#what a heckin dork
kanerallels · 5 months
Okay I need every shred of serotonin I can get right now, so! Have a fic I wrote for @sarah3210 in honor on May the Fourth! Hope you guys enjoy it!
(Taglist for fun and profit: @day-to-day-thots @laughingphoenixleader @aosladies @heckin-music-dork @opalknight @cassie-fanfics)
It had been a long time since Ezra Bridger had flown a shuttle. But somehow, that’s not why his hands were shaking as he approached the hangar bay of the ship in front of him.
He shouldn’t have been nervous. But for the first time in almost ten years, he wasn’t on Peridea. He was home.
Or close enough, at least. The ship wasn’t Lothal. But when Ezra thought of home, Lothal wasn’t always the first thing that came to mind. It wasn’t a place at all. It was people.
They’re here. He was sure of it. Sabine had told him where to find Hera— or rather, Hera’s flagship, since she was a general now. He couldn’t really say he was surprised. Just proud, if you could be proud of the woman who’d basically been your mother for so many years of your life.
The two A-wings escorting him peeled off as he slipped through the energy shield and set the shuttle down. Not too rough of a landing— Hera or Sabine could have done better, but Ezra was a little rusty.
Through the viewport, he could see a handful of figures moving towards the shuttle. Okay. Here we go.
He realized, as the shuttle ramp was lowering, that he hadn’t taken off the armor he’d stolen on Thrawn’s ship. Huh. Well, this should be fun. Holding back a sudden burst of laughter, Ezra headed down the ramp slowly, his hands in the air.
There was a cluster of people coming to meet him— most of them wearing white and blue or black uniforms, all looking exceptionally wary. And in their lead was a green skinned Twi’lek woman wearing a flight jacket and carrying a small blaster that she leveled directly at Ezra.
It’s Hera. She looked a little different. Older and tired, but still determined, with the same calm that she wore when she was trying to mediate a fight between him and Zeb. Holy kark, it’s Hera, and is that— in a flash, he realized that Kallus and Zeb were a few steps behind her, bo-rifles at the ready as they eyed the potential threat warily.
The reality of it hit him like a brick in the chest because it meant he was back. It worked. Ten years and he was face to face with his family again, finally.
He was still reeling when he recognized the figure rolling towards him. Chopper looked exactly the same as the last time Ezra had seen him, when the droid had helped him save Lothal. He was bwomping something about who did Ezra think he was fooling as he approached, and Ezra almost automatically let a hand drop to the top of Chopper’s dome. “Hey, Chop,” he whispered, far too low for anyone else to hear it. The droid let out a satisfied noise— clearly, he’d realized who Ezra was immediately.
Hera still looked unsure, though. Which was fair. Ezra was, after all, still wearing trooper armor. Reaching up, he slowly pulled off his helmet.
The expression on Hera’s face changed in a snap, shock and confusion bright in her eyes. Ezra knew the feeling. He still couldn’t believe what he was looking at, either. 
“Ezra?” she said, her voice shaking, holding a thread of hope that Ezra understood deeply.
“Hi, Hera,” he said, and found himself grinning like an idiot because it had been so long but he was back. Things were a mess but he was with his family again. He could fix it. “I’m home.”
He started towards her, but Hera was already moving. Her blaster clattering to the ground, she darted towards him and threw her arms around him in a fierce embrace that knocked the wind out of Ezra. “Ow,” he grunted, but hugged her back, feeling tears prickle his eyes.
“Hi?” she said, her voice shaking. “You’ve been gone for ten years and that’s how you start?”
Another set of arms enveloped them, effectively crushing the last of the air out of Ezra’s lungs. “When I’m done hugging you,” Zeb growled, “I’m gonna kill you.”
“Missed you too,” Ezra gasped, wheezing for breath. “Kallus, you next? Is it gonna be a hug or a death threat?”
The man laughed, sounding more at ease than Ezra ever remembered him sounding. “Oh, I think Zeb and General Syndulla have the death threats more than covered.”
“That’s good,” Ezra said as both Zeb and Hera let go. Hera only stepped back a little, though, studying his face.
“You’ve grown up so much,” she whispered, gently touching his cheek. “And you’re— we thought you were—”
“You really thought Thrawn and a couple purrgil could take me out?” Ezra said, raising his eyebrows and grinning. “I’m pretty offended.
Zeb grinned even wider. “Oh, not everyone did.”
“Thanks, Zeb.”
Zeb’s grin, somehow, widened. And got a lot more smug. “Oh, I wasn’t talking about me.”
“Ouch. Wait, then who—”
A door hissed open, and a voice cut him off. A familiar voice. “Hera! You’re not going to believe this, but I sensed—”
Ezra’s heart stopped around the same time the voice did. Staring over Hera’s shoulder at him was… a ghost?
Because Kanan Jarrus had died on Lothal, saving him and Sabine and Hera.
He couldn’t be here, his hair and beard grown back with streaks of gray. And he DEFINITELY couldn’t have two kids with him— one who looked like a small version of Hera but with freckles, and patches of orange in her skin. She eyed him warily as she clung to Kanan’s hand. The other was a human boy with green hair, and was gaping at Ezra with delight. “I told you,” he whispered.
