#primarch 11
sleepyfan-blog · 1 month
Almach's Care
Author’s Note: This is the next part in the Raised on Terra AU! First. Previous. Next. A big thanks to @undeaddream for allowing me to borrow Almach and @kit-williams for letting me borrow Apollo!
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @sharenadraculea @i-am-a-dragon34 @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Warnings: dehumanization of infants, dehumanization of infant primarchs Ask me to tag, if there’s something that I missed/bothers you
Summary: A typical day of Almach’s, since he’s been assigned to care for three of the infant Primarchs. 
“Come here, little one. You’re doing so well.” Almach encouraged, a warm smile appearing on the Blank’s face as he watched Primarch Eleven crawl on his hands and knees towards him. He was kneeling down on the very comfortable carpet that lined the room of the Primarchs’ Creche, and didn’t even try to hide the beaming smile, nor the pride in his voice as the tiny Primarch crawled over to him.
The much younger Blank paused for a moment, sitting down and going “Bah!” Reaching out towards Almach with both hands before yawning sleepily.
“Come on, young one. I know that you can get a little bit closer. You’ve done so well so far.” Almach encouraged, still smiling encouragingly at the tiny child. He had no idea how much he would come to adore the posting that he’d been given, but there was nothing else in the entire Imperium he would rather be doing right now, than helping to raise these amazing and sweet children.
Eleven yawned, rubbing one of his dark eyes with a curled little fist before going back onto his hands and knees and crawling the rest of the way over to where Almach was, flopping down next to him and rolling onto his back, waving his arms and feet in the air with a happy little giggle. “Hehehe!”
Almach beamed brighter and he carefully scooped Eleven up, murmuring quietly “You did such a good job, little one.” The Emperor of Mankind had yet to see fit to give them names, and the Sigilite was deferring to Him as to the matter of names. Privately, Almach had begun to ponder nicknames to call his wards, as it left a very bad taste in his mouth to keep referring to them by numbers, rather than to give them some kind of proper name. 
“Abababa!” Eleven babbled cheerfully up at Almach before he shoved his fingers in his mouth, gumming on them industriously. 
“That’s not good for you, little one.” Almlach corrected gently as he carefully pulled the tiny Primarch’s fingers out of his mouth.
A small frown appeared on the tiny Primarch’s face as he tried to shove his other hand inside of his mouth.
Almach patiently blocked him from chewing on his other fingers. He grabbed one of the teething toys and gave it to Eleven “I know… Growing teeth isn’t any fun at all. But biting your won fingers won’t help you either, little buddy.”
“Bababah!” Eleven babbled,s seemingly in response before starting to gnaw on the teething toy, the cooling properties of the toy helping to numb the pain from the infant’s growing pains. 
Five was one of the best crawlers of the Primarchs, from what Almach noticed. No, he wasn’t biased towards his primary wards, how dare anyone accuse him of such. Five had been one of the first to start crawling, though Six and One had been close second and third. One and Six also liked to try and bite him, whenever they were out of their cribs and able to freely move about their creche. 
Six would baby growl at him, his blue eyes almost luminous, despite his Blank aura, clearly convinced that he was an Enemy that needed chasing off. It certainly didn’t help that he and the Custodian who was in charge of caring for Six and One did not get along very well, though ALmach tried to be polite and cordial to the powerful warrior, keenly aware that were the two of them to come to blows, he was likely to lose such a fight. One hissed at him, bright green eyes glaring mistrustfully at him from whichever corner he was hiding in.
An amusing thing is that One had to defend whichever slightly darkened corner he was lurking in from a number of his fellow Primarchs, most often Eight, Nineteen and the twins. But, given that those five primarchs were apparently meant to hold secrets, were meant to use stealth tactics, and were to be the spymasters of the Imperium once they were old enough and trained enough, this was not surprising.
Almach had learned to keep a close eye whenever Five was out of his crib - especially as some of the other caretakers were near the door, as Five was very fast and had a penchant for trying to crawl at top speed towards whichever open door, window or open vent cover he thought that he could get through.
Scolding the little one did nothing, as the dark haired baby would just stare impassively up at him with hawk-gold eyes before continuing to do whatever it was that he had wanted to do. Five seemed to be fascinated by Fifteen’s nascent shape-shifting abilities and would sit near his brother and watch him for hours, when he wasn’t trying to escape out of the room at any and every opportunity. 
Almach had asked if he would be allowed to bring his charges out of their room, to broaden their horizons and experiences a little but apparently there was an impending threat to the Primarchs that required that they stay in the most heavily guarded section of the palace at all times until the window of danger had passed.
This had led to Almach sleeping in one of the very comfortable chairs meant for himself and his fellow caretakers whenever he wasn’t awake and caring for his charges, or helping the others wrangle their own charges, as his nightmares when he was away from them as to what might happen… Especially to young Eleven, who had all the makings of the most powerful Blank to ever exist among Humanity… 
He had to stay close, and guard them carefully.To keep both eyes on them and devote every spare bit of energy and care he had to each of his three precious charges, and to aid in the care and raising of their brothers, so that they had the best possible start to life. Not because of the grand destinies awaiting them, but because the galaxy was a cruel and unforgiving place, especially to Pariahs, and he did not wish a fraction of the misery he’d gone through before The Emperor had found and saved him on anyone else.
“Bah!” Five called out, gently poking one of his cheeks with a tiny finger. 
A rueful smile appeared on his face and Almach hummed “I’m sorry, my little Sparrow, was I not paying attention to you? What is it you wanted to show me?”
Five leaned into Almach instead, pressing one small ear near where his heart beat, tiny hands coming up to grab onto the fabric of his shirt, golden eyes closing shut, as a happy sigh left the infant. “Mmm…”
Almach beamed, his heart achingly full of affection as he pressed a fond kiss to the top of Five’s head, one hand coming up to support the little one as he leaned over to one side slightly, snagging a blanket to lightly drape around FIve’s tiny body. “Ah, alright. Naptime I guess.” A yawn left the Blank and he carefully scooped up the little Primarch, walking over to a chair and settling in to allow Five to sleep - Elven and Two were playing with Seventeen, Ten and Fourteen, while Thirteen and Seven quietly parallel played near each other. Four was watching Thirteen and Seven play, grabbing a soft toy and butt-scooted over to seven, placing the plush toy next to the neat pile that Seven had made.
“Heeere comes the Thunderhawk! Brrrrrrrrooooowwwmmm… And open your mouth, sweetling! That’s it, it’s breakfast!” Almach cooed as he slowly brought up the spoonful of densely nutritious and carefully balanced baby food up to Two’s mouth, getting the little Primarch to open his mouth.
