#what can i say i looove getting up at like 7am
jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
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im learning how to sketch digitally! also um animation practice!! i dont know what im doing, but im doing!!
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Author’s Note: planned to write an emergency request tn, but this suggestion begged to be written instead. 🙋🏻‍♀️
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Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
Word Count: ~1,000
CW: none
Suggestion Fulfilled: Imagine having a picnic with Rengoku and it’s fluffy and a perfect date :3 
Picnic!Kyojuro who brings up the idea of a picnic date early on in your relationship, but doesn’t actually get around to planning one for ~months
He’s busy, yanno ?? Planning all your other dates 😌
Not that you don’t plan dates as well !! But like- He wants to do everything w/ you
If you give him your weekend, then you’re up at 7am, and in bed by 11pm — not a minute wasted, and still a full 8 hrs of rest 🤓
Picnic!Kyojuro who spends weeks scouting for the ~best spot
Picnic!Kyojuro who knows you like the idea of grass more than the actual experience of it (don’t mind my self insert lmao… grass is itchy), so he’s sure to bring a waterproof tarp (he doesn’t want you to stress about ruining any blankets) + plenty of blankets + cushions
Picnic!Kyojuro who finally decides on a sunlit patch underneath an old willow tree situated in a local nature reservation
Picnic!Kyojuro who almost settled on the field at the local library, but worried that public = less PDA, and why would he consciously deprive himself of PDA ??
Picnic!Kyojuro who loooves PDA 🥰
Subtle and not so subtle — depending on your comfort
Picnic!Kyojuro who rouses your suspicion when he allows you to sleep in on a Saturday: “What time should I set my alarm for?” Alarm? Sunflower, there’s no need for an alarm. 😃 “Excuse me?” 🧐 No alarm! Just rest. 🤗 “Are you feeling okay?” 😶 Of course! 😇 “Okay…”
Suspicious or not, you’re absolutely cashing in on this rare opportunity to NOT watch the sun rise 🙃
Sunrises are glorious, buuut so is SLEEP
Picnic!Kyojuro who silently slips out of bed no later than 7:01am, even tucking your favorite stuffed animal of his under your arm lest you desire cuddles amidst your slumber
Picnic!Kyojuro who texts you
7:04AM Kyojuro: Good morning darling! I am fine! Go back to sleep!
Juuust in case
Picnic!Kyojuro who puts together a hefty basket of everything you often want to buy/eat, but can’t normally justify spending $ on it
For me this means: crisp baguette, fancy cheeses, fresh fruits, avocado, and smoked salmon
(I was going to specify what was in the basket, but food is such a vast, unique, sometimes painful topic, so to each their own imagination 💓)
Picnic!Kyojuro who’s grateful you rarely check the second fridge (c’mon, this man eats — he 100% owns a second fridge), bc that’s where he hid all the goods
~flashback to last night~ I am home❣️ “Do you want help bringing stuff in?” 💪 NO! 😳 “... okay ??” 😆
Picnic!Kyojuro who packs another basket w/ aforementioned tarp, blankets, and cushions; and plates, utensils, and napkins
If you think he’ll let you carry one, then think again 🤠 He knows you’re strong — he just lowkey wants to flex 😎
Carrying ~stuff ≠ Showing off 😤
Picnic!Kyojuro who loads everything into the car’s trunk before returning to wake you
Picnic!Kyojuro who feels somewhat guilty as he presses himself into your back, his heat seeping through your body, slowly nudging you to consciousness
“You said I could sleep in,” you mumble drowsily, grumpiness softened by the touch of his thumb across your cheek
“You did! It is 8am! Time for today’s activity!”
Picnic!Kyojuro who usually has a plethora of activities on the agenda, so you’re borderline hopeful at the lack of plurality in his statement
Maybe you’ll get to nap afterwards ??