“—Ezra,” the man finished, meeting Ezra’s gaze with clear, seeing eyes. The scar was still there, but… His eyesight came back. Right before he… he died. Didn’t he?
He could barely speak as Hera silently stepped out of the way, a smile on her face. Clearing his throat, Ezra managed a breath. “K-Kanan?”
A smile spread across his face. “Hey, kid. I bet you have some—”
Ezra cut him off by sprinting across the space between them and tackling him in a hug that nearly sent them both flying backwards. He was definitely going to cry, but all he could do right now was cling to his master and pray that he didn’t somehow disappear. “You’re here,” he choked out, holding back a sob.
Strong arms wrapped around him, holding him close. For a moment, he felt just like a padawan again. “I’m here,” Kanan murmured. “And so are you. Force, Ezra, we missed you so much.”
Ezra let out a shaky laugh. “Uh, you missed me? I thought you were dead.”
“I almost was.”
“Thank you for not being dead.”
He felt Kanan laugh. “Any time, kid. Thank you for coming home safely.” He paused, and Ezra could sense his confusion through their bond. Their bond, which had come flowing back so naturally that it felt like it had never left.
“Shouldn’t Sabine be with you?”
Whoops. “Uh, yeah, about that,” Ezra said sheepishly. “Um… she and Ahsoka are kinda left behind? And Thrawn is also here? And he has a team of witches and a creepy friend named Enoch?”
“Maul isn’t resurrected from the dead, too, is he?” Kanan said wryly, and Ezra laughed.
“Nope. He’s still dead.”
“Okay, then. We’ll handle it.”
We. Somehow, Ezra thought, the prospect of facing this with his family at his side made the whole situation a lot easier. It always did.
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starqueensthings · 1 month
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics 💞
First of all, when the heck did my anon function turn on 😆 I genuinely thought I’d had that shit turned off! Apparently not!
Second, I heckin love when these self rec chains go around. There is little more beautiful in this world than watching a creator gush about their work when given the platform to do so… something they’re so proud of… something that brought them so much joy, all they want to do is share it with the people they love.
In true Holly fashion, I am going to be long winded about this, so please accept a read more as to not clutter up your feed.
1. Colder Weather - A 3-part post-stasis/Pirate Kix x fem!reader ficlet that promises to punch you right in the heart. This is probably the most emotional thing I’ve ever written, and while I know it’s not for everyone… boy am I ever proud of it.
2. Dork Love - A 4-part Tech x GN!reader ficlet that was supposed to only be one, but pulled a Miley Cyrus and couldn’t be tamed. It’s a mostly lighthearted little story about hard work, altruism, navigating a sudden and unexpected crush, and how one’s perception is not always reality. Because the fandom is extremely protective about Tech and his characterization in fanon extensions of canon, I’m sure this won’t be for everyone either… but writing something that read ND!Tech x ND!Reader was important to me.
3. The Only Exception - A fem!OC x Captain Howzer Longfic. I started writing it what feels like a lifetime ago, and I swore to my distant ancestors that it would never see anyone’s eyes but my own… That plan changed when I met some very supportive, OC-loving friends that encouraged me to share it with the world, and I’ve since been slowly tweaking it chapter by chapter to ensure my passive verbs and run-on sentences are brought to a level that’s readable for others hahaha it’s a very slow work in progress, but it’s the most throughout, detailed work I’ve ever funnelled energy into, and I’ll forever cherish June and her experiences learning and growing. (Not a self insert, though I wish it was. June is more bad ass than I could ever hope to be, though she has no clue.)
**snippets below the cut**
1. Colder Weather - Part One
Those optimistic moments often saw you rambling, thoughts slipping easily from mind to mouth in a desperate attempt to keep him connected to you; resolute in keeping him both physically and mentally present; urgently trying to protect him from the monster on his shoulders long enough for him to realize that everything he could ever want was lying peacefully beside him. Periodically, if your chosen topic was one he found particularly amusing, his eyes would crinkle under the embrace of a smile, and — if the universe deemed you worthy that night — a hoarse chuckle would pour from his lips. Despite your continued pleas to the stars, it was a sound that graced your ears with a tragic infrequence, yet the way its radiance illuminated your soul had you shamelessly begging the universe that it continue to spill from his lips for all eternity.
But despite the prophetic bond that kept him returning to your side, only once had the bliss of your union softened his guard enough to let something… slip. Only once had he mentioned a brother: Jesse, a man spoken of thoughtlessly as Kix snickered his way through the recollection of a frantic speeder ride across the plains of Saleucami. But the music of his laughter utterly vanished upon voicing the name that he never meant to speak, the silence that filled its wake so polluted in unexpressed grief, that even the hushed sounds of your breath felt inappropriate, and despite having watched the light leave his eyes so often in the past, you’d never seen it replaced with a darkness as deep and as sorrowful as then.
“Tell me about him,” you probed instantly, hopeful that the delicate touch of your hand on his shoulder would be enough to ground him there in the bed with you; hopeful that the soft caress of your fingers would prevent him from conceding to his anguish, tossing the sheet aside and leaving you with nothing but the familiar sight of his retreating back and the bittersweet smell of him lingering on your pillow.
2. Dork Love - Part Four.
“An apology is not required,” Tech spoke instead. “It would appear that I jumped to an inaccurate conclusion upon arriving here to find you missing. It was a most uncharacteristic overreaction, and one from which I now-suffer a great compunction.”