“Abha?” The Tiny Primarch babbled before the spoon entered his mouth. The little one made a face and turned his head away from Almach, the contents of the spoon smearing across one chubby cheek. 
Almach sighed, gently scraping the baby food off of Two’s cheek with the side of the spoon and tried again with a different colored bit of mashed food. None of it smelled very appetizing to him, but he’d been told by no less than a half-dozen nutritionists who were part of the Primarchs’ medical care teams, that these baby food had been specifically formulated to support their growth and immune health.
The fact that it smelled like it tasted of bland vegetables and sadness was simply a result of having the best of the best food available to feed the little ones. They shouldn’t deal with something as stimulating as food spices beyond a little bit of salt for water retention purposes for reasons that he had been assured were very good. Avoiding honey at this age, he did understand… But surely they should get something that tasted a bit better? 
Two was the fussiest eater of his trio of charges. While he would eat as much formula as Almach would let him drink in a feeding, Two had definite opinions on what he was fed from the carefully curated selection of food mashes that were supposed to be fed to the infant Primarchs. “Muh… Muh!” The little Primarch protested, turning his face away as Almach tried feeding him another spoonful of the vegetable mash.
“Come on, it’s good for you, little one? … No? Maybe we will like this fruit mash a little better. It’s sweeter, at least, from what I can smell.” Almach sighed, clearing the spoon of the ground up vegetable paste, and switching over to the fruit-mash. 
Two immediately focused on the paste being offered to him and ate every bite of it, babbling happily between bites. After that, he did have several bites of the vegetable mash before turning away from the spoon once again. Two started trying to escape the feeding chair that Almach had put him in, trying to wriggle his way to freedom.
A sigh left Almach and he carefully wiped the baby’s face and hands before unstrapping him from the feeding chair and putting him down to go play with the brothers who’d been fed in the previous hour. “Alright, there you go, young one. That’s enough food for now, I guess.” He noted down in Two’s food journal what he had eaten, what he had refused, and how much he’d eaten before washing everything up and getting Five’s food ready.
“... How did one like you become part of the care team for the Primarchs?” Apollo demanded, his eyes narrowing as he glared down at the Blank, arms crossed over his chest as he watched as the other was attempting to care for one of his charges.
One wasn’t having any of it, however. The tiny Primarch was growling and swatting at him, the three baby teeth that he’d managed to grow in bared in a valiant attempt to be ferocious. One had woken up unexpectedly from his nap and had been crying.
Apollo had been on his way over to care for the little one when the Blank had shown up first, and had attempted to check One’s diaper, in case he needed to be changed. 
“And just what does that mean?” Almach asked, glowring up at the giant golden fucker, trying to avoid angry baby fists in order to care for him. “Mind helping me change One? He needs it, and if he keeps being this noisy, he’ll wake up all of his brothers.” He kept his voice light and calm and quiet, despite the irritation bubbling under his skin. 
“Pariahs aren’t known for their social skills. Move, he dislikes your… Everything, and for good reason, considering how unpleasant you are to be around.” Apollo growled to the mortal blank hip-checking the other out of his way, before reaching into One’s crib.
The infant primarch started to calm down, now that the idiot Blank was out of his immediate sight line.
“See? He’s gone now. I’m here.” Apollo attempted to soothe the still unsettled little Primarch, running a couple of fingers through short blonde hair, ignoring the way that he’d sent the Blank sprawling to the floor. 
“You fucker! That hurt!” Almach hissed in indignation, staggering back up onto his feet. He glowered at the Custodian for several moments, internally debating on whether or not he should respond in kind… But Apollo was currently in the middle of cleaning up One… And the Blank was keenly aware of the fact that there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell he was going to win a fight with a custodian one on one. 
The Custodes smirked down at him before saying “Hand me the clean diaper you were clumsy enough to drop, would you?”
Almach’s glare intensified and he viciously picked it up before throwing it at the large gold fucker’s head “Fine, bastard.” 
“Mm, of the two of us, I know who both of my parents were, and had been well-loved by them before being chosen by Him to become one of His Companions. I’m not sure what gutter He found you in.” The Custodian taunted, a cruel smirk on his face as he finished cleaning up One, tossing the dirty diaper at Almach “Dispose of that for me, would you? You are capable of following basic instructions, yes?”
A low, frustrated growl left Almach and he just barely managed to catch the dirty diaper before it opened and caused a larger mess to clean up later. He silently stomped over to where the disposal chute was and threw it away, still scowling heavily, muttering to himself “At least I don’t have a twelve-foot pole shoved up my ass, making it difficult to do the job I signed up for.”
Apollo turned to glare at Almach, his voice glacially cold “And just what do you mean by that? I am following mission parameters. You are the one who has been coddling the -”
“Don’t you fucking start with that again. Human infants need physical touch and to be held regularly, or they will die. It’s been well-documented that infants who don’t receive the physical comfort and care that they need suffer later in life. If they are starved of too much physical touch and affection they will die of loneliness. We are a social species, and that has not been genetically cut away from the infant Primarchs. They are still human. Elevated far beyond what I, as a humble baseline could ever hope to be, but human nonetheless.” Almach growled, his eyes narrowing a little. After his younger sibling had been killed because they had been a Blank and had been caught out at the wrong time… He had sworn that if he’d ever been put in charge of other Blanks in any capacity, he would do his utmost to care for and protect them.
And Eleven had the makings of being an incredibly powerful blank. He would doubtlessly struggle in social interactions with non-Blanks, possibly for the entirety of his life due to the nature of being a Pariah, but Almach intended on giving Eleven the best chance he could to succeed. 
“I do give my charges the touch that they require. You indulge all of the Primarchs far too much. They are meant to be our Lord’s best and greatest generals. To help him in conquering the galaxy and bringing it into the dominion of Humanity. It’s possible that some of them may die during this most Glorious of purposes. Coddling them and being so soft on them will not do them any good in the long run.” Apollo pointed out, shaking his head a little “I did take the same childrearing classes that you did. But coddling them runs the risk of blunting them from being the weapons they are supposed to be.”
Almach ground his teeth together, trying to swallow down the words that beat in his breast. These were children. Infants. Genetically modified and enhanced yes. But that did not make them weapons of war, and treating them as such would only cause far, far more problems down the line. But to say that out loud directly, would get him pulled off of the Primarch Project… And very probably killed or imprisoned. “Just because they are meant to be living weapons, does not mean that is the only thing they can, or should be. Allowing them to become full people will encourage their loyalty to Him, and ensure that they are more useful in a variety of ways, rather than simply as tools of war.” Almach hated, hated referring to the Primarchs as tools, but that is what He viewed them as, and He had said as much.