I don’t mean to make you seem ungrateful btw 😅 I just hc Kyo to be an enthusiastic go-go-go-! partner… frequently to an endearing fault 🥴
You can always say no! But like… it’s Kyo !! so it’s also just… hard to say no 🥺😂
Picnic!Kyojuro who hands you cozy sweatpants (autumn breeze + autumn sunshine = perfect weather), a cotton shirt, and one of his sweatshirts
Picnic!Kyojuro who—once you’re dressed—happily interlaces his fingers w/ yours, squeezes gently, and leads you to the passenger seat
Picnic!Kyojuro who opens the door for you
Picnic!Kyojuro who doesn’t tell you where you’re going, drives patient and steady, and chuckles when you inevitably nod off
Picnic!Kyojuro who manages to set everything up while you’re snoozing in the parking lot (for the sake of fanfiction: nobody’s around yet — you’re safe and sound)
Tarp, then blankets, then cushions; colorful tupperware organized neatly by genre (of snackage); forks, knives, and spoons arranged on napkins; speaker placed nearby, his cheesiest playlist queued
“Sweetheart?” he hums quietly, poking at your shoulder; you grunt; “Everything is prepared!”; you huff; “Rise and shine!”; you swat at him, blinking groggily, “I’m hungry.”
Picnic!Kyojuro who grins triumphantly, “Breakfast is mere minutes away!”
Picnic!Kyojuro who pouts when you mutter, “We better not be foraging for it.”
Picnic!Kyojuro who guides you toward the It is a surprise! — sweaty, pulse quickening, gaze darting
Picnic!Kyojuro who nearly panics when you stop abruptly
I should have let them sleep in another hour…
Picnic!Kyojuro who promptly melts with satisfaction when you audibly gasp, Oof as you immediately hug yourself to him, your nose digging into his chest
“When? How?! Why?! KYO!!”
Picnic!Kyojuro whose laughter caresses you warmer than the sun, arms toned as they embrace you, lips promising as they nuzzle against your forehead: “Because I love you.”
Picnic!Kyojuro who sits beside you, introducing the variety of pickings to you, heart bursting at its seams as the contented gleam in your smile only brightens
Picnic!Kyojuro who ~eventually remembers to turn on the speaker
Picnic!Kyojuro who doesn’t bother pretending to be bothered when you grab his bicep This song, Kyo! This song !!!!! and tug him up to dance
Picnic!Kyojuro who dips you so low you feel like he might drop you, but he never does
Picnic!Kyojuro who knows you’re more beautiful than the ombre of foliage blurred in the background of his vision
Picnic!Kyojuro who swears he sees the outline of your soul as he holds you
Picnic!Kyojuro who kisses your earlobe, voice a shy murmur
“Thank you for letting me love you.”
Picnic!Kyojuro who starts planning his proposal (or some grand gesture if you’re not one for marriage) as you whisper
“Thank you for loving me.”
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bubltae · 7 years
okokok yes so prodigy taem gets lost in the city and what if a bunch of ppl from college see him & these are the really mean and rude ppl so they pick on him until yunho comes along and protects him and later brings him back to onkey ???
anon 1: pls talk about little child taemin getting lost i want to know pls i love this au
anon 2: omg!!!!! please talk about taemin getting lose in the city!! it sounds so cute!!!!
[uwu @ anon 1: tysm i luv this au too ;)]
yesyesyes let’s go. so basically what happened up until now was that taemin was tired of onkey taking him to uni since he deemed it “uncool” (like honestly how many 13 year olds want their embarrassing dads taking them to school everyday??). onkey then gave him a bus card loaded with some money so taem wouldn’t have to use cash. 
yeah so taemin has his books and his bag and he hops on the bus but he stayed up until 3am finishing a term paper and he’s hella exhausted bc he had to wake up literally 3 hours later for his dumb 7am class.
and while he’s on the bus, he starts to just kinda doze off bc it’s lulling him to sleep and he has his headphones playing this duet by some guys taem likes named kinho and mey.
then he wakes up, like fckin jo l t s awake maybe bc his conscience was like “wake tf up it’s been way too long since ur eyes were last opened.” taemin opens his eyes and he has no idea where the hell he is.
and he’s too awkward to say anything so he gets off on the next stop and decides to look for a police officer or some friendly storekeeper to tell him where to go.
and that’s when he realized his bus card went missing (tm: god damn it).
and he’s just standing on sidewalk with his books and bag AND NO PHONE and he’s alone and scared out of his damned wits like what does a 13 year old fresh out of high school do in this kind of situation? worse, onkey never told him what to do bc the idea just never came up. they assumed he was responsible enough to just get off the bus at the right time.
which he apparently can’t do.
so taem begins walking towards this nearby park and he vaguely remembers it when onkey took him and jonghyun there several years ago. and taemin’s senses kind of map out where he is, which is hard without his phone that is sadly sitting on his nightstand at home.
he does this for THREE hours. and with each minute passing, he’s growing more and more worried that he’s just digging a deeper hole and he’ll get killed or kidnapped or lost on the streets forever.