“Compunction?” you repeated, brows furrowing at the implications of his confession as you reached to pull the coils from his shoulder. “Why?”
Tech hesitated for only a breath, watching your nimble fingers blanch under the weight of the wire as you took it from him. “Well… several years of advanced training and exposure therapy have rendered me effectively inured to a multitude of scenarios that others may deem distressing,” he divulged as something near concern wiped the smile from your lips. “Yet, I failed to maintain control of my emotions in the face of your disappearance. I became largely inexorable, making objectively impetuous and questionable decisions.”
“Tech,” you uttered in little more than a consoling whisper, his stomach lurching as your free hand collected his from somewhere near his hip, those slightly chilled fingers weaving their way in between his before the soft, consoling brush of your thumb nearly weakened his knees. “There is nothing to regret. Worrying about someone is nothing to be ashamed of, and arguably even less so if that person is someone you care greatly about. In fact, an initial surge of panic followed by attempts to verify their safety is likely the expected psychological response to such concerns. You walked into what looked like a very foreboding situation and had no data to disprove your suspected theory.”
“I suppose that is correct,” Tech shrugged, dropping his gaze to the toe of his oily boot, “Though it has been several years since I last studied the sympathetic subsection of the autonomic nervous system in response to traumatic stimuli.”
“Sounds like an interesting read,” you mumbled through a sarcastic smile that prompted the return of his gaze. “Tell me– if the same situation presented itself again, would you not react similarly? Would you not do everything within your power to make sure that someone was okay while everything around you was telling you they’re not?”
“Of course I would.”
“Then that’s that,” you answered simply. “There’s no reason to regret your actions, just like I don't suffer any contempt for getting myself stuck on Ryloth. Making the trip there was the best and potentially only solution based on the information available to me at the time. Things went awry… and that’s okay, because we should always do what our gut is telling us to do when it comes to things and people that we care greatly about.”
And there it was: that intemerate benevolence that he wholly adored about you, reemerging to knock him over the head with a validation that he’d never experienced before… and the subsequent moment, as his eyes locked on yours and his grip on your hand tightened, he felt truly seen as himself. Not Tech the highly-skilled soldier… not Tech the ingenious mechanic responsible for keeping the GAR’s most elite squad in the air… not Tech the pilot who loved his datapad above all else and never slept. You saw Tech… accepting and welcoming him as he is; validating his infrequent displays of vulnerability as if humanity was something he could and should experience first hand without fear of persecution or judgement.
“Oh, and don’t think I didn’t catch that,” you added, brow shifting into a devious arch as a playful smirk tugged at your lips.
“Catch what, exactly?”
“The oxymoron you dropped in there: ‘found you missing’. Someone can’t be found and missing, hun. But keep dropping them– I’ll catch ‘em every time.”
3. The Only Exception - Chapter Two.
‘He’s just a soldier,’ she reminded herself with a snort of self-directed derision, desperately trying to extract her password from the depths of her distracted brain.
And he was. There was nothing overtly different or unusual about CT–5863 in relation to the hundred-or-so other clones that had passed in and out of her care since the war began. Quite frankly, there couldn’t be anything different about him, it was genetically impossible. So why had one look from this set of honeyed eyes seen her stomach careening into the next dimension and her nerves prickling as if every shift of his gaze left a trail atop her skin?
Thrice she tried and failed to enter her secure information into that software, yet its repeated beeps toward the inevitable system lock-out fell on entirely deaf ears, and it wasn’t until the screen strobed that she’d near-reached the maximum login attempts did some glimmer of awareness surge back to her.
“I’m Dr. Kiore,” June told him, attempting to banish that myriad of improper thoughts by corralling every cooperating neuron into entering her password, and the breath she’d unintentionally held in her lungs was granted their escape atop a sigh of relief as that familiar landing screen emerged in front of her. “What’s your name?”
“No, Captain, your name.”
“My name?” A puzzled pause preceded his answer, that brief second of hesitation having failed to lessen any of the obvious confusion behind those two words, and the notion that she may have to formally explain such a simple concept was the first to pull a smile to June’s lips.
But, “Howzer.” He recovered quickly, offering his name in the same tone he’d used upon hearing her tap on the door, and the small creases now wreathing those twinkling eyes as they narrowed in something close to suspicion entirely laid bare his continued bewilderment at her behaviour.
“Howzer,” she repeated, offering him a casual smile as she swiped her finger across the monitor and entered the information next to his designation number. “It’s nice to meet you.”
A moment’s innocent silence fell between them as she typed, masterfully toggling between different pages of his medical chart and familiarizing herself with the details of his treatment history. For an active soldier, particularly one that appeared as if he’d spent several respite-free rotations laying in the foreign dirt of a distant planet, his chart was remarkably vacant, the only few noted injuries being quickly treated in the field and recorded somewhat haphazardly by the trio of different medics who had seen him.
“I– I think that might be the first time a civilian’s asked me that,” he contemplated under his breath, eyes unfocussing as he rubbed that dirty palm across the stubble on his chin
“Yeah, well… they were supposed to ask downstairs,” June scoffed, the grumble swaddling her tone readily exposing the disdain for the repeated shortcomings of her colleagues. “I’ve asked them four billion times to try and remember, but of course no one listens to the youngest.”