“... I suppose those points do have merit. I will ponder them. For being a quarrelsome Pariah, I do admit you have moments of cleverness.” The Dread Spear murmured, a thoughtful expression on his face before turning away from Almach, as One had settled back into sleep.
Almach closed his eyes and counted to twenty twice, as the wildly foolish urge to attack the Custodes after the other had turned his back to him clawed at his self-control. He would care for his charges and their brothers to the best of his abilities. He had to keep his temper, if he were to stay on the team caring for them, so he let the Custodes leave without another word.
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Tlatia a.k.a. Primarch. (Ibrahem Swaid)
Someone named Female Primarch #2 already her name is Micte Mori (allegedly) so this one can be #11
"who cares, she not cannon" feels...wrong to say... but call her what you like. I'm calling her Prmrch#11
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sheppi-isometrics · 10 months
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⚔️ Primarch Elucidator tokens on Patreon
- 🌟 Get access to more than 200 creatures, maps and assets by supporting us on Patreon! Complement your campaigns with hi-res monster tokens and start building the adventure of your dreams with our isometric assets 🏰!
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ms--lobotomy · 6 months
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Maybe you celebrate Easter. Maybe you celebrate Trans Day of Visibility. Maybe you celebrate both, or neither. I am here to make those holidays infinitely worse or better, depending on how you look at this post. Special thanks to @squishyowl for giving me the parameters to calculate their (hard) schmeat sizes.
Without further adieu, Primarch cock descriptions. and also kind of how they fugg
LION EL'JONSON- 11 inches, 27 cm. Untrimmed and uncut. He shows a godly amount of restraint to you. Behind closed doors, he's much softer than he lets on. As far as girth goes, he's in the middle of the road... for a Primarch. He may not be the most experienced of his brothers, but he's going to do a thorough job anyways.
???- Dick fell off.
FULGRIM- 10 inches, 25 cm. Long and slender. You may expect a piercing, but he does not want to mar his natural appearance (at least before the Heresy.) Shaves religiously. He likes when his partner can't move, when they squirm underneath him, though he'll have a hard time admitting this.
PERTURABO- 7 inches, 18 cm. The smallest cock on the list, but he more than makes up for it while he is using it. He's got a bit of girth to him, but he can still fit in your mouth. Somewhat. His hands engulf your head as he pushes you down on him. Once he's out, tell him how good he feels.
JAGHATAI KHAN- 13 inches, 33 cm. The fastest one out of the Primarchs as far as each thrust goes. It curves up when erect, not unlike a scimitar. Veiny, but not strikingly so. Even though he's exceptionally fast, he likes being ridden. Especially on his bike.
LEMAN RUSS- 14 inches, 35 cm. He's uncut and hairy down there, he's never shaved his bush. He's also girthy. But what's most remarkable about him is his knot. This makes it hard for him not to breed his partners, where applicable. He'll hold you down and lock himself in on you, holding you down on him with his massive hands.
ROGAL DORN- 10 inches, 25 cm. He's circumcised and he keeps a clean shave. He's girthy, but not unbearably so. He enjoys tying up his partner and watching them melt as he goes down on them. Ever stoic, his expression rarely changes as he plows through you. Also a fan of doing it in his office.
KONRAD CURZE- 9 inches, 23 cm. Veiny, almost paper white, and uncut. He's not a gentle lover, especially considering his size. Usually there will be blood involved, and usually it is yours. He doesn't normally just use his cock; if he can reach you, he'll be biting you. And if not, he'll draw blood anyways.
SANGUINIUS- 8 inches, 20 cm. Surprisingly girthy, with low-hanging balls. He's uncut, but his bush is usually trimmed. He doesn't just use his cock, he bites where he can and envelopes you in his wings. He's gentle... for the first five minutes. He'll leave the most marks out of any of the Primarchs, prompting you to cover up the day after.
FERRUS MANUS- 17 inches, 43 cm. Lord have mercy. He is the most well-endowed Primarch, with balls to match. He'll hold you down with his cool silver hands as he pushes himself in. He's gentle, far more than he lets on, but he is still a Primarch. He's become quite the aftercare giver.
???- Penis serious, Penis delirious. Penis in the woods, call that penis mysterious
ANGRON- 9 inches, 23 cm. The arena had not been kind, as he is scarred in several places around it. Fortunately, no blade has ever found its way there. He isn't gentle, not one bit, even if he is chained down. The Nails eat at his head, screaming for bloodshed. He thrusts faster in a vain attempt to block out the agony in his head.
ROBOUTE GUILLIMAN- 8 inches, 20 cm, and girthy. Despite his size being closer to normal for a baseline human, it's harder to fit it in due to his circumference. With some lube and determination, though, you can make it work. He likes putting it in you and watching you try to keep your composure before you inevitably slip up.
MORTARION- 11 inches, 27 cm. It's long and gaunt on him, but it's still massive in your hand. He's one of the more sensitive Primarchs, but he'd prefer if that fact were kept under wraps. Gentle touch gets him going like nothing else. And once he gets going, you'll get to bear firsthand witness to the endurance he's known for.
MAGNUS THE RED- The bastard can change his dick size on a whim. He already knows what size would make you feel best, and he can open up more than one hole at once using the Warp. He doesn't even have to touch you to open you up, turning you into an incomprehensible mess in front of him.
HORUS LUPERCAL- 12 inches, 30 cm. The most striking thing about it is the Prince Albert that adorns it, a simple iron thing with a dull shine. Even if by some miracle you're on top, he'll always be the dominant partner, and if you have the ability you are most definitely bearing his children at some point.
LORGAR AURELIAN- 11 inches, 28 cm. You weren't expecting the second shortest Primarch to pack so much, were you? Golden tattoos come close to it, but he hadn't the will to cover himself there. You'll spend a lot of time with him; he'll use his tongue for hours on end before finally gratifying himself.
VULKAN- 10 inches, 26 cm. He's warm all over, and below the belt is no exception. In the cold reaches of space, he's a great comfort. Even if he's not the biggest of the Primarchs, he likes watching you struggle on him. He's girthy, and he likes to choke you with it too. Gives the best aftercare.
CORVUS CORAX- 11 inches, 27 cm. He's long, slender, and he keeps a close shave. He's a gentle lover when you're properly going at it and not hiding your risque behavior while in public. He'll hold your hands and whisper praises into your ear, even if he has to bend himself at an uncomfortable angle.
ALPHARIUS- 8 inches, 21 cm. He's hairless, circumcised, and his balls are almost unnaturally even. You've seen many an Alpha Legion cock, and they all look similar. He likes to finish in his partner, leaving no trace that he was there except for the slightly odd hobble you have the next day.