“hey u lost?”
and at the sound of a voice, taemin feels a wave of relief but then he recognizes the voice and the face and he feels nothing but dread.
it’s those guys. the guys who have stared at him and judged him silently since his first day. they haven’t been flat out rude but taemin knows they don’t like him.
“uh… i’m fi-“
one of the other guys interrupts him. “of course he’s lost he’s like 8. what do u expect?”
“i said i’m-“
“isn’t he supposed to be like, fuckin smart or something? how can he even get lost then?”
“i said i’m fine,” taemin asserts. “i’m 13 years old.”
“damn sorry. we’re just trying to help.”
and before taem can interject, another voice from behind him comes up. taemin knows who it is immediately. “oh taemin thank god. i thought i’d never find you.”
taemin doesn’t get it. the guys smirk, ignoring him. “ah yunho. why aren’t you in class?”
yunho shrugs. “i could ask the same thing about you guys.”
“just getting lunch.”
yunho puts a hand on taemin’s shoulder protectively. “same. come taemin. sorry i’m late. i almost didn’t get your text. let’s go eat.”
taem still doesn’t get it at first but then he realizes that yunho is saving his ass nd he smiles warmly. “it’s ok hyung. we’re going to that diner down the street right?”
and yunho nods. by this time, the meanies have gotten bored and left, knowing they can’t square up to yunho (an: honestly who would). taemin sighs in relief, turning around to hug yunho. “thank you hyung thank you thank you thank you.”
yunho grins and hugs him back. “why are you even here? shouldn’t you be at class? like for real?”
“i missed my stop and i left my phone at home. i’ve been lost for more than three hours. also, how did you even find me?”
yunho shrugs. “i was running late and i saw your tiny mushroom hair from across the street. those kids need to leave you alone.”
“but they’re your age.”
“so you’re saying i’m young like them?”
“no i’m saying they’re old like you.”
“you lil shi- let me take you home. you need your phone ofc and i’m sure your dads would looove to hear this story,” yunho teases.
and taemin groans bc he knows jinki will probably be super awkward in thanking yunho and kibum will faint or freak out or scold him. “do we have to?”
yunho nods evilly and makes taemin get in his car. the entire ride back to his house (yunho has his address after taemin left his textbook in his last class) he complains about having to tell his dads.
“but hyung-“
“no buts.”
“hyung pls.”
and when they get there, onkey is confused bc shouldn’t taemin be at school? and so yunho makes taemin tell them the whole story about leaving his phone then falling asleep and getting lost and almost crying lmfao. and onkey are laughing their asses off at their son actually getting lost like oh hell how the hell.
and taem’s just mortified. “dads. please.”
jinki wipes away a tear. “our poor child, our dear poor child. he has my genes.”
kibum places a hand on jinki’s shoulder. “oh yes he does.” he then turns to yunho. “thank you for bringing him home safely. we really owe you.”
“it’s no problem at all. i didn’t want this little sucker to fall down a hole, y’know?”
and taemin is just so embarrassed that yunho and his dads are talking about him like he’s some stupid kid but he’s happy that he’s not freezing on the streets anymore.
“why didn’t you ask to borrow a phone? from like, i don’t know, a nice worker?”
“right. or call the police. or us?”
“why didn’t you go inside?”
“you’re a 13 year old taking college level classes. how in the world did you not use that huge brain of your’s and do something sensible?”
“because i’m dumb hyung and dads. i’m very very dumb. can we go to class now?”
so yunho takes them to school and onkey tries to hide their laughter as taemin leaves in yunho’s car.
it’s one of their favorite stories from taemin’s childhood at family gatherings (+ yunho who soon came to practically become part of the family but that’s a story for another time).
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sleepii-moth · 4 years
my mom just loooves to treat me like a child
like she keeps just making up excuses for giving me a fucking BEDTIME
i have to go to bed at fucking 10pm every school night
she always says its because im "grouchy" in the mornings and like??? no??? im just a little tired??? because i have to wake up at 7am????? i always ask her "when have i ever been grouchy??" "can you give me an example of when ive been grouchy??????" and she never responds or gives me a straight answer
i get up on time and do what i need to do to get ready for school, and yet me just existing isnt good enough for her
at this point she's never gonna fucking let me go to bed when i want
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