While his lungs expanded to utter what was undoubtedly going to be another humorous quip, the sentiment was stolen off his tongue by a sudden and salient cringe of discomfort. In that otherwise banal motion of sitting up straight, hand reaching upward to thoughtlessly push those dark waves further back from his forehead, a spasm of pain quickly froze his actions, that sharp jaw quickly clenching behind olive cheeks as a muted grunt rumbled in his chest.
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kings-highway · 2 months
what are some of your favorite fanfics you’ve ever read? feel free to list as many as you want, or as little as you want! can be from any fandom, just curious to see what you like in terms of reading!!
Ohhhhhh fun questions!!! gosh I guess it's time to reveal my super secret guilt.... i don't actually read a ton of fanfiction 😅
As a general rule, though, my preference for fanfiction is short(ish) canon-compliant one-shots. I decided to scroll through my bookmarks to see if I had anything that really truly stood out to me as a "favourite" and here's what I've got for you:
three by Lavendelshampoo - Ushiten fic, where Tendou/Ushijima have a fwb relationship despite Tendou being convinced Ushi is in love with Oikawa. Its technically rated E and is tagged for smut but I honestly don't remember it being super explicit (certainly not gratiutious) but I could be totally wrong about that lol. Proceed with caution.
How To Fall In Love in Three Days (or Less) by vincentvandope - Arankita fic in which, if I remember correctly, Aran tells Kita's grandmother they're dating to make her feel better, and then has to tell Kita that his family now thinks they're dating. fake dating shenanigans ensue. It's got really strong family dynamics and friends-to-lovers and honestly is sort of just everything I love about fanfics. (Strong canon-compliance with tons of headcanons and added extra). Its so cute and they're dorks the whole time.
Grey Sweatpants by Sarahsays999 - this is a matchablossom fic (sk8 the infinity) and gets an honourable mention here bc you said favourite fanfics and this is my first ever bookmarked and my first ever subscription and to this day I am upset that it was (has appeared to be) abandoned and I long for it's return because I really heckin enjoyed it. Barely remember the plot. Joe is taking care of Cherry post-injury and there is tension (not the canon injury it had been published before that lol)
I also remember reading, before I got my ao3 account, a daisuga fic where Suga agrees to go with Daichi on a morning run to impress him, and then spends the next few pages wanting to die but refusing to admit it because he is Trying To Impress. It may have been deleted/abandoned but I have never been able to find it again. If anyone knows what I'm talking about send me that link.
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thatonebasicfan · 2 years
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Anti Hero by Taylor Swift
One Thing by One Direction
Exless by Kate Stephenson
Steal My Girl by One Direction
What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction
I'm lazy, so I'm gonna tag ppl instead @accidental-spice @rwggrace2 @biathediamond @kanerallels @heckin-music-dork @purpleisnotacolor @laughingphoenixleader @theconstitutionisgayculture @fictionalmenmistress @incorrectpizza
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laneynoir · 2 years
SHHEEP sign up sheet!
For any who are unaware of what SHHEEP is, we are an appreciation club, specifically for hobbit hair being soft. But also the general hobbit culture protection.
For the history of our organization: https://at.tumblr.com/friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog/friends-you-have-heard-the-decree-thou-must/qalj4d2aapvg
To join our little club, you can comment or reblog with a Tolkien quote. Once you receive a hat, then you have been accepted as one of our fellowship!
The members of our club so far include:
@friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog our esteemed leader, and keeper of the clan.
@laneynoir second in command, and keeper of the knitting needles (I knit the initiation hats)
@milesasinmorales Official Burglar
@heckin-music-dork Official Residant cat.
@to-be-frank-i-dont-care Official Protector of Midnight Snack.
@sotwk Official Sweet Dreams Elf
@starryeyedrogue Official Protector of the Second Breakfast
@gayassvampire Official Barduil Fanatic
@blueberryrock Official lord of the blueberries.
@auttumnsayshi Official protector of gardens.
@chipperskipper Official Keeper of Hedgehogs
@iarwainjones Official Watcher of the Daffodils.
@a-burr-a-hobbit Official Keeper of Hobbiton Mischief
@jordie-your-local-halfling Official Stabby Child
@iotaqizm (you've yet to choose a title)
@mrfrodosstuff (you've yet to choose a title)
@kobaltdragon (you've yet to choose a title)
@technically-bean Official Keeper of Swords
@local-pirate-king Official Pirate
@avacado1sh Official Gremlin
@shanesotherlittleshop Official Gaurdsman of the Archives.
@frodothefair Official Queen of Old Westfarthing
@mangosforlife Official Partaker of Revelry!
Our precious animal division:
Professor Moragan Minerva Mewiarty: Official Parrot (cat)
Joanie: official spokeshorse of Rohan (horse)
SHHEEP Discord link will be sent when you ask (via dm)
After joining, don't be afraid to put it in your bio! You are a part of SHHEEP now... You belong with us precious.