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memecucker · 21 days
Tbf since the Emperor was supposed to be like a 15 foot hypergigachad and primarchs are like 11 feet tall and normal space marines are at minimum 8 feet tall, it’s not an incorrect assumption for orks to assume human society works similarly to theirs.
Which also made me realize and this may be heresy but what if the Emperor has actually been a surviving Krork this whole time
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tagedeszorns · 3 months
The one guy in the galaxy, who knows all 20 of them.
He has built all 20 of them. Not 18. 20.
Fabius knows, what 2 and 11 are. Who they are. What their Legions might have been. The Emperor has taken the memory from his remaining 18 sons, as we know from both short stories and Primarch novels. But he never considered Fulgrim's most brilliant son and his thirst for knowledge!
Fabius strode down the nave of monsters, his attentions drawn to the humming bio-unit which occupied the altar-point. He recognised it for what it was immediately. He’d had twenty of them constructed, according to a very specific set of criteria. One for each of the Emperor’s sons. It had taken him centuries to acquire the necessary genetic material for such an endeavour. He had consigned entire systems to the cauldron of war, just for a splash of old blood on a ragged cloth, or a bit of scrimshawed bone.
Reynolds, Josh. Clonelord (Fabius Bile: Warhammer 40,000 Book 2) (English Edition) . Kindle-Version.
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I want at least three more Fabius-novels just for following his hunt for genetic material. Imagine the adventures he had!
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lemon-russ · 2 months
the girls are fighting
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Part 11/ ???
< previous || next >
Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
CW: Mentions of sex, sexism
Summary: Titus does not enjoy his beach episode
word count: 1,894
Titus paces the lobby of the visitor’s quarters. The Ambassador had run off emperor knows where with Captain Sicarius hours ago, and he’s getting antsy. Why did she want to be alone with him? They had just been talking about how awful he could be. They were just starting to talk like normal people. And why was the Captain here out of nowhere? out of armor and uniform of all things. It makes no sense.
Demetrian isn’t usually a stickler for the rules, But he does not get along with his captain, and he gets along very well with the Lady Ambassador. So it rubbed him the wrong way when Sicarius showed up and ran off with his charge. He's supposed to be guarding the ambassador but he doesn't even know where she is. If Guilliman finds out he let her leave without guards- sure, Captain Sicarius was technically there, but he wasn't even supposed to he here at all. And commands from a primarch outweigh commands from his Captain.
He goes back outside, frowning at the setting double suns of this world. He does not like his gut intuition about the situation. Sicarius had been outright hostile to Demetrian earlier, and hovering over the Ambassador possessively. He has a though but shakes it away. No, that was impossible. The captain wouldn't be… involved with the Ambassador. That's absurd. That would be the scandal of the decade, of the century. Captain of the second company, having a fling with his primarch's personal diplomat?
But Demetrian isn’t a fool. He saw how they looked at each other, and the Ambassador had called Sicarius Cato, then corrected herself. She knows it's inappropriate to be using Sicarius’ first name enough to correct herself, but is comfortable enough doing so it slips out on accident. His captain has a temper, but the venom he spit at Titus today was like nothing else. They are usually at least professional with each other. He shakes his head again, pacing the grounds of the resort. If she isn't back soon he'll go find them. She's supposed to be his charge, and he feels like Guilliman especially wouldn't like him lapsing in his duties if what he worries is happening is happening.
Cato was in nirvana. Him and his little ambassador- his- had spent the afternoon making love by a hot spring, kissing, speaking sweet nothings, and just enjoying each other’s company. She currently lay on his chest, watching the setting double sunset with him. He runs a hand up and down her back, head propped up on his other arm. He never knew life could be this good. That the galaxy held something besides unending battles- which to be fair, he loves- and horrors. That there was something, someone, so radiant and warm in the Imperium.
The Ambassador snuggles up under his chin, and he lets out a contented sigh. “Guilliman was right. This is basically honeymoon planet.” He chuckles, petting her hair.
She giggles back, humming as she runs her hands over his body. “It really is romantic, huh?” She murmurs. She is quiet a moment as they take in the sunset.
“So… when we go home…” she starts softly. He frowns. He'd been avoiding this conversation.
“What about it…?” He says gruffly, holding her closer.
She leans up on her elbows to pout down at him. “We can't like… be together, right? That feels… illegal. Or at least incredibly improper.” She says nervously.
He frowns and his expression tightens. “It is… certainly frowned upon. Not illegal per se…” he admits. He was most afraid of his father finding out. He was incredibly protective of the ambassador, shown not even in full by him sending three fully armored Ultramarines to guard her on her forced vacation. He shuddered. If he found out what he'd snuck out to do to her…
“Cato?” She asks, tone laced with worry. He snaps back to reality, giving her a small frown.
“We'll need to… be discreet, I think.” He says. “I could get in a lot of trouble with, well, basically everyone.” He says with a grimace.
It didn't feel fair. He had done so much for humanity. He was one of the greatest legends of the entirety of the Imperium, let alone of the Ultramarines. He was second only to his genefather, and maybe, maybe Calgar. Yet for all he does for them, they would snap away the one thing he's decided he wants. This tiny mortal woman. He moves to roll on his side, curling around her.
She hums and cuddles up to him, sighing as he rubs her bare back. All he wants is one small baseline human woman. That feels like a reasonable request. Maybe he could frame it like that to his father. He wouldn't take her from her duties. He just wanted to be with her on them. Or be the bed she comes home to. Just… to have her.
She looks up at him, setting suns casting a rainbow of warm colors over them, the nearby hot spring pool sparkling reflections on to the leaves of the trees around them.
“I want to ask Guilliman to give us his blessing.” She says softly. His hand stops on her back, and he looks down at her wide eyed.
“You… want to ask him?” That would… certainly help, honestly. If he does it, it would seem like he's preying on her, since Guilliman was so protective. But if his own little diplomat asked instead…
He pulls her close, a tiny glimmer of hope sparkling in his hearts. “That sounds like a great idea, little ambassador.” He says, smiling down at her. He smirks. “I'm surprised, your brain actually cooked up and produced a tangible good idea. Maybe you're evolving.” He teases, making her pout and give his chest a light smack.
“Really? You're still going to be like that?” She giggles at him. “What does it say about you, sleeping with a creature so un-evolved?” She chuckles.
He frowns a bit. “Hm. You're right. When you put it that way, no one must ever learn of this.” He playfully pushes her away, into the spring water, making her squeak and laugh as she splashes in.
“Cato!” She laughs as she shakes the water out of her hair. “I was almost dry! Now I have to go back to the visitor’s hall soaked!” She says, a little exasperated as she drags herself out of the water.
He smiles up at her from the ground. “And who forgot to bring towels along, so excited to get me alone?” He chuckles.
