#what a profoundly weird choice i did NOT expect his tastes to also cover that
nosieposie · 4 months
Not me watching a 2 hour breakdown on some shitty eroge only for the guy to put a split second frame of the patholgic classic character select screen in the outro WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THAT
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kati-mariposa · 7 years
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Guardians: Chapter 4
Characters: OC, Bill Skarsgard & Jeffrey Dean Morgan
*WARNING: Strong Language/Possible-Mild Suggestive Themes (Not 100% Sure)
Summary: Can be found in Chapter 1
[*DISCLAIMER: The actors do not represent themselves as actors, but as the characters I created to play out in the story.]
-Chapter 5
“He actually said that? About me?” Bill questioned with a shocked expression.
“I couldn’t believe it myself. Trust me on this when I say, he went over the top with it,” I confirmed while rubbing the temple of my head.
I told him most of what Jeffrey said to me that night, although I was trying my hardest to exclude the part about him asking if I was in love with Bill. Those feelings were small and secretive, he didn’t need to know then and there whether it was true or not.
“He tried to throw in your smoking habit too, but I was like bitch, you smoke too,” I added as I took a sip of water from a glass Bill gave me.
“Motherfucker. This is bullshit. I’ve done nothing personal to that bastard and yet he’s making assumptions about me. Jesus,” he hissed.
“He’s been a real ass lately. I don’t know what else to do. I refuse to take his crap anymore, but it’s easier said than done, since I still live there for free,” I reminded myself with great disappointment.
It had to be me stuck in this situation. Running away from my real home, moving into a new home with an older man, befriending another guy who’s only about a couple years older than me and who I think is attractive, having things start out well but then the older man becomes unusually intimidated by the younger one and there’s no shred of motivation as to why this is all happening.
“And something else bothered me. It’s what he said before I left,” I included solemnly.
“What?” he stared at me.
“When I tried to pressure him into telling me exactly why he had this thing against you, he only said, ‘I’m worried’. I was profoundly confused so I tried again, but then he told me that he couldn’t explain it, that I wouldn’t understand. I was dumbfounded, but I didn’t give him an extra chance after that and stormed out the door.”
Bill was in disbelief by Jeffrey’s statement as well, “Worried? That I’m going to do what?”
“I don’t know! I’d like the know the answer. However, the more he stared at me, the more damaged he appeared by my resistance. It’s so strange. It’s hard to read his expressions,” I complained.
“It seems very suspicious in my opinion, even for someone like him. He’s not your real father, so why the hell should he be this involved or concerned with your life and who you associate with? He needs to back off and not judge people without actually getting to know them. If he made more of an effort to care, he would see there’s nothing bad about me.”
“Yeah, still though. I can’t put my finger on it. In reality, I’m afraid of what the truth could be behind his attitude. I guess I won’t find out until later, if I go back anytime soon.”
In the pit of my stomach, recently, I had been getting strange vibes that seemed unsettling about Jeffrey. It’s something I should’ve been investigating more and kept my guard up, but I continued to dismiss it as a case or cases of extreme paternalistic instincts. It really appeared that way for a long time, until his insults became worse towards Bill, completely unprovoked too. How can I find out the truth? He won’t directly tell me so should I expect it at all? My head spun around the possibilities and a minor headache was coming on.
“I can’t believe of all things, he actually thinks I want to sleep with you,” he added as he turned the other way, “Boy he’s definitely off his high horse.”
Apparently I took it the wrong way because I began to glare at him as the words finally sank in.
“The fuck you trying to say?” I growled.
“What am I? Fucking ugly and unattractive to go to bed with?! Unlike those other girls you be rubbernecking for with their assholes eating their shorts?! Is that it? I see how it is,” I shouted huffy, puffy and loudly.
He was shaken by my accusations as his tired eyes were now huge with confusion. I stood up from the brown loveseat in the living room and walked to put the glass of water in the kitchen.
“Whoa, whoa! What’s with all that angry energy?” he asked surprisingly.
“You just implied that I’m ugly and not a good choice to sleep with,” I cried avoiding him.
“No! T-That’s not how it was supposed to sound. You’re beautiful the way you are, really. It’s just, uh,” he trailed off, attempting to cover his ass, but he was hesitating. I stopped to look at his face and his pale cheeks were turning a tint of pink.
“Did you just call me beautiful? And you’re blushing?” I began to tease him. I actually started blushing myself, relishing in the compliment from earlier, but I shook it off since I was still mad.
“Y-Yes but, it’s just I never really thought of us doing. Um, those things,” he finally said.
“Oh really? Not even once?” I inquired him with a sneer.
“Well, now that you mentioned it,” he scrolled his eyes before focusing on me hardcore, then that infamous grin returned to haunt me, “I happen to be thinking about it right now.”
I was pretty sure my face dropped out of embarrassing horror. I was honestly horrified he said that in such a manner that made it so exaggeratedly awkward for me.
“Oh my God! G-Get away! I’m going to definitely lock the door assuming I’m staying in the bedroom. Correction: I am staying in the bedroom so I can,” I shouted with my cheeks very warm. I had to run into the kitchen and hide out of his sight. While I was in there, I slammed down the glass in the sink.