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sassygirl579 · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 followers
Thanks @strawberriesinmoominvalley for the tag 😊
Questions in their original form can be found on @aroace-moron's page
1. Are you named after anyone?
No--my parents were doing good to find a name they agreed on 🤭
2. When was the last time you cried?
Reading a fic last week--it involved Tech and Crosshair being reunited--big surprise!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
See previous question 😉
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes and hair
6. What's your eyecolour?
Blue with amber around the iris
7. Scary movies or good endings?
Too much scary sticks in my mind, even if it's not horror per se. Bring on all the happy endings!
8. Any special talents?
I do some music and some crafts
10. What are your hobbies?
writing, reading, aforementioned music and crafts
11. Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment--but I'm already planning for future kitties😻
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did gymnastics through most of elementary school, cheerleading in 5th grade, and dance from 1st-10th grades. None of it was competitive--just for fun 😊
14. Favourite subject in school?
All the music (at least until I tried to major in it), reading, history/geography
15. Dream job?
Author or voice actor (or both!) or professional organi
No pressure tags @findswoman @seleneisrising @mandogab @dragonrider9905 @jessicas-pi @apocalyp-tech-a @better-call-mau1 @the-obiwan-for-me @kanerallels @autumnwoodsdreamer @heckin-music-dork @accidental-spice @desertbeskar and anyone else who wants to do it--and yes, I realize that's only 13--time to make some food!
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accidental-spice · 1 year
OC Mundane Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @christian-latte-anon
Rules: Pick an OC you'd like to talk about and answer the questions for them! Then tag ten people, or as many as you can. 'Underdeveloped character I adopted' is fine, too! Absolutely no pressure to play, though
Also, if some of it can't apply to your OCs, just answer what would be the answer-- like if they're in a historical setting, they likely can't watch movies, but what is a movie they'd like?
(Also, most people have many ocs, so feel free to retag people and answer as many times as you get tagged! Or get really wild and just answer for as many ocs as you'd like! :D)
What is their favorite movie? Thaiv's favorite movie is probably The Prince of Egypt!! He loves a good musical. Also, Tall Girl. And A Week Away
What is their favorite season? I think summer, though he ADORES Christmas time, too!!
What do they find annoying? He's not easily annoyed, honestly. Hookup culture does annoy him, for sure
How would they like to spend their Christmas or equivalent holiday? With his family and friends, eating delicious food (especially gingerbread cookies) and listening to Christmas music!! In general, just enjoying the season to the FULLEST
Do they play an instrument? If so, what? How good are they at it? He does!! Piano, guitar, saxophone, harmonica, and a little cello (I do not play an instrument. So if any of what I just said didn't make sense, pretend like it did)! And he's good enough to lead a band, so, quite good!
What's their favorite meal to eat? Ohhhhhh, good question... I think pancakes or waffles, with bacon. Breakfast is his favorite meal of the day
Do they have a favorite video game or board game? I think he'd like the card game spoons!!
Do they celebrate their birthday? For sure!! He loves him some birthday cake
What's their bedtime routine? Ooooh, hard. Maybe he listens to some music, or an audiobook for a while to unwind, before going to bed
What's an OC (or canon character) they like to spend time around? What do they tend to do together? Suvi Owthos!! They're in the same gang, but she's like a little sister to Thaiv. She helps run his band, and they also like to listen to music together, or watch musicals (or Tall Girl)!
Tagging @kanerallels @undying-lilies @laughingphoenixleader @kazoosandfannypacks @heckin-music-dork @silverpaintedstars @taleweaver-ramblings @dragonanne @swinging-stars-from-satellites @sailforvalinor
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tookishrogue · 2 years
ready now
a/n: for @toadstool-amongst-the-tulips! sorry this took so long! I hope you like it!!
pairing: none!
warnings: very brief mention of alcohol; implied depression
taglist: @blueberryrock, @to-be-frank-i-dont-care, @zalie, @scyllas-revenge, @justmemyselfandthefridge, @heckin-music-dork, @frodo-with-glasses!
Y/N wrinkled her brow and idly picked at a blade of grass, peeling sections of it apart and twisting the pieces together. After several minutes of this, she leaned against the trunk of the tree she'd been sitting under, the rough bark scraping against her back through her cotton dress. Even the grass seemed dull; spring hadn't quite taken hold of the terrain yet. Various shades of brown and gray painted the scene, a small handful of red buds on the trees providing the only source of bright, hopeful color; a whisper of spring in a barren, winter-worn world.
A soft, gentle voice broke the silence. “Y/N? You were saying?”
“Oh, sorry. I, er, don't remember.”
The russet-haired halfling shifted, turning to face his companion. Dark circles had taken up residence under her eyes; her bright smile had all but disappeared. “Is it bad again?”
“Sorry for mentioning it, but you seem…gloomy. Is there anything I can do?” Worry crept into Pippin’s voice, his eyes fixed on her.
“Not really. Just one of those days, I guess.”
Pippin nodded and fell silent. The pair watched as the bare branches of dozens of trees swayed in the tepid spring wind. Silver clouds blanketed the sky, begrudgingly revealing only small patches of white sky. A songbird chirped in the distance, a short melody cutting the silence. Yellow and brown created an odd quilt-like pattern in the grass, only small portions brandishing a shining green hue. Y/N tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and withdrew into her shawl in an attempt to shut out both the cold and the heavy mental fog she was experiencing. Pippin glanced over at her, his brows knitting together in worry. He leaned back again and rested his head against the tree, deep in thought.