She blushes and crosses her arms. “I wasn't thinking…” she mumbles.
He grins. “When are you ever?”, and laughed as she kicked water at him.
They got redress into soaked clothes and bathing suit, and start trudging their way back to the central hall. They giggle and sneak kisses and walk side to side as the walk back, but as they draw close enough to hear people, they are forced to break apart and act somewhat more unfamiliar.
Titus is pacing the front of the hall, and he snaps his head up when he hears them, looking agitate. “And where in holy Terra have you two been? It’s been hours, Captain! I may be below you, but I was given orders from Guilliman himself-” he starts tearing into them.
Cato rolls his eyes and walks passed him. “We went swimming.” he says casually.
Titus scowls. “I can see that- but why did you have to go swimming alone for four hours?” He snaps.
The ambassador frowns at Titus. “I’m sorry Commander, I just lost track of the time, but Cat- Captain Sicarius was there, so I was perfectly safe” She smiled up at him.
Titus scowls down at the little ambassador. She was seriously trying to pull this twice? He was embarrassed she got him once batting her eyes. And there she goes, almost calling Sicarius Cato again.
“My Lady, I was worried sick. What would I tell the primarch if something had happened to you?” He says frustratedly. “I cannot let this happen again. You must take at least one guard with you if you’re going to be going off with the captain again.” he insists. They will second as a chaperon, he thinks.
He eyes their wet, disheveled clothes and hair. The way they are standing just far enough a part that they aren’t obvious, but orbiting each other at that distance like they don’t dare go a step farther. He grimaces again.
The Ambassador pouts. “I don’t understand why that is necessary, Commander…” she says nervously.
He huffs, raising a brow. “Ah, I just got an idea.” he says, smirking. “I will simply send a message over to Lord Guilliman, and double check that it is alright that only Captain Sicarius guards you-”
He is interrupted by Cato. “That is unnecessary, Commander.” he says quickly. “We will stay in the vicinity of you and the other guards, less you lose anymore of your hairline to fretting needlessly.” He says in a mocking tone.
Titus’ mouth twitches down, and he runs an hand through his hair. His hairline is… fine. But he must have hit a nerve, and he smiles. Clearly Cato was lying about being allowed to come here. And as long as he didn’t want to be caught in that lie, he’d comply with whatever Titus demanded. He glances over to the Ambassador, and for a second feels a little bad. She looks upset at the Captain, pouting with her little brow scrunched. His hearts stutter a beat. Maybe it is cruel of him to break up her little love fest…
He shakes the thought. It is for her own good. A little mortal woman does not have the faculties to actually consent to whatever she was doing with Sicarius. It was a power imbalance, not to mention an intelligence imbalance, and she was naive and innocent, and wouldn’t know Cato is taking advantage of her. No, he had a duty to his father to protect the Ambassador, and a duty as a reasonable person to protect her from herself and from the Captain.
Titus smiles at Sicarius. “I’m glad we have an agreement. Now, shall we all head to the dining hall and get dinner?” He asked politely. He glances at the ambassador. “Ah, maybe after you put on some… more clothes that is, My Lady…” he adds, frowning.
She frowns and blushes a bit, crossing her arms over her mostly exposed chest. “Ah, right…” she mumbles, heading back towards her quarters.
He smiles and watches her go, eyes lingering a bit on her frame. Politely, of course. Sicarius gets his attention with a noise though.
“Enjoying the view, Commander?” He growls a bit. Titus raises his brow.
“I have no idea what you mean, Captain.” He retorts, returning the glare.
Cato grits his teeth, jaw twitching. “I would prefer you keep your eye’s on the Ambassadors face, Titus.” he says in a low voice.
Titus quirks a brow and frowns. “And I’d prefer you keep your cock in your pants, Sicarius.” he says, walking passed him to the dining hall.
Cato’s face pales and his mouth drops open a bit, before he scowls and clenches his fists at his side, watching Titus go.
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sharenadraculea · 2 months
So, challenge for the primarch shippers: grab a D20 and roll it twice to get a randomized pairing. Throw it more often if you want a polycule. Then figure out how to make it work (or how disastrously wrong it could go).
The primarchs serial numbers are: 1) Lion El‘Jonson 2) Unknown 3) Fulgrim 4) Perturabo 5) Jaghatai Khan 6) Leman Russ 7) Rogal Dorn 8) Konrad Curze 9) Sanguinius 10) Ferrus Manus 11) Unknown 12) Angron 13) Roboute Guilliman 14) Mortarion 15) Magnus the Red 16) Horus Lupercal 17) Lorgar Aurelian 18) Vulkan 19) Corvus Corax 20) Alpharius Omegon
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moodymisty · 28 days
Primarch kinks but for Vulkan since he’s my favourite. Breeding kink, of course— family is an important part of Nocturne culture, it’s only natural that the king of Nocturne himself has a lot of children.
I also think all the primarchs have a size kink, but Vulkan’s is turned up to 11. His perfect little beloved, barely half his size, taking him so well. Basically uses them like a fleshlight, guiding them through it, a single hand circling their waist and the other wrapped around their thigh.
(Im 5ft tall gimme a break)
I'm 5'2, so i fucking feel you. half the reason i like the primarchs is because i want to just become a living fleshlight. Like an angry, fed up guilliman just deciding to go for it and be selfish lsjfsldjk
Vulkan is so sweet about it though, he loves his teeny tiny little beloved;;;
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horuslupercal · 1 month
every now and again I think about how the primarchs landed at different times and I think about the concept of a primarch landing on a planet that's already been absorbed into the imperium and being raised as a revolutionary. against the imperium. this is such a baller 2 or 11 concept. I'm tempted to draft them up one day
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 months
I VERY DESPERATELY NEED/Want Baby Primarch Mers. So Badly. PLEASE!
Ok! I"ll go down the list
1 - Lion - So, the temptation to make him part lionfish is incredible here. There's also the fact that IRL Lionfish are a huge problem in certain parts of the world because they are an invasive species in those areas, as well as incredibly deadly because of their poisonous spines. And considering how deadly Lion and his sons can be... Yeah, I think he's part lionfish. Specifically he has a deep green tail with silver stripes. His spines are black and gold and hold incredibly potent poisons.
3- Fulgrim - He is part Coral Beauty Angelfish, and has a beautiful purple tail that fades into a vibrant yellow color. Coral beauties (at least according to the quick google search I did about them) are an incredibly hardy salt water fish, and known for their vibrant colorations.
4 - Perturabo - is part Cabezon - which are known for being Stubborn Bastard Fish who Refuse To Move until they get their next meal, willing to wait days and even weeks before they get their next meal. Which is often other fish, which I feel fits Peter turbo pretty well. He has a pleated tail and fins that are a mottled steel and black color, with the occasional yellow stripe.