“No! No, come back. I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he went after me laughing a lot.
I couldn’t help but laugh with him too. I also couldn’t keep my eyes away from his upper body. He was slender and fit, it worked with his tallness. I didn’t always see him with a shirt off, but when I did, my inner woman squirmed and purred to the sweet music of my ovaries about to explode. I had a real problem: a best friend who was very hot. Too hot for me to handle. I got to keep my cool.
“You hadn’t ever thought about doing that with me? Just curious” he asked me placing his open hand on his chest like he’s conceited and snobby.
“Uh, n-no! That’s crazy! Disturbing,” I answered rudely, but I was a liar. I had dreamed of it about once or twice in the past, but that was when I didn’t have these growing feelings for him at first, I always dusted it off and told myself that we were just friends, period. They were very nice, by the way.
I doubt he’d ever consider that kind of thing with me of all people. I’ve seen the other girls he’s talked to before or seen and they were obviously prettier, taller and more attractive than me. How could I compete?
“I see. So what now?” he wondered as he calmed down.
“Honestly, I want to go to sleep. My eyes are so heavy, especially from crying,” I said followed by a yawn.
A couple of hours had passed since I got there and poured my emotions out to him, delaying his slumber as well. He had work in the morning and yet he fought to keep me company during my misery. He nodded in agreement and walked to the couch towards my bags to grab them for me.
“You can sleep in my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch for the night,” he offered generously.
“Oh no, are you sure? I don’t wanna leave you uncomfortable,” I said feeling kind of bad. He was so tall, I wasn’t sure he’d feel alright on the couch.
“It’s fine. I’ll manage. I figured you might need your own space tonight to relax,” he assured as he gently beamed at me.
Fixated on his plump lips, I imagined that I bravely took him down to the floor, straddled over him and kissed him passionately, getting a taste of his luscious lips at last, but I gently shook my head to erase the image from my mind before he began to worry about my sanity. Damn imagination.
“But in the morning, I have to go into the room to get my clothes to go to work for a half day, so don’t be startled when I go in there. I’ll try to be silent,” he added heading for the bedroom with my stuff. I followed behind, nodding in acceptance.
“Okay. As long as you don’t try any funny business while I sleep,” I quietly joked, snickering at my own comment.
He gave me a “seriously” look but it dissolved when he chuckled softly and smirked, set my belongings on the fuzzy floor near the queen size bed, went into his organized closet to grab an extra folded blanket for him to use in the living room and then turned to look down at me one more time.
“This room isn’t at its best, but I hope you’ll be comfortable,” he remarked.
“I’ll manage. By the way, thank you again for letting me stay and listening to me. It’s been too rough for me lately,” I thanked graciously.
“You know you can always come to me, no matter what. I won’t complain,” he reassured me smoothly.
Without a second thought, I ran to him and threw my arms around his waist, pushing him and hugging so tight like I’d never let go.
“Whoa, you almost knocked me down,” he chuckled wrapping his warm strong arms around me, returning the gesture.
“Sorry, I just needed another hug, that’s all,” I said tenderly.
My face could feel the warmth and smoothness against the skin of his chest. I wish I could stay in that position forever, but I didn’t want things to be too weird between us, if he possibly didn’t feel the same way about me like I did. I would ask him to lie in the bed with me so he can be better situated and keep me company much longer, but again, I was not sure what would happen. I was too scared to find out.
“Maybe I should do it. Ask him Kat. Ask him,” I repeatedly thought in my mind.
Bill loosened his grip but didn’t let go of me. His glowing green emerald eyes beamed over into mine and I felt mesmerized during the stare. I was frozen in his hold and moving seem like not an option, at least if I wasn’t planning on spoiling the moment.
“Get some sleep. We’ve got plans later and need the energy for it,” he told me before releasing me.
Short lived, “Oh yeah, okay.” What a bummer.
He made his way to the door and grabbed the dull knob to close it after him to leave me alone in the room, but without exiting yet, he gave me a sweet yet sleepy smile that lasted for several seconds in silence.
“Come find me if you need anything. You are welcome to whatever in the kitchen as well if you get hungry. Goodnight Kat,” he whispered.
“Goodnight Bill. Thanks,” I whispered back with a returning smile.
“You’re welcome,” he winked while closing the door, allowing me to go straight to bed to rest for the Halloween fun later.
His scent filled the air and my nostrils as I took a good whiff of his sheets, lying on the bed. It was a mix of his natural scent and the cologne I loved. I kicked off my shoes, slipped off my jeans since I wasn’t sharing the bed and slid under the blankets, ready to fall into a long awaited slumber after hours of sleeplessness and sadness. It was very dark everywhere except for the blue light alarm clock on his nightstand. At least I could monitor the time of day if I couldn’t sleep well.
Fortunately, my eyes grew heavy in a matter of minutes and I knew then I was finally going out to the quiet and comfort of his bedroom. The only thing missing was him sleeping next to me, but he wasn’t far, so it was fine for the time being.
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