After a moment, he stood and held out his hand. “Come on, I have an idea.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow and took it. He grinned and helped her up, excitedly rambling in his best Gollum impression in an odd attempt to cheer her up. The two walked back to her home, where he told her to change into her favorite, most comfortable outfit. As soon as she shut the door, he sprinted away, presumably to his own home. A short while passed and he returned, practically vibrating with glee. His telltale crooked grin and shining eyes told Y/N all she needed to know: the Took had something big planned.
The two walked wordlessly for a few minutes before Meriadoc Brandybuck turned up, nodding to each of them. Samwise Gamgee, who had been anxiously watching the trio from his garden up the road, abruptly set down the trowel and tulip bulbs he had been planting. Scrambling through his open gate, he adjusted his jacket and walked beside Y/N, mumbling a quick greeting as he matched her gait. After a few more moments, Frodo Baggins slipped into the group, offering her a soft smile and a knowing look. In all her years, Y/N had never seen the group so quiet. It was highly suspicious.
As they arrived at The Green Dragon, Merry and Pippin each grabbed a door and flung it open. The inn was totally empty.
“Pip, I --”
“Just wait, trust me!”
Y/N raised an eyebrow and walked in, skeptical, the group snickering as she looked around. Dozens of curly-haired hobbits suddenly jumped up from their hidden places behind or under furniture, cheering. A small band burst into song, playing her favorite drinking song. The once-silent bar was now filled with the deafening roars of rowdy, half-drunk hobbits. Merry and Sam had already made for the bar to order drinks while Frodo snagged a table in the center of the room. Pippin remained by her side, a triumphant grin lighting up his face.
“They're all here for you. I invited everyone in the Shire! I wanted to show you how much you mean to everyone. No one here came for the drinks, though it may seem like it. They're here because of you. Because they care about you.”
As she studied the room, the faces of the halflings began to blur and melt; each movement seemed distorted and slow, their voices unbearably loud. Her hands began to shake as tears flooded her eyes. She greatly appreciated the effort Pippin had put into this, but doubt and an odd feeling of guilt were eating away at her. He had done so much for her; he'd dropped everything to do something he knew would cheer her up. All of her dearest friends were here, but she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Surely most, if not all of the guests felt obligated to come. They'd put a halt to their plans to take their place as bodies in a room, to begrudgingly become a wall of support for one person.
“Y/N? I'm sorry, are you okay? Here, let's get some fresh air--” Pippin stammered, placing a steadying hand on her back and gently leading her to the bench outside. “Here, it's cold. Put this on.” He added, slipping off his coat and wrapping it around her shoulders.
“I'm sorry,” she whispered, frozen in her seat. “You can go on in, I think I just need a minute. Thank you for doing this.”
Pippin rested his arm on the back of the bench and nodded. “I meant what I said, by the way. Everyone here really cares about you. They didn't just show up out of obligation, either.” He chuckled as she gave him an alarmed look. “I know you. I knew you'd be thinking it. Be kind to yourself; for my sake, if it helps.” He nodded to the patch of daffodils under a nearby tree. “Those see your favorites, right?”
“Yes, actually. How did you know?”
“Because I know you.”
Y/N smiled. It had only been a few minutes, but this quiet moment with her dearest friend had calmed her nerves and racing thoughts. She glanced over at him, gratefulness and hope flooding her heart. “Thank you.”
He smiled back, warmth shimmering in his eyes. “Anytime.”
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xx-n3v3r-50rry-xx · 8 months
Sometimes when im lookin at my stats on ao3 i glance at my stuff for a certain fandom and remember some absolute fucking DORK used bots to artificially inflate the kudo counts for certain ships and it makes me so frustrated that now those numbers are absolutely fucking worthless to me
Most likely, the idiot in question thought they were doin me a heckin solid or some shit, hitting my fics with a program that gives out hundreds of fake kudos. Guess what dipshit, all the writers you got with that didn't like it, and we didnt like the other stupid bot that left obvious bot comments either. i hope whoever it was loses interest in the show and fucks off!!!
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singswan-springswan · 9 months
Rules: Make a new post and post the latest line your WIP. Then tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Thanks for the tag @ladysongmaster!! <3
Her eyes scrunch and her arms tuck in as she shrieks—and Jason’s not quite sure what’s so funny.
NPT: @kanerallels @accidental-spice @jedi-nurse @jessicas-pi @keeper-of-sparkly-things @dootchster @heckin-music-dork @loth-creatures @swinging-stars-from-satellites @seleneisrising @generalsyndulla @thatonebasicfan @ahsokashawarma1138 @better-call-mau1 @frognecromancer @nutella531 @legolaslovely @guardianofrivendell
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ferallester · 9 months
okay I no longer have the energy to finish this, pls enjoy a third of pinof react #3 and my rereaction
oh wow immediate smack with literally zebras and conclussy— DAN
when they said dapwe pinof my reaction was ‘nobody’s called it that’ and then I think someone did so
I fucking love their conversation about the algorithm
their outfits do in fact suck in pinof 7
nose pressure <3
“Spock sideburns” FUCK OFFFFF YOU’RE RIGHT BUT NOW I WANT TO KNOW YOUR TREK OPINIONS (I have already said this but I reiterate it anyway)
“oi!!” *Phil laughs in the background*
I’ve paused on a very Dan derp of his I’m way too tired for this
Phil: *attempts to explain himself and gives up* (dork)
what the fuck is going on in the bottom of Google
grass hair babey!!!!