5 - Jaghatai - is part Sailfish - which are allegedly one of the fastest fish in the world IRL. He has a bright white tail with red stripes. His fins are also white with red stripes.
6 - Leman - is part Piranha. Not only are Piranhas highly predatory, they also are species of fish that school together. Like how Space Wolves almost always stick together in packs. Also, he still has fangs in this AU. His tail and fins are a lovely slate grey color with an iridescent shine to them.
7 - Rogal - part greenland shark! Cold adapted predator of the sea. Doesn't look like much but is an apex predator in the seas it lives in. He has gorgeous golden fins and tails with black spots.
8 - Konrad - part goblin shark. I didn't pick it just because of the name, but because it is a deep water shark (lives in darkness, just like a certain edgy primarch) that is rarely seen by humans. And. Well. Most humans who saw Konrad didn't exactly live to tell about it, did they? He has a deep blue tail and fins that are surprisingly slender. But powerful and he has a hell of a bite and many, many pointy teeth.
9 - Sanguinius - He has a beautiful silver tail and fin-like wings, as his mer-half is flying fish! Although I was super tempted to make him part-lamprey because of the blood-sucking aspect of him.
10 -  Ferrus - as per the suggestions of @angronsjewelbeetle @c-u-c-koo-4-40k and @i-am-a-dragon34 Ferrus is now part Dunkleostous, with dark grey fins and tail on his dorsal side and a silvery ventral side.
12 - Angron - part betta fish. He has striking red and gold fins and tail and will square the fuck up if the mood strikes.
13 - Roboute - there is a big temptation to go for the Ultramarlin pun, but I won't give in. What I am going with is part Ribbon Eel, as they have this really lovely blue body with bright yellow dorsal and ventral stripes that go all the way down their bodies. That and G-Man having a long tail to thwap his brothers with makes me giggle.
14 - Mortarion - part pufferfish. Prickly, defensive and poisonous. Can and will puff up. Has grey fins and tail with dark green spots. Spiny.
15 - Magnus: I am torn between making him part carp - because of the Japanese (I think?) myth about a carp jumping up a waterfall in order to become a dragon - which hints at Magnus' incredibly powerful warp abilities or an Abtu, which is a mythical ancient Egyptian fish, because Space Egypt. Thoughts? Opinions?
16 - Horus: Is part dolphin. Known for being very charismatic and charming, but can and will bully other kinds of sea life. Baby-Horus has a deep green tail with gold markings.
17 - Lorgar - I love the Parrot Fish pun suggestion by @c-u-c-koo-4-40k so that is what I am going with. His fins and tail are a deep red color with a silver shimmer to them.
18 - Vulcan - another excellent suggestion by @c-u-c-koo-4-40k for making one of the primarchs part barracuda! I have decided on Vulcan, rather than Magnus. Vulcan’s dorsal fins and tail are a deep green color, the ventral side is black. Along the middle where the two colors meet, he had gold spots.
19 - Corvus: Part of me wants to make Corvus either some kind of shark, or angler fish bc of his whole "sworn vengeance and eternally hunting after Lorgar post-heresy" thing but. Big E is also a being who loves himself some aesthetics and I don't think a part-angler fish boy would fit that. Perhaps part black-tipped shark bc of their stealthiness. Thoughts?
20 - Alpharius and Omegon: are color-pallet changed blue-ring octopi. Instead of a yellow body with bright blue rings, they have vibrant teal tentacles with bright silver ring-patterns across their tentacles and up the fishy parts of their bodies.
@egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel
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relax-and-read-on · 1 year
I finished my session!!! To celebrate....
Primarch, and what they would have written in my literary creation class
(yes this is highly specific, no idc)
Lion: minimalist poetry done so that no one can say that he didn't do the assignment. There is 109 words spread on 8 pages. One of said page literally just say "I am Myself."
Mortarion: write a short story about a lil robot being basically condemn to die by an evil all powerful ai. Everyone miss the metaphor and start arguing about who the narrator is.
Roboute: Report a series of incidents of people seeing a black monolith ovni in the shape of Ohio, of all thing. Actually based of a real incident
Horus: Explain how many daddy issues he has. Pretty funny text, the 3 way in the middle of it was highly unnecessary.
Ferrus: the worst scifi short story of all time. Zero talent. One sentence goes on for 11 lines. Get called out for making a teluric planet the size of a gaseous one and walk out.
Fulgrim: poorly hidden self insert recounting his sexual exploit. Has the most graphic scene ever involving masturbation and a vacuum. Read it out loud to all.
Rogal: Describe a trip he took once. It's 8 pages long of beach descriptions. Seem to have a slightly weird obsession with crabs, and describe in great detail the battle between two.
Angron: write a scene where he basically explain how he day dream of a murder plot against an old colleague. Suspiciously well written, will avoid the police.
Sanguinius: a 3 part non-linear story about live, loss and death, beautifully written, that hint at a secret. Forgot to put the big reveal in the fucking final text.
Perturabo: write a story about childhood trauma and daddy issues. Violently infodump on everyone. Someone ask if the "I" instead of "he" in the middle of the text was voluntary. Refuse to answer. ,
Jaghatai: Write a long form prose poem that turn out to be the lyric to an instrumental only piece. Said piece is 6 minute long. He insist to play it in full for class.
Konrad: Write a self insert isekai fanfiction into Age of Sigmar. Surprisingly violent and sexual. Terribly written. Will probably become a succesful YA author.
Leman: Write an essay about his dog and how much he love him. It's actually quite touching. Even put cute pics of his dig at the end.
Alpharius Omegon: wrote a fake wikipedia page about a species of carnivorous lamppost walking around and eating people.
Corvus: Write a poem so completely confusing, there is a 20 minute debate on the subject. Ideas are: Death, sexual assault, prostitution, religious cults or drogues. The poem was actually about autumn and migratory birds.
Lorgar: write an in dept essay about the history of the first Rabbi in town. Somehow trackdown the surviving family member for an email interview. Completely bust the page count.
Vulkan: a very cute memory piece about being born in a large family and the hardship of it. Casually mention an unsolved murder. Everyone is disturbed.
Magnus: that 25 pages, 3 part essay/poem/experimental narrative text on the myth of the minotaur, feminism and the importance of myth. It was borderline unreadable.
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chemos-factories · 2 months
Which primarch dolly would be best at taking cock? And I don’t mean fake crying from pleasure like some sex dolls have, but which butthole would be the most slick and accadanting to it’s grith and size? Or: You think like with how imperial fists are all about enduring pain, would Dorn be that type of guy to pretend sexualy as a statue while partner electroduces them and call him his huge brave little dolly?
