moments, before finally processing what happened. "I think I need a therapist."
Looking at the clock, it read 7:45AM.
With a sigh you got up to make breakfast, maybe next time you'll find some answers.
It was strange. Well, everything has been strange recently. Rumors of The Emperor returning have been spreading all over the planet. But there has yet to be proof, only some bits here and there saying that the throne's armrests have been destroyed. Some say that it was the shear will of The Emperor's might that let him wake if only for a moment, and some say that the throne just needs to be maintained. There has been much speculation and no answers.
Whatever the answer is, it doesn't change the excitement that comes from said rumors, it has boosted the morale and spirit of mankind. But it also does not explain the memory relapses.
Everyone has experienced it almost daily now, even the xeno enemies that threaten humanity.
Short periods of times, usually seconds or milliseconds, lost. Not one person can remember those moments. It's like no one was around. As short of a time as it was, it still concerned many.
It's almost like nothing, but there was something. Who knows, maybe it was just the wind.
Some things I wanted to clarify about this concept:
The reader is not affected and can not interact with The Warp or deamons because the reader does not exist to them technically, they aren't from that universe. If a deamon tried possession it'd be like trying to posses a thought, not a physical being. Think of the reader as a projection or astral projection. You are there but not really. there's no real body...buuut, the reader can interact with physical structures or dead bodies. Things that aren't alive.
Because of #1, it is assumed that the reader can not be seen, heard, smelled, or felt by anyone either (unless they're powerful enough). Though I don't think you would want to test that out in the 40k universe, let's just stay hidden yeah?
Once the reader wakes back up, everything that did not exist previously in the 40k universe comes back as if nothing happened, as if no time at all passed. Save for the few beings that did stay along with anything that is dead. Some beings remember these strange events. They know...and oh, looks like you might have left a evidence of your presence behind. Maybe you aren't as invisible as you thought.
Why did this happen? Let's just say something or someone made a connection to the conscious of the reader, making them a conductor to The Warp or whatever was used to do this. It could have been anything really, maybe a Librarian? Perhaps someone greater did this...maybe The Emperor. He might not be physically able-bodied, but he defiantly seems to be mentally and phykilogically(phykerly?) there.
Forgive me if I got some things wrong biologically, I only have first aid training so I was writing based on that. You'd be shocked at how little blood it takes for you to pass out or die. Our skin also slices pretty easily so I wouldn't be surprised if someone sliced their whole arm open from falling on something as small as aa sheet of metal.
I know Warhammer 40k reader insert fanfictions are not as popular, but I really do want to explore that and come up with concepts that would fit and make sense such as this one with a 21st century reader.
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