Dan’s hair evolution apparently boils down to side parting straight to side parting curly
what even were those boxers Phil
piss mention
Phil fails at the singing but not entirely the Scottish accent, nice
fuck the stress mushroom!!!! I’ve never seen how truly gross it was until now tho ewwwww
they make fun of them moving to Dan’s room and then their only reaction to it is that the lighting sucks, okay
wish they’d reacted to the king of the universe moment
Dan fails maths, and worse, I believed him in that second because I was sleepy and on my way to work LMAO
god bless the John Cena memes
phulge 🙄
rubber chicken scream my beloved!!!!
SOUND BARRIER I keep referencing it in my fics help, it’s up there alongside ‘stay still’ ‘stencil’ from the bloopers
the fucking heart hole— 😭
the nacho fic makes me incredibly uncomfortable
Phil shut the FUCK UP we KNOW you’re touching (affectionate)
I’m trying to read their reactions to Phil saying exhaust pipe sexily and currently I’m just getting gay disgust
Phil’s Grandma’s Lore is fucking iconic
hand thing
boys shut the fuck up
I cannot fucking believe their window was open
I also can’t believe Dan actually trusted Phil enough to do a trust fall
old merch talk!!!!
sneeze fetish 😭
love that the sneeze fetish site is not only in New Zealand, but that it’s a government site
pinof 8!! my first pinof!! their haircuts are fucking awful
ADORE the outfits tho
they say that haircuts make them look startled— yeah that tracks
fucking cowards, Bork and Boof are both heckin valid
did we even fucking realise that they were probably trying to get that ad bc I distinctly remember we were just excited to get so much content
Phil can’t spell <3
weird soft launch
YAS CAT!!!! YAS CAT!!!!!!!!!!
violence, “we touch very early in this one” shut the FUCK UP
tiny dan on Dan’s thumb is so fucking funny
Dan is INCREDIBLY violent as a lawnmower
can’t believe Phil said yaoi
Dan meanwhile is just a horny mess who likes Wang™️ (and can I blame him? nah)
the boys, upon hating the mannequin challenge: fuck it we sleuthing
I am too tired to figure out what film posters are hanging up
the weird water edit leading into the boys talking about how they used to edit together 🥺
also fuck I’m only a third through and it’s a quarter past one in the morning, I’m doing the rest of this tomorrow
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kanerallels · 24 days
CUSS YEAH I DO look I used to be so neutral on Boromir and then like. Two years ago when my family was rewatching the trilogy over New Years (like we always do cause we're iconic like that) I went INSANE OKAY
HE JUST WANTS TO HELP HIS PEOPLE OKAY and the way the movies portray his dynamic with Aragorn is actually so so good? I went on this super long rant toward my friend @heckin-music-dork about it at the time lol but the gist of it is: he starts out so antagonistic toward Aragorn but then he does start to respect him as a warrior and a friend and fights by his side and there are times in Moria where you can almost see him taking cues from Aragorn, waiting to see what he's gonna do next and then he nerds out about Gondor to Aragorn in Lothlorien and just. It's a whole long rant but I'm obsessed with him now and I really, really wish he hadn't died
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flickeringflame216 · 2 years
15 questions 15 mutuals! I was tagged by @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord, @lightthewaybackhome, and @zelzahdarkcloak. Thanks friends!
Rules: answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. I mean, there's a Bible gal with my name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night? This morning? Idk man I cry all the time.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Define a lot.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I don't think I consciously notice things about people when I'm introduced. The social things are taking up all my brain power. The many things I note about people are subconscious and and get filed into a "general vibes of this person" folder. Sometimes I sort through it later, sometimes not.
6. What’s your eye colour?
Murky pond water (they're brown but backlit with green, which you can only see in bright sunlight *goes into science spiel about why this happens*)
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I do like bittersweet endings too, or even sad ones. But scary movies aren't my jam in general.
8. Any special talents?
I'm good at looking like I know how to operate things (power tools, computers, etc.) but really I just push buttons until something happens.
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Too numerous to mention. But I enjoy singing and crocheting and biking and roller skating. Random science experiments are also fun.
11. Have you any pets?
Blossom is my tiny sassy rabbit.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
None. I'm not much of a team sports person so I prefer things like hiking and biking and swimming and skating where there are no projectiles being launched at me/that I have to launch.
13. How tall are you?
About 5'6", or 168 cm.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I really liked English all through middle school, but liking science took me by surprise freshman year when I fell in love with Bio.
15. Dream job?
There are too many options. Something where I can use my brain and help people and am not sitting in a chair before a computer all day. I've considered (in no particular order) physical therapy, occupational therapy, a number of other medicine-related careers, marine biology, park ranger, vague "astronomy" career path (but I haven't researched that one)...yeah.
I've seen lots of people get tagged but I haven't been keeping track, so if you're getting tagged again...the world will definitely explode. No-pressure tags @accidental-spice @and-learn-to-let-go @audreythevaliant @bookdragon1811 @clawedandcute @dangerously-human @dearlittlefandom-stalker @derangedmarmot @dimsilver @fairytale-lights @hollers-and-holmes @heckin-music-dork @mrgartist17 @tzarina-alexandra @whilewewereyetsinners and anyone else who wants to!