Hmmmm, very good questions all around. First of all, I must say; I don’t think EVERY primarch would be a doll. Some of them would be dollmakers, and some of them would have no interest in dollification whatsoever.
IMO the list is as follows:
Lion: Doll, only for Sanguinius, reluctant at first but then feels how lovely it is to have his angel fuss over tying his hair back with a ribbon and call him a beautiful doll. Then he’s smitten with the concept. Gets dressed in fancy Caliban court attire and imperial dress uniform, because he’s a little figurine of a knight. Doesn’t get penetrated, but Sanguinius will jack or suck him off at the end of doll time if he behaves.
2: turns out they were a recast knockoff :/
Fulgrim: Doll OR Dollmaker. Partial to the ball jointed doll, EGL kind of look; fluffy petticoats and lace and ruffles abound, big sweet eyes, pink cheeks and lips. Will be a dollmaker for anyone curious, just to help them try it out, and is secretly holding out hope that Konrad will agree to it one day; he has such perfect pale skin, and big dark eyes, and long dark hair, he’d be the perfect doll. Fulgrim gets penetrated by his own dollmaker, easily and eagerly - his cunt is soaked by the time he’s fully dressed, he enjoys it so much, and from there it’s just a matter of pushing his petticoats up.
Perturabo: Neither, but not for lack of trying. He gets too impatient and uncomfortable to be a doll and too frustrated being a dollmaker. He’s asked Fulgrim a few times if he can have a go at him while he’s still in doll headspace though.
Jaghatai: skip I don’t know enough about him
Leman Russ: this guy’s into prey/pred and puppy play, not dolls
Dorn: Yeah kind of exactly what you said, honestly
Konrad: HE WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD DOLL I KNOW HE WOULD. Unfortunately. The everything else about him. Keep asking, Fulgrim, you’ll get him one day. Wouldn’t like penetration, but would like grinding with another doll while their maker watches.
Sanguinius: Dollmaker!! More of a masculine focus with his dolls, dressing them up like decorated generals in parade uniform or fairytale princes. Pretty enough to be a doll himself, but it feels too much like worship to him, and he doesn’t like being worshipped
Ferrus: Another dollmaker! For Fulgrim this time. He doesn’t like an awful lot of frill and decadence in his own life, but when it comes to making sure the ruffles and petticoats sit perfectly on his doll? He’ll be laser-focused on lace. Adores putting on the finishing touches; hair ornaments, jewelry, gently sliding and buckling shoes on. Having Fulgrim so malleable in his grasp just makes him bend his dolly over and fuck him full as soon as he’s dressed.
11: concept for a playline fashion doll that never got past prototyping :(
Angron: DO NOT
Roboute: Another smart-suited fairytale prince doll for Sanguinius! Doesn’t get penetrated, but adores giving oral - tell him he’s even prettier on his knees and he’ll whine
Mortarion: Stinky. Do not attempt
Magnus: He’ll try anything once! Prefers the clothing worn by the wealthy on Prospero for dolls - light, gauzy linen skirts dyed beautiful colours, jewelry dripping with precious metals and semi-precious stones, intricate sandals, maybe even a beaded net over the hair. It’s about the process, to him, not fitting the criteria of what a doll ‘should’ look like. Prefers to penetrate, regardless of if he’s doll or maker
Horus: Simply does not ‘get it’. Likes kinky sex! Just doesn’t click with this kind
Lorgar: Nah. Religion kink, maybe virginity kink, but not dollification
Vulkan: I don’t think he’d be a dollmaker, but he does strike me as the sort to want to play with a doll. Maybe he can work out an arrangement with one of the makers
Corvus: Dolly in denial. Get Corvus a pretty little gothic lolita dress and a black petticoat and cute little mary-jane style shoes and that’s it. The point of no return. Corvus would also be such a beautiful doll, with the pale skin and dark eyes and hair.
Alpharius(? Omegon??): Who. Fucking knows
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askmalal · 1 year
The Primarchs and their brothers:
Part 4. Perturabo
1. The Lion
“The application is sound, but the methodology is flawed.”
“Few of my brothers accepted me initially. I can in fact count them on one hand. He was among them. He will always have my respect.”
3. Fulgrim
“Mud… mud everywhere.”
5. Jaghatai Khan
“He believes that artillery is an apex predator. That is well and good, but his men themselves win those campaigns. I think the truth is that all of his legionaries are barely restrained sharks. Set them loose, and the Galaxy will bleed…”
6. Leman Russ
“He is a strange combination of loving father and abusive mother to his lads. They love him, they hate him, ultimately they revere him.”
7. Rogal Dorn
“He tortures himself with the notion that we are rivals. I entertain myself with the notion that he is a madman. “
8. Konrad Curze
“He digs holes, and digs them very well. Oh, you wanted more, did you? Very well. Something, something, logistics.”
9. Sanguinius
“The way he speaks about mathematics is intoxicating. The man weaves a poem out of raw numbers.”
10. Ferrus Manus:
“We are both at times taken hostage by the worst elements are our temperament and betimes allow this to cloud our judgement. I am willing to accept this as a fact of life and to work to atone for it. Such knowledge, however, can drive him into fits of depression. Or to further pique. I am unsure which is worse.”
“As is known, we correspond regularly. I would describe him affectionately as the best terrible person I know. He makes me laugh and infuriates me in equal measure.”
12. Angron
“I have the excuse in as much that my anger is often exacerbated by what my captors did to me. Perturabo… Perturabo is simply a bastard.”
13. Guilliman
“If he were in charge of a rebuilding effort on Terra, the oceans would be restored within a decade, the air would be clean, ancient cities would bloom anew.., and Constantine Valdor would lose at least one reason to complain.”
14. Mortarion
“One of the few beings I know who would spend a decade planning a public garden, another decade planting it, and then destroy it in a single night if a flower was pushed out of place by an errant pedestrian simply to spite them.”
15. Magnus
“He is well read. A qualified scholar. At times given to overt generosity, at other times patronizing. We are well matched.”
16. Horus
“Careful, brother. You are asking about a man who believes even a compliment given him behind his back is a grave insult.”
17. Lorgar
“He is an atheist. Should you forget this, have no fear: he will remind you each and every time you converse with him. “
18. Vulkan
“The best way to manage Perturabo at his worst is to politely remind him of a mistake he has made in your presence. He will then avoid making that mistake forever simply to prove you wrong. “
19. Corvus Corax
“Ahh yes. Precisely what the Imperium needs. Another loud mouth overly emotional Neo-Hellenistic Warlord.”
20. Alpharius Omegon
“He isn’t often wrong, you know. It is. ..unfortunate that he such a shit. As such, many of us delight in collecting those instances when he is and passing them around like treasured heirlooms at every family gathering.”
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ms--lobotomy · 2 months
Since you tagged me in this poll I feel the need to answer with my thoughts for all of them. You know, for funsies.
40k Guilliman: pretty good option. He’s (somewhat) mentally stable and has talked it out with you beforehand. Though I am curious on where he acquired primarch-grade bondage equipment. Is that why it was planned months in advance? Was he spending all that time just trying out different kinds of ropes and chains that could hold him like some sort of kinky parody of Fenrir from norse mythology?? Also, he deserves sex that has him relax and not possibly shatter his partner’s pelvis, let that man rest. 8/10.
Corrupted Horus: We all enjoy a very evil and very charismatic man from time to time. And the chaos gods which are currently kinda wearing Horus’ body like a condom are one of the options presented in this poll. But before your mind gets carried away with the fantasy of hot mean DILF, we have to think: He’s still a DILF. And so his taste in music will be that of a Dad. So get ready for him to blast Imagine Dragons while sexily taking his shirt off. You plead for him to strip faster, not because you’re horny but because you hope that when he does so he’ll turn the rock & roll cover of Thunder off and fuck you properly. He won’t. 1/10.
Jaghatai: No words other than those of approval. No thoughts other than those of lust. 9/10.
Ferrus Manus pre-heresy: Not sure why you specified pre-heresy but maybe I don’t have enough imagination for a post-heresy lewding scenario, but I digress. So I feel that the sex wouldn’t be the main draw of the situation here, instead it’s more to do with trying to make a guy feel better about a body part that he wants to peel his metal-skin off of. Ferrus is a dude that has simultaneously given all of his children body dysmorphia (that they try to fix by replacing their body parts with tech) while also wanting to get rid of the most technological part of himself. And he won’t even tell people a direct answer about where he got the technological metal hands from anyway. This man is an enigma and the sex is just a backdrop for the true scenario; which is the Ferrus Manus character exploration that’s going on. So to judge purely by the sex itself it’s a solid 5/10.
Daemon Magnus: This dude will not only do all of what you specified. But he’ll also add Gale from bg3 astral plane type sex into the mix. The only limit is your imagination Babey!!! 11/10 (he may have used his psychic powers to mess with the rating).
Leman Russ: What’s not to love about a big scary man in a collar? What’s not to love about a living war machine getting restrained like they’re a simple animal?? Though him eventually breaking out of it would imply that my skills in Husband husbandry are poor, and that might make me kind of sad. 7/10 (would change it to 8/10 if you also put a muzzle on him)
Pre-Heresy Fulgrim: The number one rule of kink fantasy is that nothing will work out as perfectly as you want it to, something will always go differently than it did in your imagination because, fun fact, your partner is not a mind reader (and even if they were it’s not like they can control every action/reaction they do/have). If you fuck him he will be very very very disappointed in you and will act like a bitch about it. 3/10 (the sex stops midway through because you ruined his expectations too many times).
Rogal Dorn: The way im about to sexualise that middle aged man. Oh boy… well first of all I’ll- [REDACTED BY THE INQUISITION. SUMMONS A DAEMON OF SLAANESH IF THE TEXT IS READ OUT LOUD]. 9.5/10.
30k Corvus Corax: Now while he can’t be perceived, I can. In fact I am very perceivable. Unlike Corvus’ furtive emo outfits my fashion sense consists of wearing the most sparkly and shiny accessories all the time and in very large quantities. I dress as though I’m trying to sound like one of santa’s reindeer or a sentient human windchime. And my penchant to talk very loudly knows no bounds. So combining his extreme stealth with my extreme unstealth gives us the average of The Normal Amount Of Noticeability. Which would get us both arrested for indecent exposure. 0/10 because i don’t want to go to jail.
Sanguinius: also a pretty good option. Though I question how a man who had big issues with being deified by the mortal populace would feel about having his more “angelic” features worshipped. But I’m sure I can make it work. 7.5/10.
In conclusion: the vote goes to Magnus, but if he wasn’t there then Dorn would be attaining the title of “babygirl” real fucking fast.
Time to /finally/ answer some asks. This isn't a knock on you by any means, or anyone who's sent asks. I'm just not very good at it lol
Robby G: Listen. L i s t e n. This man is 1. the type to have a schedule for sex (nothing wrong with that if thats what people are into) and 2. the type to take it in the butt. He deserves it in the butt. Yes, he is a space war criminal. But wouldn't it be nice to put it in him?
Horse: I'm sorry, the image of an Imagine Dragons striptease is... enlightening as to the individual Horus is. He's the dad that hosts the barbecue parties. He's the dad that falls asleep watching TV. Hell, he probably wears Hawaiian shirts. (That last one's got me bricked up. Shit)
Jagh: This one got me. He fucking would be into leather, be it on him or his partner. May write a fic about it in the future. Dead serious
Ferrus: Ok, I'll admit it, this one was self-indulgent for me. Yes, Ferrus is an ass in canon. I also want him so bad, and that also entails helping him through some shit. (It's the "I can fix him" instinct.) Also, if his partner isn't ok with 17 inches, that's understandable. (Also also, I specified pre-Heresy because him coming back headless horseman style is kind of a pipe dream of mine)
Mags: Monsters are hot. Next guy
Russ: This one was a bit of a gift for my Russ fucker friend. You know who you are! And if you're a Russ fucker anyways, please be my friend
Fulgrim: This man has been through so many partners and he still doesn't understand kink very well, bless his heart. He's still gotta make sure everything goes the way he thought it would, otherwise what's even the point? Mm. Maybe he can be put with someone who makes him realize that it doesn't need to be that way.. ;v
Doorknob: Go ahead, sexualize the brick wall man. Put him in a maid dress. He'd like his partner to be a little rough, especially during... ahem. Encounters. Remember the Rogal Dorn position? Maybe not all the time, but fuck, this man needs to take it like his life depends on it.
Corax: Not for everyone, I get it. Especially if your clothes are like that. I applaud your fashion sense, you dress how I've always wanted to. But that fic's still rattling around in my mind. Thank you Raven Lady we all say in unison
Sang: You raise a very good point. I don't know how comfortable he'd be with focus on his more non-human qualities. But it can work. I have faith in you, battle brother.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Momrad to Konrad
What has the tiny Night Lord accomplished recently?
He took his first few steps unassisted roughly 10 before he sat back down. He did that yesterday
Today he said his first sentence. "Daddy Up"
Also he's now wearing T3 clothes... he is turning 11 months in 2 days... sometimes it feels like I had a tiny primarch with how FAST he's growing
he's like taller than 96% of children his age (last we checked with the pediatrician)
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