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Happy Sunday!
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these tag-response posts, sooo why don’t we do that right now?
First of all, a HUGE thank-you to everyone for your enthusiasm and encouragement as I worked on the poster, your well-wishes as I recovered from being sick, and your congratulations on the blog birthday post! If I took screenshots of everybody’s sweet tags and comments, I’d quickly reach tumblr’s image limit (LOL), but you all know who you are, so this is for you: THANK YOU! The poster is done, I’m feeling much better, and I’m stoked about the possibilities of another year here at Frodo-With-Glasses, and every day is a little brighter thanks to your kind words. ^-^
Now, let’s respond to some individual tags!
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From the comments on this post:
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Everyone who complimented the Bucky Jacket is officially cool. I don’t make the rules. It says right here in the Coolness Handbook: “If you like the jacket, you are cool.” So there you have it. X-D
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From @holbytlanna on this post:
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You’re always welcome to add theories, Anna! And dude, I think you’re on to something; the race of Man in general is just as foreign to an Elf as Elves are to us, so of course he’d be like *shrug emoji*. It’s no weirder than their short lives and poor eyesight and the fact that they sink in snow. What else is new?
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From @find-the-path on this post:
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Never apologize for spam liking! It’s been a delight to watch you experience this blog for the first time. Welcome! And dude, this is some incredible insight; I’m gonna be chewing on this one for a while, ‘cause I’ve never thought about it that way before. A clear glass filled with light for those to see that can…
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From the comments on this post:
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Hmm, so it’s the Boromir and Faramir angst that gets you, huh?? Interesting…very interesting… *faint noises of a pencil scribbling on paper*
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From @lady-merian on this post:
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Why yes, how did you know?? :-D I’d actually just finished Proverbs and started Ecclesiastes when I wrote that little poem. Quite astute!
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From @heckin-music-dork on this post:
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Oh wow, would you look at the time, it is once again COUSIN FEELS O’CLOCK
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From @catkin-morgs on this post:
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YOOOOOO 👀 Didn’t expect this old essay to start making the rounds again, but I think you’re on to something! Judas betrayed with a kiss, but Sam is expressing the opposite of betrayal, that is, faithfulness—both faithfulness to his master and to the cause for which they set out—and now I’m seriously wondering whether or not that was intentional on Tolkien’s part because MAN.
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And finally, thank you to everyone who’s still pouring in and leaving excited comments on the completed poster, because SAME 8-D
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silverpaintedstars · 2 years
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I posted 3,649 times in 2022
That's 1,975 more posts than 2021!
618 posts created (17%)
3,031 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,658 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#silverstars has a queue - 554 posts
#silver has ahold of tumblr and this is what she does - 315 posts
#silver gets an ask - 258 posts
#save - 190 posts
#ask rb - 158 posts
#not my art - 88 posts
#ask game - 43 posts
#yes - 41 posts
#cat - 39 posts
#rogue one my beloved - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#no but ive been craving brownies like nothing else the past month or so and im gonna bake some this weekend so thank you for gifting me
My Top Posts in 2022:
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heck yes we are @authorofemotion @bookdragon1811
97 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
hey, you. Yes, you! You reading this post? This is your sign to go be ✨creative✨ and you don’t care what anyone thinks! Paint something! Write something! Be creative and work your mind! You’ll be surprised by what can happen
131 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
I love when new mutuals don’t hesitate to like my posts like yes bestie come in
136 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
now I don’t know who needs to hear this but: no matter how depressed or sad you’re feeling, even if you don’t feel like you can do much to help yourself, some of the smallest steps you can take can help so much. be around your family or people that will love you. don’t isolate yourself. drink water. eat if you’re hungry. go outside and take a walk. don’t be afraid to be around people and don’t be afraid to smile or laugh. it really goes such a long way for your mentality
281 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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no pressure tags (and I’m gonna tag everyone I can think of cause I CAN)- @kazoosandfannypacks @bookdragon1811 @authorofemotion @kanerallels @accidental-spice @cielo-estrellado-rebloguear @heckin-music-dork @laughingphoenixleader @distracted-milkshake @wannabcool-blr @bluebellwren @marr-ble @fairytale-lights @taleweaver-ramblings and anyone else lol
1,092 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cassie-fanfics · 2 years
6, 15, and 22 for soft asks
thank you so very much, my friend!
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
my hair is beautiful and long
my eyes are amazingly blue
i have nice hands.
i am a good writer!
i am smart
i love my personality.
15. for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
okay, let's see.
i guess i got seven emojis.
so, seven people. here we go: @kanerallels - amazing. @locitapurplepink - inspiring. @chaoticdumbassrogue - cool. @accidental-spice - superb. @generalgri3vous - awesome. @heckin-music-dork - great! @laughingphoenixleader - superhero.
22. what would you say to your future self?
i would say that it's important to really think about what i think about myself. don't judge yourself harshly. it's bad for you. just because you're different doesn't make you unworthy or undeserving. be a good person in life. i hope to be like you one day.
thank you for the ask!!!!
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